A Game of Death (1945)

Well, what is it Captain?
I'm sorry to disturb you Mr. Whitney,
but, I'd like to pull about
and take the other course.
We've been all over that once.
You said yourself,
the other course would
take two days longer.
Well that's true Sir, but
I'm worried about the crew.
What's the matter with them?
They're jumpy and upset.
These are dangerous waters Sir,
and we've just sighted Benguerra Island.
Benguerra Island?
In the native language,
that word means man trap.
I smell a story, Captain, tell me more.
Well, it was deserted by pirates,
a hundred years or so, ago.
No one has lived there since.
But somehow the place has
crept into sailor's legends.
They say there's a curse on it.
This is all very interesting Captain, but
I have to be in New York by the 13th.
Unless you can give me some more tangible
reason, proceed on your present course.
Very good, Sir.
I'd like to hear the rest
of that story, Captain.
Some other time, Mr. Rainsford. I'd
better get back to the bridge.
How'd you like the stuff Wadethrope?
It's great Donald. I'm sure it's
going to be another best seller.
For a great hunter, you're
a pretty good writer.
By the way Rainsford, have you seen this?
Hmm, that's good.
My knees were sure shaking
when I grabbed that one.
That's a great shot Collins.
Perhaps you'll use it for the jacket.
Seriously Rainsford, how do you
keep it up year after year?
Hunting all over the world,
don't you ever get tired of it?
With all the money he makes?
It does pay well, but it
isn't the money really.
What then?
Well, I don't know. Love
of the game I guess.
Adventure, color, excitement.
Never knowing what you'll
meet around the next corner.
To me, it's the greatest
sport in the world.
Sport for the hunter, I imagine.
Not for the hunted.
Take this jaguar for instance.
Look at the expression
on that face.
What do you suppose his feeling are?
Look Collins, there are
two kinds of creatures
in the world. The
hunters, and the hunted.
I happen to be a hunter.
Frankly, I'm not concerned
with that fellow's feelings.
As a matter of fact, he's probably
enjoying himself just as much as I am.
After all he has a sporting
chance of getting me.
Well, I still wouldn't
want to be in your shoes.
You'll take one chance too many
one day, then you'll get it.
Please, I've made flowers.
Hello, bridge?
Why are you slowing down.
I'll come below shortly
and explain, Sir.
Leads man in the chains.
The channel's here on
this chart alright, Sir.
And so are those marker lights.
I don't see anything wrong
with those lights, Sir.
I do. Look here.
Those buoys are out of
position according to this.
Watermark, 3.
3 fathoms, and we should have 6.
We're too close in shore.
You're right, Sir.
What could have moved those lights?
What is it now?
You wanted a more tangible reason for
taking the other course, Mr. Whitney.
The channel lights are in the wrong
positions according to the chart.
Charts are seldom kept up to
date in this part of the world.
Well that's true Sir, but
this is no ordinary channel.
It cuts between coral reefs that
could slice this hull like a razor.
- But I...
- Wait a moment, Whitney.
There's something else, Captain.
Yes, Mr. Rainsford.
Sharks are following this vessel.
Big ones. Man-eaters.
That's another reason
the men are on edge.
They say it's a bad sign.
And I don't like it either.
Let the captain have his way Whit.
These deep water men have a sixth sense,
which warns them of approaching danger.
Now I've seen everything.
Don Rainsford, the man who's
not afraid to face any
living animal, jittery
over an old sea legend.
I'll face anything I can
see over a gun sight.
But what I don't understand,
I'd rather avoid.
Alright, If you feel that way about it.
Take the other course Captain.
Yes, Sir.
Come on fellas, let's forget
about it and have another drink.
Alright, Sir.
I don't mind admitting, I'll be glad
when we get clear of Beguerra island.
Hello? Hello?
Anyone in the boiler room.
Hello, engine room?
If water ever hits those hot boilers...
Hello, engine room.
Rainsford, help!
The shark got my foot.
I can't swim.
Hello, anyone there?
Say, is there anybody
around here?
Oh, is this your house?
I'm not trying to break in.
I just followed the
sound of the dogs.
My yacht just went down with all hands.
I think I'm the only one
that managed to get ashore.
Well, why don't you say something?
Or can't you speak English?
No, he can not.
Carib does not speak any language.
He has no voice.
He hears, but he cannot talk.
Good evening.
Good evening. Are you the
owner of this place?
Yes. My name is
Kreiger, Erich Kreiger.
I'm glad to meet you.
Very glad.
I was trying to make him understand
that there's been a shipwreck.
A wreck, how unfortunate.
Surely you are not
the only survivor.
I believe I am.
Carib, go search the shore,
see if there are any others.
Let me offer you a drink.
I guess I'm in luck.
The captain told us this
island was uninhabited.
There's usually only
myself and my servants.
Oh, thanks.
I certainly needed that.
How do you communicate with the mainland?
I don't... at least not often.
I'm a simple man, my wants are few.
I find my inspirations, even
my pleasures, in solitude.
But I'll see what can be done, Mr.?
Rainsford, Don Rainsford.
Not the famous author and hunter?
I don't know about the famous part of it.
What luck!
I too am a hunter.
I've wanted to meet
you for a long time.
My safari just missed yours
a few years ago in Africa.
And again in Tibet.
To think I would meet
you here on my island.
You see, your books are my bibles.
I've read everything you've ever written.
And only in these have I found a
knowledge that equals my own.
I'm flattered.
There is one ruling passion
in my life, Rainsford.
And that is the hunt.
And now, how very,
very fortunate I am.
Pleshke, show Mr.
Rainsford to a guestroom.
You must get out of these clothes at once.
They look just about the way I feel.
Pleshke will find you others. We
have some for such emergencies.
Oh, my guests and I were about to dine
when you arrived. We'll wait for you.
There are survivors of another
wreck still in the house.
They too are guests.
Another wreck?
Unfortunately, yes.
These are dangerous waters.
But we won't discuss it now.
Well I don't want to delay your dinner.
It will take me some time
to get myself ready and...
and anyway, I...
What is it Rainsford?
I was thinking of my friends.
An hour ago they were alive.
It seems incredible.
Death is always incredible.
Always for others.
Never for ourselves.
Straight ahead Rainsford.
Just follow Pleshke.
Just one moment, Mr. Rainsford.
Is there anything wrong, Mr. Rainsford?
No, nothing.
Your clothes Sir.
Tell me, why the
bars on the windows?
This was once an old castle.
Built by pirates I believe.
They were left over
in the rebuilding.
Oh, that's very interesting.
Is there anything else Sir?
No thank you.
Were there any others?
Come in.
Well, that's better.
Did your Carib find any traces
of the others from the yacht?
No, I'm sorry.
We finished dinner. I came up to
see what's been delaying you.
Mr. Kreiger, I'm afraid
I'd be very poor company.
Oh come Rainford, come. I insist.
I will do you a world of good.
What you need is some black coffee
and interesting companions.
I can promise you both.
- Thank you Pleshke.
- Would you care for coffee sir?
Thank you no. I'll
have another brandy.
I didn't realize one of
your guests was a lady.
And a most charming
one, I assure you.
I know it's hard to forget
what happened to your friends,
but as a favor to me, be
careful what you say.
How you act. I don't want to have her upset.
You know how women are.
Of course.
May I present, Mr. Rainsford.
Ms. Ellen Trowbridge.
Hello. This is my brother Robert.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
Say, haven't we met before?
Not that I remember.
Mr. Kreiger says that you
were shipwrecked too.
Make yourself comfortable Rainsford.
Pleshke, Cafe for her and Rainsford.
Better settle for brandy, Mr. Rainsford.
This will drown your troubles.
Not just now, thanks.
We have the honor of entertaining a
celebrity Ms. Trowbridge. See here.
Say, you're not the man that wrote
all those jungle thrillers?
Yes, Rainsford is our foremost authority
on wild animals and their habits.
Thank you.
I knew I'd seen your face somewhere.
It was in the news reels.
Why your front page stuff Mr. Rainsford.
This calls for a celebration.
Bob, no more. Please.
Well don't be like that, Ellen.
Well what else is there to do around here.
10 days on this island, and nothing
to look at but jungle and ocean.
I feel as though we are
living on borrowed time.
Mr. Trowbridge doesn't
approve of my island.
Well why have you stayed?
Not because we wanted to.
What my brother means, is that
there is only one launch and...
Well, that's under repair.
Yes, you have to be patient
a few days longer.
I can't see that Mr. Trowbridge
has much to complain about.
Why here you have all the comforts
of civilization in the wilderness.
Too darn lonesome.
But it's swell for you
Erich, you can go hunting.
Hunting, here?
He goes hunting nearly every night.
Bet he has you doing the same.
Yes, I hope to offer Mr. Rainsford
some very unusual sports.
But what can you possibly find
to hunt on such a small island?
Big game.
Of course you're joking.
I never joke about hunting.
It has been my life.
I shot my first bear when I was 10.
I've been hunting ever since.
All over the world.
I couldn't possibly tell you
how many animals I've killed.
You must have had some
interesting experiences.
See that big fellow up there?
I had trouble with him.
He gave me this.
For sheer calculating savagery,
you can't beat the cape buffalo.
That's right.
But I got him.
Two week later, I was up...
and on my way to the Amazon.
I had heard that the jaguars
there were unusually cunning.
A fallacy, my dear Rainsford,
a complete fallacy.
They are no match for a man with his
wits about him and a high powered rifle.
I was bitterly disappointed.
Then, one night...
lying in my tent,
unable to sleep.
My head's throbbing.
A terrible thought began
pushing it's way into my mind.
The idea gave me actual,
very real physical pain.
Hunting, had begun to bore me.
It had ceased to be a sporting proposition.
I was too good.
I always got my quarry. Always.
Why didn't you handicap
yourself with a lighter weapon?
I did.
I gave up firearms almost entirely,
and became an expert with the bow.
That's one of my favorites.
But in time, even with that,
hunting was losing it's thrill.
There is no greater bore than perfection.
I realized what I needed
was not a new weapon...
suddenly everything became clear to me.
I knew what I must do.
I came here.
Restored this old place.
To start my own game preserve.
With what?
Rainsford, I think I can say in all
modesty, I have done a most unusual thing.
I have found a new animal to hunt.
One with courage, cunning,
and every attribute of the ideal quarry.
I beginning to believe you've found the
descendants of the saber-toothed tiger.
Tigers have only their instinct,
their claws and fangs.
No Rainsford, no. It is something
far more interesting than that.
What is it?
It's no use Mr. Rainsford,
he won't tell you.
He won't tell anyone.
It's his secret, and he keeps it behind
the locked the door of that trophy room.
You've certainly got me excited.
Come on, give me at least a hint.
Very well.
Mine is the most dangerous
game in the world.
It's just that, Mr. Kreiger was so interesting
that he made me realize the danger.
I'm sorry.
It's nothing. Don't let
it distress you my dear.
When men start talking about hunting, they
are oblivious of everything. Eh, Rainsford?
Even beautiful women.
Won't you play for us?
Erich's a wizard at the piano.
I'm really not much at it.
Don't believe him, Mr. Rainsford.
He's an artist.
And a very accomplished one.
Very well, if you think you can stand it.
Now Rainsford, you're really
gonna hear something.
Shall we sit by the window Mr.
Rainsford and get some air?
Your sister's right Robert, you're
drinking entirely too much.
Sorry Erich.
An amazing personality.
Don't trust him.
Don't believe anything he tells you.
What do you mean?
There's something evil
going on in this place.
We're all prisoners.
Keep your voice low as if we were
discussing something casual.
You mean he's preventing you
from getting to the mainland?
There's nothing wrong with his launch.
He lied about it needing repairs.
I hear it coming and
going in the night.
Perhaps he enjoys the company
of two charming young people.
There were four of us a week ago.
The others have disappeared.
One night after dinner, he took one
of our slavers into the trophy room.
The guy had a dog?
Last night he took the other there.
We haven't seen them since.
Have you asked him about them?
He says they've gone hunting.
Has he any other servants?
Yes, two men.
One who cares for the dogs, and
another who patrols the beaches.
We're watched every moment. Day and night.
Be careful, he's looking at us.
Play some more Erich,
play some more.
I'm afraid I'm boring Mr. Rainsford.
Well after all he's been through tonight,
you can hardly expect him to concentrate.
My dear fellow, I've been most
inconsiderate. Forgive me.
Besides, it's 11 o'clock. Time
for all of you to turn in.
Every night, he packs us off
to bed like bad children.
No my dear, charming children.
Oh, who wants to go to bed?
Erich, you promised to
show me the trophy room.
Yes, I did.
But not now.
Goodnight, Mr. Rainsford.
Well what do you think of her, Rainsford?
Ms. Trowbridge is very interesting.
Exciting is a better word. It
suggests a keener emotion.
Remember the proverb of
the Ugandan chieftains?
Hunt first the enemy, then the woman.
That's the savage's idea everywhere.
It applies to all of us.
Only the savage is frank
enough to admit it.
First the hunt,
then the kill.
And then the woman.
Only when you have experienced all
that, can you know complete ecstasy.
Pleshke's waiting for you.
Ms. Trowbridge.
I was afraid to call, or even knock.
Well, what is it?
I need help. My brother
is not in his room.
Are you sure?
I just looked and he's not there.
I'm worried.
Kreiger's been planning something.
Something about Bob and me.
Perhaps your brother could have
wandered outside somewhere.
He's been drinking.
He was only pretending.
Because he's frightened.
He's gone, I tell you!
Where do the others go?
That door downstairs. I'll
be with you in a minute.
Please hurry, Mr. Rainsford.
I'm coming.
You heard?
I've heard it before out there at night.
Perhaps this time it's my brother.
That's odd. It's unlocked.
How horrible.
Oh Bob.
What are you doing down here? You
frightened your sister out of her wits.
I had to find out what's
in this place.
That's why I pretended to be plastered
tonight. To throw Kreiger off guard.
After they left, I went to
his room and I got this key.
See what's on those shelves?
Yes, that's what he's
planning for all of us.
Where's that corridor lead to?
It's a dead end. That's
where he keeps his dogs.
And down there?
I don't know, I haven't
had a chance to look.
Well there must be someway out of here.
We'll find out.
I found the boathouse.
We may as well face the facts,
we are dealing with a maniac.
You mean that scar?
A homicidal maniac.
To satisfy his obsession, he'd kill his
best friend as quickly as his worst enemy.
There's only one chance
with a man like that.
We've got to beat him to the punch.
Where's he keep his guns?
You got me.
You heard what he said about
hunting with bow and arrow.
If he has any guns, he must
keep them locked up somewhere.
At least we know where he keeps his launch.
Yes, but you can't get to the boathouse
from the outside. I've tried.
No bars here, I wonder why.
This was his room. He gave it up for me.
How generous of him.
But perhaps lucky for us.
What's Kreiger's daily routine?
Oh, sometimes he takes me to the lagoon
swimming, to sober me up he says.
But he always brings
Carib along to watch me.
Tomorrow morning, act as
though you have a hangover.
Get him to take you to the lagoon, and
keep him there as long as possible.
Have you got a knife?
Only this. It isn't much of a weapon.
It's good enough for what I want.
What are you going to do?
Lay traps in his jungle. He
thinks he has us cornered.
But he may find out how it
feels to be trapped himself.
With Kreiger out of the way, the
others might not be too difficult.
Good luck.
Thanks, I'll need it.
Oh, and one other thing.
In case I don't get back by
morning, try and prevent
anyone from looking into my room.
Good morning Pleshke.
Good morning Ms. Trowbridge.
Is breakfast ready yet?
Yes Miss. I'll call on Mr. Rainsford.
Would you mind serving my coffee first?
Come back!
Come back Bob, you hear!
Carib, go get him.
Thank you.
I'm positively famished this morning.
I'd like some scrambled
eggs, an orange juice,
buttered toast, marmalade and...
perhaps some bacon.
Yes, Miss.
Is that all?
Yes, I think so.
These eggs are over done.
Over done?
Why do you not wish me to wake Mr.
It doesn't matter to me.
Then why are you frightened?
I'm not.
You have not seen him?
Not since last night?
See here, what are you driving at?
I see how you looked at him last night.
How dare you talk to me like that.
I'll report you to Mr. Kreiger.
You're insolent.
Yeah. Go on and report me.
But this time I find out
why he is not down.
Yoohoo, Mr. Kreiger.
What's the matter Ms. Trowbridge?
Pleshke was insulting me.
What's wrong?
Rainsford has not come down.
Every time I start to
call him, she stops me.
She must have some reason.
Go on with your work.
Did you have a good swim?
The water was just right.
What kept you so long?
That's what I was wondering.
Why are you so concerned about Rainsford?
Well after all he went
through last night,
don't you think he should
be allowed to rest?
8 hours are enough for anyone.
And why did you delay me at the lagoon?
I didn't.
Your brother is a very clumsy liar.
Isn't Rainsford back yet?
What is it?
Oh, Good morning.
Forgive my intrusion.
Of course.
Did you sleep well?
Like the dead.
My guests always do.
I could sleep forever.
What time is it?
Time for breakfast, Rainsford.
Please hurry down.
Good morning Ms. Trowbridge.
Good morning.
Where's your brother?
He's upstairs taking a shower.
He went swimming this morning.
I know how you men hate feminine conversations
at breakfast, so if you'll just...
Not at all my dear. Please stay.
You know, I'm very excited to see
the island of yours by daylight.
There must be many interesting
trails to explore.
Won't you show me around?
Not this morning.
I'm afraid Ms. Trowbridge
will have to entertain you.
You seem worried.
I am.
Last night, this started bothering me again.
It recurs more frequently.
I've been to many doctors, but
only Pleshke can give me relief.
If I have to hunt tonight,
he must help me now.
Then I must rest.
If you will excuse me.
Why of course.
He's going hunting again tonight.
You know what that means.
Your brother, or
possibly myself.
The look in his eyes.
He was frightened.
What are we going to do?
I've got to get him out
there alone, somehow.
Come in.
I was worried about you. I do
hope you're feeling better?
Yes. A little fatigued, that's all.
Can I speak to you alone?
You may go.
Very good, Sir.
I couldn't very well say what was on
my mind in front of Ms. Trowbridge.
Did you have a good hunt last night?
My game was frightened and witless,
it ran straight to a dead end.
I'm always annoyed at a stupid
quarry, it upsets me for days.
I know exactly how you feel.
I wonder if you do.
Or are you guessing?
Not at all.
I know what your most dangerous game is.
Well suppose you tell me.
You hunt human beings.
Kreiger, you're a genius.
I could have never devised
such a unique game.
I congratulate you.
Really Rainsford?
I was afraid you might
have some romantic
notions about the
value of human life.
Ah, nonsense.
Let me tell you Rainsford.
There is no game in the world
can compare to it for a moment.
At last I found something against which
to pit my brain, as well as my skill.
Something truly exciting.
Thrillingly competitive.
And what a perfect setting
for your purpose.
Jungles with a maze of trails,
right off the beaten path.
It's only unfortunate that you have to
depend on chance shipwrecks for your quarry.
I never leave anything as important
as that to chance, Rainsford.
You mean you...
It's so simple.
To move the lights in the channel.
Sailors thinking they are in deep water.
Suddenly find their ships
smashed against my coral reefs.
So that's how you do it.
You remember the old German
legend of the Lorelei?
Who lured sailors to destruction on
the Rhine. It was as simple as that.
But if they're drowned, surely
you defeat you own purpose.
Not at all.
Only those powerful enough to
swim to shore, make fit game.
Don't you see?
How very ingenious.
You and I are strong Rainsford.
And life is for the strong,
to be lived by the strong.
The weaklings of this world were
put here to give us pleasure.
To die for us, if need be.
But how do you get your
man to take to the trail?
I suggest to him that we go hunting.
I give him an excellent hunting
knife, and a good start.
I follow, armed with
only bow and arrows.
You see, I want him to have
a good chance to defeat me.
He must above all things, be dangerous.
If he alludes me until
dawn, he is the victor.
But suppose he refuses to be hunted.
After seeing my trophy room,
my guest invariably
accepts my invitation.
And if he wins?
To date, I have not lost.
My dear Kreiger, it's a privilege to meet
a man of your daring imagination.
I like you Rainsford.
You and I think alike.
If fact you're the only man I've
ever met who shares my opinions.
I'm going to accord you a courtesy,
I have given to no other living man.
Will you accept the
privileges of my preserve?
I consider it a great honor.
Good, you shall join me tonight.
Young Trowbridge may not be the gamest
quarry in the world, but he'll do.
Is he at all fit?
He's in better shape than you'd believe.
He almost got away from me this morning.
I must clip his wings or lose him.
Until tonight then.
Until tonight.
How'd it go?
Even better than I'd hoped. I have
Kreiger's complete confidence.
Now hold onto yourself, and don't go
overboard at what I've got to tell you.
I'm going hunting with him tonight.
But he'll kill you, just as
he has did the others.
I said with him, not against him.
Your brother. Don't worry.
When I get Kreiger out in that
jungle, the hunt will be short,
and the victim won't
be your brother.
Herr Kreiger, come with me.
I warned you. He
wasn't in his room.
They were protecting him.
This man is dangerous.
Kill him now.
No Pleshke.
I have other plans for Mr. Rainsford.
It's time.
Now let's go over it again.
Listen carefully.
When Kreiger tries to separate
you, don't make a scene.
Go quietly to your
room and stay there.
And when he turns you loose in the jungle,
head fast for the lagoon and stay there.
I'll walk him straight into a trap.
Yes, but no one has
ever beaten Krieger.
Bob, you've got to pull
yourself together.
You too Ms. Trowbridge. Why,
you're shaking like a leaf.
I can't help it.
So much depends on him, so much
can happen in the next hour.
Aw, buck up. And above all, be natural.
Those faces are a dead give away.
He'd know something was up.
Yes, you're right.
That's the stuff. Just relax,
and everything will be alright.
Talking of lion stories, I remember
once in British East Africa, I...
It just occurred to me. You can't
possibly hunt in those clothes.
I've had Pleshke lay out others for you.
Oh well thanks. I won't be long.
Please don't. We're a
little late already.
Ms. Trowbridge.
Goodnight, Mr. Kreiger.
Bob, are you coming?
Oh Bob, you haven't finished your drink.
I'll just wait until Rainsford comes down.
Goodnight, Ms. Trowbridge.
You sure you want to
finish that drink, Bob?
What do you mean Erich?
Don't you know?
It will be a long time before
you see Rainsford again, Bob.
Isn't Rainsford going with you?
Not tonight.
Then, who is?
You alone.
What? I won't hunt with you.
I won't be hunted down like an animal.
I think you will.
You've always wanted to
see my trophy room, Bob.
Now you shall.
I won't go I tell you.
Come Bob.
Come with me.
I won't go, I tell you.
I won't go.
Guard the door from the
outside, until we come back.
Kreiger knows! Save Ellen!
Save her!
Look out for my dog.
He's a man killer!
Auf wiedersehen!
Kreiger has caught on
to our plan somehow.
Where's Bob?
They took him into the jungle with him.
I saw him from my window.
Ms. Trowbridge.
Wait, Ms. Trowbridge. Wait!
- Stop it Ellen.
- Let me go, he'll kill him.
Ellen, please. Please!
Don't move Herr Rainsford.
Herr Kreiger.
Come quickly.
How did they get in here?
I don't know. I heard the boat and
came down and found them here.
Where's Bob?
He met with a most
unfortunate accident.
You killed him.
You've killed my brother.
He had his chance.
He was a weakling. You're
better off without him.
Bob never hurt
anyone in his life.
Only a madman would do a thing like this.
You think I'm insane.
I know it.
Anyone who takes half-drunk
men from wrecks,
drives them out to be
hunted, is insane.
That scar, it hurts you, doesn't it?
That's because you're mad.
I wouldn't have believed anyone as
lovely as you, could be so unpleasant.
I'd kill you, if I could!
I'm bitterly disappointed
in you, Rainsford.
I thought as great hunters,
we had a common bond.
You, a hunter. Tracking
down a helpless man,
who didn't know a jungle
from a drawing room.
Oh, you're wrong Rainsford.
Really, you are.
Bob did better than you'd believe.
He gave me quite a chase. Even
tried to swim the lagoon.
And you have the nerve to
call yourself a sportsman.
You wouldn't dare hunt anyone that
had half a chance against you.
What do you mean?
Why don't you play your
dangerous game with me?
I'm saving you for last.
You're a bluff Kreiger. You
won't hunt me, you don't dare.
You shall see.
Tomorrow night.
Hedging eh?
I thought you would.
It's my game.
I make the rules.
You mean you stack the deck?
No Kreiger, tonight.
Or not at all.
A few hours in this room will
change your mind, I think.
Have you looked?
Have you seen what's in this room?
Yes, but your trophies won't frighten me
into running as they did your other victims.
Too bad, isn't it?
Rainsford, you're becoming
extremely unpleasant.
The trouble with you is,
you want all the odds.
You have no real nerve,
you're just a braggart.
You wouldn't dare match your brain against
my brain. Your skill against mine.
You think not?
The sun doesn't rise until 10 after 5.
10 after 5. Time enough to
prove how good you are.
Or how bad.
Very well Rainsford.
You asked for it. It shall be now.
I'm going with you.
As you wish.
One does not kill the female animal.
I can easily recapture her, alive.
Of course I have no proper clothes for her.
I'm afraid she'll be
quite a handicap to you.
I'll accept that handicap.
Let's go.
Rainsford, I'm going to be more
generous than you'd believe.
If I don't find you by sunrise, I
shall return you to the mainland.
Both of you. Upon my honor.
Your honor!
Here are your claws and fangs.
I shall give you 10 minutes.
And now may I suggest that you go.
A good start is everything.
Good luck, my friends.
I advise you to avoid, Fog Hollow.
Whenever my game is foolish enough to
hide there, I am forced to use the dogs.
Here it is.
One of the traps I built last night.
A Malayan dead fall.
Careful! Don't come any closer.
It's a man killing device.
One of the Malayan natives,
taught me how to build it.
Well how does it work?
The slightest touch on this vine,
and that mahogany log will come crashing
down, and kill any living thing beneath it.
We're ready for him.
Let him come.
Careful now, watch your step.
I feel as though we are trapped in here.
Suppose the dead fall misses him
and he comes in here after us?
I only hope he does.
Come on out Rainsford!
This must be very distressing to Ms.
Trowbridge. Why prolong it?
I'll not bungle this shot.
You won't even feel it.
Surely you don't think anyone who has hunted
jaguar, would follow you into that cave.
Very well, Rainsford.
Since you choose to play the jaguar,
I shall have to hunt you like one.
And not with the bow.
Do you think he's really gone?
I can't tell. He's playing with
us like a cat with a mouse.
We'd better take a chance.
Perhaps he won't come back.
Oh he'll be back alright, and
with a high powered rifle.
We've gotta get out of here, and fast.
Get in behind here.
Quick! Keep down!
That must be Fog Hollow.
Fog Hollow? That's the swamp
where he caught the others.
We'll never keep ahead of him there.
That's what he thinks.
But he has a rifle.
And we have the fog to hide us.
Let's go.
Very good Rainsford.
You've made my rifle useless in the fog.
I warned you to keep out of the swamp.
You wouldn't take my advice.
Now you have only yourself to
blame for the consequences.
The fog may blind my eyes, but
my dogs will follow your scent.
Keep your nerve.
Run, Rainsford, run!
Give them a good chase!
Let's see how far you can get now!
Cut around the swamp.
I'll wait for the dogs.
I can't go any further.
You must.
8 minutes after 5.
Only 2 minutes to sunrise.
We almost made it.
Rainsford, I...
I congratulate you. You beat me.
Not yet.
Oh yes, you have.
Why, you're not even wounded.
You hit the dog, not me.
I took a chance and went over with him.
Admirable, my dear Rainsford.
And then you very cleverly
doubled back to the
last place I would expect to find you.
My own house
My dear fellow.
You have given me a superb night.
One that I shall never forget.
Naturally, you are free
to leave at any time.
With Ms. Trowbridge.
Here's the key.
For the trophy room.
You're the hunted now.
And I'm the hunter.
How does it feel?
Look out!
Behind you!