A Score to Settle (2019)

Not bad.
You got to twist your hips,
like this.
You got a little "Saturday Night
Fever" going there, Frankie.
Rockin' the platform heels
there, too.
Am I right?
So, this hip explodes forward,
and the back foot swivels.
That's where
your power comes from.
Yeah, I see.
Let me try that again.
Let me show you.
The bottom hand
is your direction.
Got it.
Max, please!
I swear, if I knew anything...
- Hey! Shut up!
- ...I'd tell you.
I'm trying
to concentrate, Jimmy.
All right.
Max, I swear. Max!
I swear on my mother's life!
You just told me...
All right.
Shut up!
I'll tell you anything.
What did I just say?!
I'll get that.
You go that way.
I'll check over here.
20 bucks
to whoever finds it first.
Found it.
Looks like
you owe me some money.
Listen, I'm gonna stay out here
and have a smoke,
try not to go deaf.
I hear that.
Do your thing, man.
All right.
You fucking piece of...
I'm prescribing GHB
to help manage your insomnia,
but it is
a controlled substance, so...
I won't need it.
I'm fine.
Prolonged insomnia
will lead to confusion,
delirium, hallucinations,
and ultimately
dementia and death,
so it's critical
you at least try to sleep.
You're not gonna
fill that, are you?
I don't think
you're taking to heart
the seriousness
of this disease.
It's the reason
you're being released
from prison early.
Just take these
until you see the specialist.
If you don't sleep,
you will die.
Do you hear
what I'm saying to you?
Give this to your P.O.
so he knows
the medication's cleared.
Take care, Frank.
Thanks, Doc.
I figured
you wouldn't be here.
Well, I'm here.
Look at you.
You look...
What? 19 years older than
the last time you saw me?
Well, yeah.
You look like a man now.
Because I am.
- Let me get that for you.
- No, I can carry it.
- Are you sure?
- Really, it's not that heavy.
So I guess we're walking?
Well, I had to sell the car
to pay off some stuff.
- You know, bills and shit.
- I'm kidding.
I don't mind walking.
I don't normally get
a lot of time outside, so...
You sure I can't
get you something to eat,
compliments of the Grand Bend
Correctional Facility payroll?
No. I'm good.
You sure? I mean,
look how skinny you are.
You look like you haven't
had a decent meal in months.
What's that
supposed to mean?
Nothing. I just...
I mean, it's on me,
that's all.
You know, a dad likes
to buy stuff for his kid.
I didn't mean anything else.
The coffee
tastes the same, but...
...the air
sure smells different.
And it's nice just to have
a normal pair of clothes on,
you know?
Even those?
Well, I guess they are
kind of out of date, huh?
I mean, 'cause that's
what you were wearing
when they hauled you away.
Take US 20 towards Salem,
and I'll give you
directions from there.
What the fuck you want
to go out there for?
I just want to look
at the old house.
Been a long time
since I've seen it.
Whatever you want.
You know somebody else
lives there now.
The family.
I just want to take
a look around.
I'm only gonna be a second.
I just want to see if
something I left is still there.
What the hell
took you so long?
What happened to you?
Look what I found.
- No shit.
- Unbelievable, right?
It was like
my prized possession.
Not that I would've known,
the way you wouldn't let
anyone else touch it,
and only held it yourself
with gloves on.
Yeah, or, like, tweezers.
Can't believe you found it.
It's still
in amazing condition.
- It is.
- Probably worth a lot.
Wonder what
I could sell it for.
I mean, it's got to be
a collector's item, right?
Please, don't sell it.
If you don't want it,
I'd like to keep it,
if you don't mind.
I'll give you the money for it,
if you want.
So where to now?
You and I
are gonna live it up.
What are we doing here?
Meeting my parole officer.
We're checking in!
Compliments of
the prison payroll?
After a $300 cab ride,
I don't think so.
I got it covered.
Keep the change.
You're using their money,
aren't you?
After everything
they did to you?
After everything they did
to us?
Hell, yes,
after everything they did to us.
After everything
they did to us,
I'm gonna use
every last dollar.
That's the least
they owe us.
Well, knock yourself out.
I don't want
any part of it.
Joey! No.
Joey, don't go, please.
Look, I want
to show you something.
Look at this.
Your mother brought me here
as a surprise
for our second anniversary,
and I was pissed
because we didn't have
a dime between us
but she said
none of that mattered,
we can work out anything
as long as we're together.
And I always wanted
to bring her back here, but I...
I didn't get
around to it, did I?
But the only thing
I thought about
for every minute of every day
since I got locked up
was how much I wanted
to bring you here.
So please... please stay.
You're all I got left.
- Fine.
- All right.
All right.
That's for you.
For you.
We'll take it from here.
Hey, hey.
This is a step up
from my previous
accommodations, right?
Six shower heads!
It's our own personal spa.
We're well stocked.
Want a drink?
No, I'm good.
Oh, my God.
Oh, you have no idea how hard
prison mattresses are.
I don't even think
they're stuffed with cotton
or whatever, just rocks.
Come on. Lie down.
You got to feel this.
- I'm good.
- Come on!
Well, I'm gonna
take a shower,
and then let's
grab some dinner.
What do you think?
Does that sound good?
Now, Joey,
I want you to order
whatever you want.
Spare no expense.
I am treating you
to the best week of your life.
- Dad...
- Whatever you want, you got it.
It all looks so good.
So get two things.
Get three!
I'm not sure
I'm all that hungry.
How can you not be hungry?
You haven't eaten all day.
I just meant...
You know I've never
been a big eater.
- I know.
- Even when I was a kid.
I know.
For your information,
I've been clean for a while now.
I didn't mean anything by it.
So catch me up on your life.
I want to know everything
that's been going on.
You got a girl?
You know, it's kind of hard
to sum up 19 years
in one dinner conversation.
Where are you going?
Just order me whatever.
- I upset you. I'm sorry.
- No, I'm not upset!
I have to piss.
That okay with you?
Come on.
Sit with your old man!
Thank you.
Thank you.
I love this place.
It's very nice.
How've you been?
I've been really well.
- It's good to see you.
- You too.
Guy's old enough
to be her grandfather.
What took you so long?
Looks even older than you.
There's hope for me yet.
Yeah, if you got
two G's to burn.
You think she's...
- A prostitute, yeah.
- Come on!
Just saying.
Times have changed, old man.
How many times
have you been there?
I don't know why I didn't
bring any clothes with me.
We'll go shopping
for some tomorrow.
I just want to say good night.
Good night.
Can I show you something?
I hope you like it.
Solid maple.
I made over 40 of them.
- You made them?
- Yeah.
And I actually had
orders come in
from all over the country
at one time.
I ended up coaching inside,
and it reminded me
of when you used to play
Little League
and I'd help out
every now and again.
I wish I had made more time
for it back then.
I hated playing, anyways.
No, you didn't.
You loved it.
You were good at it, too.
You could've made it
to the big leagues.
That's not
how I remember it.
Yeah, you could've,
if you'd stuck with it.
Well, did you make
this one too?
No. That's birch.
Not nearly as good as maple.
I know I was never any good
at the whole father thing.
- Dad, don't.
- No. It's true.
I stank as a dad,
but I'm gonna make it up to you
for being gone
when you really needed me.
Yeah, like my entire life.
Are you planning
on getting revenge?
What? No.
I'm done with those people.
I'm done with all of it.
I'm just making sure
I get you and me right
this time.
You're stuck with me,
whether you like it or not.
And I'm never
leaving you again.
Where do you think
you're going, Pops?
I'm looking for Sleepy.
I'm a friend.
I think you're in
the wrong place.
I don't know who the fuck
you're talking about.
- That's a 226 clone.
- Yeah.
You want to see it up close?
Want to suck on it?
You kids like them because
you think they look cool.
Truth is, it's one of
the most unreliable firearms
in the world.
Sights are crude,
weight's all wrong,
the design's
entirely impractical,
and if you don't have
just the right ammunition,
it's guaranteed
to jam up on you.
Come on, kid, take it easy.
I'm just here to do
some business with Sleepy.
Sleepy's been
dead for six years.
Doesn't change
what I'm bringing to the table.
So you're in charge now?
Why are you asking?
'Cause I don't got a dick?
The world's changed
since your day, old man.
So you used to do business
with Sleepy?
How'd he die?
Old bastard
smoked all the time.
Even burned me
when I was a baby.
You're Sleepy's kid?
You were always
running around here,
getting into things.
Fuck it.
Let's get you a gun, yeah?
Got some mad recoil,
you know.
I'll take it. And a suppressor
if you've got one.
I do.
And a 9-millimeter.
Something Italian.
- Who's this?
- That's my little man, Isaiah.
I guess everything
comes full circle.
Do you mind
if I give him something?
I made these myself.
My son's too old
to play with them,
so maybe someday
you'll play.
So you getting back
in the racket again?
That's why
you're back in town?
Just dropping in
on some old friends.
Sorry. We're closed.
Hey, I said we're closed.
San Quentin.
Frankie Fingers.
I just go by Frank now.
People just call me Q now.
You son of a bitch!
Is that really you?
Come here, man!
Oh, they finally
let you out, huh?
They do that sometimes
with frail old men like me.
Yeah, well,
little do they know.
Oh, we could write a book
about how little they know.
Hey, do you still drink whiskey?
Flies still eat shit?
Well, it looks like
you've been doing well.
Uh, yeah, you know,
uh, not bad.
How'd they treat you
in there, Frankie?
You wound up spending
a lot more time in there
than we all figured.
It's a damn shame.
How's the wife, little girl?
Not so little anymore.
Isha's getting married
in three days.
- No way!
- Can you believe it?
Then comes Gramps
with a baby carriage.
You know,
time keeps marching on.
Ain't nothing
we can do about it.
Marching all over my back,
my knees.
Yeah, all over my knees,
and my shoulder.
Hey, listen, I'd invite you,
but you know,
she and her mother
have been working on
that damn seating chart
for months.
Oh, please, just
give her my congratulations.
So I heard Max died.
What, about six years ago now?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, well, you know
he had that stroke?
- Mm-hmm.
- Right?
- Yeah.
- Tough son of a bitch.
He held on
for another seven years.
You know...
...I'm sorry as hell
about what Max did.
What you had to go through.
Well, it wasn't
your fault, right?
I mean, could've happened
to any of us.
Dice rolls the other way,
who knows?
That's a very
philosophically sound
way of looking at it.
Well, I'm nothing now
if not philosophically sound.
So, Frankie...
...why are you here?
What, I'm not good enough
for you now?
I smell like the joint?
- No.
- I wanna have a drink with you.
And, uh, hoping maybe
you could tell me
where I might find
Jimmy the Dragon and Tank.
They're the ones
that did it, right?
I need you to answer me, Q.
Max ordered it,
Jimmy and Tank
carried it out, yes?
Yes, well, then I would
really appreciate it
if you might tell me
where I could find them.
I'm out of that world.
Nobody's ever really out.
That's where
you're wrong, see?
'Cause I haven't seen them
in five, six years.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
- How about now?
- Oh, hey.
Frankie. I swear, okay?
I don't know where they are.
Don't lie to me.
I'm not lying to you!
Look, come on, man. We...
We were brothers back
in the day, right?
I'm sorry.
Forget about it.
I understand.
Where's the bathroom?
- It's in the back.
- Excuse me.
You okay?
You know what
I was just thinking about?
That kid we ran
the collection on.
What was his name?
Bobby Greenstreet or Greenbean?
Back in '93.
- '92.
- Right.
He had that sawed-off
and the kitty litter.
He was gonna blow
a big fat hole in your chest.
And then you tackled me
out of the way.
Yeah, and the spray chewed up
my shoulder pretty good.
But then Isha was born...
What, two, three days later?
Yeah. It wasn't the first time
you saved my ass.
And then you saved mine
just the next week.
Look, Frank. I don't know where
Jimmy and the Tank are, okay?
But maybe I can help you
figure out how to find them.
All right.
That's good enough for me.
It's critical
you at least try to sleep.
Prolonged insomnia
will lead to confusion,
and ultimately dementia.
If you don't sleep,
you will die.
Hey, are you gonna sleep
the whole day away?
Hey, Joey?
Joey! Joey!
Dad! Dad...
- People are still sleeping.
- Where were you?
I went down
to get some coffee.
I thought you were gone.
Well, I-I'm still here,
all right?
- I'm not going anywhere.
- Good.
Plus, you promised
to buy me shit.
I'm not gonna
miss out on that.
But aside from spending
lots of money on me,
what's the plan for today, huh?
We're making up
for lost time.
Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho.
You do that very well, Tracey.
Please bring me
my watches
They're too much.
It's not me.
No, we're getting 'em,
both of them,
and I'll be paying cash,
by the way.
Clean up pretty well.
You're looking good
yourself, sexy.
Welcome to the 21st century,
old man.
- She's all yours.
- What?
To make up
for all the birthdays
and Christmases I missed.
Shit. I...
Well, I want you
to take the first spin
since you haven't been
behind the wheel
since you last drove
a getaway car.
Ha ha.
Rrow! Rrow!
You hear that?
Do you hear that?
Let's go!
There you go!
Now, this is livin'.
You said a mouthful.
Expensive car.
Expensive suit.
Oh, and what is this?
No wife with you?
What kind of stupid
question is that?
No, no, I was just wondering
if you're looking to get out
and have some fun tonight.
Sorry, kid. I'm just here
to spend time with my son.
Okay, well, if you or your son
find yourselves in the need,
I run a premium service
with premium ladies, so...
My name's Trip.
Give me a call.
You should probably
hang on to that.
I mean, he could see
how hard up you are
from like a mile away.
All right.
You remember how you asked me
if I had a girl?
Well, I do.
And it's getting
pretty serious.
Oh, my God.
Well, that's wonderful.
I'm... I'm so happy for you.
Her name's Lorraine.
- Just like your mother.
- Yeah.
It's a weird coincidence,
Maybe it's fate.
I'm... I'm sorry
I never visited you at prison.
Oh, that's okay.
No. No.
I wanted to.
I wouldn't have
visited me either.
Look, by way of explanation
and not excuse,
I was trying to give you
a better life.
I mean, it was obviously
the stupidest plan,
in hindsight,
but that is what I wanted,
to get you out of the racket.
And all I did was get you stuck
right in the middle of it.
Well, we're both out of it now.
Today is our day
to try again.
That's a line from a kid's book
Mom used to read me.
"Mistakes you will make,
but it's not the end,
because today is the day
to try again."
"Today is your day
to try again."
It sure is.
I just love
these father-and-son watches.
I know, and, honestly,
I always wanted these.
Yeah, and you know,
this suit is perfect.
The color is perfect for you.
It kicks up
the blue in your eyes.
- Right? I feel I kind of match.
- It's a total transformation.
Shh. Shh. Shh.
Go talk to her.
What, are you nuts?
Offer to buy her a drink
at the bar.
I can't just go offer to buy her
a drink, look at her!
She's not looking
for Prince-fucking-Valiant.
All that can be yours
for two G's.
In your case, maybe three.
I'm here to be with you.
And you have.
And you will.
But don't forget, there are
a lot of other aspects of life
you've missed out on,
getting laid
being one of them.
Unless, of course,
you know,
you haven't missed out on that.
I've heard
what goes on in prison.
- Stop it.
- Hey, I'm not judging.
Whatever swings your bat.
- All right.
- All right.
- I'm going.
- Okay.
- Watch this.
- Okay.
I haven't been with anyone
since your mother.
Well, it's like, um,
falling off a bike
into a vagina.
Don't be crude.
Look, you look beautiful.
You smell pretty, too.
Come on.
You got this!
Go on.
Hello. Uh...
Um, I'm Frank.
I'm... I'm... I'm very happy
to meet you, Simone.
You're a real gentleman,
aren't you?
An endangered species.
But not extinct.
Not yet.
You're so good.
You mean for an old man.
For any man.
Yeah, you're amazing.
- You must be hot in this.
- No. No, I'm fine.
- Take it off.
- I'm fine.
Oh, what?
You're gonna be modest now?
Oh, wow.
You did time.
A little bit.
How much is a little bit?
19 years.
I'd say that's more than
a little bit, wouldn't you?
I'm harmless, I promise.
I swear.
Well, I think
it's kind of sexy.
Yeah, right.
So, what did you do?
Did you kill a man?
Was it over a woman?
I'd rather not say.
I was just intrigued.
What? You're really not
gonna tell me?
Now I'm not so sure
about the "harmless" part.
Here's a thousand for the hour.
And another thousand
for being nice.
You really know how
to make a girl feel special.
I thought
that's how it works.
It is.
Wait. Wait.
Jesus Christ,
I screw everything up.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Do you have to go?
Do you have
a little more time for me?
It'll cost you.
Oh, no, no!
No, my scarf!
I took the rap for my boss.
He's the one
that killed the guy, so...
He was a big-shot bagman
on the Upper East Side
with a lot of friends.
A lot of cop friends,
as it turned out.
How'd he kill him?
Ah, he beat his head in
with a baseball bat.
W-Why would you go to prison
for a man like that?
Got a huge payout.
That's just the way we did it
in my line of work.
Or what used to be
my line of work.
Did what you were told.
You know, kept your mouth shut
and did what you're told.
But that's horrible.
Yes and no.
At the time, the guy
was like family to me.
We took care of each other.
I looked after him.
He looked after me
and my family.
You have a wife and kids?
My wife died a long time ago.
I just have the boy,
the one son.
He's all grown up now.
God, that must have been hard
for the both of you.
I can't imagine being away
from my son
for more than
a couple of days,
let alone...
- Shit.
- What?
I just, um...
I have a policy
of not telling my clients
about my personal life.
I keep it strictly business.
But I guess
you're different.
You okay?
You sure?
You want me to stop?
That's serious.
It's a combat wound.
Ah, World War II?
Ha ha.
No, that was a, uh,
disgruntled client.
Perils of the job.
someone fucking shot you?
Yeah, they tried.
Yeah, they succeeded!
If they'd succeeded,
I'd be dead.
Oh, I got something for you.
Vitamin E.
It, uh, it helps nourish
the scar tissue.
No, seriously.
I use it all the time.
W-What for?
Your skin looks perfect.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Oh, right here's good.
Let me get the door.
It's a little tricky.
Well, thank you
for a lovely evening, Frank.
Uh, I-I was thinking...
I don't know, but maybe we could
do this again.
All you got to do is call.
I mean, without
the business side of things.
I'm sorry.
That was stupid of me.
I-I get a little carried away
Oh, shit.
I broke your heart.
What? No.
Not possible!
It's made of cast iron.
Anyway, I'll, uh,
call your service tomorrow,
and maybe we can have
some dinner,
so I can make it up to you.
Make what up to me?
Me being a stupid old man.
All right. Dinner.
Call the service.
You got the number.
- I do.
- Okay.
Hey, e-excuse me.
Is Simone really your name?
It's Jennifer.
Hey, baby. You want to
play with the Dragon?
I had no idea
this was your scene, Jimmy.
It's the 21st century,
A man can pamper himself.
Bitches, leave.
Not nice to deprive a guy
of his happy ending.
Prison life agreed with you.
You look fit.
You dropped
a couple of pounds, I see.
Cover up.
Is that making you
I can understand why.
They don't call me the Dragon
because of my tattoo.
Ah, you're a pretty smug
piece of shit
for a guy who's got
a gun pointed at his head.
It's not the first time.
Probably won't be the last.
Oh, it's your last.
But you're gonna
explain something to me first.
Then you might as well
shoot me.
Because I haven't a clue
where Max has been hiding.
...is alive?
Oh, shit.
Just like the old days,
Where do you think
you're going?
Sorry, Frankie.
Nothing personal.
You know how long I've been
waiting for you, young man?
Thought you guys might've
ran off to Vegas to get married.
So how was she?
Was she incredible?
You guys sleep at all,
or you just at it
the whole time?
Oh, nice.
Your doctor gave you
the good stuff, huh?
You gonna tell me anything?
Can't talk
about it right now.
Come on!
First time you make mercury
in 19 years,
and I don't get anything?
Was she loud?
What the hell
happened to you?
Dad! What the hell
happened to you?
- Answer me!
- What do you think happened?
I met up with Jimmy the Dragon
and we had it out!
- You killed him?
- Sadly, no.
What the fuck?
You hid an arsenal in here
the whole fucking time?
You said you were
done with them!
You said you weren't
looking to get even!
Scores have to be settled.
Says who?!
You're a big fucking liar!
- I'm doing this for you!
- That's bullshit!
I am doing this for you!
Everything I do is for you!
Oh, so it's all on me, huh?
You getting locked up for two
fucking decades, that's on me?
Because every penny I made,
you took and you snorted
it up your nose
and you shot it
in your veins!
Oh, what?
Am I out of order?
You think I'm fucking
using right now?
Do you?
Take a fucking look!
Take a good fucking look!
All right?
You satisfied, Detective?
I don't understand why you care
all of a sudden.
Now you want to teach me
right from wrong?
Like you're my father?
Like you're some shining
fucking example?
- You better walk away.
- What are you gonna do?
You're gonna knock me out?
You know, why don't you reach
into that big black bag of yours
and do it right?
How about that, Dad?
I got to go.
You can lie to yourself
all you want,
but I'm done with it!
You hear me?
You walk out that door
and I'm gone!
That's it!
You're never gonna
see me again.
Hiya, Tank.
Man, no one's called me that
in a long time.
I heard you got out.
I figured you'd come
looking for me.
How you doing?
Not too bad.
- You?
- Can't complain.
I mean, I've been having
some troubles with my hands
a little bit.
I think I may be
getting some arthritis.
- That sucks.
- Ah, it happens.
Makes working
kind of difficult.
Never figured you the type
for legitimate work.
Got to stay busy somehow,
It's not like I got a family
or anything. It's just me.
Life never really turns out
the way you plan it.
No. It doesn't.
You got to do
what you came here for, so...
You're not gonna run?
Put up a fight?
I figure I've outrun
what I got coming to me
way longer
than I deserve.
One thing first,
if you don't mind.
Do you know
where I can find Max?
I don't.
Last time I saw him
was before he had his stroke.
So you don't know anything
about him faking his death?
Well, actually,
I did hear something.
I heard a few guys
talking about that,
but I wasn't sure
if it wasn't just talk.
I wish I could help you.
I mean, I know I owe you.
Wait. Do you know...
You know what?
I don't know, I'm not sure,
but may...
maybe I did
hear something about his kid
dumping him in
an old-folk home a while back.
Thank you.
Frankie, Frankie, Frankie.
Hey, look,
I'm really sorry, man.
About everything.
Let's see here.
I am
Chasing rainbows
Watching clouds
Drifting by
My schemes
are just like all my dreams
Ending in
The sky
Some fellas look
and find the sunshine
I always look
and find the rain
You danced to that song
with Lorraine at your wedding.
She thought
it was a happy song.
What the hell
happened to you?
I was just taking care
of loose ends
Frank, Frank, Frank, look.
All of the guys
that we came up with
that didn't get killed,
they all smartened up enough
to know when
it was time to get out.
That game of "gang" shit
that we used to play
is for kids.
And we are not kids anymore.
I'm not playing anymore
Believe me
They deserve what
they got coming, okay?
No question about it.
- Chasing rainbows
- But, fuck, hey.
Is it really worth it?
Is it going
to change anything?
Waiting to find
A little bluebird
It'll change the fact
that I'm the only one
that got screwed.
And what if
you get killed first?
I mean, look at the state
of you already, man.
People are
gonna die either way.
No way around it.
Just a matter of
who goes next.
We hurt a lot of people,
you and I.
Made a lot of bad choices
that now we just
need to learn to live with.
Look, why don't you come
to Isha's wedding tomorrow?
Be a part of some real-life
shit. It'll be good for you.
You can even bring somebody,
okay? A date.
Maybe you'll even meet
a nice woman there.
I don't know.
Well, think about it.
We'd love to have you.
You're family.
Yeah, maybe.
Hey, Joey?
No, it's okay.
Just do your work.
Habla Ingls?
Uh, hey,
kid, can you help me
with something?
Of course, sir.
I have to call my son,
and I have no idea how
to work this damn thing.
Well, uh, I can certainly
help you with that, Mister...?
- Carver.
- Mr. Carver.
See, I just find
your address book app.
Uh, what is your son's name?
Uh, Joey. Joseph.
It's, uh... It's empty.
Oh, yeah. I just
got the thing yesterday.
Well, has he called you
since, or...
He, uh, um,
"face-called" me
Uh, great.
So, um,
I just find the phone app...
...and go
to your call history.
- Oh.
- Here. And...
Yeah, that's empty, too.
Aw, shit.
Maybe you accidentally
cleared it, or...?
I wouldn't put it past me.
Is there any way
you can get it back?
I'm awfully sorry, sir.
Oh, that's okay.
Thank you.
Uh, hey, but you can...
you can use this thing
to get on the Web, right?
Most definitely, sir.
Okay, well, then,
can you look up
all the nursing homes
in the area...
no, in the state, actually...
a-and write me up
a list and...
Mr. Carver, I can't...
I'll give you $500.
L-Let me grab a pad, yeah.
Good man.
I'm dying.
They told me I had
fatal sporadic insomnia.
I can't sleep.
There's something wrong
with my brain.
It's incurable.
And untreatable.
God, I'm...
I'm sorry, sir.
Well, at least
I get to take
a few of them
down with me, right?
Joey, is that you?
It's Simone!
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
I'm sorry, honey.
I forgot about
our dinner plans.
Hi, sweetie.
Who are you?
I'm Simone, baby.
You called me for a date?
Y-You're not Simone.
I assure you, honey, I am.
Mm. You gonna fix me
a drink, or what?
There's been a mistake.
I called for the other Simone.
She's this tall,
has dark hair.
Real name's Jennifer.
I don't know, baby.
I guess she couldn't make it.
Hi, cutie.
It's gonna cost you extra
if he's watching.
Why can't she make it?
Why are you so stuck
on this other girl, sweetie?
I'm right here,
and she's not.
Well, you see, sweetie,
you're not the girl
I called for,
so you're gonna
have to leave.
I'm not fucking you.
Get your fucking meat paws
off me, you ugly fuck!
Shut the fuck up and get out,
you phony piece of shit.
Jesus Christ.
Now what?
Hey, Frank.
It's Trip.
Aw, come on, don't tell me
you don't remember me.
From the other day?
"Expensive car,
expensive suit..."
Yeah, I remember you.
So the Presidential Suite, huh?
How much you have to pay
for a room like that,
if you don't mind me asking?
Actually, I do mind.
That's me.
Hi, Frank.
Got a minute?
Oh, yeah!
Look at this place, huh?
Fucking top tier!
I hope I can afford
a room like this one day.
Maybe if I just keep my nose
to the grindstone,
work hard.
What do you think, Frank?
You think it'll happen for me?
Are you gonna whimper
all night,
or is there something
you want from me?
I hear you had a little bit of
a problem with one of my girls.
She wasn't the girl
I called for.
I called for Simone.
Yeah, well,
Simone was busy.
you scared the bitch.
She's afraid of you, Frank.
- She said that?
- What are you gonna do?
Women, they're like feral cats.
They spook easy.
That being said, there's a few
things you and me,
we need to square up here.
First of all,
you can't put your hands
on the lady unless you pay.
No refunds, no exchanges.
I didn't touch anyone,
and if your employee says I did,
she's a liar.
Now, why would she lie, Frank?
Uh, because she's a whore?
I don't know.
You tell me.
Well, that's not a very nice
thing to say now, is it?
I'm afraid I'm all out
of niceness, Trip.
Well, then, give me
what you owe me, and I will go.
So that's 500 on top
of the $250 cancellation fee,
just in case the bitch
forgot to mention that.
But you know what?
Because I actually
feel sorry for you,
just give me a thousand
and we are good.
She's not the girl I called for,
I'm not paying.
Fuck, Frank!
Do not fuck with me right now!
I do not need
some sort of fucking ordeal!
All right, just take it easy.
Hey, my behavior?
That is completely up to you.
I have money for you
over here.
I'm sorry things had to unfold
like this, Frank.
I mean, you seem like
a real friendly guy and all.
Frank! Ah! Fuck!
Shut up!
- Shut her up!
- Bitch, shut the fuck up!
Now, listen up, egghead.
Unless you want your pimp brains
splattered all over
that chewed-up mutt out there,
I suggest you
and your smirking little
Tic Tac, egg-shaped face
get out of my sight,
or I'll put you to sleep.
Does this sound like
a fair compromise?
Okay, you're gonna
have to speak up.
I'm... I'm very tired.
Yes! Okay? Yes!
And if you even think
about coming back here
to see me,
I'll kill you.
And I'll find
everyone you love,
and I'll kill them too.
Do you understand?
Just go.
Go! Go! Go!
- How you doing?
- I-I'm done, sir.
No, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.
- Thank you, sir!
- Yeah.
Joey, is that you?
Dad, I'm scared.
I need your help.
What? Joey?
Joey, I can't hear you.
Are you still there?
Joey, tell me where you are.
Joey? Joey?
Hey! Hey.
Come on!
Come on. Let's go.
Come on.
Put your arm around me.
That's it. Up.
Keep walking.
Come on.
Is that warmer?
It's not
what you're thinking.
It's okay.
I know it looks bad, but I've
got it all under control.
You don't have to worry
about me.
I don't have to
worry about you?
That's all I do.
I'm sorry, Daddy.
I screwed up.
It's all my fault.
Don't do that to yourself.
It's not your fault.
It was never your fault.
It was me. It was my fault.
We were starting to do okay,
me and you.
We were...
We were getting there.
And then Max comes along
and tells me to take the rap
on something that he did,
and his lawyer tells me
five, six years, tops.
And even though
you just lost your mother,
I stupidly, stupidly thought
that $450,000
would make up for that.
And six years without Dad...
And then they tell me,
"Well, we're gonna
take care of Joey.
We're gonna
look out for Joey.
Six years.
He's all set."
Six years,
and Joey's a rich man.
Well, six years
turned into life.
And what is it that they say?
The road to hell is paved
with good intentions?
That's what they say.
Thank you.
Here you go.
Probably bruised
a couple of your ribs.
Might've even fractured one.
All right.
Looks good.
And there's something else
I should probably tell you.
I'm sick...
...of seeing
that bacon there uneaten.
- Mmm.
- Hey.
So good.
Been so long
since I've been here,
I've forgotten where it is.
This way.
It's beautiful out here,
isn't it?
This kid was only 15 years old.
I'm sorry it took this long
to get here.
I just want you to know
that we're okay.
I love you.
I'll be home soon.
I just miss you,
that's all.
I miss...
I miss you so much.
I'm right here, Dad.
I'm... I'm right here.
- I know.
- Okay?
It's just that Max promised me
they'd look out for you.
H-He... He promised me.
Dad, you knew what kind
of people they were.
But... But I gave
my life to them.
I gave them everything!
And look... look what
they did to you!
Remember what
they say about revenge?
About having to dig
two graves?
They're gonna have to dig
a lot more than two.
You said you were doing
this all for me, right?
- Yes.
- Well...
Maybe you can do
something else for me instead.
Walk away.
- I can't.
- Yes, you can.
Today's your day
to try again.
It's that simple.
You just walk away. Start over.
Find some happiness
for yourself
for however many days
you have left.
- I don't deserve happiness.
- Yes, you do.
So do what I ask.
Promise me.
I promise.
Simone, hi.
What are you doing here?
I found your scarf.
I'm sorry to bother you
at your home.
I was feeling
a fair amount of regret
as to how our date
ended the other day.
I didn't mean to scare you.
And I should never have
thought or said
that you and I...
Well, anyway, I...
I crossed a line.
I'm sorry.
That's it.
It's okay.
And I have something
for you.
These flowers?
Yes. These.
And that.
What's that?
It's money.
There's over $100,000 in there.
Holy shit!
It's for you.
And him.
Frank, I... I-I can't.
I don't need it.
I don't have anyone else
to give it to.
So please, just consider it
a-a thank-you
for being kind
to a stupid old man.
I don't know what to say.
Neither do I.
Oh. Hey, bubba.
Um, this is my friend, Frank.
- Hi.
- Hi.
What's your name?
Of course.
Bye, Joey.
Bye, Simone.
I'm so happy
that you're here.
Poor Mr. Max, he doesn't
get hardly any visitors.
Really only one
that I can think of
in the last eight years.
It's been much longer than that
since I've seen him.
Well, I'll bet he'll be
real surprised you're here.
I bet he will.
Hi, Max.
Can we come in?
Looking good today.
Did you have a restful night?
How long
has he been like this?
Oh, you didn't know?
About 15 years.
I'm sorry you had
to find out this way.
Frank Carver is here.
You remember him, right?
Hey, Uncle.
Been a long time.
Well, I'll leave
you two alone.
Let me know
if you need anything.
19 years...
...and I kept my mouth shut.
I held up
my end of the bargain
even though
I thought you didn't.
But it turns out
you would've.
Or I'd like to think
you would have.
Either way...
...I'm sorry
I've been blaming you...
...while you've been here...
...like this.
Bye, Max.
Excuse me.
Can I ask you a question?
Of course, Mr. Carver.
You mentioned that
one visitor that Max had?
Yeah, he came in regularly
for a good chunk of time there,
but we haven't seen him
in a long while.
Do you happen
to remember his name?
Sorry, I don't.
He was
a real friendly guy, though.
All of us just called him
by his first initial.
Hey, Frankie!
Took you long enough
to find this place, huh?
Are you checking in
or what?
Hey, baby, I heard they have
really nice amenities in there.
Water aerobics, bingo night.
All the tapioca pudding
you can eat.
I always liked you, Frankie!
You always had
a good attitude about the job.
If you were meant
to die that day,
you were meant to die that day!
But you know what?
You are gonna die today!
Well, Frankie,
I guess it's my day, huh?
They won't be calling you
the Dragon anymore.
Hey, Doris.
Good to see you.
Hey, Cal. See you
on the dance floor, buddy.
All right.
Hey, you nervous?
Guess what?
You're gonna be next.
Let me straighten out
your tie.
Go easy on the ladies
tonight, right?
Make sure that, uh...
make sure you have fun.
Hey, how are you?
Good to see you.
I'm glad you're here.
Hi, guys.
How are you?
- Carolina, cmo est?
- Bien, e tu?
Hey, listen, you owe me a dance
later, okay. All right?
I will dance with you.
Hey, guys.
How are you?
I'm glad you made it.
Listen, man,
you bring my money?
It's in the mail.
All right.
Hey, what happened?
Hey, what's the matter?
Isha, sweetheart, it's Dad.
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
Are you sure?
You should come in.
What's the matter?
Close the door.
Frankie, what are you...
what are you doing?
I said close the door.
Please, not... not here, okay?
Not like this.
Close the goddamn door.
Okay, okay! Just... Just
let's... let's just calm down.
I am calm.
Just do what I fucking say.
Isha, are you all right,
Did he hurt you?
Get out.
It's okay. It's all right.
His beef is with me.
You have my son killed,
you lie straight to my face
about it...
...and you think
I've got beef with you?
I didn't mean...
You think "beef"
is an accurate description
of what I've got
with your father?!
Okay. Okay.
I'm sorry.
I misspoke.
Did you really kill Joey?
Yes, he did.
Now get out.
- Why? So you can kill him?
- I said get out!
Just go. Go.
Go, go.
Hey, Frank.
That looks serious.
You've lost a lot of blood.
Why don't we just...
Hey, why don't we just...
Why don't we just
put the gun down,
and we can get you
to a doctor?
All right?
Hey, Frank, Frank.
Put the gun down.
Son of a bitch!
So Max
falls in a coma,
you take over,
keep people thinking
it's still him?
Well, how's murdering my son
fit into that?
You think I wanted to do that?
Of course I didn't.
I loved that kid,
and you know I did.
But he was a liability.
He was a junkie, Frank!
You guys, you're good?
Why don't you wait around
the block, all right?
He wasn't that bad.
Aw, come on!
Don't lie to yourself!
He was a fucking dope fiend!
He came all strung out,
demanding cash, drugs,
threatening, if he didn't
get what he wanted,
he was gonna go to the cops
and rat us all out.
All of us!
For everything!
We don't know. He's jonesing.
He's likely to say anything.
He just said he would.
We don't make decisions.
We just got to do
what we're told.
So I had no choice.
I did what I had to do
to take care of the business.
And I know you understand that,
because if you were me,
you would've done
exactly the same thing.
I mean, you went
to prison, right?
You gave up
your whole fucking life
for the business.
You should've helped him.
You were supposed to
look out for him!
You should've
looked after him!
You were his father.
He was dead
the minute you left.
I'm sorry, Frank.
If I could go back.
But I can't.
So I just got to
try to live with it.
And try to do better now.
"Today is your day
to try again."
Come out slowly
with your hands in the air!
I said hands up!
Stay where you are!
Get down on the ground.
Down on the ground!
Right now!
Not another step,
or we'll shoot!
Now get down on the ground
with your hands on your head.
Don't move!
Gun! Gun!
He's got a gun!
Well, this situation
kind of sucks, doesn't it?
So what are you
gonna do now?
Ask God
to forgive me.
Why are you still here?
I don't know.
I thought we could
hang out a bit more.
I'd like that.