A Shine of Rainbows (2009)

Based on the novel
"A Shine Of Rainbows" by Lillian Beckwith
He's let the pigeon go.
What do you think you're doing?
- Who said you can do that?
- I didn't!
- Me neither!
- I was watching that bird.
It's mine. So get it back.
- Yeah, get his bird back!
- Yeah, fly after it!
If you won't, I'm going to have
to find something that will.
Next time, it'll be you.
Stop it.
Come on, Tomas.
Oops. That'll be trouble.
Wet your bed again?
You'll be leaving the orphanage now.
Hello, Tomas.
My name is Maire.
Have you ever been to an island?
You're looking a touch drab today.
Did somebody die?
No. But it looks like
you're fading fast, Fergus.
But don't worry.
I've just the cure for you.
A wee bit of color is what you need.
What? And give the missus
a heart attack.
Don't be shy.
What do you think, folks?
Does it suit me?
First time in a boat, young fella?
You'll be getting
your sea legs in no time.
That'll be your new home.
- See? We got him here safe and sound.
- Yes, you did.
- Hey.
- Seamus Gallagher.
That's a fine welcome
for a newcomer to the island.
- Just saying hello. I wasn't aiming at him.
- I'm Nancy. That's Seamus.
Did you get seasick on the boat?
Seamus always throws up.
- Do not!
- Do so!
- I bet you got sick, didn't you!
- No.
Hey, Seamus!
Got to go.
Here's a welcome present.
- See you later. I'll get you!
- Come on then.
That there is King Fingal,
king of the giants...
petrified in the sun.
I've heard he wakes a little
when there's a half moon.
And if you ask him right,
he'll grant your worthy wish.
Oh, there's himself.
Just like I told you.
And he's brought Ben.
Hey, you, Alec!
Here he is. This is Tomas.
Tomas, does he look
like I described him?
Welcome to Corrie, lad.
We'd better get up to the house.
We could all use a nice cup of tea.
Oh, I feasted every day.
On burnt porridge?
- The only pity was you not coming.
- The roof needed fixing.
Aye, and the chickens fed.
You'll do anything to avoid
going to the mainland, Alec O'Donnell.
Just about.
Come on, Tomas.
Well, you don't need an invitation
into your own house, do you?
Inside with you.
Here we are.
Well, let's show you your room.
This way.
I hope this wee room is to your liking.
Well, you can hang your clothes
on the pegs in here.
And, uh, this is for when it rains.
Oh, and Alec made that dresser for you.
Isn't it grand?
And I made you this
to keep you cozy at night.
It's been a long day.
I'll leave you to settle in.
So, lad, how does the shirt fit?
She went to a lot of trouble to make that.
Thinking of how how fine you look.
Well, are you glad to have me back then?
You've been two weeks gone.
Would you believe me if I said I wasn't?
Hey, Tomas! And just in time too.
I might have crushed
the poor man's legs.
Why don't I show you
the rest of the place.
And I will teach you your chores.
Inside. In here.
What are you saying?
Oh. I'm asking for her eggs.
You try it.
Well done.
Let's see what she's given you.
Go on. She's giving them to you.
That's okay.
We've got plenty enough. Come.
It's okay.
And what, may I ask,
do you think you're doing?
Don't you know what puddles are for?
How can you resist? Come on then!
Come on! Run! Run!
I'm coming after you!
Don't let me catch you!
Isn't it grand, Tomas?
Isn't it grand?
Look, Alec, have a splash.
They're perfect puddles.
Well, we best be getting inside.
The cold will cut right through you.
Come on in.
Tomas, you'll catch your death out here.
Come on.
Is it himself then?
I know he can be as warm and inviting
as that old King Fingal rock.
But underneath it all,
there's a tender heart.
You'll come to know that one day.
I promise you. Now come on.
I thought you'd like it.
It's himself's favorite.
Beef stew with red currant jelly.
Would you like more stew?
Go on, lad. Eat your fill.
Now drink this down.
It's nice and warm,
and it'll help you sleep tonight.
Here you are.
Does the nightshirt fit all right?
In you go.
I'll leave a wee light on for you.
Good night.
Not a talker, is he?
Wasn't it your father who taught you,
"Wise men think; fools talk"?
- Aye.
- Give him time, Alec.
Everything here is so strange to him.
What were you doing out there
in the rain?
You got soaked to the bone.
That poor boy has never
been allowed to play in the rain.
You're disappointed, aren't you?
- I agreed to it.
- Aye.
But now that you've seen him,
you're disappointed.
I'll not deny I expected you to choose
a boy that had the making of a man in him.
I don't see why you chose
the runt of the litter.
It'll be a wonder if the first gale of
wind doesn't carry him away.
- Surely there was a heartier boy.
- Aye.
But it was Tomas I chose.
What if he finds life too hard on Corrie
and breaks your heart...
and fills you with more grief?
It's you I'm thinking of.
- Don't you be worrying about me, Alec.
- How can I not?
I'm feeling the cold
something fierce tonight.
You'll soon be warm enough.
What do you say
I make you a hot whiskey?
That sounds lovely.
Good morning, Tomas.
uh, saw--
- What is it?
- Uh--
What? What? You saw saw what?
Out with it.
- R-Rainbow.
- You saw a Corrie rainbow.
The best in the world.
Well, why don't you put on your boots
and have a good look.
Aren't they perfect
for splashing in puddles?
You didn't tell me you picked a lad
who can't even speak.
You didn't ask, did you?
All these months I've been over to the
home and you never once asked me about him.
I trusted your judgment, didn't I?
You of all people should be sympathetic.
He may have trouble
saying certain words...
but some people have trouble
using them at all.
- Going out to the boat, are you?
- That's right.
Tomas is about.
Is he now?
Since you're going out anyway,
you might like to take him.
Well, he's not about, is he?
No, he's not.
So be on your way then.
The sun is wild high up there.
Is it... time for stew?
It's cooling.
Are you coming?
# As I went down to the fair
early in the mornin' #
# I met a bonny young sailor boy
at the break of day #
# He smiled at me and took me hand
early in the mornin'#
# And told me tales of distant lands #
# Toola roola ray #
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
at the break of day ##
Tomas, come here. Sit.
Look at this.
Ooh. Ooh.
It's your turn, Tomas.
Call them in closer.
Don't tell me you've given up
after one try.
How do you expect to learn anything?
Ooh! Ooh!
That's the idea.
Now, this time take a deep breath...
and swell up your belly.
Now push out all that air at once
when you make the call.
Ooh! Ooh!
That's it!
They're waiting for your message.
Did you not know
seals have special powers?
Since times long forgotten island
people have known that seals are messengers.
They can find spirits
who have passed on...
and give them messages about things
you want them to know.
Could I...
talk to my gran?
Just lean in and whisper
your message to her very softly...
so that only she can hear.
Tell my gran--
- Want to know what I told her?
- Only if you want.
I said...
I like it here.
- Mmm, you're so slow!
- Stop it! Ow!
- Stop it! Seamus!
- Can you catch--
No! Seamus!
- Don't try and catch me.
- Ow!
- Get back!
- Yoo-hoo!
- You needn't have gone to the trouble.
- You've not the time to bake.
- I know how you spoil him.
- Oh.
- So, is he about?
- No, he's gone down to the boat.
- No, not Alec. The lad!
- Oh.
My lot are clambering to play with him.
It's about time I met him.
You take your lot inside the house.
I'll see if I can find him.
- Come on, you lot!
- Tomas?
Oh. He's run off then.
Nothing like a soft bale of hay
to relax my aching bones.
Fox in the henhouse!
Mrs. Gallagher from down the road
has come for a visit.
They might have given you a fright
yesterday, but they were just excited to see you.
Seamus and Nancy
are keen to play with you.
Come if you want.
I'll be there.
- Is he coming, Ma?
- Forget about him! Let's just go.
He's still getting
used to things a bit, so--
- Hello.
- Well, it's Tomas, is it?
Welcome to Corrie.
And are you finding
the island to your liking?
Di D-D-Didn't see much of it yet.
- Why are you talking like that?
- Seamus! Mind your tongue.
Tomas has a stammer.
He knows what he wants to say,
but sometimes...
the words just have
a hard time coming out.
What do you think?
Shall we take him to our hideout?
- It's a secret.
- Thanks very much. That's lovely.
- You'd keep a secret, right, Tomas?
- You'd better keep it.
Don't forget your oilskin.
It might rain today.
- Tomas, you coming?
- So...
how's himself taken to Tomas?
Oh, he's coming along.
- These things take time, you know.
- Mmm.
But I know every man wants
the child to be his own, and...
I know how hard you tried.
You throw like a chicken.
I throw like a rooster!
You're such a girl.
Rooster or chicken?
So how old are you then, five?
Seamus! Don't be an agent!
- Eight.
- You're not daft, are you?
Anybody can see
he's not daft, Seamus.
Well, are you then?
I'm not...
We'll see.
If you're eight...
you'll be coming to school
next week with me and Seamus.
Don't stare at him.
He'll turn you to stone.
I thought he was King Fingal.
- He grants wishes.
- He was a king all right.
But how would you feel
being frozen for 3,000 years?
Crushed a sailor once who got in his way.
He's furious when he wakes up.
But Maire says he grants wishes.
- We have to climb up there and steal an egg.
- Why don't you go right now?
'Cause the bird hasn't laid one yet!
Besides we're going to the hideout.
Or have you lost your nerve?
Well, you coming or not then? Let's go!
Let's go!
What do you think? It's where King Fingal
and his court used to live.
- Is this your hideout?
- Hideout? This?
- Where are we?
- On the secret path.
King Fingal's sanctuary.
No one knew it existed till I found it.
- I found it, not you!
- Who made this?
King Fingal and his giants.
They made this cave.
They made everything.
Come on.
Don't worry. Bats eat bugs, not people.
No. They're blood-drinkers.
They'll suck you dry.
Come on. We're almost there.
Tomas, wait!
- Let him go.
- Tomas!
You look like you saw a ghost!
- I- I-I s-
- Another time.
Yeah, when you're not a baby anymore.
Let's go see Molly's new kittens.
Are you coming to school too, Ben?
- Wish it was him instead of me.
- He'd learn a lot more than you
if he went. Right, Ben?
I don't know what you're so happy about.
We're going to school.
I'm sure it's no fun
learning new things...
when you don't have a brain
to store them.
Quiet. Quiet!
Quiet, class, please.
You'll notice we have
a new student in class today.
This is Tomas, and he's come to Corrie
all the way from the city.
Would you like to tell us
something about it, Tomas?
Uh, I--
Rory McCann!
- Go on, Tomas.
- Tell about the chocolate shops, Tomas.
Chocolate's good...
but... Corrie's better.
Why is that, Tomas?
Well, Corrie's... got...
boats and seals...
and... sheep... and...
giant stones...
K- K-K- King Fingal's castle.
Try and find that in a city.
And where should Tomas sit?
Here, miss. With me, miss!
Here! Here!
Here, miss. With me, miss!
Here, here, here.
Miss, please, please, please.
Here, miss.
This is Mrs. Kane
from the agency on the mainland.
What agency?
Not to worry.
She works for the adoption agency.
Mrs. Kane will be paying us visits
now and again.
It's just part of what she does so that--
So that we can decide whether or not
you're to live here on Corrie.
- But--
- I'll be off now.
- But when I come back,
I'd like to have a visit with you.
- But--
- To talk things over.
- But I have decided.
- I want to stay here.
- It's not that simple.
If you're to be a family,
everyone must agree...
that's the best place for you.
Don't you think?
I'll leave these here
for Mr. O'Donnell to look over.
And if he sees fit to sign them...
I can get on with my job.
Good day.
- He doesn't want to sign.
- It's not that.
- He's just been so busy.
- Is it true...
I can't stay...
if he doesn't sign?
Do not be bothering yourself with that.
- Do you not hear the chickens clucking up a storm?
- But--
They've been waiting all day
for you to feed them.
Go on now, before they starve to death.
I see they're taking a liking to you.
Did you talk to them?
I gave them a message for my gram.
Want to know what I told her?
That's up to you.
When I first saw you at the home...
I... pretended you were my real mum.
We could let ourselves
pretend that's what I am.
If I could call you "Mum"...
I could believe it.
Then why not call me "Mum"?
I'd like that.
- Does it hurt?
- No.
It's just my heart saying I'm happy.
I am too...
Where are we going?
Wait till you see.
Charlie, I want you to meet Tomas.
Do you want to take him?
He's harmless. Really.
Go on.
He tickles.
- Bye.
- See you, Carey.
See you, Nancy.
I'd like to go back to your hideout.
- You're serious?
- Let's go!
But the bats!
They're sleeping.
And we never come down here at night
when they're all flying.
- Me and Rory would.
- Would not.
Rory's afraid of everything.
She's a a beauty.
No matter how heavy the seas...
she's safe and sound in here.
Are we taking her out?
If you weren't a city boy,
you'd know the tide's against us.
Be off with you, puppy!
He's changed, hasn't he?
Fresh air and your cooking.
And have you noticed
that he calls me "Mum"?
- I had.
- Come on, Ben. Come on.
- What does he call me, I wonder?
- Ooh.
Just "himself."
I think he knows that
you wouldn't want him to call you Alec.
Good enough.
You hardly talk to him.
I try.
He hardly says a word.
You have to show him you want him.
I feed him, put clothes on his back,
share me house with him.
I can't have my own feelings for him
the way you do.
But don't you see, Alec?
I need you to share more things with him.
Not just a house.
Stop it. Stop it.
Give me your paw.
- Ben's a good boy.
- I know you wished for our own child.
But have you considered
that maybe Tomas is a gift to us?
Good boy. That's it.
I'm taking a trip
to the mainland tomorrow.
- Are you sure that's wise?
- Oh, it's pure wisdom.
It's to be a fine day
and smooth sailing.
Besides, I have
this wee piece of paper...
and it has Tomas's name on it.
And next to it, it says March the 3rd.
March the 3rd? That's my b b birthday.
Wouldn't you know it?
And today is March the 1 st.
So you see,
I absolutely must take the trip.
Now, Alec...
did you not say you were going to be
checking the crab traps tomorrow?
Aye, I said it.
And you were thinking--
That, um, you and I could go.
That is, if you're interested.
Is that a yes?
- Mmm.
- That's settled then.
Can I have some more soup, please?
Here she is, the love of my life!
You're an old flirt, Fergus.
I may be old, but I'm still frisky.
Well, now, let's see about that.
Whoo-hoo! And away, lads!
A seal!
It's not uncommon for the mothers
to go out fishing...
and leave the wee ones on the shore.
Sometimes they don't come back.
But he might starve.
He might.
We could feed him.
Today. What about tomorrow?
A pup might need carin' for
for weeks, maybe longer.
I'll do it.
- You think you're up to it?
- I am.
Get us a couple of wee fish.
Oi! Oi.
Tomas, start working 'em in.
Start working 'em in.
Go on. Go on.
Don't be afraid. Work it. Work it in.
- Yes.
- There you go.
- Oh.
- Now, get another one.
That's a start then.
I'll be back.
Now, you see here, the secret is...
to brown the meat until it's really crisp.
Only then do you add
the vegetables and the water.
I bet you're hungry.
Food's good here, isn't it?
Lucky you never ate at the home.
The food tasted like mud.
Really, it did.
My mum's the best cook.
You should try her stew. You'd love it.
But you like your fish raw, don't you?
You know...
I'm going to call you Smudge.
Smudge you are. And I'm Tomas.
Well, Tomas, I think you and I
must be the only ones on Corrie...
who think that a birthday's
a reason for celebrating.
- They don't celebrate birthdays?
- No.
They consider them a feckless waste
of time and money, if you can believe it.
Are you feeding that seal of yours?
I gave him the last of the fish.
- Mmm.
- Oh. You'll be needing this then.
Do you like it?
- I expect you'll want to try it out.
- When?
First thing tomorrow
you can take the boat.
- All by myself?
- Aye, Seamus does. Why not you?
I think what Tomas means is that, uh...
he'd like some help learning how to use
that fishing rod, it being his first time.
Oh, right.
We'll go together then.
All right, Tomas.
Have a close look.
Really look.
It's grand.
That trip wore you out.
You should have seen a doctor.
It's nothing that
a good night's sleep won't fix.
Come on.
Nice hot water bottle there. Get under.
What's this?
That is the present you'll be
giving me on my birthday.
- You It's not for weeks yet.
- Aye.
But I know how you like to
get your shopping done early.
Aren't I very good?
Open it.
Open it.
Ach. Almost blinded me.
There's nothing wrong
with a bit of color, is there?
No. Not as long as it's on you.
Someday we'll get color on you,
Alec O'Donnell.
You're all the color I need.
Am I now?
Hey, Alec!
We've got ourselves
a wee boulder that won't budge.
We could use a hand, if you're up to it.
- If it's no bother to you.
- Uh, it's no bother.
I won't be long. Wait down there.
How are you, Nancy?
- Tomas?
- Full day's work out here yet.
It'll put a sweat on you.
Seamus went out about.
He's gone fishing.
I'm g-going fishing too.
Himself is taking me.
- Let's go find some crabs while we wait.
- No, he's coming. I'll wait.
Suit yourself.
I've worked up a terrible thirst.
- Do you not think a pint's in order?
- Aye.
I could do with a drop for sure.
Go down to the boat.
I won't be long.
Don't whimper.
I'll have something for you soon.
I think I see your mum out there.
I bet she's happy to see
how big and strong you're getting.
Pleased to make your acquaintance,
young Smudge.
Thank you. The pleasure's all mine.
And where's Alec?
M-Mr. G-Gallagher needed his help.
Aye. And where is he now?
Havin' a pint.
And he's been at it all day? I see.
Young Smudge here
has a hole in his belly.
We must do something about that.
Let's get out there
before the sun goes down.
This is far enough.
There's a fierce current beyond the bay.
- Mum?
- Aye?
Why did you pick me?
We picked each other, didn't we?
Because I loved you.
But... you didn't know me.
Oh, but I did.
I watched you.
You know, I was just like you
when I was in the home.
- You were there too?
- In the orphanage for girls.
Till my 16th birthday.
- You never got picked.
- Oh! No.
No one took the time to know me.
But I know you, Tomas.
Smudge is here in the cove...
but they play in the channel.
- Do they know he's here?
- Aye, they do.
They're just making sure
he's strong enough to survive.
- I asked Smudge to say hello to my gran.
- Did you now?
- You miss her, do you?
- I do.
But I can't remember her.
I see. Well, we can do
something about that.
- We can?
- Aye. Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Do you remember
the color of her dress?
Can you paint her in it then?
Can you paint the dress?
Find all the colors.
Now put her in her favorite chair.
Look into her eyes, Tomas.
Can you paint the eyes?
This means...
anytime I want, I can paint her picture?
Aye. Now you know how.
You know...
you can paint anything.
What are you painting?
First, some yellow.
- What is it?
- And now...
- a bit of blue.
- What?
- And a touch of red.
- What is it?
It's... beautiful.
Compared to being
right inside a rainbow.
- You can really be inside one?
- Aye.
- One day I'll show you that.
- Promise?
Are you done, Tomas?
- I am.
- Would you go sweep out the chicken coop?
They've been complainin'all day.
He sat there waiting all day...
convinced to the last you'd be there.
I meant to be there. I did.
But the time... flew.
Time is a precious thing,
Alec O'Donnell.
If I'd have known you'd be takin' him
out in the boat, I would have been there.
- The thought of you goin' out
- Have no regrets on my account.
What you should be concerned about...
is breaking that poor boy's heart.
Did you feed Smudge the fish I gave you?
He ate them so fast he--
- So what's so funny then?
- Nothin' you'd understand.
Make all the jokes you want.
- We got better things to do.
- Like what?
- Come on.
- Hey, Seamus.
Let's go see King Fingal. Come on!
Help! Help me!
He stole their egg.
- With your--
- Aaah!
- Permission, King Fingal.
- Seamus!
Help him, please! Help him!
- Stay still.
- Seamus! Tomas!
- No, let me go!
- Seamus, it's okay. There.
Put your foot to the right.
Don't worry.
I thought I was doomed.
Well, at least you got your egg.
Hey, Seamus!
Come on down the water. Come on.
No, you go on.
Suit yourself.
I wasn't actually scared, you know.
- Of course.
- I might be goin' back next month, you know.
There'll be more eggs then.
Mum, I'm home.
- Where's Mum?
- She's restin'.
Sit yourself and have some tea, Tomas.
Where's himself?
He's in there with Maire and the doctor.
Doctor? Why?
That's my fresh jam. Do you know that?
I'll just go see
how Ned's doing with your sheep.
She's asking for you.
Oh. Did I give you a fright, Tomas?
I'm sorry, Son.
Thing is, they want me
to go to the hospital for a wee rest.
No. I-- I don't want you to go.
Not to worry.
Be a good lad and go to my dresser.
In the top drawer there's a long box.
These were supposed to be
for my birthday.
this one...
is especially for you.
Shall I wrap a wee smile in it...
for you to keep while I'm away?
I'll keep it safe.
You can paint me in your mind...
like I taught you.
I will.
I won't forget.
It's okay, love.
We'll take care of him now.
Don't fret about anything else.
Right you be, Alec. I'll be off now.
Oh. Tomas.
You're gonna make
Seamus and Nancy very happy.
- How's that?
- 'Cause you're comin' home with us.
Well, himself will be spending
all his time at the city hospital...
now, won't he?
- I want to stay in my own home.
- No, you don't. Stay with us.
Well, you still have your chores to do,
so don't fear.
You'll have no lack of this place.
But you can't manage on your own, lad.
I know how to cook.
Mum taught me.
You can cook for us.
Go and collect your things.
You're stayin' with us, Tomas,
and that's final.
Now, go on. Off with you.
Come on. We'll help you pack.
- What, Nancy?
- There's the childer. Fare well, huh?
Dad, can we go fishing after supper?
Did you
- You promised us.
- We'll go out tomorrow.
I have to get my tea now.
Mr. Gallagher?
You promised we were going yesterday.
Mr. Gallagher.
I was just wondering...
have you heard anything
from the hospital?
Same news we've heard all week, lad.
She won't be comin' home just yet.
Can I not go to her?
I'm sorry, lad.
We're still waitin' to hear.
Come on, now. Finish up your milk.
My mum's in hospital.
I want to see her.
Please, King. Please.
I won't be long in the city, Smudge.
You just be patient till I get back.
Till we all get back.
Off you go. Go on. Go on.
Be off with you then.
Go on. I'm an honest woman.
- Ben!
- Ben!
- Is your mum about?
- No.
Your father then?
it seems it's you I'll be
doin' me business with then.
You'll want something pretty
for your mother, now, won't you?
What about that? That's lovely.
- Now, your mother'd love that.
- No.
Do you have an apron?
My mum likes those.
Oh, there. There we are. There we are.
It's white, but lovely, eh?
- And it's clean.
- It's a bit dull.
Ah, there we are. Nice lace one.
- Women love lace.
- It's still too dull.
Wait. What's that?
- It's a tablecloth.
- I'll take it.
It's a fine piece of cloth
you've chosen there, puppy.
Are you sure you have
the money to pay for it?
I don't have any money.
You've been wastin' my time then.
Here now, you
Unless you have something
to trade for it. Uh--
A wee trinket for me pack, perhaps.
Well, do you or don't you?
It was my gran's.
Here, here, here. You've been
a big, grown-up man today...
you have.
And you take care of
your mother now, won't ye?
Are you ready?
- Mum?
So many beautiful colors.
Can you feel them?
I can rest.
Tomas. Go on.
We mustn't tire her anymore.
- Come with me.
- No. No.
- Tomas.
- No! Mum?
Tomas, go on, son.
You have to go.
Good lad.
There are times when it's hard for us
to understand God's will...
and in those times...
we can only ask him
for grace and for strength.
Sit down there, son.
Are you ready, lad?
Dear Lord...
as you know,
Maire's suffering right now...
and Tomas and I are hoping
that you might help us out.
We could use a bit of courage
for when the time comes...
- and Maire takes your hand.
- No!
- Tomas, please, son.
- Don't say that!
- You're talking about her dying.
- Tomas
- She's not going to die.
- You must sit down. We have to pray here.
You can't go, Mum.
They're not even trying.
They're just going to let you
She can't go.
Please. She can't go.
- You've got to leave now, Tomas.
- No!
All right then, Tomas?
You're in your own bed tonight, lad.
She's gone.
Did you hear me?
She's dead.
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
Why won't they come for you?
You need to be with your mum.
- Tomas!
- Hey!
We've been looking everywhere for you.
Why didn't you answer?
You're glum, but you'll be glummer
when that Mrs. Kane comes callin'.
She's coming?
We heard our mum talking.
She knows Maire's gone.
Did himself sign the papers?
I don't think so.
- Not yet.
- Well...
maybe they think
you'd be better off in the city.
I wouldn't. This is my home.
What about himself?
He needs me.
He needs me.
- Tomas, look!
- We got everything.
- Did you get meat?
- Yeah.
Would you get me a knife?
This bread is so good.
Here you go.
- Stop it.
- Ooh. Onions.
Seamus is crying.
Crying? Onions.
- Help me with the bowl.
- Here. I'll get it.
I made your favorite.
Beef stew with red currant jelly.
Mum taught me how.
Ohl I'm sorry. I forgot.
Oi. Oi. There's no need
for you to be doin' that.
Here. Here.
Go on. Get yourself out to school.
Where are all Mum's things?
I put them away.
Because she's gone, isn't she?
These are Mum's!
How could you?
It's your fault she's gone.
All your fault.
"Where's Alec," she asked.
And she took me in the boat.
She took me because you never came.
Because of you, I waited.
Waited and waited!
But you still never came.
That's why Mum died.
Because you weren't there.
I hate you.
Tomas, what's wrong?
Oh, come in here.
Sometimes we do stupid things
when we're hurtin'
Like burnin' away the pain.
Give him time, lad.
You only had Maire a short while.
But Alec Well, he loved her
for more than your own lifetime.
Drink your milk.
- Well, good day, Tomas.
- Good day.
I'm sorry about everything
that's happened, Tomas.
We'll see each other soon.
I need you to do something.
Get a message to Mum. Can you do that?
Tell her...
I don't know what to do.
I need her to tell me.
Mum's here!
Mum is here.
Mum k-k-kept her promise.
You can have this.
She gave it to me. Her smile's in it.
Here. Take it.
She'd want you to have it.
You can feel her in it.
Try it.
Go-Go Go on Go on to bed.
Go on.
Stay, Ben. Good-bye.
If my porridge doesn't kill him...
nothin' will.
Are you still sleepin', lad?
It's okay, Smudge.
I'll have you to your mum soon.
It's okay, Sm
- Oh!
- Tomas!
Tomas! Tomas!
Oh, my God. Tomas!
No. No! No!
Tomas! Tomas?
Tomas. Tomas.
You all right, lad? You all right?
Is Smudge all right?
Aye. He's fine.
What were you thinking,
goin'out beyond the bay?
I needed to get him home.
Mum sent them.
I knew she would.
Mum sent help.
She did.
Aye. I believe she did.
Come on.
Sit by the fire until the shakin' stops.
Half burnt.
But it's nothing a half
a cup of sugar won't fix.
When you're warm enough,
will you set the table?
It's too drab.
Need a bit of color.
Was this what you're lookin'for?
All right, get it on there.
That'll dry soon enough.
When am I leaving then? Tomorrow?
I saw Mrs. Kane.
She's coming for me.
Is she now?
You didn't sign the papers.
- Of course not.
- It's settled then.
And I won't be signing these papers
unless I have your permission.
- Do you want to go back to the orphanage?
- No.
Then you'll not go.
Oh. All right.
All right, all right. Go on.
Sit down now.
Eat your breakfast. I don't want
Mrs. Kane sayin' I don't feed you.
- Tomas!
- Want to come fishing?
First I have to ask...
my dad.
Aye. Finish your breakfast.
Then fishin'.
You see him up there?
He's my dad now.
# As I went down to the fair #
# Early in the mornin'#
# I met a bonny young sailor boy
at the break of day #
# He smiled at me
and took my hand #
# Early in the mornin'#
# And told me tales of distant lands
Toola roola ray #
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
Early in the mornin'#
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
At the break of day #
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
Early in the mornin'#
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
At the break of day #
# He asked me would I marry him #
# Early in the mornin'#
# And travel with him across the sea
at the break of day #
# He give me a ring
It was made of gold #
# Early in the mornin'#
# To be mine forever to have and hold
Toola roola ray #
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
Early in the mornin'#
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
At the break of day #
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
Early in the mornin'#
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
At the break of day #
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
Early in the mornin'#
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
At the break of day #
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
Early in the mornin'#
# Hey, ho, hey, ho
At the break of day ##