A Stranger in Paradise (2013)

So, who are you?
They sent me all the way
here to Bangkok...
to be sure the Thai authorities
don't let you walk away from this.
I understand you had
a profitable trip.
There are dead bodies littered all
over the city because of you.
And how about these bank
accounts with all that money?
Bank accounts that you
held the key codes to.
Bank accounts that are now
mysteriously empty.
They have nothing to do with me.
Oh, I think they have
everything to do with you.
I think you know exactly
where the money is.
And when I figure out how you
pulled this whole thing off...
and I will...
You're gonna go away
for a long, long time.
Did I not warn you
it was too much exposure?
Don't they teach you anything
over there at Goldman Sachs?
Okay, so you're right,
I should have listened to you.
Next time, I promise.
Not so fast, I actually want to
hear you say the words, Kris.
But, I...
No, repeat after me...
Josh Pratt.
Josh Pratt.
You are without a doubt, the
smartest, the most brilliant...
the most handsome man
in the world.
You are the smartest, most
egotistical, pompous man I know.
I have no idea what you're
talking about.
Any chance I could tempt
you to switch sides?
Corner office, 1.2 mil,
plus bonus...
you pick your own team.
You know, if you guys are serious about
that, you're gonna have to do better.
I'm about to make partner.
Big fish, small pond.
I like my pond.
I wouldn't switch it
for anywhere in the world.
I gotta go.
I'll see you at 8:00.
Okay, see you.
Busy man.
Hey, did the SEC get what they
needed from Compliance?
Why are they sequestering
trade records?
Because they want to learn how
we're so great at making money.
Which you do so well.
Let me ask you something.
If you could live anywhere in
the world, where would it be?
Paris, maybe?
How come no one ever says
the city they live in?
I suppose the prospect
of change is always exciting.
Well, I'm done for the day
if you want to take off.
Good night.
Good night, Mr. Monkong.
Good night, Elena.
Still here?
Where else would I be?
Listen, don't worry about that
business with the FCC.
Is there something
I need to know about?
I'm sure they're just fishing.
What? Nothing to find...
nothing to worry about.
Seriously, Vicha, I've worked way too hard
to build this business to where it's at.
And I do appreciate your
which is what brings me here.
What? You're making
me nervous.
Relax, Josh, I think it's time you went on
that vacation that you should have a year ago.
Very funny.
I'm serious.
Vicha, we got way
too much work going on.
I need my new partner
well rested.
I've got the whole Asianic...
Did you just say what
I think you just said?
Your new office will be ready
by the time you return.
Congratulations... partner.
Vicha, thank you.
Now, go visit your brother.
You leave tomorrow.
And when you see Paul,
give this to him for me?
It's just a little reminder
of our college days.
Try to enjoy yourself.
Thank you! Thank you.
Business is good?
Yeah, it is.
Lek will be happy to know.
How much?
5,000 bhats.
Paul, it's Josh.
Where the fuck are you? I'm at the
airport, no one is here to meet me.
Shit, you're here already?
Look, I'll have someone
there in 30 minutes, okay?
Are you sure you're gonna send
someone? I'm jetlagged as hell.
Yes, I am sending someone.
I can take a taxi, it's fine.
No, no, no, relax, look,
they'll be right there, okay?
Yeah, I need you to pick up
someone at the airport.
Oh, please, by all means,
help yourself.
Is that supposed to impress me?
Lek wants you to come
see him tomorrow.
If it's so important,
he can come see me himself.
When Lek tells you to...
No one tells me what
to do in my club.
You come to my club,
you upset my guests...
and you drink
what you can't afford.
Now you tell Lek, I will
see him when I have time.
Now, where were we?
Josh Pratt?
What about my bag?
Just get on.
Guess I slept through the
"Welcome to Thailand" part.
What the hell are you doing?
Who is that?
Uh... okay.
Slow down.
Yo, what... Jesus!
Okay, there is a street
you can drive on, you know?
Well, that was interesting.
To you, maybe.
So you work for my brother, huh?
- Yup.
- Nice.
I will work for him,
nothing else and nothing more.
Sure. Got it.
You're just like him.
What took you so long?
Very funny.
What happened to you?
Oh, I cut myself shaving.
Look at you. Oh!
It's good to see you, Josh.
Good to see you, too.
Sorry it was so last minute.
Are you kidding me?
My house is your house.
For the pain.
Thank you.
Yeah, I don't think
it's big enough.
Yeah, make yourself at home.
Take off your jacket.
I like your pajamas, by the way.
Oh, how you doing? Josh.
I heard a lot about you.
It's a good night tonight.
Derek's my...
Since when do you need
a bodyguard?
Long story.
Let's talk about your brother.
Now my resources say he's been wrapped up
with the Jao Poh for several years now.
Now how much contact have you
had with him prior to this?
I haven't seen my brother
in about five years.
We talk on the phone now and
then, I knew about his club.
I knew he was doing well,
but that's about it.
I was busy trying to make
it at work...
and I didn't talk to him as much
as I would have liked to.
Look, whether he was involved
with anything in the...
Now whether or not we can
connect Paul to the Jao Poh...
we know for a fact he had a
relationship with Virote...
who just happens to be the most powerful
boss in the whole damn Thai mafia.
She's my daughter.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
so what's all this SEC business?
Oh, I'll tell you
all about it tomorrow.
Exhausted for right now.
Yeah, of course.
Here's to my baby bro.
Sawadee ka, Paul,
the ladies are here.
Sawadee ka,
please come in, sit down.
Paul, what's this?
It's a welcome distraction.
You're in Bangkok,
have some fun.
When was the last time
you got laid?
That divorce wasn't cheap.
Don't remind me.
Mm, well that
was three years ago.
Why do you always
have to bring this up?
Hey, we're all travelers
on the road to probation.
Might as well do it with a couple
of hookers and an eight ball.
Hey, Jules, come have
a drink with us.
We have enough company already.
We were followed tonight.
By who?
I don't know,
it was a black SUV.
All right, tomorrow
you stay with Josh.
Okay. What about you?
I got Derek.
Does this have something
to do with Lek?
I'm not sure, but just keep your
eyes open, all right?
Good night.
Good night.
Good night, Jules.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, I think I'm beginning
to really like Bangkok.
Doesn't take long, huh?
Should have got four.
Where are you,
you dirty bastard?
Anyone you like?
Yeah, your future ex-wife.
You don't look so good.
Problems at home?
We have to talk.
There a problem in New York.
You are responsible.
Uh, I don't see the connection.
Vicha, we can't reach him,
you have to find him.
Look, I haven't talked
to Vicha in six months.
You don't have a choice.
We know you and Vicha
have been friends long time.
Yeah, we went to college
together. That was 15 years ago.
What about your brother?
What about him?
He worked for Vicha.
What he know?
I can ask him.
Ask him tonight.
What's the rush?
Find Vicha if you want your
club to remain untouched.
What, you're making me responsible
just because Vicha has gone missing?
Just find him.
I don't care how.
How much money
are we talking about?
More than you will ever know.
Look, Lek, I came here today because
I respect the people who own you.
Now you're asking me to find your old business
partner who lives halfway across the world?
That's really not my problem.
You have 48 hours.
How the hell can he not
know where Vicha is?
Yeah, something's not right.
When was the last time
you spoke to him?
I'm calling him now.
You know what we're
holding him for, right?
Vicha was my boss, that was the extent
of any relationship I had with him.
I hadn't even been
made partner yet.
I wouldn't know anything.
He used the both of us t...
You carried illegal financial codes meant
for the Thai mafia across the country.
And you're gonna sit there and tell
me you were none the fucking wiser?
As far as I knew, my boss told me
to take a vacation immediately.
I'm the guy
with everything to lose.
You think I'm gonna
lose my job over this?
You know, it's funny, Vicha had no
problem pointing the finger at you.
What about your brother's
so-called assistant, Jules?
How much do you know
about her background?
Do you even realize how
dangerous this woman is?
So how long do you think
you're gonna need this for?
About two weeks maybe.
Okay, well,
consider it done then.
Would you run one of my trades through
your account until I get back?
Sure, anything for you, Josh.
All right, I need to finalize this
Asiana deal by 80 million at par.
So, who's name do
you want on the title?
Good morning.
One, sec.
Sorry, Kris, uh,
I'll email you the details.
Why don't you just send me the
confirmation when it goes through?
And then?
Keep it in your client account
until I get back.
Sure, so, you having fun there?
Kris, I'm gonna have to call you
back. Let's catch up tomorrow.
Don't enjoy yourself
too much without me, okay?
Good morning to you, too.
How could you tell?
You look like shit.
How do you really feel?
You know what?
Let's start over.
I'm Josh.
I'm Jules.
That's it? No last name?
Born in? Favorite holiday?
Look, I don't like to mix
anything personal with work.
We're not at work.
Maybe you're not, but I am.
So, I'm work?
Today you are.
You're here to baby-sit me?
You said it, not me.
So get dressed, and we
have a 10:00 appointment.
Let's go.
Wait a second,
where are we going?
You'll see.
Oh, yeah, that's wrong.
Okay, did you want more?
What are you laughing at? The
masseuse weighed like 3,000 pounds.
You're such a wimp.
I'm sore in places
I never knew existed.
I did like that scorpion tattoo,
You were watching me?
I mean, accidentally.
Yeah, right, yeah.
So are you going to tell me
about the tattoo?
What? Okay.
So how long you been
working for my brother?
I've been working for Paul long
enough to know never to trust men.
So you two never...
Never what?
No, never, never.
What did you do
before this? CIA? NSA?
KGB is Russian, just, enough
with the questions, okay?
Ugh, this is so...
You're disgusting.
This is disgusting.
Here, you eat it.
Do you know how he was
really hurt last night?
Of course, you don't.
You just work with him.
There are some very powerful
people in this city...
who like to make their
unreasonable demands.
Your brother is one of the few
unwilling to compromise.
So that's why he has you
and Derek to protect him?
I mean, he controls things when he can, and
he turns the other cheek when he can't.
But he believes the night club
is off-limits.
Sanctuary of sorts from this
sordid, fucked-up world.
He's an idealist.
Come on, nobody's perfect.
I miss you so much.
This is for you.
Oh, thank you.
Come in, come in.
Come, Josh, you can sit there.
What are you... what are you
making? Pad Thai?
Pad Thai? Yeah?
I'll see you very soon.
Hey, take care.
I hope everything works out,
I'll see you soon, Mei.
What was that place?
Oh, they all work at night.
Doing what?
Some of them,
they're kobo dancers.
Except Mei, she works for Paul.
Why do they look like that?
Like what?
It's Ya Ba, a street drug they
take for extra energy.
What, for dancing?
No, for sex.
Just don't say anything
to Paul about the house.
Why? He definitely could use
some perspective.
True, now he can't imagine
those girls without make-up.
What's that?
Ah, it's an old college joke.
So next thing you know, the SEC
was sequestering our records.
Are they investigating
VM Holdings or Vicha?
I don't know, but your old college
buddy assures me it's nothing.
And you think otherwise?
Well, the SEC doesn't start a formal
investigation unless they have something.
I'm the trading manager, if
they find something I'm liable.
Well, has Vicha already
been indicted?
No, he's been really
calm about all of this.
And he was the one
who told you to come?
Yeah, told me to take
a few weeks off... vacation.
Practically shoved me
on the airplane.
Yeah, maybe leaving
wasn't the best idea.
It makes you look guilty.
Well, maybe he just wanted you
away while things cooled down.
I could lose my license
over this shit.
Well, not if you're innocent.
I mean, if Vicha's guilty, you're more
likely to be a witness in his indictment.
What do you think, Derek?
Is my baby brother being set up?
Well, accidents do
happen in Bangkok.
Busy streets, crazy drivers.
I think you both are
Hold on.
Have you heard the news?
The big news
today on Wall Street...
was the
arrest of Vicha Monkong...
chairman and CEO of VM Holdings.
Mr. Monkong was taken into
custody earlier this morning...
on charges of insider trading.
The US Securities and Exchange
Commission refused to comment...
when asked for details
regarding Mr. Monkong's arrest.
An inside
source is claiming links...
between a number of crime
syndicates in Southeast Asia...
and VM holdings.
Now if proved true...
this could turn what
was initially...
believed to
be a financial investigation...
into an international
criminal investigation.
All VM Holdings' trade licenses
have been suspended...
and all associated accounts
have been subsequently frozen.
We'll bring you more on this
story as it develops.
Jesus Christ, I am fucked.
Well, it depends how angry people
get when they lose control.
Lose control of what?
Lek's on the move.
I'm sorry, am I missing
something here?
Look, we all know Vicha was
laundering money to certain clients.
We? What, do you think I knew
something about this?
Look, there's some very powerful
people here...
who assume that you were aware
of these transactions.
Look, there's people who have
just lost a lot of money...
and that's really bad news
for us.
Why us?
Because Vicha, he lent me the
money to start the club...
and you work for him,
and you're my brother.
You keep saying "these people".
Who the fuck are these people?
The Jao Poh... the Thai mafia,
they control the region.
So now I'm implicated
in this shit?
Your shit?
My shit?
You work for Vicha,
you have to know more.
Is that what you think,
Mr. Hotshot? That I know more?
You don't even know how
your employees live.
I know enough.
Enough to ignore it.
Didn't Vicha just
make you a partner?
How the fuck do you know that?
You know what?
Never mind how I know it.
What matters is what you know!
You got me that interview.
You vouched for him,
said he was such a great guy.
Yeah, he gave you
a job, didn't he?
Paul, I had my pick of firms.
Not starting at 500K.
You knew this would happen.
You weren't even surprised
when I called.
Sure, come to Thailand.
Take a break. Stay at my
amazing fucking house.
Oh, would you rather be back there
with Vicha? You're welcome.
Fuck you.
So you claim you didn't know what Vicha was
up to when he sent you here with the book?
But then when you found out he was
nailed for laundering money...
from VM Holdings, you had to
have figured to yourself...
you got sent here
by him for a reason.
Yeah, I'm thirsty.
Can I get a glass of water?
What are you,
a fucking wise guy?
Well, no, I just thought maybe your friends
behind the window here could, you know...
hook me up with a couple...
You know, forget about it.
you assume I was even in a position to
comprehend all this illegal crap...
amongst everything
that was going on.
I mean, how many times do I have to
tell you, I am an investment banker...
who got used as a pawn.
Come on, Josh, do you really
expect me to believe that?
A guy with your smarts?
Top of his class?
Voted "Wonder Kid of the Year".
Do you really expect me to
believe that shit?
Believe whatever the fuck you
want to believe.
Forget about what I believe.
I'll tell you what I know, Josh.
You either start talking to me, or there's
a jail cell with your name on it...
and you're gonna be in it
for a long fucking time.
You are directly tied to money
laundering, and an accomplice to murder.
That's fucking big.
Hello, gentlemen.
Please be seated.
What can I do for you?
As you are aware, we have an issue
that spilled out into your streets.
With so much involved, one could say the
authorities are looking the other way.
You two are very far from home
for making accusations.
The only reason you're here
is because they let you in.
So you can do your sniffing around,
but I'm keeping you on a short leash.
Whatever you say, chief.
You call this breakfast?
This is what we eat here.
You have to try this.
Oh, I... seriously?
Just try it,
it's really good for you.
Don't you have any eggs or bacon
or espresso or something?
Coffee, yeah... Thai-style.
Does Paul eat this?
He loves it.
Well, I am not Paul.
You remind me of him.
Thank you.
A younger version.
Except I work for a living.
What do you do?
Investment banker.
What's that?
Bond trader.
So, you don't make anything.
Yeah, I do. I make money.
I'm good at it.
And that fulfills you?
Yeah. I mean, it did.
Now, I'm not so sure.
Hey... where's Josh?
He's with Jules. She took him
for breakfast, Thai-style.
Hope he likes it spicy.
Welcome to Bangkok.
Oh, shit.
What happened?
Lek, he slapped me.
What happened?
He hit me.
Call Dr. Ellin.
It's... it's gonna be okay,
Mei, all right?
Hey, Taxi!
Now where are you taking us?
Let's go to the market.
But no insects.
Stop, stop, stop, stop.
This way.
So where are we going?
Just keep calm
and listen to me, okay?
Okay. Why?
Someone is tailing us.
Don't look.
Of course, I'm gonna look.
Move! Get out of the way!
Watch out!
Are you all right?
Go! Run! Hurry up!
Come on. Over here!
Josh! Here! Come on!
A Thai police officer
was found dead, Josh.
I have several witness statements
claiming that you and the girl...
were tearing up the city
in some sort of a foot chase.
Now if you weren't involved in any of this,
why would you run from the authorities?
The authorities?
They never made any mention
that they were police.
And I certainly wasn't going
to slow down to ask.
These were the same guys that were at
my brother's club shaking him down.
Oh, so you admit you knew your
brother was paying out to the mob?
No, I didn't say that.
I said these were the
same assholes...
that were in my brother's club
looking for money.
You know, it's interesting, though,
that you connect them to the mob.
Especially after you just said
that they were Thai police.
I mean, if there's some sort
of connection here...
maybe you know something
about this that I don't.
Where the hell were you guys?
I've been trying to call you.
Fucking chased around this
fucking city.
Paul, where's Mei?
She's gonna be fine.
Don't worry.
What happened to her?
Has anyone told her family?
Did you hear what I said?
We just spent the afternoon chased
around by the goddamn Thai police.
You tell him why we
were followed.
Tell me what?
A woman who works
for me was beaten up.
What does that got to do
with us being chased around?
Look, one thing at a time.
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine!
All right.
All right, look,
you need to leave.
You need to leave the country.
Where am I supposed to go?
Vietnam, Laos, I don't know, anywhere,
just, you need to get out of here.
Okay? You're not safe. Just
trust me on that, all right?
I'll talk to you about it
later, but right now...
I need to go to the club
and put out some fires.
Look, you still haven't told me
what's going on. I'm coming with you.
I don't think that's
a good idea.
I don't care what you think!
Look, I'm getting dressed
and I'm coming with you.
I'm glad you're here.
Nice place.
Let's get a drink.
Just like the old days.
Listen, I gotta take care of some
business, I'll be right back, okay?
All right.
You take care of my little
brother, okay?
I'll be here, contemplating
life's choices.
You found Vicha, so,
we're all square, right?
No... we're not done...
until we get our money.
Well, I have nothing
to do with your money.
Your New York brother does.
Isn't Josh a handsome man?
Yes, your eyes real nice.
Thank you.
Have you been to Bangkok before?
Yeah, I have,
you know what? Um...
Excuse me, I'll be...
I'll be right back.
Hey, where's Josh?
You seen him?
Where the hell is he?
Could have just gone home.
Yeah, maybe.
Or Lek.
Mr. Pratt, why do we
have to do this?
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
I don't know anything!
Come on, wait! Ow! Fuck!
Now, where is the
package from Vicha?
I told you, I don't...
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
Then why are you here?
I told you, I'm visiting!
Fuck you!
Look, what do you want?
The package your brother
gave you before Jao Poh.
Bring it to me.
I told you I don't...
I don't know what
you're talking about.
That is not the answer I want.
Vicha gave you something
that belongs to me.
One more time... where is it?
Vicha's fucked you over,
hasn't he?
The money is floating around
somewhere in cyber space.
And the only one who knows
where it is... is in jail.
Hey! Hey,
where are you going?
Drop it! Now!
On your knees!
Hands behind your back!
That's for hitting a guy
when he's taking a piss.
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Who are you guys?
Justice Department.
What the fuck are you
doing here?
Vicha already told us
about the book.
The yearbook, where is it?
What the fuck? What is so
important about this book?
It contains the codes for all the
offshore accounts the Thai mafia has.
Where is it?
If I give you this book,
I want certain guarantees.
I just got the shit
kicked out of me.
I want protection for me, my
brother, everyone.
I want my fucking trading
license back.
I want my whole
fucking life back!
You bring me the book, I'll have
you on a flight out tonight.
Jesus, what happened?
Are you all right?
Where's the book?
The fucking yearbook!
Where is it?
What's so damn important
about this book?
Got all of Vicha's dirty
account information.
Fucking hell.
The fucking Justice
Department wants it.
Yeah, so does Lek.
If we don't give it to Justice,
we're fucked.
If we don't give it to Lek,
we're even more fucked.
Do you see what they did to me?
Look what they fucking did,
It's okay.
Come here, it's gonna
be all right. It's okay.
It's gonna be all right.
We need protection, Paul, we
need we need to find...
I fucking made a deal.
I made a...
I made a deal.
What deal?
With the Justice Department.
Paul, we just have to bring
them the fucking book.
We bring them the book, they're
gonna fly us out tonight.
All of us.
You really believe Justice is
gonna take care of all of us?
Paul, I don't give him this
book... I'm going to jail.
Lek's not gonna give up,
even if he gets the book.
What about everything
you've built here?
What about the club? What about
the house? What about the girls?
Are you just gonna leave?
Jules, I have dug a big hole, and I pulled you
and Derek and everybody else down with me.
But I've got Josh involved and I
just have to make this right.
You know, we're done
here anyway.
I'm with you, boss.
I can't believe you're leaving.
I have to.
Look, I'll make sure Mei is
taken care of, everyone else.
Just, look, we gotta
get out of here.
I'm sorry.
It's just... it's about
my brother.
Maybe I just follow you.
And then?
I don't know,
we'll figure it out.
Oh, god, fuck.
What is this?
I have no idea.
Give me your phone.
They were right.
Give me my computer.
What are you gonna do?
Cover our ass.
Oh, my god, what the hell
happened to your face?
I need you to access my account.
Sure. Anything. Hang on.
Enter this number in.
4-3-5, 6-7-2-9-3.
Make a new copy, but I need you
to remove all source codes.
Then email that copy to me.
Do you see what I'm doing?
Yeah, yeah, you're limiting access
to their own accounts, I get it.
Okay, Mr. Innocent, so you get
sent to Bangkok on a vacation.
You find out the Thai mafia
is chasing you.
My guys have to come
in and save you.
All because you're involved in
something you know nothing about.
Then you make a deal with my
guys to bring them the book...
but, of course,
that never happens.
So tell me something, my friend, with
$80 million missing in a broken deal...
with the US Justice Department, why
shouldn't I be pointing my finger at you?
First, you guys fucked up!
Do you understand me! You!
When you saved me, you let the
guy go who stole the book and...
Tell me we'll be okay.
We're gonna be okay.
Where'd she go?
Don't worry, she'll be close by.
Oh, shit.
It's Lek. Fuck!
Now what do we do?
I'm gonna give them the book.
Look, don't worry.
Paul, we can't give them
the fucking book.
Look, just take this.
Look, just take it, all right?
It's gonna be fine.
All right? All right.
Just the man I wanted to see.
You, too.
Is that for me?
You know, I didn't know
you could read.
Just give me the book.
Then what happens?
Then you walk free.
I don't care.
Just like that.
Just like that.
Jesus Christ. Paul!
Paul! Paul.
Oh, my god.
Shit. Oh, god.
You'll be okay, Mei.
I'll take care of you.
If you didn't know anything, Josh, why did
you let your brother give Lek the book?
With a gun to our head,
we didn't have a choice.
We had to give them the book.
And the phone?
You see? You had the phone, and
on the phone were the accounts.
And the accounts were full.
I wouldn't know.
I tried to see what was on the
phone, but it was encrypted.
Agh, come on, bullshit.
You expect me to believe you couldn't
access anything off that phone?
At that point, I didn't care.
My brother had just been killed.
I thought I was next. I thought I could
use the phone to get Virote off my back.
And that's all I cared about.
You're wearing me down,
you know that?
I gotta pee.
Kris, we're ready.
Okay, I'm ready.
Make the account read
Lek Senetran.
It's Josh Pratt.
I'm giving the phone with the
account numbers to the Jao Poh.
You're sure you don't want
me to come with you?
No, you stay here.
I got this.
You're either very stupid
or really brave.
I believe we both know
why you're here.
Your version was missing
the new pass codes.
I believe we're talking
about 72 million or so.
No, no, 80 million.
Less the eight million
that was transferred yesterday.
Everything you need
to know is right there.
Now I believe we're done.
Now I'm gonna walk out of here,
and you're gonna let me go.
You have everything.
And I trust you're gonna take
care of our mutual problem.
I like the way you think.
Bangkok is a very good place
to do business.
I'm beginning to like
it here, too.
Okay, so let's say all
of this is true.
And all you wanted to do
was get Virote off your back.
Then tell me why when my guys
showed up on the scene...
there were dead bodies, and a phone
with completely empty accounts?
Well? You're still alive.
You're still here.
May I ask you something?
If you could live anywhere in the world...
where would it be?
Bangkok, of course.
Where's the money, Josh?
I don't know.
I gave him the phone,
he let me go.
If you can prove otherwise,
go ahead.
But I think we both know,
you got nothing on me here.
If I were you, I'd go talk
to the Thai police.
And like you said, maybe they're
connected to this somehow.
Maybe they showed up before your
guys killed Virote and Lek...
wiped the accounts
and then gave me the phone.
All I know is,
I've told you everything.
And without any evidence that
I've killed anyone...
or stolen any money...
you can't keep me here.
Get this kid out of here.
It's a hell of a way to go
through life, Josh...
looking over your shoulder.
Corner office, 2.4 million,
80 million in capital.
You in?