A Street Cat Named Bob (2016)

Cheers, mate!
Hey, Elvis, you've seen, Dee?
I'm not looking for Dee.
You want to try this again?
You sing vocals on it, mate.
Go away, now.
Brass monkey band?
Knew you'd crash here tonight.
No, seriously.
You've seen Dee?
Seriously, I'm on the script.
I mean it this time.
Yeah, who doesn't?
Well, tell Dee
I'm looking for him, yeah?
Three quid, mate.
You're short.
That's all I've got.
It's three quid, mate.
Come on, I haven't
eaten all day.
It's three quid!
Can you let me off at 9p?
All right... I'll...
Play you a little song, yeah?
How about that?
I'll play you a little song,
and you let me off at 9p, okay?
All right.
Thanks, mate.
That's... that's...
That's great.
Don't come back.
Don't want you here, go on!
All right.
Okay, I'm going.
Thanks, a lot.
Get out of here!
Sorry... sorry.
Yo, Elvis?
Get in.
Whose is it?
The bloke who forgot to lock it.
I found Dee.
Have some.
Hey, I'm here, I'm here.
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here,
no, no, no, no, no...
- That's nice, that's nice.
- See, I'm here, I'm here.
Come on, you don't
have to do this. Please.
Oh, yes, I do.
You're late.
Who are these?
I don't know.
It's your car.
How long have they been here?
Hey, what are you
doing in my car?
You didn't do something...
Why should I?
James! James!
James, come on, wake up!
You can't do this.
You didn't see them get in?
Oh, do I look like a genie?
From a certain angle.
I caught you.
Come back here!
Get after him, will you?
This is not Batman
and Robin, you know.
Hey, wake up, you're in my car.
Well, he's...
Well, he's not moving.
Did they bring my guitar?
Must say you too.
So, I'm not exactly
myself this morning.
That's a matter of opinion.
They brought it to me.
To you?
Well, this isn't our first
time in the circus, is it?
I'm sorry.
You know, I made
a mistake. I messed up.
Tell me something I haven't
already heard 20 times today?
So much prefer the sound
of silence to bullshit.
How do you feel?
Not dead.
Look, I mean...
I'm... horrible.
Turns out you've
also got hepatitis.
Ever wonder why you see so many
old alchies but never junkies?
No fellow can use this
more than I do.
You can't mix
heroin with methadone.
You'd od.
You know this stuff.
Do it again
and you'll probably die.
I never... look I...
- I'm sorry. I...
- Silence over bullshit.
I'll see you when
you're discharged.
What'd you do?
Nicking this uniform.
Uh, no. I didn't Nick it.
Nurse gave it to me because
they lost my t-shirt.
All right.
You know the drill.
Sign that one, and take that
one to the chemist everyday.
A few methadone.
Check in with me
every two weeks.
And addicts who stop the methadone
treatment and go back to heroin,
- have a higher percentage of od'ing.
- Percentage of od'ing.
Yeah, I know this already.
It's my job to tell you.
Fall off the methadone and it's more likely
you'll od the next time you do heroin.
And you could, well, die.
Is there anyone I can call?
Any relative, anyone?
I'm... I'm kinda solo
these days.
No word from your dad?
Or mum?
Uh, yeah.
"Get lost."
Guess that's two words.
Here you go.
Uh, thank you.
Can you play something for me?
You want to hear me sing?
Are you any good?
There you go, mate.
Get up. On your way.
I won't be back in here
if he wasn't a special case.
I've got three single mums
waiting for a spot. I've got...
I've got a sweet old pensioner who's
getting kicked out of here sometimes.
They all need emergency
housing, they're all special.
What's so special
about a drug addict?
Why this one?
Oh, I don't know.
Every now and then
one comes along and...
You just know they
have in them to be clean.
I think this is his last shot.
He really wants to be clean
but he's got nothing.
No support system at all.
I have to get him off the street
or I'm going to lose him.
I'm not giving a spot to a user.
He's in the program.
He falls off his methadone,
he's out. Period.
He won't.
I hope.
Come on, everybody.
Come on. Woof!
Albert, this side.
- Val?
- Hey! Come in.
Welcome home.
You okay?
Yeah, but...
It's a little bit stuffy,
so just open the window.
Hot water!
Look, I've got to run.
- Keys.
- Right. Yeah.
Val, I'm...
You're welcome.
Oh, and I've put some cereal in the
kitchen, and milk in the fridge.
I don't know what to say.
Say, you're gonna
stay in the program,
and you won't miss
our next meeting.
I promise.
I promise you. I...
Cross my heart, hope to die.
I'll see you out.
Whoever is there?
You better leave!
I mean it!
I've got a weapon here!
I'm seriously armed!
That was you
making all that noise.
How'd you get in?
I see.
You're a thief, are you?
Stealing all my cornflakes?
Are you friendly?
I guess that answers that.
No, come on.
This way.
There you go.
They're a...
They're better with
a bit of milk, you see.
I'll get you some.
You're not a very good
thief, by the way.
Next time, try to be
a bit quieter.
That's the trick out here.
Come on.
Up you come, now.
Look at that.
There's going to be a family
worried about you.
You better go home now.
No, no, no, no, no.
This way.
Oh, no.
You know. I think it's time
you better go home.
Hey, this way.
There you go. Yeah.
Go home.
Go out there.
That's it. Come on.
Oh, don't look at me like that.
All right, then.
One night. Okay?
And then I'm going to take
you back to your owner.
Yeah, deal?
There you go.
I'll see you
in the morning, okay?
Over there?
Excuse me.
Did you lose a cat?
Is it there?
Excuse me.
Did you lose a cat?
Got a little ginger cat down
here if anyone's looking for it.
So what number life are you on?
Apparently, I'm on the ninth.
Hello, did anybody lose a cat?
Get out of here, go away!
Come on.
There you go.
Someone will come
looking for you.
Take care of yourself.
Thank you.
All right, methadone, mate?
Thank you, mate!
Hey! Go on, on your way!
Oh, don't do this, mate.
In all the world, you're
causing an obstruction.
I'm just trying to make
a living here.
I'm not in anyone's way.
It's an health and safety issue.
If you strum there
you're obstructing the exit.
Well, if you stand there
you're obstructing the exit.
Walk to, mate,
or I'll haul you away.
All right...
Up to me, I'd arrest
the lot of y'all.
Oh, you would.
Fucking vermin!
As if I haven't
got enough to do.
Dad! Dad!
Hey, dad.
What are you doing here?
Oh, we're... we're...
We're a bit shopping.
This and that.
Oh, yeah. You good?
Uh, yeah. I've stopped using.
I'm in the program.
Remember that last time?
My own flat and everything...
You remember, Hilary?
Yeah, we're late, darling.
I'm sorry, we've got to...
We were just chatting about
Christmas, actually, you know.
Family and all that...
Coming together...
Christmas dinner. Right, dad?
Oh, I wish we'd known.
our table's full, so...
Always ready for one more
at Christmas, right?
Don't you think, darling,
maybe one more, would...
What, in our house?
We'll have children there.
What's that supposed to mean?
Jack, we're late, come on.
I'm not contagious, you know.
Wait... take this.
No, I don't want any money.
It's... here.
Maybe, um...
Maybe, new year's, okay?
Darling, hold up.
Hey, wait for me.
Hey, mate?
Hey, how are you?
It's okay.
It's okay.
You're hurt.
What have you been doing today?
Did you get into a fight?
Is it okay if I take you
and try and find your owner?
Is it okay?
It's okay.
Down here.
Ah, excuse me?
Would you know
whose cat this is?
Wait, I have a hurt cat here.
It's you with the dogs?
Yeah, it's just in there.
What did you do to her?
No, I didn't do anything.
I just...
Just found him over there.
Don't just stand there.
It's all right.
Here you go.
There we go.
And, it might be purulent.
It might be what?
The wound.
He needs antibiotics
before it's infected.
Maybe they can glue it together.
He needs a vet.
Oh, it sounds expensive.
Can you put a price on that?
I don't know.
He's not my cat.
I mean, I just found him.
I think...
He's like a stray, or...
I don't know.
He is telling me, he was
here to be with you.
Reading his spirit
loud and clear.
He came to you for a reason.
You... you're what,
you're sensing that?
Of course not, what do I look
like, some kind of nut?
There's a card there, for
the vet that I volunteer at.
It's a charity.
Tell them Betty sent you.
Okay, how much?
And you are?
Me, I'm a...
I'm, James. James Bowen.
Oh, I, I don't believe
in last names.
Big trouble, burdens...
I got to go,
I've got dogs to walk.
All right. Yeah.
Okay, mate, okay,
it's all right.
Are you okay?
Yeah, uh, allergic, animals.
Ironic, huh?
Um, you should go.
Bacteria is multiplying
by the second.
And, Bob, needs a vet.
That's what he told me
he wants you to call him.
It's okay.
He's not actually
my cat, you know.
No. Mine, your's. We all
belong to each other.
See you, Bob!
It's nice to meet you.
You're a bit of an
attention hog.
You know that, Bob?
It's okay.
It's okay, I got you.
See you later.
Hi, there. I just
found this cat.
And he's hurt himself.
A stray?
Um, I don't know.
You're asking us
to put him down?
What? No.
Do you know how many stray
cats there are in London?
It's an epidemic.
Well, he's got a name.
It's Bob.
And he's... wounded, so...
It's purulent.
Take a number.
It's going to be a long wait.
I've got to be somewhere.
Can't we drop him off
and come back?
Does this look like
a dry cleaner's?
It's okay.
It's okay.
Hey, look. It's a rabbit.
No, no, no.
Don't look at the rabbit,
rabbit's not for dinner, okay?
Don't worry about him, Bob.
It's okay.
Bob, look. It's the month
of the cat.
So, kind of hip for you,
isn't it?
Look at, Tiffany.
She looks cute.
Who's that? Look at that one.
Look at, lucky?
Doesn't look very lucky,
does he?
I've lost my appointment.
Val is gonna kill me.
I've got this rush hour
busking to do, I've gotta go.
I'll have to come back tomorrow.
Number 62 is up.
Shh, it's okay. It's okay.
He did great!
Is he okay?
Yeah? Come on, mister.
In you go.
That's it. Good boy.
And you get your pills
from the front desk.
22 pounds.
Uh, I thought
this place was free?
Not the drugs.
Sorry, mate.
Hang on.
That's all I've got.
Come on, at least for his sake.
All right, look.
This is my food money
or the next week.
It's up to you.
All right.
Come on, Bob.
Time for your medicine.
This is gonna make
you feel better, yeah?
Look, I've sat, yeah?
All right, ready?
Open, wide?
No, no, no, no, no.
Come here.
All right.
Bob, Bob. Look, look...
Yeah, just,
down the hatch, mate.
Oi... oi...
Come back here, mister.
Come here.
All right.
Come here.
Hey, hey.
Oi... no, Bob.
Right. Okay. Okay.
All right, mister.
Let's try this again.
Twice a day, for two weeks...
They said.
No. Come here.
All right.
No. No, no.
Stay here. Stay here.
Stay here.
Bob. Bob. Bob.
Aye! Come here, come here.
All right, come here, look.
Look. What's that?
What's that.
What's that, what's that...
It's all right, mate.
It's okay.
Oh, I know.
I swear. He wasn't
like this earlier.
Yeah. Well, I've had practice.
Did they tell you to bring
him back in a couple of weeks?
Yeah, that'll be a good
time to get him snipped.
Yeah, man parts.
But, I mean...
Please, that isn't a big deal.
It's easy for you to say.
Besides, he's not even mine.
An intact male
alone on the streets,
it's the worst life imaginable.
They fight for food,
they fight for territory.
I need to imagine that, do I?
If you can't give him a home at least
give him the chance to stay alive.
Now, ordinarily,
I don't touch meat, but...
Bob needs some protein, so...
What do you do?
How did you end up here?
Well, I know what he does.
- What have you got there?
- Allergy pills.
Oh, right, I thought...
Otherwise I'm 100% anti drug.
A lot of addicts in here.
I steer clear.
You do?
How did you end up here?
I'm... I'm a musician.
- I write songs, and play.
- Yeah?
Yeah, I haven't exactly
been discovered yet.
But, I've just moved in here,
which is good.
From Australia?
Oh, well, I...
I've actually
been back a while, uh...
Sort of...
In between places...
I guess you could say, um...
But yeah, no.
Got taken out there as a kid
when my parents split up.
And, my mum took me
out there, dad stayed here.
He had his business
to run and...
Didn't like flying, apparently.
And you?
She brought me
a kitten, actually.
Dad, kitten. Kitten, dad.
You must've missed him?
My dad?
It's a long story.
Long story, eh?
I'm so sorry
I missed our appointment.
Honestly, I've tried
to get there, little things...
There was this cat, right...
We have an agreement.
You miss your appointment
you're out of the program.
And I met this girl, Betty.
I'm waiting for the part that explains
why you missed our appointment.
Is that blood on your coat?
Must be, Bob's.
Who's Bob?
Bob's my cat I'm telling you
about. Look...
Not really mine.
Betty is allergic.
And, but, she told me
to take him to the vet.
You seem a little rattled.
I'm trying to explain to you
why I missed our appointment.
Bob was hurt, he needed a vet.
It took forever.
How'd you pay for the vet?
It was my... my dad
gave me some money.
You saw your dad?
Bumped into him, um...
It didn't go very well.
This, Betty, does she use?
I put myself on
the line for you.
I know, I'm...
Did you tell her you
were in the program?
I told her I was a musician.
So you didn't tell
her the truth?
You've covered a lot of ground
since I last saw you.
You can't take on
too much too fast.
Because I'm an emotional wreck?
Because, feelings aren't
an addict's friend.
Bad, good, any feelings.
When was the last time
you were totally sober?
No weed, no brown, nothing?
When my parents split up,
and I was...
You just couldn't
deal with your emotions?
Emotions are still dangerous.
It's baby steps, James.
You're not ready
for a relationship.
Another one?
Hang it up high?
Hang it up high?
Go on. Come up.
Good boy.
You could get
your strength back.
Here he is.
Look at your collar!
Look at you. You look like
Shakespeare, or something.
He's a little drowsy, but
the castration went well.
Please, don't even say the word.
I think he understands English.
Here you go.
It's okay. Does it hurt...
Down there?
Big worry.
Do you know how many cats
we castrate every...
Following procedure...
He won't even remember,
won't you, Bob?
Yeah, I don't know about that.
You know...
I was thinking, is he too thin?
You're keeping him, aren't you?
Well, I'd like to, but...
I can't. I mean, it wouldn't
be fair to him, would it?
Keep him cooped up all day.
He's a street cat.
His weight's fine.
He should be good
to go in a week.
Thank you.
I know, I know.
No, don't look at me like that.
It's for your own good.
Hey, it wasn't my idea.
You take it up with Betty.
Okay, look.
I'll take that off if you promise
not to let the stitches, okay?
All right. No, it's okay.
Now, you hold still there.
It's okay. It's okay, Bob.
Let me just take this off, okay.
That's it.
That is a good boy.
Okay, here we go.
There you go.
Hey, look?
Got this.
Come on.
Look, look.
See, there you go.
Yeah, I'm your he right now.
You wait till you realize
you got no bits left.
Good morning, mate.
No, no, no, no, Bob!
Bob, Bob, no.
Eh? Don't I feed you enough?
You only eat what I give you.
Not the neighbors.
And you...
Don't come back.
Oi, no, look, Bob.
I've got to go
to work, all right.
I can't take care of you.
I wish I could, but...
I can't.
Look at the big world out there.
Waiting for you.
Go and explore it, okay.
That's it, good boy.
So long, Bob.
Come on.
This is the city now,
what did I just say
you nearly got run over.
Hey, it's not safe out here.
I mean it. You can't
come with me.
Seriously, you'd be surprised
at how much he understands.
Hey, Bob, go on.
Go back to the grass.
Go on. Good boy!
That's so sweet.
What are you doing here?
Hey, now, don't go over there.
He's not even my cat, he just
followed me onto the bus.
Loving you, okay.
Aw, ain't he lovely!
Is it okay, that he's on here?
I don't know, who paid for him?
Two for one?
You want to go up here?
There you go.
It's a good view.
What are you doing,
following me into town?
Hey, Bob. Look.
Look at those, mate.
Yeah, you're a lion.
You're a lion!
They've got nothing
on you, mate.
Yeah, would this help, love?
That's perfect.
Well, that's good
its a bit thicker.
Not too tight, now.
No, I know.
It's just if he get spooked in
town, I don't want him to run off.
He's not actually mine,
you know, he's a stray.
No, he don't look
like a stray to me.
I don't know.
Good boy, good boy.
Come on. Come on, Bob.
This way.
We're not going to make
any money here, mate.
Come on, this way.
Good boy. On we go.
Whoa! Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob...
Good boy, good boy.
That's enough shopping
for one day.
Bob, come on.
Come on.
I'll tell you what.
You jump up here.
Look, we haven't
got all day. Come on.
Good boy.
A lot better up there?
This is covent garden.
You okay, Bob?
Bob, the goodest cat!
Oh, goody, you are!
She doesn't mean you.
He's gorgeous!
Thank you.
See that. I'd like
to see you do that.
- Hey, can I have a photo?
- Hello.
Yeah, yeah. Okay, sure.
Say, "cheese," Bob.
All right?
You're quite the little
party piece, aren't you?
Mother, look, he's so cute!
Look at the cat!
You want to say hello?
We're playing now, over there, so if
you want to come and watch then...
You want to?
Yes! Yes!
Good work. You're getting
your time, is it?
High five.
Hey, high five.
Do you know what just happened?
Look at this!
You are a wonderful
little being, aren't you?
You got yourself
a lovely ginger, all right.
I had a ginger tom
just like him, once.
Loved him with all my heart.
He's got a mind of his own.
Well, that's the point.
The gingers got wills
like iron, they are.
Mine wouldn't leave my side
till his last breath.
You've got yourself
a lovely partner there.
Better friends
than people they are.
Believe me.
Is that right, Bob?
Hey, mister you were a hit
today, weren't you?
All right, you want to
come again tomorrow?
The bright lights.
There, look.
This could be you, Bob.
Your name in lights, look.
You want to get some food
when we get home?
Dinner is served.
You played a blinder.
There you go.
Yeah, you're gonna wear professional
cat harness wearer now.
Did you think about that?
Hello, stranger.
Oh, haven't seen you around?
The sign?
Oh, I'm going on a march
to free farm animals.
Free what?
Only cows, pigs, chickens.
Uh, you want them
just running the street?
We want them not to be murdered.
Don't tell me
you're a carnivore?
Um, never really
thought about it.
Think about it.
Every bite you take
you're eating suffering!
Living all posh, now, eh?
Off the streets and all?
What are you doing here?
I just though I'd
follow a friendly face.
I thought maybe I could crash
with you for a bit, you know?
Spread the word for about a bit.
- Hello, kitty.
- Oi!
Go away, Baz, all right.
I mean it.
Come on, anything.
I had a bit of hard lines, mate.
James, please.
Please, James.
Look at you.
All right.
This is for food,
yeah, Baz. All right?
Promise. Yeah, for food.
- Please promise me.
- Honestly, yeah, promise.
Well, I mean it.
I mean it.
Hey, you need to look
after yourself, all right?
Please, Baz.
Buy some food, all right.
- I promise, it's food.
- Yeah?
And don't come
back here, all right?
Nice cat.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, merry Christmas.
Oh, hi.
Hope you don't mind, but, I got Bob
a little something for Christmas.
Look at that, Bob.
You want a bit of that?
And I made him
a little something.
Oh, you shouldn't have.
Thank you. Look at that!
Look at that!
Hope he likes it.
Thank you so much.
You're an angel.
Oh, I wouldn't go that far.
I wasn't always an old lady.
Thank you!
Look at that, Bob.
You're gonna have that later.
Hi, Betty.
Oh, look at Bob!
Dr. who's twin.
Love the scarf.
Yeah, just got it.
You all right?
You look tired.
I've been busy,
or, rather he has.
I've been to more into sidekick.
I'm starving. Can I...
Can I get you dinner?
Anything, as long as
there's tuna.
I'm level four, vegan.
Um, I don't know what you said.
I don't eat anything
that casts a shadow.
You don't get shadows
on the wall now, do you?
All right, how about this.
I will cook you dinner.
You give me an hour.
Yeah? Okay.
An hour? No more, no less.
I think this is a date, Bob.
So, who did all these paintings?
Only the most talented
painter I know.
Well, that narrows it down.
Strained seitan with miso.
Just eat it, it's good for you.
Yeah. Ahem!
I'm actually...
Painting my flat as well.
Maybe not quite like this.
I can see.
Oh, I just bloody bought this.
I've got some dabs
in the kitchen if you want.
Painting by?
Life must be good?
Yeah, well, first I come...
Join the real world after
all these years, you know.
I, just um...
You know, I said about
my parents splitting up and...
I just, I got moved
around a lot, and...
You went off the rails a bit...
A little angry...
You know, wild...
Yeah, you could say that.
But anyway, what about you?
Thank you.
Right, we need
some real food, Bob.
What's it gonna be?
You want some hot dogs?
No? Okay.
All right, so what do you fancy?
Wild pacific pink salmon?
Is that a yes?
Okay, we'll get one of them.
Ah, what else?
Some tuna?
Yeah, that's a yes
for that as well.
What else? Ah...
Boneless sardines?
Yeah, you want that, don't you?
It's good.
Salmon, tuna, sardines.
Good to go?
All right.
We are gonna eat like
kings tomorrow, Bob.
Tell you what...
We'll get a bunch of
these as well, please.
Of course.
All right, then.
Bob, they're for Betty.
Thank you, Bob.
Oh, no.
Please. Bob, down.
Baz. Baz, wake up!
Wake up, Baz.
Wake up, come on, wake up!
Baz? Hello, wake up!
Can you hear me?
Baz! Wake up!
Can somebody call an ambulance?
No. Bob, Bob,
get away from that.
Hey, Baz, come on, wake up.
Hey! Call an ambulance!
They're on their way.
Baz! Baz, listen to me.
Come on.
- Has he od'ed?
- Yeah.
- You checked his airways?
- No, no.
- Help me get him up.
- Yeah, okay. Come on.
Is he breathing?
Baz, come on!
Come on, Baz, wake up!
Come on.
He's od'ed.
- What's his name?
- Baz.
All right, Baz, can you hear me?
You know, he's taken heroin.
How old is he?
Do you know?
About 20.
Baz, can you hear me?
Let's get him up.
One, two, three.
Make some room.
I know a bit about addicts.
I was in Sheffield...
Studying a veterinary course...
My parents didn't call, they...
Drove up and told me...
My brother was everything to me.
He was the best painter
I ever knew.
- This was your...
- Yeah.
Your brother's place?
He died right back
there in the bathroom.
The needle still in his arm.
Don't you eat?
- So why did you um...
- Move in here?
Be near him.
He tried.
So hard to get clean.
But I guess that he
didn't want it enough.
Or could...
Want it enough.
But he couldn't do it.
Not even for me.
I thought you wanted clean?
I do. Of course I do.
Then why not now?
I'm ready to come
off the methadone.
It's a process, James.
It's my job to manage
the process with you.
I'm down to ten mil.
Let's revisit this after
the holidays.
God knows how hard
enough as it is.
Hey, you're doing great.
I just, I want...
I want to be clean.
I want to live a life.
This... this kid...
I knew, Baz.
He, um...
He od'ed and died, and...
I don't want to go that way.
I know.
After the holidays?
Look, I've got
another appointment.
Hey, no.
Come on.
What are you
doing for Christmas?
Betty said she'll
spend it with me.
As long as I promise not to mention the
words Christmas, or merry in any way.
My kind of girl.
Ho, ho, ho! Happy Catsmas.
What's all this?
Happy Catsmas, Bob.
New girlfriend for you.
This is, Bobbina.
He's not impressed.
Oh, so, he was
just playing hard to get.
Don't panic by the way. This
isn't a-you-know-what tree.
No, it's a lamp tree.
Tastes like Turkey?
Not even vaguely.
It does.
- Tastes like rubber.
- No, it doesn't!
It's nice, but I think if
you're going to eat tofu
why pretend it's Turkey,
or burgers, or whatever.
It's like giving tofu
an inferiority complex.
Let it be who it wants to be.
"I am tofu."
"I am inedible."
It's not inedible!
- Give it to Bob to try it.
- Okay.
He's a better judge than you.
Bob. Bob. What's that?
What's that?
I think he doesn't know.
Oh, wow!
I love it!
Thank you!
Oh, right, okay. So I'll
read this to you, mate.
Okay, look.
"Dear James and Boblib, happy Catsmas.
Lots of purrs and whiskers." From Betty.
Good, right?
Thank you.
This is one of your brother's?
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, its just...
Yeah, just... just that.
There you go.
So beautiful.
Come on?
No, you know I can't sing.
It's awful, I can't.
Come on.
I don't know. Is it crazy?
What's surprising you?
Dad, and his new family
on new year's Eve,
well, they've given no indication
that they want you back?
If you want you put
it like that, but,
you know I didn't exactly say
I couldn't come, and...
I don't know, things have been
going pretty good lately.
You ever wonder why
people kiss with their lips?
And why not rub ears like...
I want to hear you?
Or wrists, like this?
Why don't you play quietly,
please, come on.
Did you drink your tea?
Oh, come on!
What will my family say, Bob.
Right, come on.
We got this far.
You know what...
Let's put you under here.
I think two surprise guests might
be more than they can handle.
Right, come on.
Come on.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
All right.
Ha, ha, what...
Happy new year?
Yeah, thanks.
How are you doing?
All right. Wow, nice house!
Hi, kids.
Girls, you remember
your brother?
Kris, faith, this is James.
You've grown up so much
since I last saw you.
James, this is...
What were you playing in there?
Dad and I used to play
trivial pursuit.
- You remember?
- Yes.
You let me play the adult version that
weekend before I left for Melbourne.
- Did I?
- Yeah
she was cheating.
And mama doesn't like you.
Mummy says you're a junkie.
I didn't cheat, you cheated.
I did not, you cheated!
Is there an adult here?
Stop it. Girls, come on.
Where did you get
that idea from?
Stop it, please!
You can't be here,
we got guests coming.
Go, mummy will be down...
I thought you said
new year's would be okay?
I said maybe, you...
Should have called!
He's a junkie!
He's a junkie!
Will you leave the tree alone!
I'm a recovering
addict actually.
Daddy, he's got a cat!
What the hell!
Hey kids, meet, Bob.
Bob, Bob... Bob...
Chris, leave it!
Bob, Bob!
Stop screaming!
Jack, what is going on here?
It's James.
Hey, Hillary.
Happy new year! Bob?
What is he doing here?
Listen mommy, he's got a cat!
But she's allergic!
I know!
Please, don't...
Get that thing out of here!
She'll have an attack.
I'm trying, I'm trying.
James, please.
Come on, mate. Come here.
Bob, come on.
Oh, for goodness sake...
That was my mother's.
I know.
Bob? Bob!
I'm sorry, I'm...
Get out of my house!
Come on, son.
You and your creature,
just get out!
Come on, James.
Come on, mate.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
It's okay, come on.
It's okay.
He's my son!
What do you think I'm going to
do, close the door in his face!
What am I supposed to do.
- You told me before.
- Don't let him in...
Can I stroke him?
Can I?
Yeah, you can try.
So cute.
How old is he?
I don't know.
I want a kitten?
My friend, Sammy, has a kitten.
Make sure he's out of here!
Happy new year, dad.
Nice to see you again.
Go on, right there.
That's it, go on.
Piss off, you moron.
It's more like piss onto me.
Get that dog away from here,
I'm trying to play here.
Come on, mate.
Come on.
What! Don't touch me.
Will you get that
person out of here?
What, just
because there's a crowd?
Don't touch me, yeah!
Back off, back off.
I got a cat under here.
Hey! Hey, that's enough
over here. Give it up.
Just leave, it's not me.
My dog needed a piss.
It's your fault with that dog...
Cc TV proved
it wasn't your fault.
You had it here for busking
for six months.
So where's Bob?
Do you want to thank me for
coming down and bailing you out?
Maybe you can focus.
You can't go back
to covent garden.
You're banned from busking.
I want to know where my cat is?
You missed your meds,
didn't you?
I just want to know
where Bob is.
He's safe, he's in
the police kennel.
We can go and get him right now.
You got yourself arrested and you
didn't get your methadone, James!
You are so close.
Don't lose it now.
It wasn't my fault,
none of this.
It wasn't my fault.
Look, I'm going to
call the chemist,
authorize them to give you the methadone
even though you missed it yesterday.
You go straight there,
I'll get Bob, okay?
If you failed the shot any day we
can't give you the medication.
Yeah, she called you,
didn't she?
Like your work here, she called?
I'm just warning you.
Come on, man.
Let me explain.
What's to explain,
I have eyes, James.
You're an addict,
you lied to me.
No, I didn't lie,
I just, I just...
Shaded the truth a little.
Oh, please!
Wait, look, okay, yeah, I'm on
the methadone program, yeah...
But I haven't used for three months, and
believe me I am trying to get clean.
I can't be around addicts,
I told you that, it's just...
It's too much...
I can't do it! And I wasn't
shading the truth.
This, this dog, Bob, and
I was trying to protect him
and then this whole fight
broke out, and then...
I got arrested. I wasn't doing anything
wrong, it wasn't me fault but,
that, and busking if I do, then
I'll get arrested again and then...
I don't know. I don't know
what even happened to Bob.
If you can't sing then you
can't make any money.
And if you do sing then
you'll get arrested
and all you're thinking about
is what happens to the cat.
When you sell our magazine,
you get out or you put in.
You know they say
weed is a gateway drug.
Uh, yeah, I'm a little
familiar with the concept.
Well, the big issue is
the gateway opportunity.
I'll start you off with
a handful of free ones.
Just like a pusher, right, you sell
them, the next ones you buy from us.
Sell those, make
a little profit...
Buy even more.
After a while you get better territories,
work your way up, et cetera, et cetera.
Before you know it, you're freaking
Rupert Murdoch. But not a dick head.
If you can't sell them
we don't buy them back.
So, you got a plan.
And you get one
designated territory, get it?
Poach on anyone else,
and you're done.
Period, boom, clear?
Boom, clear.
You can't have an animal
in your photo.
This is your official ID.
What animal?
I don't see an animal,
this is my co-pilot.
Yeah, I heard about that.
Look this way.
Say cheese, Bob.
You know what, I might have just
the right thing for you two.
It'll cost a tenner.
But it's worth it.
Big issue!
Come on guys!
Give it a try,
help for the night.
Big issue!
Can I have a selfie
with the cat?
Do you take a picture?
And then you buy a paper,
how is that?
Is that a deal?
Oh, you are a good
businessman, I like that.
Come on, Bob,
look at the camera.
There you go, all right.
Thank you.
He wants to give you
a high five. High five, Bob.
High five there.
Oh, that's two pounds, fifty.
I've only got two thirty,
is that all right?
Two pounds, fifty. I can
see that's two pounds, fifty.
Excuse me, mate.
Hello, Peter Gruner,
I'm from the Islington tribune.
Thank you.
Do you mind if I did a story
on you and the cat?
You taking the Mick?
Ooh, can I pet him?
You can try, just
behind the ears though.
I see you're a human
interest story.
- What's that?
- Would you mind?
All, right. Yeah, sure.
Look this way, Bob.
Bob, over there.
Another one.
Big issue! Big issue!
Big issue!
Big issue, big issue.
Big issue!
Bloody stupid cat.
Hello, mate.
Go screw yourself, yeah.
Hey, watch your mouth.
I've got a nine in here.
Excuse me, sir.
Sir! Sir.
Can I take a picture
of you and your cat?
Uh... yeah, sure, sure.
It's okay, Bob.
He loves your hat.
- Great.
- Okay, no worries.
Thank you.
Can we buy a magazine?
Oh, sorry, it's not my patch.
You go speak to that guy
over there.
We just really want
to help, please.
Ah, you cant.
Thank you so much.
- Have a great day.
- And you.
Come on, I wasn't poaching.
Do you know...
He knows I wasn't poaching.
My patch!
You're selling papers.
What else you want to call it?
Call it envy.
Envy! I'll envy your arse.
God, stop, stop it.
James, you knew the rules.
I wasn't selling, I was just...
One month, no papers.
Come on, don't do this to me,
I wasn't selling I promise you.
- You knew the rules.
- This was one...
Couple that came up,
you saw what happened.
So they forced you to sell
to them, didn't they?
I wasn't trying to poach.
You're taking
business off me, yeah.
Why are you making this up,
why are you picking on me?
- Enough, enough.
- I saw you took the money.
One month, no papers.
Just the... chaos.
Chaos around drug addicts?
Life's a constant shit storm.
That kind of chaos?
Bob, put the frog down.
Leave it.
I'll leave at one.
Here you go.
Come on, Bob.
Hey, there's nothing there.
It's empty, mate.
Bob, stop it.
Get a little rest,
mate, come on.
Stop it!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I know, I know
you're hungry, buddy.
I'm sorry.
I'll find a way, okay.
I'll find a way.
James, what are you doing?
Betty. Oh, I'm just...
You've been banned from busking.
Well, Bob's hungry, I'm hungry.
If you get arrested you're not
gonna be able to feed Bob.
They're not going
to arrest me. Not here.
What, you think your just above the rules.
That they don't apply to you?
Gosh, they're typical!
Typical of what, Betty?
Stop it.
Oh, go on, say it.
Let them hear.
Stop it.
What am I supposed to do,
how am I supposed to eat?
I don't know.
I... I don't know.
What do you want me to do?
Just erase the last 20 years
of my life and start over?
I don't know!
I would if I could.
You know who shouts
like this in public!
Junkies do!
And the people who fall
in love with them, that's who.
I can't do this again.
I didn't like it
any more than you.
Those are the rules.
Welcome back.
Thank you.
Watch yourself, okay?
Big issue!
Give it a try.
Help Bob and I.
Big issue, come on.
Oh, yes, mate.
Thank you very much.
Oh, he's adorable!
This is, Bob.
You want to say hello?
- Say hello.
- Hi.
Would you care
for a big issue, ma'am?
Oh, yeah, of course.
Actually, we came
to see the cat.
Oh, yeah?
Yes, Graham can't stop
talking about him.
He's beautiful, isn't he?
Where's he from?
I found him.
You like Bob?
Two pounds, fifty, please.
Yeah, he's my best mate.
We want the best for him.
All of that.
Here you go.
Thank you very much.
Yeah, of course, yeah.
What I mean is I'd be willing
to take him...
Well, I mean, to buy him...
- Uh...
- Even, how much?
He's not for sale.
Well, like obviously, this isn't the
best environment for an animal,
living on the streets
and all that...
Yes, all right, darling.
Well we've got a flat, so...
We've got all the things that
you can't, like a decent home
he's not for sale.
And I'm sure you can use the
cash, how much do you want?
I don't want your money.
How about,
how much for your kid?
Or I'll trade you.
Yeah, I'll give him
a decent home.
How dare you?
It's exceptionally rude.
Bob! Oh, no!
Excuse me, did you
see a cat come here?
A ginger cat... no?
Oh, mate, where are you?
What if the dog got him,
or a car, or...
I can't.
It's been two nights, you know.
I'm not saying this is it...
Maybe, Bob did what
he was meant to do.
He's a cat.
Cats are independent animals.
My own stupid fault,
I wasn't...
I wasn't watching him.
You know, I promised
I'll take care of him, but...
I wasn't watching him.
This isn't a time you
want to be on your own,
what about your dad, or Betty?
Oh, I need to, um...
I need to get home, I need
to wait for him there.
And maybe he'll come back.
I really need to have
someone with you.
He might come back, mightn't he?
He might, oh, yeah.
He could come home, couldn't he?
Oh, I knew these two.
I used to see them all the
time when he was singing.
But look at this.
This guy and his cat are all
over YouTube, look at the hits.
Over a million.
And they're on Instagram.
And Facebook.
They're so cute.
Look at that.
So, you're thinking a book?
Are you looking for paradise?
'Cause I've got all day.
White. Brown,
whatever you like.
I want my cat. I'm...
I'm looking for a ginger cat.
Have you seen it anywhere?
Bob! Bob...
Hey, mister.
Where have you been, hey?
Where have you been?
Oh, Bob.
I'm ready.
I think you are, too.
It's about weathering
the tests, James.
Can I do it straight?
That's always
an addict's question.
Think of the worst flu
you've ever had.
Multiply that by hundred.
Do you know what
riding the bike is?
It's when you can't keep your legs
still even when you're lying down...
For a week,
everyday of your fight.
Every hour a struggle not
to go out and score.
It's harder coming of methadone
than kicking heroin.
You can't do it on your own.
I'm not.
I got him.
He got me this far.
The other day we were out selling
papers and this guy came up to us,
really well dressed...
And I just thought that they wouldn't want
to share the pavement with me before.
He called me, "sir".
"Sir, do you mind
if I take your picture?"
No one's ever
called me sir before.
And it's because of Bob.
He's shown me
what life could be like.
On the other side.
I know you're in there.
Just wanted to say you're not
going to see me for a few days.
Val's given me the go ahead.
I'm doing it.
I'm sorry that
I've disappointed you.
And after all this, I'll...
I'll make it up to you.
Make it up to everyone
I ever knew.
I just... just wanted
to let you know.
You're gonna need food.
A stockpile, because...
Any excuse to go outside and
you're going to try and score.
Let me bring you the food.
Then lock the door.
I'll make an exception
this once.
But that's all.
I don't want you
to see me like that.
And I've got Bob.
He'll look after me.
Hey, mister.
I'm very proud of you, James.
So, what are you going
to do now?
First thing...
I'm going to try and
find a way to thank you.
Come here.
All right. Come on, mister.
Let's go.
Come on.
Please take care of yourself.
And you.
Thanks, val.
Come on, mate.
He's coming.
Yeah, that one too.
You give us a
hand with this, ready?
Sorry, I didn't know
why the door was shut.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Look at you!
You did it!
Yeah, just.
You look great.
How do you feel?
Yeah, now I feel good.
The same, but...
Totally different.
What's going on, you're moving?
Going home for a while.
I can't stay here.
It's not my life.
It was my brother's, and...
I need to move on.
You actually helped me see that.
It doesn't necessarily
mean goodbye.
No, do...
Oh, wait...
For you.
I... yeah, I made this one.
It hangs over the...
Yeah, I know these all right.
Thank you.
That's my address.
My parent's address
is where I'd be staying.
Elizabeth Robinson?
It's my real name.
Hello, reality.
My number's on there too.
In case you need me.
Until we meet again.
Oh, a, there was
a guy hanging around,
who wants to give you this.
Um, he asked me to
make sure you got it.
Literary agency.
All right.
Say hi to Bob.
I will do.
- Good luck.
- Yeah, you too.
All right.
While we were thinking
a book, for starters,
we'd like to team you up
with a ghostwriter
he'll help you tell your story.
Sorry, it's stories.
We think it would
make a great book.
Or a series of books.
The important thing is that
we need to get a hold of you.
I don't actually
have a phone currently.
Okay, um, we can sort that.
Should we get one for Bob?
I think we could share.
Looks like he wants
to write it then.
What, what...
What are you...
I'm clean, dad.
Clean as, what, like...
I just...
Wanted you to know.
You know, I was um...
I was thinking when I was
standing here just now,
the last time...
I wasn't...
High in front of you...
I was leaving...
For Australia.
I wanted to apologize.
For everything.
I don't blame you...
For giving up on me.
No, dad, I don't
want your money.
I didn't give up on you.
I was ashamed.
Of myself.
I was never afraid to fly.
I... I just didn't
know how to do...
I didn't know how
to be your father.
I'm the one who
needs to apologize.
Jack, what are
you doing out there?
I'm talking to my son!
And my grandson.
I got him on a lead,
don't worry.
Wait till you see
the screen saver.
Look at that.
Where'd they go, hey?
How are you doing in the deep
blue sea there, Bob?
Hey, come on.
I've got to get this bloke
Garry, a lot of notes.
Stop fishing.
Good morning, monster.
Hello, mate.
Caught any fish yet?
How is a guy who spent a third of his
life checked out to write a book?
Come on, Bob, help me out here.
I'm stuck.
I just loved it, every word!
Thank you.
Thank you.
James, we're about to start.
Not before you say hi
to your biggest fan.
I'm so proud of you.
Thanks for coming.
- James.
- Oh, yeah.
Come on.
Off you go.
Right, Bob.
Thank you.
Hey, Bob.
- Hi, dad.
- Son.
- What?
- A bit overwhelmed.
It's gonna survive.
I told you weren't a stray.
- Bob.
- Yeah.
Come on, Bob, high five.
Good boy.
Hi, everyone.
Didn't expect that there'd
be so many people here.
I could make,
some joke about there not being
enough room to swing a cat.
I don't think Bob
would like that.
A friend helped me with this...
And... when I was stuck...
Her advice was, "start by mentioning
that everyone gets a second chance."
But... but not everyone...
Manages to take them.
Luckily for me,
I had some very
important companions,
to help with my second chance.
And then she said,
to just tell the truth.
And that's what I've done.
Absolutely loved it.
Thank you.
- A little paw print there.
- Thank you so much.
Here you go.
Enjoy that?
It's like I lived every moment.
Good, okay.
Come on, you guys.
Keep it going, it's great!
Now, you guys.
Wow, beautiful!
Let's train our faces.
C ome on, getting low.
All together!
It sounds beautiful.
Of the cat, hey.