A vizsga (The Exam) (2009)

Order no. 16 issued by the Ministry of the
Interior of the People's Republic of Hungary
As a result of
counter-revolutionary events,
certain members of personnel
have displayed behaviour
unbefitting of communists and their
allegiance to the counter-revolution
has rendered them
unsuitable for employment
by the Ministry of the Interior.
Due to the above, the full appraisal
of all personnel is required
as well as a reduction in staff numbers,
which must be completed
no later than December31, 1957.
Hungarian Television presents
with support from the
Ministry of National Resources
the National Cultural Fund
and the Hungarian Moving Picture
Public Foundation
a Unio Film production
a film by Peter Bergendy
The Test
Production Manager
Costume Designer
Music by
Sound by
Production Designer
Edited by
Director of Photography
Written by
Directed by
What did the newspapers write
last Christmas?
The buses will run
until 6 pm from Wednesday.
Drinking is allowed
but only at home.
Why is there so little soap
and washing powder?
Thousands queue for cigarettes.
Will there be unemployment?
When will the no. 6 tram start again?
A year has passed since then
and people are once again
preparing for Christmas...
Comrade Jung.
You didn't come
to the residents meeting.
Is there a problem with my students?
Are they upsetting the residents?
I wanted to invite you over
for fish soup tonight.
I make it spicy.
I'm sorry but I'm working.
On Christmas Eve?!
That's right.
Happy holidays, Mrs. Egri.
Happy holidays.
But the festivities are
not only for the children.
Our shops have
plenty of gifts for older shoppers...
- Comrade Jung?
- Can I help you?
I'd like to study German.
I'm sorry but I'm too busy.
- They recommended you.
- I can't take any more students.
- I'll pay well.
- I'm sorry but I still can't.
How did you hear about me?
From the newspaper.
I don't advertise.
Then it must have been
from a friend. Goodbye.
- Happy Christmas!
- Happy Christmas, Comrade Jung!
We have messages
from refugee Hungarians
for their families back at home.
And now for the messages...
The first is in code and it goes like this:
"Come sweetheart, come!"
This goes to Miskolc
and from Uszu to the two old girls,
who says all is well in England.
Pter wants the lame cook in Sifok
to know that he is well and in America.
To no. 25 in Tatabnya,
Bilux says he's in England.
Tomi wants Nandin to know
that Panci has arrived at the in-laws.
December 24, 1957.
I bought the books like they told me.
Grammar book,
another dictionary,
work book...
Do you know who I am?
The German teacher.
And do you know what you have to do?
Learn German, no?
Only joking.
Do you live here?
I thought it would be
some ministry building
but then I saw it's
an apartment building...
This is an undercover apartment,
Comrade Radnai.
We rent it so that we can meet
in relaxed circumstances.
It obviously wouldn't be good
if your colleagues saw you
walking into a ministry building.
What would they think?
They wouldn't think
I was having German lessons.
When were you recruited?
November 22.
Avery convincing comrade.
For patriotic reasons?
Have I seen any of your films?
The last one was
a Szilvsi adaptation
with Ruttkai...
I can see that you haven't had
the chance to travel abroad.
That must irritate you...
I won an award in Locarno
and I couldn't accept it in person.
Do you hope it will be different now?
Do you hope you'll be able to take
revenge on a few of your colleagues?
Because if you do,
you're in the wrong place.
I hope that the time will come when
I can concentrate solely on my films.
Your code name will be Pudovkin.
You'll type your reports under that name
and bring them to me once a week
and I will forward them to the ministry.
Couldn't it be Fellini?
Fellini is already taken.
Did the convincing comrade
teach you how to write a report?
In the third person singular, one copy
and to differentiate between
the conscious enemy and the mistaken.
Hands up!
You idiot!
Happy Christmas!
Reports from week 50.
My timetable for week 51.
"11 am - Flea, 12- Priest."
This is London calling.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen...
"5 pm - supper with the Marks."
Janka's gone to a lot of trouble.
You busy?
I've got a
stack of reports to write.
- And I've got to refresh the agent list...
- Andris,
you can refresh it another time.
It's Christmas!
- and don't be late!
- I'll be there.
Oh, I nearly forgot this.
Janka sent it.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Happy Christmas, Dad!
They reckon they found it at a
dog pound somewhere in Moscow.
What breed?
Some kind of mongrel.
It's got two big ears
and a spotty face...
About this big.
And is it up there all alone?
Yeah. In orbit.
I don't envy it.
Good morning,
Comrade Lieutenant-Colonel.
Could you be more obvious?
"5 pm-supper with the Marks."
Janka's gone to a lot of trouble.
You busy?
I've got a stack of reports to write.
- And I've got to refresh
the agent list... - Andris,
you can refresh it another time.
It's Christmas!
Comrade Jung,
I'm sorry, I hurried.
My mother isn't well.
I'll start right away.
- Sound?
- Working.
In accordance
with order no. 16, 1957 issued
by the Ministry of the Interior
of the Peoples' Republic of Hungary,
we will now commence
secret agent Andrs Jung's test.
Present are Pl Mark -test officer,
Ferenc Dohny-technician and...
Emil Kulcsr.
Emil Kulcsr.
Emil Kulcsr.
- Emil?
- Emil.
Emil Kulcsr invigilator.
Let's start.
...noodle soup, turkey
with boiled potatoes,
mashed potatoes, rice,
pickles and cucumber salad.
Everyone ate the soup except Patai.
ordered boiled potatoes,
Patai and Molnrhad rice,
Fekete mash. They all ate salad.
The turkey was very tasty and
they served it with little mushrooms.
The dessert was...
Who's the gourmet?
Codename Flea.
A literary foot soldier.
He's reporting on the Patai circle.
And the one at 9 o'clock?
The director?
Do you want me to rewind?
...and was there for 5 minutes.
I don't know if he met
anyone in there
but his hands were wet
when he came back.
Patai and Molnr went out for a
cigarette after the main course
and I didn't hear their conversation.
They smiled when they came in
and slapped each other on the back.
There was no mention
of politics at the table.
We talked about the food
and the weather
and Molnr made one mention...
...of the female genitalia.
There's no point
you protecting Father Lupics!
But he is a priest!
That means nothing...
Comrade Jung!
It's like...
...me asking you to betray
a fellow officer.
- Would you do it?
- We have an agreement, Father.
There's no need to remind me.
We're understanding
of your invalid mother...
Comrade Jung, I'm on your side.
I sometimes have my doubts.
Because I don't understand
why you are interested
in the private life of a village priest.
There must be more important things.
Father Lupics is
no counter-revolutionary.
- He's never seen a gun in his life.
- Father,
the counter-revolution
isn't only fought with guns.
The bishop's left. Anyone else?
Shall we go?
May I remind you
that it's only 1 o'clock?
I agree.
The rules state that surveillance
should last at least 12 hours.
Who do you think wrote those rules?
Sorry, Comrade Mark,
but it's still a rule...
Someone's coming.
Is there no one
waiting for you at home?
It's a woman.
Who is she?
An agent?
I've got no idea.
These are all Jung's female agents.
She isn't one of them.
I didn't touch a thing.
They've plum jam in them.
You're an angel.
What's this?
A double season ticket
to the National Theatre for 1958.
You'll have to go with me now.
I know we said you'd sleep here
tonight but something's come up.
Are you throwing me out?
No. It's just that...
I've got work to do.
- On Christmas Eve?
- I'm sorry.
Where are you going?
If you're busy, I'll find someone
to spend Christmas with!
Don't do this, va!
I'll walk up to someone on the street!
No, no, wait!
Wait, do you hear? va!
This is the last time. I promise.
- Have you got kids? A wife?
- No!
va, no!
Trust me!
I love you!
You're a fool!
This is Radio Free Europe,
the voice of free Hungary...
The girl's leaving.
Tell Varga to follow her.
I'm going.
- Csap.
- This is Jung.
- Can we talk now?
- Have you got what I asked for?
- Yes.
- How many?
Just one.
- Is she on it?
- She's on it...
It's pretty... surprising.
Put it in an envelope and take it to the
arranged place. I'll pick it up in an hour.
Who was that?
I don't know.
Wind it back.
- Csap.
- This is Jung.
No, to the dialling.
- Can I borrow that?
- Of course...
- Sorry!
- I'll get it.
And a pencil.
And again.
teacher at the Music Academy.
- Is that who Jung called?
- Does he work for us?
Codename Music Man.
Failed attempt to defect.
He reports on Szabolcsi.
Tell me the address.
Comrade Mark, can I come, too?
- What did you say your name is?
- Kulcsr. Emil Kulcsr.
You're driving.
Any news?
Varga called. He followed the woman
on the bus to Blaha Square.
She went into a building there.
He's waiting for orders.
- Should I drive?
- I've got a chauffeur.
I'll call you.
- Who's the woman, Comrade Mark?
- Drive.
- Did you know about Jung's affair?
- Keep your eyes on the road.
According to the rules
personal visitors...
are not allowed
in undercover apartments...
without prior permission.
Are you raising
your daughter on your own?
I saw the drawing.
- She's called Panni.
- Is she in hospital?
You got this from the drawing?
From your face.
Tense. Nervy.
I'm always like this.
I'm a nervy type...
- Turn.
- Thank you, I can see.
Panni is ill a lot lately.
She's got whooping cough.
- What happened to Gyimesi?
- He called in sick.
Why wasn't I told?
I only knew this morning.
It's a great honour to serve next
to the Comrade Lieutenant-Colonel.
- When you're not standing in,
what do you do? - I teach.
- At the Political Academy?
- Yes.
And what do you teach?
- You amongst other things.
- No!
I've just set my students essays
on Comrade Mark:
The time in Spain, your time
as a prisoner of war, you injury...
Is it true that Stalin met you
at the airport
when they exchanged you
for that French officer?
We're here to see Imre Csap.
And who are you?
Are you really Jung's father?
Why did they send you?
So I can learn.
You already know
the first rule, don't you?
Keep my mouth shut.
You just sit, observe and
leave the evaluation to me.
Jung is my best man.
If he's having an affair
with a woman, there's a reason
and it's not love.
It's me.
What's happening with Jung?
He's just left.
How much time have we got left
About 40 minutes.
We're hurrying.
- Dohny. - We've got
the photograph. We need a copy.
- Now?
- 20 minutes.
- We have to get there before Jung.
- Okay, hang on...
Civilian. Be discrete.
And, Feri...
Find out which hospital
Kulcsr's daughter's in.
- Kulcsr's daughter?
- She's got whooping cough.
- I'm just closing.
- We'll help you.
- Sorry? - Beria met me
at the airport. I never met Stalin.
So, how much longer?
- I'll take that. - Don't touch it!
You'll burn your hand!
That's fine. Thank you.
Would you go out? Out!
Be quick because I have
to buy my grandson a gun.
- What?
- A toy gun. For Christmas.
We'll tell you when we're done.
Where do have to take it?
Where's the drop-off?
- I don't know.
- Think hard!
I can't tell you.
Where do you have
to leave the envelope?
- Jung'll kill me!
- Are you scared of Jung orme?
Jung... He's a madman.
You can kill me but
you won't get anything out of me...
No, no, wait!
Let me go!
I'll tell you everything!
- Comrade Mark!
- Let me go!
I'll tell you everything!
Danube! Down by the Danube!
By the railway bridge!
- Hello?
- Send Vgh over.
Tell him to bring a bandage
and to clean Csap up.
And tell him to bring a toy gun.
The State Protection Authority
was disbanded last December
but Comrade Kdr secretly
organised for the new
- Political Investigations Department
to take all personnel. - Rkosi's men.
They have to pass a test.
the Kdrtest. The subjects can't
know about the test, can they?
The point is that they don't know.
Comrade Mark, do you think
there is any point to these tests?
I could think of better things
to do at Christmas.
Look, there's the barrel!
We'd better hurry!
The tin! Give it to me!
Comrade Mark, there's another barrel!
Now what?
Hurry, Comrade Mark!
He's coming!
Comrade Mark, quickly!
He's there!
I can see!
Behind the tree!
What's your relationship like with Jung?
With an officer?
We talk about popular music.
He knows that I play the piano.
I invited him to a Bartk recital
a couple of weeks ago.
I played Rhapsody no. 1.
And some say it wasn't too bad...
Did Jung go?
I was more surprised than anybody.
My cellist, Fanni, was ill that day
and she suggested her
roommate, a certain va Gti.
Jung asked me to introduce him
to her after the concert.
He wanted to congratulate her.
I told Fanni and
that's how it happened.
Did you know they've been
seeing each other since?
They make a nice couple.
They go well together.
Did Jung suspect the girl?
He never said as much but...
when we met last week,
he asked me to help him.
What did he want?
For me to ask Fanni about the girl.
Who she is, where she came from...
Did you learn anything?
but the champagne supper
cost me a fortune...
va tries to get into the
Music Academy every year
but they won't take her
because she's a class alien.
Do you know why she's on the B list?
She took part in the counter-revolution.
They caught her but soon let her go.
She looked like a little fish
but if they'd seen the photo,
they'd have known she wasn't.
Not at all...
va Gti fought at Corvin Lane
and killed secret police officers.
Secret police just like you.
Nothing... He didn't say a word.
What do you think?
He's in trouble.
Andrs Jung is in trouble.
Right in the middle of his test,
when he's being watched,
he learns that his lover is
a counter-revolutionary
or even worse, an enemy agent.
The question is what will he do
with this information?
No, the question is
what will we do with it?
We'll keep watching him.
And I'll keep my mouth shut.
He's drawn the curtains.
What's happening?
I've got no idea.
Comrade Mark,
how well do you know Andrs Jung?
I was a recruiter and I travelled
the country looking for talented kids.
I found Andris in Rcegrespuszta.
He didn't belong to anyone,
he had no one
but he was
very interested in our work.
He had a lot of ambition.
I see.
I brought him up to Budapest,
clothed him and fed him.
He worked with me in the department
in his last year at school.
That's when we were ordered
to set the undercover apartments up.
There was to be a whole
network of them like in Moscow.
Andris agreed to join
the top-secret staff
and live for his work
for years if need be.
Like a monk.
But what if the monk falls in love?
- What's that sound?
- He's taken the phone off the hook.
"Maximum 200 metres."
What was that?
He's found the bug.
- How?
- He regularly checks the telephone.
Why doesn't he switch it off?
- He's realised.
- What?
What's he realised?
He's coming over.
He's coming over?
He's got a gun!
We've got to disappear.
Call Vgh now!
- He's not picking up.
- Where is that idiot?!
He came up for Csap
to take him home.
Don't cry. It'll get better.
It's not your hand...
- Don't let anyone in!
- Why, what's going on?
I'm fine.
What's happening?
Open the door!
- Good evening.
- Who are you looking for?
Who lives in the corner flat
on the third?
No one. It's empty.
I saw movement.
It's being decorated.
You can't come in!
Young man!
Young man!
What the hell was that?
We're always the last to know.
Are you gentlemen secret police?
Are you working?
I'm guarding the stuff.
On Christmas Eve?
Until the boys get back.
Then we're going to celebrate...
We're doing the whole floor.
Is there something you want?
Who are you?
Why are you watching me?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Who's in there?
Young man!
Come down this minute!
Clear off!
Come down now or I'll call the police!
I'm calling the police!
I'm going... and I'll call them!
Neither of us wants the police here.
I'll be back.
I'll be here.
He's gone.
Get inside!
You should be ashamed...
a sick old lady...
He's gone back.
Where's Mark?
They're watching us.
I know.
They put a bug in the telephone.
They can see and hear everything.
- Who are they?
- The Patai circle.
They've rented the flat opposite
and they're watching from there.
But we're watching them. And when
the moment comes, we'll step in.
It's vital that
you don't break your cover.
What should I do?
Go up to the flat
and call the woman.
She's in on it, too. You know
what you have to do, don't you?
- Something's disappeared.
- What?
It was there this morning
and now it's not.
- What?
- I've looked for it everywhere.
- What?
- The agent list.
Get up there!
At last!
Nice work.
It's your wife, Comrade.
- Hello.
- Pali...?
Pali, you said 5 o'clock.
I've laid the table.
Andris is making a quick call.
You're not working, are you?
There's a small problem with the flat...
- Is something wrong?
- No. We'll hurry.
I've got to go. See you later.
It's me.
Andris, there's
nothing wrong, is there?
No. Nothing's wrong.
Your voice sounds so strange.
Is there something you want to say?
I love you.
- Should I come over?
- That'd be good.
I'm on my way.
Who are you working for?!
What do you want from Jung?
- Talk!
- Comrade Mark...
Comrade Mark...
put the gun down
before someone sees you.
The comrade won't run away.
Stand up!
Let me introduce Lieutenant va Gti.
Lieutenant? What lieutenant?
From the Investigations Department.
We instructed her to get close
to Jung and steal his agent list.
Of course we know about the agent list.
It's part of the test, Comrade Mark.
We test how the subject
behaves under pressure.
That was pressure, all right.
And if it goes on like this, I won't be
able to able to vouch for Jung.
That's the idea.
That's the exact idea.
We aim to create a situation
where the subject is forced
to choose between his job
and his emotions.
It's the Moscow method.
That's what we use.
What we use?
And who uses it?
Since when?
Since now.
Why don't I know about this?
It's top-secret. People are only told
what they need to know.
Only told what they need to know?
Exactly, Comrade Mark.
It's your method.
We've just refined it a little.
The test is over!
- I can't allow you to break our cover!
- Out of my way!
- What did you just say?!
- Move!
I didn't hear.
I said move!
I'm in charge of the test now.
- You've got no authorisation!
- But I do!
Show me!
- call the minister! - It's pointless
at this hour of the night...
It's not pointless for me.
Call him!
Good evening.
I'll hand you to Comrade Mark.
Hello, Sndor.
Sorry to disturb you
but there's a small problem...
Emil Kulcsr, yes.
The test invigilator...
I see.
Fine. Sorry.
And happy holidays! Bye.
Thank you.
And now what?
Are you going to send me home?
Do you want to go home?
Then let's get back to work!
We want our allies
and our enemies to know
that our country will heal the wounds
caused by counter-revolutionaries
and that we are determined
that Hungarian land,
that has been watered by the sweat
of generations of peasants
and workers and where bourgeois rule
left the country in ruins 12 years ago,
will be rebuilt as a free,
independent, socialist homeland...
Do you love him?
Because he loves you.
Of course he loves me.
We've reached the final stage.
Comrade, it's time.
They'll kill each other.
Who'll kill who?
You've gone too far, Kulcsr.
There are two possible outcomes.
One is that Jung breaks off
with the woman
and in which case he'll pass the test.
The other is that he breaks
his cover in which case he'll fail.
He'll end it.
Who gave you the angel?
He's like a father to me...
If it wasn't for him, I'd have died
in the muck like my old man.
He got me into school and
I've got him to thank for everything.
Have you told him about us?
He must really love you.
I was supposed to be having
supper at their place tonight.
Sour cream?
A drop of wine?
No, thanks.
- Hello?
- I'll have a drop more.
It's for you...
Comrade Kulcsr.
The bottle's in the kitchen.
Don't bother...
Hello, yes?
I can't...
Not now...
Is there a problem, Comrade Kulcsr?
It's my daughter.
She's worse.
She needs you.
I know, but...
We're only human, Comrade Kulcsr.
You go.
The comrade minister will understand.
He doesn't have to know.
No, he doesn't.
Comrade Plmai!
Dohny, record everything.
Get everything.
Take Comrade Kulcsr to the hospital.
I'll be right back.
You've never told me
about your parents.
There's nothing to tell.
What were they like?
I suppose today you'd say
that they were bourgeois
and they took everything from them.
My father was taken on forced labour,
he didn't have boots and
he never came back from the front.
You mother?
She taught piano...
to aristocracy.
She left a couple of years ago.
She said she couldn't live in a country
where they banned "Gloomy Sunday".
She defected.
Is that why they wouldn't accept you
at the Music Academy?
Because of your mother?
The cabbage is delicious.
They can do anything
in this wretched secret-police country!
Why aren't you eating? Eat!
I've lost my appetite.
But if we'd won last year...
Did you believe in it?
We were so close.
We never stood a chance!
- But if they'd not tricked Malter...
- I know nothing about Malter
but I saw what happened
at Corvin Lane.
Were you there?
Did you fight?
Let's dance.
Who are you working for?
Who are you working for?
You know I'm not working now.
Who are you working for?
Are you all right?
Who are you working for? I
- You scare me.
- Where is it?
I don't know what you're talking about.
The list.
What have you done with it?
- What list?
- I know you took it.
- I didn't...
- Who did you give it to?
It was in my drawer.
It went missing after you left.
- I never touched it.
- Do you think it just evaporated?!
- Perhaps you put it somewhere else...
- I didn't put it anywhere. You stole it!
I stole it from you? A stupid list?
You're insane!
- You're not going anywhere!
- Leave me alone!
Who are you working for?
I'm not working for anybody!
How long have you been watching?
Who are you?
Who did you give the list to?
Fuck your list!
I saw your bloody photo...
Csap showed me...
What photo?
Why? Is there more than one
with a machine gun?
That was a long time ago.
It wasn't me...
And this morning?
When you were standing by the desk...
Andris, I'm telling you the truth...
Andris, Andris...
Andris, look into my eyes...
If he keeps torturing her,
we'll call it off.
You're such a fool,
you're such an idiot... a fool...
I trusted you.
This flat is busier than Keleti Station
and you suspect me?!
He's found it.
I'm going over.
- Check the back streets!
- Comrade Kulcsr said...
- The orders have changed!
- Yes, sir.
We heard screams and a struggle.
Go back to your flat!
- Should I go call the police?
- Don't think about it!
Drop the gun!
Where's the girl?
- Did you hurt her?
- Isn't that what you wanted?
Andris, she's a counter-revolutionary.
- The Patai circle was spying on you...
- It was you.
I know it's the test today.
I know you've been playing with me!
va told me everything.
Comrade, you have seriously
infringed the test regulations...
If it turns out that you told
the subject that his test is today...
If it turns out that you came over
in the middle of the test...
Have you broken cover
on the whole operation?
Wait outside. That's an order!
How long were you going to wait?
You've really fucked me, Andris!
In the undercover flat?
On the day of your test?
- Would you give up your career?
- You'd do the same for Janka!
No, you're mistaken!
Running after your dick?
You didn't learn that from me!
You've broken all the rules, Andris.
You've failed.
I'm disappointed in you!
Get dressed, Janka's waiting!
What about the list?
Now we can eat in peace.
Call her in.
Do what I say.
- Anything?
- Nothing.
I'm here now.
What stage are we at?
Thank you.
- Now where are you going?
- To get my coat and then I'm gone.
You go! You're just like all women!
Never look for me again!
I won't. Don't worry!
Give me the microphone.
time: 20:43.
Agent Andrs Jung's test
has been completed.
You were right, Comrade Mark.
Jung really is your best man.
He just does what he has to.
Going home?
Yes... for supper.
I'd happily accept
a little leftover fish soup.
Shall we go?
Lieutenant Kulcsr called and said
we should take the Comrade
Lieutenant-Colonel in for debriefing.
But we're just going home.
He said it's urgent.
It'll only take half an hour.
Comrade Kulcsr?
We have gathered here to evaluate
the results of today's test.
I'll ask Comrade Lieutenant-Colonel
Mark to summarise
the events of the last 12 hours.
Today, on December 24, 1957,
in accordance with order no. 16 issued
by the Ministry of the Interior
of the People's Republic of Hungary,
the Cultural Espionage Section held
Agent Andrs Jung's test.
During which Comrade Jung's loyalty
was tested to the full.
Comrade Jung dealt excellently
with the situation,
never broke his cover and
passed the test with top marks.
Did you establish contact
with Comrade Jung during the test?
Me? No.
Did you in any way try
to influence the outcome of the test?
Did you act in the interest
of the socialist state and
the workers' movement at all times?
At all times.
Comrade Jung.
...I'll switch the bug back on at 20:00.
I want you to pretend to break up.
And Kulcsr?
I've lured him to the hospital.
He'll hear you breaking up
on tape when he gets back.
No one can know about
what happened today.
Do you maintain your statement,
Comrade Mark?
I do.
Did you act in the interest
of the socialist state and
the workers' movement at all times?
At all times...
I might have broken a few small rules
but that was only to bring these two
young people back to the right path.
va Gti?
You completed the test
with top marks. Congratulations.
- Andrs Jung?
- Present.
You completed the test
with top marks. Congratulations.
The committee will recommend
your promotion and a position
at the Ministry of the Interior.
va Gti will take up residence
at the now vacant undercover apartment.
Pl Mark?
You failed the test.
You have been dismissed from the
Political Investigations Department
and your exclusion
from the Party will be initiated.
Your vacant post will be filled
by Comrade Emil Kulcsr.
You may go.
Good work.
I had a good teacher.
Csap had it right when he said
you're a nice couple.
You go well together.
You disappointed me.
Is that everything?
We can go.