A Walk In The Clouds (1995)

Of Victoria's life.
Now that you are a part
of all this, a part of us...
...it is the root of your life.
You are an orphan no longer.
So you will stay with your family...
...while we harvest the fruit.
It's a special time.
It's a time of magic!
I really can't.
I have commitments.
What about the commitments
to your family?
- What can be more important than that?
- I would like to, really.
But I can't.
He said you would not stay.
- Who did?
- Alberto.
He said, "The first chance
that gringo gets...
...he will leave her."
- His exact words.
- I'm not leaving her...
No, I understand.
It's just my poor granddaughter.
He will whip her with it.
She'll be the one to pay
for your "commitments."
Such a pity.
Such a sweet girl.
- It's just the difference of a day.
- Our most important day.
The day that makes
or breaks our fortunes.
That's what he will throw up to her.
For the rest of her life!
I know...
...my son.
Don Pedro.
You're right.
It's only one day. I'll stay.
May I?
It's a good thing. You have
no more chocolates to sell anyway.
Come on.
- I thought you were leaving.
- It's better for you if I stay.
- At least until the harvest.
- Don't you have chocolates to sell?
Family comes first.
Hey, everybody. I'm home!
Hiya, sis!
Hi, Jose.
Hi, Grandpa.
Hi, Grandma.
My favorite chili's ready?
- Hi, Mom.
- At last!
Hi, Pop. Sorry I'm late.
This is my husband, Paul Sutton.
Paul, my brother.
You got hitched?
That's swell!
Victoria Sutton. I like that.
- Welcome to the family. I'm Pete.
- Thanks.
Who is "Pete"?
- Pa, come on.
- I don't know any Pete.
I pay a fortune
to Stanford University...
...for a Pedro Alberto
Aragon Limantour.
Maybe I'm paying for the wrong person,
and I should stop the check.
- Glad to meet you, Pedro.
- Can we begin now?
Make sure he knows what to do.
We don't want him cutting himself
and getting blood on the grapes.
It'll ruin the taste of the wine.
Aren't you happy you stayed?
Come on!
- How do they feel?
- They're a little big.
Like family, you must live in clothes
for a while before they fit.
- But you are doing great.
- Not everyone would agree.
It's not easy being in charge.
It wasn't for me.
It's not easy for him.
Every man must find his own way.
But I have faith in my son.
And I have faith in you.
But your fly is open.
My wife's family, the Aztecs...
...believe that you must
have permission...
...of the four winds to harvest
what the earth gives.
Isn't she beautiful?
Come on, you're a married woman now!
What about Pedro?
- He's not married.
- Neither are we.
I want you more than anything.
You can't imagine how I want you.
But I'm not free.
I won't hurt you that way.
I won't.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
- We can lead the market, not chase it.
- Where's my hat?
Raise money through
limited partnerships.
- Hi, Paul.
- Hi, Pedro. Good morning, Mr. Aragon.
- So, what do you think, Pop?
- About what?
Modernizing the operation,
limited partnerships?
- A partner equals trouble.
- You can always borrow from the bank.
Listen, just because you harvested
a few grapes doesn't give you a say.
Stick to your candy and keep
your nose out of our business.
Now, tell me what's going on here.
That you sleep one night on the floor,
the next on the couch?
You'll use any excuse to make him
feel unwelcome, won't you?
There's something wrong here.
This whole thing smells wrong.
A girl comes home with
a husband nobody ever heard of...
...with her suitcase as full
as when she went away.
Like she has no place else to go.
Where's my hat?
You don't want me here? I'll leave.
- Is that what you want?
- I want the truth.
- That's what I want.
- No, you don't.
The truth you want
is the truth according to you.
That's the only truth you accept.
Try me.
The truth is, she came home
because she loves her family.
I told you, stay out of our business.
She is my business.
You were looking for this?
Thank you, but I don't have time.
- It smells!
- I have to leave. I have business.
Don Pedro has finished
your business, no?
And besides, you must see it through.
- See what through?
- Your fate. What brought you here.
Nothing brought me here.
I brought me here.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- Let me help you.
- No, we had a plan.
You were to stay one night
and go back to your wife.
- Stick to the plan.
- I can't leave you like this.
And tomorrow?
Will you stay tomorrow too?
And the day after that?
Go home, Paul.
You still have a wife.
- Here. Leave it at the station.
- Please.
You can't help me anymore!
No one can help me.
It's not your problem.
It's not my problem.
I can't leave.
I can't.
Don't think just because
you married her...
...any of this is yours.
If you married her at all.
- What do you mean?
- I wasn't there.
I didn't see a wedding,
or even a wedding certificate.
And don't think that just because
I speak with an accent...
...I think with an accent.
For the four years
that I've been at war...
...I had to keep myself closed off.
- What's your reason?
- What are you talking about?
- Reason for what?
- Shutting Victoria out of your heart.
Can't you see how amazing she is?
How alive?
I dream of getting the kind
of love she tries to give you.
I would die for what you have.
Why can't you just love her?
She's so easy to love.
You know nothing about my daughter!
You hear me? Nothing!
I know that she is good and strong...
...and deserves all the love this
world has to give. Can't you see?
How wonderful,
how special she is?
You see this?
This land? This vineyard?
This is 365 days a year.
Who do you think I do this for?
For them.
All of them! I love my family!
You should let them know.
Paul? Hey, Paul.
The finest.
I made it myself...
...21 years ago.
The secret about brandy is age.
The secret of everything...
...is age.
Hija, are you all right?
He only went to work.
He will come back.
What the hell is that?
My uniform.
Of course.
What else do they do
but make love and war?
- Did you talk to her?
- I tried.
Wouldn't make a difference.
Talking between men and women...
...never solves anything.
Where we think...
...they feel.
They are creatures of the heart.
Please, sit down.
No, no. Please, come on.
Give me that.
- I'll miss my bus again.
- Make yourself comfortable.
Tomorrow we go to the festival
for the wine blessing.
The bus will be there.
I have the perfect solution for you.
Thank you.
Isn't that the most romantic thing
you ever heard?
- Maybe it loses a bit on translation.
- No, no.
Now you sing.
It's all right.
You did wonderful. Let's let
the experts do it themselves.
You're a gringo.
Nice, but still a gringo.
The heart you are talking to
is Mexican.
You speak to it in
the language it understands.
You be strong.
You stand right here.
Right here.
No, no. You've had enough.
All right. You boys,
wait for my signal.
You watch her window.
When the light comes on...
...you are saved!
Just watch the window.
He seems to love her.
...l've been too tough on him.
What's the matter?
Don't have too much fun.
- Our bus leaves in 10 minutes.
- Thanks.
The Aragons!
The Aragons are coming!
Hello, how are you?
- Marie Jose.
- Padre.
I will now recite
the Blessing of the Harvest.
We thank you, Lord, for bestowing
on us the bounty of thy harvest.
We ask that each life here be blessed
with the full measure of love...
...health and happiness...
...that those who acknowledge God
justly deserve. Amen.
Your serenade was very beautiful.
Will you toast with me?
What do we toast to?
To "what if."
To "what if."
Father Filipo...
...may I introduce Paul Sutton,
my new son-in-law.
As you can see, a bona fide war hero.
- He helped bring in the harvest.
- Papa.
What? I can't be proud?
- A blessed surprise. Congratulations!
- Thank you, Father.
I gave her First Communion.
- Thought I'd give her in marriage.
- And you shall.
City hall is not a proper place
to take your wedding vows.
Not for my only daughter.
Tonight... Listen to me!
Tonight, I give my daughter's
hand in marriage...
...before the eyes of God.
And I will take it
as a personal insult...
...if you all do not show up.
You are all invited!
- Why are you doing this?
- A man can change his mind, can't he?
- We must tell them.
- No.
I have to tell them.
I'm not scared now.
For the baby.
A little present.
- What did you get it for?
- Courage under fire.
Paul Sutton...
...you are the most honorable man
I have ever known.
- Where to, soldier?
- San Francisco.
I can get you as far as San Rafael.
Climb in.
- What you doing around here?
- Walking.
In the clouds.
Welcome back to earth.
- Who's there?
- It's me.
- You read them.
- Yes, Paul...
Listen, it wasn't gonna work,
for either of us.
Had I read the letters sooner...
We hardly knew each other.
We want different things.
Who is it, Betty?
I don't even like dogs!
It's not what it appears to be.
- Armisted?
- Paul, listen to me.
It would have never worked for me.
- I'd be miserable!
- I came back...
- You have a gun?
- I was ready.
- Don't do anything crazy.
- I'll leave. Don't hit me!
I'm not gonna hit you.
We could still be friends.
I thought an annulment
would be easiest.
You just have to sign it.
I'm sorry, Paul.
Paul, are you all right?
I'm fine!
Mr. Aragon?
Mr. Aragon.
I owe you an apology, sir.
- What I did was wrong.
- Get off my land!
My intentions were to protect her.
- Stay away from her.
- I can't.
She's like the air to me.
I'm asking you for her hand
in marriage.
You are already married,
you son of a bitch!
- My gun!
- Don Alberto?
My gun! Now!
My marriage wasn't meant to be.
It was a mistake. But it's over.
- Annulled.
- You deceived me!
In my own house! In my own bed!
Stay away from her!
I want to be with her
forever and take care of her.
- Jose, my gun!
- Victoria!
You made me a fool to everyone.
- It's not your child she carries!
- It will be if she'll have me.
I'll see you dead first!
Stop! I love him!
I love him!
My God!
What have I done?
Let me go!
Get away!
Lie down, Pedro!
Don't run!
Lie down!
I'm all right!
I was afraid.
I was afraid of losing you.
All of you.
I didn't know any other way to love.
Can you teach me?
Please, can you teach me?
The fire burned through...
There's no root stock left...
...to replant.
Las Nubes...
...is finished.
Has it reached the inside?
It's alive.
It's alive.
Las Nubes lives!
We can plant!
...is the root...
...of your life.
The root of your family.
You are bound to this land...
...and to this family...
...by commitment...
...by honor...
...and by love.
Plant it.
It will grow.
I don't know how.
...help your husband.
It's beautiful!