A Year and Change (2015)

- I think I might
need some help.
Is there anyone here
to help you fill this out?
- I can handle it.
- Paging Dr. Geller to the ICU.
Dr. Geller to the ICU.
- Paging Dr. Reeder,
dial extension 47.
Dear Jen,
I'm alone.
I'm sitting in a hospital.
And my arm is in
about six pieces.
This isn't exactly how
I planned to celebrate
the end of the year.
- I just can't seem
to wake up today.
- Yeah, I don't think
that's gonna help.
- I know.
Okay, I gotta get back in there.
These women are
driving me crazy.
If you're not attractive
the rest of the year,
what makes you think you
will be on New Year's Eve?
- A new haircut.
- Exactly. I do hair not magic.
I'm so looking forward
to Pete's party.
- Aw, shit!
- What?
- I have to remember to get
beer for the party tonight.
- Yeah, don't fuck that up.
- So, you want me
to pick you up?
- No, I think just, I'm gonna
go home and take a nap first.
- Yeah?
- But I will see you there.
Thank you so much. I
really needed that.
- All right.
Bye, Pam.
- Oh, fuck.
- Hey, hey. Hold on, I got it.
There you go.
- Tell me you're finally restocking
the damn machines, Owen.
- Nick, they will be by next week.
I promise.
- I've heard that before.
- Hey.
- If you knew how I was
feeling about you right now,
you would never have gotten
out of that van of yours.
- You know, I was gonna offer
to help you with those bags,
but forget it.
Just send Adam out.
- Do you have a check for me?
- It's not due till next week.
Do you even need it?
Seems like you're doin' fine.
- We are doing fine but I
expect it just the same.
- Well, you'll
have it next week.
- Adam's spending the night at
his friend Matthew's house.
- Wait!
Hold on, I thought I was supposed
to buy him sneakers today?
- That was yesterday.
Who buys shoes on
New Year's Eve?
- I thought we said today.
- It breaks my heart to
see Adam waiting for you
on the curb and you
not showing up.
You don't do that to
an 11 year-old boy.
- Well, why doesn't
he just wait inside?
- The sun's going down, Owen.
It's time to go find your
friends and get drunk.
- Wait, Cindy.
Pete's party is tonight and I
was supposed to pick up beer.
Is there any way I could...?
I have cash!
Or not.
This really gonna work?
- Trust me. You won't
be disappointed.
- Thanks, Kenny.
- Uh huh.
- See you later.
- Hey!
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- A little young even by
your disreputable standards
aren't they, Kenny?
- Who? Kimmy and Dawn?
- What are they, half your age?
- So, what'd you
give them anyway?
- Two dollar bottle of wine.
Oh, come on. It's
New Year's Eve.
Like we never used to
do anything like that
when we were their age.
- Speaking of which, you gonna
go to Pete's party tonight?
If so, can you, can
you bring some beer?
If you go.
- Can't. Got plans.
- When's Aunt Claire's car
gettin' fixed anyway?
- Two, three days, I think.
Oh, and she said that she
wants to talk to you.
- When? Tonight?
- Uh-huh.
- No way.
- I'm just tellin'
ya what she said.
Good luck.
Hey, Mom!
- Goin' out with Owen tonight?
- Hell no!
And miss New Year's
Eve dinner with you?
- Set the table then, all right?
- Yes, ma'am!
- Hey, Aunt Claire.
- I guess you don't
have enough manners
to come in and have
a cup of coffee.
- Aw, I'm runnin' late for
something, I'm sorry.
- So, the great state of
Maryland has decided to
release his brother.
- Oh, Victor's gettin' out?
Well, that's great.
- He'll be a free man
in a couple of weeks.
- What, you need me to
pick him up or something?
- That,
and I need you to hang
on to him for a bit.
- Why?
- Victor and I haven't seen eye
to eye since he went away.
I was hoping he might come
live with you for a while.
- Well, you're not givin' me
much time to think about it.
- You think you could
use somebody to talk to
livin' in that big
house all by yourself?
- Hey, it's not that big.
- We're family.
And like it or not you don't
have that many of us left.
And this is what families do.
They help one another
in times of need.
- You're doin' the garage
bar again this year?
- Hey, if it ain't broke.
Where's the beer?
- I fucked up man.
- Don't worry about it.
- No, you told me
to get the beer.
I should've gotten the beer.
You're an asshole.
- I tell five guys they're
in charge of bursting
forth and gettin' beer.
I figured there's a chance one
of you guys'll get it done.
Speakin' of...
My cousin Melissa's
comin' down from Philly.
Says she's lookin' to get laid.
I put your name on
top of the list.
- No, I can't cheat
on Pam anymore.
- What?
What, are you in love
with the hairdresser?
- No, but I have to stop
sleeping with other women.
It's rude.
- Whatever.
- You ever get up
to Philadelphia?
- I've only been like 30
miles outside of Maryland
my entire life.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- I went all over Europe
when I was younger.
Is my talking bothering you?
- I guess not.
- It's just we don't
know each other so well,
and after this I'm
gonna mingle a bit.
- Okay.
- You have any kids?
- I have a son.
- Oh, you have to meet my Mandy.
She's 10.
Maybe you can make Mandy laugh.
She gets grumpy.
- I will if I ever meet her.
- You'll meet her
tonight, silly.
She's downstairs.
- She's what?
- Hey, Owen.
- Hey, Vera.
- Can you please give
me a glass of water?
- Yeah.
- Someone just gave me a
large shot of some weird
brown liquid and yelled at
me until I drank it all.
- There you go.
- Thanks.
- Yep.
- You okay?
- I'm sure wherever my ex-husband
is, he is not freaking out
in the kitchen of some
New Year's Eve party.
- I'm sure he doesn't look
as nice as you do either.
- Aw, thanks.
It's obviously too
much for this place,
but I have no idea
what I'm doing.
- Yeah, well take it from me.
I've been divorced
for a few years.
It gets easier.
- I've never really
been on my own.
Before Martin and I separated,
there was never a
night in my life
where there wasn't
someone that I could
say good night to
as I went to bed.
- Hold on a second.
- What are you doing?
- I'm giving you my number.
So, when you go to bed
I want you to call me
and tell me good night.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
You know what?
We should go on a date sometime.
That's the first thing you need
to do when you get single,
just go on a bunch of dates.
Date a bunch of dudes.
I mean, who cares, you know.
You just need to get
outta your head.
- Owen, that's really sweet
but I'm afraid that I'd...
I would be using
you as a rebound.
- No pressure.
I'm not goin' anywhere.
- Yeah. Okay.
- It's just a piece of paper
with some numbers on it.
- Just a piece of paper, okay.
Thank you for the
piece of paper.
- Owen!
- Yes. Hey.
- Let's take a shot.
- I can't do anymore.
- No, there are these mango things.
It's so fuckin' good.
Just one shot.
- That sounds exotic but I
can't do shots anymore.
I'm good. I got beer.
- Don't be so fuckin' boring.
- I'm good. I'm good.
- Jackie, let's take a shot.
- Oh okay, but I'm Linda.
- Whatever.
Dear Jen,
For some reason, I thought
if I got up on the roof
I'd be able to see
for miles around.
Turns out I can
only see the roof
of the house across the street.
I wonder if anyone would
even notice that I'm gone.
I should just leave that there.
They say what you're
doing on New Year's Eve
is what you'll be doing
all of the next year.
To be honest...
- Happy New Year!!
I'm not so sure I could handle
another 12 months of this.
- I heard you were
here somewhere.
- Angie.
They got you workin'
on New Year's Eve?
- Yeah, anything to get
away from my family.
So, turns out you
can't fly, huh.
- Aw, that was just
my first attempt.
- You up on the roof
at the ale house?
- Mm-hmm. No, I was
over at Pete's.
He was having a party.
- Pete. Is he still an asshole?
- Pretty much.
- I always thought you
were so much smarter
than those guys you get
drunk with every night.
- They're okay.
- You think everyone's okay.
But I didn't see any
of your friends
in the waiting room with you.
- I did notice that.
- Well, you should
give that more
than just a passing thought.
- I got that.
- All right, thanks.
- Here ya go.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Think this is yours.
- Ah, shit.
How's it goin' Todd?
- About the same.
- I was just takin'
him for a walk,
and I thought I'd
check up on you.
How's your arm?
- Still broken.
- You need any help
with anything?
- No, I'll be fine.
- Hey, Pete!
Wake up!
Hey, Pete!
You wanna be the first
one to sign my...
- Oh shit.
- Well, look at that!
- Let's not get all excited.
- Hey!
- Pam, Get outta my way
I'm gonna smash Pete
in the head with this.
- Go home!
It's not like we were
married or anything.
You're just someone I
like to get stoned with.
- Oh, that was it?!
- Yeah, that's it!
I'm with Pete now.
- You are?
- Fuck you both.
- Look c'mon, let's talk about
this rationally. C'mon.
- Yeah, okay.
- Oh my god!
- That's the rational
thing to do!
- Get outta here!
What the fuck is
wrong with you?!
- I deserved that.
- Just put your head back.
Ooo, shit he fucked you up.
Yeah, its broken.
- Yeah.
- Hi. Owen?
- Who's this?
- Oh, it's, it's Vera.
Is it too late to call you?
- Vera?
- Yeah.
- No. I'm up. What's goin' on?
- I feel silly but you
told me to call you so...
- I did?
- Yeah.
- I did.
Don't feel silly.
What's goin' on?
- Okay, well, um, good night.
- Good night.
I was thinkin' we should
make a plan to...
- That looks like it hurt.
- Not really.
Kind of.
- The more things change.
- Cindy, don't start, all right.
Oh, here's your check.
So, we can avoid that fight.
- I've been meaning to
tell you something.
- Huh?
- Hi.
- Ready to go?
- I guess.
- Sweetheart, why
don't you go wait
in the van for your dad, okay?
He'll be right out.
- What's that about?
- I've been offered a
position in San Diego.
Obviously, I would
take Adam with me.
- San Diego?
That's like on the other
side of the world.
I'd never see him.
- You barely see him as it is.
And even when you do, you're
usually half in the bag.
It wouldn't be until
the end of the year.
I just wanted to let you know
that I'm thinking about it.
- You can't just take my son
away from me like that.
- Actually, I can.
- Do you wanna get the
lawyers involved again?
Is that it?
- Right. Because a judge
would rule in favor
of a father who drunkenly falls
off rooftops at parties.
- I think you're being
incredibly selfish.
- Well, now you
know how it feels.
- So, what's the verdict?
- They're like wearing pillows.
- Is that a good thing
or a bad thing?
- I think it's great.
- Hey listen, about last week.
I got the days mixed up.
It's my fault.
- Okay.
- Maybe next week we can
go to the steakhouse.
- I guess.
- What do you mean, you guess?
You used to love
that steakhouse.
- I kinda don't
eat meat anymore.
- Well...
You know, we can go to Louie's
get that chicken thing you like.
- You don't listen to me.
- What? I'm listening.
- No. You say you wanna
hang out with me,
but you don't really listen.
I said I don't eat meat anymore.
- All right.
Sorry, I was distracted.
- Well, I don't eat meat.
- Can you eat pasta?
- Yeah, I eat pasta.
- We'll go to that
pasta place then.
Let's go pick up
your Uncle Kenny.
- Why's that policeman
talking to Uncle Kenny?
- I don't know.
I'm sure it's nothing though.
- Goodbye, Uncle Kenny.
- Yeah. See you
later, little man.
- Thanks for the shoes, Dad.
- You're welcome.
- So, what really
happened to the arm?
- Fell off a roof.
- You drunk.
- Whatever.
What did that cop really want?
- You know that girl who...
Kimmy, who came into the
store the other day?
- Yeah.
- I guess she's in a coma.
Alcohol poisoning.
- Huh.
I think I saw her at
the clinic, actually,
when I was gettin'
my arm fixed up.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, her parents found
her, and she was passed out,
and called the police.
- Did you tell that cop
you gave her alcohol?
- No.
- I thought you just said
it was some crappy wine.
- Yeah, well.
Just a little bit stronger.
- What?
- It was grain.
But I told, I told her
that she had to mix it
with a Kool-Aid or something.
- What the hell were
you thinkin', man?
- Just do me a favor
and promise me
that you're not gonna tell
my mom about the cop.
- It's a small town.
If a cop comes to your
store asking questions,
she's gonna find out
sooner or later.
- Promise.
- All right, I promise.
- Okay.
- She's been on me about
pickin' up Victor
when he gets out.
You're comin' with me, right?
- Nope.
I got my own problems.
- Ah, man.
- Hey, man.
You got everything?
- Lost my sanity.
I was able to keep
my anal virginity.
What time the strip clubs open?
- I think your mom's
got some welcome back
from prison dinner
planned for you tonight.
- Oh, that's good. It's ironic.
'Cause they didn't visit
me once in prison.
- What are you talkin' about?
I came to visit you.
- That's because you were
stocking the vending machines.
- Still visited.
- Yeah, that's true.
Kenny gonna be there?
- Yeah, I think so.
- I don't think I can make it.
- What, you got somewhere
else you gotta be?
- Yeah, I gotta be
in a champagne room
with a fistful of singles
and a toothy grin.
- Waiting one more night's
not gonna kill you.
- What if it did?
Feel awfully guilty
then, wouldn't you?
- I'd get over it.
- Yeah.
You know what? I don't
think I can live with you.
- Hey man, you
just tell me where
you want me to drop you off.
It's fine by me.
- Nah, it's 'cause
you're a moody person.
And that can wear on a
guy everyday, you know.
- I'm not moody.
- Oh, you're not?
- No.
I'm taciturn.
- Is that what it is?
- Yep.
- I'm gonna look that
word up when I get home.
- So, now I'm completely fucked
because anything I'm even
remotely interested in
is related to computers.
And that all has to be put on
hold for the next five years.
I mean, you know how
much technology
changes in five years, Owen.
That's like a death sentence.
I might as well become
Amish or something.
Hmm, look at that.
Could've used that in prison.
Anyways, I'm hopin' that
Occupy movement starts back up
because economic distribution
in this country is so
vertically hierarchical that
it makes me wanna puke.
Campin' out on the White
House lawn with a bullhorn,
tauntin' the man.
That's more my speed, you know.
- Yeah, I hate to
break it to you but
that Occupy movement
is pretty much dead.
- Yeah, well.
Gotta be something for
me to protest, you know.
- You just got out of jail.
You really wanna go right back?
- Hell no, man.
Prison changes a person.
- Clearly.
Hey, man.
So, I wanna take this.
- Hello.
- It's me.
- Hey.
- I...
- What's goin' on?
- I have to get the pipes
fixed or something
the water at my place is
kind of brown and chunky.
So, I went out to get
some bottled stuff
and now I'm just driving
around until I get tired.
- Where are you?
- Right outside your
house, actually.
I saw your van and I pulled in.
Is that weird?
- Yes, that's kinda weird.
- Oh hey.
What happened to your arm?
- Oh.
I broke it at the
party after you left.
- Oh, did you get in a fight?
I hear that you like
to get into fights.
- Who told you that?
- Been asking around about you.
- Yeah, well don't believe
everything you hear.
- Why not?
- 'Cause it's probably all true.
- Nope, I think you
might be sweet.
Well, good night.
- Good night.
- Beer, beer, beer is fine,
but I'd rather be drinking wine.
Dear Jen,
Isn't strange how sometimes
you can surround yourself
with a whole crowd of people,
yet still feel alone.
Seems to be a pretty common
feeling for me lately.
I think if you were here,
I wouldn't be so alone.
is that depressing or what?
- Thank you, sir.
Have a nice day.
- Hey, Vera.
- Hi.
- I need some coin sleeves.
- Okay.
Here to help.
- You're gonna regret that.
Welcome to my world.
- Did you know that it
costs almost 2 1/2 cents
to produce a penny?
- Really?
- Yeah, and over 11
cents to make a nickel.
- I didn't know that.
- Seems like a waste
of money, huh?
- Sometimes I wonder if all
this change is worth it.
They ever catch that guy?
The robber.
- Not yet.
We aren't exactly Fort
Knox around here.
You know, if I were the
manager I would make sure
there was at least one
working security camera.
- Well, you're making me
feel real comfortable
about banking here.
- Oh, don't worry we're insured.
- Manager, huh?
- I think about it.
- Well, in 15, 20
years from now.
They're gonna look back and
say, "The bank robbery
"that was the time
before Vera was manager.
"Before she restored law
and order to these parts."
- You know, Tower Oaks Lodge?
- Yeah.
- Come by there Friday night.
Eight o'clock.
- I'm not ready to date.
- Date? No, I didn't say date.
Did I say date?
I'm talkin' about dessert.
There'll be other people around.
Don't worry.
- I don't know.
- What did you do
last Friday night?
C'mon, it's just dessert.
- Hey.
Your mom says if you don't
eat some of these vegetables
I'm supposed to stick
them in your ear.
I don't know how you're supposed
to get nutrients that way,
but I'll do it.
- She always used to say
that when we were little.
- Well, you look like you
haven't eaten in a week.
- I'm eating.
Victor livin' with you now?
- Oh yeah, got him
all settled in.
Why don't you just buy
your own damn groceries?
- 'Cause...
Can't go into town.
Feels like I'm on display.
- Yeah, Aunt Claire told me what
that girl's accusing you of.
- Yep.
- So?
- So?
I gave her alcohol. Owen.
I didn't take advantage of her.
I never even saw her that night.
- Okay, then.
Look, if that's the case we
need to get you a lawyer,
right now.
- No. No.
That's just gonna, gonna
make me look guilty.
- And hiding out here
in the woods doesn't?
- So, do you think
you could do it?
- Be a coach?
I don't know.
- Assistant coach.
Matthew's dad is coach,
and Jack's dad keeps stats.
You could just help with
the practices and stuff.
You wouldn't have to
travel or anything.
Mom said you'd
probably be too busy.
- I don't know being a coach
doesn't really seem like...
- Seem like what?
- You know what? I'll do it.
- Really? You'll do it?
- Why not?
- Hi.
- Meet my son, Adam.
- This is your date.
- Mm-hmm.
I just agreed to be
his baseball coach.
- Oh that's awful nice of you.
- I thought so.
- Dad. If you say
you're gonna do it,
you have to do it.
- I'm gonna do it.
- But I have to tell the league
and if you don't do it...
- Adam. Leave it alone.
Before I change my mind.
- What position do you play?
- Third base.
- My brother used to play that.
You think you can get me
some half price tickets
to some of your games?
- The tickets are free.
- Well, then I might just
come to one or two of them.
- We were just about
to have dessert.
Care to join us?
- Yeah. It sounds
like a good idea.
- You smell good.
- Do I?
- Mm-hmm.
Adam come here.
Smell her.
- No, you don't have to do that.
- Go on.
- You smell really nice.
- Thank you.
- What is it?
- It's soap.
And shampoo.
And maybe a little perfume.
- You want cheesecake?
- Yeah.
- You want cheesecake?
- Sure.
- Garon!
- Hey.
Wake up.
Wake up.
C'mon, wake up.
I gotta go to work.
You wanna come with me?
- Do I have a choice?
- Not really.
Hey, so I went to the
cabin yesterday,
and I saw Kenny.
- Well, I really don't wanna
hear about my brother
first thing in the morning.
- You smell like a brewery.
- Mission accomplished.
Wow, you're the harbinger
of tooth decay.
- I am the provider of
temporary sustenance.
- You keep dentists employed.
- You keep strippers and mental
health workers employed.
- Some would argue
they're one in the same.
Hey, you know what would
be the ultimate irony?
- What's that?
- Is if this job came
with dental insurance.
- You know what this
job comes with?
- What?
- A job.
- Hey, the van's loaded Owen.
We can go.
- You know, it wouldn't
kill you to help out.
- I'm not ready for that
kind of responsibility, yet.
- Dolly.
- Huh?
Got it. Got it.
- It's gonna smell.
- Oh, but it itches too.
- How much for a bag
of those chips?
- Vic, give me a bag of chips.
Here ya go.
Free of charge.
- Thanks.
- Well, you did let me copy
your chemistry homework
back in high school.
- We didn't have
chemistry together.
- See you opened
those chips before
you volunteered
that information.
I'm sorry.
Am I not entertaining
enough for you?
- Oh, I'm sorry Owen.
Been goin' on no sleep
the past few weeks.
- Dad on another bender?
- Yeah.
- I don't understand why
you don't just move out
get your own place already.
- I should.
But where would I go?
Who'd take care of Todd?
- Yeah.
Hey. Hey. If you're not gonna
work just get out of there.
I'll do it.
- He's moody.
- At least he didn't go to jail.
Dear Jen,
I am trying but I'm pretty
sure Adam hates me.
- Dad.
- Yeah?
- Nothing. Forget it.
You see what I mean?
He can't stand me.
- Dad.
- What's up?
- It's just...
- It's just what?
- It's just that Jimmy
Chin at school said
that there are
sharks in San Diego.
Is that true?
- I don't know. Why?
- Mom said she was gonna
teach me how to surf.
But I'm not so sure I
wanna learn anymore.
- Well, I'm sure the shark
attacks in San Diego
are pretty infrequent.
Plus, you shouldn't let
the fear of the unknown
stop you from tryin'
something new.
Dear Jen...
Well, that was new.
- Do you know how to surf?
- Me? No.
- How come?
- Scared of sharks.
- Dad!
- You're just imagining it.
- Okay. All right.
- Hey, how is your
arm doin' anyway?
- It's feeling better
than my feet, apparently.
- What?
You're a very good dancer.
- You're a very good liar.
- Look, I'm gonna
leave my car here,
if you can give me a ride home.
It's just that I, that
last glass of wine
went right to my head.
- I had no idea you were
feeling tipsy at all.
- Well, I am.
I am trying to invite
you back to my house
without seeming too slutty.
- Okay.
Well, what would we
do at your house?
- Oh, I'd take you
to my bedroom.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
- What happens in your bedroom?
- I strip you naked as
the day you were born.
- All right, I like
where this is goin'.
- And I would tie you down.
- Kinky.
- Hands to the bedpost.
- Very kinky. I'm into it.
- And then I would
make you watch
Unsolved Mysteries reruns.
- I think maybe we
should call you a cab.
- No, it's a really good show.
- That's a better idea.
- You sure? No, c'mon...
- That's a better idea.
- Shit.
- What?
- Martin's here.
- Oh yeah?
- He's heading right for us.
Owen, don't hurt him.
- I'm just gonna talk to him.
- Hey, Owen.
- Shit!
- That's my wife you're dancin'
with you fuckin' prick!
- Get out of here!
Address? One, four, eight.
Cherry Tree Lane.
- It's still weird
that you know that.
- Insurance?
- Ah, here.
There you go.
- Seven, four, zero...
Marital status?
I sure am looking forward
to sharing the news
of my failed marriage at all
future doctor's appointments.
- Oh, it gets better.
Just wait till your
friends have to choose
which one of you
to hang out with.
- Well, most of our
couple-friends are Martin's
friends from college,
so he can have them.
Emergency contact?
- I don't have one.
- Vera Rodgers.
I'm sorry.
- It's fine.
I just hope it's the
last time I get punched
in the face because of you.
- Well, I am not
makin' any promises.
- Why do I feel like I'm always
carryin' shit around with you?
- I don't know.
Sounds like a question
for your therapist.
All right, let's put
it right back here.
Against the wall, right here.
This is good.
It's right by the door.
- So, if you're so in
love with this girl
why doesn't she just
move in with you
instead of this place?
- She's never been
single before.
She wants to date a little bit.
Which I'm totally fine with.
And I'm not in love with her.
- Ah, please. Really?
I don't know, man. I don't know.
Okay, okay. You know what? Fine.
We'll say you're not
in love with her.
You're not in love with her.
Let me get this straight,
we just lugged this
fuckin' monster in here
so some other guys can
have a drink of water
after they have sex
with your girlfriend?
- Whoa!
It's not like that.
But thank you for the image.
- I don't know. It's
kinda of like that.
So, you think Vera
could hook me up
with one of those other
girls down at the bank?
- Nope.
Absolutely not.
- What, they're not
good enough for me?
- Ex-con and a bank teller.
I think you can do better?
- Thanks for lookin' out, Owen.
- Always.
- I'll get some water.
More water.
For all those dudes.
I'm sure there's gonna
be quite a bit,
so you want me to get two cases?
- You're pretty good at that.
- My dad and I used to come here
every spring when I was a kid.
How is it that you have
never been crabbing before?
You are aware we live
in Maryland, right?
- Yeah, I eat them.
I don't catch them.
Haven't been out here
since I was young, too.
Forgot how beautiful it is.
- We barely live an hour away.
You just need to get out more.
- See anything?
- Yeah, it's a long life.
And lots of lovers.
- Is there a number?
- 71.
- 71 years or lovers?
- Hey! Yeah! I got one!
- You got it?
Get it just slowly.
- Okay, I got the net. I got the net.
I got the net.
Whoa! Look at that!
Look at that guy!
- No.
- What are you doing?
- No, he's too small.
- That's dinner.
What are you doing?
- He's too small.
Hopefully, we will see him
again in a couple of months.
- Looked good to me.
- Should you really
be goin' on a date
if you're movin' to California?
- Tonight is just a work thing.
- Really?
It's not what it looks like
from where I'm sittin'.
- Owen.
You need to clean up your act.
- Well, fortunately
for the both of us,
my act is none of your
business anymore.
- Actually, it is.
For Adam's sake.
Start acting more like a father,
and get more involved
in your son's life.
- What are you talking about?
I'm here babysitting, aren't I?
- It's not called babysitting
when you're his father.
- Well, I agreed to help him
out with his baseball team.
- Okay, but you
actually have to do it.
You can't just say it.
- I bought him shoes.
- Wow.
How 'bout stop going to
the alehouse every night?
- I have.
- You know, you don't even have
to stop going every night,
just once or twice a week.
- I haven't had a
drink in months.
- Really?
- Really.
- Really?
- So, is Victor stayin'
out of trouble?
I hear he's helpin' you
with your deliveries.
- Oh yeah. He's
been a real help.
- You'd think he'd have
the common decency
to come see his momma
once in a while.
- You haven't seen him
since he's been out?
- No.
- Huh.
- So, I guess you've heard
they're chargin' my Kenny
with assaultin' that girl?
- Yeah. Yeah, I
heard about that.
- The whole sordid affair is
movin' toward a damn trial.
I had to put up the
house for his bail.
- You did?
- They're calling
him a flight risk.
Could you believe that?
Where would he go?
I was talkin' to the
lawyer yesterday
and I wanna sue for
wrongful arrest,
but the lawyer says
to concentrate on
one thing at a time.
- Yeah, that's
probably a good idea.
- Maybe it's best if I
wasn't around anymore.
- Stop talkin' nonsense.
- I think I should stay up
at the cabin full time.
- Lord. One just come outta
jail and another one goin' in.
- Hey, Owen.
- Yep.
- About New Year's...
- Pam, please. Water under
the bridge, honestly.
- It's been a while.
Who's been cuttin' your hair?
- I've just been
goin' to Quick cuts.
- I've got some time, I can
give you like a quick trim.
- Pam, I don't think
that's a good idea.
We were pretty toxic for
each other last time around.
- Just make sure there's
lots of diet sodas in there.
- I will.
- 'Cause you know I
drink them like water.
- I know.
- Except that's
just an expression
because I hate water.
Can't stand the taste of it.
- Water doesn't have any taste.
- That's what I hate about it.
Except, I don't really like the
taste of diet soda either.
- Really?
- Yeah. I just drink it
because it's low in calories.
Leaves an awful aftertaste.
Kinda like a squirrel just
took a shit in your mouth.
You wanna haircut?
- Ah...
- No.
- Yeah.
- Victor can you
help me out please?
- I don't know, Owen. Hair's
kinda gettin' unruly.
- Now!
- I'll just take a raincheck.
- Yeah, next time.
I'm here.
- So, what happened
with you guys?
Somethin' happen on New Year's?
- Yeah, we broke up.
It was bad.
You didn't sense a lot
of tension back there?
- No, I didn't feel the tension.
The only tension I felt was
from you cock-blockin' my ass.
- Well, what are you
talkin' about she's my ex.
- So. She wanted it bro.
All I'm sayin' is you
been cock-blocking
me all over town, man.
- I'm cock-blocking you?
- Yeah, tellin' people that
I didn't go to real prison.
You don't think I
heard about that?
- You didn't.
- You're fuckin' with
my street cred, bro.
- You didn't go to real prison.
You're a computer hacker.
- You know what?
How would you feel
if I told people,
yeah you know what,
I'm workin' for Owen,
but it's not a real business.
He just stocks
machines with candy.
- But you're not really working.
Did you remember the
keys for the machine?
- Yeah. Yeah, I got the keys.
- You mean these keys?
- You know what?
You don't have to treat
me like a kid, Owen.
- Why don't you stop
acting like one?
Go see your mother.
What's wrong with you?
- I don't wanna
talk about it, man.
- I know. I know.
I'm just finishin' up.
- I'm serious Owen,
don't forget.
He's excited. He has a
new hat and everything.
- Yeah, okay.
I'll be there don't worry.
- I'm counting on you.
- Oh, hi Vera.
Fancy meeting you here.
- Oh hi, Owen.
Owen, this is Tim. Tim.
Owen. Owen. Tim.
- Hey, you Tim Kim?
- Yes, I am.
- You're that real
estate mogul guy, right?
Yeah, I've seen your face
on the back of buses.
- Best money I've spent.
- I bet.
- So, Owen you're here
to knock some pins down?
- Yeah, it's my
favorite pastime.
- It's my first time with
the duck pins, you know.
Don't hold it against me, Ver.
- Well, you'll get used to
the small balls in no time.
Isn't that right, Ver?
- Yeah, it doesn't take
long to get the hang of it.
- I'm not much of a bowler.
- Okay, well. I'll let
you two do your thing.
- Go. You're up.
- Don't worry Tim Kim.
Just leaves you the opportunity
for a more impressive spare.
Or not.
- Next time.
Next time.
You're doin' good.
Go ahead.
- Yeah, I don't know Vera.
It's been a long
time since I bowled.
I'm not sure I'm ready to
get back out there yet.
You know what I mean?
- Don't be a jerk.
- Ooo!
- That's okay, baby.
- That's a tough spare.
- Next one.
Oh, nice one Owen!
- Lucky roll, Tim Kim.
You know what? I like him.
- Yeah. He's a nice guy.
- Nice guy, yeah.
Yeah, that's exactly
what I would call him.
A nice guy.
- I'm not so sure I
like this side of you.
- I'm not sure I like
the woman I'm dating
gallivanting around
with other men.
- Gallivanting around. Wow.
You know who you
remind of right now?
- Well, I guess he's a better
guy than I thought then.
- No, he's not, but I
thought that you were.
- What?
- I thought that you understood.
Hey! No!
I am not ready for
anything serious.
- Obviously.
- Thanks. Good job.
- Long look in at the plate.
And here's the pitch.
And there's a slow
roller to third.
The third baseman charges.
It's gonna be tight, and
he got him at first.
- Hey, champ.
C'mon buddy, hop in
we can still make
the fourth and fifth inning.
Let's go.
- Have you been drinking?
Should you even be
driving right now?
- No, I'm fine.
Sorry, man.
I ran into Vera. We broke up.
I lost track of time.
- I liked her.
- Yeah, I like...
I liked her too. Hey! Adam!
I'm sorry!
- Mr. Wheeler?
Hey, Todd.
- Owen.
- Door was open,
everything okay?
- Yeah, I guess.
- You need anything?
- No. Thanks.
- All right.
- Owen.
- Yep?
- Hey, if you have a moment
can you please, can
you come here?
- Yeah, of course.
Oh shit.
Mr. Wheeler?
- Unless you have a fetish
for touching dead people,
I think you're
wasting your time.
- What happened?
- Well, he fell, and
then he looked around,
simply petrified.
Then he yelled out, "Oh yeah!
Well fuck you!"
Then he was gone.
Who do you think
he was talking to?
- Sure he wasn't talkin' to you?
- No, any other time
that would make
a great point, but no.
I saw he was locked in
a battle with someone
that you and I would say
is not of this world.
I guess we have that
to look forward to.
- I should call Angie.
- No. No, no, please, please.
You know, can we just sit
here for a moment, okay?
- Yeah.
Yeah, okay.
- How you holdin' up?
- I'm fine.
- Really?
- The man they buried last
week was not my father.
- What do you mean?
- My mom left us to get away
from my dad's drinking.
He actually quit when she left.
Sober around 11 or 12 years.
- Why did he start again?
- The death of his mother.
When she passed, it was
like he took one step
into the grave with her.
And it took everything we had.
Everything we had
to give him something
to live for, you know.
That and then, then
Todd's accident.
I'd see him out at the bar
and it's like he didn't
even recognize me.
Like I wasn't even there.
Now, that was the
death of my father.
They just waited this long to
put his body in the ground.
I don't even know what I'm gonna
do with his place you know.
- You're not gonna stay here?
- I think I'm gonna sell it.
We're actually
looking for a couple
of facilities that
might take Todd.
- What?
- Yeah.
- Why don't you just
both move in with me?
You can't put Todd
in a facility.
That's crazy.
- Ownen, I appreciate that.
But Todd's not just a plant
that needs watering, okay?
There are actual classes
that you have to take
before I can leave you
in charge of him.
- I'll take them.
I'll take the classes.
I'm serious.
He can move into the bedroom
on the first floor.
You take my parents' room.
My mother would hate
for it to go to waste.
I'll put a ramp at the doorstep,
and I'll even make the van
wheelchair accessible.
- You'd do that for us?
- Yeah.
- Your house is really turnin'
into a refuge for strays.
- I'm just tired of
livin' alone, that's all.
Dear Jen,
You remember when I turned 12?
I found my birthday
cake in the freezer,
and I finished half of it
before my party even began.
I just had to have
it all to myself.
And then I was throwing up
for the rest of the day.
And Mom had to cancel my party.
Why do I always have to
fuck up a good thing?
- Hey, Owen.
- Martin.
- Sorry, about hittin'
ya that night.
I was pretty drunk.
- It's okay.
- Good.
So, you and Vera still...
- No.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Haven't seen her in a while.
- Not that it's any
of my business,
but you know a couple...
- It is none of your business.
I'm gonna get back to work.
- Hey, don't be turnin'
your back on me
while I'm trying to
talk to you, all right.
Unless you wanna get hit again.
- Hey! You...
- You can't be
serious right now.
I'm gonna break the other arm.
- Did you hear Max is
gettin' out of the Navy?
- No, I didn't.
- Throwin' a party for him.
I know he'd be pretty
happy to see ya.
- Yeah, can't make it.
- I didn't even tell
you when it was.
- How long are you gonna
hold a grudge against me?
- You slept with my girlfriend.
- You slept with my cousin.
- It's not the same thing.
Plus, I fell off the
roof at your party,
and I think somebody should've
gone to the hospital with me.
- Yeah, but it was a
really good party.
- Dude.
- Look, I haven't
seen Pam in months.
And who told you to go
up on my roof, anyway.
I mean, you're lucky you
just broke your arm,
and not your damn...
That you didn't get
hurt any worse.
Who's your friend?
- Angie's brother Todd.
- Todd Wheeler?
- Yep.
- Shit, Todd. I
didn't recognize you.
Somebody told me you were dead.
Motorcycle accident.
- I did have a
motorcycle accident.
And I did die.
- Well, you must be what?
Like a hundred pounds lighter
than you used to be?
- No, we dead don't worry
about what we weigh.
As you might imagine that
we have very few concerns
at all.
- Why does he keep
sayin' he's dead?
- I don't know, Pete.
Why don't you ask him yourself?
- Jesus.
He used to scare the shit
out of me in high school.
Plus you used to shake
me down for lunch money,
like once a week.
- As it happens, I have your
money in my back pocket.
Would you like me to get it?
Except for the
uncontrollable spasms,
I'm completely immobile
below my neck.
If that's not dead,
then what is?
- You still got your
brain, don't you?
- You ever read the Bible, Pete?
- Yeah, I've heard of it.
- God has chosen me,
and rightly so,
for an eternity of hell.
He cleverly gave me a few
years of hell on Earth
strapped to this chair
before the real hell begins.
It's almost flattering
if you think about it.
- You better make
sure that meets
county regulation
requirements, Owen.
I wouldn't want
to slip and fall.
- Okay, boss.
- C'mon, man. We got a
playoff game this Saturday.
All right, we're gonna
work on grounders.
Look alive out there!
Look alive!
Gotta be ready for anything.
There you go! Run it down!
Run it down!
Where's the shortstop at?!
You gotta be on that!
This time, runner's on first.
I want two outs.
Here we go!
Come here!
What's goin' on with
you out there today?
- It's the new shortstop,
she smells good.
Well, all right.
Get back out there then.
All right, rundown drills!
Man on second, place
between second and third.
Here we go!
- Hey Vera.
Wow, you look...
- What are you doin' here?
- Well, I found that crab
you threw back in the bay,
and some of his buddies,
at the supermarket
of all places.
Wanna have dinner?
- Now, is not a good time.
- Ooo, I love crabs.
- Are you guys back together?
- Oh no, we're trying...
- Honey, we're gonna be late.
- We're going...
- Excuse me.
- No, Owen.
- No, this'll only
take a second.
- Okay. You have misunderstood.
- Oh yeah, did I?
I misunderstood?
- Yeah.
What are you doing?
- Load up on these.
- Okay.
- Thirsty there, Owen?
- Yeah, parched.
- Go and start the car, please.
Just go.
What is this?
- I don't want him
drinkin' my waters
after you guys have sex.
- What?
No, I'm not having
sex with Martin.
- What?
- It's his grandmother's
75th birthday,
and I like her.
So, I'm gonna go to the party.
We're not back together.
- Shit.
- You dropped the bottles.
- Yeah, I'm sorry.
Well, at least I'm consistent
at being an asshole.
- Fairly, yeah.
- Look, Vera. This
was not the plan.
I know you have to
see other people,
I know you need time.
I wanna be with you.
Adam, he really likes you.
He really likes me
when I'm with you.
I really like me
when I'm with you.
- I'm not dating anyone.
I've been alone for months,
and I'm okay with that.
But I like me when
I'm with you, too.
And that scares me.
- I know, I'm scared too.
- Hey, we still going?
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry.
I should go.
You guys, this was
totally inappropriate.
- No, we're going. You stay.
You can't catch them but
maybe you can cook them,
and I'll be back in an hour?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- What? Really?
- Yeah.
Come on.
You'll get over it.
- I'm not goin' anywhere.
Oh shit.
- Well, you can reopen
when this is over.
- Why?
It's just gonna be another
kid with another brick.
I was doing half my
business online anyway.
- Sounds pretty good, I guess.
- Nice havin' a place to
go everyday, you know?
Made me feel like I was
still a part of things.
No, no you're gonna
hurt yourself.
There's a hand
truck in the back.
- Oh.
- Trust me, you won't
be disappointed.
- It's so sour.
- Your face.
- Adam. What are you doin' here?
- Mom's shopping
across the street,
and I wanted to come
say hi to Uncle Kenny.
- You should go back
and help your mother.
- Ah, he's not in the way.
- Kenny, there's broken
glass everywhere,
and we don't know how long
we're gonna here, all right.
We've got work to do.
- Hey, you wanna go
fishin' with us later?
- Can I Dad? That'd be awesome.
- No! Adam, c'mon.
You should be helpin'
out your mother.
Let's go.
- See ya later, Uncle Kenny.
- You bet.
Dear Jen,
I always looked up to Kenny.
He did well in school.
Had his own business.
He always seemed to be headed
in the right direction,
you know.
And now this.
There's no way, I mean...
It's just not possible, right?
God, I could really use
a drink right now.
- So, I was thinkin' maybe I
just show up in San Diego
with a surfboard in one hand
and a Mai Tai in the other.
Be worth it just to see the
look on Cindy's face, you know?
- What? Yeah. Yeah, right.
- Where you at right now, man?
- I don't know. I don't know.
- Listen...
I don't want you comin'
to the courthouse.
If this does go to trial.
- What are your lawyers saying?
- In the beginning, he
said that, you know,
that they had nothin',
but now he's saying
that I should try
and make a deal.
- What's Aunt Claire say?
- She...
wishes I was dead.
- C'mon, she doesn't
wish you were dead.
- She thinks I did it.
You think I did it.
- I wouldn't be here
if I thought that.
- You keep Adam away
from me, like...
Like I was gonna eat him alive.
- I keep him away because
I promised Cindy
I would until all
of this blows over.
- How was I supposed
to know that?
- You should've told me that.
- You're right I'm sorry.
I should've.
- I got no one, man.
I mean, my own
brother won't even
be in the same room
as me, you know.
- It's gonna be okay.
- You know man, I don't
think you're taciturn.
I don't think that
describes you.
- What?
- You know, I think you're more,
you're more truculent,
if anything.
- Well, somebody
found a thesaurus.
- Hey you know what?
You know what your
real problem is?
- Tell me Victor,
what's my problem?
- You're not curious enough.
You know, I mean, you'll talk
if I say something to you,
but you won't ask
me any questions.
- What do you want
me to ask you?
- What are my plans
for the future?
Do I believe in God or not?
What are my likes and dislikes?
- What?
- Okay, for example, did
you know that I don't
like left-handed people?
- Do I need to
know such a thing?
- I used to be left-handed.
- Sorry.
Also, I don't know
why, but I can't stand
people with fiery red hair.
Male or female.
- Dickhead. I have red hair.
- It's not fiery, it's more auburn.
So, we're cool.
- Okay, so when you say
that I'm not curious,
are you talking about I'm
not curious about you,
or the whole world in general?
- Well, I mean, I think
this specific example
proves the general rule.
I mean, let's not get technical.
- I don't ask Todd
here about himself.
You don't see him
cryin' about it.
- Okay, all right. Wait a second.
Wait a second.
First of all, I'm not cryin'.
And second of all, don't
bring Todd into this.
- Okay, so you want me to
ask you some questions?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Your brother's about
to go to trial,
are you gonna come to court
with me everyday in support?
Here's another question, Vic.
How is it that you
haven't seen Aunt Claire
once since you've been back?
- I asked you not
to talk about this.
- Oh yeah, you don't
wanna talk about it.
No, no, no. You wanna sit around
and tell me all about your
likes and your dislikes,
like we're 13 year old girls,
but I ask you a
simple question like,
how you could turn your
back on your only brother?
And you got nothin' to say.
- Todd, you need to
go to the restroom?
All right, I'll take
you to the restroom.
Hey Owen, Todd needs
to go to the restroom,
I need some help.
- What?
- In the restroom, with Todd,
going to the bathroom.
- He doesn't go to the bathroom.
- I need to fuckin'
tell you somethin'.
Come to the bathroom.
- What?
- I should've told
you this before.
- You and Kenny, growing
up, were so tight.
I don't know what
the hell happened.
- This isn't the first
time the golden boy
has done something like this.
- What are you talking about?
Carrie Maynard, Camp Seneca.
I was a sophomore
in high school,
we were camp counselors.
Kenny was a senior.
Carrie was in
eighth grade, Owen.
Eighth grade. She
was 14 years old.
And nothing ever came
of it because it was
her word against
his, but I knew.
- I never heard about this.
- Jesus Christ, Owen.
That's 'cause you think
if you give everybody
a chance they're gonna
be a good person.
You know, buy them a soda, talk
to them for a little while,
send them on their way and
they're harmless as rabbits.
But let me tell you
something, there are people
whose heads are fucked up,
and my brother is
definitely one of them.
- Let's just get back
to work, please.
- You're not listening
to him, Owen.
Be quiet and listen to him.
- Owen, I've seen him.
The way he looks at those
girls in the record store.
I mean, what if you
were Kimmy's father?
Or Carrie's?
Or shit, what if someone did
something like this to Adam?
- If this is true, you
know what you have to do.
- I think it's better
if I go alone.
- Why is it better?
- I don't know.
But that's the way
we're gonna do it.
- Hey, what's goin' on?
What's up?
- You know, Adam's
gonna be 12 this year.
- Yeah. I know.
Can you believe it?
- I keep thinking about
how I would feel if
somebody abused him.
Thinking about how Kimmy's
father must feel.
Makes me sick.
- Don't do this.
You're the only one that
thinks I'm innocent, man.
- Did you assault that girl?
I'm not gonna ask you again.
did you assault that girl?
- No.
- You need to come
clean, right now.
Vic, please just
wait in the van.
- No, it's cool. It's cool.
- What's he doin' here?
- Oh, I told Owen
about Carrie Maynard.
- Who?
- Victor, please. I've
got this, all right.
Go wait in the van.
- No, no, just give it a second.
I'm sure Kenny remembers.
- You're a fucking liar.
He's a liar. I never, I
never hurt that girl.
- Oh, oh I'm a
fuckin' liar, huh?
Huh, Kenny?
- Where did you get that?
- What this?
- Yeah.
- Oh, it's, it's Kenny's.
Keeps it in the
back of his closet.
Or am I lying about that too?
Sometimes people
need a little help
admitting they're
a child molester.
- Get off me.
Get off of me!
Get off me!
Get off me.
- Tell the truth!
Tell the truth, Kenny!
Tell Owen what you did.
Tell him.
- Fuck you!
- No, no, no, no, Owen.
He thinks these
girls are into him,
he thinks they're
flirting with him,
and tries to make a move,
and that's why they
freak out on him!
- Just go outside!
- He's fuckin' crazy!
You're delusional
you know that?!
It's fuckin' rape! It's rape!
- Don't.
Don't you dare use that word.
She loves me so you
can't use that word.
I don't know why all
this is happening?
I just...
Owen, I just need to see her.
I just need to talk to her.
See, it's her parents.
It's her parents that
are doin' all this.
She's not like this.
She loves me, man.
- She's 15.
- See, Owen they're in love.
- What part of you
thinks that's okay?
- What are you judging me?
You are the moral authority?
It's 'cause you think
you've changed
into Super Dad.
But how long before
you fuck it up?!
And turn into that same
drunk you've always been?!
- Don't you fuckin'
start with me!
- Oh, you're gonna
beat me up now?!
Gonna beat me up?
You gonna hit me?
See, you haven't changed.
You can pretend that
you've changed.
Just like you're pretending
like all those people
at your house are your family.
They're your new family, Owen!
A fat chick and a gimp,
and that fuck!
They're not your family.
I'm your family.
- You're my family, huh?
- Yeah.
- You don't know what family is.
- I trusted you.
I stood by you!
- You did not.
You pitied me.
Fuck your pity!
Go on, pretend that you're
so different from me,
but you're not.
Same blood that
flows through you
flows through me.
- I'm nothing like you.
- Owen.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry don't go.
I'm sorry, I just miss her.
- I miss her.
- Stop!
- I just need to
see her, please!
No, don't go!
- Please!
- Get the fuck off me!
- Owen! Owen, please!
- I don't wanna hit you.
- Please, Owen! Don't go!
Please, Owen.
Wasn't supposed to be like this!
Owen! Please!
- You guys okay?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- You know the other
day when I came to see
you and Uncle Kenny
at the store?
- Yeah.
- I kind of...
Well, I took some
lollipops without
telling Uncle Kenny.
Do you think maybe he knew
and he was upset about it?
Do you think that's
why he did...
- No, no, no.
I'm sure Uncle Kenny would've
wanted you to have them.
- But then why did he do it?
- Why?
- Adam.
There's people in this world
who are just really unhappy.
It's like they, they
have so much pain inside
of them that they don't
they'll ever be happy again.
And so they make themselves
believe that the only way
to end the hurt is
to leave this life.
And I think Uncle Kenny
was one of those people.
Unfortunately, there's
nothing that anyone
could've said or done
to take his pain away.
No one is responsible
for what he did.
No one is to blame.
Especially, not you. Okay?
- Okay.
Sometimes I feel like
you're really unhappy too.
- Well, I know that it might
seem like that sometimes.
But I will never
do what Kenny did.
I'll never leave you
like that, okay?
I love you, all right?
- I love you too, Dad.
Dear Jen,
Mom always loved the fall
when the wind was blowing,
the leaves were all
turning different colors.
All I could think of was
how the leaves were dying.
But she thought it looked
like a shimmering fire.
You know what?
They kinda do.
- Adam! Hey!
- Hey Dad.
- How are ya?
- Good. How are you?
- Good.
- Hey.
- Look at this.
You wanna gumball?
- Sure.
- How about all of them?
- What?
- Birthday gift.
- Really? It's mine?
- Yeah.
I don't have much to
give in this world
but it's better than
a pair of shoes
that you'll grow out
of in three months.
- Thanks, Dad.
- Yeah.
So, key goes in the top here
that's where you put
the gumballs in.
And then in the back,
just open it up,
and that's where the money is.
- Three dollars and 25 cents.
- Mm-hmm.
- I get to keep this?
- Sure do.
I don't give you an allowance.
So, I thought this
might be a nice way
to keep some money in your
pocket before you moved.
- Mom, you want some gum?
- I'm okay, sweetie.
Why don't you go inside?
See what you want.
We'll be right in.
- Thanks, Dad.
- Yep.
Hope you don't mind.
- Not at all.
- Just figured might give
him some responsibility,
but you know I'll take care
of it when you guys move.
- It's pretty
thoughtful actually.
- Cindy, I don't want
you guys to move.
Look, I know I...
I've been absent.
But I'm here now.
I feel like
I'm just gettin' to know him.
Like I can hear him, you know,
for the first time.
- What's he saying?
- He's saying he needs his dad.
He's saying who's
gonna help me shave
this thing I have
growing on my lip?
- I guess I thought
I would, yeah.
- Cindy, I need him.
I do.
- I decided not to go.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I can't do that to him.
And I can't do that to you.
- Thank you.
- Plus there's like sharks and
earthquakes in San Diego.
Fuck that.
- Let's go eat.
- Yeah.
I'm buyin'.
- All right. Oh.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Hope they take quarters.
- What are you thinking?
- Nothin'.
- You sometimes get this
very far away look.
Where do you go?
- This might sound
a little funny.
- Tell me.
- When I was born I
had a twin sister,
her name was Jennifer,
but she died after six hours
'cause she had a bad heart.
- Wow, I'm sorry.
- I keep a journal for her.
- Yeah?
- Well, we were suppose to spend
our whole lives together.
I think we still do, but I'm the
only one that's still here.
I don't write anything
down I just talk to her.
She doesn't talk back.
It's not something
I do everyday.
- It's kind of like praying.
- Yeah, except I don't
ask her for anything.
- And do you think
that she hears you?
- Yeah.
It sounds really crazy when I
say it out loud, doesn't it?
You know Elvis had a
stillborn twin too.
So, in a way I'm
kinda like Elvis.
- You've never told anyone this?
- Except for the other
managers at the bank, no.
You know that bolt of
lightning you said
you could strike somebody with,
now's a good time.
- No, you said that she
couldn't talk back to you.
- Well, I just didn't want
you to think I was crazy.
- It's too late for that.
Dear Jen,
I can't help but think
that you had a hand
in bringing this new
family into my life.
- You know, you could
help me out with this.
- Yeah, I'm not sure I'm ready
for that responsibility.
No offense Jen,
but I've always hated
coming out here.
It just didn't seem fair
that most of my family
was gone so soon.
But that's the whole point
of a graveyard I guess.
To make you appreciate being
on this side of life.
I don't know that
I'll be able to keep
a very extensive journal
for you this year, Jen.
I sort of owe it to Vera and
Adam, and everyone else,
to be there for them.
They have to be the ones
that I share my thoughts
and dreams with.
- Oh, there you are.
- C'mon Dad, you're
gonna miss it.
- I'll be right there, buddy.
- You okay?
They say what you're
doing on New Year's Eve
is what you'll be doing
all of the next year.
- Yeah.
Jen, I really hope that's true.
- Happy New Year!