Aadhi Bhagavan (2013)

People know the truth.
Without proper license,
Rao brothers are quarrying.
What's your comment?
Whoever does this
our Govt won't stay quiet.
Open the gate.
- What's the matter?
You 1st open the gate.
l can't do that without
my owner's permission.
He refuses to open the gate
without his owner's permission.
Useless fellow!
l've bribed these politicians
generously and still...
...no one to pull us
out of such a mess.
This is all we get out
of trusting them!
Make sure you stash away
...all the gold and cash
that's in our house.
l'll do it right now, bro.
First disconnect all phones.
Let all the ladies be
made to wait in one room.
Have you locked
the main gate?
Go ahead and check.
Who are you?
Who let you in?
Communication from
this house is taboo.
How dare you not
answer my question?
Landline to be disconnected.
l'm Afzhar Hussain,
Deputy Superintendent
of Police from CBl.
Krishna Babu,
Additional Commissioner.
From lncome tax department.
Who are you?
You are ordering me
in my own house?
Why are you sitting quietly
without protesting?
Why have you come here?
Madam, don't shout.
Go and sit in that room.
Who are you?
Move aside.
How dare you
order my wife?
Talk to my lawyer.
Hello! From this moment
this house is under our control.
We won't allow
anyone inside.
You cannot call
anyone either.
Confiscate his phone.
Are you the inspector
for this area?
l've never
seen you before.
Why are you silently
watching all this?
Why don't you talk?
Please proceed.
Srinivasan, take them inside.
Check here.
Both of you
accompany me.
My owner will want lunch
to be served at 1:00 p.m.
Your owner will go hungry today.
Sit quiet and don't call
anyone till the raid is over.
Are your respective wives also
partners in your company?
Or just you both?
Remove this screen.
lf they are partners, what is
their source of income?
Parents' property.
l need proof.
We own 20-25 companies.
Only our auditor
can provide proof.
You are so incoherent.
Where are you going?
l'll drink some water.
l'll get it for you.
Get him some water.
List out everything.
Nothing should be missed out.
Clarify with me
if you have doubts.
File information properly.
Are you done with
your procedure?
Check once and then sign.
lf anything is missing,
l'll be held responsible.
Please sign, sir.
Can l talk to you personally?
You can talk right here
in front of everybody.
We can...settle this amicably.
Tell me what % you want.
Yes, sir.
Are you trying
to bribe me?
Keep your vices
to yourself.
Don't teach me to
earn the wrong way.
Please sign.
Pack everything.
You must come with me to
my office for further enquiries.
Bring them both in my car.
We are leading
a respectful life in this city.
Please give us permission
to travel in our car.
We cannot allow that
Come with me.
Give me the phone.
l'll be waiting in my office.
Be there in the next half hour.
Rao, for one week fully
your matter was discussed.
The entire assembly
was in an uproar.
Opposite party, press, media
are bound to enquire about us.
Then answer.
We feed you with
enough comfort, right?
Wasn't that reason enough for you
to defend us, Kothapeta Subbarao?
What am l saying and
what are you blabbering?
Don't act as if
you are innocent.
As soon as you
gave your interview...
...CBl and income tax
department raided my house.
Subbarao, don't think
l'm the only one caught.
Chief minister and you also
feature in the hard disc.
lf something untoward happens,
l will not spare you or the officer.
What kind of political
connection do you have?
CM would have listed 100
such enquiry commissions.
Will everything get
processed immediately.
Won't l inform you
if l knew you'll be raided?
You spin some story that some
officer came and hauled at all?
Something's wrong somewhere.
Someone has ripped us off.
You find him first.
What happened, bro?
Can you hear me?
lf our names are in the hard disc
we know to save our skin.
Find out who the culprit is
before the news gets out of hand.
Otherwise l'll have to discuss
your raid in the assembly.
Who came to
my place then?
You find out.
That's your job.
Ask him who the officer is
and his address, bro.
Why did you disconnect
without asking for details?
He wasn't even an officer!
There is no one resembling
this face in our team, bro.
l've never seen
anyone like this.
Have you?
What about you?
l don't know.
- What do you know?
l don't know, bro.
His appearance
is so deceptive!
Only educated people are
involved in such murders.
l'm sure he is
not from Andhra.
How do you say this?
Knowing you both will anyone
dare come to raid your place?
He has got involved in this game
without realizing the power you weild!
There is no such decent rowdy
in our entire area, he's an outsider
'Pattaya - Thailand'
A memento from Andhra.
Adhi, do you
think l'm a kid?
Buying me a toy?
What's interesting in this?
lf you laugh
it will imitate you.
Whatever you do,
it will also do.
Where's my share?
ls that all?
lt's all in dollars.
This won't do.
l want 50% this time.
You know the amount
l captured...then why so less?
Adhi, master plan is mine.
My master brain executed it.
Do you wish to
come up in 1 day?
Or go up straight?
You wanted to know what's
interesting in that toy?
lf you laugh
it will imitate you.
lf l command it will explode!
Only the doll is made
in lndia, boss.
Unfortunately the RDX inside
is made in Germany.
Remote alone is
'buy 1 get 1 free'.
How can you antagonize him
and continue this business here?
When we've decided to make money
we shouldn't care a damn about this.
lt's not important
whom we run with...
but who forges ahead!
lf he finishes you off...?
We should move forward.
- What are you implying?
Why are you
so shocked?
Without hassling either of us,
Sam himself will do the planning.
lt's not good for him
to be alive for long.
How are you, ma?
How long will you continue
not talking to me?
l'm just 10 kms
away from you.
You didn't even want to
visit me even once, did you?
Why are you shutting
the door on my face?
You think l'm the only one
making a mistake in this world!
Nothing is wrong.
We came to this city
to toil hard, right?
Didn't one chap
swindle us completely?
When we lost everything and
stood in the roads, it hurt, ma.
That's why l got into
this frenzy to earn.
We were together,
when we were struggling.
Now you live aloof and away
from me when we are affluent.
Come and see
what l've earned.
All that is for
only Prabha and you.
lt doesn't feel good
without you in that house, ma.
You don't want to
understand my feelings.
She wants to
know your name.
lndra Sunderamurthy.
Where has Prabha gone off to
making you do all the work?
She's gone to study
some new course.
How did you get
so much money, da?
l got a job, no?
What kind of job?
Why do you want
to know all that?
l just want you both
to be happy, that's all.
To whom does all this
money belong to?
What a question!
l earned it.
ln which crooked way?
Don't, Adhi.
Don't follow your
dad's footsteps.
Only because that man was
into wrong kind of dealings...
...l brought you both here
to this city to lead a new life.
Have you also
started now?
Why are you suspecting
me unnecessarily?
lt's easy to earn
in this city.
You've started lying to me.
Whatever the city maybe
you cannot earn this much.
Don't lament.
Put the money inside.
You won't realize its flavor.
Serve me some food.
Are you mad or what?
Wait...don't go, ma.
Hey! Prabha.
Do you also want to
suffer along with her?
Just keep quiet
and follow me.
l don't consider him
as my son any more.
'Andheri - Mumbai'
A week later.
on what you are doing.
Commissioner Office
Where is he?
Cool down, Mr Rao.
He is safe inside.
Where is he?
Why are you creating
such a ruckus?
His name is
Malla Reddy.
He was jobless
for the past 1 year.
Did you ask him
about Afzhar Hussain?
As if we need his story?!
However much we hit him
he claims he doesn't know.
Sir, don't hit me.
What are you doing?
Which area is he in?
How do you know him?
l swear l don't know him, sir.
Ever since l was a kid...
...l always wanted to enroll
in the police department.
He said he'd pay me well
to act as a Sub-lnspector.
So l agreed.
Ask him not to harass him.
l'll trace him for you
within a week.
You guys promised and
l want him caught somehow.
What can l do?
Your chap is not in
Tamil Nadu crime list.
Give me some time.
l'll get him for you
wherever he is.
Does it still hurt?
What do you want, sir?
You haven't answered me.
That shouldn't
be your concern.
Tell me soon.
Boss wants me.
Doesn't matter, tell me.
Does it hurt?
l'm not that kind of girl!
My name is Karishma.
My mother's from Tamil Nadu.
My dad is from Mumbai.
Heavy loss in his business.
So he had to face many
problems because of that.
Last 3 years
he's bedridden.
That's why
l had to work.
The chap who hit me in
the restaurant is related to me.
He was fine
in the beginning.
Then he began to torture me
to use me and make money.
l'm unable to
escape form here.
l decided to kill myself.
They brought me here
depriving me of even that chance.
l'll ensure you don't have
any problems hereafter.
You saved me today.
l can't expect
the same every time.
Who is he?
- l don't know.
Tell me.
l'm telling you,
l don't know.
Don't try to fool me.
He'll hit my men
and spirit you away.
But you don't know him?!
l don't know.
Then why did you run away?
You better live with
the guy l ask you to.
Otherwise l'll kill you.
l can't do that.
Go ahead and kill me.
How will you being dead
fatten my wallet?
Did you intend settling with some
random chap once for all lifelong?
l won't let you settle for 1 man.
Unless l change a guy
for you every 6 months...
...l can fatten my wallet.
You are the knight
in shining armor?
l don't need your history.
Do you know her price?
Did you think you can
take her for free?
lf l ever see you
following her...
...you'll be lying in
a pool of blood right there.
There's no compulsion you need to
stay with me because l paid for you!
You decide lt's your call.
You rescued me
not knowing anything about me.
lf you'd left me behind
my whole life would've been ruined.
l might have even died.
l can't even think...
...of a safer place
than being with you.
For making you
my guardian angel...
...l just have to thank God
(sacred chants)
You don't even have the heart
to bless me, right?
Go...don't look back, ma.
You don't need to bless me
but can at least say get lost!
l'll then feel happy.
Consider your son dead.
Who are you to tell me
my son is dead?
So l am your son, right?
l had a son.
He used to lend his shoulder
and lap to his sister and me.
When l brought him
to this city, l lost him.
l asked God to give
that son back to me.
Not a scoundrel like you.
He never owned
a car or a bungalow.
He doesn't know
to parade like this!
He was so gullible.
You are a notorious
criminal in this city.
Are the 2 of you
lf you ever
talk ill of my son...?
Whoever abandons you,
l'll always be with you.
l'll do anything for you.
''With the wind l swayed
And my love l weighed''
''l flew to feel your caress
l surprised myself l guess''
''Oh! Like these clouds ethereal
l seem to dissolve and disappear''
''True or false l don't inspect
Advocate became the architect''
''l rode piggyback on stars that shone
Hundreds of continents l have flown''
''lnto you l did drown''
''Walk with the wind l treasured
And my love l measured''
''Spirit of my soul split into two
My fragmented youth dazed anew''
''Bedrock melted, enjoyed
Two pairs of eyes rejoiced''
''Blue sky, my head caresses
Words within me paint verses''
''Why did you and me
Without a query become we?''
''lnto my breath you merged true
You unlocked me to me and you''
''Who are you?
An address l knew''
''My lips play the shy game
Tongue imprints your name''
''ln love's drizzle l sizzle for you
Are your eyes parasol too?''
''Dumbstruck l melt, l soften
Your words, my reply often''
''As a fan l looked for my icon
ln you l submerged thereupon''
''Climbing on the back of lightning
l crossed continents rejuvenating''
Don't hit me.
Kiss me.
- Another day.
Why did you
ask me to come here?
She's my sister.
So what?
l know that.
That's why l came here.
Do you love her?
No...no, she's the one
who loves me sincerely.
Ask her.
True love.
Baby, haven't you told
your brother about us?
Should l ask you
permission to date her?
l intend kissing her now.
Should l ask you
permission for that too?
Let me go.
know how much you love me.
Do you love him?
- Yes, l do.
He isn't right for you.
- l'll be the judge of that
l'm not a kid.
Please understand.
But grown-up enough
to decide for yourself?!
He is simply beating
around the bush.
Take what you want.
Let her go.
She's innocent.
Bro, listen to...
- Just shut up.
You fill what you want.
What do you
know about me?
You think l love your sister
for your money?
Put your money inside.
Look at his attitude.
How will you ever
get along with him?
Ditch him.
You were the one
who said nothing is wrong.
Don't force me
He will reform.
l can't think of anyone
else as my spouse.
Don't touch me.
l did this for you.
Get lost.
Listen to me.
You are a murderer.
He was not
right for you.
Don't cry.
Why did you take him
away from me?
Where are you going?
You are angry
only with your son.
So why ignore me?
What's the use of him
as her elder brother?
She found a life for herself.
Why put an end to even that?
You are misjudging him.
He did it for
Prabha's good.
He himself isn't good.
How can he do
good for others?
Being his mother
how can you say this?
You keep quiet.
You influenced him
in this wrong path.
He has now
stooped to murder.
Look, my dear.
l don't even know you.
You are a new addition.
At least to you
ask him to be true.
Every time you left like this
in a hurry, you changed him.
lf you had stayed behind
and advised him...
...he'd have reformed.
Be patient for a while.
l'll bring the Adhi
you expect to see.
Adhi, where are you now?
l'm coming to
floating market.
Not there.
Ship yard?
Why did you
change the venue?
l met your mother yesterday.
l've promised to
bring you to see her.
Shall we go?
Let's go tomorrow.
No, let's go now.
l'll be there.
l have an assignment.
We'll go after
you are done with it.
Do you know where
l'm heading now?
Sam, Wesley refuses to do
business with us anymore.
Wesley has found out
Adhi is not with us any longer.
He wants to deal
with Adhi directly.
We mustn't
take this lightly.
He'll soon become
more powerful than us.
Then no one will want to
do business with us.
Their meeting is confirmed.
Sam, only Wesley and
his team mates are here.
Adhi is not here.
You wait right there.
Adhi will come there.
Wait here for
half an hour.
Don't step out
whatever happens.
Their deal has begun.
l'll do anything for money.
lf anyone pays me to kill you,
l won't hesitate either.
Adhi...what's happening there?
Take cover.
Come down.
l am scared.
Be patient.
Just a little longer.
Do you know
to sketch?
ls this me?
lt would be awesome
if you looked like this!
lf you hadn't been there that day,
l won't be here today with any face!
l thought l was
rescuing you from trouble.
ln the end actually you
saved me from death's jaw.
Hyderabad commissioner
has sent 2 men to meet you.
Bring them in.
- Greetings, sir.
l've come from Hyderabad
seeking your help.
My name is Kondal rao.
This is my brother,
Hemanth rao.
What do you
want me to do?
Joint commissioner Rajagopal
told us you are looking for this man.
lnform us when
you catch him.
l'm looking for him
to kill him, not to inform you!
We've been
searching for him.
And still haven't trapped him.
l know he is not
in Mumbai now.
Whenever he shows up
l'll be the one to kill him.
Consider our request.
We want him alive.
lf this is the purpose of your visit
you can leave this place right now.
Escort these people out.
Leave your address behind.
Once l kill this rascal, you can
come and see his dead body.
How strange!
We thought he'd get him for us.
He's himself bent on killing him.
Looks like we need to
save him from this fellow!
Be patient.
Something fishy.
We should first find out
why Rana wants him.
Do you truly love me?
Why this sudden question?
This moment
right now...
Will you marry me?
Are you scared
to live with me?
ln my life till now...
...not even one wish on my
wish list has been fulfilled.
Whatever l didn't expect
seems to be happening now.
lf l say 'no' there won't be
a bigger idiot than me!
Then why the tears?
My father wants to see me.
l don't have the heart to
leave you in this condition.
You go and visit your dad,
l can take care of myself.
lf l go by myself
he will ask for you.
He badly wants
to meet you too.
We'll leave for
Mumbai tomorrow.
That's your
phone ringing.
- Dad.
l'm coming.
Yes, with him.
l can't hear you.
lf l don't pick up the phone
can't you understand...
...that the coast
is not clear?!
Why have you
been ignoring me?
No calls from you
for a whole week.
lt's not as easy as you think.
Many complications.
l can't handle the pressure from
the Commissioner and minister.
Why do you keep
repeating the same dialog?
Can't you manage
for 1 more day?
Whatever happens l'll hand him
over to you by tomorrow.
There's someone looking
for him here in Hyderabad.
You ensure you don't
get trapped by them.
Come back
safe and sound.
l don't need
anyone's advise.
My plan is going
like clockwork.
Nothing should go amiss.
Don't think
you can scare me.
l've never been
scared of death.
Just wait and see
what will happen in Mumbai.
Chinchi Watt
Please spare me,
l didn't do anything.
Don't do anything
to him, Bhagawan.
Forgive me Bhagavan.
Police tortured me,
that's why l told the truth.
l never repeat it again.
Spare my brother.
Forgive me bhagavan.
l'm not the God above
to forgive immediately.
l'm Mumbai's Bhagawan (God)!
''All around the world
they call me Bhagawan''
''You baby get to know
the name, call me Bhagawan''
''l will take your life in a flash
Call me Bhagawan''
''All around the world
they call me Bhagawan''.
Second half of this film around on Mumbai
and surrounding areas. So some scenes are
dubbed in Tamil, for viewer convenience.
'Wanted for murdering 15 victims including
Central minister Bhaji Rao's brother.'
'Bhagawan was arrested last night
according to police information.'
'When the press asked
Assistant Commissioner Rana...'
...Sir, we heard you arrested
Bhagawan last night, is it true?
We chased him last night.
But he somehow escaped.
We've got information
about his whereabouts.
We'll find him within
the next few days.
You've been saying this
for the past 6 months
ls Bhagawan alive
or have you killed him?
Give me a few days time.
l'll show him to you
either dead or alive.
You are lying.
l got information that you have
arrested him and he is in there.
with me now.
Whoever has any doubts can
come straight in and check.
We will definitely get Bhagawan.
Don't unnecessarily doubt us.
Where did you
get hold of him?
That's none of
your business.
He has changed
his disguise.
Open the bag.
l'll pay you more if you want.
l want this mongrel to die.
Stop it! This is not
the place to deal with money.
What's wrong...?
l'll come by in
the evening and collect.
Face the music for having
been with him so long.
ls this place safe?
- Yes Sir.
Couldn't you find a better place?
- Officially this is ideal.
Are you still alive?
Don't you realize
my influence?
Why are you
hitting me?
Who are you?
No one benefits
with you being alive.
l will kill you
with my own hands.
What do you think
you are doing?
l should have killed you
the day you killed my brother!
He escaped cleverly.
Listen to me,
l'll kill him officially.
Listen to me,
l'll kill him officially.
You got saved now...but
don't think you can escape.
Traitor! You'll die
only in my hands.
Sir, wait for...
Tell me who you are.
l don't understand
what you are saying.
Tell me
who you are.
Whatever you said
didn't make any sense to me.
l'm not the man
whom you are looking for.
Trust me, l am not
the man you want.
They won't believe you
however much you may shout.
Who are you?
Do you know why they have
locked me up here?
l know.
What did they do to
my Karishma...tell me.
Do you mean your girl friend
who accompanied you from Bangkok?
She is not Karishma.
Her name is
Rani Sampada.
Have you seen her before?
l know who you are
and who she is.
l know how
you came here.
And that we'll both die.
Why should l die?
That's your fate?
Who willed it?
Not the Lord above.
Mumbai's Bhagawan (God).
God will forgive you.
But this Mumbai fellow
will never forgive you.
Because he is not God.
He is a devil in God's disguise.
Who is that Bhagawan?
Tell me who he is?
''You know who l am''
''l'm gonna kill you man''
''Come test me''
''Let's go''
''Oh gee!''
''King of the jungle!
Name who can stop me''
''You'll be thinking
that l'm tripping''
''But l'm really
ready masserati''
''Buddy anybody comin lookin for
me anybody stepping to my zone''
''You not leaving''
''Annihilate destroy
anything in my path''
''l'm a physco an animal
l kill with a wrath''
''Set my mind on money''
''And my money
on my mind''
''No time for honey 'cos
the money on the grind''
''l'm a hustla baby''
''Originated gangsta''
''Killing everybody
but the banka''
''You wanna turn this beat
into a monsta..''
''All around the world
they call me Bhagawan''
''You baby get to
know the name''
''They call me Bhagawan''
''l will take your
life in a flash''
''Call me Bhagawan''
How are you Bhagawan?
Take a seat.
You too, Rani.
What will you drink?
Brandy or whisky?
Romeo always
likes red wine.
What will you drink?
Why did you
want to see me?
You know l've been in
politics for past 25 years.
But l've not climbed higher
in the rank for the last 15 years.
l have the same wish as
other members of the party.
To become central minister.
l lost that chance twice.
Now for the 3rd time...
...the offer has come
in search of me.
There's a problem.
My brother's name in the final
list is only as 2nd preference.
member of parliament Venkatachalam.
He is very powerful.
Prime minister has
great faith in him.
l don't know for sure
if l'll get a chance again.
Bhagawan, l've done
so much for you.
Somehow make me
the central minister.
lt will work out good
for all of us, no?
lt is in your hands.
Venkatachalam has an appointment
day after with the prime minister.
He should definitely not
be chosen to go to Delhi.
l'd like you
to serve me.
When should we
go to Tamil Nadu?
You don't have to.
He is in Mumbai.
We don't know
where Deva will be.
The minister already is
under the security of Deva.
We don't know
where Deva will be.
You may not know but l am
fully aware where Deva is.
Shall we go?
Why are you walking off
without saying anything?
ls there a fashion show now?
Why sudden appearance?
Not for that.
l just came to touch base
with all the darlings.
His hip movement is
itself a fashion show!
Don't pull a fast one on me.
l know why
you came in here.
Out you go.
You are already
wanted by the police.
Don't get trapped into
unnecessary politics.
Go and have your fun
with her at home.
l'm not in the mood
for having a ball, darling.
lf so, l'd have come
to be with your wife!
Don't stab me.
Hotel Moon Walk,
he is in room number 302.
Why is he fast asleep?
Sad that he'll die without
knowing the reason.
l am Kumar here,
Get ready soon or
you will miss the flight.
Your appointment with the PM
is confirmed for the evening.
Thank you so much.
Good morning Venkatachalam.
How did you get in here?
What were they doing
at the reception?
Don't be hasty.
MP sir, you'll be
a minister soon...?
How can you be so
blissfully unaware and asleep?
l've been waiting for
past 6 hours (im)patiently!
Who the hell are you?
Forget that.
lf you are heading for Delhi
why did you come to Mumbai?
ls there no direct flight
from Chennai to Delhi?
ls Bhagawan supporting you?
Gun is not firing.
Not me.
The good Lord above.
Sit down.
Venky darling, Bhaji Rao has a bad habit
of pestering me to fulfill his wants.
When did you
step into politics?
Would you have earned
roughly 10 billion?
Wasn't that enough for you?
Will you earn even more
by becoming a minister?
Poor fellow...Bhaji Rao.
Why can't he also be
a minister for some time?
You've enjoyed enough.
Time to go up.
There's a shortage
of men in hell it seems.
Let me explain.
Not the good Lord,
l am Bhagawan.
Don't shoot
''All around the world
they call me Bhagawan''
''You baby get to know the name
Call me Bhagawan''
''l will take your life in a flash
Call me Bhagawan''
Yes, Bhaji Rao
is very happy.
As per seniority, he should have
become minister long back, no?
Welcome, Bhagawan.
Why such a late entry?
Look over there
lot of politicians.
Lots of celebs
from Bollywood.
We've organized a special
party for you upstairs.
Please move
to that hall.
Please be seated.
How is my blazer?
l've bought a Ferrari
sports car today.
l'll come with you.
Please do the honors.
With such a beautiful girl
like you beside him...
...why does Bhagawan
behave like this?
You are in the wrong place.
l'm in a correct place.
also a bar girl.
Everyone who set eyes on me
wanted to sleep with me.
He was the only one
who asked me...
...if l wanted to
go home with him?
For his happiness,
l'll do anything for him.
l'll give up anything.
That wasn't what
l wanted to say.
l'm unable to turn a blind eye
to all that's happening here.
l didn't mean
to disturb you.
Minister's brother hated Rani
being so fond of Bhagawan.
At that time, Susheel called us
to discuss an important deal.
Will you never
understand me?
Please understand,
l am not like Bhagawan.
Why did you guys
bring me here?
Why did you
bring me here?
lf my brother gets
to know about this...
...he will surely kill you.
You had the audacity
to touch my soldier!
l spared you.
Why aren't you
talking to me?
Shut up!
King! Now show
your power.
Bhagawan, sorry!
Don't do anything to him.
He's blabbering in
a drunken stupor.
l'll take care of him.
l'll apologize on
his behalf, Bhagawan.
You fool! Do you know
whom you are talking to?
He's intoxicated and unaware
of his opponent's might.
Just this once, please
forgive him for me.
Why are you
pleading with him?
ls she his wife that
l shouldn't touch her?
He has a ball with
all the girls in town.
Why does he have a problem
if l touch his girl?
Brother, you are
a minister now.
Shut up.
Don't blabber like this.
Why are you
scared of this idiot?
His name is Bhagawan,
but he's no God.
Why don't you shut up?
l'm tackling this, no?
Bhagawan, don't hold
any of this to your heart.
l always want
your support.
Look there.
Look what l got you!
this is all for you.
Rani, the minister is
loading us with money.
Shall we let him go?
So much money...!
The scent of crisp
and fresh notes!
Money is very
important to me in life.
lt's very important.
But my happiness is more
important than money.
More than these two,
more...much more...
...what matters
more to me is she!
Bhaji Rao, your brother has been
drooling over my queen for some time.
Shouldn't he know how to
treat Bhagawan's 'queen'?!
A scoundrel, rascal, idiot like him
shouldn't even think of her...
l've apologized on
his behalf...leave him.
l made you minister.
And is this how your
brother rewards me?
Hey what will you do?
Are you playing your
political games with me?!
'After he killed his brother,
the minister became angry.'
'Feud between Bhaji Rao
and Bhagawan intensified.'
'Bhaji Rao used his political clout
somehow and ordered...
'...the Commissioner
to kill Bhagawan.'
Apart from the minister's brother,
Bhagawan has 18 cases pending.
And so our department is
bending backwards to find him.
So we've alerted
all our check posts.
Hence Bhagawan and his people
cannot escape from the city.
We won't let him escape
whatever the situation may be.
We are confident we will catch
Bhagawan and his team very soon.
You aren't listening
to me at all.
How long will you
both evade capture?
Ask Bhagawan to
surrender to the police.
Minister Bhaji Rao has
decided to kill Bhagawan.
The department
is serious too.
So, surrendering
is good for you.
lf we can't stay here,
you want us to surrender?
Why are you getting
angry with him, Rani?
l want to get back to my world
and live life to the fullest.
Are you mad?
Have you lost it?
They'll shoot on sight.
Do you understand?
No one can save you.
Can Bhagawan die?
ls someone born in
this planet to kill me?
l was born to
kill all of you.
Rani, ask him to go now.
Look, Bhagawan, the situation
outside isn't good like you think.
Understand when l tell you
'Rana wanted Bhagawan
to surrender somehow.'
'That's when we all
saw you for the 1 st time.'
'When we didn't know what to do,
our gang member told us about you.'
'Your life changed from
that moment onwards.'
Stay in jail
for 6 months.
l'll make all arrangements
to take you out on bail.
No one can advise
you more than this.
Rana, shut up.
What did you say?
That he'd die
if he comes out?
He will come out.
And he will die.
He will die for all of you.
But it won't be him.
Have you lost it
along with him?
'That's when we all
saw you for the 1 st time.'
Another Bhagawan look-alike?
l can't believe it.
Who is he?
Where is he?
He's in Bangkok.
But l don't know who he is.
We need to find out soon.
- That's all well and good.
But how will
he come here?
Who can bring him here?
You...can you?
Hey, Romeo, will you?
- Rani...l will bring him.
You are taking
too much of a risk.
l'd do anything for him.
l'll come back
with him...or die
'That's when
she came to Bangkok.'
'And she came to all the places
where you'd spot her easily.'
'You also fell for all of it.'
Rani, Adhi is coming.
'We couldn't handle the pressure
from the minister and that's why...'
'...we brought you here.'
'lf we surrendered you to
the police, they'd kill you.'
'Bhagawan would be safe.
This was Rani's plan.'
How are you, Adhi?
What? Mumbai wasn't
what you expected?
ls everything different?
Bhagla must have filled you in
on the story from A to Z.
Adhi, all the wrong you did
was not really a big deal.
Child's play.
Do you know the biggest
mistake you made in your life?
Tell me...tell me.
You don't know?
You being born
like my Bhagawan.
Childishly falling
in love with me.
No...what did
you say that day?
Didn't you say
you brought me to save you?
l wasn't with you
to save you.
But to kill you.
Don't be tensed that
you'll die now.
You should have
died long ago.
l've saved you
many times.
You know something,
you are a big waste!
You didn't figure out who l was
the whole time l was with you.
One who knew something was
wrong was your partner, Lewi.
Where is Adhi?
- He's sleeping upstairs.
Tell him
l'll see him later.
He could have left it
with just suspecting me.
He started
chasing me as well.
Do you know
the twist in this story?
He didn't find out
anything for himself.
And he didn't
tell you about me.
He bit the bullet
without doing either.
l made him bite it.
You were never
inside my heart.
Even when l touched
you passionately...
...it was Bhagawan
who was in my heart.
Got it?
Bhagawan would
always say...
...no man should die without
knowing why he is about to die.
ln that sense, you are
a very, very, very lucky guy.
What's sad is that
when you die...
...Bhagawan and l
won't even be in lndia.
l won't get to
be at your funeral.
What is he saying?
Forget him.
He's a dead snake.
Those fools, commissioner and minister.
Did they believe Adhi is Bhagawan?
Hook, line and sinker!
There's no problem there.
Don't take too much time.
Finish it quickly.
l'll take care of it.
But where's Bhagawan?
What will you do by knowing?
Just do what l tell you to do.
Check if someone's there?
- No one, sir.
You can leave.
Rana, when will you end
Bhagawan's life?
Sir, the formalities
are in process.
We have to wait for
the Chief minister's permission
- Can l help to speeden it?
No, it's not an issue.
We'll get a letter
by tomorrow.
l'll inform you immediately.
Don't delay.
l'm eagerly waiting
for the obituary info.
No one should
suspect a thing.
lf the Commissioner calls,
say l've taken him for enquiry.
Your mobiles are
all switched off?
Where's the mask?
You go that side.
You sit next to him.
Look here.
Get whatever information
you want from him.
Only 3 hours.
Money...where's the money?
- ls the money okay?
For sure.
Bring him out.
For 4 months you made us
roam around cities like lunatics.
l won't let you live.
Until you tell me where you have
hidden, l won't let go of you.
Tell us.
Wretched fellow!
You thought l would
let you go so easily?
Tell me where my money
and all my documents are.
l only have a small share.
Sam has the rest.
Where is he now?
He's not even in lndia.
This won't make him talk.
Lower him down.
He hasn't told you after
you hit him so much.
Will he tell you now?
lt's late now.
Send him soon.
Be a bit patient.
He'll tell us for sure.
What are you doing?
Can't you aim properly?
Whom did you
shoot instead?
Brother, what
happened to you?
Here...l prepared this
passport with great difficulty.
Ensure he resembles
the face in this passport.
That's what's good for him.
Move fast.
Take the money
due for this.
Don't think you can
order me around.
He has no idea
what he's talking.
Just take him and go.
Am l the one blabbing?
You are the one bungling.
Tell him about me.
Don't think you escaped
from the police.
Your death has just got
postponed, that's all.
You are not making sense.
The reason you are here now
they haven't left lndia.
Bhagawan and Rani are here.
Don't let them catch you.
We were extremely careful.
Still...he escaped.
He fooled all of us.
But l assure you
l'll find him.
ls this what you came to
tell us...aren't you ashamed?
What else can l do?
l've done all l can
within my official power.
That's why l'm sitting here
suspended from my work.
You've been suspended
due to your stupidity.
We didn't contribute.
But Adhi escaped
thanks to your carelessness.
Why get mad at me?
This wasn't easy.
l staked my life for 6 months
and brought him here.
As if l'll cheer you!
We've all wasted our time
depending on you.
l should have just given
his corpse to you.
My fault.
You volunteered to kill him
officially in front of the minister.
l got diverted believing
in your stupid plan.
You are the sole
reason for all this.
How can you
point a finger at me?
You both are the criminals.
Not me.
l'm a policeman.
l know how to get him.
Don't underestimate
my intelligence.
With great difficulty
she brought him here.
With your greedy nature
you'll get paid and let him escape.
Then spin some
sob story to us.
Hey Bhagawan!
Listen to me.
Only if l catch him,
l can save you.
That's why
l shouldn't die.
Listen to me.
Clean up the mess.
He is a very bad evil.
We start immediately from here.
l must see him.
No , Aadhi. don't make
truoble your self.
They have both
traumatized me.
What's Bhagawan's
famous dialog?
No one should die
without knowing the reason.
He will know the reason
when l do the honors.
Either l should end up
as a corpse in Goa.
Or l should make
both of them corpses.
Don't take
too much time, Vikesh.
We can't wait
for a week in Goa.
We must leave
lndia tomorrow.
Make all necessary
arrangements immediately.
Why are you
so tensed, darling?
You don't know Adhi.
He'll definitely hound us.
Rani! l can't believe
you can be so scared?
ls he such a force
to be reckoned with?
He seems to have
impressed you!
Then shouldn't l see him?
Listen to me just this once.
Let's leave immediately.
l need you in my life.
He must come here
and die by my hands!
Till then...let's chill out.
''Leading an uneventful life style
is wasted, not worth your while''
''Live life to the fullest
Recharge and savor the rest''
''Living a life of the downtrodden
Make it into a life worthy of Heaven''
''Bargain for cheap and costly best
l'll make it balance, more or less''
''With my feet tapping the clouds light
l must also indulge the moon bright''
''With the wind l'll spread my wings
l'll etch my name with glad tidings''
''Rain or shine, come what may
l'll settle scores whatever time of day''
''Leading a life drab and mundane
can gloat of only sad disdain''
''Live life to the fullest
Relax and favor the best''
''Why live life with fear and worry?
Live courageously and carefree''
''Problems by the second evolved
Ensure they are settled and solved''
''The heart can beat erratically
Spin life in a frenzy, frantically''
''lt weaves the lub-dub waves
into sheer magic rays''
''Your sole heart distinctly unique
''Wipe clean their fear
Fill smiles in every tear''
''Rogues and ruffians are
my fan following''
''Paid to get their
hands dirty in everything''
''Stubborn, as crazy as a cuckoo
Bad and dangerous villain are you''
''lf you hassle me and argue
l'll rip you apart and chop you''
''Leading an uneventful life style
is wasted, not worth your while''
''Live life to the fullest
Recharge and savor the rest''
''Living a life of the downtrodden
Make it into a life worthy of Heaven''
''Bargain for cheap and fancy best
l'll make it balance, more or less''
Vittal from
their team told me.
That's why l'm so sure.
What if he gave you
wrong info to divert you?
They are all
Sanjay's men.
Rani will come.
Just wait and see.
Where is Sanjay?
l must leave at once.
l've called him.
He'll be here now.
l told you l'd be here
in an hour's time.
Then where is he?
That's why l didn't want
to have any dealing here.
l can't be here for
more than half hour.
Rani, don't get angry.
Heavy security around the city.
Long time since...
We don't have
time to chitchat.
Adhi and Bhagla may come here
any moment in search of me.
Check it.
lf you escaped from the police...
...why didn't you
rush back to Bangkok?
Why did you come here?
Are you so much
in love with me, darling?
l traveled with you
for a short while.
That's why l didn't
wish to see you die.
But you seem to want
me to send you to hell.
Where are you trying to escape?
Face me.
You go to hell first.
l'll send your lover
right behind you.
Come my dear
Mumbai Bhagawan.
You had the gall to
plan on killing me?
Rani has gone to hell.
You follow her.
My queen Rani...
You've left me.
Come on.
l'm myself a criminal.
You think you can
beat me at my own game?
l've really
struggled in my life.
There should not be
Shall we end the game?