Aaj Ka Arjun (1990)

ls the Thakur in?
All right.
Greetings, Thakur.
How are you,
Home Minister Ramlal?
With your grace,
l'm serving the people.
l'm blessed to meet you.
Thakur, take a look at
the map ol the liquor lactoy.
This is the power plant and
this is the production division.
This is the supply section and
that's the administration side.
As per your wishes, the linal
installment has also come.
But l've heard that you still
haven't procured the land.
Sir, the Thakur knows to
honor his commitment.
The Thakur is here.
Villagers, il you think
by hiding in your houses,...
you'll be spared,
then you are mistaken.
You were given ten days time,....
to come to the mansion to sign.
Now l give you ten minutes,....
to come out and sign.
Or else...
- Leave my lather alone.
- Move!
l won't give my land.
l won't sign those papers.
Take his thumb imprint.
Villagers, you must have
heard the gun shot.
One bullet was lired and
one signature obtained.
We can similarly take your sign.
So come out ol your houses,...
and give your thumb imprints.
Didn't you hear me?
- We are coming.
We'll give our impressions.
Stand in a queue.
- Give your thumb imprints.
- Hury up.
Come on.
Hury up!
One man is missing.
Thakur, one man is missing.
Who is he?
Where is Mohan?
Where is Mohan?
- He's gone out.
- Oh really!
When he returns, ask him to
come to the mansion to sign.
Otheise l'll kill him.
Who killed him?
l want to know who killed him?
One ol your brethen was
killed in broad day light...
and you are all silent.
Tomorrow it could be one ol you.
- So tell me.
- l think we are in lor better days.
At least one man is
inquiring about it.
God knows. Maybe the inspector
is in lor a rough time.
He's inquiring about his death.
lt's indeed shamelul that
you all are abetting the crime.
- Is there nobody?
- l'll tell you.
- Who killed him?
- Thakur Bhupendra Singh.
lnspector, what brings you here?
Someone has died in the village.
This death occurred when you were
scaring the villagers lor signs.
The deceased's thumb
also bore the ink.
- And his death,...
- Say murder.
He didn't die but was killed.
- But why have you come here?
- Thakur, you can help the law.
What do l have to do lor that?
Surrender yoursell to the law.
- You have prool against me?
- There's no need lor that,...
il you accept your crime.
Do you know whom
you are talking to?
Yes, you are the richest man
in this area.
But you are not above the law.
lnspector, the sword never
cuts its sheath.
Because that's where it rests.
ll you want to survive,
join hands with me.
People keep dogs to guard
their houses, not lions.
You testilied against the Thakur?
You also said
he'd committed murder!
You rebelled against the Thakur.
l'll teach you a lesson that none
will dare to repeat this mistake.
l'll strip you in public.
- No!
- No!
l'll kill you, you rogue!
Tell this also to
that Inspector,....
that l stripped you in public.
- Swine!
- No!
Lord, is there nobody to
save a woman's honor?
Today nobody will save you.
Nobody will hear your pleas.
Oh God!
Who is this angel?
Who is he who
dared to hit my men?
This is no angel.
l'm back lrom jail.
And l've asked the jailer
to keep the doors open,...
l'll soon be back after
committing another murder.
l'm standing in your evil den,...
and declaring war on you.
No matter how strong your maze,
you'll die at my hands only.
Don't shout, Thakur.
All this while you spoke
and we heard.
Now we'll speak and you'll hear.
You lorcibly took the innocent
villagers thumb imprints.
Today l'll spread your impure
blood on that land,...
lrom one end ol the village
to the other.
l swear by the vulgar
abuses you've made...
l swear by the tears the kids
shed due to your atrocities.
l swear by the lields
that you set alire,...
Now only your death
will dispel that darkness.
l'll give you a chance to use
the revolver but not today.
Have patience.
l too waited lor seven years.
l'd have been doomed
had you not come in time.
l'm highly obliged to you.
Bhima, the Inspector
has summoned you.
Are you Bhima?
Did you have a scullle
with the Thakur's men?
- Yes.
- Why?
ll you know we had a scullle,
you should know the cause too.
l want to hear it lrom you.
Why did you hit them?
Belore killing snakes, you
don't make a list ol their sins.
l think you have a personal
enmity with the Thakur.
l want to know the reason.
Are you serious?
The reason lor my enmity?
He is a common enemy.
He is my enemy,
he is eveyone's enemy.
He is enemy ol evey
pore ol this village!
This village was not
what it is today.
Nor was l like this.
This village was a happy one.
The lields were green.
There was joy and revely.
Music and songs..
''My arms are so beautilul''
''Adorn me with bangles''
''My arms are so beautilul
Adorn them with bangles''
''Accept me as yours, my love''
''No matter how beautilul your
arms, l won't adorn you''
''You unnerve me''
''People will talk about our love''
''l will win you over''
''l like it, you like it...''
''all your love games''
''Don't cross my path''
''Why don't you latch on to others?''
''Don't ever leave me''
''Don't break my heart''
''l'm all yours''.
''l'll lay down my lile lor you''
You got it, Minister?
Yes, you'll grab
the larmers' land.
The buyers will put their money
and l'll get the permit.
Once your lactoy starts,
we'll be rich.
But to convert agricultural
Iand to lactoy purposes,...
we have to get over with
some legal proceedings.
l know all about it.
l won't let anyone cultivate
this land lor live years.
But times have changed, Thakur.
Even the poor are aware.
They can't harm us.
They can't do us any harm.
Just as l get you votes against
the larmers' wishes,...
so too l can grab their land
without their permission.
- Understand?
- l get it.
Hereafter we'll give
lood to the larmers.
My godowns are
over llowing with grains.
Lakhan, set ablaze the lields.
The lields have been
reduced to ashes.
- Have patience.
- We are doomed.
The Thakur has come.
He'll solve our problem.
Greetings, Thakur!
- Sir, greetings.
- We are doomed!
We are ruined, Thakur.
What happened was not good.
But don't wory,
as long as l'm alive,...
nobody will starve to death.
Our lields got burnt
Brothers, the lields
are like children,..
which is always alllicted
by some or the other ailment.
Sometimes there is lamine,
or lloods or lire.
So l've decided that instead
ol larming,...
l'll construct a lactoy
on this land.
l'll put my money on your land.
We'll be equal partners.
Until the lactoy is ready...
you'll get lood.
And once the lactoy is ready...
you'll get a salay and an
equal share in the prolits.
So stop larming.
You'll realize that once
the lactoy is ready...
this village will progress
by leaps and bounds.
And you will lead a happy lile.
Long live the Thakur!
Thakur, l've got the grains.
- Distribute it to the villagers
- Okay.
Thakur, il not lor you,
we'd have died ol starvation.
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you!
Should l take
their thumb imprints?
Not yet. Let them get used
to eating lor lree.
Rogues, you don't want
to work lor your living.
- l was running a high lever.
- Rogue, don't back answer me.
Sir, don't hit him.
He was running a high lever.
l'll do his share ol the work.
You go home and rest.
Brother, give it to me.
Are you drunk in
the morning itsell?
lt is alcohol at night. In the
day, it works as medicine.
ll by chance Gauri sister
spots you here,...
she'll beat you black and blue.
l came to speak about her.
You are close to her.
Convince her about me.
Once she lalls lor me,
l'll relorm your lile.
l'll gift this motel to you.
What did you say, you drunkard?
ls this your lather's motel?
l'll make your lile!
lt's not right lor you to hit
your husband belore marriage.
You think l'll mary you!
Why are you hitting him?
Someday you'll mary someone.
Besides you won't get anyone
better than him.
Look Bhima, l'll mary only you.
What have l done to you that
you are scaring me?
Leave me alone.
lt must be Laxmi's letter.
Please read it lor me.
l'll read it,
but lirst kiss me.
- What?!
- Kiss?
Shut up! Il you are scared
to give, l'll give you one.
Have some shame!
Eveyone is looking at us.
- l don't care.
- My letter.
You are always ready.
- What? - Laxmi's written that
she'll be coming tomorrow.
She's come!
Stay behind!
She's passed in English.
How are you, Laxmi?
- l'm line, brother.
- Did you clear your exams?
- Yes, with a lirst class.
That's because l'd chant
your name belore evey paper.
Had you chanted God's name,
you'd have got a second class.
Brother, lirst class is
better than second class.
l know.
Come, let's go.
- Aunt, Laxmi's back lrom the
town. Bhima's sister?
Look, the village teacher is coming.
Talk to him in English.
Welcome, teacher!
See, how lluently
she speaks English.
You deserve the praise, Bhima.
- It's you,...
- He's talking about me.
Come, let's go.
That's a soldier.
Speak to him in English.
He's all the while
talking in English.
I'm fine and how are you?
Laxmi silenced you.
Now speak.
Brothers, now
you all can go home.
Laxmi also must be tired after
the journey and needs rest.
lt is so beautilul.
- You drew this?
- You think l don't know anything.
- What? - You are a compulsive liar,
but at least spare your sister.
You can't do a thing yoursell.
Gauri, don't insult me in lront
ol Laxmi. l won't spare you.
What will you do?
- You chit ol a woman.
- How dare you.
You still light?
- Ask her to leave.
- Why?
Laxmi, don't listen to her.
She's vey inauspicious.
She's unlucky even lor animals.
l'll also tick you oll
il you ask me lor any lavors.
Brother, you upset her.
She can't digest her lood
until she picks a light.
Worm, this is the last cup ol tea
that l'm giving you on credit.
This is Gauri's motel,
not your lather's.
What does he think ol himsell?
How dare you drink this tea?
Get lost!
Hereafter nobody
will get any tea.
- Shut shop. - l think she's
again lought with Bhima.
We'll become bankrupt il
she makes the inn a scapegoat
Sister, light with Bhima once and
lor all to your heart's content.
And then shut the motel
lor a lew days.
Why should l give him
so much importance?
He's a born betrayer and cheat.
l've always been telling you
this, Gauri.
He is a cheat and jerk.
How dare you abuse Bhima?
l was gaining lavors with you.
l'm his to-be wile so
l can give him anything.
But who are you?
Didn't you recognize me?
l'm your to-be husband.
What did you say, you leech?
- Say it again.
- Come closer.
Hug me once and l'll
never again let you go.
l'll hug you so well you'll
remember it all your lile!
Today my dream is lullilled.
Laxmi has cleared her B.A.
Brother, why are you cying?
These are tears ol joy.
Bow to our parents.
Due to their grace you've
achieved the impossible.
- What are you doing?
- l never saw my parents.
You are eveything to me.
lt's with your blessings
that l've achieved all this.
Stupid, you did it by dint
ol your hard work.
You don't know what
you've done lor me.
ls there anyone educated like you
even in the neighboring villages?
You've done me proud.
Freshen up.
- Yes?
- What sort ol clothes are these?
These clothes are lor you.
- You think l'll wear these?
- Yes.
- What will people say?
- You're a clever girl's brother
Wear it.
You'll look like a gentleman.
But l can't speak
a word ol English.
l'll teach you English.
No, Moti.
lt's me Bhima.
Don't bite me.
Don't insult me in public.
Dogs will be dogs.
It's better l llee.
Don't wory, they are our lriends.
They respect me vey much.
Look, they are going.
Sir, you are lrom the city?
This is your lirst visit
to the village?
How did you lind the village?
How can you go like this?
Sip this.
Why are you in a hury?
l'm sure he'll go to the motel.
Sir, wait!
This is Gauri's Taj Mahal Hotel.
Her hotel serves excellent tea.
The owner ol Taj drinks here.
Gauri hersell is amazing.
Badshah, call Gauri.
Look, who's come.
You drunkard, you'll make my lile.
Look, who's come.
He's tying to lool me.
Get close to him,
he'll improve your lile.
No, it's you l want.
You mean it?
And what about that Bhima?
Don't talk about him.
He's vey unlucky.
Besides l don't like tall men.
Besides, we make a great pair.
We're just right together.
- Let's toast.
- Later.
- Now let's go.
- Gentleman, l'm going.
Hey you, where are you
taking my Gauri?
''Where are you going, Gauri?''
''My coat is Englishtani''
''l am Bhima''
''My hat is lrom London''
''l donned this guise lor you,...''
''O motel owner''
''Come to the paan shop,..''
''at 3.30''.
''l'll wait lor you..''
''at 3.30''
''Calm down.
l accept my mistake''
''My love lor you is true.
Accept my love''
''We'll make a line pair''
''Stop throwing tantrums''
''Don't break my heart''
''Or l'll kill mysell''
''l'll come...''
''to meet you at 3.30''
''l'll wait lor you
at the paan shop at 3.30''
''Finally the girl
lell lor the boy''
''Wait, O damsel''
- What are you doing?
- Go to work.
- But,..
- No ils and buts.
Just hear me out.
- What is it?
- You're back after so long...
Let's spend time close. Besides
l've to cook and clean also.
l'll do all that.
- What? You'll do all this?
- Yes.
Did l educate you
to do all these chores?
Now enough is enough.
Are you going or no?
l'm going.
- Now what is it?
- l lorgot the main thing.
- Where did she come lrom?
- Bhima, teach me also.
- l've just washed my hands.
- Go take a bath in the river.
And go round me thrice still wet.
Then l'll think il
l want to teach you.
l'll ask Laxmi to teach me.
You'll need brains lor that.
Where will you get it lrom?
ll that is so,
then how did you learn?
- Pick up your bag.
- Yes.
Hury up and pick up your bags.
- Pick it up.
- We don't want Thakur's alms.
My man's gone to till the land.
We'll grow our own grains.
Villagers, he tilled his land
against the Thakur's wishes.
The repercussions are
there lor you to see.
He'll have to pay lor his deeds.
Hit him.
Spare my husband.
l beg you.
Please spare him.
l will spare him but
after his death.
To perlorm his last rites.
So the villagers learn a lesson,...
not to rebel against the Thakur.
Bang his head against the stone.
- Brother!
- Gauri, you go.
- Go away!
- l won't leave you and go.
Go. After my death, spread
my ashes in the land.
So that evey corner will speak
about the Thakur's atrocities.
- Brother, you'll be line.
- l plead with you to go.
- No!
- What a line sister!
She won't let her brother
die at any cost.
Please spare my brother.
- No!
- l will spare him.
ll you ask me to.
Mohan, l'm leaving you lor
your beautilul sister's sake.
Hereafter il you rebel
against the Thakur,...
then l won't spare you.
Let's go.
What was all this?
The Thakur doesn't want
us to till our lands.
- Why?
- So that he can grab our lands,..
to construct an alcohol lactoy.
l'm sory lor my Dad's behaviour
l apologise.
No..what are you doing?
The villagers and l are
gratelul lor what you did.
God knows what would have
happened il not lor you.
Nothing would have happened.
Actually my lather is at lault.
So l told him that
times have changed.
Our county is independent.
Dictatorship is no longer prevalent.
But he reluses to understand.
He's vey orthodox so l too
have decided,...
to leave that house rather
have incessant lights.
You want to leave your house
lor our sake?
- Don't do this.
- Then what should l do?
You expect me to put with all
these atrocities?
Your going away will neither
benelit you nor the villagers.
With you here we hope that
you'll make Thakur see sense.
Because there is
nobody to talk to him.
Please don't leave this village.
- For my sake.
- Don't say that.
ll you don't want me to go,
l won't go.
The villagers will bless you.
Bhima, don't get disheartened.
lt is best to get her married.
But l must lind someone
worthy ol her.
l know ol a suitable boy.
l'll take you to him.
Your god must be vey benevolent.
- He'll lullill my wish also.
- You have eveything.
Well, what is it that you
want God to give you?
l want you, Laxmi.
Did l do something wrong?
l hope God doesn't
reject my request.
God won't lullill your wish.
- Why? - He won't grant such a
small thing to such a big man.
My lather's wealth was the
only barrier between us.
l've broken that barrier
to come to you.
Now we are alike.
- But,..
- Look, we are both educated.
So rather than beating round the
bush, l'll tell you,...
that l like you.
And want to mary you.
We accept your proposal.
Laxmi is lucky to get married
into such a nice household.
Don't embarrass us.
But we've a condition.
l'll accept all your conditions.
l can do anything lor her.
l want you to mary my daughter.
- But your son is B.A.?
- Don't wory about that.
He's an M.A. but my daughter
is vey naive.
That's all right
but the boy is B.A.
Isn't it, Gauri?
Where did she go?
Brother, come out.
- Come out.
- You'll shout.
You agreed to mary that
mad girl lor my sake.
l had no choice.
They'd mary their son to you
only il l wed their mad daughter.
And l can do anything lor
your good.
What good are you doing me?
People will say, l've laults
lor which you had to do this.
ln lact, l'll be maligned.
- Is this what people will say?
- Yes.
- l acted stupidly.
- You are the limit!
Poor Gauri loves you so much
and you broke her heart.
Okay, l'm sory.
- Forgive me.
- Apologize to her not me.
- Come with me.
- What is this you are doing?
Won't l leel embarrassed to
apologize to the shameless girl?
You won't get lood or water
until you apologize to her.
Okay, l'm going.
l've realized that a woman is
the root cause ol all problems.
Not you but that mad girl.
l agree that it's not so bad but
why'd l get stuck in this mess?
And why did you leave me alone?
You expected me to stay there?
Or you wanted me to
celebrate the occasion?
Dance at your wedding?
lt's me who's dancing to your tunes.
- l'm so naive.
- Really?
- Yes. - You've brains to
chose a boy lor your sister.
But you become innocent when
it comes to me. Now leave.
But where can l go?
We will always be together.
- Will you leave?
- A tall man is usually stupid.
And l'm no dillerent.
l know l made a mistake by
accepting that proposal.
But you could've drilled
some sense in me.
Boxed my ears.
- Now lorgive him.
- Ask him to leave.
How can he leave, sisterinIaw?
Sister-in-law, you know him
vey well.
When it comes to me,
he lorgets eveything.
So l apologize to you
on behall ol him.
Actually, it's my lault.
l should've told you,....
that l've chosen my husband.
Who is that lucky boy?
How did you think that the Thakur
will accept you?
We love each other.
l know what you've come to say.
l appreciate your
leelings lor Laxmi.
l also appreciate
her leelings lor you.
lt is her good lortune
that you want to mary her.
But the Thakur won't accept it.
l know.
But after marriage when
we'll go to seek his blessings,...
he'll relent.
Mr Ajit, l'm apprehensive.
We have no standing
compared to you.
Don't be apprehensive.
Trust me.
What are you doing, Sir?
''You are leaving your brother''
''Your sister is leaving
lor her marital home''
''What norms are these?''
''Why does a sister have to
separate from her brother'' ?
''Without saying a word,
she leaves''
''How will you live without me?''
''You are the best brother
a sister can ask lor''
''She leaves with
tears in her eyes''
- Greetings, Sir!
- Greetings!
He is Bhola kaka and
she's your mistress.
- Welcome!
- Come.
- What is this, Laxmi?
- Don't keep me away lrom you.
What are you saying?
Get up.
Your place is in my eyes
and in my heart.
He's not here either.
- Kaka, where's your master?
- He left at night itsell.
- Did he leave a message?
- He never leaves any message.
He comes and goes at will.
No, this can't happen.
He can't do this to me.
He will come back.
He won't cheat me.
Ajit is at lault.
He should've told you
belore leaving lor city.
Or he should've taken you along.
He must've thought that il he
tells you, you'll get worried.
But he didn't realize that
otheise too you'd be worried.
And shout at him in English
when he gets back.
And tell him not to
Ieave you behind again.
You are cying?
Don't cy.
Control yoursell.
Look, l can't see you cying.
Don't wory, he must have gone
lor work and will soon be back.
Come and lreshen up.
l'm doomed, Gauri.
That Ajit,...
Eveything will be line, Bhima.
She's eveything to me. Il
anything happens to her, l'll,...
Nothing will happen to her.
Go to the Thakur.
l'm sure Ajit will be there.
What did you say?
Ajit married your sister.
The youth ol our lamily do
spend nights with young girls.
Ajit told me that Laxmi is the
daughter-in-law ol this lamily.
Your sister and the
daughter-in-law ol my lamily!
She's not lit to
even be our servant.
How dare you even think thus.
l didn't.
We are no match to you.
l may be illiterate
but not my sister.
She is highly educated.
Bhima, l'm a vey bad man.
And l never make a mistake in
understanding what is wrong.
l'm well versed with
the ways ol such girls.
These girls trap naive boys
lrom wealthy homes.
Anyway, this is nothing new.
Forget it.
You too lorget it.
What must l lorget?
That Ajit himsell asked lor
Laxmi's hand in marriage?
That he married her
in eveyone's presence.
l don't want to be your relative
or want to enhance my status.
l'm your servant and will
always remain one.
Just accept my sister.
Hit me to your heart's content.
But give my sister her due.
You want me to accept each girl
my son spends his night with.
Don't talk so cheap about my sister.
Your sister conned my naive son
lor my wealth.
- Don't abuse my sister.
- Shut up!
She's cheap and immoral.
- l'll kill you.
- Anybody there?
You dared to abuse my sister.
l won't spare you.
Swine, you dared to hit me!
You abused my sister.
Take him to the police
and tell the inspector
he came to my house to steal.
You abused my sister.
l won't spare you!
lnspector, this is
my lile's savings.
Take this and release my Bhima.
- l beg you. - He went to
the Thakur's house to steal.
My Bhima is incapable
ol such an act.
lnspector, release Bhima.
He's a vey nice man.
He's not capable ol such an act.
Okay, il you insist.
But il he's seen again around the
Thakur's house then he's had it.
Constable, release him.
lnspector, here after he'll
not commit any mistake.
l've got such a great news
and you are in mourning.
Ajit has written
a letter lor Laxmi.
Ajit's letter.
Laxmi, read this letter.
lt's lrom Ajit.
Dear Laxmi, l know you must be
upset at my sudden disappearance.
l wanted to convince lather
and take you home.
But on reaching home, l had to
Ieave immediately lor the town.
Had l not gone,
l'd have to incur heavy loses.
Don't wory at all.
l may be away lrom you,
but my heart is with you.
Yours Ajit!
''O my dear sister...''
''this is eveyone's opinion...''
''that there is none like you''
''O Lord, you've given me...''
''more than l asked lor''
''My dear sister...''
''may you always be happy''
''you want to yearn lor your beloved''
''You are love-struck, dear''
''l prayed...''
''lor your happiness''
''O Lord...''
''make me an uncle soon''
''This pain is unbearable''
- ''lt is too much''.
- ''l'm so restless''
- ''The clothes have grown tighter''
- ''The veil has lallen''
''She's carying, poor girl''
''My poor sister who's so pampered''
''Stay away lrom her''
''Don't trouble her
Ieave her alone''
''Now go to your own homes''
''My sister looks so beautilul''
''There is none like you''
- Bhima, where are you going?
- To meet Mr Ajit.
He by passed us as il
we were strangers.
Why are you taking
these letters with you?
To show the Thakur il
he doesn't believe me.
- Tear these letters.
- Why?
l've written these letters
not Mr Ajit.
- You?
- Yes.
Why did you do this
to my sister, Gauri?
l didn't cheat her.
Had it not been lor
these lake letters,...
Laxmi would have died.
And you would've
died without her.
And without you,
l too would have died.
Bhima, one lie
saved so many lives.
Gauri, l'm sory.
So it means that now
our lactoy will start.
Vey soon, son.
- Any rebellion?
- Only Laxmi tried to rebel.
But you squashed it.
l had no choice.
Look at her daring.
When your men asked them
not to till their lands,...
Laxmi was instigating them.
Belore it could have
any results...
l played a move that tricked her.
She's immersed in her sorrow
and doesn't care about anything.
She'll curse me all her lile.
That's nice but l also
heard a bad news.
- What?
- That she's pregnant.
And il she can rebel against me
lor the villager's rights,...
then she can go to any lengths
lor her child's rights.
But only il that child
is born, lather.
l'll kill her belore she gives
birth to that child.
Laxmi, what happened?
Catch her.
Bhima, spare me.
Laxmi, how did all this happen?
l'm line, brother.
Today thanks to the women ol
the village,...
Brother, my dream remained
lt will not remain unlullilled.
Free this village lrom the Thakur.
- l will lree them.
- Will you?
- Promise me.
- l promise you.
Nothing will happen to you.
Believe me.
''Why did you snap ties
with me, sister'' ?
'' And left your
memories in my arms''
''O my dear sister,...''
''eveyone shared my opinion...''
''that there's none like you''
''The reason lor which...''
''you died...''
''l too won't spare him''
''l take a pledge''
l'd summoned you as an Inspector.
But am bidding you goodbye
as a lriend.
l'll support you in your
light against tyranny.
- What is your name?
- Kanhaiya.
Bhima, l'm not his real mother.
But l've brought him up as a son.
l'm highly obliged to you.
- What is it? - We've got the
permit lor the lactoy.
Good. Lakhan, Mohan's land
comes in the way ol our lactoy.
And he's still not
surrendered his land.
Don't wory, he'll do it
today itsell,....
dead or alive.
l'd rather die than
surrender my land.
You will do it.
Give his thumb.
He won't sign, eh!
Villagers, see this
and learn a lesson.
Anyone rebelling against
Thakur will be suppressed.
And the hands raised against
Thakur will be maimed like his.
Where is your Bhima?
Why isn't he coming to his help?
Hereafter il Bhima continues
to live in this village,...
there will be a dead body lrom
evey lamily on this square.
What is the matter?
Thakur's men broke his hand and
lorcibly took his thumb imprint.
l'll teach him a lesson.
Bhima, l know that you are
brave and will avenge me.
But what will happen after that?
Another man will be lound
injured at the square.
Why're you messing with Thakur
when God made him our master?
The Thakur has said that il you
continue to stay in this village..
there will be bloodshed evey day.
Bhima, have mercy on us and
Ieave this village lor good.
Leave this village.
You expect me to
Ieave this village!
You want me to leave this land
where my sister gave her lile.
She gave her lile lor you all so
that you don't become homeless.
So that nobody takes
your land lrom you.
And l'd promised
my dying sister...
to lree this village lrom
the Thakur's tyranny.
And you want me to
Ieave this village.
ll by my going away, peace
will reign in this village...
then l'm ready to go.
- Munna, let's go.
- Wait, Bhima.
We'd rather leave than live
amongst these cowards.
The vey people you are lighting
lor want to throw you out.
- Come, let's go.
- Wait, Gauri.
You won't go.
- Brother, don't stop me.
- Come with me.
- Let me go.
- Come!
Brother, open the door.
''leave me and go''
''Don't break my
heart and go away''
''Without you, l can't live''
''When you come back,
you won't lind me''
''Don't leave me
with a heavy heart...''
''and go away''
''All lestivities mean
nothing without you''
''Lile without you
will be a living hell''
''Please stop your
advancing steps...''
Bhima, you are leaving the village?
l had anticipated this.
My quarters are outside
the village borders.
You can stay there.
l think you haven't heard the
Thakur's announcement.
l've heard it and it is
not the law lor me.
ln the course ol my job,
l've come across many such things.
So you did what the Thakur wanted.
Bhima was the only brave man
and you threw him out.
Fools, he was lighting
lor your rights.
Mohan, l didn't expect such
cowardice lrom a brave like you.
l didn't do this to save my lile.
l also never cowed down
to the Thakur.
But l know il Bhima stays here
there will be bloodshed daily.
The tyrant's conlidence grows
il his victims cow down to it.
Bhima was one person who
could get you your rights.
He is no ordinay man
but the Arjun ol this era.
He can single handedly
lace the Thakur.
We promise,...
to live and die with Bhima.
l assure you.
- Why have you come here?
- l've not come lor you.
l've come lor the one
who was cying lor me.
You shouldn't have come
alone at this late hour.
You acted unwisely.
And you acted wisely,...
by snapping ties with me?!
Gauri, l know
what's in your mind.
But l can't risk
your lile with mine.
Death surrounds me.
The only goal ol my lile
is to kill Thakur.
And in the bargain
anything can happen to me.
l don't want you
to become a widow.
Go lrom here.
l've always weaved
dreams about you.
l left eveything to come
to you at this late hour...
to hear you say that l must go.
You could say it so easily.
- What do you know about love?
- l don't want to know either.
Go, and assume that l'm dead.
Bhima, il you can't
give me lile,...
then you can't away lrom me
the right to die.
- What madness is this?
- Leave me. Let me die.
- What are you doing?
- Bhima, l can't live without you.
Ty to understand my predicament.
Bhima, we made a mistake.
We've come to take you.
Only you can lree us
lrom the Thakur's clutches.
We've decided to live
and die with you.
No, Bhima!
Please lorgive me.
- You tortured these people?
- l'll never do it again.
- Where are the land papers?
- l don't know.
- Where are the papers?
- In the locker.
- Where is the locker?
- In the room on the terrace.
Bhima, please spare me.
Mohan, please lorgive me.
l'll never do this again.
Mohan, spare me and l'll get
you back your land.
All the papers are in my custody.
But l won't give.
But he called us today.
Is there some problem?
l will give but not now.
Let there be some celebration.
Let wine and women llow and
then in the dead ol the night,...
we'll deal about
the alcohol lactoy.
l will also enjoy
giving the papers.
And you will enjoy
taking the papers.
'' Beloved''
'' Beloved''
''l'm an enchantress''
''l'll give my heart lor your lile''
''All are...''
''bewitched by me''
''l've yet to lind...''
''someone whom l can
Iose my heart to''
''l won't give my heart to anybody''
''There is no enchantress,...''
''like me''
''l ensnare people,...''
''with the way l sway''
''Poets have rightly said,...''
''lor beauties,...''
''that they die lor
those who love them''
''Darling, il you,...''
can snare someone
by your look,...''
''then you too must learn to
die lor your beloved''
''A beautilul woman is versed
to die lor her admirer''
''l'm like lire,
so don't play with me''
''Is it?''
''ll you ridicule
a beautilul woman,...''
''it will be your loss''
''You'll be obsessed''
''You will only lind me eveywhere''
l applaud your bravey.
You've dared to enter
my house lor theft.
Thakur, you can't steal
lrom a thiel's house.
l only came to lree,...
the lives ol the innocent people
that was in your custody.
Now l'll lree you lrom your lile.
l leel like pumping all these
bullets in your body.
So that you'll know the
repercussions ol your deeds.
But l won't do that.
But lirst l'll ruin your empire
right in lront ol your eyes.
Death begets death!
You'll have to die several deaths.
Thakur, you don't have to
wory when l'm with you.
All these villagers
are damn lools.
They don't realize even
what's good lor them.
- Isn't it?
- Absolutely.
Why do they have to do larming?
When you are giving them lood,
they should just enjoy lile.
And now that the alcohol
lactoy will start,...
they'll get to drink also.
Thakur, our happiness
lies in your happiness.
You are celebrating at night
but we'll celebrate at day time.
Believe me, you will hear our
joyous sounds in your mansion.
Isn't it?
- Yes.
You get scared vey soon, Thakur.
Go inside and take care
ol the guests.
Bhima, keep in mind,
l will anyhow procure the land.
You will get the land but only
what is needed to cremate you.
Now you are all lree.
Glories to Bhima!
Munna, drink this milk.
It is lull ol cream.
Today is a happy occasion.
All are celebrating their lreedom
Today on this happy day
l'll taste the creamed milk.
Let me go.
Let me go.
Thakur, we've brought the child.
This child will succeed
where you all lailed.
l say let me go.
Leave him.
So linally my blood relation
came to my aid.
After all l am his grandlather.
Isn't it, grandson?
This is called being
caught red-handed.
l've the handculls and
the evidence also.
You've again lost it, Inspector.
This is not evidence
but my own grandson.
Grandson? Wasn't it you
who killed his mother?
ll l killed her then
damn you and your job,...
as to how come there is
no complaint against me?
l don't make a lile
lor criminals like you.
But give the verdict.
lt is l who's decided about you.
No Thakur, the verdict
can not be made so easily.
Here is your verdict.
Take him and hang him.
Then they will be ready
to do my bidding.
Bhima, here are the
documents ol the land.
The Thakur wants the villagers
thumb imprint on these.
ll you lail to reach within
then hour at the mansion,...
then your nephew will hang on
the mansion's terrace till death.
What is the matter, Bhima?
The Thakur wants the villagers
thumb imprints on these.
These will bear the imprints!
Uncle, save me.
Bhima, you can't reach there.
Uncle, lree me.
Mohan, you leave with Munna.
What are you thinking,
Thakur Bhupendra Singh?
Don't wory, you've always won.
And today also victoy
will be yours.
l knew you would come.
Have you brought the papers?
Give them to me.
But these are blank?!
- Yes, blank papers.
- But where are the signatures?
- Whose signatures?
- The villagers'.
- Dead or alive?
- Whatever,....
but l want their thumb imprints.
You will get the thumb imprints
but yours not the villagers'.
l'll write your destiny
on these blank papers.
This will state that you've
given all your land,...
your lields, to the villagers.
Also that you've given your
mansion to the villagers.
Also that you,
son ol Karandev Singh,...
keeping in mind
all your crimes,..
the villagers have decided
that you deserve a dog's death.
And you will be given
this death in public.
Don't wory, l'd promised
you a chance to use a pistol.
Here, take.
Pick it up.
This contains lour bullets.
Your lile or death.
lt is you who will die
at my hands, Bhima.
Four bullets are enough.
Two lor you and two
lor your Kanhaiya.
You think he's in your custody
but you are mistaken.
- What?
- Yes.
l've crushed all
your maze to destroy you.
Your game is over, Thakur.
Crime doesn't last lor long.
Now only death can save
you, Thakur.
Bhima, take all l have
but please spare me.
You con man, what can
you give anybody?
Remember, it is here that l
came to ask lor my sister's right
But what did you give?
This is the place where Laxmi came
to beg lor her marital status.
But what did she get?
Bhima, don't torture me.
Just shoot me and kill me.
What did you ask lor? Death,
that you've always given others
Didn't l tell you that you'll
have to die a hundred deaths?
Today l'll show you
the late ol a bad man.
Wait! Stop!
Only a grandson has the right
to cremate his grandlather.