Aaja Nachle (2007)

Yes! Diya speaking.
Diya, your teacher is taking
his last breathes.
He's dying.
Oome quick.
Yes, l'm coming.
Don't eat that much chili.
You will die some day.
Have this sweet.
l won't die that quick.
Until l fill this town with art.
First come of out
these round stairs.
All of the town
call you a madman.
Art doesn't need town,
towns need art.
Alright, l'll come again
tomorrow to learn.
Only if l have the right mood.
Go away, you witch.
You aren't doing any
favor if you come to learn.
l'm saying if you don't pay the
bill electricity will be disconnected.
Yes, it is.
Go you have electricity.
Let me have my food.
Have it.
Let's go.
Why haven't you had your
dinner yet?
Does he ever eat without you?
Mother, why did you married
with this big blackmailer?
You still can change yourself.
Stay away from that
Ajanta ''Bakwasi'' (Orap).
What ''Bakwasi''?
You entertain yourself with Lata
Mangeshkar and Mumtaz singing.
And when you daughter sings
and dances, it's ''Bakwasi'' to you.
What are you saying dude?
Why do you talk to me like that?
Are you out of your mind?
There's is something as Style!
You won't go to Ajanta.
What are you doing aunty?
Najma, don't.
- l'm going.
Let her go,
it won't take anything if
she does one program.
You haven't passed through
that Ajanta place.
There's always voices of singing
and dances coming from there.
Don't know what would
have been going on there?
lf there are voices of dancing and
singing then it must be it.
We are all ready.
lt's a must see.
A new from Ajanta!
He's back again.
What are you doing?
What are you doing witch?
He's Steve.
From National Geographic Magazine
from America.
He's here to take pictures
of lndian artists.
You too should have your
photos taken.
Listen, take him with
you to see the town.
lf you don't mind.
We don't mind.
How are you Mohan?
l was craving for your tea today.
Tea and hotel both are yours.
Oome, sit.
He's Mr. Steve.
Oame from America?
Hi, l'm Steve.
Why don't you bring
some Pakoras with Ohili.
Right away.
Prepare 3 cups of tea
and some Pakoras.
O stupid,
You'll keep on serving Pakoras
and the Whiteman will
fly away with the girl.
We have fixed your marriage.
With Mohan
You'll finish your program
by tomorrow.
Mohan has prepared for the engagement
on the day after tomorrow.
Buy whatever you want for
the occasion by tomorrow.
Am l doing anything wrong?
Art is what's coming
out of your heart.
And what stays in the
heart is darkness.
You're not born to
follow this world,
you're born to dance
on your own heartbeats.
Spread your wings and fly.
Fly away my child.
l called many times from America.
But the phone kept on ringing.
Later l found out from Najma
that Mom and Papa left Shamli
because of the embarrassment.
Don't know where?
Najma was about to get married.
So she was restricted
from talking to me.
l called my teacher too, but no one
wanted to hear his name.
Don't know what people might
have done to him.
After going to America, Steve
didn't remain the Steve l met before.
Then l realized.
That he and l were never
meant for each other.
Till then l was already pregnant.
Then you came in to my life.
l found a new reason to live.
l forgot Shamli
and started a new life in America.
With the person l love
most in the world.
l love you mom.
Thank you,
l didn't know that.
You took too long.
He's gone.
He passed away last night.
He was saying, he's done
with the drama of this world.
He will continue in the
next world.
You haven't stopped being late.
Have you?
How are you?
What's wrong?
Are you mad at me?
l haven't called you
since all those years...
l didn't tell you how l was
doing and how Ajanta was?
What could l tell you?
Since you left... seemed like
Ajanta had lost it's soul.
And then gradually everyone
had left Ajanta alone.
Ohildren had stopped coming
to Ajanta.
Their parents weren't
allowing them to come.
They were afraid, there might
be another Diya.
Who could have be
like you?
Ajanta is finished.
Look, l won't lie to you.
l'm dying.
How? Why? There's no use
of talking about that.
l don't have time for all this,
neither Ajanta does.
Diya, these people are trying
demolish Ajanta.
Just for the sake of money.
An old, this old temple of art,
they're trying to destroy.
l and Doctor, we fought a lot.
We cried a lot.
We pleaded a lot.
But who will listen to us?
You save Ajanta.
You can save Ajanta.
Please save Ajanta from
breaking apart.
Save Ajanta.
He has ordered to demolish Ajanta.
Who has?
Raja Sahab!
Who Raja Sahab?
How can he demolish Ajanta?
Ajanta is the property of this town.
Whole town is with him.
But why?
What will he get by
getting Ajanta demolished?
Mall something,
shops and all.
- Yes.
Shopping mall?
- Yes exactly.
Raja Sahab has decided that
he will build a shopping mall for
the people after demolishing Ajanta.
Who is Raja Sahab to decide that?
His father used to be the prince
of this area before lndependence.
He's a Member of Parliament.
He's also done some education
from abroad.
Now he has also won
the elections. So...
l will go and meet him.
Don't worry.
Ajanta will be safe.
l need to see Mr. Uday Singh,
l have an appointment.
ls Mr. MP coming or not?
Not MP, it's Raja Sahab.
Have you told him
that l'm waiting?
Have you told him
that l'm waiting?
Uncle, it's burnt.
l've been waiting here
for 20 minutes.
Hey, can l offer you some pizza?
No, will you call your
father, please?
l'm afraid he can't come.
lt has been 20 minutes
since l'm waiting here.
And it has been 3 years
since he's passed away.
l'm here with meet Raja Uday Singh,
MP of this area.
You have.
l don't look like my father
but still l'm Raja.
- No thanks.
l'm Diya Srivastav.
Have a seat please.
l've made it myself.
- Oh great.
So what can l do for you?
l've come from New York.
lt's obvious.
l wanted to talk about
Ajanta Theatre with you.
Right, those ruins?
That's not ruins.
You are not political. Right?
l'm a dancer.
l'm a choreographer.
From New York.
All l want to say is that place
is not for shopping.
lt's for theatre.
So, when did the theatre
held there last time?
Many Non-resident lndians come
here every years.
They do the welfare work for a
couple of months and go back.
You too do the same.
Don't interfere with the town plans.
So you'll remove the heritage of
this town for the sake of your mall.
Without thinking and understanding anything.
The day when people start feeding with
heritage, l'll let you run the theater.
Till then let me do
it in my own way.
Anything else l can do for you?
- So is it all about feeding people?
Don't they need anything else?
Being together, having fun, To have
happiness of doing something together.
Does that happen at your Ajanta?
lt used to be.
lf people aren't coming to the theater,
that tells they don't want to come.
What if l bring people in?
l will bring people in Ajanta.
All of Shamli.
l'll get my team from New York.
Best dancers, stage designers.
Lights, music,
l'll do lndia's biggest show ever.
No problem.
Then what?
What do you mean?
You and your team will go back
to New York after one show.
Only remain will be the ruins of Ajanta.
The way it has always been.
Yes, it would seem ruins to you.
What could be expected from you.
A person who's today's foreign
educated MP.
You think you're damn good.
Don't you?
You think you know everything.
You can...
You can change the world.
l'll make you a deal.
Do you want do a show?
Do it.
But not with the people from New York.
But with the people of Shamli.
Every dancer.
should be from Shamli.
lf you succeed in doing a
show like that,
Ajanta is yours.
All excitement gone?
All right.
This show will be held.
And it will be the way you asked.
Not with the people from New York.
Here, with the people of Shamli.
Every singer, actor, dancer...
will be from Shamli.
Think again, demolition
is in 2 months.
But you'll loose.
l've never lost till today.
l too have never been defeated.
No problem.
Your first defeat would
be a gift from me.
See you in two months.
You haven't eaten pizza.
How will you do this show?
ln a town that people even
don't want to hear your name.
How will you do that show?
l'm sorry child.
l have to tell you
what's truth.
You should be wise.
lf l wasn't wise, l wouldn't
have come here.
And what's wise in what's
going to happen to this town?
Forget this town.
This town has never missed you.
And yet you're trying
to be a relative to this town.
l am a relative of this town.
No matter what people think.
But this is the same town
and people are same too.
We'll see.
This town..
and the people of this town.
l will definitely get the show held.
And that with these very people.
You will see that.
Let's go home.
Ooming, coming.
lf you were a bit more late...
l would have called for
another maid.
l'm Diya.
This used to be my house.
We used to live here
many years ago.
But it's our home, we bought
it from Mr. Srivastav.
Yes, he was my father...
He is...
will you have some water?
l'll have some coke.
Shut up Radha.
Yes, why not child.
Oome, she's so sweet.
Please come.
Room on rent?
l suggest you give her the room.
l hope you will not
claim your right on this house.
No, absolutely not.
When you've purchased this house,
who am l to claim my right.
Absolutely right.
You'll give an affidavit on Rs. 20
stamp paper that
you'll stay here only on rent
and will never claim any rights
on this house.
No problem.
Breakfast, luck, dinner, what we
eat will be served to you.
And drinking water will be for free.
Absolutely free.
- Will it be safe?
No problems.
And no gentlemen in the house please.
l hope you don't have
many male friends.
l'm not that lucky.
Luck is to be opened if you want.
There's a key to every heart.
lf you try you can find it.
Ok the deal is done. l'm getting
late for official work.
Have a good day and good luck.
- Good day.
l've heard a lot about you.
Not something good.
lt's not like that.
People would say one thing or
the other. lt's theirjob.
lt's her.
Where did she come from?
l used to know her father.
That poor fellow had
to leave the town.
She put the whole town
on fire with her dance.
She's a proved heartbreaker.
Now what she's going to do?
What else?
She'll dance, it's written.
lf she'll dance, what's so big.
Sir, whenever Diya dances,
everyone goes mad.
l will definitely go to
see her dance.
Mom, what have you
put on the wall?
My teacher used to say...
if you want to invite flies,
you must have to put some sweet.
Mom, everyone in this
town hates you.
Not everyone.
Oome on, let's go.
To someone who loves me the most.
Are you being shy to hug me?
How are you Diya?
l'm fine.
How are you?
l'm good.
What brought you here?
What brought me here?
Farooq, she's Diya,
Mr. Srivastav's daughter.
He's my husband.
So, you are Diya.
She's my daughter, Radha.
Say hello.
ln Hindi
Hi child.
lt's ok, we too understand
English a bit.
Your husband?
- He was...
They are divorced.
They what?
They're divorced.
People who run once, always
keep on running.
Shall we go?
Ok Diya, l have some work to do.
ls there anyone else in this
town who loves you?
Oome let's dance, Shamli.
Oome let's play, Shamli.
Sit down and keep quite.
Thank you very much.
That you have come to Ajanta.
And raised the pride of
your own Ajanta Theater.
For that millions of congratulations.
l invited you all here
not only for the show.
As you all are aware
that in your town Ajanta Theatre
is going through a difficult time.
Administration is going to demolish
Ajanta Theatre to build some shops.
You tell me, is it right thing to do?
Just do another dance if you can, we
are not interested in your lecture.
l understand what's your
opinion about me.
But it's not about me.
lt's a fight.
That people of Shamli will
fight together.
That's why after 2 months
from now...
A show about Laila Majnu
will be held in Ajanta
A show that...
no one had ever seen or heard
till now.
Because performers of this show
would be from all of you.
She wants to make us jokers too.
From tomorrow, we all will take out
one hour from our work.
To do the rehearsal of this show.
We will show the whole world.
That Shamli has the potential
of music, dance and art.
She's wasting our time.
One of you will play ''Laila''
Someone will play ''Majnu''
Someone will play Laila's mother.
and someone will play Majnu's friend.
lf you're playing Laila then l'll
play Majnu.
They are insulting her.
And that way by doing the
hard work for 2 months.
We will show the anti-Ajanta people
that until this sun and moon are there
Shamli will still have Ajanta.
Not in good way.
Nice, this town really
loves you a lot.
So have you understood?
You've got the answer from Shamli.
You've also saved your two months.
Not bad.
When are you going back?
Who told you that l'm going back?
Why? What's more to happen?
Shamli will gather
and till show will run.
And you'll watch it too.
l think you'll enjoy it.
So you won't listen.
l will, if you do.
Best of luck Ms. Diya, l think
you need it.
Maybe you'll need it, Raja Sahab.
That was nasty.
lt's a fight.
Fights are nasty.
You dance very well.
l know.
What do you think?
Will her show run?
Why do you come here?
To make me angry.
That's my job.
l'm a policeman.
l have to keep the conditions
of people's hearts.
So, you will never go there. Right?
To Ajanta.
Even if my shoe goes there,
you can change my name.
The search for the performers of
Laila Majnu in Ajanta has started.
lf you want to become an actor.
Make yourself look good
and get yourself ready.
Oome tomorrow morning at 10
at Ajanta.
Oome for sure.
They're ruining Ajanta.
- What?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Are you mad?
Why are you doing this?
You should have asked us
before doing this dance and all.
Get aside.
Don't you have any manners?
Where're those Laila Majnu?
Where's petrol?
He's gone to bring that.
Bring the firewood here.
Finish this Ajanta or whatever it is.
Since you were a child...
l even know your father.
Look what they're doing?
- Don't stop them.
What happened?
Didn't you see him?
- What?
Majnu, he's right there.
But they're breaking the stage.
- We had to break the stage anyway.
lt's good that we will save
the charges to break it.
But have you seen him?
Are you mad?
Doctor, Majnu is right there.
Let's talk to him.
You're out of your mind.
Hey Vidya, just finish this.
What's your name?
What will you do with my name?
Go away.
Hey, all of you go away from here.
Or we'll break your legs.
Will you play ''Majnu''?
You must have participated
in plays in school etc.
You're educated, right?
Old man, take care of her.
Or l'll get you both cremated right here.
Let's go Diya.
But something you must have done.
Like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,
Ba Ba Black Sheep, etc.
Why have you guys stopped.
Keep on breaking.
Get a drink for him.
He must be tired.
How much you paid
for the haircut?
What's this?
ls it funny to you?
O Madam! Listen carefully.
l won't repeat that.
The dance culture that you brought
from America.
We won't allow that to run here.
Who brought that from America.
l took that from here to America.
You can't find Majnu's like you in America.
So you're still the same.
Hello Ohoudhry Sahab.
Hello son.
l knew your father.
l saw what you did to him.
l'm also watching what you're
doing now.
lt's not acceptable in Shamli.
Ohoudhry Sahab, so these boys are yours.
Haven't you heard what l said?
Oan we talk in private for two minutes?
Just two minutes.
Break it.
You keep on breaking.
What happened to the drink?
Please come.
What's this rubbish?
- Please come.
l've heard that elections are
coming and you're contesting?
- l want you to win.
Will l loose if you don't want?
No sir, your enemies must loose.
There must a be a lot.
l know how to deal with enemies.
But you don't have an issue
to raise this time.
That Uday Singh has left no issue to raise.
Water! ln every home.
lt's there whenever you open tap.
Electricity! Always on.
He didn't even left the roads.
He builds them before the break.
Hindu Muslims are living in peace already.
Even the college is already
running well.
You don't have to worry about me.
l know how to raise an issue.
Put it on fire.
Ohoudhry Sahab, issue is right there.
You yourself are ignoring it.
What issue?
This? A dance place?
No Sir,
Art, culture and music.
lt's our country's heritage.
Will there shops be built on
the ruins of our heritage?
That too on the state land?
Our heritage is being attacked
and you're just watching.
Please have it.
- l can't watch that.
Sir, you have the issue in hand,
and election is coming.
Let the kite fly.
lt will be Ajanta issue.
But what do you want?
- Majnu.
- What?
Given, Majnu is given.
Shamli is shaken
as we've found our Majnu.
Oleric's son is going to perform
as Majnu.
Ooming to entertain you the young
man lmran Pathaan.
And he's looking for his Laila.
lt's not fair. You challenge first
then you cheat.
Do l cheat?
l will beat your like anything.
You start calling you mom
as your aunt.
What did you say?
- You'll hear better if l slap you.
She abused.
l didn't
No l didn't
That was an abuse.
That was a full abuse.
She said mother...
l said mom as your aunt.
That could have been a
lt couldn't be an abuse.
You keep on playing in street.
lmran has already become
Majnu for a play in Ajanta.
How would l know?
All girls of Shamli are ready
to be his Laila.
No one can be lmran's Laila.
l will put Ginger powder in their nose.
So you love him too much.
Should l rip my heart open?
No, this acting won't work.
Dance is required.
Laila must know how to dance.
Not even my lice had ever danced.
That's enough.
l already knew, it will be me.
Go home and help your
mom in house chores.
You should play in the street.
You can't be lmran's Laila.
l will hit you with my shoe,
you'll become an old man.
Tabrez No. 1
l'm Tabrez, Laila's brother.
l'm brother-in-law,
l won't give you bad advice.
At least you get yourself insured.
l got Tabrez.
How he'll play Tabrez?
l don't need a gangster.
l need a brother.
He will definitely play Tabrez.
Why are you stopping?
She wants to be Laila's mom.
Will you do the part of Laila's mom?
Am l really good?
Oan l do it?
Why not?
What are you doing in my house?
She can't play any Laila's mom?
- Why?
Because l'm saying.
You see, l'm a responsible
government officer.
lf my wife plays in a show,
what my respect will be in office?
He's right. lf l play in the show
he'll loose his respect.
lf l play in the street,
he'll loose his respect.
lf l eat something in market,
he'll loose his respect.
Even if l breathe, he'll
loose his respect.
Because there are only two
people who live in our house.
Him and his respect.
And l?
l'm just another file in his life.
He can open it and close it
whenever he wants.
My life is full of boredom.
Because l've married to world's
most boring person.
l had to say something to you.
Whatever happened today at
my home because of you...
No, let me speak.
Because you my wife denied to
follow my instructions for the 1st time.
For the first in the 10 years..
it got known to everyone that not
everything is fine in my marital life.
For the first time in my life...
my wife called me as the most
boring person in the world.
That was all because of you.
lt's was right, whatever happened.
l am a boring person.
But l don't want to remain
a boring person.
Specially not in front of my wife.
So l've come to apply for post
in your cultural program.
You were saying there are
some vacancies still vacant.
Help me change myself from
being bored in front of my wife.
lt's my humble request to you.
lf you let me join your play without
telling my wife...
so l will...
Just help me save my marriage.
l've also brought it in writing.
Why not?
Thank you.
Shop's closed,
but the gate's opened.
Then get your daughter
wrap the gate.
Should l close the gate?
There's not a single Laila
in whole of Shamli.
What happened to Laila's father?
What about that Khalifa with a beard.
Who? From the Parsi Theater?
No way.
No Laila, no Laila's mom,
no Laila's father...
You leave the worry of
Laila's father.
l've solved this problem.
l won't let you struggle alone.
For Laila's father, l will
be the perfect performer.
Why are you bothering sir?
We will find someone.
Why will you find someone
when you already have one.
Yes, why will we find someone
She's here again.
Why doesn't anyone stop her?
Who can stop her?
Listen, you can't play Laila.
Go home.
Why not?
You don't have that thing.
Why not?
Try me
l have practiced everything.
Oome here.
lt's not about practice.
What we're looking for in
Laila, that's not in you.
What are you saying Madam,
let me know what you're looking for.
l will bring it out.
What will you bring out?
Have looked at yourself?
You don't know how to speak, walk,
dance or sing?
From what angle you look
like Laila?
How dare you thought that
you could play Laila?
How dare l?
So now you'll decide
who can do what?
You will decide everything.
No matter if someone
lives or die.
Even if someone dies
out of love for someone.
Bring water.
Get up
Why do you want to play Laila?
lf l won't, someone else will.
lf someone else will play.
lmran will fall for her.
Then what will l do?
He won't fall only by
playing Laila.
What if he does?
Do you love him that much?
His love is nothing compared to mine.
Does he know?
How would he know,
he's just an ass.
Should l tell him?
No, l'll faint right now.
You won't tell him yet
you love him. How this will work?
That's the confusion l'm stuck in.
So, you're here to get out
of this confusion.
Yes, or what else?
l was too stuck in a confusion
once like you.
Do you know what l did?
- Exactly what you're doing?
l did my best and forgotten everything.
Oan you put your all strength in to it?
Are you referring to play in the show?
You'll have to work too hard.
l only know the hard work.
l'm not good at intellect.
Won't you give up in middle?
Those who love can't break.
Do you know what was
special about Laila?
Her courage.
Tomorrow exactly at 1 1 o'clock
in the morning
All the actors of the story
of Laila and Majnu will be presented
Ajanta Theatre welcomes you to
see your own artists.
And cold water will be for free.
that music is in Shalani's blood.
and l wasn't wrong.
one from all of you.
one whom made by you.
main team for Shalani's Laila Majnu
has been made.
they are...
yours only... !!
lmran Pathan.
Anokhi.. Anokhi Lal.
when she can spend why cant we ?
yeah l don't like her too.
Suchin Mehta....
l love you....Suchin
Mister Jojer you ..... !!
Mohan Sharma
Naytu Gee.
and your favorite Ohaudry Om Singh.
he should send to Kargil
but why ?
we didn't had to fight, enemy would
dead by laughing seeing him.
keep silence.... keep silence....
Dhakurain made a force of gays..
move on.. move on..
where are you going?
listen.. don't panic....
l am going numb.
you are reached at the base camp of
Mount Everest
but now its the difficult part
should l tell you some thing ?
l really didn't know the way to
but, the way from here l can
go blind
you have only one month left to
cross the way.
please do come at the show.
half of the city is still against you.
and half is with me.
don't you say best of luck.
every time its accomplished.
really !!
how this show is going to happen in
Grandpa today is the 1st day of
don't know how many people would
but it has nothing to do with you.
you watch the show from up,
are you in peace now?
you left me in all this,
and here every one is after
my neck.
who is with me ?
you? you are with me grandfather?
l am.
tea is yours, as l am too.
Diya l am with you.
Mohan me....
let me finish.
Phuu is very old.
l don't know, you are here that's
right or wrong
its in favor of Shamli or not.
for me its good or bad?
but you are here, anyhow l am
with you.
my English has no leg, but if there's
a long way to go then nothing matters.
Mohan what happen earlier, we
didn't even discuss about that.
l couldn't make to say sorry to you.
every thing went so fast.
but after what happen you are still
with me same as ever.
what kind of person you are?
right now you are busy, so later,
and now we will meet often.
what going on Diya Gee back there?
nothing could happen without
you Mister Ohaudry.
Laila, Majnu, what was in there love
that world has not forgotten yet?
can anyone give me the answer?
people die in love nowadays too.
if love's the same.
so Majnu can you die for someone
in love?
l can kill in love, should l ?
l can die, shall l?
l know you can, that's why you
are Laila.
l can die in English too.
first time they meet in Mosque.
Laila was 5 and Majnu was 7 years old.
When little fight become huge love
they didn't even realize.
love can happen, when, where or with
whom no one knows.
so Laila and Majnu fall for each other
Master punished Majnu, Laila get hurt.
and when parents find out about this
it became boom.
yeah.. students should never act like
just because of this, they were
home, locked.
so sad those kids must have ruin,
like dead flowers.
you are the mother,
you can feel the pain of Laila.
but your husband... daughter had forget
everything in love not him.
l would have slap her, and
lock her up.
no food, no nothing till Laila
come to normal.
that's what happened, and your son
Tabrez helped you.
no.. no.. l didn't, why would
l come between them?
you were brother, should have taking
care of the family pride.
people who harm them were there
then what they did?
the story is enough for today,
that's it... its very easy.
every one move now, come tomorrow
at time.
shall we move?
don't you want to dance?
Mister Ohaudry we have to show
this story on dancing show!
you are kidding?
l am not, you guys are.
because no one is ready for dance yet.
why not, l dance from childhood,
tell me what you want me to do?
what are you doing Anokhi?
that's not the right way.
hands up and leg in the side.
don't push.
what are you doing Majnu?
l will die, but l wont dance.
you think they are dancing?
go die!
what happen son?
dance!! dance!!
dogs and cats can become one
but they will never.
you Jaylabi, you were against them
earlier, and now you were dancing.
with the one who insulted your
this show is not for her, its
for Shamli. try to understand.
what understand... you are Jaylabi.
say l am Jaylabi.
this is clear he is Devdas in
Laila Majnu.
drinking mine and making my
buzz off?
whole city has very limited thinking.
think she will cook, l will serve, l will
be happy in own my small world.
your sister in law. Diya, what else
one need in life. what you say?
should l say ? yeah....
you are Jalaybi!!
you dancing at back... don't you think
people wont watch you.
what is this?
today's rate.
why are you interested in that
Mr. Mehta?
mine.. or public's rate.
you mean to say, possibilities are less
do the Laila Majnu
so you think there is too much?
no.. no..
what are you doing?
what you are doing?
l told you to stay away from me.
it cant be done if l am away,
l don't want to do it with you.
one minute... you guys don't dance like
we cant be one brain!
but you can be one heart.
are you feeling some thing?
l am not that fool, its her vein.
hey... he has it too.
now both of you dance with it
like that.
from today both of you are together,
dancing, eating, coming and going.
l wont stay together,
l live far from her house.
only two house ahead.
in the evening you are going
together. that's it.
Madam its not America, its Shamli,
everyone will throw stones in the way.
then go from the way where nobody
don't panic, l only have to stay together
till your house.
she said stay together.
so what am l doing, should l grab
you or something?
l don't have any problem...
just kidding.
l need beat, l wont do it without it
give it to me.
leave my hand.
you... l will slap you,
its been 3 days you are stick to
me, give hand do this do that !!
don't you have brain?
l don't want to do this.. o.k.?
from tomorrow, what happen in rehearsal.
after that l don't want to see your face.
and with those dirty nose hand if you
touched me.....
wakeup Diya someone is here to
meet you.
that early ?
go check.. who is there
whets the problem?
he don't even care about touching me.
why would he care about you?
don't l love him?
you love him that means he loves
you back?
so ? he wont love me?
you look like witch..
pull you hair back.
and what is all this, loose cloths,
its like cat is coming.
and jump in his arm.
l don't do this.
don't lie, guys don't like the girls who
stick to them a lot.
the more you go near him, he will
go away.
but why?
he will run away.. guys are just like
they are big fool.
yeah.. they are just like that,
from today you stay away from him.
how far...
till he don't talk to you, you
will not either.
he wont talk ever.
he will... for sure if you wont
talk to him.
Laila did the same to Majnu
yeah.. Majnu was also a guy,
he worked hard to impress Laila.
l will do the same, will he work
hard on me in front of everyone?
that's why l am saying you get an other
Laila, l cant do all this.
if he want to love, love me in
the straight line. or go to hell.
Anokhi.... remember what you said..
in the middle of the way,
you wont dispirit
l didn't know dogs would follow
in the way.
you said it or not?
yeah l said.
you know why lmran has not become
Majnu yet?
because you are become Laila yet.
Become Laila, Anokhi, the one he
die to talk.
then he will become Majnu.
this is very difficult work.
if you do it as work its difficult,
do it as love, it will be easy
did you also loved like that?
no.. l did like you, that time l
couldn't find any Diya.
but l found Diya.
l also wanted to learn it but, just
because of business l lost the image
learn it now, business is all set now.
your company is building mall.
but l heard something else you gave
your word to me, but now its change?
its not my words its government's.
if ever mall build at Ajanta's place,
your company going to build it.
if build !! what if it never build?
you think it wont build?
no... l think the mall should build.
you are the owner you will decide
if it build or not.
not owner, l am M.P. Mr. Farooq
there's a little difference.
but as an M.P. l think mall should
build and its good for Shamli.
what is this nonsense Laila Majnu?
you think some girl from America come here
plan show, that effect on government?
then, either you are overestimating her,
or you are underestimating me.
l can never underestimate you,
that's why l am giving you an offer.
both of us want the same,
lets do work together.
world has changed, some one is giving
me share from my own family land.
no.. no.. l didn't mean that.
who am l to give you share.
l mean lets work together.
if you don't like what l said,
then l must leave it.
l wont go back, from the words l gave
to you or to them.
Shamli need Ajanta or Shopping Mall,
that's public decision.
and public decision will be the
government's decision.
well if you listen to me, leave it alone,
its a matter of only 15 days.
the show is on, you should also
have fun.
or if you really want to buy something
buy stone, bricks.. you will be pleased.
you are getting this wrong.
how to treat with wrong thing
are told us in childhood
you wanted to learn this?
yeah will learn it...
not today may be later.
he thinks
its there grandfather's kingdom
have some food.
he didn't earn anything himself,
and trying to teach me.
he don't understand my importance,
businessmen are ruling the world now.
they are vast people.
what vast.. who are vast people,
what they have done?
at least we are doing something
in a constrictive way.
now l get permission from the people
to build mall.
people wanted to build mall.
people don't want then mall wont built?
should l do business with people will.
mall will be built what ever happened.
listen Najma, if l ask you some
think you wont say no? right?
will you do one favor for me.
today it went very well.
so what you say Mr. Mado?
where you guys are going?
you have to practice 2 hours more.
come quick it has to put on whole Ajanta
that couple is worst
they come late night and
sleep in the day.
Mr. Mehta what happen to dresses?
l am taking care of that.
l will ask Anokin to help Master Gee,
no.. no.. she learn her dance that's
that's very strange story,
l can not understand that Majnu.
did this really happen, some one fall
in love... just fall.
only lucky people fall for love.
bullshit !! l don't believe in this,
its all books material.
did any one go mad in love?
why, what... stick to some one
without any interest.
he cry you cry, he got hut you feel
the pain.. or if he is sick you run
that's bullshit !!
why its light so unwise, where
did you get this from?
that's Mehmood Meeyan's, people put
there lights in every marriage.
don't mass Doctor we don't need
marriage lighting. Ramleela come here.
Mukhi you girls are so dump,
you agree what ever it is.
you wont agree?
ok you tell me.
what is love?
what is love?
only love.....!!
tea for who are on over time.
you heard, say what is in your
heart at time or its gone.
and the one left with cup and plant
in hand
if you have something to say, say
it in time, or you drama will break.
many girls can get easily, but
not Laila.
here everyone is Majnu.
only l am not Majnu.
Greetings Mr. Ohaudry,
l thought you will betray today.
no Mr. Farooq betraying you could
get killed me in this city.
Mr. Farooq, do come after 2 days
there is show in Ajanta.
so what were you saying about
we said it already now we are
going to show.
yeah.. show is getting famous.
she use to Diya's friend, she was saying
snoop from her,
what were you saying?
don't hide any thing, who is she
an artist or something else?
actually Diya has her own choice
speak openly everyone here
is our own.
she never listen to anyone
artist are modern but she is extra
modern she was with some white man.
after that she run away without telling
yeah we heard about it but
is it true Najma Gee?
yeah she was corrupt, that's
why her parents move from city.
and you were saying you will take
kids to her show? strange.
l didn't know what is going to happen
there, l though Laila Majnu is nice film
you made a mistake in hurry.
if it went well that's good, but if
goes wrong every thing will be finished.
people are with Ajanta Mr. Farooq.
they can go against too,
if we made them.
don't mix business with politics
its not fair.
ok lets mix the politics with the
business, how much will you take?
what are you saying?
l am businessmen, don't want to waist time
two days left, any thing can happen.
means you and your people get separated,
and stop other to go there.
it cant be done.
in Rs. 2,000,000 ?
in Rs. 3,000,000 ?
not at all.
in Rs. 4,000,000 ? listen Mr. Farooq,
don't make me to bad thing
ok.. this discussion is over,
you tell me how are you?
in Rs. 5,000,000 its done !!!
come lets go, Diya must be coming
after buying the dresses.
lets go Laila Majnu,
lets do once more.
where is Mr. Ohaudry?
Bindu Gee is also disappear.
don't worry we are starting.
Laila.. Majnu... Mr. Ohodhar Mohan
Lets go.
break everything,
every thing is bullshit..!!
Son lets go.
come on son, drama has finished,
what are you saying Mr. Ohaudry?
you are spoiling the respect of the
city l am not going to allow all this.
ok finish all this, what are you
doing slap him!!
broker from city will dance
in front of us?
this is not fair Mr. Ohaudry.
you son of Majnu, l told you
drama has finished.
this is life, not drama, now
l have come to know this.
you are gone insane, you donkey.
you are gone insane, what a politics,
you left us alone?
come on..
l wont come. l said it already.
leave him...!!l eave him...!!
by the way Laila did well today,
she was acting like (Jhansi ki Rani)
when they were on lmran she jumped
on them l thought she will kill them.
she is Laila that's why, she has
to protect Majnu.
if show must go on then what we will
do about the there role?
waist of time, we don't have much
time. l am telling you it is the end.
and saw that Mr. Ohaudry,
suddenly changed!!
l know how is changed, he is not
changed he has sold.
Mr. Farooq had bought him in
Rs. 5,000,000.
what !!
the mall he wants to build that's for
his pride and business.
they don't want to start Ajanta
he and his man are encouraging
people again Diya Didi.
are people fool? what ever he says
they will believe?
no him, Najma Bibi Gee is saying.
what? what is she saying?
its better if you don't here it,
but she is Diya's childhood friend.
its for you Najma, you gave me something
which was sleeping from my hand
you are priceless gift from me.
from where l got you.
yeah... Mr. Ohaudry whets the news?
what happen did you find anyone?
on one wants to come and even they
were stopping me to come here.
Najma is liar are spoiling it.
Ohaudry's guys come out openly,
now who would come from people.
l am going!
no.. no one will go, you were right,
do not dream what will never happen.
who was mine in this city? people are
right l will go back to America after show
that's why who ever is supporting me,
will not be able to stay in Shamli.
and now l am not allow to
force any one.
the one who want to leave me
go right now.
l wont have any complain.
l am not leaving.!
l don't think any one wants to leave,
Diya Gee lets do rehearsals.
but who will be the Laila's Mother?
me. l know l am not suppose to be
here, but its between me and Diya
l should have know what will happen.
what and where l said, l wont lie,
what ever you heard its true.
you are always brave and l am coward
l have spend whole my life to please
others heart.
whom heart's who already gave
his heart to business.
but when l have come to know this,
all my scarcity went away.
its been years since l dance and live,
teach me how to dance once again.
teach me to live Diya once again.
now my friends are with me, city will
see the show and break there showoff.
tonight is the night you were waiting
for two months.
artist from you people are ready to
bring the story of Laila Majnu
tonight is the night for the
Shamli's fortune.
Your coming to see the show
will decide the fate of all of us
So tonight if anyone comes or not
There will be a show on Laila
Majnu at Ajanta, tonight
This night will decide that if there are
Laila and Majnu in the hearts of Shamli.
Lets go, that's enough
She has gone insane.
Anything could happen
in the town tonight
What has to be done sir?
None should be stopped if they
want to go Ajanta
And none should be dragged
who don't want to go Ajanta
That's it.
You said it yourself teacher that art
doesn't need town, town needs art.
Today art needs the town
Will Shamli come tonight.
Will it?
Diya, come quick.
Oome see.
What to see, l know
no one came.
No. Just come and see
Don't worry, no one could stop
anyone coming here.
lf someone tries otherwise
l will take care of that.
You start your show,
l'll take care of the crowd.
There's a problem
You play Laila's father.
- Oome.
What makes fire and fire and
water to dry. That's called love.
For the people of Shamli, by the
people of Shamli, ''Laila Majnu''
lt's a story about a town.
But what town,
we don't know.
What we know is that
they used to be together
Be it night or day.
What day or what night?
We don't know that.
The thing we know is that
the teacher was asking him
to learn the lesson of God
Write down ''Allah''
He writes, ''Laila''
l said ''Allah''
Laila, Laila, Laila
You will go to hell that
you keep on saying Laila.
That you compare Allah
with a human being.
Give me your hand
And other one too..
Don't hit him
lt hurts.
Don't hit him.
Look at this small
shaking fist.
Relieve him.
lt hurts, don't hit him.
lt's strange, is it from God
or the scheme of devils.
That these little ones
are suffering
He's magician, don't go near him.
Make them stay apart.
ls it some magic or some curse.
Oall someone to protect him.
Make them stay apart.
The childhood flew away
with the kites.
Heart started to feel the youth.
You low life, l will cut your hand.
You don't know who you touched.
She's mine.
l will get you to your grave.
lf l don't, my name's not Tabrez.
She's mine.
lt's enough
You touch body of a stranger.
Stop your fist.
You slapped her.
Who's my love,
my prayer.
Who's everything to me.
Who's tears of priceless.
Qais is saying,
she's my Laila.
You dare?
- lt's courage.
Your movement?
- lt's strength.
Stop it woman.
l'm not kind anymore.
l dig his grave.
Think about that.
But there will be two bodies.
Thank about that.
l swear, l will finish this today.
Majnu is crazy that he killed.
He will be stoned till death.
That's the law.
Laila shouted with courage.
lf it is inevitable,
l will marry to someone else.
But let Majnu go out of the town.
That stones are tired too.
l'm giving my body to someone
but my soul remains with you.
Keep it safe with you.
l swear if someone comes to touch
my body,
he will find dust only.
Future will witness
That the God will come
on earth to put flowers on our graves.
Look, look sir, your wife.
Sometimes you don't know the
worth of yourjewel.
l said thatjust being an ignorant.
Truth is if you weren't there...
- Then l wasn't alive.
Thank you.
Should l tell?
- Yes.
You're a great...
A great Majnu.
And you're a great twist.
You've always ignored my mistakes.
And l kept on doing them.
The girl whom l married and
accepted as a gift from God
l was using her for my business.
l should be cursed.
lt's true.
l should be cursed.
Whatever you and your friends did...
lf this art dies because of the mall.
There should be no mall at all.
Shall we go?
What happened?
l won't do this play again.
Because of me?
What have l done now?
l can't see you die everyday.
Don't say like this.
l'm telling you or...
Or l will die.
Are you at peace now?
Ajanta is safe now, teacher.
You were wrong doctor.
Everyone in this town
is my relative.
Here, demolition orders
cancelled, forever.
- Oome
So what's your plan?
For now l'm going back.
Don't you think this
town needs you?
This town needed itself
not me.
And l needed for myself
to come here for once.
l had to do one thing,
and l did that.
By the way, it was good
fighting with you.
Me too.
Don't you think there should
be some more fight.
You liked it, l liked it,
there must be some good in it.
l don't like to fight
without a reason.
No fight is without a reason.
That's what you taught us.