Aaltra (2004)

Are you sleeping?
Didnt you see my lamp?
Or are you blind?
You're good for nothing.
You shouldn't sleep
when it's harvesting time.
Oh god. Not him.
Good kitty.
Good kitty.
Too bad you weren't
at the meeting.
But I'm fine without you,
As always.
Excuse me for two seconds.
How far are you?
- He had to go. Won't be long.
He had to go?
- He won't be long.
This game's been going on
for two months. He's always absent.
He's messing with us.
Him working from home.
Are you crazy?
I'll get on this file.
It's illegal to dump chemicals
this close to an urban area.
Besides, my wife's pregnant.
- Call his mobile.
Well, the company's.
That stuff's everywhere.
Mr. Vives?
- Yes, hello?
Mr. Senac's here for you.
- Hello Mr. Senac.
Don't you live half an hour
from Paris by TGV?
Sorry, my reception is bad,
I'm in a tunnel.
Meet me in my office in half
and hour or you're sacked.
I'll be right there.
- I've had enough.
What are you doing...
I'd like an other room.
- Let's see.
It's not bad here.
They've come to get
your tractor.
Did you pay your installments?
When you lend money...
That is alright,
But you have to pay it all back.
But not you.
All you do is sleep and hang around.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
He's everyone's favorite
to win Namur.
Everyone is doing incredibly well.
Five more Grand Prix to go
and now is an important time
because I'm now ahead of Michael.
But I have be on the offense.
Namur is next and
it's one of my favorite tracks.
You should do this on your own now.
Your roommate can.
The Siamese are leaving.
It's not getting any better.
Gentlemen, Good news.
We'll let you go.
Don't give up hope.
Never ever.
Science progresses each day.
What doesnt kill you
I better go. I'm tired.
I'm like a ball from
a pinball machine...
I'm rolling and rolling.
I'm like a ball from
a pinball machine...
I'm rolling and rolling.
Christ, it's hot.
Don't you have AC in your truck?
Only in my dreams.
My brother-in-law has a tractor...
with an AC.
But me? No way.
Don't you have one?
But it's a waste of gas.
You're right.
I have a car.
I had the choice of ABS or AC.
And I picked safety.
AC... no, ABS.
I'm still thinking in Francs.
But AC...
Would've been good.
Maybe next time.
It's so hot.
I drove my brother-in-law's
tractor the other day.
Put the AC on 20.
From dawn to dusk.
Rolling on.
I loved it.
Couldn't tell what time it was.
Are you too hot?
turn it down.
When it's 24 outside
you'll catch a cold when you get out.
It's a choice you have to make.
But it's a waste of gas.
Your mileage...
One liter. Diesel.
Yes. And in 10 to 15 years
AC will be standard.
No more choices.
AC for everyone.
I'm sure.
Right next to your colleague.
What are you doing here?
This pen doesn't work.
Helsinki... Are you two together?
- No.
Where are you going?
- Namur.
I'll make a reservation,
But disabled persons
must make their reservation
to make the arrangements.
Passport please
- Yes.
- Thank you.
His passport.
Thank you.
We've made reservations
for two yesterday.
One for Helsinki
and one for...
Ticker number QTV...
or U, I don't remember.
I need a valid number to help you.
But we've been robbed.
They stole everything.
Passports, credit cards, money...
- Sorry, but I can't help you.
Can't I give you my name?
Unfortunately, no. Sorry.
Two chicken legs.
What are your desserts?
- Fresh fruit salad.
Nothing else?
- No, nothing else.
We'll have two then.
Hold the beans like this
Then cut them into three
or four pieces.
Fearless and brave, my boy.
Just like Albert Libertad,
who during the Belle Epoque...
was a disabled rebel.
He started a riot anywhere.
With his crutches...
he stormed any political meeting.
He got up on stage
Sat himself down
and used his crutches to break
the legs...
of anyone trying to remove him..
He made deserters out of soldiers.
He sang out in the streets
and in the shops.
"Stop all useless activity!"
He burned any passport
he got his hands on.
He stormed churches
While in service...
and called the priest a bastard.
And all the visitors
dumb sheep.
He destroyed cemeteries,
rebelled against fear of dying,
and the cadaver cult.
He mocked the middle class...
by living with the nuns.
Long live Albert Libertad.
Biker solidarity.
- No.
Can you spare 3, 4 Euros?
- I don't have 50.
Sir, can I ask you something?
Sorry to bother you.
Heartless bastards. you never
knew hunger or cold.
Let me go!
- Bastard.
Let me go!
- Where's your money?
- Help me!
Help me!
Can I help you?
- Please.
What do I do?
- Pull.
Help me!
- He's doing that on purpose.
Help me!
- Who is?
Him... hang on to this.
He's putting on the brake.
He put the brake on.
Try it.
- Help me.
- Please help me.
But if he doesn't want...
Please tell him.
- But I don't know him.
What can I do?
- I don't know him either.
Can I ask you something?
Help me cross the street.
Son of a bitch.
Did you ever know
hunger or cold? Bastard.
Why are you telling me this?
Did you ever suffer like that?
- Yes.
- Me too.
Out of my way.
I just had a blood clot.
I'm here for my shot.
I had a blood clot.
Aunt Roberte... she's doing fine.
She's doing fine...
Sorry, she's dead.
She actually died.
But aunt Olga on the other hand
is doing marvelous.
Aunt Louqui, it's aunt Louqui.
She's my niece
Micheline's mother.
All I know about it
is what happened in Congo.
Greetings... Bwana, bwana.
You know?
I felt as if...
- Watch out.
A bit like the pope
in his popemobile. Get it?
I looked like an idiot.
I remember the first time you peed.
I remember exactly how you...
found out how to pee.
It was incredible.
Straight on.
And.. What was I saying?
The amazing thing was...
the fact that...
they lived in small
villages in the forest...
and what did they do?
Take a right.
Take a right.
- Be careful.
When I came to the village
all children would be waiting.
Bwana, bwana!
Like the pope in his popemobile.
Really, amazing.
And I stood there like an idiot.
Then what happened...
Oh yeah, I realized...
- Turn right.
When they saw us like that...
Careful. It's OK.
When they saw us like that...
coming from the horizon...
What did they think?
Well, that we came down from heaven.
But god dammit...
This is really far.
You said...
I need my shot.
Straight on just a bit more.
- Straight on.
Straight, then turn right.
- Nearly there.
Yes, great. OK. Because, you know...
All these memories...
Incredible, the amount of memories.
It's great in a way.
Come on! Go!
Very good.
Jrmie, you know why
black people can't do this?
Because when they jump,
they get stuck in a tree.
Give us a kiss.
A kiss.
Yeah, that's motorcross.
Where's Pichon?
- Over there.
Hey, who was first?
Everts. And who's Everts?
Seven times a world champion.
Image, Jrmie.
Seventy times.
Plus all his dad's victories
makes ninety times.
Together they were world champions
ninety times.
No sir, you're wrong.
- You're wrong.
- Don't believe everything your dad says.
Everts has only been a world
champion six times,
Plus his dad's two times.
Makes eight.
What did I say?
- Ninety.
Ninety times a world champion.
There's something like
motorcross history.
Listen, Superman.
Just because you lost your legs
doesn't mean you can be rude with me.
Dad, come on.
- It's OK, Jrmie.
You're lucky I'm here
with my son.
Know what, Jrmie,
let's go get some snacks.
We can get snacks easily
whenever we want.
Get a snack and back,
get a snack and back.
As often as we like.
Feel like running, Jrmie?
Oh, I love my legs.
Guys, you can't sit here.
Keep clear. Let's go.
Who's he?
That's Joel Robert.
Joel Robert.
- Great.
And my sandwich?
- I have something better. Look.
Testdriving the Husqvarna automatic.
The only one in motocross history.
You don't need
a license to ride it.
You and your bikes.
Fuck it, I'm fed up.
Don't you understand
you'll never ride?
You told me it's all over!
Your dreams, your champions.
That Joel Robert kicked you around
like a piece of shit.
Joel Robert would never say that.
Do you know who Joel Robert is?
- No.
He was the world champion
motorcross six times.
Between 1962 and 1972.
He's allowed to treat me like shit.
I am shit next to him,
so are you, so is everyone.
Even worse: we're dead.
- You're dead. I'm alive.
I'm alive. I'm hungry and cold
and want to smash everything.
What's your problem?
Hitting a handicapped guy!
I don't want to hit you.
I want to go to Finland.
Fuck off!
- Piss off to Finland!
Hey, there's another one!
We can't leave him here.
- Please, it's our holidays.
Why not?
- Honey, I'm not Mother Teresa.
Let someone else give him a lift.
- But we can't leave him there.
Honey, you don't know what he's like,
he could be a criminal.
A criminal? Don't make me laugh.
- We've already lost half an hour
No, no, keep driving.
Such friendly people.
Where did you get that?
The fridge of those friendly people.
I've had enough of it.
They drank all our liquor.
They are drunk as a fiddler.
They ate all our food.
Are you bringing them home too?
- But they're handicapped.
I don't want to hear another
word about it. Let's go.
Our father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come...
on earth as it is in heaven...
What were the words again?
I think it's fading.
Listen to this.
Hakan Carlqvist,
World Champion of 1988.
It's about Namur,
where we've been.
Namur is excellent for pranks.
At one point the road
passes a bar,
called Le Chalet du Monument.
Often did I envy the
sitting in the shade,
while we were nearly melting
on our bikes.
Before the game I told my brother
to order me a beer in that bar.
If I had the time I would
drink the beer in a later round.
And I did. I came out with a
beer moustache. Wonderful.
Those were the days.
Can you imagine Michael Schumacher
pulling over for a beer?
Cut it... the sausage.
What's that?
Me, to Finland.
I didnt have my accident there
but I want to go to Finland.
No sauce?
- No sauce.
It's OK.
Now you can buy
the Husqvarna bike...
and win every Grand Prix.
Come on.
Do you think we're retarded?
Here we come.
Which of you assholes
built my trailer?
They can't hear you
with their helmets on.
Give us back our legs!
Give us back our legs
you fuckers!
Did you build my trailer?
Sure, just pretend you're working.
Do you think handicapped
people are funny?
You'll pay.
Pay up!
You have to pay me!
I brought my medical file.
We lost our legs because
of your lousy trailer.
Because of your crap!
We want to be reimbursed.
- 6 million Euros by my count.
- For each of us.
Look at this, Aaltra material.
I didn't travel 3000 kilometers
to not speak to the boss.
Bring me the manager.
I have been ran over
with one of your tractors!
Do you understand?
Are you listening?
The manager!
I want to speak to him, you hear?
Six million!
Six million Euros!
Who's in charge of writing
the manuals here?
No interpreter?
I want my money! Reimbursement!
Six million!
- Do you understand?
I want to see the manager
right now!
You're just nattering away
on that phone!
We lost our legs!
How do you feel about that?
At the other end of town.
Six million.
You seem to know my
gear well.
Would you like to work for me?
Yeah, why not.
Tomorrow morning at seven.
- Seven it is.
- Eight 'o clock.
Does it rain here often?
Only on Sundays.
- Only on Sundays?
But it's Monday today.