Aambala (2015)

The leader will be here now.
Go and do your work.
When he is here,
this place must rock.
They don't want to work
without being paid.
This too? Go!
The leader will leave
in another 2 minutes.
I must show
I have lots of supporters.
Where am I going to go
without paying you?
This is what you said
the last time.
Then you didn't pay me.
-The leader is here.
Ask your men to cheer.
-Saravanan said no cheering...
...without money.
-How are you?
Why are they so quiet?
-I'm so embarrassed.
At least tell your men
to wave at him.
If you pay me, they will wave.
-You're too much. Here!
That's Saravanan!
-Long live!
Put this on for the leader!
What's your name?
What do you do?
-Black flag protesL...
...reformation, party meetings,
road and railway protests.
These are for politics.
Beauty pageants, processions,
...birthday parties, film releases,
these are public functions.
Debates, poojas, shootings
and celebrations...
...these are my hobbies.
Ear piercing ceremonies,"
...weddings and priest gatherings,
these are individual events.
My job is to supply people
for each event.
You have such
a large group with you.
Why don't you join politics?
-I gather people for politicians.
I do not use them for politics.
-You talk well too.
Just say yes,
you can take his place.
Long live the leader!
Do you want my post?
-If you do your job well...
...why would I want
to take your place?
Sir, I'm here.
-I'm coming!
Okay, sir.
-Excuse me!
Look at this.
How dare you scratch
a police officer!
You may be a police officer,
do you know who I am?
You may know anyone, I don't care.
Because I don't know anyone.
He looks like a panda,
he irritated me.
I think he has
his breakfast for 10 hours.
When did you come? Come here.
-Why did you call me?
Do you need a crowd
for your false case?
I don't need a crowd.
I need help in my love matter.
You need my help?
-Must I always help others?
Won't you help me?
-How can you fall in love...
Even priests have girlfriends,
why can't we have them?
Come, I'll show y
who the person is. Look!
The milk goody
in green sari.
What happened?
-We can like nasta...
...but not pasta.
Yes, uptown girls
are called pasta.
You don't know about them.
It's hard to love them.
Once you fall for one,
it is tough to maintain her.
Listen to me. She'll give you
a miss call in the morning.
Then she'll take 10 selfies
and post them in Facebook.
If you like it and call her,
she won't answer.
She'll give us a miss call
30 minutes later.
When you call her, she'll tell you
to meet her somewhere.
You can't go empty-handed,
you must get her some chocolates.
She'll come an hour late.
You've to pay your loan...
...and use the balance
to buy a cheap bike.
She'll insist that you buy
a super bike.
When she rides with you,
she won't touch you at all.
Along the way, she'll make you
take her to a beauty parlour.
She'll do all
the treatments for 3 hours.
She'll come out and apologise
and ask for your card.
You'll get shocked
when you see the bill.
Then she'll take you shopping
in the pretext of buying...
...underwear for you.
She'll buy everything she needs.
She'll spend
your one month salary in a day.
Then she'll take you to an empty
theatre, sit by the side...
...and start rubbing you. You'll
put your hands on her shoulder.
She'll tell you to remove your
hand as she can't concentrate.
Won't you get angry?
Then she'll go to a restaurant...
...after eating at the interval,
she'll order all that she wants.
She'll nibble on it
and leave the rest.
When you think the day has ended,
there'll be a Mist then.
It's called discotheque.
When you take her to one...
...a guy will call her
to dance with him.
You have to pick her up,
but he'll drop her.
She'll use us to top-up her phone
and pay the auto fare.
Do we need such a love?
-Were you trying to discourage me?
Say something for my height,
not yours.
For us, only family girls...
...will suit us.
-You're saying it is tough...
...to maintain an uptown girl.
You've opened my third eye.
You're saying we'll be happier
with the girl that suits us...
...than the girl we meet.
So she is nobody to me.
Thank you, brother.
-Vanakkam to everyone who is here.
Is everything okay?
-Everything is super.
Stop it!
You're laughing on your own?
Who is the girl?
She is high class, I'm low class.
She won't suit me.
I just advised a guy.
-Girls don't go for class anymore.
They go for mass.
And fair girls like dark boys.
-You're asking as if...
...you don't know.
Unload quickly.
-it's getting late, hurry.
I don't know your name
and where you're from...
I don't even know who you are,
but it's okay...
"I don't need to know your
history and can't love you"...
It doesn't matter
what you say...
Let's be friends,
what's your name and number...
Let's be friends,
what's your name and number...
Let's be friends,
what's your name and number...
Let's be friends...
You appear in my dreams
and reality...
I can't take your torture...
I have a good heart,
but you're torturing me...
I've not been
able to sleep for 4 days...
You 're a London laddu
and I'm Madurai puttu...
Let's shoot
a love rocket together...
Ha/va plate on me...
Don't steal my heart...
Like a bull...
I came waging my tail...
Because I saw
a beautiful girl...
I came after you...
I don't know your name
and where you're from...
I don't even know who you are,
but it's okay...
"I don't need to know your
history and can't love you"...
It doesn't matter
what you say...
Let's be friends,
what's your name and number...
Let's be friends,
what's your name and number...
Let's be friends,
what's your name and number...
Let's be friends...
Let's be friends,
what's your name and number...
Let's be friends,
what's your name and number...
Let's be friends,
what's your name and number...
Let's be friends...
Sir, just like you said...
...my wife came back
after a week.
If your wife came back to you
for your face...
...can you imagine
what the other guy will look like?
Astrology is true.
-But your wife isn't true to you.
He's giving you
a prediction for free tea.
Why listen to him?
-You can say anything about me.
That's what you just said.
-Don't talk ill about astrology.
The boxes decide everything.
-You look like a wild buffalo...
...you're talking about boxes.
What did you tell me?
What did I say?
-I'll face a problem in 10 days.
You told me to take leave
and go off for 15 days.
I'll say the same.
You have Sani going on now.
You'll face a problem in 10 days.
-I'll get promoted in 10 days.
My promotion order is ready
on the commissioner's table.
I can be an assistant
commissioner anytime now.
Please believe me. Burn an oil
lamp for Vinaiyagar to reduce...
...the intensity of Sani.
-We have to be afraid...
...of the cold weather in Ooty,
we shouldn't be afraid of Sani.
What are you doing?
-My car won't start.
Open the bonnet.
Start the car now.
-Sir, super!
I won't even trust you if you
cycle. You're driving a car.
Is the car yours?
-it is mine.
Give me the number.
-Bye! Thanks, sir.
He gave another number, sir.
-Fool, he can't remember...
...his own car number.
Did you see a man in red checks?
-I just got his car started...
...and sent him off.
-He's a terrorist.
You made him escape.
do you have sense?
Do you have sense?
Why were you given a radio?
If you had passed the message...
...I would have caught him.
Why are you running behind him?
This is a secret mission that
has been going on for 6 months.
People perform heart
surgery within 30 minutes.
What did you do for 6 months?
-I'll handle you later. Let's go.
Did you see how
Sani can affect you?
Is it body spray? Let me go.
I'll nab the terrorist...
...and get a double promotion
from the commissioner.
Sir, they are going that way.
-Let them go.
We'll take the short cut
and nab our target. Get in!
Don't go too fast. I'm scared.
-Just close your eyes...
...when I'm taking the corner.
You won't feel scared.
Temple on the right, turn left.
-Are you predicting again?
I'll stuff this
into your mouth.
You're going to hit him,
aren't you afraid?
Fire knows no fear.
Who covered the wind screen?
Bye. sir!
I made a mistake because
the cover fell onto my car.
Why are you bleeding?
Who asked you to sit in front?
Why didn't you sit behind?
-Who told you to nab...
...the terrorist?
-Sir, I'm an inspector.
Of course I have to nab the crook.
Or I won't get double promotion.
No, you're demoted.
You're not an inspector anymore.
You'll be a head constable.
Sir, shoot,
the chameleon may escape.
Are you joking?
How is my set-up?
Do you want a girl?
-Not mine, but his.
She is Vedikundu Murugesan's keep.
He'll see her every month.
When will she get pregnant
and when will he come and see her?
I mean he sees her every month.
-This is what you've been doing...
...for 6 months.
-Listen to me.
Once she calls, he'll come out.
Once he is out, we'll shoot.
How is it?
-Super! I have an idea.
Let's get her to mingle with
Danger Gopal, Alert Arumugam...
...and Sothapaal Segar.
We'll get all of them together.
How do I look to you?
-You look like a lizard...
...in bajji flour.
-it's a sin to have you...
...in this department.
-I pity the department...
...when I see you in your
uniform. He's coming!
You said my time was bad.
Watch me now.
I'll get
the promotion I missed.
How did this car move?
Sorry, sir.
I was aiming for the car.
I missed and hit your...
You have no flesh on your back.
Must have got stuck in your bone.
Just sit on it...
...the bullet will be out.
-You shot my back...
...and you're teasing me.
You are suspended!
These are dangerous firearms.
We worked hard for 6 months...
...Ooty would have been destroyed.
-Why are you in dhoti...
...while on duty?
-it's because of him...
...we caught this terrorist.
-What did he do?
Nothing. If he was around,
we wouldn't have caught him.
Because he wasn't around,
we caught the terrorist.
Have you collected
your suspension order?
For another month,
you can't use your uniform.
It's okay,
I'll wear my normal clothes.
But for 3 months, you can't use
your pants or underwear.
I patched your back.
-You were there twice.
I escaped easily.
Why weren't you here this time?
Are you trying
to get me into trouble?
He can't even inhale steam
when he has flu.
You were so weak
for him to catch you.
You're not a terrorist.
-Be respectful when...
...you're in public.
I'm the commissioner.
You look like a temple mahout
in police shirt and dhoti.
Are you sure
you're a commissioner?
You asked me something just now.
-It is still not too late.
Just light an oil lamp for
Pillaiyar. Your life will change.
I believe your astrology now.
That fool spoke ill about me.
I won't delay it anymore.
Because I'm suspended
and have no salary...
...I had to light
a lamp using sunflower oil.
Make me an AC or DC, I'll use
olive oil to light a lamp...
...for You every day.
Thanks, boss,
may God bless you.
There'll be smoke from bidi,
why is there a bidi...
...coming out from the smoke?
Why did you light it up?
-To cancel my suspension order.
It has been cancelled.
-If I had kn0wn...
...I would have lighted up
the oil lamp much earlier.
I bet. You made
the terrorist escape.
You are dismissed.
Here, have a cup of tea.
-What else can I do with this?
It was tough getting you this job.
Be careful.
This is a public area.
-I'm just a door boy.
Don't worry,
your time will change this week.
I'll be good.
-I know my bad luck is leaving.
How do you know?
-You're leaving me.
Keep quiet! Do your work.
-Get lost!
Bye, I'll call you.
-Maya, just a minute.
-Come here.
Sir, it's you.
-Or you wouldn't have...
...given me this Rs10.
-I heard what happened.
It's sad to see you like this.
Remove everything...
...and come with me.
-Shall I come naked?
Don't talk this way, sir.
-Right, I must use bad words.
You told me not to fall for pasta,
now you're with the same pasta.
Nothing is in our hands,
fate played it's part.
Fate got us together.
-ls fate Cupid? Don't lie.
I'm not lying, it's true.
I was home alone one day.
It only started to rain,
where is fate?
Rain is fate.
It started to rain at 8.
It could have rained
at 7.58 or 8.02.
Why did it rain at 8 sharp
when she was near my house?
Only Ramana, the weather forecast
man, can answer this question.
The rain spoilt it
when I was jogging.
Do you go jogging barefoot?
-it is acupuncture jogging.
If the toe gets massaged.
it is good for the liver.
Let's go in.
-Hello, how can we go into...
...any open house?
I wonder who lives here.
Don't you know by looking
at the house?
The owner must be a good man.
The rain is not going to stop.
Let's go in.
-No, I'm late, I'll go.
Just stand there.
Come in.
-You don't know whose bike it is.
The owner might scold you.
-it's only a bike.
Let it get wet.
Just come in.
I'm never seen you
in Ooty before this.
I'm Maya, a botany student.
I came to Ooty for a project.
Saravana, where are you going
with the bike cover?
-When I'm washing the fronL...
...you'll yell if I wet your bike.
Now you removed your bike cover.
Won't wt get wet now?
Who is she?
-A friend, mom.
Why don't you talk
to her inside the house?
Why walk around in this rain?
Come home fast.
Go, mom, I'll be back.
Ff lend?
-Let's be friends first. Then...
-Let's be friends first.
You're going to get wet.
-it has stopped raining.
Wait! Was the sheet blue?
-How did you find out?
You're not an inspector anymore,
you are a head constable.
-I have a great offer.
We need to get a girl.
The advance is RSZSJJOO.
They are waiting outside.
What shall we say?
We supply people for gatherings,
we are not hired guns.
Return the money.
-But it's a big amount.
-Okay, I'll return the cash.
We sent people to eat rice with
stone for Mahvattam's birthday.
-Charge them another Rs6,000.
We had to pay for medical.
Please don't say no.
Take your money back! Go!
-I'll be back.
Maya, where are you going?
Saravanan, what
are you doing here?
This is my office.
What can I do for you?
My friend, Maddy.
loves a girl called Tina.
But her family have her
under house arrest.
Poor thing.
-If you bring your people...
...and make noise
in front of the house,"
...I'll go in through
the back door and get Tina.
I'll get her married to Maddy.
-But you'll be alone.
I'll come with you.
-So sweet. I'll pay you.
This is not for money,
I'm doing it for love.
If you come with me, who will
divert their attention in front?
My uncle will do it.
Uncle, won't you do it?
We supply people for gathering.
We are not hired guns.
We can sacrifice our lives
and also kill for love.
You should give
your life for your love...
...but you're killing a man.
-Come out!
Why are you here as a group?
Who are you?
Your son raped her when
she went to him for a ride.
Now she is pregnant.
-Why are you yelling?
Who raped her?
-Are you selling soap?
Soap? Not soap, rape.
-Wait, I'll call my brother.
-They have started.
Shall we go in? Let's go.
-Is this your ring?
Thank God.
This belongs to Maddy.
Tina will only come
if she sees this ring.
It is too loose for me.
You put it on.
What is it? Who are they?
-They are selling soap.
-Comb? Rape!
Who raped her?
-The other brother? Suresh!
No sound! They'll find out.
This is the youngest brother.
-What's up?
Did we come to the right address?
-Maya, is this the place?
This is what Maddy gave.
-it is the right place.
Keep talking to them.
-I am, but they can't hear.
We want justice.
-Stop it! They want donation.
What are you looking?
Give them Rs10.
What? Donation?
I want to know who raped her.
What are you saying?
We are bachelors.
Look what I do to you.
-The old man is very angry.
Isn't there anyone else home?
-My elder sister is in.
Elder sister?
-Tina, where are you?
Are you Maddy's friend?
-Do you know the matter?
Where is your granddaughter, Tina?
-I am Tina.
Are you Tina?
Tina is...
-I know, just shut up!
Let's go quickly.
What are you looking for?
-My denture.
-I've seen lovers running away...
...with jewels. I'm hearing
about people who run away...
...with their denture.
And her name is Tina?
Don't scold the old woman.
-Why are you so fond of her?
There is a reason.
-Get on the bike.
With him? No one should touch
my body except Maddy.
Okay, sit behind,
I'll sit in the middle.
Get on.
Shall we go?
-Who raped her?
I'll kill you.
-Look, Tina is going with them.
I'll shoot you.
They are following us.
-Stop or I'll shoot you.
Tina, don't spoil our reputation.
-That's important!
Wait! Did it happen at 10 am
on the 10th along Avalanche Road?
How did you know?
You are suspended.
-Now I'm getting the picture.
They got married late,
but in trend. Thanks to fate.
Fate? Why?
-it is making us meet often.
It is planning something for us.
Can you feel it?
I don't know.
-Maya, come fasL...
...let's take a shot.
Address and phone number.
-What for?
To meet again.
-Fate is planning it.
We'll meet again in its next plan.
Enough of seeing her back.
Tell me what happened.
-Who are you?
Hello, saw your message?
Your man is with me.
If you don't come here in
30 minutes, I'll kill your lover.
Who is my lover?
Whom did you call?
Who else? I called Maya.
-Why should Maya come here...
...if you abduct me?
-For girls, their lover...
...and cell phone
are like their 2 eyes.
They can't live without it.
-it makes sense.
How did you know I'm Maya's lover?
-I've been following you...
...for a week.
I confirmed after seeing it.
Only then, I kidnapped you.
She'll be here in 10 minutes.
Will she come?
-Did she come?
Come on! I knew
I couldn't kidnap you.
So I brought your lover here,
I made you come here.
Get her!
I won't fight with you.
You're going to get hurt.
Just go.
I didn't expect you...
-Stop it!
I told you I won't fight with you.
Get lost!
I told you fate is planning
something for us.
Saliva! Listen to me,
I can't hit you.
Why don't you want to hit me?
-You helped me with my love.
That is why I'm saying.
Go before I change my mind.
Stop! I'll go. Come on, guys!
-Who are they?
Why are they after you?
-Some problem back home.
Go to the police then.
I'll go back in another week
after my course ends.
If my family finds out about this,
they'll make me come home.
You decided to hit them.
Why didn't you do it...
...when they got you?
Why did you wait?
She asked the same questions.
-You could have hit them...
...and escaped earlier.
-Then I wouldn't know...
...that you love me.
Yes, that is why you came running.
-No, I would have come...
...no matter who it was. Bye.
-No can stop fate...
...if it wants us together.
This is the work of fate.
Come to Le Meridien tomorrow.
We'll see what fate says.
-She calling you to the hotel...
...before your love is sealed.
She must be fast.
No, she didn't call for that.
-Then why did she call you?
You called me here,
now you're not saying anything.
You said it is fate
that is bringing us together.
Let's check
if fate will get us together.
Check? How?
-There are 29 floors...
...in this hotel.
Let's each get into a lift.
You choose one floor,
I'll choose another.
If we both get off
the same floor and meet again...
...then I'll agree
that fate wants us together.
How can you say that?
-No one can stop fate.
Let's go to the lift now.
-What if we do not meet?
I don't know.
-We won't be able to meet again.
So can we have coffee
before this game?
Wait! People drink coffee
to finish their morning business.
You had coffee before
you proposed your love.
Listen to me first.
It wasn't fate this time,
it was my work.
I used my men to find out which
button Maya pressed in the lift...
...through the CCTV.
I needed the coffee
break to prepare my men.
Wait! Something is missing.
Something must have happened when
you walked towards each other.
Yes, I kicked the dustbin
which was in our way.
The whole town celebrated
our union with a show of crackers.
It weren't crackers,
but B1 Police Station.
After than...
Come, Vennila...
There is vanila
in your eyes...
You did magic in my heart...
Come, Vennila...
There is vanila
in your eyes...
You did magic in my heart...
Come, my love...
Come, my love...
Come, my love...
Come, my love...
When I see you...
I have no fear...
When you talk...
I do not understand anything...
When you give me a signal
with your eyes...
She fed me love
through her eyes...
She tortured my heart...
Because of you...
My hormones are on fire...
H! collect flowers
from your skin. ..
I would like to kiss you
and smile...
Girl, whom should I go for...
I'm waiting for you...
I'll fall if you touch me...
Come, Vennila...
The way you talk and lack...
It's in my heart...
It is doing something to me...
I don't know
what magic it is...
My life has changed
because of you. ...
Even if I want to stop it...
I can't...
What did you do to me...
I just don't know...
I keep following yau
every day...
Between our hearts...
I'll build a bridge
called love...
I'll walk with yau
hand in hand...
Come, Vennila...
There is vanila
in your eyes...
You did magic in my heart...
Come, my love...
Come, my love...
Mommy, look at daddy.
Where did you go?
I kept looking for you.
Mom, I told you dad will be back.
-Why is she calling me daddy?
This is...
-My husband, died in an accident.
He looks just like me.
-That is why she called you daddy.
-it's okay, she's just a child.
Get me a cake.
-it's okay. Tell me what you want.
We're troubling you.
-it's okay.
Can't you see? Are you fine?
-it's okay.
I can't walk, it hurts.
-You must have sprained it.
Hold my hands.
-it's okay, I'll manage.
It's okay, hold.
I feel happy I met you,
I feel scared too.
-We came here because...
...we didn't want to remember him.
Raksha is going to keep...
masking for you.
-My office is nearby.
You can come anytime.
-Daddy, aren't you coming?
Daddy will come later.
Bye! Come fast. daddy.
The child is cute, right?
-Yes, very cute.
Only one child?
Why did I trust you?
You cheat! Liar!
How many girls have you cheated?
-I don't know her.
Is that why you held her hand and
the child is calling you daddy?
Is that why you agree
to go to her house?
Won't you believe me?
-Let her tell me.
Then I'll believe you.
Come and explain to her.
-Haven't you changed yet?
I blame you.
You go after good looking guys.
How dare you hit my girlfriend!
-How can you hit a lady?
You're not a man.
-I hit her for you.
How can you hit your wife
for someone else?
Don't ever come home.
-I don't want to see you again.
So many people are struggling
to bring a couple together.
But you're a specialist
in breaking couples up.
I don't do what others do,
my way is different.
What do you mean?
-You brought me from Madras...
...to do the job.
Within half an hour, I settled it.
Why are you looking like
a pregnant cat for that?
I'll pay you extra. Can you
set up the girl with me?
Only cutting.
-I'll look for someone else then.
-You'll find many guys.
But I'm the best in this job.
-Kumaran shouldn't be...
...talking this way. Go!
The girl left town.
Let's go, it's getting late.
Shall we look for her in Kunnor?
-We searched everywhere.
She even told her friends
not to give you her address.
Forget her.
-I can't.
I can't either.
My wife keeps calling me.
If I don't go before she locks
the door, she'll poison the food.
Let's go.
-Wait, let's drink first.
Uncle! Have you left?
Are you like me too?
Did your love fail too?
I didn't do anything wrong.
A fool came between us
and broke us up.
If I get him...
Where are you going, boss?
You can't leave me.
You won't go, right?
Maya left me, uncle left me too.
You are still here.
You're a true friend.
You are"...
-I'm from out of town.
I came here for business.
I met him along the way.
No, mom...
-Stop it!
I brought you here away from him.
You got me a good name.
Mom, listen to me...
-Shut up!
I raised you single-handedly.
No wonder you became a drunkard.
If your father
was around to discipline you...
...you wouldn't do this.
I lost to your father.
I don't know if the son he raised
is a doctor or collector now.
I completely
forgot about your father.
Now you made me talk
about him.
Mother, I'm sorry,
this won't happen again.
I have a desire. Will you do it?
-Tell me, mom.
I feel like seeing
your younger brother.
As I was so angry,
I took you away from your father.
You must meet your father too.
-That's not important.
You must meet my brother.
I'll get him.
But I heard he had some problem,
so he's in Madurai now.
-No matter where he is...
...he'll be like a king.
They were generous.
Go there and ask for Alavandhan,
everyone will tell you about him.
Okay, I'll leave tomorrow.
-I'm going to Madurai too.
Let's look
for your father together.
I'm going to see my father
for the first time.
I'm going empty-handed.
-Is he in the hospital...
...to buy things for him?
Let's find him first.
Then we'll buy
something for him.
Give a prasad tray
for Vetalai Baba.
Don't look for trouble
in the morning.
I'm going to pay you.
Hurry, he may leave.
Baba, what does he know about you?
-People are fools, boss.
There are no eateries
along the highways.
But there are many babas
like him on all the streets.
Who is he?
-I don't know.
People call him Vetalai Baba.
Whatever he says come true.
-He gets angry when we talk ill...
...about Baba. People use
satellites to give us...
...weather forecast.
Even that can go wrong.
How will his predictions
come true?
If he has power,
ask him to use it...
...to get Thangamani a job.
He has been jobless for 2 years.
Then I'll believe him.
-Who is Thangamani?
-This man?
Sir, the siddha is calling you.
He looks like Laughing Buddha.
I'll go and ask him
what he wants.
I made fun of you,
please forgive me.
Give me a prasad tray.
You hate it when we become pious.
Are you wondering why...
...I've changed so fast?
Baba's wonder.
He just said I'll get a job.
Ambani from Reliance...
...called to say that
I can start work tomorrow.
Why is he calling me?
-Go and see him.
You wish will come true.
Come, son. Are you looking
for your father?
How did you know?
-He told me.
-My father.
Take a dip in the pond.
You'll find your father. Go!
Go with him.
-Why must he take a dip too?
You won't know now,
you'll know later.
Guys, listen to him.
Go and do it.
He can't be wrong.
Let's take a dip.
Our bags...
-Your body is a luggage too.
Don't worry, leave it here.
I'll keep an eye.
Our bags are gone.
Where is Vetalai Baba?
Where are our bags?
He is a fraud.
-What about the boy...
...who got the job?
-They are in one group, cheats.
The boy is his son.
-Why didn't you warn us?
I told you not to go.
You let the man cheat you.
I have no money at all.
Everything was in the bag.
What to do now'?
-Forget it. When I mention...
...my father's name, Alavandhan,
the whole town will be afraid.
That's what mother said. I'll get
your money back through my father.
Are you Alavandhan's son?
-Yes, do you know my father?
The man who took your bags
is Alavandhan.
I was told my father
was a millionaire.
No, he is a con man.
Go and see what
he does with your money.
I'm a common man...
The woman I loved ditched me
and I can't take it...
I'm a common man...
The woman I loved ditched me
and I can't take it...
I miss her dearly...
You're in my heart...
I feel hurt as you
do not even look at me...
Your cheeks are rosy...
Mine is a bit dark...
Why do you hate me so...
Ask everyone,
I'm the best...
Madras to Madurai...
My heart rocks
when yau come...
Madras to Madurai...
My heart rocks
when yau come...
There is no one like me...
You are always my man...
I gave you flower...
Come with me, my love...
You're my man,
I'm your girl...
You're in my heart...
How could you
say this to me...
You 're chewing me
with your eyes...
You're too much...
Why do you push me away
when I come near you...
Your cheeks are rosy...
Mine is a bit dark...
Why do you hate me so...
Ask everyone,
I'm the best...
Madras to Madurai...
My heart rocks
when yau come...
Madras to Madurai...
My heart rocks
when yau come...
There is no one like me...
You are always my man...
You 're in front,
I'm behind...
I keep following you...
Come in front of me...
She proposed her love
with her eyes...
It rains,
the pain goes away...
I can see my love
in my wine glass...
Let bygones be bygones...
Let the pain ease...
Your cheeks are rosy...
Mine is a bit dark...
Why do you hate me so...
Ask everyone,
I'm the best...
I knew something good
will happen the past 2 days.
I didn't even dream
that I'll meet my son.
Your mother only wanted
to meet her second son.
She didn't want
to meet her husband.
Any woman will get angry
if her husband betrayed her.
What do you mean?
-You made a girl pregnant...
...before marriage, then you
hid it and married mother.
Isn't that betrayal?
-Who cheated who?
I got cheated.
I lost everything in life.
I swear, I was true
to your mother the entire time.
But that one day
changed everything.
How can you say you don't want
to stand for election...
...all of a sudden?
We don't care. you have to stand.
Hang on,
I've been the MLA for 5 terms.
Why should I be the MLA
all the time?
Let my son stand
for election this time.
Dad, I'm so busy with my work.
I don't want to be a MLA.
Sir, you're not standing
for election.
Your son is not interested.
I work for you.
Can't you ask me to stand...
-You can be well off now.
But you were once my servant.
-Sir, I'm your dog.
That is why I'm saying, a dog
should stay outside the house.
It should not try to come in.
This is a post we've passed on...
...for generations.
You need status for it.
Don't mistake me.
If I had not driven away...
...your son's girlfriend, Laksmi,
and lied to him that she died...
...what would have
happened to your status?
What are you saying?
Is Laksmi still alive?
-Dad, keep quiet.
Tell me the truth, or you'll die.
-I'll tell you.
Your father told me
to drive her out of town.
He burnt her hut
and told you she had died.
He made you marry Madam Thulasi.
-Where is my Laksmi? Tell me.
I don't know.
Dad, is it true?
-Yes, it is true.
I had to safeguard
our reputation...
Rubbish! Laksmi was
carrying my child.
Is reputation more important
to you than a life?
I didn't know this,
I married Thulasi.
I had 2 kids with her.
You were thinking of someone else
when you slept with me.
I did this for your own good.
-Dad, let me go.
Get going!
Please come quickly!
How could you push
your father down and kill him?
Madam Thulasi has gone off.
As the younger boy...
...was off in school,
she took the elder boy with her.
After my release,
I looked for your mother.
I couldn't find her.
I looked for Laksmi too.
I heard she passed away shortly
after giving birth to a son.
Then I brought him
and came to live here alone.
Why must you live alone, dad?
You have mom and I now.
Come and live with us.
-No, son.
Just like I met you.
I'd like to meet Laksmi's son too.
Then I'll be happy,
but where am I to find him?
Where are you going?
-I'm going back.
Wait, come with me.
-No, let me go.
Pour some liquor for everyone.
-What is this?
Keep quiet, dad. Pour.
Now say cheers.
-We found Aunty Laksmi's son.
-What are you saying?
How do you know?
-I had a doubt.
To clear my doubt,
I told him to pour liquor.
People would pour liquor first
before adding water.
-How do you do wt?
You poured liquor to water.
Both of us do the same.
This guy did it the same way.
-Are you like me too?
That is how I found out
he has our genes too.
I've seen people
who got together through songs.
I'm just seeing a family who got
together through liquor.
Please forgive me. I didn't do
any harm intentionally.
What is that?
What's the knife for?
-To stab you.
When his mother told us her story,
I realised that you're my father.
I came here to kill the man
who cheated my mother.
But after coming here,
I found out the truth.
You wanted to kill me?
You are my son alright.
-Me, dad?
Dad, you had lots of property.
What happened to it...
...after you went to prison?
-I gave it to my sisters.
My mother made a vow to shave me
bald if I had sisters.
Our Goddess is very powerful.
My parents had 3 girls...
...one after another.
They shaved my head each time.
I used to hit and pinch
them because I was bald.
They hated me from young.
Then one day.
I watched Pasa Malar.
I decided to love my sisters too.
I was worried they'd leave me...
...I got them married to 3 poor
guys who would stay with us.
My sisters were very angry.
When they realised I killed...
...our father,
they wanted to leave.
I told them not to go
and gave them all the property.
I came here with my son.
When I see all of you now...
...I feel I've made a mistake.
Because I loved my sisters...
...why should my sons suffer?
So I've decided something.
We get it, dad.
We'll drive our aunties...
...out of the house and
tell them we are your children.
Is that all?
-We must live together...
...with our aunties happily.
-How is that possible?
Possible. Your 3 aunties
have 3 daughters.
9 girls? Your brothers-in-law
were too busy.
Only 3 girls,
they are your cousins.
If you marry them,
my dream will come true.
You're not talking like my father,
you sound like a broker.
What's wrong with the idea?
It's okay to marry our cousins.
How to marry another girl
when you love someone else?
Our father did it.
-My story is different.
It is the same.
Alavandhan's sons
should be like him.
We'll fall in love
with those 3 girls and marry them.
Both of you look fine.
Will our cousin marry me?
I knew this would happen,
so I have a plan.
Come closer. The temple
festival starts tomorrow.
The first prayer will be done
in honour of your aunties.
Your aunties will come here
this year with their families.
Abduct those girls
and marry them secretly.
You're a bad man, dad.
This is wrong.
You're only going to abduct
3 girls and do 3 wrongs.
Come on, don't think twice.
I still feel this is not right.
-Apply the powder properly.
Without it, we'll get caught.
-Not that, I mean kidnapping.
Brother, I'm longing
to get married.
Our father showed us a shortcut.
Don't spoil it.
Say what you want, it's wrong
to force a girl into marriage.
Just bring her, we'll marry them.
-Why do you need 3 girls...
...when there are
only 2 of you here?
We get one lungi free when
we buy 2, this is the same.
For 2 cousins,
we get another free.
We'll get to choose too.
-Look, I'm above you.
That's father.
-Can you hear me?
Yes, talk.
-I've seen them.
Where are there?
-The lady in front of you...
...with a green sari,
that's Periya Ponnu.
I've seen her, dad.
What happened?
Why are you crying?
I feel sad after seeing her.
-You can blow your nose later.
Where is the second one?
-The one beside her...
...in blue sari is Nadu Ponnu.
The one beside her
in pink is Chinna Ponnu.
We know who they are,
we don't need this anymore.
Who are you guys?
There is no one here.
-Push the sari in.
They are taking them away.
I told you
to spray chloroform on them.
I did spray large amounts.
They won't wake up...
...for another 3 hours. Run!
-They've seen us.
Aren't you Valli?
-This is not the time.
Valli, call me on WhatsApp?
They've cornered us.
-Shall we leave them here?
Take them away,
I'll handle these guys.
We'll go first, come fast.
Don't mess with me.
Give me some.
-That's for the Goddess.
I know it's not for your grandpa!
-Get lost!
Over here! Throw!
(30 up!
-What for?
I have to climb
like a monkey.
Brother, see where
you're touching.
She could be my girl.
-Shut up!
Can't you tell me earlier?
-You won't climb if you knew.
Someone is coming.
Come fast!
They are coming, run!
-Come fast!
Get in!
I'm hanging in the air.
Stop torturing me.
My Pants!
Great job!
Get married to them before
the auspicious time ends.
Let them go,
they might suffocate.
She might get scared when
she sees me in my underwear.
It's okay,
I'll say I'm Ramarajan's fan.
What happened?
Dad, our cousins look great.
-Thank God.
I thought you
won't like them. Move!
What happened. dad?
They are not your cousins,
but your aunties.
Dad. H's okay.
You sand they were Penya Ponnu.
Nadu Ponnu and Chmna Ponnu.
Those are their names.
Our family Goddess
is Ponnu Thayi.
They are waking up.
If they see us, we're dead.
Let's run.
-We'll come with you.
We've come to the town
where our aunties live.
We're going to kidnap their girls.
I wonder what is going to happen.
We're dead, they know
we're here to kidnap the girls.
How many can you manage?
-Thin, 3, fat, 2.
-I can't even manage myself.
Where is he?
-Over there.
Let me go.
-Are you new here?
Yes, how can I help you?
-I told you about...
...the road contract.
I came to discuss about that.
I'm going to submit
my nomination next week.
Let the election come to an end,
then we'll do it.
It doesn't matter
when the election is held...
...you'll always be the MLA.
You've been the leader...
...for the past 2O years.
What happened?
Your son is only hanging
in the air now.
If you step my tail again,
his body will be hanging there.
You did everything,
now you tried to kidnap us.
I kidnapped you?
-Don't pretend you don't know.
I saw your men running
in their underwear.
She is referring to you.
-Do you know whom you touched?
The MLA's son.
-You are a MLA to yourself.
As far as the town is concerned,
you're our former servant.
That is why you're still alive.
Shall I show you who I am?
If I use my authority,
you'll go missing.
We'll end your haughtiness.
You're no longer the MLA.
Who will stand against me?
-I'll stand.
I'll stand for election
this time and defeat you.
I'll drive you out
from this town.
The house looks like a hall.
We'll get married here.
I'll say again, this is wrong.
-You sound like a good man...
...at the last minute.
-This is what I've been saying...
...right from the beginning.
Come on!
They are here.
How is my girl? Great, right?
-How can you decide?
I loved a girl called Rukku
when I was in Year 6.
She looks like her.
So she's mine.
-I won't agree.
Touch one finger.
You agreed, she is mine.
It's okay, you seem to like her.
I'll take the other girl.
Why do you keep
changing your partner?
Before Rukku, I fell in love
with Sachu in Year 4.
This girl looks like her.
That was my first love.
I'll smack you.
Touch one finger.
I know, no matter what I touch,
the girl is yours.
You can have her.
Coming, mom.
Brother, look! If we're scared,
the dog will attack.
If the dog is scared, it'll run.
That's dog logic.
What shall we do now?
-Stare at the dog.
Look deadly.
-Is this enough?
Heavier. Open your eyes bigger.
-But it's not my mouth.
Next? Tell me. Hey!
I can't open the door.
What are you doing?
-An animal will only chase...
...if you run.
If you lie down, it won't chase.
It's animal logic.
It's sleeping on me.
It's licking me.
-Get up!
How to get up?
-You spoke logic just now.
-Is this the time to play?
I'm not, the dog
is playing with me.
Get up!
-it ran away.
Why is he running?
Someone has entered!
Catch him!
Come fast!
I can't climb!
-it's okay, bend down.
How to climb?
-They are coming. Bend!
Give me a hand!
-Give me your hand!
I won't let you go.
-He likes to remove my pants.
Our bags!
-I can't run anymore.
The house is empty, let's go in.
-Did you see them?
I couldn't see the face
as it was dark.
But they are the same men
who kidnapped our bosses.
What place is this?
-Dogs and ghosts are chasing us.
And these guys are also
chasing us with their daggers.
No point getting married
once we lose our limbs.
I don't mind losing a limb.
But I don't want to die.
You're right, this is wrong.
-No matter what happens,"
...we'll marry our cousins.
I've decided.
I thought you were against it,
what happened now?
I'm going to marry the same girl
I fell in love with.
Maya, the girl I fell in love,
is our cousin too.
I thought she left me.
But now she's coming back to me...
...as my cousin.
What does that mean?
Fate has confirmed
that she's mine.
What happened to him?
-He has just started.
Where can I find true love...
I looked for it
all over the world...
I was leaking
for a pretty girl...
I saw you and fell for yau...
Are girls not true...
Isn't there true Jove. ..
Didn't I fall
for the words you did not say...
I fell for you...
Shall I say you're my love...
Sha//I take you away...
When yau walk away...
I yearn for your love...
When you leave me,
my heart can't take it...
No matter where you go,
you 't! be in my heart...
My heart says
it wants yau...
My heart is waiting
to see you...
This night is beautiful...
It is time to celebrate...
When I talk about you,
my heart feels light...
When the wind blows,
my heart becomes like cotton...
Even when you lie...
My heart
will only love you...
Shall I say you're my love...
Sha//I take you away...
When yau walk away...
I yearn for your love...
When you leave me,
my heart can't take it...
No matter where you go,
you 't! be in my heart...
Get up!
-What is it?
Come out and see.
Is there a way behind?
-We are surrounded.
We'll tell them we're not thieves,
we are Alavandhan's sons.
Don't talk rubbish. If our aunties
know we are their nephews...
...they'll drive us out right now.
Our families won't be able...
...to unite at all.
Let's talk out way out of this.
-If they know it hurts...
...they'll be thrilled,
they'll hit us more.
So when they hit, don't scream.
That's lesson number one.
Lesson two?
-They'll tell us.
We'll use the weapon
we have and manage.
Weapon? I can't see anything
as it is dark.
-Long live!
Police Station, Koyilour.
The station was locked
for 5 months.
How did you get in
all of a sudden?
There were robbers
in our town last night.
They must have been assigned here.
How is our SP?
-He is fine.
Who is he?
-Our father did the role once.
The best way to get away
when you're in trouble...
...is to disguise as a policeman.
-We thought thieves were...
...in the locked station,
but you are in here.
I saw you once with SP Chaudari,
I knew you were a police officer.
So I brought
all these people here.
One FM like you in town will do,
anyone can be a police officer.
Why are you here with those?
-The station was locked...
...for a long time.
I brought them here to clean up.
What are you waiting for?
Go and clean up.
Okay, sir.
I just called
the commissioner's office.
It seems they do not have enough
staff for the election.
They can't send anyone here
until the election is over.
Shall we be police officers here
until the election is over?
Do you know what will happen
if we get caught?
We are caught!
-Sir, hold this.
What is this for?
-I'm Patteri Pichai.
I brew liquor here.
You'll get this amount every week.
Just don't disturb me.
You said we'll be
in hot soup if we get caught.
We'll get this much
if we do not get caught.
I do anything for Rs10.
If I get Rs10,000...
...I'll even disguise
as the prime minister.
8th is a good day. We'll send
in our nomination on that day.
Perfect, you will surely win.
This must be Pasupathy's work.
Go faster!
He is Sub-inspector Kumaran.
I'm Constable Shaktivel.
Thank you very much, inspector.
-it's my duty, madam.
Pasupathy must be behind this.
He tried to kidnap us in Madurai.
Last night, he entered our house
and tried to kill us.
Please arrest him and file an FIR.
-Don't, just forgive him.
If you let him go, he'll come
after us again. Just arrest him.
No, don't arrest him. Let him
stand for election with me.
He must lose.
-Super, this is positive approach.
Okay, come to our house
for lunch one day.
We'll come tomorrow.
We only fought once,
they're welcoming us with prayers.
It's grandpa's death anniversary.
-Who are you?
Can't you see? Police officers.
Please wait.
They'll serve
once prayers are over.
How can she
insult us this way?
How did you come here?
-Police, I can come anywhere.
What new drama is this?
-I couldn't be your lover.
I'll be your bodyguard at least.
Go in front.
Where did you go?
-I heard someone entered...
...your house last night.
I was checking your security.
Mom, who is he?
-The police officer who helped us.
He was just posted here.
-We can trust thieves nowadays.
But not police officers.
Please send him off.
She is a young girl.
This is how she talks.
Don't get her wrong.
-it's okay.
What happened?
-They look bright.
We want to see deeper.
The house, we'll get some lead.
-What are you doing?
Show them around.
-Okay, this way please.
We'll go this way.
-You can go this way too. Come.
I don't like the way you're
looking at Madam Periya Ponnu.
A servant should behave.
-He is not a servant.
What is he then?
-Her husband, eldest son-in-law.
Sorry, sir. Why didn't you tell
me earlier that he's the boss?
Don't be too close
to your servants.
I'm Madam Chinna Ponnu's husband,
the youngest son-in-law.
Another sorry.
You look like a cleaner.
We still can't believe
you're the owner.
This is our fate. There were
2 other men in this house before.
My father-in-law
and brother-in-law.
My father-in-law passed away.
-Your brother-in-law?
He is still around,
but I don't know where he is.
He is a good man.
He respected us and
got us married to his sisters.
We are keeping quiet
because of him.
If he was around,
our fates would be different now.
Give us a complaint,
we'll find the man.
Do you know what happened?
They did prayers
for my father-in-law.
They are also doing prayers
for our brother-in-law...
...who is still alive.
You are strangers
and you feel bad.
He is our brother-in-law,
how would we feel?
Come, this is
the second brother-in-law.
Why is he sleeping now?
-No, he is in coma.
He has been in coma
for the past 2 years. Come on.
Why bring them here?
-Your mother told us...
...to show them around.
-I have an idea.
What is it?
-I'll stay guard here tonight.
I'll catch the thief
that comes here tonight.
I'll get a good name from my girl.
-Where will the thief come from?
You'll be the thief.
-Me? Thief?
Did I ask you
to be Trisha's brother?
I'm only asking you to be a thief.
Come here as a thief...
...at 12 midnight.
I'll catch and thrash you.
And you run because
you can't bear the pain.
She will fall in love with me.
This is my plan.
Action will start
in another 10 minutes.
I'll give my girl a romantic
look before that.
When did he come?
Why is he interested in my girl?
You came earlier.
Okay, we'll start now.
I won't hit hard.
Don't get scared.
Why are you holding my hand?
Why hit me?
Why hit me this way?
If you hit again...
...I won't give you
any parts to play.
Who are you?
-Thief. You're lucky I'm here.
He hit me 3 times,
I'll hit him next.
Let me hit you at least once.
She is looking.
I'll be frank, it hurts.
Thief I Catch him!
-Let him go.
No one else can endure
this much of thrashing.
He is so powerful.
You're a police officer.
Aren't you embarrassed to cry?
I'm not crying.
-Your tears are flowing.
Go and sleep in the station.
Come on! Just a minute. Yes?
-Did you come to unite me...
...with my lover
or sent me to hospital?
If you didn't like the plan,
you could have told me.
Why did you hit me?
-What? We're still at home.
Stop pretending.
What are you saying?
We are coming there.
Don't come here, come straight
to the temple well.
My body will be there.
You humiliated me in front...
...of my girl.
I want to kill myself.
Crazy! Let's go!
What are you looking?
I'm still human now.
10 minutes later,
I'll be a ghost like you.
You can kill me.
Where are you going?
Ghost, wait!
Kill me! Fool!
-Black pant, black shirt...
...and tummy.
Did you hit me just now?
I'm glad to hear that you're
my brother-in-law's children.
Why disguise as a ghost?
When we went to bank in
our collection money...
...our money got stolen.
I'll be questioned if I come home.
So I fainted.
Since then, I never got up.
He tried to get up twice.
When he opened his eyes...
...they asked about the money.
He slipped into a coma again.
How long to sleep?
So I disguised as a ghost...
...and started
walking around again.
The house people won't come out
from the house after 10 pm...
was they are
afraid of the ghost.
So this is how we meet everyone.
-Why are you like this?
What to do?
They are angry with your father.
He got us married,
now they are upset with us.
We have no choice,
we stay away from them.
I won't hide this.
It has been ages since...
...we spent time with your
aunties in their bedrooms.
If you keep to yourselves,
they'll cast you aside.
Father and husband are not posts,
they are relationships.
We have to assume responsibility.
-That won't happen here.
I thought my aunties are
happy without my father.
I came here to unite
this family again.
Your situation is worse.
Don't worry,
we'll change everything.
Can I do the accounts?
-What for?
What are you
doing here, Inspector?
If I come often,
there'll be an understanding.
For who?
-Police and public.
They changed tyres last month.
Are the accounts there?
Yes, it is here.
They've given a bill for 6 tyres.
Six? Including the spare,
there are only 5 tyres.
There is another bill
for 6 tyres this month.
How many servants
do we have in this house?
Including us, 26 people.
-How many are paid?
-They have showed accounts...
...for 45 people.
-This is new.
Madam pay when we show the bill.
Who are you to question us?
We don't ask for cash
just like that. We work here.
We don't eat free
in our wife's house like you.
What did you say?
This is my fault.
I should have kept
all of you in your place.
He will keep accounts from now.
Will you do it?
They'll do a good job.
-Come up fast, all of you!
Come on!
Look at my husband?
-His hand is moving. How come?
This is sundi sudoku.
It's an American acupuncture.
They use herbs from the Amazon
and fingers for treatment.
Shakti is a specialist in this.
When he wakes up...
...don't say anything
that can be shocking to him.
-If you do, he'll slip...
...into coma again.
No, I won't ask him
about the money.
After he slipped into coma...
...we had to pay someone else
to do the gardening.
I'll ask him to leave today.
-We saw so many doctors...
...and they couldn't treat him.
You helped him in a jiffy.
This is nothing,
I know many stuff.
Sundi sudoku is working out.
What's up? Why did you call?
-You received many threats.
We also received information that
someone is going to attack...
...you at home today.
-What can we do?
Stay in the extra room
which is not being used.
Our husbands sleep there.
-Then sleep there.
With them?
-it's okay when you're in trouble.
Okay. but be careful.
Let's go.
Mom! There's lightning
and thunder.
I'm scared.
Can I sleep with you?
You are strong
even in this age.
I'm scared of thunder
and lightning, mom...
...I'll sleep with you.
Put this thunder in silent mode.
It is giving me the creeps.
-She won't come.
We can do anything we want.
-I'm asking you...
...where my mother is.
-She's safe with your father.
My father?
-She's with your father.
Why are you getting upset?
Why are your hands trembling?
-I'm nervous.
This is the first time
I'm so close on a bed with a girl.
Your hands are not trembling.
Don't go!
Do you like me that much?
I think I may get her today.
Why are you so hot, mom?
-Not hot...
...but in the mood.
Who is it?
-What happened?
What happened?
-What is it, Maya?
Why is he in your room?
-They switched rooms with us...
...for our safety.
-What is your problem?
I thought
you were in your room...
-She hugged and slept next to me.
She would have done it.
-Why didn't you allow it?
She started yelling
when she saw my face.
Is that all?
-I think she doesn't mind.
Can't you tell us
if you plan anything?
Okay, go back to your rooms.
-How to sleep now?
The 3 of us can sleep together.
-So close yet so far.
There were no lights in
your room at all. Were you busy?
We could sleep hugging a pillow
before. Now we have to sleep...
...on the floor.
-This is the beginning.
It'll work out.
-We help you so much.
Please help us too.
-What do you want?
It'll be good if you could bring
your daughters out.
Do you know who we are?
We are your uncles.
That's what we want you to do.
The chemistry isn't working...
...at home. Please!
You are our sons-in-law.
We'll do it.
Okay, good uncles.
The bad time
is between 12 noon to 1.30 pm.
Let's go early.
-File your nomination...
...before the good time ends.
We'll surely win.
I asked for a special
pooja at the temple.
It'll happen during the
nomination. We'll handle it.
I'll make a move.
Saravanan, come with me.
That's a government office.
If we come there...
...we'll get caught.
It'll seem like we're helping you.
The department won't like it.
That's it.
-We'll come with you.
Let them protect the others.
Okay, keep an eye on them.
Let's go.
Saravana, this is
your golden opportunity. Use it.
-Coming! Go fast.
-Why must they come with us?
They are our security.
-Then they should go before us.
They shouldn't come with us.
My aunty called you.
Can't you think? Give you
an inch, you ask for a yard.
Can you take a photo?
-Take your own selfie.
Take my shot
when I'm praying.
This is...
-Do you know her?
SI from Kunnor.
I'll tell you something
if you don't ask the inspector.
What is it?
-Saravana and I are from...
...the same police batch.
He became an inspector.
His love worked out too.
But he was worried...
...he won't be able to see the
girl if he accepted the posting.
He wanted to reject the posting.
We didn't allow that to happen.
My friends and I got together...
...and cut the love. This woman
pretended to be his wife.
-I swear upon him.
Why are you swearing upon me?
-Come on!
Why did you swear?
-it's for a good cause, come.
No, I'll lose my hair
if you lied.
Hello, it's me.
-What is it?
Look to your left.
I poured liquor in young coconuts
and left it in your car...
...because you
can't drink with cups.
Drink it, sir.
-In my car?
Young coconuts.
-Did you drink?
I like it very much.
Can I have more?
I'll go and get.
-it's not young coconut.
But liquor for us
from Patteri Pichai.
For us?
-Let's go.
I want to go home.
I'm feeling dizzy.
Do you have the car key?
It's not with me.
I don't have it.
-You kept it, sir.
Look for it.
-Search for it...
...it must have fallen.
-Hello, it's getting late.
It doesn't matter if you can't
use that car, get into this car.
The driver will bring
the car back.
Let's go in this car.
-They want us to go with them.
We won't get another chance.
Let's go.
We'll go, get in.
Let's go, inspector.
I like the young coconut.
I've never tasted...
...anything like this before.
-Let's ask the shopkeeper...
...for samplings. We'll plant
them in our plantation.
Heard that? They are drunk
and they want samplings.
Keep quiet,
they may hear us.
I'm not getting any wind,
I feel dizzy.
Sit over here.
What do you think
about my lap?
I'll sit on your lap.
I feel dizzy too.
Can you sit over here?
Come on.
Sorry, I touched you
while engaging the gear.
It's okay.
You didn't listen.
Come over here.
All of you have
settled down, expect me.
The route is clear,
get going.
She is alone.
-Go and tell her.
How am
-If your path is clean...
...then we can talk
to our parents too. Go on!
Mom, I need to talk to you.
Before that, I have
something to tell you.
Don't get me wrong.
-What are you saying?
I went to submit
my nomination today.
This is only nomination, right?
It's not the result.
This is the result.
We're doing it in advance.
Can she defeat my father?
-When a scum like your father...
...can win,
she is Solavanthan's daughter.
Periya Ponnu, she is going to win.
If I lose, I'll give
my property to the villagers.
I'll become your servant again.
If I win?
I'll be your servant.
-You're my boss.
Can you become my servant?
No, that's wrong.
Your daughter must become
my daughter-in-law.
Why aren't you saying anything?
You're afraid you'll lose?
Go home and cook for your husband.
She wants to become a politician!
He challenged me.
He said he'll win.
When a servant knows
he can get my father's seat...
...won't I have
the confidence?
Hey! If you lose.
you'll be my servant.
If I lose, my daughter
will be your daughter-in-law.
Would anyone use her daughter
to challenge someone?
Okay, she said it in anger.
What were you doing?
Where you just watching?
-He stooped low.
Anyone in her shoes
would have done the same thing.
If you lose, will you get
Maya married to his son?
Why are talking
about losing?
If madam wins,
there won't be a problem.
You don't know
about him, Saravanan.
He'll do anything for post.
This is an election.
This is not cricket
for the strongest to win.
The people will decide.
We'll see who wins.
It is our duty
that she wins.
There are 5 main places
in our constituency.
There are 10 villages with
22,000 votes in Kadamangalam.
The panchayat will tell
the people whom to vote for.
That's how strict we are.
-How does the panchayat decide?
Pasupathy has been
winning all along.
This time, you're standing
against him.
If you tell us
what you'll do for us...
...the leaders will decide
and let the people know.
Whether you get 22,000 votes
depends on you.
You've been asking
for a school for many years.
If you vote for me this time,
I'll build the school for you.
Education is important, but you
can travel 2km to go to school.
But the hospital is 20km away.
You have many elderly here.
When kids are sick and
when mothers are in labour...
...it takes an hour
to reach the hospital.
If you vote for me,
I'll build a big hospital.
You have water issues.
I'll dig a well for you.
What are they going
to do with one well?
I'll fix a pump in each village...
-I'll put up a building...
...for the panchayat.
-I'll build a hall for you.
I'll build roads
for all the villages.
We'll tell all of you
what we have decided.
Our votes will go to
Periya Ponnu who is...
...standing for
election this year.
He promised them so many
things but the leaders...
...said their support is
for me. How did that happen?
What did you whisper
into the man's ear?
Both of you
were making your promises.
I told him we'll give
them Rs5 lakhs each.
The vote is yours.
Angels on Earth...
Their smile brighten
our lives...
Stars in the sky...
Please rain on us...
Drops of honey...
Its just too good...
Your love holds the answer...
Where is the truth...
In our lies...
Where is the goodness...
In the bad things we do...
No matter who it is...
Bands live forever...
Afier I come and go...
My relatives
will live on for me...
You're the Goddess
in this temple...
There may be many shadows,
but you're the main person...
10,000 votes,
you'll get it if...
...the priest
gives you his blessing.
I wonder whom he will bless.
The priest has
blessed her with a ring.
We'll vote for Periya Ponnu.
-Our vote is for Periya Ponnu.
How could the priest do this?
-The man gave him a ring...
...and told him
to pass it to Periya Ponnu.
We didn't expect him
to change it to votes.
In house where
there are no relatives...
There is no God...
Where there is no love...
Life will be meaningless...
Even when we live apart...
Memories will bring
us together...
The root absorbs water
for the flower to grow...
When I get another birth. ..
We won't find
a bond like this...
No matter what people
say and do...
Bonds will be with you...
I'll do everything
for this village.
Look at the crowd and say,
"Ramasamy, how is your yield?"
What for?
dust ask.
how is your plantation?
You know my name is Ramasamy.
You know I have an orchard.
You'll be our MLA.
You have our votes.
Our vote is for Periya Ponnu!
-There'll be one Ramasamy...
...in every village.
He would have an orchard.
That's the logic.
When someone makes us sad...
We only remember
the happy moments...
In a house where
you are the God...
We'll protect you...
A tree pravides
shelter for birds...
Our life is a boon...
If I'm raised
in another world...
I'll ask
for a similar family...
No matter
what people say and do...
Your bond will be with you...
Sit with me.
You're the God
in this temple...
There are many shadows here,
you're the main person...
Periya Ponnu
is getting more support.
-We have something important...
...to say.
-We've something to tell you too.
What is it?
-Tell us first.
Our children's wedding.
-You're talking about the wedding.
We're talking
about our sons-in-law.
Sons-in-law? I don't get it.
-We've decided...
...whom they should marry.
Super! Great choice,
we came to talk about that too.
Call their parents,
we'll settle this.
No need to call.
I'm here already.
Why are you looking that way?
I'm your brother.
I couldn't convince you
as a brother.
But my sons are great.
They made you call them...
...sons-in-law. They are great.
-What are you saying? Your sons?
Yes, Saravanan, Shakti
and Kumaran are my sons.
-No, mom!
Drive the dogs out!
Why did you come here
after looking at the video?
I wasn't so sad that dad died
but I'm very upset'...
...because you're still alive.
As far as I'm concerned,
you died a long time ago.
I've been performing death
anniversary prayers for you...
"for the past 20 years.
Instead of being a broker
for your sons, you should beg.
Dad, what happened?
Dad, what happened?
Nothing to worry.
It's a mild attack.
He has to be under
observation for 2 days.
Did you try to win
our children for our money?
Your father is a murderer,
how else would you think?
Hello, aunty!
You're going overboard.
If we wanted to cheat your girls,
you'll be grandmas now.
We are being patient
because of our father.
Are you trying to rub
salt on our wound?
I'll say this now.
Soon you're going to ask me...
...to marry your daughter.
Then I'll marry your daughter.
If you're a real man, do it.
-Not every man is a real man.
Only a man with guts
is a true man.
I rock when people
talk to me lovingly.
Now you're challenging me.
Just watch what I do.
What is it? Sad as our aunties
did not change their mind?
I'm worried about them.
Politics is new to them.
They have not seen
the other side of politics.
Pasupathy will start
his game now.
Future MLA!
-Long live!
Why did you slap me?
-Whom did you touch?
Saw that? She wants our vote.
But we cannot touch her.
Tell them what you did.
-You tell them.
You hit me because
I'm from another caste, right?
Or tell them the reason.
Racist, leave!
Pasupathy's next move
will be different.
He can only win
if the people hate aunty.
So he'll turn the people
against her.
A cutout fell on a few
school children.
2 school children died.
You killed our children.
Drive her out!
The situation is favourable
for the man opposing her.
Next, he'll humiliate
her directly.
I'm very happy
with your hospitality.
This respect is not for you.
The people are showing...
...their respect
for my future wife.
We must stop this.
Who are you
-A policeman in the departmenL...
...I deal like a terrorist,
name is RDX.
You'll collapse if I punch.
In this election, there shouldn't
be any collections...
...corruption, commission,
manipulation and violation.
I don't even
want to see polluted air.
If I get carried away,
I'll send my enemy up.
My one blow is equivalent
to 100 thunders.
Want to see a sample of it?
You said they'll get scared
if I gave punches.
They have long daggers
behind their backs.
Don't be scared,
be strong like me.
You're half a kilometer away,
I'm just beside them.
Courage is your security now.
If you get scared,
...they'll kill you.
-You will kill me. Say it!
I don't want much noise,
blood should flow freely.
This is too much.
-You'll die if you don't say it.
I'll die even if I say it.
I don't want much noise,
blood should flow freely.
You'd better go
before I get angry.
He told me to go, shall we?
-Give him those sweets.
That too?
Here, keep this.
-Tell him this and run.
I'll be sweet if you're friendly.
-I'll be bad if you're bad.
DDTS Rajasekhar!
-RDX Rajasekhar!
Horlicks is sweet,
RDX will explode.
Sounds bad, I'll say my own line.
RDX needs to be ignited.
But when I look,
it'll explode.
Why did it explode?
Where is he?
-He escaped.
Why didn't you tell me there was
a bomb in the sweet box?
If I told you, it won't be fun.
-If you want to have fun...
...put your hand into a snake pit.
Why get me into trouble?
Just leave me alone, I don't want
to have anything to do with you.
How can you leave me halfway
after you promised me? Is it fair?
-I'm RDX Rajasekhar.
-I didn't pick the name.
I got the name
after the bomb went off.
He'll do anything for money.
Why are you with him?
Are you that bad? Move away.
-You're asking him to move away.
You may kick him if you know
that he broke your love.
Sorry, for what I did,
I got you back together again.
I'll handle you later.
Sir, let me out.
I have lots of work.
-You have work.
But I only have this job.
If I let you go, I'll lose...
...this job.
-If I didn't speak...
...to the minister,
you wouldn't be here.
This is nothing
for what you did to me.
Okay, don't release me.
Bail me out and keep me with you.
You'll look like
a bouncer beside me.
I'll be safe
if you're with me. 702!
Sir, this town us different.
They won't burn rubbish for Boghi.
They burn huts.
For Deepavali,
they use explosives.
Why are you scaring me?
-If we show we have courage,"
...they'll keep quiet.
I'll teach you how to speak.
Just say it nicely,
then give them a sweet box.
Will it work out?
-Swear that you'll say what I say.
I'll make sure nothing
happens to you.
You say the punches
and plant bombs.
But I appear in all the frames.
-Sir, this is where you'll stay.
Your bags are inside.
-Why are all the officers...
...hanging on the wall.
-Pasupathy killed them.
If you're mean to him,
you'll suffer the same fate.
Are you trying to scare me?
-They are here to cut.
Whose birthday is it?
-They are here to kill you.
RDX! You planted
a bomb for my boss.
They may kill me
on my first day of work.
You hit us!
-Not me!
We'll come back
with the whole town.
Have they left?
-Did you make coffee for them?
You should have let them go.
Now they are going to bring...
...the whole town.
-I'm here, sir.
You are here.
Will I be around?
Why are you
sitting here alone, Maya?
Why do you bother about me?
Your used me to challenge.
Don't worry,
nothing will happen.
Do you still believe
that you'll win?
You lost the day
you sent Saravanan out.
Shall we call Saravanan back?
-I think we should.
What will they do
for what our brother did?
Do you think murder
is that simple?
Our father died.
You may have forgotten it.
I can't forget
or forgive him.
RDX is missing.
-I know where he is.
I'll be loyal to you,
I'll keep my word.
He really thrashed us.
We escaped as it was dark.
We would have died
if it was bright.
His size and power do not match.
I'm scared when I see him.
Every police officer
who comes here hit us.
Stop the car.
-Danger, sir.
We came to Pasupathy's place.
-I came to see him.
We fought because of a sweet box.
I'm going to give him...
...the same sweet box
and apologise to him.
Hello, who is it?
-Why do you care who this is?
Is RDX there with a sweet box?
Yes, he's coming.
-That's not a sweet box...
...it's a coffin.
You pinched Periya Ponnu's hips...
...and created a caste problem.
He's coming to kill you.
If you want to live,
fall on his feet.
If I go alone and apologise,
he'll hit me.
If I do it publicly,
he'll forgive me.
Sir, forgive me.
-I'm supposed to apologise.
You're doing it. Let me go.
Mr. Pasupathy!
I didn't do any of those things.
-I'll say the same.
I did not do anything.
I'm only a tool...
...Pasupathy did everything.
He told me to pinch...
...Periya Ponnu's hips
and turn it into a caste problem.
My brother pushed the cutout on
the kids as he told him to do.
I don't care what you did.
Let me do my work.
You want to do your work?
I admitted what I did.
Why are you still trying
to kill me?
This is not a bomb,
this is halva.
Even an empty box will explode,
this one has weight.
Did you make him pinch
the woman's waist?
Your ideas are good,
but your men are weak.
I didn't even hit him,
he became a witness.
You did everything
and blamed the woman.
Get out!
-Take this sweet box, sir!
Sir! Take this sweet box!
I've never seen an inspector
like him before.
He made the man speak
without doing anything.
He is not a policeman,
but our protector.
I'm so happy
these people are carrying you.
I don't care. That man is going
to kill me by tonight.
I wanted to apologise to him.
But you spoke and made me look...
...like a villain.
Why must you take risk by giving
out all that you have?
Do you want me to lose
and become her servant?
Will they vote for you
if you pay the people?
Only we cheat the people.
Once the people accept money...
...they won't cheat us.
They'll vote for me.
Put Rs1,000 in every envelope
for each vote.
Distribute the envelopes
by tomorrow morning.
...in every envelope.
-What if the policeman...
...does something?
-We'll confuse him too.
Sir, where are you going?
-My duty ends tomorrow.
The election is tomorrow.
I don't know what is going...
...to happen to Pasupathy.
If he wins...
...he'll hit in happiness.
If he loses...
...he'll hit in anger.
So I'm leaving.
Please listen to me.
-Just a minute.
-Periya Ponnu's men...
...are going to distribute
Rs5 lakhs to the people.
-Go and catch them.
Super, I'll go now.
-What happened?
I've got an opportunity
to nab your aunty...
...and make amends with Pasupathy.
Your aunties' men are along...
...Tirumangalam Road to distribute
Rs5 lakhs to the people.
I'll go and catch them.
Why are you laughing?
My aunties are smart.
They want you to concentrate...
...in the Rs5 lakhs,
they are planning something big...
...over here.
-Why do you say that?
Don't trust me? Start the car.
Now they'll know you've left.
Are you sure
there is nothing behind this?
How can you say that? Look!
Aren't they coming?
-You are criminals.
Only you can expose
what your family is up to.
It is speeding, how are you
going to stop the truck?
I'll ask them for a lift.
Watch me now.
It's RDX Rajasekhar! Run!
-They are Pasupathy's men.
They only have empty boxes,
why are they running?
Why is Pasupathy's photo here?
-You keep stepping my tail.
I've killed 10 inspectors,
transferred 10 officers out.
Don't be funny with me.
If the money doesn't reach...
...the people,
I'll burn you to death.
Sir, just a minute. You've got me
wrong right from the start.
It's not worth going after me.
-What are you saying?
This is the only way
to prove I'm loyal to you.
I'll distribute the money
to the people, then I'll see you.
Can you help me?
-I won't help you in this matter.
I'm calling you so that
you can kill time.
You? You won't come.
He is distributing
the envelopes.
Dad, he is distributing
the envelopes.
RDX has distributed the envelopes
to most of the people.
Sir, the key to your lorry.
I gave the envelope to everyone.
I gave 2 envelopes to some people.
You'll get the forged votes too.
This is the balance.
Get some new clothes to wear...
...to the assembly. Keep it.
-You keep it.
You're so generous.
-He did what he said.
Have you ordered
your new clothes?
-You have people all over.
Do you have anything in your head?
Calm down!
You put the lady's photo
in every envelope.
Now she'll get the votes.
-How did the notice change?
Why ask me?
-There was a puncture.
I changed the tyre,
then I took the lorry into town.
I opened the door
to distribute the envelopes.
What are you doing in there?
-We want to help you.
No need, we'll do our job.
You can go.
Did they do this?
-Tell me, how did it change?
There goes everything.
The election is in the morning.
Will we win?
-I don't care if I become...
...the MLA or not,
I want to be their in-law.
-Where are you?
I'm coming to your place
with our men.
Go to her house.
I've made all the arrangements.
Make sure she doesn't see you.
She is equivalent to 100 men.
I'm on my way.
I don't care what you do.
I want 5,000 people here...
...by morning.
-Our men are enough.
Anything can happen there.
Before that, I want you...
...to get the policeman.
-Clear, no problem.
I've done everything.
Just come and get the girls.
-What arrangements have you made?
I left the back door open.
The told the girls the program.
What more can we do?
Come fast.
Thank God no one is here. Go!
Dad, if mom finds out...
-Don't worry about her.
Pasupathy is doing
many things to win.
I don't know what will happen
in the morning.
Your mother
do not listen to anyone.
Don't become her victim.
Listen, go!
No. dad...
-\t's for your own good. go.
It's us.
-Don't be shocked.
You sent your daughter.
We called the boys to come here...
...to get our girls.
Your wife just lost 3 votes.
There are so many people
in front of the house.
How to get the girls?
Who are you?
Uncle called us.
-Uncle sent us too.
-They look like nighty...
but they are good in planning.
Come on!
-Why must you do this?
Let's go home.
-I won't. Are you joking?
I came here because of you.
Let's go and get married.
Then my aunties
will hate me more.
I won't be able
to unite this family again.
Please listen to me.
What's this signal for?
-it's hiccups.
Don't close his mouth,
he may die.
Only he will die
if we close his mouth.
If he shouts, all of us will die.
Here, drink.
She is not here, I've sent her
to Saravanan's house.
Why did you send her off?
-I can't hear what they're saying.
What's the problem?
-Were there any other...
...water bottles in the fridge?
-No, there was only one.
I get it. He drank
the only bottle of water.
She is yelling now
because she is thirsty.
You don't need courage
to fix your daughter's life.
You only need to be concerned.
-You're going against me.
I don't know what I'll do.
-She's pointing her finger at him.
"There was only one bottle
of water, where did it go?"
Have you gone crazy?
-What happened?
He sent Maya to Saravanan's house.
-I would have done the same.
Let her be happy.
-Why do you bother?
I carried her for 10 months.
Only I know the pain.
Poor thing, she's very hungry.
She came for water...
...you drank it.
-Is it wrong to drink...
...when you have hiccups?
-it's fine if it is your water.
It is wrong to drink
someone else's water.
But you gave me the water.
-Must you drink if we give?
Do you know that Maya left?
-I don't know anything.
Then why are you here?
-I don't think...
...she'll keep quiet
until she finds out.
I didn't commit a murder.
I'll go and apologise. Move!
If you go now,
uncle will get caught.
Our plan won't work.
Reputation is more important...
...compared to my daughter.
-She is very upset.
I don't know
what is going to happen.
I told him to buy water
when he bought food.
He didn't listen.
-Let me go!
-Let me go!
Gun! If I delay anymore,
I'll die. Move!
Madam, don't hurt me!
I won't do it again!
Please forgive me!
Please say you won't shoot me.
Who are you?
-it's me you want to shoot.
-Why fall on her feet?
Please help me.
-Why is he hugging this man?
He is my boss' uncle.
-We're with the enemy.
I hit him on the head.
-2 others are hiding.
Please help them too.
-Who are they?
There they are!
-Let's go!
Get them!
They are not my grooms,"
...they are her grooms.
Where is my daughter-in-law?
-She's not here.
Not here?
-She is with Saravana.
You acted in front of the people,
you're establishing links...
...with your nephews.
If I had killed you the day...
...I killed your father,
all the problems would have ended.
J did it for your own good.
Dad, let me go.
-I'm fine! Son!
I can only become a MLA
if something happens to you.
Please come here!
You killed your father in anger.
How could you do this?
Your brother pushed your father
down, I used that opportunity.
I killed your father
and put the blame on your brother.
I got your father's place
just as I wanted.
Since then,
I've been the MLA.
But people still call
me your servant.
Now I'll become your in-law.
-That will happen...
...only if I lose.
-It will if you die too.
Who touched my aunty?
-My father did, what will you do?
He's going to get it.
He got it.
My father raised
my aunties,"
...he was so protective
over them.
How dare you touch her!
Why hit my uncle
for a bottle of water?
Tell him to stop. At one time,
he was a liquor supplier.
Why hit him for a bottle of water?
I made the mistake. Hit me.
See that? He is fighting so well.
He is a true man.
Someone hit his mother-in-law,
so he's hitting the man.
If someone hits our mother-in-law,
we'll hit the person too.
Look how he is fighting for us,
let's get our daughters...
Sir, we brought him.
-You carried me here.
Put me down.
-We found someone to hit.
Let's go.
Why are they doing this to these
men? Probably they're desperate.
Stop it or I'll kill your man.
-Kill him!
He is taking it so lightly.
-He can't be like you.
He made sure
I lost my job in Ooty.
Now he is trying to kill me.
It's great.
I mean the wood you're holding.
-They've tied up an officers.
If I had known you'd do this,
I would have bandaged myself.
I've seen many rolls.
But I've never seen
a roll like this before.
It's like a school bell.
You're bleeding.
You're drinking it like juice.
-Just a minute.
If I had known
about this treatmenL...
...I would have pushed
the knife with my mouth.
You're shaking
even when you're standing.
Who is the lady in red...
...who looks
like a high school girl?
That's our Chinna Ponnu.
-Chinna Ponnu?
I thought the 3 brothers
had 3 cousins.
But there is a girl
for me too.
I'll marry her.
Come on!
There are 5,000 men.
I only need to signal them,
they'll thrash you.
Come out and see.
Come and see my men.
Come on!
He is our leader.
You want us to hit him?
We'll do anything for anyone,
but the leader is important.
Why did you hit him?
-He hit my aunty.
Fine, he killed your grandpa too.
-He framed your father...
...and sent him to prison.
It's because of him...
...we were separated
for so long.
From the start again?
Lady, come like a tsunami...
I'll circle you
like a tornado...
I have no Ferrari,
only a Maruti...
We can go around in it...
You clothes
and weight are like...
Give me kisses...
You need not give it free...
I'll pay you back
by making you a mother...
MLA Periya Ponnu
has become a minister.
Did I go after a woman
who will be a grandma next year?
You 're like Jyotika,
can I be your Surya...
Six-packs coming soon,
can you come closer...
Give me a kiss...
Maney in the bank
like V/jay Mall...
You can do anything,
I won't bother...
Trust me...
-Aiswarya Raf, I say hi. ..
Say hi when you see me...
Who are you...
Superman, Spiderman,
Batman, HeMan...
Just like them,
I'm Hip Hop Tamizhan...
Give me a kiss,
I'll be Vairamuthu...
Ask around,
I'm a proud man...
I don't need
your father's money...
I'll die if you reject me...