Aarakshan (2011)

Deepak... kumar.
What is your full name?
Deepak kumar. That's it.
Family background?
Tell us about your father.
I never met my father, sir.
My mother raised me.
I see. What does she do?
She used to work as
a domestic maid, sir.
Now she irons neighbours' clothes.
You seem to have scored
But, afterjoining s.t.m.,
i topped the b. Sc. Stream with 76%.
And in m. Sc., i stood first
in the university's merit list.
Well... we can see that.
But, mr. Deepak... kumar,
ours will be the most expensive institute
in central india.
Children of politicians, businessmen,
bureaucrats and other vips will study here.
Our aim isn't merely
to provide top class education...
but also ensure their overall development.
Manners, etiquette,
communication skills, body language...
y'know, almost like a... finishing school.
You do know what
a finishing school is, don't you?
No. In fact, this is
the first time i've heard of it.
I can understand.
After all,
given your mother's background...
sir, please!
You aren't even capable of
understanding my mother's background.
And, as for manners and etiquette?
You can't find a better example
of that than me.
You've been repeatedly mocking
my caste and status...
and yet, this paperweight
continues to remain here.
If it weren't for manners...
i'd have branded your
institute's name on your foreheads.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Had you asked me a single question
about my subject, you would've realised that...
a person's intelligence and performance
do not depend on his background.
You have obviously forgotten that,
given the opportunity...
it was a backward caste person
who drafted our country's constitution.
It's precisely this despicable mentality
that is ruining our country.
I can't believe that they studied
in this very college.
And this is their mindset!
I have obviously failed as their teacher.
Sir... it's okay.
No! It's not okay!
I'm sorry that by sending you there
i caused you to suffer humiliation.
I thought that until your doctorate begins,
you could gain some experience.
And, it would also
reduce your mother's burden.
How's her backache now?
She's much better, sir.
Do look after her well.
Have you mailed your
papers to cornell university?
Sir, actually i'd like to
do my doctorate under you.
Absolutely not!
Whatever you needed to learn from me, you have.
Time you moved ahead.
Yes, sir.
But until you leave for the us, why can't
the principal give you a job at his college?
Mother... sir has already
helped me so much.
Now, if he also hires me,
won't people accuse him of favouritism?
You're back early, hariya?
Must've sneaked out
of the evening class. Isn't it?
The teacher himself didn't show up.
Don't tell me his goat was stolen again.
No, not the goat.
This time they say his wife ran away
in sheer frustration.
Shut up, silly boy!
Won't you play the computer game today?
No, got to work on important stuff.
Don't disturb me.
Why, haven't you finished
your homework yet?
No, i have to
submit this today. Go now!
Deepu... admit it.
You're scared of losing.
- So, suppose a plus b plus...
panditji, there you go again
taking the longer route!
Obviously! After all, he is from
the intellectual caste of our society.
How will he prove that
unless he exhibits his extra intelligence?
But sir, my answer is
the same as that!
Sure. But, why did you need
these extra four steps?
Sir, but i've memorized every answer.
Now, if i try the shorter route,
i could lose direction.
Congratulations, principal sir.
Both ganesh and raghav
have been accepted into llt kanpur.
Well done, well done!
your real struggle begins now.
Have some sweets, shambhu kaka.
To celebrate whose success?
Their success.
They've got into the engineering stream.
Whoever studies here
is bound to succeed anywhere.
So, shall we enroll you too?
Come on, what'll i do here?
But, you know my daughter muniya...
she is in the tenth grade.
As soon as she clears that...
i'll plonk her in front of guruji.
She will work hard, you'll see...
mark my words, she will become...
how d'you say it... a collector!
Dad, you aren't allowed.
Surely, just one...
ever since the results were declared last week,
you've been gorging on sweets.
Now no more.
You're becoming exactly
like your mother, you know that?
You said something?
Last one!
Suppose, a+b+c+d by 2 is greater
than or equal to under root a+b...
did you send your papers to cornell?
Yes. But i won't be going.
You will have to, junior professor.
Because, you see,
i am going to follow you there.
Quit dreaming. I'm not going.
Alright, don't go to cornell.
But, surely you can come for a movie.
You're gawking like
i tried to molest you.
When you ruffle your wet hair
and shower droplets all around
it feels so good
when you part your lips
and softly whisper sweet nothings
it feels so good
don't float around like a fragrance,
just get to the point.
Look into my eyes and say it
don't make me wander in dreams
in short, just say it
just get to the point
just get to the point
it's another feeling
when you are around
when you turn around
and smile in your endearing style
it feels so good
don't play around with words,
don't fool me with your act
take my hand in yours,
come out with those three little words
in short, just say it
just get to the point
just get to the point
say something...
the weather is great...
the lake is beautiful...
and so are you...
can't you just get to the point?
It's not as bad as it seems.
You're looking fit.
How about a game of badminton?
You've obviously forgotten...
that i beat you 21-15 the last time.
I suggest you practice
some more before challenging me.
The moment you come
everything seems fine.
I am worried about them.
Nothing seems to have worked out.
They want to start computer classes...
but the bank isn't sanctioning their loan.
They need a guarantor.
The house hasn't been built completely.
if the bank agrees...
i'll sign as a guarantor.
As for the house,
right now they're staying in our new house.
But for how long
can we pile on to you?
They were supposed to be there
just for two months... it's already four!
Papa, the builder said we'll
get possession in three-four months.
That's perfect.
I don't need the house immediately.
The college is giving me
a two-year extension.
I don't want you to worry.
You're the only one i have.
But, i can't play badminton today.
Tomorrow, definitely tomorrow.
I'll be here.
- I'll only be a minute.
- Make it quick.
Guruji, guruji...
greetings to you.
You can't leave unless
you have some tea.
Shambhu, some other day.
I'm in a rush today.
It'll only take a minute.
Listen... make some tea.
She works very hard.
And, all on her own.
- Greetings guruji.
- Bless you.
What's going on here?
- Greetings guruji.
- Bless you.
Oh my god!
What is this high-sounding formula?
- What is this?
- It's bernoulli's equation.
I know, but what exactly does
bernoulli's equation mean?
- Make sure you keep the house clean.
- Yes.
- You do light a lamp at the altar, right?
- Yes, everyday.
- Namaste.
- Namaste.
- Take care.
- Ok.
- So, what did we learn?
- When air passes between
two strips of paper at high speed...
like this...
the pressure between them
decreases and...
they fall in love.
That means, even aeroplanes fly
using bernoulli's principle.
Absolutely... q.e.d.
Oh yes, q.e. D
is quod erat demonstrandum.
Oh no, no,
q.e.d. Means...
quite easily done!
Well, that was quite easily done.
I'm sanjay, sir.
Commerce, 2002 batch.
sanjay tandon!
Banking services.
I'm a senior manager here,
come in, please.
Please sit.
Indradev, please call for
some tea and get their papers.
The papers?
Sir, i am so happy you've come here.
Sir, even i tried to get into s.t.m.
I wanted to become a scientist.
But i didn't score enough
at the state level exams.
I worked hard in college
and scored well in the b. Com. Exams.
And i got a job here,
in the reserved category.
I see.
It's only through hard work
that we win respect.
Yes, sir.
It was my good fortune
that i got to meet you today.
It was a pleasure
meeting you too, indradev.
Ram, sir. Indradev ram.
Thank you, sir.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
If there is any problem,
let me know.
Now work sincerely.
I want to see my friend happy.
Yes, uncle.
Sushant, can't you wait?
But, i'm starving!
Wait for deepak to come.
He'll eat when he gets here.
Why should i starve to death?
The parathas will go cold
if you open the container.
Oh i see...
such glorious love!
Now that he is going to the us...
for whom will you bring hot parathas?
That leaves only...
Then the parathas are mine and so are...
you wish!
Take a look in the mirror!
Is it worse than deepak's?
Deepak kumar, i'm extremely pleased
to appoint you as a junior lecturer at s.t.m.
Thank you, sir.
I'm proud of you.
- Come on.
- This is where deepak lives?
Why didn't you tell me
you live in such a narrow lane?
I could barely get my car in!
But i had built a special helipad
for you on the roof.
Little did i know
that you'd come by road.
I would've happily come but
your poorbi is scared of flying with me.
Sushant! You can't even walk properly...
and you're talking of flying.
Oh yeah?
Make it fast, ok?
- Shanti...
how are you?
I'm good.
When it comes to a party,
you conveniently forget your leader.
Just some snacks for the kids.
- Namaste, aunty.
- Hello.
Deepak got a job.
Oh, this is just a temporary job, aunty.
Once he completes his doctorate in
the us, he'll get his real job.
All of us are in for greatjobs soon.
No one can stop
the supreme court from...
granting 27% reservation
for seats in higher education.
And, where will it come from?
Greetings sir, please have a seat.
It is i who should be greeting you.
You are a model
for the backward castes...
and great is your principal...
for going out of his way
to help backward caste kids.
It's not like that.
He helps everyone.
That's indeed the
highest of truths, deepak.
Our principal's heart overflows
with kindness for one and all.
And his perennial intention is to furnish each
individual with a modicum of opportunity.
Modicum of opportunity?
Meaning that he gives
everyone a chance.
Then why don't you say chance?
That's exactly what i indicated.
Did you guys hear what
pandit here just indicated?
Spread your wings and you'll take flight
give me a chance and
you'll have the sky in sight
spread your wings and you'll take flight
give me a chance and
you'll have the sky in sight
draw a starting line, one for all
draw a starting line, one for all
and you'll know if courage or
god is above all
just give me a chance
just give me one chance, my dear,
oh my dear
and watch me take flight
just give me one chance, my dear,
oh my dear
and watch me take flight
just give me one chance, my dear,
oh my dear
and watch me take flight
give me a chance, please
give me a chance, please
just give me a chance
it showers it's glow with every step
let me see your moves
my sweet darling
take it, take it all
just one chance
the one who owns the bat and the ball
he writes the rules and wins it all
how long will you
keep this up this game?
Why don't you set up
a stadium of hope?
Just one chance
watch me as i step on the field
watch me as i step on the field
you will see my aspirations flying high
just give me a chance
just give me one chance, my dear,
oh my dear
and watch me take flight
just give me one chance, my dear,
oh my dear
and watch me take flight
just give me one chance, my dear,
oh my dear
and watch me take flight
watch me take flight
watch me take flight
just one chance
panditji? What have you scored?
Wow! That means you are
definitely getting into engineering.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Glory to k. K!
Congratulations, sir.
Three new courses this year!
- Namaskar.
- Namaste.
You are god, sir.
My son had flunked twice but
with your help he cleared the exam.
We feel blessed, sir.
Now your brother, the minister,
will take care of things.
I won't go to any college but s.t.m.
Sir, but you're a professor at s.t.m.
Please use your clout.
We'll pay any amount.
There's nothing i can do!
Without s.t.m. Life is meaningless.
He will commit suicide, sir.
Only the minister can save him then.
Come, please come...
hello... please sit.
Deepak kumar and kamlesh narayan.
It's my pleasure to introduce
these two newjunior lecturers.
Go, meet them.
why are you wasting
your time here, mr. Deepak kumar?
Make use of the reservation rule.
The government is doling outjobs
to you people in charity.
It's you people who've been
living on charity, sir.
By snatching from us
what is rightfully ours.
But now, when you have to give it back,
it hurts, doesn't it?
You are the minister for education,
you practically run the government.
But you can't get admission
for your only nephew?
Oh stop crying, please!
I'm getting it done.
Sir, it's impossible at s.t.m.
No one can do that.
Why is it so difficult, verma?
Sir, over the past 35 years,
principal prabhakar anand has...
nurtured the college in every way
on his own.
Even the government can't interfere.
Last year, he refused admission
to the home secretary's daughter.
In that case,
i have to meet this principal.
Aniruddha prasad is the secretary
of the s.t.m. Trust.
Let's have a word with him.
Yes, please do.
We've got more than
the first cut off list is 94%.
Your daughter has scored 76%.
It's impossible, navneetji.
You've made millions
as a secretary in the government.
Time to put it to use.
You can buy a seat
in any college for your daughter!
Aniruddha has come with
the minister for education.
Baburam chaudhary,
the minister for education.
It's great to see that you go
for a run in the morning, sir.
No wonder that even the college
is in such terrific shape.
What has your nephew scored?
His score is low.
But, in any case, no one in our family
ever managed to score above 40%.
But all thanks to k.k. Coaching...
they made him slog
at memorising everything...
and he scored 52.07%.
I'm sorry but i can't help you.
Don't say that, sir.
Please don't say that.
He is my sister's only son.
He doesn't want anything except s.t.m.
If you'll kindly excuse me...
i have some things
to take care of.
Aniruddha, please look after him.
Sir, just listen to me.
Oh! So this is where you run
your private coaching.
But why are you taking
classes in your backyard?
I have lots of space
in my commercial complex.
You can hold your classes there.
Your name will attract the students.
You can mint money.
Mr. Minister, our college
pays good salaries.
Moreover, we are not allowed
to give private tuitions outside.
You mean all this is for free?
Please come...
have i upset him?
Don't worry, sir.
I'll speak with him.
You advise people to
pay for admission outside.
Why not have that system
in your college?
Mr. Minister, you?
You should've sent for me.
Damodar seth...
you are a senior trustee at s.t.m.
For years, i have got you
contracts worth millions...
from the education department.
And yet, you can't get
my nephew admitted?
That's precisely the problem.
The principal controls
the admissions completely.
So that's a 'no'?
If the boy's grade is low,
take money for the admission.
Why are you ruining his career?
Moreover, the college is losing millions.
What sort of education is this?
Don't worry.
How can i not?
My nephew's career is at stake.
I'll have the chief minister call
the founder member shakuntala thakralji.
The chief minister began
his political career through her party.
Your principal
won't be able to refuse her.
Sir, shakuntala quit everything worldly
to live in an ashram in hrishikesh.
There's no way to contact her.
Listen, don't worry.
I'll take care of your nephew's admission.
I just had a word with the chairman.
At the next board meeting,
we'll cut the principal down to size.
Appoint your own man there,
damodar seth.
It will work wonders.
There's no business like education!
Paid service - without guarantee.
Students will pay the fees through their noses
and then be responsible for their own results.
You've reduced the trustees to nothing
more than a rubber-stamp, principal sir.
Damodarji, the agenda...
you have admitted 11 students with 52-55%,
just because they are "underprivileged".
But, you won't accept a
single recommendation of ours.
Damodarji, no one is rejected.
All applications are
still under consideration.
According to me,
they should be rejected.
Will you kindly enlighten us, why?
The 11 students you mention have
studied under very difficult circumstances...
without any facilities or coaching classes
and yet managed to get those scores.
If you compare them to the children of ministers,
bureaucrats and rich families...
who have access to good teachers,
schools, facilities and coaching classes...
and yet score only 52.07%...
pray tell, how
i can consider them as deserving.
Should you ever recommend
a weak but deserving student...
i shall never disappoint you.
That was one fine speech, principal sir.
But s.t. M belongs to
a private trust created to...
help the children of
our caste come up in life.
For the poor and the backward castes
there's the government.
Forgive me, damodarji.
Your views are fatal for
the principles of s.t.m.
S.t.m. Was established
with the sole purpose to offer...
the best possible education
to every deserving student...
regardless of caste,
religion, class or community.
But, if you people have decided to
go against that purpose...
i regret to say,
i can't be with you anymore.
Prabhakarji, our views
are no different from yours.
Damodar is merely saying that
the trustee quota should be respected.
The next proposal is to...
appoint a permanent vice principal
to replace kamta prasad.
Excuse me, but why do
we have to decide on this now?
Kamta prasad is still there.
Moreover, dinkar paswan is doing thatjob.
surely you don't intend to...
appoint dinkar paswan as
the permanent vice principal?
There are other teachers more senior
and more qualified than him.
I propose that dr. Mithilesh singh
will be most suitable as the vice principal.
Highly qualified and dedicated.
I support the recommendation fully.
Please call him in here.
Come in, mithileshji.
It's our pleasure to appoint you
as the new vice principal of s.t.m.
will try my best to not disappoint you.
I'm certain that i will continue
to receive your co-operation.
Trust me.
Thank you very much for my nephew's
admission mr. Vice principal.
All i want is your blessings.
Now you just watch
how we take you to great heights.
How many coaching centres
do you operate currently, mithilesh?
Seven, sir.
What if we raise that to 27?
Excuse me?
The minister will set up k.k. Coaching centers
in all his commercial complexes.
And then in every district.
I already have a plan for a university
on my 110 acres on agra road.
This is the saraswati centre of education!
World class - medical, commerce,
engineering, i.t.
Every bloody subject!
The investment will be
to the tune of 12 billion rupees.
Time for you to establish
a business empire of education.
Consider it done.
By god's grace.
Within a year we'll
list it on the stock market.
And then get at least 50 billion
from the public!
God is great!
What are you doing here?
I'm asking you!
I am putting my knowledge
of science to good use.
And who will attend the
engineering college classes?
I missed out on the admission
by a mere 1%.
But your name was in the merit list!
Yes, i was the last one in the merit list.
But the complicated policy of
reservation denied me my rightful seat.
My life is ruined.
Relax, pandit.
Even if you didn't get
admission into engineering...
life is meaningless!
It's either engineering or
i'll sweep the streets!
No, but...
where did you get these?
Sleeping pills?
Are you planning to commit suicide?
This guy is dangerous!
He'll send us to prison.
Don't let him get away.
What's the meaning of this?
You can'tjust barge in like that.
Sorry sir, but this is urgent.
We are students of s.t.m.
I am principal prabhakar's daughter.
Oh. How can i help you?
I mean, you can stop this injustice.
He had the last spot
on the admission list.
However, since a backward caste
candidate scored higher...
he was bumped off the list.
I can't do anything about it.
It's just bad luck.
Bad luck?
Sir, his life will be destroyed.
He is contemplating suicide.
Sorry, the rule is that
if a backward caste student scores...
enough to compete
in the open category...
then he gets
admission through that category.
Even if that means a
wasted seat in the reserved category?
Those are the rules.
I can do nothing about them.
Sir, his father is
a janitor in our college.
He has studied
against very difficult odds.
I do understand...
but this is the system.
To hell with the system, sir!
Thank you.
See, don't lose heart.
Apply to the
padmavati institute of engineering.
Sir, but the fees...
are 500,000 rupees.
Payable in advance.
Even my retirement fund...
don't worry.
Just apply.
You will get a scholarship.
I... i will personally recommend your case
to the dwarka das foundation.
don't do that, please...
you are god for us.
Son, what have you done?
You've changed your stream once again?
Dad, how does it matter?
I want to go to jamia university.
I have already appeared for
the entrance test.
And you think
you will get admission there?
Of course, dad.
Listen, forget about jamia
and study commerce.
It's business that is -
dad, i don't want business.
I want to do mass comm,
and that's it!
In that case,
you can forget about jamia.
This is their admission list...
and your name doesn't feature in it.
And, you thought admission
would be easy there?
But dad, i put in a lot of effort.
Even the personal interview went well.
Son, you can forget about
government-supported institutes.
Reservations reign supreme over there.
Let's make it quick.
I've three more lectures to go.
You're late again!
Sharma sir gave notes on quantum today.
Check the sachchar and sachchar text.
They have the best notes on quantum.
What's wrong?
Here, you take half.
Why are you letting go even 50%?
Why don't you people
keep it all? 100%.
What did you say?
You heard me.
Finally, the historic ruling that everyone
was impatiently waiting for has been arrived.
For 60 years, we have had 22.5% reservation for
the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
However, the recommendation
of the mandal commission that...
the other backward castes be given
another 27% reservation, was under a cloud.
Now, the supreme court has cleared that too.
So, now the reservation in higher education
and governmentjobs will be 49.5%.
These caste-based
reservations have caused...
deep satisfaction as well as
severe discontent in the country.
The so-called upper castes
are perturbed by the developments.
This is abhay raichand with
cameraman akhilesh singh.
What do you think will happen?
If they do our work,
we'll have to do what they were doing.
We'll have to leave our studies
and take up shoe-polishing now!
What else can we do?
These are dark days.
And so it shall be that...
the swan will get discarded grain...
while the crow will be fed pearls.
In this democracy,
everyone is meant to have equal rights.
We believe in merit...
not in reservation.
- We're for merit...
against reservation!
Brothers, these are those very people...
who never allowed us
to even sit beside them.
But, now that the supreme court's
decision has arrived...
they're screaming their lungs out that
everyone has equal rights in a democracy.
Don't fall into their trap.
If they had their way, they would
never allow any change whatsoever.
Glory to the supreme court!
Hail, lord mandal!
Time to pack
our bags and leave.
Now these people will rule.
shut the gate and lock it.
Lock it. Now!
This is the problem with our country.
Everyone has the freedom
to stage his own circus.
They are deliberately
dancing outside our gate.
What are they doing?
- Close the gates.
- Throw them out.
Immediately send the police to s.t.m.
Thousands of rioters
have gathered here.
Yes... hurry!
What is the need
to call the police, sir?
They will leave now.
Of course, they'll leave.
Either on their own
or by getting kicked out.
You guys don't know
any other language, anyway.
Whoever's gone out
should not come back in.
Sushant, what are you doing?!
Let them back in.
You also go out...
go dance with them.
Have you lost it?
No, i haven't.
In fact, i've finally realised that...
for merit... against reservation!
Hold on.
What's happening? Stop it.
Sushant, have you gone mad?
You shut up!
And get out of here!!
Don't even think about it.
We haven't forgotten how to drive cattle!
You will regret it.
Stop it!
- Stop it!
- For merit... against reservation!
Stop it!
I said, shut up!
- For merit... against reservation!
- Shut up!
Shut up!
Shut up!
It's okay, officer. You may leave.
Thank you very much.
Bring our students in.
Come on in.
Get inside!
Gather at the assembly...
Who called the police?
Who called the police?
The manner in which
a riot was breaking out, i...
we have never needed to
call the police in this college.
And, without my permission
you will never do so again.
The situation was...
Never again!
Am i understood?
Yes... sir.
I will never tolerate
anyone who breaks discipline.
I want the names of all those students
who were at the gate.
You will never do this again!
Today you have brought disrepute
to this institution.
Sushant seth...
deepak kumar.
Your irresponsible conduct
has shamed this college.
Sir, the fault is theirs.
Just a minute.
Listen to me!
Sir, i...
listen... listen to me!
And listen carefully.
This is my last warning to you...
and to those with you.
I will not tolerate this hooliganism!
I won't hesitate to
expel you two from this college.
What is this?
Tickets for yoga classes.
I'm busy.
But, it's an evening show.
can't you forget what happened?
It's a 1000-year old story, poorbi.
Repeated everyday - a million times!
Even if i want to,
i'm not allowed to forget.
Hey! An email from cornell!
Your paper's been accepted!
You're going to america!
Don't we even have the
freedom to celebrate openly?
Shame on us!
It's shameful that sushant was let off!
But we won't tolerate it anymore...
no matter who it is.
Shut up!
What are you
crying revolution now for?
The supreme court
has already created history.
No matter how much the
upper castes jump and dance now...
no one can erase the stamp of 27%!
It's sealed now!
They'll know tomorrow morning.
Just watch!
Reservation is our birthright!
Oh god!
Who has done this?
Who has written this?
Who has written this?!
If you have the guts, step forward!
These people will never get it.
They're like cowardly snakes...
strike and scurry back into the burrow.
Something will have to be done
about them.
Whoever has done this,
it's not right.
Chhotu, get me a bucket of water.
Where's the need to erase this,
mr. Deepak kumar?
Just tweak it a little bit.
Instead of 'reservation', write 'charity'.
'Charity is our birthright.'
For 60 years, we've suffered the scheduled
caste and scheduled tribe reservation.
And now, the other backward castes!
Our children slog throughout the year...
but when it comes to admissions,
you just rake in the loot!
Scared of working hard, aren't you?
You'll teach us hard work, will you?
What else have we done until now?
If you've forgotten,
go read your history again.
Then you'll know who slogged...
and who looted it
like it was their birthright.
For centuries you people
filled up your coffers with handouts...
and you accuse us of living on charity?
We ploughed your fields...
we reaped your corn,
grazed your cattle...
we carried your daughters
and wives' palanquins...
we cremated your corpses...
stitched your shoes,
drove your oxen, rowed your boats...
cleaned your filthy drains...
and we even carried your shit on our heads.
And you're going to teach us hard work?
You're absolutely right.
That's all that you're good for!
That is all you're worth.
And you deserve to be like that.
Here, we're talking about
building our nations' future.
And only the deserving will get a position.
But you guys want
everything free of cost.
The truth is that you are
scared of competition.
Which competition are you talking about?
The one that you
never let us participate in?
The door of every school
was closed for us.
And, if we got in somehow,
we were relegated to the back benches.
You controlled all the schools...
the hospitals... police stations...
every support system belonged to you!
Do you know why you
never let us compete?
Because you were afraid of
a level competition... not us.
Don't use history to
hide your weaknesses.
Nothing of this sort happens
in our generation.
If you have the guts,
accept the challenge and fight.
But you won't do that.
Because, for that you need merit -
which you clearly don't have!
We're ready to compete with you on merit.
But the starting line for the race
should be the same for everyone.
First, tell your pop to vacate
his ancestral mansion and live in our slums.
Ask him to wear a company uniform
and go to work as a driver, a doorman or a cleaner.
Tell your mother to leave
her air-conditioned house and...
accompany our mothers
to clean other people's homes.
Tell your sister that, as soon as
she wakes up every morning...
to fetch water from the municipal tap in
the neighbourhood.
Come with us! Sample our lives.
And then lecture us!
We will compete with you on merit too.
But until you do all that...
keep your ridiculous hogwash to yourself!
In spite of the severe
last warning yesterday...
you were misbehaving again toay.
It's obvious that you don't respect
the code of conduct of this college.
Sushant seth, for your unruly conduct...
i hereby rusticate you from s.t.m.
Sir, you can't do this!
I haven't misbehaved in any way.
In fact, yesterday
i was just trying to stop them.
And i was doing the same, today.
They create a ruckus,
damage college property...
they abuse us...
they openly destroy s.t.m.'s reputation...
i will not be a mute spectator in all this!
And, since when have you been appointed
the security chief and moral guardian here?
If you had any complaint,
why didn't you come to me?
That would have made no difference, sir.
You would never have taken
any action against deepak kumar.
Everyone knows that!
Get out of here!
Sir, even you are supporting
those people who are ruining our lives.
Sushant, what?
Sushant, what happened?
Get lost!
Sir, i had no intention of getting
into an argument with anyone.
Least of all with the vice principal.
But, given the kind of remarks
that were made there...
it became impossible for me to remain silent.
Can i know what your compulsion was?
My identity, sir.
Sushant and mithileshji were
repeatedly insulting our caste... our people...
your people?!
Since when did you begin speaking
this language of caste politics?
You are a teacher...
who should be above such things.
It's easy for you to say that, sir.
But, my birth leaves me no choice.
For centuries,
we have endured abuses and insults.
Now, we will not tolerate it anymore, sir!
It is incredible that a
teacher is using such language.
You're repeatedly violating
the discipline of s.t. M... .
Sir, our entire society is
struggling with a historic upheaval outside...
and all you can think of is discipline?!
You will not speak to me like this!
Alright, sir.
But, just answer one question of mine.
What is your stand on
the supreme court's verdict?
I haven't called you here to debate...
sir, you can't ignore
this question anymore.
If you're not for reservation,
then you're against it.
There is no safe middle ground left.
What is your position?
I do not have to explain
my position to you.
And for this misconduct,
i will take disciplinary...
what else can i expect
from a place like this, sir?
Here, i will be punished for telling the truth.
But, no action will be taken against those...
who flagrantly violate the rules of s.t. M!
Your vice principal.
He openly runs k.k. Coaching classes.
He earns millions
but all his sins are forgiven, sir.
After all, his identity is different from mine!
Are you making an allegation
of casteism against me?
Are you trying to accuse me...
of being a casteist?
Thank you...
for holding such an opinion of me.
Thank you... very very much.
Now you may leave.
And, never try to come before me again.
Why aren't you answering my calls?
You'll have to apologise to my dad!
Have you come here in
this rain only to tell me this?
Who the hell do you think you are?
How dare you talk to my dad like that?
I will not tolerate anyone hurting my dad.
Even if it is you!
Do you know what it means to be hurt?
Or, do you follow the same system:
First inflict hurt.
And, then get the victim to apologise?
I can't believe that you are talking like this.
Deepak kumar, whatever
you are today is because of my dad.
You owe everything to him!
That's true.
I am who i am because of him.
And no matter what i do,
i can never repay him.
But, today i realized
what a great burden that is.
So, whatever my dad did for
you has now become a burden?!
Have you forgotten those years when he
stayed up full nights preparing you for your exams?
I haven't forgotten anything.
But, i feel that he does all that as charity.
And charity can't bring real change in society.
by giving a blanket to a poor man,
you might remove the poverty that is inside you.
But, not his.
I haven't come here
to listen to your arguments.
Will you apologise to my dad or not?
I'm asking you...
will you apologise or not?
Then, understand this clearly.
I never want to see you again.
Oh beautiful life
oh beautiful life
oh beautiful life
oh beautiful life
which cord do you lean on,
which cord do you sever
this beautiful life says
why do you share me
which cord do you lean on,
which cord do you sever
we sowed crops with lot of effort
we picked the best seeds of the lot
watered the soil with a lot of care
and that's when the sprouts smiled
fate can very cruel
fate can very cruel
but who can scold it
but who can scold it
which cord do you lean on,
which cord do you sever
oh beautiful life
oh beautiful life
oh beautiful life
oh beautiful life
the mind seems lost in the wilderness
leaves scattered all around
the river is lashing against its banks
the heart awakens from its slumber
storms may come and go
storms may come and go
silence alone is eternal
silence alone is eternal
which cord do you lean on,
which cord do you sever...
oh beautiful life
oh beautiful life
oh beautiful life
namaste sir.
Good morning, sir.
Whose class is this?
Sir, the vice principal's.
He must be on his way.
You people read your notes until then.
He won't come, sir.
Sir, he rarely comes to class.
For the last three weeks,
not even once.
Excuse me...
yes, sir?
Where can i find mithilesh singh?
Sir, in the classroom...
Yes, sir.
...by 12 n is equal to 416.6 mn.
Please look up the
answer in your 'guess' paper.
Sir, it's actually my brother's class...
but he is ill, you see...
i was only... tr... trying to help...
you can ask the students.
Please report at the college.
And come to the principal's office.
Sir, you...
come to the principal's office.
Prabhakar, please think
calmly before you take any action.
In brazen violation
of the rules of this college...
you are running a commercial
coaching institute, mithilesh singh.
You're the victim of a misunderstanding, sir.
First of all, k.k. Coaching
which you visited this morning...
doesn't belong to me.
It belongs to my cousin...
krishna kumar...
k. K.
And, second...
even you run a coaching
class in your back verandah.
People like you won't
understand the difference.
I run classes in my verandah because...
in our college, we are unable
to offer special help to our weak students.
Whereas teachers like you...
deliberately miss lectures and thereby...
force students to take private
commercial coaching for your profit.
And that, mr. Mithilesh singh,
is the difference!
I work for the college.
Whereas you...
work against it.
You are being served
with a 'show-cause' notice.
In seven days, explain why you
shouldn't be suspended from the college.
seven days!
In seven days, i want an answer.
You will get your answer.
Most certainly.
Dr. Prabhakar anand... sir.
Prabhakar, what are you doing?
That, which your board
hasn't for the last 11 years.
If you people had approved
my proposal for remedial classes...
and had organized free
coaching for our weaker students...
we wouldn't have had
monsters like k.k. Coaching!
You're well aware of how these people
are swallowing up our entire education system.
But, what you propose is
not feasible either, prabhakar.
And, you know it.
Morever, s.t.m. Is a private college.
Why, even the government doesn't do that!
Then why doesn't it?!
Why isn't it investing most
on its most valuable asset... education?
In this country, we make the
i.a.s., indian foreign service...
medical, management, engineering
and every such career so attractive!
But, that which prepares
students for all these, is totally neglected!
Like i.f. S and i.a. S...
why don't we have an
i.t.s. - Indian teaching services...
to attract the best talent for the job!
Aniruddha, this parallel education system...
which thrives on capitation
and private coaching...
will destroy everything!
Sir, first you rusticated sushant seth,
and now vice principal mithilesh singh.
He has alleged that you...
dad, mithilesh sir had
called a press conference...
where he said some
very nasty things against you.
I think that is why the editor
of dainik bhaskar, arvind kamal is here.
He's inside.
Your vice principal mithilesh singh
has accused you of being autocratic.
And alleged that when he opposed this,
you suspended him.
He's lying!
Please, my dear...
i haven't suspended him yet.
For regularly breaking the college's rules,
i've issued him a show-cause notice.
Which rules has he broken?
Mr. Arvind kamal, i don't consider it appropriate
to explain my disciplinary actions...
through a newspaper.
But, his allegation is
very serious, prabhakar sir.
S.t.m. Is a private college
where the rule of reservation doesn't apply.
But, according to him...
your admission policy is doing precisely that.
You declare a high cut-off percentage but...
admit backward caste
students through the backdoor, so to say.
See, i am a teacher.
My responsibility
towards each child is the same.
Proud as i am of my
successful and privileged students...
i am equally concerned
about the weaker and...
poor students of our society.
Two indias co-exist in our country...
mr. Arvind kamal.
And, if we want our country
to genuinely progress, then...
we shall have to eliminate
the gap between the two.
But, is caste-based
reservation the only way to do so?
Well, if we believe that,
for centuries...
injustice has been caused because
of caste-discrimination...
then justice should also
be served bearing caste in mind.
But what about those children
who have never believed in casteism?
Who have achieved good
results through hard work?
But, who now may not get admission
because of this new reservation policy!
Today, every teacher, every college...
as well as the
government is facing a big challenge.
On the one hand, they have
to give due opportunities to the...
backward castes,
and encourage their talent.
But, on the other hand, they have
to be sensitive to the plight of those students...
who feel they are at a
disadvantage in this new scenario.
It is evident that you support
the supreme court's ruling.
I cannot answer that question in the words...
that you expect me to!
However, i will say that if...
we accept this decision in all honesty,
without making a political issue of it...
then it will benefit our society.
So, would you want this
reservation policy to be implemented in...
private colleges and institutions as well?
Like s.t.m., for instance?
I don't have the right to comment on this.
Thank you.
Dad, don't you feel that
this reservation policy will prove harmful?
What're you trying to say?
You say that the backward castes
will get a chance to improve their lot...
that it'll reduce the gap between us...
it'll create equality...
but, the fact is that distances are increasing.
People are becoming
enemies of one another.
That is indeed unfortunate, my dear...
but it's bound to happen, i'm afraid.
Whenever change has
come about in a society...
a price has had to be paid for it.
How can you be
so sure that you are right?
What could be wrong about
providing equal opportunity to everyone?
It is wrong!
Your method is wrong.
If you really want the
backward castes to progress...
then give them the best
possible primary education.
Build special schools for them...
big hostels...
offer scholarships...
provide them every facility
and train them to compete!
Why have this... policy of reservation?!
What you're recommending
should be done in any case.
But, that is precisely what
we haven't done in 60 years.
Hence, reservation
becomes even more essential.
That section of our population,
which is backward simply because of their caste...
must surely be given a
small window of opportunity!
Look here, i'm a mother.
Not mother india!
So, first and foremost i will
be concerned about my own child.
That is my duty!
For me, if a rule threatens her future,
then it is just plain wrong.
That's it!
Is that so?
Thank you!
The ploy worked perfectly, mithilesh.
The principal made a
statement in support of reservation.
Now you just watch.
If he is not reduced to begging on the streets,
you can change my name!
But, i don't think you
should take this reservation policy lightly.
Baburam sir, it won't
make a jot of a difference.
When seats in the open category decrease,
competition will increase.
And, that is when people will turn
to coaching and private colleges.
This is 'shining' india!
Here people of high society...
are willing to pay any high cost...
for higher education!
Moreover, the reservation
rule may get these people admission.
But, to move ahead in that
too they'll need to spend big money!
What is this?
S.t.m. Should have reservation:
Dr. Prabhakar anand
those words aren't mine.
You mean you didn't say
that you support reservation?
As a teacher, i did express
my personal opinion. But s.t. M...
Your opinions are personal
as long as you don't speak.
You're the voice of s.t.m.
Whatever you say will
be taken as s.t.m.'s policy!
You'll have to retract
this statement, prabhakar.
That you support reservation -
you'll have to withdraw that opinion.
I don't consider it necessary
to do any such thing, aniruddha.
Whatever i said...
has deep thought and my conviction.
You are misunderstanding this.
Oh, we've misunderstood him
alright all this while.
But tell him...
politics won't be allowed in this college.
I was thrown out of college, i kept quiet.
But this deceit won't be tolerated.
They'll cancel our seats
and insert a quota system here too.
I think we should speak
with prabhakarji once.
Chairman sir, what is left to be discussed?
Call for an emergency meeting of
the trust and get rid of this arrogant fellow!
We've had enough!
Damodarji, a big action like
this will impact s.t.m.'s reputation too.
Why can't you people
see that he is playing politics?
listen, let me try to
speak with him one more time.
Yes, that'll be best.
Yes, sunny?
When did this happen?
Take care of your mother.
I'm coming across.
Not as a trustee today...
but i'm speaking as a friend.
Till date, i've never
insisted on anything with you.
But, today for once...
just for once, please do what i ask.
On monday, there's an
emergency meeting of trustees at 10 a.m.
I've drafted a brief
clarification on your behalf.
Please sign it.
Prabhakarji, this statement of yours
has put our college in a serious situation.
What is your agenda?
To support reservations?
The newspaper printed
that statement out of context.
The principal is retracting his statement.
It is my good fortune that
i had the opportunity to...
serve shakuntala thakral college
for 35 years.
However, it is clear now that...
your love...
and your trust...
is no longer available to me.
It is time for me to move on now.
Thank you and...
my best wishes.
the board has appointed
mithilesh singh as the principal, sir.
He will destroy everything, sir.
Sir! Please don't go.
Please come, mithileshji.
You've come at the right time.
I personally wanted to
welcome you to the principal's chair.
Thank you. Thank you.
But this chair's tenure has ended
with yours, dr. Prabhakar anand.
I'm calling for a new chair!
Sure... whatever.
I hope that you'll take
s.t.m. To even greater heights.
My best wishes are with you.
And it is also certain that
i'll never let it fall from those heights.
Neither of them is answering their phone.
We can'tjust suddenly ask
them to vacate the house.
But, surely they can arrange
an alternative in a week or so.
Dad, this is the street.
Look, there's shambhu's stable!
Greetings, guruji.
Yes, greetings...
guruji, what's the matter?
All this luggage?
Yes, we had to come to
our house all of a sudden... but...
that is your house! B 47.
But some people put up
these signboards last night.
I don't know...
sir, one minute, sir...
get away!
What's going on here?
K.k. Coaching in my house?!
How can you?
Get out of here right now!
C'mon, get out!
sir, prabhakar uncle is here...
i'm coming.
Don't worry.
...and that is the centre of gravity.
How could you people do this?
But, for two years you had...
where's your mother?
We've rented a place to live...
and started a coaching
centre in our house?! Great!
Aren't you students of s.t. M?
I want everybody out of here.
you just shut up!
You have perhaps
no idea what you've done!
what happened? This?
You had better stay out of this house!
It is not me, but you
who will go out of the house.
See, these are my
business premises, dr. Prabhakar anand.
And you are creating a nuisance here.
You had said that we
could be here for two years.
Two years? What nonsense!!
In friendship, to offer you support
we gave you this house.
And you betrayed us!
Kamta and i...
fought against commercial coaching,
all our lives.
And here in my own
house you have k.k. Coaching?
So, what could i do?
He kept struggling with you...
but to what end?
Couldn't even build a house for himself.
You did give us shelter,
but we had no earnings.
Thank god for mithileshji
that he showed a way to my sons...
to earn a living and save...
so, do whatever you
wish to in your rented place?
Why are you using our house?
Enough! Enough!
Stop this family court drama.
Whoever wants to go wherever, please do.
For two years this place is ours.
So, please don't disturb k.k. Coaching classes.
Now, please...
will you show yourself out or...
should i help?
Don't you dare touch my dad.
Get away!
Let go!
You don't know who i am!
Even if you so much as touch our guruji...
no, guruji...
i'll finish them off!
Who do you guys think you are?
You don't scare me!
Just that i do not believe in
and practice violence, does not mean that...
this house is ours,
and we won't leave.
if you have the local
police station's number, then please...
please come soon.
B 47.
Guruji, in fact i was calling them.
Station in-charge thakur is on his way.
Call anyone you want to
dr. Prabhakar anand.
You can't do a thing.
See mithileshji, we don't
want to fight with anyone.
We'll leave from here.
Yeah sure. You may happily leave.
But before that, let's just square up.
up this centre overnight.
I transferred 186 students here...
their advance fee of 9.3 million...
how much is that? Yes, 11.8 million.
Just pay that.
When did we take
any money from you?
You've signed a contract!
K.k. Coaching is
perfect with all paperwork.
Inspector, this way, please.
There's a limit to misbehaviour.
This way please...
look here.
Principal sir?
Sir, i'm station in-charge shaktinath thakur...
you may not recognize me.
Elder brother of your student,
bhaktinath thakur. He's a police officer now.
See, inspector, this house is ours.
Today, when we came here to move-in...
we saw that these people
have started a coaching centre here.
People broke in?
Hey! See who these people are.
- Round them up.
- Yes, sir.
mithilesh-babu? You, here?
my son goes to his coaching centre.
You're wasting your time, inspector.
Nobody broke into this house.
On his own, he gave it to
these kids to reside and run a business.
Is this true?
Yes... for two years.
They're lying!
We merely allowed them to stay here.
Just a minute...
who among these broke into your house?
Just name them and
i'll throw them out right now.
See, inspector...
to help my friend kamta prasad's sons,
i allowed them to stay here.
Not to set up a
coaching center with him.
Oh, so nobody forced their way in?
In that case, sir, it's a civil matter,
not a police case.
But this house is ours!
That's what i am trying to say, sir.
It has become an issue
of property and possession.
Hire a lawyer immediately.
Sir, senior advocate madan mohan pandey
is an ace in these matters.
Trust me, he is the right person
to deal with mithilesh singh.
I'll have a word with him.
You people settle down in the room.
I will go meet the lawyer.
Thank you very much, sir,
for seeing me at such short notice.
No, no, it's okay...
actually, i couldn't
understand clearly over the phone.
Did you sign any
agreement with those people?
I didn't sign any agreement
for my house.
It's my friend's family.
I helped them since i trusted them.
But, they signed a
contract with mithilesh singh...
to run a coaching centre there.
Mithilesh singh - the k.k. Coaching person?
Both my sons studied at his coaching centre!
He is a very intelligent person.
Very sharp.
He never does anything foolish.
But, i know him personally.
We can talk with him.
But, what will we talk about?
Prabhakarji, i mean we
can work out a compromise.
Mr. Advocate, i haven't come here
to work out a compromise.
I want my house.
Of course, of course!
We can file a civil suit for eviction.
But, mr. Prabhakar, you know very well
how long the court's decision takes.
Could even take years.
And then, there are expenses.
Listen to me...
i'll arrange for a meeting with mithileshji.
I'll fix it for tomorrow itself.
You don't you worry.
He's a very reasonable man.
Thank you very much,
madan mohanji.
When else will we be of help, sir.
When we are here,
why should you live in a hotel?
Please bhabhiji [sister-in-law],
please pack your stuff.
You people will stay in my house.
Thank you, dinkar.
But it will cause inconvenience
to your family.
So what, sir?
Both my sons will sleep in the balcony.
We'll sleep in the drawing room.
The bedroom is yours.
It'll just be a couple of days.
We're filing a case tomorrow.
If you want to file a case...
my elder son abhishek
will come tomorrow morning.
He practices at the district court itself.
Yes... that...
that would be a great help.
Thank you.
This is a new case.
What's the urgency?
Sir, dr. Prabhakar anand's house has been...
your honour, it's about my house.
The defendants have occupied our house,
unauthorized and we're out on the streets.
i'm an old man, your honour.
We need our house desperately.
Hence, eviction is very essential,
your honour.
Your honour, we would
like to be a party in this case.
You are?
I represent the bank.
The defendants are debtors of the bank
and that place is their business premise.
If they are removed from there,
their business will shut down...
and the bank won't be
able to recover its loan.
Sir, had you signed this?
i am a guarantor for their loan.
Doesn't concern the house.
It does now, dad.
They've linked your guarantee
to this case.
Why did you sign that?
Your honour...
i need some time to study this.
Please grant us a short date.
Fourth of may.
Thank you, your honour.
Excuse me, excuse me, sir...
how can you do this?
That house is ours.
How can the bank stop us
from living there?
Sir, based on your guarantee
we gave them a loan to start their business.
And now you yourself
want to stop their business?
You are too much!
I gave a guarantee.
I didn't mortgage my house!
Do you know what a guarantee means?
If they can't repay the loan,
you will have to pay it back.
And if you can't, the bank
will sell your house to recover the money.
But, that was for a computer centre,
not for coaching classes.
Don't ask me about all that... please!
Who else are we to ask?
You're in-charge of the bank, aren't you?
I was. Now it's him.
May your reservation policy flourish!
My junior by four years
having got a job via reservation...
mr. Indradev ram has been
promoted as my senior.
Now, please go to him for your answers.
Thank you, sir.
And, goodbye!
What happened?
Poorbi dear...
what is the matter?
Dad has given away our house in charity.
By standing guarantee
for kamta uncle's sons' loan.
What are you saying?
Just that we no longer
have a house to live in.
Who says that you don't have a house?
Our lawyers will fight and get it back.
But, for now, move from here
and stay in my house.
Prabhakar, you too are unbelievable.
While i'm around,
how can you stay in a hotel!
Bhabhiji, my guest house is vacant.
You can live there
for as long as you want.
I am truly... grateful, aniruddha.
I don't want to be a burden. We are...
we're fine.
There you go
with your stubbornness again!
Poorbi, get your stuff.
prabhakar, you are simply too much.
It's precisely this stubbornness
that's made the whole world your enemy.
If only you had listened to me
and not made that mistake...
you wouldn't be facing this situation today.
It's still not too late.
Which mistake are you
referring to, aniruddha?
Prabhakar, what aniruddha means...
just a second...
which mistake are you referring to?
That mistake which i committed...
by helping kamta's sons to
give him some relief?
Or that mistake...
which i committed by supporting
the supreme court's verdict on reservation?
Prabhakar, for god's sake.
Now at least be...
That's what you want to say, right?
No, aniruddha. For me,
these are not mistakes.
These are my principles.
And i believe in them.
So, know this, once and for all...
this is how i am.
I don't have any
intention of changing myself.
And, my family knows this.
Thank you.
What's happened to you, dad?
How can you insult aniruddha uncle
like this and drive him out?
You heard what he said?
So, what was wrong with that?
He didn't say anything wrong!
For you, your principles are everything.
That's it.
Do you ever think about
how your family lives?
That your daughter has to
endure taunts everyday in college...
because of your
headline-grabbing statements?
Does all this make any difference to you?
What is this you're saying, poorbi?
What's gotten into you all of a sudden?
Nothing has happened suddenly, mom.
We've always done
what dad wanted - without question.
It didn't take me a second
to break off with deepak...
because he had hurt dad.
I lost sushant... i lost all my friends.
But, ask him if he ever bothered
to find out what i want?
I couldn't get into medicine because
dad wouldn't allow me one grace mark.
One grace mark!!
Because i'm the great
prabhakar anand's daughter.
So, i will have to reap the fruits
of his principles.
You will not speak to your father like this.
You're also suffering, mom.
Otherwise you wouldn't be
in this hotel room...
while someone else is having fun in your house
because your husband donated it to him.
Just shut up.
You've said enough.
Now, not another word from you!
I don't know of any person
who is better than your father.
In a world filled with cowards,
he's a real hero.
No matter what he says or does...
i will always stand by him!
Without any question.
And, as long as you live with us,
you too will have to do the same.
Without any question.
Get it?
I hate my life!
I've gone over your... proposal, deepak.
I'm lucky to have you as a guide, sir.
Dr. Prabhakar anand says,
you are the best in applied mathematics.
He's a fine man.
A great scholar.
I think, i'll email him right away.
What's this?
Do you know anything about this?
Hello poorbi?
It's me, deepak.
Hello? Can you hear me?
Poorbi, it's me... deepak.
Yes, how are you?
How are you people? How is sir?
I read on the net that...
yes, everything is fine here.
Dad has taken voluntary retirement.
Poorbi, is everything okay?
Tell me the truth, please...
yes, everything is fine. And you?
I'm not okay at all.
Poorbi, since i left home,
i've been cursing myself.
I just failed to understand him.
I behaved so badly with him.
How much i hurt him!
I wasn't in my senses, poorbi.
I feel so guilty.
Poorbi, i want to apologise to him.
Poorbi, please.
I want to talk to him.
He's fine.
Deepak, i'll speak with you later, ok?
Poorbi, please!
Here, hand me the plate.
And that too.
You're back, my dear?
See, i called for your favourite food.
Curry tempered with cumin seeds
and missi roti.
This is potato...
i'm sorry, dad.
I'm really sorry.
I hurt you so much.
I was scared.
Very scared.
Yes, my dear?
I'm starving.
It's very important.
I need to see the honourable secretary.
He isn't here right now.
What is it?
The intimation for my scholarship
hasn't reached padmavati institute yet.
And, the deadline for admissions is 4 p.m.
What is your name?
Pandit dinanath upadhyay.
But, your name isn't in this list.
That's impossible!
My name was there... at the top.
Prabhakar sir had personally
recommended my name. Please check...
which prabhakar sir?
The ex-principal of s.t. M?
Yes, yes...
go tell him...
to get you admitted
through some reserved quota.
We don't waste our scholarships on
the recommendations of people like him.
Please do forgive me.
I wasn't acquainted with
your current circumstances.
Else, i would never have come
in your presence with my difficulty.
Wait, pandit.
You did the right thing.
you... just wait.
An entire year of this child
will be wasted.
And, more than that,
he'll completely break.
It's because of me that
those people cancelled his scholarship.
Hurry up, prabhakar.
If he doesn't reach on time,
his admission will lapse.
You... i...
please don't...
young man, do not delay even a bit.
Go directly there, and conclude
the admission process.
Yes, sir.
All my wishes have come true, it seems.
Without a moment's hesitation,
he handed me the cheque.
With just a balance of three minutes,
i made it to the admission-window.
Never will i be able to repay his debt.
Please take one...
All my best... er...
auspicious wishes?
Yeah... auspicious wishes.
Please sit.
Bring two coffees, please.
i cannot tell you how sorry i am.
I failed to understand sir.
Have you spoken with deepak?
I didn't tell him anything.
Didn't want him to worry.
I want to meet sir.
I would really like to help.
Thanks. But right now,
he doesn't want to meet anyone.
There was no need to leave
your college in america and come back for this!
You could've just called me.
How dare mithilesh singh do this to prabhakar,
the messiah of the poor!
Hey luttan!
Call up the college.
Don't you worry.
The backward caste
holds him in very high regard.
If need be, we'll all
land up there in a demonstration.
it's the principal on line, big brother.
Greetings, mr. Leader.
I'm going to greet you alright.
When did you leave
teaching and begin bullying?
I'm sorry... i don't understand.
I can come there and explain!
Look here, if prabhakar sir's house
isn't vacated in 24 hours...
i will hang your photograph on
the wall with a garland around it.
Why don't you hear me out once...
there's nothing to be heard!
Sure, but why don't
you at least come here...
take it as vacated!
Please do come, mr. Bishambhar das.
You are welcome.
You can drop the welcomes,
mithilesh singh.
And drop your bullying,
and get out of our man's house.
You're absolutely right,
bishambhar das.
Now, he has become 'your' man...
dr. Prabhakar anand.
Oh... baburamji, you?
You get his cottage vacated,
he'll get your elected seat vacated!
Seat?! What are you saying?
What else?
You plough the land of backward caste politics,
he will harvest the gains!
You turned out to be even
more foolish than i realized.
Can't see through his game, can you?
By making just one statement
in support of reservation...
he has sidelined all of you.
Now watch how he becomes
the leader of the backward castes.
Leader? How will be become
the leader of the backward castes?
With the help of your retarded brain.
Go on, support him... do it.
Why should i support him?
You won't understand.
He's not a good man.
Thank you.
I get it.
What is it?
I want you out of here!
Vacate the house? Now!
Vacate this house?
Are you the collector or what?
Security! Security!!
Security! Security!
You'd have been on the streets,
if prabhakar sir hadn't given you shelter.
What did you think?
That he'll quietly keep running to the court...
while you continue to harass him?
Get out of this place right now!
Sir, i've called the police.
Mr. Deepak is on a rampage here.
Let him do exactly what he wants to.
Just don't let him leave. Understood?
Mr. Digambar...
have you stopped doing
live coverage these days or what?
Mithilesh singh.
You are responsible for this situation.
I will not spare you!
You don't scare me.
Go tell this to dr. Prabhakar anand...
who sent you here.
You rascal!
You think he is weak, huh?
This is my last warning.
Close your shop and get out of this place!
Otherwise, i'll throw you out myself!
Get out!
Did you see this?
Is this the way to behave?
We're running this coaching centre
in a legal and peaceful manner.
And prabhakar anand
sends his his thugs here.
Who're you calling a thug?
See, see...
- you thug!
- See for yourself.
- See for yourself.
See the level to which they have stooped.
Sir, what action will you take against this?
I'm... i'm totally shocked.
According to me,
there's only one place for such people.
The owner of k.k. Coaching centre
alleges that...
it is on prabhakar anand's orders
that deepak kumar attacked them.
The police have arrested deepak kumar.
- He got into a fight with mithilesh singh.
- Mithilesh singh is in a shock
since the incident.
Are you dr. Prabhakar anand?
Yes, that's me.
You've been summoned
to the police station.
He was right here!
What has he?
Kavita, please.
Let's go.
I'm coming with you!
No, both of you stay here.
Dr. Anand what are you charged with?
Did you send hooligans there?
What is your relationship
with deepak kumar?
Are you taking revenge on mithilesh kumar?
Dr. Anand, first a principal,
then a convict - how do you feel?
- Sign your 'horoscope'!
- Attack k.k. Coaching, will you?
Sign this!
Take him inside!
I am sorry, sir.
Welcome principal sir.
You seem like a reasonable gentleman.
That is why i had
explained to you with such respect.
Even hired a lawyer for you.
But you? You resorted
to using a cheap thug!
I didn't expect this from you.
Inspector, please!
Sir didn't know anything about this.
Hey, if you act smart,
i'll shove this all the way in!
You think the law is blindfolded, do you?
This guy will be locked
up under sections 326 and 452.
Under criminal conspiracy section 120-b,
should i haul you in too?
Lt'll make no difference to him,
inspector thakur. No difference at all!
He's sold his self-respect.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have been
kicked out of s.t.m. In this way.
He's done a doctorate in hypocrisy!
He has been unmasked.
Total fake teacher!
Hey mithilesh singh!
One more word about sir and...
see that?
See the students that he's trained?
For 35 years, he weaved a
web of deceit with mathematics.
Now, the result is out!
Sir, you were a zero,
you are a zero...
and you'll always remain a...
Mithilesh sir, what should we do with him?
There's no need to do anything.
You set out to serve a
'show cause' notice to k.k. Coaching?
It is the future of india's education.
There's no room for teachers like you!
Dr. Prabhakar anand, you are...
but, i'm enquiring
about dr. Prabhakar anand.
What happened?
What happened, poorbi?
They hung up!
What did they say?
Where is he?
They said nothing, mom.
Ok, i will come tomorrow morning.
What did they do with dad?
They haven't charged him with anything.
- So, then?
- Then, where is he?
He left before i got here.
And deepak?
Where could he have gone?
What have i done!
I can never forgive myself.
- Shambhu, there's someone at the gate.
- Then, open it!
Guruji? You... here?
Shambhu, i need your help.
Please come.
Yes, this is hotel surendra vilas.
Please can i speak with poorbi.
they just walked in.
Excuse me, ma'am...
some shambhu yadav on the line for you.
- Shambhu speaking... the stable owner.
- Guruji is here at my place.
- And he has asked you to come here.
Please come here.
Poorbi... what?
What happened?
Dad has called us.
Hey you!
Take the luggage - quick.
Where is he?
he's at it.
Guruji... you know...
x is equal to y to the power a,
is equal to z to the power b to the power a...
is equal to z to the power ab,
is equal to x to the power c to the power ab,
is equal to x to the power abc...
therefore, abc = 1.
That was quite easily done!
Okay, go now.
Get ready for school.
Next class this evening.
Go now.
Guruji, your tea.
Shall i say something, guruji?
I've never seen my muniya
actually laugh while studying.
Shambhu, there must be
other children around here...
in 10th and 12th grades?
Of course!
There are a lot, guruji.
There's a settlement over here.
Gather them.
No matter which society they come from.
I'll will teach them.
Free of cost.
Prabhakar, i want my house back.
Where have you brought us?
And what is this you've started?
We will reclaim our house.
And everything else...
self-respect, reputation
and all those values that...
i lived by, as a teacher.
All of it!
These petty traders of
education cannot terrorise us!
I will wipe them out!
The collections are good this time.
But, henceforth collect
the entire fees in advance.
If you continue to run this centre like this,
i'll extend your contract to five years.
But, sir...
prabhakar uncle had said two years...
it's a civil case!
He'll be running to
the court for 20-25 years.
I hear he lives in the stable now
with his family.
Does he want
reservation for buffaloes now?
No, sir. A few students from
the neighbourhood slum go to him.
What else can he do?
After all, he has to
pay rent to shambhu!
Yes, what is it?
I have deepak kumar's bail papers.
His bail has been granted.
let that 'hero' go.
Come with me, mr. Advocate.
Get a grip, fellow.
This hooliganism won't be
tolerated here.
Here, please sign this.
Thanks, mr. Advocate.
But, who got the bail done?
For a maximum product of q into q minus q...
both parts must be the same. Therefore...
q divided by q is equal to 2.
What is it, muniya?
Sir... i won't study.
Why not?
Sir, the principal has issued a warning...
that no one who scores
below 65% in the preliminaries...
will be allowed to take the final exams.
And sir, i've never scored above 57%.
When is your pre-board?
From the 23rd, sir.
Why won't you score 65%, then?
We'll make it happen!
You will work hard, won't you?
- Will you?
- Yes.
Then you will get a 65%!
So, as i was saying...
a charge q is divided
into two parts of q and q minus q.
If the coulomb...
- sushant and deepak want to meet you.
Repulsion between them
when they are separated...
dad, please!
Even they want to help.
I don't need anybody's help.
Thank you.
Then the ratio of q/q should be...
(a) 2, (b) 1/2
(c) 4 or (d) 1/4
as i was saying,
a charged q is divided into two parts...
it's 3 a.m.
Where are you going at this hour?
I have to help them revise.
They have a math exam today.
so, the revision is going on...
yes, sir.
So, where have we got stuck?
minus 2k squared
cancels out plus 2k squared.
Yes, of course!
Greetings madam.
Is... everything okay?
Yes, yes. Everything's fine.
This is dr. Prabhakar anand!
Yes, it is he who teaches
all the students here.
Our principal has come to meet you.
Greetings, sir.
Greetings. What brings you here?
Your student, muniya,
has done what we haven't ever seen earlier.
The student who would score 50-57%
earlier has scored a 76% in the preliminary exam!
What?!! Really?
Only you could have done this, sir!
She will do even better in
the board exams. Right, muniya?
I'll score more than 80%!
More than 80...
my muniya!!
Please serve tea!
I'll... i'll get some sweets.
- What's the matter?
I've stood first in my class!
Many of our students
take private tuitions and coaching.
At k.k. Too.
But, this time,
muniya has beaten everyone.
Now all the parents are
inquiring about muniya's coaching school.
Stable school!
Anyone who wishes to study can join.
Refund our fees.
We don't want our children to study here.
Sir, please...
tej, just attend to them.
Hello sir?
What is going on here, sunny?
The number of students
has reduced to half this month!
Admissions are still going on.
A group of 20 is coming to join today.
Perhaps a little publicity...
- publicity?!
Since when did k.k. Coaching
begin needing publicity?
What is this, tej prasad?
Sir, i've already spoken with them about it.
In a few days some more students...
sir, in a day or two...
what's this?
Where are these people going?
Sir, uh... in the stable opposite...
coaching classes are being held.
These are kids from gandhi nagar, sir.
Sushant seth has
arranged a bus service for them.
Looks like his farce has begun to work.
If your notes are ready,
please give them to me.
I'll get photocopies made.
Now, there are more
than 70 students in the stable now.
Mrs. Dey?
Forgive me, dinkarji.
I won't be able to come any longer.
Sir, the principal has summoned you.
Come... have a seat.
You seem to be putting in
a lot of extra hours at the stable.
You guys are minting good money, eh?
I offer my services there for free.
But why?!
Mr. Dinkar, why are you throwing away
your hard-earned knowledge into a dustbin?
Join our k.k. Coaching.
Your talent will be rewarded there.
Mr. Mithilesh, i am devoted
to the principles of prabhakarji.
You can't buy me.
Fine, fine... please sit.
What's the hurry?
You've rejected my offer.
No problem.
Please take this new time-table with you.
You are in big demand
among the students.
So, two classes in the morning...
two in the evening.
Four extra classes everyday.
But, this is blatantly unjust!
I... i... i won't be able to do this.
Dinkarji, if you don't follow
these instructions...
i'll be forced to
take disciplinary action.
The bank guarantee that
s.t.m. Has taken for your house mortgage...
will have to be withdrawn.
As for yourjob, well...
mr. Ex-vice principal...
you have no other option.
Your house could get auctioned.
Then, perhaps you too will
have to seek shelter in that stable.
See you in the class.
Namaste, dinkar, you're early today.
What's wrong?
Sir, i'm resigning from s.t.m.
Sir, mithilesh singh has lured
the other teachers away with money.
He tried the same with me too.
Sir, i can't take it anymore.
Sir, i'm leaving this job.
No, dinkar.
You will do nothing of the sort.
I know you have
your responsibilities.
But, you're alone, sir!
Sir, this job isn't...
don't worry about me.
I will manage. Ok?
Come, come on, here all of you.
Come... come with me...
it's like this.
The other teachers
won't be able to come now.
So, those of you who can come
in the afternoon, be here at 3 p.m.
And those who can make it
in the evening, come at 7 p.m.
I will take three sessions. Daily.
The parental body itself
functions as the reproductive unit.
The unicellular parent organism
divides itself into two parts.
...1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1 within brackets.
obtain the universe of the following matrix...
using... elementary proportions.
i'll be back in a minute.
Finish the diagrams.
Dad, please rest for a while.
No, i'm okay, my dear.
I have to complete their lesson today.
Please, dad... just for a little while.
You worry a lot about me.
Okay then,
please get me a cup of tea.
Thank you.
Okay, settle down,
settle down... alright?
Let's start.
Dad, sit still for a minute at least!
I gave them a test.
I have to check the answers.
Just what are you
trying to do, prabhakar?
How long are you
going to do all this alone?
What if something happens to you?
Well, anything can happen
at anytime, kavita.
But, the path that
i have chosen to walk on...
i am not going to stop.
Even if i have to
walk alone all the way.
Hariya, come...
have some sweets. Good!
Deepak, here have some sweets.
I had organised a prayer
for lord satyanarayan.
There are only 30 days to go
for muniya's board exams.
Suraj, please distribute these sweets.
To everyone!
how is sir?
Obsessed by the same desire.
From 5 a.m. Until late at night...
he's at it for the kids.
There's poorbi and kavita who help.
But he really has no
breathing space at all.
We get double benefits.
Guruji teaches us in day
and here deepak guides us at night.
If only you were with him...
he would've had some support.
attend sir's morning class.
That's all very well, deepak.
But with more students coming in...
and guruji being alone...
a upon x+4 plus b upon x+7
and to find the value of the
constants a and b, we will assume...
x + 4 is equal 0
which means that x is equal to - 4
- namaskar.
- Namaste.
Sir, our kids want to join your class.
Both of these go to k.k. Coaching but
now want to come to your class.
My sons, shiv and om are already with you.
Seeing their improvement,
these people have also come.
Any student who wishes
to study is welcome here.
You can definitely send them.
But, sir, we had one request.
Please teach our kids separately.
Many people want
to send their kids to you.
If you wish, we can even give
you a separate place.
We are willing to
pay any fee that you ask.
The only thing is...
sitting near them is a problem.
These kids are...
you understand, don't you?
I mean... they don't even bathe.
Being with them will
ruin our children's culture.
There's a stench that comes
from your thoughts, in fact.
Your views are disgusting.
For me, all children are equal.
I will teach them together,
in one class.
If anyone wants to leave, he can.
And now, if you'll excuse me,
may i get back to my class?
We were talking about your benefit.
There, at k.k. Coaching,
mithileshji has brought in 10 teachers...
from delhi who're paid
He has also reduced the fees.
Who wants to send their kids to you?
Let's go!
Shiv! Om! Come on home.
From tomorrow, you'll study at k.k.
C'mon... c'mon!
Come on.
Right now.
So, if we have to find the value.
Of a and b, let us assume...
let us assume that...
x+4 is equal to 0
x is equal to - 4
how do we factor this?
Sir, x+7 is equal to 0 i.e. X is equal to - 7
now put this value in f of x
sir, except at x + 7 i.e. In the denominator
Sir, 2 by 3.
if z is a complex number then...
what does mod z = 1,
represent geometrically?
Sir, it represents a circle.
It's origin will be at the centre
and radius will be one.
Mass of hardness of a substance...
multiplied by multiplication factor,
how much is it friends?
Eighty one...
so today's question is to find...
the resistance of the circuit
va is equal to vb, vb is equal to vc...
always remember...
in the exam,
read the questions twice...
or even thrice, ok?
The answer always lies within the question.
We answered prabhakar sir's question
as soon as he wrote it on the board.
What did he say?
Nothing, he merely praised us.
I knew that no one else
could sabotage my class like this.
sir, we never meant to.
We were just...
sir, whatever punishment
you want to give us...
we will happily accept it.
But, please forgive us, sir.
That will happen.
You will certainly be punished.
From tomorrow,
you will hold your classes...
together with mine.
Tearing walls down
breaking new ground
is this light
leaving behind shackles that held it tight
the darkness will surround you
make it your ink pot
and script a brand new day
smash the locks, let the sun shine
hold the light in your hands, make it thine
break the wells, the river will flow
inhale it, share it, let it glow
it's the light
it belongs to everyone
it's shining bright
it belongs to everyone
it's shining bright
it's shining bright all around
mr. Principal...
i am going to teach with prabhakarji.
Do what you can.
May there be paths for everyone
lined with hope on either side
and the light shines along through the ride
may there be paths for everyone
lined with hope on either side
and the light shines along through the ride
there was a void, but now it's filled
there was a barrier, but now it's gone
the sun and the sky
are right here
smash the locks, let the sun shine
hold the light in your hands, make it thine
break the wells, the river will flow
inhale it, share it, let it glow
it's the light
it belongs to everyone
it's shining bright
it belongs to everyone
it's shining bright
These are people from century ply.
They helped enormously in building this.
Thank you very much.
Your contribution was indeed very worthy.
No sir, we just did our duty.
You're slogging away in a stable...
with that worthless guy?!
You'll be thrown out of college.
You will fail!
Go ahead and throw me out.
But, no one can fail me now.
You see, i have the
best teacher in the world.
Prabhakar anand.
We're offering you such brilliant,
expensive teachers, the best facilities...
and guaranteeing admission to our university.
And yet you are sending your kids to
that stable to reduce their future to bullshit?!
Here you teach just by
distributing notes and guess papers.
Our kids are sick of memorizing everything.
Whatever that may be.
But we fetch you results!
Finally, that's all that matters.
Let the exams get over, sir.
We'll see about the results too.
It cancels out 2xy, therefore...
q. E. D.
- That was quite easily done.
Very good!
- Eight months ago, dr. Prabhakar anand
began teaching some 5-6 kids here in this stable.
- Steadily five became 10,
- And today, there are a total
of 327 students of 12th standard!
- They took free coaching at this preparatory school
and their results are out today.
- 100% success!
And that too in the 1st division!
- From slum-dwellers to
those that arrive in luxury cars...
- all category of children study here.
There is no discrimination here.
Even those, like k.k. Coaching,
that charge hundreds of thousands of rupees...
have been beaten by this
free coaching centre that...
began in a stable
and is now being termed...
super stable!
This stable coaching centre
will have to be shut down!
Sister! Just see what
they've pasted on my gate.
Just see.
Oh god!
What does it say?
It's an official notice.
Shambhu uncle, did you take this land
on lease from the government?
Yes, the then collector,
ramesh chandra...
got it done 20 years ago.
The government wants it back now.
What! But i...
deposit the rent every month!
I have all the receipts.
What happened?
They've given us a notice of seven days
but have served it today...
which is the last day.
But how can anyone
just snatch my land from me?
The government wants to sell
this stable and build a warehouse here.
But we all know who is using this excuse...
to demolish our stable school...
and why.
But this time we won't let it happen!
We definitely won't, guruji.
Even if they shoot us!
Open the gate!
- You aren't allowed inside!
Do you people know
why i'm not allowed to go in?
Because i supported prabhakar sir.
First they pushed him out of here,
and now they're hell bent on destroying him.
This is the moment, friends.
Come with me,
and put an end to their dirty intentions.
Why should our children go there?
To get beaten and shot?
You are absolutely right.
Why should they go?
Why did prabhakar anand raise his voice for
the poor and the backward and ruined his life?
Why does he live in a stable and
work round the clock to teach these kids for free?
Because that isn't merely a stable.
It is a pathway.
A pathway for these
and other kids to move ahead.
To have a better life.
For them to be educated.
So that they can hold
their heads high in this society!
Friends, today that stable needs you.
Prabhakar sir needs you!
What is your decision?
The decision has
already been made, madam.
No one will go from here.
Why not?
We'll certainly go!
Come on, let's go!
Get lost!
Hey stop them!
Don't damage my car!
It is the government's order!
This land has to be vacated.
You people leave quietly
and let us finish our work.
Otherwise, in one minute...
there is no need
for any warning, inspector.
You do your work and we'll do ours.
Roll the bulldozer!
You have batons, guns,
a lot of power.
But, it's obvious that you
aren't aware of our strength.
We have determination!
And it's growing now.
No power can crush it.
All of you, look carefully
and understand one thing.
That these kids come
from families that are like yours.
The dream that they have of a future...
is the same that is
nurtured in your house too.
Those powerful contractors and ministers,
on whose orders you've come here...
they do not want that dream to be realised.
Now, the choice is yours.
Do you want to protect this dream...
or do you want to crush it?
What's going on here?
Hey, what's happening?
You have orders to raze this stable.
I'll get you stripped of your uniform.
Do your duty!
Empty this stable!
Use your batons...
and drive everyone out of here!
Use your batons!
Demolish that!
You don't know me...
hey! Have you lost it or what?
We had, because we feared you.
But, now we have
recovered our senses.
Come on!
Batons are going to be
used on them now!
- Do you hear me?
- Mark my words!
You will be finished!
I've built a university for 12 billion.
I will buy everyone out!
I will buy off this land.
And... these cops.
And you too!
- Enough!
You've said enough mithilesh singh.
What is your credibility actually?
You have pawned your soul itself!
Your desperation clearly reveals
your bankruptcy.
No matter how much poison
greedy frauds like you may unleash...
this country understands
the value of knowledge and education.
It knows how to respect its teachers.
Why 12 billion?
Even if you stake 12 trillion,
you will get nothing!
The future of india's education
isn't for sale!
You had called me a zero, hadn't you?
Thank you!
That zero was invented by a great indian.
Its power you have obviously
failed to comprehend.
Anyone who collides with a zero,
gets reduced to a zero himself.
Becomes nothing!
and your low-down greedy bosses
have lost your game now.
You are finished.
Is that so?
You don't know who i am!
I will destroy this stable.
Watch me!
You'd set out to create a super stable, eh?
Nowjust wait.
And watch!
- what!
- What do you mean,
you didn't know?
Is this why i got you promoted?
- For a day like this?
Sir, i'm almost there...
- just drive the bulldozers over it.
- And if batons don't work, use bullets.
- If that stable is not destroyed...
i'll destroy you!
D. G... d.g.p. Sir...
just look at this!
You have been served with a notice.
There is no need for a warning.
After 10 seconds,
there will be a baton-charge!
And, if we meet with
any resistance from you...
we will open fire!
Be ready for a baton-charge!
- Ten...
- nine...
- these people are not
going to obey!
- Eight...
- i'm telling you...
this countdown will do nothing!
- Seven...
- just roll the bulldozers!
- Six...
- five...
- four...
- it's no good.
- Three...
- i'm telling you,
this man won't budge!
- Two...
- this man is actually a criminal!
- Where are you people looking?
- Roll the bulldozers!
All this is illegal!
- No one is ready to listen!
- Is there a law or not?
Shakuntala ma'am!
- Just watch what i'll do!
She has never stepped out of hrishikesh.
you've become
the chief minister, prabhu dayal.
You can't even fill up
the potholes on the roads but...
you will drive bulldozers over children?
Please forgive me, ma'am.
I just got to know.
These people will move away
in a minute.
- Sorry, ma'am.
- Come on, come on...
place your cameras there!
There... cover that.
Who is this man?
He's... uh... the principal of s.t.m.,
mithilesh singh.
He's lost his mental balance.
Yes, sir!
Sir, i'll withdraw them immediately.
Guruji, the police is leaving.
Does this mean our stable
won't be demolished?
It won't be demolished, muniya.
Greetings, shakuntala ma'am.
Bless you.
I saw you 32 years ago.
You're still the same.
this is poorbi, our daughter.
Bless you.
- This is deepak kumar, ma'am.
University topper from s.t.m.
Now, i teach here.
With sir. In the stable class.
I have just one demand, ma'am.
From the s.t.m. Trust...
you should have my father... er...
- discharged!
Yes, discharged.
Please discharge him!
Do you remember...
when i quit
s.t.m.'s day-to-day affairs?
Yes, 32 years ago.
When you became the principal.
And, you just left,
without even telling me!
I apologise sincerely for that.
But, it was clear that
my time there was over.
And, if i say that
actually your time starts now?
Madam, i can't become
the principal of s.t.m. Again.
I have a lot to do here.
Not s.t.m. But...
s.t. Remedial centre.
Aniruddha has told me everything.
In our own college campus,
we will open a remedial centre where...
needy and weak students
will receive free coaching.
And, you will be its principal
and chief trustee for life.
Q. E. D.
- That was quite easily done!