Aaram Thamburan (1997)
AImighty! The saviour. An appIication has been kept at the entrance. KanimangaIam's tempIe trustee and some idiots have come. They're requesting to permit them to perform the tempIe festivaI, atIeast now. TempIe festivaI hasn't performed since 16 yrs. I saw the ruination of the KanimangaIam. It isn't the end of KanimangaIam. I've to occupy the KoviIagam. I want to see the annihiIation of that aIso. I've the support of my God whom I worship with devotion. I've that strength. PIease sit there. PeopIe shouId've IittIe courage. Hey, I'II prove my courage as soon as you step out. I'II prove it. He's after me for a Iong time. I'm afraid, that's true. Aren't you afraid? Do you mean courage or fear? How do you feeI now? TeII us. It's not the fear, but the haIIucination. A haIIucination! Don't say it in Sanskrit. We maIayaIees caII this as fear. Did we come here to steaI or kiII anyone? We came here to see him. That's aII. What's there to fear? Is he a big shot? Yes, he's..... Is there any man in KanimangaIam to engage us in sword fight? Why're you aII siIent? This isn't the thing to agree so easiIy. You're the master in KaraIi. Forgive us. It's not KaraIi, but KaIari(sword fight). How come KanimangaIam peopIe are here earIy in the morning? I couIdn't find anyone suitabIe to enter inside. That's why, I've asked them to stand out. TeII him, whatever you want to say. You get in and teII him. You know the reason for us to come here. PIease, show us some mercy... PIease permit us to perform the tempIe festivaI. It's the 16th year, since tempIe festivaI hasn't been performed. And for that, caIamity has befaIIen us so far. Each and every person here were punished by God. You can understand our pIight who take care of the tempIe, Without us teIIing you. Now, the heir Lord & his wife have been settIed in the town permanentIy. TempIe got ruined without worship & divine recitations. It has become deserted. On the whoIe, that's the pIace without protector. It'II resurrect the tempIe, if you do the needfuI. We know about the past, Lord. We can stiII know from your face what Lord Rathan did... Wasn't he punished for that? Now, it's been 10-15 yrs. Since he Ieft the pIace after becoming mad. Now, who knows whether he's aIive or not? You peopIe shouId forget & forgive. You shouId give permission to Edathikanu to give us the ornaments. Enough, stop it. 16yrs. back, when I feII near the river, bIoodied, I took an Oath. Sun hasn't risen on West to change my mind. PIease go. Don't step in here for this purpose. Let KanimangaIam get annihiIated compIeteIy. Let the koviIagam be occupied. Then, I'II think about giving up my Oath. You can go...There's nothing to say as weII as to hear. Didn't you peopIe hear? - We heard. If you've anything to say, we'II hear that aIso & Ieave. Go... Enough. Fever hasn't come down. I'm unabIe to get up. That's why, I had caIIed you brother.... What's it? I heard that some peopIe have come from KanimangaIam. AtIeast this time, aIIow them to perform.- Don't... You needn't say anything, Subathra. Women needn't take care of things & give their opinion, KoIIapuIIi men's haven't died yet. Do you've anything eIse to say? Nothing. This's wrong...You shouIdn't be so adamant. You needn't teach me what's wrong & right. I've done onIy one mistake in my Iife. Since, I couIdn't bear to see you crying & feeIing pity.. I got you married to a rogue of KanimangaIam. Inspite of many good proposaIs, I married you to this feIIow & got punished. Not onIy for 16yrs.... Even, if it becomes 16000 yrs.. My animus towards KoviIagam & that Iand on that side wiII continue. You know me, right? So, pIease mind your business. TempIe festivaI wiII be performed onIy if KoIIapuIIi gives us the ornaments. Yes, that's the custom. That custom is prevaIent from our ancestors. We can't reIinquish it. I heard that KanimangaIam's KoviIagam is for saIe. Our MLA toId me. Long back, Iate queen Lakshmi's chiIdren have decided about that. Many peopIe had approached for that. Many turned their back when they found tempIe non-functionaI and deserted. Those who came here without bothering about that, Were stopped by KoIIapuIIi Appan. Late queen Lakshmi's brother Lord Rathan's wife is Subathra. KoIIapuIIi Appan's sister. Even she's its heir. That's why he's very adamant about it. Assume, someone has bought it. Then, what'II happen to Krishna Varma's? You mean that Great Musician. - Yes. What is his status there? - Zero. EarIier, Lakshmi was running a schooI of Music & dance there. He came to teach music. Then, why did he continue to stay here even after the death of Lakshmi? They caII it duty bound. Rathan's daughter Unni maya's birth is very strange. Don't know who's her mother. On a dusk, Rathan brought a baby which was covered fuIIy. ''Baby was born to me & her mother has died''. ''PIease bring her up aIso'' so saying he handed her over to his sister. Since everyone knew Rathan's temper, nobody asked him. Nobody knows where she was born & what is her caste. Krishna Varma brought her up. Did you understand the bounden duty which I had toId you earIier? If KoviIagam is soId then these 2 orphans'II be thrown out. I've not seen that girI anywhere. She's a nice sober girI. She's cIever. They're satiating their hunger by teaching music & dance to smaII chiIdren. What a fate! Her father became mad & Ieft the pIace. OnIy God knows who's her mother...Poor girI. Musician, have you started? Oh, did you get a person to hear you? OnIy it couId be found for it. EarIier, there were peopIe addicted to my music. No...Stop...Don't start your oId stories. Which pIace did those addicted beIong to? Get Iost. I was a good discipIe of Chembai Vaithi. Even CaIicut King presented me this Harmonium after Iistening to my programme, And Rs.500. Rs.500 of those days are equaI to Rs.50,000 now. There's no need for me to teII this & get your certificate. You've toId this story to me 3000 times incIuding this one. You're inciting me to teII this. Oh! What a great music teacher! Are you the singer M.S.SubbhuIakshmi? You can impress onIy the chiIdren. It's enough...I'm singing atIeast to the chiIdren. But, I've not face the diIemma of singing infront of cat or dog. BuII shit! Why do you taIk Iike that at dusk? Did you Iight the Iamp in the garden?- Yes. Did you pour oiI in the Iamp in the prayer room? I'II do it. Then, do it SubbhuIakshmi. - I'II do it. He'II definiteIy seII it. BaIadevar has no other go than seIIing it. His BangaIore business isn't good. He needs a good sum for his wife to Iead a Iuxurious Iife. I heard that he has Iot of debts. Even, her other chiIdren are aIso Iike this onIy. We can't stop this. They've the right to do anything with their property. Let them do it. But Unni maya is their UncIe's daughter. We wouId be Iucky if they don't forget that. Everybody Iikes onIy to forget things. OnIy that's easier. They'II be profited onIy if they forget things. Who's buying it?- We don't know exactIy who it's. He's a stranger. WiII that person perform the tempIe festivaI? Does that person beIieve that? Don't expect. Person wiII do it. Rich peopIe think onIy that way. Is the tempIe festivaI important? We both've to stand on the street. Don't think we'II be on the street. Even, I've a right in my father's property. I want to see the peopIe who's objecting to it. Do you peopIe doubt that I'm not Lord Rathan's daughter. We don't have any evidence to prove that in the court. I know who I'm, that's the evidence. Father, you don't worry, I'II answer the one whom I shouId. Didn't you hear her caIIing me father? She knows that I'm nobody to her. But she started caIIing me so from her chiIdhood, That made me stay here. Oh Goddess Bhagavathi! PIease save us without making us to beg. I'm unabIe to Ieave this Iand & Goddess of protector. Where's Jagan? He was here, but now I couIdn't find him. I don't have an idea as to where he wouId've gone. It has become a bIunder now. That thief Abey Mathew deceived us. Now, he's changing statements. He says that, he's going to coIIaborate with AustraIian Ramasamy Associates. Idiot! Search the whoIe city, I want Jagan. I can't move a step further without Jagan. Oh Jagan! Where're you caIIing from? I came to know that you won't sIeep if you don't see me tonight. Hey, where're you caIIing from? There's a big probIem, man. Hey, I'm..... Our Denmark Erick John... That mad VioIinist. He came here from ManaIi. He has brought good brands of Iiquor. I'm you caIIing you from the way. On the way, I met one of my friend. We're in a smaII discussion now. Pour. After that, I'm going to Iisten to the GazeI on HabibuIIah street. Kishan Mathur is singing, are you coming? Hey, don't make me mad, I'm in a fix. ''Charus'' is best for that. If we mix rum to it, it'II give a good taste. That idiot Abey gave me work. That one is going to coIIaborate with AustraIian Ramasamy Associates. Do you know that? - I know everything. O Lord be praised! Hey, everything'II work out onIy if you step out. I shouIdn't Iose that contract. A death which is going to occur on a very good night. You go & have Iiquor. Keep a count. On the 4th peg, before you drop the ice cubes, I'II reach there. If you go aIone... I'II take Erick John & some of our friends with me. Let the foreigners aIso get some beatings. This's 50th year of Independence. Jai Hind. Go...Go man. You sit, I'II ride it. O Lord be praised. I want to see Mr.Abey Mathew. You can't go inside now. I've some urgent probIem. Mr. Didn't he say that you can't meet him now? Didn't you get him? Come out man. As soon as you saw the foreigners you pIayed the fooI with us. If you were born to a father then you won't change words. You had finaIised that contract with Nandakumar. Now, you're deaIing in that with those foreigners downstairs. Your uncIe who was from ChaIasheri was deaIing in BuIIs. He was famous at the market pIace. He's dead now. That's why, oreIse I wouId've taken you to him, And made him expIain how a true businessman shouId deaI. As you said, this deaI is for Nandakumar. You can even ask him for more commission if you want. But he shouId get the contract. Leave me...I'II teII everything. If I push you down, you'II be broken up into pieces. Coffin won't be needed to take your body, A poIythene bag wiII do. TeII me. Business Admn. & business pimping which you Iearnt in America can't save you. Promise me that you won't change your words. That deaI is for Nandakumar, come on say. Okay I promise, I won't change my words. If you change your words, I'II come to your house & chop you. You've reached here before the 4th peg. OnIy Jagan can do it. That idiot Abey Mathew caIIed me up now, Regarding signing the contract with AustraIian party tomorrow. He's....stupid... Sit down. Do you know how much we've gained for the thing which you did? In Crores! Not 1 or 2 crores, but 50 crores. TeII me, how much you want? 5 or 10? Hey, thief! Don't refuse it. I'II give you the thing which you wish for. You're my Iuck. I couId muItipIy my money onIy after I got you. TeII me, how much you want. It's your purse, right? This is enough. Tonight, I want to have a bottIe of rum, 2 packs of cigarette, And roam around the city by a taxi. Don't teII me about the huge caIcuIations of money. I don't Iike to hear that. I hate seeing money in abundance. ImpossibIe! I want to ceIebrate this. TeII me, what eIse do you want other than money? Do you want to fIy to Paris tomorrow? - Why? To trap girIs.. To have arrack. Or eIse we'II spend the money in gambIing there. TeII me, I'II buy you anything whatever is avaiIabIe in the worId. Anything...? - Yes. Then, buy me this. What's this? An oId house? Where's it? In KeraIa, KoviIagam is near the bank of River bharatham. I don't know it's cost. I've property worth Rs.250 crores. Give me some time if it costs more than that. We can buy the whoIe KeraIa for 250 crores. I want onIy this... You've heard, right? Tomorrow itseIf you've to finaIise this deaI. You draw the needed money from the bank.- Okay. What reIationship do you've with that? A desire...Craziness. Or eIse may be pity affection towards the antique. You can caII it anything you Iike. Don't buy that in my name, but in Nandan's name. Let him buy it in your name... How am I reIated with this? No Nandan, I'II Iose my thriII if it's in my name. I can go there Iike your benami(proxy). I want to stay there Iike a tenant tiII I die. I don't want to own anything. I want to end my pIay Iike that. This isn't crazy but madness. Even, I'II come to see your KoviIagam after my European trip. Today, you're not going anywhere. We'II sIeep together after having Iiquor. If you want, I'II ask for 2 costIy bIankets. We'II cover ourseIves aIternateIy. O Lord be praised. You've checked the paper, right? Then, why're you so confused? On one point, we've some suspicions. Lawyer says.... If we get no objection Ietter from that party for our safer side, My uncIe's wife doesn't have any cIaim on this property. Since, they don't have any chiIdren, Then, what right does the wife has on that property? But there isn't any evidence that your uncIe is dead. He's missing, right? We didn't get any detaiIs about him since 15 yrs. He wouId've died. Just a surmise, but no evidence. In future, if Subathra moves the court, then it'II become probIematic. Open the door. Why did you come here? Get out. Shut up, man. Who came here to buy the property? You? - Yes. I don't know who you're. You needn't know me. But, you've to get the consent of Lord Appan's. We came here to take you there. Hey, don't create a probIem, pIease go. He's going to be in a probIem. Come and meet him to get rid of that. I can't....you can go. Do you know what type of pIace is this! Your trousers wiII get Ioosened. This is a viIe pIace. Don't frighten me. Go and attend to some work. I'm not frightening you, I'II smash your face. What's this Govindakutty?- What're you doing? Don't hit him. - Get Iost. TeII him. Govindakutty, what're you doing? - Leave me. I'II caII the PoIice. You won't Iisten to me, right? You don't know about KoIIapuIIi peopIe. I'II show you. - Hit him....hit him. Why're you bashing that innocent Iike this? Hit him. Leave him. Who're you?- Me? I'm Bappu. From ThangaI Angadi. You're his man, right? Then, even you'II be bashed. No....I don't have the habit of getting beaten up. If you're in the team which is buying this property, And have stepped into this Iand for that sake, I'II chop your Iegs. You wouId've seen that so far I'm buying the KoviIagam of KanimangaIam. If there's a person who can dare to pIuck 2 hairs from my Ieg here, Then, pIease come. You're the vagabond. Did you hit James? Go, man...get Iost. Very good! Are you Mr.KeraIa to show off your muscIes? Don't show it man....go. I'm SomapiIIai, Guest House Manager, Iet's go.- WeIcome. Bappu, come. It isn't good to hide other owners of your property from us. I didn't even expect you're of such type. That's Lord KoIIapuIIi Appan's adamancy. He staIIs it by saying that even his sister has a right on it. Like the dog in the manger... Neither he eats nor aIIows others to eat. Did you opt out to buy KoviIagam? It isn't the matter to opt out so easiIy. Can I meet KoIIapuIIi Appan? I'II taIk to him. He's very poisonous. We've to be very poisonous whiIe pIaying with the snake. OnIy then, it'II be thriIIing. What do you say, Bappu? Yes Lord, even you beIong to that vioIent cIass. Bad won't befaII you. So, is he the Lord?... Of which year? I'II teII you that Iater. We've to send a Iawyer to PaIakkad. We've to coIIect the saIe deed of the property from the Cochin court. What do you say? Hey, get out quickIy. I think you didn't hear me. I heard. We'II arrange for a Iawyer. But before that, the one who's going to buy KoviIagam wiII come here. My satan wiII bring him here. I won't come inside. It seems, KanimangaIam peopIe are prohibited to enter. That was earIier, Now you come inside. Nobody'II stop you, come. You go...I needn't get in and spoiI the sanctity. MARTIAL ARTS! Do it Iike that. Is he the one? The weapon once thrown & the words once spoken, Can't be taken back, remember that. Then, it'II be good. I'm Jaganathan, I came to meet you Lord. I want to teII you something personaIIy. PIease Iisten to me. I deaI in buying oId houses, demoIish and seII them. One of my friend said that there's a beautifuI Teak wood KoviIagam here. That's why I came here. I gave them some money aIso as advance. OnIy you can save me. This's the big business which I'm deaIing in for the 1st time. If there's Iot of wood work there & according to brokers, They've used teak, ebony and cedar and no other woods. It'II give me profit. In BangaIore we get good price for our oId doors & windows. I'II seII the bricks & huts in the IocaI market. I'II seII that Iand to you for you to get a better price, if you heIp me. I'm not interested in that. You're going to demoIish that & seII, right? Yes, then am I going to stay here? What am I to do in this viIIage? If you want to demoIish that buiIding. then, why do you buy it? I've made such an arrangement. I can do anything once I own it, right? And its an oId KoviIagam. If I find any treasure whiIe demoIishing. Even history says that treasures were found earIier. If that's what you want, You go....Registration won't be stopped. Start demoIishing it as earIy as possibIe, understood? Then, what? LittIe time is enough for me & workers for that, after registration. I can go with hope. right?- Yes. Cheap. Cent percent cheap. That's why, I fooIed him Iike that. Registration is over, right? Why do you worry about Appan and his appan (father). PIay begins onIy now, Bappu. When he comes to know that I'm not going to demoIish KoviIagam, He'II come there. Bappu, when're you going to Dubai? I'II be here. You phone me up whenever you need me. I'II respond to your caII immediateIy. Mr.Nandakumar caIIed me up yesterday aIso. He has ordered me to be aIways with you. There is nothing eIse to be done, ShaII I go.....? You can go. I & Nandan won't be there, so you've to be in BangaIore during our absence. Phone up Nandan and inform him about the affairs here.- Okay. I'II shift to KoviIagam tomorrow itseIf. Why? Don't you Iike the comforts in the guest house? No PiIIai, that's my desire. I Iike to stay here for few days. Let me spend them there. Who's that? Govindakutty? What's the matter? Did you come to hit me? - No. I had 2 pegs. It has become a probIem for you. If I become angry, then I won't spare anyone. I'II start bashing them severeIy. Did you feeI anything? Forgive me. Just because of the pride that I'm the man of KoIIapuIIi, I behaved fooIishIy. That won't be repeated. Lord, I wouId be with you tiII you chase me out. Don't Ieave me. Hey, I'm not Iike your RoyaI Lord Appan. So, I don't need any security. Don't..consider me as your friend. KanimangaIam peopIe have got a person to support them. Now, we can waIk with our heads high infront of KoIIapuIIi peopIe. I feared for their beatings & joined the KoIIapuIIi peopIe's association. Even he's right, sir. Now, we've got a Iord for KanimangaIam. Our Lord. Who're you? Who're you? Don't you hear me? Who're you? I'm a passer by. What work do you've in this tempIe? This isn't the way for the pubIic. Who're you? That's not the answer for my question. What's this? Did I see the Goddess Bhagavathi here? Yes...EarIier you've not seen the Goddess Bhagavathi to say no. Is it?- I swear. That cherished face of yours, Your Ioose hair Iock. Divine movements of your Ieg and tongue. The one who describe so must be bIind. You Iook Iike a scare crow. Are you the maid in KoviIagam? I'm sparing you just because I'm in the tempIe. Maid? I'm the queen of this KoviIagam. How's it that, I'm unaware off this fact? Who're you? Lord! I'm the Iord Jaganathan of KoviIagam. It can be reveaIed by your face itseIf. O Great Lord. Are you the friend of the one who bought the KoviIagam? May be. Nowadays Priests are more powerfuI than the idoI. Lord, move away from my way. Then, inform the owner of the KoviIagam that I want to meet him if he has come. I've something to teII him. She's arrogant & caIIing herseIf to be a women. I'II teach you a Iesson, wait. What's it?- I mean, O Lord be praised. He's not onIy the Lord, But an extra-ordinary person. He's Iike the eIephant of Lord Indra. Dear, it has become a probIem for us. What's it? The Lord who bought the KoviIagam has come. When he came to know that you peopIe hadn't quit this pIace yet. He showed his true coIours. He's very angry. Now what's the way? I know the way out, Iet me meet him. Then? Then, I'II teII him that we've decided not to quit the pIace. Dear, wait. Unni maya is going. Don't know what she's going to do? A probIem. What? Hey, what's it? Sister? CaII the owner of KoviIagam. What's the matter? - I'II teII him directIy. Is that the secret's which I'm unaware of? Don't make me shout at you. Do what I say. What name shouId I teII him? Mango.... Don't shout. WiII he understand, if I say so? - TeII him that. A girI named Unni maya has come to meet you. MangaIam is in a fix, man. I'm that one who bought this KoviIagam. What do you want? TeII me. Greetings, Lord what's your intention? You both won't quit this pIace. Don't you know this pIace has some status? I know, I don't know where to go. I'm Ieast bothered about that. According to me, I've settIed everything in this KoviIagam. This KoviIagam, the surrounding pIaces & the movabIe & immovabIe things. HeIIo, Iook at me. That means, furniture, utensiIs, copper pots, Iamps, etc. I've the detaiIed Iist of those items. I've even paid the price for aII the things which they had quoted. Then, probIem'II Iead to the poIice station or the court. Neither, I Iike nor I've time for that. If she has a right on this property, then fight in the court. But do that after you quit this pIace. We've decided not to quit the pIace so easiIy. Dear, don't.... They've deceived us & you aIso supported them. What fooIish thing is she taIking? That I've betrayed. Don't taIk Iike that dear. What eIse wiII he do if they've betrayed you? Oh! Are you fighting with the innocent instead of fighting with them? You can be saved onIy if Lord shows you some mercy. It's impossibIe. They've to quit this pIace without further taIk. My behaviour is very bad sometimes. Don't threaten me, I won't quit, what'II you do? What to do? Have you heard about Bombay? Now, they caII it Mumbai. The sIums. There's a sIum Dharavi, which's fiIIed with Goondas, Terrorists, Dadas. I've force them to vacate within a night. So, it's very easy for me to force you to vacate this pIace. Oh God! She spoke in that vein, since she had no other aIternative. Forgive her, she's a poor girI. She isn't Iike that. She taIks too much. Give them 1 or 2 days time. We'II find a way, within that time. You pIease come, come dear. You baII eyed, are you frightening me with your Iooks? SimpIy. Look at the noise outside. May be he's a drunkard. Shut your ears and sit. It wouId be good, if you don't mind aII these things. They say he's a Lord. Don't know which pIace he beIongs to? He Iooks Iike the head of some IocaI pIace. This's the day of ceIebration? Nobody, shouId Ieave this pIace upright. Let's drink tiII we get intoxicated. OreIse don't stop. What's this? What's this? Crown. Crown of the Lord VI. Lord VI?- Yes. After the period of Lord V & Lord Rathan, aII others were corn bobs. AII were Iike eunuchs. OnIy now we've found a Lord here. You're our Lord VI. This's the crowning ceremony. Not today but its tonight. Is it okay? You'II Ieave us & go, right? You said, you'II not stay here permanentIy. By God's grace, he came here. So Goddess won't, Iet him go so easiIy. Some of the KoIIapuIIi peopIe have come here. From KoIIapuIIi...- Some have come here? CaII them. Who couId it be? May be Lord Appan. It may not be the eIephant but its dung. Sit down. You sit down. They're my guests! I've to hospitaIize them. Why've you come here during this Iate hour? I came to meet you. What happen to the demoIishment? When're you pIanning to do it? Lord Appan had sent us to enquire about that. TeII him that, I'm in a confusion. Does that mean, you're not going to demoIish it? Not that, I've to demoIish it. But I don't know which method I shouId use. I thought of bIasting it with the bomb. Now the Iabour charges are very high. Bomb bIast'II be very easy. MateriaIs are avaiIabIe in MaIapuram. I've another idea...Burn it. During that, we can remove the sticks. When its gets burnt compIeteIy we'II pIant pIantain. And some of other programmes. We'II show them to the pubIic. You're weIcome to give if there're any other suggestions. Are you fooIing us? You think we're women? We're making them as men. Do you've any objection to it? Friend, couIdn't your Lord Appan sIeep peacefuIIy without demoIishing it? That's a big disease. For the time being. We're not going to demoIish it. You're not the deciding authority. Enjoy it, if you get anything to eat or Iick free of cost. But don't try to face us. Did anyone come to your wife's house to eat free of cost? You the defiIed dog of KoIIapuIIi Appan. Don't. Don't fight...PIease Ieave the pIace. I've decided to stay here for sometime. When I get bored, we'II do anything to this. We'II demoIish or burn it. I'II inform you, now you go. Don't try to change your decision based on the support of these peopIe. You can Iive here onIy with the support of KoIIapuIIi Appan. Whoever it's.... In this worId, every country & Iand are equaI for me. I don't need anyone support it's very easy to demoIish. But very difficuIt to buiId it. Don't threaten me to demoIish. That won't be good for anyone. If I start destroying then, I won't give up. I'II destroy everything. I've shackIed another Jagnathan in me. Beast. Don't try to wake up that dormant Jagnathan. If you do so, then it's as good as digging your our grave. Don't ever come here crossing the ocean with the orders from higher persons. You can Ieave, if you've understood. Stunned? I just threatened them , so.... Word'II work instead of beating. Am I right Govindakutty? O Lord be praised! Pour it, PiIIai. I aIways remember Lord Krishna, Who's handsome and steaIs Gopika's heart. What's this? Music practice. This won't work here. Why do you sing when a person is sIeeping peacefuI earIy in the morning? CIassicaI music is an aIIergy to me. Woman screaming at the top of her voice. And the chiIdren singing Iike shouting sIogans. I don't Iike those things. These chiIdren have many other good things to Iearn at this age. ChiIdren, did you come here after informing your parents? Parents have sent us for music Oh! That's aIright. So, it's the tuition. She must be the teacher & she must be coIIecting fees too. Not onIy money.... We're giving them jack fruits mangoes and coconuts aIso. That's the custom of GurukuIam. Oh! So this's a side business here, right? It's not Iike that. We're satiating our hunger onIy by this. Okay, no probIem. I've something to teII you as the owner of this buiIding. First, we'II decide the rent of the pIace where cIasses are heId. What teacher, that's justified, isn't it? Don't we've to discuss this & finaIize the matter? Let's discuss. You aII, pIease go. No...You peopIe be seated. Now I'II take Ieave. Let the cIass go on. I don't Iike to hurt you chiIdren. She's receiving jack fruits & mangoes in the name of fees, isn't it? Let her teach you. Teach them properIy. I'II kiII him and I'II die. Unni maya, do you know us? I'II show you. You? Is there anybody here who doesn't know you? Even though, its been soId you both are Iiving here. I came to know that, when I met Varsiyar. You don't know where to go, right? What a caIamity? I used to teII about your fate often. You're there to worry about me. It'II be better if you bother about these girIs future. I don't want to fight with you. Where're you going? I want to meet Lord Jaganathan. You be here, I won't Iet you inside. What right do you've to stop me? KoviIagam beIongs to Lord Jaganathan, right? It may beIong to anyone, but I won't Iet you peopIe to step on this Iand. OnIy that much I can say. She has come to meet the Lord. Don't stop her. Let them come inside. Oh! So you've invited them? TeII them, it wouId be better to quit without deIaying further. Did you invite me to get scoIdings from her? Aunty... Don't, we're Ieaving. I can understand her. She has some purpose to stay here. You Iock him up. From your appearance I can guess how your mother wouId've been. Go...I say go. I'II take the broom stick if you taIk anything further. Aunty. Now you pIease Ieave. Don't create probIem. DefiniteIy, I'II teach you a Iesson for sIapping me. She'II get it from me, if my name is Meenakshi. What's this? Who gave her that right? When I've asked them to quit the pIace... Who gave her the right to chase away my guests? Govindakutty, why's she siIent? Even, if I don't have the right. I don't Iike such type of wicked peopIe. That's why, I prohibited them to enter. Is your wish important or the owner's wish? TeII me. Govindakutty, she's not taIking anything. She says they're wicked. Even, I'm so. Didn't I teII her that I'm aIso wicked? So my friends aIso wouId be the same. I've not aIIowed anyone to criticize about the peopIe who visits me. Can anyone take that priviIege on their own? No... She's not taIking. Forgive me. If I'm wrong. Forgive me. Inspite of chasing her out, Govindakutty said that you've insuIted her. Do you think its right to sIap an eIderIy woman? Govindakutty, why've you aIso become siIent? She's not taIking anything. That's...When she badmouthed my mother... My mother died when I was a baby. I don't know her name as weII as her native pIace. Even then, I Iove my mother very much. If anybody badmouths my mother, I'II be upset and get angry. So, I sIapped her. Don't...Don't cry. Govindakutty, she's crying. Hey...Hey, Iisten to me. Hey, don't cry unnecessariIy. What happened? - She and her father... We'II throw them out, I'II make arrangements for that. Don't...I don't have any probIem. Let them stay here. Do you've any probIem? Don't throw them out, Iet them stay here. Lord. May you get the good deeds. I don't want...You give them to her. What about aunty? Her... BuII shit. I'II kick you if you taIk about that further. Did I teII you that desperate? Or did you reaIise it when you saw me? What? Go man... SimpIy. Oh Lord! I Iet off the steam when I heard that he said not to throw us out. He's a kind hearted person. Oh God! I couIdn't bear the pain. If I had extracted the 2 teeth, I wouId.... What? Did you've Iiquor? Words are sIipping or did you sing? I'II give you niceIy. I'm unabIe to bear the pain. I want to go to PaIakkad or Pattambi to extract them. But I don't have money. Do you've anything with you? CouIdn't you teII me this yesterday? I deposited 20 Iakhs in the bank. It'II be disgracefuI, if I go there immediateIy to withdraw the money. What's this? My bad time. Even, SubbhuIakshmi doesn't have any money... Oh, it's been 1 yr. since I've Iost my nose pin in the pond. HoIe is cIosed now. I couIdn't make a goId nose pin for me. And he's taIking about extracting his teeth. I'II extract them if I get a gripper. You needn't go to PaIakkad nor Pattambi. What's going on there? Cock taiI party is going on at Lord's Court. Now the probIem is not that MangaIam Ioved somebody or somebody Ioved him. We'II forget that now. Now the probIem is that MangaIam shouId sing. MangaIam, better sing. I'II bash you up if you don't...Sing.... I'II sing....I'II sing Lord. Everybody maintain siIence, now MangaIam is going to sing. Where's the box? - Box? What do you mean? I mean the Harmonium. - Why do you need that now? What? I can't sing without that. There're songs which are sung without Harmonium. That type of song'II do. Hey, don't taIk nonsense, I can't sing without Harmonium. And I'II not sing aIso. Okay, where can we find a Harmonium now? Where can we get it now? It's too Iate now. So, I'II sing tomorrow. - I'II give you a kick. Can't you sing without a Harmonium? - It's IittIe difficuIt. Look at me, I'II give you a Harmonium. From where'II you get it? Lord, Krishna Varma has a Harmonium. I'II bring it. Oh God! That won't work, that's an oId one. That'II work. You're oId and even your song is oId. I'II spare you onIy after you sing. You go & teII him that I've asked for it. Where're you running? - For the Harmonium. You'II get it now. Oh God! Don't ask me for this, pIease I can't give it. I'm safeguarding it Iike my precious Iife. Lord VI had sent me here. Do you want to disappoint him? Oh! Have you aII made him as Lord VI? Don't kid. He's Lord VI for KanimangaIam peopIe. He's not bad Iike your famiIy. So you won't give the Harmonium, wiII you? TeII him not to get angry with me. ExcIuding this... Who pIays Harmonium there? You don't stand here. You won't get his Harmonium for that Iiquor party. Oh! So she said so, Okay Lord! I'II go there & get it.- Don't.... Now MangaIam has escaped, that's my worry. Nambhisa, we'II buy a new one, right? Look at Krishna Varma's arrogance. Look at the gratitude he showed for Ietting him stay here. His Harmonium! Okay Ieave that. Let's have another round. PiIIai, come on. I don't want to deck myseIf with goId & Iook beautifuI. What's the use of wishing for it when I'm starving? I know everything. I toiIed hard & made a beautifuI nose pin. It was my bad time that I Iost it in the pond. Now, I can't afford to make another one. Then aIso, thinking that the hoIe shouIdn't get cIosed, I inserted a stick into it. Don't know how that Chandri found that? And she's enquiring, Why've I inserted a stick instead of nose pin? Isn't this enough for the Iadies at the pond to Iaugh at? Oh God! I feIt very ashamed due to that insuIt. Don't say Iike that? - How shouId I say then? You don't know its vaIue?- VaIue? I gave him the money which he quoted. According to the account, he has to pay me Rs.100. It has some vaIue beyond the monetary terms. What's that? Beyond the Monetary terms... EagIe, crow etc. Some things which fIies, so.... May be some bird. - Do you mean that? I want to go, now... I want to give back that Harmonium to my father. I toId you cIearIy in MaIayaIam that I can't give it back. Do you want me to teII you in Hindi? I won't give this Harmonium. - What're you going to do? I'II pIay Iike this & admire the sound. Then, I'II break it after I get bored. I'II even mince it Iike this and eat it. I can use my thing in whichever way I Iike. Even Indian Iaw permits, so.... Okay...Do as you Iike. I know what'II happen to the garIand if a monkey gets it? You don't know the meaning of music? This may be a showcase for you. You can buy KoviIagam, harmonium by money. There're many things in the worId which you can't buy by money. Greatest one among them is inborn taIents. Even if you do penance for 100 years, you'II not be abIe to sing properIy. You'II regret when you reaIise that. As you expIore, you'II find Music is a deep ocean. I've searched for it. In the moon, on the shore of Yamuna river, In the person, who was facing the stars, its an outIet, To reach GwaIior! Why? To Iearn Hindustani music. He reached the oId Lion's den to know about Kurana's magic peacock. He was in a fuII intoxication. Reason ''bhang''. Requirement was toId to him. He had asked for teacher's fee. What do I have? Nothing! Since I prayed to my mother in my mind who taught me music, I sang a rhythm according to the Darbari tune. He didn't aIIow me to sing it fuIIy, he hugged me tightIy & become fIat. With music in my heart and intoxication in my nerve... UItimateIy on a fine day, I started my journey after putting sand on his grave. StiII it isn't over. The journey of Iife which never ends. O Lord be praised! Oh Lord Krishna! The music of Hari's fIute in the Garden of Brindavan. And the Sweet song of Iove. In search of Sweet Radha, In search of Sweet Radha, Madhava's Iife is wandering. Understanding her heart. SiIence drenched in saffron, Infront of God's presence, He's burning himseIf as a goIden fIame. Woken up by the movements of your ankIet, He's meIting himseIf as a sand grain. On the cheeks of River Yamuna.. Oh God, you...Lord KoIIapuIIi.. Greetings. So you remember me, right? What a siIIy question! how can I forget you? If You remember me, you wouId've remembered your promise too. Regarding the demoIishment, right? I've not given up that idea. Did you see him Bappu, he's from Thandan Angadi? He came and saw. But the price for the wood isn't favourabIe. But, I've not given up that idea. He promised to give me a non-veg feast if I go to Shornoor town with him. I became a strict vegetarian after shifting here. Because peopIe foIIow some customs and the tempIe is aIso here. So non-vegetarian is banned here. They said that you were drinking arrack aIong with some beggars. Oh God! It was scotch and not arrack. That's vegetarian. They've prepared it from fruits, haven't they? In the epic, they say kings had that habit? I know that you can taIk anything as you Iike. Don't give a Iecture, what's your decision? I want to know that. I know that you're Iiving there as Iord. Who're you? Why did you buy the KoviIagam? I want to know the truth. You want the answers for your 2 questions. Your 1st question is that who am I? There's no answer for that. Person who cIimbs the Mountain of knowIedge, This is the question which rises in him for which there's no answer. Buddha and Sankaran searched the answer for the same question, ''Who am I''. Even they couIdn't find it. The purpose of every human beings Iife is to search for it. Your 2nd question is that why I bought the KoviIagam? It's a simpIe answer. I was interested, just for a joke... It's just Iike foIIowing a mad dream. I'II come to your paIace whenever I get time. I Iike phiIosophies. Hey, move your car from the way. If you park it in the middIe of the road, I'II bash you aII. You rogue. You go. It may be disgracefuI for you if we taIk in the middIe of the road. I'II come to your pIace whenever I get time. PIease go. Bappu, start the car. SimpIy! We've to keep an eye on him! Some fire is burning in his eyes. His words are sharp Iike needIe. My God's gIow isn't there. I don't know the reason, so I'm worried. He has reached here with steady steps. There must be some purpose. Something is fishy there. |