Adventures in Babysitting (2016)

You are smart. You are talented.
Just do your best, and stay calm.
My heart is racing
Can't stop this feeling
My ground is shaking
I wanna let go, go crazy
Dance on the ceiling
My world is waiting
I don't wanna stop, give up
I want it all 'cause
I just ain't had enough
Keep up, we're gonna show the world
That there's just no stopping us
No one can hold us back
We're gonna break the rules
Can't hold us back
We're gonna light the fuse in us
I'm livin' on the wild side, wild side
No telling what I might find, might find
No stopping 'cause it feels right
Feels right
I'm livin on the...
Oh, my gosh!
- Oh, my gosh. Sorry.
- Hey!
Jenny. In a hurry?
Um... Hey, Zac.
You know, a big, big interview.
What are you doing in my driveway?
The swim team is having
a car wash today,
so Dominique is helping me
hand out flyers.
So, uh, hey, come by later
if you get a chance.
I'll throw in your tires for free.
Thank you.
- Okay. See ya.
- Okay.
Oh, my gosh, Zac Chase
wants to polish my tires.
I used to think that
Good things were so bad
No need to hold back not me, no more
I'm walking this road
I'm taking control
My heart can't say no
I'm livin' on the wild side, wild side
No telling what I might find, might find
No stopping 'cause it feels right
Feels right
I'm livin' on the...
On the wild side, wild side
So ready now, it's my time, my time
No stopping 'cause it feels right
Feels right
I'm livin on the...
Don't wanna live my life by design
Locked inside, break out
Break the rules, light the fuse
Something new, that's right
I'm livin' on the wild side
Hey, what's up?
Of course I'm not late.
Okay, yeah. I'm not.
You're important.
You are special, you're an artist.
Everything you do is art.
Why, everything you say,
everything you do
is just all art, it's just brilliant.
You're brilliant.
Right. You're really good.
Oh, I don't wanna talk about it.
Dude, chill.
Artists don't need college.
I will pay for those parking tickets.
You're bringing me down, dude.
I gotta go.
Bye, Mom.
- Breathe.
- Hi.
I'm Lola Perez.
Could you let
Mr. Vasquez know I'm here?
Thanks, I'd appreciate it.
Uh, I don't work here.
I'm a finalist for
the photography internship.
Me, too.
Quiet, please. Voices down.
Mr. Vasquez is having
a creative moment.
Yes, brilliant! [Perfecta luz! Bravo!
Oh, it's so cool.
- Weird.
- Okay.
Now, can I have your portfolios?
Mr. Vasquez would like to review them
before your final interviews.
Yeah. Careful. Mine's still wet.
- Mine's perfectly dry.
- Thanks.
Please have a seat.
This could take ten seconds,
or ten hours.
Hey, didn't you go to Highland Park?
Um, yes.
I still do.
You were that nerdy sophomore
in my senior geometry class.
I'm not nerdy. I'm dedicated.
I skipped the eighth grade,
and now I'm on track
for early college admission.
Wow. That sounds really fun.
But not.
I've already got 12 credits,
two hundred hours
of community service,
maintain a 4.2 GPA,
and run my own business.
This art internship
will perfectly round out my transcript.
Transcript? That's why you're here?
Well, you know, that,
and my passion for photography.
Right, right.
Well, do you wanna know
what I did my last year before college?
You were accepted into college?
I could have been, but I opted out.
You see, a real artist
is a student of life.
Anyway, an internship
with Leon Vasquez
would fast-track my career
as a professional photographer.
Professor Anderson, is this about
my recommendation letter?
No, I'm actually looking for
someone to babysit tonight,
because my niece bailed on me.
- Okay, uh...
- Can you believe that?
I'd love to babysit, but unfortunately,
I'm already booked
with the Coopers tonight.
Let me know
if you can think of anybody.
Sure. Of course. If I think of anyone.
- Thanks, Jenny.
- All right. Bye.
You're a babysitter?
What's that, like, five bucks an hour?
Try 20. Double time on holidays.
To watch kids watch TV?
You've obviously never babysat.
Yeah, 'cause I obviously have a life.
Oh, magnifico! My exceptional finalists.
Oh, gosh! Way to go, klutz.
A smoothie to an interview?
Stupendous news, ladies.
I've decided interviews
will not be needed today.
Awesome. Sorry, kid, maybe next year.
You wish.
Since you both have vastly different
artistic points of view,
I feel a more unconventional approach
is warranted.
- Okay.
- I want you to dazzle me.
- Dazzle you?
- Could you clarify dazzle, sir?
Take some new shots, be innovative.
I want to feel your unique passions
for photography.
Oh, cool!
We'll reconvene Monday,
and I'll make my decision.
That gives you all weekend.
- May the best artist win.
- She will.
- Bye-bye.
- Ciao. Gracias.
Well, this hardly seems fair
considering the time constraints.
Oh, right. Have fun babysitting.
No! Officer, wait!
Officer, hi. I'm here.
Sorry, miss. It's a loading zone.
But I was loading.
I was unloading a super heavy portfolio
for this very prestigious art internship.
I'm sure if you just spoke
to Mr. Vasquez...
Fur Elise is one of my favorites.
- That your boyfriend calling?
- What? No.
Boyfriend? What boyfriend?
No boyfriend. Totally single. Sorry.
- Hello, stranger interrupting my day.
- Hey, Jenny.
It's Zac. Um...
Look, I know it's short notice,
but I just scored great tickets
for the Psychic Rockets concert tonight,
and I was wondering...
Awesome. I love that band.
But I hate concerts,
'cause they're so juvenile.
Sorry, Zeke. Not interested. Bye.
Stalkers. What's a girl to do?
Wait, you're still writing?
Uh, Officer, I can't get another ticket.
My parents said if I got
another parking ticket,
- I would lose my car keys.
- Sorry. I'm a rookie.
Can't break the rules.
I'm sure a smart girl like you
can find a way to pay her own tickets.
Have a nice day.
Eighty bucks?
Where am I gonna get 80 bucks?
Jenny, hi, it's me again.
I'm desperate for a babysitter.
My awards gala is in two hours,
and I am the guest of honor.
Are you sure you don't know anybody
who can babysit?
I'll pay double.
Of course.
My good friend Lola is very responsible.
- I'll send her over.
- Great.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, Zac.
Dirty tires, as requested.
Sorry. We're closed.
Come on, let's go.
Yes, of course.
My mom's going to some party tonight.
Dude, I said I'm in.
Pick me up in 30
and don't honk the horn this time.
Trey Anderson.
Mom! A little privacy.
Kids who spend over $200
on apps without permission
don't get privacy, or phones, or tablets.
You forgot to cut off my air supply.
Oh, that can be arranged.
Look, we're leaving for the gala soon,
so please, be nice to the babysitter.
Wait, Jenny's coming?
No. Ugh. One of Jenny's friends.
And you need to shape up, Trey.
At this rate, you'll never be
responsible enough to babysit.
Bobby Anderson, what
have you done to my kitchen?
It's called baking.
Dad promised to take me.
The Sirens are playing the Belles.
I'm sorry, honey.
I got the dates mixed up.
It's not every day your mother's research
is honored by
the National Science Foundation.
Dad will take you to the next derby.
- We promise.
- We promise.
- Can you get our coats?
- Yes.
Mom, you promised
to taste my frosting.
In a minute.
I guess everyone in this family
breaks promises.
Come on, Roller Derby's lame.
You're lame!
Guys, don't start.
Jenny will be here any minute.
Okay, bumblebee, I can't decide
if I would rather lose feeling
in my toes or my heels.
I told you to go
with the strappy sandals.
Excuse me, young lady.
What are you wearing?
- Lipstick.
- No. Do not be cute.
Those earrings
are very expensive, sweetie.
They're one of a kind.
But Mommy, everyone knows
diamonds are a must
with evening casual.
Off. Now.
If my sister can shave her head,
I should be able to wear diamonds.
Emily Cooper,
what are you doing?
You little tattletale!
You don't have the right head shape
for a buzz cut.
Why don't I give you a buzz cut?
Okay, stop.
Sweetheart, your hair is beautiful
just the way it is.
I don't want you pulling
any of your pranks tonight,
and please be good for Jenny.
I'm too old for a babysitter.
Me, too.
Katy Cooper, freeze.
I thought diamonds were forever.
Oh, no.
This is not happening.
- Hello.
- Hey, Lola, what's up?
No, this isn't Lola.
I just... I have her phone.
Welt, are you coming
to the toga party tonight?
No, I don't wanna come to a toga party.
Toga, toga, toga!
Hey, dude, what's your name?
You're so cute.
Alison, what was that?
Lola? Helen Anderson.
So nice to meet you.
Please come on in.
I see that you've met Alison.
- So sweet.
- Yes.
So my niece was supposed to sit,
but she flaked because of
some silly concert in the city.
So how long have you known
our Jenny?
Oh, um...
Since forever.
We share a love
of geometry and children.
- Oh, how unique.
- Yeah.
Lola, this is Bobby.
He has to finish 100 cupcakes
for his junior chef
competition tomorrow.
- Taste my frosting.
- Sure.
Oh, dig that color, dude.
- It's the melted gummy worms.
- Smart.
Oh, Bobby, you didn't.
Mom, all the great chefs improvise.
I'm never gonna win
with ordinary cupcakes.
It's not bad,
but you could kick it up a notch.
I know. It needs something.
I just have to find
the perfect ingredient.
Now, Trey is upstairs, grounded,
Alison is sulking
because of the Roller Derby,
and this little precious baby girl
is Lady Marmalade,
aren't you, my precious?
Yes, you are.
Now, she has a very big day tomorrow
at the Kennel Club,
so she needs complete relaxation,
and no stress.
No stress for my baby.
Now, very important.
The stove and the hot tub
are strictly off limits when we're gone.
Make sure that Bobby
returns the kitchen
to its pre-cupcake tidiness.
Tidiness? I'm creating.
And you would be my personal hero
if you could just toss in
a couple of loads of laundry.
- Laundry. I got it.
- Yes. Thank you, my dear.
Okay, here's the invite and my number.
- Oh, hi. I'm Hal Anderson.
- Lola.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hi.
Oh, no, we are not taking my
brand-new freshly detailed SUV
into the dirty, grimy city.
We're taking the sedan.
- You're the boss.
- Thank you.
Okay, Lola, here is my cell,
and the place we're going to be tonight.
Now, are you sure
you can handle three kids?
Oh, my gosh, what am I saying?
Of course you can.
You were recommended by Jenny.
- She taught me everything I know.
- Great.
- Hi, Jen. Come on in.
- Hi.
Oh, Mr. Cooper, that's a nice tux.
Okay, honey. Honey.
She did it again.
- That's enough.
- Katy, sweetheart, what did I tell you
about glittering your father?
He needed a little bling.
Okay, don't you worry.
We will clean that right up.
You guys just go and have a great time.
Thank you, Jenny.
Now, would you please
say hello to Jenny?
Honestly. Look it, I left money
so you guys can go for ice cream.
Emily is banned from
doing anything to her hair.
- Katy is banned from my jewelry box.
- Great.
All right, am I forgetting anything?
My three-star party survival kit.
Mints, safety pins and emergency cash.
- Take care of our babies.
- I'll guard them with my life.
- We're going out.
- I know.
- Run! Just kidding.
- Yes.
Ooh, hot tub.
Hot tub out back?
- Yep.
- Cool.
Jailer Swift on the attack!
Out of my kitchen!
Fire! Lola, help!
Fire, fire. Help! Hurry.
Fire! Fire!
- What?
- Fire!
- Put out the fire!
- Uh, fire extinguisher?
Come on, quick!
- This is bad!
- Get the fire extinguisher.
Hello. Lola?
- No, AJ.
- AJ Anderson? It's Jenny Parker.
Why are you answering my phone?
It's the babysitter's phone.
- Babysitter?
- Yeah.
Your friend. I think her name's Lola.
AJ, sweetie, could you please
put the babysitter on the phone?
- She's busy.
- Doing what?
Putting out the fire.
The fire?
AJ, don't panic.
I'll be right there, okay?
Kids, we're going to the Andersons!
Trey Anderson?
Katy, let's go!
Katy, I mean now!
Come on, hurry!
Quick, quick, quick!
That was awesome.
Wait here, don't move.
I gotta get my camera out of the car.
Hey, let me in, you little punks.
Unlock the door!
Unlock the door!
What in the world is going on here?
- Uh...
- What is on fire?
- Hey, girl, what's up?
- Girl?
What are you doing?
Babysitting. Obviously.
I can't believe this.
This is going to take forever to clean up.
Yeah, it Will.
You kids better get crackin'.
Hey, where's Trey?
Who's Trey?
He's searching
for tickets online?
Psychic Rockets tickets
at Tiny's Pawn Shop?
- He's going to a concert?
- That's awesome.
How could you let a 14-year-old kid
sneak out into the city?
I'm sorry, how is this my fault?
Babysitting rule number one.
Never take your eyes off the kids! Ever!
Okay, this is bad.
My name, my reputation,
my entire college future
is just down the drain.
Think, Jenny, think.
He has to get the tickets, right?
I'll drive into the city
and bring him back myself.
I know the city. I can get him.
You're the one who lost him.
Relax, girlfriend,
I'm just trying to help.
I'm not your girlfriend.
I'm not your friend, okay?
I don't even know you.
You don't? My mom thinks you do.
Uh, I mean, I was joking.
'Cause, like, I do know her.
We're just not besties.
Why don't we all go get Trey?
No. Your parents would kill me.
They'll kill you when they find out
a total stranger is watching us.
And who's gonna tell them?
Anybody have to go to the bathroom?
No, we can't.
Are you gonna fit all of us in your car?
Okay, but...
- I'll drive.
- I'll drive.
- I'll drive!
- I'll drive! Thanks.
Okay, we just got passed by a bicycle.
I am not adding a speeding ticket
and a stolen car to this disaster.
Can we stop
at the grocery store?
No, I told you. We're going to get Trey,
and then we're heading straight home.
If anyone asks,
where did we go, people?
Ice cream.
You know, a professional manicure
could do your hands wonders.
- How old are you?
- Seven.
You know what I was doing
with my hands when I was seven?
No, and she doesn't want to.
At least pretend to set an example.
- Smile, Jenny.
- This is no time for pictures.
It is always the time for pictures.
Art is spontaneous.
- So say cheese!
- No!
Okay, guys,
we find this pawn shop,
get Trey, and get home
as fast as possible.
Turn left in 600 feet.
Turn left.
Are you sure this is right?
Well, yeah, that's what the GPS says.
Turn left in 200 feet.
Hey, puddle!
That was close.
If anything happens to this car,
we're dead.
Approaching destination on left.
There it is, there it is.
Park here, park here.
- Park here.
- Okay!
Okay, you guys wait here. I'll go.
- Um, Jenny.
- Oh, Katy.
Why didn't you go before we left?
I didn't have to go
before we left, obviously.
It's okay. I'll take her.
No. Babysitting rule number two.
Leave no child behind.
Come on, kids, let's go.
- Cool car.
- Yes, it's lovely.
Yeah, yeah, we're all set.
Midnight. We bring the varmint,
you bring the 100 grand cash.
Yeah, yeah, 100 grand.
Look, this is a sapphire ferret.
There's only three of them
in the whole entire world.
You want me to make it 200 grand?
All right then.
No funny business. I gotta go.
What do you kids want?
This place is so cool. It's so rustic.
Hey, no pictures.
Watch the camera, man.
Hi. We are looking for Tiny.
I'm Tiny. Who wants to know?
My name is Jenny Parker.
I'm a babysitter,
and we are looking for a teenage boy.
He came here earlier
to buy some concert tickets.
Oh, yeah. You want the Scalper.
Make it quick.
Uh, you know what? That's okay.
He looks busy. We can wait.
No, we can't.
- Let's go.
- Come on.
Thanks, dude.
Let go.
Stay ahead. Stay ahead of me.
Hi there, Mr. Scalper sir.
Sorry to interrupt
your little martial arts routine there,
but did you happen to sell
Psychic Rockets tickets
to a kid earlier today?
Maybe I did.
Maybe I didn't.
maybe if we called the cops,
and told them there's a weird
scary dude with a sword
selling tickets to minors,
would you remember him then?
Kid paid with ones.
I hate ones.
Hey, little guy. Hungry?
Kid said something about pizza.
I hate pizza.
Pizza? That's great.
That narrows it down to about,
I don't know, 4,000 restaurants.
Mario's. It's his favorite pizza place.
I mean, if I was gonna guess.
Is that what they call stalking
these days?
Jenny! It's trying to get me!
Bobby, what are you doing?
Bobby, calm down.
What is that, a weasel?
I don't know.
Kids, don't touch it.
Kids, stay back.
Hey, man. Hey, watch it.
What are you doing?
Hey, the ferret's loose.
- Move, move!
- Got it, got it.
Come on. Come here, boy.
I got him. Okay.
I got him.
That's so cool. Smile.
Hey, I said no more pictures!
Lola, no means no.
Get the ferret! We need the ferret!
Don't let the ferret get away!
The car's being towed. Let's go!
Where'd it go? I got it!
Hey, wait!
No, no, no. Stop!
No, really, stop.
Okay, go. Hi, sorry.
We did not see the sign.
This isn't even my car.
If you could just please unhook it,
we're here now.
Sure, for 100 bucks.
100 bucks? That's highway robbery.
We should have you towed.
No, that's fine. 100 bucks.
- Debit card is like cash, right?
- Yeah.
Oh, no. My purse.
- I left it at the Andersons.
- Of course.
If you could just please
give us the car now,
I promise you I will
give you the money tomorrow.
I don't do layaway, kid.
Okay, does anyone have any money?
Why do you think I'm babysitting?
I close at midnight.
But you can't just leave us
stranded here.
I mean, we're just kids.
- Time to grow up.
- Seriously?
No, wait. Don't go!
Hey, you better wash that!
That's my mom's car!
Well, what now?
Anybody got any bright ideas?
No, it's fine. It's totally under control.
We've just got no car, no money,
no Trey, and we need
100 bucks by midnight.
It's doable. It's totally doable.
Wait, what about the ice cream money?
Yes, great thinking.
Ten bucks. What's that gonna do?
I saw a bus stop a few blocks over.
We take the bus to Mario's,
get Trey, and by then,
I'll figure out what I'm gonna do next.
Okay. Whatever you say.
Let's go.
- Jenny.
- Yeah?
I'm scared.
there's nothing to be scared of.
How can you snack right now?
I'm not snacking. I'm taste testing.
Where did you get the candy?
Uh, in the pawn shop.
Bobby, you took candy from a stranger?
They were in a bowl.
I thought they were free.
I guess they weren't free.
You kids are in big trouble!
- What do we do? What do we do?
- Run!
- Jenny, run!
- Are they still chasing us?
I don't know, I don't know!
We can't lose those kids.
They got a picture of me
with the sapphire ferret,
which would prove that we stole it.
I'm not goin' back to jail.
We can get 'em at that pizza place.
Hurry, guys. Let's run.
These shoes
aren't made for running.
Children, everyone, on the bus.
Go, go, go.
Good evening, kind sir.
Six kids. That's 12 bucks.
Is it 12, now?
My, my, how times have changed.
Uh, let's just call it close enough, yeah?
- Let's not.
- Okay, well,
the thing is, uh, Karl,
we're having, like,
a minor situation tonight.
You see, thanks to Jenny,
the world's greatest babysitter here,
we don't have
any additional actual money.
- So...
- Don't listen to her, Karl.
This whole fiasco is her fault.
I think we can all stop pointing
fingers and worry about Trey.
Don't pretend to care about Trey.
Honestly, Karl, she doesn't care
about anybody but herself.
I care about a lot of things, Karl,
like art and expression
and photography.
I bet she didn't even know
who Leon Vasquez was until today.
I did too. I read all about him.
Please, I saw your portfolio.
It's as stiff as you are.
Where'd you learn to take pictures,
sweetheart, your computer?
Where'd you learn
all this snappy sarcasm?
We know it wasn't college.
Enough! Get on and zip it!
If you could just send me the address,
- I'd be happy to send you the balance.
- Sit!
Hey, guys.
AJ? What are you doing here?
Trey Anderson, freeze.
- Who's that?
- His babysitter.
You have a babysitter?
I want a babysitter.
She's hot.
You are so lucky we found you.
Hey, Jenny. You look great.
Hi, Trey.
Please don't rat me out, Jenny.
I'll be grounded for life.
Probably till you're 18.
- Who are you?
- Lola.
Technically, I'm your babysitter,
so thanks for making me
look bad, by the way.
You didn't need help for that.
Come on, Trey, let's go.
What about the concert?
There's no way
you're going to that concert.
Besides, we have much
bigger problems to deal with right now.
Jenny got Mom's new car towed.
- You drove my mom's car into the city?
- To get you,
and now we need $100
to get it back by midnight.
I don't suppose you losers
have any money.
I spent it all on tickets.
That's it. Why don't we just
scalp Trey's concert ticket
to get the cash for the car?
You mean, sell it ourselves?
Exactly. Brilliant.
Wait. It's mine.
Oh, cool. So you wouldn't mind
explaining to your mother
that her car got towed
and her precious children
spent the night sitting
on a cold park bench in the city.
I have a better idea.
Why don't we just
call her now, shall we?
Oh, Helen.
This is so not fair.
Life isn't fair, kid.
Jenny, I really have to
go to the bathroom.
Everyone, stay put.
Hey, Bobby, check this out.
Oh, that's so cool.
Bummer about the concert.
Dude, forget the concert. Go for Jenny.
She was totally checking you out, too.
- She was?
- Yeah.
I'm going to the tattoo place.
Cool. Have fun. Go express yourself.
- Thanks for the zip.
- Not even a problem.
Lucky you had a safety pin.
I know, right?
So did you hear who Zac
Chase is taking to the concert tonight?
- No. Who?
- Guess.
- Who?
- Guess.
- Who?
- Dominique Cassidy.
Jenny Parker. Is that really you?
Hey, girls.
Whoa! I never would've thought to see
you in the city on a Friday night.
Really? Why not?
It's the weekend, right?
I live for fun.
Right. So who are you here with?
Just some friends.
They're city friends.
They're really mature friends.
You probably wouldn't know them.
Help. I'm all twisted.
Oh, poor little girl.
Where's your mommy?
I'll go help you find her.
- I have to wash my hands.
- You can use sanitizer.
Where'd everybody go?
- Smile.
- Lola.
- Where are the kids?
- Uh, specifically, I don't know. Around.
- Around? Are you out of your mind?
- Possibly.
Babysitting rule number one.
Never take your eyes off the kids.
Trey, AJ, Bobby.
Uh, where's Emily?
Uh, she's getting a tattoo.
Getting a what?
A tattoo.
In and out like stealth ninjas.
Emily, are you okay?
Please, please tell me
you did not just get a tattoo.
What? It's henna.
The guy did it for free
'cause he liked my aura.
- Cool, right?
- Super cool.
So not super cool. How could you
do that without asking me?
- I asked Lola.
- She did.
Lola... Lola is nobody, okay?
You can't just wander off like that.
Something could've happened to you.
You are my responsibility, okay?
And that better come off
with soap and water.
- Uh, Jenny?
- What, Bobby?
- Please don't let them get me.
- Go, go, go, go!
Everybody get out.
Go, go, go, go!
Go! Come on!
Why are the pawn shop guys
after us?
Bobby stole a candy bar!
- So give it back.
- I can't, I licked it!
- Good, kids. Let's go!
- Bobby!
Come on!
Go this way.
They went this way.
You don't know what way they went.
We know you're in here.
Just wanna have
a reasonable conversation.
Yeah, we're very
reasonable people.
We locked the doors.
There's no way out.
- Get down. Lola.
- No way out!
We're not leaving
till we get that camera.
My camera?
These guys are crazy.
We need to find another way out.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Come out, come out, wherever you are.
That's them. Come on!
Go away! Leave us alone!
Get down! Stop the belt.
Pick on someone your own size!
You're makin' me jump!
You're not gettin' my camera!
You should just give up.
Give me the camera!
Nice going!
Hey, kids.
- Where are we going?
- Lift your legs, lift your legs.
Let's go.
This is so cool. Whoo!
Come on, guys, let's hurry.
Okay, let's go. Come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
Hey, look out!
Go! Go, go, go.
Go, go. Right.
We can't get around this, guys.
There's no way out.
Yeah, there is.
There's an awesome way out.
Oh, yeah!
- No, no, no.
- Yeah.
What an incredible party.
I can't believe this is all for me.
Well, you deserve it all.
There's Barry and Donna.
Let's say hello.
I should give the kids a call though.
- Oh, honey, they're fine.
- I don't know.
AJ was so upset about
missing the Roller Derby match.
She must be miserable and bored.
- Are you ready?
- You bet.
How did you learn how to do that?
How do you think I got off the roof?
This outfit is so going
to need dry cleaning.
Your parents are never going to
ask me to babysit again.
If they do, I'd ask
for ten bucks more an hour.
- Ready?
- Okay.
Right there!
- Who turned out the lights?
- Here I come.
- Is everyone okay?
- Yes.
Let's go sell that ticket!
You're on my leg. My leg, my leg.
I'm having trouble breathing.
Where are we going again?
This isn't good!
This isn't gonna be good!
What just happened?
I hate kids.
We could still get 'em at that concert.
Okay, I'm gonna do it.
Are you sure this is a good idea?
Yeah, people sell concert tickets
every day. It's no big deal.
Here, kid.
Guard this with your life, okay?
You can trust me. I'm a Derby girl.
- Okay.
- Hurry UP-
We'll just be over here by the taco cart.
Oh, tacos.
Maybe my cupcakes
could use some heat.
Jenny, sit on this.
Thanks, Trey. So thoughtful.
Hundred bucks?
Hey, tickets. Just 100 bucks.
How about you, beautiful?
A ticket, 100 bucks? Yeah? No?
What are you doing, AJ?
Please be careful.
It's the Swift Trip Chop.
A right chop with a back spin.
It's Jailer Swift's signature move.
Like that would ever work.
Ticket, ticket. Hundred bucks. Ticket.
- Concert ticket, hundred bucks.
- There she is.
Hey, hey. Hundred bucks, concert ticket.
No, how about you?
Hundred bucks? You got one already.
Reselling a ticket at the site of a venue
is illegal.
Did I say sell? I meant donate.
I was gonna donate this ticket
to a very deserving person, officer.
Oh, no, no, not the police.
- Sounds like you're trying to bribe me.
- No, no, no.
Oh, no!
Stupid kid. Nabbed by the cops.
I see that.
- Come on.
- Oh, but, sir, I didn't do it, I swear.
She'd want a picture of this.
Excuse me, ma'am.
We're looking for our friend Lola.
She's 19, dark hair, snappy attitude.
Yeah, she's getting booked.
- Is that, like, arrested?
- Like yep.
Have a seat, and we'll call you
when we're done processing her.
Fat man called Tiny
and a tall, skinny guy
- with a hat.
- Hood.
And a weird little furry animal thing.
Maybe a ferret. I don't know.
You are aware that lying
to an officer of the law
is also a crime.
You are aware I'm not lying, officer.
It's gonna be along night, kid.
I'm never gonna find the perfect
ingredient in time for the contest.
Quit your whining.
I'm missing the biggest rivalry
in Roller Derby history.
Both of you quit your whining.
I'm missing the biggest
concert of the year.
Hey, everyone quit whining.
Just sit and be quiet so I can think.
You're smart, you are calm,
you always have the answers.
Hey, Jenny. Can't we just call
one of your friends for help?
Uh, my friends are busy studying.
What about your parents?
I told you, they're out of town.
Emily, what did you do?
Nothing. It's just a little hair dye.
Just a little bit of hair dye?
Just a little tattoo.
What is wrong with you?
Why are you being so irresponsible?
I'm not irresponsible.
You're just making everything worse.
Now go sit with the other kids
so I can figure out what to do.
Okay, you wanted to teach me a lesson,
and I get it.
I'm sorry. Can I go now?
I'm not entirely convinced
you do get it, young lady.
You have more than a few
violations on your record.
Parking tickets, not bank robberies.
This girl giving you trouble, officer?
Next time, keep the fighting in the rink
and not the parking lot.
- They started it.
- Yeah, and we're gonna finish it.
Enough already!
You three, over there.
The other three, there.
All right. Thank you.
It's Jailer Swift.
It's you.
- You're my hero.
- Yeah?
I've been trying to learn
the Swift Trip Chop for six months.
Let's see what you got.
Not bad, kid, not bad.
But you need some more torque
on that back spin.
Like so.
Congratulations, Helen.
- Hey. How are you?
- Hi.
- I'm so proud of her.
- I know.
Mom, help!
Jenny stole the Andersons' new car,
and got us all arrested.
We're downtown in the city...
You were right. Except for
the parking tickets, you're clean.
See, I told you. I'm not a felon.
I'm just an innocent babysitter.
And what kind of example
do you think you're setting
for those kids up there?
- You think it's one big joke?
- No.
Trying to sell concert tickets
may not be a felony, but it's dangerous.
Some thug could've snatched
those tickets and your wallet.
Then what?
I don't know.
I guess I didn't really think of that.
No, you didn't.
Look, you're a smart girl.
But you need to start
thinking about your actions.
Those kids up there,
they look up to you.
They wanna be you.
They don't even know me.
I'm not even their real babysitter.
I lied to get the job,
and I lied to you earlier.
Officer, I'm not a Furry Lisa-loving
college student.
I never even heard of
Furry Lisa before today.
Fur Elise. Beethoven.
- Right.
- Doesn't matter.
The truth is,
I wanted to go to art school,
but my grades
weren't good enough to get in,
so I didn't even try.
And now I'm up for this amazing
photography internship
with my idol,
and if I get it, then I'll have
another chance to make things right.
I really am an artist,
and I really am a good photographer.
And I'm really sorry I lied to you,
but you're kinda sorta super cute,
and I know I always make mistakes,
and I know this was a big mistake,
but I just...
I don't think I belong in jail.
Neither do I.
You don't?
Oh, thank you. Sorry.
So do you need any help
getting those kids home?
- Can I call their parents...
- No! No, we're good.
- But thank you.
- Okay.
- Let's see if your friends are up here.
- Yeah.
- Oh, there they are.
- Lola!
You're okay!
Hi, Katy. Hi, cutie.
- Lola!
- Hi. You guys came.
Say cheese.
- Stop pushing me.
- You're blocking my face!
I'll block your face with my foot.
Come on now.
You guys, get out of here now. Go, go!
We gotta get that camera.
We'll get it. No matter what.
Look at that.
That's the little one,
she's got the camera.
Get her. Go, go, go.
Come on, guys.
Lola, are you okay? Was it scary?
- Did they hurt you?
- No, I'm totally fine.
- Fine? You just got arrested.
- It's fine, Jenny.
Relax. It's not a big deal.
This has gone way beyond
sneaking out to a concert.
You guys, I'm sorry,
- but we have to call your parents.
- No!
You're just gonna give up,
just like that?
It's called being responsible.
You should try it sometime.
And you should try loosening up.
Be in the moment.
Hey, little girl. Come here.
- Give me that camera.
- You wish!
It worked!
Hey, hey!
Get her!
Uh, hey, you guys-
- What, Bobby?
- What, Bobby?
- Uh, AJ...
- Oh, no, AJ.
Bad guys!
'Help Police!
That's their car.
Keys. Let's take their car.
- No, no, that's stealing.
- It's not stealing, it's borrowing.
Babysitting rule number two.
Leave no child behind.
Or ahead, right? Yeah.
I can't believe that
you dragged me out of a party
for one of Emily's pranks.
Police don't arrest children.
You heard the message.
She sounded terrified.
You know, I'm sure they're just at home,
absolutely fine, in front of the TV,
watching some ridiculous car chase.
Hang on, AJ, we'll save you.
Kids, this is not how
a responsible babysitter behaves.
Excuse me! Sorry!
Hey, lady, look out!
Out of the way!
- There he is.
- There's the big guy.
- Get away from my sister.
- Yeah!
Hey, hey. That's my car!
- That's my car!
- Faster, Lola, faster!
- Look! There she is.
- Get out of the way!
God. You can do this. Come on.
Look out! Look out!
Wow, that was close.
Hey! That's our car!
Stupid ferret.
You can do it, Tiny.
Think of the money.
Think of the money.
Professor Helen Anderson.
And thank you so... Oh.
Okay. Oops.
My phone called the Andersons.
Hands free, hands free. Just give it...
Uh, sorry. Babysitter.
Hello. Hello?
- Helen.
- Helen?
Lola, is everything okay?
Oh, totes. Just checking in.
You're checking in with me?
I've never heard of that before.
Uh, babysitter bonus.
It's part of the premium package.
Uh, okay, have fun. Bye.
Bye. Thank you.
Everything is fine.
Everything is fine.
And I'm fine.
Actually, I am... I am more than fine.
Are you gonna explain to Helen
why her best friends
missed her speech?
Whoa! Did you see that?
What kind of parent lets their kid
roller skate in the city after dark?
- That's unbelievable.
- The things you see in this city.
There she is, there she is.
Look out!
Oh, my gosh, she's headed
for the picnic tables.
Pick up your food! Coming through!
- Yes!
- Nice, AJ.
- Ooh!
- That's gotta hurt.
There she is, there she is.
AJ, are you okay?
AJ, please tell me you're okay.
Everything's good.
No scratches. Awesome.
Move, move!
You okay?
Okay, guys, not okay.
- Not okay.
- Not good.
Down here. Let's go!
In here.
Lock the door!
Front door. I know a guy.
Now put your hands up
Now wave them side to side
I got all my people with me
And we ready to ride
'Bout to blow the roof
By the end of the night
Lighting up the sky like it's 4th of July
Yeah, you gotta light...
- Hurry before they catch up.
- Is my camera okay?
Really? You're worried
about your stupid camera?
It's not stupid.
I won this camera
in my first photography contest.
This camera is proof I have talent.
Whatever. Come on. Let's just go
before they come back, all right?
Sorry. Wrong place. Bye.
Oh, no, no, no. Stop in your tracks.
'Cause we ain't goin' nowhere
till we get the facts.
- Excuse me'?
- You heard me.
Step on my stage,
you gotta spill your rage.
My rage? No, we're fine.
There's nothing to rage about.
Come on, kids.
- Y'all know how we do.
- Yeah!
- It's double true.
- What'?
'Cause if it's your first time...
You gotta rhyme!
- Rhyme?
'Rap. Jenny,
- They want you to rap.
- I can't rap. I'm a babysitter.
Just say something. Anything.
Just go. Be creative.
My name is Jenny Parker.
And these kids are my...
We're in a lot of trouble
and I'm not sure what to do.
See, it all started
When our phones made a switch
Lola lied to the parents
She's been a real witch
Kid snuck out, the kitchen caught fire
The car got towed
All because she's a liar
Now these bad guys are chasing us
We almost just died
I got a tattoo
Can you let that one slide?
This girl is ruining my life
My job, my reputation
And if we ever get home
I'm gonna need a vacation
Yeah, tell it, girl!
But no matter what, I won't be a quitter
Gonna care for these kids
'Cause I'm the babysitter
She ain't no quitter
She's the babysitter
- She ain't no quitter
- She ain't no quitter
Go out there, Lola,
show 'em what you got.
- Yeah? She's really good though.
- You can do way better than her.
- Oh, you think so?
- Yeah.
Come on.
She's the babysitter.
She's the babysitter...
Hold up just a minute
That's not the straight scoop
This girl's so uptight
She's all tied in a loop
We got ourselves
a battle of the babysitters.
Let's rewind this movie an hour or two
The kid snuck out, I didn't have a clue
Yeah, that's true
Okay, I admit it, I don't follow rules
I'm not good with kids
I'm not good at school
It wasn't my plan to steal a car
Or end up in jail or take it this far
It's true I lied, but nobody's died
And these kids are having
An incredible ride
You think you know it all
But you don't know me
See, I'm more than just
Miss Spelling Bee
You want to be a real artist
Take pictures, get gritty
On your first night out
In the big, bad city
You're a cool girl, Jenny
But I'm pretty cool, too
Go, Lola, go, Lola!
In fact, I'm just as great
A babysitter as you
She's right, I'm smart
And I do follow rules
I work real hard
And I care about school
There's a time for fun
To let go and climb trees
But I am a real artist
Everybody say cheese
- We ain't no quitters
- Yeah, y'all heard the girls!
We're the babysitters
- They ain't no quitters
- They ain't no quitters
They're the babysitters
They're the babysitters
They ain't no quitters
They're the babysitters
They ain't no quitters
They're the babysitters
They're the babysitters
We ain't no quitters
We're the babysitters
That's right.
They ain't no quitters
They're the babysitters
They're the babysitters
They ain't no quitters
There they are. Come on.
Lola, they're here. Look.
Peace out! Let's go, guys.
- Well, good night.
- Come on, kids.
Move! Aw, I hate clubs!
Out of the way.
Those are our kids. Can we just...
Stop in your tracks.
'Cause you ain't goin' nowhere
till we get the facts!
Jenny, you were great!
- That was amazing.
- I can't believe I just did that.
See what happens
when you just let go?
The art just starts to flow.
Well, speaking of flow,
we better get going before
these guys come out, all right?
- Jenny, you were way cool.
- Thank you.
Not cool. You were radical!
It was crazy!
She didn't end world hunger, people.
Yeah, I just came on shift,
but let me check, okay?
Yeah, all right.
George, got any kids
locked up in the back, or babysitters?
None yet. We don't usually lock up
the children until after midnight.
- I'm sorry.
- Okay. Thanks.
This was mama's one night out.
Thanks, fellas.
That was really great.
I am so proud of you.
Hey, you should talk to Emily.
She seems pretty down.
Hey, um, I just wanted
to apologize about earlier
back at the police station.
Just forget it.
No, I won't forget it.
It's been an awful night,
but it's no excuse to hurt your feelings.
You're not a child.
You're an amazing, smart, cool girl.
No, I'm just a dork.
Nobody even knows I exist.
I'm just an invisible dork.
You're not invisible. You're beautiful.
And you don't need green hair or tattoos
to be noticed.
Just be your awesome self.
I promise you, it's enough.
If he doesn't see that,
then that's his loss.
boys are dorks.
They are dorks.
Thanks, Jenny.
Um, Jenny.
There's something
I should probably tell you.
Maybe she meant
the North Park station.
- It's not that far...
- No, no, no.
Absolutely not.
Barry, I am tired, I'm cold.
My feet are numb.
Barry, why didn't you tell me
that I was wearing two different shoes?
I thought it was a fashion choice.
You called your parents?
- I'm sorry.
- She called the parents.
That's it, it's over.
That girl looks like Emily.
She's got green hair. You're exhausted.
Emily, you have to call them back
and tell them it was a prank.
Here, use mine.
Come on.
We'd have gotten back faster
if we walked.
Of course, we can't walk
because of my shoes.
- Finally. Maybe it's Jenny.
- Yeah, yeah, okay.
L. Perez. I don't know any L. Perez.
I'm not answering. Stop.
Hi, you've reached...
- Didn't answer.
- Great. There goes that plan.
Can't you just delete the message?
How? I don't know the code.
Mom and Dad are at the planetarium.
It's not that far from here.
Yeah, let's just sneak into the party,
find your mom's phone and delete
the message ourselves.
Ooh, sure, no problem, MacGyver.
I'll just take out the security guards
with my Taser gun, and then,
Katy here can shimmy in
through the air ducts.
I'm not dressed to shimmy.
Are you always this negative?
You can't even consider an idea
that's a little bit outside the box?
Outside of the box?
You just got outside of jail.
Now you wanna crash a gala?
Even if we could make it,
there's no chance
we'd get the money in time.
Katy's three-star party survival kit.
Mommy keeps a hundred-dollar bill
- in her fancy coat pocket.
- Yes, Katy!
No, it's too dangerous.
Come on, Jenny.
There are moments in life
where you just have to take the risk
and go for it.
This is one of those moments.
What brings you kids here?
We're going to steal
money from my mommy's...
Kids. They are so cute.
We're babysitters just taking
a little evening field trip
to the planetarium.
Field trip? At this hour?
Dude, Jupiter's at opposition.
Best time to observe it.
You're right. You really know your stuff.
My mom's a scientist.
Go, go.
My people.
Lucky I wore diamonds.
No, Katy, you didn't.
It's Friday night. What did you expect
me to wear, pearls?
- Hey, it's Mom.
- Where?
Oh, no, this is a nightmare.
No, it's actually a really good picture.
It's intense.
Not the picture.
If she sees me, I'll never
get that recommendation letter.
How did you forget the Andersons
were gonna be here tonight?
I didn't forget.
I have it right here on this note.
Where's the note?
"National Science Foundation
Celestial Ball."
This must be our lucky night.
It sure is.
Ah, do you smell that?
- Fresh oregano and a hint of red pepper.
- Bobby!
Jenny, coat room's over there.
Everyone duck and cover. Let's go.
And these are my people.
Oh! I can't serve this.
It's original creation.
C'est magnifique.
It's dog poop.
You are dog poop.
What's taking so long?
The guests are waiting for dessert.
Okay, I'll distract the coat check person,
Jenny, you find the coat.
Great, good. Okay.
Uh, everyone, stay in here.
Trey, Emily, keep an eye on the kids.
Where's Bobby?
I need sea salt and Mexican chocolate.
Freshly grated, of course.
Who are you?
Assistant pastry chef, dude... Sir.
Hurry. Go!
Sea salt!
Oh, my gosh, what's he doing?
It's fine, let the kid do his thing.
We gotta buy some time.
- I wanna go to the party, too.
- Absolutely not, Katy.
Do you remember what my mommy's
fancy coat looks like?
You're good. Let's go.
Sea salt!
Thank you.
I can't believe you thought
our kids were in the city jail.
Let's just get our coats and go home.
- It's Mommy.
- Katy.
It's your kids, too.
It's Jenny.
- Where?
- No, she's not here, Barry.
I mean, Jenny is babysitting.
She's the most responsible
babysitter in the world.
If anything was wrong,
she would've called us.
Jenny. There it is.
- No!
- She's coming!
I still wanna go home.
Fine. Go home.
I'm going to get dessert.
You do that.
I have to eat dessert now.
Great. There goes our cash.
Why don't we just go get it?
Oh, I don't know.
Maybe the Coopers will recognize me.
But what?
Uh, I never wear heels.
It's easy, you just stand on your toes.
How do I look?
Almost. Not quite. Come here.
Here we go.
No, no, there's no way I'm doing this.
- This is never gonna...
- Come on, Lola.
There are moments in life
when you just have to take a risk
and go for it.
This is one of those moments.
Absolutely not.
Even worse.
- What is this?
- Celery leaf.
I don't ever wanna see this again.
Will somebody bring me
something innovative?
That's it!
Crushed seaweed. It's so innovative.
I hear he's from the Culinary Institute.
Some sort of prodigy.
It's all about the perfect ingredient.
It sure is, kid.
Can I help you, gentlemen?
Yeah, you see some kids come in here?
Who wants to know?
We're their uncles.
Their parents sent us to pick them up.
I think you better wait here.
Yeah, this is Eugene in the lobby.
I got two suspicious subjects
heading into Sky Pavilion.
I may need back-up.
Hello, darling.
Lovely party.
Where is she?
Look at all the dresses.
Hello, all.
Fabulous gala.
Oh, what about that piano player?
Wasn't that Fur Elise
he was playing earlier?
I don't know.
All I know is this mousse is incredible.
There's Lola.
The kid is good.
Let me see.
- She looks so pretty.
- Thanks to you.
Oh, I love your earrings.
My husband gave me a pair
just like that.
He told me they were one of a kind.
That's what I was told.
These were a gift from my boyfriend.
He's a police officer, a rookie.
So handsome.
How nice.
Oh, I adore your coat.
Is this real wool?
No, it's cashmere.
That's what you told me.
Clumsy me. I'll get it.
That's what it says on the tag.
Okay, fine,
so they're not one of a kind.
- You don't have to lie about it.
- I didn't.
- I swear, honey.
- You know what, it's fine, I don't care.
Let's just have fun.
I wanna enjoy what's left of the evening.
This dessert, it's a lot of fun.
Well, if you'll excuse me.
Nature calls. Toodles.
- Give me the camera.
- This is not mine.
I can't do that!
You brought the ferret!
I ain't leavin' 100 grand in the car.
- We gotta stop him.
- Not if he gets away.
- Oh, sorry.
- Nice party.
Come here, buddy. Come on!
', hey, hey, hey!
Oh, come here.
Come on, valuable ferret, come here.
Come here. Come to Tiny.
Come to Tiny.
Oh, my God!
- There he goes. Yay!
- He's on my foot.
He's on my foot, he's on my foot!
He's on my foot!
I hope we're not missing anything.
Nothing. Crouton?
So, why did you want
to do that to your hair?
I don't know.
Because I'm boring.
You're not boring.
Yes, I am.
No, you're not.
Tell you the truth,
I think you're pretty cool.
You do?
Your music's what's boring.
- It is not.
- Yeah, it is.
Yours is boring.
Come on, guys. Time to go!
- Time to go.
- We got the money.
AJ, let's go, come on.
I'm gonna get you
when we get out of this.
If you could run
more than five miles an hour...
You just had to let the ferret get away.
Hey, isn't that...
It's along story. No time. Come on.
A big, fat man named Tiny,
a tall, skinny guy in a hood,
and a rare sapphire ferret.
Yeah, can you believe that?
Yeah, actually, I do believe you.
We did it! I can't believe it.
And with an extra 20 bucks
to get to the tow yard.
How did you get an extra 20?
Smart babysitters check both pockets.
- Nice going.
- Thank you.
You know, we actually make
a pretty good team.
- We do, don't we?
- Wait.
You know, I really
underestimated you, Jen.
Underneath all this stifled perfection,
there's a really cool chick.
Thanks, Lola.
Yeah, I can totally see why that guy
asked you to the concert.
It makes so much sense now.
What guy?
Uh, uh, I think his name was Zeke.
- Zac.
- Yeah. Uh, sounds about right.
Zac Chase invited me to a concert?
How could you not tell me?
- I forgot.
- You forgot.
That was only the single most
important phone call of my life.
What did you say?
Uh, not much.
Uh, I might've implied that you possibly
weren't interested in him.
Why would you do that?
I was distracted.
You saw how cute Officer James is.
I'm sorry, Jenny, I didn't mean to...
That's great. That's great because
now he's there with Dominique Cassidy.
That should've been me at that concert.
Maybe it's not too late.
Of course it's too late.
That show is almost over,
and now, we have to get the car
and get back home.
Just forget it.
No, I won't. Taxi!
- Taxi!
- What are you doing?
The right thing.
You guys, come on, let's go!
Come on, there's still time if we hurry.
You don't have to worry
about those guys anymore, buddy.
I'm gonna get you home.
You guys won't be kidnapping any more
exotic animals where you're going.
Hey, Hal, I have a message
from the security company.
They said the alarm
went off at the house earlier,
- and the babysitter's not answering.
- Try the home phone.
Wait, wait.
We don't even have tickets.
Just let me handle this, okay?
Just for once, trust me.
- Hi.
- Ticket.
No, but what's it gonna take
to get all of us in?
You know you can't
take your camera in, right?
Give it to me, and I'll let you all in.
Right. Right, yeah.
Of course. Yeah.
I'll just take the memory card.
No, no. Stop!
You can't do that.
That means too much to you, Lola.
Yes, I can.
Let's go, guys.
Okay, go get your guy, Jen.
Guys, I can't go in like this.
I'm a mess.
- I'm on it.
- Okay.
Come on.
Emily, Trey, watch the kids.
Nobody move.
- You bet.
- Got it.
Trust me. I know what to do.
- What do we do?
- Jacket.
- Sweater.
- Sweater. Hands up.
- Tie your shirt.
- Tie the shirt.
- Those.
- Okay.
What else, mastermind?
You look great!
- What do you guys think?
- You look amazing.
- Nice job.
- Yeah, really.
You look amazing.
Have fun.
I don't think I can do this.
Yes, you can.
Just look at everything you did tonight.
You risked your life, you went to jail,
you stole a car, rapped onstage,
you crashed a gala
and fought off criminals.
Talking to a boy will be easy.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Thanks, Lola.
Of course. Now go get him.
Thank you. Good night!
It's over. What do I do?
Go. Go get him, Jenny!
Go! Just go find him.
Go. He's in there somewhere.
Zac Chase?
- What are you doing here?
- Looking for you.
Me? But you told me to get lost.
No, it wasn't me.
Someone else had my phone.
I would've said yes.
You would?
Wait, don't move!
Sorry. Excuse me. Sorry, sorry.
Hold on, Jen.
You look beautiful.
Thank you.
I really have to go.
But you just got here.
I know. It's along story
and along night.
I just wanted you to know the truth.
And I really have to go now.
Then I'll come with you.
But what about Dominique?
Dominique? No, she left early
with her boyfriend.
She has a boyfriend?
Jenny. Jenny!
- Jenny.
- Jenny!
Jenny, I got a missed call
from the Andersons,
but I thought we should
listen to the message together.
All right. Put it on speaker.
Hi, guys. This is Zac.
Oh, I forgot to tell you.
I'm sort of babysitting.
Wow. Their parents must really trust you
to take their kids into the city.
Okay, guys, here it is.
the security company called.
The alarm went off earlier,
no one's answering at the house,
and we just heard from the Coopers
who are looking for
their kids in the city jail.
- We're on our way home.
- I knew it.
I knew this would happen.
I knew we would've been home by now
if I hadn't broken
the most important rule of all.
You never put a boy before kids.
No, it's my fault. I talked you into it.
I practically forced you.
I never should've taken this job.
I thought babysitting
was the easiest job in the world,
but it's not.
Jenny, I'll take full responsibility.
I'll tell the truth.
You didn't recommend me,
we're not friends.
I lied about everything.
Let's just turn ourselves in.
For once, I agree with you.
- Now just wait one minute.
- Yeah.
We've spent the whole night
listening to you two argue and whine.
But you two aren't the only ones
with something to lose.
- We're not?
- Hello!
I snuck out to a concert.
I skated off in the city by myself.
I used the stove. Started a fire.
Impersonated a chef.
I took my mommy's
favorite diamond earrings.
I dyed my hair green, got a tattoo,
and told my parents we were in jail.
- I'm sorry, guys.
- Yeah, me, too.
There's no way we'll make it.
Not if we don't try.
We ain't no quitters
Uh, we're the babysitters
- All right, Zac, how big is your car?
- Let's go.
How long do you think it'll take
to get to the tow yard?
Wait! Wait, stop!
Our mom's gonna be
so mad at us. Come on!
Just wait.
Wait. We're here. Hey, lady.
We're closed. Come back tomorrow.
We have the money.
Just give us the car.
We'll be on our way.
Look, girlie...
I'm tired, my feet hurt,
and my truck has a flat.
I've had a really long night.
You've had along night?
Yeah, so don't mess with Trixie.
Don't mess with the babysitter.
- Everyone's buckled up, right?
- Yes.
Okay, cool, we gotta get home
before your parents do, so hold on.
Slowest valet in the city.
They could stand
to hire some more help.
I know.
All right, kiddies, we gotta move!
Trey, I need you to get the hose,
rinse off the car.
I'll put it in the garage later.
Everybody else, get inside,
get on your pajamas fast. Let's go!
Oh, my gosh.
- Look at those bubbles!
- Mom is going to freak out!
Lady Marmalade!
Okay, Emily, get that dog
into a tub and start scrubbing,
and scrub your head
and arms while you're at it.
Jenny, Katy, get some towels,
start mopping up those suds.
Bobby, AJ, we're on kitchen duty.
Everybody, go, go, go! Now, now, now!
How long will it
take us to get home?
We'll be home in 15 minutes, tops.
- The car's done.
- Dog duty upstairs.
- Wow!
- Check her out.
Jenny, you guys better get going.
Everyone else, upstairs and in bed.
Got it?
All right.
Well, we just wanted to say...
We think you're both
awesome babysitters.
Yeah. This has been
the coolest night of our lives.
- For sure.
- Absolutely.
I met my hero.
I finally found my perfect ingredient.
I went to my first gala.
I missed the concert, but this has been
the best night of my life.
Yeah. Ours, too.
Okay, you freaks, everybody
get out of here already.
Go, go, go, go, go, go!
- Buckled up?
- Yeah.
Let's get home.
The house isn't on fire.
So far, so good.
Now don't tell anyone, Lady Marmalade.
- Hi.
You guys are home so soon.
Is everything okay?
Couldn't be better, Helen.
Your children are angels.
Jenny, thank you again
so much for everything.
We really hope your night of babysitting
wasn't as much trouble as mine.
No. No trouble at all.
Officer, I don't think I was speeding,
but if I was, there's a very good reason.
I've had a really...
Driving without a license is illegal.
Okay, seriously, you really need
to take a night off.
That's a great idea.
How about Saturday?
Yeah, yeah, Saturday works.
Zac. What are you doing here?
Um, returning Emily's headphones.
Oh, my gosh. I can't believe
she would've forgotten those.
She technically didn't.
I asked her if I could keep them.
You did?
- Yeah.
- Why?
- Um, so I could return them.
- Right.
And see you.
Ask her out!
Ask him out!
Do you...
- Wanna go outwith me?
- With me?
- Yes?
- Yes.
Great, Zac. I'll see you tonight.
Um, you're a little late.
- Oh, am I?
- Yeah.
Sorry. I guess I just needed to sleep in
after my date with Zac last night.
Aw. I'm really happy for you guys.
And I want you to know, Jenny,
whatever happens today,
whoever Leon picks, I'm okay.
Thank you, but you were right, Lola.
I didn't even know
who Leon Vasquez was
before I read about this internship.
I like photography,
but no, I don't love it.
Not like you.
I called earlier and officially
withdrew my application.
I'm taking the summer off.
What about college
and early admission
and your transcripts?
What about fun and free time,
and living outside of the box?
Well, since you're such an expert
at this college stuff,
maybe you could help me
with my art school applications.
Sure. Friends help friends, right?
And if you ever need
a recommendation as a babysitter,
feel free to use my name.
I think I should probably retire.
Um, hey, could you send me
the pictures from the other night?
Yeah, of course. I'll send them over
to everyone. Come here.
What's this?
Just me being spontaneous.
I'll see you soon.
Yeah, I'll see you soon.
I used to think
that good things were so bad
No need to hold back, not me, no more
I'm walking this road, I'm taking control
My heart can't say no
I'm living on the wild side, wild side
No telling what I might find, might find
No stopping 'cause
it feels right, feels right
I'm living on the...
Ooh, ooh
On the wild side, wild side
So ready, now it's my time, my time
No stopping 'cause it feels right
Feels right
I'm living on the...
Ooh, ooh
I'm living on the wild side, wild side