Adventures of Don Juan (1948)

In Europe, as the 17th century dawned...
...mankind was lifting itself
from ignorance and superstition.
The old frontiers of the mind
were rolling back.
New books, new methods
were aiding man... his climb
toward knowledge and wisdom.
In the laboratory.
In the arts.
In every field of endeavor
man was lifting himself hand over hand...
...climbing onward, ever upward.
And on the outskirts of London
on a summer night...
...another man was lifting himself
hand over hand...
...climbing upward, ever onward...
...toward his objective.
- Catherine?
- Don Juan.
Oh, why have you kept me waiting?
I thought you'd never come.
See how my heart is pounding.
Beloved, no power on earth
would have kept me from you.
In all this world,
there's been but one image in my heart.
- One vision before my eyes.
- Yes, yes, go on.
I have loved you
since the beginning of time.
But you only met me yesterday.
Why, that was when time began.
Don Juan.
My incomparable Don Juan.
Yes, yours and yours only.
I wish I could believe you.
But you've made love
to so many women.
Catherine... artist may paint a thousand canvases
before achieving one work of art.
Would you deny a lover
the same practice?
But how long will you love me?
Sweet lady, love is not measured
in terms of time...
...only in ecstasy.
It's a beautiful night.
How bright the moon is shining.
Is there a moon?
It will be eclipsed
when my husband returns.
Love like ours will never be eclipsed.
Your husband?
You said you were unmarried.
I said I was unattached.
And since I'm not attached to my husband,
I told you the truth.
But let's not speak of husbands.
- It's such a tedious subject.
- Yes, of course.
And there's really no need to worry.
He's on a hunting trip.
- He's extremely fond of grouse.
- Grouse, eh?
And besides...
...we have only these few moments.
A few moments? How few, loved one?
What is time?
A week, a day, an hour, a minute?
Time flies.
And he always blows his trumpet
when he returns.
Catherine, look, got a grouse.
Got a...
Who is this?
You tell him.
Cecil, you didn't blow your trumpet.
Out of my way, mistress.
Speak up, you.
Sir, I realize that this must appear
to be a trifle compromising.
- Compromising? En garde, sir.
- lf you would allow me to explain...
I will allow you a decent burial
and no more.
Will you draw your sword, sir,
or shall I run you through?
That's not a very attractive offer.
However, you leave me no choice.
- Now what shall I do?
- Whatever you think best.
But can't you talk to him?
- Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
- I, ashamed?
Do you think it's fair to leave a beautiful
woman like this alone, neglected...
...while you indulge your own
selfish pleasures?
How true.
Grouse hunting?
- When did you last tell her she's beautiful?
- I don't have to, she's my wife.
Wrong. You should remind her
of her beauty every day of her life.
Write her poetry. Send her flowers.
- And jewelry.
- Be quiet.
We should never close our eyes
to beauty.
If you'd open yours, you'd have
not only a wife, but a wife's love.
...I give you back your...
Your grouse.
Be careful.
Thank you, but this has become
more or less of a habit.
Guards! Guards!
Quickly! Guards!
- Leporello, quick.
- Guards!
- What now?
- Husband.
After that man. There!
Over the wall! Hurry! Hurry!
Bring the scoundrel back dead or alive.
And now, mistress, I'll deal with you.
- Yes?
- l...
First, I must tend to my grouse.
- Halt!
- By who's command, fellow?
By command of Her Majesty,
Queen Elizabeth.
- This road is to be kept clear.
- For what reason?
To escort the Spanish duke...
...His Grace the Duke of Crdoba,
along this road to London.
What next, you big lout?
How many times must I tell you
how much I dislike pomp and ceremony?
- How many times?
- Yes.
- He doesn't like them.
- Your pardon. Are you...?
Merely a simple traveler, captain. No matter.
We'll find another road. Thank you.
If you wish, Your Grace...
- I mean... I mean, sir.
- What's that?
Oh, pay no attention
to my fool of a servant, captain.
His brains are addled.
Your Grace, I don't think it fitting
that you should ride into London alone.
- You must persuade His Grace.
- Forgive me, Your Grace.
We were told that the duke
would arrive at dawn with a full retinue.
Oh, my retinue is close behind me,
Indeed it is, Your Grace.
We'll take you to London instantly
and to your bride.
- My bride?
- I know how impatient you must be.
On to London with all haste.
- Your Grace seems to be quite a celebrity.
- Quite.
So keep bowing. Keep smiling.
Imagine, being taken to one's bride
by a royal escort.
They're not only royal, they're armed.
Keep bowing. Keep smiling.
I don't like it. I don't like it.
- Courage, Leporello. Courage.
- Courage?
I've gotta sit and wait and worry
whether you're coming out headfirst...
...or just your head's coming out.
What are you complaining about?
I'm on my way to marry a woman.
I don't even know what she looks like.
Sit up straight.
No. No, no. I've decided. I won't do it.
I refuse to marry a man I've never seen.
But, Diana, it's all arranged.
It's been arranged for weeks.
The entire court has been invited.
Queen Elizabeth herself is coming
to your wedding.
She can afford to.
She's not getting married.
This is treasonous.
What's come over you?
- You haven't been the same since France.
- I wish I'd never returned.
You're as stubborn as your mother,
rest her soul.
This alliance may mean peace
for England and Spain.
Yes, but not for me.
How do you know?
You've never even seen the duke.
- I have a premonition.
- But...
He's coming! He's coming!
The duke is almost here.
Oh, do come and have a look.
Have a look.
Diana, my child, for my sake.
For England.
Very well. I'll do it for England.
But if he looks like my premonition
there still may be war with Spain.
Come, my lady, do have a look.
He's right below. Come along.
Oh, look, that must be His Grace there.
Oh, he's a fine looking gentleman,
isn't it?
For a foreigner, that is.
Balcony, 18 feet above street level.
No trellises or vines to hang onto.
Flagpoles won't support your weight.
And if you come out suddenly,
come over roof.
Keep horses close.
Well, my lady, what do you think of him?
- I know that head.
- But you couldn't.
- You've never seen the duke.
- No.
But I've seen that head.
Your Grace?
- Your Grace?
- Yes, My Grace.
My son.
My son.
- Father.
- Come.
Your bride awaits you.
Quick, my powder. My brush.
But a moment ago
you didn't want to see His Grace.
- That was a moment ago.
- Oh, you're flushed and excited.
- Perhaps you should be put to bed.
- Perhaps.
- Come in, Your Grace. Come in.
- Thank you, sir.
- My daughter will greet you immediately.
- You're very kind, sir.
Diana, my dear.
Oh, Your Grace.
- There's something I should explain, sir.
- But... But...
My daughter. My blessed child.
Here is your future husband.
Your Grace.
My compliments, sir.
Indeed, we're both fortunate.
I thank Your Grace.
I thank you.
- Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll...
- By all means.
Oh, Your Grace.
- Well, Your Grace?
- Extremely well.
- Now that I see you for the first time, l...
- The first time?
Well, beauty such as yours
is always new.
Charming. Spoken like a Don Juan.
- Don Juan?
- Darling, let's stop pretending.
You're here at last.
- You've found me.
- So I have.
Just as you swore you would
that star-crossed night...
...when you held me in your arms.
I'll never forget it.
It was...
- It was...
- Venice.
Venice. Yes, of course.
That unforgettable night.
You and I together.
Strange music coming to us
across the water, haunting us.
It was Paris, you beast!
At the home of the Contesse de Trouville
in the garden.
You swore you'd remember my kiss
till the end of time.
That was four months ago.
Diana, darling, at last I found you.
Liar. Cheat. Imposter.
No. For a moment,
I was blinded by your beauty.
Why do you think I've risked my life
to come here posing as the duke?
Well, why? You didn't remember me.
You'd forgotten all about me, hadn't you?
Hadn't you?
Well, call the guards.
Call your father. I deserve it.
This time you won't forget me.
This time I won't let you forget me.
Is that my heart beating so?
No, but that's your father at the door.
- Open the door!
- My lady. My lady.
That man's an imposter.
The duke is here with me.
Yes, father, I'm struggling with him,
but he's so strong.
Diana, look...
You scoundrel! You shall pay
for this with your head.
Dear lady, forgive me.
You'll come back?
I'm not sure I'll leave.
- Any suggestions, Your Grace?
- Not at the moment.
Have you any suggestions?
No back stairway? No...
Take your hands off my daughter!
Diana, this is the duke.
- This is your future husband.
- And who are you?
Merely a fellow countryman, sir.
Come to congratulate the bride.
- Your name?
- I'm Don Juan.
- Don Juan?
- Don Juan?
- Now, we are ruined.
- Allow me.
You're a disgrace to Spain.
And as a loyal Spaniard
I shall wipe out this disgrace.
- Oh, stop being so... So Spanish.
- Seize that man.
- Oh, let me kill him.
- No! No! No!
No! No! No!
- No! No!
- Diana.
Diana, my dear, no, no, no.
Thank heaven I arrived in time
to save you.
But how I could have forgotten anyone
as lovely as Diana...
...that's what worries me.
That worries you?
Merciful heavens. At this very moment,
they may be sharpening the axes...
...or rigging their gallows,
or perhaps both.
- And you're worried about your memory.
- Oh, my dear friend, what will be will be.
A few women I know I've forgotten.
Some I...
I don't even remember well enough
to know whether I've forgotten them or not.
But Diana? And after only four months?
I must keep a diary.
Oh, I wouldn't start one now.
It would look ridiculous
just to have one entry.
Women, thy name is trouble.
There must be something in life
more important than the pursuit of women?
Yes, there must be. But what?
If you would only listen to me.
Here they are.
Don Juan de Maraa...'re paroled to the custody
of the Spanish ambassador.
Leporello... cape.
It was with the greatest difficulty...
...I was able to secure your release
from an English jail.
But do not imagine
this affair is concluded.
Now you seem headed
for a Spanish prison.
The Duke de Crdoba has returned to Madrid
and laid his grievances before the king.
It's not only an affront
to Spanish dignity...'s a serious setback to me
and my work.
I was able to achieve peace
between England and Spain.
This marriage was a step
in that direction.
I thought marriage was a step
in the opposite direction.
Well, fortunately, there are those
who disagree with you.
Queen Elizabeth was interested
in this alliance.
Do you think it helps my cause
for her to see it destroyed by a Spaniard?
- Perhaps if I talk to her...
- I forbid it.
Your reputation hardly qualifies you
as a diplomat.
Yes, of course, my reputation.
Has it ever occurred to Your Excellency,
that if a man...
...any average man, makes love to a girl,
nobody thinks anything of it.
On the contrary, they all smile indulgently
and say what a nice romantic fellow he is.
But if I so much as bow to a lady
in the street...
...her relatives start reaching for daggers
and wanna carve me up.
- Do you now pretend to be innocent?
- Well, for the things I haven't done, yes.
That still leaves you
with a wide margin of guilt.
You were forced to leave St. Petersburg,
Amsterdam, Venice, Paris, Rome.
Columbus extended the world,
but for you it grows continually smaller.
Now return to Madrid to present yourself
at court for judgment.
- Not Spain...
- That's a command.
Well... least I'll be buried in native soil.
Juan, your father was my friend.
For my sake
and for the sake of his memory...
...why don't you give up this wasteful,
useless life?
But, Your Excellency...
...I don't consider my life
particularly wasteful or useless.
I'm just seeking happiness,
the same as any other man.
Our viewpoints differ, that's all.
Yours seems to be higher than mine.
Possibly because you see life mostly
from a balcony.
And yet I seem to have heard
that when you were young...
We won't discuss that.
Juan, my son, you return to our country
at a perilous time.
There are those in Spain as in England
who would drive us to war.
Men like that are in every country.
But, unfortunately,
those in Spain are shrewd and powerful.
Why, even the king's minister,
the Duke de Lorca.
Well, at court,
only the queen fights for peace.
Now, you have grace and wit and daring.
If you'd use these attributes
in our cause...
Oh, Your Excellency, I'm not fitted
for a life of court intrigue.
I wouldn't know what to do.
Besides, Her Majesty's hardly likely
to seek my head.
- I'm returning in disgrace to be punished.
- As you deserve to be.
But you could be useful to us.
If one day I should call upon you,
would you?
For you, my dear friend? Anything.
I've written to Queen Margaret
urging she deal gently with you.
And, heaven forgive me,
stating faith in your reformation.
If heaven will help, I'll try,
if only to keep faith with you.
Do so. Her Majesty rewards
those who serve her.
She gave me this ring
as a seal of our friendship.
She needs friends.
Be loyal to her...
...and you'll find her as I have,
a generous and just ruler.
- Thank you, sir.
- Remember your promise.
- I will. I'll set an example for all Spain.
- Heaven forbid.
- Adios.
- Adios.
Oh, don't you think I should
make my apologies to Lady Diana?
Off with you!
What's happened here?
This is not the Madrid I once knew.
No life. No laughter.
That will all be changed
now that you're back.
Thank you.
Couldn't we get something to eat?
Welcome, seores.
Welcome to the finest inn in all Madrid.
- How do you know it's the finest?
- Must be.
All the others have been taxed out
of existence.
- May I be of service, seores?
- Indeed you may.
- Food and wine, if you please.
- This way, please.
The best in the house.
I must apologize, seores.
These days the best we have
is only humble fare.
What? This from a man who's always
served the best food in all Spain.
- In all Europe.
- Oh, thank you, seores.
My wife and I we shall do our best
to please you.
Maria, we have guests.
You don't know this place.
A few lies can sometimes
make a man feel happy.
Excuse me, seor,
is there anything I can bring you?
Seorita, you've already brought me
what I want.
Proof again that in all the world
the most beautiful...
- No thanks.
- Michaela.
- I will serve the gentlemen.
- Yes, Mother.
Forgive me, seor,
we mothers can't be too careful.
Don Juan is about to return to Madrid.
This fellow bring the black plague
with him?
Worse than that, he brings himself.
You know his reputation.
- I shudder with fear.
- Oh, and I with anticipation.
Hussy! Get about your work.
Soup, seores.
Father, the Duke de Lorca's men.
A proclamation. Give heed.
"By order of the king's minister,
the Duke de Lorca, we call on all men...
...with stout hearts and willing hands
to join with us for the glory of Spain... volunteering for service
with the Spanish fleet.
Adventure and gold for all."
Any volunteers?
You, you will volunteer. Take him along.
- No, Father, no.
- No, he's my son. You have no right.
- Quiet, old man, or we'll take you too.
- You can't.
We are free men.
Take him out.
What is this disturbance?
Can't you see I'm having my meal?
You shall have a carving lesson
to go with it, seor.
He's in there.
Seor! Seor!
Oh, bless you, seor.
- What happened?
- Oh, it was a press gang.
And they tried to take my son and me
for the fleet. This gentleman saved us.
Oh, it is nothing.
Once in St. Petersburg, we were set up...
What are you boasting about?
You think it's a pleasure... come home after 10 years
and find myself in a brawl?
Your favor, good people. Now, perhaps,
we can finish our meal in peace.
What...? What is your master's name
so I may thank him properly?
Don Juan de Maraa.
- Don Juan?
- Did you hear?
Don Juan? Don Juan!
He's come back!
Michaela, what are you waiting for?
Serve Don Juan at once.
More wine, seor.
Please. You've had so many adventures.
Seores, seoritas.
These stories you've been hearing,
they're mere legends. Old wives' tales.
We've only heard about young wives.
Is it true that you swam the Bosphorus
to visit the caliph's daughter?
Certainly, my dear.
We'd sank the whole Turkish fleet
on the way.
- Is it true?
- Why, of course, it's true.
It's all true.
But what we crave is news of Spain.
Yes, of our own country.
What of the court, for instance,
and the new king and queen? What?
I thought we're among friends.
Well, seor, the queen
works for the welfare of Spain.
- And the king?
- The king does not work at all.
Pacheco, how much longer
must we straddle this contraption?
Yes, how much longer?
But, Your Majesty, I've just begun.
You have just begun.
But His Majesty has been straddling
for years.
Be quiet, Sebastian.
If Your Majesty will be patient
for just a few moments more.
- Oh, very well.
- Oh, very well.
- Your Majesty.
- Yes?
The Duke de Lorca seeks private audience
with Your Majesty.
Oh, have him come in.
Diego, help Sebastian.
The things we do for posterity.
Yes, the things we do for posterity.
Sorry, Pacheco, affairs of state.
I understand, Your Majesty.
- Your Majesty.
- Gentlemen, come in. Come in.
Lorca. Rodrigo.
Well, how do you like our portrait?
A perfect likeness, sire.
The artist has proven himself
worthy of the subject.
- Hear that, Pacheco?
- It is high praise indeed, Your Majesty.
Yes, it is. It is.
We'll continue this another time.
we wish to see the duke alone.
Run along, Sebastian.
Sire, be sure to lock up the paints
and brushes.
- Why, monkey?
- Because His Grace is not in the picture.
And he'll try to rectify that.
He goes too far.
- One day, I shall send him further.
- Come, come, gentlemen.
He says even worse things about me.
Now, what do you want of us?
We have received news
that the English queen...
...refuses to sign our treaty of peace.
- What's that?
She demands further guarantees
and concessions.
- But we've already given her our word.
- Exactly.
She has seen fit to doubt the word
of the king of Spain.
This is a serious matter.
What do you suggest?
What I have constantly suggested:
we prepare ourselves as they do.
Then strike first and strike suddenly.
- But isn't this rather drastic?
- Drastic, sire?
At this moment the English
are building ships and arming them.
Suppose they attack first
and we are defenseless, what then?
It does present a problem.
It's all very well to talk about war,
but where's the money coming from?
I will see to that, Your Majesty.
With your help, of course.
There are taxes to be collected
and levies to be imposed.
- This document will help solve the problem.
- What is it?
An order for the recall
of our ambassador to England.
Recall de Polan? But on what grounds?
The New World is our colony, sire,
and consequently...
...all profit from New World merchandise
should be ours too.
Instead, it is being paid to the count
and held by him.
- By who's authority?
- By yours, sire.
The queen persuaded you
to sign a paper to that effect.
Someone's always getting me
to sign papers.
- I'll not do it anymore.
- It'll be to your advantage to sign this one.
- But I can't. De Polan is our friend.
- The queen's friend, sire.
Well, why not write him
and ask him for the money?
He refuses to turn it over to us.
He and the queen are using it to promote
trade between England and Spain.
Sire, with this money we could build a great
and invulnerable navy. An armada.
Yes, but the last time we built an armada,
the confounded English sank it.
Last time, every Englishman
from the chimney sweep... Sir Francis Drake
knew our armada and were prepared.
This time we'll build in secret.
Even the queen need know nothing of this
until de Polan turns the money over.
- Yes, but...
- Sire, without ships we are powerless.
A second-rate nation.
But with ships...
...our arms will sweep over England,
Africa, Eurasia...
...over the New World
and thence to Cathay and the East Indies.
This is the destiny of Spain.
Your destiny.
To carve out an empire and be proclaimed
an emperor greater even than Charlemagne.
Yes. Yes.
In years to come your people
will bless you for this.
Well, here's for the people.
Her Majesty, Queen Margaret.
Your Majesty.
How now, Margaret?
Your Majesty granted several audiences.
They await us.
Oh, audiences are such a bore.
Always people wanting something.
They're not important to you
but they've been promised.
But I'll have to go through
all that discomfort.
And I've had a very difficult morning.
Oh, you haven't commented
on my portrait.
- Most regal, sire. Truly a king.
- Everyone seems to think so.
I'll have Pacheco make a copy for you.
A smaller one to put in your apartment.
I will cherish it. Perhaps it may reveal
some of the secrets you keep from me.
- We have no secrets, have we, Lorca?
- Our policy is an open book, Your Majesty.
Written by Your Grace
and dedicated to war.
Your Majesty mistakes my motives.
You've come but recently
from your father's court in Austria...
...and cannot therefore understand
as we do the problems of Spain.
I was under the impression that the desire
to make people happy knew no boundaries.
There, there, my dear.
You mustn't worry about such matters.
Besides, the audiences are waiting.
If you will proceed,
we will join you as soon as we can.
As you say, sire.
Odd, isn't it, Lorca...
...that Her Majesty always makes me feel
as though I was Sebastian's size?
Now, I don't feel that way with you.
Seor, I'm ordered to present myself
before Their Majesties.
Don Juan de Maraa.
Escort this gentleman to the antechamber
of the throne room...
...and submit this letter to Her Majesty.
Don Juan de Maraa?
This way, please.
Don Juan de Maraa.
Your Majesty.
You may rise, seor.
No man has ever approached this throne
with such advance notice.
We have received letters concerning you
from our ambassadors all over Europe.
It is with slight regard...
...and very little favor that your queen
receives you on your return to Spain.
You come back to us notorious,
of ill repute...
...disgraced in your own country
and abroad.
You are no credit to this crown
or to our flag.
Have you nothing to say?
There seems to be very little left to say,
Your Majesty.
You are quite right.
Do you realize that you destroyed our plans
for an important marriage of state?
That marriage, Your Majesty,
was doomed from the beginning.
Those two didn't even know each other,
let alone love each other.
Business arrangements
can be made that way, but love...
Your views on love
are quite well-known, seor.
We are not interested.
However, the Count de Polan seems to have
faith in your promises of reformation.
He must have reasons for pleading
so poor a cause.
Perhaps you can enlighten us?
I thought myself the count was inclined
to be overoptimistic, Your Majesty.
Being an old family friend...
...he seems to find qualities in me
that may not exist.
I'd sincerely like to justify his faith.
Perhaps even gain yours.
Our faith is gained by deeds not by words.
His Majesty, the king.
Well, well. And whom have we here?
This is Don Juan de Maraa,
Your Majesty.
Don Juan, huh? Bad boy.
So this is the great Don Juan.
Not knowing who you are, seor,
I'm unable to return the compliment.
Oh, this is our minister,
the Duke de Lorca.
- Yes. I've heard much of Your Grace.
- And I of you.
Tell me, do you hire men to spread
the tales of your romantic conquests?
No, Your Excellency, that's a service...
...that's always been done for me
free of charge.
You have a ready tongue. It's a pity
it's been used in such idle pursuits.
A matter of opinion, Your Grace.
Some men prefer the conquest of beauty
to the conquest of a throne.
You may proceed, Margaret.
Our ambassadors asked us to find service
for Don Juan at our court.
If it pleases, Your Majesty.
Yes. Yes, why not?
For what work are you qualified?
Work, Your Majesty?
That's a problem that's often troubled me.
Let's see.
I have a small knowledge of history...
...and a little skill with the sword.
Perhaps I may even lead a press gang...
...such as I interrupted yesterday
on its royal errand.
You will explain your statement.
When I arrived in Madrid... first encounter was with a detachment
of the Duke de Lorca's men.
They were abducting by force...
...Your Majesty's subjects
for service in the Royal Navy.
Well, there must be some mistake.
Do you know anything about this, Lorca?
The whole matter is easily explained,
Your Majesty.
This Don Juan returns to Spain
in disgrace... hear the crown's sentence
for his conduct abroad.
What could be easier than to distract
with a story of press gangs?
Yes. Yes, that must be it.
I assure Your Majesty the affair took place
as I described it.
I will tell you what took place.
Some affair was reported to me.
A brawl with a drunken sergeant
for the affection of an innkeeper's daughter.
The sergeant is reflecting
on a diet of bread and water.
Your Majesty should consider the merits
of the sentence for the other party involved.
And now, have I Your Majesty's
permission to withdraw?
There are more important matters
to consider...
...than the settlement
of a drunken brawl.
I must go too.
Pacheco's waiting.
He has to fill in my head.
Your Majesty, much has been said of me.
A great deal of it true.
Even my enemies know
I'd not invent any such lie...
...merely to evade the consequences
of my actions.
I shall investigate this affair.
In the meantime, there's a question
of suitable service for you.
- I'm yours to command, Your Majesty.
- Very well.
You will become fencing instructor
at the Royal Academy.
And confine your instruction
to this alone.
You will report to the master-at-arms,
Don Serafino Lopez.
That is our command.
It will be obeyed, Your Majesty.
And may I add my own humble thanks
for your generosity.
You may go now, seor.
- Your Grace.
- Come in, Rodrigo. Come in.
The Count de Polan crossed the frontier
into Spain this morning.
He drives on to Madrid.
- Alone?
- He has attendants. A handful.
Hardly a sufficient escort
for such a notable visitor.
A larger party has been dispatched
under Capitn Alvarez.
Splendid. We must see that
the Count de Polan receives every courtesy.
- Capitn Alvarez has his orders, Your Grace.
- Good.
Remember, every courtesy.
Yes, Your Grace.
Capitn Alvarez.
On to the fortress!
You must forgive my haste
in bringing you back, my dear count.
But it was most urgent.
The urgency of your personal ambition.
You put it bluntly
but with a certain degree of accuracy.
Fortunately, my ambition coincides
with that of Spain...
...for a Spanish empire.
To be built out of the suffering
of our people and to be ruled by you.
The building of an empire
entails certain sacrifices.
As for me, I have no desire
to sit upon a throne.
- I much prefer to stand behind it.
- With a dagger in your hand.
No, I dislike violence.
I find persuasion far more effective.
And now, if I can persuade you
to answer one question...?
You may ask it.
A purely material consideration.
A matter of several millions
paid into your hand.
If you tell me
where you've concealed this money...
It will be turned over to Spain
at the proper time.
For the purpose of this transaction,
I am Spain.
I prefer to deal with Her Majesty
not with a traitor.
My dear friend, I'm afraid your long stay
in a country ruled by a king in petticoats...
...has made you a feminist.
- When Her Majesty hears...
It may interest you that the palace guards
are loyal to me and not to the queen.
I have arranged this so that if Her Majesty
interferes with my plans again...
Or rather, with the plans of Spain.
- she will suffer the consequences.
Now will you answer my question?
As you can see we have several
interesting devices in this chamber.
They have a tendency
to break a man's will.
If the first one fails, we try another...
...until we find exactly the right one
to loosen the tongue.
I have heard of men
whose tongues have withstood it.
Yes, but they now speak
with the tongues of angels.
You're tired after your long trip.
Perhaps a few days' rest
will make you more amenable.
If not, well...
Capitn Alvarez,
the count will remain here as our guest.
See to it that he is not disturbed
by anyone.
And now, my dear count...
...may I wish you good night
and pleasant dreams.
If you change your mind, send for me.
What's this?
- Very nice.
- No. No.
That's a gift from Her Majesty.
It will look better on me
than on a corpse.
Very nice.
- Excuse me.
- That's the second time.
That's enough. Give me that.
You think I want my throat cut?
Sorry. I seem to be a bit nervous.
These regular hours we're keeping.
Hard work, lots of sleep,
plenty of exercise...
...good nourishing food
and no excitement.
We're not used to these things.
Yes, but that's the only way of life
for me.
But you'll have to admit
that they were exciting days.
- And nights.
- Exciting?
That's very funny coming from you.
Remember those lectures
you used to give me?
Well, I'm afraid I'm a bit confused.
The sudden way in which you reformed... reception at court.
The court didn't do it.
Well, I thought maybe the queen...
The queen?
What's the queen got to do with it?
You've been thinking behind my back.
Because I'm trying to lead
a good clean sensible life... immediately jump to conclusions.
Just let me tell you this.
Whatever my behavior has been
or it's gonna be...
...the queen has nothing to do with it.
Absolutely nothing. Do you understand?
All right.
- Splendid. Splendid.
- Splendid. Splendid.
Half turn right. Forward march.
You may rise, gentlemen.
- A splendid exhibition, Don Serafino.
- Thank you, Your Majesty.
They show remarkable improvement.
We are deeply gratified.
Your Majesty's most kind.
But may I share the credit
with Don Juan?
Since he had joined us...
...the interest in swordsmanship
has increased enormously.
We trust he will not add any other subjects
to increase the interest.
May I inquire
if Her Majesty is also satisfied?
We are indeed.
You apparently studied all the foreign
techniques of swordsmanship.
I've had occasion to use them,
Your Grace.
I have not met such skilled
an opponent...
...since I have the honor of fencing
with the Duke de Lorca himself.
That is indeed a compliment.
We consider Lorca the best living fencer
in Spain.
That's certainly the mark of a good duelist,
Your Majesty, to be living.
I wish I knew how to duel.
Whom would you choose
for your opponent?
A mouse. Caterpillar.
Or perhaps His Grace.
I'd considered it an honor
to teach you, sir.
- You will?
- Certainly.
- Go and get equipped for tomorrow's class.
- Oh, thank you.
I'll go at once.
- Do you really think I can learn?
- Why not? Of course, you can.
That was very kind of you.
You've made a friend.
I can use friends, Your Majesty.
You show such interest in the academy.
Perhaps you'd like to inspect it thoroughly?
Don Juan, would you escort Her Majesty?
Indeed, sire. An honor.
You know, Lorca,
we might find a use for this Don Juan.
Yes, sir, Your Majesty.
My own thoughts were along
similar lines.
This, Your Majesty, is our trophy room.
Here, you see some
of the personal flags...
...of such conquerors as Cortz,
Columbus, Pizarro.
Over there are some of the flags taken
from Your Majesty's enemies in battle.
Oran, Tripoli.
And that empty space
awaits new conquests by Your Majesties.
Unless it can be filled
with the trophies of peace...
...I would rather it remained empty.
I knew you'd say that.
Oh, the Count de Polan...
...he's told me something
of your feelings.
- Have you heard from him recently?
- No, I haven't.
Nor have I. It is strange
that he should keep silent so long.
Yes. He was far from silent
at our last meeting.
I can well believe that.
However, I shall write
and tell him how you have changed.
- I know he'd be pleased. As I am.
- I'm very grateful.
Now, perhaps I can forget those words
you once spoke to me:
"You're no credit to this crown
or to our flag."
Did I say that?
That was just a small part.
Would you care to hear the rest?
No. I give you permission
to forget all of it.
I know this flag.
When I was a child in Austria... mother used to tell me the story
of Ponce de Len...
...and his quest
for the Fountain of Youth.
Thank heavens he never found it.
Wouldn't you like to retain your youth?
What? And repeat all my indiscretions?
I think you paint yourself far blacker
than you are.
It's the color that's said to suit me best.
- I don't believe that.
- Thank you.
I shall try to prove myself
worthy of your disbelief.
Perhaps you will.
Your Majesty.
The Count de Polan asked me
to be loyal to you.
To try to win your friendship.
And will you be loyal?
With all my heart.
Then I shall be your friend.
I mustn't keep His Majesty waiting.
I'm summoned to appear
before the Duke de Lorca.
Oh, yes.
Don Juan de Maraa
to see the Duke de Lorca.
Don Juan de Maraa.
Ask him to come in.
Don Juan.
Your Grace.
- You sent for me, I believe.
- Yes.
Yes, a matter of some importance
I wish to discuss with you.
Now, won't you be seated?
I was greatly pleased
by the exhibition yesterday.
So pleased, in fact,
that I feel you should be rewarded.
I've prepared a commission, which will give
you considerable rank in His Majesty's navy.
It also assures you of the king's favor
and my own.
Somehow I feel that Your Grace
is not in the habit of dispensing favors...
...without expecting something in return.
You are quite right. Yes.
You have achieved some popularity
since you have been at the academy.
And I think we should utilize this
in the service of our country.
Consequently, I have certain ideas
that I should like you to carry out.
- May I hear them?
- You may indeed.
Proceed to enlarge the academy.
Increase the number of young men
of military age and add those subjects...
...which will qualify them for immediate
enlistment in His Majesty's navy.
We will discuss the details later.
In the meantime, here is your commission.
Incidentally, I was very impressed
by your general technique yesterday.
Very good.
Very good, yes.
It was quite good.
It seems to me
Your Grace is preparing for war.
- Does the idea frighten you?
- Frankly, it does.
I'm by nature a peaceful man,
Your Grace.
It's true I've done
some fighting in my time...
...but it's usually
for something worthwhile... a beautiful woman.
To risk your skin for a piece
of extra ground, that's terrifying.
I take it then you do not look with favor
upon my proposals?
That, Your Grace, is an understatement.
In my opinion, your personal ambitions...
...can only lead our country
to complete disaster.
I wasn't aware
that I asked for your opinion.
May I remind you, my dear fellow,
that in a conflict, one must choose a side.
The middle ground
is frequently the most dangerous.
I've been in the middle so many times,
Your Grace, it doesn't disturb me.
I see you prefer to be witty
rather than wise.
Not at all.
I prefer to be on the side of the friends
of Spain, not her enemies.
Next time, I may cut deeper.
Next time...
Next time, I'll wear my old clothes.
Your Excellency.
- What's happened, Your Grace?
- Never mind, give me that.
- What news of the Count de Polan?
- He still refuses to speak.
Very well.
We shall wait no longer.
Take him to the torture chamber.
Yes, Your Grace.
We are pleased to have you with us,
Count D'Orsini.
We hope to see more of you
and your bride before your return to Italy.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
And I'm sure that the people of my country
will welcome this alliance.
And now,
we must not keep you any longer.
You are very kind, Your Majesty.
And I am deeply grateful for this reception.
Your Majesty, I had a difficult time
getting him here.
I had to force him.
- You may leave us, Sebastian.
- Yes, Your Majesty.
Would you care
to take a walk with me in the garden?
With Your Majesty's permission.
I believe congratulations are in order,
Don Juan.
A royal commission is a great honor.
You should be very proud.
I suppose I should, Your Majesty.
But I rejected the commission.
I don't understand.
It would have meant so much to you.
Yes, I suppose so.
But I've always looked upon the academy
as a school for the art of defense.
- Not aggression.
- Oh, I agree.
- I heard of the Duke's plan last evening.
- Surely not from him?
The palace has large keyholes.
My informer has small ears.
I detest this intrigue,
but Lorca has his spies so I must have mine.
Spies are not enough, Your Majesty.
I assure you, you need constant protection.
Someone you can trust
who will watch over you.
Don't you think
you make too much of my danger?
Well, when it concerns
Your Majesty's welfare...
...perhaps I am overcautious.
May I suggest you be equally cautious
concerning yourself?
If you have made an enemy of the Duke,
that is unwise.
Yes, I'm well aware of that, Your Majesty.
As a matter of fact,
it's already cost me my best jacket.
Hot-tempered, isn't he?
However, I'll make friends
and choose enemies to please myself...
...not the Duke de Lorca.
I wish there were more men in Spain
with the courage to defy His Grace.
I'm glad you came back.
So am I.
These materials
have just arrived from Holland.
- Aren't they lovely?
- Beautiful.
- You've been to Holland, haven't you?
- Briefly.
I always wanted to travel. I envy you.
Tell me, Don Juan,
don't you miss the life you once led?
Well, I meant
it must have been so interesting.
And you have changed so completely.
Yes, it's been quite a surprise to me too,
Your Majesty.
Perhaps it's because
I found something I always wanted.
Oh, yes. Yes, of course.
A purpose in life, your work.
My work's quite congenial,
but hardly that inspiring.
What is it then? Please be seated.
Tell me.
Shall I command you?
- lf you command me, then I must obey.
- I do command you.
It's not easy to tell.
Like most other men...
...there's always been
an imaginary woman in my life.
I endowed her with all the virtues.
I clothed her in perfection.
Naturally, I searched for her in vain.
I thought she could never exist
except in my mind.
Now I find she does.
Who is this woman?
You choose to keep her a secret?
Only because she doesn't know
how deeply I care for her.
Well, you never hesitate
to express your love to other women.
She's not like other women.
- What is she like?
- Beautiful.
But strangely unaware of her beauty.
Passionate, too,
but without any real knowledge of passion.
Unafraid of love because
I don't think she's ever known love.
But she's taught me virtue
and dignity and wisdom.
You seem to have chosen
a paragon among women.
Among women and among queens.
Have you forgotten
to whom you are speaking?
No. Some men shut their eyes and dream,
others open their eyes and hope.
All my life I have been stumbling around
as if in darkness. I am no longer.
You have no right to speak to me that way.
I forbid you.
I would never have spoken
except by your command.
Then I was wrong to command you.
Wrong to think
that you could ever reform...
...or to believe that friendship and loyalty
could replace your desire for conquest.
- That's not true.
- You may go, seor.
Yes, Your Majesty.
So? Don Juan?
- Correct?
- Excellent.
Now me.
Arm extended.
- What was that?
- My new side step.
Let me see it.
Don't ever sidestep the wrong way.
No, no, no. What are you trying to do,
club the man to death?
This, my friend, is a rapier, not an axe.
Now, watch.
All right, en garde.
Now, beat, extend and lunge.
Thus, you see?
Isn't he charming?
Serafino, can nothing be done
about these gaping, ogling visitors?
Of course, in the past nobody came
but an occasional old soldier. Now...
Now we have a whole flock
of chattering females.
Look at them up there,
looks like a hen roost.
Yes, this feminine interest is surprising.
Personally, I've had enough
feminine interest for the day.
If you don't mind.
That will be all. Class dismissed.
Juan, what is the matter with you today?
Why, nothing. Nothing at all.
It's just a little ironic.
A man gives up everything. A rich, full life.
First time he tries to be sincere,
what happens?
- Exactly what I'm trying to find out.
- Well, mind your own business. You too.
Excuse me, seor.
Has my brother finished with his lesson?
- Your brother, seorita?
- Yes.
Do you happen to recall his name?
- Of course, Carlos.
- Carlos?
Everyone is finished, seorita,
so no doubt Carlos is finished too.
Oh, I didn't understand.
- I call for him every day.
- Yes, I know.
Well, I don't like to have him
walk home alone.
He's so young and helpless.
Well, that's very sisterly of you.
Besides, it's quite a distance from here.
All the way to the Plaza Madrid.
The Plaza Madrid?
- The last house.
- Oh, yes.
- Yes, on the right.
- Oh, on the right?
Are you here again?
- Carlos, run along, dear.
- Bye, Don Juan.
Good day, seor.
- Seorita, your fan.
- Oh, yes.
You will return it to me, won't you?
Getting warm.
It will get warmer.
Every evening
that nightingale sings here.
- How sad and sweet his song is.
- Yes.
And my heart sings with him sweetly
because you're by my side.
And my heart is very sad,
for soon you must go.
- And tomorrow...
- Tomorrow?
Tomorrow, I shall fence very badly...
...because my eyes will be drawn
to the platform where you are.
No, I won't be there tomorrow.
- Oh, you won't?
- No, I'll never be there again.
- Oh, my darling, we'll be together all the...
- No, I'm getting married tomorrow.
You must think it capricious of me to be
with you the night before my wedding.
- Capri...? No, no, not at all, not at all.
- You don't?
Well, perhaps...
Perhaps just the least little bit.
I did it so I could remember
for all the years of my life...
...this evening here in the garden
with Don Juan.
Well, I'm delighted to have been of service.
I don't want to marry Count D'Orsini.
- The Queen arranged it.
- The Queen?
Yes, she did it to strengthen the alliance
between Spain and his country.
History repeats itself.
Oh, nothing.
That's why
we must never see each other again.
Never, never.
I know you'll forgive my hasty departure.
Prolonged sentimental farewells
are too painful.
Good night, beloved. No, no, no, don't.
I want to remember you just as you are.
No, no, it's easier this way, farewell.
- Good evening, seor.
- Evening.
Count D'Orsini.
Well, good evening.
You'll not get away so easily, seor.
You're caught.
The story of my life.
Seor, this may possibly sound a little trite,
but I can explain everything.
I happen to be the fencing instructor
of the Countess Elena's brother and...
Would you believe I came here
to give him a lesson?
- At this hour?
- What time is it?
Well, you know what they say,
never too late to learn.
He's telling you the truth.
If it is the truth,
then he should be prepared to die for it.
Come, Seor Fencing Instructor.
You'll give me a lesson. En garde.
My dear count, can't we possibly
settle this some other way?
I'm warning you, seor,
draw your blade.
Would you be satisfied
with an apology?
My dear count, we have no argument.
The lady is yours.
Their Majesties shall hear of this.
It is shocking. Unbelievable.
Once again, he's provoked a serious scandal
and disrupted an important alliance.
The very same sort of conduct...
...which brought him back to Spain
in disgrace.
It is disillusioning, Your Majesty.
This time I will know
how to deal with him.
He shall be punished, and most severely.
Forgive me, Your Majesty, but surely
you intend to give him a chance to explain?
- There's no explanation possible.
- But perhaps it wasn't his fault.
I mean, I was at the academy
yesterday afternoon...
...and I saw certain things.
- What things? What are you talking about?
- Something was disturbing Don Juan.
- He was irritable and upset and...
- Yes, well?
Well, he certainly wasn't interested
in any of the young ladies present.
- But the Countess Elena began to...
- Well, go on.
Well, she began to make advances.
- You know, she's young and charming...
- Well, what happened?
Well, I do not wish to malign the countess,
but she practically...
Well, you know,
a man has just so much control.
I saw it with my own eyes.
Is this true? Are you lying to protect him?
Your Majesty...
Margaret, we have just heard
about your friend Don Juan...
...and we're most distressed.
- I understand, sire.
Our court is not to become
a playground for wastrels.
Nor will we allow our guests
to be humiliated by any of our subjects.
We have decided once and for all
to be rid of this fellow.
He is to leave Spain and never return.
Yes, but, sire, to be banned forever,
that's worse than a sentence of death.
That, too, was considered, Your Majesty.
But to kill Don Juan
would make a martyr of him...
...and we would not care to enhance
his already legendary reputation.
- Sire, I beg you to reconsider.
- The matter is closed.
We have ordered Don Juan put on
the first ship bound for the New World.
That is our judgment.
- Your Majesties.
- Well, well?
Your Majesty, Don Juan has disappeared.
We can find no trace of him anywhere.
You blundering idiots.
Warn the guards at the city gates.
Search every house and street in Madrid
until you find him.
With Your Majesty's permission,
of course.
Yes, yes, by all means find him.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Thank you, seor.
- All arrangements made?
- Yes, but to what purpose?
We'll never get out of Spain alive.
The roads are watched,
frontier guarded.
This inn is filled with soldiers
hunting for you.
Let them look.
Seor, Lorca's men are everywhere.
I pray you'll be careful.
- Oh, you may as well argue with a stone.
- The wagon will be ready soon.
- It will take you to the frontier.
- Innkeeper.
- Innkeeper.
- Watch yourself.
- Yes, capitn?
- Innkeeper, I need money and more wine.
- Sell you this ring cheap. A bargain.
- It's not necessary, capitn.
If you will come with me...
- Perhaps you will buy this ring, seor?
- No, capitn.
- Only a few ducats.
- Capitn, please.
And what about you, seor?
It's beautiful.
- Thank you, no.
- Please...
Genuine heirloom.
See the workmanship, eh?
- Please, capitn, come with me.
- And cheap.
Michaela, more wine for our friend.
Juan, I beg you to consider.
- It's madness to try and escape.
- It's madness to stay.
I must leave Spain.
Very well, we'll go.
No. Not you.
I'd not ask you to share with me
what lies ahead.
I go alone.
Do you think I'd let you go
roaming about the universe without me?
- I'm going with you.
- And if I order you to stay?
Then I shall disobey.
Everything is ready, seor.
Be on guard.
There will be trouble awaiting you.
I'm accustomed to trouble.
Fortunately, I'm a coward.
That will balance the situation.
Thank you.
See the stones, the workmanship.
- Would you gentlemen care to buy a ring?
- Not interested.
Not interested, huh?
Well, you're the loser. It's beautiful ring.
Marvelous workmanship. It's magnificent.
- What is it? What is it?
- That ring.
- It belongs to the Count de Polan.
- But the count's in England.
Go in and ask the captain if he'd be kind
enough to have a word with me.
- Excuse me, capitn?
- Well, what is it?
My friend is interested in your ring.
- Would you mind stepping outside?
- Very well.
- Well, where is he?
- Please.
- Very valuable ring.
- Very.
I wonder, captain...
...if you'd be kind enough to tell me
how you came by this ring?
- I don't remember.
- Oh, you don't?
Perhaps a little wind in your gullet
might refresh your memory.
- Speak up.
- Took it from a prisoner in the fortress.
- The Count de Polan, wasn't it?
- No.
The truth, or on my soul I'll drive this steel
right through your neck.
- Speak up.
- Yeah, it was the count.
How came he there? By whose order?
The Duke de Lorca.
This is the final insult.
The Count D'Orsini has left Madrid.
Our relations with a friendly government
have been impaired.
And Don Juan has disappeared.
Completely vanished.
- Is there no sign of him?
- None.
But don't worry,
frontier guards have been alerted.
And this time we'll have his head.
This time...
Your Majesty.
- Well, what is it?
- Don Juan de Maraa is here.
He begs audience with Her Majesty.
- Don Juan?
- Yes, sire. He has surrendered.
But he says it's most urgent
that he speak with Her Majesty.
Send him in.
Your Majesties.
- Don Juan.
- You may approach, seor.
Well, what do you want of us?
I bare grave tidings, Your Majesties.
- What happened, Rodrigo?
- Don Juan's in the palace.
- He's found out about the Count de Polan.
- What?
- Phillip?
- But Lorca wouldn't do such thing...
...without our consent. I mean...
- Your Majesty...
...this, I think, should be sufficient proof.
Yes, it is true.
This is a ring I once gave him.
We must go to the fortress at once.
But, my dear, we mustn't be so hasty.
Your Majesties, I beg you not to delay.
I fear for the count's life.
He's right. Phillip, please.
Oh, very well.
There's no need for all this.
Lorca, you're the very one
we wanted to speak to.
Seize that man.
If he resists, put an end to him.
Stop this. Stop this at once.
Put up your swords.
What is the meaning of this?
- Take him to the fortress.
- Just a moment.
- When do you give orders in our presence?
- We live in a changing world, sire.
Even as we stand here, the command of
the palace shifts from Your Majesty to me.
As for you, Don Juan...
...your sentence of exile
will be changed to a sentence of death.
- This is treason.
- You will never succeed in this.
The people will rise against you.
Shepherds may change,
but sheep remain sheep.
And now, Your Majesty,
I must ask you to retire.
I have private business
I wish to transact with the king.
Escort Her Majesty to her apartment.
And see that she's well protected
against any intrusion.
- And now, sire.
- What do you intend doing with us?
Your Majesty will continue to rule
with certain guidance and direction...
...and without the interference
of the queen.
- You will not harm her?
- Not if it can be avoided.
I will give her her choice.
Either the position of an obedient wife,
or the fate of a meddling woman.
And now, if you'll excuse me...
Your Majesty.
All right, open.
Yes, capitn.
Well, well, my friend, how things change.
I trust you're comfortable?
What's the matter, can't you speak?
You were quite talkative last night.
So were you, with a blade at your throat.
I hope you retain your sense of humor
when there's a rope around yours.
Oh, incidentally, you were curious
about the Count de Polan.
Oh, mercy...
Your Excellency?
Don Jose?
It's me.
Don Juan, Juan. Juan de Maraa.
Don Juan?
Speak up, old man.
Or do you need more persuasion?
Don't. No.
- In which cell is Don Juan?
- What do you wish of him, Padre?
We have come to give him the last rites.
Don Juan?
Don Juan.
Count Seraf...?
Guard? Guard?
The blessing has been given.
This way.
Have you seen the turnkey, Padre?
I think you will find him in the first cell.
You can hardly expect us
to be merciful, my dear count...
...while you remain so stubborn.
The Duke de Lorca's growing impatient.
Speak up, old man,
or do you need more persuasion?
Don Juan, here.
This way, here.
You've been summoned here tonight...
...because as students
at the Royal Academy...
...I know your loyalty
to the king and queen.
I also know that you'll be the first to suffer
unless the Duke de Lorca is defeated.
There's only one way he can be beaten.
By arousing the people.
You know well that his men are everywhere.
The streets are filled with them.
So we must go about our business
with the utmost secrecy.
First, we must...
- You can't go in here.
- How do you get in there?
Don Juan.
- Sebastian?
- Thank heaven I found you.
- What brings you? Is the queen all right?
- At the moment.
Since news of your escape reached
the palace, Lorca's become desperate.
There's no telling what he might do.
You must get the queen
out of the palace tonight.
- Her life is in danger.
- There aren't enough of us.
- Now, perhaps by tomorrow...
- No, tomorrow will be too late.
Tonight will be too soon.
We couldn't even get through the gates.
Do you know a way in?
At the far end of the palace grounds
there is an opening in the garden wall.
And if you're careful,
you can get in the same way I got out.
You will forgive this intrusion,
Your Majesty...
...but events move rapidly
and we are pressed for time.
We asked the king
to sign a document...
...declaring our country in a state of siege
and granting us full power.
This is agreeable to His Majesty.
But he informs me that you are unwilling
to cooperate in our plans for Spain.
- Is that correct?
- It is.
Does Your Majesty realize
the consequence of such a refusal?
We do, indeed, Your Grace.
But rather than deliver our people
into your hands, we would prefer to die.
If Your Majesty would only face reality...
We can face reality, but not treachery.
Nor will we bargain with a traitor.
We are well aware of your intentions,
Your Grace.
We shall never accede to such a request.
Then Your Majesty clears my conscience
by signing her own death warrant.
Will you come with us peacefully?
I'm looking for Her Majesty.
Do you know where I can find her?
- Her Majesty is in the chapel.
- In the chapel?
Then I better not disturb her.
- How do we get to the chapel?
- Down this corridor.
But it's all the way
on the other side of the palace.
Guards, guards, guards, guar...!
Don Juan, quickly.
They're taking the queen to the fortress.
Leporello, Serafino.
Fire guards, fire guards,
call the fire guards!
Don Juan?
I warned you, seor.
This time I shall cut deeply.
This time I'm wearing my old clothes.
The sword is not for a traitor.
You die by the knife.
Your Majesties.
Your Majesty.
I had to see you.
I could stay away no longer.
Is it true that you are leaving?
- Tomorrow.
- But why?
Why do you have to leave Madrid now?
- You've become a hero of the people.
- Have I?
Then it must be easy to become a hero.
But for a man to be leaving
the woman he truly loves...
...the woman he can never have,
that's not easy.
But if you stay?
If I stay, it can only bring unhappiness
to both of us.
I know that now. You must know it too.
Where will you go?
Who knows?
Into oblivion, I suppose,
where most legends go.
No, there can be no oblivion for you.
Where you go, life follows.
Before you came back, Madrid was dead.
Now there's a heartbeat.
My heartbeat.
Juan, take me with you.
Once to have heard those words
would have brought me complete happiness.
Now they bring only pain.
You're the queen. Without you,
the king would rule badly.
The people would suffer.
Your exile would be bitter.
Any more bitter than being married to a man
who is estranged to me?
More bitter than having you
go out of my life forever?
Once I promised you to devote myself
to the welfare of our country.
Would you take away the one ruler
who could bring her happiness?
I asked you that when I was queen.
I am no longer.
You are. You always will be.
I shall be the only one...
...who knew that for just a little while
there was no queen.
- Just ahead lies the road to Lisbon.
- Yes.
There's a great
new university there, Leporello.
I've decided to devote myself
to some serious study.
Perhaps write my memoirs.
Well, it will be a change, anyway.
At long last, lead the peaceful calm
of an academic life.
No more romance.
No more the idle search for beauty.
No more, no more...
Your pardon, seor.
Is this the road to Barcelona?
- It is, seorita.
- Thank you so very much.
- Adios.
- Adios.
No more romance, eh?
My dear friend, there's a little bit
of Don Juan in every man.
But since I am Don Juan,
there must be more of it in me.