Advise and Consent (1962)

Thank you.
- Morning, son. | - Good morning, senator.
Thank you.
Sheraton Rark Hotel.
- Good morning, Senator Danta. | - Good morning, Willoughby.
Hold it.
Why wasn't I let in on this?
- May I help you? | - Dot, Senator Munson.
Oh, just a moment, senator.
Good morning, Bobby. | How are you this morning?
You know how I am | this morning, Mr. Rresident.
I guess I'm in for it, aren 't I?
That's a hell of a thing to do | without talking to me.
Bobby, it's been over two weeks | since Shepherd died.
We couldn't go on forever without | a secretary of state. I had to get it done.
What was the matter | with the list of men we agreed on?
No, not one of them can really fill the bill.
Robert Leffingwell can.
You know how valuable he's been to me.
Sure, he's great. But the man's got more | enemies in Congress than anybody.
He's never played ball with us, not even | the most ordinary, political-courtesy kind.
Well, maybe that's the reason I want him. | He doesn 't waste his time on trifles.
Mr. Rresident, a United States senator | is not a trifle.
That's a joke, Bobby.
Fine. But Leffingwell's no joke.
And I have to stuff him down | the Senate's throat.
Now, look, I knew we were running a risk, | but I want him.
He can give us some creative | statesmanship, and God knows we need it.
Oh, come on, now. | What's our toughest problem?
You want me to talk to Warren Strickland?
There's no point talking | to the minority leader.
Our troubles are coming | from our own party.
Seab Cooley.
We can work out a deal with old Seab.
He says we can work out a deal with Seab.
- Who's with you? | - Stanley Danta.
Stan's always right there | on the job, isn't he?
He's the best whip ever in the Senate. | Tell him I said so.
He says you're the best whip | we've ever had.
Tell him the best whip we've ever had | says Seab Cooley will trade for one thing:
Leffingwell's head.
What'd he say, Bob?
That Seab won't trade on this, | and he's right.
We've licked Cooley before. | We can do it again.
Then we'd better get at it. | Suppose you start with Tom August.
- When did Tom become a Cooley man? | - He isn't. He's not a Leffingwell man either.
Since he's chair of Foreign Relations | we have to sweeten him up.
I'll call him in right away. | Good luck, Bobby.
- Oh, boy. | - You want off this one?
I'm with you, Bob.
There's no doubt | he's made a wild pitch...
but I'd like to back him up | all I can right now.
Sure, I know.
Hello, Bob, Stan.
- Good morning, senator. | - Come on in.
About 5'8", blond, a little cleft | in the chin, black dress, mink stole.
Sorry. Didn't see anybody | answer to that description.
Why don't you get married, Lafe?
A United States senator should stabilize | with a good, solid marriage.
If I did, I couldn't get elected.
It's the unmarried mothers | who put me in office.
Why don't you stabilize yourself?
There's a difference between | widowers and bachelors.
Widowers have more dignity.
- How do you feel about this lollapalooza? | - I think the president's nuts to name him.
But I'll vote for him.
What about your friend Brig Anderson? | Think he'll jump the whale?
- Leffingwell scuttled his power bill. | - Brig won't be influenced by that.
- Not on this. | - I'm trying to count a few noses.
- Suppose you give Brig a ring to make sure. | - If you like.
- Hello. | - Hello, Warren? Good morning. Bob Munson.
- Beating the bushes early, aren't you, Bob? | - I have a lot of bushes.
It's your garden, friend, not ours.
How many votes against Leffingwell | on your side of the aisle?
Somewhere between 17 and 20. | That's giving him the benefit of the doubt.
With the president's right | to name his cabinet?
Try that line on the members of your | own party. Say, Seab Cooley.
- Hello, Brig? How's the boy? | - Right in the middle of breakfast.
What's on your mind, Lafe?
Just wondered what you think about | the appointment. Crazy, huh?
- Think so? | - Well, it's gonna be a rough one.
I wouldn't be surprised.
- I thought you might be upset about it. | - Why would I be upset?
The trouble he gave you | on your power bill.
- That's right. He did, didn't he? | - You mean it's okay?
- Is that what Bob Munson wants to know? | - You got television on your phone?
Just a second, Lafe.
- You going, baby? | - Yeah.
- You still love me? | - Yeah.
- How much? | - That much.
Time for her bus, Brig.
Have a nice time in school today, honey.
- Lafe? | - Yeah.
Look, I'm not grinding | an ax for Leffingwell...
but I'm not gonna commit myself | right now either.
I'd like to wait and hear what he has to say | at the committee hearing.
Apart from that, I'm just gonna sit back | and watch Seab Cooley light up the sky.
Had your fire and brimstone | this morning, Seab?
Yes, sir, Mr. Majority Leader.
Laced with hot bourbon and branch water.
I expect you can see the flames | coming out of my ears.
Can we have a little talk?
If you mean about | Mr. Robert A. Leffingwell...
- it'd be a fruitless conversation. | - The president, the party and l...
would take it as a favor | if you'd lay off.
I honor the president, I love my party...
and I admire you, Mr. Majority Leader, | except where it crosses with my convictions.
I believe Mr. Robert A. Leffingwell | will lead us straight to perdition.
Come on, we know what's eating you.
Leffingwell made a liar out of you | in a hearing five years ago.
- It's a long time to carry a grudge, Seab. | - Maybe for a young fellow like you.
In my table of time, it happened just | like yesterday. Good day, gentlemen.
Scares you, doesn't it? | All that 40 years in the Senate.
Good morning, Seab.
- I was just gonna call your office. | - On the run, Fred.
I know. We've all gotta hop for this one, | but we'll put Leffingwell over.
Boy, he is it, Bob. He's really it. | He's a great man, a great talent.
- I'm throwing my organization behind this. | - You got an organization?
Are you kidding?
Eight chapters in eight cities, | my peace organization.
Who you making peace with? | The Kickapoo lndians?
You find peace amusing?
It's just that Stan's on the lndian Affairs | subcommittee, isn't it, Stan?
I'll be with you in a minute.
Fred, what do those guys do | besides strew roses in your path?
Just my brain trust.
You can't hold a senator's job | by kissing babies...
and shaking hands, you know. Bob...
The hearing will go | to a subcommittee, right?
I haven't any word from Tom August yet. | I don't know his plan.
Well, if it does... | I say, if it does, I don't wanna push...
Whoever's made subcommittee chair | should be pro-Leffingwell, right?
Well, I've done my share of the hack work. | I ought to be in line for a spot like this.
Fred, right now I'm just trying | to get the situation in hand.
I know, but I wanted | to get my bid in early.
I've gotta fly to New York for the afternoon | and meet my eastern group.
- Suppose I call you later on? | - Yeah. Do that. Call me.
- Van Ackerman's looking for a horse to ride. | - He won't get it from me.
He won't care. | He doesn't belong here, Bob.
- You'll have to cut him off the vine. | - He'll fall off.
- Morning, Bess. | - Morning, senator. Your calls.
- First, see if you can get me Leffingwell. | - Yes, sir.
Sir, 219 telegrams so far.
- Most of them favorable to Leffingwell. | - Good.
- Good morning, senator. | - Morning.
- Leffingwell residence. | - Senator Munson calling Mr. Leffingwell.
Senator Munson? Wait a minute.
- Dad, it's Senator Munson on the phone. | - What?
The phone. It's Senator Munson.
- Tell him I've gone out. | - Why?
Because he'll want me to do things | that might obligate me.
Why do you want me to lie? If you're in, | you're in. If you're out, you're out.
Son, this is a Washington, D.C. | kind of lie.
That's when the other person knows you're | lying, and also knows you know he knows.
- Follow? | - No.
- Senator Munson will understand. | - Okay, if you say so.
He's not here. He went out.
- Do you know where I might reach him? | - No, ma'am.
- He didn't leave a forwarding address. | - Oh, I see. Well, thank you.
- I can't reach Mr. Leffingwell, senator. | - All right, Bess.
- I'll take these calls down the line. | - Yes, sir.
Wouldn't you think he'd know | we'd know he's dodging us?
He might become the best | secretary of state we'll ever have.
Want me to make you one of these?
- Thanks just the same. | - It's good.
- Don't you wanna be secretary of state? | - Think I should want to?
- Big job. | - That's a fact.
- I think you ought to want it. | - Why?
Well, you know. All that trouble, | and war and stuff like that.
Maybe you could do something about it.
- I'd like to try. | - That's the way I'd figure it.
It's worth a try.
As you get to the top of the stairway, | look at the painting on the right.
This painting portrays one of the worst | conflicts of the Mexican War.
In this painting, it's interesting to note...
that Lieutenants Lee and Grant | fought side by side.
They were classmates at West Roint, | as you know.
The skylight came from Rhiladelphia. | It was placed there in 1859.
The medallions in the skylight | are hand-painted.
They were done by Gibson and Company | and placed there in 1859.
- Good morning, Max. | - Miss Harrison, Lady Maudulayne.
- Good morning, Maxwell. | - Max, this is Madame Barre.
Her husband is the new French ambassador.
- Welcome to the Senate, madame. | - Thank you.
- Good morning, Lady Maudulayne. | - Good morning.
- Good morning. | - Good morning.
Bob. How are you?
Good morning, Orrin. | Everything all right?
Bob, it's going around the Leffingwell | hearing might be set for tomorrow.
That's rushing things, isn't it?
As we need a secretary of state, | I wouldn't say it's rushing.
Senator Strickland, wouldn't you say | that's sudden?
Senator Munson's party is going to be | strongly divided on Leffingwell.
Perhaps the senator would push it through | before that division ruptures.
I wonder if the minority leader is qualified | to speak for the majority party.
On the right of that aisle is the minority, | and on the left is the majority.
All of those are left?
- Does America have so many leftists? | - Oh, no, darling. It's purely geographical.
I mean, they're all Republicans or Democrats. | No communists or anything of that sort.
They do have liberal types, | but they don't necessarily sit on the left...
conservatives don't necessarily | sit on the right.
- Bill. | - Aaron, nice to see you.
That man, the one on the dais, | Harley Hudson.
He's the vice president | of the United States.
- He's very attractive. | - Yes, dear. Harley's very sweet.
He's from one of those | odd little states, isn't he?
He was governor of Delaware, you mean.
- He's the president of the Senate, Celestine. | - But you said he's the vice president.
It's confusing. We'd call him Lord | High Chamberlain or something sensible.
It's very sensible. His job, | as vice president of the country...
is to preside over the Senate, | which makes him its president.
- Then he's also a senator. | - No.
He presides over the Senate, | but he's not a senator. He can't even vote.
He can vote in case of a tie.
The Senate will come to order.
The chaplain will now offer prayer.
Our Father, in these days | of stress and strain...
when men are called upon | to bear great burdens...
give this Senate the strength | and charity...
to ascertain of each who would serve | his nation his true nature and purpose...
lest through inadvertence | and oversight...
there slip into seats of power, | those who would misguide...
and mislead this great people.
Even the parson is getting into | the Leffingwell act.
Your blessings, O Lord, | and help them to serve in your ways.
Mr. President.
Recognize the senior senator | from Michigan.
I ask unanimous consent that the journal | of yesterday's proceedings be approved.
Without objection? So ordered.
Mr. Rresident, I suggest | the absence of a quorum.
Absence of a quorum suggested.
- Clerk will call the roll. | - Mr. Abbott...
Finish your story. Bob's got the Linotype. | Somebody's bound to pop on Leffingwell.
Call to the post early, huh?
Better wake up, Senator McCafferty.
- Senator, quorum call. | - Opposed, sir. Diametrically opposed.
No, no, senator. It's a quorum call.
Mr. Ardell.
- Mr. Ashley. | - Here.
- Take over for a few minutes? | - Oh, sure.
Mr. Bellingham?
- Mr. Bender of California? | - Present.
- Bob? Where's Seab? | - Oh, he'll make an entrance pretty soon.
- Can I help with Leffingwell? | - Can't think of a thing. We'll just mark time.
I'll gladly talk to anybody you want me to.
- Excuse me. | - Tom August came from the White House.
- In the cloak room. | - Sit in for me.
- What's going on, Stan? | - Oh, hi, Harley. Looks like a bumpy day.
I was asking Bob if I could do | anything to help.
Filling up, huh?
Funny how they can always | smell gunpowder.
Did I tell you I murdered my wife last night, | buried her under a kumquat bush?
Oh, well... Easy come, easy go.
What? What did you say?
I said I might as well get up there | and let the tourists rubberneck at me.
- I'm sorry, Harley. | - All right. Forget it. Forget it.
- Excuse me. | - Sure.
- Hello, Bob. | - Morning, Tom.
The president wants a closed hearing.
That's impossible.
Cooley would find a way to open it up | if he had to use a can opener.
That's what I told him.
We'll have to name a subcommittee | and let it go at that.
- Who do you have in mind to chair it? | - I thought Powell Hanson.
It'll look like you're rigging it | for Leffingwell.
Put him on the committee, | but not as chairman.
It's got to be somebody | who can handle Cooley.
What would you think | of Fred Van Ackerman?
Caught you too, huh?
- Got me out of bed this morning. | - Well?
I don't know.
The man has no tact.
Of course, he could cope with Seab.
So could Brig Anderson over there.
I thought of Brig.
But he's Fred Van Ackerman's junior. | Fred would split a gut.
Let him split. Brig knows | how to be a senator.
All right. Let's tag him and get organized.
- Brig, may we interrupt for a moment? | - Sure.
Brig, how would you feel about handling | the subcommittee on Leffingwell?
- I'd feel fine. | - Bob.
Orrin Knox is up on Leffingwell, | and Seab is warming up.
Here we go, gentlemen.
The president must have known | the reaction would be adverse...
for the name Leffingwell | is synonymous with arrogance...
and an eggheaded | determination to ignore...
When have you let somebody | else do your dirty work?
You mean Orrin Knox, Bob?
You find Orrin doing somebody else's | dirty work, and that'll be a pretty do.
- The office of federal power committee... | - This was a complete surprise.
Which he now administrates.
And in each of these, he has, | under the protection of the president...
gone his own way without consultation...
with the appropriate committee | of the Senate.
Mr. President, will the senator yield?
I will yield when I complete | the text of my statement.
Mr. President, I only wish to ask the senator | how long he intends to speak.
Was the senator planning to speak | for about 15 minutes?
Nice try, Robert.
Mr. Rresident, the esteemed majority leader | is trying to trap me into a time limit.
Well, since he has trotted out | this wheezy device...
he must expect the usual wheezy answer.
I certainly expect to speak | longer than 15 minutes.
- Indeed, I may speak 15 hours. | - Attaboy, Orrin.
I might also say that I do not need any | coaching from the sidelines...
from the esteemed senator | from South Carolina.
I would like to make it plain | that my opinions are my own...
and they do not reflect those | of the senator from South Carolina.
Now, if I might continue | without interruption.
This nomination is being handled | with an underhanded attempt...
to press the senator into silence and | railroad this nomination through Senate.
Mr. President, | will the senator yield for a question?
I have no intention of yielding to | the majority leader or the majority whip.
They have no purpose but to block | criticism of Leffingwell.
Will my good friend and colleague, | the distinguished senior senator...
from lllinois, yield the floor to me?
Under the circumstances, and because | we see eye to eye in this matter...
I consider it a privilege to yield to the able | and respected senator from South Carolina.
Thank you, sir. Mr. Rresident, I must defend | my distinguished colleague from lllinois.
It appears that he is beset | on every side by snarling enemies.
Yet it was his intention only to give voice | to the simple complaint...
many of us feel on both sides | of the aisle.
An honest revulsion...
at this nomination the president | has thrown in our teeth.
Mr. President, will this senator yield?
I'll not yield, sir, but I will say for you | what you'd say anyway...
that this is not the time | for personal imputations.
Will that satisfy the senator?
Was there no other man than this...
this Robert A. Leffingwell?
Is our storehouse of brainpower | so impoverished, that for this office...
which can affect the destiny | of our nation, of the world...
there is no other man | but Robert A. Leffingwell?
I find that hard, indeed, | impossible to believe.
Will the distinguished senator yield?
Well, now...
for my young, handsome...
and plenipotent colleague, | I will gladly yield.
Looks like Seab's gonna have | roast Lafe Smith for lunch.
Does the senior senator from South Carolina | think he knows more than the president...
about what or who is needed, | in these perilous times...
in the office of secretary of state?
Yes, senator.
Even one so young and green as | the junior senator from Rhode lsland...
would have chosen another man. | Wouldn't you say that's the truth?
The senator assumes an infallibility of | knowledge, which denotes a closed mind...
and an aged crust of prejudice.
Who ate who?
Mr. President...
we have here an example...
of the commotion this man, | Leffingwell, can arouse.
Able, sensitive young senators, | taught courtesy at their mothers' knees...
turn upon their elders and rend them | because of their passions...
over this disturbing man, | Robert A. Leffingwell.
I beseech senators to contemplate | the spectacle we are making of ourselves.
What is causing this bitterness | of division in our party? Leffingwell.
Who is disrupting the cordial flow | of legislative interchange? Leffingwell.
Who is turning this Senate...
into a cockpit of angry emotion?
I abominate this man Leffingwell. | He is an evil man.
He will pursue a policy of appeasements!
He will weaken the moral fiber | of our great nation.
He will bring destruction to our traditions.
And I beg you, senators, reject him.
Reject him!
- Barney, you look wonderful tonight. | - Thank you, Mrs. Harrison.
- Betty, do you know the senator? | - Yes, we've met.
Shall we have a spin around the floor?
Hi, Lafe.
- Having fun? | - Having a lovely time. Thanks.
- Can I get you a drink? | - No, thanks.
I will make my government's position | on Mr. Leffingwell very clear.
In some ways, he's excellent.
But in others, not so excellent.
In general, I would say we are for him.
Except when it comes to those | features of character...
in which we might be disposed | to be against him.
On the whole, that is my government's | position. Yes, exactly.
Yes, the inscrutable East can always | be depended upon to be inscrutable.
- Enjoy your dance, darling? | - The senator dances beautifully.
Well, Lafe is not exactly | the log-cabin type.
Rowell, the senator is coming | to lunch tomorrow.
We'll be honored. You'll be | our first guest at the embassy.
- You're very kind. | - Bob, see you a minute?
Will you excuse me?
- Didn't see you at dinner, Fred. | - I just got here.
Why didn't you take my call | from New York this afternoon?
I didn't want to take your call. | Is that an honest enough answer?
You were reaching | for Brig Anderson all the time?
No. But we weren't reaching | for you, either.
- He's in the club, isn't he? | - What club?
Don't give me that. | The inner circle, the clique, the club.
Look, Fred, you forced me | to offend you. I'm sorry.
All right. I'm willing to forget it. | I'll still campaign for Leffingwell.
Fine, Fred, but let's not irritate | the situation.
Robert Leffingwell is the difference between | peace and war. I mean to fight for him.
- Being exclusive, Harley? | - Just escaping for a moment.
From the ladies?
Do you mind if I ask you a question | that a vice president shouldn't ask?
You mean like, | " How's the president's health?"
I haven't seen him in six weeks. | He never calls me in.
- I don't think he means to slight you. | - He probably does.
But that's not why I'm asking.
Look, I know I'm only Charming Harley, | the housewives' delight.
I know I was only a compromise candidate | for vice president or I wouldn't be here.
I never expected to be president, and I hope | to God I never will be, and I mean that.
But the town's boiling | with rumors about his health.
If they're true, I should at least be told.
All right.
But this is just my own opinion.
I don't think the surgery last year | was successful.
Well, I was once the happy governor | of Delaware...
counting revenue from corporative setups | and having tea with the du Ronts.
- Now... | - It hasn't happened yet. Maybe it won't.
Bob, I'm not sure I've got the stuff | to be president.
Has anybody?
Most presidents have to grow up | in the job anyway.
The country could go to hell before | I'd grow big enough to see over the desk.
Humility is not the worst attitude | you could have toward this job.
It's a nice word for the shakes, "humility."
In any case, you're the only vice president | we have, so the Constitution says.
Leffingwell is not only an appeaser, | but a spendthrift to boot.
He can throw more money out | of the back door with a teaspoon...
than the government can bring in | with a shovel.
He'll stage a giveaway to the communists | that'll make Munich look like a clambake.
What do you pump-order politicians | think the world's like?
Wanna get us bombed out of existence | for some lousy, two-bit country...
that can't even feed itself?
We have got to think of ourselves, | first and last.
Would the senator yield the floor?
This is no laughing matter to me, | Mrs. Harrison.
Then perhaps this isn't the place | to discuss it.
Excuse me.
- I'm terribly sorry, Dolly. | - Nonsense, Orrin.
Why, Mr. Leffingwell does cause | excitement, doesn't he?
- Is that you, darling? | - Hi.
How did it go tonight, darling?
Like any party you give. A smasher.
You're the best there is, pet.
Somebody said once, | a friend of mine, I'm sure...
that any bitch with a million bucks, | and a big house and a good caterer...
could be a social success in Washington.
Do you think I'm a bitch?
A perfectly nice one, if you are.
And I'm probably the first man in your life | since your husband died.
That's not a question.
Don't feel obliged to volunteer information.
You are.
How long do you think I'm going to keep up | this backstairs romance?
Front elevator.
Elevator is right. At my age, I need it.
Oh, your age. You're as virile | as a billy goat...
and make noises like a wounded spaniel.
- No marriage, huh? | - And spoil this convenient arrangement?
Don't be silly.
I think you're afraid | I won't get elected next time.
No girl wants to be married to a has-been.
- Well, we've got that established. | - And I'm sleepy.
Are you sleepy?
Will the committee come to order, please?
I'll ask the witness to take his place | at the witness table.
This hearing of the subcommittee of the | Senate Foreign Relations Committee...
is being held to consider the president's | nomination of Robert A. Leffingwell...
for secretary of state.
Mr. Leffingwell, I'm sure you know | all the members of the committee here.
Senator Cooley is not | a member of the subcommittee...
but the full committee voted | him permission to join us...
for the purposes of cross-examination.
I welcome Senator Cooley's | participation, Mr. Chairman.
If not wholeheartedly, | certainly without fear.
I commend your courage.
Frankly, the senator | scares the wits out of everybody else.
Would you please stand | and raise your right hand?
Do you swear that the statements | you are about to give this committee...
will be the truth, the whole truth | and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
- Yes, sir, I do. | - Thank you.
- Sorry, Brig. | - Not at all, Fred.
I'm particularly interested in this hearing.
I hope Mr. Leffingwell obtains | swift approval from this committee.
I thank the senator for his comments.
Mr. Leffingwell, I'm sure you have | a statement to make...
before the interrogation begins.
Mr. Chairman, I believe I might serve this | committee best by answering its questions.
As you wish.
Senator Knox, would you like to begin?
Don't you feel we're worth the effort | of an opening statement?
I'm only being practical, senator.
Well, then I too shall be practical, | Mr. Leffingwell.
Are you loyal to the United States?
I don't mind admitting | that I'm loyal to the United States.
But it wasn't an idle question, | Mr. Leffingwell.
I've had some complaints against things | you've said in some of your speeches...
about our relations with the communists.
Some go so far as to say | you're not loyal.
- There's no foundation for that, senator. | - I have a quote from one of your speeches.
"We must not bind ourselves | to outworn principles of the past...
when we find those principles standing | in the way of affirmative action for peace."
- What does that mean? | - The past shouldn't lie too heavily...
upon our present efforts | to achieve world stability.
You say "outworn principles of the past."
Well, what principles | did you have in mind?
I meant more a state of mind. | Perhaps the word "principle"...
- was not a good choice. | - Orrin, is that speech you got there...
- about defense mobilization? | - No, foreign policy.
Mr. Chairman, the witness is the director | of the Office of Defense Mobilization.
What's he doing making speeches | about foreign policy?
You reckon he was bucking | for the job of secretary of state?
I responded to an invitation | from the Chamber of Commerce of Chicago.
The topic they gave me | to speak on was foreign policy.
I've seen men angling | for high office, Mr. Chairman.
That's the way they do it. They make | speeches. They flaunt themselves.
- That's how they do it. Yes, sir. | - Ln fact, Mr. Leffingwell...
this was only one of a series of speeches | on foreign policy, wasn't it?
Yes, sir, that's true.
He made speeches. So what?
We all make speeches.
Mr. Leffingwell, you said you merely | meant to suggest a state of mind...
This is a cute committee here.
Do you think it's wrong to suspect | the good faith of the communists...
after four decades of dishonor?
All things change. | It wouldn't hurt to assume at times...
a desire for peace from the communists.
On what basis? | These pious, hopeful men, Mr. Chairman.
These wool-gathering optimists.
Mr. Chairman, can't we get along | without this kind of questioning?
At the risk of seeming discourteous to the | distinguished senator from South Carolina...
I'll remind him he's here | at the sufferance of the committee.
I thank the esteemed chairman | for his courteous chastisement.
Mr. Leffingwell, do I understand | you wish to placate the communists?
Not placate. But neither do I want to kill | any chance of agreement before it starts.
In an agreement, what terms | do you think would be valid?
I can't answer that | without given circumstances.
- Will the senator yield? | - If the senator will be brief.
The senator wouldn't want me | to be too brief...
where the fate of my country | is concerned.
Why are you afraid to tell us what terms | you'd make with the communists?
- I just explained to Senator Knox... | - You're evading.
We want to know what you intend | to give away to the communists.
- I don't intend to give anything away. | - Why won't you tell us what your terms are?
Are you ashamed to disclose these terms?
I have nothing to be ashamed of, | and you know it.
He is not responding, Mr. Chairman.
This man is hiding something.
Senator Knox, reclaim the floor. | This is getting us nowhere.
I resent the chair's arbitrary attempt | to silence cross-examination...
that'll show this man's true intent.
It is common knowledge that no one, | nowhere, and at no time...
has been able to silence the distinguished | senator from South Carolina.
Well, sir, I might say the chairman's | doing a pretty good job of it right now.
If you feel the witness is hiding something, | would you care to make a formal charge?
Well, now, that'll just upset everybody.
I'll just turn the floor back | to Senator Knox.
No more right now, Mr. Chairman.
- Senator Velez? | - Mr. Leffingwell...
what associations did you have when | teaching at the University of Chicago?
The usual campus associations. | Other teachers, students.
I have here a telegram | from someone named Gelman...
who claims to have known you | at the university.
Do you recognize the name?
I don't think so, but that was quite | a few years ago, senator.
Well, he says you associated | with left-wingers and communists.
Is there anything to that, Mr. Leffingwell?
I'd like to know what | Mr. Gelman means by...
"left-wingers" or "communists." Those | terms are used carelessly by some people.
Will Mr. Gelman be called to testify?
I'm unable to find Mr. Gelman.
Senator, I don't know what to say, | except the telegram is from some crank.
- Senator from Hawaii. | - Just a hypothetical question.
If the communists demand | we yield certain strategic positions...
- what would you recommend? | - We reject any such demand.
Even if it meant war?
That's an unlikely hypothesis if we retain | our present power of retaliation.
Say it did happen.
Would you recommend a preventive attack?
Hit the enemy before they hit us?
No, I wouldn't recommend a preventive | attack. I would first try to bargain...
try to agree to some of their demands | if they'd agree to some of ours.
With the senator's permission, I'd like | to make a little speech to the witness.
Mr. Witness, I'd rather go out of this world | standing on my two hind legs...
fighting like a man for things I believe | in, than to yield and concede and crawl...
till there was nothing left | of our freedoms and way of life...
but a handful of lost dreams | and a fistful of dry dust.
Mr. Chairman, it's mighty comforting | to know that all the folks out there...
aren't being took in | by this appeasement talk.
Mr. Chairman, a little while ago, | Senator Knox asked me to define...
what I meant by "outworn principles."
Senator Cooley has obliged | with a perfect illustration.
He speaks of standing on his hind legs, | fighting like a man...
as if war were still some rousing charge | up San Juan Hill...
with flags flying and bugles sounding.
It's this kind of 19th-century notion | I was talking about.
This "don't tread on me," | "walk softly and carry a big stick"...
"damn the torpedoes," | "full speed ahead" state of mind.
Senator Cooley's state of mind.
It seems to me that the senator from | South Carolina was speaking out of pride.
Do you think we should discontinue pride | in our freedoms and our way of life?
I believe it's dangerous to negotiate | survival with pride determining our attitude.
I wonder if there isn't good sense | in what Senator Cooley said.
I wonder if we can't become too equivocal.
I wonder if we can't reason away, | in the name of survival...
everything worth surviving for.
That's a hard line to walk, but we have | no choice but to try and walk it.
I'm sorry to say we can't always know | where we're going.
As long as we know where we're not going.
Any questions, Senator Hendershot?
You're what they call an egghead, | aren't you, Mr. Witness?
I'm not only an egghead, senator, | I'm a premeditated egghead.
I set out to become an egghead, | and at this moment...
I'm in full flower of eggheadedness.
I hope to shed pollen wherever I go.
If there are no objections, we can leave | them laughing while we have lunch.
We'll take it up again at 1:30, | Mr. Leffingwell.
Do you think the committee's | trying to smear you?
They're asking what they feel | they should.
Some questions have been smear questions.
Right now my main emphasis | is getting lunch.
If he won't answer that question, I will.
The committee is being used | to smear Mr. Leffingwell.
- What about that, Mr. Leffingwell? | - The senator is entitled to his opinion.
Will you excuse me, please?
You don't like how this hearing | is being conducted, do you?
The chairman should stop | these irresponsible questions.
He doesn't want to. | They're out to crucify Mr. Leffingwell.
Senator, Senator Van Ackerman is accusing | the committee of using smear tactics.
Would you comment on this?
If the senator has any complaints to make, | he should write a letter to his congressman.
- Will you give Seab Cooley a free hand? | - Oh, come on.
Do you believe war can be avoided, | Mr. Leffingwell?
I believe it must be avoided. But I don't | think we can avoid it by rattling sabers.
That's all, Mr. Chairman.
Now, Mr. Leffingwell, it becomes necessary | to turn you over to the tender mercies...
- of the senator from South Carolina. | - I'm girded for the occasion, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. | I have no questions, Mr. Chairman.
Then I don't see any reason | why we can't adjourn the hearing.
If there are no objections.
Would the nominee mind staying with us | for just a smidgen longer?
I said I have no questions, Mr. Chairman. | But I have a witness I would like to call.
Call your witness, senator.
Herbert Gelman.
Will the photographers | withdraw to the sidelines, please?
- Are you Herbert Gelman? | - That's my name.
Raise your right hand, please.
Do you swear the testimony | you are about to give this committee...
will be the truth, the whole truth | and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
- Yes, sir, I swear. | - Take a seat, please.
Where do you live, Mr. Gelman?
At 2221 Grove Rlace Northeast, | here in Washington.
- Your occupation? | - I'm a clerk in the Treasury Department.
Did you send this telegram | to Senator Velez?
And, Mr. Gelman, would you mind | speaking just a little bit louder, please?
Yes. Yes.
Why didn't you include your address | so he could contact you?
- That was Senator Cooley's idea. | - What did Senator Cooley have to do with it?
He suggested that I send | a telegram to Senator Velez.
- Is this true, Senator Cooley? | - It is, Mr. Chairman.
Why didn't you tell us when | Senator Velez introduced the telegram?
I was just giving the nominee | enough rope to hang himself.
I resent being used as a cat's-paw | by the senator from South Carolina.
I apologize to the senator from New Mexico.
The senator will forgive me when he hears | what this new witness has to say.
Do you know Robert Leffingwell, | Mr. Gelman?
- Yes, sir. | - Intimately?
Well, not intimately.
Well, how? On sight or how?
Well, closer than that.
I worked for the Federal Power Commission | when he was chairman.
In his office?
No, sir, at a subsidiary agency.
But I knew him before then in Chicago.
I was in one of his classes | at the university.
I see. Does he know you?
He ought to.
He fired me from | the Federal Rower Agency.
- For what reason were you fired? | - He wanted me out of the agency.
- I knew too much. | - About what?
About him.
What do you know about him?
He's a communist.
The nominee has a right to cross-examine.
I was about to ask, Mr. Leffingwell, | if you'd like to cross-examine as we go.
Thank you, but I'll wait till he's finished.
Senator Cooley, he's all yours.
Now, sir, Mr. Herbert Gelman.
Will you please tell the committee | how you happened to be here.
I came to you about Mr. Leffingwell.
Now I want you to tell the committee, | and the nation...
what you told me in my office.
Yes, sir.
When I was going | to the University of Chicago...
I lived at 2714 Carpenter Street.
I got to know a man, who also had | a room there, named Max Bukowski.
- And he... | - How do you spell that name, Mr. Gelman?
Would you continue, please?
Bukowski invited me...
to sit in on | political discussions in his room.
I went to several of these discussions...
before I realized I was getting involved | in a communist cell, and I dropped out.
Who was in this communist cell?
Bukowski was the leader.
There was a man named James Morton.
And then there was | Mr. Robert Leffingwell.
You knew Mr. Leffingwell.
Well, like I said, I was in one | of his classes at the university.
Now I'll ask you to tell the committee | what was discussed at these meetings...
but I want to tell the committee | that I in no way coached this witness.
The words that he uses are his own words.
Mr. Gelman.
Max Bukowski was a dogmatic Marxist.
He didn't feel that communism would come | to America without violent revolution.
But James Morton and Mr. Leffingwell | felt that communism...
would come as a result of the erosion | of our form of government.
I remember James Morton saying | that our principles would become outworn.
Now, it seems to me we've heard | that from somebody else today.
Not mentioning any names, of course.
Brig, we'll want verification | of this man's story.
- I thank the senator for pointing that out. | - Someone's got to point it out.
I'd advise you to demand verification.
I thank the senator for his advice.
Would the senator care to sit | with the committee?
Are you trying to choke me off, Brig?
Not at all, Fred.
Continue, please.
Now, Mr. Gelman, you told me something | about names in this communist cell.
Yes. Nobody used their right name.
Mr. Leffingwell was called Walker.
Bukowski was called Fitzgerald.
I never learned James Morton's real name.
And they tried to give me | the name of Andrews.
About that time, I quit.
What happened when you quit?
Mr. Leffingwell failed me in his class | on government administration.
Why didn't you report all this | to the university authorities?
- I was afraid. | - And you're not afraid now.
Yes, I'm afraid.
But I couldn't stand by | and see a man like Mr. Leffingwell...
get into a position of power | as secretary of state.
- Can you corroborate this, Mr. Gelman? | - The man's an eyewitness, under oath.
- I'm not lying! | - I didn't say you were lying.
Where can we find Max Bukowski | and James Morton?
Bukowski's dead. | I never saw James Morton again.
Maybe Mr. Robert A. Leffingwell | can help us to locate this James Morton.
Would the committee grant me one hour | to prepare an answer to this testimony?
If he can defend himself, | let him do it right now.
The committee will extend | this courtesy to the nominee.
We'll stand recessed until 3:30.
Seab, you don't believe | that tale yourself. Come on.
Anyway, I'm rocking the boat.
He's going to cut Gelman up | four ways from Sunday.
And I'm going to pick off just enough votes | to push him into office.
What about that, you old buzzard?
Us old buzzards can see a mouse dying | from 10,000 feet up.
Us old buzzards have | the sharpest eyes in creation.
Right now, I'm studying the terrain.
Thank you.
Led by questions from Senator Brigham | Anderson, the witness flatly stated...
that Robert Leffingwell was a communist.
He claimed he had once been | in a communist cell with Leffingwell.
Leff, how are you? Come in.
Daddy, George is hiding my new record.
- I haven't even seen her old album. | - He has seen it. He's got it, Daddy.
Kids, go in there and behave | or I'm gonna tell Mother.
Leffingwell seemed to be | as flabbergasted...
Leff, I've been watching | the whole awful business on television.
- Sit down. | - Hardiman...
when I go back to the hearing, | I'll tell them the whole story.
Chicago, Gelman, everything.
You're bound to come into it. | Might be better if you're there with me.
We can make them understand | how it really was.
Make who understand?
- Who would even want to understand? | - We've got nothing to lose by trying.
- Nothing to lose? | - I'm under oath, Hardiman.
I know you're under oath, | but wait a minute here.
I've got a family to feed.
Leff, look, if we do what you want, | we'll not only be through in government...
we'll never even get | a job teaching again.
You know what happens when | these red-baiting newspapers get the scent.
- I know that, but what can I do? | - Withdraw. Don't go back to the hearing.
That would be the worst | admission of guilt.
There'd be a Senate investigation | in 24 hours. We'd be in the same spot.
All right.
Tell me this: | What do you owe these politicians?
They let that old megalomaniac Cooley bring | a half-witted clerk to testify against you.
I know you're a man of principle. I admire you | for it, but it's no time to go by the book.
- I don't know. | - You have to. You're putting...
your head on a chopping block | and mine with it.
Look, you talk about being under oath.
What about Gelman? | His testimony was shot with lies.
He was never in one of your classes | at the university.
Destroy him. It's easy for you, Leff.
Will the chair please administer the oath | to Mr. Lewis Newborne...
of the Federal Rower Commission.
Would you stand and raise | your right hand, please?
Do you swear the testimony | you're about to give this committee...
will be the truth, the whole truth, | and nothing but the truth?
- I do. | - Thank you. You may be seated.
First, Mr. Chairman, let me say | that I do know Herbert Gelman.
Looks like we might've smoked us out | a possum, Mr. Chairman.
Afraid there'll be no possum stew | in the old Cooley pot tonight, senator.
I realized I knew Herbert Gelman | only after I'd heard his testimony.
- May I question Mr. Gelman? | - By all means.
Mr. Gelman.
Before being detached | from the Rower Commission...
- you'd been ill a long while, correct? | - I was in a tuberculosis sanitarium.
- Tuberculosis sanitarium? | - You know that, Mr. Leffingwell.
You fired me when I tried | to come back to work.
Can you tell us the name | of this tuberculosis sanitarium?
- The name? | - Yes, the name. It had a name, didn't it?
The name. I can't think of the name.
It was in the country, in Maryland.
Mr. Newborne, do you know Herbert Gelman?
Oh, yes. I was his immediate superior | in the Federal Rower Agency.
Tell the committee the true cause | of Mr. Gelman's illness.
It wasn't tuberculosis. Herbert... | Mr. Gelman had a mental breakdown.
And the sanitarium was the Elm Grove | Rest Home right outside of Baltimore.
What happened when he came back to work?
He seemed, well, kind of shaky. | He couldn't seem to get a hold of the job.
I went to Mr. Leffingwell, and I told him | that I wanted to let Gelman go.
Mr. Leffingwell said he'd try | and find him another job.
A few days later, on Mr. Leffingwell's | instructions, I discharged Gelman...
and recommended that he apply | to the Department of the Treasury.
He made an application, | and he went to work over there.
This, Mr. Chairman, is the sum total | of my knowledge of Herbert Gelman...
except I telephoned | the University of Chicago...
to find out if he'd ever been | a student of mine.
The registrar said Gelman | had been at the university...
but there was no record | of his attending my classes.
This will be confirmed by telegram | from the registrar to the committee.
What do you have to say | to this, Mr. Gelman?
I thought...
I thought it was my duty as a citizen | to come here, expose Mr. Leffingwell.
You will receive another telegram. This one | from the city planning office of Chicago.
Seems this address, | 2714 Carpenter Street...
where this communist cell practiced its | mumbo jumbo, according to Mr. Gelman...
This address has been a fire station | for more than 50 years.
Did you have a mental breakdown, | Mr. Gelman?
Do you still insist you were fired by Mr. | Leffingwell because you knew too much?
I didn't know that he got me the job | in the Treasury Department.
Could you have been mistaken about being | in his classes in the university?
I don't know.
And what about 2714 Carpenter Street?
Well, it might not be the right number.
I may not remember for sure.
Rerhaps you don't remember | other things for sure.
Well, if I did, would anybody believe me?
I think we can let this witness go.
Thank you, Mr. Gelman.
I said you could go, Mr. Gelman.
This committee owes you an apology, | Mr. Leffingwell.
Perhaps Senator Cooley | would like to join us in that?
I'm not joining anybody in anything.
Senator Cooley wants a transcript of this | hearing at the earliest possible moment.
The committee owes me no apology, Mr. | Chairman, nor do they owe me approval.
Win, lose, or draw I shall continue to serve | my country when and wherever I can.
- Good afternoon. | - Yes, sir?
Why, I'd surely be obliged if I could see | the employment record...
of Mr. Herbert Gelman.
I'm sorry, sir, but employment records | are privileged information.
You might say that I am privileged. | I'm Senator Cooley.
You're a mighty pretty gal, | yes, ma'am. Mighty pretty.
I'm not entirely sure in which section | of this building Mr. Gelman works.
Mr. Leffingwell.
Well, Leff.
- Congratulations. | - I appreciate your arranging...
to see me so quickly. | I know how busy you are.
Glad you called. | I wanted to see you. Sit down.
Bobby thinks the committee | will go four-to-one in your favor.
He has enough votes sewed up | to get you through on the floor.
So it looks like you're in. | How'd you like a drink, Mr. Secretary?
Mr. Rresident, I'm not in, | and I'm not going to be in.
- Yes, sir. | - What are you talking about?
- Yes, sir. | - Nothing! Sorry.
Mr. Rresident, I want you | to withdraw my nomination.
I lied at the hearing.
I knew Herbert Gelman. | I knew him in Chicago.
I knew him at those meetings.
They were communist meetings, | Mr. Rresident.
I was never a party member, | but I was young, looking for a cause.
Didn't take long to discover | that wasn't it, and I dropped out.
Please believe that, | Mr. President. It's true.
But I am guilty of one bad error.
I gave Herbert Gelman a job | to keep him from talking.
When I saw Gelman in the courtroom, I knew | Cooley had me set up for the witch-hunters.
I wish I could tell you I'm sorry I lied.
I'm only sorry I had to lie.
Anybody else know you lied?
One person. Hardiman Fletcher.
- Fletcher of the Treasury Department? | - Yes.
Will he talk?
No. Fletcher was the third man | in Chicago.
He was James Morton.
- Hello, senator. | - Well, Mr. Fletcher...
I surely do appreciate you keeping | this little rendezvous.
Who are we hiding from, senator, and why?
I thought us meeting by this fine old | monument might have a salutary effect...
on our conversation. It was George | Washington who couldn't tell a lie...
wasn't it, Mr. Fletcher?
I sometimes forget my schoolboy history. | Shall we take a little walk?
A thought came to me, Mr. Fletcher. | Not like a bolt from the blue.
More insinuating, | like a soft breeze off the river.
I thought, "Why did Robert A. Leffingwell | have Herbert Gelman..."
apply to the Treasury Department | for a job?
"Why didn't he send him | through civil service for a job?"
- Are you asking me a question? | - Not yet, Mr. Fletcher.
I gallivanted over to | the Treasury Department this afternoon...
and I sort of looked up | Herbert Gelman's record.
And I discovered that you approved | Herbert's application.
Personally approved it.
- Senator, get to the point. | - The point is, I was gonna give you a break.
Looks like you see fit to turn down | my Southern generosity.
- Senator Cooley, I'm a loyal citizen. I... | - I didn't say you weren't.
But I might have to start an investigation | to prove you're loyal, Mr. Fletcher.
Mr. James Morton.
What is this...
- break you were gonna give me? | - Simple.
Make a telephone call to Brigham Anderson, | offer him a small confession...
not mentioning I had anything to do with | it, just made out of your own conscience.
What happens then?
Natural course will be followed | to protect the president and our party.
Your confidence won't be betrayed, | Mr. Fletcher.
And you'll have done a noble duty, sir. | Yes, sir, noble.
- Senator Knox? | - Oh, thank you.
Senators, looks like | we won't be voting today.
It's from Brig. He's postponed it.
For what reason?
He doesn't say.
Are you sure it was Fletcher | who called you?
I made sure.
I called him back at his home.
Has he told this to anyone but you?
He said not.
Why in hell did he open | up this can of beans?
He felt he should do the right thing.
Nuts. He's protecting himself.
Bess, get through to the | president at Camp David.
Tell his secretary I want him next.
I don't care who's ahead of me. | The queen of England.
And it is not enough that the subcommittee | has permitted a great man to be smeared.
Now the chairman of that subcommittee | is deliberately blocking the committee vote.
It's one more thing to add to the most | unfair hearing in the history of the Senate.
Sir, will the senator | yield for a question?
- Will the senator yield for a question? | - I'll yield to the senator.
Mr. Rresident, I admit I'm not | a supporter of Mr. Leffingwell...
but I watched the hearing on TV, | and it seemed eminently fair to me.
Mr. Rresident, I'm sorry if the senator was | not perceptive enough to grasp the obvious.
I am telling the Senate | exactly what happened.
As much as I appreciate hearing about | the senator's particular view...
I must say I will need more substantial | proof than the senator's own description.
Sir, is the senator calling me a liar?
The record must stand as is, | Mr. President.
How the senator interprets that | is his problem, not mine.
Mr. President, the senator from Kansas | is welcome to take advantage of her sex.
Oh, Fred, come off it.
You think it's funny?
You think the world thinks it's funny?
The world thinks it's funny that we're trying | to smear a man who believes in peace?
Do you think the people of this | country think it's funny?
Does the senator from Utah | think it's funny?
Will the senator from Utah tell us | why he is blocking the vote?
I'll tell you. He's assassinating the character | and reputation of Robert Leffingwell!
The senator asks me a question | and answers it himself.
I prefer to make my own | reply, Mr. President.
As chairman of the subcommittee, | I seek only to do my duty.
And that I will do despite the hysterical | tantrums of the senator from Wyoming.
The senator is frightening no one | except the children in the visitors' gallery.
I'm not too sure the senator | from Utah can't be frightened.
There are ways to frighten any man, | even the senator from Utah.
- Every man has his Achilles... | - The chair is tolerant, as everybody knows.
But there'll be no threats | made in this chamber.
- What happened to Harley? | - I don't know.
I apologize to the chair.
In my anxiety for a great cause, | I was carried away.
- Will the chair hear a motion? | - Make your motion.
I move that the Committee on | Foreign Relations be discharged...
from consideration of the nominee | for secretary of state...
and that the Senate vote on | Robert Leffingwell now.
- Did he clear this with you? | - He did not.
Bob, I can't let this pass. | I'm gonna have to open up.
I'll try and stop it.
Make Van Ackerman withdraw the motion. | Tell him we haven't enough votes.
- Mr. President. | - The senior senator from Michigan.
Mr. President...
it would certainly be a dramatic | affirmation of the nominee...
if we were to bypass | the regular procedures...
of the Senate | and vote him into office now...
I won't withdraw. | He should make a motion himself.
The balance of power in our government, | as created by the Constitution...
is the most brilliant device for the | protection of liberty conceived by free men...
We're not ready for this, Fred. | Don't you understand?
I'm ready for it.
That none can become absolute has made | this government the miracle of the ages.
We must always guard this balance...
so this great dream of liberty within | discipline, which is America, will die.
I tell you, we haven't got the votes.
You'll get him beat before we | get him out of committee.
Citizens of this republic | for almost two centuries.
Now Senator Van Ackerman's motion | proposes to ride over those procedures.
Though I hope for the eventual | confirmation of the nominee...
I ask that this motion be defeated.
It won't hurt Mr. Leffingwell | if he isn't confirmed...
by sundown today | or even sundown tomorrow.
But it might hurt us most grievously | if we do what suits us...
in the heat and passion | of the passing moment.
Is there a request for the yeas and nays?
Squarehead Anderson can't block this.
Senators, do I hear a request for the | yeas and nays? A quorum, maybe?
What got your tongue today? | You're usually shaking the rafters.
It's my day for sunning myself, Mr. Majority | Leader, like an old bullfrog on a lily pad.
- You've got to withdraw. | - Does anybody want to say anything at all?
- Mr. Rresident. | - Saved by the senator from Wyoming.
Mr. Rresident, I have decided to heed the | wisdom of the esteemed majority leader...
who has pointed out | the danger in my motion.
I would not wish to abuse | this citadel of freedom.
I will instead humble myself | before my peers and withdraw the...
This news about Leffingwell | hit the president pretty hard.
- He put a lot of faith in him. | - I'm sorry.
He's coming to the correspondents' | banquet tonight. You going?
I plan to.
He'd like to see you, Brig. | Would you come up to my place afterwards?
What can I tell him I haven't told you? | All he has to do is withdraw the man.
Did I eat crow nicely, Bob?
Yeah, you did fine, Fred. | Thanks for your cooperation.
Is Brig cooperating?
Any time old Brig isn't cooperating, | I might be able to change his mind.
Just let me know.
Get off my back, Fred.
Bob, see you a minute?
Okay for after the banquet, Brig?
Sure, all right.
I said you made a mistake | with him. He's trouble.
Fred, will you please butt out of this? | You're not doing Leffingwell any good.
Okay, but if you want Brig whipped | into line, I've got the whip on file.
I'm sure we can manage without your file.
Gentlemen, tonight is the one night | in the year when we're honor-bound...
not to be reporters.
Our guests may speak freely...
and not have to read a hundred versions | of what they said in the morning papers.
So with that assurance, I give you | the president of the United States.
Fellow members of the White House | Correspondents' Association...
the man says there are | no reporters present tonight...
but I'm going to exercise the privilege | given me by my gold membership card...
and reverse that traditional ruling.
Tonight, gentlemen, | there are reporters present.
So get out your pencils. | We'll write ourselves a story.
- This planned? | - Not by me.
I see down there at table number three | the senior senator from South Carolina.
Hello, Seab.
And over there at table seven...
I see the senator from Utah, | Brigham Anderson.
Hi, Brigham.
I said, hi, Brigham.
Now, a few days ago, | the president of the United States...
nominated a man for secretary of state...
who the president thinks | is a pretty good man...
and he wants that man | confirmed by the Senate.
But the senior senator from | South Carolina, for reasons of his own...
and those reasons are never | like anybody else's reasons...
the senator's opposed to my nominee.
Well, everybody expected that.
We'd all be disappointed | if Seab hadn't reared back...
and huffed and puffed, | and tried to blow the house down.
But now comes Senator Brigham Anderson...
who nobody suspected | of being a big, bad wolf.
And he goes Seab Cooley one better by | trying to dig a tunnel under the house.
This is your story, fellow members of the | White House Correspondents' Association.
The president is standing by his nominee.
Despite Seab Cooley's windstorms | and Brigham Anderson's tunneling...
you can tell the readers the president | hasn't changed his mind about his nominee.
He's going to fight for that | confirmation no matter what.
What are you clapping for?
I can afford to be charitable, sir.
Mr. President.
Sore at me, Brigham?
Frankly, I'm puzzled, Mr. President.
There's coffee and brandy here if you want. | I'll go down to the banquet room.
- If it's okay, I'd rather have you stay. | - What's the matter, Brigham?
You think you need a witness?
I'm not sure, Mr. President.
You'd better stay, Bobby. Sit down.
I have a feeling I might need | some help with this young man.
Of course you know I'm grateful, | the way you put the lid on this matter.
I didn't get that impression tonight.
Well, a president has to stand up for a man | he sends down to Senate. You know that.
It seems to me, the sooner you withdraw | him, the sooner this will blow over.
I still want him, Brigham.
If we open this up, he won't be confirmed. | I'm sure Senator Munson told you that.
If we don't open it up, we've got enough | votes committed to put him through.
I've gone as far as I can | with this, Mr. Rresident.
I think the circumstances might | permit you to go a little further.
You don't seriously believe | Leffingwell's a communist, do you?
Whether he is or not, he lied under oath.
Aren't you interested in why he lied?
Well, I'm not completely unsympathetic, | but I just think that...
You think he should let himself | be ruined...
just because he flirted with | communism a long time ago?
My point is he should've | told the committee...
he had flirted with communism | instead of lying.
Well, maybe there's nothing in your | young life you'd like to conceal...
but we're not all of us that fortunate.
We have to make the best of our mistakes. | That's all Leffingwell has done.
As the leader of our party, I'm asking you. | Let me judge the man.
Mr. Rresident, I don't want | to wreck his life.
I don't want to deprive you | of his services in some other office.
But in this case, his confirmation | as secretary of state...
I am bound by my duty to my committee.
You also owe a duty to your party.
I can't subvert the purpose | of a Senate committee.
You don't think Cooley subverted | the purpose of the committee?
He's used his little forum | in a personal vendetta.
Mr. Rresident, I'm sorry, but your | arguments won't wash with me.
My prestige is riding on this nomination.
Rrestige of this country, Senator Anderson. | By God, that ought to wash.
Or don't you know we're in trouble | in the world...
outside that little | subcommittee of yours?
Yes, sir, I know our prestige will suffer...
but it will suffer a lot more if I have to | show up your nominee as a barefaced liar.
If you won't withdraw him, I'll reopen | and call Hardiman Fletcher as a witness.
Then do it. Do what you like. | I won't withdraw.
- Good night, Bobby. | - Good night, Mr. Rresident.
He has a case, Brig.
You can't always cut it black or white. | Not in these times.
But this is black and white.
I just don't understand you. You make a | great speech about the balance of power...
then you ignore your responsibility...
and want me to rubber-stamp this | nomination just to please the president.
I guess it is inconsistent...
but I've come a long way with him, ever | since we were green congressmen together.
He's pulled us through | six hard years of crisis.
He's tired, Brig, and he's ill.
I love the man.
I guess I can stretch | my responsibility a little.
Love to help him.
I'm sorry, but mine won't stretch.
All right. Give him a few days to save face, | and then we'll put up another nominee.
That isn't what the president said.
He'll bend if he has to.
And I guess he has to.
Did I wake you? I'm sorry.
I was waiting for you.
This was a night, Mrs. Anderson.
Your husband had a knockdown-and-dragout | with the president of the United States.
- Oh, Brig. | - It's all right. I won.
I had a very strange phone call, Brig.
Strange? Well, who was it?
I don't know. A man.
He said that before you go on | with the Leffingwell matter...
you ought to remember | what happened in Hawaii.
Then he hung up.
What happened in Hawaii, Brig?
What was the voice like?
It was crawly. He made it sound like | he knew some kind of nasty secret.
I've been on the front pages the past few | days. We're bound to get crackpot calls.
Just hang up if you get any more.
Are you sure you're doing | the right thing, Brig?
Yes, darling, I'm sure. | Don't worry about it.
What did he mean about Hawaii?
I was stationed there | when I was in the Army.
I don't see what that | has to do with Leffingwell.
Just some crackpot, darling, that's all.
- Hello? | - Did you speak to your husband?
- What do you want? Who are you? | - We're serious about this.
- You call here one... | - Hello!
- I told you to hang up on those calls. | - Brig, I'm frightened.
Now, look, there is nothing to be | frightened of, Ellen. Nothing!
Come on, let's have some breakfast.
The senator handling the inland waterways | bill can't be present this afternoon.
If the senator from Michigan will agree...
I would like to ask that nothing | be put ahead of this bill.
Since the afternoon is | an extremely busy one...
When is the president going to withdraw?
You can't hurry him, Brig. After all, | we don't run that end of the avenue.
I am very glad to accommodate | the senator, Mr. Rresident.
I move we stand in recess | until noon tomorrow.
Without objection, so ordered.
Have you seen him?
He's on a destroyer at Chesapeake Bay | for the naval boat race.
Come on, don't look so worried. | After all, you won your point last night.
Have a cup of coffee with me.
No, thanks.
Early recess, senator?
Hello, Seab.
A man can live like a mole | in the halls of that old capitol.
Me, I just sit out here for a while | most every day, winter or summer.
You look like you've got | the burden, son. Sit down.
You got them treed, haven't you? Look | out they don't shinny down on top of you.
You're dealing with devious | men, senator. Yes, sir.
Devious, powerful men.
Hardiman Fletcher took a plane | to Europe this afternoon.
A mission for the president.
Gonna make a study | of world currency problems.
You know that?
Well, it'll be in the papers | tomorrow morning.
- Where do you come into this, Seab? | - Well...
let's just say you've got a friend. | A powerful, devious friend.
Thanks. I might need him.
- Bob. | - Hi, Brig.
- Change your mind? | - I just wanna verify something.
Something about Hardiman Fletcher.
Well, what about Hardiman Fletcher?
Is this an act?
- I don't know what you're talking about. | - Go now.
I give you my word, | I don't know anything about it.
I don't understand why | the president did this.
All I can think of is he's making sure | you won't jump the gun until he's ready.
Oh, yes, he's here.
Who is this?
Just a minute, please.
Oh, Brig, there's a call for you.
- For me? | - Yeah. It's your clerk.
- Hello. | - Hello. Senator Anderson?
- Who is this? | - Well, it's not your clerk.
Don 't hang up, senator. You'll be interested | in this. We have the stuff on Hawaii.
If you don 't want us to use it, | you'll get out of Leffingwell's way.
This is no joke, senator. We'll use it.
Use what? What? I don ' t know what...
It's a photograph, senator. And a letter.
Listen, I won ' t be scared off. I mean it.
I won ' t carry this anymore. | I'll go to Senate and tell it all!
- Take it easy. What's the matter? | - He withdraws!
I don't mean tomorrow! I don't mean next | week! Today, you understand? Today!
Will you come in, Miss Foster?
There was a man about five or six weeks | ago. His name was Raymond Shaff.
"Ray," he probably said. I didn't want to | talk to him. Do you remember?
Yes. He called several times. | He also came to the office.
- Did he leave a number? | - I think so.
Yes, Miss Foster?
I have no telephone number, but I | have an address in New York City.
Thank you. Would you just | put it on my desk, please?
- Then why send Fletcher away? | - I had nothing to do with it.
I haven't talked to the president | since the hearing.
You expect me to believe you don't know | whether he's going to withdraw you or not?
Senator, I've put myself at his disposal. | I'm waiting for him to tell me what to do.
Well, I won't wait. | I don't need Fletcher.
I'll convene the hearing | and you won't lie this time.
You can't do that, senator.
I've got to do it!
Why? What does a day matter? | Or two? You have the whip hand.
I'm giving you a chance.
Call the press, announce your | withdrawal. Forget the president.
I've given the president my word.
Your word is not exactly | the coin of the realm.
No, maybe it isn't, thanks to your | committee. But I still place a value on it.
And there's nothing more to be said. | Good afternoon, senator.
Did you hear all of that, Johnny?
Did you understand it?
Well, I don't exactly know | how to explain it, Johnny.
- Okay. | - No. Wait a minute.
I could tell you the truth.
All right.
Sit down, Johnny.
I'd like to talk to you, please.
I had another call, Brig.
Yes, I took the call.
When did I become the little woman who's | supposed to sit at home and know nothing?
Brig, I've campaigned with you. | I've worked for you.
I know politics isn't all...
love thy neighbor and friendship.
I know how cruel it can be.
There's trouble. I want to know what it is.
Rlease, Daddy, you promised | to play with me.
In a minute, Pidge.
Do you know someone named Ray?
Please, Daddy.
Please, Pidge.
Go back in the garden.
Daddy will be there in a minute.
He said to tell you | that they had bought Ray.
What does that mean?
I don't know.
You must know.
Will you please just leave this to me?
But it's coming into my | home on that telephone.
They're calling me, Brig. They're trying to | force you to do something through me.
Now, you've got to tell me what it is.
You're getting all hysterical about nothing.
Now, I don't know what those phone calls | are about, but I'm trying to find out.
For the first time in our lives, | you're not telling me the truth.
That awful creature on the telephone.
He knows what he's talking about. | He's not making something up.
Something will happen if you don't do what | he wants, and you must prepare me for it.
Ellen, please, don't press me.
I've got to have time to work this out.
Why can't I help you?
What do you think I live for?
You're my whole life, you and Ridge. | There isn't anything else.
I know that. I know that.
If they're threatening you through me, | it can only mean one thing.
It's about a woman, isn't it?
Is that why you're afraid to tell me?
I know I'm not everything | a wife should be.
I know we haven't had | an exciting marriage.
It's my fault.
Darling, nothing in the whole world | is your fault.
This is something from a long time ago. | Before I even knew you.
If I could only...
- Tell me, Brig, tell me. | - I can't.
Then you'd better do | what these people want.
It doesn't seem so very much.
Not if it means that our whole...
If I do what they want, | everything that I have tried to be...
everything that I have tried to stand for | in my life would be just thrown away. No.
Brig, I can't wait | for a mountain to fall on me.
I can't be that brave.
I'll take Pidge and leave.
Shall I do that? | Shall I take Ridge and go?
What do you expect me to do?
All I want to do is stand beside you, | and you give me no place to stand.
I want you to wait. | Wait for just a little while.
If I can't stop these people, then I'll | tell you all there is to tell, everything.
Then you can decide. | But wait. Please wait.
And if you do stop them?
I'll ask you to try and forget | this ever happened.
Oh, I couldn't leave you.
No matter what happens, | I couldn't leave you.
Hurry up, Daddy.
Hurry up, Daddy. It's getting dark.
Oh, go and help her with the silly fish.
I have to do something about dinner.
Where is Daddy going?
- Have you any luggage, senator? | - No. No luggage.
Hold flight 338. VIR. Senator Anderson.
- Gate 11, sir. | - Thank you.
And Brig was more determined than ever the | president should withdraw Mr. Leffingwell.
Then these telephone calls began to come.
I don't know what else to tell you, Lafe. | I know I'm meddling.
I know Brig will be angry and embarrassed | if he finds out I talked to you.
Maybe he won't have to know.
I said some things to him | I shouldn't have said.
He was desperate when he left. | Really desperate, Lafe.
He might be protecting someone else. | Had you thought of that?
Yes, that might be it. That's like Brig.
I'll tell you what.
When he comes home, tell him | to call me at Dolly Harrison's.
I'll get around and find out | what it's all about.
Now, you stop worrying.
- I'm sorry to bother you, Lafe. | - I'm glad you did.
What's a friend for?
This must be Lafe. Excuse me.
Senator, we were just | about to begin without you.
I'm sorry, Dolly. It was unavoidable.
I'm sure she must have been.
Oh, Dolly. Could you get Bob | to drift out here for a minute?
Oh, we are serious, aren't we? Of course.
Hello, lover.
Bob, I know about the argument | between Brig and the president.
- How? | - His wife.
- Now I know why I never married again. | - No, no. She's scared.
Bob. Brig's got a blackmailer on his tail.
- You know anything about it? | - Are you joking?
It's about Leffingwell.
Thought maybe you had some ideas.
Where is Brig?
I've been looking for him. | That's why I'm late.
Blackmail. Are you sure | his wife isn't exaggerating?
I don't believe so.
Yes, I might have some idea.
Why in the devil didn't he come to me | with this or to you? Somebody?
- Did you leave word for him to call here? | - His wife or office will tell him.
- Yes? | - Ray?
Who is it?
Is this Raymond Shaff?
- You want Ray? | - Yes, please.
- He doesn't live here, you know. | - He left this apartment number.
- I'm a friend of Ray's. Are you a friend? | - Where can I find him?
Won't you sit down, please?
- Do you know where I can find Ray? | - Rlease, sit.
I'm making some tea. | Would you like some tea?
Thanks just the same.
- My name is Manuel. I didn't get your name. | - Do you know where I can reach Ray?
- I'd appreciate it. | - I said, I didn't get your name.
Where are you from, Mr. Anderson?
Well, if it's any help, I'm from out | of town. Utah. I knew Ray in the Army.
Oh, Utah. Way out West.
Mormons, and "This is the place" | and all that.
Mr. Manuel, if you don't mind, | I'm in kind of a hurry.
I have kind of a mail and answering service | here for friends like Ray.
Nothing big.
Confidential, you understand.
Oh, yes. Yes, I see.
- Will this do? | - Oh, anything. Just put it there.
Would you like to meet Ray here?
Can't you give me his address | or phone number?
It's convenient here. It's quiet.
Cream or lemon?
Mr. Manuel, do you know | where Ray is or don't you?
Oh, it's like that.
Urgent, sudden, PDQ.
Won't you sit down, please?
Yes, it's urgent.
I think he'll be at 602.
- It's a big night at 602. | - 602 what?
The club, 602.
I'll give you the address.
You can come back here with Ray.
I mean, you've paid.
Well, come on in.
Don't just stand there.
Hey, don't run off.
Ray! You're with me.
- Wait a moment, Brig. | - Taxi!
Let me explain. Brig, wait a moment.
- Taxi! | - Brig...
I needed money, Brig. | Well, you wouldn't see me.
I kept calling. I was drunk.
Newark Airport!
Drive, will you? Drive!
Please fasten your seat belt, senator.
You mind, Brig?
Harley. Sure. I didn't see you.
- If you'd rather sleep... | - No, no, no. Sit there.
- What time do we get to old Foggy Bottom? | - About midnight.
What? What were you doing | in New York, making a speech?
PTA convention. You?
Business. Just business.
Are you going to give in?
On Leffingwell, I mean.
I know what you mean.
- What do you know about it? | - Well, I can't say I know anything.
I'm not included in very much, | either by the senators or the president.
But that doesn't prevent me | from doing a little guesswork.
You're being pushed and pushed hard, | aren't you, Brig?
Why are you going it alone? | That's what I don't understand.
Some character once said that being | vice president isn't exactly a crime.
They can't put you in jail for it.
But it is a sort of a disgrace, | like living in a mansion with no furniture.
If you don't mind traveling | in such impoverished company...
I might be able to help you.
I've suddenly gotten the feeling you're the | most underestimated man in Washington...
Anything I can do, Brig.
Maybe you're right. Maybe if...
Go ahead.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching | an area of possible turbulence.
Please fasten your seat belts. Thank you.
Forget it, Harley.
Please forget it.
Well, looks like rain. I'll run you home.
- Come on, hop in. | - What? Oh, no. No, thanks, Harley.
I've got my car over here.
Do you feel all right?
Good night, Harley.
Good evening, senator.
- Hi, Mike. | - Senator Smith was around looking for you.
He said you can get him | at Mrs. Harrison's.
But the elevators are running, senator.
You in there, senator?
It's Mike, senator.
Ace queen bets three.
Dear me. I may be forced to drop out.
Is that how the British | played their cards at Waterloo?
No, but it served us well at Dunkirk. | Different hands, of course.
- Out. | - No good.
- Running a sandy, Seabright? | - No. I'm running a possum.
It looks like I've got him nearly treed.
Senator Smith, | you're wanted on the telephone.
Thank you. Excuse me.
- Closed. | - All right?
Wheel and deal, madam.
Still a possible flush. Rair of sevens.
Jack to me.
Is that Brig?
What's the matter?
He's dead.
In his office.
He cut his throat.
Are you two at it again? | We're on the last hand.
Sorry, everyone.
- We just got word Brig Anderson's dead. | - What?
Oh, Bobby.
Stan, will you get Harley and meet Lafe | and me at the Anderson home?
- I know he'd like to be there. | - Of course.
How did it happen?
It looks like he killed himself.
No, I don't know.
He was good, and kind and honest.
I don't know what it was | they were trying to use against him.
But whatever it was, | they can't use it anymore.
So it doesn't matter, does it?
Did Brig have any idea about...
who might be behind all this?
Excuse me.
Please excuse me!
I know Van Ackerman's behind it.
What I don't know, is he alone in it?
If he is alone in it, | it becomes a Senate matter...
for the Senate to handle in its own way.
And if Van Ackerman isn't alone?
Is that what they think of me on the Hill? | Is that what you think of me, Bobby?
No, I don't. But Harley here | might like a straighter answer than that.
As God is my witness, Harley, | I know nothing of it.
- What about Leffingwell? | - There will still be a suspicion...
in some quarters that you're involved in | Brig's death. Better withdraw Leffingwell.
The president is always suspect by some | because people are suspicious of power.
I can't be guided by that.
I'm sorry about Brig Anderson. | Don't misunderstand me.
I wish he were alive and happy.
But he's dead, morning's coming, | and I still need a secretary of state.
The situation hasn't changed.
Except now you could bring | Leffingwell to the floor for a vote.
You've got the votes committed, | Bobby, use them.
Well, Harley, what are you looking | so shocked about?
You think in my place, you'd feel | any differently about this than I do?
I don't know, Mr. President.
But the last night I saw Brig Anderson, | I saw a man in terrible pain.
I wonder if Leffingwell | or any one man is worth all of this.
Wondering doesn't run a government.
Good night, Harley.
Good night, Mr. Rresident.
Good night, Mr. Rresident.
Yes, sir?
I do want to confirm a suspicion to you.
Maybe it will help you understand | why I want Leffingwell so badly.
I understand.
I'm going fast. There's nothing left | inside here that's working anymore.
Leffingwell can take a firm grip on | everything I've built up in foreign policy.
Not let it all fall to pieces.
Harley can't. You know he can't.
No, I don't know that. Why don't you | bring him in and give him some help?
I haven't any time to run | a school for presidents.
I haven't any time for anything.
I guess I've been wrong | in many, many things.
I don't suppose history | will have much good to say of me.
I can't dwell on that.
I've done my best.
You're one of the great presidents, Russ.
Well, if you think so, | that's almost as good as history.
Bye, Bobby.
Good night, Mr. Rresident.
Thank you.
- Anything there? | - Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Don't you ever go to bed, Seab?
Sleep's a waste of precious time | for old folks.
I have a feeling | you've been waiting for me.
Mr. Majority Leader...
tomorrow I'm gonna raise the dome...
off the capitol building. | That old dome won't sit right again...
when I get through speaking my piece. | I know all about James Morton.
How long have you known | about James Morton?
That's not important. | The important thing is, I know about him.
- I said, how long, Seab? | - There's nothing more to say.
- You forced Fletcher to call Brig. | - I was trying to do the best for everybody.
I'll tell you what you were doing. You were | amusing yourself watching us all squirm.
Laughing while a dying president | put up a fight for a man he believes in.
In the Senate, you kept quiet | while Brigham Anderson carried the load.
You were playing | for the right moment to rise up...
and turn on the mighty wrath | of Seab Cooley.
All right, Seab, you've got it.
The biggest moment you'll ever have.
Brig Anderson gave it to you | with a dull razor blade.
Will you wait?
I'll make you a deal, Mr. Majority Leader.
Turn your votes loose, | and I'll keep my mouth shut.
Even if that man is confirmed, | I'll keep my mouth shut.
You call that a deal?
- I call it extortion. | - I meant it as a favor.
Thanks. I can do without your favors.
The subcommittee, under the | chairmanship of Senator Anderson...
has reported favorably | to the full committee.
And the full committee vote | is as follows:
Eight votes for recommendation, | five votes opposed, one abstention.
By this vote, the Committee | on Foreign Relations...
recommends that Robert A. Leffingwell | be confirmed for secretary of state.
I return the floor | to the senator from Michigan.
I move the Senate | now advise and consent...
to the nomination of Robert A. Leffingwell | for secretary of state.
The question is, will the Senate | advise and consent...
to the nomination of Robert A. Leffingwell | for secretary of state?
The senator from South Carolina | has apprised me of his intention...
to speak on this motion.
The chair now recognizes the senior senator | from South Carolina.
Mr. President, there is some opinion | harbored here...
that my opposition to Mr. Leffingwell | has been a matter of vindictiveness.
Mr. Rresident, I'm afraid | that's true to some degree...
and for this, I humbly apologize...
to this chamber...
and to the man in the White House, | who, with good intentions for this nation...
sent the nominee down to us.
I don't expect this apology | to wash away my sins...
but I hope that it will, | in some way, reestablish me...
as a senator in the eyes | of my colleagues...
rather than as the flannel-mouthed | old curmudgeon...
I seem to have become in my | waning years, and so much for that.
Mr. President...
I shall still oppose Mr. Leffingwell...
but without vindictiveness.
His voice is not the voice | I wanna hear speak for America.
It is, to me, an alien voice.
Rerhaps it's the new voice of my country.
These old ears aren't tuned | to these new sounds, I know.
I don't understand much | that Mr. Leffingwell says.
I don't understand | how principles of dignity...
can become outworn...
or how this nation | can be represented without pride.
I don't understand these things.
Of course, I am what I am, | feel as I feel.
I'm gonna vote against confirmation...
I ask no man to follow me in this.
Mr. President.
Recognize the senior senator | from Michigan.
The senior senator from South Carolina...
has just eaten | a rather large order of crow.
Strangely enough, | he makes the dish seem palatable.
He makes us all want to sit at his table.
He calls himself a curmudgeon.
Well, I hope the day never comes...
when there is not at least one | curmudgeon in this body...
to goad us in the right direction.
I can't agree with him | about Mr. Leffingwell.
I don't interpret Mr. Leffingwell | in the same way. I don't hear an alien voice.
To me, it sounds realistic. | And more than that...
I have great respect for the judgment | of our chief executive.
I'll vote for the nominee.
But there are tragic circumstances | surrounding this nomination...
which takes it out of the usual business | and sets it deeply...
into the conscience of each senator.
For this reason, I now wish | to release all pledges made to me.
- Mr. President, will the senator yield? | - I will not.
All pledges made to me | are free to vote as they will.
- What kind of a double-cross is this? | - The senator from Michigan has the floor.
- Mr. President, I ask for a quorum. | - I protest!
A quorum call precludes any speeches | from the floor until the call is finished.
Mr. Clerk?
- Mr. Abbott. | - Present.
- Mrs. Adams. | - Present.
- Mr. Andrews. | - Here.
- Well, Seab. | - Well, Bob.
- I'll beat you anyway. | - That, sir, is a question.
- Mr. Caulfield. | - Here.
It is impossible to predict the outcome | because there was no time to poll...
the individual members of the Senate, | who will now decide...
free of political commitments, | guided only by their own conviction...
how to vote on the question | of Leffingwell's confirmation.
Senator Anderson 's | mysterious suicide will...
Wells, Simpson, Lansing.
Mr. Randall.
Kanaho abstained in the committee vote, | but he'll vote with Seab.
Strike him off. Goodman, strike him off.
- Mr. Toland. | - Present.
- Mr. Topper. | - Here.
- Mr. Van Ackerman. | - Here and waiting!
- Mr. Young. | - Present.
- Mr. Zeffenbach. | - Here.
Call the absentees.
Mr. Courtney.
Mr. Fickett.
Mr. Fields.
Mr. Granville.
Mr. Larkins.
Thank you. From Strickland. | Seven minority votes for Leffingwell.
- A 42 majority, seven minority. Forty-nine. | - Well, we've still got a chance to win.
Rrior to the quorum, the Foreign Relations | Committee reported favorably...
on the nomination of | Robert A. Leffingwell for secretary of state.
The senator from Michigan | moved the Senate advise and consent...
- to that nomination. | - Mr. Rresident.
I did not relinquish the floor when I asked | for a quorum, Mr. Rresident.
The senior senator from Michigan | still has the floor.
The senator can't hold | the floor in silence.
With the chair's permission, | I shall be very brief.
The chair gladly gives permission | to be brief.
I ask for the yeas and nays.
Yeas and nays have been requested. | Is there a sufficient number?
I demand recognition, Mr. President!
You can't close to me!
- Question! | - Question!
Both sides of the aisle | are loudly demanding an immediate vote...
on the question | whether or not to consent...
to the president's nomination | of Leffingwell as secretary of state.
Plainly, both parties are repudiating | Van Ackerman 's tactics.
He is still putting up a fight to regain the | floor before the question is put to a vote.
This is conspiracy!
The chair is conspiring to stop debate!
The chair is violating the rules of the | Senate! I will not be bullied this way!
There is a sufficient show of hands. | Yeas and nays have been ordered.
- The clerk will call the roll. | - Mr. Abbott.
- Yes. | - Mrs. Adams.
What are you and Harley trying to pull? | You can't gag me. I'll get an investigation.
I don't think you'd want that.
- We're on to it, Fred. | - What are you talking about? On to what?
We tolerate about anything here.
Rrejudice, Atticism, | demagoguery, anything.
That's what the Senate's for, | to tolerate freedom.
But you've dishonored us.
Mr. Bender of California.
What I did was for the good | of the country.
Fortunately, our country always manages | to survive patriots like you.
We could introduce a resolution | to censure and expel you.
But we don't want Brig Anderson's | tired old sin made public.
Whatever it was.
- So we let you stay, if you want to. | - If you want to.
Mr. Bronson.
Mr. Caulfield.
- Mr. Satinas. | - Yes!
Mr. Chambers.
- Mr. Chatsworth. | - Yes.
- Mr. Cook. | - Yes.
- Mr. Cooley. | - No.
- Mr. Cunningham. | - No.
- Mr. Curry. | - Yes.
Mr. Dahl.
- Mr. Daniels. | - Yes.
Maybe we should've waited for his vote. | Now we only have a margin of two.
- Slipped up there, didn't we? | - Mr. Danta.
So far, the vote is running about even, | and it is still impossible to predict...
the final outcome.
- No. | - Mr. Eaves.
Somebody better wake up McCafferty. | We need his vote.
- Mr. Evans. | - McCafferty's asleep again.
- Mr. Everett. | - Wake up McCafferty. We need his vote.
- Mr. Farmer. | - Wake up McCafferty. We need his vote.
Awaken the senator.
- Yes. | - Mr. Frank.
- Opposed, sir. I'm opposed. | - No, no, senator, not yet.
And I believe that you're not opposed.
- Mr. Jollie. | - No.
During the last few minutes, | Leffingwell's chances have improved...
and it seems more than likely | he will be confirmed by a small margin...
of maybe one or two votes.
Of course, in case of a tie, we can | definitely count on the vice president...
to use his decisive vote | in favor of the nominee.
- Harley has always gone along... | - Mr. Rresident!
- With the majority leader's policies. | - Call Dr. Slater. Hurry.
- Mr. Smith of Oregon. | - Yes.
Mr. Smith of Rhode lsland.
Mr. Smith of Rhode lsland.
- No. | - What the...?
That ties it.
Haven't had so much fun | since the cayenne pepper hit the fan.
- Mr. Snyder. | - Yes.
- Mr. Sorensen. | - Yes.
- Mr. Strickland. | - No.
- Mr. Sundberg. | - No.
- Mr. Swanson. | - Harley, we're coming in deadlocked.
- You'll have to make it good. | - Okay.
Mr. Tate.
- Mr. Teller. | - No.
- Mr. Temple. | - No.
- Mr. Thacker. | - Yes.
- Mr. Thompson. | - No.
- Mr. Timothy. | - Yes.
The third painting by Colonel Trumbull | is the surrender of Lord Cornwallis...
at Yorktown, Virginia.
Major O'Hara in the red coat in the | foreground delivered his sword for him.
Washington wouldn't accept the sword | from anyone beneath his rank.
- Mr. Toland. | - Yes.
- Mr. Thule. | - No.
- Yes. | - Mr. Topper.
- Yes. | - Mr. Tracy of New Jersey.
- No. | - Mr. Tracy of Washington.
- No. | - Mr. Vandergrift.
- Yes. | - Mr. Vassar.
- No. | - Mr. Welch.
- Yes. | - Mr. Wells.
- Yes. | - Mr. Whitman.
- No. | - Mr. Williams.
- No. | - Mr. Wilson.
- Yes. | - Mr. Woodworth.
- No. | - Mr. Yost.
- Mr. Young. | - No.
- Mr. Zeffenbach. | - Yes.
The vote is tied at 47 to 47.
The vice president will not exercise | his constitutional privilege...
to break this tie with an affirmative | vote. The motion to advise and consent...
to the nomination of Robert A. Leffingwell | for secretary of state stands defeated.
- Sit down. | - Mind your own business!
Something's happened. Sit down.
It has fallen to me | to make a sad announcement.
The president died a few minutes ago.
Will the senior senator from South Carolina, | as president pro tempore of the Senate...
please assume the chair.
- Good luck, sir. | - Thank you.
About the vote, Bob, I'm sorry.
I'd prefer to name | my own secretary of state.
All right, Harley, Mr. Rresident.
- I'll see what I can do for him. | - Thank you.
- Mr. President. | - Recognize the senior senator...
from Michigan.
a great leader is dead.
A bitter loss for our country...
a bitter personal loss for all of us here.
I move we adjourn out of respect | until further notice.
So ordered.