Aein (Lover) (2005)

SOVIK Venture Capital
DCG Plus presents
In association with
M Venture Capital
Showbox and I-Vision Entertainment
world sales by Mediaplex
Showbox, Inc.
a KIHweck Shidae production
You wanna look splendid
for the wedding shoot.
What do you think?
You like it?
He's a lucky guy.
How'd you guys meet?
starring SEONG Hyeon-ah
and CHO Dong-hyuk
- Thanks.
- We are going down.
executive producer
PARK Hyun-tae
produced by
YOO In-taek
It's Zanzibar.
You looked curious.
I wasn't.
If nobody gets in until
we reach B3
I'll buy you a drink.
Why should I drink with you?
Do I have to tell you why?
Are you hitting on me?
If so?
Is it working?
We are going down.
JUNG Hyun and KANG Yeun-ju
directed by KIM Tae-eun
Who the fuck put it there?
- Hey.
- You're such a clown.
What are you doing here?
- Nothing.
You're leaving tomorrow.
- Wait.
- I'm still your boss.
- Show me some respect.
- Okay, sure.
- What time is your flight?
- Wanna see me off?
Why Africa?
You're gonna build houses
for elephants, or what?
Let me tell you.
Getting off the beaten track
isn't always so good.
Why can't you go
with the flow?
- What?
- 'What?' Damn it!
The worst entrepreneur
is the one
who brings his company
into bankruptcy.
You should compromise
and kiss a bit of ass
to survive in this business,
you know.
Damn it!
Kissing ass?
That's way beyond me.
Hey, Boss.
- Thanks.
- For What?
My wife called.
She couldn't be happier.
You wired the money?
I didn't expect to get paid
since the company
has gone down.
You had some money
stashed away?
What are you looking at?
Need help?
Hey, it's been a while.
You haven't changed a bit.
Oh, this place.
Should I help you, or not?
- What's this, a joke?
- No way.
Go straight ahead
and turn right.
Oh my gosh.
This is so pretty.
You're as good as I heard.
Let's see.
- What's this?
- It's a male butterfly.
- You have a female one, too?
- Of course.
This is it.
It's a bit different.
A butterfly knot
symbolizes changes.
And it's the prettiest one.
Both feet now.
My Love
Can I see you now?
Because I want to see you.
It won't take long.
Can't you take a break?
I just...
Forget it.
Okay, go back to work.
Where'd you go?
You okay?
Wait here.
Give me your hand.
Come on.
- But it's not that one.
- What?
This is it.
All hands look alike.
You should've told me.
You work here?
I did until yesterday.
You don't have to tell me.
What are you doing today?
Why do you ask?
Let's play.
Why should I play with you?
Because you look so bored.
Aren't you happy to have me?
You're always this confident?
I think so,
but I always get screwed.
If I say no?
That's okay, too.
I have to leave before six.
Got a date?
Why should I tell you?
What book was it?
- What book?
- The one that cut your hand.
So pretty.
Why'd you wan to
buy me a drink?
What's your name?
It's Girl.
So corny.
Wow, it's Taekwon V.
Do you know
what its Taekwondo level is?
- Level 100?
- Level 3.
That's it?
That's the conclusion
that some masters came to
watching the animation.
It wasn't the kiss
that saved Snow White.
- What then?
- It was The sex.
The prince started humping her.
Her body shook hard.
And the apple that was stuck
in her throat fell off.
I like worn and old things.
They make me comfortable.
You're romantic.
What do you know?
You're young.
You know my age?
A year younger than me.
- How old are you?
- a year older than you.
You're good.
The limbs cut off with blood
splashing everywhere...
- I hate scary movies.
- But reality is scarier.
Don't tell me you're sadistic.
I sometimes feel like being so.
Wanna see it?
Going on a trip?
That brochure on Zanzibar...
It's in Africa, right?
I might settle down there.
It's my last day in Korea.
You know what?
You might be the last person
I'm seeing here.
No hickeys.
Don't cum inside me.
Hold on.
Let me soak this up.
Why'd you run?
You think I ran?
If not?
You're a fool.
Don't call me that.
You can call me that, too.
What's wrong?
- You okay?
- I'm fine.
What's wrong with me?
- You sure you're okay?
- Yes.
It's the cold water.
Cold drinks make me cough.
Didn't you say
you had to leave before six?
What should we do till then?
What should we do?
What do you wanna do?
Toy with me, will you?
- Why do You want that?
- I just do.
Please, toy with me.
- In any way?
- In any way!
Come on, you can do better.
Yes! That's it!
What are you doing?
Come on.
Where are you going?
Come back!
Get me down!
How could you do that?
- It was so funny.
- Stop laughing.
I'm sorry.
- Let me see.
- Don't touch it.
It's okay.
You asked me why I wanted
to buy you drinks, right?
It was your ankles.
I wanted to touch them.
I knew you'd say that.
Let go.
Hold still.
Stop it.
What if someone sees us?
Who cares?
We're so lewd.
We're not.
We're just crazy.
My Love
Hop in.
What's wrong?
Anything happened?
Won't you answer it?
Get me a cigarette
from in there, will you?
Who's this?
Put it back in.
- She's pretty.
- Put It back in.
A girlfriend? A wife?
Get me a cigarette, will you?
Where can I drop you off?
You know what?
Never mind.
What if I miss you?
You're leaving tomorrow.
I am.
But I'm not going there to die.
I'm going. Bye.
You're cool.
- Be happy there.
- I will.
You, too.
I'll wait here.
I'll allow you to wait for me
for 30 minutes.
I don't know if you're worthy.
Forget it then.
I might not come back.
Come. I'll be at that park.
Even if I don't come back,
don't hate me, okay?
Wanna listen to it?
I like this song, too.
I'll spend the night here.
It'll be better than sleeping,
looking at the ceiling.
Not many stars these days.
But it's still the sky.
- Come with me.
- Where?
You told me to toy with you.
- How?
- You'll find out.
- Until ten o'clock, okay?
- That's it?
That's enough.
I have to get up early
in the morning.
- Yes, or no?
- Yes!
Shoot him!
- Where?
- Right there.
- He's the boss!
- Let me.
This is so much fun.
Let's do it again.
I told you to step on this.
It lets you load your gun.
Okay! Stop yelling at me.
Put the coins in.
I wanna do it.
Not this.
Who's she?
That girl in the picture.
- Don't eat the burnt pieces.
- Tell me.
No personal questions,
Oh brother...
Fine, I'll tell you. Okay?
I almost married her.
She was an intern
at our company
while going to grad school.
We dated for three years.
I was ready to propose.
But she hooked up
with my friend.
- your friend?
- Yes.
You know
what's really funny?
She married someone else.
That's what we call love.
It's a mess.
Excuse me.
Sorry to interrupt.
Do you have any other cards?
- Why?
- It's maxed out.
You haven't gotten over her?
I have.
Why carry her picture then?
Because it's so sad
how fast we forget.
I was in love for three years.
And I felt as if I'd even forget
what she looked like.
Isn't that sad?
Let's turn the table.
- Ask me.
- are You married?
- That's a foul.
- You started it.
- Next question.
What if you meet your destined
man right before the wedding?
I'd hit him.
His butt first, then his face.
I'd kick his leg and swear at him.
Then I'd ignore him.
What would you do?
I don't know.
What kind of answer is that?
I'd offer to buy her drinks
if it's just us until we reach B3.
I thought you couldn't
handle cold stuff.
Liquor is fine.
but this card has been canceled.
That can't be right.
I don't have any...
- time goes by so fast.
- Yes.
What about your car?
My friend will pick it up.
I've promised to give it to him.
Can you do me a favor?
What is it?
Let me hit you.
Then you'd ignore me?
- Where?
- Anywhere I want to.
You want to?
Go ahead.
Can you hit me for
a few more hours?
Are you okay?
Let me see.
- I'm okay
- You sure?
I'm so sorry.
Let me see.
Hold still for a second.
I have to go now.
Don't do this.
We had an agreement.
Why are you still here?
You're eating your words.
I'm just standing here.
- Go.
- You go first.
Do what you like.
We've decided to make it simple.
I mean, we've dated for
seven years.
That sounds good.
It's next month.
I'll send you the invitation.
Okay, thanks.
What's up with your clothes?
They're comfortable.
What's going on?
You stood us up.
I had a hard time coming up
with an excuse for you.
Did you drink?
That's fine.
You know, I understand.
They say girls go through that
before the wedding.
But don't be too obvious.
We're busy on Saturday.
Mr. Kim's daughter
is having a concert.
I'll ask him to marry us.
Should we do it?
I was thinking.
Can we put it off?
Don't make me lose it.
What's up with the traffic!
Marriage is nothing.
Don't be too serious.
Aren't you sick of me?
Every girl becomes the same
after seven years.
What's the matter?
Let it go, okay?
I'll live with you.
And you will, too.
What's love?
This is love, too.
Got it?
I don't know.
What the hell did I do wrong?
Everybody lives in his own hell.
Why should I be your hell?
You can dump me.
I would do that
if I could get out of hell
by dumping you.
Can you leave me?
For seven years
hell has expanded
as much as our love has.
Everybody knows it's hell,
but he can't get out of it.
That's hell.
Don't you wanna know
who I drank with?
I drank with a guy.
That was out of line.
It was you who started it.
Make me happy.
I feel like shit now.
I'm hot.
- Don't answer it.
- Give It here.
Why'd you call?
If it makes you happy,
I'm okay with it.
I'll let you have fun tonight.
Everybody wants a fling
every now and then.
I'll understand.
You're coming back to me.
Nothing will change.
Have fun.
Be good to my girl.
To her, you're nothing but
a disposable dildo.
I like you being aggressive.
It turns me on.
It's me.
I'm having fun.
As you told me to.
You think you're something?
You like fucking me?
Is it fun for you?
Not for me.
It sucks!
You were thinking about him
while sleeping me?
Is he your husband?
Or a boyfriend?
Whatever you want him to be.
What, he doesn't go
down on you?
You're no different.
Who do you think you are?
It's my body, not yours!
What are you doing?
- Get out of my way! Let go!
- Don't play with me!
Cool it!
Let me go!
Let me go!
You look horrible.
You're an asshole!
What'd I do wrong?
You don't know?
Tell me.
You're really leaving tomorrow?
- What?
- Guys say that
when they just want some fun
without taking
on the responsibility.
It was your line, wasn't it?
Stop toying with me.
Not any more.
It was you who was
toying with me.
Why'd you do that?
Screw you!
Let go!
Give me your hand.
What are you doing?
When I miss you,
I'll come here and touch it.
You're so silly.
You're leaving tomorrow.
I might come back.
When I start forgetting
your face.
I'm scared...
to forget you.
Should I sing for you?
We're here to wed Mr. Boy
and Ms. Girl in holy matrimony.
First, there will be the bow.
Bride and groom, bow.
Stop laughing.
Next are the wedding vows.
Will you, Mr. Boy
make love to her
before she frets...
Come on, do it right.
And swear to love her
until her hair turns gray?
- No.
- What?
Will you, Ms. Girl
swear not to hit him
in any circumstances,
and love him with all your heart
until his hair turns gray?
Here, they swore to stay married
for the rest of their lives.
What? We both said no.
With the authority
invested in me,
I declare them to be married.
Now, they'll exchange rings.
What rings?
Well, the bride
already has a ring on.
So we'll skip it.
Now they will kiss,
promising to each other
solemnly that they'll never
be as happy
as they are now.
Come on.
Now, the bride and groom
will bow to the guests.
Bride and groom, turn right.
Bow to the guests.
- Where are We going?
- On our honeymoon!
I haven't been here for ages.
Me neither,
though I always drove by.
You know what?
When a couple is in love...
When they really love each other...
They're better off,
remaining as lovers.
As everlasting lovers.
We just got married.
- We married ourselves.
- I see.
- No guests, just us.
- is that so?
I'm broke now.
I'll pay.
Can you give this to us
as a wedding gift?
We'll be grateful.
You must be something.
This beautiful lady married you,
even though you're broke.
I know.
It's on the house.
Get rich and be happy.
You're such a player.
She saw my sincerity.
- Did You enjoy our honeymoon?
- Yes.
- Let's go home now.
- Home?
- Yes, to our place.
- What do You mean?
Let's go.
Pick one.
- For real?
- Yes, I bought them all.
You must be wealthy.
Okay, I'll pick one.
Innie minni miny mo.
Catch a tiger by his toe.
If he hollers, let him go.
Innie minni miny mo.
- That one!
- Okay, let's go.
You should carry me in.
So nice.
Look at that bed.
- You like it?
- Yeah, it's just my style.
I love it.
So cushiony.
I thought you were rustic.
You do have good taste
in furniture.
I love the kitchen.
It makes me feel like cooking.
Is the fridge too big?
No, I like it.
It's big enough.
What's this?
It's empty.
You don't have to cook.
- We'll eat out everyday.
- How nice.
You should make lots of money.
Let's make it romantic.
What do you think?
You're so handsome.
- Come here.
- What?
It tickles.
I'm writing something for you.
Guess what it is.
You have three shots.
If you fail, I'll erase it.
Not a weird word, right?
Okay, take a guess.
What is it?
What'd you write?
Flutter, flutter.
I'm so happy with you.
As if we were on the moon.
What am I then?
A rabbit.
A rabbit?
I'll spill it.
It tickles.
You don't wanna be a rabbit?
Let's tell each other stories.
I'm not in the mood.
In elementary school,
this girl had a pencil sharpener.
Our pencils
were stubby
but hers were sharp
and pointy.
Everybody was envious.
One day, she offered
to sharpen my pencils.
I was so happy.
But you know what?
Those pencils' lead broke so easily.
I missed the ones
that my mom sharpened.
They were stubby but soft.
Just like you.
You're stubby but soft.
I'll miss you.
Don't you wanna do it?
We don't have to do it anymore.
Sorry about last night.
Call me when you get up.
Sending message to: My Love
Slept well?
We should go.
We should go.
It's cold. Wait.
- a glass Of warm water, please.
- Okay.
It's warm. Go ahead.
It looks good.
Should I not leave?
Why don't we go out?
What do you say?
Let's not.
You'll be free with me.
You can come and go
anytime you want to.
I don't care about myself.
We had sex the whole day.
Say, we go out for a week,
or a month.
Then what?
I know little about you.
What do you know about me?
Am I supposed to?
I'll start learning about you.
I'd like to remember you
as of this moment.
If we go out, we'll start
finding faults with each other.
We'll be disappointed
and regret it.
Isn't that how it works?
You don't know
what might happen.
Don't jump to conclusions.
Do you have a girl?
who you like so much
that you wanna hide her?
I'd like to have good memories
about a man.
One that I like so much
that I would want to hide.
One that I can recall upon death
as the man
who brought me happiness.
How about you?
That's how I want to be
remembered by you.
You're really bad.
Yes. I'm a bad girl.
You made a mistake earlier.
Had you not gotten me warm water
I might have decided
to go out with you.
This stew is really good.
Isn't it?
What will you do
right after you get off the plane?
I might be checking the number
of the flight attendant's.
That's so you.
You know what my wish is?
To be happy.
Are you happy today?
Me neither.
Don't get old.
Why not?
When I run into you,
I'll hit on you.
Stay as pretty as you are.
You'll grow old handsomely.
Give me your hand.
It's just like you.
It couldn't be woven
any more tightly.
It's pretty.
One knotted with devotion
shouldn't untie easily.
But no matter how hard you tie it
there's always room.
Need taxi fare?
It's okay. I'll walk.
Okay then.
Want some coffee?
That's great.
Try to look more natural.
That's good.
Miss, give yourself a big smile.
Okay. Here we go.
Okay, that was great.
We'll move to a different spot.
Give the bride a different bouquet.
You look gorgeous.
So pretty.
It's a perfect day
for a wedding shoot.