Aflatoon (1997)

Hail Lord Shiva!
Greetings, sir!
- Greetings.
Is the boss ready? - He had gone
to the temple with you.
He had gone to the temple with
me? What are you saying?
Looks like, you've forgotten
him again.
Good Lord, how will he come now?
Chirkut! Keep it all.
Coming, sir. Coming, right away.
Forgive me, sir. I made a mistake.
Forgive me, sir. Please, forgive me.
How many times?
Sir, I don't do it intentionally.
I have an illness..
Of forgetting. It happens.
- Do you forget to eat?
Do you forget to breathe
or wear clothes?
You don't forget
to take your pay either.
Talking about pay, sir,
I want the pay a little earlier.
Pay? What is that? Even
I have forgotten.
Sir, I am a poor man.
I will be ruined.
I told you to find a good boy..
...for my daughter. Did you do it?
But sir, you didn't say what
kind of a boy you want.
It doesn't matter how the
boy is. He can be ugly too.
But he should have
more money than me.
He should have a bigger
bungalow than mine.
He should have a bungalow
in every city of lndia.
A beautiful bungalow.
Hey, Raja, come on.
Here, wear your clothes.
Good morning, sir. - Raja, come.
You are getting freed from this
Azad Singh's jail. - Really.
Here, take this. Your
Sir, money!
I read your file. Nice.
You turned out to be true.
The court had to agree..
...that you hadn't bombed
the minister's car.
Yes, the court agreed.
But after 16 months.
...that I did not place the bomb..
...and you people wanted
to drag me out here.
You took away 16 months of my life.
Where do I get those 16 months from?
I don't understand how
you were arrested..
...If you hadn't put the bomb.
Sir, when a man's time
is ill fated..
...anything in his hold
slips away too.
Very sad.
But what's happened has happened.
Just as a father tells his daughter
when she gets married..
...that she shouldn't do anything
which will make her come back..
...In the same way I
tell every prisoner.
Don't do anything which
will make you come back.
Good, very good.
Now, go home from here.
Sir, I will go home but via Dubai.
Shake hands. Okay. Greetings.
Ring? No, I must have
left it at home.
Come on, get down.
Hey, Babloo. How are you?
Raja! - Mother!
Mother! - Son! - Mother.
Mother, you are crying?
Look, mother,
if you cry, so will I.
I'm seeing you after
so long that's why I'm crying.
No, mother. Look, what
I've got for you?
Hold this. Here, mother,
a shawl for you.
A saree from Dubai.
Mother, I have got slippers
for you too.
They are so soft that not a
single stone will prick you.
Take this. - My great son.
Did you think of me in Dubai?
What happened? - No, mother.
I used to remember you
each and every moment.
Raja, how did you become so fair?
Mother, everything was
air-conditioned. The house too.
The cars, just about everything.
You couldn't see the sun there.
- You won't like it here.
What are you saying?
I have been here for all
my life and in 2 years..
...I will belong to Dubai? Never.
Not at all. - May you live long.
You haven't changed a
bit after going abroad.
Son, how have your hands
become so tough?
I had a car. A very expensive one.
I wouldn't give it to a driver.
I drove it myself. - Okay.
Driving the car has
made my palms tough.
With your love, everything
will be okay.
You've travelled a long distance.
You must be tired.
I am not tired. I
reached in 2 hours.
I came by plane.
You came by plane? - Mother,
do one thing.
Take a look at all your things.
I've got a perfume too.
Okay, I am going to meet my friends.
Hey, Raja. Hey.
Hey, pick him up!
Put me down.
Put me down. - You'll have
a long life, Raja.
I swear, Raja, we've been
talking about you.
I can't believe it that
Raja is in front of us.
Tell us, did you break the jail
or tear down the wall?
Neither of those two.
I didn't commit any crime.
I am free.
Is it so?
Your body looks great.
Yes, he would be going to gym daily.
- Yes. - Right said.
Raja, we are hungry.
- Yes, we are hungry.
You are hungry?
Guys, he is hungry.
You are hungry? - Hit me. I'm hungry.
I haven't eaten for years.
Look at my stomach.
Look. - But Raja, we've been
hungry since years.
Yes. - Raja, give us a party today.
Yes.. - Party..
What great food!
After so many days we've been
lucky to get good food.
Not so many days but
for the first time..
...we are lucky to get
such great food. Eat.
Raja, I won't fall ill by
eating this, will I?
Hey, are you mad?
Can anyone fall ill eating
such good food?
You are burping? Learn! Learn!
Let it be. Let him eat.
Raja, our stomach isn't used
to eating such food.
What if we get food-poisoned?
- Our Balwant got lucky.
Yes. He is the most
lucky man today.
Sometime back, he was a regular
clerk earning Rs.500.
Today, he owns 500 crore rupees.
- Yes.
Mr. Lalwani's generosity
is also worth praising.
His only daughter fell in love..
...with a regular clerk
from his office.
Instead of firing him,
he made him his son-in-law.
Don't get tensed unnecessarily.
Ups and downs..
...happen in illicit businesses.
This week, Bobby Deol's movie
is going to be released.
I heard from inside quarters
that it is very good.
Buy the ticket.
- What do you mean buy the ticket?
I have only 250 rupees in my pocket.
If I had money..
...I would buy 300 tickets
and sell one for Rs.300.
Why is our Michael Jackson
looking like Pankaj Udhas?
Raja, where's your mind?
Raja, you are sitting
like a lost leader.
Tell us, what's the problem?
Nothing. I am just thinking.
But at least tell us what
you are thinking. - Yes.
I became aware in yesterday's
...that it is very easy
to be a billionaire.
It's easy to be a billionaire?
- Yes.
Do you see this city? There are..
...thousands of billionaires here.
All that has to be done is
find a billionaire girl..
...fall in love and
get married to her..
...and Raja will be a billionaire.
It is easy to think but
tough to happen. Yes..
It is just tough not impossible,
I was disillusioned. I
always thought that.. can be got by
brains and hard work.
But this is wrong. That bridegroom
has changed my life.
He has shown me a new way.
I have decided that after today..
...all I have to do is
leave all my work..
...and look for a billionaire girl.
Where there's a will, there's a way.
If you wish with a true
heart, you find God.
This billionaire girl is nothing.
What say, Aslam? Are
you guys with me?
Yes, why not? - Now, there's
only one aim in life.
Raja will be the husband
of a billionaire girl.
Our Balwant was really lucky.
A 500 rupees clerk..
...of yesterday is the owner
of 500 crores today.
Raja. - Yes, mother.
Son, make me a promise that
you won't go to Dubai again.
I don't want to go myself. I agree
there's everything there.. eat, to drink but mother..
...there is no freedom
out there. - Really?
Now, mother, I'll just be
with you and serve you.
I will make so much money..
...that my mother will
eat in a golden plate.
Oh God. It will take 20 to 25
years to make so much money.
Just one year, mother.
Just one year.
I'll take such a short
cut that your son..
...will become a billionaire
straight away.
Look, don't do anything wrong
to earn a quick buck.
Wrong thing? Do you think your
son will do such a thing?
No, son. - Mother, I promise you,
I won't do anything wrong.
I have thought of a business.
I have been thinking about that.
If I can get my mother's
...then everything will go of well.
My blessings are always
with you. - Come.
The eyes have tired out.
Come out now at least.
She's come. Your dream girl..
...will be in this bus.
Look, such cute girls
are getting off.
Whenever he thinks, he thinks small.
C class people of the
B category. Low people.
What status do they have?
They are born in the river..
...and die in the gutter.
C class! C class.
This is what we call a girl.
Wow, what a girl. What a girl.
You, fool.
"Friends, I've gone crazy.."
"Gone crazy."
"Look I'm wounded.."
"I am searching for you everywhere.."
"I am asking your
name and address.."
"On which number should I call.."
"I search you in my heart."
I am obsessed.."
"Maverick, I am a maverick.."
"Maverick, he is a maverick.."
"it seems she is hidden somewhere.."
"Fate has stopped on the watch.."
"it seems she is hidden somewhere.."
"Fate has stopped on the watch.."
"if I find her, the heart
will get some peace.."
"Maverick, I am a maverick.."
"Maverick, he is maverick.."
"Make your tresses my chain.."
"Don't bother about my life,
shoot the arrow.."
"Make your tresses my chain.."
"Don't bother about my life,
shoot the arrow.."
"I forgive, O killer,
your killing me.."
"Maverick, I am a maverick.."
"Maverick, he is maverick.."
"Whether fair or dark,
anyone will do.."
"Anyone will do."
" But she should be rich,
anyone will do.."
"Whether fair or dark,
anyone will do.."
" But she should be rich,
anyone will do.."
"I don't care if she wears
a sari or a pant.."
"Maverick, I am a maverick.."
"Maverick, he is maverick.."
"Friends, I've gone crazy.."
"Gone crazy.."
"Look I'm wounded.."
"I am searching for
you everywhere.."
"I am asking your
name and address.."
"On which number should I call?"
"I search you in my heart,"
"I am obsessed.."
"Maverick, I am a maverick.."
"Maverick, I am a maverick.."
This poor man is dead.
Aslam, he was a genius.
- Give it to me.
He was first class first
in every class.
What's the use of such education?
He is not alive anymore.
That's why I didn't
waste time studying.
It all has to do with fate.
Look, here is an appointment letter.
Looks like, he got a job as
a professor in Jamnadas college.
He was going to join there.
- Which college did you say?
Jamnadas. He's deaf. - What?
Jamnadas college,
where the rich kids go.
So? - Raja, boys and girls.
Girls. Just think.
His accident happening..
...his file coming to you,
his dying..
...the rich kids having their
education in Jamnadas college..
...are all the tricks
played by the God above.
Looks like, God will
fulfill my wish here.
A rich man's daughter.
- Mr. Parimal Chaturvedi..
...this is the first
time in our college..
...we are appointing a young
professor for our young students.
Thank you very much. - Who
else is in your family?
Just my mother. - Mother?
But in the application you
said you were an orphan.
I was absolutely right. By
mother I mean Mother lndia.
Keep one thing in mind,
Mr. Parimal..
...all the students in this
college are from rich homes.
That's why I have
come here, my love.
What did you say? - I know.
I understand.
Any complaint against
you from any student..
...can cost you your job.
Which stupid fellow wants
to work here all his life?
This rose is nice. - Uncle
Nehru had this hobby.
So do I.
Oh. Good.
You can go to your class.
Your students are waiting impatiently
for their new professor.
They couldn't be more
impatient than me.
Don't do that.
Don't do that!
She's good.
Silence! Silence!
Here's another new admission.
Yes. But I am not a student..
...I am a professor.
- Professor?
Such a handsome professor!
- Thank you.
Please sit down.
My name is Prof. Parimal Chaturvedi.
You people can call me Raja too.
Hi Raja.
I mean hello sir. Sir, you should
have been a Physics professor.
There is action in it. Reaction too.
Why did you choose a subject
of dead people like History?
I agree that History is boring.
But if you study History
like a mystery..
...then History can become
very interesting.
There's everything in History.
War, fights, peace..
...victory and loss,
hatred, affection.
Affection means love.
Okay, Tell me one thing, how many
of you have fallen in love?
Sir.. sir..
Poonam, put your hand up. - Why?
What do you mean why?
What is Rajesh to you?
Lift your hand. Come on.
Shame on you all.
The percentage of love is
so low in this class.
Okay, tell me one thing.
Who wants to fall in love?
Lift your hand up.
Lift it. - Lift it.
Lift your hand up.
Lift your hand.
Lift it, my love.
Very good.
Now I am sure, the result of this
class will be 100 per cent.
Now we will start our
Studies with love.
Love means affection, romance.
- Oh no!
Okay students.
We'll study this lesson tomorrow.
Nice meeting you all.
See you sir.
Yes? - Besides class, can you give
tuitions on love? - No.
Raja, listen, you weren't
found out, right?
I don't believe it.
Imagine my state.
What? - So many boys
and girls saying..
"Good morning, sir." - Really.
Good afternoon sir, good evening sir,
good night sir.
After every word, there is a sir.
My head started spinning.
That one word..
...has made me feel light
enough to take flight.
I started flying. - Were you
able to do what you went for?
Did you catch a billionaire girl?
Every girl studying there is
a billionaire. - Catch someone.
I would. But I can't decide who is..
...more of a billionaire
and the only child.
That's simple. Ask the girls.
Are you mad?
I should ask them who is
the biggest billionaire?
Stupid. Something else will
have to be thought of.
I have an idea.
Raja, carefully.
Raja, are you absolutely sure that..
...the students' records' file
is in the principal's office?
If we get the right girl's file..
...then 100 or 200 crore
rupees are in my name.
Is it?
- Yes.
Hey! - What happened?
You found the file?
- Look, the book.
Sir. - Hari Om. - Come fast.
- What about the book?
It's the same one.
- The same one?
That one.
- Oh, yes, that one.
Good, give it to me. I'll keep it.
You'll get spoilt, stupid.
The principal behaves as if
she's the most decent person.
You know, I hate these
kinds of characters.
I don't like such people.
They see such dirty books.
- Hey.. don't have something going
with the principal, do you?
Insolent! - You think I'll have
something with her? Insolent!
Let's see that iron cupboard.
- Yes. - Come on.
Hold this.
This is the record I wanted.
What girls! But find
a good one for Raja.
This one's good. - Show me.
- She looks good.
She's great as our sister-in-law.
- What a girl!
If there's so much of
jewellery on her body..
...just imagine how much will be
there in her father's locker.
Just think.
- You think we need a girl for WWF?
How many times I've told you?
She should look beautiful.
That means, this is rejected.
- I got her.
She's gorgeous. Looks like Sridevi.
- Show me.
Parul Shah. Four brothers
And 2 sisters.
How many times I've told you?
She should be the only child.
Have you seen the business?
He sells underwears.
It will be great then. We'll
get underwears for free.
Yes. - Shut up!
- Any rubbish.
Hey, what are you looking for?
There was a girl. She
was very beautiful.
I can't find her form.
Where is her form?
Is it this?
This is what I was searching
for. Where's the paper?
Pooja Vidya Prakash.
I was praying that she
doesn't turn out.. be a millionaire
but a billionaire. - Oh.
She has a bungalow in Malabar Hill.
So, from today we all swear..
...that Pooja is your
sister-in-law. - Yes!
Pooja is our sister-in-law.
Good morning sir.
- Good morning.
Sir, today is the annual
function of our college.
All the lecturers and
professors are coming.
You must also come.
I am not different.
I'll surely come.
And anyway, this school
and college is my family.
What time is the function?
- Tonight at 8.00 p.m.
"O fair one, where are you going?"
"We know you are in love."
"How did it happen?
What did you say?"
"Did he touch you?"
- "Did something happen to you.."
"Don't fool us.."
"Don't hide it from us.."
"O fair one, my heart was stolen.."
"My sleep was lost,
my peace was lost."
"When the day set, when
the night arrived.."
"I didn't know, when we spoke.."
"Oh what do I tell you.."
"Oh what do I hide from you.."
"The vermilion on the forehead..
...the earring in the ears..
...the beloved loved them a lot.."
"After meeting, my beloved for
sometime, I came home.."
"The vermilion on the forehead.."
...the earring in the ears..
...the beloved loved them a lot.."
"After meeting my beloved for
sometime, I came home.."
"Where is your lipstick,
where's your earring..
...there's no vermilion
on your forehead..
...your kohl has gone, your
hair is disheveled.."
"Oh what do I tell you? Oh
what do I hide from you.."
"it is about that day when he
called, I went to his room.."
"The door closed because of the..
...wind and the window got shut too.."
"it is about that day when he
called, I went to his room.."
"The door closed because of the..
...wind and the window got shut too.."
"Tell us what happened there."
"Tell us what didn't happen there."
"Did your heart race?"
"Did your mind wander.."
"Oh what do I tell you? Oh
what do I hide from you.."
"O fair one, where are you going?
We know you are in love."
"How did it happen?
What did you say?"
"Did he touch you? Did something
happen to you.."
"Don't fool us. Don't
hide it from us.."
"O fair one, my heart was stolen."
"My sleep was lost,
my peace was lost."
"When the day set, when
the night arrived.."
"I didn't know, when we spoke.."
"Oh what do I tell you? Oh
what do I hide from you.."
"Don't fool us. Don't
hide it from us.."
"Oh what do I tell you? Oh
what do I hide from you.."
Pooja is my only child.
- Even he's our only child.
We want to get a beautiful
bride for a handsome son.
When my daughter comes out,
the moon will also shy away.
Son, I am not talking about
that moon. My daughter..
...Is very homely and shy.
Which ever house..
...she goes to, she'll
bring in brightness.
Brother. Your daughter
will come to our house.
Sir, why will Pooja
go to their house?
After marriage, Pooja will
go to their house..
...not yours. - Marriage?
They have come to talk
about Pooja's marriage.
I see. Here, Pooja's come.
- I'm sorry. - Come.
Listen, the girl looks homely.
Come, Pooja. This is Mr.
And Mrs. Sehgal.
This is their son, Vijay.
Make the tea with your hands.
Ask them how much sugar they want.
Oh no. - Go fast. Get his clothes
changed quickly. Go dear, go.
Please come this way.
- Sorry.
Actually, my daughter
had become nervous.
What are you doing?
I am showing you my
true form, child.
- Which cigarette will you have?
our own Wills? - You smoke?
I drink too.
Will you have a peg with me?
I don't drink. - Then have brown
sugar. It's in the bathroom.
You take brown sugar too?
Of course. It's a lot of fun.
And these are the days to enjoy.
- But sir, who's bungalow is this?
It's your father's bungalow.
It's been a long time.
I guess the boy and girl have
liked each other. - Oh no. Get lost.
My job is done.
I accept all your conditions.
Quickly find a good date.
No, daddy, I can't agree
to this marriage.
What are you saying, son? What's
so bad in our daughter?
There are only bad things.
She smokes..
...drinks and takes drugs.
I don't want to marry her. - God!
We don't want such a girl. Let's go.
What are you saying, Mr. Sehgal?
Please listen. Mr. Sehgal.
Such a girl's shadow shouldn't
fall in our home.
Bye. Bye fool.
Mr. Sehgal. - Daddy, where
do you find such specimens?
So all this was your mischief?
- Not a mischief, dad..
...this is called smart. - Smart?
If you don't get married,
you'll be a spinster for life.
Why will I be a spinster?
I will get married..
...but not with some idiot like this.
- You are the idiot.
Do you know? His father has 15
factories and 12 bungalows.
He is a billionaire.
When you have such a billionaire's
...why do you need to look for
a billionaire boy for me?
Don't be stubborn. You will
marry the boy I like.
Did you understand?
- No. - What else?
I will marry the one I like.
Love is God!
What's on? The class
is looking very good.
Sir, you are nice and so the
class has become nice too.
Thank you.
So, where were we yesterday?
I liked it.
If the whole country would scream
out slogans with love..
...all the problems of the
country would be over.
You. Which is your favourite
love story?
Laila-Majnu. - What kind of
a girl would you like to marry?
A girl who's beautiful, rich
and equal to my status.
You tell me. - Who's rich,
handsome and educated.
Who has a bungalow and can
take me around the world.
This is the mistake you'll
Make. Sit down.
Marriage is an important
and big decision.
As far as I know, you all
are from rich families.
Just think, if you get married
to an equal status person.. it girl or boy, who's seen
everything in the world..
...will that person value you? No.
That's why, for a happy life,
marry a poor person.
Marry a poor person. Think,
if you marry a poor boy..
...who hasn't seen
anything in life..
...who knows that the whole
lifetime will pass by..
...without him being
able to feed himself.
...he will start eating lavish
food morning and evening.
A person who doesn't have
a place to stay..
...suddenly starts living
in a bungalow.
A person who doesn't have
money for a bus ticket..
...starts moving around
in a Mercedes.
Lavish food to eat and Mercedes
to roam around.
He will consider you as a Goddess.
He will worship you.
He will press your legs.
So what have you rich people learnt?
We have seen life from proximity.
We will only marry the poor.
Yes. Very good.
Sir, are you poor?
- Yes, I am poor.
But a teacher's job is
to teach. Not to test.
Leave me.
Come on! You!
Leave me!
Lousy idiot, fool,
you tried to rape her?
You tried to rape her?
I teach you about love
and you read about lust.
You think I am mad?
Get out of here.
How dare you tease women?
No, don't cry. As long as
this Parimal is with you..
...nothing will happen to you.
No, no.
Pooja, you walk so fast.
That Prof. Parimal is
a real film hero.
He looks so good. He's amazing.
How do you find him?
- He seems good.
Look, Pooja. I'm telling you.
You won't find a better boy.
All the girls in the
class are after him.
If you delay, someone
else will get him.
What are you saying? If it is
written in my stars, I'll get him.
That means you have started
falling for him.
Look, forget about stars.
This is the same as..
...there is food on the table
and we sit thinking..
...that if it is in our stars, the
food will go into our stomach.
You have to use your hands to
get the food to the mouth.
I can't say it. I feel shy.
- Oh, such bashfulness!
This is in your stars. Look.
"You ask for the heart."
"I give you my life."
"if you say."
"I say yes."
"O beloved.."
"Test me."
"You ask for the heart.."
"I give you my life."
"if you say.."
"I say yes."
"O beloved.."
"Test me."
"You ask for the heart.."
"I give you my life.."
"if you say.."
"I say yes.."
"Sleep under the shade
of my tresses, come..
...let me sit you in my eyes.."
"Let me hide in your arms, let me
hide you in the alleys of the heart."
"Let the whole world.."
"Keep searching.."
"You ask for the heart.."
"I give you my life.."
"if you say.."
"I say yes.."
"I your lover, you are my beloved,
then why these compulsions.."
"I am in your eyes, you are in my
eyes, then why these distances.."
"This weather is beautiful,
we are young.."
"You ask for the heart.."
"I give you my life.."
"if you say.."
"I say yes.."
Hey, Pappu, what I've
written is okay?
There's nothing wrong in it,
right? - It's great.
Stick it up fast. Don't waste time.
Pappu, it is not getting
stuck. - Hey, shut up.
If the watchman comes,
we'll get it good.
I'm putting it. - Quickly.
Work quickly.
Aslam, take it up.
What's happened? - Our college
Laila has arrived.
"Laila, oh Laila. How
are you, Laila?"
"You've made so many
people's heart dirty."
Yahoo! "I cannot put my mind
to studies."
"I've come to see you with
the excuse of going to college.."
Shut up.
What is all this?
If you want to sing so much,
sing on the footpath.
You'll get some money. - if
you are so much into love.. it outside the college or
we'll remove that professor.
How dare you say that?
If you talk about him like this,
I'll have your tongue.
We will shut up but how will
you shut the college walls..
...that are screaming out about
you and the professor's love?
Dream girl. My life in your name.
In the history of love stories,
a new story.
The doctor of the heart, Parimal.
Come into my arms.
Don't leave me and go. I
am not fulfilled as yet.
Love birds. Latest romance in town.
The heart started beating.
Live, my Queen.
Okay, tell me, what is the fees
you've given for a love tuition?
Will you take tuitions from us?
You'll pass without studying.
Did I have thorns in me? If you
had given me one chance.. would have forgotten
that professor.
Where are you and where's
that professor.
Even if you die and
take birth again.. won't be equal to him.
And listen to one thing
real carefully.
You can do as much of publicity
you want. This?
This is nothing. Print
it in the paper.
Put it on T.V. It won't make
any difference to me.
Whether I love a professor
or a peon..
...It is my personal life.
I haven't given the right.. anyone to say
anything about it.
Mr. Parimal Chaturvedi, when
you joined this college..
...did our principal tell you
the rules of this college?
Just that if anybody complains
against me..
...then you'll would.
- Your complaints..
...have been written by all
the students on the walls.
It is shameful that a professor
is flirting with his student.
Tell me one thing. Do
you flirt with Pooja..
...or does Pooja flirt with you?
No, sir, don't talk like
this about Pooja.
Pooja is a nice girl.
That means, the mistake is yours.
Mr. Parimal Chaturvedi, you are
being removed from this college.
Raja, you shouldn't have
left this job. - Yes.
I have left the job.
Don't eat my brains.
That was the only place to
get a billionaire girl.
If you were in the college,
you would have got some one.
Yes, Not only is the job gone,
the girl is also gone.
Here, hit me.
This is the difference
between you and me.
Keep doing a friend's role.
You'll can never be heroes.
You'll don't have a brain like me.
Just watch. My love's result
will come in 24 hours.
And you just keep
talking in between.
Get out of here. - Don't
try to make me understand.
I know it all. You sacrificed
your job for a girl?
Mother, that spoon will hurt me.
Mother, please.
You should have clearly
told the principal..
...that the girl is
the cause of all this.
Mother, careful. I'll get hurt.
Just tell me where that girl stays.
Just watch what I do to her.
I'll give her two tight slaps
and ask her..
"You found only my son
to make him lose his job?"
Mother, you look so sweet
when you're angry.
Cool down. I agree I lost
the job because of that girl.
Just think, mother.
If I were to blame that girl..
...she wouldn't have a face to show.
Anything can happen to me.
But that girl must not be touched.
What? - Yes, mother. -
You're siding that girl?
Because of her, you lost your job.
Yes, mother. I love her a lot.
I cannot live without her.
She's my life.
Are you okay? I think
you've lost your mind.
But always remember one thing.
Poor people must never
dream about being rich.
Listen to me. Forget that girl.
And look for another job.
Yes, mother. You're right.
Where is that girl, staying
in a palace..
...and where am I, staying
in this hutment.
We can never be one. Okay, mother..
...I won't meet her after today.
But remember one thing, mother.. other girl will
come into my life.
Except her. Because
I really love her.
And I can never forget her.
Now, I will leave this
city itself and go.
No sir, don't talk like
this about Pooja.
Pooja is a nice girl.
Mother, if I were to
Blame that girl..
...she wouldn't have a face to show.
Whatever happens to me is okay..
...but that girl must not suffer.
Yes, mother, I really love her.
I cannot live without her.
She's my life.
Hey, Aslam, where's Raja? - Why?
What work do you have?
- I have no work.
This girl's been looking
for Raja. She's hassled.
Girl? - Come, madam.
Hi. I had gone to Raja's house.
I got to know I'll find him here.
Who are you? - My name is Pooja.
Pooja.. - Leave me.
- What are you doing?
Is this the way to talk to a girl?
- Leave me!
She ruined our friend's life.
What have you come for now?
Leave me. - I have
come to meet Raja.
Raja, my Raja. - Aslam,
be patient.
Aslam, I'm telling you. Stop it.
Ms. Pooja, you can't
meet Raja again ever.
What? Why? After all,
what happened to Raja?
What happened? Now, we've
to tell you that?
Please tell me. My heart
is racing with fear.
Do you know what a heart is?
If you had a heart.. wouldn't have broken
our poor friend's heart.
He loved you so much.
Look, please tell me. I beg
you. Tell me where he is.
Raja, has left us and
gone away for good.
What? Where's he gone?
- Railway station.
Raja, what do you think?
She'll come, right?
She'll surely come.
- What if she doesn't?
I told you, she'll come.
I mean, if she doesn't come,
you'll really go away?
I have taken a platform ticket.
Not a ticket to Junaghad.
Yes, I know. But what if she
doesn't come this way?
Keep this down. - Why?
- Keep this down.
I told you once, twice. You've
gone crazy. She'll come.
She's come.
- Raja!
I love you! - I love you! - I love
you! - Yes, Pooja, I love you too.
I love you!
- I love you too. Careful.
Hey, baldy, move.
Raja, carefully.
Hey Sardar, move!
I'm falling.
Thank you. I fell again.
Help me.
Raja! Move away. Let me go.
Move aside.
You were going? - No.
I had bought platform tickets
to roam around here.
Oh, my love.
"The beating in my heart
is so new!"
"The beating in my heart
is just for you."
"I never wanted anyone like this."
"Please baby, touch me
once like this."
"Print this news in the newspaper.."
"Put up posters in the market."
"Print this news in the newspaper.."
"Put up posters in the market.."
"One girl, one boy, have
gone crazy in love.."
"Print this news in the newspaper.."
"Put up posters in the market.."
"One girl, one boy, have
gone crazy in love.."
"Sleep doesn't enter the eyes,
ever since they've met.."
"Sleep doesn't enter the eyes,
ever since they've met.."
"I am restless and you
are restless too.."
" Between you and me is the
wall of the world.."
"Come, let's search for a window
or a door in this wall.."
"Print this news in the newspaper.."
"Put up posters in the market.."
"C'mon hug me baby, I'm on fire."
"Hold baby, hold me,
I'm filled with desire."
"Don't you know that I love you."
"Come honey let me
give my love to you."
"We are still unmarried, a hundred
marriage parties have gone.."
"We are still unmarried, a hundred
marriage parties have gone.."
"The matters of the heart shouldn't
remain in heart.."
"There are a few days and
a few nights of love.."
"it shouldn't happen that
we both die waiting.."
"Print this news in the newspaper.."
"Put up posters in the market.."
"Come to me and
show you what I feel."
"I am item no. 1, I feel."
"Love is desire burning
out of my soul."
"Hello baby, hold me
I am out of control."
"Let the enemies of love
do what they want.."
"Let the enemies of love
do what they want.."
"Why should we hold our hearts
and sigh quietly.."
"When we have loved why should
we fear a little disrepute?"
"There are thorns too in
the garland of flowers.."
"Print this news in the newspaper.."
"Put up posters in the market.."
"One girl, one boy, have
gone crazy in love.."
"Print this news in the newspaper.."
"Put up posters in the market.."
"One girl, one boy, have
gone crazy in love.."
Take it easy.
Take it easy.
Take this photo and give
it to the priest. - Yes.
Sir, I've seen this girl somewhere.
Oh, yes? Where have you seen her?
Where? Yes, I remember. Sir..
...this girl was singing on
the streets with a vagabond.
What? - She was dancing too.
Sir, she dances so well.
- Stop your rubbish.
Aren't you ashamed of
saying such things..
...about my daughter?
- Daughter?
This is Pooja. But sir, what
I said is absolutely true.
I am looking for a billionaire
boy for her..
...and she's going about singing
and dancing with a vagabond.
Where's Pooja?
Which Pooja? - My daughter.
Who are you? - Your father.
Daddy! - Daddy. Daddy. Are you
back? What is this I hear?
You are hearing right.
If I love someone..
...and want to marry him,
you should be happy.
I would be happy if
he was fit for you.
You are making a chawl
dweller my son-in-law.
A chawl-dweller. Why? Human
beings don't live there?
They do. But God made them
to keep them there.
And you're getting him here?
You don't know these men.
They will do anything
to become rich.
This man loves you only because..
...he can see your wealth
and bungalow.
What are you saying, daddy?
He doesn't even know..
...who's daughter I
am and where I live.
He will put 10 rupees
worth of oil on you..
...and become the owner of 100
crore rupees. - Oh my God!
You haven't seen him or met him..
...but you just keep rambling.
Should I run away? - No, that's
not necessary. - Then?
Okay, let me meet him one day.
- That's the way to go.
Not one day. He's here to see
you downstairs. Come on.
He's already waiting down?
What do you do?
What is the necessity to
do everything so quickly?
Try and understand, child.
- Daddy, you.
Daddy, you'll really like him.
- That's okay, but..
Sir. - Daddy! - Sir. - Daddy!
Sir. - Daddy! - Sir. - Daddy!
Sir! - What are you doing?
- He's got the fits.
He should smell the shoe. - Daddy
doesn't get fits. He is unconscious.
Go and get some water.
- Sir. - Come on, hurry up.
I think we must call the doctor.
- Give it to me.
- Here, he is okay.
Daddy, get up. Carefully. Carefully.
Daddy, are you okay?
I'll call the doctor?
Is this the boy you love? - Yes.
You want to marry him? - Yes.
I want to talk to him alone.
Please, come. - Come on.
This marriage is not possible.
Listen. - It cannot.
This marriage is not possible.
- Listen to me, Raja.
Pooja, you also hear it.
This marriage cannot happen.
Raja! Raja!
I don't want this marriage.
Who are you to say no to Pooja?
Day and night, we put in the
efforts for your love.
Raja, do you know? For you,
I had robbed in the college.
And you?
I spent the whole night
sticking posters for you.
And now when everything was okay,
you refused to marry.
Do you know how Pooja will feel?
Why are you silent? Talk.
There must be a reason.
Yes, Raja.
I have come to hear that reason too.
After all, why can't you marry me?
Pooja, I cannot marry you because..
...I love you very much.
I won't hide anything
from you today.
Pooja, I just loved
you for your wealth.
What do you mean? - Like
every poor person..
...I also wished to
be a billionaire.
Lead a wealthy life. But
now I really love you.
I don't want you to marry me
and lead a life of poverty.
Pooja, I am not fit for you.
See a good boy and
get married to him.
What are you saying, Raja?
I will only marry you.
Nobody else can come into my life.
And when it comes to money,
my daddy has a lot.
Pooja, your father is
in a very big problem.
Problem? What do you mean?
When I met your daddy that day..
...he told me. - Look, my
daughter is very straight.
She's very innocent. I beg you.
What are you doing?
I beg you. Spare my daughter.
I know that you have tricked her..
...with the greed for money.
- How did he know?
I give you money every month.
Take double next month
but leave my daughter.
Sir, what are you saying?
When did I take money?
I haven't taken any money from you.
In fact, I've spent money
treating your daughter.
You didn't take a penny? Say that.. didn't leave a Penny with me.
Look, Rocky. - I'm
not Rocky. I'm Raja.
Maybe Raja. But you've become
that with my money.
Remove the glasses and look
into my eyes and talk.
Have you worn lenses?
- What are you doing?
You want to tear my eyes?
They are original.
Your character won't change
by changing your eyes.
It doesn't change the truth
too that you are Rocky.
Again Rocky? How many
times should I say it?
I am Raja. You are lying.
You are amazing! Forcefully
making me Rocky!
I am Raja, not Rocky.
Strange. The face and
personality's the same.
The only difference is in the eyes.
Are you seriously not Rocky?
Which language should I tell it to
you in? I'm not Rocky. I'm Raja.
Then, only you can save me from him.
From whom? - From Rocky.
The lousy man has made
life hell for me.
If you free me from him, I'll
get you married to my daughter.
Who is this Rocky? Why
is he after you?
He is black mailing me.
Blackmail? - I had gone to Delhi
some years back on some business.
There in a party, my
friends got me drunk.
While drinking. -
I forget that itself.
Okay, I shall leave. - What's the
hurry? - No. Have two more drinks.
A lot of night still remains.
- No.
Forgive me, madam. - It's okay.
"Forgive me friends, I am drunk.."
I'll take you to your room.
Thank you.
- Carefully.
Which is your room? - I'm
sorry, I'm troubling you.
It's here.
Good morning.
Who are you?
What are you doing on my bed?
What's wrong with you? You
got me here last night.
What nonsense!
You stopped me by force.
I told you no.
Yes, maybe, last night
I was a bit too drunk.
Because of that I made this mistake.
Mistake? And what you did
with me in the night..
...would you call
that a mistake too?
What? What did I do?
Just what a man does with a woman?
I can't do that. -
But you have done it.
Oh God! What's happened? Look,
I guess, I wasn't in my senses.
Forget what's happened
and please go away.
Go away? How do I go away?
I am an lndian girl. No one else..
...can come into my life now.
Oh shut up!
She left after that.
One day I got a message
to meet her at once.
I went to meet her. - There's
a good news for you.
What good news?
You are going to be a father.
No. This isn't possible.
But that's what has
happened. - Look..
...I am a grown up girl's father.
What will people say
if they hear this?
You should have thought
of it earlier.
Get rid of this child somehow.
I'll give you whatever the
expenses come up to.
This cannot be done. - Then,
what's the solution?
Marriage. - Marriage?
That's impossible.
My daughter is fit for marriage.
How can I marry you?
Find some other way. Please.
The other way is for
me to end my life.
What are you doing? - Leave me!
- I don't want to live. Leave me.
I didn't know that lousy Rocky..
...had shot me into his camera.
That revolver is also with him.
From then..
...till today, he's
been blackmailing me.
He is a very dangerous person.
He has made me penniless.
He has made my state such that..
...neither can I live nor can I die.
I am hopeful that in
this situation.. are the only one who
can free me from this.
You love my daughter. You
are my to be son-in-law.
It's your duty to help
me out of this.
I have taken a loan on this
bungalow and factory too.
I have nothing with me.
That's it. From then onwards..
...that blackmailer has taken
crores from your daddy.
That day isn't too far away when..
...he'll be out of his factory
and bungalow and in jail.
Because he is a
murderer too. - No.
My daddy cannot do something
like that, Raja.
Who can know a father
better than his child?
He has been trapped into it.
Please help him.
There's nobody in the
world who'll help me.
You are one mad person
and the other is.. daughter, mad in love.
Only my wife was normal who
God took away before time.
Amazing! God took away
And you didn't even
tell me? - Chirkut!
What had happened to sister-in-law?
Chirkut, talk with some sense.
She died 11 years back.
I'm sorry, sir. I have the
illness of forgetting.
Do I have less worries in my
life for you to add more?
There had been only one
ray of hope, Raja.
He completely refused to help him.
Daddy. - Who?
- Raja will help you.
What did you say? Raja will help me?
Raja will really help me?
Live long, my children.
Daddy, he has come just to help you.
Really? Very good.
We'll think about how to save you
from Rocky later.
Show me Rocky at least.
- I will show you Rocky.
But I have a plan on
how to show him to you.
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"There is one name, that is Rocky.."
"Who else remains in this city.."
"I am in my senses, I
am getting excited.."
"Give me one more drink,
O wine bearer.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"I am in my senses, I
am getting excited.."
"Give me one more drink,
O wine bearer.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"He moves faster than the wind.."
"it falters and holds itself.."
"it moves ahead of all, the horse
of which I am a jockey.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"I am in my senses.."
"I am getting excited.."
"Give me one more drink,
O wine bearer.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
Get with it.
Get with it.
" Becoming a fragrance,
I evaporated.."
" Becoming magic, I cast a spell.."
"I took something and left,
everyone else kept gaping.."
"There is one name, that is Rocky.."
"Who else remains in this city.."
"I am in my senses.."
"I am getting excited.."
"Give me one more drink,
O wine bearer.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
"We love, we love Rocky.."
Hey, why don't you tell us?
Since you've been back..'ve been looking into the
mirror like a philosopher.
My mind is not functioning.
It's become exactly like his.
Hey, are you praising
me or pulling my leg?
I don't believe my eyes. - Look
Raja, don't talk in riddles.
What is it that your eyes
saw that you can't take in?
I saw Rocky today.
I was seeing in the mirror,
what is it..
...that does not match with him.
- What do you mean?
There is just no difference.
Absolutely like me.
Yes, the only difference is,
his eyes are blue..
And mine are black.
- Were you dreaming?
When I saw him the first time,
even I thought it was a dream.
This is not a dream.
It is a reality.
It is the truth. - If that's so..
...then it is really
a miracle of nature.
From today, stop everything.
Do only one thing.
Follow Rocky. - Don't worry, Raja.
From today, he'll have five shadows.
Just as he's blackmailing
Pooja's daddy..
...he might be doing the same
with the big in the city.
We have to find out that too.
And very skillfully because
he's a very dangerous man.
Hello, Commissioner. - Yes, speaking.
Sir, I've been wanting
to tell you something.
Sir, a man has been blackmailing
me for some days.
Who is this man? What's his name?
Sir, I've given everything
of my life to him.
I have nothing left now to give him.
He has made me penniless.
He's very dangerous.
Don't worry. Tell us that
man's name at least.
He has harassed quite a few of
the big people in the city.
Sir, I can't tell you
anything on the phone.
I'll have to come to you personally.
I request you, sir. Please.
Ok. You can come tomorrow
morning at 9.00 am.
Thank you sir.
- Okay. - Thank you very much.
Save me. Daddy.
I'm speaking. - I'm a business
man, Dinesh Raheja.
I wanted to tell you something
for quite a few days.
A man has been blackmailing
me for quite a few days.
Which man? What's his name?
I have given everything
of my life to him.
I have nothing left to give him.
Don't worry. Give us
his name at least.
He's a very dangerous man.
He has harassed..
...quite a few of the
big people in the city.
Sir, I can't tell you anything
on the phone. - Please, sir.
I'll have to come personally to you.
I request you. Please, sir.
Okay, come tomorrow
morning at 9.00 am.
Thank you sir.
Rocky, he's dead.
Pooja, why don't you listen
to me? Daddy.
Why don't you forget Raja?
- What are you saying, daddy?
Really. I don't hate Raja.
I hate his face.
He looks like Rocky and
you know how much I hate Rocky.
Even without wanting, I have
to see him once in a month.
Now, if you marry him, I'll have
to see his face everyday.
Daddy - Forget Raja. - Daddy,
you know that..
...Raja is worried
about your welfare.
He wants to help you in every way.
Still you..
Listen to me. Listen to me.
Who do you want to meet?
- Your father.
Sir. - For what are you
punishing me?
Tell me, why are you
punishing me?
You ask me in my own house
who I'd like to meet?
What's your problem?
- The problem is sir..
...I forgot that someone's
come to see you.
Who's come to meet me? I don't
want to meet anyone.
I don't want to meet anybody.
Hello, Mr. Vidya. - You?
How did you dare to
come into this house?
How did you dare to plan against me?
To kill me. - But that's a lie.
Mr. Vidya, Rocky is never
uninformed about his prey.
Even when they breathe,
I can here it.
And anyway, after coming
to your house..
...I got a lot of wealth.
You've taken all the wealth.
What's left with us now?
Your daughter. If I
get this wealth.. life will be made.
That's where you made a mistake.
She's not my daughter. She's
the neighbour's daughter.
Child, how are your parents?
Give them my greetings.
Go to your house now. I'll
meet you in the evening.
Go home.
Don't consider me to be
so stupid, Mr. Vidya.
I know the relationship
you both share.
The car has become great. Same
colour and number plate.
There's no difference.
- Very good. - Oh my God.
You are Raja? Daddy, this is Raja.
They are all his friends.
- What's wrong with you'll?
Just look how my heart is beating.
What if I had a heart attack?
But Raja, you look exactly like
Rocky. - That's because of me.
The guy who makes Rocky's
clothes is known to me.
I told him to stitch
the same kind of clothes..
...for Raja as he
stitches for Rocky.
And why have you worn
a waiter's outfit?
I've joined Rocky's hotel.
That's why.
When you people couldn't
recognise me..
...I'm fully confident that
forget about Rocky..
...even his father won't
be able to recognise me.
I love you darling.
Sonia, keep all the
luggage inside. OK.
I'll wait for you in the office.
- Ok.
Hello darling.
You came back?
You are so enticing that
it's tough to let you go.
Really? Don't try to flatter me.
Tell me why you got back.
- I forgot the lighter.
Raja, did you get anything there?
I got something there which
I never got from you.
What? - I was saved..
...or I wouldn't be fit for you.
What do you mean? What
did you get there?
Do you want to know
what I got there?
Do you want to know
what I got there?
Do you want to know
what I got there?
"Oh mother.."
"Oh mother.."
"Oh mother.. Oh mother.."
"Oh mother, I'm dead.."
"Oh mother, I'm dead.."
"Unknowingly, I said yes.."
"Oh mother, I'm dead. Unknowingly,
I said yes.."
"O beloved, I got so scared
of your eyes, your words.."
"Oh mother.."
"Oh mother, I'm dead. Unknowingly,
I said yes.."
"Oh mother, I'm dead. Unknowingly,
I said yes.."
"if you had to do. Oh mother..
You shouldn't have loved me.."
"if you had to do. Oh mother..
You shouldn't have loved me.."
"You have become a devil today,
beloved, I feel shy.."
"I did what you told me to, now
it has crossed the limits.."
"Oh mother.."
"Oh mother, I'm dead. Unknowingly,
I said yes.."
"Oh mother, I'm dead. Unknowingly,
I said yes.."
"You are lover number two, this
is not love, it is cheating.."
"You are lover number two, this
is not love, it is cheating.."
"You said you would satisfy me.."
"One day you would make me happy.."
"On the day of the promise,
you broke your promise.."
"Oh mother.. Oh mother.
You said, oh mother.."
"After saying yes, you said no.."
"You said oh mother. After
saying yes, you said no.."
"O beloved, you got so scared
of my eyes, my words.."
"Oh mother.."
"Oh mother, I'm dead. Unknowingly,
I said yes.."
"Oh mother, I'm dead. Unknowingly,
I said yes.."
"O beloved, I got so scared
of your eyes, your words.."
"Oh mother.."
"Oh mother, I'm dead.."
"Unknowingly, I said yes.."
"Oh mother, I'm dead.."
"Unknowingly, I said yes.."
"Oh mother.."
Sorry madam, there's no
empty room available.
Please. We desperately need a room.
Look at his state.
We didn't find a room in the
hospital in this big city.
If we don't get a room here,
where will we go?
We were strangers in this city.
Where do we go now?
Madam, how did this happen to him?
Sir, here is the key
of room number 408.
It's just got emptied.
I've cleaned it up too.
Did you see our luck?
The room has got empty.
Yes madam, you are very lucky.
Yes. Take this key and take them
to their room. - Yes sir.
Come on quickly.
This is Rocky's key.
Room number 409.
Raja, take care of yourself.
Don't worry about me.
I'll just freshen up darling.
How are you, Mr. Keshu?
Fine sir.
You remember the 7 o'clock
meeting, don't you?
I do sir.
Be there at 5 o'clock sharp.
Liberty Tower, okay?
- Okay sir.
How are you, Mr. Shyam?
I can't give you anymore money.
Really? I saw your cassette
last night.
You look very innocent there.
It doesn't seem that you could
kill an innocent girl.
Anyway. - I'll try, sir.
Liberty Tower.
How are you, Mr. Tulsi? - Sir,
I'm coming at 5 o'clock..
...with all the money.
Oh that's so sweet of you.
"I want to play with your mind."
"Then you just said
a big story line."
"if you ask me how I feel..
I would say.."
You had a chat with your friends?
- Today is cash collection day.
Everyone's coming to the
Liberty Tower at 5 o'clock.
Come here.
Oh naughty.
The people who Rocky has
called at Liberty Tower..
...are decent like you..
...who's names and addresses
are noted in this diary.
Just read out the other
names from the diary.
Mewalal, Jaganlal, Daulatram,
Dinesh Raheja, lqbal Singh.
One minute. Who's name did you
read before lqbal Singh?
Is he the same Dinesh
Raheja from Bandra..
...who's entire family was
killed a few days back?
Yes, a Bandra address is
written in the diary.
That means, Rocky has murdered..
...Dinesh Raheja and his family.
I told you. He is very dangerous.
He can do anything. -
If he can do anything..
...we are no less capable.
What will you do? -
First of all, we have.. make sure that Rocky doesn't
reach Liberty Tower at 5.00 pm.
Stop! MH02 H1773.
Find out whose car this is.
Who owns that car? - Mr. Rocky.
Oh I see, thank you.
The red car standing out is yours?
You must not have even dreamt that..
...the police will
find you so easily.
What do you mean? - You
tried to kill me today.
Me? - What are you saying?
- Don't try to act innocent.
Didn't you hit against
my car 15 minutes back?
...I have to go for an important
meeting at 5 o'clock.
You are mistaken. I've been
in my hotel since 3 hours.
You can enquire if you want to.
If you weren't there, how
did your car reach there?
Isn't the colour of your car red?
Isn't the number of your car 1773?
You are right, Commissioner.
That is the colour and
the number of my car.
Then.. - If I have banged your car
then my car should have a dent too.
If you wish, you can check my car..
...because I cannot fix
my car in 15 minutes.
The car is the same.
Same colour.
Are you satisfied, Commissioner?
You can go. Thank you.
This means, there are 2 cars with
the same number in the city.
But who is this other person?
Mr. Rocky, this is the installments
From the three of us.
Darling, we got a little late today.
I'll kill those idiots!
Idiots, they didn't come
to give my installment.
I'll cut them into pieces.
Relax darling. We will do as you
say. - Nothing will happen.
I have sent them the message.
They are coming to meet you
tomorrow in the hotel.
I swear, I have never seen
so much money in my life.
Forget about seeing,
I never dreamt..
...that I would get
to see so much money.
But what will we do
with so much money?
Share it amongst us.
Shut up! You people are bothered
about yourselves.
I can see the dead bodies
of those people.
If they don't give Rocky
the money, he'll kill them.
Noting will happen to them.
The money will go..
To the commissioner.
- To the commissioner?
What will you tell him
if he questions you?
He will ask. But not me.
He will ask Rocky.
Oh not again! 41773!
Hey what are you up to?
Come out! Come out!
This is the second time
you've tried to kill me.
You can't escape this time.
You are under arrest.
Come out! Come out!
How dare you drop me and escape?
Hey stop! Stop.
You are lying.
You want to lie to me on my face..
...saying that I have taken
money from you'll?
Yes, Mr. Rocky.
We gave you a briefcase filled
with money, ourselves.
Oh just shut up!
According to you, I am lying.
Am I mad?
Why don't you say that you
three have become crooked?
If we were to get crooked
it would have happened earlier.
Why would it happen now?
Come on. There he is. Arrest him!
- Wait!
What is my crime? - Crime?
You commit such a grave crime
and ask what your crime is?
You have banged against
my car twice..
...and tried to kill me.
Tried? When did I try?
Now. Half an hour back.
- Half an hour?
I have been here since two hours.
Shut up.
You have tried to kill
a police commissioner.
You cannot escape because I
am a witness to this myself.
Sir, it is true that Rocky has
been with us for two hours.
Really? So you are also with him?
Beware, I'll put you
in the jail too.
Commissioner, you know
I am a famous lawyer here.
Rocky has been with us for two
hours discussing a project.
Mr. Saxena, I can't contradict you.
But how is it possible?
Because I saw him with my own
eyes. We had a struggle.
He hit me with this briefcase
full of money.
How is that possible?
- That's what I'm asking.
Till now in the city there were
two cars with the same number.
Now there are two people
with the same face.
That means, there's another
person who looks like you..
...and is doing all this.
Mr. Rocky, you will not leave
your house the next 24 hours.
Because in those 24 hours,
I will arrest that man.
Come on.
Mr. Rocky, this is the
briefcase I gave you.
You gave it to my look alike.
Who is he? Where is he right now?
Wow! Diamond necklace!
It is very beautiful.
- It is beautiful..
...but not more than you.
It will become beautiful
once you wear it.
Help me wear it. - Sonia,
I'll do that..
...when I marry you.
- Marry?
I love you darling.
- I love you.
Go, keep it in the locker.
I'll make a drink and come.
Come on, come out fast.
Where did it go?
One, two, three, four.
Get mixed quickly.
Raja, snatch all their wealth today.
Sonia, fix a good date.
I will marry you that day.
Now your Rocky cannot
live without you.
Who are you?
Get up.
Who had come here?
Who had come?
Who had come? You had come.
I had come? Who emptied this locker?
Yes. You gave me a necklace
to keep in the locker.
After that, I locked it.
I gave it?
Yes. Then you gave me a drink.
I don't remember anything
after that.
That idiot landed up here too.
That idiot!
That idiot!
Here, sister. - Take this.
Have some tomatoes.
Raja.. Raja..
You worthless kid, you think
you're a billionaire.. wearing costly
clothes and glasses?
To the extent, you don't recognise
your poor mother?
She must be Raja's mother.
Why are you laughing?
Okay, son, go ahead, laugh.
Mother, I was acting.
You were acting?
I was wearing these rented
clothes and glasses.. see how I look
as a billionaire.
Whether you are a billionaire
or a president..'ll be my son. Where were you?
I was waiting for you.
You were not there. I
had to carry so much.
Just think that after
today you won't..
...have to carry any weight.
Just pray that your son
becomes a billionaire.
Stop dreaming of castles
in the air and come home.
Come home. - You walk ahead.
I'll walk behind.
Would I dare to walk with you?
Come on.
- Come on.
After you left, Vidya Prakash's
man came home.
Vidya Prakash's man?
- Pooja's father.
Now don't tell me that
you don't know Pooja.
Yes mother It must be very
important work. He's called you home.
Mother, do one thing. You go home.
I'll just meet Mr. Vidya
Prakash and come back.
Come fast. - Yes, mother.
Vidya Prakash.
Do you know what will be the
value of each diamond here?
We haven't seen a diamond, how
will we know it's value?
About 10 to 12 lakh rupees.
There are.. many diamonds in this
necklace that if it is sold.. all can feed your
next seven generations.
Our aim is to get that video
cassette and revolver.
Where will we get him? - This
game's become very easy.
How? - Look..
...what Rocky wants is with me.
What you want is with Rocky.
And what I want is with you.
Now watch how I do this
deal with Rocky.
How are you feeling? - Idiot.
You will be alive till I am here.
The day I leave here will be
the last day of your life.
That day will come only
if you get out.
If I don't reach home by night.. friends will come
here in search of me.
Seven nights have passed,
Mr. Raja. - What?
You forget about your friends.
I have handled them.
I have stolen only 7
days from your life.
Just 7 days.
Do you want to see the
result of those 7 days?
"Friends, I've gone crazy.."
"Look I am wounded.."
"I search for you everywhere,
asking your name and address.."
"On which number do I call you?"
"My heart's looking for you,
I'm obsessed.."
"Maverick. I am a maverick.."
"Maverick. I am a maverick.."
These are your stupid
friends, right?
Raja, the deal is done with Rocky?
- Pooja.
Here is the video cassette and
revolver. - I don't believe it.
Thank God, we are rid of that Rocky.
I won't have to see
his lousy face again.
You'll have to see mine.
- What do you mean?
We look alike, right?
So what if you look alike? Where
are you and where's he?
And now, as I promised, I
will get you both married.
So nice of you daddy.
Mother. - What is it? - Here's
your innocent mother.
This is Pooja. - That's enough.
Live long. - Pooja,
this is my mother..
...who gave birth to me,
brought me up..
...and made me someone
you could love.
You are with me, right? I
can't be touched by evil.
There's just one thorn in my life.
If I get your blessings,
that thorn will also go.
My blessings are always with you.
Hey, Mr. Raja.
If you are the biggest gambler,
I am the king of gamblers.
You were just dying to
become Rocky, right?
You played the game
till the interval.
After the interval,
my game will begin.
I won't let you play
this game, you fool.
Sonia, take care of Mr. Raja.
Did you see the short
cut to reach the top?
The body down and the soul on top.
Rocky, I will. - I
am Rocky? I am Raja.
I am Raja. He's Rocky!
Idiot, you took so
many innocent lives.
Looted so many people
and to top it all.. made my friends yours.
You made my mother yours.
Idiot! - Don't kill me, Rocky!
Should I let go of a
idiot like you?
Should I let go of a
idiot like you?
People will praise
me by killing you.
They will talk in praise.
They'll say, such an ordinary Raja
killed such a great Rocky?
Okay, Rocky, take care.
No, Rocky.
Bye. I love you, Rocky!
I love you, Rocky!
Bye, bye idiot.
Come on move!
Are you calling the police?
The key.
The key.. take it.
Sonia, take a taxi and go
and meet me at home. Ok.
The rest of you come with me.
Boss, take me to the doctor.
Boss, I'm dying, boss, please.
Shut up! I say shut up! Boss,
take me to the doctor.
Throw him out.
Throw him out!
Come in front.
He's getting off and running away.
Hey, what are you doing
Don't do that!
Hey move! Stop!
Someone stop him!
Hey, stop!
Call home and find out
whether Sonia's reached.
And this?
"It's raining colours.."
"It's raining colours.."
Stop. - Yes, sir. - He's the same.
Taking the witnesses and proofs
into consideration..
...this court sentence's
Rocky to death..
...under section 302.
To be hanged till death.
Aslam, at least you
people recognise me.
Mr. Judge, I am not
Rocky. I am Raja.
Now mother, I'll just be
with you and serve you.
I'll make so much of money..
...that I will make my mother
eat in a golden plate.
Don't do any wrong thing
to make a quick buck.
Which cell is that new criminal,
Rocky, in?
In that cell ahead.
Sir. Did you recognise me? I'm Raja.
That minister's car? That bomb?
Raja. The one who used
to rob eggs before.
Now you've started killing
in the name of Rocky.
Sir, I haven't killed anyone.
I am not Rocky.
- What do you mean?
Rocky is my look alike.
He murdered people.
He has got me accused.
Not only the court but my mother..
...Pooja and my friends
think I am Rocky.
Sir, I am not Rocky. I am Raja.
If your own people don't agree
and the court too.. can I agree that
you are Raja, not Rocky?
Sir, do you remember? When
I got out of the jail.. had told me,
Just as a father..
...tells his daughter before
giving her away..
...the same way I tell
every prisoner..
...not to do anything which
will get him back here.
I say this to every prisoner.
What's new?
Sir, every prisoner of yours
doesn't steal your ring.
Sir, that day, your ring..
Yes, I had robbed it.
You ring stealer! Remove my ring.
Sir, I sold that ring and
bought gifts for my mother.
I am not Rocky. I am Raja.
Rocky has kept my mother with him.
He will ruin Pooja's life.
Sir, let me go.
I beg you, sir. Let me go.
Let me go, sir.
Please let me go, sir.
Let me go, sir.
Raja, I can take care of this jail..
...without you for just 24 hours.
You'll have to be back in
Rocky, Rocky.
You are the only one left
who knows I am Rocky.
I'm sorry, Sonia.
Tie the knot.
Rocky has escaped from the jail.
Yes, I ran away from the jail.
To show the real and the false.
You will know right now who
Rocky is and who Raja is.
Enough of your acting. Raja,
don't you worry.
You go ahead with the wedding
rites. We'll handle him.
Aslam, try to understand me.
This man is very dangerous.
I am your real friend, Raja.
Move aside. You know very
well, I can't hurt you.
But we can. You are not our friend.
You are our enemy.
You are our Raja's enemy.
- One minute.
Sonia, get up. Tell them who's
Rocky and who's Raja.
Sonia, get up. Tell these people.
But you were dead, weren't you?
Yes, but I had acted dead.
The man you are getting
Pooja married to..
...Is not Raja. He is Rocky.
No one will move a step.
Move, you old hag.
Leave me! Raja!
Leave me.
Where's Pooja? - Search.
There are so many cars.
She must be in one of it.
Pooja. - Run.
Come fast, Pooja. Come.
Pooja, go home from here.
- Yes, take care of yourself.
Bless them.
- Live long.