Afsana Pyar Ka (1991)

(A Love Story)
""I"m a crazy Iover...
I"m Iike the mad moth..""
""Whom wiII I give my heart?
God aIone knows""
I"m a tramp, Iike my heart...""
Love"s wayward too
""Those tresses that you toss around
Those embracing arms""
""Your intoxicating eyes...
take away my heart""
""Your mischievousness
drives my heart crazy""
""It torments me so...
it won"t Iet me Iive""
""I"m a tramp...
my heart makes me one""
""That which is in my heart;
that which Iingers in my breath...""
""the one I dream of...
I find not""
""Which is that beautifuI face
among these...""
""that which beIongs to me...?
I can"t say""
""I"m a tramp...
Iike my heart""
""I"m a crazy Iover...
Iike the mad moth""
""Whom wiII I give my heart to?
God aIone knows""
""I"m a tramp...
Iike my heart""
Haven"t you gone to sIeep?
I I wanted to meet you today.
We rareIy meet each other despite
staying under one roof.
You are fast asIeep
when I go to office...
""and by the time you return,
I"m fast asIeep.""
""Son, I need your signature here.
I My signature?""
""Yes, the new company
is in your name.""
It wiII have its branches in
the three metropoIitan cities.
And can you guess what
our yearIy profit wiII be?
200 miIIion!
How many companies wiII you
open in my name?
What wiII you do with
so much of money?
I"m used to making money.
OnIy money can turn aII your dreams
and ambitions into reaIity.
You don"t know how
important money is.
Go and ask those who have Iost
their dreams in the maze of poverty.
""Deepa, suggest a number
between 7 and 249.""
Forty nine.
I What"s your birth date?
""Seventh JuIy.
I Divide forty nine by seven,...""
what"s the answer?
I Seven.
Seven and seventh JuIy
makes fourteen.
There are tweIve months in a year.
What is fourteen minus tweIve?
I You are very fortunate.
""What do you mean?
I I mean, you are now aIone...""
but very soon there wiII be
someone speciaI in your Iife.
ReaIIy? Can you teII his name
with the heIp of numeroIogy?
""The naming was done by
the parents, Deepa, and...""
I think your times are not good.
Meet me after this Iecture.
I"II see if I can do something.
Go on now.
Where were you? You are
Iate even today.
Deepa was getting on my nerves.
She was taIking about the journaIs.
That"s fine. I didn"t even
demand those expIanations.
That means you can
ask for expIanations.
""AtIeast tiII she"s not married,
she can"t trust her boyfriend...""
.... who aIways cIaims to
Iay down his Iife for you.
There comes the one
we have been waiting for.
You haven"t answered me...
I We"II meet Iater.
Vikram is a good boy.
I But you are the best
We"II meet sometime Iater.
It"s not my fauIt.
She came here on her own.
No probIem.
But you didn"t take
advantage of the opportunity.
That"s exactIy the difference
between you and me.
""For you, a girI is
just an opportunity.""
But I onIy prefer the one
who is the best.
This technique of trying to score
with a girI has become outdated.
I just wanted to know your name.
It"s enough to know that
I am new to this coIIege.
But I am not new to the
atmosphere in coIIeges.
""As far as my name is concerned,
you Iook Iike a Romeo to me...""
but I"m definiteIy not JuIiet.
That was a nice move.
I But it didn"t work.
What now?
How do you know?
I SimpIe.
Every new entry is made
in the Iast page.
I found out as soon
as she had Ieft.
Then you must be knowing that
she is not onIy Raj"s cIassImate...
but she"s aIso his batch mate.
It wiII be more fun to be
in two different batches.
I"II take her away and
Raj wiII be Ieft aIone.
Is that a bet?
I Yes.
How much for a day?
I Hundred.
For how many days?
I Fifteen days.
""EIse, it wiII be doubIe.
I DoubIe.""
Won"t you shake hands?
I After I win the bet.
The operation starts
this very moment.
Which is the next Iecture?
I Physics.
That means Iight.
The speed of Iight is one miIIion
eighty six Iakhs miIes per second.
But the speed of sound is
negIigibIe as compared to Iight.
It must be about 750 miIes.
That"s the reason why we hear
thunder after we see Iightning.
""Why did you stand up?
I Sir, that...""
The Iightning, Sir.""
Now you teII me the answer.
How Iong does it take the ...
sun"s rays to reach the earth?
You sat down without
answering my question!
""Sir, maybe he was trying
to give a demonstration.""
The time he took to sit
must be the answer.
I asked the question to Vineet.
Why did you interfere?
Now you give the repIy.
I Three to four minutes.
Five and a haIf minutes.
You"ve studied aII this
in Junior coIIege.
It"s reaIIy surprising how you
have reached third year.
From where did the high
frequency sound ensue?
Come on, teII me.""
""Two apoIogizing for one mistake?
And that too, together?""
It gives rise to a short circuit
when opposite signs come together.
Now sit down or I"II
Iose my cooI.
So you have come.
Do come in.
Light is of two kinds.
""Warm and cooI. For exampIe, the
rays of the sun and the moon.""
One makes you warm and the
other gives you soIace.
The romance of the
moonIit night...
is far from the
reach of Physics.
I think it is a perfect
topic for research.
""I don"t know Russian,
but I"m sure ...""
that Iight must be caIIed
Nikita in that Ianguage too.
Today the cIassroom is so bright.
As if thousands of
Iamps are burning.
""This is because of the
new student, Nikita.""
What can it be other than Iight?
Your presence has added
radiance to my Iife.
My heart was fiIIed
with the Iight of joy.
There"s just one wish
Ieft to be fuIfiIIed...
that Nikita shouId be mine.
This is romance.
This is poetic phiIosophy.
But it is definiteIy not Physics.
Who wrote this Ietter?
""I don"t know, sir.
It came from behind.""
Did the waII write this Ietter?
I I didn"t write this note.
So why point to the waII?
Does the waII write Ietters?
I am asking you for the Iast time.
Did you write this Ietter?
""Haven"t you Ieft?
I Sir, maybe he was teIIing the truth.""
Someone eIse must have
written that Ietter.
I know that boy very weII.
This is your first day
in this coIIege.
I"m feeIing bad that a feIIow student
had to go out of the cIass...
because of me on
the very first day.
Give his Identity Card to him.
I think you have come for this.
""Was this with you?
I Yes, I took it from the Iecturer.""
Now I wiII give this
to the principaI.
He"II decide the punishment for
writing Iove Ietters in cIass.
PIease don"t do that.
I"II be expeIIed.
That wiII be good.
I I Iove this coIIege.
That is quite obvious.
But I"II see that you are punished.
""Okay. If you want to spoiI my Iife,
you may do whatever you want.""
""If I"m expeIIed from this
coIIege, I won"t be abIe...""
to compIete my studies.
My Iife wiII be ruined.
Nothing can be worse.
I Enough of your acting.
I"II give your Identity
card on one condition.
I am ready to accept
aII your conditions.
You won"t write Iove Ietters
to girIs again.
That means I can write
Ietters just for you.
I I won"t write Ietters to anyone.
""I wiII sureIy write Ietters, but
I won"t sit in the Iast bench.""
But it stiII isn"t the same.
""It"s IoveIy, UncIe.
I Yes,...""
but she"s not fit to be your aunt.
Twenty years ago I
had dreamt of a girI.
""I never met her, neither
couId I paint her properIy.""
Why don"t you forget
that dream?
""I"II try to, but actuaIIy
I was thinking about you.""
""When your parents Ieft you aIone,
I Ioved you as much as I couId.""
But now I feeI I shouId have
given you a mother"s affection too.
""UncIe, you are much more
than a mother to me.""
Even my parents couIdn"t
have Ioved me any more.
You mean everything to me.
""TeII me, how was your first
day in coIIege?""
""Very nice. The coIIege is sureIy
good, even the professors are good.""
Now comes the students.
Did you make any friends?
How can I make friends
on the very first day?
Okay. But you must have found
some boy who"s speciaI.
""Yes, there is one. He"s so speciaI
that he sits in the Iast bench.""
That means a Iast bencher?
The Computer firm"s pIan
has come for approvaI.
If you...
I Return that pIan.
I"ve made the pIan myseIf.
Just send the contractor here.
My dear chiId.
""Raju, my son...
Iet"s go to our new house.""
What happened?
I toId you to get ready.
To the house which got its
existence from a girI"s death?
You married a girI suffering
from cancer for the sake of money.
And you forgot your
own wife and chiId?
""I wouIdn"t have come back,
had I forgotten you.""
I have done everything
for your sake.
I have done this for the
benefit of our famiIy.
I did this to save ourseIves
from the constant need for money.
I did this so that we can
Iead a comfortabIe Iife.
It"s very important to be rich
to fuIfiII aII these wishes.
By deceiving peopIe?
I I didn"t deceive anybody.
Rai Bahadur"s daughter was
on the threshoId of death.
He wanted to see her
married before she died.
He himseIf wanted me
to marry her.
If I had refused someone eIse
wouId have taken advantage.
But that man wouIdn"t
have been my husband.
I am stiII your husband.
I Forget it.
Our reIationship has Iost its meaning.
I What?
I have no pIace
for you in my Iife.
I have taken this decision
after a Iot of introspection.
Is it your decision or
your arrogance?
Both. Because my principIes and
your thinking can never be the same.
Even then we have to
Iive with each other...
because you are my chiId"s mother.
I I won"t Iet you come near my chiId.
""I am educated, I can very
weII take care of my chiId.""
""But you forgot one thing,
you"II need my name every moment.""
What wiII you say if the peopIe
asks you the father"s name?
What"s this?
I Take him with you too.
Now no one wiII ask me anything.
I"II think that I had never
given birth to any chiId.
What"s the matter?
""Mr. Anand Verma,
I am taking my son with me.""
I am not your tenant any Ionger.
And you need not know
anything more than this.
""Bina, what have you done?
How can you Iive without your chiId?""
""Brother, peopIe never ask
a chiId his mother"s name.""
She was a stubborn woman.
I wonder where and how she is.
""Ladies and gentIeman,
this is Bina.""
The new principaI of our coIIege.
He is Mr. Chavan...
We"II meet Iater.
Now I"II take you to the office
where I"ve worked for 15 years.
Keep that for tomorrow.
I"m here today onIy to meet you.
My experience teIIs me that
the canteen is the best pIace...
to know how discipIined
the coIIege is.
What are you doing here?
Won"t you go to the cIass?
She"s the new principaI
of our coIIege.
I was writing my Physics journaI.
I In the cIamor of the canteen?
This chaos gives me soIace
and the crowd gives me privacy.
ReaIIy? But usuaIIy the students
write their journaI either in...
the Iibrary or from their home.
Don"t you get soIace
in your own home?
WeaIth stinks in my house.
Even books feeI stifIed there.
Very strange. Don"t you think that
money is everything in this worId?
A man with principIes is much
more important than money...
and who can sacrifice anything
for the sake of his principIes.
""Vineet, your friend
is staring at you.""
""I know that, Iet it be.
I CaII her to this tabIe.""
""No, I won"t caII her.
I Okay, then get up from there.""
What are you doing here? Have you
finished your experiment so soon?
I didn"t even start it.
It"s a boring experiment.
ActuaIIy I hate physics.
Why didn"t you take up
some other subject?
I wanted to be with my friends.
AII my best friends have taken Physics.
That means you are not at
aII interested in studies.
Then what"s need to
come to the coIIege?
It gives me happiness
and new friends.
""And sometimes good things
happen to you, Iike you.""
We are meeting each other
onIy for the third time.
That means I"m Iate. Beauty shouId
be praised the very first moment.
It doesn"t matter if it
is a girI or just a fIower.
That"s enough. I hope the professor
hasn"t heard you.
But I heard him and I know
very weII what he meant.
Do you know what I want now?
Give me just one chance.
Why are you foIIowing me?
I Who is foIIowing you?
Just give me a chance
to approach you.
Such chances are not
given in the Iibrary.
Such chances are not given.
They are taken...
wherever you find the opportunity.
I You seem to be very determined.
Leave my hand.
I I"m not one of those...
who hoIds a girI"s hand
to Iet go.
I know very weII how
to make you Ieave my hand.
What happened?
Have these professors
never been students?
They don"t understand. CoIIeges
are not just meant for studies.
""Of course, we come here
to make friends too.""
AII of you come here
just to have fun.
You seem to be in a hurry.
I Any probIem?
""Of course not, but you
wiII sureIy Iand in troubIe.""
The boy whom you"ve started
Iiking is a pIayboy.
He"s an expert in fooIing innocent
and beautifuI girIs Iike you.
Anything eIse?
I So you don"t trust me?
Then Iisten to me. Raj has
wagered a bet with me.
And that too for
hundred rupees a day.
That he"II kiss you
within fifteen days.
Thank you very much
for being my guardian.
I am quite capabIe of
taking care of myseIf.
We couIdn"t taIk in the Iab.
I TaIking is forbidden here.
RuIes are meant to be broken.
But I am not interested
in breaking ruIes.
But I am interested in
everything that interests you.
What wiII you take
to Ieave me aIone?
A few moments with you.
I The exit is in that direction.
If you don"t mind coming with me.
I I don"t feeI Iike taIking to you.
I know your reputation very weII.
I My reputation?
Don"t try to act innocent.
Vikram has toId me what
a big fIirt you are.
Do you know as much about
Vikram"s reputation...
as you know about mine?
I What do you mean?
Every student can teII you
about his reputation.
I never thought that a girI Iike
you wouId beIieve in idIe gossip.
""Anyway, I won"t try to
meet you again.""
I"II Ieave now.
I Excuse me.
I didn"t mean to hurt you.
That doesn"t make a difference.
It is your own fate.
Do you Ieave
everything to destiny?
OnIy if the other person
is not ready to trust you.
You can try to convince
the other person.
You can trust another person
onIy if you trust yourseIf.
I have the confidence.
Then can you waIk with
me in front of that person...
who tried to tarnish my image.
I Why not?
""Vikram, Iook, Nikita is
coming with Raj.""
Raj, you do boxing?""
""Yes, I toId you Vikram
is a good friend.""
That"s right and he Ioves
being beaten up by me.
He is taIking about himseIf.
I I wish you good Iuck.
ShaII we move?
I Of course.
""I"II go with the girI,
you go on and stick the posters.""
Do come in. UncIe.
UncIe, this is my cIassmate, Raj.""
Now he doesn"t sit on
the Iast bench.
That"s quite obvious.
You came home earIy today.
""Yes, he gave me a
Iift in his car.""
And you agreed. One of her
positive points is that she...
is never wrong in
judging a gentIeman.
EspeciaIIy my dear UncIe.
Didn"t I teII you?
Why are you standing?
Sit down.
Even you sit down.
""Raj, what do you think
about this painting?""
BeautifuI! WonderfuI.
The artist must be reaIIy great.
""I don"t know if he is great, but
the artist is present before you.""
""You are a great artist, UncIe!
I UncIe?""
You are Nikita"s UncIe...
I So you made me your uncIe too.
Great. You are prompt
at making reIationships.
""UncIe, you"II bore him in
the very first meeting.""
Am I a girI to take a Iiking
for him in the first moment?
So you think girIs are Iike that?
I I shouId be asking that to you.
What"s your opinion
in matters of Iove?
I have yet to form an opinion.
I That means you are just Iike me.
Can you see anything in this?
Yes, of course.""
This is the painting of someone
who has not yet experienced Iove.
ExceIIent! I have my way with
coIors but you are good with words.
You can impress anyone
with fIattery.
""Not anyone, I want to impress a girI
who is different from the others.""
A girI who is most enchanting.
A girI whose beauty is bewitching.
I You wanted to reach home earIy.
Oh yes, I just forgot about that.""
There"s sureIy something
magicaI about this pIace.
It was reaIIy nice meeting you.
I"II have to visit you frequentIy.
Why don"t you come tomorrow?
Nikita is ceIebrating
her birthday tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
I"II take your Ieave now.
There"s no use venting your
anger on the punching bag.
Everything that had to
happen has happened.
He took Nikita away today.
He has aImost won the bet.
I"II smash his face
when I get the chance!
Then he won"t be abIe to
recognise his own refIection.
Many happy returns of the day
""I hope these fIowers bring
happiness in your Iife""
""I want to teII you something
important today...""
""which can"t expressed in
the confines of your house""
Now teII me why you
have caIIed me here.
What is it? What did you
want to teII me?
It"s a bit difficuIt to speak here.
Let"s go somewhere eIse.
Don"t you think the
weather is pIeasant today?
Let"s go somewhere eIse.
WeII? Why don"t
you say something?
Let"s go eIsewhere.
This pIace isn"t very nice either.
Let"s go.
ShaII I say something
if you don"t mind?
May we waIk some more?
I What do you want to say?
Come with me.
I TeII me what you wish to say.
Right now. Or I"m Ieaving.
Why say it so sIowIy?
Say it aIoud.
Say that again, from there.""
Not from there. Go there.
My heart is craziIy in Iove
Your heart is craziIy in Iove
We were destined to meet
That has spawned off...
a Iove story
A Iove story
My heart is craziIy in Iove
Your heart is craziIy in Iove
We were destined to meet
That has spawned off...
a Iove story
A Iove story
Ever since I have seen you...
I have been restIess
""This is the first time
I have spoken of Iove""
""It seems as if I have aIways
been waiting for you""
""You were the one who
speak up first...""
but I Ioved you first
""Never wiII the worId
forget us...""
such is the way we wiII Iove
Love, as no one has ever done""
""When two young hearts meet
Iike this""
""May the dream not break;
may Iove never end""
A Iove story
A Iove story
So have you won the bet?
I What?
Isn"t that the truth?
I Yes.
Vikram had warned me against this.
But I didn"t trust him.
""TiII a few moments ago, I was
sure that you Ioved me.""
But it"s true that I Iove you.
I Just shut up!
What was the amount of the bet?
Hundred? Two hundred?
Five hundred or a thousand?
Forget that name! Don"t ever
try to meet me again.
I hate you!
Nikita, pIease wait!""
Nikita, I need to taIk to you.""
PIease give me a chance
to say what I want to.
I"II go away after that.
""Nikita, I think you
have misunderstood me.""
I agree that I had a bet with him.
I agree that what I did was wrong.
I agree that I have hurt you.
""But I didn"t even know you then.
But now, trust me, I reaIIy Iove you.""
PeopIe say that a man"s Iife
is most precious to him.
You are more precious
to me than my Iife.
Nikita, Iove is eternaI.""
""Ask yourseIf,
you"II find the answer.""
That you shouIdn"t repeat
the mistake you committed once.
Now you can go.
HeIIo, Raj.""
What happened to Raj?
He didn"t even taIk to me.
I toId him to get
out of the house.
But why?
I He has deceived me.
That is just not possibIe.
You sureIy must have
some misunderstandings.
Even he said that.
I He was perfectIy right.
Even I committed the same
mistake in my youth.
I didn"t trust the person I Ioved.
So I am stiII a bacheIor.
You don"t know that he had
a bet with his friend...
.... that he"II make me
faII in Iove with him.
Did he Iose the bet?
I No. He won the bet.
Then you shouId have
married him.
""But you drove him out, which
means you have ruined everything.""
History has been a witness
to such incidents.
""That"s enough, UncIe! I don"t
want to hear anything about him.""
There he is. What kind of
a friend are you?
""We were waiting for you,
but you didn"t come.""
""We went to the cIub,
you didn"t come there either.""
What"s wrong with you?
""Raj, you have met many
girIs in your Iife.""
But you were never so
interested in any of them.
But this girI"s refusaI seems
to have ruined your Iife.
That girI is just a bet
between you and Vikram.
She means much more to me.
She has become a part of my Iife.
I can"t Iive without her.
I can"t bear to see Raj
in this state.
We"II have to bring Nikita
to the jam session somehow.
Very weII.
""Our eyes met...
and the gaze was Iowered""
We went crazy
""We meet again to be
Iost in each other""
""Our eyes met...
and the gaze was Iowered""
We went crazy
""We meet again to be
Iost in each other""
""Do not go far away...
come cIoser""
""Come into my arms.
Come to me""
""Let me embrace you today
and Iet me touch your eyes""
""You, I Iook at.
You, I seek""
""You are the one I must
aIways desire""
""Now that we have met,
may we never be separated again""
May we spend every moment together
""May we never be driven
to separation again""
""Let"s do away with
the distances now.""
""Come into my arms.
Come to me""
""I have known today,
I understand now...""
what Iove is worth
""Love is Iife...
Iove is happiness""
""With difficuIty you faII in Iove;
but when you do, you do, darIing""
""Whatever happens then,
even after ages go by...""
Iove never Iessens
""Whatever I possess
is aII yours""
""Come into my arms.
Come to me""
""Our eyes met...
and the gaze was Iowered""
We went crazy
""We meet again to
be Iost in each other""
""Do not go far away...
come cIose to me""
Come into my arms
Come to me
Come to me
Come to me
""I must say, Raj, you do have
a way with girIs.""
You have finaIIy won the bet.
Here"s your prize money.
Nikita, pIease Iisten!""
Not here. I don"t want
to create a scene here.
I"II see you in the boxing ring.
Oh God! What"s happening?
There"s nothing to worry Mr.BehI.
The ammonia was very diIuted.
""EIse, it couId"ve harmed his eyes.
I When wiII he be aIright?""
He"II be fine in
a coupIe of days.
""Raj, do you need anything eIse?
I No, dad.""
Inform me if you need anything.
I"II keep enquiring about you.
""UncIe, can we meet Raj?
I Yes, but don"t take much time.""
He needs rest.
""Is everybody there?
I Yes, we aII were here.""
""Raj, we"II sureIy punish Vikram
for doing this.""
Deepak, I"ve hurt Nikita a Iot.""
I"m being punished for that.
I God wiII pardon you for that.
Yes. But she didn"t even give me
a chance to apoIogize.
But even we were
a part of that mistake.
""So why are you aIone being punished?
I No, it was my mistake.""
I hurt her a Iot.
But do teII her that
I"ve reaIised my mistake.
Who"s that?
You cannot be forgiven!
We have proof that you have cheated.
You both wiII be debarred
from this term.
""But we wiII Iose
a whoIe year, madam.""
OnIy then wiII you understand
that eviI begets eviI.
Is that you, Nikita?""
Won"t you ever forgive me?
I can"t bear to Iive without you.
Who"s that?
I Deepak.
Come in.
How come you are here?
Didn"t you go to coIIege?
There"s no Iecture today.
Our cIass is going to Goa for
The Discovery of India project.
Everybody"s going but I"m not going.
I Is she going?
Yes. Maybe her friends forced her.
I How are they going?
By bus.
I When wiII it Ieave?
""Evening, 4 p.m.
I You go with them too.""
I"II come there as soon
as I"m fine.
""But Raj...
I PIease, Deepak!""
Maybe our Iove wiII
bIossom again in Goa.
Can anyone heIp this bIind man?
Where do you want to go?
I Take me near the shores.
Come on.
I GirIs are not compassionate anymore.
But you are so kind.
Look at that. Rajesh is
trying to woo that girI.
He"II get beaten up.
I What happened to your eyes?
I"ve been bIind right from my birth.
I"II teach him a Iesson.
What are you doing?
Do you think I"m bIind?
""I"m bIind.
I swear, I"m bIind!""
Stupid feIIow!
What"s the matter? Your cheeks
Iook rosy today.
He got just one sIap.
I Just shut up!
You don"t Iike girIs neither
do you Iet others have fun.
There"s nothing new about that.
""Just a moment. AII this is
fine, but where"s Nikita?""
She"II come.
She maybe somewhere.
Your memories haunt me...
they torment me
AII night, I stay awake""
They make me weep
""I never thought I"d
faII in Iove Iike this""
""That two strangers wouId meet
and faII in Iove""
""My heart knows no peace anywhere
without you, my Iove""
""I pine for you...
what speII have you cast on me?""
Your memories haunt me
They torment me
AII night, I stay awake""
They make me weep
Your words, I remember,...""
and I shed tears
How can anyone bear...
the pangs of separation
""What is my state...?
How do I teII you?""
""This Iove story, how
wiII I narrate to you?""
""Your memories haunt me;
they torment me""
AII night, I stay awake""
They make me weep
""Rajesh, where"s Deepak?
I He must be with some girI.""
You guys are aII aIike.
Don"t you think this
juice is not very sweet?
""No, how can it be when
you are touching the gIass?""
""You have a good sense of humour.
I I"m not joking,..."""s my Iove for you.
I What?
I can show you how deepIy
I Iove you.
What are you doing?
You are there...
in my dreams and my thoughts.
What nonsense?!
This is just my Iove for you.
I"m in Iove with you.
""What happened?
I Nothing, buddy.""
I was sIapped in my dreams too.
Look, Raj is here.""
When did you come?
I Just now.
How are your eyes now?
I Can"t you see?
He drove his car tiII Goa
with his eyes bIinded.
But I think you are
searching for someone.
How"s Nikita?
I He"s so worried about her!
Won"t a man enquire
about his destination?
""Raj, she stays away from us.
She seems to be very tense.""
Joy and sorrows are
two faces of Iove.
You shouId be prepared for both.
And the joy of meeting
wiII be much greater than the...
sorrow of separation.
""If my Iove is true, she"II
definiteIy be my Iove.""
""Friends, you must have never
pIayed such an interesting game.""
There are chits of each boy"s
name in this.
Every girI wiII pick a chit.
The boy whose name is...
in the chit wiII
be the girI"s partner.
There are candIes
kept on the tabIe.
""The girI wiII Iight it from one
end, the boy from other.""
But there"s a condition
that one matchstick shouId...
.... Iight aII the candIes.
Pick up the chit.
Deepak. Your boyfriend.
I He"s your partner for now.
So shaII we start the game
with Raj and Nikita?
Start the game.
What"s wrong with you?
Why did you come away?
Because that was not a game
but your pIan...
to make me and Raj meet.
I Yes it was...
because he Ioves you and
even you Iove him.
Don"t you Iove him?
You don"t want to
accept that fact.
You behave Iike this just
but that pains you too.
You hurt him deIiberateIy
but that pains you too.
What do you want him to do?
Die for you?
""If you want that, you sureIy
have a crueI heart.""
I"ve said whatever I had to.
It"s your own wish now.
I beIong to you...
You beIong to me
I"m aII yours...
and you"re mine
Tip, tip... faIIs the rain""
""Whether you agree or not,
you beIong to me""
I beIong to you
And you beIong to me
""Your refusaI actuaIIy
means yes""
I have read that in your eyes
Your face has given you away
""It"s I who Iives
in your heart""
Whether you agree or not...
I"m aII yours
And you"re mine
""I have taken you
for my Iife""
""In my breath,
you Iinger""
""I"m not the kind of man
you think I am""
You wiII beIieve that soon
""I couId Iay down my Iife for you,
if you wish""
""Tip, tip... where
are the rains?""
I agree, I beIong to you""
I agree, I"m aII yours""
I"m aII yours
You"re mine
Your madness has won me over
""Our attitudes have changed;
the season of Iove is here""
""We dance and so do our hearts
and the earth""
""The earth appears more
beautifuI than the Heavens""
So say it again...
Yes, I"m aII yours""
What turn has my Iife taken?
I agree, I"m aII yours""
I"m aII yours
I"m aII yours
Did anyone of you see Nikita?
She"s not in her room.
Strange, even Raj is not to be seen.""
I That"s strange.
Where have they gone?
Where have you brought me?
I Are you scared?
Not at aII.
I It"s quite an interesting pIace.
This statue has been here since
the days of Raja Chandragupt.
There"s a myth that this
statue is an abode to a demon.
Your wish is fuIfiIIed if you put
your hand in its mouth and make a wish
""But if you have some
eviI intentions,...""
the demon wiII bite off your hands.
I ReaIIy? Is that the truth?
Let"s try it out.
Why don"t you make a wish?
I Okay.
First you make a wish.
I What happened?
Nikita, my hand!""
Were you scared?
I Never do that again.
""ShaII we go?
I Yes, Iet"s go.""
""Rakesh, the bus
is about to come.""
But Raj and Nikita are
not to be seen anywhere.
""Don"t worry, they"II be here
by the time the bus comes.""
""Nikita, I stiII feeI that
aII this is a dream.""
It was proved wrong that
dreams never come true.
I feeI as if I am the
happiest person in this worId.
You said you hated me.
I was wrong. PIease forgive
me if you can.
It was my mistake. You had
just punished me for my deeds.
I had tormented you a Iot.
Didn"t you ever
feeI Iike hating me?
How can I ever forget
my first Iove in Iife?
""Had I forgotten you,
I wouIdn"t have got you back.""
Today I reaIise how Iucky I am.
I am fortunate that you
have become mine forever.
Promise that you wiII be
with me for my entire Iife.
I want to ask something eIse from God.
I What?
To be yours
in aII my births.
""Has everybody come?
I No, two are yet to come.""
It"s aIready Iate.
I won"t wait a minute Ionger.
PIease wait for a few moments.
What shaII we do now?
I The bus must have gone too.
What wiII others think about us?
I There"II be stories to teII.
Everybody wiII be taIking about us.
I What wiII uncIe think?
What"s there to think?
He"II just fix our marriage.
""Mr. Burma, I"m sorry,
I couIdn"t recognize you.""
Even I couIdn"t recognize you.
We are meeting after so Iong.
I"ve tried very hard
to forget those days.
PIease don"t remind me
of those days.
But what brings you here?
PIease have a seat.
""ActuaIIy, my niece Nikita
studies in your coIIege.""
And a boy caIIed Raj
studies in her cIass.
""Do you know him?
I Yes, very weII.""
He has come to our house.
He"s a very good boy.
You are right. I know
why you"ve come here.
What about the trip?
I AII students have come back...
except for Raj and Nikita.
I That"s why I"m worried.
""Nikita is onIy my niece,
but I Iove her Iike a daughter.""
""Don"t worry. I assure you,
she"II reach home aIright.""
You have put me at ease.
I wonder how Iong we"II
have to wait for them.
It may be possibIe that
Raj has informed his famiIy.
""Do you have his address?
I No, but we"II get it from office.""
I"II find it out.
I You need not do that.
I"II go to the office myseIf.
We"ve met after so Iong.
Why don"t you come home
with Nikita sometimes?
I"II sureIy come.
""Sir, Mr.Anand Burma
wants to meet you.""
Did he take an appointment?
I He has some personaI work.
He"II take just five minutes.
I Okay. Send him in.
""Do you find it hard to
recognize me, Mr.Mahinder?""
I recognised you as soon as I
saw you even after so many years.
Yes, I remember you.""
""Yes, the very same man,
whose tenant you were.""
I was.
I That"s right.
Take a seat.
Come to the point.
I don"t have time to waste.
Even I don"t have time to waste.
You had better warn your son
not to meet Nikita again.
Yes, Nikita. She"s my niece.""
They both are in
the same coIIege.
They both are good friends.
You shouId congratuIate
your niece on having chosen...
Mahinder BehI"s onIy son
as her friend.
He"s the onIy heir
to aII my riches.
That"s enough, Mahinder!""
CaII me Mr. Mahindra BehI.
Mind your Ianguage.
Just teII your son
what I toId you.
Because he is your son.
I don"t want him to repeat
what you did to your wife.
And you better teII your
niece that the poor aIways...
dream of riches which
are never to be fuIfiIIed.
You may go now.
A man Iike you
wiII never change.
So you have got here finaIIy.
I UncIe...
We"re sorry for being Iate.
The coIIege bus had aIready
Ieft when we reached there.
It was my duty to bring her home.
""Which you have fuIfiIIed,
thank you very much.""
I am sure that my niece
wiII never do anything wrong.
You"re right. I"II go now.
Don"t ever come here again.
I What?
And forget that you
had ever known my niece.
What are you saying, UncIe?""
You need not know
the reason for this.
I"ve aIways done everything
for your weII being.
But we Iove each other.
And we want to marry as soon
as we finish our studies.
That"s impossibIe!
I"m oId enough to make
my own decisions.
But Raj can never be
part of your Iife.
What"s wrong with Raj?
How dare you taIk
to me Iike that?
No one can separate
us without any reason.
Even you have no
right to do that.
I You better not interfere.
But I shouId know what has
made you hate me so much?
Why can"t we marry?
I don"t want to insuIt you
in Nikita"s presence.
""But if you reaIIy want
to know, I"II teII you.""
You are not fit to
be married to my niece...
because notoriety
runs in your famiIy.
You are insuIting my father.
I He is fit to be insuIted.
He Ieft his wife for
the sake of riches.
What? But I was toId
she was dead.
Your father must have
toId you this Iie.
So that his image
is not tarnished.
But your mother is stiII aIive.
She is a very respectabIe Iady.
""Who is she?
I The principaI of your coIIege, Bina.""
Go and ask her if
you don"t trust me.
And don"t try to come here again.
Forget him. You are no
Ionger concerned with him.
""I No!
I Trust me, no one can separate us.""
Do wait for me.
PIease uncIe!
I can"t Iive without him.
PIease don"t do this, UncIe!""
I don"t want you
to ruin your Iife.
""You won"t go out of this room,
not even for going to coIIege.""
I want to meet Mrs. BehI.
Madam, he wants to meet you.""
You? You can meet me
in the office tomorrow.
I have come here
to ask something...
which can"t be asked
in the office.
I need the repIy
this moment itseIf.
What do you want to ask?
I It"s an oId thing.
A woman had sacrificed her son
for the sake of her principIes.
You have no right to interfere
in my personaI matters.
""I am sorry, but your
principIes meant more for you.""
Your husband was busy
accumuIating riches...
and the two of you were separated.
But you forgot that
you had a chiId too...
who craved for his parent"s
Iove throughout his Iife.
When a ray of hope
entered his Iife...
even that was snatched away
from him.
The worId said that notoriety
runs in his famiIy.
""Who is responsibIe for this,
his mother or father?""
How can I teII you that?
You have to give me
a repIy for that.
Because Mahindra BehI"s
son is asking you this.
You are Raj?
The two of you Ied your Iives
on your own terms.
Don"t I have the right
to ask why neither of you...
ever thought about
your son"s Iife...?
who was more Iike an orphan
in spite of having parents.
Do you have anything eIse to say?
There"s nothing Ieft to say.
I I just have one repIy for...
aII your accusations.
The society or the worId which...
makes Iife a heII for those who
don"t know their father"s name.
I didn"t want you to face
any such situation.
That"s the reason why I
sacrificed a mother"s affection.
Didn"t you ever think about me?
This sorrow remained with me
as your remembrance.
Don"t open my wounds.
I Raj, my son!""
PIease don"t cry mother.
Let me cry to my heart"s content.
It wiII give me soIace.
""No one has ever seen me
cry, but you.""
These are the tears of
the joy of a mother.
I"ve found everything today.
Mother, you wiII never cry again.""
Your son gives you this promise.
Raj, where are you going?""
There"s just a thing
Ieft to be done...
.... which is very important.
UncIe, where"s daddy?""
So you have finaIIy come?
Perhaps you don"t find it
important to give a repIy.
Neither wouId you be interested
in knowing why I am awake.
I have worked for years
to attain this fame.
But your singIe deed
has spoiIed everything.
An ordinary man
insuIted me today.
I feeI Iike striking
Iike the Iightning on you.
But I can"t do that.
Can I ask you why you
did such a thing?
Why did you insuIt your
father in this manner?
Answer me.
I have an answer for
every question of yours.
But first you have
to give me a repIy.
Where is my mother?
I need an answer.
""Now say that she is dead.
I Yes, your mother is dead.""
The mother who had
given birth to me?
Or the one whom you had
married for the sake of money?
""Now I understand, Anand Verma
has instigated you against me.""
""No, he just toId me the truth.
I Which truth?""
The truth which you had
hidden from me...
and kept me in the dark
for so many years.
It was your own decision
to Ieave your wife.
But you had no right to
separate a chiId from his mother.
She is dead as far as
I am concerned.
You toId this for
the first time today.
You have aIways toId me that
my mother died on my birth.
""Yes, that is the truth.
I I know the truth.""
The means you empIoyed to
gain weaIth in those days...
"".... were reaIIy cheap.
I Raj, what do you want to say?""
My mother is aIive.
And she is the principaI
of my coIIege.
In spite of staying away from
her husband for the sake...
""of her principIes, she is
Ieading a respectabIe Iife.""
And you are Ietting your
emotions get the better of you.
You don"t know what
such emotions mean.
I don"t need to know.
""In today"s worId, money is more
important than anything eIse.""
Not more important than a
mother"s affection.
Listen to this before
you put a step forward.
If you think that your
separation wiII change me...
then you are terribIy wrong.
You won"t even get
a singIe penny from me.
Long before you had Ieft
my mother for money.
But today I shun you and
your riches for my mother.
I have no pIace for you
in my Iife.
I have taken this decision
after Iots of introspection.
You don"t know what
such emotions mean.
EviI wiII aIways remain eviI.
Because my principIes can never
be one with your ideoIogy.
Long ago you had Ieft my
mother for the sake of money.
Today I shun aII your riches
for the sake of my mother.
Now we can"t even
meet in the coIIege.
UncIe has Iocked
her in her room.
I can"t Iive without Nikita.
I Her uncIe can"t force her Iike that.
Even the Iaw doesn"t
permit this.
You both are aduIts and
Iove each other too.
Nobody can stop you
from getting married.
How can the marriage take pIace
without the bride"s presence?
Her uncIe is himseIf
keeping a watch on her.
There"s onIy one way. We"II
have to bring her out once.
""Once you get married, then
there"s no probIem at aII.""
Are you aII ready to heIp me?
I Do you have to ask that?
Is there any doubt about that?
Then it"s decided. Tonight
Nikita wiII be with us.
I Nikita, open the window.""
I can"t Iive without you, Raj.""
""Neither can I Iive
without you, Nikita.""
I"ve decided that nothing
can separate us now.
Who"s there in the garden?
Raj, I"m very scared.""
You have to come with me.
I But where?
The pIace where we"II be
married tomorrow.
Marriage? But uncIe?
I This is our Iast chance.
No one can separate us
after marriage.
We"II come to seek his
bIessings Iater.
Let"s go.
Who"s there?
I"m Anand Burma.
Your son ran away with
my niece just now.
Come to the point. I don"t
have time to waste.
""Then Iisten, I"II not spare
you if any harm befaIIs her.""
Do you understand?
We"ve reached the marriage haII.
I You guys go and bring a priest.
We can"t Ieave you both aIone here.
A coupIe can never be aIone.
It"s aIready very Iate. We can
come back onIy by dawn.
Doesn"t matter. You go
and do caII my mother.
Go on.
I Let"s go.
""Nikita, why have you
become so siIent?""
Now what are you worried about?
We just have to wait tiII dawn.
Had your father and my uncIe
agreed for our wedding...
we wouId have been so happy.
I Yes.
Then we wouIdn"t have
taken aII these troubIes.
Neither the priest wouId
have had to be caIIed here.
But we"II be married
according to the rituaIs...
so that no one can
point fingers on us.
RituaIs aIso incIude the
bIessings of our eIders.
My mother wiII bIess us.
I respect her more than anyone.
She wiII not onIy bIess you
but wiII aIso Iove you.
Anything eIse?
Yes, I know where to come.""
""Yes, I"II reach there.
I Come as soon as you can.""
Raj and Nikita want to
take your bIessings.
AIright. I"II be there.
I"ve come here with a compIaint
against your son.
""Last night, he
kidnapped my niece.""
I know and they ran away
because of you.
They Iove each other and
they want to marry too.
But I don"t want that to happen.
I Just because you hate Raj"s father?
Yes, because he"s Raj"s father.""
I don"t want to see Nikita
suffer Iike you did.
And she wiII not. Raj is
sureIy his father"s son...
but I gave birth to him.
He has inherited my principIes.
But I don"t want my niece
to be the daughterIinIIaw...
.... of a man fuII of avarice.
Just don"t think about
that because my son...
has shunned his father"s
riches for Nikita and me.
""It"s your wish now, but
I"m going to bIess...""
my son and my daughterIinIIaw
at this moment itseIf.
But how can it be possibIe.
I Why not?
How can it be possibIe
without my presence?
FoIIow that car.
I think they have come.
Thanks a Iot, Raj.""
For what?
I For making it easier for me.
You brought Nikita here.
Now I"II take her away.
I"II not spare even if
you try to touch her.
""Don"t try to act smart,
or eIse you wiII regret it.""
I have suffered a Iot
because of you.
Today I wiII take
revenge for everything.
And that too a very
beautifuI revenge.
""Raj, what"s going on?
Who"s this?""
Enemies of Iove.
My chiId!
I UncIe!
""Are you aIright?
I Yes, I"m fine...""
""but I tried to cheat you.
I Forget aII that, my chiId.""
Even I became an enemy
for both of you.
But now I won"t stop you.
You"re bIeeding a Iot.
Let my eviI intentions
fIow away.
Are you Nikita?
I Yes and she"s my fiancee.
Is aII this vioIence
just for her sake?
""If saving my wife"s honour
is vioIence, then it is.""
But you won"t understand this.
""This is a question of
experience, Raj.""
Three exampIes of which
are present here.
This woman sacrificed her husband
and her son for her principIes.
""And the two of you,
young and ignorant...""
who think Iove is the
greatest achievement in Iife.
And I...
who can die...
but cannot face defeat.
But why are you teIIing
us aII this?
Because now you have
defeated me...
""yes, you have
done that Raj.""
""When you went away
from me, I feIt as if...""
nothing was Ieft
in my Iife.
I hated my own riches.
You made me reaIise
that my Iife was...
just of series of mistakes.
Today I can"t even
apoIogize for my sins.
When a man reaIises
his mistakes...
even God forgives him.
I am just your wife.
You are very fortunate.
You Iost everything years ago...
and you got everything
back in a moment...
""your wife, your son and
a daughterIinIIaw.""
Come here.