After the Ball (2015)

Graduation showcase.
Oh, come on.
Sporting a fresh new look.
Pins, pins, pins...
20 seconds.
Oh my God, Kate.
Total disaster.
She completely mangled the elastic...
Not my fault.
You make it so flimsy.
Flimsy? It wasn't flimsy.
You tore it with your stiletto.
Who puts shoes on first?
Polly, breathe.
Gonna pin it.
10 seconds, Polly.
Go, go.
You're a lifesaver.
Kate Kassell, 1 minute.
Where are the pins you went to get?
You just had them.
Okay, well, I don't have one...
so you're just gonna have to hold it up.
I won't be able to remember that.
It's in 30 seconds.
I won't be able to remember.
Hi, um, I just wanted
to introduce myself.
I'm Kate Kassell.
I was the last designer of the showcase.
I admire Prada so much.
I was wondering if maybe
you had a position...
Of Kassell clothing?
Well, that's my father's business...
So you're the daughter of the
man whose business is built on...
taking our designs
and turning out knockoffs...
and you'd like a job?
Uh, well that's actually
why I went to fashion school.
Dear, you're obviously very talented...
but with your pedigree
who would hire you?
Nice meeting you, Kate.
Ow, ow, ow, ow...
Shouldn't you be in bed?
I'm allowed to stay up to 10 these days.
Hello, my darling Kate.
You look so thin.
We need to get some soup into you.
Richard's here.
Did you call your Dad...
or is this another secret
visit to Montreal?
All hail the conquering heroine.
There she is.
You look more like
your mother every day.
Doesn't she and she
has the talent to match.
My goddaughter can make a
ball gown out of a burlap sack.
Oh, such fond memories of burlap.
Not for mixed company though.
Vino, Tinto?
Yes, please.
Who's that?
It's Dad.
He's sorry that he
missed my showcase...
and he's asking if I want
to work at Kassell.
Seriously and work for my
stepmom and her two devil spawn.
Forget about them.
You could design.
You could learn the trade.
I want to work in a couture
fashion house, Bella.
And I want to perform
'Priscilla, Queen of the Desert'
on Broadway
opposite Channing Tatum.
I'd pay to see that.
Honey, anyone would...
but sometimes even the
best ideas don't work out.
What'd you do if
you were in my shoes?
Get new shoes.
If I were you,
I'd take his offer.
You have nothing to
lose and you never know...
where this might lead.
But seriously, new shoes.
No one wants to see a
dentist with bad teeth.
Who's pouring me some of that vino?
You're going for a job in fashion...
and this is what you're wearing?
Oh, stop fussing.
Well, at least let me add some colour.
Humour me.
Are you okay?
You okay?
Just... I'm a little bit nervous and um,
it's my first day. So...
It's gonna be fine.
Just go slowly.
All right, I'm going to try this again.
Kassell Clothing.
One moment please.
Kassell Clothing.
I'll see if he's in.
I'm here...
She's in a meeting.
Excuse me.
Can you just...
With whom?
Hello, girl who can't work a door. Hi.
Um, I'm here to see Lee Kassell.
You can speak to the
Vice-President, Elise Kassell.
Let me be very clear.
The price I will pay is
the price I was quoted.
I don't care about the shortage.
I didn't cause the typhoon.
So what you need to do is get
me that shipment at that price.
You got it?
Fine, thank you so much.
Yes, okay, thank you, bye-bye.
Oh my goodness.
Is that really you?
It's been so long. Look at you.
What a cute hat.
That's so brave.
It's good to see you, Elise.
What are you going here?
Well, uh, I was going to see my dad.
Oh, your dad's in London for the week.
It doesn't matter.
Y'know your stepmom is
here for anything you need.
Just ask away.
I'd like to take him up
on his offer of a job.
That's great.
I... you know what I
think I'm just surprised...
because there was that,
you know,
difficult separation
before you went to New York.
Yeah, um, here's my portfolio.
It's just... it's some
mock ups and sketches.
I thought you wanted
to work in couture?
I'd love to work here.
I grew up here and
it's the family business.
The business has changed so
much since you were young...
and so has the family.
Oh Katie, we are
thrilled to have you back.
There's just a long queue.
Everyone wants to design.
Well, I don't want
any special treatment.
Really, you would
just work your way up...
and pay your dues just
like everyone else?
Of course.
That... that's just such a great attitude.
You know what, I'm going to put
you under Tannis and Simone...
and just keep it all in the family.
Your daughters are designing?
You'll see them in the meeting.
What meeting?
Everyone, this is Katie.
Go take that seat, dear.
She is fresh out of design school...
and here for some real
world experience.
I see everyone has a water and I don't.
I guess I'm not thirsty.
You okay?
It's really...
It's okay. It's-it's...
I'll take care of it.
I'm sure no one noticed.
So sorry.
Don't worry.
Nobody here thinks
you're awkward or anything.
Oh my God; No one.
We're all just
embarrassed for you right now.
Maurice, where's our model.
The twins fired her on Wednesday.
We're not twins.
Stop saying that.
Well, who's going to
try on the dress for us?
How about Kate?
I'm not really a model.
Absolutely it should be you, Kate.
Yeah, we need to
support her right now.
Yeah, she just had that humiliating fall.
We all saw it.
Excellent idea.
Come on, Katie.
Um, excuse me.
There's a screen right there.
How hard is it to change into something.
Yeah. How hard?
We have a good variety of fabric.
Where is it written that every
piece must come in five colours?
On the requisition orders you signed.
No, I only sign those
things for the pieces I like.
But you signed them.
Well, I like it better already.
Okay, as instructed by
the powers that be,
I stripped down the design.
That's what happens when
you take away the fun.
We're not focusing on fun, Maurice.
Our customers are
worker bees who shop...
during their lunch hour.
Girls, I'd like you to come up
with something better so go back...
to the inspiration board
and for everyone else,
we're done. Bye-bye.
I want the two of
you to supervise Kate.
I thought she was too good for retail.
She is.
I don't think she'll like it here.
Why not?
Why wouldn't she like it?
There's free coffee and donuts...
Tannis, she's saying she
wants us to get Kate to quit.
Oh, yeah.
I'm-I'm Daniel by the way; From Shoes.
Is it always like this?
Oh no, normally it's really tense.
Forget him, honey.
He's been single so long
I think he's forgotten how.
Kate. Now.
I left my stuff back there.
Do you guys think I
could change out of this?
Way better than what wearing before.
And this room hasn't
been sorted in years.
How do you want it?
Uh... sorted.
That will do.
Be nice cause she's
nice and you're not.
Um, I have some ideas for this dress.
It's very nice already, Maurice.
Please, I hate it.
Elise noted it to death at sample.
Um, okay,
well, there's-there's
two darts at the back.
Um, if you left out a
panel the waistline is...
Oh, I love this.
Very Twiggy.
Yes, 60s, right?
And with these buttons I found...
we've got thousands of them.
Kate, if I wanted you to have
an idea I'd give it to you.
Yeah, where'd you
think I get all of mine?
So, is the accessory room all done yet?
Uh, no, nope.
I should... well, I
just, I should get on that.
That was not nice.
Get in here.
Kate, you're seriously
wearing those overalls to work?
Is it bring your shame to work day?
I'm sorting buttons and
I needed the pockets.
Sorting buttons when you should
be designing and they know it.
Right now I'm just paying my dues.
And I don't wanna give Elise
a reason to tell him...
that I'm not working out.
Just remember to push
for what you want.
All I want right now is a cab.
Um, Elise needs to speak to you.
And she's the boss of you.
I understand but I'm
gonna show them this...
in the meeting.
Hey, Dad.
Look at you.
I'm, um, Elise told me
that you accepted my offer.
I'm so pleased.
Uh, well, you've,
uh, um, you're taller.
Ah, I'm exactly the same size.
I mean, well you know,
I mean, you've grown up.
Four years, you know.
No, it hasn't been that long, has it?
Um, I'm very sorry that I
missed your graduation.
No, it was-it was rescheduling the...
Yeah. No, Dad.
I'm sure that you were just really,
really busy here and...
He's a very busy man.
Ah, here I am apologizing again.
No, Dad, I'm sorry.
We need to reconnect.
Dinner, Friday.
You pick it.
My treat.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Yeah, let's do it.
Good talk.
Are they alright?
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
You gotta start wearing a helmet...
I'm sorry.
They're really nice,
these shoes.
Wanna try them on?
Oh, no, no, no. It's okay.
Come on. I've never seen...
them with someone.
I have to get back to work anyway...
This is work.
I'll do it.
Safer that way.
I'm an odd size.
Yeah, they're a bit big.
They're nice.
Oh, you're a designer.
You can do better than that.
Um... the pitch needs work...
and the width of the
last is a bit narrow.
I would actually close the
peep and lower the vamps,
and then you could just-
just get rid of the straps.
I don't know.
I was expecting maybe
like one adjective but...
I asked.
I'm sorry, I didn't...
I-I asked for it and
actually you're right.
Yeah, you're right.
Well, buttons await.
If I can find my way back there.
Do, uh, can I walk you there?
Oh, yeah.
Um, kids? Married?
I'm quite unattached.
Same for me.
Yeah, Maurice was telling me...
Ah, Maurice.
I like the guy but sometimes...
what did he say?
I'm a broken man hiding in
the basement licking my wounds.
Cursing my fate.
That you were single.
So terrible,
all these people laid off?
Yeah well, back when Mr.
Kassell actually gave a damn,
this used to be a great place to work.
Now he's like some mythical beast.
You know there's been sightings
but no one knows much about him.
Including me.
Well, you just got here.
You do know that he's my dad, right?
No, really.
What? Oh.
Just going over everything I
said in the past ten minutes...
Oh, uh, I'm... I'm sorry.
I thought you knew. I thought
everybody would know that.
No don't-don't be sorry.
Um, I'm the one that
was bad mouthing him.
I didn't mean to make you feel bad.
Looks like we're neighbours.
I might have taken you the long way.
It's a beautiful room.
Very cozy.
That yours?
They... it's-it's really nothing.
They're just really loose, uh, sketches.
Is that me?
That's me.
It was... I... it was another designer.
The coat is awesome.
It's a really nice coat.
It's yours if I ever get to design.
Well, thank you.
There you go.
Have fun.
I'll let you work.
Try not to hurt anyone.
I don't know why she hasn't quit yet.
I dunno. I think buttons are kinda cool.
If she won't quit.
We'll just have to get Lee to fire her.
Hey, I just finished,
uh, metals versus plastics.
Follow me.
I was just telling the girls...
this is a waste of Katie's talent.
It's time we moved you into design.
Thank you, Elise.
I promise I won't let you down.
I have so many ideas.
Just remember,
you're the CEO's daughter.
So always be a team player.
Everyone, Katie Kassell.
Yes, that Kassell but
no special treatment.
That's your place.
Well, that was a quick promotion.
Yes, well, she's here to help.
Aren't you Katie?
Dad, I found the most amazing
restaurant for dinner tonight.
No student dives.
This is my treat.
We have dinner with the mayor
tonight about that tax thing.
Took us forever to get.
Tomorrow then.
Tomorrow, you're in Laval.
Why don't you let me arrange it?
I know his schedule.
Let Elise arrange this.
She, uh, arranges things.
Okay, girls.
Daddy Lee, are you
ready for our pitch?
So you know how we hate to
see clothes go to waste?
No, I didn't know that.
So, um, when
Maurice's designs flopped...
we wanted to find a frugal solution.
Yes, one that didn't cost a lot of money...
and so we came up with this.
Show him.
Well, well, well.
I like it.
Now a simple design
with a bold concept.
In my day,
we called that a runner.
Who knew?
Um, guys?
That was...
I came up with that.
There's no I in Kassell, Kate.
Except at the end.
After the 'e'.
Duh, but you write them like
'I's' Simone. Google it.
It's called grammar.
We pride ourselves on being
a holistic creative team.
So why don't you start by
just putting our designs...
into the computer.
Can I just go get my
stuff in Accessories?
Oh, yeah, no.
I'll get that for you.
It's kind of like an inputting emergency.
Okay. Bye.
Nice buttons...
Oh, we should totally upload
dirty pictures to her Instagram.
Mom told me exactly what to do.
Don't mess this up.
I won't mess this up.
Mom told me exactly what to do.
I wrote it down.
You need to take these to...
the flagship store.
But before she does that...
you need to upload the
designs to the company FTP.
Take these to the flagship store.
Before that,
upload the designs.
Have you ever done that before?
Get a pen.
I'll give you the address.
No, 'I' in Kassell.
Are these the new pieces?
I think what they're going for...
you don't like them.
Um, not so much.
Hold on.
Just need you to sign something.
What do you think?
I don't like it.
Sweetie, you look beautiful.
It doesn't make me feel special.
Come on.
You look gorgeous.
No, I want that one over there.
Honey, we talked about it.
Remember, it's too expensive.
We can make this one work, right?
I guess.
You'll look beautiful.
I promise.
You should've seen her face.
She was so disappointed.
It was such an easy
construction though...
and then she had to settle for a dress.
A boring, rigid,
Elise inspired dress.
I don't get it.
What happened here?
Well, Elise wanted to focus on bridge,
day-to-night wear.
You know business casual.
Yeah, business boring.
I don't get it.
Why aren't we
using the cutting room?
I mean, I could've made that dress...
and it could've been affordable.
It would've been so
easy for me to transform it.
You know what?
You're going to do great things.
I'm sorry.
There you are.
Come with me, Kate.
No problem.
Hey, Dad.
Something wrong?
Katie, did you upload the dress designs...
to the Kassell FTP server?
Did they not go through?
They did.
To a public FTP server
that anyone can access.
And 10 minutes later,
Frost Apparel...
downloaded those designs.
How would they know
that they were there?
I don't know.
I mean, what are you saying...?
Someone would have
to tell them wouldn't they?
I guess.
Simone gave me the address.
Is this your writing?
She dictated it to me, Elise.
Tannis told me that you were upset.
That you felt that you
contributed to their collection.
I did and they took my ideas.
I would never do something like this.
May I see your phone?
Our samples.
Let's hope they have
gone nowhere else.
I didn't take those.
But they're in your phone.
Clearly, I've been set up by somebody.
Who would set you up?
I cannot have this kind of
behaviour in the workplace.
Do you understand me?
I cannot tolerate this.
I'm sorry.
Oh, Katie.
You have to stop hurting your father.
You've gotta be kidding me.
Now obviously this is
not going to work out.
You need to clean out your desk...
and I will have HR arrange
two weeks of severance.
Can I have my phone back please?
She totally played me
and I walked right into it...
and now I can't even work at
my own family business?
How could Lee be so blind?
She's driving the company into the ground.
She's stifling the designers
like some evil corporate witch.
No offense to witches.
I have gotta show him
who Elise really is.
We have to do something.
That's it.
Let's do something.
That's the spirit.
Let's egg their house.
What are you, twelve?
You know, shame on your father.
Why didn't you tell Lee
that Tannis and Simone...
stole your designs...
in the first place?
I tried but Elise.
I don't know why I'm so scared of her.
I open my mouth and
nothing comes out of it.
I know exactly what
you mean, buttercup.
I have the same problem.
You do not have the same problem.
He just says what he thinks
and then regrets it later.
You need some of Richard's chutzpah.
Richard you stand
there and people listen to you.
You know, they make space for you.
Let's have them listen to us.
We'll tell them, 'Make
your own damn designs.'
Make your own damn designs.
Make your own damn designs.
Or I'll kick your ass.
Your surgery enhanced asses.
All the way back to the tanning salon.
What-what if Richard
applied to Kassell to design?
See this is when
Bella's had too much wine.
And the mind.
It's the first thing to go.
I don't mean you as you.
I mean you as him.
We could get some
clothes from the shop.
Think Twelfth Night in disguise.
Good Madonna, please give me
leave to prove you're a fool.
Why? To do what?
You need to get back into Kassell.
You need to get close
to your dad again.
You can't do that as Kate.
Where's that picture?
The little boy model didn't show up...
and your mother used you instead.
Oh, is that you?
That's her.
She said it's all in the attitude.
See, he didn't even recognize you.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I know that look.
No way.
You need to go back to Kassell...
as someone that they will
listen to and take seriously.
I'm a man. Here I am.
No. No, no. No, no.
If you walk like this,
people are gonna think...
I have my hands here... look.
See? Look at this. Look.
No, I haven't done this since we
mounted 'Cyrano' at the Centaur.
We also did a little play.
Can't remember the title.
Just turn your chin.
Last night,
this was really funny...
but I just... I don't...
Don't talk.
You know the sideburns and the
eyebrows could be better...
but the jaw; That's the real
giveaway and that is...
let's go show Bella.
It's Nate Ganymede.
Sergio, you will not regret this.
You haven't seen a designer
this good in a very long time.
Trust me.
Ciao, bello.
Oh, yes.
Hello, may I help you.
Jaw line's a real giveaway
don't you think?
Ah, Kate.
Fooled you.
Oh geez, Richard.
Are those contacts?
Are you ready to go for a test drive?
No way. No way.
No, no.
Just remember... remember do the
opposite of what Kate would do.
Just be me.
Be me.
Wait, no...
Help you with something, pal?
I mean, bro?
I mean, fella?
I-I need a tie for a date.
I just can't decide.
You know, they both are pretty.
You know, uh, I mean,
pretty badass.
That's terrible.
Be me.
Um, you know, on second thought.
Don't be so boring, buttercup.
This-this is absolutely the, um,
tie for you, right here.
Oh, lovely.
Uh, I don't know.
Of course, it shows
that you're comfortable...
with your masculinity.
We like that.
I mean, women like that.
Heterosexual women.
Or so I've heard.
Oh, bravo.
And you sold the tie
twice what I would've asked for.
D'you think he could tell?
Not a chance.
He was utterly
convinced you were a man.
A weird awkward man.
Well, I am imitating you, Richard.
Okay, so, um, I called in a favour...
with the head of
recruitment at Kassell.
I told him that I had a
lead on a fabulously talented,
new designer named Nate.
Who's Nate?
You are.
It's what your mom would've called you...
if you had been a boy.
And sweetheart, you have an
interview with Lee in 2 hours.
You can do it.
No. I can't do this.
Yes, you can.
You just did it.
Don't-don't be scared.
- Don't... breathe.
- Kate is scared.
Nate is not scared.
He is fearless.
Nate is fierce.
Nate is fearless.
You can do it.
You guys know that I'm Nate, right?
Hi, I'm Nate Ganymede.
Oh, wait.
Excuse me.
You will stop for me.
Hey, cool.
This is one of Kassell's early
designs and the first runner.
Your dad loves this jacket.
This is insane.
Good luck.
This will work.
Oh, yes.
Well, I think we should at
least consider his offer.
I hate Frost Apparel.
Colin Frost has been stealing my ideas...
since we were students together.
Well, that is what competitors do.
What the hell happened here?
I don't know, honey.
Online shopping, yoga pants.
People used to smile at work here.
Designers used to stay up
all night working together...
just to get one piece perfect.
It felt like family.
Is this gonna work?
Okay, stop it.
Do what Richard would do.
Do what Richard would do.
Kassell Clothing,
one moment, please.
Kassell Clothing... please hold.
Good afternoon.
Nate Ganymede.
I'm Lee Kassell's two o'clock.
Actually, I believe you're meeting Elise.
I don't think so.
Lee Kassell, please report to reception.
Your two o'clock is
here and looking fabulous.
Give me that.
I'll be needing a security pass.
Nate Ganymede.
Take off your glasses.
And ruin this ensemble?
Forget it.
Due diligence.
Last I checked the eyes
were the windows to the soul.
Darling, we're in fashion.
You don't want me to have a soul.
So you trained at Parsons.
Interned at Dior and two
years in house at Zoom.
Why'd you want to work at Kassell?
Because you've lost your way...
and I'm the man to
help you find it again.
Your customers are bored.
So am I.
Ah, Nate this is the CEO of our company,
Lee Kassell.
Pleased to meet you, sir.
Hello, Nathan.
Nate is, uh...
I know it.
Autumn Expressions 1993 collection.
Right? Right?
Yes, the jacket.
Vintage, uh, Kassell.
What they used to call a runner.
This is Nate.
The one Serge called us about.
Have we met before, Nate?
Not in this incarnation.
Nate was just telling me
that he finds Kassell boring.
It's a bold strategy for a job interview.
How so?
Oh, honey, I can handle...
I'd go to Kassell
to see something new.
Now I go there and see
what I see everywhere else.
I don't think your
designers are being challenged...
to come up with surprises.
Well, surprises can be disastrous.
Take this jacket, for example.
It could have been a
disaster but it works...
and the customers told you that.
Yeah, we sold a million
of these coats at least.
Literally a million, uh huh.
And we opened six
other stores with this.
Kassell's one of the
few companies left with,
uh, in-house manufacturing.
Only for samples.
Why not try limited runs.
Lee, what luck.
Nate is not only a
designer but also a businessman.
Yes, but we have discussed
limited runs haven't we?
But every sample costs us
thousands of dollars to make.
I mean, this is all very
inspiring but talk is cheap.
You're right.
So Nate, you, uh,
you like surprises, do you?
I do. Yes.
Well then, surprise me.
Bring me something
unique but simple enough...
to build in-house.
Consider it done.
If I like it, we're going
to put your theory to test.
You won't be sorry.
Oh, come on.
Let's have a little fun.
I still can't believe that worked.
You guaranteed me it would.
Well, I'm on medication.
Strong medication.
You should never listen to me.
You are now a designer.
That's exactly my problem.
I don't have anything to present.
Elise has already seen my portfolio.
There is nothing that
they have not seen before.
There must be.
Dad and Elise missed
my school showcase.
They haven't seen this one yet.
If you had an attentive father,
you wouldn't have been able to...
trick him into
distributing your designs.
Oh Kate, that is absolutely stunning.
The hautest of haute couture.
Kassell should be knocking you off.
And that's just what they'll be doing.
Welcome, everybody.
We are here to reveal our new line:
Touch of Glamour.
So it's a mixture of glamour and touching.
Go ahead, touch it.
We also have a variety of animal
prints for a sustainable living...
and you can really mix
it up with this piece.
Work at drinks; Your choice.
A couple of accessories
in the bathroom and tada.
Is this daywear?
Because it looks like eveningwear.
All right.
Thank you.
Love it.
Practical and affordable.
Boring, predictable.
We have one more pitch
from a Mr. Nate Ganymede.
I don't think you go
from day to nightwear...
by adding earrings and a
pair of sparkly heels.
Now that's just me.
All right.
This is Everyday Princess.
Trust me to transform.
Women don't want a
Touch of Glamour.
They wanna be the belle of the ball.
You know what women want?
I wanna be the belle of the ball.
I thought we agreed
you weren't gonna speak.
Just because you work a 9 to 5...
doesn't mean you don't dream
of becoming someone else.
Here we are.
Who wouldn't want to take
this lovely lady for a spin?
You made that sample in two days?
It's just something I whipped up.
Forget about 6:30 cocktails.
Let's start thinking
about that midnight kiss.
Special occasions are not our forte.
Yes, well unfortunately that is true.
But, um, I think we
should take a shot at this.
You're hired.
Lee, are you reverting
to impulse decisions?
We worked on that.
Everyone, that's it.
Let's get back to work.
Nate, do you know there's
something about your work...
that reminds me of the
way Kassell used to be.
It's quite wonderful.
So let's get you a station
so you can get to work.
This is Nate's resume.
Look into him.
Dig up dirt.
If we're lucky we'll find some leverage...
that can pry him out of Lee's favour.
Don't talk in unison.
It's creepy.
Sorry, Mom.
We weren't planning anything.
Do you know where I
might find some buttons?
Well, this is just...
this is just spectacular.
What an exquisitely ordered room.
Whoever did this should
really get a promotion.
Well, she doesn't work
at the company anymore.
Well, what happened to her?
Same thing that's
gonna happen to you.
All right.
Look, sugar tits.
I know that your mom...
runs the company...
and all but I don't
take crap from anyone,
especially two mediocre talents
who are in way over their heads.
Now if you want war. I'll give you war.
But trust me,
you don't want war.
All right.
That was weird.
You are my hero.
No one talks to those two like that.
I just say what I feel and regret it later.
don't regret, sugar tits.
We should do
something to celebrate.
To welcome you to Kassell.
Oh no.
That's just... it's really.
Just leave it with me; Drinking, dancing.
We'll blow the night away.
Oh, Daniel.
You should come with us for drinks?
Welcome me to Kassell.
Maurice is organizing.
Oh, Daniel doesn't like to go out.
I'm in.
Just don't let him choose the place.
Oh, it's a shame he's straight, isn't it?
If you're into that kind of thing.
French, gorgeous.
Trust issues.
About five years ago, he caught
his fiance letting someone else...
dip his fork into her fondue.
And by fondue I mean...
Yeah, I get the idea.
He hasn't dated since.
He hasn't even put the train...
Yup, yup, yup.
I, uh, I figured it out.
See you tonight?
Isn't this great.
Told you not to let him pick the place.
To the bar.
All right.
To the font of all inspiration.
Another round.
It's cool, Nate.
It's alright...
It's okay. It's cool.
You're home early.
Uh oh, what's wrong?
I've installed some spyware so,
if somebody steals your
design, you'll know.
And I've hidden your
folder on the network.
Wonder what's in this...
Don't open those.
It's a decoy design as a precaution.
Just please, don't look at it.
Hey, hey, hey.
What is it?
A hideous idea from
my older years at Kassell.
Alien chic.
What happened?
What is that?
That-that was the 2000's.
Everything was shiny.
Okay, I have no defense.
Um, nope... I... bye.
You ignoring me?
You're totally ignoring me.
Just really gotta...
Come on, Nate.
Gotta skedaddle.
You're not the first guy to think I'm gay.
I wasn't ignoring you.
I'm usually very good at telling.
Well, you've put yourself out there.
It takes balls and I could
learn a thing or two from you.
Does Mr. Bergeron carry a
little torch for someone?
No one?
Aw, come on.
You can tell me.
She's a designer. Kate.
She was working here
before you arrived...
and she's talented but humble.
She has no idea how beautiful she is.
She's the opposite of everyone here.
And, um, I don't know.
I just can't stop thinking about her.
It sounds too good to be true.
Y'know, I've been burned before.
She doesn't really
look interested anyway.
She is... I wager.
You simply must find out.
I'm dying of curiosity.
Yeah, you're right.
What, um, are you calling
her right at this moment?
You're right.
I'll-I'll give it one more try.
You know, I-I just...
I left something...
I'm just gonna give you privacy.
Hey, I was just, um,
thinking about you.
I've been, I've-I've been
working at this vintage shop...
called After The Ball,
and we just got...
these 80's stilettos in,
and I was like,
Daniel has to see these.
You should, um,
you should come by.
Yeah, sure.
Seriously, drop by any time.
Okay, bye.
Yes, I... you know...
Why is he so happy?
So how did it go?
Thanks, I mean,
you-you were right.
She-she invited me
to stop by her work.
So, um, I'm knocking off early.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
No, no, no.
You're-you're going right now?
Wait, oh you can't.
Um, oh gosh, look at,
look at the roads.
There's traffic just...
Wish me luck, buddy.
A man is just about to
come out and get in this cab.
It is very important that, um,
you don't take him on expressways.
He has a real, uh, dizziness
problem on expressways.
Oh, man.
Sounds like you
want me to delay him, uh?
60 bucks.
Vintage clothes?
Like old clothes worn by other people.
Ew, I need a shower.
Why are you singing that?
Oh, because-because
we're spies... we're spying.
Is that Daniel?
Daniel drives a cab.
No, getting out of the cab.
Getting out.
Going into the same place.
Maybe they're working together.
Or maybe they're having an affair.
You came?
You look great.
You've got something...
Oh, yeah.
It's, uh, a cheek cleanser.
Um, come in.
Kate lives here too.
Of course.
Daniel and Kate are the spies...
leaking Kassell designs, Simone.
I just solved it.
It's us, dummy.
We're leaking the designs.
Mm hmm.
Do you remember...?
Yeah, no I just... that...
you make a good point.
I'm quite impressed.
I didn't take you for a
chocolate connoisseur.
There's a world of things
you don't know about me.
A world of manly
things you don't know.
I tried to call you a
couple times since you left.
I tried.
I didn't succeed.
Why not?
Um, I don't know.
I'm a little bit out of
practice and an idiot.
Well, don't let that stop you.
It's not easy for me
asking out the boss's daughter.
Well, we're out right now, aren't we?
It's not the same.
I didn't ask and you know.
Okay, well ask me.
Where do you wanna go?
I promise I'll say yes.
No matter where?
Mm hmm.
You name it.
Do you want to go to the
Fashion Week Ball with me?
Oh my God.
I... yes, yes.
Of course, I'll go with you.
It took a long time.
You're sure.
Yes, yes. I would love to.
Okay, good.
I'm calling about Nate Ganymede.
We have just hired him
here at Kassell Designs...
and I was just wondering, did
he work well with others?
Team player.
Employee of the month.
What month?
I'm sorry I do not speak foreign.
Come va?
Dolce Gabbanna.
I'm telling you this for nothing.
If he had worked here another month...
he would have discovered
the cure for cancer.
Everybody loves Nate.
I think I might be starting to love Nate.
We are so screwed, Simone.
Don't worry.
We'll figure it out.
This is it.
Are you nervous?
Oh, I may faint.
This is good, right.
I mean, it looks good.
Elise, let's uh, set Nate up
with press for the trades.
Is it worth it for a dress?
No, but they want to talk to the
designer of the new fall line.
This early fall?
Mm hmm.
Oh geez.
What about Tannis and Simone's line,
Touch of Glam?
No, no, no, we're not going to do that.
I'll need somewhere private to work, Lee.
Don't worry about that.
Well, it's a little late to
turn back the orders from China.
Well, why not do it in-house?
Put those dusty machines to use.
Excellent idea.
That's a big risk.
Ah, Colin, I hope
you washed your hands?
You know I don't carry
germs unless I can accessorize.
Well, Lee, it looks like you have a hit.
We'll see how the
numbers add up, Colin.
Please keep my offer in mind.
Kassel Frost has a nice ring to it.
Like breaking glass.
By way this is my new designer, Nate.
Nate, Colin.
Oh, well you've always
had an eye for talent.
Oh, look at the time.
I have an 11 o'clock with the Pope.
Needs a new hat.
He is funny.
I'll give him that.
I wonder what the hell he's doing here.
Who cares?
I have the perfect place for you to work.
A runner?
How could you let this happen?
This is a serious setback.
Just play your part.
Let me worry about
bringing Kassell down.
Who was that... Nate?
I don't know him.
I know everyone.
Nate has convinced Lee to
produce his line in-house.
It is so risky that even one slip up...
and we are back on the shopping
block cheaper than ever.
That is the moment to close
the deal once and for all.
Wait, wait, wait.
This Nate has his own line.
Don't worry.
It will be useless if you have it first.
I love the way you say useless.
The moment's over.
So here we are.
Every piece we ever made.
We have one copy here
including the first...
and I was the only one with the key.
Amanda and I did
something right at Kassell.
Once upon a time.
But then she passed...
and I haven't been
able to find it since.
But maybe you can.
Here I want to show you something.
It was 1989 in London.
I was at a party.
A really rather dull party...
and then I saw her
standing in the doorway.
She was wearing this skirt...
and cherry red Doc Marten boots.
So tough but pretty at the same time.
I'd never seen anything like it.
So I knocked off the skirt and I,
and I married the woman.
Even now, there's not
a day that goes by...
that I don't think about her.
Do you know that my
daughter is just like her?
Almost exact
and lives, breathes fashion.
Of course, I was hoping...
that she'd take over the business.
Yeah... but... she hates me.
Deep down I think
it's probably my fault.
Are you close with your father?
Yes, I am.
The fact is every time I saw Kate,
I saw her mother and I couldn't stand it,
so I pushed her away,
But I wish I could make it right.
Maybe you can.
It's complicated.
Anyway, let's talk of other things.
Are you all right?
Yeah, it's just, uh;
It's a very moving story.
Oh, well.
Now... it's all yours.
I'm expecting great
things from you, Nate.
Right, right.
What a great sight.
Making our own clothes again.
Monday trades are going to read...
'Kassell brings
production back home.'
Just lovely, isn't it.
It swells the heart.
Yes, it does.
It certainly does.
Of course, it also swells our expenses,
But let's hope your idea pays off.
Of course it will.
Bravo, gentlemen.
Of course it will.
Can you see anything?
Can you?
What're you doing?
Nate is totally hogging the archive.
Can you speak to him please?
Well, may I come in?
Yes, please.
Shoo, shoo, shoo.
These are very preliminary...
but I think that you
get the sense of it.
What do you call it?
'Girls Will Be Boys.'
I have an idea.
We'll drop the name at
the Fashion Ball tonight.
Oh, you're just going to have
such a great time doing that.
It will be when you
introduce it to the press.
Oh, um, no.
I'm not going.
Did you say you're not going?
Yeah, I can't, I can't make it.
You realize you have an interview...
with Women's Wear Weekly.
The girls told you that,
did they not?
Well, no.
They... I didn't really hear that.
Hear them saying that.
Well then let me
explain something to you.
That interview sets up
the whole year for Kassell.
It is a tradition and it is key.
Let me repeat.
Key for our marketing.
I would, oh, I would
really love to but I just...
y'know I'm just in over my head here.
Nate, you're the new
designer for Kassell.
It's not a negotiation.
You're going.
Go on.
What? It's not like...
Nate takes all of his his sketchbooks...
home with him at night.
Forget sketches.
My Colin is going
to need the design files...
if we're going to get a
jump on production.
Oh, there it is.
The Early Fall Line.
This is even better
than how we got Kate.
Way better.
Oh, this is our ticket to better, girls.
To bigger and better things.
Well, I have a lot more if
none of these work for you.
Please stop, Bella.
You don't understand.
Eventually, one will speak to you.
He wants me to do press
and pictures as Nate.
We have a winner.
You'll look gorgeous. I have
just the thing. Hang on.
Bella, I can't.
Buttercup, have you learned nothing.
If you think you can't do it,
then you can't do it.
But what if you believe you can,
and you arrive as Nate and you
do your best version of me...
and you answer wild
and witty questions.
Oh yeah, and then-then
you-you-you whisk off...
and you are Kate and then it's,
'I'm just a girl standing
in front of a boy, '
and you steal his heart and you dance.
Honey, I used to do
five changes a show.
You can do one.
Sounds easy when he says it.
It always does.
Wait... this is mine.
It's gorgeous, Bella
but I'm arriving as Nate.
I won't need a coat.
What about the ride home?
Hmm, hmm, hmm.
Well, how about that?
Oh, it's marvellous.
Isn't it.
Come with me.
Now, listen.
There's gonna be lots
of people you know...
and those you don't know
I'm going to introduce you.
By the way, Ron is here.
Ron Sakamoto.
From Zoom.
You apprenticed with him.
Yes, yes, of course.
The Ronster.
I'm just gonna run to the loo.
Uh, I've got to freshen up.
All right, hurry up and comb your hair.
I want this interview
over so I can zip outta here.
I think you have to wait to be called.
Why so glum, chum?
I've been stood up, I think.
No, no, no.
I'm sure you haven't.
I'm certain of it. You know...
She's probably just
running behind schedule.
I'm sure he's...
I'm sure you're right.
Um, you know, excuse me.
I gotta... I gotta take this.
I'll be back.
Come on, Kate.
You haven't lost your prized
show dog already have you, Lee?
You should keep him on a short leash.
Colin, you annoy me. Go away.
I was afraid you changed your mind.
No, just my dress...
about 50 billion times.
Gotta go.
Oh, Mr. Frost.
Colin, please.
I am a big fan of your work.
Wish I could say the same.
Look who's getting
cozy with the enemy.
Aren't you a little glass of sass?
Ho, ho, ho.
Are you worried your
prize designer will jump ship?
Don't worry, Ron.
I won't make the same mistake you did...
by letting talent
slip through my fingers.
I've never heard of
him before your runner.
Nate didn't work at Zoom?
Did he say that he did?
I'll call HR.
Why don't you come work for me?
You're young.
You should be with a winner.
I prefer to work somewhere
with a little bit of legacy.
Nothing lasts forever.
Glare away.
Ha, ha, huh.
I'm sorry that I was late.
It's okay.
Um, I want to dance with you.
So formal.
Look at you.
Barely recognize you.
You're all coordinated.
Shut up.
You're not so bad.
Mm hmm.
Excuse me.
What... I didn't expect to see you here.
I'm with Daniel.
Yes. Hello, Daniel.
Ah well, uh, Daniel
have you seen Nate?
Uh, yeah.
He's around somewhere.
Uh, he's got a very
important press interview.
I can't seem to find him.
Anyway... well,
enjoy yourselves.
Uh, will you excuse me for a second?
You okay?
Yeah, yeah. I'm fine.
I'll be back in one minute.
Oh, you're going to
mess up my lipstick.
Are you always this pushy?
Only when I want
something this badly.
How would you like
Nate's entire fall line?
Oh, you wicked, wicked girl.
I think it's a good time
to finalize deal points.
You'll have papers ready for Kassell.
Mm hmm.
And for me as...
Full partner in every sense.
And my daughters?
Huh, fine.
You have to bring Nate with you.
Well, I can't promise that he'll come.
Where else is he gonna go?
What was that?
Something must have tipped.
Let's go.
All right.
You go first.
Go on.
I knew it.
Lee, come here.
I think you are right
to worry about Nate.
Just got off the
phone with Angela at Dior.
Never heard of him.
Yes and then Stan called me back.
He's not registered with us.
There's no personal information.
We're not even paying him.
How can this be?
I told you no to...
I've been thinking.
This Nate Ganymede is a real find.
Where did he come from?
I don't know.
Well, his new fall line
up is absolutely stunning.
How do you know
about the fall line-up?
Oh, honey.
I'm so sorry.
That little bastard.
Lee. I have to tell you something.
Too late. I know everything.
I need to speak with you in private.
I know that you lied about your training.
I know that you lied
about your experience.
There is no Nate Ganymede.
None of that matters anymore.
It doesn't matter?
You've been working for
Colin Frost all along.
She's the one conspiring with Colin.
That is your defense?
Stop. Stop.
Both of you stop.
We're taking Colin's offer.
You cannot sell Kassell.
He has our fall line.
Kassell's finished.
You, you're quite the actor.
You had me believing that
Kassell could be great again.
Oh, honey... I am so sorry.
Oh no you don't, boyfriend.
What's wrong, sweetheart?
They're showing my line.
The one you saw Elise give to Colin...
last night in the storage room.
Bloody, thieving spies.
Oh my God.
Yes, they're spies.
Kassell Clothing.
For not much longer.
Maurice speaking.
Hello, Maurice.
It's Nate.
I need your help with something.
Security is just
insane around here today.
After The Ball.
I'm on my way.
Where's the computer?
It's just in the back.
Um, I didn't see you leave last night.
I love the grand entrances but
I prefer to slip out unnoticed.
Um, I need your help with something.
Y'know, Daniel. I'm kinda
in the middle of something.
It won't take a moment.
Please sit.
Maybe I...
Sit down.
I'm experimenting with
the feeling of a shoe.
So don't look, okay?
All right.
All right.
I won't look.
I don't want you influenced by...
how you think it's going to feel.
Perfect fit.
Stand up.
How does it feel?
Uh, a little tight in the toe perhaps.
Good for a night out but
not a hike in the woods.
I... I, you know I haven't shaved and...
I thought you were into
girls... one particular...
What the...?
That's ridiculous.
No, Maurice.
It's Kate.
It's Kate.
You know,
you're the first woman
I've been attracted to...
since Hilary Swank.
I'm sorry I lied to you.
Here we are.
Last night.
I don't see anyone. Do you?
The two of us.
This changes everything.
Lee has to see this before he
signs the merger papers today.
In half an hour.
Let's go show him right now.
He won't talk to Nate.
Yeah but this is important.
What would I say? I mean,
he doesn't believe me.
Either one of me.
Just because you
assumed a fake identity...
and have been living a double life?
Put the video online and call him.
How will we know that
he's actually seen it?
No, we need to
physically show it to him.
He needs to know
that Elise is the reason why...
my designs were
leaked and it wasn't Nate.
I mean me.
Except those weren't your designs.
Maurice, I saw Elise hand over a drive.
Frost Apparel is doing the
preview at the press conference.
No one's touched your work.
They have the decoy; Alien Chic.
I know.
Yes, hi.
It's Nate Ganymede speaking.
Nate, this is Tannis.
I am calling to tell you that
Lee is selling the company.
I doubt that's why you're
actually calling me...
and I'm kind of in the
middle of something, girls.
Hello, Nate.
Hello, Kate.
Huh, I have to admit I
never imagined you two...
would be the ones to figure this out.
Well, we did and you aren't.
Well, good for you.
I'm actually...
Don't you want to
know what we want?
To stop us revealing to Lee...
that his daughter is actually a boy.
Uh, okay, yeah sure.
What do you want?
Well, Nate has to ensure that we
become head designers at Frost.
By turning down the job
when Colin offers it to you.
At the press conference.
Yeah and recommending us and
saying that we're awesome.
Yeah, cause we are.
Nate can't get into
the press conference.
Don't worry.
We can get you in.
Did you make samples of Alien Chic?
It keeps me up at night.
To get the fall line designs
for the press conference.
Let's go.
You gonna change into Nate?
Or do you need a phonebook?
It's a phone-phone booth.
I need Maurice.
All right. I'll be quick.
I'm getting pretty good at this.
Wait. What are those?
It's Nate's fall line designs.
There are samples?
Just two.
I've gotta be quick to
make the announcement.
No, no, no.
You're not gonna wear them.
We should wear them.
We should wear them.
We're gonna wear those.
Why would you wear those?
Don't try and trick us
and take all the credit, Kate.
We're smarter than that.
Give those to me.
Excuse me.
We will wear them.
Help me. Help me.
Okay, here.
The fourth largest apparel
concern in North America.
I'd now like to invite Lee
Kassell to say a few words.
Yeah. How many? 'Kay, coming.
I built Kassell to last.
When my first wife, Amanda died...
How'd you get in here?
I need you to know,
Colin, before you sign...
that I have no intention
of joining you at Frost.
Furthermore, I
recommend Kassell's power duo,
Tannis and Simone would be far better...
to head the Frost design department.
They are awesome.
Don't laugh, peasants.
This is the new fall line.
That is not the new fall line.
I dunno what the hell is going on here...
but that is not the new fall line.
It isn't?
It isn't but Elise thought it was.
Please escort this man out.
Maurice, the video.
Get out of my way.
Don't. Don't.
Don't touch me.
My Colin is gonna
have to have design files...
if we're gonna get a
jump on production.
Oh, there it is.
The early fall line.
This is even better
than how we got Kate.
You should really consider bangs.
It would be really cute.
This is our ticket to better, girls.
You would turn me
against my own daughter?
Lee, no.
Lee, you misunderstand.
Just stop.
You've hurt my dad long enough, Elise.
Oh my God.
Is that you, Katie?
Only my mother called me Katie.
The name is Kate.
We figured that out already.
Like a long time ago.
It all makes sense.
You see, Katie the traitor
came back as Nate the traitor.
That's-that's what happened.
I would stop talking unless...
you want us to play the next video?
A little number I like to
call 'Storage Room with Colin.'
It was me that you heard in there.
You wicked, wicked girl.
No, it's not true.
It's not true.
Maurice, the video.
I think it's time for these two
gentlemen to escort you out.
You'll regret it.
I've ordered 10,000
units of that monstrosity.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Frost's new fall line.
Go you half-wit,
moronic baboons.
Move, you bobbleheads from hell.
Just move.
I'm so sorry.
Can you ever forgive me?
I wish Mom were here.
I think she is.
I know she is.
Ladies and gentlemen.
I present to you Kassell's fall line.
'Girls Will Be Boys.'
Bravo. Bravo.
Maurice, this is Jennifer.
She's thinking of joining
us here at Kassel.
Thank you.
Mm hmm.
If he ever asks you out dancing,
make sure you pick the club.
Oh my God.
Is that Daniel Bergeron?
His shoes are to die for.
Not just his shoes.
Come see.
Hey, dad.
Here's the creator of our new runner.
Not a runner yet.
Let's wait until it's in stores.
So what do you think?
Oh, I couldn't say.
I just say what I
think and regret it later.
I think it's beautiful.
Um, I would maybe add a trim.
Why not?
Yeah, good idea.
What do you think, Dad?
We could embellish the waist line.
We could embellish...
Colin, I want you to
know that we will be happy...
to do whatever it takes
to help Frost recover.
Oh, I think I found
the perfect job for you.
This room hasn't been sorted in years.