After the Waterfall (2010)

Oh! Shit.
Easy, John. Food, mate,
not your fingers.
Yeah, shut up.
Bit thirsty here, John.
How about you?
The beer's here, boys.
Hey! Beer o'clock.
Hey, Dave.
How are you, mate?
Yeah, great.
Great. Hey, Lis.
Raise your shirt, John.
What for?
You know what for.
Hi. How are you?
let's do this properly.
Hey! Whoo!
Shut up.
Be careful you don't
knock this one over.
I will.
Here you go, George.
Thanks, mate.
You never used a hammer before?
Oh, shut up.
Thanks, everyone.
Be good to see he's finished.
Oh, thanks, big girl.
Is anybody gonna
look after these sausages,
or am I gonna have to
do it all again, hey?
Thank you.
Here, Dad. I got it.
Oh, yeah.
Grab one of these.
Here you go, mate. Sauce over there.
Hey, Pearl.
Hey, um, put some coffee on, Mum?
What's going on, Lis?
Don't tell David now, will you?
He's already mad at me
for forgetting to feed the cat.
It doesn't need feeding.
It needs putting down.
You know, the other day I saw it
pissing on his slippers.
I told him it's a fucking stray.
You don't domesticate
a cat like that.
He's a good man, though, Lis.
Yeah, really good.
I don't know.
I don't know how you do it.
Don't you ever
get sick of it out here?
Why would I?
You right, Dave?
You want another beer?
No, all good.
And what are you gonna do
with your butterfly fingers?
Are you gonna get that? Can you
get it without knocking it over?
Ohh, you got it!
Well done. Good girl.
I'm sleepy.
Righto, P, time for bed.
Mummy can come,
Mummy can come, Mummy can come!
Mummy's gonna finish her wine.
'Night, Pearl.
'Night, Pearl.
Say goodnight.
Night-night, sweetie.
See ya.
We better get going.
I'll just get my shoes.
Say goodnight to John.
What is it?
Multiple calls. Grab your gear.
There may be LPG. Be careful.
You guys, round the back.
I don't know how you
do things in the police,
but around here we work with our mates
and look after our mates.
Did you see something?
I don't know.
I don't know.
It was just an impulse.
Acting on impulse
can cost you your life.
Or somebody else's.
Oh, Jesus Christ. Guys, it happens.
He did what he had to. We all did.
And we're all here now, right?
Luck's a fickle friend, son.
Right, then, see you all
at training tomorrow night.
Catch you later.
David's sleeping out the back.
He was here when I got here.
Is he alright?
Yeah, he's fine.
Just leave the keys, mate.
I'll lock up.
See ya.
See ya.
One more?
Yeah, yeah, sure. Why not?
Here's to me fucking up.
Look, don't worry about the old man.
You know what he's like.
Yeah, bless him.
I've been coming here
for, what, two years now?
I still feel like I don't belong.
That's 'cause everyone
thinks you're gay.
Look, if they didn't think
you were alright,
they wouldn't have
voted you in, would they?
Thanks for the pep talk.
You're welcome.
What's going on, Dave?
What's going on?
Lisa. She's moving out.
Oh, shit.
Didn't want to spoil your party.
She's moving out tomorrow.
I thought getting married
would make a difference,
but I guess you never know.
Well, you've only
been married six months.
Oh, well... you can't just give up.
We've had our ups and downs, John.
You know that.
Yeah, well, who hasn't?
Yeah, well...
...I'll just take it on the chin.
So this is?
One. One.
And this is two.
Five? Four?
How are you, P?
Where have you been?
Oh, I stayed behind,
had a talk with David.
Lisa's moving out.
David actually says he thinks
it's a good idea.
Yeah, well, maybe it is.
OK, Pearl, go and change
your clothes now.
Why would you say that?
Well, you know what she's like.
She's always putting him down.
That's not all
she's been doing either.
What do you mean?
What I mean is...
...David's a nice guy - too nice.
Look, John, your dad called
to say your mum's had a bad night
and the doctor wants her in town
for some more blood tests.
Look, we have to get
some proper childcare.
This is fucking ridiculous.
She didn't ask to be sick, Ana.
That is not what I'm saying
and you know it isn't.
I have to be at work in an hour.
What am I supposed to do?
I'll take her with me.
How is that gonna work?
What's your problem?
My problem is you're never home!
You know, I can't
remember the last time
that you spent the whole day with her.
You're either at work
or you're down at the station
or you're doing something else
to the house.
That's not fair.
I'm doing that for us.
Yeah, look, I know you are.
What are you talking about?
You wanna go to work with Daddy?
Go brush your teeth.
I wanna go to work with Daddy!
She'll have to come to work
with me today and then, um...
I'll sort something out.
I will! I'll take some
time off or something, OK?
I promise.
Yeah, well... I look forward to it.
Yeah? How much?
How much, hmm?
...maybe a lot.
I gotta go to work.
She... she's brushing her teeth.
Come here.
Stop it!
Come on, turn around.
Alright, go, then.
Just wait here.
Chippies, please!
Look at Monkey.
Daddy, look at Monkey.
Just them, thanks.
Sweet as.
Wait. I'll take the hat as well.
Yep. That'll be 18.10.
There you go.
Come on.
You're funny.
# Row, row...
# Row your boat
gently down the stream
# If you see a crocodile
don't forget to scream. #
Good scream. Good girl.
What should we take?
Should we take the ball?
I wanna take my ball.
We gotta leave Monkey, then, OK?
Bye-bye, Monkey.
There it is!
You got it. Give me five.
Now, you stay right there, OK?
And start counting.
I can't hear you!
Keep counting!
Big loud voice
'cause I gotta hear you.
Come on.
Come on, now.
Are you hungry?
There it is.
Come on!
# Fishes in the water
# Fishes in the sea
# We all jump up and one, two, three. #
Not too close to the water.
Why don't you come over here
and play with your bubbles?
There we go. Watch that.
You hold that and don't drop it, OK?
Look at my... look at my bubbles.
It's in the water.
How did that happen?
You stay right there.
Gotta go, mate. Gotta go.
I've gotta go.
Good evening.
Welcome to One News At Six O'clock.
The search continues
for Pearl Lillian Drean.
A four-year-old girl who was last seen
at a picnic spot
at Waitakere Ranges
three days ago.
An emotional appeal was made
by her parents this morning.
They're asking for anyone who may have
information to contact police.
Our daughter Pearl
is only four years old.
We need everybody's help
to try to find her.
She is a beautiful
and sweet loving girl.
It's me.
Nothing's happened.
Nothing's happened?
I just called to see how you are.
When are you coming home?
I can't.
I can't come home.
Not yet.
Is there anything else
you can think of?
Any reason why she might
have been upset that day?
She wasn't upset.
Let's go back to the white van.
What was it -
a woman, a man driving?
I told you, I didn't see anyone else.
When we arrived, there was
a white van parked in the car park.
It was the only other vehicle there.
And you didn't see anyone else
that might be connected to it?
Well, there must have
been someone else...
Yeah, there must have been.
She wouldn't run away
from me like that.
She wouldn't run away from me
like that. She just wouldn't.
What was she wearing again?
A grey cardigan and a purple top.
A denim skirt
and little tights
with flowers on them.
What else?
Blue socks
and gumboots.
What else?
...a yellow necklace.
John, I need to have all this
in case we find something.
What colour were her underpants?
Her underpants were pink.
Yeah, OK, that's enough.
David, you take him home.
Come on.
Yep, OK.
Will do.
I'll see you back
at the station, hey?
They went through everything.
They went through the whole house.
Why did they keep you so long?
It's David.
OK, thanks.
That was your dad.
A few of the guys from the surf club
are gonna drag the stream.
Why? They've done that
twice already.
Why would they do that again?
I said I'd go give them a hand.
I'm coming with you.
Me too.
No, you stay! Somebody has to.
You're the one who told me that.
I have been here for fucking days,
cooped up with that fucking
police liaison woman.
She's supposed to be here for us,
but she won't tell me anything.
She's just been following me around,
watching my every move.
She even asked me if you have
any mental health issues.
Have you?
Let her go, John. You need a break.
Try and get some rest.
I promise you I won't give up
until we find her.
He's awake.
It's only been three weeks,
but if he's determined to go,
I'll send a nurse over tomorrow.
In the meantime,
these should help with the pain.
I would come in,
but I better get back to Lillian.
You alright from here?
Yeah. Thanks.
Fuck. John.
My car's still at the garage, John.
I wonder if you'd give me a lift
up to Eric's tomorrow morning.
I thought it was ready.
No, it looks like there's more work
than we bargained on.
Alright, no problem.
Thanks, son.
John. Are you there?
Kelvin asked me to call you.
What about?
He wants you
to come down to the station.
He wants to tell you himself.
John, Ana.
Sorry about the sudden nature
of the call.
Please, take a seat.
Well, I'm sure you both
wanna know why you're here,
so I'll get straight to the point.
This morning, the body
of a seven-year-old girl
was recovered from
a jumbo bin in New Lynn.
The victim has been
positively identified
and I can tell you that
it is not your daughter, Pearl.
Are you sure?
The victim was known to us.
She was the subject
of a custody dispute.
She was reported missing
by her mother on Sunday evening.
Why didn't you tell me this?
Because I asked him not to.
What happened to her?
We're still waiting
for the autopsy report,
but I can tell you we've launched
a homicide inquiry.
Does this have anything
to do with our daughter or not?
At this stage, all I can say
is there's no evidence
to connect the two, no.
So what are we doing here?
We can't release the child's name
until we've informed
the rest of the family,
so I wanted you both to know
before you read about it
in the paper.
Are you even still looking for her?
It's been three years, John.
The case is officially inactive
unless some new evidence
comes to light.
Were you gonna tell me?
Didn't you think I'd want to know?
Well, we haven't exactly
been in touch, have we?
Yeah, and whose fault's that?
You're still wearing your ring.
Yeah, 'cause we're still married.
What if she comes back, Ana?
What happens then?
What if she doesn't?
You've forgotten the damn haircut!
Alright, I'm coming!
Oh, what's this now?
So where were you yesterday?
I went to the police station.
They found a body.
It wasn't her.
Are you sure?
Did you see for yourself?
How can you be sure
if you didn't see for yourself?
How can you be sure?
Dad, Dad, they knew who it was, OK?
They just didn't want us
reading it in the papers.
Was Ana there?
And nobody thought to tell me?
There you go. Thank you.
I didn't ask for that.
Yeah, I know.
He's getting a bit old
for this, isn't he?
The way you're going,
you'll be lucky to get to his age.
Well, George,
now what can we do for you today?
How many years have you been
asking me that question, Eric, hey?
And what have I always said?
"The usual. "
Alright, well, I'll do my best.
You can do your worst if you like.
It's all the same to me.
You're next, hey, son?
No. Not today, thanks.
What would your lovely Lillian say
if she could see him now?
She's probably say he looks
like bloody James Dean.
She was too soft on that one.
That's part of his problem.
Oh! Hey, George?
It's alright.
What happened?
I don't know what happened.
His head just sort of
slumped forward.
Give it to me.
I think it might...
Give it to me!
Dad, you right?
What is it, Dad?
What's the matter?
Oh, Jesus.
I'm taking you to a doctor.
No! I'm alright.
Give it here, George.
Dad, you fainted.
You've never done that before.
Give it, George.
Just take me home.
It was only a nick.
I didn't cut his bloody head off.
Will my daughter come today?
I want to see her.
Well, she's in London.
Dad, she lives in London now.
I was thinking about her.
I... I can't remember her name.
Her name's Marion, Dad.
It was if I'd lost one
and found the other.
Found who?
I saw Pearl today, in the mirror,
just for a second
before I blacked out.
Are you sure?
She was walking past the window.
...I really need you
to concentrate now.
What was she wearing?
I'm not sure.
Was she with anyone?
I... I don't know.
I don't know. I don't think so.
A child that age wouldn't be
wandering around on her own, Dad.
I know what I saw.
Oh, God.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because you won't talk about her.
You won't even say her name.
What is it. John?
My father says he saw her.
Where are you?
I'll call you back.
Look, are you sure it's me
you should be talking to?
You made me a promise, David.
Or have you forgotten?
Tell me exactly what he said.
We were at the barber shop yesterday,
at Eric's, and, uh...
...he said he saw her
walk past the window.
He fainted straight after.
He didn't tell me till last night.
He fainted?
Right afterhe saw her.
Was she with anyone?
He wasn't sure.
Has anything like this
ever happened before?
To your dad, I mean.
Do you think we should
put up some posters?
There's something
I want to show you.
What the fuck is this?
We don't have the technology here,
but a couple of months ago,
I got one of my contacts
from the UK to... update her photo.
What do you mean, "update her photo"?
It's called age progression.
I know what it's
fucking called, David.
Show it to your father so we can get
a clearer picture of what he saw.
We can take it from there.
Your boss called.
He wanted to know why you
didn't turn up for work today.
I'm self-employed.
I don't have a boss, remember?
Is that what you call it?
Alex has been good to you.
Got you out of a hole, that job.
Dad, do you remember
what we talked about this morning?
I need to ask you something.
Is this who you saw?
Oh, here you go. Do you want one?
Got a headache?
Hey. A bit of one, yeah.
Can I get you something for it?
Nah, it's fine.
How are you?
Oh, great.
No-show from the new girl,
freezer's fucked,
kids are driving me crazy
and on top of that,
their dad just rang
to say he can't
take them over Christmas
on account of his
new girlfriend.
Never mind the holiday I've been
planning for the last six months.
I'll just have to cancel it.
Sorry, John.
You didn't need to hear that.
No, no, no, it's fine.
I asked, right?
That you did.
Oh, God, not her again.
Hang in there.
Cheers, Fi.
Excuse me.
Come here.
I told you, I don't want
to see that dog here!
Come on, boy.
Why did you call me, John?
I told you why.
I spoke to your father this morning,
asked him if he'd seen the photo.
He didn't know
what I was talking about.
I showed him the photo.
He said it wasn't her.
What do you want, David?
I'm just doing my job.
Well, do your job, then.
Are you still looking
for that white van?
We spent months trying
to trace that vehicle.
It got us precisely fucking nowhere.
In fact, you seem to be
the only one that ever saw it.
So what are you saying?
That it doesn't exist?
That I made it up?
I'm just sick of
your bullshit, John.
My bullshit?
Why don't you go home
to my wife, David?
I'm trying to help you.
Hey! Let him go!
For fucks sake, David, let go of him.
Hey, Dave, are you in there?
Nice one, bro.
I think you've just gone viral.
'Santa gets owned'.
Oh, yeah, there's someone
who wants to talk to you.
Here they come.
Can you give him some water,
please, love?
Won't be long.
Can you come a little closer?
Come on, so we can work together.
Come on.
Are you a psychic?
I'm not a psychic. I'm a medium.
I'm not here for your entertainment.
So what are you here to tell me?
She's not dead.
Who's not dead?
How do you know she's not dead?
Because I've seen her.
You've seen her?
In my dreams.
Do you know where she is?
It... it's a sad place.
And there's a lot of wind.
There's a lot of noise
from the wind in the trees.
She can't leave.
She wants to come home.
She needs to come home.
She can still remember home.
She's telling me...'s time to go home.
It's not your fault.
It was not your fault.
Where's Elliot?
He's fine. He's with Pete.
Uh, I have to go.
He's wondering where I am.
Yeah, um, Miss Bandy...
Do you think he'll ever
be able to forgive me?
What good would that do?
Oh, why do I bother?
Brandy, please, Maurice.
Your dad's over there.
He came in looking for you.
What for?
He didn't say.
It's none of my business,
but I don't think
he's quite himself.
Come on, then.
George, your boy's here.
What? Oh, him.
Your lad's come to drive you home.
I wish I had a boy to run me around.
He's a bit old to be called a 'boy'.
Besides, we haven't finished yet,
have we, Josh?
Not unless you're ready
to accept defeat.
I knew your mum,
you cheeky, young, bloody pup.
She had a hard face but a soft arse.
That wasn't his mother.
That was his grandmother.
Maurice said you were looking for me.
Everybody else around here
seems to know Ana's up the duff.
Did you?
What kind of man are you?
Well, she's my bloody
granddaughter too, you know.
Come on.
Get out.
I want to talk.
No, it's too late.
No, Ana.
It's not too late.
Yes, it is. You left me, remember?
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did!
I didn't leave you.
You did! You checked out on me!
You checked out on everyone!
Yeah, and where were you?
You were fucking my best friend!
Hey. It's me. Are you there?
Well, you left me on my own.
I was in hospital.
Yeah, and whose fault was that?
You put yourself there!
I'm gonna be a bit late home.
Call me if you need anything.
I love you.
What about Pearl?
You ever think about her?
Or were you too busy having fun?
You gave up on me.
No, you gave up on me.
And now you're giving up on her.
I haven't given up on her!
Having another fucking baby, Ana!
I am not!
My waters have broken.
I'm off.
Uh, Bryce is having a few drinks.
You want to come?
No, thanks.
Look, uh, I hope you don't
take this the wrong way,
but, uh, you're a bit
of a celebrity now
and the boys would really like it
if you came.
Fuck off, Squeak.
Um... see you later, then.
Ana, we need to go to a hospital.
No, I'm not going to the hospital.
OK, is there someone I can call?
Then you tell me what I can do.
There's nothing.
There's nothing you can do now.
Help me take my pants off.
The baby can't get out.
Oh, my God.
Come on. A little more.
That's it.
It's a girl.
I need to get up.
Can you take her?
Please, Ana.
She's beautiful.
Does she look like Pearl?
A little bit, yeah.
You ready?
Can I do it?
I remember thinking...
...that I might have to do this myself
if you weren't home.
And you never were.
You remember how angry
Pearl used to get?
And always at me.
Now we know where she gets it from.
Hello there.
It's OK, it's OK.
Daddy's here.
Shh, it's alright.
Daddy's here.
#I see you sleeping
# Only in my mind
#And I have been away
Alone this season
#I waste so much time
# Thinking of when
I would hold you gently
#And I'd look into your eyes
#And I would be the one
to calm your shaking
# When you would cry
#I miss you in my life
#I miss you in my life
#And even if I had my time over
#It would take a while
# To reveal all my best intentions
# That I let slip by
#I miss you in my life
#I miss you in my life
#I miss you in my life... #
What are you doing?
I'm looking for Pearl.
She used to come this way with Lillian.
She wouldn't come this way now, Dad.
Huh? Why not?
Because she's dead.
We may as well go home, then.
What's happening to me?
I don't know, Dad.
I don't know.
You're a better father
than I ever was.
What happened was an accident.
Ana had her baby last night.
It's a girl.
You're not even divorced yet,
are you?
Nup, not yet.
Good on you, son.
bSubtitle Rip; TheHeLL/b