After Words (2015)

Being from California,
I'm well aware
of the skin cancer threat.
Librarians are not known
for their tans.
We're usually pasty white.
Besides, you wouldn't
catch me dead at the beach.
# What am I gonna do
about the sunshine #
# That warms my skin
whenever you're in the room #
# 'Cause my umbrella's
been up forever #
# My winter sweater
fits just fine #
# What am I gonna do, baby
about you #
# What, what am I
What am I gonna do, yeah #
# What, what am I
What am I gonna do, yeah #
# What, what am I
What am I gonna do, yeah #
# What am I gonna do, baby
about you #
# What am I gonna do
about the music #
# That flows in me when I know
I'm seein' you soon #
# Well, there was a time
my heart was quiet #
# Now I can't stop
listening to it #
# What am I gonna do, baby
about you #
# Tell me what, what am I
What am I gonna do, yeah #
# What, what am I
What am I gonna do, yeah #
# What, what am I
What am I gonna do, yeah #
# What am I gonna do, baby
about you #
# What am I gonna do
about the fresh air #
# That I might feel when you
break my shield in two #
# Well, I once was proud
Look at me now #
# I'm just hanging out
on a limb, yeah #
# What am I gonna do, baby
about you #
# Tell me what, what am I
What am I gonna do, yeah #
# What, what am I
What am I gonna do, yeah #
# What, what am I
What am I gonna do, yeah #
# What am I gonna do, baby
about you #
# What am I gonna do, baby
about you #
# What am I gonna do, baby
about you #
You worried about
the meeting tomorrow?
I guess that won't help.
maybe we'll be surprised.
Writer Jorge Luis Borges
likens libraries to paradise.
For me, public libraries
would be a perfect place,
except for one thing.
The public.
Of all the questions
about all the books
on every shelf
in this library,
what do these people ask?
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
Where is your bathroom?
Right over there,
behind the stacks.
John Milton wrote
that a good book
is the precious lifeblood
of a master spirit.
And Paul Auster
called reading his comfort...
and his escape.
It's as we feared.
With the budget cuts,
they just can't justify
the satellites.
I'm sorry.
The economy and the internet.
Kind of a double whammy
for librarians.
Jane, are you okay?
Yes, thank you.
Remind me to have you around
the next time I'm fired.
Cool-hand Jane.
You really that okay?
Sorry. I guess I was
just prepared.
You have any plans?
Oh, now, come on, Ms. Taylor.
You can finally reveal to me
one detail
of your private life.
Take a gamble.
I probably won't post it
on the internet.
I'm... I'm leaving
for Costa Rica on Monday.
Costa Rica?
You're serious?
Jane the adventurer!
Turns desperation
into a tropical vacation.
Now that's the way
to live, girl!
If a person at death's door
does see her life
flashing before her...
meaningful images,
moments of great beauty...
what could possibly
fly before my eyes
in those final moments?
Where's the beauty
in a wasted life?
And so the point of this trip?
To create some beauty
to play at the end.
To make some pretty memories,
even if it's in a hopeless
11th hour of a pathetic life.
If it seems
a foolish final wish,
well, I haven't done
anything foolish in a while.
The white zone
is for immediate loading
and unloading
of passengers only.
Indeed, dying in beautiful
Costa Rica
may be the most wonderful thing
I've ever done.
Ooh hoo hoo!
- That was so beautiful.
- You...
You are so beautiful.
You can stay.
No, no, no, no.
You should go home
to your life.
We will always have this.
Oops. I must go home.
Okay, that's it. You can see
the ocean from the balcony.
If you need anything,
just ask, okay?
Pura vida.
Oh, "pura vida" is what we say
instead of "hello" or "goodbye. "
It means "pure living,
pure life. "
Oh, that way, please.
Pura vida.
Time for English, Papi.
Yes, please.
So what's your word for today?
Today is...
Uh, "capricious. "
"Given to sudden changes
of mood or behavior. "
Ah. Cap-ree-cious.
Good morning.
Are you going
to the park today?
It's best if you hire a guide.
Oh. Okay.
They should charge you
no more than $40 for the tour.
- $40?
- Yes.
I have accessed the creature.
Excuse me, ma'am,
do you need a guide?
I think so.
How long does it take?
Well, unlike the others
over there,
I like to be very detailed
and show you
every amazing thing.
I try not to be, uh,
cap-rish-us or capricious.
- Okay, that's good.
- Okay.
I also feature
the Fujinon 80 telescope,
the very, very, very best.
I can get you a close-up of
a sloth 200 feet up in the tree.
- You can see his nose hairs.
- Good.
Yeah, and you get this
and all my acute knowledge,
beneficial for you,
for only $75,
for more than three hours
of benevolent work.
Yes. The others
only go two hours.
And it's for
my acute knowledge.
- It's not, uh, capricious or...
- Okay, good.
- Good.
- I'm hired?
- Yes.
- Oh, thank you! I'm Juan.
Uh, Jane.
Oh, Jane, what a beautiful name.
It's very accessible.
Where are you from, Jane?
Uh, Los Angeles.
Los Angeles City.
When you're here,
there is one less angel
in the City of Angels.
Yes, yes, yes.
Okay, we will begin.
You're gonna get
inside the jungle,
and you're gonna see
monkeys, birds,
uh, a lot of kinds of animals.
It's gonna be great.
You're gonna love it.
So what kind of work do you do
in Los Angeles, Jane?
I'm a librarian.
You work in a library?
Uh, not anymore.
Oh, you quit.
It closed.
They closed a library
in America?
- I can't believe it.
- The economy.
That's terrible. I love books.
I should read
more of them anyway.
But I love them.
This park is only
six kilometers, three miles,
one of the smallest
natural parks in the world.
But for our size, we have more
species of mammals here, 109,
and more kinds of birds, 184,
than any other park
in the world.
These are my favorite.
I have accessed the creature.
- See?
- Oh. Ohh!
We affectionately call them
"osos perezosos. "
It means "lazy bears. "
The sloths can sleep
for up to 18 hours a day.
They are the slowest mammals
on earth,
moving about
six feet per minute.
It would take him almost a month
to walk just one mile.
They are a true aberration
of nature.
They're so beautiful.
How often do they come down?
About once a week
to go to the bathroom.
The only explanation
is that they fear
that if they go to the bathroom
in the trees,
their predators
may hear them,
so they hold it in
and go on the ground,
bury it and cover it
with leaves.
It is interesting.
During the mating season,
the female will scream
to attract the male,
and it sounds just like
a woman screaming when...
when, you know,
when she's...
when she is loved, eh?
Oh, yes.
Uh, okay.
This is a special treat.
These are rare.
For their size,
they are considered the most
intelligent of all primates.
That's one of the reasons
of their small number.
Many people take them as pets
because they are so smart and
get along with people so well.
What a pity.
Let's go.
Are you enjoying the tour?
I try to make it actualizing.
Yes, it's very good.
Thank you.
I guess you become very quiet
working in a library.
Do you have any family?
No kids?
I guess no husband.
Ever been married?
Should we, um...
Should we continue the tour?
Oh, yes, I'm sorry.
I'm almost finished.
More animals come out
as it gets later, you know?
I have a daughter, Anna.
Oh, she's very smart.
Very smart.
Her English is perfect.
She reads a lot.
That's good.
Yeah. I send her
to the American school.
Very expensive. Wow!
But she can become
something special.
Maybe a lawyer.
She wants to be a doctor.
She's a lot smarter than I am,
but she doesn't rub it in
too much.
Just a little.
I guess Los Angeles
is a fun city, yes?
Uh, yeah, I guess so.
Did you ever meet
any of the Kardashians?
You know, Kim Karadashian
and her sisters,
mother, Bruce Jenner.
No. I don't know them.
Kim was the one
married for 72 days.
- No.
- You didn't hear that?
Oh. That's weird.
I think you're too smart
to know them, you know?
What do you like
to do for fun?
- Uh, well, um...
- Yeah?
I read and I walk.
Oh, that's...
Can I do anything different
in this last part?
Uh, no, okay, never mind,
it's fine.
- It's fine.
- Come on, Jane, say it.
I can see in your eyes
you want to say something.
I always want to be better.
Well, it's just, I...
I'm used to more space.
Ah, okay, okay, okay.
I'll make sure we stay away
from others, hmm? Okay?
Oh. That's not what you meant.
What did you mean, Jane?
Please say.
Say it to me. Come on.
Well, it's just sometimes you
just get a little bit too close.
- Oh, ah, I see.
- Okay?
Oh. I'm sorry.
You know...
It's just my love
for what I do.
Oh, okay, okay, okay.
Sorry, sorry.
And down here, you know,
we are used to getting close.
- Yeah, okay.
- Being touchy.
- Yes.
- You know?
- Lovely.
- We're Latinos.
Okay. That's great.
Okay, but I'm sorry.
I won't get so close, okay?
- Okay.
- Look! Here!
- Okay?
- Okay.
We can talk from here, okay?
- Sure.
- And I can see you here.
No problem.
Come on, Jane.
- See? That was easy.
- Okay.
- No problem. Okay.
- I'm fulfilled.
Let's see some beauty!
His colors are amazing, yes?
Okay? Okay.
Let's go. Thank you.
Be careful here, Jane.
Can I help you? Uh...
Grab it, grab it here.
Grab it.
Okay, okay, okay.
This is the Guaria Morada,
the flower of Costa Rica.
Its beauty represents
the beauty of Costa Rican women.
Smell it.
Do you notice that?
No perfume could
match that, huh?
We believe that
when you breathe it in,
it brings you
peace and good luck.
Yeah. Now I know
you will have it.
- Did I do pretty good?
- Yeah, you did great.
- No, when I wasn't too touchy.
- Yeah.
- Yes?
- Great.
Okay, okay.
Let's go.
Oh. Yes.
Uh, yes.
70, 75.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.
Did you enjoy the tour?
It was... beneficial?
Yes, it was very nice.
You're a very good guide.
Oh, thank you.
My pleasure.
I was thinking
you didn't bring a camera.
I could have gotten some nice
pictures of you to remember,
like you smelling
the Guaria Morada.
Ah, what a pity.
- It's all up here.
- Yes.
I can drive you to your hotel.
Where are you staying?
Oh, no, really,
it's just down the beach.
It's the first hotel
on the beach.
- It's a nice walk.
- I have a van.
Plenty of space for yourself.
No, no, really,
thank you.
Okay, okay, I'll let you go.
Let's go.
- Start raining. come on.
- Okay.
Gracias. Pura vida.
I'm just wondering,
you're planning to see
other beautiful things
in Costa Rica,
maybe the whole eco tour, yes?
Yeah, I guess so.
I have a van,
and I do all places:
Arenal, volcano, waterfall,
the orchids.
I could make you good deal.
I'm not really sure
of my schedule right now.
Okay, okay, I understand.
Can I give you my number
just in case if you decide?
Okay, thank you.
Pura vida.
What's the point?
The good moments never last.
I have no one to blame
for this separation but myself.
It's as if I received a shot
that forever numbed me.
Only I gave myself that shot.
Jane, it's Juan,
the tour guide.
Please go away.
I'm very busy.
Uh, please,
I don't want to bother,
but I needed
to talk with you.
I... told you...
if I needed a guide,
I would call you.
Please, Jane, please.
It's gonna be just a minute.
Jane, please.
We could sit just out here.
I want to apologize
for being churlish on your tour.
You weren't churlish.
No, I think I was.
Churlish would mean
you were vulgar.
You weren't vulgar.
Well, but I was difficult
to work or deal with
in the moments when
I did not give you space,
so I was a little churlish.
Well, I didn't think so.
That's not why you're here.
Uh, no, no, no.
I didn't want to bother you,
but you do need a guide,
and my situation
is not too good.
I told you about my daughter
in the American school.
She's doing so great,
really great,
but the tourists have slowed
down here with your economy.
- You know this problem?
- Yes.
I know money may not
be easy for you, but...
you came to see Costa Rica
planning to hire a guide,
am I right?
Yeah, I guess so.
And it would just help me a lot
with my daughter's school
if I could be
your personal guide.
Do you understand me?
Yes, but I've changed my mind.
I just... I wanna stay here
at the hotel and rest.
Oh, but...
But you can't do that here.
I saw how your face lights up
when you see
all the amazing things.
You just can't come
to Costa Rica and rest.
How much money do you need
for the school?
I'm sorry,
but it's not your worry.
Please, it's okay.
Just tell me how much.
About $500.
Okay, I'll give you the money.
You would just give me $500
for nothing?
It's for your daughter's school.
No, no, I can't take it.
I want you to have it.
- No, please, Jane.
- It's okay.
No, no, no, I didn't come
for a charity gift.
No. Ehh...
Only if I give you
another tour.
That's the only way
that it's right.
Come on, Jane.
You came to Costa Rica
to see the beauty, yes?
Yeah, I guess so.
Are you okay?
What are the things
you wish to see?
- Come on, tell me.
- Well...
I've heard the crocodiles...
in Rio Tarc... Tarcoles,
are really worthwhile.
Yes! They are
incredibly worthwhile.
Absolutely. What else?
There's an orchid
that smells like chocolate.
Yes, the Sharri Baby Hybrid.
I know where you can find them.
It's near the crocodiles.
What else?
I've read about Puerto Viejo.
Oh, the Caribbean side.
Beautiful, beautiful.
We will find you your own beach
to get a perfect tan.
- Oh, you don't want a tan?
- No.
Okay, no tan, eh?
You should say okay.
Please, Jane.
Thank you, Jane.
Pura vida.
Are you okay? Yes?
See you tomorrow.
Bye. Bye.
I guess he's right.
I did come here to see more.
Doesn't exactly
make much sense
to take a shortcut
on a final shortcut.
Puta carro.
I fix it in a minute, Jane.
Just gonna be a minute.
Okay. Let's see
what happened here.
Oh, we're gonna see now
some crocodiles at Rio Tarcoles.
And we'll get
so close to them, so...
we will show
lots of choos-pah.
I'm sorry, what?
What did you say?
Uh, choos-pah.
Is that a Spanish word?
No. I believe it's Hebrew.
- Chutzpah.
- Chutzpah, yeah, chutzpah.
I guess it sounds different
with my accent.
Oh, it's okay, it's okay.
It's everything okay.
I'm sure you have read
so many books.
Did you count how many?
Uh, I don't know. Maybe.
- How many do you think?
- I don't know.
Are my questions bothering you?
I like words, you know.
- No. They're fine.
- Okay. Okay.
How long does it usually
take you to read a book?
- I don't know.
- More or less.
It depends on the book,
you know?
It could be a day,
it could be two days.
If it's a really, really rich...
you know, like a rich novel
with lots of rich language,
it could be, I don't know,
it could be a week.
And for how long
have you been doing that?
Well, I've been reading
at least, uh,
a book a week
for 40 years.
40 years.
Even if I give you
two weeks off for vacation,
and you read 50 books a year,
that would be...
2,000 books in 40 years.
That could be a record.
I guess it does add up.
Well, I told you.
I like words.
I'm not too big
on the books.
You could just
pick up one and start.
Yeah, I will, I will.
I want to start
with the best book ever.
Since you have read them all,
which is the best one?
Why is that funny?
No, it's just...
- an impossible question.
- Why?
'Cause there's so many
different kinds.
There's fantasy, there's action,
there's mystery.
- Oh, I see.
- There's romance.
What's the best love story
you read?
Okay, the best love story
I ever read...
probably was
Tale of Two Cities.
Tale of Two Cities.
Tale of Two Cities.
Who wrote that?
- Charles Dickens.
- Charles Dickens.
Tale of Two Cities.
Charles... Charles Dickens.
Tale of Two Cities.
Charles Dickens.
I'll make sure
that I read it one day.
- Good.
- You know...
I'm Latin. I ask you
all these questions about this.
- You know why?
- Why?
It made you laugh.
You should laugh on vacation,
even if it's at stupid me.
Now I'll shut up, fix it,
and we'll go see
some crocodiles.
Come on, Jane,
come on, come on.
I wonder if I can feed myself
to the wildlife
from here up on the bridge.
Would I wind up
as a pair of boots?
Or a handbag?
Or maybe a belt?
Go on, boys,
make me an accessory.
Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa. Sorry, sorry,
but I don't want to find you
in a crocodile soup.
Come on. I have
a better view for you, yes?
Jane, please.
It's not safe.
Okay, come on.
You need to have this one.
Good photo.
I'm enjoying my final tour.
Really, I am.
There's comfort in knowing
I'm never going home.
Unlikely as it may have seemed,
I'm going out on a high.
This place is special, eh?
Regular tour guides
won't take you here.
It's for ticos, locals.
Tourist places are
We call this kinda place a soda,
like the soda you drink.
- You know?
- Hmm.
- Pura vida.
- Uh, no, thank you.
- I don't drink.
- Oh, no, you're in Costa Rica.
You should try our Imperial.
Come on, show some of that
North American chutzpah.
Okay, maybe just one sip.
Pura vida.
Hmm? You like it?
You're right.
It's nice. It's light.
You do a lot of writing.
It is your diary?
Mm. Mm-mm.
It's my journal.
I guess I'm in there now.
I hope I'm not a clown.
I'd be embarrassed if Anna
reads your book one day
and her father is the fool
who was too touchy, you know?
You must see
the Caribbean coast.
It's a very different world
with the Rastas.
- Do you know Rastas?
- Rastafarians?
Yes. I guess this is
the long name, Rastafarians.
Oh. Gracias.
We call this casados.
Casados means marriage,
and this is
a marriage of our foods.
It's rice, beans,
plantain and local fish,
Very good.
It's casados in the soda.
Yes! Very good, very good!
Come on.
Mix it. Come on.
- It's messy.
- Mix it.
Okay, very good, very good.
That's right.
- Beautiful.
- Mm-hmm.
You can put Tabasco
if you want.
You could show some real
chutzpah and go for number 4.
I think I showed enough
going for numbers 1, 2 and 3.
That's right, that's right.
Jane! Hey!
It was a beautiful day, yes?
Okay, tomorrow we go to Arenal,
the volcano.
You should bring
good walking shoes.
Not being touchy.
Just want to make sure
the three beers are mostly gone.
Tomorrow should be early.
Is 7:00, 8:00 okay?
Okay, yes, thank you.
Okay. Good night, then.
Pura vida.
She told you to read that?
No. I just wanted to read it.
Is that so strange?
Yes! This is
your first book... ever.
- Is she pretty?
- Who?
The librarian.
I don't know. Maybe.
How don't you know?
You look at her, don't you?
Yeah, but I guess I just see
how smart she is.
That's so sweet, but that means
she's not very pretty.
Fitting in is a habit you
either develop early or not.
There'd be nothing
more pathetic
than attempting it now.
Sitting amongst them
would make it more obvious
what a complete freak I am.
Did you go out last night?
Well, I went out on the beach
for a while.
Oh, what a beautiful night.
So many stars, yes?
Yes. I'm not used
to seeing so many.
You don't see them
in Los Angeles?
No. The city lights
are too bright.
And... smog.
Oh, that's too bad.
I guess at least you can see
the other stars in Los Angeles.
Who have you seen?
None I know.
It's ridiculous.
Anything wrong?
- It's very fun.
- Uh...
- Yeah?
- I'm not... I'm...
I'm not really sure
about this.
Come on, Jane.
You will like it.
Uh, no, I'm...
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Jane, you do different things
on vacation.
You are on vacation.
That's why you came, right?
Come on, Jane.
That's why you came.
No! That's not why I came.
Okay, okay.
I'm sorry to push.
We can go.
Sure? Are you sure?
No, no. No vamos.
That's fine. We can go.
No, wait. No, wait.
You sure, Jane?
- Come on.
- It's gonna be wonderful.
Put that foot right here.
Okay, your left.
You will like it, Jane.
I'll place this on the back.
He has to touch you
just a little bit
to put, you know,
the belt.
- Doesn't matter.
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Okay?
- Okay, I'm good, I'm good.
- Okay.
- Hold it right here.
It's gonna be fun.
Let's go!
- I'm gonna be first, okay?
- Okay.
So you can see me.
Jane! Jane! Jane!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
I'm really sorry
to push you before.
- Do you forgive me?
- Yes.
You scare me
playing race car driver.
And you're okay?
I'm fine. I'm sorry.
I just got distracted.
But everything is okay now.
In Los Angeles,
do you have any animals?
I have... a cat...
named Sydney.
Like Sydney Carton?
I've started reading
the greatest love story
in history.
Thank you very much.
I cannot stop reading it.
You went to the library?
Oh, yeah, yeah, well,
I kind of tricked you
on your third Imperial.
When we went to the town,
I went to the library.
You could've told me.
Yes, I know.
It was stupid.
Anyway, I love the book.
I'm only halfway.
The French Revolution?
Oh, I didn't know anything
about that.
It's amazing!
Maybe If I finish it
before you leave,
we can talk about it.
Is that okay?
See? I knew book talk
would make you happy.
Now you can hear it.
Let's go.
Sorry, but you must have
these pictures.
Follow me.
Be careful. Yeah.
We should go.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
I'm sorry about the couple.
I should have been more,
uh, circumspect.
- It's okay.
- Okay.
Pura vida.
I love the book.
Yeah, I'm learning history,
and I'm beginning to see
why you like the love story.
It is complicated.
Lucy love Charles,
but Sydney's crazy about Lucy.
I don't know
what will happen.
Maybe Sydney
will kill Charles.
I'm not talking.
I can't wait to see.
That's the thing
about a really great book.
You can't wait
to get through it,
but once it's over,
it's actually kinda sad.
Yeah, yeah.
I always read the last pages
of a book really slowly.
Oh. Oh, oh, oh.
So why did you name your cat
Sydney and not Charles?
Read the book.
Okay, okay, okay, deal.
Books are your life?
Usually after this big day,
I give tomorrow off to relax
because the next day is the
final big trip to Puerto Viejo,
the Caribbean side.
It's very different
and very beautiful.
It's home of the Rastas.
Yes! Short for Rastafaris.
You're a very good teacher.
A very, very good teacher.
I think you
just like learning.
My daughter was amazed
I was reading a book.
She thanks you.
- I hope you enjoyed the tour.
- I did.
And for Friday, you should
bring your bathing suit.
Have you ever been
in the Caribbean water?
I'm not big on swimming.
You don't have to swim.
It's good just to be in it.
It's such a pretty blue.
But I'm not going to push.
And it's a longer drive
to Puerto Viejo than Arenal,
so we usually stay overnight.
Is that okay?
Yeah, okay.
Be careful.
Okay, Jane, have a good night.
- Okay.
- Pura vida.
A simple bathing suit.
- A place to buy a bathing suit.
- Yes.
Yes! There's a place
in Quepos.
I'll write down the name and
address for the taxi driver.
- Okay?
- Okay.
And my cousin has a salon
for hair and nails,
you know,
if you want, okay?
- You think so?
- Yes.
- Could be nice.
- Okay.
Nothing, nothing.
No, no, no, no.
What, what, what?
Your guide Juan,
he's treating you well?
You like him?
- Yes.
- Yes?
- He's a good guide, I think.
- Okay.
Why? What's the matter?
Nothing. I...
I just want to make sure
that he was treating you well.
Why? He doesn't
treat customers well?
No. No, it's...
It's not that.
I'm sorry. I was just asking.
Have fun, Jane.
I write down name.
I know it's clichd
to be quoting Sylvia Plath,
but she did chart her demise
with dispassionate flair.
"Remember, remember,
this is now...
and now...
and now.
Live it,
feel it,
cling to it.
I want to become acutely aware
of all I've taken for granted. "
I know the feeling.
I cried at the end of Twilight.
I wasn't crying, babe.
It's okay.
Women like sensitive men.
Go to school, Anna.
Come on.
I'm late.
I need you to drive me.
I have to pick up
my client.
I know.
I'm gonna meet the librarian.
- Anna!
- Papi!
"Cipher. "
"Cipher. "
You'll be okay, Papi.
# Feel my heart in you #
#And I feel your heart #
# I feel your heart in me #
Anna, sit in the front.
She sits in the back.
- Come on.
- Okay.
And be calm, Anna.
Be calm.
I'm calm.
You're the one who's not calm.
- Anna.
- Pap...
Shh! Don't say it.
What are you talking about?
She's pretty.
I thought you'd like
the T-shirt.
Yeah, and your hair
and everything.
You look beautiful.
I've never had
a Caribbean vacation before.
Well, you're ready for it.
Oh, I hope it is okay.
I have to drop my daughter off.
Hello. I'm Anna.
I'm Jane.
Jane the librarian.
Yes. I guess...
I guess so.
Oh. Sorry.
I go to the library every day.
It's small, but I like it.
I know the libraries in America
are huge, but...
huge isn't always better.
Anna, please.
No, it's okay.
Do you like to read?
Yes, a lot.
Anything fun right now?
We're reading Charlotte's Web
by E.B. White.
I love Wilbur.
Yeah. I love him too.
I look up American universities
on the computer at school.
I'm going to be a doctor.
Do you think
I should be a librarian?
No. Doctor's great.
Yeah. I'm going to cure cancer.
My mama had that.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Come on, let's go, Anna.
Well, you're really smart
and pretty.
Thank you.
- I can Facebook you.
- Anna...
I'm not on the Facebook.
I thought everyone in America
was on Facebook.
- Okay.
- You're probably right.
- See you later
- Have a nice trip.
Well, you survived
Hurricane Anna.
She's beautiful.
Let's go.
# Can you hear the night #
# Whisper to the morning #
# She's talking
about the times #
# When the fire burned bright #
# She often wonders how #
# How the people forgot her #
# It must have been the rain #
# That washed them with doubt #
#And so here we go #
# Up off the ground #
# Spinning round #
#Around and round #
# Here we go #
# Up off the ground #
# Spinning round #
#Around and round #
# Here we go #
# Up off the ground #
# Spinning round #
#Around and round #
- You look...
- I look like a woman
who hasn't worn a bathing suit
in forever.
I think it's too rough
to float.
Oh, I agree.
But maybe we could
just go for a walk.
I know I don't own you,
so if you wanna go
for the day, that's...
No, thank you.
I was planning on watching you
have the best day of your life.
I finished the book,
by the way.
Wow. That was fast.
Yeah, I couldn't
stop reading it.
- I was like addicted to it.
- Yeah.
I felt very bad
for Sydney Carton,
to love someone so much
when she does not love you
and still be willing
to give up your life for her,
so she can be happy
with another man and...
Oof. Crazy.
The last line of the book
was so powerful.
I read it over and over.
I remember it.
- Yes?
- Yeah.
Could you say it to me
in English.
Come on.
"It's a far, far better thing
that I do than I've ever done.
And it's a far, far better rest
that I go to
than I've ever known. "
He's happy to give his life
and go to death
because of the good
he has done.
Beautiful. Whoa.
To Mr. Sydney Carton,
who lives in your cat.
You know, I've lived
in Santa Monica...
it's in California,
Santa Monica...
for, I don't know, years,
and I hardly ever...
go to the beach.
I forget it's even there.
I love this place.
I love the feel of it.
Yeah. This is different
from the Pacific side.
- Right?
- Yeah.
- It's different, yeah.
- Yes.
I love the Pacific side.
You showed me
beautiful places.
This is different.
I don't know. It's just...
I don't even know
the American word for it.
"Chill. "
I think "chill" is the American
word you're looking for.
- Yeah, you're right.
- Chill.
- That's it.
- Yeah.
Look at this.
Yeah, it's from the reef.
It's right here.
Enjoy your life.
To the best day of your life.
I'll drink to that.
Pura vida.
"Dear Juan,
I truly am sorry
to have done this to you,
to have done this to myself
while I'm with you.
You really did show me
the best week of my life.
But unfortunately...
I'd already screwed up
the rest of it beforehand. "
Do you wanna dance?
Come on!
You better, Jane.
Come on, walk with the music.
I don't want to.
I think it's just
too advanced for me.
- Okay, okay.
- Are you...
No, no. Come with me.
- You're okay?
- Yeah.
Are you sure?
Yeah. I want to...
I want to try.
- Okay.
- Life is short, right?
Yes, it is.
Pura vida.
- I got it.
- Okay.
No, I have...
I have a lighter.
Let me see it.
I've never seen one before.
Me first?
Stop. Esta bien.
Cough it out.
Cough it out.
- No.
- What'd I do wrong?
No, no, no. It's...
You must do it slower,
you know?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Slower, you know?
Stop, stop, stop,
stop, stop. Out.
Okay, okay.
Pura vida, my...
Oh, no, you have to...
- Shh!
- Okay, okay.
Okay! Shh!
Yeah, yeah, feel free.
Don't, no, no, in, in.
Stop. Stop.
Good. Out, out, out.
As soon as you can.
Yes, take it out.
Okay, okay. No more.
- Okay.
- Not many...
The moon is glowing.
Just glowing and glowing and
glowing and glowing and glowing.
It's really amazing.
It is.
You feel okay?
Uh, funny.
Yeah, I don't know.
Why? Do I sound weird?
No. No, no, no.
Your voice sounds like...
- Good.
- Well, I can tell you,
I don't even feel like
a pathetic librarian anymore,
I don't really feel
like myself either.
That's good.
When were you ever pathetic?
You're not pathetic.
Yes, yes.
- Yes, I was pathetic too.
- No, you're not.
Okay, I'm gonna tell you.
I'm gonna tell you.
I'm gonna tell you why now.
I am pathetic when I read
the dictionary
to find big words to use
to impress American women.
Yeah, to look smart.
What, you're up
to the letter "C"?
Okay. Oh, oh!
Enough, enough, enough!
It's gonna ruin my day too!
No. Just remember this.
You're a good man, Juan,
and you're a really good
father to Anna.
So whatever you do,
just promise me this.
Just promise me
that you'll remember
that I had the best,
best week of my entire life...
with you.
Your lips are like
little pillows.
Okay, I'm sorry.
We don't...
No, I, uh...
I've not done this
in a long time.
Are you...
Are you okay?
You're in your underwear, Juan.
Well, yeah.
And you? You're okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
You wanna go swimming?
It's nice.
you should put
your bathing suit on.
I'm gonna grab one.
- Everything's okay?
- Everything's great.
Okay, okay.
Yeah, oh...
Pura vida.
Pura vida, Jane.
Pura vida.
I traveled here to do
a little living before I died.
I guess I did a little
too much living.
I have accessed
the creature.
You have choos-pah.
Shh! Wait, wait.
Come on, go now.
- Anna!
- Jane.