Afterschool (2008)

[audio static hissing]
[woman crying]
- [giggling]
- Whoa.
Here we go.
- [giggling]
[voices overlapping]
[men speaking
foreign language]
[cat playing repeated notes
on piano]
- Boo!
- [laughs]
- Hey, sweetheart,
tell everyone your name.
- Cherry Dee.
- You're gonna blow me right?
- Yes.
- Then I'm gonna fuck you,
- Yes.
- Then I'm gonna fuck you
in the ass, right?
- Yes.
- Then I'm gonna come
in your mouth, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- And you're gonna
swallow it, right?
- Yes.
- Sweetheart,
tell me your name.
- Cherry Dee.
- No, not your porn name,
your everyday name.
- I don't want to say
my real name.
- Why not?
- Because it's none
of anybody's business.
- So you won't mind
if I call you whore?
- No.
- Are you scared
Mom and Dad are gonna find out
their baby girl, Cherry Dee,
is a whore?
- No.
- You were expecting that,
- No.
- I want you to say,
"Hi, Mom. "
Put your hands
behind your back.
"Hi, Mom,
I get fucked for money. "
- "Hi, Mom...
I get fucked for money. "
- You do think that, huh?
That's good.
It's good.
You're being honest now.
That's all right,
'cause I've broken you.
I see so many Cherry Dees,
and you know what I've learned?
You all like it like this.
Right, whore?
- Yeah.
- So get on the couch.
It's okay.
Get on the couch.
Get on the couch and spread.
- [panting and moaning]
Yeah, fuck me.
[rapid knocking on door]
- Coming.
Hold on.
[knocking continues]
Hold the fuck on!
- I smell cum.
- Dave, you do the math?
- No, I'm gonna do it tomorrow.
- Thanks.
You know, Nick,
the senior,
his dimes are, like,
twice the size.
- Yeah, well, if you want to
smoke some swaggy shit,
then go to Nick,
but I can just sell that to
some other freshman, you know?
- No, it's cool.
- All right.
And if you need me
to pick anything else up,
just tell me,
and next time I go to the city,
I'll pick it up for you,
all right?
- Where were you guys?
- We were with the Talberts.
- Again?
- We cut practice
to chill with them.
Nothing happened, though.
- I really can't tell
the difference
between the two of them,
can you?
- Nope.
- Rob, you don't even play
any sports, do you?
- No.
- Jesus Christ,
you're a pussy.
- Fuck you, man!
- [snickering]
- No, get the fuck
out of our room.
- You guys seen this clip yet?
- Which one?
- Check it out.
[voices overlapping]
- Shit.
Where is that?
- I don't know.
Some school somewhere.
- Jesus.
Look at that.
She's knocking the shit
out of her.
[alarm clock blaring]
- Wake up, Dave.
You're gonna be late
for morning meeting.
[alarm clock blaring]
- [laughing]
Let's quiet down because
there's a lot of announcements
to make this morning,
and pay attention.
There might be
a little note in here
that could change your lives,
maybe an activity
you never knew of
that'll turn out to be
your calling later in life,
your career,
and from one little announcement
you heard in morning meeting.
Good morning.
Miss Jameson,
did you sleep all right?
You just missed
a little inspiring speech
on announcements,
about you possibly
being inspired
to try something that will
ultimately be your future,
but I wouldn't worry.
McDonald's will most likely
still be hiring
after you graduate.
Ha, ha, ha, okay.
Enough fun.
I have Mr. Anderson here
with a note on
clubs and activities.
Remember, everyone
needs to do one activity,
either a sport
or afterschool club.
Failure to do so
will result in a markdown
on your report cards.
Mr. Anderson.
[cheers and applause]
- "For Hecuba,
what's Hecuba to him
"or he to Hecuba,
that he should weep for her,
"what would he do
had he the motive
"and the cue
for passion that I have?
"He would drown the stage
with tears
"and cleave the general ear
"with horrid speech
and make mad the guilty
"and appall the free,
confound the ignorant,
"and amaze indeed
the very faculties
of eyes and ears. "
All right, where are we going
with this?
Can anyone see?
"Hum, I have heard
"that guilty creatures
sitting at a play have,
"by the very cunning
of the scene,
"been struck so to the soul
"that presently they have
proclaimed their malefactions.
"For murder, though
I should have no tongue,
"will speak with most
miraculous organ.
"I'll have these players
play something
"like the murder of my father,
"before mine uncle.
"I'll observe his looks,
I'll tent him to the...
to the... "
Robert, do you know
the answer to number four?
- Hamlet's gonna have
the actors, um...
re-enact the murder
in front of his stepfather?
- Right, right.
That's right, Robert.
He's gonna play out the play
and have his stepfather
watch his own crime,
and, hopefully, his guilt
will drive a confession
out of him.
"The play's the thing,
wherein I'll catch
the conscience of the king. "
- Fuck.
- Dude, we're late.
Come on.
- One second.
- Hurry up; hurry up.
Let's go.
Are you done?
- Yeah.
All right, just wait a second
before you come in.
- Here come your coke whores.
- See you after lunch.
- How does Dave know them?
- The Talberts?
I don't know, actually.
- Oh, shit.
I still haven't signed up
for afterschool activities.
Is it two weeks or three weeks
until they start
taking points off?
- I don't know.
- Do you have to bring
your freshman friends
when you come here?
- Shut up.
He's not doing anything.
- Yeah, shut up.
- I think it's only two weeks,
so next week...
- I can kick your ass.
- Isn't your sister Maria
the senior?
- I don't know.
- You know
I fucked your sister.
- Does she know that?
- Her pussy's so wet.
Did you know your sister's pussy
gets so wet?
All you got to do
is brush up against it.
You know, your sister gives
mad good head, right?
Gets the whole thing
down her throat.
Last time,
when she was sucking on my dick,
it only took me, like, a minute
before I came all over her face.
I bet you jerked off
to pictures of your sister, huh?
Next time we do it,
I'll find you.
I'll let you smell my fingers.
- What have you been
thinking about doing?
- Oh, uh...
I think I'm gonna do video.
- Yeah, me too.
- I don't really want
to play sports,
and I kind of want to do
something creative, I guess.
- Yeah.
Hey, Mom.
- Hey, honey,
what are you doing?
- I'm just waiting
for lunch to be over.
- How's school?
- It's all right.
I don't think
anyone likes me here, Mom.
- Oh, stop.
Why do you say that?
Everyone loves you.
Don't say stupid things
like that.
- No, I just
get this sense that...
I don't know,
that I'm not, like, really too-
- It's been two years already.
Why are you still saying that?
What about Dave?
Dave's your roommate, right?
- Yeah, no, not Dave,
I mean, really.
I just get this sense
from people, even Dave-
- Robert, you're
being ridiculous, come on.
Let's talk about
something pleasant.
Are you liking
your new teachers?
Are classes good?
- Yeah.
Stop, though.
I think I'm not a good person.
- Stop it.
You're a great person.
Is that guidance counselor
still the same from last year?
- Yeah, yeah, Mr. Virgil.
- Okay.
Why don't you talk to him?
He seemed really nice.
We could always do medication.
- No, Mom,
I don't want to do meds.
- I don't want you to either.
I think it's a horrible idea,
but what else is there to do?
I don't like
to hear you like this, Rob.
I love you, honey.
tell me you're okay, please.
I have enough
to worry about at work.
Please don't make me worry
about you all the way up there.
- No, I'm okay.
- Okay.
We love you.
- Mm-hmm.
Love you too.
All right, bye.
What's up, man?
Sorry about that.
- It's all right.
- Are you going?
- Yeah, let's go.
Just relax, it's gonna be
another five minutes, okay?
- I'm gonna be late, man.
- All right.
Just tell her you're
in the nurse's office.
- They know
I'm not on meds, though.
- Then tell her
you're with a friend.
Just chill out, okay?
- How much coke
did you do with them?
- Just a couple bumps,
not too much.
- Are they paying for it?
- No, they just-
they just do it for fun.
Besides, they usually buy
their own shit, you know?
- Oh.
- Hey, David Wilson.
- Here you go. How are you?
- Thank you.
Good. How are you?
- Good, thanks.
Have a good day.
- You too.
- Anyone else?
You're all set?
- Hey, Dave, hang on a second.
- Hey, Mr. Virgil.
- Hey, buddy.
You missed
our last two sessions.
Next time, I'm gonna
call your mom, man.
- Yeah, I know.
I had to go to practice early.
- Yeah, whatever.
Our talks
are more important, huh?
- Yeah.
- Oh, yeah, and have
your mom call me.
I haven't seen her
since last night.
- Then I'm gonna put together
five different crews,
and we'll figure out
how that goes.
The first crew will be dedicated
to interviewing teachers.
That'll be
John and Michelle.
Crew number two,
that'll be what we call B-roll.
That's establishing shots.
So we'll be doing visuals
of the classrooms
and the corridors,
the cafeteria,
et cetera,
et cetera.
Rob, what's going on
back there?
Come on, Rob,
what's going on?
- Rob wants to use the video
to make a porn.
- Well, that's, uh...
That's a very nice idea,
but there will be no fluids
permitted around the camera,
bodily or any other sort.
- Okay, crew number two.
How about Rob and Amy?
Crew number three.
- You got $30?
- Oh, no.
I thought it was only $20.
- All right,
I'll-I'll take it.
Just give me the rest later,
- Thanks, man.
- See you later.
- See you, man.
- Dude, how much
are you spending?
- Not much more than usual.
- Why can't you just wait
till next weekend to go back?
- 'Cause I'm really low, man.
Hey, can you send me
the Bio answers?
- Yeah, sure.
So, listen...
Maybe the next time
you chill with the Talberts,
I'll meet up with you guys.
- What do you mean?
You don't do coke.
- Yeah, but...
neither does Trevor.
- Did you get it?
- Yeah, hold on,
I'm sending it.
- I don't know.
They're weird.
- Whatever, Dave.
- Yes, I'm not introducing you
to them on purpose.
You're not cool enough, man.
- I don't know.
- What are you filming?
- You.
Think that's good?
- Yeah, I think that's
all we need, probably.
- Okay.
[playing gentle piano music]
- Do you play the piano?
- Not really.
- Sounds like you do.
- We used to always have one
in the house.
I used to fuck around on it.
I think my dad
really wanted me to.
- I don't play anything.
- Yeah?
- Well, in the third grade,
I played the recorder,
but, like, every class
had to do that.
- Yeah, I think
we had that too.
- I wasn't even good at it.
Have you ever had sex?
- What?
- Dave told me you didn't,
but I didn't really
believe him.
- What did Dave say?
- Nothing really.
I was just talking,
and I asked.
He said you hadn't done much.
- Dave's an asshole.
I've done more than him.
- Well, Dave's not a virgin.
- Don't make fun of me.
- I wasn't.
- How about you?
Are you a virgin?
- Yeah.
But I can have sex
whenever I want.
I just haven't wanted to yet.
- Guess that's pretty convenient
for you.
- Well, it's easy for girls.
You know, it's really not hard
to get-
to be able to have sex
with any guy,
whenever, whoever.
So what have you done?
- I guess, like,
everything but.
- So you've had a blowjob?
- Yeah.
- Like, a lot?
- What's a lot?
- Well, I wouldn't know, like...
- I guess, like,
something like 10.
- Oh.
Are you trying
to strangle me to death?
What are you doing?
You're weird.
- Hmm.
- Hey, Mr. Burke.
There are the Talberts.
- What do you think?
- Get closer.
- Like this?
- Is that Dave? Yeah.
Hi, Dave.
- Everybody be
on your best behavior.
This is being videotaped.
all: Hi!
- Okay, enough fun.
All right.
Our very own Tigers
will be playing
Algonquin this Wednesday...
- [hiccups]
Excuse me.
- ... At their field it seems.
A little piece of history.
This will be the 72nd meeting
between the Warriors
and the Tigers
since the league was established
and although our Tigers
have maintained-
- Camilla, Jess...
There are the Talberts again.
- The majority of our losses
have occurred
on their home turf,
so if you finished
your studies this weekend,
please come out to support
your brother Tigers.
For all of you sloths,
the spirit bus leaves promptly
at 10:00 a. m. Saturday morning.
Also, stragglers...
- Do you want to do
those hallway shots or should I?
- Um, you do it.
- Can I get that note
to get out of class?
- Yep.
Hi, Dave.
[dull thuds]
[strained breathing]
[metallic clang]
- [groaning]
[strained breathing]
[strained breathing]
[strained breathing]
[breathing stops]
- Go to the office!
Have them call 911!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God,
Robert, what happened?
Oh, my God, Mary.
Mary, open your eyes!
Are you-are they breathing?
Oh, God!
Someone get help, okay?
Please go to the office.
Someone call 911.
We need to call a paramedic,
Rob, what happened?
What happened to them?
Mary, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Open your eyes.
Can you see me?
- What's going on here?
- What's going on?
- I don't know.
- Okay, fine.
- Find out what happened.
- What's going on?
What happened?
- We're at Bryton Academy.
- What happened?
You're filled with blood.
What's going on, Robert?
- Second floor hallway.
- Robert, can you stand up?
Robert, look at me.
- Tell them that there's
a lot of blood
and they're not breathing!
They're not breathing.
- There's two here that
seem to be out completely.
Mary and Anne Talbert.
All right, everybody-everybody
needs to clear the area!
Back to the classrooms.
Come on, back in classrooms!
Come on.
- What was that?
They're 18 years old.
- Come on, you guys,
get back!
All right, come on, Mary.
[voices overlapping]
- This way.
Follow me, please.
Amy, come on.
Come this way.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Go right upstairs, right now.
Go upstairs.
- Okay, come on.
Get back now.
Back. Go back.
Come on, back up.
Make room.
[voices overlapping]
Come on.
All the way back.
[voices overlapping]
- Go back.
Go back.
- Were you with the girls
anytime before...
what we just saw?
- No.
- Why were you filming
in that hallway?
- My teacher told me to.
- We just started
an audio-video club here.
- Were you friends
with Anne or Mary?
- No.
- Did you know anyone
who knew them?
- No.
- Anne and Mary
were very popular seniors.
Rob is only in the tenth grade.
There's not much interaction
between sophomores and seniors.
- Yeah, I get it.
I used to be a kid too.
Why did you walk over
to the girls
instead of calling for help?
- I didn't know
what was happening.
- And once you realized
that something was wrong...
why didn't you go
and get a teacher?
- I don't remember.
- Have you ever tried cocaine?
- No.
- It's hard, huh?
It's very...
Okay, Mr. Williams,
is there anything else
you'd like to say?
- Rob, I know how hard
this is for you.
This is going to be
very difficult times
for a while for everyone.
But the most important thing,
I think...
is for us...
to be strong together.
- Mr. Williams is right.
- Rob, have you been
seeing Mr. Virgil?
- No.
- I really think you should.
I think we're going to encourage
everyone here
to start going to see him.
It's important
that no one be afraid
to talk at a time like this.
Rob, if you want to go home
for a little bit,
we would understand.
- Mm-mm.
I'm okay.
- Okay, I'm done.
You can go.
- Be strong, buddy.
Our kids are good kids.
Rob's a bit confused
but is harmless.
- I'm ready for the next one.
[voices overlapping]
- Hey, Mom.
Yeah, I'm okay.
They're questioning everybody.
Just to see who knew the girls.
Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
No, don't.
It's fine for me.
I want to stay up here.
- # All through the night #
# While the weary world
is sleeping #
# All through the night #
- This is so sad.
- # O'er thy spirit
gently stealing #
# Visions of delight
revealing #
# Breathes a pure
and holy feeling #
# All through the night #
# Though I roam
a minstrel lonely #
# All through the night #
# My true harp shall praise #
- It's hard to be up here
at a time like this
and to have to speak to you
like I usually do,
but I will because I have to.
The police have determined
that the illegal substances
that killed Anne and Mary
that day
were not purchased
in the school.
They were bought while the girls
were away for the weekend
and only used that morning.
How can we know this?
We are confident
this is the case,
because not two days ago,
a similar unfortunate
accident occurred
with a young boy in the city.
An examination revealed
that what killed the girls
was a lethal combination
of narcotics
and poisonous agents,
one of which was rat poison.
Now, what is important
to remember is first...
who these girls were.
They were beautiful
and full of life.
They were victims
of bad judgment,
of misguided energy,
of the threats that face youth.
They made a mistake
and paid dearly for it.
I have been in touch with
the parents of Anne and Mary.
They send their love and thanks
for everyone's cards
and warm wishes.
It has been a comfort to them
to know that their girls
were so loved here.
The only thing
that they can hope for now
is that what happened
to Anne and Mary
will never happen again
to any other student here.
We wanted to give each and every
one of you a chance to...
say something about the girls
or to them
and to do so now.
So anyone-
there's no pressure-
please form a line
to the left of the podium
and one by one come up here.
Anne and Mary,
we will miss you.
- Anne and Mary,
things'll never be the same
without you.
Life will never be the same.
You'll be in my heart,
in all our hearts, forever.
- I'm so sorry
that this happened
and that we didn't
get to know each other better.
But you will be missed.
- I wrote a little something
about the girls.
"As a constant reminder
of our love
"and their indomitable spirit,
"the Talbert girls
will always thrive in our souls,
miraculously human. "
- Okay, I talked to Mr. Wiseman,
and, uh...
he's planning on
working on a memorial video
for the twins, you know,
for the school.
You like video, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Do you-do you think
it would be a good idea
for you to work on that?
- Yeah.
Yeah, okay.
- All right, great.
Well, we'll call this
a short meeting and...
my office is always open
anytime you want to come by.
And I'd like you to come by
maybe a couple times a week,
all right?
- All right, sure.
- Okay.
- Does it matter what order,
Mr. Wiseman?
- Oh, no, no.
Just leave them there
for a few seconds,
and then we'll figure out
how to use them later.
- So these are
from when they were babies.
Now, when we finish up
with this,
we'll get back
to the video tour.
That's good.
Right, yeah, move in a little.
- Mr. Wiseman,
can I be excused for a second?
- Oh, sure.
Sure, Amy, I understand.
- Casey, why don't you fill in?
- Yeah.
- And anybody else
who feels like leaving.
How are you doing, Rob?
- I'm okay.
They're really cute.
- Okay, next one.
Mr. Burke,
Mr. and Mrs. Talbert are here,
if you're ready.
- Guys.
Gloria, Tom.
Thank you so much for coming.
- We thought it would be good
to come back
and do something for the girls.
- Take however long you want.
This is Amy, a freshman here,
and Robert.
He actually
was the first person to...
find Anne and Mary that day.
- Robert...
I'm so sorry
you had to see that.
- Um...
I'm-I'm sorry, Mrs. Talbert.
- Whenever you're ready.
- Hello, everybody.
This has been the hardest time
for both of us.
We were used to
an empty apartment
for a good part of the year
since Anne and Mary
were at school.
Weekends have been
particularly hard.
Sometimes we feel...
when we've been
without them for a week...
they're going to be showing up
Saturday night...
- Oh, please.
[crying softly]
- I don't know
why I keep crying.
- Did it hurt you?
- A little bit.
- I'm sorry.
- Thanks.
- When?
- Today.
- When?
- After AV.
- I don't believe you.
- Don't believe me, then.
- Okay, so how was it?
- I don't know.
- What do you mean
you don't-
Was it all right?
- Yeah.
- This is such bullshit.
- What's wrong?
- My mom.
She isn't able
to come pick me up this weekend.
- Oh.
Well, can't you just
take the train in?
- I mean, I guess so.
But I really hate
taking the train.
- Where do you live?
- In New York,
on the Upper East Side.
- Yeah, I live
on the Upper West.
Would you want
to come back with me?
- Okay.
I mean,
if that's cool with you.
- Yeah.
No, no.
You can't go.
- I really just want
to be home for a day.
- Mm-hmm.
- Are you sure it'd be cool
with your dad?
- Yeah.
Why wouldn't it be?
- I don't know.
Thanks a lot, though.
[strained breathing]
- Can you play it again?
- Yeah.
- Who made this?
- It's not my camera.
- Yeah, looks like
a cell phone.
[strained breathing]
[muffled screaming]
- If there's something that
I need to know, he does tell me.
It's nothing to worry about.
It's nothing to worry about,
If it was, I'd let you know.
You know that, don't you?
You know that.
I'd let you know immediately.
Don't worry.
I know how you're feeling.
Don't worry about it.
Just enjoy your beautiful car.
Drive him around in it.
- Do you like it?
- I adore it.
I adore it.
I'm green with envy.
Young man.
- I hope he's okay.
- Don't worry, okay?
- Seriously.
- Don't worry.
Enjoy yourself.
- His mother and I
would do anything...
- I understand.
All's well.
- Speak with you later,
all right?
- Why don't you just say
what's on your mind?
You're telling me that you don't
have any thought in your head.
- No.
- It's like a grapefruit?
- It's just-
I'm just-
Just wasn't even thinking
about anything...
important right then.
- I thought we-you know,
I thought we agreed
just to talk,
doesn't have to be important.
Tell me something.
Just want to know
what's on your mind,
what you're thinking about
right now.
- I mean, it's hard.
Like, what are you
thinking about right now?
- I'm thinking about...
- See, it's sort of
just hard to tell sometimes.
I don't know.
- Just tell me something,
What's the first thing
that comes to your mind?
Just say anything.
Say anything.
- My skin's peeling.
It's all dry in certain parts
and coming off.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I like it when you tell me
what you're thinking.
I feel like there's a lot
you want to say,
but you're not saying it.
- Sorry.
- Don't apologize to me
about it.
Did I make you upset?
- No.
- You know,
I'm not judging you.
None of this leaves the room.
What do you think
about your mom?
Do you know
that she's got crabs so big,
I ride them to work?
- What?
- Rob, come on, man.
When somebody makes fun
of your mother,
you got to come back
quicker than that, right?
- Uh...
Your mom gets fucked for cash.
- Okay.
Okay, fair enough.
All right.
See, that was easy.
You just said
what's on your mind.
- I thought that
I wanted to be like them.
They're the ideal senior girls.
They were what everybody...
looked up to.
- Hey, guys.
We got new security checks.
I'm gonna check your bags.
- What's all that about?
- Not really sure.
But I'm gonna need you
to step up here,
and if you could stay
down there, please.
Just put your bag
on the table.
- There's nothing in there,
I can assure you of that.
- Nothing in here?
I'm gonna take some stuff out
and make sure
you're not bringing anything
into the school, all right?
- You're lucky
you didn't have anything.
- Yeah, Burke told my dad
that they might do
something like this.
I just brought some weed,
and a couple bottles of vodka.
- What happened last night
is just the first
of many necessary steps
in trying to make this
a safer place for everyone.
The majority agree
that the steps
we are starting to take
are the right ones.
First, you will not be allowed
unlimited Saturdays back home.
Random room searches
and drug tests are allowed,
and the first series of these
will be starting this week.
Anyone in possession
of alcohol or drugs
besides those given to you
through the nurse
will be expelled.
Anyone caught smoking will have
a three-day suspension.
So-everyone settle.
We have lost Anne and Mary,
but if there is nothing else,
we can only hope
that this experience
prevents this tragedy
from befalling others.
And anyone
who disrespects these rules
is disrespecting them.
Is that clear with you guys?
All that we're asking of you
is that you uphold
the values of Bryton.
Now, I believe in the students
of this school,
and I really believe that
you're inherently good kids.
Now, we will do everything
in our power
to ensure
that is always the case.
Okay, as of last night,
several of our school's students
have been either expelled
or suspended indefinitely.
Now, Mr. Ullman will be reading
a list of their names.
It is important to remember
that these students,
some of whom are
your friends and roommates,
did not respect this school,
themselves, or you.
Mr. Ullman.
- Charles Wentworth,
Claire Goreman,
Trevor Stuart.
- I think he's really upset.
I'm gonna go talk to him.
- We have to film Burke.
[metallic clang]
- Hey!
Cool it, guys.
Get over here.
Just stay right here.
Just go.
- What's going on?
- I thought you were asleep,
didn't want to wake you.
- Where are you going?
- Going to see Mr. Virgil.
Thought it'd be a good idea.
- Is the light okay in here?
- Yeah, I think it's okay.
- Yeah.
I'm very excited to see
what you guys have put together.
Mr. Wiseman says everyone's
been working really hard
on this project,
especially you and Amy.
I'm proud of you, Robert.
Some people would have
lost their cool
after seeing what you saw.
Has this video
been helpful to do?
- Yeah, I think it's been nice.
I'm-I'm set,
so we can start.
- Should we wait for Amy?
- No, I don't think
she's coming.
- All right, then.
Give me a second.
- Rob?
- Yeah, fuck me.
- Well...
I mean, I used to
really like videos,
but I think I might be
getting tired of them.
- You mean like movies?
- No, just like short clips.
- You mean like
kids' video blogs?
- No, I think
those are kind of phony.
No, just like little-
little clips of things
that seem real.
Usually just like a-
like a cat or a baby
doing something funny or-
or something violent.
Like, there's this one
I really like
where it's, like, a mother
and her six babies,
and she's got like septuplets
or whatever you call it,
and they're all just,
like, laying around her,
and the dad,
who's filming,
just keeps making this noise
from behind the camera,
and whenever he makes the noise,
they all just giggle,
and they all stop giggling
at the same time.
- Do you like porn?
You can tell me.
- Yeah.
- No real moments in porn,
I can tell you that.
- Yeah, I know, but...
there are these ones
that I watch.
It's like this guy
who never shows his face
and he'll, like, grab the girls
and, like,
talk real hard with them.
I don't know, he just gets them,
like, pretty scared
and not fake.
- Has doing the video
for the girls been good for you?
I mean, I know
you don't want to talk
about the twins, Rob, but...
What's that?
Is there something
you want to say?
- It's all my fault.
- Rob, it's not your fault.
Can I tell you something?
And you promise
you won't tell anybody?
I knew the girls
were using drugs.
I knew they had issues.
I knew a year ago.
They stopped coming to see me.
This year, other kids
were talking about it.
I hear what's going on.
I decided to tell, you know,
the school.
I felt like the girls
were in danger, and...
they told me
they didn't want to hear it,
that the Talberts were
too important to this school
and friends with certain people
and, uh...
they weren't worried about it,
Nothing you can do,
nothing I can do.
In case you thought there was,
there wasn't.
[strained breathing]
- Okay, I'm excited
to see what you got.
Should I turn off the lights?
- Yeah.
- Oh, gosh.
Look at them.
- Okay, so it's not
completely done yet.
It's-it's close, I think.
- My mother once
knew a girl who-
she was at a party,
and she overdosed on drugs,
and her friends thought
that she just passed out
because she had drank too much,
and so they took her
to the school,
to the parking lot,
and they just laid her
in the rain,
thinking it would be funny,
but, really, it wasn't,
because she died there, and...
- I don't know,
they liked to have fun.
They were real cool girls.
I didn't know them as well
freshman year,
but obviously they-
they were a little intimidating
in the beginning,
because they were
so pretty and-
they sort of took over
as soon as they got here,
and it took me a little while
to get into
the swing of things,
so I didn't think I deserved to
hang out with them right away,
but, um...
they were-
they were more genuine
than I thought they were.
So they were
a lot more approachable.
So it was really cool
for me to-
I don't know.
I sort of felt honored to be
able to hang out with them.
- No.
But they-
They always seemed like
they were having fun,
and everyone always
talked about them...
and I guess they were
the kind of girls
I would like to be like,
and it's weird
that they're not there anymore.
- I'd really just ask them
about their, you know,
final experiences on this Earth
and just what
they were thinking,
any remorse for any mistakes
they had made, any...
- It was always a marvel to-
I'm sorry, can we-
can I-can we start again?
It was always a marvel to me
to see how two young women
who seemed so similar-
Was that serious, Robert?
- What do you mean?
- Is there something
wrong with you, Robert?
I'm no editor,
but I can safely say
that was probably
the worst thing I've ever seen.
You didn't even have music.
I'm gonna tell Mr. Wiseman
to have someone else
re-edit everything.
I'm very disappointed.
[voices overlapping]
- I like pudding.
Don't you like pudding?
[voices overlapping]
- Yo, Rob,
let me get the homework, man.
- No.
- Give it to me.
- No.
- Yo, Max.
- Yeah?
- Can I get the homework?
- Okay, fine.
[voices overlapping]
- Fucking pussy.
- Fuck you!
You fucking killed them!
You fucking
killed them!
- Come on.
Come on, outside.
- You almost killed Dave.
Do you realize that, Rob?
There are a lot of people who
think you should be expelled.
You boys are roommates.
What would make you
want to do that?
I know this has been
a tough time for you,
Rob, in particular.
It's been a difficult time
for everybody here.
Dave, I can only hope
you've been there for him.
- Yeah.
I've been really worried
about Rob.
He's been acting
really weird lately.
- Rob, calm down!
All right.
Dave, um...
I need you to give Rob and I
a few minutes.
Then I'll come
and talk to you.
I've heard things
from Mr. Virgil.
There are a lot of things
he says
that really worry me, buddy.
The things you've been
looking at on the computer,
that's not good.
A lot of things,
and the kind of things parents
don't want to know
about their son.
And there was something else,
something you kept saying.
Do you remember
what you kept saying, Rob?
You were cursing like a madman,
and you were saying,
"You killed them.
You killed them.
You killed them. "
What did you mean, Rob?
- I'm sorry, Mr. Burke.
I don't know what I was saying.
- Were you talking
about the Talbert Twins?
- No, Mr. Burke.
I don't think
I was talking about anything.
- It's a serious allegation,
That's why I'm asking you
like this.
I know Dave,
and I know his parents.
He's a good kid.
He's like you,
just a little troubled
right now.
Were you trying to say
Dave had something to do with
the death, Rob?
And if you know something,
please say it now.
- No.
- All right, Rob.
I had to clear that up.
There's something I haven't
really said out there
to the other kids,
no one knows where the girls
purchased the drugs
that they got for sure.
It's scary to think it could
have been someone in the school.
But the truth is, Rob,
we all kind of gave the girls
those drugs that day.
Do you see, it's not just
one person's fault, Rob.
It's everyone's.
In a way, it's mine.
And, in a way,
it's your fault, Rob.
In a way, we all kind of gave
the girls those drugs that day.
Do you see?
In a way, we all did.
We're not gonna expel you,
I think what you need
is some time away, back home.
I've talked to your parents,
and they're obviously very
It could be a couple of weeks
or a couple of months,
but when you're ready
to come back,
Bryton will be here for you.
Can you get up?
It was always a marvel to me,
to see how two young women
who seemed so similar
could be so different.
Anne and Mary,
we'll miss you terribly.
- Whenever I would see
the girls pass by my office
before morning meeting,
they always had a smile
on their face,
and they would always wave.
I'm gonna miss them.
They were a bright spot
in the day
and in the week for me.
- Nothing like this should ever
happen to anybody.
You'll be missed.
Take care.
- I was happy
to have known them,
and I miss them.
- Bryton won't be the same
without you.
- You're the most
beautiful girls I've ever seen,
and I'm really gonna miss
seeing you around campus.
Good-bye, Anne and Mary.
- Good-bye, Anne and Mary.
- I'm gonna miss you.
- I would say
that she was the best person
that I ever knew
in my entire life.
- I will miss you.
- I never knew
the Talbert Twins,
but I'd always admired them.
We'll all really miss them.
Our hearts go out
to their parents.
- To the students of Bryton,
we want to thank you very much
from the bottom of our hearts
for all of your well-wishes
and your kind words,
flowers, cards,
the many things
that you sent to us.
- Anne and Mary loved
many of you very much,
and we do hope that
in the future of this school,
that will never happen again.
- That was beautiful.
Please join me
in a moment of silence
in memory of Anne and Mary.
Thank you.
I'd like to give
another round of applause
to the audio-video class.
What a beautiful card
to remember them by.
Their parents
are truly grateful.
Thank you, guys.
Let us never forget
this tragedy
and always remember
that we must remain vigilant
against the dangers out there.
Okay, everyone, please make
your way back to third period.
- Marie Durgin.
- Thank you.
- David Wilson.
- David, here's your medication.
- Thank you.
- Have a good day.
- Mike Charles.
Thank you.
- Have a good day.
- Robert.
- Robert, how are you?
- Good, how are you?
- Good. Have a good day.
Anyone else waiting?
Have a good day, Robert.
- [coughing]
- Hey, Rob!
How's things been working out?
- They're better.
- If you want to talk anytime,
come see me, okay?
- Yeah.
- And the surface area
of a sphere.
The formulas are quite simple.
Once you know the formula
for the area
and the volume of a-
- Fuck you!
You fucking killed them!
[knocks on door]
- Lights out, Rob.
- Two, three.
[raucous cheering]
- Good-bye, suckers!
- So long, suckers!
[cheering fades]
- [strained breathing]
[audio static hissing]