Aftershock: Earthquake in New York (1999)

Saturday is the beginning of
garlic weekend in little Italy.
In sports, both the yankees and
the mets were off last night.
The yanks are in baltimore this
evening for a three-game series
With the orioles
And the mets
travel to los angeles
To begin the first of four
in dodger stadium.
Turning to the weather
Under blue skies,
we'll have a high of 65 degrees
Dropping down to a low of 48
overnight in manhattan.
Currently, it's 52 degrees
at central park
54 at jfk and 51 degrees
in newark.
As for the traffic, the f.D.R.
And the westside highway
Are moving well with only
light congestion so far.
The manhattan bridge
is also in good shape
With the williamsburg
and the brooklyn
some moderate delays.
The holland tunnel
is still jammed
As a result of
the surrounding construction
So you're better off taking
the g.W. Or the lincoln tunnel.
The b.Q.E. And the bronx
are, as usual, a nightmare.
Alternate side of the street
parking rules are in effect
And buses and subways are
running with only minor delays.
Wcbs time is now 6:54.
Now for the headlines:
The war of words between
mayor bruce lincoln
And fire chief thomas ahearn
escalated yesterday
When ahearn submitted
his formal resignation.
Asked for comment
The mayor said
he would take time
To consider ahearn's
early departure
But hoped discussion of issues
could now continue
"without disruptive elements
impeding progress."
The developers of a westside
high rise...
What's the matter?
I think low rider
doesn't feel good.
He doesn't want to eat.
Try this.
Oh, danny, no, no.
What is it?
You usually eat more
than anyone in the house.
Is it your tummy?
Hey, maybe if you finish
your breakfast
He would finish his.
And you have...
Oh, seven minutes
To get your teeth brushed,
your clothes on
And out the door to school.
Mom, I really want
the pele video
for my birthday!
Okay, okay.
( phone ringing )
Hi, honey.
The phone rang for a while.
Thought maybe you had
already gone.
No, no.
I'm still here.
We miss you.
Dori, I've only been gone
since yesterday.
It's a good thing
that we miss you.
I miss you, too.
Listen, you know,
I'm kind of rushed.
I want to make
the first speaker
So, um...
Oh, yeah, of course.
You know, this is the third
conference that you've been to.
All right!
Okay. I...
Why is it
That every time we talk
it turns out this way?
We just called
to say good morning.
Dori, you've got to get back
into the swing of things.
Oh, sam, please...
You gave up a thriving business.
I mean, you and I used to climb
every weekend.
I... I miss our life.
We have to talk about it
I know, sam, I know.
Is that dad?
Danny wants to talk
to you, okay?
Make it fast,
all right?
We're already late.
Hey, dad, can I get
the pele soccer video
When you get back?
Okay, cool.
Don't forget your jacket.
Low rider, no, no, no.
You stay.
You stay. Good boy.
Daddy... I don't know
why you get so upset.
You know practically
every cent I make
I spend on rent.
And I don't exactly live
in the trump tower.
I know, I know.
I scrounge a little for food
and then I'm broke.
Well, you're a rich banker.
Well, daddy, you are!
Of course you worked for it.
I work hard, too.
I just don't make any money.
Wait, can you hang on a sec?
( blender grinding )
Yeah, I will pay you back
As soon as I'm a rich
and famous prima ballerina.
Yeah, I have it around here
I have my bank statement.
That's how I know I'm broke.
Uh, o-okay.
I have exactly $46.79.
Oh, that was two weeks ago.
( laughs )
I know that's not enough.
That's why I called.
No, I'm not laughing
because it's funny, daddy.
I'm laughing because...
What else can I do?
Yeah, lunch sounds great.
Oh, not that restaurant!
All right, okay.
I won't be picky, I promise.
Oh, whoa!
No, everything's okay.
Yeah, I'll bring
the bank statement.
Yeah. Tell mom I said hi.
I love you, too. Bye.
Enjoy your stay.
Thank you.
Good afternoon,
No, richard.
Would you please
sign here?
I was always coming home
the day after tomorrow.
So take the kids out
to eat, okay?
All right.
And please make sure
they get to school on time.
All right. Okay.
Yeah. Bye.
I'm a surgeon by day
and a homemaker by night.
Sometimes I get
a little tired.
Besides, I bet you anything
your significant other
Is far more resourceful
than mine.
All bets are off.
Sam thorell.
Nancy stuart.
It's nice to meet you.
Now that sounds
so civilized.
Well, most of my cases
are elective
So maybe you're right.
And you?
New york city.
los angeles.
Let me guess.
You got tired of all
those palm trees.
Well, it's a long story...
Keep the change.
One would think that by the time
you'd been accepted
By the new york city ballet
You would understand
that art requires discipline.
Miss agostini,
there are many others
Waiting in the wings who would
love to be in your shoes.
Shall we continue?
I'll make summary remarks,
then we'll just have to see.
You all right?
I can get for you?
You've done a great job,
miss lincoln.
I know you've done
everything you can.
There is still time
for a last-minute plea bargain.
We could negotiate
for time served.
No, miss lincoln.
We haven't come this far
To admit to something
I did not do.
There's a risk.
What you're doing...
Well, if it's a risk
to tell the truth
Then that's what we have to do.
Now's not the time
To start doubting
I trust you.
( music playing )
Danny, would you turn that down?
All right, saute the mushrooms,
add onions and herbs
And melt butter.
Please turn it down!
Thank you.
All right,
reduce one cup of wine.
Do I have a cup?
( rumbling )
What is it?!
What happened?
I-I don't know.
I thought we were
having an earthquake.
Chill out, mom.
We don't live
in l.A. Anymore.
( rumbling and rattling )
Man ( whistles ):
In other news,
manhattanites experienced
A series of small earthquakes
Measuring from 2.5 to 3.0
on the richter scale.
There were no reports
of damage or...
( knocking )
Seismologists say the tremors
were centered
In the battery park...
Hey, roberto,
what's up?
Diane, you've got
to get out now.
There's a gas leak.
The fire department's here.
Excuse me.
We're headed entirely
in the wrong direction.
( heavy accent ):
Do you think?
Gracie mansion,
that's behind us.
That's a good start.
But we're going uptown.
Please, not to worry.
I'm not worried.
It's just that we're going to be
driving an awfully long time
If this is how...
I have a confession.
I don't know where
this crazy mansion is.
Gracie. Gracie mansion.
All right.
Whatever you call it.
I don't know
where it is.
I don't know where
anything is.
I should never have taken up
this line of work.
Complete mistake.
My mistake.
Okay, okay.
Hang on a minute.
I should sit back there.
You should drive.
How about this?
You drive
And I'm going to tell you
how to get there, okay?
( sirens wailing )
Company 51.
You must be
bruce summerlin.
That's right.
Chief ahearn.
Oh, I know
who you are, sir.
Hey, chief...
We're hanging in
there with you.
You put the mayor
back in his place.
No, don't hang in there
too tight.
It's one thing to fight
city hall
It's another thing to win.
Doesn't matter.
You're taking care
of your own.
Sir, I've got
a gas line rupture
Somewhere in this building.
Probably in the basement.
Yeah. 100-year-old lines,
they blow from time to time.
Where are you?
We've got the building
But we're still waiting
for utility
To shut down gas
and electric.
Yeah. Well,
it's chilly out.
Most of the windows
are closed.
You've metered the
explosive limits?
We're smack in the middle
of it.
Best we could do considering
our response time.
Gas is pretty strong.
You'd better deploy
ventilation equipment.
Well, yes, but
without con ed
Killing electric
at the pole
We're risking an explosion.
I don't want to get my men hurt.
Nobody wants your men
to get hurt.
But somebody's got
to make a decision soon.
Let's deploy this equipment
and air this thing out.
O'leary, get that
fan installed.
Nickerson, mcauley,
you two go in.
Let's open every window
in the place.
Get back!
Get back!
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
Now, breathe easy.
Just breathe easy.
Oh, my god.
Hank, I'm so sorry.
This never
should have
The building
was empty.
We should have waited
For con ed to cut off the power.
It was a bad call.
It was the right call,
With all due respect
You've been sitting behind
a desk for a long time.
I admire what you're doing
for the department
But you should keep your
fire fighting to city hall.
Hey! Get those
lines over here!
Is it your home?
It belongs to the city.
The mayor lives here.
The mayor?
You know the mayor?
A little.
I'm his daughter.
Well, this is very something.
I will introduce myself.
Nicholai karvoskya.
Evie lincoln.
Nice to meet you.
How long you been
in the city?
Three months.
Three long months.
Don't worry.
It only gets better.
See ya.
( horn beeping loudly )
It's about time
you got here.
Nice to see you, too.
I like this.
Well, let's say it
shows off the best
and hides the rest.
Which is most
of me by now.
Now here's a sight
For sore eyes.
My two favorite women
in the whole world.
Always the politician.
You're right, mom.
You're right.
Aren't mothers
Always right?
Ladies and gentlemen,
mrs. Lincoln, my mother.
( applause )
And ms. Lincoln,
my lovely daughter.
( applause )
And dinner is served.
Shall we, ladies?
Evie, I understand
you have an upcoming meeting
With bickerton,
craig and coleman.
How do you know
about that?
I was in law review
with bickerton.
He called me.
This has to be
on my own merits.
If he's looking
for city contracts...
Take it easy.
Take it easy.
Stop selling yourself
Last time I looked,
you were the star
Of the public defenders'
Just not sure
if I want to
work there.
Maybe... I'm not ready.
Big paycheck,
big office...
You deserve
the opportunity.
Look at your
track record.
It's not just
about winning.
It's not?
Well, of course not.
That only matters
in elections.
Seriously now,
this bingham case...
It's a long shot.
I'm going to have to
win it in the closing.
Then it's a good yardstick.
I think this is why
I don't call you
As often as I
would like to.
Well, sometimes you need
to hear what I say.
I'll make a deal
with you.
Win the bingham case,
take the interview.
You've worked hard enough
for it, eva.
That's a deal.
Give it up.
All right.
That's my girl.
( phone ringing )
I just wanted to talk to you.
What's up?
You're going
to think I'm crazy
Um, but I think I felt
A tremor today.
Oh, dori, don't we have
enough to worry about?
Why are you always
so quick to get angry?
I'm not angry.
I just don't know
what to do anymore.
Your every waking moment
is now devoted
To protecting danny
from some kind of disaster
And when there isn't one,
you create it.
It's like an obsession.
You're wrong.
Danny is healed.
He will never be the same.
And you won't let him.
And this isn't about danny.
It's about you.
Dori, it's been two years.
What are you saying?
You still feel responsible
for an accident.
Take my hand, grandma.
Why are you always
trying to treat me
Like I'm some antique?
You know, grandma
There are buildings
with doormen and elevators.
And people to chew
my food, too, I suppose.
No, eva, this is
where my life is
Always has been
and always will be.
I am not moving.
I worry about you.
You're not getting
any younger
And besides, home
is where you make it.
Lawyer talk.
You haven't lived
long enough
To know
what home is.
It takes family, friends
and time, baby.
Good night.
Love you...
( door creaking open )
( sirens wailing )
You haven't said a word
All morning.
Anything wrong?
School going all right?
Except for the fact
that everyone looks at me
Like I'm an alien, but...
It has been
in the paper
Every morning
for a week.
Dad, how could you
let it get like this?
Christine, there
wasn't really much
I could do about it.
If the mayor
is so stupid
Then why is it
that you had to quit?
It's too complicated
to explain.
You don't want to know.
Yeah, I do!
The mayor has made decisions
That I think
hurt the department.
He's rerouted money
And now we're short
on equipment and training
And that is dangerous
For everybody.
Honey, I didn't mean
for it to go public.
It just got away.
I'll find a different job.
But you used
to love your job.
I mean, now all you do
is fight with people
And it's ever since
you and mom split up.
Now that's not true!
It's... It's true that
the divorce has been difficult
But it just...
Just got away.
( door closing )
You know, dad...
It's not everybody
who quits their job
Just to insult the mayor.
I showed him, didn't I?
Yeah, wham, right
in your own kisser.
Who would have known
an alien could be so beautiful?
Bye, dad.
The murder
of madeline bingham
A helpless invalid
Shocks and appalls us deeply.
Our reaction is to lash out
and take revenge.
But our duty is
to do justice.
The prosecution has illustrated
nothing but
The weakest case
of circumstantial evidence.
I ask you to examine it.
You will find no facts can be
forged against joshua bingham.
In a few moments, you're going
to go back to that jury room
And I don't know
what's going to happen.
I do know the room is small,
Has one door
that will be closed.
Imagine it gets locked
And you're in there
for the rest of your life...
Because we think you might
have done something wrong.
You're talking
about a man's life.
There is no room
for any doubt.
No one truly knows
what happened in that room.
Joshua bingham
is a good and innocent man.
Hey, I was thinking...
I'm not busy today.
Maybe I could stop
and get that pele
video you wanted.
What do you think?
Yeah, sure.
Don't be so enthusiastic.
Dad said he'd pick it up
on his way home.
Oh, okay.
Is something wrong
with you and dad?
No, danny.
Your dad and I are
having some tough times
But we still love
each other
And we're just adjusting to
the big move and everything.
What do you mean
by "everything," mom?
Don't want
to be late!
Morning, danny.
Mrs. Thorell.
How are things
at home?
Fine, thanks.
And for you?
Fine, thanks.
( truck rumbling )
( church bells ringing )
You're crazy!
Oh, no.
I'm not crazy.
I'm mad.
What did I ever do
to you?
You lied.
Wait a minute.
I think you're a little
confused, noname.
You're not doing
anything to me
You're doing it
to yourself.
And take that thing off
your head in here!
Yo, I'm telling you
You've got me mixed up
with somebody else.
You're getting all over
my nerves now.
'cause that sure don't
sound like the me I know.
Well, you just keep kidding
yourself, hear?
Yo, I'm telling you
you've got this all wrong.
Yes, I got this
all wrong.
You came in here
last week
Begging for a job.
Playing on everybody's
You got me so sucked in
I made a plea for you
to the pastor.
"he's a nice young man,"
I said
"from the neighborhood.
Just trying
to make a little
pocket change."
You really think he's going
to remember who the hell I am?
I do. I loaned you $20.
I didn't take no job!
Listen, you asked
for the job.
You got the job.
Now, do the job.
A man is only as
good as his word.
Look, my word is good enough
on the street.
Now hear my word.
If you ever try
to get over on me
In front of my pastor
You will be the
sorriest young man
That ever lived.
Now sweep.
Has the jury reached
a verdict?
Man 1:
We have, your honor.
What say you?
Man 1:
We find the defendant,
joshua theo bingham
Not guilty.
( doorbell tinkling )
( chuckling )
Hi, baby.
Hi, dad.
Nice suit, that's new.
How can you tell?
I can tell.
You are such a creature
of habit.
You get the same thing
every time.
Uh, maybe I should order
you something else?
Oh, actually,
I don't have time.
How's ballet?
It's fine.
Choreographer's still
picking on me.
And of course you
don't deserve it.
Absolutely not.
Honey, you have talent
and opportunity.
If you don't want
to work at a job
Why don't you work
on dancing?
Yes, sir.
So, the usual?
Oh, I hate
when you say that.
If history serves
You'll have an
incredible story
For why this
is necessary.
You're making fun of me.
No, I'm not.
This is my favorite
part of this whole
ritual of ours.
Now, come on.
I'm waiting.
My apartment building
blew up.
Yeah, it did.
Gas leak, boom!
Oh, diane, your life is
complete chaos.
I know it must seem
that way
From your ordered
and organized life.
But it's not that crazy.
( tears paper )
All right.
Thanks. I'll be staying
at a friend's.
I'll let you know
the number.
Why don't you
stay with us?
Because then
we wouldn't meet
For these lovely
little lunches.
( chuckles )
All right.
Here's cab fare.
If you see your mother,
spare her the details.
She'd only worry.
And take care of yourself.
I promise.
All right, honey.
You're my hero.
Love you.
Hey... Hey!
Get in.
Where to?
88th and fifth, please.
Is that a map?
Yes, but no problem.
I know the way.
Big streets, no problem.
( inhales )
( exhales )
New york air never tasted
this good.
They say the best things
in life are free.
Well, all I know is
I wouldn't be here
Without you, miss lincoln.
They believed in you,
I don't know what
to do to thank you
And I don't want
this to sound
Out of line
or anything
But could I buy you lunch?
But I have an
appointment already.
A big law firm wants
to offer me a job.
This may be my last case
as a public defender.
Big changes.
And the question is,
do I want them?
Are you afraid to get
what you want?
Don't be.
Don't let anything stand
in your way.
If there's something good
out there for you, take it.
What happened to my
mild-mannered accountant?
( sighs )
I just want you to get
everything that you want.
You deserve it.
Thank you.
Take care.
( phone ringing )
Hey, evie.
What a pleasant surprise.
I'm making good
on our agreement.
I only have a minute
But I wanted you to know
I'm taking that meeting.
How does it feel to be
moving up in the world?
I have to admit,
it feels pretty good.
Mind you, I didn't say
I'm taking the job.
I just want to be sure.
Jerry palnick.
Hey, evie, I'm sorry
to cut this short.
I just got another call.
I have to take it.
Can I call you back?
Well, I have to go
on the subway, anyway.
Maybe later?
Okay, sweetheart.
Listen, be yourself
at that meeting.
Tell me all about it later.
I'll call you tonight.
I'm heading uptown,
do you care to join me?
Lead the way.
( labored breathing )
( weakly ):
Thanks for coming.
Oh, yeah.
Wish there was something
I could do.
I'm sorry.
It's just... Bad luck.
( apparatus rattling )
May I take that
for you, miss?
Thank you.
Except for a slight limp,
my son recovered completely.
Dori's consulted every
specialist in new york
But, uh, there's
nothing more
they can do.
I am sorry.
Don't be.
My son is amazing.
He wanted to be
a soccer player
Play in the olympics.
But he's decided he's
going to be the coach.
Was she driving?
She was blind-sided
on the passenger's side.
Guy ran a red.
Was she hurt?
But it hasn't been the same
between us since then.
( electrical crackling )
( loud rumbling )
( loud rumbling continues )
What is this?!
( shrieks )
Let's get out of here!
What's going on?!
What's going on?!
( screaming )
Get out!
( yelling )
Look out!
( car horn blaring )
( tires screeching )
( ceramic shattering )
( people shouting )
( metal screeching )
( people screaming
and shouting )
Do you read me?!
( glass shattering )
Low rider!
Low rider!
( rumbling )
( dori gasping )
Low rider!
Low rider!
Come on!
Where are you going?!
It stopped.
( gasping and gagging )
( passengers screaming )
( metal squealing )
Come on, get up!
Hey! Hey!
Come on!
Get up! Get up, come on!
Come on, get up! Come on!
You're cut.
It's all right,
I think.
Is it over?
( screaming )
We're still alive.
( gasping and coughing )
Come on, come on,
come on.
There you go.
There you go.
There you go.
Low ride... Low rider!
Low rider!
Come here, sweetie.
Come on... Low rider.
Oh, my god!
I can't breathe.
Help! Help! I need an ambulance!
( groaning )
Shh, shh...
Diane... Are you all right?
You hold on, daddy.
I'm... I'm so... So glad we...
We saw each other today.
I'm glad.
Daddy, don't talk like that.
Who do I call when
everything goes haywire, huh?
I'm so proud of you.
( laughing weakly )
Oh, dad...
I brought a dancer
into the world...
A beautiful dancer.
( coughing )
( choking )
( loud rumbling )
I'm sorry.
Do not be shocked
by what I do, please.
What are you doing?
Oh, no, don't.
Just leave him alone!
Get your hands off of my dad!
In an hour, your
father's shoes will
Be gone, his coat--
whatever he has.
Gone! All of it.
Take what your father
still has to give.
You will treasure
it later. Come on.
We have to go.
I'm not leaving him.
We have to go!
We got to get...
Come on!
( diane yelling )
Come on!
( loud rumbling )
( electrical crackling )
( man groaning )
( electrical
crackling continues )
( woman sobbing )
( groaning ):
Help me!
( groaning continues )
( woman wailing )
I think he's dying.
I think he's dying!
Let me see.
( wailing continues )
No... No!
No, no, no!
Shh, okay.
Backup lights came on.
( woman crying )
( knocking on door )
( woman screams )
( radio static )
Hello? Can anybody hear me?
He's alive.
There's nothing
to be done.
No, no, we have
to try to help him.
The man is
practically dead, evie.
How do you know?
The way he's breathing.
Evie, we need to focus.
We don't know
what we're up against
But we do know we need
to try to save ourselves
And to waste energy
on a dead man
Would just be foolish.
Don't worry.
We're going to be all right.
What if it's
a nuclear explosion?
Or maybe a bomb
or terrorists.
We'll soon find out.
( crying softly )
Let's get you
out of here.
Here we go.
You got her?
Get the paramedic equipment
And get out there
in the streets on foot.
We have people
down everywhere.
Yes, sir.
Got a radio?
Right here, sir.
Who's out there?
C.B.S are going strong, sir.
Those guys are on batteries.
Ham radios from outlying areas
still have power.
Got a guy in queens
says they've taken a hard hit.
Central? One police plaza?
No word yet.
This is chief ahearn,
fire station 15, what's your 20?
Chief ahearn
I'm in the borough communication
center, mid queens.
I can't raise
central dispatch in manhattan
But I am in touch
with a helicopter overhead.
All right, patch me in.
This is fire chief ahearn.
Do you read?
I read you.
This is jillian parnell,
reporter for wcbs television.
Jillian, are you airborne?
Roger that. We're airborne.
We just watched
the whole damn city shake apart.
I'm downtown. Where are you?
Right now
we are flying southwest
Over the manhattan bridge
or what's left of it.
I cannot believe
what's happened down there.
Oh, my god.
Look at the brooklyn bridge.
Cables have torn loose.
I mean, they're-they're
all over the roadway.
The cars are just
piling up right now.
Jillian, I need you.
You're my eyes up there.
Now calmly tell me what you see.
I don't even know
where to begin.
Jillian, just keep talking.
The better you describe
what you see down there
The better we can respond.
All right.
Right now, we are swinging north
over downtown.
I see the twin towers.
They look good.
They're both still standing.
Empire state building
looks good.
Chrysler building looks
like it's okay
But some of these buildings
have just lost their skins.
I mean, I mean,
they've just fallen off.
Ahearn, are you still with me?
Uh, yes, I'm here.
Have you been
over upper westside?
We made a pass earlier.
Grant high?
Honestly, I can't tell you that.
I mean, there was so much...
I don't know.
Do you want us to go up there?
No, no.
I want you to turn around.
I want you
to fly over one police plaza
And tell me what you see.
Roger that.
Yes, sir?
Uh... One police plaza
Should be implementing
their disaster plan.
Have you picked up
any transmission
On the emergency frequencies?
Negative. Not a word.
Ahearn, you read me?
All right, jillian, go ahead.
I am flying over
one police plaza now.
It is destroyed...
Completely destroyed.
City hall?
City hall looks like
somebody dropped a bomb on it.
Chopper pilot
Do you read me?
Loud and clear.
I want you to set down
in the parking lot
Next to station 15
And look for me.
Yes, sir, but you better
pull some strings.
I can lose my license
for a stunt like this.
Don't worry.
I'm tight with the mayor.
( patrons murmuring )
What's going on?
Arteries to and from the city
are completely devastated.
The streets appear to be nearly
impassable, blocked by debris.
Brick facades have tumbled
Into a lethal storm.
Many of the older buildings
Have just simply collapsed
or pancaked.
We have to assume
That there are many, many people
trapped among the ruins.
Our information
will become clearer...
I got to go.
Excuse me, folks.
We ask for your prayers...
Prayers for those
who are still alive.
Nice landing.
Welcome aboard, chief.
Where to?
Central park.
Try sheep's meadow first.
( footsteps )
( moaning softly )
Church would have
paid you.
You owe me two hours' wages.
You had a job.
If you worked,
you would have gotten paid.
I got to eat.
Besides, look around.
Ain't much of a church
left to sweep.
( chuckling )
You're following me.
No. Yes, but not like that.
Look, I appreciate it.
You seem like
a very sweet guy
But I don't need you
to follow me.
I'm going to be fine.
But I help you
find your mother.
I don't want your help.
Go on!
I mean, you must have
Of your own
to worry about.
They're probably looking
for you right now.
No one looks for me.
I got to go.
Oh, god.
( woman crying and yelling )
What are you doing here?
What do you want?
I remember map.
I help you get there.
88 and 5th.
Why do you care?
I save your life.
You save mine.
I lost my earring.
( loud bang )
My daddy gave
it to me.
( sobbing )
I remember times
like this from before.
To survive is good,
but it is not enough.
You understand
what I say?
You want me to go?
I don't even know your name!
Nicholai karvoskya!
Could you spell that?
( sobbing )
I'll teach you how
to spell it.
( laughs )
Oh, my god.
Look at grant.
My daughter's somewhere
in there.
Take me down.
I don't have kids, okay?
I'm not going to pretend
to know how you feel.
My kid's down there.
I know!
But from what I've seen
You might be the only person
who knows what to do...
For everybody.
Okay, central park.
See if we can find the mayor.
( electricity snapping )
They never had a chance.
Listen to me, everyone.
We can't worry
about the people
In the rest of the train.
There's nothing we can do.
They're all dead.
We have to check for survivors.
There's nobody but us.
( banging )
Let's go get 'em.
( laughing )
Hey, what are you doing, guys?
You're just making it worse!
Chill, lady.
What you think
You're doing, huh?
Think you're a cop
or something?
All right, take
what you want, okay?
( glass breaking )
What are you doing?
You cannot stop this.
I'm sorry.
I don't mean to...
People become like animals.
They take and they
don't care if they
hurt you for it.
And we just let them?
For somebody's jewelry?
What are you, crazy?
To stay alive, in one piece.
That is what is important.
Maybe you're okay
doing nothing
But I'm not.
Can you imagine
what I feel?
I travel across world
to america
And now I must think
the same way I did
Where I had to run
for my life?
( glass breaking )
I just think it's wrong.
Me, too.
Good luck.
I can't get
this to work.
Try this quick-start
menu card.
We don't
know yet.
Look, con ed is
working on the grid
But it's safe to say
over 90% is down.
You're breaking up!
I can't hear you!
Here's a disaster plan
in from gracie mansion.
Have you got anything
that can run it?
Okay, okay!
Up and running!
Any word from emergency
management yet?
Emergency service units
are on the way
With briefcase satellite
hook ups.
We've got three transmitters
up and running.
That's a start.
Joseph, check with the f.C.C.
About radio transmission.
Make sure we work on the
appropriate frequencies.
Where's mark ross from
emergency management?
Well, somebody find him.
We're going to need him.
( garbled radio transmissions )
( helicopter whirring )
Are you aware
Of the damage
at one police plaza?
I am.
You and I have a dilemma.
You're the ranking officer
of both fire and police.
But I have your resignation
on what's left of my desk.
Consider it withdrawn.
Should we put aside
our personal differences?
This situation doesn't allow
for personal differences, mayor.
Until further notice, I have
not accepted your resignation.
By tomorrow night
This place will be running
amok with feds, fema
The army, navy,
you name it
But right now the city
is on its own
So we've got
to hold the fort.
Streets are blocked.
Engine companies can't get
But we can get crews
through on foot
To pry people out.
Contact public works.
Locate earth-moving equipment.
We have to clear major
highways and streets.
We barely have
If we don't clear
the streets
We don't deploy
search and rescue.
You got that?
All right. You heard him.
Let's do it.
Your family all right?
My daughter may be
under grant high.
My mother is missing
And my daughter is somewhere
down in the damn subway.
Okay, here we go.
Bert, be careful!
We got you.
Nice and slow.
Thank you.
Okay, let's move out.
Hey! Who put
you in charge?
Well, I don't want
to stay here and die.
Do any of you?
My vote is we move on
and find some way out of this.
He's probably right.
Pretty cold, though.
You going to be
all right?
Yeah, I think.
Are you okay?
I thought once we quit
gambling that, you know...
...Our luck would
change, huh?
We should have taken
the bus like I said.
Is anybody here?
I don't know
where to begin.
Everything is broken.
I lost my contacts
and I can't see a thing.
If I could just
find my glasses
Then maybe
I could find my shoes.
Come on in.
The elevators don't work
and the stairs are dark.
I think we're marooned
up here.
I have
an extra flashlight
With batteries.
You can have that.
Thank you.
What is it you're doing?
This is earthquake
survival stuff.
You're from california.
I've been here
about a year.
It's really just, you know,
essential stuff.
And you should have these
band-aids for your feet.
I'm alice.
These are size six.
Will that help?
Uh, that's close enough.
I'm not going to complain.
You're going
to need socks, too.
Thank you.
You are so organized.
What do you do?
I used to be an
interior designer.
I love what you did
with the place.
You should stay inside.
There are bound
to be aftershocks
And the debris
and the glass
from the buildings
Will fall
into the streets.
But you're leaving.
I have a son.
I have to find him.
Of course.
Doing something is better
than doing nothing.
I have a little dog.
His name is low rider.
If you find him,
would you take care of him?
He's hiding, or...
Or he got out or something.
Thank you.
I can't go back
in my place.
I have to come
with you.
I can't stay here alone.
I don't think
that's possible
Given my general
state of anxiety.
( creaking sounds )
( water dripping )
Anybody there?
Please turn around, sir.
No one proceeds unless
on official business.
I've got official business.
My family's in the city.
I'm sorry, sir.
No civilians
past this blockade.
How am I supposed
to get back to manhattan?
There's a 90-mile-wide
Around indian point
nuclear facility.
We're awaiting word
on whether to evacuate
the entire area.
Manhattan is off-limits
to any and all
civilian traffic.
You're saying
there's no way to...
( honking )
I'm sorry, sir.
But if I were you
I might try
some fishing.
Thank you.
Five alarm in chelsea
from a break in the gas line.
That would be
companies 11 and 27.
They can't travel,
Even if the streets
were clear
There's no water pressure.
Utilities, give me an update.
We expect to have
the gas supply to the city
Shut down and depressurized
In two hours.
Water pressure's down
in too many grids.
There's a break
in the main line
We need to find it.
Patch me through
to companies 11 and 27.
Yes, sir.
And give me
a phone that works.
Okay, as far as we know
Incidents of looting
and mayhem are sporadic.
Yeah, well,
that'll change.
Trying to get a reading
on how many beat cops
There are on the island.
And we're checking to see
if queens is in any position
To give us a d.S.U. Truck.
I don't know how
We're going
to get it here.
Well, you'd better
think of something.
This is company 11, go ahead.
Okay, hand carry if you have to.
11, I want you to roll hose
down 8th avenue
All the way down to west 14th.
27, link up.
Go all the way west
Until you can draft
from the hudson.
Roger that.
I need a fire boat.
Pier 59, chelsea.
Mayor, I need those streets
You heard the chief,
Henry, I want the bulldozers
From all the construction sites
in new york city
On the street within an hour.
Mayor, white house
on the satellite phone.
Mayor lincoln.
My mom is not going
to be able to cope with this.
We will find
your mother.
Yeah, but...
How do I tell her
about my dad?
You will find a way
when the time comes.
Who are you?
I am nicholai.
I know.
Diane, it could be long time
to find drinking water.
Better save.
How long is long?
Don't know.
I'm sorry.
You're right.
I wasn't thinking.
Ladies and gentlemen
Washington just declared us
a federal disaster.
Fema, urban search
and rescue teams
Will be arriving at floyd
bennett field in brooklyn
And taken by helicopter
to manhattan.
Let the tv crews know
Where they'll be landing.
Whoa, wait a minute here.
I got damn near
16,000 men out there.
Now that's not counting
your local emergency units
Struggling with this thing
right now
Fema shows up
and suddenly
it's a photo op?
You're out of line.
Let me guess.
This stuff replays
around election time, right?
For all we know, ahearn
There'll be no city
to hold an election.
My point exactly.
I'm calling for cameras
Because the footage
might give people hope.
Because they see
the entire country
Mobilizing to help us.
you all right?
Yeah, as well as can
be expected, I guess.
Thank you.
Take this.
No, I'm fine, thanks.
How's mark ross?
He, uh...
Mark didn't
make it, sir.
Okay, okay, um...
Look, you're going to have to
take over emergency management.
Yes, sir.
This is chief ahearn,
from the fire department.
Pleased to meet you.
Elizabeth perez.
She's going to be director
of emergency management.
I have every confidence
in you.
Thank you, sir.
Sorry to see you
under these circumstances.
Would you like
some water?
Yes, please.
From what I see out there
We've got a lot
of improvising to do.
All right, let's prioritize.
Major hospitals will be
on back-up generator
With enough fuel
for 48 hours.
But there are--
Lots of people lined up
around the blocks already.
Are there any streets
clear yet?
One trunk down each side
of manhattan.
Let's set up
an outdoor infirmary
Right here in the park.
We can pull medical supplies
from the nearby hospitals
We can buses.
We can get military vehicles
to shuttle the victims.
It'll be easier
to dispense food rations, too.
We've got to let fema
medical assistant teams
Know where we are.
Oh, yeah.
We've got to have
a priority on potable water.
Is there a curfew?
Tonight, nightfall.
Well, we've got to have access
to a stadium.
And we've got to, uh...
Get as many refrigerated trucks
as we can find.
For the dead.
Careful here.
Watch yourself.
( loud rumbling )
What's that?
I don't know.
( screaming )
Come on.
We have to keep going.
We've got to keep going.
We just got a report
of a 50-foot water geyser.
Crew's on its way
to cap it.
That would be a trunk line
right off the main.
Exactly, uh...
We're talking hundreds of
thousands of gallons of water.
And that's the only place
it showed up.
So, where's it all going?
Right down...
Into the subway.
This station's been hit
pretty bad.
Doesn't look like there's
any way out of here.
There's got to be a staircase
along here somewhere.
No, it looks like
they're all blocked.
I'm really cold.
What are we going to do?
It'll be all right.
We have to
keep moving.
Find an emergency exit.
Another station.
( gasping )
Man 2:
This is supply airlift 3-7
About to leave area one
right now.
It looks pretty busy. Over.
Volunteer team 31, south unit,
please report to first aid.
There's one more.
No, I can't move it.
Every time I come here
There are more
and more casualties.
Well, at least
we're getting them in.
Sir, we have reports
of flooding
In the metropolitan museum.
look around you.
People first,
property second!
Yes, sir.
Joseph, have it
cordoned off.
And I want e.T.A.S
for the national guard
And para-rescue squad.
the governor's office
Says the national
guard's been delayed.
Why, for god's sakes?
Apparently, indian
point nuclear facility
felt the quake.
They're assessing
If it's compromised
They'll have
their hands full
Cordoning off
half the state.
I'll take care of that.
Mr. Mayor,
we can now transmit
On a broad spectrum
of frequencies.
All right. The first priority is
elizabeth perez
And emergency management.
Then begin broadcasting
all available options
For medical treatment
and shelter for tonight.
Any word yet
on distribution of radios?
Red cross has them
at a staging area in new jersey.
What good is radio transmission
if nobody can hear it?
Get them ferried over here
and distributed!
All right, people!
I want updates, shelter,
food, ops, logistics
Medical infrastructure,
15 minutes, right here!
We'll have medical
collection points
At every six-block interval.
Who's talking
to port authority?
Yeah. We have well over
100 buses
Earmarked for medical
We're finding drivers,
but the remaining problem
Is the street.
We'll worry about the streets
being cleared.
Just get those buses
ready to roll.
Okay. All right.
Well, then let's move on
to the armories.
We're halfway between
prince and eighth.
Shouldn't be more than
20 minutes to get to eighth.
I don't know.
How can you be sure?
I'm sure.
But you can go back
if you want.
All right.
You have any more questions?
Let's go!
Hey. You all right?
Your friend is...
Certainly enthusiastic.
He's my client.
So what is it you do?
Public defender.
What kind of cases...
What do you do?
Account exec, bell atlantic.
So, evie...
Do you come here often?
Oh, yeah, allen.
All the time,
all the time.
( chuckling )
Hey, allen?!
Want to see something
that's really funny?
Oh, my god.
I'm not going to die
in this stinking tunnel!
I'm not going to die!
Take it easy!
Take it easy!
Please, you're going
to hurt yourself!
I don't care!
We all want to get
out of here
But we got to keep it together.
You're not helping this.
He's right.
If anybody gets injured
It's going to slow us
all down.
Nobody knows
what they're doing!
Following each other
around in the dark...
Shut up!
Would you please just shut up!
I am doing my best
To get us out!
You're screaming at me
like this is all my fault!
Hey, buddy, it's okay.
We all appreciate you
leading the group.
Who asked you?
You been sticking your nose
in everyone's business
Ever since we got off
the train.
Joshua, what are you doing?
As a young girl
I was always
Very self-conscious
about wearing my glasses.
I think I gave
new meaning
To the term "blind date."
( chuckles )
Funny enough
It was my tempestuous
With my glasses that
initiated my career.
Come on, come on!
Still not working?
Oh, danny must be so scared.
( helicopter approaching )
How old is danny?
He's nine.
You know, I bet
his teachers
Are taking good
care of him
Right now as we speak.
Yeah, but he's disabled.
All the more reason
why they'll look
out for him.
No, you don't understand.
He's disabled because of me.
( sobbing )
I was driving...
And I tried to pass
And I was going too fast.
And the truck, it just
came out of nowhere.
And there was nothing
I could do.
Now when I look at my son
Any time he looks at me
I feel like he's afraid
to be with me.
I need people
to trust me, too
So I know something
about what you're feeling.
I know I can't take
your feeling away
But I want you
to know that
From the moment I met you
I trusted you
And I felt safer.
You did?
( laughing )
Are you kidding?
I mean, the city is literally
crumbling around us
And you've still
got it in you
To take me with you.
Woman ( on p.A system ):
We will take you to a medical
collection point for treatment.
Please board this vehicle
if you need medical assistance.
We will take you to a medical
collection point for treatment.
Please board this vehicle
if you need medical assistance.
Alice... Thank you.
Thank you, dori.
Now go and find your son.
Okay. Take care.
Hey, what do you do, anyway?
I'm a psychiatrist.
( laughing )
A psychiatrist
and an interior designer?
Boy, have we got our work
cut out for us now, huh?
First of the fema
urban search and rescue teams
Is lifting off
from stewart air force base
En route to manhattan.
They want a destination.
Man ( over walkie-talkie ):
10-4. Uh, we copy that.
We're going to get
supply seven
To report to eight,
four. Over.
Grant high.
Nicholai, are you sure
about this?
Yes, very sure.
Well, I'm not.
It's only one more floor.
It's dangerous.
I must go.
Please, don't.
Yes, of course.
You wait here.
I'll be right back.
No. It's crazy.
Don't go in.
Used to be nice.
Not much, but just beginning.
Why don't you get what you need.
Let's get out of here.
Is this a diploma?
Moscow university.
Is that everything?
Except for this.
You sure?
We go.
Good-bye, room.
Thank you.
You should rest.
I'm fine.
If anyone shouldn't be
doing this, it's you.
( grunts )
Hey, hey.
I can get my hand
through this opening.
Let me see.
( water trickling )
What's the matter?
It's wet.
Oh, boy.
Can I get a
light up here?
There's water up here.
It's seeping down
through the rocks.
What does that mean?
It means the water's above us.
( water rushing )
( screaming )
( all yelling )
Yo, help!
Can somebody hear me?
Man, california stuff.
Ah, damn!
Out of all the ways
I thought I might die
Man, stabbed, shot,
but never trapped
Starving to death
in a stupid church.
There's a sandwich
and a piece of fruit
In that bag
you took the money out of.
I thought you were... Asleep.
With all that racket
you've been making?
You want some?
No. I lost my appetite.
Well, I'm not
that hungry either.
Damn, why they don't
come looking for us?
They don't know
we're here.
Gonna die 'cause you wanted me
to sweep the floor.
What's your
real name?
Real name?
Come on.
Where are your folks?
You don't have
no folks, do you?
Damn. You talk too much.
I was a nurse once.
It always saddened me
to see a newborn babe
With no one
But a total stranger
to welcome him
to this world.
A person's name
is supposed to glow
With the love
in which it's given.
Nobody around then,
nobody around now.
I'm still here.
We're in this
mess together.
Don't you know that?
I don't know what
god has in mind
But it's sure something.
God sure has something in mind.
( garbled radio transmissions )
Hey, lady!
Get out of there!
( shrieking ):
My baby!
Am I glad to see you guys!
I'm summerlin,
engine company 51.
Looks like you could use
a hand here.
We've got some preliminary
shoring set in place
But we've gone in as deep
as we can without help.
Well, if we can't give
these people some answers
At least we can
give them some hope.
Well, let's
do it.
May I have your attention?
May I have your attention,
My name is bruce ramsey.
I'm the task force leader
For this fema urban search
and rescue team.
We'll be deploying
specially trained dogs
Fiber-optic video cameras
and infrared sensors.
We'll do everything
within our power
To get your loved ones
Out from underneath this mess.
If your child is in here,
we will find them.
Now, please, please...
Be patient and stay back
so we can do our jobs.
Curfew's been ordered.
You have to get
off the street.
I got to get
to my son's school.
I've been walking
all afternoon, please.
Board the bus.
It'll take you to
a collection point
Where you'll be safe.
Maybe your son's there.
No, you don't understand.
I need to find my son now.
I haven't got a choice!
Orders are "everyone
off the street until dawn."
But what if he's out
here on the street?
Then hopefully, ma'am,
somebody will find him.
I'm looking for somebody
who owns a boat.
Kind of late
for sightseeing.
Actually, I, uh...
Radio said they don't want
no more people
Going to manhattan.
They got enough problems
over there.
I have a wife and child there.
I don't envy you that.
Look, if you don't own a boat
Maybe you know
somebody who does.
Probably got coast guard
patrolling all over.
I'll pay whatever it takes,
When's this trip
supposed to happen?
Ain't gonna get anywhere
just sitting there.
Go... Go... Go...
That's good!
This way, sir.
Sorry, ma'am-- step
to the shelter, please.
Once inside, please proceed
to a registration table.
If you have not already done so
Please register
at a registration table.
Relax a second, okay?
My son, he's nine
And I don't know
where he is.
Yes, ma'am; it's easy
to lose somebody
In a place this big.
No, he's not here--
he wasn't even
With me during
the quake.
Where was he when
you last saw him?
He was at his school.
And I think maybe
he's still there.
Now, I know that
there's a curfew.
Sorry, ma'am;
can't go on the street
Till 7:00 tomorrow morning.
You can't bring
that dog in here!
No, he's a little boy.
If I don't find him...
I don't know...
See that table
over there?
They've got a list of kids
looking for their folks.
Now, with a little luck
Maybe he's
already on it.
Transport, pick up at 8-5,
What about you?
Russian blood
is very thick.
what's in the box?
You don't have
to tell me.
No, no, I show you.
This is my family.
My mother...
Two brothers.
Oh, you look just
like your brothers.
Like twins,
only three.
Where are
they all now?
My... Parents'
Wedding rings.
My brothers'.
One each.
Little brother's
flight jacket.
( quietly ):
What happened?
In russia...
There were many crises.
Like this, only different.
I'm sorry... I feel...
I didn't know.
It is the past.
I miss my dad.
I miss my mom.
Everything I know
could be gone.
We will find her.
Help her in her grief.
I grew up two blocks
from the guggenheim.
My mother and I would visit
once a month or so
And then I got older
and we quit going.
I got too busy.
What a shame.
Do not think
about these things.
You count on your life
going a certain way, you know?
And then all of a sudden
it isn't like that at all.
Of all the things I could've
imagined for my life
I never would have dreamt
of this.
Maybe there is some good
in having nothing.
I got nothing to give
but what I have inside
And I have never had to say,
"what a shame."
Go to sleep.
( muffled conversation )
Man over p.A.:
...Please remove your vehicles
from area six after you...
Well, it's not exactly
tavern on the green.
Nothing a bottle of good red
couldn't help, huh?
Okay, what have we got?
Well, um, we're barely keeping
up with what's needed, sir.
The problem of rodents
spreading disease--
It's bound to increase
The longer we're
without sanitation.
Not to mention
Decomposing in
places that we
can't get into.
Some of the fires are
still out of control.
We're rerouting to build up
pressure in the affected areas
But I think we're
going to gain
from now on.
Priority message
from fema, ms. Perez.
I'll be
right back.
This is patched in
from the state department.
He insists
on talking to you.
Mayor lincoln.
Listen to me.
I've got thousands
of new york citizens
Trapped under what were
once their homes and offices
Not to mention thousands of kids
Under the wreckage
of their schools!
The u.N...
Yes, the ambassador...
Yes, I understand.
Priorities are mine
To call, sir.
And that I will continue to do
Until they haul me
out of here feet first!
Man! Everyone thinks
their crapola
Is most important.
I don't know.
Maybe it's
You know, we all
get caught up
in our roles.
Renegade fire chief
versus big city boss mayor.
I called you things
And I never even
knew who you were.
I believe
you called me
An opportunistic con artist.
I regret that now.
I called you
a moron.
Said you didn't know
The difference
between fire and smoke--
Among other things
that didn't get printed.
That statement reflected
more on me than on you.
The job does get in
the way sometimes.
My wife's been dead
over a decade.
But I can still
see her face in
my daughter's.
If anyone's kept me human,
it's been her.
You were right
about me, ahearn.
I'm a politician.
By nature an
con artist.
But it was my family
who raised the bar.
Set the standards
for me to live by.
I may be left with very little
when this is all over.
But I thank them
that I can sleep at night.
You and me, we fought
Over money... Pride.
Damn, I wish we could
have done better.
We will.
Chief ahearn!
Search and rescue teams
at grant high.
They've found some survivors.
Well, what are you
waiting for?
It's freezing.
Well, at least the water's
stopped rising.
We'll be out
of here soon.
Come on, nora,
let's keep moving.
I can't go on.
I have to sit down.
Help him. He has
a heart condition.
All right.
You got her?
He hasn't been feeling
so well lately.
It'll be okay.
I've been trying to get him
to see the doctor.
Hey, buddy, how you doing?
Come on. Just a
little farther.
All right, buddy?
Here we go.
All right.
Here you go.
Thanks, man.
Okay, here. I got you.
Thank you.
Bert, hold
on to me.
All right,
take my hand.
Come on!
Reach up!
Don't touch me!
Never touch me.
I got to go.
I've got
to find my mom.
I got to go.
They won't let you out
until morning.
I go get us some water...
( car honking )
I haven't see her.
I'm scared.
What if she's
under all that?
I'll find out what I can.
You just stay here.
Hold on to her, will you?
My daughter...
Uh, christina ahearn...
Is she on that list?
She's not on my
d-mort list for
the deceased, sir.
But there's still some
kids trapped inside.
( loud rumbling )
You can't go
in there!
My daughter's in there!
( screaming ):
( loud rumbling )
( screaming )
Don't panic.
Proceed in an
orderly fashion.
Please, calm down, people.
( garbled radio transmission )
( coughing )
I want everybody up
for a head count, now.
When can we
go back in?
Have to wait for
engineering's okay.
My daughter might
be in there.
It's not going to do
anybody any good, sir,
if we all get killed.
Hold on.
I need your gear.
Take care of them.
That's not
a good idea, sir.
What's your call,
captain summerlin?
The structure hasn't
pancaked any more
Since the main quake.
But I've got to wait
for engineering
To sign off before
I send anyone else in.
I'm not asking anyone
to go with me.
Chief, you can't go
in there alone.
It's too dangerous.
I'll take you in.
Everyone else, hold on
till engineering gets here.
Yes, sir.
Come on.
I never did
introduce myself.
I'm sam thorell.
I want to thank you, george.
You're doing a lot
for a total stranger.
A crisis like this makes
people come together.
Sort of too bad it takes that.
But here we are.
...Surrounding waters
around the city
Until further notice.
I would like to pay you.
Don't worry about it.
Well, thanks again.
( coughing )
Oh god, please don't be dead.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Miss emily.
All right.
It is all right.
Because it's my time.
No, no.
It's not your time.
Noname, do you know what it is
To go through life invisible?
Nobody sees you.
Nobody knows
your name.
Come... Come closer.
I want to tell you something
I've never shared
with anyone before.
Come closer.
My first child...
A boy...
Died three days after birth.
Such a short time
on this earth.
And yet, I think about him
Every day of my life.
I wonder what
he might have been
Had he been able
To hang on to
the gift of life.
I named him clayton.
If you would carry his name
It would give me...
God has a reason
For everything he does, clayton.
A damn miracle is what we need.
We had to pick our way,
inch by inch
Shoring up as we go.
The infrared and videocams
Have helped.
So have the dogs.
We have a pretty
good idea
Of where the survivors are.
( beams creaking )
( loud rumbling )
Okay, let's go.
We got nearly 50 kids
out of the gym
And even more out of what
was left of the cafeteria
But these classrooms...
A lot of kids didn't make it.
We got most
of this equipment
Through a breakaway
in the wall.
Some in pieces
and then reassembled.
More down this way.
We've got three
kids in here.
Two boys and a girl.
They got spunk though.
They're hanging in.
Roger, james, chrissy!
They're right in here.
Behind that rubble.
Yes. Christy,
where are you?
I'm here.
Keep talking.
I'm over here.
We're here
to help you.
Please, daddy.
Honey, we're coming, baby.
We're here to help you.
Honey, we're coming.
We're coming.
Just hang in there,
we're coming.
( dogs barking )
Hey, lady, stop.
Ma'am, you're in
the wrong place.
This is a hazmat zone.
There's a
cyanide spill.
You're lucky you
didn't get that far.
There's a curfew.
Let us escort you
to a safe place...
Ma'am, please, it's
for your own safety!
A few more of
these air bags
And we'll inflate 'em
You should be able
to shimmy through.
You guys, you still with us?
We tried to leave
But couldn't
find the door.
What's your name, son?
Roger, sir.
Roger parkinson.
My leg sure hurts.
We're working on getting
you out of here.
We'll get you out
as fast as we can.
Christine's never mentioned
your name before.
I'm a jock.
She doesn't hang out
with jocks, right?
I always told her
brains over brawn.
Thanks a lot.
You a football player?
No, wrestling.
What kind of wrestler are you
Getting pinned down
in a place like this?
Will you guys
please shut up?
She's weak.
You keeping an eye
on everything in there?
James isn't moving.
Speak up, son.
James isn't
moving, sir.
Hey, take it
easy there, son.
Listen, we're going
to get you out.
We've just got to take it
one step at a time.
You understand?
Roger, you all right?
Are you all
right, son?
But I don't think
she's awake anymore.
I don't think so.
We've got to get
in there now.
( hissing )
Let's go.
We're coming, baby.
This structure's lost
even more integrity
With the aftershock.
To hell with it.
All my people are
accounted for.
So I say we go in anyway.
I wouldn't recommend it.
Here's the deal.
Engineering says
this structure's
Ready to fall anytime.
So we go in on
a volunteer basis, folks.
With no questions asked
either way.
All right, here we go.
Probe gun.
Here's the probe.
We'll get you out
of here real soon
Any second now, okay?
Yeah, I promise.
We'll get you out of here
any second now, honey.
Just try and think
about what it's going to be like
When you get out there.
You're going to be
looking at the moon.
Is it night?
Yeah, baby.
It's night out.
How you doing?
You got to get us
out of here, daddy.
Give me a three footer.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Hey, we need
to shore up the roof
Right over there.
Hey, get that
oxygen over here!
( groaning )
Chrissy, it's me.
We're going
to get you
out, baby.
We're going to get you out.
Hey, buddy, give me your hand.
Give me your hand.
You're going
to be okay.
We got you.
( crying )
It's all right.
( moaning loudly )
You're there,
you're there!
Pull out!
Pull him out!
Leg's crushed.
He's in shock!
No time for a splint.
Get him out.
One, two, three!
( moaning )
Give me an
air bladder!
All right, come
on, hurry!
I've got to get her
Out of here!
The airbag's in place.
( hissing )
Air coming up.
Summerlin, grab my legs
And on three, pull me out!
Okay, grab my hand.
( rumbling )
( crashing )
No, no!
Chrissy, chrissy!
Give me some air!
Here, baby!
Is that oxygen on?
It's on!
Stay with me,
Stay with me.
Get her out!
Get her out!
Check if she's breathing.
She's not
She hasn't
got a pulse.
Let's go!
Oh, god!
One, two, three!
Don't die!
At our furthest reach,
there's a third kid.
His name is james.
We may have lost him.
Stand back.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Clear the way.
All right, she's
got no pulse.
Let's go to
the paddles.
Still nothing.
Raising to 300.
( long beep )
Sorry, folks.
She's gone.
I was...
With her.
She knew that.
Chief, I'll make
sure she doesn't
get lost in all this.
I'll take
care of it.
( rumbling and creaking )
Wait a minute.
I'm going to get you
out of here, miss emily!
I will.
I promise.
So what did he do?
He was charged
with murdering his wife.
Disabled wife.
Confined to a wheelchair.
Did he do it?
He was acquitted.
Oh, man.
Two pills?
Doctor said to
double my dose.
About three
weeks ago.
Three weeks ago?
Had you known
him for long?
Not very
But it was pretty
special, you know?
I got a daughter
about your age.
She just had
her first kid.
That's cool.
How does it feel
to be a grandpa?
Okay, enough rest.
Can we, uh, can we please go?
Go where?
We've been
up and down
so many tunnels
We couldn't even
find our way back.
We could be out by now
If you all would just
get up off your butts.
Hey, you don't
have to be rude.
There are places
we'd rather be.
Great. Let's go.
( shrieks )
She's hurt.
Nora, you okay?
Stay still.
( nora crying )
Why does this
keep happening to me?
Why does this keep
happening to me, huh?
All these little weak, weak,
weak little people around me
Trying to pull me down!
Who do you think you are?
The guy who'll
get you out of here
So you better do what I say.
Joshua, back off!
Oh, my god.
Pretty bad, huh?
Well, at least
the sun came up.
I'll tell you--
You see something
like that
And you remember
how fortunate we are
Just to be alive.
( garbled p.A. Announcements )
Man (with russian accent):
I'm not sure what to say!
What's his name?
His name's jack.
He seems kind of sad.
Yeah, I think he is.
See, we've been working
this building for a while now
And if they don't
find survivors, they get sad.
Just like us.
I need your help!
You've got to come quick!
This way!
All right, lift her
on three, ready?
One, two, three!
Easy, easy.
( screaming )
No, no, no.
Put her down.
No good.
Easy, easy.
Okay, we can't all
keep stopping like this
So why don't some of us move on?
No, joshua, we can't.
No matter what
happens here
We're all in this
together, okay?
No, you all
go on ahead.
I'm going to stay
here with nora.
And send help
when you can.
I'm staying with you.
You don't
have to do that.
Then I'm staying, too.
Okay, then, uh,
we'll go get help.
Joshua, you coming with me?
Allen, this is better
for everybody, okay?
Joshua, let's go.
I'm coming
with you.
We don't
need you.
Says you.
You know, I've
just about had
enough of you.
Oh, really?
Stop it. Please, okay?
Come on here. Can we just
go get some help?
I'm here, honey.
I bought a lotto ticket.
That's okay.
Bertie, if I don't make it...
Shh. Shh.
It's in the desk.
The only way we're going
to cash that in is together.
That's it.
Nice and slow.
I told you I'd
come back, miss emily!
I told you.
I can't see what
else we can do.
We got to get up
to the second floor.
Mrs. Sorrell...
I'm sorry. There's been
no way to reach you.
Where's danny?
Is he all right?
He's fine.
We think he's alive.
Most of the children
And staff
Danny's inside?
Tell me.
You said he's
all right?
We know where he is, but...
He's on top.
He's up there.
Well, they got
to get him down!
That's what they're
trying to do.
It's just...
The stairs are all gone!
There you go.
A little more,
a little more, a little more.
I see him.
( screaming )
No, don't!
No, go back!
The building!
( screaming )
It's going to go!
It's going to go!
Pull up! Pull up!
( screaming )
( people screaming )
Danny! Danny!
Danny, can you hear me?
Danny, I'm here!
Mom, I can't get down!
Danny, stand away
from the edge.
Get back from
the edge, honey!
Move back!
Here, use this.
Danny, stand away
From the edge--
move back!
I'm here.
Where's dad?
Hey, fella!
You all right, huh?
( laughing )
( building creaking )
Come on,
we'll get you some water
And we'll go find them,
( horn honking )
Where is he?
Yeah, yeah,
he's right over there.
Mr. Mayor...
We've gotten word
That your mother's
at new york general.
Critical, sir.
Get out of here.
I'll cover for you.
Get going.
What are we going to do?
You're going to have
to wait over there
With the rest
of the parents.
That's my son up there.
I'm not going anywhere
Until you tell me what it is
You are going to do.
The whole building's
like a shattered eggshell.
The facade is actually
holding it up.
It's ready to come down
And I don't want to be
the one to help it.
We can't get a
ladder truck in
So we tried
the helicopter--
You saw what happened.
The wash from the blades
Nearly toppled the
entire structure.
We have to
figure out a way
To make a climb.
A climb?
The stairwells have
all been destroyed
So we need to go
up the outside.
There's an exposed
beam right there.
Throw a lead line
over that
And run a static line.
I don't think
that's safe.
I'll do it.
I don't think so.
I-I can do it.
I'm an expert rock climber.
It's out of the question.
I've climbed
el capitan, half dome...
Mount mckinley in January.
I know what I'm doing
And I'm half the weight
of any of you.
Ma'am, please!
You go up, you'll
bring the building down
And kill my son,
and I won't let that happen.
I need to use
your climbing equipment.
I'll need some estriers
Some ascenders
and some bieners.
Lady, I'm in charge here
And I'm telling you
I can't let you go.
And I need a rope gun!
Heads up!
Here it comes!
Attach a static line.
Haul it in
and tie it off.
Make the daisy chain
a little shorter.
And hand me the estrier.
You sure you're up for this?
Yeah, I'm sure.
Mr. Devlin?
Mr. Devlin?
Oh... Oh, nicholai!
My mother's not there.
She's gone.
What happened?
It's okay now.
How did you find me?
You told me address in cab.
I remember numbers.
Before, in my cab
I couldn't find
any place in city.
But now, here I am.
I find you.
So there is always hope.
And your mother is alive.
Follow me, please,
mr. Mayor.
I'm sorry,
mr. Mayor...
But we need the bed.
The young man
who came in with her
He's in the hall.
She was my mother.
She was a tough lady.
I didn't think
she was gonna die.
I want to, uh...
I want to thank you
For everything
you tried to do.
What did I try to do?
I couldn't get out.
I couldn't climb out a window.
I couldn't get up the stairs.
All I did was sit there
and let her die.
I don't even know your name.
My name is clayton.
It's nice to meet
you, clayton.
Where is she?
It's from my mom--
"I'm okay, I've
gone to amy's
I'll wait for you
and diane there."
She's gone to my aunt amy's.
She's okay.
She's all right.
This is good.
Nicholai, thank you.
Thank you.
You are so beautiful.
It's not too late
to try something else.
Yeah, I think it is.
But remember, whatever happens
This was my choice.
Deploy the air bag,
on the double.
Yes, sir!
Mom, what are you doing?
Let's go, let's go!
Oh, danny!
Mom, don't cry!
It's okay, honey.
These are just tears
of happiness, really.
Stay back where you are
And here's what we'll do--
I am going to
swing over to you
And then I'm going to land
And I'm going to put
this harness on you, okay?
And we're going
to go down together.
Nice and easy, all right?
Are you sure
you can do that, mom?
Yes... Danny, I am sure.
Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me, sir.
That's my wife up there.
Heads up!
God help her.
Hey, guys!
Let's check out
the hatch.
There may be water up there.
Then we'll have to take
our chances.
It won't hurt
to check it out.
It'll probably only hold
one of us at a time.
Fine. I'll go.
Okay, evie, it's all clear.
Come on up!
I'll be right behind you.
You okay?
Come on up, allen.
( allen screams )
( metal crashing )
I'll be all right.
Just... Just keep going.
What happened?
I don't know.
It looks like the ladder broke.
The ladder broke?
( pounding on floor )
stop it!
Stop selling lies
'cause I've stopped
buying them, joshua.
Evie... He was no help anyway.
Is that a reason
for you to try to kill him?
Your wife...
She was no help either, right?
Wait a second.
Just wait a second.
You yourself said, counselor
No one really knows
what happened in that room.
I was wrong. I know.
I know exactly
what happened in that room.
Did choking her
make you feel strong, joshua?
Yes, it did.
She was sucking the life
out of me, evie.
No matter what I did,
she always wanted more.
She was so weak.
So, really...
It was her own fault.
Her fault?
I bet that was her last thought.
Why are you so angry?
You won the trial.
And I'm going to have
to live with that.
Not necessarily, evie.
Evie, wait!
( panting )
( yelling and grunting )
Damn it!
( sighs )
( coughing )
( screaming )
The whole thing's caved in.
Let's get a crew
to cordon it off.
There's people down here!
Hang on!
We'll get you out!
All right, here's
what we're going to do.
You... Are going
to have to help me.
Are going to jump to me.
I know it's scary
But I know that
you can do it.
Danny, I know you're scared
and I understand why.
We had an accident
and you got hurt....
But that was then.
Now, danny,
you have to trust me
Like I trust you.
And we are going
to be okay.
I promise you.
We're going to be fine
Because I will not have it
any other way.
Good. Good.
Okay, now.
Start back there
and on three
You're going to run
and jump to me.
You can do this, okay?
I got you, baby.
We're all right.
We're all right.
( people yelling )
( screaming )
Where's danny?
( barking and whining )
Low rider!
You're okay,
you're okay.
Low rider!
How you doing, buddy?
I was looking for you
at the apartment.
Thought I'd lost everything.
Oh, god.
Not everything.
Not everything.
Call me back.
Can I, uh...
Can I talk to
you a minute?
This, uh, young man, he,
uh, tried to save a life.
He thinks it was his fault.
Somehow if he
were a, uh...
A better person
He could have changed
the outcome.
I thought you might, um...
You might... You might
be able to talk to him.
I'll give it a try.
This is jillian parnell
Over the aircraft carrier,
uss intrepid.
Dignitaries and reporters
have assembled here today
At the intrepid
To hear national, state
and civic leaders
the first anniversary
Of the tragic new york city
As devastating
as this catastrophe has been
A remarkable fact has emerged
From the rubble
of this disaster.
New yorkers,
so often characterized
As cold and uncaring
Have joined together
in dramatic numbers
To rebuild their city.
A year ago today
In the early hours
after the earthquake
I found myself
working side by side with a man
Who I'd already come to see
as my political foe, my enemy.
Then after the earthquake
I watched him suffer his losses
along with mine.
I watched him persevere
for this city
Through his pain and anguish
And I realized that he
was no more or less than I--
Just a man like me--
Trying to save
what was left of his home.
That enemy became my friend
And I am very proud
to introduce to you my friend
The mayor
of the city of new york
Bruce lincoln.
( applause )
I speak to all of you
who have chosen to stay here
And I must say
that it is fitting
That we are on our feet
once again, standing together.
We stand side by side,
rebuilding brick by brick
The greatest city in the world!
Much will never be replaced.
And there's an empty spot in
everyone's heart for all those
Who can never be seen, felt
or held close ever again.
But we must seize
the opportunity
To rebuild ourselves as well.
For we can lay a new
And unshakable foundation
only in our hearts.
We are poised now together
Not unlike the immigrants
of past and present
Who sought refuge here
Armed with little more
Than the hope and the will
to make a new life
And make a new life we will.
( applause )
Your father would be
so proud of you.
Go back.
They love you
like I love you.
Nobody loves me like
you love me, nicholai!