Ag-o (Crocodile) (1996)

Cho Juung Films
Directed by|Kim Ki-duk
You also look for the whole day,|so much you won't find him/it.
They are desperate,|they need your help.
And then?|Should I report me?
- Go to pick up your cans!|- To exploit that corpse is ashamed.
Head of dickhead!
You/he/she has seen someone|to commit suicide him this morning?
- How much it gives me?|- Thing?
- How much it will give me for the information?|- The victim describes me.
It was a slender man around 40 years of age,|he/she wore a white shirt.
We now speak of money.
To who touches?
How much does it take for deciding?
Touch to you, stupid!
- 20,000!|- 20,000 more 30,000.
- Here 30,000!|- More 50,000.
Do you withdraw yourself?
It passes or stings 80,000.
- More 20,000.|- This is the last hand.
I take something for him.
- Color!|- It waits, 4 nine.
- shit!|- E'il your fortunate day.
- Thing you do?|- E'il my prize of consolation.
- It moderates the terms.|- They are broke, you owe me them.
- I feel me defrauded.|- Are not worth anything!
We go.
- You buy one of it.|- Spins away!
Please, you buy one of it.
- Good luck.|- Thanks.
You buy some rubber to chew,|please.
whore!|What is there that doesn't go?
Look me at sweetness.
That brute has made you bleed.
- Stop her/it!|- Thing there is that it doesn't go?
Allow to go me.
Firm, whore!
Child of a dog!
You/he/she has ruined my nose|from six million dollars.
I will kill that bootlickers!
Because you have not taken the change?
I had told you|let's not give the photos to anybody.
It seems a woman.|If we won't help her/it, it will die.
I wonder me what bastard|has destroyed his/her life.
Fermo! You want to send to the air|my business?
Silent, whore!
- You don't have the right of it.|- Vattene! Have I saved her or mistake?
Frigid whore!
- Chun Ho...|- Who is?
Whisper mine of name!|I am Yong Pae.
Escape, hurried!
Where is the girl?
- You have let her escape?|- No.
Do you want to say that don't have been you?
Go out of there, mezzacartuccia!
Go out!
What a beautiful pullet!
Broken Dev'essere.
And so you have decided to return,|masochist.
- Stop her/it brute.|- We don't need you.
Move you! Walk!
Vattene!|Estranged by me!
Try us whore!
What is happening?|What does he/she now take you?
You come, whore. Lifted!
If you do him/it, I kill you.
You make me come|a fottuto headache.
What do you do?
This way you will stop her/it amusing you.
- Make to see me.|- No!
We see.
You/he/she has not been disconnected entirely,|we are able ricucirlo.
You watch out.
- I have told you to be careful.|- Be patient.
Everything will be all right,|he/she won't be mutilated.
His/her grandfather is him/it ricucendo.
Are you happy that I/you/he/she have him it sticks?
I thought that you would have been happy|if Crocodile had lost the pea.
- We go.|- No, I will kill him/it.
No, please, not to do him/it.
- Of now in then we will be free.|- That you want to say?
Salts, will go together.
I will come later,|you don't usually give me a passage.
Salts! I have decided|to reward you today. Now!
- I have not taken the rubbers to chew.|- Stupid coglione!
Take her.
You go alone, I will take the photocopies|and then I will continue with the bus.
It is not the first time that you do him/it.
Yang Byul, because you have not gone|to sell the rubbers to chew?
Crocodile has not returned,|I bet that you/he/she has had an accident.
- An accident?|- You/he/she has said that the motorbike is a catorcio.
Because you are making some boats|of paper? Crocodile won't like they.
- E'pois won't go very distant.|- It is not said,
one of them could reach|the sea.
When I was boy,|I came to swim here.
- In these filthy waters?|- Then they were clear.
And because they are so dirty now?
Because people throw the refusals|in the river.
Then from here they were clearly seen|the mountains.
They had to be marvelous!
You put away the small boat,|Crocodile is tornado.
- That noise makes me nervous.|- Leaves alone the cans!
And you not to make noise when I piss!
What an ugly character that you have.
You come here, mezzacartuccia.
I have told you not to do her,
those small boat remember me|my destiny of shit!
- Thing is that excoriation?|- It doesn't care.
- Thing has happened?|- Leaves alone!
You have formed a coalition against me.
Stop to fumble her/it|or you will worsen the things.
It works, but fei more attention|next time.
Who has asked you to mend her/it?
The arrows don't work.
What do you have to laugh?
The business are going badly.
E'tutto what you have boxed?
- Nient'altro?|- I don't have other, you can check.
You have the trembling voice,|I wonder me because.
What you will become|when you will be great?
Are tangling me criminal!
Who has given you the permission|to sell here?
You/he/she is not set for the new arrivals there|in this district.
And now thing we will do?
Don't pick up anything for road.
Money should not be|a problem.
E'perfetto for the students.
You will ask you because, as everybody.
Two categories exist|of people: workers or thinkers
and to think constantemente makes to come|headache to the intellectuals.
This defeats the pain.
Because it strips him with the heat?|Because a near man excites her/it.
The gentlemen don't succeed|to satisfy the consort every night.
His wives cry.|Sinned E'un!
Her husbands are sad,|what a shame!
The bioceramica has the power|to transmit energy. You look.
E'bioenergia.|Look, gentlemen!
This transforms a sausage|flabby in a club of I fit with iron!
Use her/it when she is excited!
- Quant'?|- 20.000.
Give me that remote control.
Give him/it for me!
You have been good.
Fei always this way.
When I pronounce the word|"you look", it crushes the button.
We cannot afford|to be wrong.
Another bowl of rice, please.
Other rice!
To thing you think?
- You are there or no?|- Thing waits?
- 50.000!|- Now yes that speak!
Ago 100.000,|I lift the mail of others 50.000.
I suppose that I am out.
- We order Chinese spaghetti.|- And laughed fried.
Four portions dui spaghetti,|rice and fried ravioli.
- It eliminates the raviolis.|- Calls!
My duck is ready!
- 20!|- More 20.
- I see.|- You discover the papers.
Don't be hasty!
It waits for to see what I have.
Remove the hands!
Filthy spy!|Here for the one who was the ordination!
Don't serve the fists,|we have something sharper.
Don't risk to die if you don't have|anybody that can cry for you.
You will do better to be silent|and to go away from here.
He/she leaves alone your losses,
you will feel better yourself thinking|to our wins.
- You are listening to me?|- I go.
You devour the food as a pig,|but you work as a snail.
If you don't want him/it,|he will be happy of it,
You are too much fool to understand.
You have returned for your spaghetti|Chinese? I pray, we offer us.
What does it tie a woman to a man?
I am neither the money nor the honor,|but the to regularly make the love.
The frustrated wives betray|the rich physicians and the intellectuals.
Here as the bioceramica it works.|Look!
You won't believe in your eyes.|Go!
Let's retry!
Eccoci here.
- And then?|- This time will work.
- Thing there is now?|- There has been an anomaly.
- Happens once every 100.000.|- E'un I deceive.
- They are enough for buying a package of it?|- Yes.
Where is the other half?|Fermo, return back!
Where is Yang Byul?
Because you have done so slow?
Come here, young thief!
- Take this be despicable!|- Sister!
Stop her/it.
Go' street of here, whore!
I am sorry it.
My E'colpa,|it was so furious.
I have taken the money under that wheel.
It imagines a banknote that lies|to earth, whoever was able prenderia.
- And have you picked her up?|- Yes, but only a half,
the other one has remained under the wheel.
I have bought the it lick-licks|and the glasses.
And I have anchors 3.000 of them!
And your teeth?|Do they hurt you?
One swung me and I played there.
Do you want that a song sings you?
Amusing, true?
I am tired to wait,|all of my friends are already married.
Don't you do with me seriously, true?
What do you want to say?|You are my only love.
- You care indeed of me?|- But certain.
A big piece as you|if her ago with a whore?
Do you want to know more of it?
Let's meet tonight us to the 21|to your nest of love.
Hands the money and your whore.
Enough with the questions,|you come to the established time.
This is what I have.
Remain there!
- Not to do him/it!|- Silent!
Leave her/it alone.|Don't do him/it!
I will give you more money.
Because this old world|has you/he/she been afflicted from a being as me?
We will use this.
whore, bushels looking for|to reach my heart.
I am only a refusal of the society.
I don't like that river.
- You like thing of this world?|- Nothing.
Have you understood?
I have told you to go, whore.
And it is all right.
You have been in abstinence|for a long time enough.
Because don't oppose resistance?
Defend yourself.
React, whore!
Be a respectable person,|you won't be life youth.
And from when you have started|to worry you about me?
If you hurt the others,|it will strike again him on you.
Stop her/it, old!
Ended leak!
Because you behave you as a father?
The world is a disgust! Because devil|do you behave you as a parent?
My goodness!
- Ogli is the birthday of his/her/their grandfather.|- I know him/it.
If I had the money,|I would buy him the glasses.
E'divertente, test.
Something doesn't suit in him,|you/he/she is becoming good.
You extinguish the candelines.
- Happy birthday, grandfather.|- Thanks.
Crocodile, comes to eat|a po'di cake.
You also take my slice.
A reward|to have mended my motorbike.
It tries the glasses.
Do you now see better?
Very better.
Yang Byul...
Would you mind singing a song?
You give, you are a good singer.
- Thing you are doing?|- I am throwing away it.
- But it is in good state.|- Yes, from the outside it seems good,
... but the motor doesn't work.|- Replace him/it.
It doesn't make me earn a lot,|it suits me to throw him/it street.
Considering that you have to throw him/it,|can I pick him/it up me?
Certainly that you are able,|but because you want him/it?
- This way.|- You do as it seems you.
Thanks thousand.
What do you look?|It uses this.
You are not badly as artist.
E'un to like to look you!
A turtle!
- Thing you are doing, Yang Byul?|- Grandfather!
Because you are so of good mood?
Here is something to be eaten.
- Where we will go?|- In southeastern Asia.
- I prefer him/it the hawaii.|- And me southeastern Asia.
And it is all right.
Have you broken up with your girl?
We go from some part|to drink something.
Do you know a place mogliore?
And it is all right.
Where are we?
I live to the foreign countries.
I am only here for a brief period.
I am identikit.
You seem completely drunk.
Job for the police,|I realize identikit.
I have seized them everybody.
They are my trophies.
That has been executed|a couple of weeks ago.
Because you have brought here me?
Do you know him/it?
Famous E'un serial killer.
You/he/she will be executed.
What are you doing?
I know everything.
When you sleep with me,|you always whisper the name of Chun Ho.
Because you try to destroy you?|Who is?
If you don't tell me him,|I will discover alone it.
Don't do him/it!
- Who are?|- You know Hyun Jung?
Where is it?
How have you known her?
E'quello that I wanted to ask to you.
Not do laugh, are in a bad mood.
It is not your type of girl.
I thought you/he/she killed himself/herself.
Do you live together?
Perhaps it is your type.
- That there is?|- Something that you don't know.
I don't want to think of us.
And I don't want to know him/it,|but if you try to touch her/it, I kill you.
You don't count anything for me.
I have forgotten her,|therefore you forget me.
Tell her that I am about to get married me|with another.
Do you know her?
It had hold it will pass her/it.
- We will refer her/it.|- Good idea.
Where is it?
It looks at this.|Hold I stop him/it!
Are you crazy?
Look that makes a will of dickhead!|Do you want to take her?
Mr. Kand, is doing|what she has asked us to do.
We are giving her for him of holy reason.
E'un tenacious type.
It has to pay more. What does it say?|He/she knows that we have the videocassettes.
What are you doing?
Don't make the fool!
I am sorry it.
E'la first time that I feel me this way.
I hate you because anchor loves him/it,|it is despicable.
Di'quello that you want,|I cannot be your woman.
I belong him/it to Chun Ho,
even if we cannot see us.
Does this eye resemble to his?
Not exactly.|I was distant when I have seen him.
We start with the nose,|greatness and form.
I think that I/you/he/she am this.
Aspects, try to draw him/it.
Grandfather, look!|It looks here.
Oh, no!
Cannot be Crocodile!|They are been wrong!
It seems similar, but...|E'difficile to say him/it with safety.
I was so distant...
E'questo our man.
Great nose, short hair,|fleshy inferior lip...
I think that you/he/she could be him.
We also think him/it us.
It doesn't have some alibis|for the day of the crime.
And if you look nearby at his/her face from,|you understand that it is a probable suspect.
Besides it refuses to identify him.
If it is guilty,|which will the punishment be?
How minimum the life sentence.
Head of dickhead, will spend the rest|of your life behind the bars.
You ridar back|your gun.
It is not this the problem.
I can get how much I want of it.
You have violated my chastity,|you have humiliated me.
You have beaten me and gagged|with the ribbon of the videocassette.
And then the cucumber...
the I would never have done him.
- I am sorry it.|- E'troppo delays.
Otherwise|I would not have done all this.
Please, allow to go me.|I am busy here out of.
Then, if you want, I will spend|the whole life in the jail.
- E'lui.|- Thanks for his/her help.
Another suspect|you/he/she will be captured soon.
When we will have him near,|you/he/she can also see him.
Soon you will be free.
You insert two coins in the cracks|and a glass comes out.
You take well then the aim|and shots twice.
Doesn't it seem yourself amusing?
- We will kill the distributor.|- Whether to shoot to a distributor?
Because I hate the coffee|automatic distributing dfel.
Can you do him/it?
Where is his/her grandfather?
Where is it?
Grandfather! Grandfather!
Crocodile, not to treat her/it this way.
- You want your sister to allow us?|- No.
Where are we going?
Allow to go me.
Crocodile, is dying!
Crocodile! Crocodile!
Is dying!