Against All Odds (1984)

- Have you seen this woman?
- No, Senor.
Senor? Senor?
10, 42, 36, hut, hut, hut!
Way to go, Brogan!
The old man can still catch, huh?
Take care of that shoulder.
Good job.
Nice legs, but watch
this one.
I didn't like what I saw on Sunday.
What? I caught
the winning touchdown.
You missed that track-back block.
You were worried about your shoulder.
Doctor says
there's no permanent damage.
I don't want any weaknesses
read by the other team.
You took yourself off
the injured reserve.
You said you were healthy.
The shoulder is solid.
Why don't you prove that?
I intend to.
I mean right now.
Mrs. Wyler's paying you... play football, not
talk about it.
Why don't you go over to the sled?
The sled is bullshit.
I got two rookies who
need playing time, Brogan.
Either go to the sled or
sit on the bench.
No, Stassen. I'll go over
there and prove it to you.
Sam! Go with him.
Come on, Sam.
No matter how long you play,
they want you... prove it one more time.
North field scrimmage.
That guy's been on my ass
since he got here.
Here we go.
All right, hand down.
Look at me. Ready.
Hit it!
Sam, get on it.
All right, hand down.
Look at me.
Hit it!
Sully! I'd like you to meet our
County Supervisor, Ed Phillips.
He's Mrs. Wyler's guest today.
I'm a big fan.
Not only of the Outlaws, but of
the football you played.
Football's changed since
I was a player.
Right, right.
I guess that run of injuries...
...kind of hurt you guys.
We had a lousy bench last year.
We had to play a lot
of injured ball players.
That's part of the job.
You never played injured?
Yeah, well, I was dumb.
I don't like my boys
getting hurt permanently.
That's why they
call him " Mother. "
Hit it!
I don't know about being a supervisor.
I sure as hell don't know
about being a lawyer.
But if I was a lawyer I wouldn't know
shit about football, would I?
Excuse me.
Let's get out of here.
Hit it!
You don't have to do this, Brogan.
The fucker's not beating me.
Hand down again. Look at me!
Hit it!
I'm the trainer here, and I say
he's had enough.
What're you trying to prove?
You're a veteran!
What a dumb fucking thing
to have me do!
Wait for me in my office, Brogan.
Steve Kirsch's office.
This is Terry Brogan.
I need to speak to Steve.
The Outlaws just put me on waivers.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm a big fan of yours, Terry.
Hold, please. It's Terry Brogan.
He's been cut.
- Call Schumacher.
- He needs to talk to you.
I don't handle players.
Get rid of him.
Hello. Mr. Kirsch can't talk, but
he suggests you call Hal Schumacher.
I don't want
Hal Schumacher I want Steve.
When's he available?
I really don't know.
Thank you. Thanks a lot.
- They screw up my shoulder, then cut me.
- Shit!
That's it in a word.
They promised they'd keep you.
This is behind my back, kid.
Yeah, I figured.
At first I thought
they'd pay me off.
But I want to play football.
Not this year.
Not with that shoulder.
Let me ask you something.
What makes you think
they'll pay you off?
I was injured.
You played two games great. If you're
injured, you didn't look it.
What was I supposed to do?
If I give them any trouble,
they cut me.
They cut you anyway.
They're rebuilding.
More profit, less talent.
You cost too much.
They're not screwing me around.
I'm gonna see my lawyer.
I'll miss the pressure.
Give me a call.
Caxton, Benjamin, Parker and Stein.
Yes, he is.
Hold on a moment.
May I help you?
- I'm here to see Steve Kirsch.
- I'll ring his office.
I'm here to see Steve Kirsch.
I know. I'm the one you've been
talking to all day.
The one who's a big fan?
What's your name?
Edie, he's not ever
going to talk to me?
You're down in my book to call.
- Where's his office?
- He's not here.
I know you gotta keep your job, Edie.
You have a nice face. I...
I'm telling you the truth.
It wouldn't be out of line for
you to lie, would it?
Where is he?
Terry! It's good to see you.
I'm cut from the Outlaws.
I know, I heard. The firm
represents Mrs. Wyler.
Since I joined the firm,
I can't represent players.
Mrs. Wyler owns the Outlaws.
She's our biggest client.
It's a conflict of interest.
Wait a minute. When you came
hustling me in school...
...I put my career in your hands.
You're right.
I'm sorry. Sit down.
I've been playing injured.
They know, but they don't
want to pay me off.
I think that's what their
position's gonna be.
Their position's fucked.
I'll go to the Players' Association.
You could do that, but listen.
What happens if the Outlaws prove
that you're perfectly fine?
They've got film when you're
in practice, games.
They're gonna fight for
a long, long time.
Steve, look.
I'm having money problems, man.
I'm broke.
Did you spend every cent
you ever made?
Let me think for
just a second here.
I should get you a low-interest loan
to tide you over.
- Excuse me...
- Could you wait, please?
I'll talk to these guys,
see if I can soften their position...
...and get you something so
it's not a hassle.
Excuse me, Mr. Kirsch.
The reception?
Mr. Caxton's waiting.
Right, I forgot. I gotta go.
I gotta know about this soon.
I'll get on it first thing.
You're one of my first players, huh?
Mike Hogan and his wife, Susan.
Ben Cassidy.
Thank you for coming.
Here's Hal Schumacher's number.
Call him. He's a nice man.
Do they always get bombed
at the end of the day?
It's business down there.
It's an intimate fundraiser.
What do you mean?
Mr. Caxton has assessed every lawyer...
...$1500 to contribute to the
reelection of Councilman Weinberg.
Mrs. Wyler is Caxton's
biggest client, isn't she?
Yes. In fact, he's doing business
for her right now.
Yeah? For the Outlaws?
No. Mrs. Wyler's real business
is real estate.
Caxton wants a zoning variance
on Wyler's canyon... she can build houses there.
His guest of honour tonight
could vote against it.
Trust me, he won't now.
I hate things like before.
When I couldn't be straight with you.
I'm running out of conversation.
I'm sorry.
I gotta go.
I'd like to have a drink with you.
The Ginger Man, after work?
Okay, sure. The Ginger Man.
What are you doing here? You been cut.
They can get you for trespassing.
I'd outrun them.
Why are you here, Tommy?
Jake wants to see you.
How is Jake?
He got stabbed last week.
What a shame.
He survived, Brogan.
Why does he want me?
He might have a job for you.
You tell him " No thanks. "
He'll be at the beach tomorrow.
There's a volleyball game.
Yeah? Is he playing?
I told you, he got stabbed, man.
Well, he lived, right?
You got problems now, Terry.
You want trouble too?
Come to the beach tomorrow.
You're not dumb.
...what the hell else you got to do?
Come here!
You look good as a cripple.
Is that why I had to come here,
to give you my opinion?
How are you doing?
How's your life?
Club? The Palace
is doing great.
The other business is even better.
My action's half a million a week.
You know the grand prize for
the guys who win? Thirty grand.
It's not bad, is it?
A few hours on the beach.
Don't tell me you're taking
action on this game?
You think these are beach rats?
These are world-class players.
You didn't know that?
Sam, come here!
People love to bet on sports.
I just help them out.
South Bay guys love this game,
and they got money.
I'll take their action.
Who's the fuzzy face?
Do you wanna cookie?
There's one!
You fuzzy face, come on!
What kind of dog is gonna
hang out with you?
He doesn't belong to me.
He belongs to the lady who cut me.
You're into violent women now?
Look, I was a bit of an asshole.
I got crazy and popped her.
She came after me with a knife.
Just missed my balls.
And was she going for them?
Don't they all?
You got a new Porsche, huh?
What the fuck,
you're rich, right?
Let's talk it over at
the Palace. What do you say?
We'll go like the old days.
You up to it?
Come on, Sam. Come on!
Come on, get in the car.
I'll just meet you there.
You get afraid of me
in your old age?
Yeah, right.
Come on.
Be a good release. Need to
release a little tension?
Do I have to tie one leg
behind my back?
Take the old route.
Let's see if you still got balls!
- How'd you like that?
- Damn good!
Where were you?
That was smart.
See you!
You're still number two!
Dream on, Terry!
Son of a bitch!
What a fucking idiot!
Scared the shit out of you?
I'm an asshole for racing with you!
I'm pulling out!
Come on, don't pussy out on me now!
The fun's over!
Not yet!
Sam, be quiet! Get over here.
What kept you?
I was getting worried.
I was afraid you got stuck
in all that garbage.
Can't have a fair race with
a goddamn maniac.
Here, maybe this will fix you up.
Have a taste of this.
How about a Guinness?
Wanna tell me what
I'm doing here?
You're out of a job, right?
I've got some job
possibilities for you.
For one, you can work right back here.
Celebrity bartender.
Making drinks and telling
football stories to drunks.
How does that sound?
You take the job. You're
a lot funnier than I am.
How about security guard?
I mean, you know how to get hit.
The point is, for a guy
in your situation, Terry...
...the options stink.
Or you can find her for me.
Who's this, the knife lady?
She's very important to me, Terry.
I think of her all the time.
That's a new reality for you.
She stole 50 grand from me.
I would've given her the money.
I want her back.
And I want you to find her.
You're crazy. Why would you
trust me with her?
Jessie hates ball players.
Do you think that's funny?
She's also Mrs. Wyler's daughter.
Did you ever meet her?
I've heard about her. She's
supposed to be wild.
Her father was an English guy
Mrs. Wyler married.
One of those stage actors who
can't make it in American films.
Anyway, after he died,
Mr. Wyler adopted her.
An owner's daughter, living
with a bookie.
That's something, isn't it?
She hates her mother.
Treated her like a possession.
You know how it is to be one
of Mrs. Wyler's possessions?
I'll give you $10,000 right now.
Pay your expenses.
And if you find her,
I'll give you $20,000 more.
You're crazy.
I'm a football player.
Without a team.
That new Porsche of yours,
is it paid for?
What are you gonna do, man?
Sell insurance?
You don't have the personality
to work for the networks.
I don't want you to bring
her back, man.
Just find her. Tell me where she is.
What does that take? Time and money.
You got the time right now.
I got the money.
You know, I've never used
what I got on you.
Could be otherwise.
I wouldn't want that. Would you?
It's simple.
Either you want to play
football again or you don't.
You never change, do you?
Not a bit.
Try Mrs. Wyler. She probably
knows where Jessie is.
If this is about you being cut...
...I don't involve myself with
day-to-day team business.
That's not why I came here,
Mrs. Wyler.
Then suppose you tell me exactly
what you want with me, Mr. Brogan.
I'm looking for your daughter.
We're very close, and she
disappeared all of a sudden.
Give me a break.
What do you mean?
He sent you.
She was only with him to spite me.
I don't know what she did
to get away from him.
What matters is, she got
the hell away from him.
Why not drink to that?
Ed seems to have solved
the Soames problem.
The head of the planning commission
is coming Saturday.
We're finally softening up these
How wonderful.
You seem to have won
the opposition over.
A good project sells itself.
MOBSO's got other mountains to save.
You know Terry Brogan.
How are you?
- And Supervisor Phillips.
- I'm a big fan.
I wonder if you'd mind going ahead.
We'll be right along.
Yes, of course.
- Be with you in a minute.
- See you then.
It seems Mr. Brogan has a new job.
Working for Jake Wise.
Looking for Jessica.
You and Wise good friends?
I go to his club for the music.
So do a lot of the team.
Why don't you let us steal
you from him?
I won't let Jessica live like this.
I'll double whatever he's paying you.
I'm not some gun for hire.
He can't top what we offer,
can he, Ben?
He can't give you your job back
with the Outlaws.
We could consider something.
You know, it isn't easy for
Jessica to hide from me.
She's been drawing from her trust.
It's going to a little bank in Mexico.
To an island.
You could keep a watch on her.
Make sure he gets nowhere
near her again.
You know...
...I used Jake Wise
as an excuse to come here.
I did come to get my job back.
I didn't deserve what I got.
I played some good ball.
I got a lot of good years left.
I want to be back on the team,
but because I'm worth it.
Not because I spied on some
25-year-old who ran away from home.
I'm not going to spy for you
or Jake Wise.
Ben, this young man
is trespassing here.
Throw him out.
I don't believe you're wanted here.
And you can forget about Kirsch.
He's on my team.
You want the Outlaws to
pay you off? Sue us.
Walk him to his car.
I can kick myself out, thanks.
Ten years' work, Grace.
And we're this close.
I think just a few members of the team
would have been enough.
Having the Outlaws out here, full force,
is kind of crowding it.
I have to get some use out of them.
I don't like football.
We got troubles.
Soames is here.
He's brought a lot of those
Save The Mountain people.
It doesn't look good.
Goddamn environmentalist bastards.
I think you'd better handle this.
Come on, Ed.
I can't believe he's doing
this to us.
Good afternoon, Mrs. Wyler.
I'm Bob Soames, County
Planning Commission.
- But then you know that.
- Of course.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
It's been a long time coming.
I brought friends.
I hope you don't mind.
Not at all.
Bob, are your friends
from the Sierra Club?
Yes, as a matter of fact.
Quite a few.
I hope they're welcome.
I've supported them for years.
Not only financially...
...but also in my heart.
Please join us.
I really don't think so.
All right.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, Ben. He promised me.
Soames thinks he's a smart-ass.
I'm not laughing.
Cute little stores.
"Zoning variances don't
count. " I say, " Come on... "
What's it been, three weeks?
Could you excuse me for
just a second?
What are you doing here?
Free eats, right?
It's Mrs. Wyler's party.
- You don't wanna be here.
- That was bullshit... your office, wasn't it?
You don't care about me.
You work for Caxton.
You wanted to play pro football.
Every year, there's a chance
you'd lose your job because of injury.
You players never grasp, it
is not a very secure job.
A lot of us made you
rich, didn't we?
That's right, Brogan. I got rich.
I'm getting richer all the time.
That's good, Steve.
Come on, come on.
You can afford it
when I kick your teeth!
Do it, see what happens!
You're a has-been!
- Cool it, man.
- Come on, goddamn it!
That's intelligent.
Will you cool it?
You know Caxton's here.
Hey, come on.
You're finished in football!
- Get him out!
- I'm out of here!
- You're not playing this right.
- I could give a fuck.
Wyler never mixed his
other businesses with the team.
We played football.
We didn't sell real estate.
You're saying I'm lucky
to be off the team?
It's a new goddamn ball game.
That's all I'm telling you.
It's all bullshit!
I don't belong here either.
It's a goddamn circus!
I'm hearing weird things about you.
Like what?
Like you might go
to work for Jake Wise.
He offered me a job.
But you turned him down.
You're a smart kid. Wait!
You're worried about money, but
don't screw around with Wise.
I'm gonna get you a coaching job.
Just for the year.
I'm not ready to do
what you do. I'm a player!
There's nothing here
for me now but shit!
They won't pay me.
My shoulder's screwed up.
Know what I'm telling myself?
Take Wise's money.
Take a damn vacation!
I'll find his rich girl for him
and lay in the sun.
Have a good season, Hank.
I'm on my own.
Keep away from Wise, damn it!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry!
You're Jessie Wyler, aren't you?
I'm Terry Brogan.
I played ball for the Outlaws.
The Outlaws don't interest me.
I'm not playing this season.
There's not much going on here.
Where can I go to have a good time?
The ferry leaves every morning.
Can I buy you a drink or something?
How about a taco, huh?
I guess you can have anybody do that
for you in L.A., huh?
- What's that?
- A football player... you a couple tacos and a beer.
There are a lot better
things to do. Even in L.A.
What don't you like?
Football players...
...tacos or beer?
I like tacos and I like beer.
I should take the ferry, huh?
I figure if I keep talking,
you won't disappear.
You sure about that?
Hey, Jake. How's it going?
No, nothing yet.
I didn't expect to have signs
telling me where she is.
Maybe I'll be outside
having a drink...
...I'll look and out of nowhere
she'll be buying some fruit.
I'll call you in a few days.
All right.
See you. Bye.
Pretty slick, Roberto.
Okay, senor. Cerveza, no glass.
I've been hanging out here a lot, huh?
Some hangout.
Damn it!
Where's that boat going?
- When's the next ferry?
- Six hours.
Should I be afraid of you?
I don't know.
It's beautiful, huh?
If this were L.A., my stepfather
would've bought it.
Torn it up and built condominiums.
Here, the land intimidates them.
They leave it in peace.
Some spot.
It's nothing like the great
Maya cities of the Yucatan.
Chichen Itza.
Should have hidden there.
Is that what you're doing?
From you, right?
What do you mean?
Jake sent you.
Maybe your mother did.
I wouldn't know which one
had more to threaten you with.
You wanna know the truth?
I came for the hell of it.
I wanted to get out of L.A.
A Caribbean island didn't sound too bad.
Only trouble is, now I'm here
I find myself... the middle of something
I've no feeling for.
Well, you're not doing this for free.
You're getting paid well,
aren't you?
Which one are you working for?
Which one knows you found me?
Nobody knows anything, okay?
Oh, sure!
I figure, fuck them. You know?
Fuck you too, lady.
I loved your drawing.
I wanna talk to you.
Why should I believe
you won't tell Jake where I am?
There are people who care what you
believe. I don't see them here.
I have a broken shoulder,
both my knees are shot...
...guys are crippling themselves... you can act like a
13-year-old runaway from Bel Air.
I could give a shit what you believe.
- How's Sam?
- Who?
My dog.
I don't know.
Looks like he's fed.
I shouldn't be afraid of you.
When you leaving?
I think 4:00.
I wish it were sooner.
Never found where I live, did you?
I don't think anybody could.
It's the prettiest place
on the island.
Don't leave without saying goodbye.
You take the highway out of town
to kilometre 19.
When you see the three Tecate cans...'s the first dirt road
on the right.
Don't leave without saying goodbye.
Don't leave without saying goodbye.
You don't have to worry about
the neighbors.
They were building homes here
when a storm hit.
They all fell down except this one.
Waited for you, huh?
Like a drink?
All right. That'd be great.
- Tequila okay?
- That's great.
It's Maya.
Third century, I think.
No ice.
That's all right.
You don't have any electricity here?
How'd you end up with Jake?
The Palace, I guess.
I wanted to be a
rock 'n' roll singer.
Jake convinced me that rich girls
don't have the soul for it.
Sounds like Jake. Always convincing
somebody of something.
It seems I have the soul to
live with him, be his girlfriend.
He never had anybody
like you before.
You're a whole different class
for him.
Not really.
My family didn't get to own most
of Bel Air by being honest.
Jake always thought I was his luck.
I helped him outthink people
like my family.
I know why he wanted you.
But why were you with him?
I liked that my being with him
made a lot of people crazy.
Like your mom?
It even frightened her.
And that was really something to
finally pull off.
If only my brother had done
that and not by killing himself.
Your brother killed himself?
I guess.
He got into drugs
for the same reason I did.
To get away from our terrible life.
Did his dying make you stop?
Jake did.
Jake did?
After I was with him awhile, it became
very important to him that I stop.
Wouldn't leave me
alone until I quit.
The truth is I wanted to quit.
When I did, I didn't need
Jake anymore.
Bet that kind of threw him.
He said the only way I could
get away was to kill him.
Well, you almost did.
Not really.
I'm gonna stay away from Jake.
And my mother.
I ought to get going.
What'd you come here for?
You know, this is the best
I've felt in years.
I think you're incredible.
You do?
Yes, I do.
There's a great canyon.
Let's go back down there.
Don't you ever have to breathe?
It's good therapy for my shoulder.
This is a dream, you know?
It's true! I've completely
forgotten about football.
You liar!
That's the first thing you've said
I don't believe.
Come here! It's true!
Then come in and prove it!
I'm not coming in there!
Come on, guapo. It's good therapy
for your shoulder.
You know, I thought Jake would
send someone awful.
How do you know I'm not awful?
Maybe I'm no different than Jake.
We haven't left each other's side
for the last two weeks.
I figure I know who you are,
Terry Brogan.
When I got my contract... was the first real money
I ever had.
My lawyer took a big hunk
out of it.
But still, I bought
everything in sight.
And the girl that I was
living with at the time...
...she moved out on me.
Took all my furniture with her.
It seems funny now, but
at the time it flipped me out.
I was under a lot of pressure,
trying to make the starting lineup.
I started acting crazy,
hanging out with Jake.
We got along great.
He was as crazy as I was.
And after a couple of years,
I got my ass into debt.
I mean, really badly.
And I made a deal with him
to shave points.
You don't have to
tell me this, okay?
I'm supposed to stop now?
You said you know me.
Well, you don't. I want you to.
It was a game during the playoffs.
We were expected to win by a
four-point spread.
I was supposed to see we didn't
win by so much.
I kept putting it off
because I felt good.
You know, blow the other team out.
In the fourth quarter, they scored
14 points. Everything was great.
The spread was 4.
We were ahead by 3.
I didn't have to do anything.
Then the quarterback...
...he threw this pass.
Put it right into my hands.
It was just so perfect I just
had to catch it.
All I had to do was just
drop the fucker.
But my reflexes took over.
So their guy tackled me on the five...
...and I fumbled.
I just made my hands let go
of the ball.
It scared the shit out of me.
I thought everybody in the
stadium, all 55,000...
...knew I was a son of a bitch.
So you won by three instead
of four points.
If another player
would have done that...'d have to pull me off
quick, or he'd be dead.
It's still torturing you, isn't it?
See, I do know who you are.
Do you know what I wish?
I wish I'd seen you play football.
I bet you were wonderful.
I can see how Jake would
go crazy without you.
All from Jake.
They stopped coming in four days ago.
We should leave here, you know.
Terry, I don't want to leave.
It's so perfect here.
Yeah, I know.
We have no choice, though.
I don't have much money left.
Can't draw from my trust
for three months.
Jake's money's all gone?
What do you mean, Jake's money?
He said you took 50 grand from him.
Steal from him,
when I want him off me?
I'd be out of my mind.
I didn't get a cent
of his goddamn money.
Well, I've got the money
he gave me so...
I'll go to the hotel
in the morning and get my bags.
We'll cover our tracks, huh?
But you have to go to
Chichen Itza alone, okay?
I gotta get Jake off our trail.
God, where have you been, Terry?
I've had 10 days in this place.
I found a guy to
get us a house in Oaxaca.
- Anywhere but here.
- I hope he's for real.
It'll cost all I've got.
- You don't know what it's like.
- Where are we going?
- People can see us.
- If they can, who cares?
Jess, come on.
Will you cool it?
You know we had to separate.
Jake thinks I'm all over
the place looking for you.
I've been to Mexico City,
Cuernavaca, Taxco.
I wired Jake. He thinks
you're in Campeche.
I wonder when was the last time
someone used this court?
Fourteen or fifteen centuries ago,
The games here must've been
incredible. Look at this.
They even wore facemasks
and shoulder pads.
Games were a little more serious
than the ones you play.
They'd play for days. The team that
lost got their heads chopped off.
And the guys who bet on the game...
...wagered themselves,
even their children.
And if they lost, they were slaves.
You're going crazy here, aren't you?
I think I'd be crazy if I weren't.
We're getting out.
To go where?
Another place we don't belong?
We could do better.
With what?
I don't have the money Jake
and your mother have, but so what?
I'm taking care of you, aren't I?
There's money in Mexico City.
What? Whose money?
- Why didn't you tell me?
- I couldn't trust you for sure.
Since when couldn't you trust me?
- In the beginning.
- What beginning?
We've been in it
since we saw each other.
Tell me! When did you
start trusting me?
It was a risk to trust you,
all right?
I never saw it that way.
I took the risk by letting
you come with me.
You let me come with you?
It would've been
different if I were alone.
Do you think I'm caging
you in or something?
Well, it's true, isn't it?
I'm standing in your way of freedom?
Keeping you from your money...?
You're twisting what I say.
Jesus, I love you!
You've become everything I'm about!
Can't anyone love me
without it being... or death to them?
Most people are afraid they're
never going to be loved like that.
Terry, wait!
I've lied and used people all my life
because I thought everybody did.
Everyone except my brother, and look
where it got him.
It's just so hard for me
to trust anyone.
I'm not anyone.
I know.
I know you're not, and I'm trying.
I want to trust you.
God, I love you!
I love you.
Come on. The park's closing.
Let's go to the sweathouse.
There's somebody in here.
- Where?
- There's somebody there.
- What the fuck...?
- Sorry I walked in on you.
Walked in on me?
What the hell are you doing here?
What am I doing here?
What are we doing here?
You're in a lot of trouble.
I came to... some sense into you.
You came here to talk to me?
If a tired old guy like
me can find you...
What are you talking about?
Who is he, Terry?
Hank Sully. He's with the Outlaws.
Jake sent him.
That's crazy.
I know his name!
He called Jake at the house.
Talk to me, Sul.
Why did you leave the team
in the middle of the season?
Come on, talk!
What do you want from me?
That jackass Caxton and her
old lady screwing up the team.
You know, if Mr. Wyler were
alive, I'd be head coach.
I think about that a lot.
So I just figured, fuck it!
I'd do something for me
for a change.
I was close to you guys. I knew
who was in debt, and how deep.
So when Jake wanted...
...I could always finger
who was ready to break.
You're going home from here with
nothing. You know that.
Wise will send someone
a lot tougher than me.
Hank, come on.
Man, this is crazy.
- How much trouble are you in?
- Enough!
I'm sorry.
Hold it!
You're old and tired...'re not out of your mind too?
Hank, come on.
This is Terry, man!
You don't know him, Terry!
Just let me take her back with me.
Who's gonna hurt her? Wise?
He worships her.
Back off, Sully!
Goddamn you, Terry!
She's worthless!
Come on, Terry.
You're no good at this.
It was easy to find you.
Mexico City, Cuernavaca.
I was breathing down your neck
and you didn't know it.
Come on, Terry.
I'm taking her back!
Son of a bitch!
Damn it, Sully!
Go on and get it, Terry!
Stop it!
Get off him!
You jackass!
- Come on, Terry.
- Okay, stop.
Shut the fuck up!
Back off, Sully.
Get away, please!
See what you've done?
Give me that fucking gun.
He grabbed the gun.
I couldn't help it.
Let's get out of here.
He's not dead!
He will be, Terry.
There's no one to help him.
She's right.
Maybe I'll stop bleeding.
What do you think?
Sure. Sure.
You're full of shit, Brogan.
- We gotta do something...
- Do what?
Take him to a Mexican jail?
Are you crazy?
It's not our fault.
We can explain!
We can't, Terry! Let's just get out!
Let's go. Let's run!
This isn't something
we can run from!
Oh, God! You're so innocent!
You just don't understand! Do you?
Come on, Sul, hang in there.
Bury me here, Brogan.
Forget that shit, will you?
What are we doing down here?
Oh, God. Jess, no!
La senorita!
Give it to me.
All right, I'm not spiking.
Nice. You playing with
your high heels on?
Now see, if I like a guy and it looks
like I'll never see him again...
...I don't worry. You know why?
Because I always get lucky.
Thanks, honey.
You're working up a sweat.
That's good.
I love sports, Terry.
You know that.
An Outlaws game is starting.
Tommy, head into town. Call me
after the games, okay?
So did you notice?
I'm walking without a limp.
You got your life together, Jake.
I'm impressed.
You know, Ter, there's
never just one game.
There's always a whole
mess of them.
Like life.
You get hit hard by one... get blessed
by a couple of others.
You still like football?
I love the game, myself.
Business and pleasure.
You got a new conditioning coach.
Did you know that?
Sully's gone.
When are you going to tell me?
What happened down there?
I decided it was a shit job.
So you just walked away?
You still looking for her?
Didn't you find her yet?
It's none of your business.
You didn't finish the job, so I
don't owe you the money.
I figure you just came over to
say we're still friends.
Tell me I'm right?
I just wanted to tell you to eat it.
That's nice.
You have something on me?
You hang me, you hang yourself.
Go to hell.
It's not that easy, Terry.
There's others involved.
It's just not you and me.
If you want to play football...
...there's something you gotta do.
Another job.
It's gonna help both of us.
You didn't hear me, did you?
It's finished with us.
Don't you feel you owe me
a little something?
She look great, or what?
Christ, would you look
at that defense?
The whole team's out
of shape without Sully.
Sully is missed.
I can tell you that.
Don't leave. Stay and watch
the game, man.
If you want... can even place a bet.
Some other time.
There's a party at the Palace
tomorrow night.
You'll hear some good music.
And I'll tell you all about that job.
This is something you've got to do.
Because your career's all
you got now, my friend.
So I'll expect you, right?
Hey, get out of there!
Get out!
Get out of there!
Have you been all right?
Wait till I get my wind back.
Get your dog out.
Come on, Sam.
I think about you.
I think about you too, lady.
Let's leave it at that, huh?
Understand who I am.
Someone's always been
there to take care of things.
You weren't able to handle
Sully. I had to come back.
It was either Jake or my mother.
And I couldn't go to her.
Terry, he knows about Sully.
What's he know?
What did you tell him?
Terry, he could hurt us.
You mean he could hurt me.
Do what he wants
and finish it with him.
Are you scared for me, Jess?
You know, I've been down
there looking for you.
I came back hoping somebody might
know something. I was worried.
You came back to this fuck.
I love you.
Oh, yeah, I noticed.
Todd, how you doing?
Let's go upstairs and talk some
- You're here to watch the show.
- Catch me when I'm in the mood.
Hang out at the bar.
You want to talk, maybe
Tommy will listen.
He never writes anything down.
I don't even know if he can write.
I don't trust...
Watch you mouth when you
talk about Tommy. Do you hear me?
Now if not, okay, go play your
money someplace else. Go on.
I'll be in the bar.
He'll be at the bar.
How are you?
Nice to see you.
Glad you showed up.
That's nice.
Came to get your stink off.
I'm not the one who blew this
friendship, okay?
- Where's Jessie?
- She stayed home. She's upset.
I don't know what it could be.
- I think you've got a lot of friends.
- Go mingle with them.
Tommy, show Terry to his table.
Talk to you later.
I want something in return.
I want a catalogue
on Bob Marley.
Everything, all the records.
And I want live concerts.
Listen, if I ask him to...
You heard about this band?
It's supposed to be great.
What are you doing here?
If you have something to say,
say it and get out.
This guy looks familiar. Why?
Listen, smart ass,
just get out of here.
Go ahead.
- Friend of yours?
- Go ahead.
This guy the show?
Sit down!
You're such a prick.
Thank you!
Well, the good news is that some of
my best friends are here.
The bad news is,
the rest of you are here.
It's a good thing I'm in music
instead of comedy.
A great act tonight,
straight from my hometown.
Where's my hometown?
Nueva York, New York City.
The Big Apple.
Rotten to the core, as tonight's
group will aptly demonstrate.
They think of themselves
as tropical gangsters...
...Kid Creole and the Coconuts.
Planning Commissioner Soames.
Dealing with politicians.
I'm a top sports accountant.
Soames has been a client
for a long time.
I only deal with uptown people.
Like this guy I'm sitting with?
Kirsch? This job I have for you...'s got to do with Kirsch.
You're really coming up in the world.
Lawyers, politicians.
I've done business
with Kirsch for a long time.
Yeah. Sully too.
Sully kept me up on injuries.
Kirsch let me know...
...what players wouldn't be renewed.
I had it great.
It's a shitty business, Jake.
Well, it's a shitty world.
You see, Kirsch and Sully fixed a
game behind my back.
Kirsch placed what I thought
was an off-the-wall bet.
But when he won big...
...I paid the cocksucker.
He figured when I lost Jessie,
I was ripe for being screwed.
Must be an epidemic.
- How'd you find out?
- Your friend...
Kirsch, the son of
a bitch, cheated Sully.
He figured there would be
some money telling me about it.
Poor fucking Sully.
I'd like to kick the shit
out of Kirsch.
The asshole's got files on me.
And I'm the idiot who's
supposed to get them?
He's got records of the games.
Of the business I did
with the players.
Know who that includes?
You got no smart-mouth remark
for that one?
Here. These will get you into
Kirsch's building and office.
Sunday night. Late.
It's a little dirty...
...but not so dirty you won't
sleep nights.
Why me? Why not Tommy?
I want Tommy clean.
You? I was ready to be
your friend for life.
You owe me.
This is what I want from you.
It's in our mutual interest.
As far as I'm concerned... finishes all the shit
between us.
I'm missing the show.
What made you think you
could handle Jessie?
I bet you brought her flowers.
You don't have to when
you're living in the jungle.
You just show her what tree
you're gonna do it under.
Hell, we hit lots of trees.
Shit! Now you follow me
into the toilet. Give me a break!
What is this?
It's a warning. Be careful.
Okay. I'm going to be
very careful, all right?
Just fuck right off.
You think we're at the same
table by accident?
I figure the bet was you'd
make a scene. We'd be noticed.
I'm looking out for myself.
I've done what I can for you.
Okay, fuck off.
I keep thinking of what I
did to make me deserve you.
Go to hell.
I have. You know that, lady!
What's it like with Jake?
When you two are doing it?
Is he good?
Shut up, Terry!
Does he have a bigger cock than I do?
Shut up!
Do you know what he wants
me to do?
You and I have seen worse.
Jake's a gambler. He thinks I took
his luck when I took you.
I hit him too hard.
Then get out of it now.
But what about all the things
you and I shared?
What about Sully?
You remember him?
That guy we killed down
there in the jungle.
He's got me one way
or the other, doesn't he?
Doesn't he?
Yeah, go ahead, you rip
the shirt off. Come on.
Rip the shirt off.
Rip the fucking shirt off!
What am I gonna do?
Oh, Terry! I'm sorry.
- I'm so sorry.
- I love you.
Hold me.
Hold me!
What are we gonna do?
Is this Sam?
Is this Sam? I bet it is Sam,
is it? There's Sam.
Sam's crazy about me.
That's a fact.
You know, dogs kill
for people they love.
Maybe Sam knows I'd kill for you.
- What do you mean?
- See that?
Now you're looking at me.
Why do I have to frighten you
to get you to look at me?
I give you everything you want.
Your mother and Caxton can't hurt me.
You're not even afraid of them anymore.
You know, when you came
at me with a knife...
...all I could think of
was that you'd hurt yourself.
I'm not spitting in your face.
I just want you to let me go.
When we were first together... was so great.
I finally impressed those fucks
in Beverly Hills. Remember?
You know what was even better?
You were smart.
You really helped me.
But I don't care about
any of that now.
I need you.
It's just not okay to be alone anymore.
No, Jake.
You ruined my life. Goddamn it,
I'm not gonna lose you.
He's got files on the business I did
with the players.
You do want to play ball
again, don't you, Terry?
Sunday night.
It's a little dirty, but not so
dirty you won't sleep nights.
This is what Jake owes you...
Jesus Christ! What?
I hid the body.
They'll find it soon.
He killed him?
He had him killed?
Oh, my God!
Not that it's any great loss, but...
Jake Wise planted
something up in his office... frame me.
I didn't find it in time.
They're all bastards.
- All of them.
- Look, Edie, I need your help.
You worked with Kirsch
for a long time.
You'd knock the hell out of them.
What do you mean?
I don't know what Jake planted.
But Kirsch kept a tiny treasure
chest that could blow everybody up.
I shouldn't be this drunk.
Listen, if the booze helps...
I can't believe this is my life.
Where was this box?
I'd be too scared to do it.
You worked for Kirsch. You knew
most of what he knew.
Edie, they'll kill you too.
Edie, help me.
- But it means...
- What?
Going back there.
To Kirsch's office.
There shouldn't be a dog here.
Who the hell are you?
I worked for Kirsch.
You must be the one
who unemployed me.
Are the others here?
They're all over the building.
Looking for the body.
Some mess.
We're gonna find him.
Jake wants certain things
out of the office right away.
I guess he's a little jumpy.
Things seem to be
disappearing, don't they?
Your dog bothers me.
It's supposed to bother people.
Put him in there, please.
You're making this take
much more time than it has to.
Mr. Wise is waiting for me.
Listen...'re not a security guard.
But I belong here.
Now put the goddamn dog in there!
Hello, Mr. Wise.
No, we haven't found Kirsch's body.
Don't worry about it.
Don't get excited.
Gonna take it a floor at a time.
I'm sure of it.
No, we're in the office
looking for those papers.
The ones you asked that girl to get.
Hey, come back here!
Get back!
You crazy bitch!
Who are you? Goddamn it!
Who the hell are you?
You're dead!
Run, Edie!
Come on!
- Did you get the papers?
- Yes, I got them!
- Here, I'll park it for you.
- I live here.
Hello, Mother.
You're looking well.
I need to see Ben.
I've missed you.
Please get Ben, Mother.
He's much too busy celebrating.
Bob Soames changed his vote
on Wyler Canyon.
Why do you want Ben?
I just wanna talk to him.
- Talk to him tomorrow.
- No, I need to speak to him now!
- Right now!
- Keep your voice down.
I'll embarrass you, Mother.
I'll just walk right in there
and I'll be my sweet self.
Hello, Jessie.
Hello, Ben.
I have to talk to you, alone.
- Excuse us.
- Sure.
Let's go in there.
Jake's had Kirsch killed.
He's made it look like Terry did it.
He was trying to get Terry,
but it's more than that.
He was fixing games and betting
against his own bank.
Kirsch was making the bets.
Something's going down at Kirsch's.
Brogan wouldn't have gone back.
Why would he?
He'd be crazy to.
Would you get over there
and find out what's going on?
You've gotten out of hand, Jake.
Come on, Tommy.
What've you done to me?
He's here to help me,
not hurt you.
The things you don't know.
This man that you, your mother and
everybody thinks so much of...
...he's my bank.
I work for him.
Ben! You told him
everything, didn't you?
Didn't you?
Oh, God!
You're still trying to kill me.
This time I might be dead.
I love you, Jessie.
Why did that have to be a bad thing?
I didn't mean anything bad.
Your office is still busy.
That you, Brogan?
Hello, Brogan.
Who's this?
Hey, Senor Caxton!
Couldn't catch the game tonight.
We won. Listen, Brogan...
...I'm getting into this because
of my goddaughter.
I'll tell you, there's
somebody else you gotta help.
I've just been in Kirsch's safe.
You know what he had in there?
The goods on you...
...Supervisor Phillips...
a whole lot of people.
I know all about Soames.
You know, the commissioner
who wanted to...
...protect the environment
but liked to bet on football too.
Guess he found out the
two don't mix, didn't he?
I think we should meet.
I got no problem with that.
In fact, I know a great place.
Wyler Canyon, in an hour.
The spot where
you're gonna break ground.
I know the place.
That idiot football player
you were going to get...
...has got me by the balls.
Come on.
You too, Wise.
Your friend Brogan is a threat
to me, Jessie.
I don't know what he wants,
but it's got to be settled.
I can't believe this is you, Ben.
I think my mother would
snap if she knew.
I get things done in this town.
And the people I work for,
like your mother...
...don't care how that happens.
Just that I do it.
She wants Wyler Canyon developed,
but she can't...
...get to everyone
with campaign contributions.
So I have to go into business
with some very strange people.
Like that asshole next to you.
I don't have to take this from you.
He's as dirty as I am.
He owns 75% of the
book and 75% of the club.
I take the heat while
he sits on his ass.
Shut him up, Tommy!
He got you into this. Now convince
me you're not an asshole.
Come on, Tommy.
They'll never let you sit on top.
When you had Kirsch killed,
you buried yourself.
You think they'll ever
do business with you?
Wise up!
No one in Beverly Hills is ever gonna
do business with a black man.
Shut up, Jake.
You're a dead man.
Not yet, Caxton.
Brogan won't beat anybody.
I'll get him.
You need me.
Put that gun away.
Take it, Jake.
My best friend?
- Watch it, they've got a gun!
- Shut up, Jessie!
That's okay, Jessie!
Things have a way of getting
messed up when you're in them.
What the hell are you doing, Brogan?
This mountain's pretty important
to you, isn't it?
With what I got...
...from Kirsch, I can
knock your plans to hell!
Mrs. Wyler wouldn't like that,
would she?
What do you want?
Don't shoot!
You're trying to kill me!
What do you think?
I wanna stay alive!
What do you want?
I didn't want you, Caxton!
I want Jake's shit out of my life!
Now I want yours out too!
That's all you want?
Why don't I believe you?
Because you're a corrupt old man.
Your coverage stinks, Tommy.
What's your deal, Brogan?
I found out tonight Jake jumps for you.
Slap him down.
It's that fucking simple.
I'll keep Kirsch's stuff
until I'm satisfied.
That can be arranged.
Are you crazy?
Don't let this punk beat you.
It can still work. The trainer,
the lawyer and the player...
...cheating on the fix!
Knock it off!
Drop the gun.
Drop the fucking gun.
Take the gun away from her head.
You're not gonna hurt her.
You wanna gamble with me, Terry?
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Take the gun away.
You're my friend. You know me.
Take your shot.
Don't do it, Terry.
He won't hurt me.
I'm not gonna take that chance.
Don't think about it. I'll blow
you away. Step back.
Step fucking back.
Who's gonna be a dead man, Caxton?
Not me.
It's gotta be Terry.
What makes somebody
your friend, Jake?
How much shit they'll do for you?
Jake, don't do it.
Jake, I love him!
Right in my face.
Right in my fucking face.
I'll blow him the fuck...
Keep away from her, Brogan.
You can't help her with this.
But you can, Caxton.
I think so.
But it means doing things my way.
I want that stuff from Kirsch.
And Jessie's going back
where she belongs.
You'll leave him alone, Ben.
I'll do what you want,
but you'll leave him alone.
What I'm most happy about is the
opportunity to share this land.
It's beauty and the beauty around it...
...won't be sitting up here
alone anymore, just going to waste.
I'm sharing what I believe is the best
location on the West Side.
Close to Century City and the ocean.
We won't crowd the hillsides.
Each owner will feel that
the canyon belongs to him.
A sanctuary from the crowding
and crime of the city below us.
Specifically, I'd like to acknowledge
three public officials...
...without whose generous support
we wouldn't be here:
Supervisor Ed Phillips...
...Councilman Leonard Weinberg...
Stay here.
Just remember your promise, Ben.
...and the head of the commission,
Bob Soames.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Now for the big moment.
This was the only way you could
get a look at her, eh?
Nothing stops progress, does it?
We had to put it off for six months
until things died down in the press.
Moving 5 million yards of earth.
Enough to fill dump trucks
from here to Nova Scotia.
This town does
belong to people like you.
You and her mother control
what she says and does.
There's nothing in the news that
isn't the way you wanted it.
Jake Wise did things even he'd
freak out about.
There's a lot of sympathy for her.
Well, there should be.
It didn't seem to hurt you, Brogan.
I heard you got some tryouts
with good teams.
I'm playing with the Dolphins.
That's one you couldn't put
a stop to, could you?
I'll be ready.
Couple of good years
and I'll quit on my own.
So you're going to leave L.A.
When you need me in court,
I'll be there for her.
But forget anything else.
Remember, Brogan,
you're out of her life.
I figure that's up to her.
You're not gonna control us forever.
Believe me.