Against The Dark (2009)

Once the infection hit,
there was little time to react.
People did what they could.
But since no one was immune
to the effects of the virus...
...authorities were ultimately helpless
as the infection rapidly spread.
All who became exposed
and survived an initial attack...
...began their own relentless
quest for blood...
...attacking and feeding
upon the innocent.
There was no vaccine... known reports
of individuals being immune.
Neighbourhoods and entire cities
were wiped out.
The very fabric of civilisation
is breaking down before our eyes.
Many surviving humans lik e us
were left to fend for themselves.
Moving around during the day
and hiding at night.
Barricading themselves
inside secure buildings.
Others formed vigilante groups.
- Hurry, up there. Come on, let's go.
- Let's go.
Come on. Let's go.
Let's go. Come on. Hurry.
Or became hunters.
Swordsmen who were tracking down
and killing the infected.
We were lucky
when we managed to find a refuge.
A place with
some food and shelter...
...where we could survive
until we could be rescued.
But with our location
no longer being safe...
...and the chances for rescue
becoming more and more remote...
...our options were running out.
It was now us...
...against the dark.
Let's get this boy out of here.
Take him to a safe place.
We're not here
to decide right or wrong.
We're here to decide
who lives and dies.
Please evacuate the building.
Evacuation is mandatory.
Would everyone please exit
the building in an orderly manner?
Be careful.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
Watch your hands.
Put that shit out.
No smoke.
Give me a break.
There's none of them around.
Would everyone please exit
the building in an orderly manner?
- What are you doing?
- It's on a loop, Dylan.
We've been listening
to the same shit for months.
Every building
that has any survivors has one.
Ever occur to you
there might be a safe place?
How the hell do you have
so much of that left?
You'd be surprised what you can find
in people's medicine cabinets.
If you look hard enough.
We'll find a safe place to sleep.
We'll get out of here at first light.
It's okay.
- It's okay, baby.
- No, it's not.
It's never gonna be okay.
Or safe.
We're in this together, right?
Of course we are.
And you listen to me.
Things may never be
the same again...
...but it will get better.
You've been asleep
for almost six hours.
- What's wrong?
- We gotta get going.
The generator's dying
and the food's all gone.
We should start finding a way out.
Come on. Come on, let's go.
Base, this is Unit 12. Come in.
Base, this is Unit 12. Do you copy?
Unit 12, we read you.
We're approaching
a medical complex.
Hope to complete a sweep by dawn.
I'll keep you posted.
Standing by for updates.
- Over.
- Out.
It's okay. They're not infected.
She's sick.
We just lost two others
to pneumonia.
We're here for the medication,
that's all.
Is it just the two of you?
I was a student intern here
before the quarantine.
Most of the medication
was stolen months ago.
We don't know these people,
We haven't seen another person
in three weeks.
Neither have we.
It's pretty safe in here.
For now.
- Charlie.
- I'm okay, Amelia.
We have to take care of our own,
Which way?
The pharmacy?
Down the hall.
We're gonna clear each building
room by room.
Girls, kill anything that
looks infected.
- Yes, sir.
- What about survivors?
If they're tough enough,
we'll bring them with us.
What now?
West doorways and stairwells
are blocked.
We're gonna have to find
another way to the pharmacy.
Come on, let's move.
This place is so big.
There's a lot of ground to cover
to get anywhere in here.
We don't know if we'll find
any drugs when we get there.
Maybe we should go back out
the way we came in.
- Blow this place off altogether.
- No, that would be suicide.
We can't move around outside
in the dark.
Not anymore.
Besides, it's only four hours
till dawn.
We need to move to the sublevel.
There's a security door
that's the only safe way out.
But the generator's dying.
With the power gone, we can't open it.
What do you mean,
the only safe way out?
Behind the security door is a lot.
That's where we left our pickup.
If we can get to it...
...then we could use it
to get to one of the camps.
- Camps?
- Hang on a minute.
Why haven't you guys
done this already?
There was food here.
It was warm and dry.
We've been running for weeks.
Frankly, we needed a rest.
Okay, so, what happens
if the generator fails...
...before we reach the sublevel?
Then the security door won't open
and we'll be trapped.
Dorothy and I were heading that way
when we met you.
You're welcome to come with us.
Tagart, you clear that area.
Make a clean sweep.
I'm not saying that.
I don't believe there is anyone
out there who can help us.
How can you be so sure?
There were people, hunters.
Ex-military guys
who were trained to kill.
Urban legend.
You shouldn't believe
that shit you hear on the shortwave.
If there was anyone left,
they would've come for us already.
- That's what we keep praying for.
- No.
That's what you keep praying for.
- It's your faith, Amelia.
- Hey, I'm a realist.
The only one that's gonna
keep us alive is us.
Oh, shit.
This used to be the entrance
to the chapel.
That is creepy.
- Jesus.
- Amelia.
You got a problem?
Look at it.
It freaks me out, okay?
- It's just that we...
- Stop it, Dylan.
Whether we take
the Lord's name in vain...
...doesn't mean
a goddamn thing anymore.
It's just us and them.
Nothing and nobody else.
Speaking of the devil...
What are they?
Mother's little helpers.
Gets rid of the pain.
And everything else along with it.
Do you think we're ever gonna
make it out of here?
Let's go.
Chin up, everybody.
We're gonna make it
to that security door...
...every single one of us.
Even if it kills us.
Dude, you're freaking me out.
Shut up for once
and just follow me, will you?
That smell's getting worse.
Oh, my God.
Come on, let's get through this.
Don't touch them.
Is everyone okay?
- Yeah.
- Ricky?
Yeah, you?
What is this?
Tagart, you clear that area.
Make a clean sweep.
You understand?
This is Cross. Do you copy?
Repeat, this is command.
Do you copy?
I've got a survivor.
I've got a survivor.
Do you have any survivors?
Repeat. Do you have any survivors?
Tagart, if you can hear me, you need
to be clear of Zone 7 by sunup.
Repeat. Clear Zone 7 by sunup...
It's okay.
Are you alone?
- Where's Morgan and Ricky?
- They told us to wait here.
I don't know.
Everyone was just so screwed up
before the virus hit.
Now we've got those things
on the loose.
Who knows what's next.
I remember when I was really young
and I used to feel scared at night.
And I'd hide out
in my mom and dad's room.
Then I started to realise that
just because they were grownups...
...didn't mean that
they could protect me...
...from monsters or demons
or whatever.
They're not monsters or demons.
They're just diseased.
Then a few days into the virus... of the infected got my dad.
Now I know for sure
that no one can protect me.
Come here.
We'll protect each other, okay?
We're a team now, yeah?
I guess.
You guess?
Dorothy and I
have been doing okay.
We've survived
by relying on each other.
And since you guys
have come onboard...
There's more of a chance
for you to get nailed, right.
I get it. Relax, dude.
We all wanna keep breathing
as much as you do.
I just wanna keep it simple.
Find a safe camp.
What's your plan?
I ain't got a plan.
That doesn't mean we're gonna
be able to walk around safely soon.
If ever.
Once they figure out a way
to get rid of those...
- Another nice thought.
- It's not hopeless, Dorothy.
These creatures are subject
to nature's laws like any creature.
We've killed enough to know.
Right. They're just like you and me
except, oh, they crave blood.
And until they get it,
they're insane killing machines.
I pulled some of the first victims
back here.
- Back when the attacks just started.
- No shit.
You know, some of the wounded
were immune...
...and others,
man, they just changed.
Just changed right over.
And everybody thinks
that they're vampires.
But they're not. They're mutants.
Maybe so.
But what's the myth based on?
Being a slave to blood and flesh.
Everything you do,
everything you think about... just getting more blood.
No mind of your own.
No feelings.
Shit, man.
Guess they just wanna feed.
- Move the trolley.
- All right.
Not vampires, huh?
Bitch sure looks the part.
Then make sure it never gets out.
Come on, let's go.
Come on.
- What kept you guys?
- Great news.
There's definitely a few
of our little friends on this side.
And they know we're here.
Come on, let's go.
All right, we've gotta get going, now.
So, what? You saw one?
- You might say that.
- What was he like?
Are they getting weak?
- What?
- Great.
The dope's kicked in, he's wasted.
There's a cafeteria up ahead.
Maybe we can find some food
before heading down to the next level.
Everybody's starving.
We have to keep our strength up.
What if there's one
of those things there?
Then we'll kill him.
What if there's more than one?
Then we'll kill them all.
Come on. Let's go.
How old do you think this food is?
Could be months old.
The thing we always do
is look for food.
Trouble is, most of it is junk.
Just shovel it in.
- Be thankful it's here.
- Yeah.
Because no one else
was able to eat it.
It's too bad we can't just stay here.
We got three hours till dawn.
It might take that long
just to get down to the next level.
The hardest thing is finding stairwells
that aren't blocked or welded up.
We were all safe where we met up.
There was no food left
and we were losing power.
And we would have died, too,
if we stayed where we were.
The one thing
that we have to remember... that we can control
our own behaviour.
Anything else,
deal with it as it happens.
- Morgan.
- No, Dorothy.
I'm telling you the truth.
I'm telling you all truth.
We could take a chance.
We can break a window or something
to the outside.
- Well, at least we'll see them coming.
- Yeah.
Okay, let me ask you.
What do you think?
Two hours ago, you didn't even
wanna leave the old side. I mean...
Just have to get to the security doors.
It's as simple as that.
Why don't we ask him?
What's your take, Ricky?
Are you bleeding?
Well, it's just a little cut.
I must've fallen on something
when I got knocked out.
It's just a little scratch.
Relax. It's not like I'm infected
or anything.
But you're bleeding.
Any amount of blood
can attract them.
You know that, no matter
how messed up you are right now.
That's what they call their genius.
There's the examining room.
There may be some medicines
in there.
Okay, go.
Okay, I'm gonna take him inside.
You guys be careful.
If you hear anything, then...
There's a lot of levels, yeah?
Let's go.
Don't sit so close to me, Charlie.
I'm just thinking right now.
About what?
Same thing I always think about.
What the hell are we gonna do?
What if we are the only ones left?
You know what that means?
It means we are the monsters now.
This world isn't ours anymore.
She's good to go.
I found penicillin to help
with that.
All right.
What is it?
Help me.
- No, no.
- Back up.
Back up.
I'm ready, sir.
Thank you.
What's our status?
We got a report that there may, in fact,
be uninfected survivors.
What kind of report?
What do you mean?
Colonel, we have and have had
teams in the areas.
- But not our teams.
- No, they're not.
They're civilian groups
acting on their own.
They call themselves hunters.
We've been providing them
with support and coordination.
The latest intel we've got
is from a group of hunters in Sector 7.
They're telling us they can have
that area cleared by sunrise.
Sector 7 by dawn?
That's one of the worst areas.
With all due respect, Mr. Cross...
...we do things a little differently than
you guys at the State Department.
The infected retreat indoors
when the sun comes out.
- Correct?
- Yeah.
- You know where this is heading.
- You wanna sterilize the area.
Normally, I'd agree with you.
But right now we've lost contact
with our group on the ground.
So we can't verify
that they'll be out of here on time.
- Where are our aircraft?
- The Tangos are on the deck, sir.
- Why aren't they in the air?
- We're waiting for final approval.
- We're gonna sterilize the area.
- Lieutenant...
If any of your hunters
are on the ground...
...if you hear from them,
tell them to get out of there.
That's a hell of an idea.
I wish I'd have thought of that.
Mr. Cross, I'm in charge here.
And the last I heard,
I don't plan to retire anytime soon.
Unless the State Department is
willing take over a military operation...
...I suggest you do exactly what I say
when I say it.
Make sure those planes
are ready to take off.
Yes, sir.
What is that?
I'll check it out.
Careful, Ricky.
That would've been funny
if it wasn't so goddamn scary.
- Open it.
- It won't open.
What about the others?
They've gone the other way,
Open the door.
Come on. Come on, hurry up.
Jam it.
- Where is everybody else?
- Who knows?
We're just lucky to be alive.
Where are we?
We can't go back that way.
Dorothy said that all these hallways
lead to the same place.
If they made it out, we'll find them.
- They're everywhere.
- Come on, Ricky.
Morgan's a tough guy.
I'm sure they made it, okay?
We have to keep going.
Come on.
We gotta get to the security door.
Everybody okay?
- Okay.
- All right.
I have to wash my hands.
- You've gotta be kidding.
- Bloodsuckers.
Dylan, you're freaking out
because of all the running around.
I might have their blood
on my hands.
Wait a second, okay?
- Are you infected?
- What?
Are you infected?
- Are you?
- I hid here when I heard you coming.
- Are you alone?
- There is just three of us.
Three is a good number.
There is safety in numbers.
Can I join you?
Where the hell did he go?
We gotta get out of here.
Hear that?
- Hear what?
- Listen.
It's coming from over there.
Stay here.
Like I always say,
if you hear anything, run like hell.
Check him for bites.
It's okay.
It's fine, it's okay.
I'm one of the lucky ones.
The thing about luck is, you never
know when it's gonna run out.
What happened?
Well, we were running from
whatever it was that got Morgan.
He told us to run
if anything happened, right?
We've got nothing in the way
of movement. Area is clear.
Copy that.
Keep looking.
I need a visual on the hunters.
We'll continue sweep of area.
We'll advise if we spot anything.
I was at school once.
And this kid told this story
that always scared me.
I'll never forget it.
It's like when you see it happen.
So there was this plane
with a bunch of passengers aboard.
The plane crashes.
I don't really remember why.
But a few of the passengers
somehow survived the crash.
The cannibal story, right?
Eventually, all of the survivors
start disappearing one by one.
- You've heard the story?
- Something like it.
Come on,
there's about seven of them.
- Let's go, let's go.
- Give us a report, soldier.
In prior operations, we've had run-ins
with the infected in these sectors.
How many?
Our hunter teams have spotted
dozens at least in each location.
You can bet there
are hundreds more in hiding.
Colonel, what if the hunters are alive
and they've located survivors?
If we don't sterilize this area and
the infected break the containment...
...we're jeopardising everything.
There is no vaccine.
You said the last you heard,
the hunters will be out by dawn?
We will sterilize at that time.
Have you been bitten?
Are you infected?
Who are you?
My name is Tao.
The sun's coming up soon.
Let's hope the power
will last till then.
Are you okay?
What do you think
happened to Dylan?
It's not important anymore.
Come on.
Look, I'm sure we'll find
the others soon.
Maybe Dylan as well.
I'm gonna try to find the others.
Just stay here and don't move.
Easy now.
It'll stop in a few moments.
Of course,
there is a certain young guest to meet.
My darling daughter Sophie.
Sophie's quite amazing.
You see, after the virus outbreak...
...everyone here either ran or stayed
and became one of them.
Or was killed, of course.
It didn't take long... spread at all, did it?
Soon there were only a few of us...
...normal ones left out there,
and finally, in here.
Some people thought to work together,
help each other fight to survive.
But I had something else
to ensure my survival.
And here she is.
My little darling Sophie.
Now that princess is awake...
...we can move right along
from small talk to dinner.
This way.
She keeps me from the risk
of ingesting blood...
...that would make me
one of her kind.
Much as I love her.
It's nothing personal, you know.
She's the next step in the evolution.
She's infected
but able to rationalise.
- Where's Amelia?
- Where's Charlotte?
I thought she was with you.
Let's go.
Come on.
She was all alone when I found her.
She got roughed up pretty good.
Oh, thank God.
- Are you okay?
- How many survivors you got?
Six in all.
It's true, Amelia.
These are hunters.
There's a settlement.
It's true, we can get you there.
We'll look for the rest on the way.
We were heading
for the main security doors.
But the generator's gonna fail.
If we don't get down there
before it does...
...we're not gonna be able
to get out.
That's why we've
gotta get moving now.
- Morgan?
- Hey.
- You okay?
- Guys, gotta go.
I'll send my people with you.
What are you gonna do?
I'm going hunting.
- Ricky, you okay?
- Yeah.
How many of those pills
did you take?
I don't know.
Come on. I know a shortcut.
Just keep following me, okay?
No! Stop!
Simple question.
Are we following these people?
And do they really know the way
to the security door?
I don't know, man.
But at least they're giving us
a fighting chance.
Code Black. Evacuation mandatory.
Emergency backup activated.
Code Black. Evacuation mandatory.
Emergency backup activated.
I'm sorry for the delay, sir.
I was just trying to...
I was just trying to make sure
the area was clean, sir.
I'll make sure they're ready.
Goddamn it.
Nobody wants these survivors
pulled out more than me.
But we have our orders.
- Is that clear?
- Yes, sir.
Goddamn it.
Who the fuck are you?
And what do you want?
I'm the motherfucker
that's gonna do to you...
...what you've been doing
to everybody else.
- Thanks, man.
- Get out of here, buddy.
What's the point
of running anymore?
Open the door.
This nightmare can stop.
Right here.
Right now.
One of us is going to get you.
Think. You've already given in.
Us? We think. We talk. We plan.
Come closer.
I'll tell you a secret.
Come closer.
We've evolved.
You people are just cattle to us.
Thank God.
I never thought
I'd see you guys again.
I was given a second chance.
By him.
It's a lot worse than we thought.
The change
has already taken place.
We really are the monsters now.
- But there's still hope.
- What happened?
I don't know.
There was just this freak.
He was like one of us,
but he wasn't.
Yeah, I've seen that.
People do what they had to do
to survive.
Go, run.
Are you okay?
Listen to me.
We can't just bomb buildings
we know contain uninfected civilians.
What do you want me to do?
You heard him. An order's an order.
Without the hunters, we wouldn't
have cleared half the areas.
We can't just abandon them.
Not to mention the fact that there are
civilians down there that are still alive.
Air unit, you're cleared
for an inbound run on Sector 7.
Let us know when you're airborne.
Precision-guided munitions only.
- Copy?
- We copy.
Scramble all fighters.
Repeat, scramble all fighters.
This is not a drill.
Repeat, this is not a drill.
Get those blocks out of the way.
Let's load.
We got a mission to do.
Let's do it and roll.
- Come on, let's go.
- Come on, keep going, keep going.
- Turn around.
- Pull it up, right now.
Let's go. Come on, move it.
Let's go.
Red Team,
you are cleared for tak eoff.
Repeat, cleared for tak eoff.
They got Ricky.
If we don't get moving,
we're all gonna end up the same way.
- What?
- Where have you been?
Hey. Hey.
I got lucky.
Okay? I got lucky.
Keep sharp.
There's probably more ahead.
I'm going in. Gonna clear this area.
We got no more time.
Do it quick and get out.
What the fuck?
You ain't so big now.
All the doors have been sealed shut.
Everything else is barricaded.
This elevator
seems to be our only hope.
Wait a minute, guys.
Let's just think about this.
What happens if the power fails?
- We'll be trapped.
- Are there any safe places here?
Well, there are.
But at this point,
we can't really turn back.
We're just gonna have to try
to get you there the best I can.
- I wanna see daylight again.
- I want you to see daylight again.
You're not guiding us?
The thing is, you know,
we kind of have to do what we do.
We hunt and we kill.
And then we move on.
Just point me in the right direction.
Now, let's go. Move out, move out.
Let's go.
Let's move, girl. Let's move.
It's too late, man. She's gone.
She didn't even cry out.
Oh, shit.
This can't be it.
We've gotta have more time.
There's gotta be a hatch.
We've gotta find it.
All right, Tagart, get that thing open.
How many floors down?
Should just be one more to go.
I'll go.
Here. You're gonna need this.
I'm immune, remember?
I'm okay.
What the?
No. Help!
- Morgan!
- No!
No! Oh, no!
Get off!
All right, let's go.
- We're lock ed and loaded.
- Copy that.
Continuing on inbound approach.
Heading 330. 7 Zulu.
Let's go.
It's this way.
- How far?
- I'm not sure.
I don't know where we are...
...but all these tunnels
lead to the same place.
The main security door.
Come here, boy.
Listen, man.
I'm gonna give you this.
Now, you take the women
and the girl up.
Head south.
There's a safe camp there.
Get everybody safe, you hear?
This is a fully automatic pistol.
It goes fast, so don't spend it
in one place, you hear?
Get going and get safe.
Did she get you?
Oh, fuck.
Charlotte, stay close.
Come on.
There's no way out.
It's okay.
Guess I'm still alive.
What happened?
On course to target
with scheduled refuel at 0500.
You have an ETA on the air strike?
Yes, sir.
They're scheduled for refueling.
Then they'll be on their final, they'll
give a warning when they're in range.
I know what you're thinking.
But any further delay
is not an option.
No practise routes.
When the sun comes up,
I want that area sanitized.
Every structure in the area.
Every last one.
Colonel, I wanna go on the record
as reminding you again...
...that I believe there are survivors
in the area.
Your concern is well-voiced.
Unfortunately for them,
the higher priority is that we survive.
Just a little farther.
You sure we're not going around
in circles?
- No way.
- Well, where the hell is it, then?
What happened to the hunters?
Did they die back there?
Wait a minute.
- What?
- What's that?
Maybe that's the way.
- Dylan.
- One of us has to go check it out.
Don't go too far.
We are on course and on schedule.
Do you hear that?
- What?
- Listen.
Do you hear it?
It's okay.
- Amelia.
- He's just a child.
He could be infected.
It's just a boy.
He's all right.
You okay?
He's not infected.
Get her out of here.
Get her out of here.
In there.
Okay, we're gonna get you out of here,
It's okay.
We gotta keep running
all the way to the door.
Okay? We can do this.
Okay? You ready?
You all right?
- Run!
- Come on.
Roger. Going to full throttle.
It's not what we thought.
It's not death.
I feel more alive now than I ever did.
Approaching target.
Maximum velocity.
Copy that.
You have authorisation
for the drop.
After all we've been through...'re not gonna leave
without saying goodbye, are you?
You're all fools.
You hunt us down
like we're vermin...
...when it's you
who don't belong anymore.
Sir, observation team has just reported
visual confirmation on the hunters.
Sir, they made it. They're clear.
Great. Great.
- Good work, soldier.
- Thank you, sir.
All right, everyone.
Let's go home.