Against the Law (2017)

DOOR SLAMS SHU Any man who takes a criminal path...
..should be mindful
of the consequences.
My name is Peter Wildeblood.
Order! Order!
May I ask the Right Honourable
Home Secretary
the number of cases
involving male perversion
this year, and how he intends to
deal with this evil?
Much of my private life has
already been made public
by the newspapers.
So I have nothing left to hide.
Roughly 5,500 offences have been
and over 600 offenders
sent to prison.
I don't pity myself
and I do not ask for pity.
But I am speaking out... give some hope and courage
to other men like myself,
and to the rest of the world some...
I am...a homosexual.
So as long as I hold office,
I shall give no countenance to
the view that they should not be
prevented from being such a danger.
Whisky, please.
Thank you.
INDISTINCT RAILWAY ANNOUNCEMEN I wonder, could I buy you a drink?
Doesn't work that way, darling.
Unless you're willing to
play the part.
Oh, no.
So you're not a queen, then?
It's a pity,
you're quite pretty, really.
Not a rough, either.
I'm a homosexual.
A what?
A homosexual.
I see.
I thought that was just something
doctors called us.
Do all the queens use this word now?
I don't know.
I'm not sure I like it.
Come along, Fanny dear.
See you later, dear heart.
Coming, Ducky.
VOICEOVER: At that particular time
there was a, you might call it
a purge,
on people who were gay.
We were considered sick.
We were considered, er, you know,
child molesters.
The police went out of their way to
catch you and...and...
and the Members of Parliament,
"This filth and this...
"This is going to ruin the nation,
we must...we must stub it out."
I can't remember
the name of the, erm,
the Home Secretary at the time,
but he was one of the worst.
David Maxwell Fyfe,
Sir David Maxwell Fyfe,
later Viscount Kilmuir.
Well, he embodied all the worst
of the British Establishment.
You could be arrested for just
looking at somebody... the street, you know, winking
at them or smiling at them.
And, er, I thought this is mad,
this world has gone a bit potty.
I have to say it made it
even more exciting
because, you know, it is exciting,
er, avoiding the police,
keeping a look out. It's like being
a member of an underground sect,
or something, er,
and you get a great kick out of it.
Wherever you went was liable to
be raided..., whether it was a pub or it was
a private drinking club
or it was a private party.
And you would have your name
and address printed in the paper.
Oh! Oh, I'm sorry! Oh.
It's... It's fine.
Um, do you need directions?
No, I'm, erm... I'm just...
I'm down off leave from Ely.
And, er, it's going to rain again.
Any minute.
So, um,
if you want to stay, there's a sofa,
which should be perfectly
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it should.
Yeah, it's a bit small.
And besides... and I could, er, fuck here.
Live a little.
"You and I could fuck maybe?"
The romance of it.
Dead romantic.
That's one of my best lines.
You heading back to Ely?
In two days, yep.
So what do you do?
I'm a journalist.
Oh, right. Which paper?
The Mail.
Not really. It's...
Well, it's quite dull, actually.
Well, it was nice meeting you.
I'll, erm, you know?
Keep in touch. I mean it.
Do you want me to?
Well, yes. I... All right, then.
Being a gay was a very tricky
It was frowned upon by society,
it was punishable
by imprisonment, it was illegal,
it was everything you could mention.
I mean, you couldn't even
talk about it. Erm...
I felt very uncomfortable about it.
If heterosexuals had been subject
to the force of law for being
heterosexual, if their relations had
been frowned upon, it's most
unlikely that they would have
settled into long-term marriages.
They had public opinion
and the law behind them.
In the case of homosexuals, the law
and public opinion were very
distinctly against them, so I think
the whole climate was opposed to
the building of relationships.
In fact, I think many gay people
half believed, because they were
told so often, that if you were gay
you couldn't have a relationship.
It was a no-no,
so I had to be on my own.
And, erm, so I've been used to it,
since...since childhood,
being a loner. Never enjoyed it,
I can tell you, it was awful.
But that's the way it is.
Well, would you look at that.
He meant what he said.
Fancy a kickaround?
You're joking.
Not physical, then?
Not even at school?
Football? I was useless,
always the last to get picked.
I can imagine, actually.
I used to just gather with all
the other outcasts.
Teachers despised us for it.
One of them said,
"Oh, yes, there they are.
"The sops.
Sops of a feather flock together."
Come on.
Is that you? Oh, stop it!
We have to be a lot more
careful than that.
I know, I know, I'm...unschooled.
You're telling me.
Am I the only poof you know?
No. I know Edward, Lord Montagu,
through my work.
Smile all you like,
Mr Inverted Snob, he is very nice.
So it's love, then?
To be honest, I never thought you'd
come out of your shell far enough.
Neither did I.
What's his appeal?
a bit...dim, sort of.
I suppose I always thought...
Go on.
I thought I'd meet a boy like him
and he would make me brave,
and in return...
..I would make him wise.
You're blushing.
All right, it's stupid, you know,
it's comradeship.
Plato wrote something along
those lines, do you know it?
Two men, very different strengths,
but when they come together... army of such lovers could
conquer the world.
Bring him down to Beaulieu.
When did you last have a holiday?
Oh, God. Three, four years ago.
Bring him down to Beaulieu.
Just a small party...
God, you are such a...
Live a little.
Well, I think this party is
really rather...
Boring? Boring as fuck?
Yes. That's about the size of it.
I thought the aristocracy knew how
to let its hair down.
Uh-uh. You thought wrong.
What happened to "be careful"?
No-one about, you daft ape.
# You took the part that once
was my heart
# So why not take all of me? #
Three weeks. I know.
# ..All of me
# Why not take all of me?
# Can't you see... #
You're blossoming, Mr Wildeblood.
# ..I'm no good without you?
# Take my lips
# I want to lose them... #
TRAIN RUMBLES PAS # ..Take my arms
# I'll never use them
# Your goodbye
# Left me with eyes that cry
# How can I
go on, dear, without you? #
My dearest, darling Eddie,
I love you so much.
# ..You took the best
Why not take the rest? #
There, I've said it.
# ..Baby, take all of me... #
In the '50s,
homosexuals, erm, were in...
were in a kind of secret world
of their own. It was, erm...
They were on another,
rather delightful planet, in a way.
It was fabulous, I was doing
whatever young people do,
I wanted to dance,
I wanted to have beautiful clothes,
I wanted to have lots of sex,
I wanted somebody to love me.
It was a world in which there
was no class difference at all and
that, I think, was one of the things
which made it very, very attractive.
Members of the upper classes
have always fancied
members of the lower classes.
I was never actually particularly
attracted to posh boys,
but I did sometimes meet them
if they looked right.
And...and so I did find
myself in the situation
of mixing with a much wider
range of social classes,
I think, than straight boys
of my background would have done.
There was this strong sense of
community within the gay world,
and that rendered us not impervious
but able to resist these awful...
this, how shall I say,
this constant barrage of propaganda,
of depiction of us as being evil.
Peter, it's Edward.
Oh, hello, Edward.
Are you alone?
I'm at the police station.
I called them about a camera that
went missing at my place.
I was - am - fairly sure it was
one of the Boy Scouts
we have showing the public
round on open days.
That's terrible.
The Boy Scout made certain...
allegations against me.
False, of course.
I'm a public figure, Peter. They're
trying to make an example of me.
Well, I thought you should know.
Yes, thank you, Edward.
Good luck.
NEWS REPORT: At Winchester Assizes,
the trial of Lord Montagu continues.
He stands accused of indecently
NEWS REPORT: He took the stand to
claim his innocence
and said he was
the victim of a police witch-hunt...
NEWS REPORT: The news at five
o'clock. Lord Montagu of Beaulieu
was today acquitted of
several counts of indecent assault.
The jury's decision was unanimous
and brings to an end
an acrimonious trial
in which Lord Montagu claimed
to be the victim of a smear
When the trial collapsed
and the public realised that it was
all manufactured evidence,
the general public, erm,
did find that, erm, distasteful.
It made me feel angry, really.
I mean, I look back on it
and thought, yeah, I was quite
angry about this rubbish, you know?
I got quite worked up about it.
I mean, all gay men throughout...
throughout the country felt that,
and not only gay men
but the general public, luckily,
were feeling that.
Why is Montagu being
harassed like this?
You know, what is the point?
It seemed to me, it did turn public
opinion against
all that was going on.
But, on the other hand, I think
there was a kind of feeling among
the police force
that would get him in the end.
Thank you.
Mm-hm. Oh...
These letters - who wrote them?
You know who wrote them.
I want to hear it from you.
Give me the dirt on Montagu
and his two pals.
Look, you might lose your job
but I'll keep you out of prison.
Are you Peter Wildeblood?
I'm arresting you on charges
of gross indecency
and buggery with certain
other male persons.
Where do you sleep?
My bedroom is upstairs.
Anyone up there?
Don't you have a warrant?
Sit down.
You were in Beaulieu this summer?
Are these your parents?
And this one is Edward McNally?
Is this your handwriting?
This could go very badly for you.
Very badly indeed.
What you should do is make
a statement
and you just get bound over,
make a clean breast of things.
Tell me about Montagu and his chum
Pitt-Rivers and all of them,
then I think you...
No. No, I couldn't do that.
And why not?
..sops of a feather flock together.
Hadn't you heard?
The ones, for example, who had
previous convictions,
it would be a fair cop,
very sorry, plead guilty.
Those who had never experienced
the police intruding would be
very upset and they were the more
likely ones who would plead
not guilty and challenge every
aspect of the observations.
I still say it was an inherent
weakness, and still is.
They went into these practices
knowing that there's a great
element of risk of being arrested,
being exposed,
if you'll pardon the expression.
Three or four weeks after
I met Lee, I realised without doubt
that he was the one person I wanted
to spend the rest of my life with.
I wrote him a long letter
telling him of my feelings for him
and my hopes for us. I thought
he'd be so pleased about this letter
and I couldn't believe it,
he was so angry. I said,
"What's the matter?" He said,
"Well, the letter you sent to me
"could have landed us both
in prison."
I was 14 years old
and I had a boyfriend
and he had written me a letter,
very stupidly,
and I had dropped the letter
and my father said, "What's this?"
I can remember him now,
God bless him,
"I'm having no son of mine a queer,
you're going to the doctor."
So I was taken down to the doctor,
who said, "You've got a disease."
This is great.
"You've got a disease."
I never accepted that I had
an illness.
I accepted that I preferred
to go to bed with a man rather than
a woman. I didn't see that
as an illness, but I did see it as
something that you kept to yourself,
because of...
because of the implications,
because of the consequences
if you didn't.
You are each charged with
gross indecency,
buggery, attempted buggery,
aiding and abetting buggery,
procuring male persons
for acts of gross indecency,
and conspiracy to incite male
persons to commit gross indecency.
To each of these charges, how do
you, Edward Montagu, plead?
Not guilty.
To each of these charges, how do
you, Michael Pitt-Rivers, plead?
Not guilty.
And to each of these charges,
how do you, Peter Wildeblood, plead?
Not guilty.
All right?
I've been better.
The form is,
basically we deny everything,
none of us are queer,
we've never dabbled,
never even been tempted.
It's very hard to prove.
Love on a page means nothing.
I thought we'd be all right.
We were discreet.
Why are they doing this?
Just stay calm, Peter.
The case for the prosecution
begins with Wildeblood.
In March 1952, Wildeblood met
an RAF corporal in Piccadilly.
His name is McNally
and he'll be called as a witness.
McNally is a pervert.
Wildeblood took him back to his flat
and there committed an offence,
namely buggery, with this McNally.
McNally had a friend called
John Reynolds, also a queer.
You've probably heard of that term.
Wildeblood was
a friend of Lord Montagu.
Mention was made to
Lord Montagu of this John Reynolds,
introductions were arranged,
offences against Reynolds
were committed by Montagu
at Wildeblood's flat in London,
and on a trip to Beaulieu,
joined by Michael Pitt-Rivers,
an orgy took place.
McNally and Reynolds are men of
the lowest possible moral character.
Taken under the seductive influence
of lavish hospitality of
these three men so infinitely
their social superiors,
they were willing parties to
unnatural acts.
It would be dangerous to convict
any of the defendants
purely on the evidence of men
such as McNally and Reynolds.
We hope to satisfy you by letters,
and other documents, that there
is copious confirmation that
the story these men, Reynolds
and McNally, are telling is true.
And on that date in December,
when you attended his property,
did you see Wildeblood?
He came to the door.
Where did you go with him?
To the living room.
Did you suggest to him that he
write a statement?
No, sir.
Did you promise him that if he write
a statement he'd just be bound over?
I did not.
And the letters you showed him,
he recognised these as letters
written by himself and McNally?
Indeed he did, sir.
I didn't think this could
happen in Britain.
I didn't think the police...
Well, now you know.
The rotten apples aren't
the odd ones out, Peter.
They're bastards. Jesus.
Try to stay calm.
You're next, McNally.
Call Edward McNally.
You are Edward McNally?
Do you know the accused,
Peter Wildeblood? Yes.
Look at the accused and confirm
that he is the man known to you.
When you spent the night
at his flat, where did you sleep?
In the bedroom with Wildeblood.
Did anything occur between you?
We committed buggery with
each other.
Did you write this letter to him,
exhibit 44?
"Dearest Peter, I've really got
it bad, sweetheart.
"In fact, I haven't felt
so happy for a long time.
"Just to let you know,
I haven't forgotten you
"and I never will."
Did you mean those words?
I thought I did, sir.
Were you what you would describe as
"in love" with Peter Wildeblood?
Yes, sir.
Did you receive this letter from
him, exhibit 45?
"You are so much a part of my life
that I do not think
"I could ever do without you.
"I love you as much now as I did
"when we spent our lovely
holiday together.
"The happiest time..."
Did you believe those words?
I suppose so, sir.
Did you believe Peter Wildeblood to
be in love with you?
Yes, sir.
Why did he do this to me?
Why did Eddie do this?
You know why he did it.
To save his own skin.
Forget him.
I joined the Navy ten days
before my 17th birthday.
It was on HMS Reggio that I was,
um, er, to put it...crudely...
caught in the act.
I was, er, court martialled,
charged with
buggery and gross indecency,
then I was asked to give
the names of the people with whom
I had slept
or had anything to do with, and was
told, "If you tell us their names,
"you're looking at 12 months.
"If you don't tell us their names,
you're looking at five years."
I gave them the name of an Army
officer with whom
I had spent a night ashore.
They found him, and one day
the warder, screw,
came in and said,
"The chap's blown his brains out."
And that is something which I've
had to live with...
..for over 60 years.
Erm, it is still...
I hate myself for it...
..but it was just one of those
Call Peter Wildeblood.
Place your right hand on the Bible,
take the card in your other hand
and read the statement.
"I swear to tell the truth,
"the whole truth and nothing
but the truth."
Counsel for the defence.
Is your name Peter Wildeblood?
Are you a homosexual, Mr Wildeblood?
Yes, I am.
Thinking back to July 1952,
how would you describe your
relationship with Edward McNally?
I'd become fond of him.
He is not educated but he is
My work made me live in a kind
of way I didn't much enjoy
and I liked to be able to relax with
someone who is quite simple,
unpretentious and fond of me.
What kind of letters was
he writing to you?
They were emotional letters.
They contained endearments
of an unusual kind
for two men to exchange.
And you wrote similar
letters to him?
I was extremely lonely at that time.
You are familiar with what
happened to Oscar Wilde?
Oscar Wilde was
accused of gross indecency.
I have never committed gross
indecency nor buggery with anybody.
You never committed these offences
with Edward McNally? No.
Mr Wildeblood,
when you went into this box,
you took the oath in solemn form,
you realise that? Yes.
To tell the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth?
You know that we've heard McNally,
your friend of some 21 months,
describe in detail
what took place between you and him.
You've heard the letters
sent by you to him during this
time read out in this court.
Do you still say you've told
the whole truth? I do.
Have you any suggestion, then, as to
why McNally would tell such
wicked lies about you?
Well, I should have thought
his motive was perfectly obvious.
He did it to save his own skin.
Were you attracted to McNally?
I was not physically
attracted to him.
How do you say you were
attracted to him, then?
Emotionally. Emotionally?
This McNally was very much your
social inferior. Why then...
During the war, I fought alongside
men from many different backgrounds.
I don't recall anyone
objecting then.
Before God, I entirely commend that
sentiment, Mr Wildeblood,
but what the jury may wish to know
is this.
Why would you, a highly intelligent
man, a beautiful writer,
want to spend 21 months
of his life with an uneducated RAF
corporal from the pits of Glasgow?
That night in Piccadilly when you
met, did you smile at each other?
I cannot remember.
When you got into conversation,
did a smile pass between you?
I should think possibly, yes.
And you took him back to your flat?
He had nowhere to go.
Resisted all temptation? Yes.
Didn't even kiss him?
No, I did not.
You never felt the need for physical
expression of a healthy,
emotional young man?
I was incapable of sexual
Have you consulted a doctor? No.
"Dearest Peter, I've really got it
bad, sweetheart."
What had he got bad?
Love, was it not?
I don't accept for a moment...
"In fact, I haven't felt
so happy for a long time."
Because of his friendship with
you, yes?
Because of his friendship with you?
"This is being written in bed.
"Wish you were here. But the RAF
have definite views on such things."
Would a young man write
those words to you if you
and he had not been intimate?
Well, this young man would.
"My dearest, darling Eddie,
"oh, how relieved
I was to hear from you at last.
"You are so much a part of my life
that I do not think
"I could ever do without you."
Is that right?
He was a part of my life.
"I love you as much now as I did
"when we spent our lovely holiday
On this holiday, you spent that
whole time resisting temptation?
Yes. What, then, made it so happy
for you?
The friendship, you know, the...
the conversation, the...
..the bathing.
The weather?
"All the love I've ever known, P."
That was all the love
I have ever known.
The arrest must have placed
a considerable burden on you?
If you're born a sexual invert you
will always have
a burden on your soul.
If there was any way of getting
rid of it
I should only be too pleased
because it has been a handicap to me
and led to nothing but loneliness
and unhappiness.
I have no further questions.
Witness is dismissed.
To the charge of buggery,
do you find
the defendants guilty or not guilty?
To the charge of gross indecency,
do you find the defendants
guilty or not guilty?
To the charge of conspiracy to
incite male persons to commit
gross indecency, do you find
the defendants guilty or not guilty?
To the charge of procuring male
persons for acts of gross indecency,
do you find
the defendants guilty or not guilty?
NEWS REPORT: The Montagu trial
ended today
with jail terms for all three
Mr Justice Ormerod passed
sentences of 12 months'
imprisonment on Lord Montagu,
and 18 months each on Michael
Pitt-Rivers and Peter Wildeblood.
I'd read all about it
in the newspapers
and I thought,
"Good God, it's awful."
They were determined to get
verdicts of guilty on the three men
involved - Montagu, Wildeblood
and Michael Pitt-Rivers -
and they were sent to prison
of course, and the two airmen
who testified against them
were given immunity.
I didn't know how Peter Wildeblood,
how he was...
how the judiciary
and the police behaved.
I didn't understand that
and when...
I mean, when I read it,
I was filled with terror.
This is the kind of stuff that was
reality, it was real,
this is what happened to you
if you were gay.
It was pretty heavy duty, erm,
I don't know how it didn't
deter me completely and, of course,
it did deter lots of people.
There were lots of very unhappy
gay people
really trying hard to be straight.
Gradually, people were talking.
Whereas this had been a taboo,
now it was a taboo that was
being discussed.
That gave me an edge of hope,
when I didn't have very much of that
around me.
I seen you come in.
You look better in real life than
you did in the papers.
Thank you.
It looked like you was dead,
or something.
How's your porridge going?
It's, er, OK, it's going.
All right.
Two more years.
That RAF lad stitched you up proper,
didn't he?
Not on, what he did to you.
Form up!
Be seeing you.
Be seeing you.
8505, Wildeblood, sir.
Wildeblood, yes.
Have you given any thought to
what you might do
when you've finished your sentence?
I plan to carry on as before, sir.
Well, you'll certainly be returning
to an institution like this
if you do.
I meant I shall go on writing.
I suspect you'll find that rather
harder than you imagine.
Do you know someone called Iris?
Why, yes, sir.
Quite a common name
in your...circles.
Iris is a woman, sir.
Are you willing to undergo medical
treatment for your condition?
Yes, sir.
And you'll see
the psychiatrist in due course.
That will be all.
All the things that wants to find
me as a man have evaporated...
..distilled down to a revolting
caricature of homosexual man.
Hello again.
It's rotten how they did you.
There but for the grace of God,
you know.
I'm sorry? It's people who have a
little queer streak of their own
that does the most damage,
if you ask me.
On the plus side, this place is
packed with queers.
Receiving, mostly.
DOOR SLAMS SHU I arrived there with a couple of
other prisoners, I think.
Er, it really did frighten me.
You had the openly gay people who
didn't seem to care
if anyone knew they were gay.
They flaunted round in groups,
were quite outrageous, effeminate,
girlie names all the time.
On the other hand,
there were the "undercover Marys",
as we liked to refer to them.
Those who had,
for one reason or another,
good reason not to be blatantly gay,
and there was certainly a certain
tension between them.
The governor said,
"We know why you're here, erm...
"..and I want nothing of
a homosexual nature for you
"to try and take because
if you do, you'll be here for ever."
Being homosexual was such
an aberration, terrible,
worse than anything, worse than
a murderer. Much, much worse.
There were times when one thought,
will they ever understand that
there's nothing unnatural, erm,
about us at all?
We're perfectly natural human
with a natural desire for love,
and it increased one's sense
of alienation from society
as a whole.
I mean it just destroyed my... personality, really.
I couldn't let my... I couldn't be
who I was, so I had nothing.
I now know what it is like to
be a criminal.
To know that everything you
do will be misunderstood
or used as evidence against you.
It makes me fearful of my future,
and fear is a terrible emotion.
It's like a black frost,
which blights and stunts all the
other qualities of a man.
Dan, that's really...
Pick it up, then.
Got to keep your strength up.
Pinched it out the garden.
Make your cell feel a bit
more like home.
Come in.
Sit down.
Wildeblood, isn't it?
Yes, sir.
Openly homosexual.
Do you attend the orgies?
Yes. In Chelsea and other places?
Male homosexuals gather together
and engage in unnatural practices.
So I'm told.
I haven't heard of this, sir.
Does not attend the orgies.
You want to be cured? Yes, sir.
Well, there are a number of options.
I understood that glandular
injections or hormone treatment...
We've tried oestrogen injections on
a couple of cases here
but with no great degree of success.
One man underwent physical changes
of a...a somewhat alarming nature.
We use aversion therapy.
How does that...
Electrical aversion.
Electrodes fixed to the wrists,
calves, feet.
You'd be told to fantasise,
watch pictures of men in various
states of undress, receive shocks.
Does it leave...marks?
They fade after a while.
Or chemical aversion -
apomorphine injections - produces
nausea, you'll vomit
then you lie in it,
no cleaning up allowed. Essential
part of the therapy.
For how long?
Two days, sometimes three,
it depends.
I shouldn't be here.
This shouldn't be happening to me.
You broke the law, Wildeblood.
Then the law is wrong.
The two treatments, the kindest one
was that you would do...
you would go to a counsellor,
erm, psychologist.
The, erm, worst one,
the worst option, was that you would
have aversion therapy,
and aversion therapy, um,
was probably
the three worst days of my 67 years
on this Earth as a nurse.
They gave me an injection and I
don't know to this day what it was -
I have been told but I can't
remember now - which made me
feel very queasy and really
started to react with inside me,
and, er, pretty horrendous,
and I said, "Excuse me,
"I think I'm going to be sick."
He said, "That's fine,
just be sick," so I said,
"Well, could I have a bucket
or something or a bowl?"
"No, just be sick."
And then started feeling
queasy down below and I said,
"I've got to go to the toilet."
"Don't worry about it, just do it."
There was no talk about...
about your...what you thought,
what modern therapy would go into,
no dialogue between the therapist
and you
with regard to your feelings
and so on.
There was no opportunity to
express yourself.
It was was simply
medical treatments with tablets that
tried to damp you down.
And for 72 hours, I... Well,
I had nothing left, there was
no sick coming up, there was no poo
coming out, there was nothing.
There was no water coming
out of my penis, there was nothing.
I was a mental wreck,
and this nurse was embarrassed,
and I can see his face now,
just didn't know what to say to me
and I certainly didn't know
what to say to him.
I can only say to you
and all those who have had this
dreadful treatment,
as a nurse, I'm sorry
that I was complicit in it.
I can't do any more,
I can't undo what's been done.
I can only say I'm sorry.
I thought he was going to my bottom
off, or something!
Absolutely beastly thing!
I was scarred for life.
Anyway, I forgot my soap,
and I turned round and bent down
and said, "I can't. She'll
go for me right in the derriere!"
You landed on your feet there, girl.
He's a lovely bit of stuff.
Get right in there.
Touched a nerve?
Your business, I'm sure.
Seen this?
Wolfenden. A committee.
See if they might want to change
the law against queers.
They want people to come forward,
have their say.
There's a few things
I could tell them.
We should all do it,
don't you think? Band together.
No, we're not the same,
you and I!
I am a homosexual.
For many years I kept this
a secret from my family and friends
and tried privately to
resolve my struggle in a way
as consistent as possible
with moral law.
I do not believe
I ever did any harm to anyone.
If any harm has been done,
the fault lies not with me
but with those who dragged into
the merciless light of publicity
things which would have been
better left in darkness.
If there is bitterness in my words,
I hope it will be the bitterness
of medicine, not of poison.
Just before he was imprisoned,
he had just bought a house
not far away from our flat.
When he came out of prison,
his neighbours had put up
a big notice - "welcome home" -
and I think that that
more than anything
erm, gave Peter a tremendous
encouragement -
these ordinary local people were
accepting him for what he was.
I must have my say.
Wolfenden needs to hear the truth.
I'm trying to get through to
Malcolm Starr.
The Home Office.
Yes, I can wait.
I realised,
with the setting up of Wolfenden,
and even before, that there was a
change in the air.
It was the first indication that
the law against homosexuality
might at least be reconsidered,
the first glimmer of hope,
and so we all knew about it,
straights and gays.
May I say, Mr Wildeblood, how very
grateful we are to you
for finding time to talk to us
this afternoon. Not at all.
But I was particularly aware of it
because it so happened
I was having an affair at the time
with Jeremy Wolfenden, who was
the son of Sir John Wolfenden,
who was head of the committee.
You say there are three distinct
types of homosexual.
Yes, the men who regard
themselves as women
through glandular or
psychological maladjustment.
Group A?
Yes. Group B, pederasts.
I cannot speak on their behalf.
I regard them the same way a normal
man might regard those
pederasts who pray on young girls.
And Group C? yourself.
Homosexuals in the strictest sense.
Adult men who are attracted
to other adult men.
Men who desire to lead their lives
with discretion and decency,
neither corrupting others
nor publically flaunting
their condition.
We are by far the largest
group of homosexuals.
The discreet homosexual?
Yes, my lord.
We seek to find another
of our own kind and...
..if possible, form a permanent
attachment in private.
But the law, as it stands, makes
this kind of arrangement
fraught with risk.
A promiscuous and temporary liaison
is far less likely to provide
corroborative evidence, letters,
that kind of thing, in court
than an association in which genuine
trust and fidelity play a part.
I see.
I was going to ask a little
more about Group A,
the glandular category.
They're known as "pansies".
People of that kind are born
like that.
To that extent,
I suppose they're not responsible.
What they are responsible for is
their nuisance value.
They cause a lot of bad
public feeling
towards the other,
more discreet homosexuals.
When I ask for tolerance, it is for
men like us...
..not the corrupters of youth,
not the effeminate creatures
making an exhibition of themselves.
I speak for the men who,
despite their tragic disability,
try to lead their lives as
decent citizens.
There are many thousands of us.
How many, we do not know.
I believe that we would be better
and more useful members of society
if we were allowed to
live in peace, instead of being
condemned to live outside the law.
What did you do that for?
Stop it...
You're a fucking homo!
Thank you, Mr Wildeblood.
You've been most helpful.
Thank you, sir.
You know, I was very pleased with
the recommendations made
and I thought, well, the law will
change, but it wasn't changed
for another, what, nine years
or ten years,
and when it did change, you know,
as I said earlier, I thought,
"Oh, yeah, nice condescending
thing to do."
I was quite irritated by it.
INTERVIEWER: Why was that?
Yeah, because I thought, you know,
all this consenting adults
in private, and if you had
a threesome, say, you know,
you could be brought up...
sent to prison -
not that people...not that people
wanted threesomes, but you know
what I mean, and it had to be in
private, in a house, and if there
were other people in the house,
you know, you were breaking the law.
The change in the law that
took place in 1967 I'm quite sure
had an enormous effect on a huge
number of gay people but, erm,
the problem was,
it was a minor change.
They weren't going to turn around to
their parents and say,
"Oh, I'm gay and it's legal now
so you can't do anything about it."
They were still going to be hiding,
hiding themselves. It would take a
social change to bring real freedom
to these people, not a legal change.
That is not to minimise the benefit
the legal change made,
if nothing else, to stop people
going to prison for something
that was nobody's business
but their own.
My mother was saying,
"I know what you're going to do.
"Later on, when I go,
"you'll marry a non-Jewish girl."
I said,
"Mum, I won't marry a girl at all."
It must have been a shock to her...
..but she just called me
a dirty dog.
I did hold back particularly
because I knew my family would
disown me pretty well,
and here I am now,
and, er, fortunately...
I mean, it was only literally
since September of last year,
that I was able to come out
to my family,
well, to my sister,
younger sister.
Even now, I sometimes pinch myself
and think, "Is it true?
"Has it happened?"
Erm, and I'm astonished.
I would never have thought that
the law would change,
that public opinion would change.
Hello, darling. Hello, darling.
How are you?
Not bad.
Oh, good. And yourself?
All right, thank you. Good.
You had a good time?
Very good time. Oh, good.
Well, we were the first
couple in Westminster
as well as in the country to
actually form the civil partnership,
which was very exciting, actually.
Lee died two years ago and we'd been
together 66 years, and I found
that letter that I wrote
to him amongst his effects,
and the address, his name, my name
had been cut out,
so I folded the letter up
and placed it in his coffin so that
it went with him wherever he went.
# Say it out loud it'll be OK
# I will be your light
# I will be your light
# I will be your light
# I will be your light
# If there's something inside that
you wanna say... #
Never heard that one. Slamer?
Flamer, as in a flame.
Flame. Flamer. Flamer.
Not one I've ever heard of.
I hadn't heard "brown hat".
Nancy boy.
Friend of Dorothy.
Faggot. Bender.
Batty boy.
You're very good at that?
I've heard it once or twice!
# ..Say it out loud, it'll be OK
# I will be your light
# I will be your light
# I will be your light
# I will be your light
# If there's something inside that
you wanna say
# Say it out loud, it'll be OK
# I will be your light
# I will be your light
# I will be your light
# I will be your light. #