Against the Ropes (2004)

Ray, you wanna lose
your mouthpiece again?
Come on, use your jab!
Box the damn guy,
come on!
Get out of that corner!
That's it, that's my little brother!
Come on, busy hands!
Jab! Jab!
Come on, Uncle Ray.
That's it, little brother.
Come on.
He's getting to you, Ray.
Come on.
- That's it, that's it.
- Left hook.
- Once is not enough. Come on, again.
- Jab, jab.
That's it. You see what happens
when you listen to me?
- Way to go.
- Thanks.
Hey, you do not belong up here,
all right? I'm not gonna tell you again.
Go wash your hands
and make yourself invisible.
Pete, she's your daughter.
She wants to help out.
She's a midget with a head full
of stupid. Who's she gonna help, huh?
- Crisco, can I get a hand over here?
- Yeah.
On the way, Mr. K.
Come on!
Hey, do you know
who you are
out of all the girls
in the world?
I'm your favorite?
And what's she gonna do
when she grows up?
- Kick butt and break hearts.
- That's right.
The world's an oyster
and you're a pearl.
Pearls are pretty,
and they're tough.
And pretty tough can do anything.
Remember that.
OK, Uncle Ray.
Hey, Mr. Abel.
- Hey, how are you, sir?
- Good to see you.
- Good morning, Mr. Abel.
- Yeah, beautiful.
Where's my coffee?
Coffee. It was not a question
the first time I asked for it.
You told me last week,
"absolutely, positively no coffee",
and I absolutely,
positively believed you.
Tear sheets for tomorrow.
The Telegram bled our ad.
It's nothing major, but we should
get credit for the next fight.
Memo from finance:
The budget
is officially overdue.
I ran some numbers...
- Did you take care of my bookie?
- I stalled him and your ex-wife.
I also printed out your e-mail,
restocked your bar,
hosed down Mel Harris.
Top drawer, left side, all you
have to do is sign off on them.
You see, that's why
I'm the boss, Kallen.
Because I let you handle
things for me.
Nobody gives me credit,
but if I were you and worked for me,
I would send myself roses.
Well, roses die and you might be
allergic, but thanks for thinking of you.
LaRocca's event briefing,
where do you want that?
In the conference room. And don't
stick the cutout in the corner.
It's my handiwork.
Put it someplace Sammy can see.
All right?
I hate it.
I hate it a lot.
Are these guys
gonna fight or foxtrot?
They look like Homo sapiens
or something.
They are Homo sapiens.
Kallen speaks.
And from a mile away.
- Am I contagious or something?
- No, it's not a hygienic thing.
She just gets
kind of shy around you.
I'm sorry you're unhappy
with the standee,
but we only went with the shot
because your guys approved it.
If I say the shit's shit,
it's shit.
I mean, they told me that you
signed off on it, Sammy.
I don't know what the hell happened.
Jackie, what happened?
I don't care what happened.
You have 48 hours before the fight.
I want the two faggots fixed.
I mean, who the hell does
Sam LaRocca think he is?
- A made man, that's who.
- No, he is the antichrist.
He is...
With a bank account.
He is this.
An $80 shoe?
He is the gum
on the bottom of my shoe.
That's what Abel and LaRocca are.
They're the gum,
you're the shoe.
How come they walk all over you?
Get a little older, work a little longer,
you won't be so judgmental then.
You think I like working for idiots
who take advantage of me?
That's easy for you to say.
This is not the best job you ever had.
At least here I get to see boxing,
in person, for free.
Boxing makes
all the other shit bearable.
If I didn't love it
as much as I do,
I'd be the first in line to bend over so
LaRocca and Abel could kiss my ass.
OK, don't get upset with me
just because you know
that I know how smart you are.
So now you think smart
is all there is to it?
That your brain can just plot the best
course and your life just goes there?
The world is not an oyster.
It is a smelly tank
full of dirty water and sharks.
It is not that easy to swim.
Jackie, you need to get
real about where you are,
which is stuck.
In the basement.
You can't even see
the glass ceiling from here.
Find an elevator,
press some buttons.
At least the only way out is up.
Yo, Tyrell, wait up!
Clean towels,
we need more clean towels.
Bad break, Rex.
Bad break?
I won that fight.
Come on, you saw it.
Everybody saw it.
You would've won
if you hadn't run out of gas.
You train serious,
you could have a career.
I would've given you a draw.
You deserved a draw.
He looks like shit.
Day-old shit.
If day-old shit
shook like an AK-47.
Shut up! You can't say dick
that wouldn't piss me off more.
It's all good.
Mr. LaRocca, it's adrenaline.
Shakes don't mean nothing.
Ask my last 12 wins.
- Hey, Jackie.
- Hey, Devon.
I'm only interested
in the 13th.
Lose tonight and you'll be waving
bye-bye to your career, your fan club
and the free hoochie mamas
that go with it.
What are you selling?
Sorry to interrupt,
but it's showtime.
Let's get out of here.
Come on, you can do this.
Let's do this.
Get your hands up, you bum!
He's got no left hand. What's going
on? What's the story with Greene?
Pedro! Pedro! Pedro!
Pedro! Pedro!
Get off the ropes!
OK, OK. That's it. That's it.
- Forget this guy Greene.
- Yeah.
No more, no more.
He's dead.
That's a kaput.
No, he's good. It's like
he didn't bother to show up.
Trust me, he's dead. And if I know
Sammy, he already wrote the obituary.
- See you, Gavin.
- See you.
Excuse me. Yeah.
I'd offer a seat, but I don't think
anyone would get up.
- Thirsty?
- Let me buy you a drink.
Bowie, hi.
Can I get a wine cooler
and whatever Gavin's drinking
whenever he's ready? On me.
- All right.
- Like that dress.
- The cleaner's shrunk it.
- I'll send a thank-you note.
Did you get that fax on Needles'
demos? They're good.
Put him on your show. He's exactly
what your advertisers want.
- Do we have to do this now?
- Do what, talk?
We're not talking.
You're negotiating. Stop it.
Listen, if I was a man trying
to close a deal, you wouldn't say that.
Oh, please.
Don't throw sex in my face.
- Unless you mean it.
- You see how you are?
I can't have a regular
conversation with you.
You're afraid to have
a regular conversation with me.
Oh, right. You're Mr. Irresistible.
I wish.
Come here.
Come here!
I gotta go.
There it is.
For the pride of Puerto Rico.
Promise me you'll wear
this for the championship bout.
Promise me you'll wear
this for the championship bout.
- Here we go.
- Oh, yeah!
Kallen. Good. J. Lo's coming
to the Coliseum next month.
I want me and Pedro
front and center.
- Front and center? Consider it done.
- Done and done.
- Hey, shouldn't you have that on ice?
- What are you, a doctor?
No, the doctors are busy
stitching up Greene.
Unprofessional pussy
didn't even bother
to give the fans
a decent fight, nothing.
Screw him. He's a Polaroid.
He's out of the picture.
Pedro, I'm a man who hates defeat,
but I'm not too proud
to be candid.
You won because you worked
and Greene didn't.
He's a lazy-ass fighter,
and lazy-ass always loses.
That's a fact.
Right, half-pint?
Well, I'm...
I'm not sure why Devon lost.
Maybe he just felt
insecure about his corner.
You know, boxing is a team sport.
If a boxer doesn't feel
support in his corner,
sometimes it comes out
in the ring.
Listen to the Barbie doll
with the glass balls.
What do you know about support?
What do you know about boxing?
Executive assistant.
You wipe Irv Abel's ass for a living.
I cover Irv Abel's ass for a living.
And I know as much
about boxing as either of you.
What's that mean?
- Nothing. Forget it.
- Forget it?
You talk like you think
you can do what I do.
What's the point in thinking that?
I don't have a boxer.
Do you think
you can do what I do?
- Possibly, if given a chance.
- A chance? That's all you need?
- Yeah, probably.
- Greene's contract. It's yours.
- Sure it is.
- Hey! You don't want it?
- I can't afford it.
- You can't afford it. I'll make it easy.
- It's yours for a dollar.
- I don't have a dollar.
I'll lend you a dollar.
I tell you what, half-pint.
I'm gonna forget
what you said
since you don't know
what you're talking about.
Because if you did,
you'd know it don't pay
to shoot your mouth off at me.
I just bought a boxer for a buck.
I think it pays pretty well, Sam.
I'm not keeping him.
I'm not keeping Greene.
It was a thing that became a thing.
LaRocca insulted me.
So what?
Sammy insults everybody.
You're gonna call him, make up,
kiss his ass if you have to.
If anybody asks
about Greene,
it was a joke, a little parlor trick
that you and Sammy played.
You lost your temper,
you said a few ridiculous things.
You set it right.
It'll blow over.
Sammy won't think you're trying
to grow a brain on me.
It wasn't ridiculous, what I said.
And you shouldn't be
drinking that coffee.
Welcome back to the live weekend
edition of the Reese Report.
Fight fan or feminist,
you're going to love this story.
After watching Devon Greene
crawl off the canvas,
fight promoter Sam LaRocca
managed to lose his boxer
and his ego in a round
of verbal sparring
with Coliseum employee
Jackie Kallen.
LaRocca thought he had
Kallen in the corner,
but she outmaneuvered him
and wound up walking away
with Greene's contract.
The price tag? A dollar.
That's platinum stuff.
You couldn't write a check big enough
for the look on LaRocca's face.
It was priceless,
and I enjoyed it for free.
Renee, it's me. Quick.
Turn on Channel 28.
I'm on TV!
Hey, Sam, do you know what
a coup d'tat is? Look it up.
I'm Gavin Reese for the Reese Report.
See you next week.
Girl, what the hell
happened to all his money?
I didn't have a chance to ask.
His phone's disconnected,
so I had to come.
I got here, I was fine,
and then I wasn't fine.
So you called me for blackup.
Like I need Gangster Incorporated
in my life.
Like LaRocca is gonna
let you waltz off with his boxer.
Like any of this makes any sense.
Last night, after I vomited
and ruled out suicide, I realized
I'm more scared
not to do this than to do it.
Devon is a ranked boxer.
God practically dropped
him in my lap.
How can I walk away? I might
as well spit in the face of destiny.
Now he's your destiny?
Devon, are you in there?
It's Jackie Kallen.
We tried. We failed. Let's go.
Wait, wait, I hear something.
He's unlocking the door.
He's home.
Devon, did you know
your phone's not work...?
You know Stormy.
This ain't no double date.
Get the shit.
We don't have any shit.
- Then why'd you page me?
- We didn't.
- Why?
- Devon, it's me.
It's Jackie from the arena.
We just...
Anyway, we came by to say hey.
And you're busy,
so we'll come back.
You bitches ain't going nowhere till we
get our rock! Give my man your bag!
There's just enough tokens
in there for my laundry.
- That's all I have with me...
- A dollar bill, maybe.
What am I, a punk?
A chump? You can just
smoke T.J.'s shit like it's a gift?
Man, come here!
Man, you done messed up my high.
Come on, Jackie, let's go!
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
- I'm sorry.
- I don't forgive you.
"Where's my rock, bitches?"
What about that guy, the way he
waxed the floor with both their asses?
- That was off the hook!
- Honey, no.
He was a thug
who out-thugged another thug.
A thug-and-a-half
if you count your boy Devon,
who is pathetic, Jackie!
His contract only cost a dollar.
You still overpaid!
- Call me later.
- I'm sorry.
You better be.
I'm going to see my cousin Malik.
I don't know why you mess with me,
all these criminals out here, man.
Oh, hey, Luther Shaw.
Jackie Kallen.
I bailed you out.
- I know you?
- No, no. Not exactly.
Listen. Do you have a minute
for a cup of coffee, a beer?
- How about a milk shake?
- A milk shake?
Yeah. Yeah, whatever you drink.
Listen, I know this is unusual.
Believe me, I don't make a habit
of bailing strangers out of jail.
That would make me a nut,
a broke nut.
And I'm not. I'm not nutty.
I'm just a person
taking a chance.
You might be interested in who I am
and what I have to say.
If you're not, I totally understand.
You don't owe me a thing.
lf, on the other hand, you are,
my car's parked around the corner.
I'm harmless. Really.
Really, the worst
I could give you is a ride.
It was brutal, you know,
it was beautiful the way you fought.
Yeah. I can tell you fought before.
You boxed.
You had some training,
you won some amateur bouts.
- You were good...
- Do you always talk like this?
- Like what?
- Too much?
- Actually, people have said...
- That's a yes.
Know what, pull over right here.
- Right here. Pull over right here.
- OK, Luther.
This shit you're talking is crazy.
I think you're crazy. You gotta be.
Hanging with crackhead Devon.
I wasn't hanging with him.
I came to see...
Look, I didn't know he was
doing crack, OK? It's sad.
Another black man bites the dust.
Thanks for the bail, bitch.
- Jackie!
- What's up?
My name is Jackie!
Crazy broad.
What's happening?
Now, Luth, we ain't saying that
you ain't bad. We know that,
but don't be selling us some bullshit,
because you know you ain't mopped
the floor with no Devon Greene.
I'm telling you, man, I gave that fool an
old-fashioned, project ass-whupping.
I'm telling you, his partner
tried to get brave and sneak me.
I had to dust his ass off too.
- You still here?
- Yeah.
- Go home.
- I can't.
You didn't let me finish.
- Following him and shit.
- What's up with that?
A little uptown piece.
I know. It must seem a little out there.
All right, way out there.
But that is where all the good stuff is,
Luther. Like talent, and you...'re talented.
So this chance you call yourself taking,
why you taking it on me?
Because I've been around
boxing my whole life.
I know it like the back of my hand.
I know potential, and I see it in you.
I do, Luther.
- I got potential?
- Yeah.
- Watch out, world.
- Don't laugh at me. All right?
I'm serious.
If you took me serious,
we could be driving Jags
and sporting Versace.
You're a woman.
And you're white.
- Say it like I'm a disease.
- In the fight game, you are.
- Say it like I'm a disease.
- In the fight game, you are.
I'm not saying it would be easy.
All right? But I'm used to hard.
I am. OK?
How do you want to do this?
Do you want to work together?
You want to make a deal?
- Make a deal?
- Yeah.
You never managed
nobody in your whole life.
How you gonna front me,
you can't front yourself?
You're nine-to-fiving it.
You're driving a damn Honda.
I have some savings, I'll do a budget.
I'm good with budgets.
And I'm really good with people.
I can read them.
And I can read you, Luther,
and I know you want to do this.
Maybe I'm interested.
Maybe I'll call you.
Maybe I won't.
You're the one that's gonna
have to wait and see.
When you pay your tickets,
you can register your vehicle.
Basically, it's what you call an
"all there is to it" situation.
Mister, when you pay your tickets,
you can register...
- Hey, Felix.
- Next!
Jackie Kallen.
We spoke on the phone.
I remembered you, you didn't
remember me. Remember?
Hey, Cynthia, I'm breaking.
So you say this boy is good, huh?
Well, good is a dime a dozen.
Oh, no, he's better than good.
He's the bomb.
And you're the best.
You've turned more chumps
into champs than Eddie Futch.
I got out of the game
for a reason, you know.
Yeah, I know you had a stroke in '96.
I was sorry to hear about that.
The stroke didn't do
nothing but clear my head.
Look, I ain't got time to waste
training no cash registers
in it for the money.
That's a wonderful sentiment,
and I totally agree.
Although ultimately,
boxing is a business.
It's a sport first.
You know, learn your craft,
pay your dues.
Money will come,
and it will go.
That's why they call it "cash flow".
Felix, this kid reminds me
of Marvin Hagler.
It's just nonstop punches.
He is the real deal.
I wouldn't have
troubled you otherwise.
Ray-Ray Kallen's niece.
All right. I'll take a meet.
Luther may just...
He may be just a... tiny bit raw.
Well, raw's workable.
Rotten isn't.
Look, Felix,
I don't know what to tell you.
- Hey, Felix, it's traffic, it's rush hour.
- Yes.
This time every day.
Hey, Luther!
There he is.
Felix Reynolds.
This tired-ass old man
is gonna be my trainer.
Lady, I thought you said
you had a plan.
Let me see your stance.
He ain't worth it.
- Oh, well. Next.
- Next?
Hey, do you see a line anywhere?
You stop being a brat and apologize.
A brat?
What's that supposed to mean?
Whatever it takes
to get him back. He is it.
Hey, Felix!
Now, Luther has
something to say to you.
- Luther.
- Hey.
Look, old man, hold up. No disrespect
intended, but what have you done?
Who have you trained? Let's hear
some actual ring experience.
You first.
Was I right or what?
Yeah, he packs a helluva
punch like you said.
Combinations need tightening.
They're all over.
But he's strong, got a great feint,
and he's a southpaw like Hagler.
He could make some noise
in the middleweight division.
All right. Time, boys.
Well, if he can learn
to be a switch hitter,
fight from the right-hand stance
as well as the left,
- he could surprise some people.
- Left, right, whatever.
- It was all right?
- It was better than all right.
But you gotta get in shape,
you gotta get in boxing shape, right?
Yeah, your body's strong.
Your mind...
...gonna need
a whole lot of discipline.
Ain't nothing wrong with my mind.
The ring. Get it at 5:00.
Oh, no, I don't get
off of work till 6.
In the morning.
Is it cheaper?
No. It's available.
Five o'clock in the morning?
Man, you can forget that.
You gotta leave
some room for sleep.
Haven't you slept enough, son?
In three years, I pay you 2...
Luther? Listen.
Three years, 250 a week,
then I recoup that amount
from your winnings.
After that, after we
start making a profit,
you take the lion's share,
I get 33 and a third.
What you think, Felix?
You heard what the lawyer said.
She's assuming all the risks.
She's making an investment in you.
Well, she ain't got to worry.
You bring it all on. I'm gonna squash
whatever you send my way.
Lady, that's the best I can do.
A grand for all that gold?
Are you nuts?
It's worth three times
more than that.
Worth ain't the way it works.
What about fair?
Does fair work?
OK, what about this?
You give me 1,250,
I throw that in for free. 1,250.
Please don't screw me
beyond that point.
I have kids.
How are you doing?
How the hell you been?
How you been?
Hey, Luth, look here.
This here is Kevin Keyes,
the best cutman in the business.
- Good to meet you.
- How you doing?
This is Cedric Mouketendi,
your sparring partner.
- Mouke what?
- Mouketendi.
It's Ugandan.
Call me Rick. It's easier.
I'm gonna take you out, Africa.
Monkey's ass always talks shit.
Off the ropes! Off the ropes! Come on,
spin out of there, now! Time! Time.
Now you see what the hell
I'm telling you about your jab?
Stop street fighting.
When he misses,
counterpunch him.
- His rhythm's great.
- It ain't his rhythm I'm worried about.
In a minute,
when I say again.
I put him in with a bigger man
so he'd learn how to move.
- Hey! Hey! Hey!
- Luther!
- Luther!
- Hey! Come on!
Come on, now. Come on.
Boy, you wanna fight
like a damn hoodlum?
I'll toss your black ass
back out on the street!
You think I'm playing with you?
I ain't playing with you, boy!
Hey, Luther, look at me.
Look, look.
You can't win if you fight dirty,
do you understand that?
- You all right, son?
- Yeah, I'm all right.
- He's here to help you.
- Sorry, it won't happen again.
Will it?
- Won't happen again.
- Say it like we can hear it!
It won't happen again!
Hey. Hey. I don't want any
threatening or yelling.
That is not helping him.
Yeah, well, I'm trying to teach
the boy how not to use his fists.
What do you suggest?
Whatever happened to this dude?
Your uncle Ray-Ray.
He died about a year
after that was taken.
Hey, I'll start a scrapbook for you
as soon as we get our first fight.
So did your dad start
you in boxing?
No. Counselor, juvenile hall.
In your lap.
And your dad?
May he rest in peace.
And your mom?
Who the hell knows, man?
Do you have any
brothers and sisters?
I got a brother named Michael
in Philly. He's a year older.
Stupid-ass Social Services.
They separated us,
so we grew up apart. I see him
when I see him. It's no big deal.
I thought we were
gonna be straight.
I'm being straight with you.
Who were you beating up today
in the gym? It wasn't Mouketendi.
- I lost my temper.
- You found your temper.
What you lost is the rest of you.
Look, I go off sometimes, all right?
It's just how I am.
It's not a problem.
Yeah? The problem you don't have
already got in your way,
and you haven't thrown a punch
in a pro fight.
I mean, don't you wanna win, Luther?
I do. I wanna win.
You know, you got
all these expectations.
What are you gonna do
if this don't work out?
It'll work out, Luther. You just
have to let yourself trust me.
I am not the enemy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold up, old man,
I ain't into no S & M stuff.
Who do you think you is? Marvelous
Marvin Hagler, Sugar Ray Robinson?
You another young wannabe
fighter, come a dime a dozen,
trying to look pretty.
Start with the basics.
I'll tie down your right arm
so you can learn to throw a left.
You gotta learn to be
balanced on both sides.
Fight somebody that know
how to handle a southpaw,
better be ready to show
him something different.
Now snap out that jab.
Let me see it.
5:00's the best I can do.
I need your locker dues.
- OK, coach.
- Come get it.
You know there's
a powder for that.
Six-thirty is open.
I want a 6:30.
Yeah, and I want a blowjob
every hour on the hour.
Is that why you're acting
like such a dick?
All right, dig it in, that's right,
dig it in. Now jab him out. Jab him.
To the body, to the body,
to the body. Combination.
All right, push him off,
push him off, push off.
Jump right back on him.
Now, Kallen and this amateur monkey
she scraped off the street, Shaw,
you said they were nothing.
- That ain't what I hear.
- It was, Sam.
He's been training
with Reynolds.
He's been kicking the shit out of
some guys in the gym.
That bitch does not find a fight
in this town, or nowhere near it.
Ever. Make it understood.
Anybody puts Kallen's boy on a card
puts his own ass out of business.
Shaw. Luther Shaw. S-H-A-W.
Just because you never heard
of him, he can't be phenomenal?
No, you can't call me back.
No, it's his manager.
Yeah, I'm a woman. No.
I haven't thought about strapping
one on, mister. Have you?
Well, I think you have a really
nice voice too.
I do.
But I can't cash those compliments
at a bank. I don't need a date.
What I really need
is a fight for my boxer.
Jackie Kallen for Crisco Cohen.
No, he does know who I am.
Did you hear me?
I've known him since we were kids.
How many times do I have
to say this? Are you listening?
Now put your hands together
and give a warm Buffalo welcome
- All right, baby.
- to our trio of precious gems,
Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire.
All that plastic.
It's a wonder she doesn't
melt in that spotlight.
Crisco, it's me, Jackie Kallen.
What the hell
are you doing here?
I got a boxer.
You drove 200 miles to tell me that?
You couldn't pick up the phone?
I did. Four times.
Hey, I'm a businessman.
Yours ain't the only number
I gotta call.
How's Judy?
I have never cheated on her. I just
come to these joints for relaxation.
I remember that, Crisco.
How do you think I found you?
- It took me a while, but I found you.
- Yeah, well...
Great. What are you...?
- Well...
- You got a boxer? Good luck.
100 men ahead of you
manage for a living.
- I never even heard of your guy.
- Luther Shaw.
Put him on an undercard.
See what he can do.
Hey. We'll never get a fight
in the Midwest
as long as Sam LaRocca
lives and breathes.
Too bad.
I can't believe you have the nerve
to shirk me off.
My father taught you everything
you'll ever know.
Pete Kallen is the only reason
you are where you are today.
Pete would spin in his grave
if he could see what you're doing.
Look, stick to what you know.
You're a secretary, for chrissake.
And you're a married man addicted to
strip joints and God knows what else.
I am sure I could find out.
- What, are you threatening me now?
- No.
I'm thanking you in advance
because I know that you're
gonna help me
the same way my dad helped you.
Yeah, UUF.
UUF? What the hell is that?
- Ulterior Uterine Fibrosis.
- Oh, UUF.
- It's a venereal disease.
- No.
It's a female disease.
There's nothing venereal about it.
It's still difficult to discuss.
Yeah, privates are tough
to talk about.
Most women would've
made something up.
I'll probably only need
a few days sick leave
because the procedure I'm having,
it's really just minor surgery.
That's good. Where is the operation?
I'll probably just have it
in my doctor's office downtown.
Well, that's a little out of the way,
isn't it?
Unless you mean downtown Buffalo.
How long am I in this business?
Long enough.
Nothing goes behind my back.
What did you think?
It wouldn't get back to me?
Well, how can I think?
I don't have a brain.
You also don't have a job now
unless you stop with this
silly extracurricular bullshit.
Now, you will stop,
or I'll fire your ass.
And you'll lose your pension, your
benefits, everything I let you work for.
Trust me, Kallen, you don't want
this kind of kaput.
I'd rather have that kind of kaput
than your kind of stupid.
And remember, use your jab.
- Nervous?
- Why I gotta be nervous?
That's good. You're nervous.
Use the energy, Luther.
This guy's all that stands
in your way of the next guy.
You knock him down.
Knock him out.
Oh, gotta get our picture.
OK, fighters only.
And get the three of us in
and make this great.
OK, just this once.
Jab. Jab him. Jab.
Stay on him.
Don't let him tie you up.
- Get rough with him.
- Let him go. Let him go.
All right, stick that jab out there.
Hands up, hands up.
- You threw a punk shot!
- Got him!
One, two, three, four, five, six.
It's over!
That was beautiful.
That was beautiful.
Nice work on the jab.
Did you see that right hook, Felix?
Did you see that? That was great.
Yeah, he did all right.
Hold on, hold on. One second.
Listen. Whoever it is,
nobody act surprised that we won.
- Come on in.
- Hey.
Hey. Oh, hey, guys,
this is Crisco Cohen.
Oh, hey, my girl's homeboy.
The one that put us on the card.
Oh, hey, my girl's homeboy.
The one that put us on the card.
- Jackie said you weren't coming.
- Jackie says things.
I'm a promoter. Promoters show up.
We don't read punches in the paper.
- Nice fight. Congratulations.
- Thanks.
- How you doing? Felix Reynolds.
- Sorry, Felix.
I didn't know you were back.
- Very nice job tonight.
- Thank you.
KO. Just like I said.
Better than good.
Listen, Luther, we got to talk
your next fight now.
- Great.
- Here it is.
Hey, wait a minute.
What are you doing?
You talk to me. He boxes.
I book.
We need local exposure.
You need an A-plus story.
I'm handing you one, exclusively.
It's not algebra, Gavin.
Jackie, you against LaRocca
makes a great, quaint anecdote.
Don't make a mission out of it.
So, what, you're trying so hard not
to say is that it's a man's world?
I don't have to say it.
You know it.
You have a love
for the sport...
But I should worship from afar. God
forbid I use anything from the neck up.
He has to win a few more fights.
He has to climb up the card
before I hot-dog him.
- One more fight.
- What's your rush?
Well, I got fired. Or maybe I quit.
As if you didn't know.
The point is, I can't wait for you to
decide if Luther is newsworthy. He is.
Luther Shaw weighs in at...
...159 pounds on the dot.
Here you go.
They get on the scale thirsty.
They get off even thirstier.
- He's heavier since Buffalo.
- Yeah, he's stronger.
Your guy looks pretty good too.
Thank you so much.
Don't drink that.
Don't even smell it. I'm serious.
I'll get you another one.
Hey there, Mathias.
Listen, I saw your last fight, and wow.
That was one beautiful left hook.
Oh. Oh, oh, sorry.
Oh, thanks.
I just wanted to say
may the best man win.
No hard feelings,
no matter what happens.
Stay back.
He don't like it down there.
He don't like it down there.
Nice jab. Good jab.
Luther, go back to the body.
Jump on him, that's right.
Get up on him. Hit him hard.
Beautiful jab.
Break clean. Come on.
You OK, Mathias?
- He don't wanna fight no more?
- Turn around and box.
Can you continue, Mathias?
Do you want to box?
- All right.
- It's over.
Way to go to the body, huh?
That felt good.
- That's the way to work downtown.
- What happened?
- Easy, take it easy, easy.
- Get them off. Get them off!
Oh, kid.
OK, well, that's my job... see shit coming.
Break it up.
Neutral corner.
Four or five more miles.
Come on, grab my hand.
If you grab my hand, I'm going
to bring you up the hill.
Come on, keep turning.
Get on the inside and turn.
Get back. One...
- Sounds like things are going great.
- Oh, better than great. Terrific.
It's over.
No? Why?
All right, no elevator, but the rooms
are huge. Electric's included.
The fireplace burns real wood.
Open this thing on the top
before you light a fire.
It's called a flue. Don't ask me why.
What do you think?
Tell you, the place is tight.
I think I like it.
You know, I hope I can afford it.
It's all about balancing
your checkbook.
Did you fill out those bank
applications I gave you?
Oh, I don't know.
I don't even remember
what I did with those.
This is the lease agreement
for you to look over.
It's the usual, first and last. And I got
you an extension on your tax returns,
but get it in next week. Envelopes,
stamps, stationery, all in here.
So how come you don't
have any kids?
It just never came up,
the opportunity.
It could still, later. I guess.
I think that you would
be dope as a mom.
Oh, thanks. Luther, I think you're
going to want to get renter's insurance.
Yeah, sure. Listen, Jackie...
Man, this is embarrassing to admit,
but, you know, guys like me...
I don't know nothing
about tax forms
and lease agreements,
insurance or whatever.
Hell, man, I never even voted.
In my former line of business,
I dealt with cash.
It's either cash on the barrel,
or I'm gonna hit you with the barrel.
You know, balancing a
checkbook... Forget about it.
Luther, you don't need to be ashamed
or embarrassed about anything, OK?
All kinds of people don't know
all kinds of shit.
I can really help you with this stuff.
We could fill those forms out togeth...
What was that for?
For everything.
We're the new kids on the block,
we expect to be picked on,
but we don't run from anybody.
I can't say the same for some people.
By "some people",
do you mean the newly crowned
Middleweight World Champion
Pedro Hernandez?
Hernandez claims he's hungry
for a worthy opponent.
Everybody knows
Luther's that guy.
I mean, what, to him,
Luther's the invisible man?
Oh, but I guess it's hard
to see someone
when you're running away from him,
especially if you're running scared.
Now, Pedro Hernandez
won the middleweight crown
in devastating fashion
against a great ex-champ.
Luther, with only 14 fights,
do you think you can beat him?
I can, I could,
and I most definitely would.
I'd probably knock him out
if he didn't faint first, Pedro.
Well, there's only one way to see
how this cliffhanger will end.
Stay tuned to Channel 28.
Don't miss what you can
see here with me.
Exclusively. You're our local guy.
As for Pedro Hernandez,
if you're watching,
this is Gavin Reese, desperately
hoping it wasn't something I said.
You think I can't smell bullshit
when I see it? Kallen's baiting us.
I don't care. I don't care what
you think, because it ain't your rep.
That bitch has people believing
I'm a bitch...
And you're whining like one,
and it's starting to annoy me.
I'm not sitting on my
hands no more.
Listen, I'm fighting Shaw.
You set it up.
Pedro. Pedro, come here.
Every piece of garbage
I float to the top
gets in his head he can tell
me what to do. That's a mistake.
You fight who I say,
when I say.
Now go away before I get upset.
Hey, Jackie. What's up?
Brunch. Oh, I didn't know you had a...
Renee. There's
just enough for two.
- It's OK, I already ate.
- Well, here's an idea.
You take this. You're not
hungry now, save it for later.
- You sure?
- Yeah. I gotta go home anyways.
I've got a lot of stuff to do.
Let's go. Let's go,
let's go, let's go.
- Good evening, sir.
- How are you doing tonight?
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.
Luther, listen.
All right, now, this is our shot.
Stay calm.
Act natural
and let me handle it.
Look, Jackie, look,
I'm down with you, OK?
But I only get one day off.
Shit, I could've been kicking it.
Kicking it with who, Renee?
Now, look, Luther,
Renee is my friend. I love her.
But she has school to finish.
You have everything ahead of you.
The last thing either of you want
is to get in each other's way.
If I want what's best for her
and she wants what's best for me,
how can we get in
each other's way?
You look great in that suit.
You know what I'm saying, half-pint?
Let bygones go by.
Life's too damn short.
Right, Lou?
Name's Luther.
We want a shot at Pedro, Sam.
I know that.
Look, why don't you
close your mouth,
drink a drink and relax.
I gotta tell you, I like the way
Luther here listens.
A win in Tampa could put him on the
undercard the next time Pedro fights.
After that, down the line,
maybe a shot at the title.
Of course, that would mean
you would start to do some
very serious pro-Pedro press.
Like what an honor it is for you
to be fighting him, shit like that.
And the expiration date on shit
like that is fight night.
- Of course.
- Sure.
Sounds like we got a deal.
So if you'll excuse me,
I gotta go, but I'll be back.
I'd watch half-pint if I was you.
Believe me, man,
I already know how she walks.
Well, she'll walk all over you.
Why do you think it's her name on
everybody's lips? Her name, not yours.
Oh, that don't bother me, man.
Keep up the good work.
She'll be famous. You'll be...
Fine. You understand that?
I'll be just fine.
It's the tenth round, understand?
Don't leave it to the judges.
Go ahead, baby.
Henry Armstrong his ass.
All right? Henry Armstrong.
Nonstop punches.
OK, guys.
It's the last round.
Touch them up.
Break. Stand back.
All right. Let go.
Break. Step back.
Tear him up, Luther,
tear him up.
All right, guys, let go.
Step back.
Come on, step back.
All right, box.
- Stay at him, Luther, stay at him.
- Let go, step back, now, come on.
All right.
Four, five, six.
- Abe Jacobs, Boxing Monthly.
- Hi, Abe.
You said this fight was important.
Now that you've won, can you say
what that means to your career?
- Hey, there's nowhere to go but up.
- Actually, that was for Jackie.
We've wanted a fight in our own
back yard, and with this win, we can.
You're one of the few women having
any success in this, what's it take?
- Hard work and thick skin.
- A great boxer don't hurt either.
USA Today. Jackie, any truth to
the rumor you're posing for Playboy?
- I don't know. You think I should?
- Oh, yes, absolutely, absolutely.
Marsha Gary, Detroit Times.
This is for you, Luther.
You've had a real meteoric rise,
but we all know that sometimes
meteors crash and burn.
- Any chance of that happening?
- Are you kidding? No way.
- Hey, look, it happens to everybody.
- Eventually.
I'm teaching Luther the dictionary.
We haven't gotten to the E's yet.
All right, show-and-tell's over.
Come on.
- Can we have one more?
- What are you gonna do after Miami?
- Are you calling me stupid?
- What?
Tell them you're
teaching me the alphabet.
Come on, Luther, it was a joke.
That's why they laughed.
All right, ready?
Picture, press, professional.
So you didn't return my phone call
about Luther.
- How come?
- I've been busy.
There cannot be another crisis next
week. My schedule is already full.
Don't give me
the talk-show answer, Jackie.
It's not a talk-show answer, Renee.
I haven't had time
to breathe since Tampa.
Tampa. Yeah, I heard about Tampa.
We won.
What else did you hear?
- You don't know?
- No.
The press conference. Maybe you
don't realize how you came off.
I came off fine.
It's fine to act like Luther's
To humiliate him in front of everybody?
Press conferences are so out-of-body.
You say what you say.
- Is Luther still bitching about that?
- No, I'm bitching about it.
Oh, so you speak for him now?
- Please, you hardly know him.
- I know him well enough.
Biblically. Don't confuse
that with intimately, Renee.
It's an entirely different testament.
Thank you.
You enjoy your lunch, Jackie.
Here you go, girls.
Thanks for coming by.
- Hi, what's your name?
- Janey.
- Hi, Janey. What's your sport?
- Track and field.
- Will you sign my sneakers?
- Sure.
All right, now, listen up, Janey. Here's
some advice from Jackie Kallen.
Run with the big dogs.
Don't just sit on the porch and bark.
- Oh, and don't forget your free socks.
- Thank you.
Here he is. Paul, come with us and
make sure you have plenty of film.
Here's my gym. There's Luther.
He's something.
It's 2:00. Aren't you supposed
to be sparring?
Friday's Africa's day off.
Oh, that's right.
- My bad, Africa...
- Wrong!
Africa's gone! I've had
a new man for almost a week.
Megan Moore. Self magazine.
I'm writing a cover story on Jackie.
This is Paul, staff photographer.
Hey, hey, hey.
What's the matter?
I don't know where you've been.
You're my manager.
The most important fight
of my career's coming.
You're off doing
a goddamn talk show.
When's the last time
you were in here?
I've been doing publicity.
Publicity for me is exposure for you.
- It's part of...
- Foot Locker?
Handing out socks ain't got
shit to do with me!
OK, OK, I won't do it.
I don't want nosy reporters
in the gym while I work out.
All right, I'll send them away.
Look, Luther,
I just want what's best for you.
I'm kind of nervous about this fight.
Sands ain't nothing to play with.
I need you to pay
better attention to me.
Hey, after this, I am absolutely
all yours until after the fight.
OK? It's a deal.
I promise, Luther. OK?
Kallen's Gym.
Yeah, hold on.
Hey, Jackie.
Doug-somebody from HBO.
- Hello?
- You know who I am?
Doug Doherty.
Of course I know who you are.
Who forgets the unforgettable?
Listen, HBO wants pre and post
with Shaw and Sands.
Well, there's a reason
it's not in the contract.
We promised our first dance
in Cleveland to a native son.
Native? As in local?
- You're kidding me.
- Luther knows this reporter.
- He's comfortable with him.
- Jackie, come on.
This is HBO, the major-domo
of boxing, we're talking about.
Not some over-the-air,
commercial network.
Look, Doug, we agreed to a post.
That's the best I can do.
This local guy has been
too terrific to me.
Can he guarantee
a double-digit rating?
Make you queen for a day?
Longer if Luther wins?
I'm holding the keys
to the kingdom, Jackie.
All you gotta do is reach out
and grab them.
If you're man enough.
- Are you man enough, Jackie?
- That's highly sexist.
- And wouldn't you like to know?
- I certainly would.
You know what you need?
It just came to me.
A personal profile.
We get some great tape
on fight night.
Mix it up, post and pre.
Think about it, Jackie.
... on HBO...
... mano a mano...
... with me.
It's a clich, but I'm living proof
dreams do come true.
This is the best day, the best time
and really exciting.
Just one step away
from champion of the world.
- What about a whoop?
- A whoop?
You know, real exciting,
then whoop, like a cheer.
Walk toward us.
Give that a try.
This is the best day, the best time
and really exciting.
Just one step away
from champion of the world.
Hey, pal, you mind stepping out
of my shot?
Oh, this is your shot?
- Hi.
- Low. Very low, Jackie!
- Doug, can we take five?
- Who is this?
I need five minutes. I'll meet you at
the dressing room. Outside the room.
- I can explain...
- Oh, really?
Well, go ahead. Explain.
Explain to me how my deal
and my exclusive rights to your story
wind up in the lap
of that idiot savant?
He's a smart idiot, Gavin.
And it's a long story, so I...
Let me give the abridged version.
Once upon a time,
there was HBO!
You know what, Jackie? For all of your
hustle and bustle and bullshit,
the one thing that you always were
was honorable, in a very real way.
If you said something, you meant it.
And if you didn't say it,
well, you meant that too.
That's quite an attribute.
Not a lot of people have that.
And now neither do you.
- Wait, what is the problem?
- A little pre was the deal.
No, pre with me. Post with Luther.
That was the deal, Doug.
If it was, it's not now.
We got great stuff
with you, Jackie.
But if we don't get Luther,
my audience won't bite.
You become the latest waste
of tape.
That's nice, man.
Hey, guys. Doug Doherty, HBO,
as if you didn't know.
And this is his crew,
Steven and Nick and Beth.
They're here to observe, not to interact
or interfere, so act natural.
You guys just back up a little bit.
I'll be back.
Get your goddamn hands off of me!
And get them the hell out of here!
OK? Please.
"Please", shit!
I'll throw them out!
No need to be alarmed or take notes.
He's venting. It's tactical.
- But we do need the room.
- Everybody out, come on, guys.
They weren't gonna stay.
All they wanted was ten minutes
of your time.
- I don't have that kind of time!
- You could have made it!
Jesus, I do. I work my ass off
to get you everything you want.
No, everything you want!
You still think you own me?
That I owe you?
You do owe me.
Where do you think this world you're
living in came from? It came from me.
Putting my life on the line,
having faith in you, Luther.
- Giving you faith in yourself.
- You bitch!
I gave your ass a damn chance!
Everything you did for me,
I did the same goddamn thing for you!
That's how you got the world
you're living in.
HBO's in the ring after the fight.
- We are doing that interview.
- No, you do it!
Our shit is permanently disconnected!
You stay away from me! And you
stay the hell away from my corner!
Do you understand that English?
The only English I understand
is in our contract.
You fight for me,
or you don't fight at all.
Break! Break!
Step back!
We're in the middle
of the eighth.
I don't know what's holding Sands up.
He is taking a lot of punishment.
- Hard shots to the body.
- Take it to him! Get him!
Shaw's conditioning is just superb.
He really came to fight.
Moving well, crisp combinations.
He's showing me a lot of finesse.
That's it! That's it! Sands is down,
and he's not getting up.
- Fight's over!
- That's what I'm talking about.
That's what I'm talking about.
I got you. It's all right, man.
Excuse me, coming through.
Y'all see that?
You ain't got shit!
You ain't got shit!
You talking to me, sucker?
- Great fight. Great fight.
- Great fight.
- Give me that belt!
- Chump!
Come on.
Excuse me. Luther!
- Good fight, good fight.
- Thanks.
I'll get him to talk with you.
I'll get him.
- Congratulations, Luther, great fight.
- Luther.
We'll just give Luther a minute
to celebrate with his friends,
and then we're gonna look
at the instant replay.
Anyway, terrific performance
from Luther Shaw.
Stunning left-cross, right-hook
combination that put Sands down.
Jackie, you've gotta be very, very
happy with his performance tonight.
Did you read this?
You're glued to Kallen
for the next 24 months.
I ain't fighting for her
and that's all there is to it.
You don't have a choice unless
you choose not to fight at all.
Buy me out like you did Hernandez.
Hernandez was a bargain. You're
a gamble who won't come cheap.
Half-pint will hold me up like a bank.
Why the hell do you think I'm here?
I wanna fight for you.
You're here because you're mad.
Because you made a bad deal.
You throw tantrums in your room
instead of parties.
I don't minus points for that.
Hell, I like mad on my boxers.
I don't think you can
hold that thought
or keep your shit together sitting it out
for the next two years.
The guy with the two left feet
looks good.
I like the one
with the two left eyes.
Yeah, I try to make a champ,
I wind up with a monster.
So screw Luther,
I'll get somebody else the damn belt.
I wouldn't count on that.
Champ material is just like
any other special thing: rare.
What are you doing for dinner tonight?
My HBO thing's coming on.
I'd appreciate it
if you watched it with me.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I'll watch it with you.
It's a clich, but I'm living proof
dreams do come true.
Just one step away from
champion of the world.
Jackie Kallen.
Even if you don't follow boxing,
chances are you still
recognize the name.
Kallen didn't just claw her way
inside the boxing arena,
she captured center ring.
Kallen's a snake-in-the-grass
charmer. I gave her a start
and took a lot of heat for it.
She thought she was something
special. I didn't. Still don't.
- Back off, fool.
- No comment.
That's all, so get the camera
out of my face.
Why do you think
you've done well in,
for lack of a better term,
a boys' club?
Where women are notoriously
non grata.
Well, I didn't ingratiate myself, Doug.
I went toe-to-toe with the guys.
I made them deal with me.
They never saw ferocious
in high heels before.
In dealing with you, some of the guys
seem to have got pretty prickly.
Oh, prickly.
Interesting choice of words, Doug.
Look, I'm really good at what I do.
I'm not gonna disappear
just because I make some people
uncomfortable. It's not gonna happen.
Just ask her, and she'll quickly
remind you that Luther Shaw,
her middleweight wannabe of
the world, wouldn't be where he is
if she weren't where she is,
which is all over the place,
talking about herself.
Her impact on boxing is irrefutable,
but it's still a man's world.
A heartless, egocentric,
self-centered boys' club.
And Jackie Kallen
is its newest member.
Funny thing is, she'll probably think
that was a compliment.
I'm Doug Doherty for HBO Sports.
Thanks for watching.
I'm not like that.
I mean, come on.
Do you think I'm like that, Felix?
Not to me.
See you tomorrow.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
OK, Joanne.
I'd call, but I was afraid
you wouldn't see me.
There's a lot of that going around.
Well, you're right, I wouldn't have.
But you're here now,
so, what do you want, Jackie?
Listen, I'm sorry.
I am, I'm sorry. I knew a million people,
but I only had a couple of friends.
I grabbed a chance for myself, and
I took a great opportunity from you.
You did. I was counting on it,
and I was counting on you.
You know, for the first time in my life,
people heard what I had to say.
They had to listen
because I was too important to ignore.
That is not an excuse,
but it is an explanation.
I thought I could handle it,
had control.
But with guys like Sam LaRocca,
I'm just way overmatched.
Well, you changed
the face of boxing, Jackie.
You cracked some pretty hard cement.
You can be proud of that.
Well, I can't be proud
of what I did to Luther.
We're finished.
I accept that.
Listen, Gavin.
I don't expect you to forgive me,
but I just don't want you to hate me.
Jackie Kallen for Sam LaRocca.
Sir, Jackie Kallen's here to see you.
He wants to know what it's about.
Just tell him I have something
he wants.
You're here to make this deal?
Luther deserves a shot at the title.
It's the right thing to do,
so I'm doing it.
I'm here to negotiate myself so I know
he won't get screwed by you.
Well, I'm happy to amuse you, Sam,
but this is how it's gonna be.
He gets a shot at Hernandez
within a year.
He wins the title,
he gives you two years.
He loses, close or good,
you give him three additional fights.
And if he wins those fights,
you guarantee a rematch for the title.
I don't want him that bad.
...Luther's the next middleweight
champ. You know it, I know it.
This is one-stop shopping.
It's a one-time deal.
I go down the street,
I get a manicure.
I come back,
the papers are drawn up.
The terms are clear.
Once this deal is done...'re done with Shaw.
You disappear.
No wiping his ass
between rounds.
You understand?
I don't wanna see you.
At last...
...the feeling is mutual.
Too smart by half.
I thought the agency was kidding
when they faxed your rsum.
I read it twice just to be sure.
I mean, insurance is about as far away
from boxing as a girl can get.
I'm counting on it.
You won't have trouble at Dee-Dee's
desk. It's very organized.
And Mr. Sloan doesn't expect much,
just answer his phones, get his coffee,
don't take it personally
if he doesn't talk to you.
Mr. Sloan never bonds
with the temps.
OK, Kim, what about these?
Those are client files.
Do you think you can put them
in alphabetical order?
Sure. Is there anything else
I should know?
Dee-Dee would appreciate it
if you water her plant.
Hey, Felix.
What? What's the problem?
You're downstairs?
Yeah, OK.
Hey. What's wrong?
- What?
- LaRocca's putting Luther in the ring
with Hernandez in three weeks.
That's too soon.
That's crazy.
The guy Pedro was scheduled
to fight,
they're saying he cracked a rib,
so he's subbing Luther instead.
- "They're saying"?
- There's nothing wrong with his ribs...
- I know, Felix.
- That's why I hate this game.
We wanted a shot at the title.
We wanted an honest shot.
Why should he give us
an honest shot?
So he can watch the fighter you found
walk away with the belt?
I mean, he knows there ain't no way
I can get that boy ready in time.
What am I supposed to do, huh?
I can't take this to Luther, Jackie.
I can't do it. I can't.
I wanna see LaRocca.
Did you hear me?
Did you hear me?
Mr. LaRocca's in a meeting.
Look, he can't screw
my fighter like this.
He is setting him up to lose,
goddamn it.
If he is in a meeting,
you go in there,
and you tell him
to get the hell out right now.
He said to tell you he's in a meeting
for the rest of your life.
Ain't no way I can train for Hernandez
in three weeks, Felix.
Ain't no way.
What's the point?
Point is, you still got a shot, son.
It ain't the fairest shot,
but you still gotta take it.
I ain't ready.
Oh, you think you the first boxer
to have a bad time, huh?
A raw deal.
Luther, you gotta take the shot.
Right here.
Y'all put your hands in the air!
Put your hands in the air!
That's what we're doing!
Luther Shaw!
Well, tonight, Luther Shaw's dream
has become bona fide real life.
He's about to face
Pedro Hernandez
for the WBC Middleweight
World Championship.
And he comes into this fight
a big underdog.
- How do you see it?
- "Underdog" is the word.
This is a big question mark.
I like Shaw.
He's got lots of courage, heart,
but he's green.
To put him in the ring,
with only 16 professional matches,
against Hernandez,
that's the deciding factor.
You know, Hernandez
has made it abundantly clear
he has no love lost whatsoever
for young Shaw.
Here comes Shaw now.
Luther was not the originally
scheduled opponent tonight.
That was meant to be
Cecil Young,
who suffered an injury in training,
creating the opening for Shaw.
Pedro! Pedro! Pedro!
Ladies and gentlemen,
Pedro Hernandez,
the WBC Middleweight Champion
of the World, is entering the ring.
And what a hand
he's getting from the crowd.
It's overwhelming here.
He is lighting this place up.
This is the one you wanted.
Don't feel him out.
- Smoke this sucker! Let's go.
- He's nothing.
- He has got a mission to accomplish.
- Hernandez is a fast starter.
In the early rounds,
it's necessary
for Shaw to use his legs,
stay on the outside, remain elusive.
- Look at me, man!
- He doesn't want a slugfest early on.
There's no question about that.
And we'll see what kind of fight
Hernandez brings too.
Hernandez, of course,
has tremendous power.
He's undefeated
in 30 professional bouts.
And he really brings
a complete package into the ring.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is
the moment we've all been waiting for.
Twelve rounds of boxing
for the WBC Middleweight
Championship of the World.
And now, for the thousands
in attendance
and the millions
watching around the world,
let's get ready to rumble!
- It's sold out.
- Sorry, lady.
Sold out.
Here is the pride of Cleveland, Ohio.
The undefeated challenger,
Lethal Luther Shaw!
Luther! Luther! Luther!
And fighting out of
the red corner...
Listen to me.
You stay relaxed.
Keep your hands up and circle him,
you understand?
All right, keep him turning. Every now
and then, touch him with a jab.
All right? Now, don't worry
about his head.
Hit him in the chest, shoulders,
arm, anywhere.
That's all I want this first round.
Understand what I'm saying?
Pedro "El Tigre" Hernandez!
Referee in charge of the action,
Ray Marsh,
will give instructions
at ring center.
Gentlemen, you both had the rules
explained in the dressing room.
I wanna see a good, clean fight.
Good luck to the both of you.
Touch gloves. Let's do it.
You're nothing.
He looks a little scared.
It's nothing but another fight,
that's all it is.
Second's up!
Remember, stay relaxed.
Keep your hands up.
- Come on!
- We're set for round one.
Hernandez has a look of fury
in his eyes.
Hernandez comes charging out!
Oh, a big right hand
lands for Hernandez.
Come on, Luther.
Punch out, punch out.
Come on, turn him. Turn him, Luther.
Off the ropes.
Shaw is taking punch after punch.
Can't throw his own.
Clearly, Hernandez wants to finish
in the first round.
No feeling-out process here.
He must be double-parked
because he's in a hearse.
- Oh, look at that.
- An intentional foul.
- That was very, very, low.
- Referee Ray Marsh is all over him.
Luther can take up to five minutes
if he wants to.
If Shaw retaliates with the same,
this will be a dirty fight.
Surprisingly, Hernandez is the one
letting his emotions
- get the better of him.
- Fight clean!
Punch out and move.
Turn him. That's it.
Keep that jab in there,
keep that jab in there.
All night long, all night long, that's it!
Keep him missing!
Shaw's starting to dance...
Oh, Pedro leaps in with a left hook!
- A huge shot!
- Follows with a right-left combination.
Oh, a great shot to the jaw!
And you know what?
Luther's hurt.
He's gotta feel hurt.
Come on, Luther!
Come on, baby! Come on!
There's the bell to end round one.
What a furious pace!
Come on, Ray!
How much rough stuff
you gonna let him get away with?
I'm gonna turn my boy loose next!
I'd pay to see the look
on Kallen's face right now.
Oh, really. Name your price, Irv.
Listen to me, Luther. Listen.
The only chance you got
of winning this fight,
you gotta do what I tell you, now.
He's charging in there
wide open,
- and you ain't making him pay.
- He's hitting me low.
Luther, there comes a point
in every boxing match
where a fight's gotta start, understand?
He hits you low, hit him back.
Get rough with him.
Deep breath.
If you use your skill,
you can beat this boy.
Just give yourself
some punching room, now.
Stand up off him
and box the damn man.
Box him. Use your skill.
Now, come on.
Get up, get up.
There's the bell for round two.
Hernandez applies pressure,
now from behind the jab.
Somebody's opened a can of
Puerto Rican whup-ass out here.
Hernandez is just mauling
him out there.
And now Hernandez
is taunting Shaw.
Come on, Pedro!
Come on! Break!
What the...?
You know something?
If he continues this, he's gonna
lose his title on disqualification.
This could get ugly real fast.
I'm telling you now.
Pedro Hernandez is
very heavy-handed.
He has knockout power
and slow fists.
- Keep them up!
- Yeah, baby!
That's the way to make a hit!
That's it!
Go right back at him!
Get up!
Go on, there, Pedro!
Neutral corner!
One, two...
- Get up, come on!
- Pedro! Pedro! Pedro!
- Four, five, six...
- You OK, Luther?
- Yeah.
- Where are you?
- Cleveland Coliseum.
- What round is it?
- Second.
- The towel's coming out.
- I don't think he'll make this round.
- OK, let's go.
- Hernandez is a great finisher.
Shaw's on rubber legs...
- Hernandez is back at him again!
- Don't.
Can he go for five rounds
of that?
Break, break! Come on, guys!
Break, listen to me here!
Look at that! Shaw comes back
and lands a combination!
Luther Shaw's doing tremendous
harm. And a big left hand!
The head-butt, Dougie!
Come on, now!
Watch the head.
- You OK, Luther?
- Yeah.
OK, let's go.
Come on!
Want some of this?
Send him back to the ghetto!
There's the bell to end round two.
An unbelievable rout.
Four fouls from Hernandez,
and no point deducted.
Who paid for your
vacation break?
I don't believe this. Jackie Kallen
just entered the ring.
- What the...?
- Damn it, back him up!
- Don't let him back you up.
- Let me talk.
- I'll be damned.
- Luther, I've got one minute.
I'm sorry. I screwed up.
I screwed up bigtime.
But you have got to get up.
You can do this. You can handle it.
You are in shape.
You can go 12 rounds.
You are a champion, damn it.
Hernandez is fighting dirty
because he knows
that's the only way he can beat you.
Listen to me. Listen.
You have a chance
to make boxing history tonight.
You have potential for
that kind of greatness.
You don't need me.
You already have it.
Always did.
I want you to get in there,
and you knock this guy's ass
off the champ map.
Come on, Luther. Come on.
Back him up. Back him up.
Switch up on him.
Go right-handed.
Nail his ass when he's charging in.
Now go handle your business.
The Middleweight Championship
of the World, baby. Come on!
What do you think about
everything tonight?
As we get set for round three,
Hernandez rushes out!
He's on fire again!
Shaw is moving better now.
Shaw is moving a little better,
swinging out of the corner.
Whatever Kallen said to him
woke him up.
- He's pumping that jab now too.
- Double that jab up, baby!
What the hell is he waiting for?
Come on! Come on!
Come on, fight!
Come on, fight me!
- Power box his ass!
- What's he waiting for? Come on!
Shaw is not fighting Pedro's fight.
Hernandez is physically enraged!
- Yes!
- A big right hand by Shaw!
And back comes Hernandez!
They're throwing nuclear
weapons in there!
Beautiful shot! Yes!
Hey, quick! Get out of there!
That last body shot inside
wobbled Hernandez.
- I think he's cut!
- Break! Come on, guys!
Break. No holding!
Hernandez's trying to jab
his way in,
but there's nothing on those punches!
Break! Break!
A little bit the tables have turned!
Dancing Shaw is the bully now!
Switch up on him, Luther!
Take it to him now, Luther!
Shaw switches from southpaw
and lands a big right hand!
You got him!
You got him!
- Yes!
- Yes!
- He's cut, he's cut, he's cut!
- Come on!
Come on!
Break! Break!
- Break clean!
- Let me see, Pedro.
- Let me see!
- No, no.
- I'm all right.
- Let me look.
- That's a bad cut.
- You got him!
- No, no, no. Come on!
- He's gonna let it continue.
Hernandez still wants to fight,
but he is doing the same exact move.
And Hernandez moves!
He's out on his feet!
- Yes, yes!
- One, two...
- Get up!
- Get up! Come on!
Oh, my God!
I told you! I told you!
I told you!
Luther! Luther! Luther!
What? What?
Let's take him home!
Jackie! Jackie!
Where she at? Where's Jackie?
Jackie! Jackie!
Luther! Luther! Luther!
Hey, Felix. Always good
to see you, my friend.
And a guest.
Hey, Felix.
Put your goddamn hands up!