Age Of The Dragons (2011)

course I have heard of him / i
like all hunters. / i
It was the time that people
still feared dragons. / i
As a boy he learned to hunt,
traps and snares be placed / i
for himself and his sister alive. / i
But then one day .../ i
the beast came near Kinatra. / i
An animal larger than any dragon
I've ever seen. / i
Altered in one go
future of the young Ahab. / i
When you see such a huge beast,
would frighten even the bravest man. / i
He challenged the beast with all his might / i
and took him to ...
again and again. / i
How he escaped alive nobody knows. / i
His face and body burned. / i
Some say the dragon
deliberately left him alive. / i
Others say he has gone mad / i
and his soul has lost that day. / i
It was the story that made me Ahab
incentive for this trip .../ i
we beaches on Kovinstown
this rainy evening. / i
So you may call me.
And the native name of your friend?
Queequeg, his father was a great warrior.
His name and his soul strains
from great fighters.
It is his face that tells a story.
If he can handle a thousand devils.
That he might, he has never
gone sideways for a fight.
He always has some on hand?
Another round.
- You're a good man?
Well tell me about yourself.
A wanderer an orphan,
the blood began to boil inside me ...
so I figured it's time
to move on.
Ah, an adventurer.
I guess I'm curious
all things in the world.
A poet!
Why are you here looking for Ahab?
I've heard that here
can register ...
to hunt dragons.
Together with the hunters to work
and for us to join Ahab.
It's true ...
the world is run by Dragon Oil.
And the city is the marketplace
for all traders.
Why the cursed man?
He is the best known of the dragon hunters.
That's it ...
that he is, my friend.
Want to tell me,
that you're a harpooner?
Yes, that's me.
Ballast for me!
Is there any ballast, Mr. Starbuck?
We are all ballast, Mr. Stubb.
But to hunt together with Ahab ...
you must answer to God.
Then you have the best harpooner
Are you sure
you're a harpooner?
He's just a fresh beginner.
And you're a fat pig skinned
should be for Easter.
Calm down, Mr.. Floss.
Let's see if he
A match.
This is good enough.
What do you, Mr.. Starbuck?
Would you harpoon it, the dragon
could throw?
You're always worth the
Mr. betting. Stubb.
Let's see how good your poor, boy.
Let us pass.
On the side I told you!
The large white dragon Ahab's legend.
Means you meet him dead.
Except, of course, old Ahab.
Mr. Starbuck, give the boy a harpoon.
I already have one.
A little small?
Okay, Mr. Floss.
Go my way.
Can you beat that?
Good shot.
Well that's something you
not see every day, Mr.. Stubb.
True enough, Mr.. Starbuck.
Well done.
Tell me how this thing works.
It makes the harpoon faster, and ...
- It was just luck.
How are you with a knife?
- Enough!
Whoever it may or not be?
The child of the devil himself.
- Go away drunk.
This is Ahab's daughter, Rachel.
Would you use it against me?
- No.
But if you want to register
the team ...
sign here!
Rachel, I told you ...
- Quiet, you're just an instructor ...
remember that!
You will compete as
the rest of the group ...
in an equal share of the profits.
There are plenty of hunters ...
but not many dare to take
against dragons.
The work is overrated.
A toast to one hundred dragons for Piquat.
Piquat ...
- Piquat, Piquat ...
He goes with me!
Are you sure
it's safe here?
Believe me
I do not need your protection.
We were just leaving anyway.
If that is Ahab's daughter.
Or should I say, Ahab's whore?
You see what scum
nowadays you will find on the street.
We were never good enough
for you to hunt?
Go back!
Tastico, you were not even good enough
the shit out of the vehicle.
Stay out!
Be at sunrise at the departure point,
and party too much.
Hey look it's that old man from the city.
You're the one who needs salvation.
I've seen the book signing.
Have not you heard what I said,
the writing of your souls?
Maybe you have no soul.
Let's go ...
his thoughts are broken.
You have not seen that old devil?
Old devil?
Have I not told
how he was dragged to hell ...
and dragged everyone
on his path of revenge?
His face, his soul,
and torn skin forever.
What's your name?
- Elijah.
And believe me, boy,
but one man will survive,
to Ahab's story to tell.
But a man!
Ah, the adventurers.
So you show up?
Just in time for stocks
bring onboard.
Starbuck! I want to rest.
What is the story of your friend there?
Especially ...
I have known him a long time.
How long you been hunting with this team?
About eight years.
We already have a lot of money.
But again issued.
I have been married three times.
She left ...
I left them all laughing.
They asked me to come back ...
but of course I did not.
Have you ever fought with the white dragon ...
where Ahab is all his life back?
This beast is really bad!
They say he brings death
to the people. Really bad.
The whole team has Ahab's murder
the last time ...
that she came face.
When I signed.
But no boy
I'm never seen.
And I pray God that I never do.
It is better for you that old
metal monster now bless ...
because it will be your home for a while.
Come on let's not hang around
the rest on board.
The vehicle is a strange long Piquat
weatherproof vehicle. / i
screed rings hull protects us / i
from the fire of the dragon. / i
A fuel vehicle. / i
Driving on overcome
bones of their enemies. / i
devised a clever vehicle. / i
On somehow a miracle. / i
But nothing is invincible. / i
We moved inaccessible
documents prohibited countries, / i
looking dragon oil
the best of all oils. / i
And all the lights in our world
burn this oil / i
praising our victories. / i
The size is boss Starbuck. / i
earned a trusted man
who always perseveres. / i
And he does continue
difficulty whatsoever. / i
Even when his wife and children
died of a serious illness. / i
If you looked into his eyes you saw
how much pain / i
he faced. / i
He knew many areas .../ i
and a fearless man is more dangerous
than a coward. / i
Stubb, his second size. / i
He was lucky and captured
the Northern Valley. / i
You do not have to worry,
if it is in place. / i
He controlled most deadly harpoons / i
as if it were dinner parties. / i
Resistant to fire, and more
rope than any else. / i
With this, we are ready to attack. / i
Flask was one big vicious inspiring man / i
with a hardened soul. / i
He was the more abstract / i
and removes the entrails and the abstract / i
from the dragon's throat. / i
He was also our cook. / i
And a very bad cook too. / i
Then there is , Rachel. / i
Always the captains daughter. / i
Always into themselves and hard,
if they never be broken. / i
I gotta show you something.
The world runs on this fluid.
It's just before we
market to sell.
If it comes into contact with air
it will explode.
But our boss and dictator have
I have not seen. / i
He sits in his cabin cold bent
his cards .../ i
made and full of notes
conquests of his long years. / i
Every morning he Rachel
the course to follow. / i
because he stays within his skin. / i
If he comes in the daylight,
he must be completely covered. / i
Every night we share a meal together. / i
The food is bad.
I think you have feelings
Lens damage.
Tell us a story Mr. Stubb.
You have all my stories
heard, Mr. Starbuck.
Not me.
Well, I remember my first hunt.
On a beautiful woman with ...
No, you gave us that all too often told.
Tell us a story dragon Rachel.
Well ...
Tell them about the fight with Vadamoica.
Before I signed with Ahab
I was first to measure a vehicle ...
Vadamoica called.
I was young.
It was before the dragons,
came to the woods and fields.
When you first turn on your dragon spear
to throw ...
are you shaking with fear.
You stand there ...
and the weight of your
harpoon feels like 40 pounds.
You're shaking in your shoes
and when you throw your spear
it feels ...
or your lungs explode.
A man fought with me ...
a good man.
You remember him
or not Mr. Starbuck?
in a flash by the breath of the dragon.
His skin was roasted ...
black and pink before our eyes.
He shriveled down to his knees ...
he was screaming for me
throw throw ... he yelled.
And with the power of Almighty God,
I threw my spear at the beast.
Hit him right here ...
well embedded in his skin.
He collapsed and was
a final battle ...
its wings.
I heard a cry of joy
right for us.
I do not know where
came from boys ...
Despite his pain looked
Whitman on to me ...
and laughed.
He had seen the pitch before he died.
And that was the story of a dragon hunter.
At Whitman.
On Withman a fine man.
Well, boy let me now first
story ...
of that beauty with thick ...
Every night after Stubb's stories
we went to bed / i
safe in the belly of the vehicle. / i
I wondered in what strange adventure
I had arrived. / i
what constituted for me ...
in this journey. / i
days of my life
wasted by killing. / i
that's what I hear from Ahab. / i
running up and down on the deck at night. / i
Always looking for the dragon who opjoeg. / i
And then came the day that he knew
that he had to inspect our souls. / i
Mr. Starbuck? Gather the team.
Rachel get the drink.
Tomorrow we will arrive on the battlefield.
You will all be rich
after this hunt.
But listen to me!
I will double the amount
the first man ...
that impales the white dragon.
No, I triple the amount.
Keep your eyes open and observe.
- Captain?
Was not the white dragon
that you burned?
Cripple you made?
Yes. - Mr. Starbuck.
You know all too well that
the cursed beast it was.
And I will hunt him about any hill.
Even by hellfire
that's what we need to do ...
the white dragon detection impale ...
He spits up black blood.
Do you understand?
- Yes. - Yes. - Yes.
Captain, you know very well
I dare my life.
But I also came to hunt
and rich. Not for Adventure.
How many lives have your revenge
whether or not cost?
You do not reproach me.
I did what I wanted
and I do what I want.
That damned beast has cluttered up
with blind rage.
To seek revenge on such a sample is crazy.
Go ahead call me crazy ...
I would still chase the sun
he would offend me.
Rachel bring the drinks!
Drink and swear peer
chase the white dragon ...
until his death.
Now drinking Harpo down managers.
Well done, almost excellent.
Now, Mr. Starbuck!
It was Rachel who us
led to the drakenhol. / i
She had half a sense gift
dragons to detect. / i
It was my fear that I or one,
Another way was to get under control. / i
Fear freezes you ...
paralysis of spirit and brains. / i
I tried to find them but I
never seen a dragon. / i
I got it.
Hey, get.
Throw throw now, what are you waiting for?
Throw your harpoon.
Step out and throw guy.
Stubb, swim away!
Starbuck get this off me.
Ishmael throw!
I grabbed him and go back Starbuck.
Want my dirty bastard?
Now you are against any animal cope.
His pipe went out anyway.
Goodbye best Stubb.
He loved life.
Laughing at life.
You told me this
the only answer ...
at all strange.
We hunted together in faraway countries wanted.
He did not
he loved hunting.
Now he sits at the dinner
together with the devil.
I think we all eventually
Rachel will do.
- Come in, Mr.. Starbuck.
How's the crew?
Mourning for the loss of Stubb.
That is the risk of your profession Mr. Starbuck.
You live your life as you want.
Yes, but ...
- You do it included with death.
Is your lovely wife or daughter
ever returned ...
in order to console you?
No, Captain.
And they will not.
So forget those memories
the last battlefield.
I've hunted all my life dragons.
I know and can feel
my hand that we are close.
We can load up our car
with fuel,
and are back for spring.
Not until we have completed
the bigger things.
He goes northward to the mountains to
to get clogs.
It moves faster
than in other years.
Centuries, as it feels for me.
I'll show you where we
have an appointment.
You had to throw earlier.
On Mr.. Stubb.
He's right, I had
overdue throw.
You impaled by the dragon's heart
Stubb's what it wants to remember.
Does not he drink?
- He prefers his pipe.
He is at peace with his soul.
You know each other already?
Yes we have traveled the world together.
Seen a lot.
Mysterious and strange.
But nothing is like today ...
or as a woman, as you.
Forgive me.
I have too much to drink.
Hold on!
And will I ever hear your story?
My mother died at my birth.
My father was slain when I was eight.
For Ahab, Starbuck was my father's
first measure.
In the mountains they came
the white dragon ...
Ahab told me that my father,
who first pitched.
He threw a harpoon straight into the beast.
Ahab has tried to save him.
Harpoon Irish are heavy curses.
Sorry! I did not know.
Ahab has adopted me as his own.
Since then he takes me along on every hunt.
Ishmael, you hope that Ahab
you do not see ...
you seduced his daughter.
- I'm sick of you!
Oh fuck up!
If you are not looking and your boyfriend
is not there ...
I will cut ...
- Then I have something for you ...
Ishmael quietly we sleep outside tonight.
If you touch him I chop your head off.
This is where we will find him.
We will impale him and I will
his mask back stabbing.
I will then the white dragon
his narrator are ...
his teacher.
I put my head into that.
And this is my friend the harpoon ...
I have the white dragon ...
threw his skull.
I have not slain this time
I will not fail.
Captain? They are too many years ...
too many years and when you only
but pursues ...
The crew will come with me.
- They swear their souls away ...
as dog food.
Like you did, Mr.. Starbuck
just like you did.
Well, you're with me or against me?
You do not fear
for Mr. Starbuck.
But Ahab ... you should watch out for Ahab.
Rachel tell her that I
will give a new direction.
And so we left
The hunting grounds Grijse windy / i
the country and went into the Dragon-Slayers. / i
We're being followed.
I see him all day,
when I am posting at night.
It will be an individual's
who hunt dragons.
Have you already been in other countries?
A couple of times with Ahab.
You should be careful with Flask.
In the beginning, he
harpooner us ...
but the animals could not face.
He hit him when he
first had to throw ...
Ahab wants him to forget it.
Ahab hates cowards.
He can not tolerate their fear.
He left Flask remain as abstractor.
He wants this thankless job because
he is very close to Rachel.
Now he wants a fight?
- No, he already has one.
I'm going for a piece and you're with me.
There are visible dragons.
They hunt in the woods.
Starbucks says they are teasing you.
I'll be sleepwalking.
Yes. - Will it go up to something?
Well, we know each other yet
good enough. Not yet.
Not yet? - What about you?
I have no posse in my soul.
- Yes, you do.
How long have you let us send by Ahab?
If you have something different with women.
You have to admit that you love
what to leave in the lurch.
No, all I have to admit
is that you're really there for me.
Is that why you my
wants to avenge father's death?
My father that she always wisdom
and sadness do not go together.
Sadness but also counts.
Your father?
- Yes, he committed suicide ...
when I was ten.
My mother went though
they only could handle ...
but there are lesions that
do not recover.
I had to bury her
and m `s older brother took me to his house.
But his wife do not like me.
So I crept away with the mine caravan.
And you filled your pockets with gold?
I found only empty dreams.
Until I met Queequeg,
He was the hunter of the caravan.
Everyone kept alive by
his skill with his spear.
He was my teacher.
And friend.
- And shared your hunting area?
Well poet, what can you tell me
on your travels?
The presence of negotiations
drunks ...
fraud, deceit, murder and kidnapping ...
All that is behind the death.
You realize that, for death.
Love ... personal things
are the only ones worth something.
It is nice to receive interest
if you meet it.
You'll encounter all Rachel.
Pure as snow, but I felt this thing.
Be on your guard.
The mark of the beast.
Ready Made before his crucifixion.
I'm torn.
You can see it all.
The Sacrifice ...
the shame ... the great white dragon.
He just grabs and kills his own kind.
But it's him or me.
Starbuck see you now
as I showed you on the map.
Let us go back.
There is an anger in some souls / i
that goes so deep into the darkest fields, / i
surrounded by death. / i
They fly all over elusive creatures. / i
Queequeg and I are trapped
In Ahab's vengeance. / i
It feels like we are trapped.
We would have to go away.
For Rachel.
Your two up, now.
Mr. Starbuck and I will
our last trip plans ...
through the mountain.
You have until the morning, Rachel.
How much?
- Enough to keep the richest ...
Females ...
It seems that at least thirty.
Could be.
We only have until the morning.
Then we should go.
Why? This is what we came.
We can fill our packing space
alone of this fold.
Ahab has commissioned
kill them all.
You have them all slain Rachel?
Mr. Hurry. Flask!
I said stop, Mr. Flask.
Captain we have the necessary oil-Fitri.
Hey ...
Did I not tell you.
Did I not tell Mr. Starbuck?
You did.
Get on board. We must go.
With all the oil-Fitri?
Too late. We have to go right now.
We must follow him to his nest.
Queequeg? Queequeg?
- It's a sign.
I will die in a short time.
Has everyone gone mad?
We have not slain.
The white dragon has come
to tell me ...
I'm a murderer ...
and did nothing all slaughtered.
I must die.
We can not just go away.
- Of course we can.
It's silly to go away.
Captain may have
we think about it.
You know what to do Mr. Starbuck.
That's what we came and all
animals have been slaughtered.
It was the oil-Fitri.
- Are you questioning my orders?
So we have not slain?
There is enough oil-Fitri by killing ...
for the rest of your life rich.
That is why we
that journey.
You think I will survive year after year ...
dragging and struggling, and yes slaughter ...
for the money or admit
in negotiations?
Do you think I want?
You think I wear body
knock on this barren land ...
For more than you are alive ...
hollo me the attraction of death?
After years I decided, despite
the humiliation ...
return to the marketplace ...
to stay alive for another year.
Before I got a chance so I
the white dragon can kill.
I will not be stopped
my goal.
I will stop you.
How ... without your guard ...
Where did he go?
He's in a trance.
He will not save you.
I kind of already happened.
They withdraw into themselves back ...
if they violated their ancient habits.
I will not tolerate mutiny.
Make his arms together
Mr. fixed. Starbuck ...
and chain him to the back.
Mr. Flask, grab the chains.
With pleasure.
- Rachel, no!
Together we have come this far.
This is the beast that killed your father.
He teases us and challenge us.
He knows we want to kill.
Now you bring the vehicle in motion.
Why? Why did you betray me?
I loved you like a son.
Beware of yourself old man!
There is only one God, and
a captain on this vehicle.
You had to warn me!
But I forgive you Rachel.
Just as I am your father forgave.
I told you that I get.
Imprisoned, chained and
at the rear of the vehicle.
By some twisted fate
a kind of retaliation.
To let me lead to forgiveness?
I do not know.
But I know I hated Ahab.
I hated that fucking old man.
You take the second?
Look to the deck if we followed.
Yes, I have already told people
seen going into a trance ...
just like this for days.
Ichmail, should not have done.
He had to expect.
Like Starbuck, Ahab wanted stabbing down.
Ahab will let him back inside.
The captain will let him back inside.
It's ...
It's just we do, Rachel.
Do you understand that?
- Ishmael, our spear throwing.
Ahab needs him.
Ishmael, you got to eat.
Ahab wants you all
not have out here.
I do not want you out here are.
Please talk with him once.
You can come along and inside
discuss with him.
Rachel Starbuck he has slain.
Starbucks wanted to murder him.
Do not you understand?
- No, you do not understand.
This is Ahab's vehicle.
He responded in self-defense.
Rachel, I care about you.
If that is true you to come inside,
and talk to the Captain.
There is no talk
with someone who's crazy.
Ahab? - What's going on?
- They steal the oil-Fitri.
Ishmael can come on board.
He has earned for itself.
Bring me my spear back.
Yes, sir.
Do you stay or leave us Queequeg?
... It is time to decide.
To decide what?
You follow?
An old man who damaged his
fears chasing.
Grab your share and leave.
We stood in a field of carnage.
Why did you let them out?
You fucking psychopath. You've just
slain more than I will ever do.
I am a killer, I kill only
what I needed.
You know all too well.
For I must now pay.
I have offended the gods.
Gods ... Gods.
Sun moves by itself?
Or is there anyone up there ...
some god?
Seems a star by itself ...
or he is guided by some
invisible power?
How can one little heart beat by itself?
How brains can think for themselves?
In all those years Queequeg
you that you have wondered.
Like me.
And who will want to try us.
Where do murderers go Queequeg?
Where? Damn.
You're driven, I am passionate ...
the fate of our own will.
Therefore, we all suffer?
We must anchor here.
Why are we stopping?
- Furthermore, we can not.
The rest we can walk.
You must lower the anchors
of the vehicle ... they are frozen.
I want you, I need you.
You know. - I kill you!
Nobody can hear us.
You have to come with me as
you give to Rachel.
I know you do.
He does not come along.
Yes I must do.
We must come face Tanis.
You gotta help me this
dragon hunt in his nest.
I need you, Ishmael.
Rachel needs you.
We will never again get this chance.
I've never been so close to ...
to meet our father.
You need me ... not protect Ishmael.
I know.
But I want to do this.
For you.
And so we followed Ahab. / i
Climbing up to the dragon's nest. / i
to the caves of death. / i
Fiquay, followed us even though he
he ran to meet his death. / i
He was closer to something
which he had ever believed / i
that he would not survive. / i
I know another entrance to the nest.
Ishmael I can not go with you.
I see.
- I'll stay here.
I pray for you.
- I'll be right back.
Monitor the roof.
We need to lure him here.
All those years you told me
the dragon that killed my father ...
while it was you!
I thought he now
to dust was gone.
Do not you dare lie to me
that's your harpoon in his back.
He was a coward.
He deserved to die.
I would accept and not cowardice.
- So you killed him ...
not surprising because he wanted to be like you?
Where do murderers go Ahab?
He ran, he would not himself
under the eyes.
Fearfulness. Can you not understand that, Rachel?
That is why I return.
I was ...
I ran ...
ICEM / i
I ran away.
She was still alive.
But I was afraid
and was a coward, ran away ...
I can not ... escape the screams.
I ... I can not ...
like a coward.
I ... will therefore always ...
marked by him.
You must understand that my
have sacrificed life ...
to avenge myself.
I am closer than ever before.
I almost had him stuck in a corner ...
with your father.
Go to hell.
You just might kill you
of your guilt free.
Let's go!
You can not just leave.
No, no! Queequeg.
Queequeg no, no.
I'll kill you old man!
I saw before my eyes to how the Demon
joined by his gods. / i
Rachel was again released from his captivity / i
from his retaliatory action. / i
All men were slain, as was said. / i
Only one man survived. / i
That's all I have to say. / i