Aha Naa Pellanta (2011)

Emperor of comedy who gave comedy
to the world like nectar,
your memory is imbibed forever
in the smiles of Telugu people,
this film 'Aha Naa Pellanta'
is dedicated to you with love.
Though prices are
shooting up every day,
l'm offering you coconut
every day without fail,
but you're unfair to me,
today if you show a proposal
which l will like,
only then l'll offer you a coconut,
if not l'll use it for making chutney,
is this deal okay to you, God?
Name of this man who has a deal
with God himself is Ananda Rao,
He's very famous in the
twin districts of Godavari.
Not as a doctor but after seeing over
he has a different style in
assessing marriage proposals,
watch it now!
What would you like to
have, brother-in-law?
lf everything is okay,
he'll have betel leaves,
if not he'll take all expenses.
He's Narayana Pantulu,
if Ananda Rao is famous
for seeing so many proposals,
Narayana is famous for showing
him so many proposals,
he's the main character of this story.
She's my wife and she'll greet you now.
- He's my brother.- Greetings.
She's his wife.
- Greetings.
And she is...
- You shut up!
Please call my driver standing outside.
- Why?
l want to introduce him.
l didn't get you.
- l got it. Bring the girl.
l'm not saying because she's my daughter,
though she looks like Simran,
but she's Savithri in traditions.
He named her as Gayathri
and that's their history.- Well said.
She's good.
She'll become Goddess of wealth
if you say okay.- That's my worry.
What's this brother-in-law?
She's a angel, l can't ruin her life by
fixing her marriage with a rogue.
What are you saying, brother-in-law?
l'll tell you about my boy in short.
He brushes teeth with Beer,
and takes bath in bar,
entire day he's with goons
and with girls at night,
recently dating come here,
he said he's trying that too.
l can't fix your daughter
for him and ruin her life.
You must forgive me.
lf you're so open,
it won't be nice if l'm don't open.
You said about your family in short.
l want to tell you about
my family shorter than you.
l've two sons along with a daughter.
They come home once in
a while for festivals.
Are they working and living in city?
No, they murder people
and live in jails.
To tell you the truth they can't sleep
in 5 star hotel too except in jail.
Next to tell about my daughter,
if your boy smokes,
my daughter drinks rum,
if your boy roams with goon,
my daughter roams with boys,
maintaining accounts with
Orkut, Twitter, Facebook,
trust me she's always chatting,
may l tell you another thing
which can make you feel proud,
that my daughter will drink
two pegs more than your boy,
l assure you as her father.
But she's sitting like
an innocent wax doll.
lt's all set up!
Did you see how stylish she's like
Mumaith Khan removing the veil?
l think it's better to stay out.
l asked for a Seetha for
my Lord Rama like boy,
how dare you show me a Silk Smitha!
l'll kill you!
Family of my boy's wife must have any
connection to goons for seven generations.
What do you think of my nephew? Come!
Wear the sari...we're making her
wear sari, she'll look beautiful.
So using this software,
we can stop pirated software, CD's
and DVD's reaching market.
Subbu, you're doing the wrong thing.
- What did l do sir?
lf you sell the same product
to any American company,
you can become a millionaire.
l like my product to be made in lndia
than becoming a millionaire.
His name is Balaraju,
he's manager of the company
in which our hero works,
he's so busy that...
l don't have the time to
tell you my phone number,
l'll give my peon's number
if you want, note it down,
call him and get my number.
What's it? l don't have time
to talk to you, l'm not free.
Your land is also not free,
somebody has occupied it.
Let him occupy it.
No time to talk to him also.
lf it's necessary, ask him to come here.
You know l'm very busy.
Our busy Balaraju is throwing
a party to entire office staff,
make a guess.
You come to office an hour late,
but you came two hours
early to the party, why?
What will we have if we come early?
- Drinks.
What will we have if come late?
- Same drinks.
He's already finished.
Who is he?
- My friend.
Your friend?- Who is he then?
- His friend.
Your friend?
One who gave party is finished.
Then who is he?
- By the way who are you man?
Who am l? Tell him...
He's the man who is
throwing this party.
ls it you?
You please sit here sir.
Please come and sit here sir.
How dare you ask me who am l
one who is giving the party!
Who is he drinking,
eating and faltering? Your friend?
Why did you call your friends only,
why not your entire colony?
Good idea.
- l tried sir, no time.
Few people went out of
station without information.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
l would've postponed the party.
Entire colony would've descended
here and cleaned the bar.
They missed it sir. Do you know why
l'm giving this party?- For drinks!
Shut up!
l don't know sir.
- Do you know?
Who wants to know it?
- Do you at least know it?
- You too don't know.
lt's better to offer Subbu a Pepsi
instead of giving you a party.
Subbu is here!
He's coming great like a full bottle.
Though l'm very busy, nobody here
knows why l'm giving this party.
You at least tell them.
Balaraju is leaving his 40 year old
bachelor's life to this bar.
ls he giving up worldly life?
No, he's going to marry.
- Who is giving him a bride?
Though somebody is giving him bride,
he's giving us a party, right?
You too have a peg.
- No sir.
Please come here.
- No sir...
lf you don't drink, it's sworn on me.
- Take it, Subbu.
Saturday evening gathering in pub...
Monday to Friday we worked hard
and turned mad...
Let's relax and get recharged...
Let anyone say anything,
the world is ours...
Culture which shows the right path...
lf not you'll face the heat...
Everything is open...
Let's rock it...
Oh l'm getting married...
Not their marriage...
Who are you?
- Who are you?
Leave it!
That's my pant!
Who the hell are you?
You're in my flat
so l should ask you that.
By the way, who are you?
How could l come to your flat
without knowing you?
Why did you kidnap me and
what have you done with me?
Kidnap? l'm not worth that much.
Where is my dress?
Try to remember, were you
wearing clothes last night?
l'll beat you with slippers.
Look there! l think that's your dress.
How did it get tear?
- How did it happen?
You did something with me.
Don't cry...please don't dry.
l too don't know what had
happened last night. Trust me.
Excuse me...please don't cry.
Why is she coming at me like
Aghora of film 'Arundhati'?
Please trust me.
l don't know how your clothes got tear,
if you want, l'll mend it.
lf you insist, l'll buy you new dress.
But please don't manhandle me.
l beg you.
Father, please forgive me.
l committed a sin!
What's this madness!
Please listen to me.
Stop l say! lf you die committing sin,
l'll get lynched by police.
Come...come l say!
My visiting card.
- Why?
l like!
Are you crazy?
l like this dress very much
and sentimental about it too.
To return it to me.
What again now?
Can you give me your phone number?
- Why?
lf you forget about the dress,
l'll call to remind you.
l'll not give.
- No please...
Where did you vanish from
last night's party?
Who is she?
Some crazy girl.
l mean building a mental hospital,
seeking donation.
Did you give?
- l did.
Then, why are you still talking
to her on road?
Useless lazy people are living happily
by collecting donations.
lsn't the girl beautiful?
- Yes.
What's the confusion?
What happened to you?
That's what l'm also confused about!
Something is wrong with you.
l've to go for shopping.
Good morning sir.
Who dropped me home last night?
- Didn't you drop me home then?
Not yet out of hangover!
- Why should one drink then?
Why don't you answer me? Gone deaf!
- Mind blocked!
What happened?
- Nothing.
Your nothing says something had happened,
tell me what had happened?
Nothing happened, sir? Trust me.
l can make cock to lay eggs,
can't l make you sing the truth?
Always speaks about chicken and eggs,
were you working in poultry farm earlier?
One slap and you'll end up
as chicken 65.
Why are you arguing with him?
He's still in hangover. Come with me.
Nothing sir, last night a girl...
- Did you hook up with any girl?
She came.
Did she? What did you do with her?
l don't remember sir.
- What did the girl do with you then?
l don't remember that too, sir.
Neither you remember what you did
nor what she did with you.
Did you enjoy so much then, boy?
You're very lucky!
Till now l saw only comedy angle in you,
l'm seeing the romantic angle
in you for the first time.
l shouldn't say this but
you're very lucky.
l wish l too had it.
l would be saved from wearing
these lousy wigs.
Baby girl or baby boy?
- lt's boy!
Whose features he has?
- His dad's!
What are you saying?
- About what you were talking to me.
Nothing of that sort.
Are you testing for pregnancy
without anything happened?
Don't shout!
How long this affair is going on,
and how and when did it happen?
Please tell me, how did it happen?
lt happened last night!
- Last night?
l'm tensed.
Would l get pregnant in
one night stand?
l've been asking you leave for two days,
why not grant me sir?
No time, am l sitting free here?
Sir, he's the man who has
occupied your land.
Will you occupy my land
because l'm busy?
l don't have time to forgive you also,
leave my land immediately.
l too don't have time
to leave your land.
Are you busier than me?
Stop for a moment!
Where are you going now?
- Your dad's place!
lt's Miyapur not your dad's place.
l don't have time to lodge complaint
against you with police,
there's police station on your way,
lodge a complaint against yourself.
Sir, l forgot to tell you,
there's someone here to meet you.
Wants to meet you.
l don't have time,
tell them l'm very busy.
Not for you but for our Subrahmanyam.
For me?
- Yes sir.
Who is it?
lt seems you know them.
Waiting on terrace,
wants you to come there.
Shall l also join you?
You're busy, aren't you sir?
So be busy.
You said l know you in reception,
but l don't know who you are!
Will you beat me for saying
l don't know you are?
Why are you beating a single man?
l beg you sir, please leave me.
You please tell them sir,
you appear to be a good man.
Am l hanging any bill board
on face that l'm a good man?
He's the right man!
Start the discussion.
What do you mean by discussion, sir?
Will you beat anyone for failing
to recognise you?
Why are you getting serious?
How could you see seriousness
in this comic face?
Sir, at least you tell me.
We'll leave you, if you play a game.
That too only if you win.
- l can play dice game very well.
Am l running any eunuch
company to play dice game?
My company is different.
Do you know to play
singing song with last word?- l know sir.
Then start!
- That is...that is...- Sing l say!
Pain...pain...heart is in pain...
She pinches me all over...
She squeezes my nerves...
and makes me fall in love...
Sir last word is 'Tha'.
my innocent eyed beauty...
There's a super singer in you sir.
- Shut up!
Sing the next song.
- What was the last word sir?
Boys, scratch his memory.
Na'...l was born...this world laughed...
l laughed...this world cried...
Who the hell bothers about this world?
You're a flower that withers,
why do you want to sing songs?
The gardener is not with you...
Oh falling night sky,
why do you need colourful horizon?
The world has turned dark long back...
This night will never break into a dawn...
This is wrong game,
how can l sing from middle?
Shut up! Start from where ever l end.
lf you want the world to change,
it's you who must change...
Brother! Shall l finish him?
ls it any film song?
- Yes. Song from new film.
We didn't watch it.
- ls it my mistake sir?
l got it sir.
You're not beating me
for not knowing you sir,
you're beating me to know
something from me. What's it sir?
You're very smart boy! Come!
Take it out!
Oh God, knife!
Please don't kill me, sir.
Do you know him?
Who is he, sir?
My father, Godfather to 100 villages!
Great man! Appears to be living!
But l'm sorry he's no more with us.
The photo is effusing life, sir.
l'll wring your neck!
My father is still alive!
Do you know who they are?
Great! As if showing senior NTR's
photo and asking who is he?
Are you praising me?
Tell me clearly who they are?
You three, sir.
Do you know who she is?
l don't know sir.
- Bloody rogue!
Tell me.- Know her but don't know
how l know her.
She's our sister.
l didn't do anything with her.
l swear on you, sir.
lt's not wrong to fall
in love with girls.
But cheating them with
your sweet talk is wrong.
You know your mistake very well.
Marry my sister!
Please listen to me, sir
l haven't done any mistake.
Start reverse discussion with him.
Pull me up sir.
Please leave me sir.
Leave me sir!
lt seems he'll go down to buy
chocolates, leave him boys.
Leave me doesn't drop me down.
l beg you sir, please don't leave my legs.
Don't leave me sir.
l'll be at your feet only.
l'll do whatever you say.
You've been seeing everything straight,
why not see upside down for change?
l beg all three of you,
please pull me up sir.
l'm feeling giddy.
- Feeling giddy? Pull him up!
Bloody front benchers!
Why isn't anyone answering me?
l'm a very busy man.
lt seems he's very busy man,
start discussion, he'll leave quickly.
Brother, you read it.
What it says...
l told them to study while in school
but they spent time fighting others, fools.
Both are illiterates!
Hey short man! You read it.
l'm Balaraju not short man!
Are you pumpkin Balaraju?
- How do you know it sir?
Your face is like pumpkin
with eyes, ears and nose.
That's why you called me like that sir.
- Read it!
Were you trying to read it like this?
Due to the circumstances,
September 2, 2010, within the police
station limits of Madhapur,
that night l, known as Subbu,
because l'm blamed for a mistake,
according to the amended
lndian penal code...- Stop it!
Are you reading it like
supreme court judgement?
Give the paper to him.
Write whatever l say.
For the mistake committed on my sister,
and accepting you're entirely
responsible for it, and sign it.
l didn't commit any mistake, sir.
Shall we start again the song game?
Song game...no please.
Why are you laughing pumpkin?
l feel like laughing looking
at your innocence, sir.
Signature on stamped paper is
not valid without witness signature.
Days are changed.
You've good experience.
- Yes.
You sign as witness.
- Me?
Why did you give him an idea?
Can't you keep shut?
Sign it!- My mother said to stand guaranty
but never sign any paper.
Give me a gun!
- Give me a pen!
From now onwards Subbu is our man,
if he steps outside without
our permission.
- You'll cut the legs!
You're very sharp!
- Your discussion was that good!
You want us to take your head?
What's this sir?
Have you become their covert?
What to do? l got angry
seeing them beating you.
Later l got scared.
Then l was astonished.
- l feel pity seeing you.
My fate!
Why are you like a dressed chicken?
How long were you here?
- Just now an hour back.
So, you've seen the entire scene.
l didn't see anything, you going
inside and falling on their feet,
and they kicking you,
and dressing you up,
l didn't see anything sir.
So, you've seen everything.
You'll not tell anyone about this, right?
- lf l don't you may feel bad, right?
Have you decided like that?
l think you requested for leave, right?
- Tomorrow would be better.
Not just tomorrow, take four days off.
Take it.
That's him!
l told you about, right?
He looks like Andhra Amitabh
but little comical face.
Your brothers are huge but have no brains.
- What happened?
Though i said nothing happened,
they flogged me like a dog.
l may need few weeks
for the wounds to heal.
Then they're not my brothers.
- What makes you so confident?
lf my brothers beat you need
few months to heal not just weeks.
lf they had beat you...
l'm not here to know from you,
if l'm lucky or not.
He said they'll talk to your
father about our marriage.
With father?!
She fell in love with a man
and got cheated, sir.
When l asked him to marry her,
he refuses and tells me to go to hell.
Who is he?
Sl of the neighbouring police station.
You want marriage or life.
- Marriage sir.
Sir, tell me sir.
l must see fear of death in the
eyes of Sl if he refuses to marry.- Okay sir.
Bye sir.
Durga, let's play a game.
- Okay father.
When you play chess, your mind should
also be alert along with your hands.
What happened to you?
Father, l don't know how to
break the news to you.
What happened?
That is...it seems someone loves sister.
You're telling me about this
after killing him, right?
Take the vehicle.
l did go to kill him, father.
But l came to know sister too loves him.
l wanted to celebrate her marriage
so grandly to rock entire district.
How did this happen?
What has happened now?
- What the hell are you saying son?
Yes father, you promised then to get married
to the man who cheated her,
but when l said sister loves him,
you're ordering to kill him,
is it justice, father?
Father, you always said one thing,
do you remember it?
No woman in land of Warangal must
shed a tear till we're alive.
lf you say no to this marriage,
it'll happen in our home.
The boy is very good,
we too like him, father.
l must approve him first!
bring him here, l'll talk to him.
lf anything goes wrong,
you'll not only lose our family honour,
but your father's life too.
Looks like he's putting on weight behind,
he's cutting our calls.
Call Balaraju, you can get hold of him.
- You're right!
l'm busy Balaraju here,
who are you?
Are you a beast from jungle?
Can't even say a hello properly.
ls it you sir? Greetings sir.
l lifted it stylishly
without knowing it was you sir.
Style? lt won't suit your face.
You're right sir.
Why is your friend cutting my phone calls?
l mean i don't know sir.
lt's okay if he answers my call now,
if not your pumpkin will get
a good stylish discussion.
No need of discussion for such a small thing.
He's in office only.
Give the phone to him.
Tell him l'm not here.
- Take it.
Why are you not answering my calls?
That is...l lost my phone.
lf you lie to me like this,
you'll get lost not your phone.
Stop acting smart with me.
l told about you to my father,
he ordered to kill you,
don't worry,
l managed to change his mind,
my father wants to meet you,
come to Warangal.
l'll come sir.
- Okay, bye.
What did he say?
- He wants me to come to Warangal.
Go, it'll be over.
lf l go, they'll force marriage on me sir.
Will you marry her if they ask you?
Come, let's go to the police station.
Let's lodge a complaint.
No use.
- Why?
Not just policemen, if necessary
they'll buy police station too.
Sorry, they'll occupy it.
Are you here?
l've been searching for you.
They called again for you.
Can't you tell them l'm not
here if they call you?
They threatened to kill me.
They've hooked on to me
like computer virus.
Aren't hooked up with their sister?
They were not with me,
but you know me very well, right?
l wasn't with you then.
The situation synced like that.
Will Osama keep quiet
he gets hold of a bomb?
lf you give your tuft in his hands,
won't he pull it?
You've to endure the pain.
- Can't we do anything about it?
You can have as many hairstyles
as possible if you've thick hair.
lf you've a plan,
you can escape at any cost.
What's it?
Vanish for week to somewhere,
come back after everything settles down.
You had great time last night, right?
Look there!
Aren't they like angels?
l suspect l'm the King of heaven.
No doubt it's him.
By any chance he knows we're here.
- Why are you afraid?
ls it Hyderabad? This is Goa,
what the hell can he do here?
He can't even pluck a hair strand from wig.
Give me the phone.
Why are they so helpful?
Talk to him, bloody.
- l'm not bloody but Bala.
Talk to him.
ls there any new Warangal in Goa?
l asked you to come here
but you've gone to Goa.
l mean Goa has a beach, right?
Wherever you may on this earth,
my shadow will reach there before you.
Take away from your mind
of escaping from me.
Did you see the African before you?
He'll cut you into pieces
and feed it to fishes.
Give the phone to pumpkin Balaraju.
lt seems he wants to talk to you.
- With me?
Talk to him.
l told you the style will
not suit your face.
Pumpkin, looks like you're
great time in Goa.
There's a white woman before
you in the beach,
do you like her?
- l like her very much.
l'm sure she would also like me.
She's staring at me.
Wear a loincloth, you're not that worth,
she's my henchwoman.
- Your henchwoman?
Shall l kill him, boss?
Shall l kill him?
Pack them to Hyderabad.
Okay, l've booked a flight.
Come, if not they may kill us.
l expected this African would help
but he's threatening us.
lf you say African, l'll kill you, go.
- Come sir.
What ever it is, l'm happy flying
in a private flight for the first time.
Why are you flying the plane
in drunken state?
Are we driving car on Hyderabad roads?
Flying a plane.
Just taking off and landing,
it'll do the rest on it's own.
You're right sir,
to tell you the truth,
flight journey is fantastic
compared to bus or train.
l've a doubt.
How long it'll take to reach Hyderabad?
Nothing much, before we get introduce
ourselves, we'll be in Hyderabad.
ls it?
- That's all.
l'm Subbu and he's Balaraju.
- l'm busy Balaraju.
My name is lyer.
- lyer?
Little long but fantastic!
No, still there!
- Still there?
Your name is great!
Not just Hyderabad, we can go to America
before you tell your full name.
Sir, this is not full name,
it's just my pet name.
Pet name? Full name is different?
What's your name sir?
Don't worry, l'll manage.
You're always flying in sky, right?
Did you ever see the Sun?
Many a times, you can find it
somewhere here only.
What about moon then?
- What happened sir?
Don't ask me about the moon sir?
- Why?
While l was a toddler,
my mother fed me showing moon,
and called the moon,
but it never came,
my mother felt bad and l was hurt,
and then l became a pilot,
l've been searching for
but l do meet the Sun every day,
if l see the moon...
- Calm down sir.
Calm down sir.- l'll manage him.
- How?
l'll divert him with music.
Come moon...
- He'll never come.
l've been waiting here for 30 years,
he'll not come.
Come moon...come lunar...
Sir, you please don't get excited.
Why are only moon songs being played?
Change the channel.
We are running bad time,
today is full moon day.
You try this time.
- Me?
You're a crescent moon...
- He'll never come sir.
Call him in any language Hindi, Tamil,
or Malayalam, he'll not come.
You come here.
- Where?
Keep this.
- How can you fly the plane?- l'm hurt sir..
Why are you holding it like
an experienced pilot?
He told me hold it.
- Will you if he says so?
You shouldn't hold whatever he says.
Oh no! He's drinking again.
- Shall we ask few pegs?
We're heading towards hills,
what shall we do now?00 42
We'll go over it in seconds.
- You're responsible for it.
Don't hit...
He got drunk and fell down.
What shall we do now?
We're hitting the hills,
l'll turn this!
ls there anybody there?
Can you hear our plight?
l can hear it.
- Not you...
Nobody is hearing us.
Anybody there?
- Anybody there?
Greetings, my name is DK Bose.
People call me as Bose DK too.
Welcome to Hyderabad flying club!
- What bloody welcome?
We're dying here.
Your voice is good.
- Good voice? Shall l sing a song?
No need, just tell me your problem.
Give me.
We're in a private plane and
pilot got drunk and fell down.
Who is flying the flight now?
lt's me!
Who is this me?
l'm Subbu!
Look, Subbu Subbu Subbu.
- Just one Subbu only sir.
Look just one Subbu only!
Do you've any experience
of flying a flight?
What bloody experience!
He doesn't know anything,
pilot fell down getting drunk.
Please get us down, l beg you sir.
Before you get down, you must know
few important things,
to know how to land the flight,
you must know how it takes off,
and then you must know
how to fly after it takes off,
before that you must know
what a flight really is!
Generally this private plane
weighs 20 tons and 300 grams.
it has two engines,
two propellers, and two fans.
Bloody rogue! l think you'll kill us.
Just tell us how to land it.
To land the flight,
there are two emergency doors,
the third is in the cockpit,
l'm here to tell you this.
Now you watch ahead!
Tell me what do you see?
We can see death!
No, before your death,
can you see a round thing?
Yes, there is.
There's red button next to it.
- l've pressed it.
You mustn't press it, if you do,
the main engine will stop.
Why did you press it without
hearing him fully?
How dare you hit the manager!
We're dying in minutes now,
who bothers about manager or employee.
Though main engine stops,
the second engine will start.
Start is the name of the company.
Very good company.
But not even the company can
guaranty when it'll shut down.
But we'll die surely.
- Look sir, a hoarding!
l beg you, please guide us to land.
Please tell me where the needle
is in your petrol indication meter.
lt's showing red signal sir.
lt means you're running out of petrol.
- No petrol?
Shouldn't you check the petrol?
- Why are you beating your employee?
We're dying now, who bothers about that!
You wait, what should we do now sir?
Which direction you're heading?
- Without any direction.
Then repeat whatever l say
without missing any word.
Go ahead.
O God!
- O God!
Hail Lord Venkatesha!
- Hail Lord Venkatesha!
lf we had committed any sin,
please forgive us.
lf we had committed any sin,
please forgive us.
Please show mercy and take us to you.
Please show mercy and take us to you.
We don't want to die!
Whether you agree or nor,
death is inevitable to all men.
Because death is the ultimate truth,
nobody can escape from it.
l'm not saying this, many epics tell us.
Humans can't know how death
nears them step by step.
lt hits you suddenly.
Sir, death is coming at us!
Bloody rogues!
Were you asking my help or my life?
Never in my life l sought
any help from anyone till now.
We've reached...sit tight!
We've reached sir.
- Why are you walking like on main road?
You'll die, move away.
- Why are you leaving me?
How is Goa?
- l'm in Hyderabad not in Goa.
How come?
Those rowdy brothers threatened me
with men and brought back here.
Now they want me to come to Warangal
in two days later with their sister.
l'm scared.
Don't get scared, just do as l say.
Meet the girl directly...
To escape from your brothers' torture,
you must help me.
What help?
That is...get a virginity test done.
l know one mustn't ask a girl this,
but l'm disturbed by this problem,
l really don't know what l'm doing.
Why is she here at this hour?
Why are you coming to my house
at dusk like Chandramukhi?
By any chance is this your home
in your previous birth?
This is your dress.
You said you're sentimental about it, right?
That's why l brought it.
l need to talk to you.
Please sit down.
l thought about what you said.
- What's it about?
ls it about my home?
This is my only possession.
Not about it.
l want to go for the medical checkup.
Thanks you understood my problem.
Would you like to have some juice?
Song books, cook books,
design books, joke books...
l can't walk anymore.
l can't.
Didn't eat anything since yesterday.
l'm damn tired.
Give me two biscuit packets please.
Please hold on, l'll sell at least
one book and buy you food.
Story books...songs book...
Cook books...
- Careful madam.
Design books, joke books...
- How much is the cost of each book?
Rs.20 each.
- Give me 5 books.
Take it sir.
Won't you read it?
- l don't read books.
He would be happy if you'd given him
money instead of buying books.
He wouldn't take money.
Though visually impaired he's determined
to earn decent living.
He has no idea to beg.
l can't give charity and
hurt his self respect.
Oh God! Bombs!
What's that for?
Hail son-in-law!...
Welcome to Bomb like son-in-law!
Fans of son-in-law Subrahmanyam
Don't bow your head, son-in-law sir.
Hey come here!
That's good!
Long live...long live...
Who is this Warangal Vinayakudu?
Local MLA, brother-in-law!
Oh knife!
What for this blood donation?
Hail future son-in-law!
Don't cry, l promise yourjob
is done, go.
Why are you sitting here like
waiting for biryani? Go.
Sir, l don't have anyone, you must help...
- Take him away.
Brother, keep me in mind.
Why is your home like the location
of Ramgopal Varma's film 'Rathri'?
How are the arrangements?
Aren't they tightly secured?
lt's like festival outside
and l look like a scapegoat,
it looks like a sacrifice.
How can you think we'll sacrifice you
after inviting for marriage?
l'm here to avoid this
sacrificial marriage. l'm with this.
What's that?
lt's like power to politician,
gun to the police,
camera to the TV9.
People you mentioned now
wet their pants on seeing us.
lf you don't get what l said now,
you'll never whatever l may say.
This is the doctor's report that
nothing happened between us that night.
We know about our sister,
she's pure like gold.
lf she's gold make jewellary
or pledge it with Manapuram.
Please don't torture me.
Why are you leaving the place?
ls it public garden to enter
and go at your will?
You must meet my father.
- l said nothing happened between us.
We announced you both are getting
married to entire town.
l said nothing happened,
why don't you listen to me?
You should've told us yesterday,
you're late by one day.
Why did you rush if l got late?
We thought you rushed before marriage,
so we rushed for the marriage.
No use in talking to you,
l'll talk to your father.
No need to meet father, brother-in-law.
Don't call me brother-in-law.
l feel like you're abusing me.
l've come so far,
can't l meet your father?
Will you? Go!
You'll get dumbstruck on seeing my father.
Next you'll wet your pant.
You'll get straightened up! Go!
Are you threatening me?
l'm not here in fear but with proof.
Sir, l beg you sir.
l beg you sir,
l haven't done any mistake.
Please leave me sir.
Please trust me sir.
Please tell me what's my mistake,
l'll go away sir.
l thought he's Godfather
but he's a bad father.
How am l to tell him?
Who is that?
Father, we told you about him,
he's Subbu.
Bash him till he agrees to marry.
You look tired from journey, take rest.
You don't worry brother-in-law,
everything will go on smoothly.
Brother is calling you.
Take bath, let's have lunch.
Am l new son-in-law visiting
your home for festival?
What did you promise in Hyderabad?
You said you'll tell
your father and help me.
Now you're giving towel and
asking me to take bath.
l'm talking seriously,
is it comedy to you?
You've a tail!
- Tail?
Elders do violence here and
kids are nuisance. Take it.
l'll talk to father tomorrow morning.
Please forgive me father.
l'm sad for whatever had happened.
Actually, what really had happened was...
You needn't have to tell me,
l know everything.
No, father.
What has to happen will happen,
l'll ensure it.
Did you talk to your father?
- l did.
Did you tell him everything
that had happened?
He never gave me that opportunity.
Didn't give? What were you talking
all the while then?
l tried to tell him but
he didn't listen to me.
Entire family lives without
listening to anyone.
l'm six feet and good looking young man,
l'm not a fish to catch.
l'm a shark, if necessary,
l'll chew you all.
Such big dialogues won't suit
your personality,
tell me what should we do now?
What can you do if bad luck
is playing with me?
My condition is like Sehwag
hitting the last ball.
l'll talk to your father,
l mean l'll fight and settle it.
Make your move fast.
ln politics l stun opposition
with my deft moves,
but l'm getting beaten
by you here always.
lt has become routine to me.
lf you'd moved your minister
here earlier,
you would've won the game.
lt's very easy to advice.
You'll know victory or defeat
if you play a game.
Come and play.
Just knowing game will
not give you victory,
you must have the intelligence
to anticipate opponent's move.
ls there any man here to win
over you, brother-in-law?
The game is not yet finished!
You said you can anticipate ten moves,
l planned the eleventh move.
You said there's no man to
win over me, right?
See, he won over me anticipating
my moves from my words.
Can l find any better man than him?
Dear, not only you,
l too like him very much.
l wanted my son-in-law to be like me,
but now l found one who is
greater than me.
Durga, l'm fixing the marriage.
Have a blast!
What for this marriage, Ramanamma?
No life for me,
why extra baggage of wife to me?
Stop it!
Who is he like a drunken monkey?
lnstead of singing happy song,
he's singing useless song.
Take him and check his body.
Don't say no to marriage, my boy...
Wife will be your only support
in the end...
lf you marry, you will have children...
They'll fondly call you as father...
lf you tie the knot, it's a bond of love...
lsn't this bond of love
the centre of procreation?
marriage is where
Gods descend to bless...
Agree to marry without
troubling us, Subrahmanyam...
Why do you trouble us?
Agree to marry Subrahmanyam...
lf you marry, life will be happy...
Life will rock with the
arrival of wife...
How long will you be solo, Subrahmanyam...
Don't delay, say yes immediately,
the girl is fantastic, Subrahmanyam...
Don't ponder...don't trouble...
agree...life will rock, Subrahmanyam...
She'll fall at your feet at dawn...
She'll make your tea and serve you...
She'll kiss and
come before you with smile...
And take good care of you lovingly...
Where do you find such good ln-laws?
Why are you showing off
if we come on our own to offer you?
You'll get two salaries,
marry her Subrahmanyam...
No need to go to the mess,
she'll serve you food...
She'll arrange home and
wash your clothes...
lf you come home late,
she'll worry about you...
She'll love you so much
to give her life too...
Why are you travelling alone in the car?
lf wife sits next you,
you'll hit jackpot...
Why are you delaying?
Tie the knot, Subrahmanyam...
They say there's a woman behind
every successful man,
but you and your entire family
is there behind all my troubles.
Where are you?
- Just left Warangal.
Then listen carefully.
l've found a route to
save you from them.
What's it?
l've a friend there,
his name is Khan,
he's my fan since childhood days,
two eggs laid by one hen,
if one ends up as omelette,
another hatches into a chick,
we studied together in the same school,
l became an engineer and
he became a rowdy sheeter,
if you go to him,
these brothers will not come to you.
lf you're my Balaraju's friend,
you're my friend too!
Give me a hug!
He smells horrible and
wants me to hug him.
Tell me, what would you like to have?
Pepsi, Thums Up, or Coca-cola?
l don't want anything.
Just listen to my plight, that's enough.
l'll hear, yourjob is done.
Tell me about Balaraju first.
ls he any world beauty to tell about him?
l know sir. lf he hatched into a chick,
you ended up as omelette.
He too said the same thing.
lf l send him Halim for my festival,
he'll send Halwa for his festival.
That's the relationship,
why did he send you to me?
You've to warn a man.
No need to warn, l'll finish him.
l'll kill him and repay
my gratitude to Balaraju.
No need sir, just warning is enough.
l'll kill him for Balaraju,
l'll dedicate it to our friendship.
Hats off to your friendship,
but a warning is enough.
Okay, l'll just warn him,
who is that man?
That is...
- Who is he?
Come again.
The man people call as JJ in Warangal.
Why have you fallen at my feet?
Nobody planned and
sent you to kill me, right?
What's this, bhai?
l'm shivering his name.
Do you know who JJ is?
Only one man to stand against the
atrocities of Rudra Reddy is Janakiramaiah,
JJ went to jail after killing
Rudra Reddy's rogue elder son,
and that day he came out ofjail.
Come Janakiramaiah,
l've been waiting for this day
for year to kill you,
where were you hiding all
these days fearing me?
They're not your children to hide in fear,
they're my children.
l think they're here
to see your death.
lt seems he'll kill you, father,
kill that bastard.
Rudra Reddy's son who begged
for life from JJ,
and went away, nobody knows
where is he till today.
Don't tell you came to me,
if they know it, l'll be dead.
Small favour, brother.
l'm no more friend of Balaraju,
if he calls me, l'll behead him.
You don't worry, Subbu.
- What happened to him?
Who is he to threaten us?
You come out of the sheets first,
if you cover face it means
covering our history.
Look into my eyes,
can't you see a lion in me?
l see fox.
l've done 500 operations with right hand.
Can't l kill one man with my left hand?
lf you can kill for your nephew,
they'll kill for their sister.
There are 3 idiots.
lf he knows hooliganism,
l know to play politics,
if he's famous in Warangal,
l'm famous all over the state.
What does he think?
l had knocked out a bear with one hand.
Why don't you tell him?
Yes, he used to eat like gargantuan.
You know that?
l told you to tell about my bravery,
why do you tell about food?
Arrange a meeting with them,
l'll fix them.
l didn't know we are also brave
people till you said that.
They should fear us,
why are you on bed fearing them?
l'll show them what fear is
and give them a taste of it, come.
Why fatigues as if going to war?
Just to show our power.
l've called Home Minister
to show our reach.
Uncle, they're here.
You said goons,
l expected them with
guns but they're here with roses.
They'll appear soft like roses
but later hiss like snakes.
l've the snake charmer to charm them.
Hello brother-in-law.
Why are you holding my hand
like a gun in army?
Don't know how many Pakistani soldiers
he would've killed in the desert?
He's squeezing my hand
and says l'm powerful.
Please sit down.
Your suit is excellent, brother-in-law.
Why have you come like new heroine
opening a Kalamandir showroom?
Moreover blushing shy.
Don't your family have
basic civic sense too?
How is your medical practice?
- Good.
You've done 500 operations with right hand,
do l need to ask you?
l wanted to greet you personally
on your birthday,
but didn't come because it won't be
nice to come before marriage,
you've raised your nephew very well,
they keep knives where we've to eat
with hands and are not sharp too,
Much better!
You don't lose heart, uncle.
- l'm scared.
This is fine.
Unable to cut it.
Do you also want this?
He's an army man, he'll manage,
you carry on father.
Welcome Home Minister!
Minister is very close to me.
l called him for my build up
but he's kissing their hands.
Greetings sir.
What brings you here, Minister?
He called me for a meeting.
- Nothing, just for fun.
No, tell him if you've anything.
Nothing, my job is over.
Who do you think he is?
- Who is he?
My political mentor!
Bye sir.
You came to right time, have food and go.
Your invitation is humbling me, sir.
l'll take leave sir.
Okay bye.
- You don't lose heart, uncle.
You've not only earned well
but have good reach in power too.
Tell me, when shall we fix the marriage?
Why haste in fixing the marriage?
She's yet to finish studies.
Didn't you marry Ananda Rao
when you were just 14 years old?
How did he come to know
about our marriage?
may be he knows my name
is Chinna before marriage.
They both like each other, it's good
if we fix their marriage quickly.
Not that...
Look, you're the only lady
in our two homes,
it would be good if you
conduct the marriage.
Let's fix a good auspicious
date for marriage.
What do you say Ananda Rao?
- As you say!
You don't lose heart, uncle!
- What lose? Already lost it!
You said daring and dashing,
made challenges like Thandra Paparayudu,
and threatened to behead them,
and fell at their feet like a coward,
and finished me once for all.
They said my date of birth
on seeing me.
lf l say anything, l think
they'll tell my date of death.
tell me what should l do now?
- Don't tell me anything.
Your parents left you in our care,
now our lives are in your hands,
if you don't agree to this marriage,
all three of us would die.
Let them be goons,
but the girl is like an angel.
l think she's the girl whom your uncle
was searching for you all these days.
Uncle, l wanted to tell you
a thing for long time.
l love Madhu, l'll marry her only.
You never told me this.
l thought of telling you, but this
damned family entered my life.
Why are you speeding away?
Police may catch us.
There are cameras in the signals,
go slow...
l want the CD of recording of your
pub's CC camera on September 2nd night.
My life depends on it, sir.
l'm very happy for fixing
sister's marriage date.
Yes, we too are happy, brother.
My sister's marriage must be
celebrated all over the district.
lt must be remembered for
at least 10 generations.
Even Gods must hail marriage
in JJ's home.
Come, brother-in-law
- Who is your brother-in-law?
You thought of black mailing me
into this marriage,
your master plan is entirely
recorded in this CD.
Watch and enjoy it!
What are you saying?
When l say only l must say!
lf you stop me, this CD will go
to every TV news channel,
to your sister, your people,
and your father too,
sorry your elderly man!
CD will reach him with
the same effect.
l'll not marry your sister.
Do what so ever...
Decide yourselves!
How far the marriage
arrangements have reached?
l'm very eager to see
my daughter's marriage!
Okay father!
l've sent Rs.25 crores cheque
to GVK foundations,
likewise you come to Switzerland
after the meeting with Nagarjuna,
l've contacted fashion designers
for exporting garments,
your flight is at 3 pm.
Are you searching for anything?
ls this your phone?
Did l act well sir?
Still there are two more scenes,
if you do it well,
l'm sure you'll become a hero.
Our plan is block buster!
Our man is rocking her.
What a great idea!
Brother, father is coming
here tomorrow.
He wants to meet brother-in-law.
We're unable to bring
brother-in-law here.
You must do something.
Get him on phone.
Where are you, brother-in-law?
- Who are you man?
Raising your voice on me!
l'm Durga!
Durga? So what?
My father is coming here tomorrow.
Go and receive him in bus stand,
if you want l'll send a car.
Look brother-in-law!
Printing mistake,
don't call me like that.
l want to talk to you little.
You always talk too much,
why little this time?
Okay, tell me what's the matter?
lt seems my father will not live
for more than a month,
doctors said warned another heart attack
if we do anything against his wish,
father wants to meet you,
please try to understand us.
l've read that helping another
is good thing, that's why l'm coming.
Why did you bring me
to your pacifying trip?
l'll be brave if you're with me.
Sir, elderly man!
ls he the heart attack man?
- Yes
He looks fit, how can he have
heart attack?
How are you doing, son-in-law?
He's fine, you sit down.
Shall we start the discussion?
No sir, l beg you sir.
Father loves discussion.
- We hate it.
Father, no need to discuss
with brother-in-law,
let's discuss with Balaraju.
Why do you want to discuss
with me sir?
Did you bring me here to fix me?
came here for heart attack,
didn't expect this attack?
My fate.
ls this your discussion?
Such a large peg!
Will you have it in one gulp?
lt may not be good for heart.
What's wrong with my heart, son-in-law?
lt's strong like rock!
Please don't beat like that,
it's hurting my heart.
First let's raise the glasses!
l feel like in heaven having
drinks with you, son-in-law.
You'll reach there in few days anyway.
You said you'll go to our place
which is heaven to you.- That!
What's this? Doctor said he'll
be here for few more days.
Dr.Ranganadham said he'll meet
you in a month.
He has lot of respect for me,
would l wait till he comes?
Though you know you're going,
you're still smiling,
you're really great sir.
Tell me one thing,
tell me correctly,
when are you leaving sir?
l've met my son-in-law, l'll go in
two days with that happiness.
l must tell you something before that.
Shut up, why don't you let me talk?
l must tell him something.
Subbu doesn't love your daughter.
l know!
My daughter loves son-in-law!
How nicely you crack jokes!
l must tell you something now.
This is your daughter,
this is Subbu.
Come here.
- What?
How dare you compare my golden
son-in-law with a brandy bottle!
You shut it down!
Wait sir, he's not feeling well.
l'm her only sir.
Power cut, right?
Till now they played with us,
now l'll play Twenty 20 with them.
ls it necessary to play cricket in dark?
Not really cricket,
l'll rap Durga's head.
Where are you going man?
l'll take care, you don't worry.
Why did you stretch so much?
- To say good morning.
Good morning at night?
Not good morning but good night.
l wanted to say good evening.
l'm sleepy, l'll go to sleep.
Come, l'll sing lullaby.
- Lullaby?
Come, l'll sing very well.
- Why take that trouble sir?
- l'll go to sleep.
What are you looking for?
- My friend is inside.
But you're here, son-in-law.
l beg you, please don't beat
on your chest.
What did he do, brother?
You came to beat me, right?
Did he think of beating you?
l swear!
- Tell me the truth.
To tell the truth, l did think.
How did you plan to beat? Do it.
lt won't be nice.
- Beat me.
How l thought was...like this.
Am l any milk suckling infant?
Tell me the truth,
how did you plan to beat me?
But you stretched your and so far!
Did l stretch so long? l would have!
Did you get the idea of beating me
or someone else suggested it?
l didn't the idea on my own.
There's an unknown stranger inside me.
He comes out when l drink.
Unknown stranger?
ls it any children's film?
l swear l'm telling truth, sir.
Trust me sir.
Who else would l trust if not you?
Looks like Balaraju is very tired!
Give him a peg!
Not only my daughter, this family is
also your responsibility, son-in-law.
My sons are murderers
but very good people.
l called you to tell this.
l'll go happily now.
- Don't get up, please lie down.
You get the iron box.
- What?
Get it l say.
Nothing will happen to you,
l'm there for you.
Please call him outside.
- Who?
That man!
- Who is he?
Unknown stranger!
- Stranger?
Call him out.
- Who is he?
Call him l say!
Call him...call him...
Don't cry.
l'm not beating you, Balaraju.
- Who are you beating then?
Unknown stranger.
lf you beat him, l'm getting hurt.
What bothers you if l beat him?
Save me, please come...
Please call him out.
call him out!
Call that stranger out.
Why are you watching him kill me?
You stretched so far!
- Did l stretch like that?
Why did you stretch so much?
Call him...call him l say...
- Who?
That man!
- He'll not come.
Elderly man is dead!
What happened to father?
What are you doing? Stop!
He had a heart attack
and fell down.
l told him not to get emotional.
But still he got emotional.
l'm trying to revive him.
Father is fine, brother-in-law.
- Did you see?
l was here at right time,
so your father survived.
lf not your father...
- Take it.
Why did you bring this?
That's why l say watch more films.
Generally doctors keep hot iron box
on chest to revive patients.
Will you iron him now?
Father is fine.
You go dear.
You saved him like God.
Aren't you ashamed?
Situation is so serious.
Are you drinking here happily?
What happened?
Your elder brother is better
than you guys.
Though your brother is goon, he was
worried about your father's heart...
Stop it!
Tell me what's the matter?
Your father had an heart attack.
King...you're an Emperor...
Brother, you're a God!
- You're really a God!
What happened?
Hiding the secret in your heart
that father has heart trouble,
enduring the pain in your heart
fearing it may hurt our hearts,
keeping entire thing in your heart,
Stop your heart nonsense.
l lied to him about father having
heart attack to bring him here.
He thinks it's true and giving
all of us an heart attack.
Where is Balaraju?
Call him out!
- Who?
Unknown stranger!
No need of stranger, brother.
l came here to play Twenty20 but
you played test match with me,
please declare the innings.
Would anyone declare
for one innings only?
How many innings will you play?
- One more innings.
You'll 2 or 3 innings,
l beg you,
please leave me. l may die.
Please come here.
You stretched hand so far!
- l would've done it for fun.
You stretched it so far!
- Stretched...
l must tell you JJ didn't
have any heart attack.
You may not be able to bear it.
But still l've to tell you.
What's the matter?
- Please sit down.
Why did you call me urgently?
l must tell you a serious matter.
- What's it?
Drink this, l'll tell you.
No need sir, l had a drink and
matter reached to marriage.
Don't want to drink again.
You've to drink to bear
the bad news. Drink.
l must tell you a matter.
- Tell me sir.
Have another peg, l'll tell you.
- One more peg?
What l want to tell you is...
lt's good if you listen carefully...
Rs.1.2 lakhs bill?
- Yes sir.
Bill is Rs.1.2 lakhs!
- Settle it.
lt's Rs.1.2 lakhs.
Rs.1.2 lakhs!
Rs.1.2 lakhs bill?
ls it electricity to bill as you feel?
Bill as much as we drank.
Bill is for drinks you had sir.
Did we've so many drinks?
Did we've beer?
Don't charge extra by placing
extra bottles.
You're doing extra by having
extra drinks.
Pay the bill if not...
How dare you hold Balaraju's shirt!
How dare you beat me!
l'll take you to task.
Go and tell anyone, l don't care.
When did you have so many drinks?
Did you really had these drinks?
lt seems you refuse to
pay bill after drinking.
We can pay bills but
how can we pay to build bars!
l know how to make you pay the bill.
Bring them inside.
Swipe this credit card.
No need, give me my phone please.
Why? Will you call police?
- No, sir.
Will you call goons?
- No sir.
Will you call MLA?
- No sir.
l'll call one who will pay you, sir.
Can't you tell me that first.
- My mistake sir.
Take it.
Who dared to beat my brother-in-law?
Why did you call them sir?
They're the right men to deal them.
Who are you and who the hell
is your brother-in-law?
How dare you abuse!
Where is my brother-in-law?
- Here!
Baldy! Now you're perfect.
Super eyes!
Forgot to take the bottles.
Beat our men?
Who was it?
Some JJ's sons!
- What? JJ's sons?
After losing my father, l'm living
for 20 years away from home,
how dare you enter my place
and beat my men?
l'll not spare you.
l'll not leave you.
- Brother!
Somebody has kidnapped sister.
Come let's go.
Call younger brother too.
Why are you leaving forjust a kidnap?
Bloody! lt's my sister
who got kidnapped.
No sir, use this as an opportunity.
No use in getting emotional.
Tell me clearly.
lf you take brother-in-law with you,
sentiment will work out.
After that it'll be love!
Pick him up!
What's this?
- You must sign the papers.
What sign? Telugu or English?
Give me the pen.
lf sign doesn't match,
come to my home.
l don't know to fight sir.
You've brought me,
it's dark here.
Didn't pay the bill so power got cut.
Who so ever may have
kidnapped my sister, l swear,
l'll leave this place only
after killing him.
Who are you telling that
in darkness?
l think they've paid the current bill.
- Shut up!
Are you still alive?
Though you know about us,
you still dared to take on us.
l know about you, that's why l had
to wait so many years to avenge.
Where is my sister?
Bloody! Broke my head!
Don't shout, if your men hear,
they may kill me.
l'm new to this field.
lf you had hair, you wouldn't have
got so seriously injured.
Use hair oil, hair will grow fast.
One more skinhead.
Goons are always skinheads.
Let him come, l'll break his head.
l expected skinhead but he came.
Who hit him and ran away!
Get up...get up...
Somebody hit you and ran away.
Look, that man!
Beat him...
- l'll beat but hold him tightly.
l'll hit on legs, don't let him move.
- Legs must break.
Why are you hitting my legs,
This time l'll not miss.
l'll hit on face, hold him tightly.
Hit him, that's it.
He escaped nicely!
- Are you here to beat them or us?
Hit him again.
Go away with my sister.
l'm sparing because your life
is my father's mercy.
lf not l would've buried you alive.
Why did you call at this hour?
Small fight, got hurt in an accident.
Are you okay?
You take rest, l'll meet you tomorrow.
Can't you meet today?
l've a fashion show tomorrow,
l need to get my dress ready.
The man we engaged is rocking and
achieving the desired result.
Get ready to show the film
to Subbu, it'll shock him.
l feel like keep watching you forever.
lf you marry at this age,
that's what you've to do.
Who is that?
lf you've guts, come into
the light and talk to me.
Why did you come here sir?
- ls it your dad's place?
To inform you and come.
Don't talk like that before ladies.
l'm asking you, why are you here?
l came here to tell about celebrations.
What celebrations, sir?
Your birthday celebrations,
tomorrow only.
My birthday is two months away
not tomorrow,
lf you've to live till then,
you must celebrate your birthday tomorrow.
Anyone would celebrate birthday
if he's alive,
how come l've to celebrate
birthday to live?
Hey mad man! Living is more important.
Why did you invite him sir?
Do you've to invite media people
if there's trouble?
They are also like that only.
Happy 25th birthday!
- Thanks.
- Let's make it 21 then.
Did you think like that?
You've arranged a good party,
there's song and dance too...
lt's all your grace sir.
lt seems you're enjoying
the party, brother-in-law.
Cut it.
- You need a knife.
No please, l have it.
lleana when seen from left side...
Hot Kareena when seen from
the right side...
Tamannah when seen from behind...
Raveena when l see your waist...
lf you look at me once,
l can't hold myself anymore, O beauty...
l'll steal the treasure of
your bewitching beauty...
My youth hit high on seeing
your ravishing body...
Passionate desires took over me
on seeing your sexy neck...
Mumaith Khan when l see
your sultry beauty...Taking my life...
lf you wink and make a gesture,
won't Jackie Chan too swoon for it...
l went mad after seeing your lips...
l was awake all the night
when your smile taunts me...
Back is hot and
front is hotter...
When you walk the swing in you
is the hottest...
You? Hit and kill me!
The day l met you, l'm in troubles.
No Subbu...
- Go away!
ls there anyone here by chance?
How did l reach home last night?
A girl brought you home.
She was awake all the night,
left just now.
Didn't get hurt, right?
- No.
- For beating you last night.
You haven't taken it to
your heart, right?
To feel l wasn't beaten
by someone else, right?
Then thanks.
- Why thanks?
For taking me to home and
keeping watch on me all the night.
Mustn't thank for being
a responsible friend.
Correct but...
What? Don't you want my friendship?
l like...
Why are then hesitating
to shake hands?
l'll give a party to celebrate
our friendship.
First shake hands,
then let's think about party.
l think you'll not leave
till l shake hands.
Promise not to feel bad later.
l wouldn't feel bad even
if you hadn't said sorry.
But l'll feel if you don't shake hands.
What happened?
Fell into dirt just now.
They've moved many paces up
in friendship.
Let's do something and unite them.
Subbu will come to the shopping
as per Balaraju's information.
Ensure your sister too reaches
there using her friend's help.
Your sister must get into
the lift in second floor,
Balaraju will call Subbu from
third floor to fifth floor.,
as soon as lift reaches third floor,
switch off the lift lights,
as soon as Subbu enters and door
closes, lights must be switched on,
both of them see each other
and get shocked,
they're in dilemma to speak
or not to speak,
here comes the turning point,
lift must stop suddenly,
it must take at least an hour
to open the door,
they'll talk to each other
without knowing what had happened,
as soon as they talk, lift must start
and hit the ground floor suddenly.
as the lift reaches ground floor,
they'll be in each other's arms.
in the one hour we give them,
chemistry between them starts working,
you needn't get surprized if they
go to Arya Samaj from there.
Sister is there!
Who is inside then?
Fragrance is good, what's the scent?
Do you love anyone?
Why do you want to know
my personal matters?
You appear to have not yet
fallen in love with anyone.
What sort of a girl are
you waiting for?
Must be slim, fair and beautiful.
Must be well educated too.
Bloody life!
l don't have even one quality.
What do you eat?
- Nothing.
That's why, are you so thin?
Don't touch!
- Please listen to me.
Don't harm me, l'm still a bachelor.
Please don't ruin my life.
- Please listen to me.
Oh my God! She's terrible!
She was inside, did that Love Guru
scene happen with her?
What a nasty plan!
Trust me sir, l didn't know
about escalators there.
l don't know if Love Guru's
ideas work or not.- Yes brother.
Who rang the bell?
ls this puppy worth Rs.1 lakh?
Dogs are expensive than humans.
Yes brother.
- Keep it inside.
What's the costliest item here?
Subbu is very good.
Very cute too.
That's why that name.
l'm little uneasy with
lot of sounds at night.
l don't snore.
But very sweet while angry
and biting teeth.
Biting teeth?
May be remembered your brothers.
Pumpkin gravy was great!
l didn't like it earlier.
Are you attending cooking classes?
- Why are you asking that?
Off late girls have started
cooking, that's why.
l know to cook.
Where are you going?
l'll not think about lover like you,
l'm going to propose my love.
You'll never understand my problem.
That's the problem with girls,
we'll fall in love deeply
and yet fear to express it.
lt's common with girls.
How can l propose without knowing
whether he likes me or not.
l'm scared.
Why should you be scared to express
love with someone you love?
You may think before falling in love,
but don't delay to express your love.
You propose your love,
l'm sure he'll accept.
Are you sentimental about this place?
l always plan and take important
decisions in my life here only.
l think you don't mingle
with other much.- Yes.
l don't know why but l can't get
along with people easily.
l can talk only with someone
l really feel very close.
We've a singing competition
to celebrate Valentine's day.
We'll arrange all expenses paid
marriage of the winning couple,
why not try your luck?
Are you going to sing?
No, if l sing nobody here will marry,
l'm going to the rest room.
For you only...
l like you like love...
Become part of me like my shadow...
You're the words that never
crossed the boundary of silence...
You're the union that eyes
never united with...
Look there, a rocket is flying!
lt's a falling star not a rocket.
People who watch it falling
are very fortunate.
So, your life will hit
a purple patch from now.
l would've fallen down.
How can you fall down
when l'm with you?
lmaginations are flying...
Finding many new things...
l'm thrilled...
Hearing the rhythm of heart...
sleeping eyes wide open...
l say this is wonderful pleasure...
Like the music of the flute...
Like the waves of happiness...
Like the blossomed flower...
Like a star in the sky...
l can see your friendship...
l feel like that...
You? Why did you come back?
For you. l missed a lot in my life
by missing you.
l want to talk to you.
- Leave me.
Are you fine?
Okay, come.
You're not in a condition to listen,
let's talk tomorrow.
You've forgotten your phone.
Hello Subbu, l'm Sanjana here.
What do you've to do with my Subbu?
Don't you know you shouldn't
disturb calling at this hour?
No use in getting educated,
learn manners.
Where did l keep my cell phone?
Madam who was with you left it here.
She went away to home,
she left this letter for you.
You faced a lot of problems
because of me and my family.
l must thank you also.
For accepting me as your friend
at least for few days.
The days l spent with you will
be my cherished memories of life.
One more request.
Please don't see my brothers negatively.
l'll meet my father and
tell him everything.
They'll never again disturb you in life.
l think you'll get the girl you like.
Janakiramaiah is busy with
his daughter's marriage.
Why are you still pondering?
This is the best time to kill them.
Not kill them, we must stop the marriage.
They must die in humiliation
with the marriage cancellation.
l want to talk to you.
Brother-in-law, we wanted you to
become son-in-law to our family,
we made few mistakes
to fix this match,
you must forgive us, brother-in-law.
lf match is fixed in cricket,
it's bad name to playing countries,
but your match fixing has
united two hearts.
While l was in honeymoon,
Durga blackmailed Subbu into
accepting this marriage,
this marriage mustn't happen.
lt mustn't happen and
we'll not let it happen.
You must stop the marriage at any cost.
- We must stop.
Why are you repeating my words?
That's all.
Where are you going?
l'll kidnap the bride.
- Will you kidnap the bride?
lf you kidnap the bride,
Subbu will be the loser.
Not the bride, Durga is the kingpin.
Where ever he may be, pack him
in a gunny bag and bring here.
When you're doing so much for friend...
You're a not man at all!
You're a great man!
About turn!
Greetings sir...greetings sir...
To tell you the truth, Pakistan soldiers
were eager to die in my hands.
l too killed them easily.
Finding Subbu has no support or body,
in my absence,
will you force marriage on him?
My mother named me fondly
as Balaraju,
will you call me as pumpkin Balaraju?
l'll not beat easily...you...
Why is my hand not coming down?
lt's a different team, see yourself.
Why did you stretch it so far?
To say good morning.
l'll do one thing, you're stretching
because you've hand,
l'll cut it.
How can you cut his hand?
We've planned to kill Durga.
Why are you scared? What was our plan?
We must kill Durga,
our plan was to kill Durga.
He's scared because of you.
Why are you afraid? Kill Durga.
Will you kill Durga?
- Yes.
We'll kill him.
Why are you winking at me?
We had planned to kill Durga, right?
Who do you think Durga is?
He's Durga!
We're dead!
Are you Durga?
You look like a gentleman.
This mad man ordered to kill you.
Are you a man?
You're a great man! No doubt!
You're our team leader.
That's all, have a go!
Don't show any mercy.
Have a go.
Are you still in the same thoughts?
- No...no...
That drunkard is blabbering.
l've great respect for you, sir.
l've great devotion on you, sir.
l beg you sir.
You stretched your hand so far!
- No brother.
l didn't feel bad.
- Looks like he's drunk.
Whose marriage is this?
Friend's friend's marriage.
Am l mad to get drunk in
a friend's marriage?
That's why l got drunk two days earlier.
Aren't you Subbu's maternal uncle?
Greetings sir.
- Greetings.
l'm not Subbu's maternal uncle.
- But still greetings.- Why?
l heard Subbu's uncle is
very worst fellow.
He's Subbu's maternal uncle.
Just now l heard you're a very good man.
On this happy occasion, l'll manage,
you watch the marriage.
Mother, sister is getting married
in few minutes,
as you wished, well educated,
more than it found a man with
golden heart for our sister,
l've kept the promise made to you,
but l can feel your absence,
any girl's surname would
change with marriage,
with this marriage,
not only her surname but this
entire family will change,
to make sister his wife,
we committed many mistakes,
please forgive us,
bless them!
Where are my brothers?
Durga, the ritual of marriage starts
with cumin seeds and jaggery,
and ends with tying the knot,
any problem in the canopy before
that is inauspicious, son.
l want to see this marriage
happen peacefully.
Take cumin seeds and jaggery.
any problem in the canopy before
that is inauspicious, son.
My sister is getting married inside.
Please don't create trouble here,
l beg you.
l'm not here to see your
sister's marriage, to stop it.
lt you want take my life.
But you mustn't stop
my sister's marriage.
What's this problem?
ls the marriage over?
- Over.
lt means my sister is your wife from now.
Why should we wait now?
Who dared to beat my sons?
l'll kill you!
Not only your sons,
l'll kill you also.
Dare touch my family, l'll hack you!
Like that software Subbu became
hardware Subbu with family support.
lf they all join together,
it's discussion all the way!
Sit in.
You look great in red clothes.
Enough of watching me,
watch the road and drive.
Got invitation from JJ,
must reach in time.
You don't worry sir,
l was pilot earlier.
l'll drive faster than a flight.
Pilot? Quit getting bored?
They got angry and fired me.
- Fired? Why?
l told them my name only.
Wil they fire for telling your name?
Why did you keep quiet?
There's a thing called as social justice.
Let's fight together.
Tell me what's your name?
So what?
What's this?
He fainted hearing my name.
l can say how many feathers a chicken
has and how many eggs it lays,
how many chicks each egg has,
l can touch a hen and tell
whether it country or broiler,
don't act smart with me,
what would happen if a chicken
challenges before a hotel?
You kept your word,
you arranged my sister's marriage.
l can't repay the gratitude.
No need of gratitude between us,
l'm also a member of your family,
your sister is my sister.
Sing a song please.
l don't know to sing sir.
- Can't sing?
How can you not sing?
On behalf of the people
of my constituency,
to Janakiramaiah...
Can't produce enough paddy to feed
you in the entire Warangal.
You want all that with this gift?