Ain't Them Bodies Saints (2013)

Hey, Ruth.
Where are you going?
Home's the other way.
Not mine.
Are you going back
to your mom's?
It's a 15-mile walk.
I know how far it is.
All right. Well, then,
I'll just walk with you.
You do whatever you want.
What I want to do is take you
back to our house.
Why did you tell Freddy you
were gonna strike out
on your own?
I don't think I said that, but
if I did, when I say, "on my
own," I mean you and me.
I always mean you and me.
You gonna leave me?
No, I'm not gonna leave you.
Nobody's leaving any...
'cause I will leave you first.
It's not... Funny.
I'm not gonna leave you.
You're not gonna leave me.
Because if you do, I'll just
follow you.
I don't want to go to jail.
Not going to jail.
And that shack ain't a home.
Well, I'm working on it.
And I think I'm gonna have a baby.
We're gonna have a baby?
You're not mad? I'm not mad.
No, my mama will raise it.
# Can I steal a kiss?
Stop it. That tickles.
That's what you're supposed
to do, is sing songs.
Just talk.
Are you tired?
Bluebird, bluebird.
All right.
I'll be fine.
I'll be back in five minutes.
We've got a little bit of a
chase on our hands here...
I tell you, walking into
there, you feel like you're
meeting the devil.
All cars for backup.
I repeat, all cars, all cars...
any and all cars.
Shit. All right. Check, hon.
I'm hit! I shot someone.
I think I shot someone.
It's okay.
Oh, my God.
Hey. Hey.
I think I shot someone.
Oh, shit.
Give me the gun.
Give me the gun, Ruth.
What are you doing?
Listen to me.
We're gonna stand up and walk
out there.
No. Okay. I'm gonna go first.
You come after me.
That's how it's gonna be.
No. We can make it.
We can make it if we run.
We can't make it, Ruth.
Yeah, we can.
They're gonna shoot us.
If we stay in here,
they're gonna shoot us
right where we are.
No. Please.
I'm gonna do it.
I'm not gonna do it.
I'm not going to jail!
Shh. You got to tell them I
did everything.
Tell them that me and Freddy did
You got a gun in your hands
'cause I put it there.
You tell them you were scared
and I put it there.
I'm gonna be out in a blink, and
I'm gonna come back.
All you got to do is wait for me.
I promise I'll come get you.
Just wait for me, okay?
Just wait for me.
So, I lost my boy.
And that leaves you...
And Bob.
Only Bob don't got a choice.
I'm confused, Ruth.
I took you kids in...
raised you and Bob
like you were my own.
How do you go and
do a thing like this?
We were just doing
what you taught us to do.
Is that a boy or a girl?
Do you know yet?
I don't know.
So, what do you want to do,
I'm gonna wait for him.
Dear Ruth...
I dreamed about you again last night.
I guess I dream about you every
night... and most days, too.
I hold your face in my mind.
I put your voice together in my
head. I think about your hair
getting longer.
I think about your belly
getting bigger.
I hear people talk about regret,
but I haven't got any.
I don't think poorly on the
things I've done.
We did what we did, and that is
who we are.
They're gonna cross out this
sentence before you get to read it,
but I know you know what it
Every day, I wake up thinking
today's the day I'm gonna see
you, and one of these days, it
will be so.
And until then, I'll keep
writing you.
I'll write you every day.
And someday you'll get a letter
from me, and you will look up,
and it'll be me who's handing it
to you.
And then we can forget about
words, and I'll touch your face
and I'll kiss you.
Bob Muldoon, are you awake?
Yeah. You got a baby girl.
And I'll take our baby girl
in my arms...
And we will ride off to somewhere...
somewhere far away.
Write to me soon, any chance
you get.
Love, Bob.
Mommy. Mommy.
Mommy. Mommy.
Mornin'. Mommy.
How'd you sleep? Good.
You hungry? No.
What's up? Come here.
Let's go back to sleep.
Mommy! Look what I found!
What'd you find? Kitties!
Where did these come from?
I don't know.
How many are you?
You're just a tiny little thing.
Aren't you tiny?
Where's your mama at?
What are you crying for? Huh?
Maybe he wants me. What?
Maybe he wants me.
Maybe he does.
But you still have two more bites.
"And the little horse ran and"
ran, and foxes chased him, and
he could hear them barking.
And the wolves ran after him,
and he could hear them howling,
"but he knew they couldn't catch him. "
Yeah, there's that baby bear.
Your daddy loves bears.
He used to wrestle with them.
He'd tackle them down.
He'd bop them on the nose.
Sylvie, put your shoes on.
Hey. Morning, miss Guthrie.
I was hoping to catch you
before work.
Is something wrong?
I was hoping for a word.
How many cats you got? Four.
Yeah? What's this one's name?
He looks like a Jimmy to me.
How'd you get those cats?
Get down. Found them out back.
Oh, thank you.
Mama was long gone, I guess.
Well, you need someone to
take a few of them off your
I can handle some kittens, at
Like I said, uh...
They're setting to get ready to
call you down to the station,
and, uh, it's gonna be all over
the news later.
Thought best if you hear this
from a friend. Hear what?
Bob tried to escape five
times already.
Did you know that? No, sir.
Well, maybe six times is the charm.
The boys he broke free with got
caught trying to hop a train up
near bartlesville, heading north.
Maybe Bob's doing likewise.
Maybe he's already long gone.
Maybe. What do you think?
I don't know.
Anybody asking about him...
anybody at all? Nope.
What about those letters?
Everyone read them before
they even got sent.
They don't say anything.
You want to just bring them
in anyway?
I'll do whatever you want,
but he won't come back.
He's not coming back for me if
that's what you're thinking.
Did she tell you anything?
Did she tell you anything?
No, gene.
She didn't say a damn thing.
I'm surprised.
I thought she'd like you better
than me.
Let me have this one, huh?
Well, hell, pat.
You're the one he shot.
I'm gonna let you catch the son
of a bitch.
Yep. Sorry I'm late.
She had to have a time-out.
She got in a fight with Miles.
Why did you get into a fight
with those boys?
They called me names.
You need to have a better
reason than that.
Come on. Upsy-Daisy. Oy.
Hi. Hey, little girl.
Don't you look pretty today?
You got a birthday coming up,
don't you?
Well, you got your birthday list
put together yet?
You better get on that.
Get your mama to help you.
I heard the news.
Anything you want to talk about?
Everyone thinks I got
something to tell them.
I don't have a goddamn thing.
They say they traced
him to Montana.
You think he's in Montana?
I can make some phone calls,
see what I can do about putting
an end to all this.
I could put an end to all
this right now all by myself.
All I'd have to do is...
Tell the truth.
# Hey, little blue Jay,
sing me a song #
# About Santa Ana at the
San Anton' #
# Hey, blue Jay, can I steal
a kiss #
# Like they tried to steal a
Cannon from Gonzales? #
# Bluebird, whistle Waterloo
# will you come to the bower
I've shaded for you? #
# Hey, little blue Jay,
sing me a tune #
# Down way in Mexico,
back in June #
Excuse me, ma'am.
Keep driving and stick to the
Where are we, anyway? What?
Where are we?
What state are we in?
Oh, Missouri?
I recognize you.
Hey, how do you turn it up?
On the side, there's a
little, uh...
Yeah, that's it.
# And lonely nights, I think
of people that I miss #
# And every day, I think of
others you might miss #
Where you planning on going?
A direction that hasn't been invented yet.
#... The sound of...
I don't know.
# I could never forget about
you #
# the good times and the bad
so, uh...
How'd you do it?
Do what... get out?
Yeah. Is this how fellas are
wearing their hair?
Well, man, I just started
walking, you know... just like I
said I would.
And just walked out?
How's that work?
Well, you know, the guards...
they come by your cell every night...
Sort of saying, "lights out" and
rattling bars with their sticks.
And this one guard... he used to
always joke and carry on with
And one night I said, "well, I"
won't be seeing you much longer.
I figure I'll be out of here in
about 10 days. "
He said, "how you gonna do it?"
I said, "I'm gonna just walk
right out the door. "
And he said they'd stop me.
And I said, "no, sir. "
I've got better things to do. "
And he said, "well, that's not
how it works. "
And I said, "well, it only works
that way 'cause you think it has to.
See, I've got a higher calling.
I've got a wife and a little
girl who needs her daddy. "
And he asked me what I know
about higher callings... says
even if I do get out, I'm gonna
have to answer to God and the
devil for the things I done.
I tell him... Shoot.
I tell him...
I tell him, "sir... "
I used to be the devil.
Now I'm just a man. "
As the days tick by...
10, 9, 8...
and on the last day...
The bars open up,
and I walk right out.
News says you jumped
off a work truck.
Man, have you got anything to eat?
I'm still a little bit hungry.
Well, I'll find something.
Have you seen Ruth lately?
Nope. It's been a while.
She don't live with her
mama no more.
Got a new house. A new house?
Mm-hmm. Skerritt's been
looking after her.
He got her all set up.
Guess I should tell you got a
call the other day asking about you.
Oh, yeah? What'd you tell 'em?
I told them I hadn't seen
you, which I hadn't.
Didn't think I'd be
seeing you so soon.
That's the truth.
I guess that's about... that's
about what I owe you.
Where'd this come from?
All over. Whose is it?
It's mine.
Sounds like that wood's gone soft.
Yeah, I expect you're right.
More nails just won't hold it.
The whole gutter just comes off
the house every time it rains
like this.
You know, I go out there and
nail it back up.
Next thing you know, it's back
Well, you can either do that
or get more buckets.
Yeah, I could do that.
That'd be easier in the
short-term, for sure.
Then I'd have to haul that water
out every time it rains.
I don't know.
Howdy! Howdy to you.
Yeah, all this rain we've
been having reminds me of that
one march, it was.
We'd get 101/2 inches in a day.
Oh, my middle tank out there has
gone dry, and the other two...
say, can you tell me just
what town we're in, exactly?
This is meridian.
Okay. See, we passed through
Glen rose, but we didn't see a
sign... didn't know if we'd gone
too far, not far enough.
Well, that depends on where
you're headed.
We're headed here.
You, uh, plan to hunt some
Thinking about it.
Anyway, it rained so much, it
filled up them tanks, and my
wife walked up there to check
'em the next day, and there was
catfish lyin' there.
That thing filled up, and it was
spillin', and it had come out in
the spill.
Are these real? Come again?
Are these real? You bet.
How old are they?
Well, that pistol goes back
125 years. You don't say.
See that scrap of paper there
next to it?
That there is a list...
Of every poor son of a bitch who
met his end at the barrel of it.
Sounds like a bunch of
bullshit to me.
Yeah, probably is.
Can I help you gentlemen
find something in particular?
Nah. Just looking around.
Is there any news?
No, not today. Uh...
Figured you want these back.
They're just gathering dust.
You read 'em? No, ma'am.
Why not? Everyone else has.
They're not mine to read.
Can I ask you something?
Mm, sure.
Do you mean what you said
about Bob not coming back for
you? Yeah, I did.
Well, I was thinking maybe
you all'd want to get out of
town until all this blows over.
You mean till he gets caught?
Where would we go?
Someplace safe.
Would you come?
Someone would come with you.
I think I'll just stay here.
You know, I got to work, and
Sylvie's got her birthday.
We'll be just fine.
Yeah, sure. She's gonna be 4.
Is that right? Yep.
Yeah. What's she want?
She wants a horse.
Like, a real horse?
Yep. Yeah?
Where you gonna put it?
You know what?
I know a man who... who could
sell you one for... for not a
bad price.
You do? I do.
I can't take care of no horse.
Well... No horse.
Maybe I could, uh... maybe I
could bring her something. Why?
Well, I was just doing some
cleaning, and...
I... I may have a few deals just
floating around that maybe,
uh... maybe she'd take to,
you know?
Just... A few deals, huh?
A few deals.
Dear Ruth...
I don't know how
to start this letter.
I have got a million things on
my mind, and I need
to get them out.
I know you know I am out, and I
hope you know I am coming for
you, just like I always said.
Just like I always said I was
going to do, I am coming for
I wish I were standing at your
side, whispering in your ear,
but that's not so. I came across the
woods and mountains with no shoes on.
I traveled high and far,
and now I am close.
I'm so close to you, I can almost
reach out and touch your cheek.
Here you go, Don.
You boys take it easy, now.
Well... Look at you, Bob.
Break out of parson and head
straight back here.
Maybe not the smartest move.
Long as you don't turn me in.
Where's Miles?
Miles is gone.
Gone? Gladys is gone, too.
It's just me now.
Well, who's running the show?
No show to run... not anymore.
Didn't this belong to Freddy?
Doubt it.
I remember playing with this.
And all those little Indians...
have you got those Indians
Anything of Freddy's is long gone.
Hmm. What do you want, Bob?
I was just wondering if you'd
heard anything.
About what?
About that local man who
escaped from the penitentiary.
Gene Dentler and a bunch of
his deputies come over a few
days ago for a chat.
I told them I could think of at
least six sons of bitches who've
got a mind to see you dead but
that it'd be more fun to sit
back and take bets on who gets
you first.
You fucked over your share of
people in your day.
Yeah, and then I got caught.
Not by them, you didn't.
Well, they might as well quit
Old Bob Muldoon's about to
And where's old Bob Muldoon
gonna disappear to?
I'm thinking about settling
down, build a little house,
open a shop. I don't know.
Get old. Like you.
On your own?
Oh. So, I heard you bought
Ruth a house.
I'm letting her stay in one
of my old places.
It's got a big old yard where
her little girl can play.
Hey, that's my little girl,
Man, I'll tell you... she's about
cute enough to make
you want to give up.
You did one thing right.
I'll give you that.
I do what I can to look after
both of them. Yeah.
Well, I guess I'll handle it
from here.
Oh, you think so? Yes, sir.
Well, I'll tell you what.
You do whatever you want.
You take all your money and you
get yourself as far away from
here as you possibly can.
But you listen to me when I tell you...
You leave those girls alone.
I can't do that. Yeah, you can.
And why would I?
Well, now, think about it, Bob.
If you got any trouble
coming your way...
They sure as hell
don't need that.
What trouble is that?
You got out.
What more do you want?
I want my family.
So do I. But I don't got it.
Now, this is how it works.
I will never hurt you more than
I'm hurting you now.
I will never lay another hand to
you or prick your finger or
pinch your cheek.
I won't call the sheriff, and I
won't tell them where you've
been. But if I hear that
old Bob Muldoon has been talking
to Ruth Guthrie...
You asked me about trouble.
I will make sure you got some.
Freddy was the one
who shot first that day.
Nobody would have gotten
hurt if he hadn't done that.
Go on, Bob.
I got to unlock my door.
Get out of here before someone
sees you.
Find yourself someplace safe.
Where are the keys?
In the truck. The keys?
I'm gonna give her trouble?
I'm gonna give her trouble?
He thinks he can buy her a
No, sir.
I don't think that's how it
Ruth will walk away from that
house like it was on fire.
Pen... I need a pen.
Give me a pen.
No damn sense.
Excuse me.
Come here.
I was thinking...
Maybe we could go on a trip...
After your birthday.
What do you think about that...
going someplace new?
Just get in the car
and drive and drive.
Be real fun.
Hey, hold on.
Let me see that. Give it here.
There you go. Come on. Go.
What do you think about me
closin' up... take you for a
ride somewhere...
Get away for a little bit?
Hey, sweetie.
How you been? Just fine.
Break the law or something?
I just hadn't seen you around in
years, it feels like.
I stay put.
You want something to drink?
No, sir. Thank you.
We're looking for an old friend
of yours.
I'm sure you heard the news.
Yeah. Yeah.
A couple cops came by from
Monroe's asking questions.
All right. Have you seen him?
Sure haven't. Look, all right.
You mind if I take a look
Billy, mind the bar?
Hope we can make this quick.
Don't want to rile up my
Haven't heard from him since
last winter.
He sent me a letter.
You write him back? Nope.
Weren't you part of his old
gang... Bob Muldoon,
Ruth Guthrie, Freddy?
Nope. Got out of that racket.
Got myself this business.
Left the darn key downstairs.
Well... Hold up.
I'm gonna need to get back to
the register before too long.
Been using it as a bookmark.
I guess I lost my place.
Ruth give it to you?
She mailed it.
Asked me, uh... asked me to send
it on to Bob.
You never did.
Like I said, I'm bad with
correspondence. How long ago?
How old's the little girl?
3, going on 4.
About that long, then. Okay.
Uh, mind if I hang on to this?
By all means.
I'm sure you'll call us if
you hear anything.
Sure bet.
Look at this.
This is the first thing you ever
wore, the day you were born.
You were so tiny.
Look how small it is.
I brought you home, and you
slept and slept for hours.
You were such a good little
I'll bring this with us just
We might need it someday.
"And the little horse picked up"
his shoes and ran until he was
out of the dark woods.
He came to the river where the
fish had been.
The fish was gone now, and there
was no one there to stop him
from crossing.
He crossed the river and climbed
the hill, and before too long,
he could see home. "
What's wrong, sweet girl?
Why are you so quiet?
Everything's gonna be fine.
You just wait and see, okay?
Have you heard from Bob?
Why don't you come in? No.
I know Bob's been around.
Will you see to it that he gets
this? What is it?
You can read it if you want.
I figure you will anyway.
If you see him...
Can you tell him...
Just... just give it to him.
Dear Bob...
I hope you never get this.
I want you to come
through that door,
take us away just
like you always said.
But you can't.
You can't come here...
not right now.
And I can't go with you.
If you come here, they'll catch
If we go with you, they'll find
us. It can't end like that.
I can't let it end like that,
not for us...
And not for Sylvie.
I can't let that happen.
So, we're gonna go. If you come
looking for us here, we'll be gone.
I'll go somewhere where
no one knows who we are,
or we can wait for the
time to be right and the
world to forget about us.
I don't know how to
explain this any better,
but I know you know
what I'm talking about.
We've waited so long.
We've just got to wait a little longer.
Come find us. I know you will.
I hope you will.
We'll find each other.
I love you so much. I do.
It's time to wake up, baby girl.
Sweet pea...
Good morning. Happy Birthday.
You seen him?
We stopped by his girl's place.
Hartigan said to tell you
something if we ran into you.
What's that?
Shit, I forgot. Oh.
Let me tell you something.
You take that and do what you
And if you don't find him...
That don't give you cause to
come back here.
You understand?
Don't think I'm washing my hands
of all this.
And if you set foot in this town
If you even think about bringing
those girls into this...
I'll kill you.
And that'll be that. Dude.
Warren Miller.
Who makes up the names?
They ain't made up.
They're real folks.
I mean, they're dead, but...
They're real.
Oh, really? Mm-hmm.
So I'm told.
Ruth and Sylvie, too?
Nobody's gonna be
asking after us?
Not anymore.
Good job.
You make a wish?
What did you wish for?
I'm not telling. All right.
You keep your little secret, huh?
How do I look?
You look like you.
Then that'll do.
The way I see it, I didn't waste
my time.
You remember old Joe cranston?
Remember that time he and I
went up to St. Louis? Mm-hmm.
He spent about three hours
getting prettied up before we
got in the car to go up there.
I said, "Joe, what are you"
He said, "well, in case anything
happens to me, I want to make
sure my mama can recognize me. "
So he put on this coat he had
when he was 12 years old, and he
tried to button it up, and he
was a big old boy, and it ripped
right out the back.
And he kept that thing on all
the way up to St. Louis and back
down to Texas.
He looked like a damn
raggedy Ann.
And when we got back, I said,
"Joe, you know your mama would
have recognized you if something
happened to you. "
He said, "yeah, 'cause I had my
coat on. "
I mean, he didn't get it.
You see, people... they don't
know things the way that they
think they know them.
Sylvie... she's gonna know me.
She'll know me
without looking at me.
And Ruth... by God, she'll feel
me coming down the street.
I mean, we always just been...
You know, just two parts of the
I mean, we would fight, and we'd
fight like two kids with a ball.
And she'd rip through the house
like she was on fire, and I'd
just want to hold her.
I'd just want to hold her.
But she'd be yelling and
flapping around so quick, it was
like a hummingbird.
I'd say, "Ruth... "
You can scream at me till your
voice is gone...
But it doesn't make much
Because when you're all done
"It's just gonna be you and me
sitting here in a room. "
And she said, "that's right.
It's always just gonna be the"
"two of us. "
Look how pretty that is.
You like that?
Happy Birthday.
Well, there's, uh, one
last... Surprise, I suppose.
You know how to open these?
All right. Let's open her up.
So, this was mine when I was
about your size.
Let's see how it looks on you.
Say hi to Ruth for me?
I'll tell her.
I guess I hope I never see
you again.
#... My love to the day
# my precious little goodbye
# stay
# well, I hollered up into the
night #
# and I hollered up into the
day #
# and from that big black hole
come running down #
# back every word that I would
say #
# forever mine has gone away
# away
How's a dog sound? Ruff, ruff.
Ruff, ruff? Try that.
Ruff, ruff, and then go back
to cat.
Try that.
# and some will travel 'cross
the land, looking for their
love #
One more time.
# Others gaze upon the sea
and search the sky above #
# But count me not among them
# as I was before
# now I go wandering
# wandering no more
# I shall go wandering no more,
my lord #
# I shall go wandering no more
you are all the treasure #
# That I've been searching for
# I shall go wandering no more
# I shall go wandering no more
Why don't you hang on to this?
Maybe in a week or so, I'll
check back in with you, and
maybe you'll play me a song.
How's that? No.
I'm going on a trip tomorrow.
A trip? Is that right? Mm-hmm.
She's great.
You all right? Yeah, I'm fine.
What are you doing here?
Well, I didn't mean to wear
out my welcome.
No. I just want to know.
Just happy to be here.
You're planning on leaving?
Yes, I am. All right.
You know where you're headed?
No, I don't know yet... just
away from here.
Well, if you need any help...
I don't need anything.
I appreciate the invitation, and
I bid you good night.
Good night.
I want to tell you something.
This has been, uh, weighing on
me for some time.
Uh... When I was in the hospital,
I wasn't, uh... I wasn't sitting
there making plans or anything.
You know, I got nothing against
And what happened... I mean,
that's the risk.
That's... that's part of my job.
And beyond that, I don't hold it
against him to be who he was or
do what he was doing, and I
still don't.
I'm glad to be alive.
I'm glad to know you.
And if you weren't who you were
and had never been with him and
somehow we had still come
together right here, right now,
I wouldn't feel any different.
Do you understand?
You remember that day?
I remember getting shot.
I remember feeling like I'm
getting punched in the shoulder,
seeing the big old Texas sky.
I remember that, but, uh...
Did you see me?
No, ma'am.
Did you hear what I said
after? I read your statement.
It wasn't all true, you know.
I wasn't just a little girl who
got dragged in over her head.
I knew what I was doing.
Well... I think that, uh...
A lot of things were said that
might not have been true.
But you did what you did.
So did he.
And whatever it is you've done,
when I see you with your
daughter... All I see is good.
Maybe I'm just fooling you.
Are you?
Wait. Wait, God damn it!
Ugh! Ugh!
God damn it.
You shot me.
Why'd you shoot me?
I've never even seen you.
No, sir.
What's this about... money?
You... it's about you.
You and the girl.
Everything you tried to do.
You gonna shoot me?
I don't want you to think
I owe you anything.
No, you don't.
The only person I owe
anything to is Bob.
That's not so.
I've been storing
things up all this time...
Sitting awake at night, thinking of
all the things I want to say to him.
Except now I have so many
things, I don't know how I'd
ever start.
All I had was Sylvie and I.
I didn't know how to write about
How do you write about something
like that?
I remember the day she was born.
I was so scared, and I tried to
keep her from coming, but she
came anyway.
And when they put her in my
We just stared at one
another, and I thought I would
die from all that love.
And I tried to write to him
about it so he'd know what it
was like, but... but I just
couldn't find the words to do it
So, I just stopped... stopped
writing to him.
I figured that I'd just tell him
all at once when I saw him.
He'd walk through the door, and
I'd know exactly what to say to
him, and things would be the way
they used to be.
That's why I've been saving
every little thing.
And I haven't slept in four
And I'm tired.
I'm just so goddamn tired.
Then rest.
Will you wait with
me while I do?
Are you all right? Okay?
Hey, what are you... what are you doing?
Drive, man. Drive.
Please, just take the keys.
Step on the gas, man!
Step on the gas!
All right.
And just stick to the highway.
When you get to highway 6, you
turn right.
I... I'm just trying to go see
my family, okay?
I'm just trying to get home.
I ain't gonna put up a fight.
I'll do whatever you want.
I just want to make sure I get
home to them.
I just want you to drive.
What's your family?
What? What family have you got?
You have a wife and kids? No.
No, I'm going to see my parents.
Your parents?
Mom and dad? Yeah.
What's your name?
Will. Will's your name?
Will, do you have anything to
drink? No.
You don't? Unh-unh.
I could go for some water.
You need to... you need to go
to a hospital or something?
No, man.
Just stay on the highway.
Turn at highway number 6.
Yes, sir.
Well, I guess you can
tell I got shot. Yep.
These men came looking for me.
They wanted to put me under.
Somebody sent them, and they
came from somewhere,
and they got me.
They got me pretty good.
They didn't get me good enough.
See... Ohh.
Tell your daddy who you gave a
ride to today.
Okay. Who?
What? Who are you?
Drop it!
It's all right.
You remember...
Remember the first run you ever
did for me?
Huh? Heh. You and Freddy.
The very first one.
Nah, I never did nothing for you, sir.
You both thought you were so
You were little boys.
I want to go home.
I was on the line with Morgan
10 minutes ago... told him how
it happened.
No, no, no.
You get 'em back on the phone
'till they come down here.
I don't know who did what to
who. Did you get an I.D. Yet?
I mean, yeah, but he was just
some son of a bitch up near
Who knows?
Skerritt went out like a sucker, huh?
I'm gonna take Ruth on home.
No, I got Teddy doing that.
Yeah, I'm gonna take her.
Wait here.
It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
I'm gonna call an ambulance.
I've been waiting for you.
Stop it. That tickles.
I thought that's what we're
supposed to do... sing to 'em.
Just talk.
Let me tell you about something.
I'm gonna tell you about the
In the future, I'm a very old
And I'm standing in the door.
We're in a house.
It's our house, somewhere far
away from here, where everything
is green and the
sun is almost set.
And where we're standing, the way I see it,
we're waving to somebody.
And maybe that somebody is you,
come to see us after
a long time gone.
If it is you...
We are very happy to see you.
Hey, sweetie.
Tell me more about that house.
I'm not talking to you.
It's big... Maybe a farm.
It's old. It's older than us.
At the same time, though,
I feel like maybe I built it.
There's no telling.
There's just no telling.
# Left your home at 23
# suitcase full of gin
# thought you had the perfect...
getaway #
# Stole yourself across the hills #
# You stole, you stole again
# Now the lights don't shine
'cause you're away #
# You stuffed that suitcase full
with dirty $100 bills #
# Leaving for another holiday
# Found yourself surrounded by
the city's finest clowns #
# Now the lights don't shine
while you're away #
# Must have been a memory put
you out to sea #
# You were never one for big
displays #
# Well, the devil seems to think
# these complications suit you well #
# 'cause the lights don't shine
while you're away #
# Starin' at that picture in
your mama's dining room #
# Taken just before your
birthday #
# She keeps asking if I know
when you'll be coming home #
# 'Cause the lights don't shine
while you're away #