Air Bud (1997)

[ Chirping ]
[ Engine Revving ]
[ Whimpering ]
[ Engine Rattling ]
Oh, darn it !
[ Groaning ]
Okay, mutt. Show time.
Okay, come here.|Hold it. Hold it.
Hey, do not make me|use this, okay ?
Hi.|"Clown and the Hound."
Ow !|[ Whimpering ]
Hey, kids,|it's happy, slappy time !
[ Clown Laughing ]
All right, now,|I tell ya what we'll do.
We'll start off with a little bit|of plate-spinnin', okay ?
I bet you won't be able to guess|what this one is.
Hoo-hoo-ha, hoo-hoo-hoo.| Hula, hula, hula hoop
Pick a card, any card.
Now we put the plate|in our mouth !
[ Wheezing, Coughing ]
[ Coughing Continues ]|It went down a little bit... far.
[ Humming ]
- [ Clown Groaning ]|- [ Boy Groaning ]
Okay, dog, your turn.
- [ Panting ]|- [ Laughing ]
[ Children Gasping ]|Oh. Oh. Oh.
- One more.|- [ Together ] Yeah !
And now|for the grand finale, kids !
- [ Grunting ]|- [ Shrieking ]
- Where are you ?|- [ Crowd Shouting ]
- Come back here !|- [ Screaming ]|- [ Whimpering ]
[ Grunting ]|Ow !
[ Clown Shouting ]
- My cake !|- [ Screaming ]
- [ Children Screaming ]|- [ Mother ] Oh !
[ Grunting ]
Would it be okay|if I get a couple references ?
Come on ! Get up here !|I warned you.
You had your chance,|you flea-bitten mongrel.
You're going to the pound !
Do you hear me ?|You're going to the pound !
I hate birthday parties !
I hate kids !|I hate being a clown !
I can't stand birthday cakes !
Yeah, dog pound ? I got a vicious dog.|No, it's a horrible dog.
It's a menace !|I'm bringin' him in now !
No, I don't know where you are.|That's why I'm calling ya.
What ? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah,|yeah, I know where that is.
I could be there|in 15, 20 minutes.
Yeah. Well, no, I got a map.|I got a map here in the truck.
- [ Whimpering ]|- [ Mooing ]
[ Truck Horn Honking ]
Oh, my God !|Oh, my !
- [ Baby Crying ]|- You okay ?
- You okay, sweetie ? You okay ?|- No !
Well, jeez,|almost gave me a heart attack.
What on earth is that box doing|in the middle of the road ?
We're okay. Everyone's okay.|We-- We're okay. Fine.
Isn't it cute ?|Oh, don't forget:
My new job is just|ten minutes away.
Did I tell you that|the Fernfield Napkin Factory...
is the third largest manufacturer|of napkins in all North America ?
Well, here we are.
[ Sighs ]|So what do you think, huh ?
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
[ Owl Hooting ]
[ Mother ]|I am concerned about him starting|three months into the school year.
He doesn't make friends|very easily.
Not that he's not friendly. It's just--|Well, he doesn't talk much these days.
You see, when his dad|passed away last year--
- Oh, I'm so sorry.|- Thank you.
It's been difficult.|So, anyway...
I used to spend a lot of time|around here because my grandparents|lived here.
So I thought that the move|would really be the best thing|for us, especially for Josh.
I understand. I'm sure he's|going to do very well here.
But tell me about|extracurricular programs.
Does Josh have any interests|or hobbies ?
Well, he used to like to play|basketball with his dad,
but he's lost interest|in that too.
Well, let's see.|We have an excellent band.
Oh, I used to play the flute|when I was his age. That was fun.
[ Bell Ringing ]
I think an instrument|would be just the thing !
[ Man ] No, no, no.|Don't blow so hard.
Okay, blow a little harder.
Okay, blow a little harder.
[ Chattering ]
Hey, Mike, pass !
- Pick up. Come on.|- Come on.
Go ! Come on, shoot !
Shoot !
[ Grunting ]
[ Dog Growling ]
[ Dog Whimpering ]
I know, Mom. It's not called|moonlighting. Oh, I found it.
Yeah, it's--|It's-- It's-- No !
It's not moonlighting.|You're allowed to have two jobs.
Hmm ? Mom, would you hold on|a minute ? I have another call.
- Hello. Oh, y--|- Q-R-S, T-U-V
- Yes, Mrs. Grayson. Hi.|- W-X
I figured out why Bolivia|didn't get the napkins.|Venezuela got 'em. Yeah.
- [ Knocking ]|- [ Door Opens ]
Sorry, sweetie,|that was Grandma on the phone.
- How was school ?|- It sucks.
How was the trombone ?
Aw, sweetie.
I'm sorry.
You know, we've all been|through a lot in this last year.
But I know we're gonna|get through it.
This is a good place.
All we gotta do is just give it|our best shot every day.
Your dad would've wanted it|that way.
I guess.
Sure. He wouldn't have|wanted you being all mopey.
I love you.
Check out the new kid.
It looks like he stole that ball|from the Harlem Globetrotters.
[ Chuckling ]
How you doin', buddy ?
[ Man ]|All right, listen up !
Now, you're here today to try out|for the school's finest tradition:
Now, I've got five of my boys|back from last year,
including leading scorer|Larry Willingham.
Raise your hands, gentlemen.
This year, we are goin' all the way.|Why's that, Willingham ?
- 'Cause we're winners, sir.|- That's right.
We are here to win...
'cause if you can win|on the courts,
you can win at life.
Get your butts out here.|Let's see if you can play ball.
[ Children Shouting ]
What team you playin' for ?|What team you playin' for ?|Who's gonna win ?
- Who's gonna win ?|- [ Together ] Timberwolves !
- I can't hear you !|- [ Together ] Timberwolves !
What team's gonna win ?
- Good night, Art.|- Good night.
Hey, kid,|you're new here, right ?
Well, uh, I could use|a manager.
- Well--|- Manager works his butt off.
He arrives before the team.|He leaves after the team.|Think you can handle it ?
Practice is Friday afternoon.|You be here.
[ Whistles ]
[ Barking ]
Hey, boy. Want me to get|those rags off ya ?
- [ Growls ]|- [ Gasps ]
Yes, Mrs. Grayson, I know,|but that account needs to be zeroed out.
[ Gasping ]|Mm. I know.
Could you hold on a minute ?|I have another call. Thanks.
Hi. Hello ? Oh, hi ! Weren't you guys|supposed to start wallpapering today ?
-Josh, would you eat something, please ?|- I don't know why
[ Grunting ]
[ Dog Panting ]
You like basketball ?
Hey, boy, come and get it !|Come and get it !
Hey, boy.
Good boy.
Okay, in you go.
Come on.
Come on.
[ Grunting ]
Come on. My mom's|gonna be home at 5:00.
Wait a minute.
Hey, boy ! Yeah, good boy, good boy.|You want it, boy ?
You want the ball ?|You want the ball ?
Yeah, go get it,|go get it.
Splish, splash|I was takin' a bath
Long about a Saturday night
Rub, dub|Just relaxin' in the tub
Thinkin' everything|was all right
Well, I stepped out the tub|put my feet on the floor
I wrapped the towel around me|and I opened the door
And a splish splash|I jumped back in the bath
Well, how was I to know|there was a party goin' on
There was|a-splishin' and a-splashin'
Reelin' with the feelin'|movin' and a-groovin'|rockin' and a-rollin'
Bing, bang|I saw the whole gang
Dancin' on|my living room rug, yeah
- Flip, flop they was doin' the bop |- Stay, buddy.
All the teens|had the dancin' bug
Yeah, there was Lollipop|with Peggy Sue
Good golly, Miss Molly|wasn't even there too
With a splish, splash
[ Blower Humming ]
Rollin' and a-strollin'|reelin' with the feelin'
Movin' and a-groovin'|splishin' and a-splashin'
Oh, yeah
- Josh, I'm home !|- Buddy, stay.
And don't move until I come back.
- There you go.|- [ Mumbling ]
Hi, Mom !|Can I help with the groceries ?
- Excuse me ?|- Can I help with the groceries ?
How was your day ?
Okay, what's going on ?
What's wrong ?
Nothing ! Can't a guy even help|his mom with the groceries ?
What did you do ?
Mom, do you remember|when I used to have a hamster ?
- You want another hamster ?|- No !
- Not exactly.|- Josh, spit it out !
Oh, my God.
[ Mom Screaming ]|Oh, my God !
[ Screaming Continues ]
No !
Buddy ! Ew !
So, can I keep him ?
[ Barking ]
Oh, here.
I got an idea.
Josh, would you|come in here, please ?
Uh-oh. Buddy, you gotta|stay here, okay ?
Buddy, no.
- You gotta stay outside.|- [ Dog Whimpers ]
- Hey, Mom, you wanted to see me ?|- What are you doing ?
- What do you mean ?|- The box.
- The box ?|- Don't get funny with me, Josh.
- I know what you're doing.|- What am I doing ?
You are making a home for him,|and this is not his home.
- The next thing you know--|- Mom, we can't leave him|out in the rain.
- That's totally inhuman.|- That's just the point, Josh.
He's not human.|He's a stray.
Do not get attached|to this dog, Josh. Do not !
No, I have way too much|on my plate as it is.
- I'd take care of him.|- Josh, we don't know anything|about this dog.
We have your little sister|to think about. No. The answer is no.
One week, and if nobody claims him,|he goes straight to the pound.
- Three weeks ? Two and a half ?|- Two.
- Josh !|- Christmas. That's like two weeks|and a couple days, right ?
That's perfect.|We can't dump him before Christmas.
- Please, please, please.|- All right, all right, Christmas.
But the minute after,|he's outta here.
Meanwhile, he stays outside. And if you|try to sneak him in here just once--
Mom, Mom, Mom.|I swear.
All right.|As long as we're clear.
I swear, you're gonna grow up|to be a lawyer someday.
[ Bicycle Bell Dings ]
- Josh, did you see my newspaper ?|- No, Mom !
Morning, Mom !
- Buddy, how are ya ?|- [ Barking ]
How are ya, boy ?|Did you have a good sleep ? Did ya ?
- That's a good boy.|- [ Barking ]
[ Brushing Teeth ]
- [ Barking ]|- [ Josh Giggling ]
[ Kids Shouting ]
- Don't drag your feet.|Don't drag your feet.|- I got the shot.
- Down, down. Let's go !|- [ Whistle Blowing ]
Stewart, don't try to be a hero.|Your job on this team is to get|the ball to Willingham.
- Let's go !|- [ Whistle Blowing ]
- Pass it off. Let's go !|- [ Boy ] Move it, move it. Back.
[ Coach ] That's it.|Let's go, Curtis.
What's the matter, water boy ?|[ Laughing ]
Let's go !
Hey, get out. Can't you see|this is wet paint ?
He shoots... and scores !
- [ Barking ]|- Here !
Good boy !
[ Door Opens ]
Cool. Pizza.
[ Baby ]|Me too. Who is it ?
What's with Josh today ?
Whoa ! How did you|get up here ?
Hey !|[ Grunting ]
Josh !
- No !|- Are you okay ?
- Josh !|- I'm fine, Mom !
Josh ?
Josh !
- Is everything okay in here ?|- Yeah, Mom.
Everything's fine.|Just doin' my homework.
Why don't I take care|of that laundry as long as I'm here ?
No ! I'll do it later.
You work so hard, Mom.
It'll be good for me.
[ Phone Ringing ]
Hello ?|Yes, this is Mrs. Framm.
Yes, my son put up|those flyers.
Oh, no, no. I'm sure he didn't mean|to put one up on private property.
Oh, I'm so sorry. Oh.
- Yeah !|- [ Dog Whimpers ]
[ Alarm Clock Ringing ]
Hey, Jackie ! What's new ?
I wouldn't know.
- Bye, Mom. I got practice.|I'll be home late.|- Bye, honey.
That's it, gentlemen.|Showers !
You tried to get that slam dunk.|Yeah, right.
[ Sneakers Squeaking ]
- Cold water.|- Huh ?
Make sure you use|cold water.
They'll come out all miniaturized|if you don't.
I don't get it.
You don't get what ?
Why are you puttin' yourself|through this ?
I guess I just like basketball.
Whoa !
-[ Bell Ringing ]|-And have a wonderful holiday, children.
We'll see you all in two weeks.
[ Shouting ]
[ Metal Clanging ]
Excuse me, sir.
Could you sign this ?
[ Sighs ]
You think this is me ?
- It isn't ?|- No, kid.
That guy's dead.|Died a long time ago.
Oh, okay.
Thanks anyway.
[ Basketball Bouncing ]
"Yes, Virginia,|there is a Santa Claus.
He exists as certainly as love|and generosity and devotion exist.
And you know that they abound|and give to your life...
its highest beauty and joy.
Alas, how dreary would the world be|if there were no Santa Claus.
There would be no childlike|faith then.
No poetry, no romance to make|tolerable this existence.
Nobody can conceive|or imagine...
all the wonders that are unseen|and unseeable in the world.
The most real things|in the world...
are those that neither children|nor men can see.
No Santa Claus ?
Thank God he lives,|and he lives forever.
A thousand years from now,|Virginia--
nay, ten times 10,000 years|from now--
he will continue|to make glad...
the heart of childhood."
[ Ringing ]
Hey, Buddy, it's Christmas.
Buddy ? Buddy ?
[ Panting ]
Buddy !
- Merry Christmas, Josh.|- Buddy !
[ Dog Whines ]
Thank you, Mom.|Thank you, thank you,|thank you, thank you !
I gotta get these flyers out|to the boys who tried out|for the team and didn't make it.
The Simmons twins moved to Canada.|God knows why.
I got two slots open.
You know which lockers|belong to which boys ?
[ Chattering ]
Don't even waste|your time, water boy.
[ Laughing ]
I wish my dad were here.
He always knew what to do.
No, Buddy ! No.
I don't wanna play.
Fine. You can play.
No way.
I don't believe this.
- [ Barking ]|- Come on, boy.
Sit, boy.
[ Gasping ]|Whoa !
Yes !
[ Giggling ]
I don't know where|you learned to do this,
but just to be on the safe side,|our secret, okay ?
Yeah, that's|a good boy. Yeah.
All right, gentlemen,|listen up.
Now, we're off|to a rocky start.
We're two and two.
If we're gonna make it to the play-offs,|we're gonna have to start winnin'.
Which is why I'm lookin'|for a couple of winners.
There's nine of you here.|Only two of you are comin' back.
Framm ! You're late !|Bring over that rack of balls !
I'm here to try out|for the team.
- [ Laughing ]|- He can't try out. He's the water boy.
Framm, where did you get that ?
It was in my locker.
Well, it wasn't supposed to be.
Would it be too much trouble|if I tried out anyway ?
Coach, just let him.
All right, but if you slow down|my tryout, I'm gonna have to|pull you out.
Fast break, fast break !
[ Grunting ]
Yes !
[ Cheering, Shouting ]
Look at my new shoes, man.
Nervous ?
This always brought me good luck.|You should carry it tonight.
- An orange peel ?|- Not just any orange peel.
Scottie Pippen dropped this orange peel|at the Sonics game. I picked it up.
- I can't take this, Tom.|- It's okay.
I got this|out of Shawn Kemp's trash.
Water boy.
Just stay out of my way.
[ Barking ]
[ Dog Whines ]
[ Crowd Cheering ]
Josh. Hi !|Josh !
- Yea, Josh.|- [ Buzzer Buzzing ]
Be a man, Larry !
You make the basket,|then you draw the foul ! Come on !
[ Cheering ]
- Pass, pass !|- Over here, Larry. Over here.
[ Whistle Blows ]
They're killin' us on the transitions.|Full-court press.
- All right ? Timberwolves !|- [ Shouting ]
Stewart ! I don't wanna see you|drop the ball again. You got it ?
- [ Whistle Blowing ]|- That was our ball, ref !
- Hacking number three,|hacking number three.|- Get your butt over here !
The only one allowed to mouth off|at the referee is me.
- Framm, check in !|- Me ?
Do you see any other Framms|sittin' here ? Check in !
Yea, Josh !
Framm, number four,|now entering the game.
- Pass it off !|- Go, go, go !
- Buddy !|- [ Crowd Gasping ]
Get him !
Buddy, no !
Buddy, stop !
Hey, gimme that.|Gimme that ball.
- Excuse me.|- Get back here !
Buddy, get over here !
Buddy, no !
[ Cheering Stops,|Crowd Gasping ]
[ Cheering ]
Buddy. Bad dog.
Sorry, Josh.|Come on, Buddy.
- Hey, boy.|- Josh.
Did you know that Buddy|could do that ?
- Did you know that he could|play basketball ?|- There he is !
Oh, the man of the hour.
And the dog !
I swear I wouldn't have believed it if|I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes.
A basketball-playing dog !|[ Laughing ]
A regular|Michael "Woof" Jordan.
You've been keeping this under your hat.|[ Chuckling ]
Oh, but I'm going on like a faucet.|Melissa, this is Mrs. Framm...
and her talented son, Josh.
- Hi.|- Hi.
I'm the president|of the Booster Club,
and I wondered if, maybe,|you and--
- Buddy.|- Buddy-- could do that trick|at the next half-time show.
Wouldn't he be|a great mascot ?
It would be great|for school spirit !
Buddy ?
You're never gonna drop|another ball again, Stewart.
You could do that.|Just meet the ball.|Just catch the ball.
What's going on here ?
- Just running Tom|through a little drill.|- That'll be enough, Joe.
That'll be enough.
Good boy.
Hi, I'd like to report a problem|with my morning newspaper delivery.
I'm not getting one.|No, I haven't gotten one for weeks now.
I keep calling and calling.
Look, my neighbors have them,|and I don't.
Oh, no, I'm sure he's|a really great, great paperboy.
- [ Glass Shattering ]|- Josh !
[ Knocking ]
- Miss Pepper ?|- Mm-hmm.
Um, have you found|a basketball coach yet ?
Mmm. Larry's father volunteered.|Just until we find a new P.E. teacher.
- Mmm.|- Um--
Would it be weird|if I made a suggestion ?
[ Clears Throat ]
Uh, let's get started.
You see this ball ?
- I don't see nothin'.|- Well, I do. It's a good ball.
Regulation weight, size.
A little worn,
but still has|a nice bounce to it.
Don't-- Don't hang on to it, Josh.|Pass it on.
Nice catch.
- Uh-oh. Fumble.|- This is stupid.|Let's get a real ball in here.
A ball is nothing|but rubber and air, Larry.
Basketball...|is what you do with it.
Before you play with this,
you gotta learn how to play|with your teammates.
All right, all right.|Pass the balls.
Stop the dribbling.|Pass the ball.
Good, good, good.|Looking good.
- [ Larry ] Two points !|- Fine.
- Only you didn't have the ball.|- What ?
You're not watching|your teammates, Larry. You're|playing with an invisible ball.
You gotta get your information|from somewhere else.
Now, let's try it again.
[ Crowd Chattering ]
- [ Cheering ]|- [ Buzzer Buzzing ]
It's half.
[ Feedback ]
[ Clears Throat ]|May I have your attention, please ?
Uh, we have a real treat|for you tonight, folks.
I'd like you all to welcome|our very own guard Josh Framm...
and the new mascot|for the Timberwolves' basketball team...
Air Bud !
- Great !|- [ Cheering ]
[ Feedback ]
[ Crowd Laughing ]
Come on. Come on.
Good boy.|Yeah, good boy.
[ Exhales ]
- [ Laughing ]|- [ Moaning ]
[ Sighs ]|Let's go.
Let's go.
Come on.|I'm just playing.
Yeah, good boy.|Just like we always do.
You can do this.
You already showed me that.
Don't worry about|all those people. Hey.
Good boy. Yeah. Good boy.|Let's go. Come on. Let's go, boy.
Come on. Let's go.|You wanna play ? Good boy.
[ Cheering ]
[ Stewart ]|Pass the ball. Let's go.
I'm open.|Larry, come on !
Larry, out !
What ?|Why are you taking me out ?
- Josh, go on in for Larry.|- Huh ?
What the hell|do you think you're doin' ?
- Time, ref !|- [ Whistle Blows ]
- Why are you takin' my kid out ?|- 'Cause he's playin'|like a one-man team.
- This boy is the team.|- Maybe he is to a worked-up father,
but to me, he's a player|who's got a whole lot to learn.
Now I'll kindly ask you to take|your seat, Mr. Willingham.
Let me get back|to coaching my team.
Come on, Larry.|We're leavin'.
- But, Dad ?|- Now !
Check in, Josh.
- [ Cheerleaders Cheering ]|- [ Whistle Blowing ]
Chris ! Chris !
[ Cheering ]
[ Buzzer Buzzing ]
A lot easier when the pressure's off,|isn't it ?
I thought if I made the basket,|the guys would've,
you know, accepted me.
You took that shot for|the wrong reasons, Josh. See that dog ?
- Yeah.|- Toss him the ball.
That dog couldn't give|a rat's behind...
about his point average,|whether he's M.V.P.
He just loves to play the game.
I've seen a lot of players|in the pros...
Iike that guy Chaney,|for instance,
make the same mistake you made.
If you're just out there|for yourself, you lose.
It's all in here, Josh.
You gotta play|from the heart.
[ Cheering ]
That's it.|Concentrate on the ball.
Good. Good !|Now you're gettin' it.
Yeah !
That's great !
Go, Buddy !
We're here|at Fernfield School...
where the Timberwolves|have just qualified...
for next week's final|against the Warriors.
Even more amazing than the Timberwolves'|miraculous mid-season turnaround...
is their mascot's|incredible abilities.
His name is Buddy,
but this is no ordinary|golden retriever.
He's more of a golden shooter.|Don't believe me ? Take a look.
[ Humming ]
[ Sighs ]|Oh.
- [ Gasping ]|- Oh, hey.
Sorry to disturb ya.|Name's Norm Snively.|I believe you've got my dog.
- Huh ? What ?|- My dog.
You know, Old-- Old--
Old Blue.
- Uh--|- Uh, here.
There's a picture of him.|That's him and me.
- You see, I'm a clown by profession.|- Um--
- Maybe you'd like to see his papers.|- Uh-- Uh--
- [ Gasping ]|- [ Growling ]
- Josh.|- No !
Blue, yes.|Now you're comin' home with Daddy.
- No ! You can't take him !|- Josh ! Honey, honey !
- [ Dog Whines ]|- Josh, there's nothing that we can do.
- He's got papers.|- He's my dog !
-Please, sir, could we pay you ?|-Look, lady, I just want|my dog back, okay ?
He hates you !|He hates you !
- Baby, it's okay.|- I'll tell you what, kid.
On your next birthday,|me and the dog, we'll come out,|we'll do a show for you cheap.
It's okay. It's okay.|Baby, it's okay. Josh !
- [ Engine Starts ]|- Please, just talk to me !
Please ! Wait !
A beer commercial ? No, I don't want|my dog to do beer commercials.
- Psst, Buddy.|- [ Whimpering ]
Look, what do you think|I am anyway ?
I got-- I'm-- I got--|Look, I got ethics.
- Buddy.|- [ Whimpering ]
[ Barking ]
Just for curiosity's sake, though,
what are we talking about for|one of those beer commercials ?
Would you shut up out there !
- [ Grunting ]|- What's that ?
- We're talking about how much ?|- Hey, Buddy.
Oh, that kind of blows ethics|right out of the water, doesn't it ?
I mean, hey, he's just a dog.|What does he know ?
No, April's not good for us.|We're booked on a tour.
Wait !
Is that Oprah woman-- Oprah,|you know, the Oprah woman--
Does she like dogs ?
I'd love to do Jay Leno.|[ Chuckling ]
Hey !|Get back here with my dog !
Buddy, come on. Run !
You little darned kid !|That's my dog !
- Go, Buddy !|- [ Groaning ]
I got you, kid !
- Go, Buddy, go !|- [ Shouting ]
Hey !
Get out of my way !
Hey !
You can't run fast enough !
I needed that !
[ Screaming ]
[ Screaming Continues ]
[ Coughing ]|Hey !
I'm gonna get you,|you little--
Here, boy.
Come on, boy.
Buddy ?
I know you're only a dog,
so I don't expect you to understand|what I'm gonna say.
You can't come home with me.
That guy'll just come|and take you back.
You gotta understand that--
Well, Buddy, I found you.
Somebody else|is gonna find you too.
I know they'll love you,|so I'm gonna set you free.
Here, I got you|a little something.
Stupid thing.
I wish I could go back to before I|ever knew you could make a basket.
Maybe none of this|would've ever happened.
Go on, Buddy.|You're free now.
Go !
Go on.
[ Sighs ]|Buddy ! Get.
You have to go, Buddy.
Please, Buddy. Go.
[ Crying ]|Get !
Go ! Get out of here !|Don't you understand ?
Get ! I don't want you anymore !
Get !
You wanna play, Buddy ?
Yeah, good boy.
- Come on, Buddy. Yeah, good boy.|- [ Barking ]
Just like we always do.
[ Whimpering ]
[ Band ]
[ Cheerleaders ]| Let's go, Wolves
Let's go, Wolves
You know, they say|a team is a community,
which means when one boy|gets the chicken pox,
half the team is out.
- You boys have got your work|cut out for you tonight.|- Let's go, Wolves
These last months have been|some of the best I've ever had.
I owe that|to you boys here...
and maybe to a dog...
who isn't here.
Because whatever|happens tonight,
this is a team,
and that's a victory|right there.
- Now, are you ready to play ?|- [ Together ] Yeah !
All right, let's go get 'em !
[ Together ]|Yeah, Timberwolves !
[ Buzzer Buzzing ]
You're goin' down tonight,|water boy.
- Larry plays for the Warriors now ?|- Yeah.
Hawkes just told me Larry's dad|moved the whole family to Spokane...
just so he could play|for the Warriors.
- Great.|- It's okay.
I'm packing Dennis Rodman's|Juicy Fruit.
- [ Buzzer Buzzing ]|- What's the most important word ?
- [ Together ] Teamwork !|- Let's go.
[ Cheering ]
Come on, Lar ! That's it !|Show 'em how it's done, boy !
That's my boy !
Sean, left hook, Sean.
[ Laughing ]|What's the matter, water boy ?
- Nice job ! Nice job !|- [ Laughing ]
Pass the ball ! Pass it !
- Time, ref !|- Let's go, let's go, let's go.|Come on. Sit down.
Sit down. Rest.|Here we go.
I'm tired, Coach.|We're dyin' out there.
You gotta let the ball|do the work.
Come on.|We're only down by ten.
- We got almost a whole|second half to hit 'em.|- [ Buzzer Buzzing ]
All right, put those hands together.|Come on, come on.
[ Together ]|One, two, three. Let's go !
[ Whistle Blowing ]
Josh, down low, down low.
- Way to go !|- [ Cheering ]
Defense !
- Yes !|- Hey, all right now ! All right !
[ Crowd Sighs ]
- Cover him, cover him.|- What was that, Greg ?|- [ Groaning ]
- That's five, son. You're out of here.|- [ Grunting ]
- Time, ref ! Time !|- Huddle up, huddle up, huddle up.
Come on. No more fouls, guys.|We can't afford to lose anyone else.
All right,|the game's not over yet.
A whole lot can happen|in seven minutes.
Remember what got us here ?|Teamwork.
Up high !
Yeah, yeah !
[ Groaning ]
- [ Gasping ]|- [ Whistle Blowing ]
Injury. Time-out.
[ Referee ] Come on, guys.|Help 'em up. You okay ?
All right. Okay, fellas,|you did your best.
It's over, Coach.|Let's forfeit.
We've only got four players.|What are we gonna do ?
Hold your head up|and do the best you can.
- We'll beat 'em with four guys.|- [ Barking ]
Come back here !|Hey, get out of there !
Buddy !
Buddy !
Hey, fellas, I got an idea.
[ Pep Band Playing ]
Let's go, Wolves
K9 checking in.
Let's go, Wolves
What the heck's goin' on here ?
- I'll handle this, Josh.|- The Timberwolves wanna|substitute a dog.
- What are they, nuts ?|- Dog's a registered member of the team.
He practices with the team.|He travels with the team.
You check in your rule book.|Bet you won't find anything|that says a dog can't play.
He's right. Ain't no rule|that says a dog can't play basketball.
This is a joke.|I mean, dogs don't play basketball.
What's the matter, gentlemen ? Afraid|your team might get beat by a dog ?
[ Together ]|Put him in.
[ Announcer ]|Now entering the game, new player...
Okay, boy,|we're just playing. Stay.
- Stay.|- [ Whistle Blowing ]
Yes ! Yes !
Yeah !|Nice shot !
- Does he dribble ?|- No, but he might drool a little bit.
Won't somebody cover the dog ?|Don't just look at the dog. Cover him !
Come on ! Come on, Larry.|Let's have a little hustle.
[ Groaning ]|Come on. Let's go !
- Get it, Buddy. Get it. Get it.|- [ Whistle Blowing ]
- Let it go, Buddy.|- Come on. Break it up.
Break it up.|Give me the ball.
Give me the ball.
[ Crowd Laughing ]
Aw, jeez.
Come on. You ready ?|Here we go.
- [ Barking ]|- [ Gasping ]
Yeah ! All right !|That's great !
That's the way !
[ Warriors Coach ]|Yeah, okay. All right, all right.
- [ Cheering ]|- Yes ! Yes !
Would somebody cover the dog ?
- Cover him.|- My mother could cover that dog.
Dog's in for two minutes,|he's got three assists.
[ Crowd Chanting ]|Buddy, Buddy, Buddy, Buddy !
Buddy, Buddy, Buddy !
- Can someone cover that dog ?|- I don't believe this.
- Oh, he's traveling. He's traveling.|- Traveling dog.
Don't let him go to his left.|Don't let him go to his left.
[ Shouting ]
- Good dog, Buddy !|- What are you doing ?|- [ Groaning ]
- Would you look at that dog !|- Go !
[ Dog Whines ]
Foul, number six.|One and one.
[ Cheering Stops ]
Come on, Buddy !
T-Toss it to him,|I guess.
That's it, Buddy. Go on.|You can do it, Buddy. You can do it.
Larry, get in there !
Teamwork ! Teamwork !
[ Buzzer Buzzing ]
That's my son !
Yes !
Water boy !
Nice shot.
I'll take my dog back now.
- He doesn't wanna go with you.|- What's the problem ?
There's no problem, Ms. Framm.
Your son's had his little fun.|Now I think it's time to give me|back what's rightfully mine.
You know what, Mr. Snively,|I believe my son is right.
That dog doesn't like you.|So the answer is no.
[ Chuckling ]|You don't have any choice, lady.
I got papers.
I'll see you in court.
Next case:|Snively versus Framm.
[ Grunting ]
This one of your high-profile|divorce cases ?
- No, sir. Custody.|- Oh, custody.
Holy Toledo, what is that dog|doing in the courthouse ?
That's the, uh, child, sir.
That's a pretty ugly kid.
- [ Observers Laughing ]|- It's a dog.
- What ?|- The case is about custody of a dog.
All right, I'll take it,|but we have to do this seriously.
I will not have my courtroom|turned into some kind of a circus.
Who the hell are you ?
Mr. Norman F. Snively,|Your Honor.
I'm the plaintiff.
- You look like an idiot.|- Why, thank you, sir.
See, I'm a clown by profession.|Happy Slappy's the name.|Clown and the Hound.
Begging your humblest pardon, I thought|it might be helpful to Your Honor...
if I appeared here today|in the guise most pertinent...
to the cogent and unequivocal|stating of my case.
Whatever, whatever.|Y-Y-You go first, clown.
Well, the fact is, Your Honor,|that dog's my property,|and I have papers to prove it.
Well, would you show them|to me, please ?
Well, actually, Your Honor,|l-l had papers to prove it.
But that boy--|that young hooligan--
because of his irresponsible|and criminal activity,|is responsible for what you see.
- Order !|- [ Barking ]
You see, sir, when I lost|my dog for the first time,
it broke me up real bad.
When I lost him the second time,|it darn near killed me.
Hell's bells, Your Honor,|all I wanna do is get Old Blue back.
So it can be him and me together|just like it always was.
Why ? So you can|abuse him some more ?
- That will be enough, young man.|- [ Barking ]
I raised that dog from a puppy.|I wouldn't harm a hair on his head !
- Bailiff, what is that ?|- The dog, Your Honor.
- Order !|- [ Barking ]
- Quiet !|- [ Barking ]
- It's the gavel, sir.|- What ? Speak up !|- [ Barking ]
- Bailiff !|- [ Barking ]|- You said "speak."
- Speak !|- [ Barking ]
Will somebody please|suppress that dog ?
- Shh !|- [ Observers Laughing ]
Oh, what a day.|What a day.
- [ Glass Thuds ]|- Now then--
Young man,|have you any evidence...
that this man|abused your dog ?
Did you ever see him|hit the dog ?
Well... no.
Then how did you know|the dog was abused ?
Because Buddy doesn't like him.|Buddy's my friend.
I know what he's feeling,|so he knows what I'm feeling.
- He's telling the truth, Your Honor.|- Who's that ?
- The boy's mother.|- Oh, it's all right, you may sp--
You may address the court.
When we first moved to this town,
uh, my son...
was very unhappy.
And then he found Buddy here.
Buddy's given him something|to look forward to.
Please, please,|don't take Buddy away from my son.
Mrs. Framm, as far as|this court is concerned,
- the dog is property|unless you have evidence--|- Your Honor.
All these people here did not come here|because of a piece of property.
They came here because of Buddy.|He's part of this town.
He's part of the team, and he's part|of our family now, Your Honor.
- Well, he's part of my family too !|- [ Booing ]
He's like a son to me !
- Shut up !|- [ Barking ]
Why not let the dog choose,|Your Honor ?
They say a dog|is man's best friend.
If that's the case,
shouldn't the dog be able to choose|who he wants to be friends with ?
Who are you, Barnum or Bailey ?
- Arthur Chaney, Your Honor.|- Mr. Chaney, do you reali--
Arthur Chaney ?|New York Knicks, '56 ?
Huh. I was at that Celtics game|where you did the turnaround|jumper at the buzzer.
I spilled beer|all over my wife.
- Your Honor.|- What ?
- Oh, yes, yes, yes.|[ Clears Throat ]|- [ Barking ]
- Mr. Chaney.|- Well, I've been thinking.
This dog's what,|three, four years old.
That makes him an adult|in our years.
- I say let Buddy decide.|- [ Observers Murmuring ]
Mr. Chaney, during my 40 years|on the bench,
I have heard a lot of lamebrain|cockamamie proposals,
but this one... I like.
Move back, everybody ! Way back.|Come along now. Way back.
Gentlemen,|stay on your spots.
If you'll take just one single step|toward that dog, you lose.
Do you understand ?
Now, begin calling the dog.
Old Blue, come to Daddy.
Buddy, come on.|Buddy, come on, please. Buddy, Buddy.
Buddy, Buddy !
- Daddy loves ya, baby.|- Buddy, Buddy.
- Buddy, come on, please.|Buddy, come on.|- Daddy loves ya.
- Hey, Buddy !|- Come on. Come on, boy !
- Buddy, come on. Come on.|- Don't pay any attention to that boy.
- Come on. You wanna come to me.|- Buddy !
- Buddy ! Buddy !|- Come to Daddy !
- Hey, good boy. Come on, Buddy.|- Hey, Blue !
Blue, Blue, come on.
- Come on, Buddy.|Please. Please, Buddy.|- Blue !
-Come on.|-Blue ! Hey, over here. Come on, Blue.
- Look what Daddy's got for ya.|- No, Buddy !
Buddy ! Buddy !
Old friend, come on.|Come this way. Come on.
- Buddy, no. Buddy, no !|- Get over here !
That's right, boy.|Come on. Come on.
- Come on. Over this way.|- Buddy, don't !
- You're gonna get it.|- Buddy, no !|- Get over here !
- Get over here !|- [ Growling ]
[ Screaming ]|What are you doing ?
Stupid dog !
Yeah, come on !
By the powers vested in me, I award|custody of the dog to Josh Framm.
Case closed.|Thank God.
You can't do that !
That dog is my dog !|I got pictures !
Will somebody suppress|that clown ?
[ Shouting ]
Hey, Buddy, do you wanna play ?
Yeah, just like we always do.