All Mine to Give (1957)

Don't cry, Janie. Don't cry.
You'll be all right soon.
Come on, Janie, don't cry.
Kids think nothing
ever happened before they were born.
But what happened to all of us...
...began the day my mother and father
got off the steamboat... Eureka, Wisconsin.
It was September, 1856.
Oh, heh, I wonder, uh, could you direct
a body to the house of Will Jamison?
Oh, heh, for... Forgive me
for not introducing myself.
My name's Robert Strong Eunson.
And I come from the Shetland Isles.
My wife's uncle Will Jamison
wrote us a letter inviting us to America.
Will never mentioned it.
Well, that's the Jamisons for you.
Closemouthed, eh, Mamie?
Excuse me, this is my missus.
- Mister?...
- Bradley, Harry Bradley.
Well, we're pleased
to make your acquaintance, Mr. Bradley.
- This is Howard Tyler.
- Pleased to meet you, Mr. Tyler.
I'm afraid you folks
must prepare yourself for a shock.
- Oh?
- Will Jamison's dead.
His house burned to the ground
three weeks ago.
Now, lass... hadn't seen your uncle
since you were a wee one.
Don't grieve.
We work and slave
and pinch our pennies for the journey...
...with the family telling us
how foolhardy we are.
Aye, lass, aye.
But we wanted the baby
to be born in the New World.
Hello. Hello there.
Whoa, whoa, boy.
Well, come on, Lela.
We heard that you young folks
had come out here.
Harry Bradley should've had
better sense than to let you.
I'm Dr. Delbert and this is my wife.
Oh, how do you do, doctor?
Mrs. Delbert? This is my missus.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- You're coming straight home with us.
- Oh, no. No, thank you.
We have money to pay
for a night's lodging at the inn.
Oh, no. I'm afraid there isn't any inn
this side of Oshkosh.
We're certainly
not going to let you go to the stable.
- Thank you, but we couldn't be a bother...
- No bother at all.
Come along, dear.
You can have the girls' room.
They'll sleep on the parlor floor.
They've done it before.
Rob, where are you?
Right here, lass.
There, jo.
There, there, there.
It wouldn't be pains you're feeling,
would it?
Oh, would you?...
Would you like a tumbler of water?
Oh, jo, there, there, now.
You're not to fret.
Tomorrow we start back to Fair Isle.
With me like this
and only $45 in your belt?
Well, then...
You remember Green Bay...
...the city on the water
where we purchased the nanny goat?
I'll find work to do there
in one of the sawmills or grist mills...
...and work.
Couldn't you find?...
Couldn't you find work here in Eureka...
...and we'd be put?
Not flying off hither and thither
to that Blue Bay or this Green Bay.
Well, the men on the riverboat,
they were talking of the logging camps.
A man cannot leave his wife
to fend for herself and a newborn. No.
Don't worry about Robbie and me.
Then you've named the lad? Hm?
If it does not displease you.
Not if you think you can stand
having two Roberts underfoot.
- Well, how are you, Mrs. Runyon?
- Fine, fine, thank you.
Well, that's good. Good to see you.
Well, what's that?
Hm? Oh, that's a pump.
Well, I know it's a pump.
But inside the cabin?
- Aye, Mrs. Runyon.
- Why, I never heard of such a thing.
Neither did I.
But with the baby coming next month
and myself in the woods all winter...
...well, a man don't want his missus
digging her way through drifts... the pump each morning.
Well, folks will think it's queer,
you being immigrants and all.
Well, uh, ma'am...
...I don't know
why folks would think it queer...
...for a man to want
to ease a burden on his missus.
You've only been here two weeks.
Does Mrs. Eunson think
she's better than other folks?
Mrs. Runyon... the words of our great poet,
Bobbie Burns:
It's hardly in a body's power.
To keep at times from being sour.
Giddap! Giddap!
Uh... Don't worry.
Where's that boy?
Where's that lad? Where is he?
- I can help you with the lower logs.
- In your condition, I won't allow it.
But it's because of my condition
you've got to hurry.
I still don't see how you
and just one young lad...
...can get the cabin up in time.
Beggars cannot be choosers.
When you're poor
and got no money... gotta make do
with what the good Lord sends you.
I got help.
We'll have her up by sundown.
Oh, lad, lad,
you shouldn't have done that.
I've got no money
to pay grown men's wages.
You wouldn't be offering us money,
would you?
No, but a man is worthy of his hire.
But not on the Lord's Day
and not if it's your neighbors.
Come on, everyone, let's go.
And only a fortnight ago,
we didn't have one friend in all America.
I don't know what to say.
Well, don't say a thing.
We were glad to do it.
Would you hand me the yeast?
Thank you.
We're proud to have you as a neighbor,
Mr. Eunson.
Look, Mrs. Delbert.
I brought you a setting
of buckwheat yeast.
Tend it, replenish it and keep it warm,
and it will live as long as you do.
Good night.
Come on, everyone, let's go.
I wanted to make a speech.
The well's run dry.
Oh, has it? I doubt that.
Ah, Rob, you should have married
a practical woman.
Well, there was a woman on the mainland
had her cap set for me.
And her name was?...
Oh, the name is of no importance.
But naturally,
she could cook and bake and fish...
...and, naturally, prime a pump.
And why didn't you marry this cooker
and baker and fisher and pump-primer?
Because she was as homely
as a peat bog.
Now, now, is this the time and place
for a respectable married wom?...
The soup.
Dear me.
What a mess.
- Rob.
- Mm?
What day is it?
Today is Sunday, October 12th.
Why, jo?
To remember the baby's birthday.
- You mean the time's upon you?
- I think so.
Are you warm enough?
Would you like a spot of broth?
- I'm going to have a baby.
- Baby.
- Now, there's only one thing for you to do.
- Aye.
- Go and find the midwife.
- Aye.
October 12. October 12.
Why, that's the birthday of Columbus.
The man who discovered America for us.
Mrs. Pugmister, hurry, please.
- Please hurry, Mrs. Pugmister.
- There's no rush, Mr. Eunson.
- It's the first one.
- No rush?
No rush, you say.
Mrs. Pugmister, she's in mortal agony.
- Call out if you need me.
- I'll not be needing you.
But there might be something
a man can do.
You've already done it.
Mrs. Pugmister,
what are you making that racket for?
Let the folks know what we've got.
We've got something then?
Might I ask what it is we got?
I ring this bell when it's a boy.
I blow this whistle... when it's a girl.
So the night I was born,
Papa went off to the woods.
He walked all night...
...and it was daylight
when he got to Cullen's logging camp.
Come on, men. Move.
Good day. Now, I want
a lot of work out of you.
All right, the rest of you men,
come on out here.
- Could you tell me where Mr. Cullen is?
- Cullen.
Come on, boys, move on.
Or it'll be over before we get out there.
- Why don't you look where you're going?
- Oh, I'm sorry.
Well, what is it? What do you want?
I'm, uh, Robert Strong Eunson
and I'm ready for work, Mr. Cullen.
Well, and what kind of work
might you be ready for?
You said you'd use me as a chopper.
Oh, I did, did I?
And what did I say
I'd be paying you, Norsky?
Uh, twenty dollars a month.
But not to plough through the snow
all night and use up all your energy.
Can you give a good 13 hours' work
for the company?
I'd be much obliged
if you'd watch me, Mr. Cullen.
I'll do just that, Norsky.
Get one thing straight, Mr. Cullen.
I have no doubt
the Scandinavians are a fine race...
...but it just so happens I'm Scottish.
Stop telling me your family history
on the company's time.
The stand of timber's that way.
Half a mile.
Get an ax and keep your nose clean.
He's going to grow up
to be a great, big, strong man.
It's blowing up something.
The wind's from the north.
- Oh, Katie, Lela.
- I'm glad to see you.
I've, uh...
I've made you some scones.
How is your?...
Nothing like a baby
in the house. They're so cute.
- My mother's recipe.
I know.
But when they get to be
about eight months. Oh, my.
I know it.
Then it's friends...
When they start...
Oh, yes.
- But then it's very sad.
Yes, of course, but...
When a child is about 10.
Oh, dear.
Where am I going to sit them?
My dear, when doctor and I
first came to the wilderness...
...we had only one chair.
Don't worry.
- Ladies, tea is ready.
- Oh, tea.
A hot cup of tea will be good
after that long walk.
- Yes.
- I should say.
Robbie, Robbie.
Is this a proper welcome
when I've walked 25 miles...
...because I was hungry
for the sight of you?
- Come here.
- Oh, no, Rob.
Rob, please, please. We've got company.
Oh, ladies, forgive me.
Congratulations again.
- Thank you.
- We had such a lovely tea time.
- Did you see my burly lad?
It's no problem, it's all right.
I'm so glad you joined us.
Oh, thank you, Mamie.
- Why, he favors me.
- And who has a better right?
Oh, what fine heavy pelts.
- They're lovely, aren't they, Mrs. Bradley?
- Oh, yes.
Oh, my husband
can get you a good price.
Well, thank you, Mrs. Bradley,
but these are not for sale.
I trapped them myself
near the lumber camp.
Excuse me.
Accept the gift
Though humble he who gives.
Rich is the tribute of the grateful mind.
In the immortal words of Bobbie Burns.
We've got to go.
- Yes, goodbye, Mamie.
You be careful, ladies.
Thank you. Be careful, it's quite a gale.
Say hello to your husbands,
and come back.
Hey, lass, what's the trouble?
The ladies are gone.
- That disgusting growth.
- Oh, 'tis nothing yet.
Wait till next time.
You'll scarce be able to see my face.
I will not kiss with a monkey.
But all the lumberjacks
grow something on their faces.
I did not marry with a lumberjack.
Now myself,
I deem it a handsome addition.
O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!
In the immortal words of Bobbie Burns.
Heh. Jo.
Aw, jo.
Jo, I have ached for you.
I have ached for you.
- Is it time to go?
- Aye, lass.
But I'll never make it to camp
in this blizzard.
Then come back to bed.
The storm will keep you with me
for a while.
Aye, lass, aye.
But it keeps me from my job too.
I fret for you, Rob.
Oh? Why, jo?
Well, the ladies, they...
They tell me of a danger...
...of crashing trees and the flying axes.
The rough and violent men.
Why, lass, the lumberjacks
are only full of fun.
Oh, of course, they may scrap a little.
Well, the ladies tell me
that they thrive on fighting and brawling...
...and, Rob, I'm aware
of your terrible temper.
- Your only fault.
- Thank you, lass.
If you could just learn
not to use your fists.
I'll try, jo. I'll try, I'll do my best.
But that Irish...
...that Irish is just begging for trouble.
What do you suppose he'll be?
Well, born in America...
...could be president.
Would you be liking that? Hm?
But more I'd like him to be a good man.
Like his father.
Come now, lass. Let's go to sleep.
- Rob?
- Mm?
Now what?
Could I learn to read?
What in Tophet for?
Well, I never thought on it in Fair Isle.
But here, most of the ladies
know how to read.
I'm not so sure it's a good idea
for a female to know how to read.
From then on, Mama and I
were alone most of our first winter...
...because Mr. Cullen
wouldn't give Papa time off.
You're aware, Norsky,
that the wild game belongs to the company?
The company owns the timber,
nothing else.
You calling me a liar?
- Lf the shoe fits.
- I ought to fire you for that.
Mr. Cullen, you can do anything you like.
I'll swallow my gorge and my self-respect
until my belly's aching with it.
And what do you propose
to do about it, Norsky?
That's... That's another thing.
Are you figuring on fighting the boss?
Aye, if he's not too much of a coward
to tangle with a Scot.
You're talking to an Irishman.
And now, Irishman,
if you'll be good enough... instruct the paymaster
to hand me my March wages...
...I'll be turning my back on you.
Well, the river's breaking up.
We'll be starting the log drive
in a couple of weeks.
Well, it's no concern of mine.
I'll need a good jack on the sluice.
Well, I hope you find one.
You think you're man enough
to handle the job?
You can say that to me
while you're sitting there...
...with your tail wet in the snow?
Maybe you don't know
how dangerous the job is.
I've heard.
Of course,
the company will bury you if you get killed.
It's Scotty now.
You know, I think you saved the boss
a trip to the dentist.
That same spring,
Mrs. Pugmister rang her cowbell again...
...and my brother Jimmie was born.
Named after Mama's brother James.
Papa was very proud.
Since Papa's trade was boatbuilding...
...Mama persuaded him to give up logging
and open his own boatyard...
...with money borrowed
from the Oshkosh Bank.
Because she said
logging was too dangerous.
Mrs. Pugmister rang her cowbell again.
This time, for my brother Kirk.
Named after Mama's brother Kirk.
When I was 4 years old,
Mama and I started in school.
"Mr. Post and the Little Girl.
One cold night... "
That summer, Papa taught me
how to help in the boatyard.
Stroke the brush with the grain,
not against it.
That's it.
That's Mrs. Pugmister now, Papa.
Oh, no, Robbie, no.
She rings a bell.
Not for girls, she don't.
They named her Annabelle.
Mama had sisters also.
They named this one Elizabeth.
Now Mama's second sister
was taken care of.
Now that we were getting to be a family,
Papa had to enlarge the cabin.
He even made a fiddle for Kirk,
who couldn't fiddle too good.
Papa joked a lot and made us laugh.
It seemed like he was always there
when he was needed.
Do not laugh at your sister.
Will you stop it?
That's my new sister, Jane.
Named after another of Mama's sisters,
of course.
It was some time before Lizzie and Jane
were old enough to go to church with us.
And Papa could hardly wait
to show off the whole family.
It was about this time
that my younger brother Jimmie...
...began to have
some very serious problems.
That's Mr. And Mrs. Raiden
and their five girls.
The twins had their eyes on Jimmie.
Now careful, Annabelle, careful.
- There.
Come along, Kirk.
Oh, Kirk, now look at you with your feet
wet and a tickle in your throat already.
I should take him home
and change his clothes.
You coddle him. He's got to learn
to stand on his own feet like his brothers.
Children are not all of one piece.
Come on.
Come along, Annabelle.
You stay away.
Jimmie, lad, we all know...
...that you're a brave fighting man
like your father before you.
But it's hardly fitting for you
to spar with girls.
But, Papa, they're always after me.
And one day, you'll find the good Lord
had a purpose in that.
Hurry up, everybody's going in.
We'll be late.
- Now go on, away with you.
Come on.
Good morning, Herbert.
Good morning, Kirk.
- Good morning, how are you this morning?
- Good morning.
Good morning, Reverend.
- Nice to see you.
- Nice to see you.
Thank you.
- Good morning, Jimmie.
- Good morning.
Good morning, girls.
Good morning, Annabella.
And how is Jane?
I'm Jane.
Good morning.
Is there somewhere
the other children could go?
I'll try to find a place.
- Why, doctor?
- What is it?
The others
will have to go somewhere else.
They've been exposed...
...and they must be kept away
from other children...
...until we know whether any of them
come down with it.
After they've gone, you put Kirk to bed.
Keep him warm,
swab his throat every two hours.
And if you notice any blackening
in the throat, come for me at once.
I will, I will.
He must be quarantined.
Do you have a piece of green cloth?
Will you try not to worry?
Kirk, you do what your mama says.
There, there. Now, lass.
Oh, Rob, what are we to do?
Well, in this weather, all that's needed
is a roof to keep off the rain.
There's the Tylers' old homestead
across in Indian land. I'll ask him.
- Papa, Jimmie and I saw...
Stand back.
Don't come any closer.
Find your brothers and sisters,
wait outside.
Your father's taking you
into the woods for a spell.
- Why?
Don't ask questions, Robbie.
Just do... Do what Mama says. Hm?
Away with you.
You mind Kirk.
I'm going to see to things.
Well, Kirk, you be a good boy,
and you do what Mama says. Hm?
Don't go away.
But, Kirk, you wouldn't want your brothers
and sisters to sicken too now, would you?
I don't want you to go away.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll sand and varnish your fiddle
while we're gone. Hm?
Don't go, Papa. Please, Papa.
Don't go, Papa. Please, Papa.
Be careful, Annie.
Wait, wait.
- Yes, Mamie?
- Here.
Oh, Mamie, don't worry, I will be fine.
The children will be fine.
- We'll take good care of the children.
- Goodbye, Mama.
The children will be fine. Bye-bye.
Oh, there, there. Here.
- There.
There, Lizzie, darling.
Watch the hole, children.
Now don't cry, baby.
Papa will fix it in the morning.
Now, I'll be the mama,
and you be the papa.
And this is our baby.
Now you go out, and then you come in,
and you sniff like this:
And, uh, then you say,
"What's in the stew tonight?"
Well, come on. Do it.
And I say,
"I haven't even thought about supper.
This baby has been so bad. "
Well, you come in, and then you sniff,
and then you say it.
I wanna be the mama.
You can't be the mama.
You're shy.
You darn fool, I had a bite.
- Did not.
- I had to.
- No, you didn't.
- I did to.
Boys. Jimmie, Rob.
Here. Boys.
Just stop it.
I'm surprised at you.
I'm surprised at both of you.
Brawling, fighting like a couple of Irishers
over nothing.
When your brother's so sick,
we don't know how he's getting along.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
We were so busy enjoying
our new surroundings...
...we didn't realize
how worried Papa was.
Open up your mouth.
Open up your mouth for Mama.
I see a Chippewa.
You're crazy.
Nobody's seen an Indian
around these parts in years.
Robbie, is Kirk gonna die?
Hush up. You want Papa to hear you?
Nothing bad could happen, could it?
To Kirk, I mean.
Pesky mosquitoes.
Could it, Papa?
Oh, Robbie, you're only a lad.
You stay that way yet a while,
let Papa do the worrying.
I want to know, Papa.
Come here, Rob.
That's a sign you're growing up.
But you see,
it isn't given anybody to know the future.
You hope and you pray for guidance...
...and, uh, you do what you can
within your powers...
...because if you don't...
If you don't and the worst happens
to somebody that you love...
...well, then a man
cannot live with himself.
When I grow up, Papa,
I want to be just like you.
I've dried the dishes.
Oh, Annabelle.
And it is proud I am of you
for being such a good helper.
Now you go fetch your slate.
It's time for your ABC's.
Oh, do I have to?
You know, your mama sets great store
by a girl learning how to read.
You got the slate, Annabelle?
Now, Annabelle.
What is that?
- "A."
- Aye, Annabelle.
Thank you, Jim.
And now, darling, tell your papa.
What is that?
"B," Papa.
It is proud of you I am.
Now, darling, tell your old papa.
What is that?
Don't laugh at your sister.
That it looks like a C for a fact.
What's that?
- "G."
- No, darling.
- Rob.
- It's Mama.
You stay here. All of you.
Oh, Mamie.
You show me your face, jo.
Then the lad's all right?
He passed the crisis last night.
And the others?
Have you been watching
for any sign of anything?
Oh, they're fine. Just fine.
And the baby?
The baby?
The baby needs you, jo.
We all need you.
Dr. Delbert said
that you can come home on Saturday.
Kirk's fine.
Then nothing bad's gonna happen.
The lad's getting well.
I'll tell them.
That was the only time
I ever saw Papa cry.
Here you are, Kirk.
Now you drink this up like a good boy.
- Mama.
- Mama, Mama.
Hiya, Kirk.
Look at you.
Oh, golly, you know,
I saw a wolf. A real live wolf.
You did not. It was a fox.
It was a wolf.
- I saw a wolf.
Did you have a temperature?
- I did see a wolf.
Yeah, 104.
You did not.
We went to a big house.
Are you not speaking to me?
How could you let
the children get so dirty?
Mamie, don't be at me. I'm tired.
Don't talk to me about being tired.
Yes, it was.
No, it wasn't.
I saw a Chippewa.
A real live Chippewa brave.
He didn't. Jimmie should
have his mouth washed out with soap.
I'm gonna scour his outside first.
Oh, Lizzie, look at your hair.
How could your father
let you get like that?
He did the best he could.
He was awful worried.
Here, Robbie.
You get the tangles out.
Yes, ma'am.
Rob. Is that?...
- Rob.
- Oh.
Open up your mouth.
No, Mamie. Go away.
Open up your mouth.
- Mama, I can't get all the tangles...
- Robbie, go fetch Dr. Delbert.
- Rob.
- Mm?
Do you remember when...
When you were on the expedition...
...searching for Franklin
up at the North Pole?
Well, I didn't tell you at the time...
...because I thought
you'd be mad at sister Annabelle.
Those three years
you were away and no word...
...she was after me
to wed with Gower MacDermott.
Do you remember him
with the curly red beard?
Everyone thought
that you were as dead as Franklin.
But I knew you'd come back.
Then why did you go into mourning?
Oh, it came to me...
...that it wouldn't be fitting for any man,
not even the rich Gower MacDermott... court a maid when she was
in mourning for her late intended.
Wasn't that canny of me, Rob?
I've often thought on it.
If I'd listened to them and married him...
...Robbie and the rest of the children,
they would have taken after Gower...
...and I would not like that.
Oh, Mamie.
Nor I.
Just think on it, Rob.
Not since the children joined us
have we been alone like this.
...and let thy mercy endure forever.
Thankful for the life
which though hast given us these seasons...
...we pray thy help
now to resign it obediently unto thee.
We, therefore,
commit his body to the ground.
Earth to earth,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Looking for the general resurrection
on the last day...
...and the life of the world to come,
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed are the dead
who die in the Lord from henceforth.
"Yea," said the spirit...
...that they may rest from their labors
and their works do follow them.
God, have mercy upon us.
You come here, Lizzie.
You're going to be the papa.
I won't, I won't, I won't.
Yes, you will.
- Can't you control your young ones?
- I'll be mama and you papa.
Play outside, bonnie lambs.
Not unless I can be the mama.
- Let her be the mama, Annie.
- Oh...
- See?
- Come on, Lizzie.
Now see? You got Mama all upset.
Now you come outside,
and I'll tell you what to do.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Runyon.
I'm so used to children.
You ought to set your cap
for some nice old bachelor.
Thank you, Mrs. Runyon.
No, I'll not marry again.
Well, then why don't you return
to your kin in Scotland?
Money for the passage
doesn't grow on trees.
Well, perhaps I could take up
a collection for you.
Turn, please.
Now your eldest is a strong boy.
Put him out for the day.
He's been sweeping
at the sawmills all summer.
But his school starts next week.
Book learning is a luxury
your offspring can ill afford.
And it's time somebody
talked turkey to you.
Mrs. Runyon,
when I need your advice, I'll ask for it.
Get me out of this.
He's coming, he's coming.
Is everybody ready?
- Are you ready?
- Yeah. Okay.
Be still.
Surprise. Surprise. Surprise.
Here's your present.
Did you make them, Annie?
Of course, she didn't make them.
Annie helped.
Gee, Mama, they fit perfect.
Come on, Robbie. Cut your cake.
Wait just a second.
I gotta tell Mama something.
You know what Mr. Cullen gave me
for the horse?
Forty dollars.
That's fine, Robbie.
But that isn't all.
He gave me a job for this winter.
Indeed, you have a job for this winter,
to finish 6th grade.
I told him you'd say that.
So he's letting me work
just Saturdays and Sundays.
Know what he's gonna pay me?
Fifty cents.
- For doing what?
- Being coffee boy.
Now don't you start getting a notion
about being a logger.
Papa was a logger.
What's the matter with being a logger?
I won't have you wandering
through the woods...
...with the crashing trees
and the bitter cold.
But me and Mr. Cullen shook on it,
and he gave me 50 cents in advance.
Well, you'll have to give it back.
You can't give back a handshake.
From your father.
Put it on.
aren't you ever gonna cut your cake?
The popcorn's getting cold.
Mama, will you think on it?
- Hi.
- Hi.
You know what she was gonna do?
She said she was gonna take
a steamboat to Oshkosh.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
One at a time. Here.
- Where's Mama?
- Up to Mrs. Raiden's.
She finished the Christmas dresses
for those girls.
Hey, you wanna know what happened
to me in the woods today?
- What happened, Robbie?
- Yeah, tell us.
- I met a bear.
- A bear?
- Did he growl at you?
- What happened?
I'm walking down the trail
lugging the coffee and cups...
...and suddenly, there he is.
- What did he do?
- Well, he looked at me and I looked at him.
Then I guess,
he heard the tin cups rattling together.
But I just looked him in the eye.
he turned and ran off into the woods.
Oh, Robbie, weren't you scared?
Of course, I wasn't scared.
Then what were you shaking for?
Who said anything about shaking?
You said the cups were rattling
and you were standing still... you must have been shaking.
Oh, Mama.
Robbie met a bear in the woods
and was scared to death.
Shame on you, Robbie,
telling tales to frighten the children.
But he did, Mama.
- Is that true, Robbie?
- Yes, Mama.
Then you don't go back into the woods
with the wild animals prowling.
But you depend on me.
I've told you, you don't go back up there,
not so long as I'm alive.
I'm gonna lie down for a spell.
Is Mama sick or something?
I can't...
I know he'll come back.
I tell you, sister Annabelle...
...Robert will come back.
Come back.
Dr. Delbert.
Dr. Delbert. Dr. Delbert.
Your mama is a sick woman.
A very sick woman.
You mean, she might not get well?
Well, it's typhoid.
Typhoid fever?
Your mama's not as strong as she was.
You'd better get Mrs. Pugmister
to take over.
She's away until after New Year's.
You ought to have somebody.
We'll be all right.
I'll stay home from school.
Your mama probably won't like that...
...but I'll get Mrs. Delbert
to look in every little while.
One of you boys come running
if there's any change.
What are you standing around for?
Get to bed.
You're not the boss around here.
What do you want?
Jimmie, we think you're cute.
Ah, shut up.
We think
you're the prettiest wise man of all.
Come along, girls.
Hurry back to your seats.
We're ready to start.
This way.
Come over here. And you here.
That's it.
Where's my frankincense?
- Oh, no.
Here it is.
- Oh, yes.
- Here you are, Howie.
Where's Joseph?
Here I am.
Is that you, Rob?
No, Mama. It's me, Robbie.
Where are the children?
Jimmie and Kirk are being wise men.
I want to see them.
Now, Mama?
I've... I've got to see them all.
Go and get Jimmie and Kirk, quick.
Jimmie. Kirk.
Robbie said to come home quick.
It's Mama.
Come on.
Hello, Mama.
Hello, Mama.
Hello, Mama.
We're all here, Mama.
How nice of my brothers and sisters... come and visit me...
...all the way from Fair Isle.
But, Kirk, you... You didn't write.
You could, you know.
I can read now.
Well, you're all named after family.
Now go on, get out.
Mama don't wanna be bothered.
Yes, Mama?
Come here.
I'm flighty.
Not now, you're not.
I know they're my children.
And they're bonnie, aren't they?
Yes, Mama.
Anybody would want them.
What are you talking about?
Your brothers and sisters
have to have homes.
Good homes
where they're wanted and loved.
Janie's such a wee one still.
I'll take care of them, Mama.
I promise.
It's too big a job for such a small lad.
But you know
what your brothers and sisters are like.
I want you to decide
where they're to be offered.
Don't talk like that, Mama.
Place them with families
that have children of their own... that they won't be so lonesome
for each other.
...I don't know
what I would have done without you.
You've truly been a man of the house.
Find a good place for yourself.
Don't worry about me.
Well, Dr. Delbert, what are we gonna do
about these orphans?
Mrs. Runyon, have you no feeling?
I suggest you call
an emergency meeting of the council.
And the sooner the better, Dr. Delbert.
Mrs. Runyon, there is a time and place,
but this is neither.
She shouldn't have said that right now...
...but, of course, we are going to have
to find a place for you.
Mama said I was to decide
where we were to go.
- You, Robbie?
- Yes, sir.
I'm... I'm head of the family now.
But you're only 12.
Why don't you come to see us
this afternoon?
Maybe by then, we'll have a plan.
But tomorrow's Christmas.
Can't us kids stay together
just for Christmas?
Well, I don't know.
You children all alone
in that house at night.
Probably be our last chance
to be together on Christmas.
So can't we make up our minds
day after tomorrow?
That's not too much to ask, is it?
No, Jimmie.
I don't think it is.
A wink of his eye
and a twist of his head.
Soon gave me to know
I had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word,
But went straight to his work.
And filled all the stockings,
Then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to his sleigh,
To the team gave a whistle.
And away they all flew
Like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim
As they drove out of sight.
Happy Christmas to all
To all a good night.
Jane's asleep.
- I'll go get the slate. Shh.
- What for?
Take her to bed.
What you gonna do?
Make a list of families that like kids.
What about the Tylers?
They're well-fixed.
The Tylers? For whom?
All they've got's Howie and Bruce.
They might like a girl to help Mrs. Tyler.
Well, maybe.
But it don't cut no ice what we think.
Mama said I was to decide.
And if I don't quick,
we'll all end up in the state home, orphans.
That's what we are, aren't we?
No, and we never will be.
Well, anyway, they won't let you decide.
Not if I wait till day after tomorrow.
And tomorrow's the best day
for me to do what Mama told me.
But tomorrow's Christmas.
That's just it.
On Christmas, we ought to get just about
anybody we want to take any of us in. See?
What we are about to receive
this Christmas Day...
...may the Lord make us truly thankful.
- Amen.
Papa, I want the drumstick, remember?
Me too.
Now, hold your horses or you'll get the part
that went over the fence last.
Oh, I feel so bad
about the Eunson children.
They're probably having dinner
with the Delberts or Bradleys.
Well, we should have made sure.
Wonder who that would be.
Folks should be at home
enjoying Christmas dinner this time of day.
Papa, what's frankincense?
It's what one of the wise men took
to the baby Jesus.
I know that.
I took it to him, but what is it?
Look who I found.
Robbie Eunson.
And Annabelle.
You'll have Christmas dinner with us.
And don't argue. We won't take no.
We certainly will not.
Begging your pardon, Mrs. Tyler.
Jimmie and I was wondering if you...
If you didn't need a...
Well, a sort of sister for Howie and Bruce.
But I'm your sister, Robbie.
I know you are, Annie,
but you could be their sister too.
Annie's a good girl,
and she'd be an awful help to you.
She was learning to sew,
and she can wipe dishes...
...and she knows her ABC's.
A. B. C.
- D. E.
- What you got in that bundle?
F. G...
My clothes, silly. What do you think?
E. F.
Howard, it's Christmas.
G. H.
- I know, Katie, but...
- We've always wanted a girl.
J. K.
L. M. N.
O. P.
Mama always said Annie
was a mighty good helper.
R. S.
- T. U. V.
- T. U. V.
W. X.
Y. Z.
Do you think
you'd like living in our house?
I don't know, Mr. Tyler.
Sure, Mr. Tyler. She'll like it a lot.
She likes anybody that's good to her.
We'll be good to her, Robbie.
I guess you and I know each other.
I know you, Mr. Tyler.
For what we have just received,
may the Lord make us truly thankful.
Robbie, we were just talking about you.
Come in.
Well, no, thanks, Dr. Delbert.
I just brought you old Molly.
- Old Molly?
- Yes, sir.
Well, uh, I don't quite understand.
Why would you bring me your cow?
To pay the debt.
For Kirk, and Papa and Mama.
That isn't your debt, boy.
Mama would want me to pay.
I'd be much obliged
if you'll take old Molly.
Adam, who is it? Oh.
Hello, Robbie.
Robbie, Mrs. Delbert and I would be happy
to take one of you children.
Well, Dr. Delbert, I appreciate it.
But with both your girls married
and Millie with a baby and all...
I see, Robbie.
That makes us grandparents, doesn't it?
It's a little late
to start a new family, is that it?
You know Mama and Papa
thought the world of you both, but...
Robbie, you've got a head
on your shoulders.
You place the children
where you think fit.
And you'll take old Molly?
I'll take old Molly.
What's the matter?
Wouldn't the Potters take her?
They weren't home.
I thought folks
would be home on Christmas.
What are we gonna do?
We can't keep her out much longer.
She's getting blue.
There's the Fischers. What about them?
I'm surprised at you, James Eunson.
You know how Mama felt about saloons.
Why, you hush, Lizzie.
We're doing everything we can
to get rid of you.
What do you think?
But the Stephens
don't have any kids of their own.
Yeah, I know, but you know how Mama felt
about book learning and all.
But what if Lizzie grew up
to be a schoolteacher?
Well, right now, she's homely enough.
Well, maybe it's the best we can do.
Now, you be a good girl, Lizzie.
Well, Robert, Mrs. Stephens and I
have just been to your house.
We thought there might be something
we could do.
Well, there is. If...
Well, speak up, son, speak up.
I'm not quite the monster
you think me in the classroom.
Well, I was wondering
if you'd like to take Elizabeth.
- That's her.
- That is she.
Take her?
Well, sort of adopt her.
She doesn't look very pretty right now,
but you'll learn to like her.
Mama and Papa did.
Mama never had any favorites...
...but if she had, I guess Elizabeth
would have been the one.
- She wasn't her favorite.
- Shh!
You wouldn't care to shoulder
this responsibility, would you, Grace?
Wouldn't I just.
Look, Frank.
Her eyes are just like yours.
Now, you boys come and see us
whenever you can, huh?
Yes, ma'am.
Her eyes
aren't like that old schoolteacher's.
Of course not.
They're like Papa's.
She didn't even wave goodbye.
Kids forget awful fast.
Now you stay out of here.
Robbie, Jimmie.
Mrs. Runyon's inside.
Says she's gonna take Jane.
Yes, says it's her Christian duty.
She's putting her things on.
What are we gonna do?
Tell her she's already promised
to the Ellises.
She knows them. She'd ask them.
Well, what are we gonna do, Robbie?
I don't know.
You can't have Jane, Mrs. Runyon.
She... She's already promised.
She is? To whom?
You don't know them.
I know everybody in Eureka.
Well, these folks,
they don't live in Eureka.
They... They're...
- Up to Berlin.
- That's right, up to Berlin.
I don't believe you.
By whose authority
are you children being disposed of?
Mama said I was to decide.
Well, I'll see about this.
I'll call an emergency meeting
of the council.
And I'll be back.
You take Kirk over
to Mr. And Mrs. Cramer.
But we had the Gustaffsons
wrote down for Kirk.
But they live way up country,
and we only got a short time.
What's that got to do
with the price of eggs?
Don't you see? I can't start off with Janie
until we get Kirk placed.
But the Cramers,
they don't have no kids neither.
But Mrs. Cramer's got
the only real piano in town.
Tell her Kirk can fiddle pretty good.
But I don't wanna go.
I want to stay with you.
You can't, Kirk.
Nobody's gonna stay here anymore.
But I don't wanna go.
And get a move on. Don't be a crybaby.
I don't wanna go, Robbie.
Who do you think you are?
Annie didn't cry, and Lizzie didn't cry.
You're 10 years old, Kirk.
Don't you cause no trouble.
Stand on your own two feet.
I don't wanna go, Robbie.
Go on, get out.
Get out.
Go on.
Go on.
Did the Cramers take Kirk?
You didn't see old Runyon, did you?
What you gonna do with Janie?
Take her up to Berlin.
But I just said that.
Berlin's 10 miles.
I'll pull her up by sled
and bring it back to you sometime.
You gonna stay up there?
I'm gonna work at Cullen's logging camp.
And not go to school no more?
- Mm-mm.
- Lucky.
You can keep the sled.
The sled and my skates for your red sled.
Fair enough?
Fair enough.
You talked to the Raidens?
No, but I don't have to.
They'll take me.
Mrs. Raiden's always lollygagging about
how she wished she had a boy like me.
Well, she got her wish.
I'll go get the sled.
You better get a move on, or first thing
you know, old Runyon will get you.
You like them all right, don't you?
Like who?
The Raidens.
I like them all right.
Then what's eating you?
All those girls.
I can just hear them:
"This is our new brother, Jimmie.
Ain't he cute?"
Well, ain't you?
Give up?
Give up. Let me go.
Not till you say you're cute.
I'm cute.
Say it again.
All right, I'm cute.
I'm sorry I popped you one, Robbie.
I had it coming to me.
But you ought to watch your temper,
Yeah, I got a terrible temper.
You gonna sell it?
Not right away.
You go first.
You'll come down once in a while?
Sure, every chance I get.
And don't start wearing dresses
with all those girls around.
You shut up.
Well, for mercy's sake.
Please, ma'am, I was wondering
if you'd care to have my sister.
You're sure you'll be all right?
Yes, ma'am, I'll be fine.
Well, don't worry about your baby sister.
We'll take care of her.
Thank you, ma'am.
You come see her sometime.
Yes, ma'am.