Almighty Thor (2011)

The Hammer of Invincibility.
The demon way.
The Hammer of Invincibility.
To Asgard!
'Tis the demon Loki!
All off
his radial bows!
Fire at the ready!
Stand your ground
in the name of Odin!
This portends to be
an evil day.
Why did the Norns
summon father?
The weavers of fate
will tell father soon enough.
Now hurry. The gate
will be closed soon.
Some evil is upon us.
I must go see the Norns.
We'll go with you,
I must do this alone.
You return
to the safety of Valhalla.
Come on.
Hurry, or the gate
will close. Come on.
Send them deep into Hell!
So their doom
has spread its plume.
And none too soon.
And none too soon.
It is a dark day,
Odin, King of Asgard,
that we summon you here
to see us.
I would come
for no one else.
Now speak your minds
and be done with it.
I have dreamt
of the stars in the sky
turning black.
What does this mean?
It is a countdown.
A countdown to what?
Have you brought the Hammer
of Invincibility?
This Hammer was forged
by my father
from the center
of the Tree of Life.
His power
is in this Hammer.
That Hammer
is the only weapon
that can kill the mighty
tree it came from.
The source of life
on which the mortal earth
and all other worlds depend.
Now Loki has arrived
to take that life.
So you must give the
Hammer of Invincibility to him.
To Loki? Never.
The time has come
for Ragnerok.
Before the Sun
goes down this day
it will be the destruction
of all worlds.
Of Asgard, Earth,
and all the other
worlds as well.
And you are powerless
to stop it.
We'll see about that.
Thor, come on.
Is this fate?
Destroy one world...
then weave another.
That is how it's done.
Your doom is decided...
And the fall of your kingdom
has already begun.
I don't believe in fate.
Find me the Hammer
of Invincibility,
my Garmr,
and this world will be
yours to control.
Onward to Valhalla.
[Blows warning]
To arms! To arms!
Someone approaches
from the north!
Drop the gates now!
We don't have
to listen to them.
We can weave
our own fate.
We can control
our destiny.
That is why you
are the younger brother.
We can't give up.
A God of the Aesir
never gives up.
I will face my own death
with honor and dignity,
and I suggest
you do the same.
I want to see Odin!
Odin will never
speak to you.
I want the Hammer
of Invincibility.
The Hammer is not yours
to take.
I want the Hammer!
Our fate is upon us.
You two fly at
the creatures to the left.
I'll cut down
through the center.
We'll meet in the middle.
Yes, father.
Yes, father.
You stay back
behind your brother.
But father, I can fight.
I'm not afraid.
No, son. I question
not your heart,
but your experience.
I need you at the end
of the battle.
I need you
for the finish.
Yes, father.
Valor and strength.
Valor and strength.
Valor and strength.
Valor and strength.
Where is Thor?
He was by my side,
I swear.
Suddenly he was gone.
I wanted to die
with both my sons.
Do not think
I'll lie and die for you.
You can't stop
the future, Odin.
Give me the Hammer.
You know
it's your fate.
Just give me
the Hammer, Odin.
Just give me the Hammer.
We don't have
to go through this,
and I'll go away.
I'll just go away.
No! No!
No! No!
My son!
Give Thor a chance...
To change...
Our fate.
Finally now it's mine.
You want this?
Back where you came!
Tell me.
Tell me where you sent it!
Find it.
Search every cave,
every tree in Asgard.
No! No!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
What should I do?
You live.
Yes. Where's your
potion of healing, father?
Where's your potion?
There's not time
for that, my son.
It's too late.
Don't waste it.
Use it
for another cause.
My father's Hammer...
I sent it...
to the heart
of the Tree of Life.
My son...
must alone
retrieve it...
before Loki.
Forget the Hammer,
It's Loki I want,
to avenge your death.
My brother's.
My son...
you still think
with your heart,
not your mind.
The Hammer
will appear...
on the first
full moon...
For a moment.
If you don't
retrieve it,
it's lost forever.
You must
retrieve it, my son.
Yes, father.
You are King.
You are our chance
to save all
that is good.
To change
the fate of men.
To change the fate
of the gods.
You are my son.
Come out and fight me,
you coward!
Now the real coward
is on his back,
just like Odin
after I killed him.
You should have heard
your father beg.
My father wouldn't
ask a thing from you.
Oh, he cried.
He pleaded
don't hurt me.
You are the coward!
Fight me
like a warrior.
Tell me where the Hammer
of Invincibility is.
Release me and fight!
Your father spoke to you
with his last breath.
I can smell it.
What did he say?
He said that you're as
worthless as your dogs.
Let's go!
Let's go! Move!
Who are you?
Come on!
Come on! Move!
Why are you
helping me?
Find them.
Kill the girl
any way you like,
but Thor lives for now.
All right.
I'm Thor.
I know.
Who are you?
I'm Jarnsaxa.
I'm a servant
of your father.
He asked me
to protect you.
Then let's avenge
my father's death.
I can't kill Loki alone,
and you do not yet have
the fighting skills
to help.
You don't know my--
Come on.
It's time we go.
Come on. This is
a battle we cannot win.
We must hide.
Your world is over.
Mine is next.
And your Tree of Life
is finished.
Ah, my pet.
You found them.
Now lead me.
I'm not going
to keep running
from Loki
like some coward.
You think you're ready
to fight Loki? Huh?
I'm not going to fight
some girl.
I am a fraction
of your size
and I managed
to best you three times.
There it is.
Come on.
The portal is open.
Make this land
a chasm of death.
Stop! Stop!
What is this place?
It's a training camp
protected by
a powerful rune stone
far older than Loki.
No enemy
can enter uninvited.
We must go
to the gateway.
Come on!
What gateway?
To the Tree of Life
to get the Hammer.
It can't be.
This is a secret place.
How could Loki
have destroyed it?
Destroyed what?
A direct portal to Midgard.
Perhaps the Norns
had something
to do with this.
The Norns? But they're
neutral in these matters.
I'm not so sure.
I can hear you.
Why delay the inevitable?
Where is he?
He's outside
the protective barrier
of the rune stone.
I don't see him.
Nor he us.
Odin is gone.
I will possess the Hammer.
We should take
the fight to him.
How can we fight Loki
if the fates
are against us?
I don't believe in fate.
Loki: Coward, where are you?
You wanna play games?
I have games of my own
I can play.
Come, my friends.
We're trapped.
Our only chance
is to wait until nightfall
and then we sneak
out of here.
A warrior God doesn't
sneak around at night.
A warrior uses his cunning
and temperance
to win a battle.
And one of these...
Swung with skill.
I swing hard enough.
Skill, even above strength.
Who taught you
how to fight?
I taught myself...
By watching my brother
practice when I was small.
Who taught you?
The Valkyries,
of the gods.
I was second in command
under Odin's father.
Not again.
Skill above strength.
You have no chance
against Loki
unless you learn
the skills I have.
Then you better
teach me quick,
'cause I'm going
to kill Loki
the first chance I get.
I can hear you.
Come, my friends!
This is
much more comfortable.
What is that?
They're coming.
I thought you said
nothing could come in here
I think I was wrong.
We must find
the other gateway.
Wait! Wait! Wait!
There isn't time.
Loki's probably
on to us.
Then I say we ambush 'em
at the next bend,
kill him,
and be done with it.
Look, even with
all you've learned,
we're still not a match
for his powers.
We have to go
to Midgard.
From there's
we'll find a way
to the Tree of Life.
But the portal was destroyed.
There is another
entrance. Come on!
Look what I let them do
to my father's land.
Asgard was doomed
as soon as Odin died.
You have a different
world to save.
New life already
begins to grow.
There is hope after all.
Come on.
The gateway is just
beyond these trees.
No, no, no. No!
It didn't have
to be this way.
Could have died
without her, Thor.
You want the Hammer
of Invincibility?
Here. Take it!
Tell me that was not
the Hammer
you gave to Loki.
Of course I didn't.
I saw it!
It was always the ax.
I only made him think
that it was the Hammer.
But I saw it.
You were within range.
Come on.
Loki can't be
far behind.
My place
is right up here.
Give me your purse.
I said give me your purse.
[Thor clears throat]
Thank you.
Now you gotta pay.
Give me your wallet.
Thor, we don't want
to be noticed like this.
Come on. Let's go.
This way. This way.
This does not
seem like
the dwelling
of a demigoddess.
It's not supposed to.
The people here
must think I'm human.
They don't believe in
the Tree of Life anymore.
Here. Wear this.
You'll be less conspicuous.
Here. Take this.
These are very powerful.
It's from Midgard.
How do you use it?
Here. Just put
your finger here.
This one goes up here.
Good. Be sure
this is pulled.
Now pull the trigger.
Just think of it
as the shaft of a spear,
and aim your point
at the center
of your target.
Your humans certainly
understand their weaponry.
They're warriors...
like the gods.
I'm beginning to like
your humans even more.
And the nearest channel
to the heart
of the tree is here.
But we're going to have
to open it ourselves.
The tree will tell us how
when the time comes.
We could wait until
the dark of the night.
Let's do it.
Or we could leave now.
To get the Hammer,
we must pass through
the gateway portal
to the Tree of Life.
Right there.
Here it is.
The opening
has been covered up.
Can you feel anything?
A wall.
Well, we must enter
the portal now
or we won't get
to the Hammer in time.
It will just disappear.
And go back to Loki.
Yes. Yes.
It's under this.
We have to uncover it.
[Speaking foreign language]
Thor, I need you.
I'm here.
Concentrate with me.
We need a strong channel
through us to open it.
Let's go.
You feel it?
The presence of the
essence of all life,
right down
to her beating heart.
What is that?
It's the heart beat.
It's coming
from down in there.
Wait. Wait.
What if it's a trap?
You should stay.
Thor, if you die,
it's over for all of us.
We go together.
All right.
You cannot escape me, Thor.
I will possess the Hammer
of Invincibility.
The heart is on
the other side,
and the Hammer with it.
Pass through
and you will be there.
Aren't you coming?
This part of the journey
is for you alone.
There is a knight
who guards
the Tree of Life.
You must defeat him
at all costs.
The heart of the tree.
Where is it?
Where is the Hammer?
Thor, my son,
the power of my fathers
is now in you.
Use the Hammer.
Find it.
Take this Hammer, son,
the power is now yours.
It's yours.
Oh, great Tree of Life,
thank you
from my heart
for all that you
have given us.
Give me the strength
so that I might save you
from destruction.
How will Loki know
we've returned?
He'll know.
We must lure him
back to Asgard.
I'm going to track
Loki down and kill him.
You're not ready
to face Loki yet.
Why? I have the Hammer.
I have the will.
What more do I need?
The powers
of your father.
A strategy. An army.
Well, I don't have an army,
so I guess I'm on my own.
You're not
on your own, Thor.
You should stay
far away from me.
Loki is more likely
to appear when I'm alone.
Do you trust me, Thor?
We should go back
to the war camp.
The war camp? Why?
To continue
your training.
We will need
its protection
so one day
you can defeat Loki.
One day?
I have to defeat Loki now.
You're not ready yet.
We should go back
to the war camp.
Well, we don't have
to go back there.
I took the rune stone
of protection
and put it inside
your dwelling place.
Then we'll go back
to my dwelling
and safely finish
your training there.
No training!
No hiding!
I kill Loki
and stop Ragnerok,
and that's final.
I know Loki's in here.
Come out and face me, Loki!
Son of Odin.
You're no match
for me.
The Hammer
of Invincibility.
Defend yourself, Loki.
Let's go.
I'm sorry.
I should have hit him
when I had the chance.
You're brave.
Rash, stubborn,
but brave.
Wait here. I'll check
the perimeter.
You are a noble warrior.
I thank you.
He's close.
Good. This time I'll be
happy to hit him in the back.
No! No!
You were nearly
destroyed earlier.
You almost lost
the Hammer.
Well, it won't happen again.
Are you with me?
Are you with me?
Loki: Jarnsaxa
cannot be trusted.
She has kissed the demons.
She is a concubine
for Midgard.
You must kill her.
Loki: She only wants
the Hammer.
Kill her.
Thor, do not listen to him.
He's playing mind tricks.
He's the devil,
the serpent,
the spirit of trickery
and deception.
We must go back
to my dwelling,
to the protection
of the rune stone.
No! We can kill him.
I swear it.
Thor, please!
This is madness.
He's a liar, a cheater.
Do not believe what you see.
Maybe the Norns were right.
Maybe the Earth is doomed.
I will not
let that happen.
I will not let the Norns
control my fate...
or yours.
We can't kill Loki.
Not two of us,
not ten of us.
We must hide the Hammer
as Odin did.
For how long?
Maybe centuries.
However long it takes
for you to be made ready.
But everything will die.
No matter what Loki does
to men and gods,
as long as the Tree of Life
remains strong
all the other can be rebuilt.
At nightfall, then,
we return
to the protection
of our hiding place.
You have the courage of your
father and brother in you.
You have my heart,
Know that.
And you have mine.
One day,
you will be able
to channel the powers
of the universe,
to let it fly through
your arm like lightning.
Oh, no. Thor!
Got you.
Give me
the Hammer, Thor.
Good. Use it.
Feel the power
of the Hammer.
The bone of Urrl.
It is useless to you.
You cannot control
it's power.
And without it,
you have no power at all.
You will destroy
the only thing
that can bring back
your father.
What do you mean?
Your father.
Your brother.
The power of the bone
is the only thing
that put them
in Muspellheim Hell,
and it's the only thing
that can release them.
Tell me how to use it.
Tell me!
Let me live,
and I will show you.
What of Ragnerok?
I'll make it that
there is no Ragnerok.
No Ragnerok ever.
You are the devil,
full of lies and deceits.
There is no Ragnerok.
You are all safe.
You are all safe.
Give me back the bone
so I can live.
Give it to me.
You're alive!
I did it.
Don't you ever--
I killed him.
I killed Loki.
I defeated him.
He's dead.
I saw him melt.
And I took this
from him,
and he lost
all of his power.
Ragnerok is over.
You took the devil's tool.
It's cursed.
You must get rid of it.
But I have
his power now.
Even if you do,
Loki's powers are rancid.
They're decayed.
Aren't you happy?
Loki is gone.
His creatures are gone.
It's a trick.
It is not a trick.
Yes, it's a trick.
That is what Loki does.
He tricks.
Why is everything I do
on my own wrong? Why?
Because you're young.
And you're inexperienced.
You have more courage
and more heart than skills.
But one day--
I'm going to bring my brother
and my father back.
You'll see.
Those are lies.
We are not mortal.
We are gods,
and they are trapped
in the realm
of Muspellheim.
And there is nothing
you can do about it.
Their fate--
their fate is my fate.
And I have changed
my fate.
Have I not
defeated Loki?
Am I dead as
the Norns had foretold?
Your story is not over,
and when it is, one day
you will discover
that the Norns have sewn
your tales in their tapestries
from the beginning.
Your father
and brother are gone,
and you cannot change fate.
Where are we going?
To my dwelling,
where I should have
taken you long ago.
Where you will be protected.
We must get rid
of that wretched thing
before it drives you to evil.
Tree of Life,
mother of life,
guard these doors
so that none
may enter uninvited.
that abomination.
Use the Hammer.
I will.
Don't even look at it.
Where are you going?
To find some evidence
that Loki's truly dead.
And until I find
that evidence,
you must promise me
that you will not leave
the protection
of these walls.
I promise.
Swear on your father
that you will not leave.
I swear it
by the blood of my father.
You're strong, Thor.
You have a lot to learn.
Crush that thing
and burn it.
Bring my father back to life.
Bring my father Odin
back to life.
Father, I will reach into
the halls of my ancestors
and grab you.
Bring Odin back to life.
How did you get past
the rune stone?
You invited me.
I killed you.
You're dead.
I never was alive.
Join me,
and I'll let
your family live.
My family?
You mean my family,
my father,
who burns
to Muspellheim?
And your brother.
Give me the hammer
and I'll let them
all out.
Come on! Come on!
I will not rest
until I have it!
Forgive me.
Forgive me for
sneaking away earlier.
Are you ready, Thor,
to actually take my advice?
Yes, I will take it.
I will listen
to what you say.
For my father,
who burns in hell.
Good. Then hear me.
We'll return to Valhalla
Let Loki smash away all
the people and the buildings.
And keep that Hammer
away from Loki
and I promise you,
one day you will return
to watch him
perish in the dirt.
Come, my friends.
How are you, my pet?
They are near.
They can't escape fate.
We can make
a gateway here.
I'm going to need you
to help me summon it.
But Asgard is a heap
of sand and ash.
It has been
We'll find a place.
I'll hide you
and the Hammer.
I'm not going.
I'm staying here
to save the Earth.
Thor, please.
We don't have much time.
I beg you! We must keep
the Hammer away from Loki.
It's the only weapon that can
kill the Tree of Life.
So long the tree lives,
there is still a chance
to rebuild.
All right.
Now, hold the Hammer
tight before you.
Channel its powers.
The will in your heart
will make it open.
Now, you go
through it first.
do you feel
I have the power in me
to carry this through
to the very end,
even if it means
I must fight?
Oh, Thor,
you are a God
beyond my understanding,
the son of the master
who I've served.
If you believe in your heart
that you must fight,
I will live or die
by your side.
I am your soldier.
Then go through,
and take this.
Hide it.
Protect it.
Keep it safe from Loki.
I am not leaving
this Earth
until I have saved it
or death takes me.
Take it! Hurry!
Before it's too late.
No! I'm not
leaving without you.
You shall die witch!
Lindworms from underneath.
Come to me!
Go through the gateway!
I will stop them! Go!
You can't
fight me, Thor.
Fate is on my side.
Every fabric
of the universe
is against you.
Damn the fabric
of the universe.
[Speaking foreign language]
It's mine!
It's mine!
Come on! Come on!
Let's go!
No, Jarnsaxa.
I stay here.
To my dwelling then.
The rune stone
will protect us.
The gateway!
The gateway
to my dwelling!
Now, let's see.
What am I going to do
to you now?
No, Jarnsaxa.
Jarnsaxa, I'm here.
I'm here.
You'll be all right.
I thought
you'd never come.
We've got to get you
out of here.
We'll get the potion
of healing.
We'll take care of you.
Leave me here.
No, I'll never leave you.
I love you so much.
I love you, too.
Very touching.
I could not change
our fate.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
You are not
defeated yet...
My King.
Yes, you are my
Ruler of Asgard
who sits atop
the universe...
of all realms.
We're in good hands...
Your hands...
For you are not
defeated yet.
I want you to witness
the final moments of Midgard,
when this entire planet
becomes the gates
to my new kingdom.
It is the end of life,
the end of time,
and the end of you.
Not quite.
You cling to old dreams.
You are an embarrassment.
I want you to taste
the bitterness
of my rise to power,
go back to your worms
and your dogs
and leave the true gods
of the nine realms in peace.
Soon the nine realms
will no longer exist,
and the time of Aesir
is finished,
and I will be ruler
of the next kingdom,
not Thor.
Behold, the fire
of Muspellheim.
In it's fiery depths,
your father waits for you...
as well as others.
And now I'm off
to kill the Tree of Life...
And unleash the final stages
of Ragnerok.
It's time.
Where are you?
Where are you?
I am gone...
And you are ready.
Nothing is beyond you.
Nothing is beyond you.
Nothing is beyond you.
I will forge
my own Hammer.
Die, mother
of living earth.
I will not be stopped!
News reporter:
We're getting reports
of scores
of unknown creatures
destroying urban areas
in Southern California.
The U.S. military
is doing their best
to respond to the threat.
I sent you to hell!
The power of that Hammer
belongs to me.
There is nothing left
to fight for.
It's over.
Nothing is over.
We control our own fate.
Your heart shall beat
as long as I live.
How dare you come here,
son of Odin.
You are an abomination.
Loki was meant to rule
the next chapter
of the universe
when this one
is no more.
But you have killed him.
Dead! Gone!
Against the will
of fate,
so carefully woven
in this loom.
We have chaos
in the world.
Shameful chaos!
What have you to say
for yourself?
This world is now controlled
by those who live here,
and it will be,
for good or ill,
what we ourselves
make of it.
That is true fate.