American Hustle (2013)

All news, all the time.
This is WINS.
You give us 22 minutes,
we'll give you the world.
Good evening. It's 42 degrees
at 5:00 and here's what's happening.
Mayor Koch urges the talks to
resume between the city and unions,
but he says the unions
have to give in a bit.
The PBA negotiator says he
wants real salary increases.
Nassau police ask an 18-year-old
mother why she abandoned her child.
A federal judge rules
an accused war criminal
must testify in his
deportation hearing.
A House committee
tells the president
it does not like
proposed Mideast arms sales.
The news watch never stops!
This is WINS.
WINS news time, 5:02.
Contract talks
have ended temporarily
between the city
and its labor union
with both sides
making some angry charges.
The municipal labor
unions broke off talks
demanding that
the city withdraw
what they call
their outrageous
and irresponsible
contract proposals.
The Patrolmen's
Benevolent Association
and the Uniformed
Firefighters Association
are the two unions
not participating
in the coalition
bargaining with the city,
and the PEA chief
negotiator says he wants
some solid gains
for the men in blue.
A bankrupt New York
City can't afford
to lose money, but city
officials say it did,
between two and
five million dollars
in the first two
months of 1978 alone...
On the first part of the journey
I was lookin' at all the life
There were plants and birds
and rocks and things
There was
sand and hills and rings
The first thing I met
was a fly with a buzz
And the sky with no clouds
The heat was hot and the ground was
dry but the air was full of sound
I do all kinds of business with him.
He knows Carl Elway.
He knows exactly
what he's getting into.
What are you doing,
going behind my back?
Telling people I'm screwing
up this operation?
I got you a suite
at the fucking Plaza Hotel.
The shittiest suite at
the Plaza Hotel. What?
The shittiest fucking suite
and the food is wrong.
Based on what?
And what is this?
What is it? The food's wrong?
What is what?
- You went in my closet or something?
- No.
Are you dressing him
like you dress me?
No, what are you thinking?
This isn't all about you.
What, did you try to dress me
so I would look like him?
No, you're not
dressed like him.
But I do look... I look like him.
He's in, like, velvet.
You asked me to show you
how this was done.
You want to fuck
it up, be my guest.
What is your problem?
Hey, look,
I never laid a hand on her, all right?
Is that what this is about?
Well, technically,
that's not true.
Look, we never had sex, okay?
Just, what'd I do?
I went like...
What'd I do?
I put my hand like this.
You fucking get out.
Don't you fucking touch me.
That bothers me.
Oh, it does?
Oh, yeah.
That bothers you?
You know, a lot of shit bothers me,
too, but I was trying to help you.
If I wanted to bother you, if I
really wanted to fucking bother you,
this is what I'd do.
If I was trying to bother you,
that's what I would do.
You shouldn't
have done that.
How's that?
You bothered now?
All right,
don't make a thing of it.
You shouldn't touch him,
he doesn't like that.
Oh, my God, fix his hair.
No, you really shouldn't
Jesus Christ,
don't make a thing of it.
It takes some time, okay?
Big fucking deal.
It's not like just...
We got to get in the other room.
Come on.
The mayor's in there.
Yes, I know that.
Should we go to the beauty parlor'?
Is that what we should do?
How's it look?
Let's go.
Times are hard
You're afraid to pay the fee
I So you find yourself somebody
Who can do the job for free
When you need a bit of lovin'
Cause your man is outta town
That's the time you get me runnin'
And you know I'll be around
I'm a fool to do your
dirty work Oh, yeah
Look, I do business
face-to-face, person-to-person.
That's just who I am,
call me old-fashioned, but...
Carl, I come all the way down
here, the sheik's not even here?
EXCUSE me, excuse me.
I'll handle that
for the mayor.
No, the...
It's for the mayor.
It'd be a sign of
disrespect to the sheik
if the mayor didn't take it.
It's for you, Mayor.
What are you doing?
Carl, what the fuck?
What is this? I'm gonna
take care of it.
Everything's good. I got
everything under control.
It's for me.
Hey, hey. What is this?
I handle the money.
What is this? What is this?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I mean, who are you?
I don't know you.
Just stop it, okay?
- He's got to take it himself.
- I don't know what the fuck
that is, but it's weird,
you understand?
Look, I came here
to meet a sheik,
that's all I know.
Okay, Mr. Mayor...
I'm very interested in that,
but he's not here apparently.
Carl, you know what I mean?
This is not right.
Look, I'm very interested
in meeting the sheik.
You let me know
when that can happen.
We will.
Thank you, have a good day.
you better come get him.
Go out there
and get him right now.
Help me get him back.
Get the...
Get him, go get him. He needs
to take this fucking briefcase.
I didn't want to do
this in the first place.
This is your show,
you go get him.
No, you have no choice.
You have to go get him.
Now, go get him so he takes
the briefcase by himself.
That's the whole plan, Irving.
What were you doing pushing the
fucking briefcase, dummy, huh?
The whole fucking
thing was falling apart.
You know how much it fucking
costs for this goddamn hotel
that you fucking asked for?
Now I got to go
mop up your mess.
I'm gonna go
fucking mop up your mess.
You understand what
I'm saying, right?
You understand that he has...
It wasn't working.
He was getting upset
about the sheik and...
Did you ever have
to find a way to survive,
and you knew your
choices were bad?
I learned how to survive
when I was a kid.
My father had
a glass business.
I would rather be
on the taking side
than the getting-taken side
any day of the week,
especially after! saw
how my father got taken.
I mean, seeing that
scarred me for life.
I took it upon myself
to drum up business.
I became a different kind
of guy than my father.
I became a con
artist for real.
From the feet up.
I was gonna survive
no matter what.
I still had the glass business and
a few dry cleaning stores also,
and I did some art
dealing on the side.
Stolen or forged art.
Your host! Enjoy, enjoy-
Come on.
So, one January,
I go to my friend's
pool party in Long Island.
Is that Duke
Ellington on your bracelet?
as a matter of fact, it is.
He died this year,
you know?
I know.
I doubt anyone else here
knows or cares about it.
Well, I care about it.
He saved my life
many times.
Mine, too.
Which one'?
Jeep's Blues.
Jeep's Blues.
Mmm-hmm. Jeep's Blues.
You want to hear it?
Right now?
Who starts a song
like that?
It's magic.
It's magic.
He wasn't
necessarily in good shape,
and he had this comb-over
that was rather elaborate.
He had this air about him,
and he had this confidence
that drew me to him.
He was who he was.
He didn't care.
I mean, she was
a very particular person.
Like me,
she had come from a place
where her
options were limited.
I! actually can feel
kind of sexy sometimes.
There's a boldness in it.
But where would
that boldness take me?
I didn't know.
But I was gonna find out.
Like me, she learned to
survive and rein vent herself.
She knew she had to reinvent
her life and her identity.
And like me, she envisioned a
better, elegant future for herself.
Like me, she knew
you had to have a vision.
She came to New York,
she envisioned it,
and just like that...
she applied for a job
at Cosmopolitan magazine.
Well, you're obviously
here for a reason, let's get to it.
All right. Our cover story
right now is on cunnilingus.
What do you think
about that?
I like it.
Do you have any clerical skills?
Can you type?
She was unlike
anybody I ever knew.
She was smart.
She saw through
people in situations,
and she knew how to live
with passion and style,
She understood Duke Ellington.
I was broke, fearless,
with nothing to lose,
and my dream,
more than anything,
was to become anyone else
other than who I was.
He had a chain
of dry cleaning stores.
Enter. Yeah, I got
two in the Bronx,
and three in Manhattan.
Hey, Byron, how you doing?
This is Sydney.
Right here, come through here.
He asked me if I wanted to
come in and upgrade my wardrobe.
He said he had
a lot of nice things
that got left behind by people
and forgotten over the years.
Man, you wouldn't
believe the shit
that people leave behind here.
People leave stuff here?
Come back here.
Oh, yeah,
they go out for the night,
you know, they drink,
come here in the morning,
put their clothes in
and then they forget
They got no idea
where they left it.
Look at that sequin thing.
It's beautiful.
I don't know,
is that nice or not?
I mean, some of it... Some
of it's been here for years.
They're not picking it up.
No one's picking it up.
People just leave...
You like it?
I love it.
Sydney, it's yours.
You want it,
it's yours.
I like it.
You look fantastic.
You're a knockout.
Oh, my God.
I could only dream about...
These dresses are beautiful.
That's... I'm...
No, it's beautiful.
Put it on.
Come on.
Come on, look at that.
Perfect for you.
I don't feel...
Love it.
This is for you.
I felt like we had
a secret, just the two of us,
you know, like that thing
when you just want to be
with the one person
the whole time and
you feel like the two of you
understand something
that nobody else gets.
I could just tell her
everything about myself.
And Pd never had anybody
like that in my fife before,
and it felt like, finally,
I could truly be myself
without being ashamed,
without being embarrassed.
What is this place?
Do you sell art here?
Yeah, sometimes.
It's my office.
Well, I know
it's your office,
but you have all
these other places,
so what's this for'?
Why'd you bring me here?
This is getting to be my...
My main business,
my growing business.
L, uh...
I help get loans for guys
who can't get loans.
You know,
I'm their last resort.
You're their last resort?
'Cause interest rates are north
of 12% and heading to 18%.
That's right,
smarty pants.
Fucking Jimmy Carter.
Fucking Jimmy Carter.
Well, fucking Nixon, really,
and the war and the deficit
and all of that shit, but...
I fucking love you,
you're so smart.
You are.
Thanks, kid, but how do you
get them the money?
You don't, do you?
You don't.
These guys are
lousy risks, you know?
I can't get them a loan,
but I get my fee, $5,000.
You take $5,000 and you
don't give them anything.
All right, these are
bad guys, you know?
They got bad divorces,
gambling habits,
embezzling, all that shit,
you know what I mean?
Everybody at the bottom
crosses paths eventually
in a pool of desperation
and you're waiting for them.
How about "we"?
How about it?
Sydney, Sydney,
I'm sorry.
That was too much,
I went too far.
I didn't want to upset you.
Sydney, please, I'm sorry.
I know
it ain't for everybody.
Oh, God!
I loved getting
to know you!
All right.
Why did I tell the truth?
Why'd I tell her the truth?
What did I do that for?
What did I do that for?
I fucked it up.
I should never tell a woman the
truth, but she's so smart.
She's different.
She's different.
You said it was
nice knowing me.
You said it was
nice to meet me.
Would you like to meet...
Lady Edith Greensly'?
I have royal banking
connections in London.
I'd love to help
you with your loan,
but, of course,
I have to be very selective.
That was fucking fantastic.
Thank you. Did you like it?
I liked it.
I didn't think you
were coming back.
Thank God you came back.
I wasn't going anywhere.
I fucking love you.
You have me.
And so Irving and I began our
partnership in love and commerce.
Rebecca, hold on.
He told me to tell my friends I
had London banking connections.
Listen, she told me you can
get me a line of credit.
I heard you have banking
connections in London, England.
And after that, say "no" a lot
until the guy is hooked.
Rebecca, get me that
meeting, huh'? No!
Listen, tell her.
I have never missed a check.
It was almost scary
how easy it could be
to take money from
desperate people.
Lady Edith Greensly.
It's so good to see you again.
Lady... Your Ladyship.
Thank you. Again.
These are the roles
that we were meant to play.
We're very selective.
You got a strong application.
We'll talk about it.
I don't take a deal
that I can't close.
You're not being aggressive
enough in putting up your assets.
You ever been
to Great Neck?
Everybody knows
my dealerships.
5,000 gets me 50, right?
Five'll get me 35,
is that right?
Five grand gets me 50?
5,000 gets me 50, right?
I was doing so much
more business with her.
It doubled, then I! tripled.
And I never met anyone,
man or woman, in business,
who was so careful and precise
about everything,
every stylistic detail.
We kept selling
art together, too.
...genre painting, which is
really rare for the time.
It's a boy and his dog.
It's a non-religious
Golden Age Dutch painting.
Paul Klee. Expressionism.
Bauhaus Movement.
Before we go any further,
is this legit?
Let's just say, you know, it's missing
from Spain, leave it at that.
Don't show any
Spanish friends.
I mean, it just took off.
We got a better office,
we called it "London
Associates," for her accent.
When I was around her,
I felt joy,
fucking ivy!
And love, that's what I felt.
I've got your number
And what you're lookin' for
And what you're lookin' for
Just suits me fine
We'll break the rules a lot
We'll be damn fools a lot
But then why should we not?
How could we not combine?
I've got your number And
I've got the glow you've got
I've got your number
and more
So go ahead and pick a
number From one to ten
Your losing streak is over
I can't win again
And here's
the punchline... I
As far as I could see,
people were always conning each
other to get what they wanted.
We even con ourselves.
We talk ourselves
into things, you know.
We sell ourselves things we maybe don'!
even need or want,
you know, by dressing them up.
We leave out the risk,
we leave out the ugly truth.
Pay attention to that
'cause we're all conning
ourselves in one way or another,
just to get through life.
He was married
and he had a son.
He had adopted her son.
You're just such an artist!
Look at that!
He was a really good dad.
I respected him for that.
Proud! You should be so proud!
It was a tough
situation for everyone.
What'd you do today?
That kid Donovan
is being mean to me.
Thai big kid?
I thought Mommy
was picking you up,
so he couldn't bother you.
She was late.
And then after we
put out the fire,
Mommy said stay in my room
with my baseball cards.
What fire'?
Did you know they made a lamp
that has the sun in it?
Mommy got the lamp,
she made her special drink,
and the lamp made a fire.
I put out the fire.
The fire is out.
First time in my life,
I do the right thing.
Oh, shut up. Shut up.
No, no, no...
I save a young
single mother and a kid.
I marry her,
I adopt him...
You fell in love! Don't you
dare forget that part!
We fell madly in love.
Yes, I fell in love.
My God, I fell in love.
But you know what?
I thought you were
mysterious, like my mother,
until it turned
out that "mysterious"
just meant "depressed," all right'?
"Hard to reach."
I mean, I'm dying here.
And you need somebody
who's gonna be quiet,
who's gonna be shy,
you're young, you're beautiful,
you gotta find somebody else.
You gotta go out and get
some friends, all right?
I don't like going out.
You know that
I get anxiety when I
have to meet people.
You know how hard that is.
You cannot just slay in the
house with a fucking sun lamp.
All right?
And I cant... I mean, look, I can't
trust you with Danny when you...
That fire and everything...
I can't trust to
leave you alone.
I put the fire out,
There is no fire.
Maybe if you were here more,
then there wouldn't have been
a fire in the first place.
Oh, what, there wouldn't have
been a fire if I was here?
Just stop with the whole fire thing!
God! It was a mistake!
I'm sure a million people
do that, all the time.
Those sun lamps
are dangerous.
Shouldn't even have them
in the house, really.
I bet that happens
all the time.
This was nothing.
We're not happy,
all right?
You know that I
could take Danny,
you know that most of
your work is illegal,
and you know that if you tried
to divorce me, you know that...
I'm not saying that I would,
but I'm saying that I could,
and I'm saying that that is why
I don't like divorce, Irving.
Women do that in divorces.
Women get the children and then
the fathers never see them.
My mother never got divorced.
My grandmother
never got divorced.
There are no
divorces in my family.
I am not getting a divorce.
Come on,
what are we doing here?
We fight and we fuck and that's what we do.
That's our thing.
She was the Picasso
of passive-aggressive karate.
Come here. Come here.
She was better than any con
artist I ever met, including myself,
and she had me
like nobody had me.
Irving, come to mama,
come on.
You might say she was my karma
for how I took
advantage of people.
Oh, my God.
Come here. Come on.
Get into bed.
All right.
there's such good stuff here.
I did not want
to leave the kid behind.
He was my son!
She had me. I was her mark.
Now, I can't assure you that
your loan will be approved,
but I can tell you that
any deal Hake, I close.
my fee is nonrefundable,
just like my time.
I want to thank you very
much, Irving, for seeing me.
I'm sorry I'm so nervous.
Is that...
Am I not buttoned?
I just got to say, Mr. Rosenfeld,
that Lady Edith was
very adamant that
you were top-notch.
That's correct.
I really need your help,
I'm desperate.
I mean, I got the Audis
and two boats,
and I forgot to mention
that I have a little piece
of real estate in Long Island.
No, you didn't mention that.
Two lunches and you
never mentioned that.
I was gonna mention it, then the
guy with the hat walked in.
The hat'?
You remember that?
I forgot, I totally...
I do remember.
It was the second
time we had lunch.
I thought he was...
You couldn't see his eyes.
It was like he had no eyes.
Do they sell hats like that?
I don't know.
It's like he made it.
Where do they come from?
He's a great milliner.
Actually, I went to the store.
I saw a hat store
down the street.
I thought maybe
he bought it there,
and I was gonna get you one,
as, like, a memento.
- Two lunches?
- Yes.
It's two lunches.
What's the big deal?
That's unusual.
I was trying to get him
to be more aggressive.
On his loan, that is.
You showed me a whole new side of
the city I'd never seen before.
Yeah, it's...
You're welcome.
No. Thank you.
Yeah, right.
Should I take you there?
Yeah, it's nice.
You liked it?
All right, should I
take you there twice?
What are you doing?
You like this guy?
Yes, I like this guy.
Is this messing
with your judgement?
No, it's not
messing with my judgement.
Don't be stupid.
Hey, hey, hey.
Look at me.
Play your part.
Fine, you play your part.
Well, take it to
your people in London.
Please, take it to them.
I got the cashier's
check right here.
I give you five, and you
give me 50 back, right?
Please don't reject me.
Give a guy a chance.
You got an office in Zurich?
Paris? I can call Paris.
Excuse me for a second.
Yeah, take your time.
Excuse me.
Yeah. It's...
Just be one moment.
Do whatever you need to do.
Go ahead, take your time.
Stick around
for a little bit.
See my friend over here?
I'm not moving anywhere,
all right?
You got the wrong office,
you're gonna be embarrassed.
I don't think so.
Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, go easy on her.
I may not have you, Irving,
but I have her on fraud.
Impersonating another individual.
On fraud?
On fraud? What is that'?
Yeah, she may not be...
Identity fraud?
You may be from England,
but you're not royal,
and you have no
banking connections,
and that's a felony. You
don't have to cuff me up.
How long is that?
That's three to five years.
Hey, not so...
Oh, really?
That's interesting.
I don't even know your name.
Richie DiMaso, FBI.
Nice to meet you.
You got to get
away from this guy.
He wouldn't let me
see her for three days.
Even managed to
delay her lawyer.
She couldn't handle it.
How come the fluorescents are on?
Can we kill that, please?
Jesus Christ,
I put this lamp here for you
'cause I thought it
would be better for you.
There's a wire here,
they're scared
because people
hang themselves,
but I know you're
too smart for that.
Where's the table and chair?
There's no bed here?
It's like a fucking asylum.
Joe, is everybody off today?
Jesus Christ, it's scary.
Maybe I wanted to scare
you, I don't know.
Maybe it was my idea.
Maybe I'm a little
off the beaten path.
You know,
I don't know, maybe.
Hey, you look dehydrated.
you want to have some tea?
your lips are all chapped.
It's herbal.
It's my favorite.
I know you think...
Look at me.
Hey, Edith, I know
you think Irv loves you.
I know you think
you know him.
You think that he sees the world
as this cold, dark place,
and he cares about nobody but a
very few people on a shortlist.
His son,
his father, Rosalyn and you.
And you think you're
on the top of that list.
What if you're not? What if
you're not on that list?
What if you're not
even on that list at all?
He'd be in here right now
if he took the check,
but no, you did.
God, it's so clear to me.
It's so... It's clear to me,
but it's not clear to you.
He uses you,
Edith, to protect himself,
to protect his son
and his wife in Long Island.
No? Yes,
he put a ring on her finger.
He adopted her son.
They have a huge house,
they have two cars.
What does she do all day?
I'll tell you what she does.
She plays with her nails,
she watches TV,
and she spends your money,
the money that you make.
I don't like that you're in
jail while he's going free.
I don't like any of that.
I want to help you.
All the razzle-dazzle
that he does,
it's not good, it's not real,
it's fake, it's not real.
Who you are is who you are,
between you and God,
you and your soul.
That's what matters.
That's what counts,
that's what I'm about,
and that's what I see in you.
Tell me you didn't feel it the
first time we saw each other.
Am I crazy? I don't think so.
I'm not supposed
to be talking like this,
but I don't care,
I'll break the rules.
Okay, Edith, Edith,
I want to help you.
I like you.
I like you.
I like you.
Been in there three days.
Hasn't been so good for her.
How's that make you feel,
her in there?
That check
was for you, right?
But you knew
something was off.
It's 'cause you're good. You're,
like, the best at what you do
in the whole country,
aren't you?
But you know what,
if the country were run
by people like you,
Irving Rosenfeld,
we'd be living in Eastern
Europe or Guatemala.
You ever been to Guatemala? You
ever been in jail in Guatemala?
You ever try to get a telephone or
a permit or anything in Guatemala?
That's what this
country would be like
if we let people that are liars
like you run this country.
Who made you God
and judge, huh?
My grandmother lived to be 93 years
old, never lied in her life.
Thank you.
I'm proud of that, too.
Does that make her
not a good person?
Is that not
something to strive for?
Why you
breaking my balls, huh?
Get to the point.
I see something in you, Irving.
I get very excited.
I think that we have
a lot of potential here.
Now, look,
I came up with the idea.
It's all from me,
I want to change things.
I want to go after
white-collar crime.
Irving, you're very skilled,
and I want you to teach me,
and we can do this.
I want four people
that do what you do.
Fraudulent investments,
fake certificates of deposit,
stolen art, fake art.
You get me four people,
and you're off the hook.
Four busts,
and you leave us alone?
We don't have to testify?
You're good, you're done.
Anything you want.
But if you run,
then your life's over.
You're gonna be hunted, and
it's gonna be very difficult
for Rosalyn and your kid
to live in this country.
We need to leave. We need
to run, and we need to do it now.
Right, we'll go to Estonia
or Romania, I don't care,
but we'll take
the cash from the bed,
and get out of here,
all right?
We've talked
about it 100 times.
What about Danny?
I adopted him,
I gave him my name.
I'm not leaving
him with Rosalyn.
She's unstable.
That is a manipulation.
Rosalyn will never let you go.
She'll use Danny
against you because
she's too messed
up to let you leave.
I can't leave him.
I love him, all right?
He's my son.
Richie said you
would say that.
What, the cop? You're on a
first-name basis with him?
Yes, I am. I'm not
even on your list, am I?
What list'?
Your list, your short list, your long list.
I'm not even on any one
of your fucking lists. I don't
know what you're talking about.
I thought you loved me.
I love you.
I thought that
we had something.
We do have something,
it's perfect.
What are you saying?
We're gonna go to Romania,
we're gonna take Danny.
Is that what you're saying?
Yes, that's
what I'm saying.
You, me, Danny, yes.
Well, you never said that before.
Well, I'm saying it now.
We're us, we can make it
an adventure like we did.
We can make it an adventure like
we make everything, all right?
All right.
We have to go now,
all right?
Trust me,
we have to leave right now.
I can't leave Danny,
I'll lose custody.
No, you have
to take me away.
I can't.
We have to leave.
No, what are you saying?
What are you doing?
What are you saying?
Oh, my God.
Will you pull it together?
I can't believe
this is happening.
Don't say I don't love you.
That's bullshit.
This is bullshit.
We are bullshit.
You are bullshit.
You are bullshit.
Please don't do this.
I just never thought
that you were conning me.
I could never con you.
I love you.
Please don't say this.
No, I'm done.
Don't say that.
I'm gonna do these four busts,
these four cons,
to get us out of this,
not just me, but us.
And I'm gonna get really close
with Richie the cop
in case we need to use him,
if we need another move.
We don't need
another move.
We need four busts,
then we're done.
We are gonna
need another move.
Trust me, and you're
gonna be thanking me.
The key
to people is what they believe
and what they
want to believe.
So I want to believe that we were real.
We are real.
And I want to believe
that a man could want me,
and I'm gonna take
all of that heartbreak
and all of that sorrow,
and lam going to use it,
and I am going to
make Richie think
that I want him
and that I like him.
And I'm gonna be very,
very convincing.
And I'm pissed at you.
'Cause I am pissed at you.
Maybe I do like him.
Maybe I like him a lot.
From the feet up, right?
Quit your bellyaching and
come up with something
to get us out of this.
And you're right, I'm in no
state to deal with this.
So what's it gonna be,
Mr. Mastermind?
An Arab sheik?
What do we want
an Arab sheik for?
Well, how do you
think this works' stupid?
If you could not call him
stupid, which he isn't.
He's smarter than you.
Last time I checked, he's in
control and we work for him now,
so be nice, okay?
To set this up,
to bust the con artist,
we need to make the honeypot
to attract the bees.
To attract the bees,
we need to offer them
a wealthy individual who
they can take advantage of.
Someone special, someone
new, someone amazing.
And those guys
are going to want to sell
fake bank
CDs to that guy.
Take the sheik's money,
you see?
Only they can't get into his
money unless they know someone,
and that someone is us.
Oh, that's good.
So, if you want
to get somebody like
your con artist friend,
Carl Elway,
you get him to
want to buy or sell...
Keep your voice down.
Sell fake art or stolen art
or fake certificates of deposit,
he needs, who does he need?
He needs a rich sheik-guy,
and there you go,
we can pinch him.
That's right, that's right,
but I don't tell Elway shit.
I wait for him to call me.
The art world
is a small world,
and one of Elway's acquaintances
is clocking us right now.
Don't look. Don't look.
You have a good look?
How do you know
the sheik?
This is my friend Al,
from Queens.
I do aluminum
siding and roofing.
I want to show you something.
This Rembrandt here,
people come from all over
the world to see this.
Yeah, he's good. Yeah.
It's a fake.
What? What are you talking about?
That's impossible.
People believe what
they want to believe.
'Cause the guy who
made this was so good
that it's real
to everybody.
Now, who's the master?
The painter
or the forger?
That's a fake?
That's the
way the world works.
Not black-and-white,
like you say.
Extremely gray.
Irving, could I...
Arthur, how many
times I got to tell you?
You can't meet the sheik,
all right?
Could I please meet him sometime?
Carl can't meet him.
Not yet. Another time.
Arthur. Hi.
Come on.
Edith, hi.
Yes, I wanted to introduce
you to Robert Spencer.
We're advising
the sheik together.
Thank you.
Robert Spencer.
Advisor to the sheik.
What's this about
a goddamn sheik?
Why are you leaving
me out of this? Huh?
I got to hear it
from my friends?
It ain't for you, Carl. What
do you mean, it ain't for me?
Nah, it ain't for you.
What are you talking about?
We got to do
certificates of deposit
I can print as
many as you need.
I got my associates here.
What do you mean, guys'?
Come on. This is not
a one-man operation.
Look, I can get other guys. What
are you talking about, Irving?
I can get other guys. You're
telling me that you can
get four guys to sell
fake certificates of deposit
to my investor
within a week?
Yes, I can
make that happen.
Carl Elway can do
what he says he's going to do.
That's interesting,
but, you know,
I got other guys lined up.
I got a meeting.
Here, look, these are my associates.
I got to run.
- Carl, his associates are here.
- Don't go.
He's got a meeting he's got to go to.
Listen, don't go...
I got to run. No, don't go...
No, don't go.
Crazy thing about people,
the more you say no, the more
they want in on something.
Yeah, they're so stupid.
I got to run. Come on.
I'll tell them. Don't worry.
Don't worry. I'll tell...
Hey, you know what
Carl just told me?
He said he could do this whole thing
with four guys within a week.
Or we could do something much bigger.
All right.
Something bigger?
Yeah, my guy deals
with hundreds of
millions of dollars.
How much bigger?
Hundreds of...
I knew you were
holding out on me, Irving!
Hundreds of millions of dollars?
Like, much bigger.
Like, I'm talking about, we could
say never the fuck mind the CDs,
and we could have some complete
access to something huge.
RICHIE; Huge? Like what'?
Robert Spencer.
I'm adviser to the sheik.
Carl Elway.
I want you to think of
the most undervalued asset
in the state of
New Jersey today.
The rebuilding
of Atlantic City.
Look, maybe they... Maybe
they legalized gambling
a year ago...
...and nothings happening.
No licenses, no permits.
Quit while
you're ahead, Carl.
I know the guy...
I know the right people
who are going to help you out.
Who's the guy?
The guy is Carmine Polito.
Who's Carmine Polito?
Carmine Polito?
Carmine Polito, no.
My boss, Stoddard,
proceeded to tell me
that Carmine Polito was the
most quietly powerful person
in the state of New Jersey.
A lifetime native of the
very racially mixed Camden,
which had become a ghetto.
And where he had been
mayor for ten years.
A very beloved guy.
A guy who never
gave up on his people.
His father had emigrated from
Italy and had stoked coal.
A big family guy
with five kids.
They even adopted some
other kid, a black kid
from the Boys and Girls Club
who'd lost his family.
I mean, his household
was a joyous place.
And his wife, Dolly, well,
she was the apple of his eye.
And the center
of the household.
I mean,
everyone loved this guy.
And he had a huge heart.
The WPA employed craftsmen
to paint this during the Depression.
Why can't we
employ people today
to do work like this
in rebuilding Atlantic City?
He worked with all the unions,
he was the leader of
the State Assembly,
and he had just
gotten gambling legalized
in New Jersey to create jobs.
But he couldn't get the funds
to rebuild Atlantic City.
And that was his problem.
So, with our help,
he was about to have his hand
in the wrong pocket
at the wrong time.
And to me, that meant corrupt.
You said grifters,
con artists.
We're not going
after some politician.
This is a bad idea, Richard.
Look, it's really simple.
All you need is to put two
million in a Chase account...
...under the sheik's name.
Whose $2 million?
Just listen.
$2 million under
the sheik's name
in a Chase account
that we control.
Carmine calls up
on the telephone,
calls the bank and he sees
that the sheik is real
and he has a real account.
Five days.
I'm not taking $2 million
of the taxpayers' money,
putting it anywhere
for five days.
I don't care if we
control it the whole time.
Stoddard, let us do what we need
to do to rule out corruption
and to get rid
of the payoff guys
that are ruining this country.
That's my dream.
Don't smother it, please.
You know, Richard,
I understand your eagerness.
I really do.
You know I'm from Michigan,
Let me tell you a story
about me and my
dad and my brother.
We used to go ice
fishing every November.
Ice fishing,
that's all anybody...
That's what we lived for.
Holy shit.
Just listen to me.
It's beautiful.
You have a little stove.
You huddle around,
you keep each other warm.
You drop a line
and you just wait.
One year,
my brother says,
"Let's go in October."
He wants to go
ice fishing in October.
My dad says,
"No, the ice is too thin."
My brother says,
I love my brother, he says...
I understand. Your brother
went out on the ice,
the ice was too thin,
he fell through the ice,
he went in the water
'cause he was too eager,
and you're saying I'm too eager.
That's what you're saying?
No, that's not
what I'm saying.
What are you saying?
You know,
we'll finish the ice story
another time, young man.
For now, no Carmine Polito.
Go do your job.
Stoddard shot
the whole thing down.
But Edith was a genius.
Yeah, you take me to Brenda.
She somehow found this woman
who controlled the wire room.
A woman I'd
never even heard of.
She's amazing. She's in charge
of all the wire transfers.
Way back in a warren
buried in the Bureau.
She likes cats.
This cat lady no one
ever even talked to.
And Edith met her in the ladies'
room and became friends with her.
Brenda? Hi.
How are you?
RICHIE; This lady
handled all the wires,
and now she was
working with us.
She was excited to be
included in an operation
instead of just being
on the other end of a memo.
You said you liked
exotic booze, so...
It was beautiful.
That's from England.
This is from England?
That's right. And I brought
you some tea as well.
Oh, thank you so much.
I mean, nobody
ever talks to me.
I know.
I mean, they just say, "Brenda,
do the clerical wiring stuff
"and don't ask questions."
You need to tell
Richie about your cats.
Oh, my cats?
He loves cats.
Oh, my cats?
Well, that's Harry.
Look at him standing up!
Isn't that sweet?
And that's Wendy.
She's a rascal.
But Barnaby,
that's another story.
Barnaby plays the piano.
That's impressive.
We got her to wire $2 million into
an FBI-controlled account at Chase.
It'd be there for five days,
and if Polito called,
he'd see that
the sheik was real.
And by the time
Stoddard caught up to us,
Edith made sure his boss
was impressed by my idea.
So, before he even
knew it was happening,
his boss was calling
to congratulate him,
The sheik with the money
in the bank is a...
Anthony Amado. He had a major
hard-on to make a name for himself.
I mean, this guy loved the
idea of being famous.
Don't be modest.
And Stoddard had to say
it was his own idea or he'd look
stupid in front of his boss.
You made me accept praise
from my boss for thanking me
for something that
never should have happened,
something that I
didn't approve.
You should be happy.
There's imaginative things
happening in this office.
All right? We're not
just working in a box.
We got the $2 million to put
Carmine and the sheik together.
I liked being on
this side of the line.
But someone had been left out.
We succeeded
because we stayed small.
I got you Carl Elway.
He bought stolen an,
sold fake bank CD's.
That's enough.
That's one.
I get you three more,
no politicians.
You're going to do this
because you got no choice,
you work for me.
Now, you keep
changing the rules.
You know, you're getting
a little power-drunk, Richard.
You want to tell him, Edith?
You want to wake him up?
Oh, no. I said we shouldn't
do any of it, Irving,
you know I said that,
so now I support Richie.
He's got vision.
Do it heavy or don't do it.
Wait. What does
that mean?
I mean, he's the one
ruining America, not me.
How the fuck am I
ruining America?
Because people just got over
Watergate and Vietnam, all right,
and you're going to shit all
over politicians again?
And just because you want to be
a big shot, get a promotion.
No. I'm thinking big, all right?
This is going
to be fantastic.
We're doing
video surveillance.
I'm doing this
from the feet up.
You will never
do it properly
because you got too much
government attitude
to be small and sleek.
I'm like the fucking
Vietcong, man, all right?
I'm in and I'm out.
I was there the whole time.
You don't know it,
all right?
That's the fucking
art of becoming somebody
who people can pin their
beliefs and their dreams on.
And you can't do it.
How about a suite
at the Sheraton Hotel?
For Carmine Polito
and rebuilding Atlantic City...
Why not? need a luxury hotel for the sheik.
Oh, come on.
Carmine does backdoor dealings all the time.
We don't have a...
We don't got
a budget for that, Irving.
You got to knock the mayor,
the speaker of
the State Assembly,
you got to knock him off of
his fucking feet, all right?
He's got to feel like
he's out of his league.
What you're offering,
this deal,
I mean, this is unheard of
in the state of New Jersey,
maybe even the whole
fucking country, all right?
A sheik with hundreds
of millions of dollars
to rebuild Atlantic City,
are you fucking kidding me'?
That's gigantic, all right?
And the mayor, he's going
to want to see cash,
he's going to want to
see it in an account,
he's going to want to see it
right now, and he will check.
And that's why this
meeting isn't happening.
Because to get millions,
you need millions.
We already did it.
We got the Bureau to park
$2 million for three days.
We've got
the account numbers.
"We" meaning you and him?
Yeah, we did it.
Yeah, me and that guy.
She showed me.
You showed him our thing?
You did that without me?
Are you kidding?
What are you going to do?
You playing me?
Are you doing this?
You playing him?
It'd be very bad for
you if you're playing me.
You're going to have to
decide for yourself, kid.
I just laid everything
out on the table.
It's all very exciting.
I didn't know life
could be like this.
You're pretty wild.
You know,
we're taking down a...
A very important
This is Agent Richard DiMaso.
I'm placing
$75, 000 in this briefcase
for Mayor Carmine Polito
to procure casino license
and building permits
for Atlantic City.
What is this? What...
Look, I don't know you.
Excuse me, I don't...
I don't know what that is,
but this is very weird to me.
This is very weird. I don't know
what the fuck that is, but...
Go out there and get him now.
Mr. Mayor!
Please stop. Listen.
I apologize if that
prick offended you.
I really apologize. Hey,
I'm all right, thank you.
I'm okay. No, no, no, no, no.
I'm fucking embarrassed
to be associated with that guy at all.
It's okay.
Can I just say
something to you, please?
Don't lose this opportunity
to fucking Florida, all right,
because of some bullshit
from that punk advisor,
all right,
with his "diploma,"
all right,
who could never get into
the school that we come from.
Don't lose
that opportunity.
Where you from?
I'm from the Bronx.
Grand Concourse,
164th Street.
I got a lot of friends
that live up there.
Yeah, I go
to Tomaso's on...
Yeah, Tomaso's. Yeah, yeah.
You know Tomaso's
on Arthur Avenue? Yeah,
I love the clams there.
The clam, the spicy clams.
Yes. Oh, so good.
Oh, they're fucking to die
for, those things. Yeah.
Yeah, I haven't been there in a while.
I like that place.
Well, you know what?
Tell me,
can I call you Carmine?
You know, Carmine,
hey, my fucking heart's going
from running down the stairs.
I'm not used to running.
There's a lot of green grass
in that hotel room up there,
all right, and all the deals
would float through you.
You get a serious piece
on both ends, all right?
You do with it
what you will.
I mean, I live in
the real world, all right?
I am a family man.
I got mouths to feed
and everything like that,
but, you know, you got...
We just... We got to
grease you directly.
No middlemen, no bullshit,
it's the Arab way.
That's it.
That's ii. All right?
Yeah, look, I understand.
It's a great opportunity.
You understand, it's just...
I got a little thrown
by going to have a meeting
with somebody that ended up
not being there, so...
I was thrown as well.
No, look, I understand.
I'll deal with you directly.
I don't want any middleman
or any of that bullshit.
Done. Done. You and me.
Deal with you directly.
I like you, eye to eye,
we can do business together.
That's fine.
Yeah, how long you
known this guy?
I mean, you work
with this guy before?
I got to work with him. It's the
sheik, all right, you know...
But I still need to
meet the sheik, okay?
Yeah. Done.
After you.
I'm going out for dinner
with Carmine and
the wives in Camden.
Carmine and
myself and the wives.
What? Without me?
He doesn't like you.
What do you want from me?
I got him to come
back and take the money.
You got him on tape,
all right?
I mean,
I can't make him like you.
You know, I mean...
I did my job.
Did you tell him that
you were working with me?
That I'm
the sheik's associate?
I just fucking told you,
he doesn't like you.
I mean,
let him have a night out
with a human being,
for fuck's sake, all right?
He's going to jail soon.
You're done with him.
You got him
on tape taking a bribe.
Carmine has got
to deal with me, Irving.
We're going to use Carmine. Yeah,
no, we're gonna get Carmine's...
We're gonna use Carmine
to get other people.
That's what we're gonna do.
What? Like who?
Carmine's going to use
the sheik to pay off people.
You fucking nuts'? What are you...
Are you fuck...
We're going to let
Carmine show the sheik
Atlantic City, how he's
going to renovate hotels,
and see who shows up and
whoever the sheik pays off
for licenses and casinos,
that's who we're
going to go after.
We're going to go
after all of them.
More politicians?
You realize how
fucking dangerous that is?
There's no fucking
reasoning with you.
All right, Edith and I were
so successful for so long
because we kept it
just small enough.
You are taking us to a very
fucking dangerous place,
with very serious numbers!
If you were that successful,
how come you wound up
in this room with me right
now, taking orders from me?
You're taking your
wife out to dinner?
Your fucking wife? Did I
just hear you correctly?
That's the one thing
you heard me say.
I just find it rather
shocking. That's all.
I get to handle two
wives with one dinner.
All right? I take Rosalyn out,
she keeps her mouth shut,
she sees that my work is
legitimate, I get to keep my kid
and I get to keep
that fucking wife happy.
Both wives happy.
Richard, what are you doing'?
don't eat in the bathroom!
I told you so many times!
And Diane brought napoleons.
Come out of
the bathroom and pray!
Oh, my God,
what did you do'?
Richard, the filter is
broken in the fish tank.
It's a problem.
See, your job is to
do the filter, Mom.
Mine is to do the gravel.
When you don't do the filter
right, all the fish die. See?
I can't get that top on the
filter, that thing on there.
We went over
this 100 times, Mom.
And please help Richard
to marry Diane so that I
may have grandchildren and the
Pope may have more followers.
And please bless this food
that we are about to eat.
Yeah, hello?
Who's this?
It's Edith.
Sit down and pray properly!
Are you all right?
Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
I'm just...
I'm alone, you know.
Irving's out with Carmine.
Oh, yeah, that's right, he went
outwith Carmine and his wife.
Yeah, you must not
feel so good about that.
Richard, sit down.
Wait. Who's that'?
Who are you with?
Oh, no, it's just people.
I'm your fiance. Richard!
Oh, you've got a fiance.
You're engaged.
I don't know, I don't know.
No fiance.
I don't know,
I don't know, I don't know.
You don't know'? You don't
know if you have a fiance?
The fish filter is broken!
Hmm. Interesting.
What, you want...
You want to get together?
Richard, do
something about the fish tank.
54th Street?
Okay, 54th Street.
Okay. Great.
That's what that
phone call was about
Everybody thought,
"Oh, Richie DiMaso's
"going to stay in
the office pushing papers."
That's not going
to happen, Mom.
I'm outside in the field.
I got people working for me.
My ideas.
I'm running the show.
I'm the quarterback,
and I'm not going to settle
for no one, Mom.
I feel a sudden urge to sing
The kind of ditty
that invokes the spring I
Hi. Good to see you.
This is Irving.
Dolly, Dolly.
Hi. How are you?
Hi. Nice to meet you.
This is Rosalyn. Carmine.
The man's here.
Carmie's here.
The man's here.
You must be so proud.
Rocco, how are you?
Rocco, the...
You know, like we do
with the chicken,
very thin, right?
Thin. Very thin.
Really thin,
look, the way he does this...
- Does this chicken with the red sauce, right?
- Beautiful.
With the red sauce,
the lemon?
Oh, my God, the garlic.
The garlic is amazing. It's so good.
It's so good.
Here it is, right here.
Here it is. This is it.
This. This right here,
this right here! Look at this!
Oh, my God!
You're going to love it!
You see it?
This is so good' so good.
It's the piccata
of the gods.
what's this, Rocco'?
this is a nice digestive.
Thank you, Rocco.
Thank you, Rocco.
Salute. You're welcome.
I believe that you
should treat people
the way that you
want to be treated.
Right? Didn't Jesus
say that or something?
He may have.
I think also,
always take
a favor over money.
I think Jesus
said that as well.
I don't know if he
said the second one,
but he might have
said the first one.
I chipped that moving furniture.
It's my new obsession.
Moving, redecorating, it makes
me feel better, like exercise.
But there's this topcoat that you
can only get from Switzerland.
And I don't know
what I'm going to do
because I'm running out of it,
but I love the smell of it.
I can get it for you. Irv and
I can't get enough of it.
I can get it for you. Of course.
That would be amazing.
There's something,
the topcoat...
It's, like, perfumey, but
there's also something rotten.
And I know that sounds crazy,
but I can't get enough of it.
Smell it. It's true.
Dolly, historically,
Oh, my God.
The best perfumes in the world...
It's disgusting.
...they're all laced with
something nasty and foul.
It's true. Stop. Stop.
It is true. It is true.
It feels true.
It feels true.
Irving loves them.
Oh, my God.
He can't get
enough of that smell.
Can't get enough.
Can't get enough. I can't get enough.
Carmine, smell her nails.
Sweet and sour.
Smell her nails.
Rotten and delicious.
What am I smelling?
It smells like flowers.
Am I right?
Flowers, but with garbage.
And, like... Yeah.
Or like sour flowers.
You know what that is for me?
It's coriander for me.
But Irv loves it.
He can't get enough.
- That's what hooks you.
- Mmm.
He always comes back for it.
I can't stop.
having a good time.
Oh, you two
are just so nice.
Hey' listen...
He's going to...
He's going to say,
"We have to talk business."
In five.
- Three. Two. One.
- Three. Two. One.
Thank you. Dolly, can me and the
man talk about business here?
She's all right.
She's all right.
No, no, no, no, no!
Don't do that!
It makes me look
more drunk than lam.
No, it's okay.
I got you. Okay.
I don't think
that's possible.
I'm not this drunk. No, it was
just because I was laughing.
Irving, please don't make me go.
Oh, she's fine. She's fine.
She's fine. All right. I was
just starting to have fun.
I was just starting to have fun.
Let's take her to the car.
Didn't your fiance
want to come out tonight?
Yeah. No...
I don't... Yeah, no.
No, I don't know.
Oh, God, I'm sorry. I'm sorry,
we don't have to talk about it.
I was just teasing you. I'm...
It's all right.
It's all right.
Do you ever think, like,
how did I end up here?
Like, how did my life become this?
Do you ever think that?
And you wonder, like...
Am I ever gonna get
out to a better place,
or is this it'?
You feel like that?
Yeah, I do.
I definitely know that.
I'm sorry,
we don't have to go dancing.
We can go have coffee or talk
or something, just...
No, no, no, no.
No. No, I need this.
Please, I need to
go dancing with you.
Okay, baby,
let's go dancing.
Ooh, it's so good
It's so good, it's so good
It's so good
It's so good
Ooh, heaven knows
Heaven knows
Heaven knows Heaven
knows Heaven knows
Ooh, I feel love
I feel love
I feel love I feel
love I feel love
I feel love
I feel love I
Get out of the way.
Hey! There's a line!
What the fuck, man?
What the fuck!
Come on, I need to pee!
Fucking A!
Hey! Hurry up and
get out of there.
I really fucking like you.
Yeah, I like you, too.
I want to live.
All right? For real.
No more fake shit,
all right?
We're gonna wait
until we decide
to go for love,
Richie, for real.
That's when we fuck.
All right?
Not till then, okay?
Are you gonna fuck
for real, or get out of
the stall for real?
All right?
No more fake shit?
No more fake shit.
No more fake shit.
No more fake shit!
No more fake shit.
Fuck me, I got to piss!
Ohhh, baby! My heart is full
of love and desire for you
Now, come on down and do
what you've got to do
Get out. Get out.
Get out.
I want
to be fucking real!
I want to be fucking...
I want to live!
Are you ready?
My, my, my
Why, why, Why
So before
They come to break
down the door
Forgive me, Delilah
I just couldn't
take anymore
Forgive me, Delilah
I just couldn't
take anymore I
Hey, boys,
this guy right here, Julius.
This guy...
Irving Rosenfeld,
you know what he's gonna do?
He's gonna bring
the sheik to Atlantic City,
that's what he's gonna do.
Where we can rebuild
all those resorts there,
put everybody back to work.
He's gonna get this community,
he's gonna get this state,
back on its feet
to where it belongs.
Isn't that right?
He's gonna grow our tax base
and create thousands
and thousands
of jobs for everyone.
You understand that?
You know what that means?
To Irving.
To Irving.
To Irving.
Come on,
this guy right here,
he's got a big heart.
I'd just hate it
if n didn't work out.
What do you mean?
Of course it's
gonna work out, Irv.
Come on,
guys like you and me'?
Come on, man. Right?
We dream and we build.
We never give up,
we never quit.
Hey, can I ask you a question?
Yeah, sure.
Is the sheik black?
He's from... He's...
He's an Arab.
Well, that...
That's black, isn't it?
I don't know.
I don't know, maybe it's
a dumb question, but...
I'm just wondering.
Why are you asking?
I would like to arrange
for the sheik
to see Camden.
To see the people of Camden.
The people I serve.
The people I love.
Who are mostly
black and Puerto Rican.
Irv, I really
want him to see
how good this is going to be
for the community,
how ready we are
for this opportunity.
And he can see how
far his dollar will go.
You know what I mean?
What do you think? Yeah.
Yeah, we can do that. Yeah.
He can see Camden. Yeah.
All right.
All right, good. Yo, hey,
I got something
I want to give you.
Come on.
For me?
Yeah, I got...
I got you a gift.
Let's get out of here.
The girls are
going to kill us.
Right here.
There you go.
What is it'?
It's a microwave.
It heats up everything.
Pasta, lasagna,
meatballs, whatever.
Really? It's science.
Yeah, that's how it
heats up the food,
it's scientific.
And you specifically
bought this
science oven for me?
A new friend.
Thank you. Thank you.
Don't put metal in it.
Come on,
let's get it out of here.
I need a jet at Teterboro.
I need a jet at Teterboro for the sheik.
I told you that.
You don't need a jet.
You just let him
walk to the curb at JFK.
That's not how it works.
No, you got to
start from the feet up.
That doesn't mean anything.
What does that mean?
It means you got
to be committed.
It means you got to be
committed to something
in your life, for
Christ's sake, all right?
I want a jet at Teterboro
for the sheik.
It could be a small jet,
doesn't even have to take off.
'Cause I know you're so
worried about how much money
the Bureau's
gonna fucking spend.
You take off and land
on the tarmac' okay?
All right, I'll... You can
have a jet for an hour, but it
takes off and lands at Teterboro.
I got the jet?
You got the jet, yeah.
All right, thank you.
All right, so tell me the rest
of the ice fishing story.
Where was I?
Your father woke you up,
it was a blizzard,
it was Lake Canoga.
Come on, come on.
Okay, well, my brother
and I were on the ice,
and my father came out of the
house and I could see him coming.
He was holding a lantern
and he was in the blizzard,
and I knew
he was gonna be angry.
So I went
to intercept my father,
because I knew if he
saw what my brother
was doing,
he was gonna kill him.
Oh, so you tried to
protect your brother,
but you couldn't,
and that's why you feel bad,
because you're
trying to protect me
and you're worried about me. Is
that what the story's about?
It's about protection. No,
it's not about protection.
It's not?
All right, fine.
"Don't put metal in that
science oven, Rosalyn.
"Don't put metal
in the science...
He always treats me
like a fucking child.
I'll do whatever I want.
Another fire!
No, Danny, not that one!
That one's empty.
We got to use the big one.
I told you not to put metal
in the science oven.
What'd you do that for?
Don't make such a big deal.
We'll just get another one.
I don't want another one.
I want the one
that Carmine gave me.
"Oh, Carmine. I want the
one that Carmine gave me.
"Carmine, Carmine."
Why don't you
just marry Carmine?
Get a little gold microwave
and put it on
a chain around your neck.
You want to be
more like Carmine?
Why don't you build
something, like he does?
Instead of all
your empty deals
that are just like
your fucking science oven.
You know, I read that
it takes all of the nutrition
out of our food.
It's empty,
just like your deals.
Empty, empty.
Listen to this bullshit.
It's not bullshit.
I read it
in an article. Look.
By Paul Brodeur.
Bring something into
this house that's gonna
take all the nutrition
out of our food
and then light
our house on fire?
Thank God for me.
All right,
you've got this.
I don't think you should come
to Carmine's party tonight.
You look beautiful,
by the way.
Don't look at me.
All right?
Don't look at my legs,
don't look at my hair,
don't smell my hair,
don't ask me how I am,
don't talk to me
outside of these roles,
'cause we're done.
Where you going?
Just stand still.
Get under the umbrella.
Come on. lt's just, Carmine
wants Rosalyn to come.
I don't care.
You weren't listening. I
don't care if Rosalyn comes.
Just do your job, okay?
You're nothing to me
until you're everything.
I'm not Rosalyn, I'm not
gonna put up with that shit.
That's a fucking jet,
It's good.
That's the kind of
moves you need to make.
Paco Hernandez?
Hi. How's it going?
Richie DiMaso.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet
you in person.
This is Irving Rosenfeld.
Paco Hernandez.
Nice to meet you.
Paco? He's...
He's not a real Arab.
No, I'm Mexican,
from Tucson.
Where's... Where's my guy? Where's Al?
Where's Al from Queens?
Who'? My friend from Queens.
Where is he?
What are you doing? I
got to hire an FBI guy.
You speak any Arabic?
That's it?
That's good.
No, I have
a couple of phrases.
From the feet up,
you motherfucker.
What are you doing?
Come on.
Act noble. That's
it, just, you know,
like you can't barely
understand English,
you can't speak it, you say
as little as possible,
you follow my lead,
all right? All right?
Okay. Who's running this'?
I thought you were running it.
I am running this, but you
got to listen to him.
He's the guy
with the vision.
I got the vision?
Know what vision I had?
You just kissing my girl, right outside.
That's what vision I had.
I thought
you guys broke up.
I'm giving you
a compliment.
What's going on'?
Don't worry about it, all right?
You got a knife.
All right,
this is for the mayor.
You got to present it
to the mayor.
Just look at me,
all right?
Look me in the eye.
This means a lot
to you, right?
That knife.
Play it. You present
it, all right'?
Friendship for life,
all right?
You got to feel it.
Sacred, can you do it?
Sacred. Sacred.
You got to sell it. You got to sell it.
Sell it.
If you believe it's sacred,
it's sacred. Right.
All right? Can you do it?
Listen to what he's saying.
It's the details, that's what
makes this guy a genius.
You compliment me again?
What is this, rubbing salt
in the wound? What are you?
I'm complimenting you.
You got any
other questions?
Yeah, I think the name
of this operation
is offensive.
What, Abscam.
Arab scam?
It's racist.
Are you fucking kidding?
What do you care?
You're Mexican.
Hello, Sheik.
Sheik, my friend.
Welcome. On behalf of the
great state of New Jersey,
I want to welcome
you to New Jersey.
I know that was redundant.
I'm sorry.
I'm just very nervous.
Thank you, thank you.
We have a great party planned
for you this evening.
What are you talking
about, I can't go?
I just did my hair
and makeup and everything.
Sheiks are very particular.
It's international cultural
protocol, you know.
You don't know that?
International protocol?
Yep. What the fuck are
you talking about?
Do not answer that.
Do not answer that!
Robert Spencer for Irving.
Robert Spencer? I don't
know a Robert Spencer.
What do you want?
I'm a business associate...
Who is that? Who is that? I
tell you, for God's sake,
I told you not to call here, all right'?
What is that about?
Two more federal agents tonight.
No. No way.
Two feds.
I need them.
Bodyguards for the sheik.
No, no, no, that's too many
guys for me to control.
No. No.
Irving, remember
who's in charge here.
get off the extension.
I'm not on it.
Look, don't call
here again, all right?
Don't call at home.
All right. Good night.
All right.
If it's a business call,
don't interrupt, all right?
Federal agents?
No, it's bodyguards for the, uh,
visiting dignitaries' that's all.
What is it, an IRS thing?
Like a tax investigation?
Why do you got to say that?
I mean, that's why
I can't invite you...
It's too complicated.
Are you in trouble? Look,
stop being so nosy.
Look at this shit.
Well, I'm only nosy
'cause you never
tell me anything.
Can we clean up
this fridge? I mean,
what are you
causing trouble for
all the time?
Do not answer that!
Hello, it's Carmine.
Oh, hi, Carmine. We were
just talking about you.
Yeah, Irving's being
a mean, boring man,
saying that he doesn't
want me to come tonight
Tell him he's crazy.
Well, I agree.
Tell him yourself. It wouldn't
be a party without you.
Can you imagine?
'Cause you're coming!
Tell him yourself.
All right. Hey, Carmie.
Irving, you're crazy.
Your wife is coming.
You kidding me?
She's the life of the party.
Everybody loves her.
I'm the life of the party.
You know what she's like.
She's unpredictable. She's just...
Hey, don't talk
about me like that!
What is Carmine saying? I
can't hear what he's saying.
Let me listen.
Hey, look, Irving,
it's very important
that she comes,
you understand?
Carmine loves me.
This is a really big, big
night for us, you understand?
Come on,
you got to bring your wife.
And Dolly's got something
special for her' right?
Yeah, I do, I got your nail polish.
See? Listen, listen.
Yeah, I got your nail
polish for you, sweetie!
Something special for you.
What is it? What is it?
Come on. Tell me.
What... What...
What is it?
You got a girlfriend coming?
Come on,
I thought we were friends.
You're not gonna tell me you got a girlfriend?
This is ridiculous.
What is it?
Nah, it's...
Look, we handle this
like men, you understand?
You're bringing your wife.
We're gonna have a good time.
All right, we'll see you there.
It'll be fun.
That's an order from the mayor.
All right, you happy?
Go get ready.
Yes, I am happy.
When are you gonna
come down?
When are you going to land
I should have stayed
on the farm
I should have listened
to my old man
You know you can't
hold me forever
I didn't sign up with you
I'm not a present
for your friends to open
This boy's too young
to be singin'
The blues
So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
I know who you are.
You can't plant me
in your penthouse
I know who that is,
Yeah. Come on.
Back to the howling old owl in the
woods Huntin' the horny back toad I
Oh, it looks so beautiful.
So, this is the lobby.
Want me to take your coats?
Now, mind you, a week ago,
this place was a mess.
But what existed
was this plasterwork.
Look at the detail.
This is beautiful.
My sons are craftsmen. Please,
tell them what you did.
The birds, sky,
clouds, wood...
Trompe I'oeil.
Trompe I'oeil.
"Trick of the eye."
We restore
all of this, you see?
Saved you $50 million.
Look at me. $50 million,
right off the bat, like
that Right off the bat.
I waive the law
that I helped write
that said casino
construction had to be built
ground-up new.
We don't do new.
No. We renovate.
We renovate, right?
We put in
some temporary fun.
Some gaming tables,
some play money
for people to
have a good time.
This is for charity,
for the Boys and Girls Club
and, uh, some arts programs.
Hey, how are you?
This is the Ocean Room.
There's some gentlemen sitting
over there at the bar.
That's 130 years
sitting right there.
That's how much
time between them.
They run the biggest casinos
in the United States,
and we have
to work with them.
The good news is,
they know how it's done,
they get it done,
you don't have to worry,
everyone makes their money.
You mean the Mob?
Yes, but they're
businessmen, okay?
Now, spend as much or as
little time with them
as you like, but we do
have to deal with them.
All we got to do
is go say hello.
We just got to say hi. That's it.
Carmine, maybe...
I'm not sure
that's such a good idea.
We got to confer before
we talk to these guys.
Confer? What is there to confer about?
I don't understand.
They're casino guys.
They're casino guys.
They're the businessmen.
Yeah, we come
all this way. Irving,
we came all this way,
we should be here.
What's everybody scared of?
What's everybody scared of?
You just
got to be delicate.
Those are the guys that you
guys are all scared of?
Those guys over there?
They don't scare me.
I'm not scared.
Rosalyn? Rosalyn?
Hi. Can I join you?
Irv, that's
not the way to do this.
It's not a good idea.
I love this.
Everybody over there's really scared
of you guys, do you know that?
- No.
Kids, I want you to go up
and get some soda
and pizza, please.
It's a disaster.
I think they got
this room all wrong.
What would you do?
I would do it in
all black and gold,
and I would do this bar
like a big warm golden mirror.
Sounds beautiful.
Oh, thank you. But you
expect that from her
because she's so beautiful.
Oh, God, stop.
And I love her hair,
so I know I'm gonna
love what you do.
- Oh, my God. It's messy.
- How do you do?
I'm sorry,
is she your wife?
No, she's my wife.
She's my wife.
Look at these fine gentlemen.
Hey, Carmine, there you are.
How you doing?
How are you?
You well'?
Good to see you.
How you doing?
Hey, how are you?
That's enough
of that right now.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
- Come on. Come on.
- Oh, stop ii.
Hey, oh, no, it's because
he's a party pooper.
He's so boring.
May I present
Sheik Abdullah,
from Abu Dhabi. Sheik,
these are professionals,
and they run the best casinos
in the United States.
Mr. Sheik, as a sign
of our seriousness,
Mr. Tellegio came from
Miami to meet you tonight.
Mr. Tellegio?
Why didn't you tell me
Mr. Tellegio was...
He's in the back room.
It's a sign
of disrespect
to talk, uh, business
on the first meeting.
That's not true.
It's disrespectful...
Yeah, I don't know
what you're talking about
He's got it all wrong. You want
to leave him back there in
the back room waiting?
Come on, let's go, we got
to go meet him. My
friend from New York
doesn't know the customs...
Hey, no disrespect, pal.
Hey, Irving,
I'm gonna be having fun.
Maybe it'll be
contagious, huh?
You and me,
we're gonna visit.
She's a fun girl.
I'm having fun.
Can you believe
he talks to me that way'?
Victor Tellegio
was from Miami.
He was Meyer Lansky's
right-hand man.
With his prior reputation as
an enforcer from 20 years ago,
he was known to never bury a
body, because he felt it sent
a stronger message to
leave it in the street.
He looked at me like...
This is the guy
we now had to deal with.
You sure you don't
want to go into the Ocean Bar?
It's really,
it's beautiful in there.
No, I don't have to go there. I like it here.
There's an exit.
I'm like a ghost.
Nobody knows I'm here.
Look, tell him I speak
for our friends in Florida.
We're very excited.
It's been our lifelong dream
to build casino resorts
on the East Coast.
You told him that?
They didn't want
the Jews to make money.
They didn't want the
Italians to make money.
They definitely don't want
the blacks to make money.
After the oil embargo,
gasoline crisis,
the hijackings,
the Olympics'
they don't want to
see Arabs make money,
trust me, not on our soil.
And, I don't know, you can
tell him this in your own way.
I've been in the casino
business 40 years'
it's scrutinized more carefully
than any other business.
Carmine made
this legal, but
we must be careful,
or they'll take it away.
So, Mr. Tellegio, how do you
think we should approach this?
What do you think?
What do you want to do?
Well, if you want to get the
gaming license and keep it,
we have to make our principal
investor here, the sheik,
an American citizen.
to expedite citizenship,
that requires very
special treatment.
Well, you would know the right
people to do that, Carmine.
Carmie knows everybody.
What are
we talking about?
Uh, U.S. senators...
Uh, U.S. congressmen
and senators.
That's fantastic.
I say stay away from that.
That's bad,
that's trouble.
It's not good.
Irving, please.
That's trouble.
Who is this guy'?
Who are you? Huh?
What are you, a farmer?
This is, uh...
Mr. Tellegio, I'm sorry.
This is Irving.
This is Irving Rosenfeld.
Irving, Irving.
Yes. New York businessman.
What's the matter, Irving?
What's the problem?
No problem.
Eh, you know, don't get
your balls in an uproar.
Everything's fine,
everything's good.
all good, it's all good.
It's all good.
I just hope
the other part of
this is all good.
And real.
Because we're real.
You know that. Yes.
That's correct.
You deal with us,
we're a real organization.
We're dealing with you, we don't
know what we're dealing with.
Where is he from'?
Abu Dhabi.
Oh, he's from the Emirates.
Can I count on you?
You gotta be honest about this.
Did you understand me?
"Good" means good.
No bullshit.
Did you hear what I said?
Do you want me to repeat it?
What do you think now?
Tell me.
Tell me.
I think...
I think, what is, uh...
No, no,
let him speak for himself.
It's okay.
He's a friend of mine.
It's okay,
I know him, I know him.
I know him,
he's a friend of mine.
You guys are way too
serious for a party.
Holy cow.
What are you drinking?
Hey, Al, listen to me.
You got a drink?
We're in a very serious meeting.
I apologize.
You got to come with me now.
You got a speech that...
Everybody's waiting for you.
Al, I'll be right behind you.
Okay, trust me. Right behind you, okay?
Come on.
It'll be great
doing business with you.
The investment is real.
It was a pleasure to meet you.
What are the fucking odds of an
Italian guy from Miami knowing Arabic?
It turns out he's got casino
investments in the Mideast,
and he spent two years learning
it Io keep the upper hand.
Listen to me carefully.
If you're real,
you put$10 million
in the bank of our choice
in the next two weeks.
listen to me carefully.
If you're real,
you put$10 million
in the bank of our choice
in the next two weeks
or not only will
the sheik feel insulted,
but our friends in Florida
will feel deeply disrespected.
So will I.
What a girl.
Rosalyn, you need to
come with me, all right?
Oh, I need
to come with you'?
Yeah, you need to come with me,
this needs to stop, all right?
Oh, you think I should come with you?
Why don't you go...
Get your fucking hands off
me, you fucking whore.
You're a whore.
Oh, okay.
That's really nice.
We're not gonna do this in the
Ocean Room tonight, please.
This is my husband's whore!
You know, you stay
here right now, darling.
Please, please, please. You
stay over here with me.
Everybody just calm down.
I don't know what's going on.
You all right?
Take it easy, okay?
All right.
These things happen.
Whatever's meant
to be is meant to be.
All right?
I always say that.
You say that?
See, kindred spirits.
Whatever's meant
to be will be.
What the hell do you
think you're doing?
What do I think I'm doing? Yeah.
What the fuck do you
think you're doing?
You're gonna come
in here and judge me
for flirting with someone
after you've been fucking
my husband for how many years?
I'm not fucking judging you.
You don't have any fucking
clue what's going on!
I got a ring
on my finger.
We have a child together.
He doesn't love you,
He loves me, and you know it,
and I know it, and he knows it.
And it might be done now, but it
was beautiful and it was real.
Stop it.
And we loved each other.
Shut up.
You scare him,
and you manipulate him,
and you use your son.
Well, he must like it on some level.
He must want it,
because he keeps
coming back for it.
It's like that perfume that you
love that you can't stop smelling
even when there's
something sour in it.
You can't get enough of it.
But guess what?
He's never gonna leave me.
He's always
going to want me,
and I will make
you so sorry, Edith.
I will make you so sorry for
what you've done to my family.
Mark my words.
That is fucked-up.
I would never say anything
that fucked-up to anybody,
but you do because
you're gross inside.
You're so fucked-up
and gross.
Oh, I'm gross inside?
Maybe you're gross inside.
What, robbing people and
all that shit that you do.
Maybe we're both gross inside.
That's what Irving loves about us.
At least he's consistent.
You know, sometimes in life,
all you have are fucked-up'
poisonous choices.
Jesus Christ.
How can you stop the rain
from falling down?
How can you slop
the sun from shining?
What makes the world
go 'round?
I can still feel the breeze
That rust/es through the trees
And misty memories
of days gone by
We could never see tomorrow
No one said a word
about the sorrow
And how can you mend
a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain
from falling down?
Ladies and gentlemen,
our friend,
the working man's friend,
my friend,
Mayor Carmine Polito!
Hello, Camden.
Hello, New Jersey.
Hello, Atlantic City!
How can you mend
this broken man?
How can a loser ever win? I
A lot of my friends
have been out of work.
A lot of good working families
just want to work and live.
They say there's
no money nowhere.
You got to be kidding me.
Don't they know who
built this country?
But one thing we can all agree
upon in the state of New Jersey
is that we never, never,
ever give up. Do we?
Please, raise a glass with me
to a new era
that begins tonight.
From me and my family,
we thank you
for at! the hard work that you've
given us in the community.
Look what you've done.
This is beautiful.
Thank you.
Use your phone?
Last night was insane.
I got it all figured out.
Stoddard Thorsen.
Listen, I need the Sherman Suite
at the Plaza Hotel, okay?
That's a whole
floor of the hotel.
No, no, no, no, I need the whole floor.
I need it for my operation.
Stop calling it your operation, Richard.
It's not your operation,
and I'm not giving you a whole
floor of the Plaza Hotel.
I have members of Congress that
are gonna come in right now
and try to give the sheik
citizenship, all right?
They're taking bribes.
That's happening right now. That's
what's happening right now.
Bribing members of Congress? Are
you out of your fucking mind?
Stoddard, Stoddard,
no, shut up!
Listen, do you know
who Victor Tellegio is?
Victor Tellegio. Works for Meyer Lansky.
You know who that is?
I know who Victor...
Resorts International,
all right?
He wants $10 million. I have
two weeks, I have two...
Listen to me, just listen to me.
Listen to me!
You're not
listening to me!
I have two weeks!
I have two weeks to
put this thing together.
And I need you to get me the
Sherman Suite at the Plaza Hotel!
Lower your voice.
And you're gonna
fucking do it!
You don't get to
say what happens
and you don't
get to yell at me.
Calm me down, baby.
Calm me down.
You've got to calm me down.
You got to calm
me down, baby.
You got to calm me down.
You got to calm
me down, baby.
Let's do it,
let's do this right now.
No, no, no.
Let's do it.
We're not gonna do it unless...
No, I want to do it right now.
I want to do
this right now.
I want you so bad. Look at your skin.
No, no, no.
Oh, my God, your fucking
skin is glowing.
No, no, no. Baby, your
fucking skin is glowing.
We're not gonna go all the
way until we do it for real.
I want to do it now.
Remember, we agreed on that
That's what we agreed
on, all right?
So we're not gonna
do that, all right?
All right?
Where are you?
I'm here. You're
acting all scary.
Honey, I'm here, okay? Yeah.
Okay, are you here with me?
I love you.
It is real now.
I just...
I just said it.
So now's the time.
Look at me,
look at me.
I love you.
I just said that.
I'm in love with you.
Do you want the truth?
You want real? Yeah.
You want real, okay.
I'm ready for real.
This is real.
Do you hear my voice, huh?
This is real.
This is real,
what you hear is real.
This is real.
This is me.
What do you mean?
What, are you
doing an accent?
The American accent?
No, there is no English.
There's only American,
there is no English.
I'm not...
What are you
talking about?
Stop it. You're Edith,
you're Edith Greensly. No.
Not royal, but you're British.
I checked your records.
No, I falsified
my records back to birth.
I falsified them.
My name is Sydney Presser, and I'm
from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I'm not Edith Greensly.
There is no Edith Greensly.
You're freaking me out.
No, you said
in the stall
that we were
gonna be real
and that we weren't
gonna fake it.
I'm being real now.
This is who I am. I'm
Sydney Prosser, okay?
Why did you do an English
accent after that?
I'm sorry I didn't
tell you in the stall.
I created Edith because I
needed her to survive, okay?
But I'm done
with that now.
I'm so fucking done with it.
All right, like, you do what
you need to survive, right?
You, like...
You, um, you know,
you live with your mom.
You have a fiance you don't
even acknowledge, right'?
That's what you do,
and you curl your hair
in little fucking curlers,
which is...
No, it's okay. You look
good with it, but...
You know,
you have straight hair.
So that's what
you do to survive.
You do all sorts
of things, you know?
We all do.
Please don't talk
about that.
I'm confused.
I'm confused.
I'm fucking confused,
too, all right?
I think we should fuck,
and then we'll feel it,
and then we won't
be confused anymore.
No, I want to talk.
I don't want to fuck, okay?
No. No. I think that
will be better.
No. Let's just see how we feel.
No, I'm not fucking you!
I'm not fucking fucking you!
Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
Can you please
step away from Edith'?
What the... Please, I'm
asking you nicely.
Please step away
from Edith right now.
Come on, step away
from her. Please.
You mean Sydney?
I told him. I'm sorry.
I just don't give
a fuck anymore.
I don't give a fuck,
I don't fucking care.
I don't fucking...
Irving has a gun, huh?
What Richie's got us
into is worse than jail.
I told you last night,
don't sit down
with those goons.
And what'?
Now what, huh?
No one's getting $10 million
for Tellegio. It's over.
I don't think so.
What do you mean?
Because when Tellegio
finds out what happened,
you think he's
gonna go after me?
Someone from the Bureau?
Or he's gonna go
after a politician'?
He's gonna kill you.
And he's gonna
go after your son
and Sydney.
Stoddard Thorsen.
You got to get me the Sherman Suite.
The whole oor.
That's a no.
I said no, wacko. Jesus.
Then you're gonna tell me the point
of that fucking fishing story.
Not the way
you're behaving.
What's the matter with you?
Where are you right now?
I... Why does that
make a difference?
Just tell me where
the fuck you are.
The field office
on 61st Street.
I'm coming to 61st
Street right now.
You're gonna do what?
To beat your ass.
You're gonna what?
You were right.
Should've gone away.
I should've
gone away with you.
We were supposed to do it from the
feet up, like you always said.
That's how we were
meant to do it,
only you didn't
do it like that.
You didn't do it like that.
You played it safe,
so there was always a danger
you were gonna end up with
Rosalyn in the dead space,
floating on
some dead spaceship
with the furnitures
and the curtains.
And I was your lifeline out,
and you were mine,
and that was okay,
you know?
I wish I could
get you back.
You know I can't
do it without you.
You know that.
Come on.
Me, you and Danny,
like we said.
Like I said.
You never said that.
I said that.
We got to get over
on all these guys.
That's what we need to be
thinking about right now.
Fuck, shit,
that's, uh...
That's big.
That's fucking crazy.
Whatever it is,
it's got to be the best
we've ever done.
"Agent DiMaso called me
late on the night of the 21st.
"I believe that
he was intoxicated.
"He threatened me. I told
him this was inappropriate.
"Procedures exist for purposes
that we must respect.
"This is the third such call
I received from Agent DiMaso.
"He called me again on the
night of the 5th at 2:00 a.m.,
"and he threatened
to kill me.
"Subsequently, he
demanded that I allow him
"to use the Sherman
Suite of the Plaza Hotel
"for purposes of bribing
members of Congress."
I am so sorry.
I'm not finished.
There's a lot more.
I have nothing but the utmost
respect for you as my mentor and...
It's okay, it's okay.
As my mentor and as...
What are you doing?
I just want
to talk from my heart.
I don't want to put it on record or anything.
I want to get vulnerable.
Can I finish my...
Can I finish my statement?
Of course, of course.
That's why we're here.
I respect you.
I think you do other
things besides respect me.
Hey, hey, hey, hey-
Hey, hey,
what are you doing?
What are you doing?
It's just hard for me to control my passion.
I'm a very passionate person.
We're from New York.
You understand this.
He goes ice fishing
in the Midwest.
That was told
to you in confidence.
He's an ice fishing guy.
Look at him.
What are you doing?
It's not you, that's not
you with the gun. Stop it.
No, it's me, it's me.
Don't do something you don't
know anything about, all right?
Wait, wait, put that... I'll
show you who gets shot.
Do not load that gun!
You drop that gun!
I'm not even
gonna hit you.
Don't! Don't!
Watch this, fucko.
You want to use
the Sherman Suite?
The entire floor?
Oh, God.
Of the Plaza Hotel.
What happened to the Mafia?
I thought you...
Yes, no, no, no, this is
where they intersect.
This is where
the two things intersect
The two worlds, the
politicians and the Mafia.
Victor Tellegio's people, who
run Resorts International...
Wait a minute. Victor
Tellegio showed his face?
Yeah, I sat with
Victor Tellegio.
I hung out with him.
Yeah, we can get him,
we can get his
whole organization,
as well as getting
any number of congressmen.
I mean, that's just...
That's just peeling the
first layer of the onion.
How you gonna do that?
We would get $10 million, that we...
$10 million?
And that's how we just let
them know we're for real.
$10 million?
All right, so what does he
say he's gonna do for us?
How are we trapping him?
They're gonna promise
to build casinos, handle the
skims, do the licensing...
And you have what? You have
him on tape saying this?
You have that, right?
I want you to find a safer way to
get Victor Tellegio on a wire.
No $10 million.
That's crazy.
Thank you.
Even to entrap Tellegio,
it's crazy.
But you can have
the Sherman Suite.
No, no.
Stoddard, please.
To go and get me some congressmen.
Oh, my God.
Go get some congressmen
taking bribes.
I want to pinch us some
congressmen, okay?
You come back to me,
I'm proud of you.
Thank you.
And Stoddard.
Good luck keeping
your job, by the way,
and staying out of jail, and
not being killed by the Mob,
but otherwise,
you're doing a great job.
What's the end of
the ice fishing story?
I'm not telling you the end
of the ice fishing story!
I'm gonna call
your fucking brother
and find out the end.
My brother's dead!
That's how it ends!
He fell through
the fucking ice!
Not, that's not... He died a
different way, many years later.
Listen, I know
it's awkward, and, uh,
I just wanted to say
I'm sorry, all right?
But I think we can stick together
and, uh, still fulfill our goal.
I mean,
we got the Sherman Suite.
Yeah, you got
the whole floor?
Got the whole floor, yeah.
Whole floor?
That's good.
Yeah, you okay?
Yeah. You'?
Yeah, you know, it's all right.
Just got hit a little bit.
My eye is a little blurry.
I got drops
at the pharmacy.
Uh, you okay'?
Yeah, I'm good.
Listen, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Irv.
You can put a camera here.
Right in here, maybe,
and we get it all on film.
You like it?
We do.
You know what,
give me those flowers.
If we put the flower vase
here, put a camera in there,
and then we can get
a clear shot of the couch
where we can put
the congressmen.
That's right.
That's the idea.
And Carmine will go
to jail after he delivers us
congressmen soon-to-be felons.
We really need the help.
Please sit down.
on the phone.
I got to take this, you guys.
Everyone out, please.
This is sad,
it's just sad.
Darling, please,
I got to take this.
Okay, sorry, everyone out.
Go out.
Congressman, how you doing?
It's Carmine.
Everybody out, please.
Tell me you're gonna
be in Trenton this week.
We have an amazing
investment opportunity
I'd like 10 discuss with you.
I'm Federal Agent
Richard DiMaso.
I placed $75, 000
into this briefcase
for Representative John O'Connell
of the Ninth District.
Representative O'Connell was
contacted by Carmine Polito
to ask if he could obtain rapid
citizenship through an act of Congress
for one Sheik Abdul/ah,
How you doing? Robert Spencer.
Nice to meet you.
I'm excited to be here.
Oh, John, please,
this brings the state back.
How long we known
each other?
You know what this
is gonna do for us?
This is huge for the
state of New Jersey.
Stabilizes our economy.
Hotels, restaurants.
Carmine sees it.
It's waiting to happen.
This fucking thing
is waiting to happen.
But the goddamn bankers,
they're keeping their
money on the sidelines.
How we supposed to
get anything clone?
Bankers only put
money in the game
when they can
reap insane profit.
The only problem
is this, uh...
This citizenship situation.
I mean, we got to expedite
as soon as possible.
Well, I'll tell you,
you came to the right place.
You know? Yeah.
- We can make it happen.
- Oh, hey.
This is going to happen.
You understand,
this is real.
On my family, on my kids,
on my life, on my work.
I know that, Carmine.
You're a good man.
I'm Federal Agent
Richard DiMaso.
I placed $75, 000
in this briefcase
for one Representative Gerald
Sanders of the Third District.
I don't want to do
anything illegal.
Please, Gerry, use it
as a campaign donation,
whatever you want to do.
All right. Thank you.
It means a lot.
I'm placing $60, 000
into this briefcase
for one Congressman Eric Keshoygan
of the Fourth District.
I'm gonna do what
I can to help, Carmine.
$100, 000 into this briefcase
for two-term
United States Senator
Horton Mitchell
of New Jersey.
Atlantic City.
That's right.
All the way
down the shore.
A mecca by the sea.
Carmine, you're beloved
by your people.
Your constituency is not even a constituency.
It's your family.
That's what you
represent, family.
The one small thing
you do for this man
is a huge thing we do for
the people of New Jersey.
This is what
we can leave...
Hey, Irving,
what are you doing?
Where you going?
Just got to go see a man about a dog.
I'm sorry.
I've been a senator
a very long time. 16 years.
Trust me, this is probably
the biggest opportunity
that we could have here.
I will do whatever! can
in the United States Senate.
I appreciate this.
On my family,
on my kids, this needs to happen.
It's got to happen.
You have my word.
I want to save us, I want to
save us, I want to save Carmine.
It's killing me,
it's fucking killing me.
You know the only way to help Carmine
is through the Tellegio thing.
It's dangerous, it's dangerous.
We got to get in there,
we got to get a wire in there,
we got to make him feel safe.
There's only one thing that
could really fuck this up,
and that's your wife.
I don't like your husband.
You're no good together.
He doesn't appreciate you.
I mean, it happens,
it happened to my marriage.
That's why
I went to Miami.
Sometimes you just
got to be tough.
You got to stand up and you
got to leave, you know?
Sometimes you got to let something
die to let something live.
You're too beautiful
to be unhappy.
I know.
I mean, I don't want
to badmouth my husband,
but just let me badmouth
my husband for a second.
He just thinks that
he knows everything,
and he's so full of shit.
He's such a liar.
He thinks that I'm stupid,
but I'm not stupid.
I hear him on the phone,
He loves Carmine, but he
hates that other guy,
that curly-headed
IRS guy or whatever,
who's carting around my husband's
ex-lover, that redheaded whore.
Anyway, you can see
that it drives him crazy.
When you said IRS, what IRS guy?
What are you talking about?
I hear them on the phone.
I think that he's got Irv in
some sort of bind or something,
and he's making him
do all of this stuff.
And so Irv and Carmine right
now are at the Plaza Hotel,
like, throwing all of this money
away at, like, Congress or whatever.
They're giving money
to Congress or something.
I don't really know, but I
overheard it on the phone.
I hate to do this to you.
I got to go talk
to your husband.
My boss,
he's already angry.
You stay here.
I'm gonna give you some
money for a taxi home.
Have some dessert, finish
the bottle of Prosecco.
I'm sorry.
You all right?
I don't like change.
It's really hard for me.
Sometimes I think that
I'll die before I change.
It's all right.
It's gonna be okay.
You got to come
with me to Miami.
Don't hurt him too bad.
He's still Danny's father.
When you were young And
your heart was an open book
You used to say
"Live and let live"
You know
you did you know you did
You know you did
But in this
ever-changing world
In which we're living
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die
Live and let die
Live and let die I
Life is ridiculous,
and you know that I would
never say anything bad
about your father
in front of you,
but your father is
a sick son of a bitch.
Daddy's a sick
son of a bitch?
Don't repeat that.
But yes.
What? This is a dark moment
in our relationship.
You know where I was recently?
What are you talking about?
I was in your boyfriend's
fucking car, all right?
I saw your nail polish.
What's this I hear about
your curly-haired friend
working for the government?
Who says this? What are
you talking about?
Who said that? Who said that?
That's bullshit.
That's bullshit.
Your fucking wife.
He put a fucking
canvas bag over my head!
Hey, hey, what the fuck?
Shut up.
Shut the fuck up.
Are you happy now?
Because he is
trying to kill me!
What are you talking about?
What are you doing?
What do you think you're doing'?
Huh? Get out of here!
I'm not doing anything! Why
are you talking so much?
You're gonna get us
all killed! Danny.
Come here, buddy.
All right.
Go draw a picture
or something. All right'?
You are a sick
son of a bitch
for screaming at me like
that in front of Danny.
Attaboy, all right?
I'm a sick son of a bitch? You're
trying to get me fucking killed.
I'm a sick son of a bitch?
Oh, my God!
You drive me so fucking crazy.
What are you doing?
Your boyfriend, your fucking
boyfriend will kill me,
he will kill Danny,
and he'll kill you.
Stop talking like that. That's
who you're dealing with.
He's a mobster, all right?
That's who you're dealing with.
What do you think
you're doing?
Stop, all right? Fine!
What are you doing to us?
Yes, I wanted to hurt you, but
how do you think that I feel?
All day when you leave
me alone, all day,
and all I've ever wanted
you to do is love me.
That's all I've
ever wanted is for us
to stay married and
for you to love me.
And that's why
I'm going to Miami!
You're not going to Miami.
That's why I'm going to Miami
with Pete! You're
not going to Miami!
You are not going to Miami!
I'm going to Miami with Pete!
I finally found
somebody who loves me!
Just like
you've always wanted!
Too fucking dangerous.
Miami, not now!
He likes me just the way I am.
Too fucking dangerous.
You're gonna stay normal. You're
gonna shut your fucking mouth.
You told me that you wanted
me to find a nice, quiet man.
He's the one.
Oh, and what
a doozy you picked.
Oh, you hit that...
He's the most
dangerous guy ever.
Well, what do you
expect, Irving?
I know everybody
through you!
Why can't you just
be happy for me?
Why are you taking your heart pill?
Irving' what's going on?
Irving, take your pill.
What kind of trouble are you in, Irving?
What is going on?
What's happening?
I got a plan.
You got a plan?
When did you get it?
You know what'?
It really fucking
came to me
when I was inside
of that canvas bag,
with your boyfriend's
hands around my throat
Yeah, that's when
it really came to me.
Take the fucking bag off his head.
We got two million...
We got two million
coming this week.
You see? Come on! What
do you think this is?
You think this is a fucking
down payment plan?
we're Sears or Chevrolet?
You ask Victor
if he wants
two million this week.
That's real money.
That's real money.
Two million?
Two million this week.
Wired in.
hold on to the scarf.
come on, you all right'?
That true? Is it true what
he said about your wife?
It's not fucking true. That's not...
About Rosalyn?
I can save all of us,
and we could save money.
I can take care of
you and Danny, okay?
But you got to
close your mouth.
I knew it.
I have always said, Irving,
that you are very, very hard
to motivate properly.
And I knew that Pete
was gonna go over there
and knock some
sense into your head.
I've been reading
this book, Irving.
It's by Wayne Dyer, about
the power of intention.
And my intention in
sending Pete over to you
was so that you could
come up with this plan.
So you're welcome.
Thank you, Rosalyn.
Thank you for the plan.
You're welcome.
I appreciate that.
So, uh...
I think that we should
be partners on this.
Yeah, I'm a good partner,
almost better than Edith.
You ever think
about that?
You ever think about how you
might have underestimated me?
So what is our plan?
Tell me the plan.
What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna keep my mouth shut,
and I'm not gonna say anything,
but what do I do if Pete calls
me, what am I supposed to say?
You got to stop talking about
your government agencies,
and your IRS and your taxes
and your conspiracies,
and all of that, you're gonna
say how you were wrong.
You were wrong about that.
I'll tell Pete
that I was wrong,
but you know
that in real life,
I was right for
saying all that stuff
because then that spurred on the actions
that made you come up with this plan.
So I will tell Pete.
The power of intention,
The power of intention.
Thank you.
Okay, okay.
You were right.
You're so smart.
Good job, peaches.
Irving, I've been
doing a lot of thinking.
And you need to grow up,
and you need
to face the facts,
and I think that both of us
will be a lot happier
if we get a divorce.
Just think about it.
These things
are never easy.
All right.
Good luck with your plan.
Necessity truly
is the mother of invention.
The FBI was willing
to wire the $2 million
if it meant taking down Tellegio
and his entire organization.
They used to tell me
Boy, you ain't goin' nowhere "
A mobster like Tellegio would
never meet at the Plaza Hotel,
but only at the office
of his attorney,
Alfonse Simone.
You gotta realize
all your responsibilities
You gotta get out to work
and face reality
You gotta get up in the
morning Take your heavy load
And you gotta keep going
Down the long black road
Long black road.
So I drifted for a while
down the road to ruin
I saw a lot of people
coming back the other way
So I kept on goin'
when I heard them say
You gotta get up in the
morning Take your heavy load
And you gotta keep going
Down the long black road
Long black road
Hi. Alfonse Simone.
Edith Greensly.
Alfonse Simone.
Hi. Alfonse Simone.
Irving Rosenfeld.
Please, uh, be seated.
I appreciate the fact that
you all came in person,
but, uh, the trip
was really unnecessary,
because this whole thing could've been
done with a simple wire transfer.
As a matter of fact,
this is the number
of our wire right here.
Where is Mr. Tellegio?
Mr. Tellegio, unfortunately, was
called out of town on business'
Oh, that's not good.
You know, we were willing
to come here today in person
to meet with Mr. Tellegio
as a sign of respect
lo give $2 million...
Well, listen,
I can assure you that I have
the power of attorney...
Excuse me, if you'll let me finish.
We were willing
to give $2 million
today of the ten,
but without
Mr. Tellegio here...
We can't make
that decision.
We can't do that?
It's not the right thing.
It's just not the right time.
It's just not good.
You don't have the authorization
to make this kind of choice,
so don't be hasty,
all right?
Not being hasty.
Just, let's be smart
about it, all right?
This is not how we do
business. I'm sorry.
but it's true.
I think you should
hang in there, all right?
For what?
The guy's not here.
That's it.
You know what?
Sorry, I can't do it.
This is a surprise. The
sheik don't like surprises.
Don't leave.
this is not your
decision to make.
It's not your decision. No,
I understand, but maybe
Let's go.
Let's call the sheik.
It's not the plan.
It's not the...
No, let's...
I'll call the sheik, yeah.
Can I use your phone?
Please do. Let's see. I
don't know if he's in,
but I'll call the sheik.
But before I do,
I'd like to go over,
specifically, what this
money will be used for.
What we will do
is we guarantee
all proper licenses
and construction permits
for any hotel-casino
that plans to open
before the end of the year,
and we'll throw in the customary,
uh, privileges of protection.
What if there's obstacles?
What will you do?
We are prepared to
overcome any obstacles.
This is a big enterprise.
If we have to pay somebody
off, we'll pay somebody off.
If we have to
lean on somebody,
intimidate somebody,
we'll intimidate somebody.
We're experienced.
This is our business.
That's powerful stuff.
Thank you. And I'll tell
you something else.
At the end of this, we'll
teach you how to skim
and how to cut it up and
make some money on the side,
because we invented skimming.
We've been doing
it for 30 years.
Thank you, thank you
for clarifying that.
I'm very happy-
I think that'll be
okay for the sheik.
This is the sheik.
Mr. Tellegio is not here.
It's just Mr. Alfonse Simone,
his lawyer.
Are we still okay
to wire the money?
Simone can take the wire.
What's the number?
The funds are transferred.
The funds
have transferred.
The money's been wired.
I think we have a deal.
Yes,we do, sir.
Pleasure doing
business with you.
Okay, well, thank you
very much, Mr. Simone.
Well, thank you.
The sheik's very excited.
I'm sure we'll be
seeing each other.
Oh, I'm sure that we'll be
seeing each other very soon.
Looking forward to it.
Yeah, so am I.
You might even
get sick of me.
Like these two.
I don't think
I'll get sick of you.
Thank you very much.
Nice meeting you.
How did that happen?
How did that happen?
I mean,
how did that happen?
Finally! Finally,
we're getting some respect
We're getting
some respect finally!
It's you and me!
We're ambitious.
That's why.
Whoa. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
have to pay somebody off,
we'll pay somebody off.
If we have to lean on somebody,
intimidate somebody.
"We'll intimidate somebody!"
I'm kissing his boo-boos!
I'm kissing his boo-boos!
Oh, come on!
Yeah, well, I got to do it.
What do you mean, there's no sheik'?
What does that mean?
"There's no sheik"?
I want to face you like a man
because I want to be real now.
All right?
Who is "they"?
Who is "they"?
"They" is the feds.
The feds?
I'm a good person.
You're a good person.
I've been doing this for a
long time, for 20 years.
Do you think I would
have taken that money
if it wasn't
the right thing to do?
Hey, look... Look. Huh?
You're a good person.
I know that. I know.
But in all honesty... You said
that was the only way, Irv.
You chased me,
you remember?
They fucking made me do it.
What's a guy to do?
They had Syd in jail.
Whoa, whoa.
You made me go
back to the Plaza
to take that money,
you piece of shit!
I was gone!
You fucking prick!
I know. I know. I know.
You motherfucker!
You fucking chased me,
you piece of shit!
Carmine? Honey?
I was gone! I left!
Everything all right'? Please,
Dolly, just go upstairs.
Ali right, I'll go upstairs.
Take the kids and go upstairs.
Please. Please, just go.
Of course. Of course.
I want to make this right. I came
here because I want to make it right.
Look at my face.
You tell me that
I'm lying to you
when I say that
everything I do
is for the good of
the people of New Jersey.
Everything I do is for them.
Am I lying to you?
I never had a friend
like you before.
I used that money
for the goddamn casino.
I got some fucking
leverage, all right?
I can help you out.
This is all shit.
It's all bullshit.
Look at this thing.
Look at this.
Ceremonial fucking knife. What,
is this bullshit? Some icy?
Carmine, Syd and I got
a plan for you. Yeah?
We can help you out.
Please get out of
my house, Irving.
Will you please leave? I'm
asking you nicely, please leave.
Get out of my house. Go!
Get out of our house!
I don't wanna...
Oh, fuck.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean
for this to happen.
You break my
motherfucking heart,
right in front of my family.
Go, go, go up
to the bedroom.
This is what matters to me most,
and you're crushing that.
You're going to
take me away from them?
I didn't want
this to happen ever.
Fucking son of a bitch!
Get the fuck out.
Oh, my God! Stop!
- You son of a bitch!
- Dad, stop!
I just want
to make it right.
Just get out of my house.
Look what you made me do.
Please go.
I'm sorry, Carmine.
Oh, my God.
lam. I'm sorry.
Get out of here!
Get out!
Will you just get out?
Please go. Please leave.
Please leave.
Oh, God. No, Carmine.
What's happening?
It'll be all right.
No, no.
Oh, my God, no!
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
SYDNEY; Irving?
Irving, are you all right?
Where are
your heart pills?
Where are your heart pills?
In the pocket. Inside.
Here. There you go.
Are you all right?
Okay. Come with me.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, just walk.
Come on. You okay?
I got to lay down.
Just rest.
You ready?
I love you.
Please. Come in, sit down.
You know where
our $2 million is?
Two million?
It's with, uh, Victor
Tellegio and Alfonse Simone.
No, actually, it's not with Victor
Tellegio or Alfonse Simone.
He fucking knows about it.
Ifs gone missing.
Did you know that?
No, I knew
nothing about that
Where's it gone'?
Well, that's interesting
that you say that, because,
while you were on
your way over here,
we got an anonymous
phone call from someone
who said that, in exchange for
immunity for the two of you
and a reduced
sentence for Carmine Polito,
we get our $2 million back.
That's interesting.
That's very interesting.
I have no idea.
No idea?
No idea what
you're talking about.
I get it.
I understand how these
deals are made, right?
See, someone has leverage.
Anthony, fuck them.
Fuck them. It's over.
I don't think so.
We got them for wire fraud.
It's over. You're done.
You're both done. You're done.
No, I don't think so.
I don't think so.
Oh, you don't think so?
Richard, you requested
the two million.
And you gave Brenda
the account number.
No, no.
We didn't do any of that.
None of it.
How do we know that
you don't have the money?
Am I living in a fucking
nightmare right now?
I find this
a little offensive.
Really, I find this
a little offensive,
and I don't see that
you got any sort of
Don't let him get in your head.
Listen to me.
Listen to me. Listen to me.
We're dealing with
a very clever individual.
Don't let him...
Richard. Richard.
Think about it, all right?
You got some big arrests.
You got U.S. congressmen.
You look good.
You're going to be
all over the news.
You know what
doesn't look good?
A story about
gross incompetence.
I have a warrant for...
do I have the wrong office?
This 701? Alfonse Simone?
This is 701.
My name is Roger Thigpen. I've
had this office for 25 years.
I'm a divorce attorney.
You lost $2
million of taxpayer money
because you were confused
about the location
and the identity of
Victor Tellegio's attorney?
The role of
Tellegio's attorney,
Alfonse Simone, was played
by our friend, Ed Malone,
the Cold Cut
King of Long Island,
whose party we were at
when Sydney and I first met.
Alfonse Simone.
People believe what they
want to believe, Richie.
No, because you conned me. That's
why, because you both fucking con...
You got under me.
You did.
You know, that, uh...
That doesn't sound so good,
either, right there.
You know, I mean, and I don't
know what you're talking about,
but let's just assume you
want to go with that story.
That's the story
you want to go with?
All right?
That's what you want
the New York Times to hear?
That you got conned
by the very con men
who you forced to entrap the members
of Congress in the first place?
That's what you
want to go with?
That doesn't sound so good
for your whole thing, does it?
And how ironic that the ones
who were working hardest
to get the economy
of New Jersey going,
those are the ones
that you round up.
And why'? Why?
Because, what, they're the
easiest to go after'?
And what about
the real bullshit artists?
You didn't even come close
to the big leagues.
Those big guys,
the money men.
That's what I was
trying to go after.
I'm sorry to tell you,
you got none of them.
You know, Richie,
I think, uh...
We may call you as a witness,
but otherwise you're done.
I think you better go home.
Go on home, Richard.
We took down
some very big guys.
Some of whom, they were
just doing business as usual,
helping their
communities or their states,
but some of them knew they
had larceny in their blood.
And they even admitted it.
But in all,
it was six congressmen,
one United States senator
and my friend, Carmine Polito.
We gave the two million back,
so Carmine got the reduced
sentence, 18 months.
The loss of his friendship
would haunt me
for the rest of my life.
And when
the story was written,
Richard DiMaso's name
was never mentioned.
Syd and I,
we moved in together.
The car is a little dinged
up, I'm a little stiff,
but whatever, I don't
want to talk about it.
She would always
be interesting.
You know, my boss knows
you did him a solid.
Yes, I did.
He never took a nickel, so they
can't get him for nothing.
I was never going
to let that happen.
All right.
I'm done with
that nail finish.
Bye for now.
I'll see you next weekend.
Hey. Look at you.
I think your mom got your nose.
Is it okay that I wipe that?
Our conning
days were behind us.
You can fool yourself
for just so long,
and then your next reinvention
better have your damn feet
on the ground.
This one is abstract expressionism.
I love it 'cause these ones...
We got a loan from a bank and
were able to go gallery-legitimate.
The art of survival
is a story that never ends.
They used to tell me
Boy, you ain't goin' nowhere "
With your cheap guitar
and your big, long hair
You gotta realize
all your responsibilities
You gotta get out to work
and face reality
You gotta get up in the
morning take your heavy load
And you gotta keep goin'
down the long black road
Long black road
So I drifted for a while
down the road to ruin
I couldn't find my way
I didn't know what I was doin'
I saw a lot of people
coming back the other way
So I kept on goin'
when I heard them say
You gotta get up in the
morning take your heavy load
And you gotta keep goin'
down the long black road
Long black road
Long black road
Long black road
Long black road
Long black road
I made a for of money
I was makin' quite a mess
But they all told me Money
wouldn't bring me happiness
You gotta work like a man
in a real man's life
You're gonna have to take
all the trouble and strife
You gotta get up in the
morning take your heavy load
And you gotta keep goin'
down the long black road
You gotta get up in the
morning take your heavy load
And you gotta keep goin'
down the long black road
You gotta get up in the
morning take your heavy load
And you gotta keep goin'
down the long black road I