Anwar (2010)

A forest is the best place
to hide something.
A forest is the best place
to hide something.
For hiding some secrets too,
a forest is the best place.
For hiding some secrets too,
a forest is the best place.
ln all cities and amidst all crowds,
there must be a stranger.
ln all cities and amidst all crowds,
there must be a stranger.
Whatever unfortunate happens in a
city is not happening unfortunately.
Whatever unfortunate happens in a
city is not happening unfortunately.
Mother, l want to go for a movie.
Mother, l want to go for a movie.
Suya's movie. l want to go.
Please give me money.
Suya's movie. l want to go.
Please give me money.
Son, you go and give this.
ARer that you go for a movie.
Son, you go and give this.
ARer that you go for a movie.
He always wants to watch movies.
He always wants to watch movies.
Please wait in car, l'll shop and come.
Please wait in car, l'll shop and come.
Brother. Good morning.
Brother. Good morning.
About 10 people are feared dead.
The blast that shook Tamil Nadu...
About 70 people are feared dead.
The blast that shook Tamil Nadu...
Hello. Hello.
Hello. Hello.
Son, this is your mother here.
l called you so many times.
Son, this is your mother here.
l called you so many times.
Why are you not answering the phone?
Where are you?
Why are you not answering the phone?
Where are you?
Sory, wrong number.
Sory, wrong number.
Why are you taking
photographs ofthe bodies?
Why are you taking
photographs of the bodies?
lfyour father dies,
would you enjoy taking photographs?
lf your father dies,
would you enjoy taking photographs?
Go man. Go.
Go man. Go.
Hey, guys. Please switch offyour mobiles.
This is vey important.
Hey, guys. Please switch off your mobiles.
This is vey important.
For get about home and family.
Fax blast details to all neighbouring states.
For get about home and family.
Fax blast details to all neighbouring states.
Anyone suspicious, hold them back.
Anyone suspicious, hold them back.
Contact all hotels in Coimbatore
and scan the guests lists.
Contact all hotels in Coimbatore
and scan the guests lists.
Search all the regular places.
Search all the regular places.
See to it, that one ofyour boys
is with evey local circuit.
See to it, that one of your boys
is with evey local circuit.
Good morning, Sir.
- Good morning.
Good morning, Sir.
- Good morning.
Sir, this is the list which
we've been able to find and..
Sir, this is the list which
we've been able to find and..
Wait. Wait.
Wait. Wait.
Aisha Begam.
The chemical engineer.
Aisha Begam.
The chemical engineer.
We have arrested almost
all the people in our list, Sir.
We have arrested almost
all the people in our list, Sir.
Babu Sait aka Babu Major.
Babu Sait aka Babu Maior.
What about him?
What about him?
Sir, a search was conducted in
the house and factoy.
Sir, a search was conducted in
the house and factoy.
The Fort Cochin police has informed
that they couldn't find him.
The Fort Cochin police has informed
that they couldn't find him.
Is he magician to disappear?
Is he magician to disappear?
Sir, he is a religious leader.
Sir, he is a religious leader.
The local police fears that it
might create a religious riot.
The local police fears that it
might create a religious riot.
l don't want to hear any excuses.
l don't want to hear any excuses.
l want him tomorrow morning.
l want him tomorrow morning.
l want him here tomorrow. Got it.
- Sir.
l want him here tomorrow. Got it.
- Sir.
Brother Babu. Police.
Brother Babu. Police.
Salim. Are you scared?
Salim. Are you scared?
Brother. Is there a curFew today?
Brother. Is there a cuew today?
What is your problem with closing
down the mobile shop?
What is your problem with closing
down the mobile shop?
Does your teacher scold you for that?
Go away.
Does your teacher scold you for that?
Go away.
There's nothing here. You come.
There's nothing here. You come.
Basher, tell our people to come to
the harbor with all their tools.
Basher, tell our people to come to
the harbor with all their tools.
The police is taking our Babu.
The police is taking our Babu.
Hey. Come with me.
Hey. Come with me.
Siddique. Come.
Siddique. Come.
Shukur, Muthali. Come.
- Coming.
Shukur, Muthali. Come.
- Coming.
Hey come.
Hey come.
His mother's police.
We will show them.
His mother's police.
We will show them.
No wretch will return alive from Kochi.
No wretch will return alive from Kochi.
l haven't handled the police
for a long time.
l haven't handled the police
for a long time.
l will make them vomit the milk that
they drank in their childhood.
l will make them vomit the milk that
they drank in their childhood.
They came to play with Asharaf.
They came to play with Asharaf.
The police will come to know
of his power today.
The police will come to know
of his power today.
Allah! The game has changed.
Allah! The game has changed.
They are escorting him like they
would the prime minister.
They are escorting him like they
would the prime minister.
That too with heavy security.
That too with heavy security.
We won't allow the police
to take you, Brother.
We won't allow the police
to take you, Brother.
l have agreed to go with them, Asharaf.
l have agreed to go with them, Asharaf.
Don't create any problems here.
Don't create any problems here.
Babu Major aka Babu Sait.
Babu Maior aka Babu Sait.
What is yourjob?
What is your profession?
What is your iob?
What is your profession?
l have several businesses.
- What?
l have several businesses.
- What?
l have several businesses.
l have several businesses.
Tell me, Aisha.
Aisha, you are an engineer.
Tell me, Aisha.
Aisha, you are an engineer.
You are educated and employed.
You are educated and employed.
For whom did you supply
ammonium nitrate?
For whom did you supply
ammonium nitrate?
For what purpose have you supplied it?
For what purpose have you supplied it?
Where are the documents related to that?
Where are the documents related to that?
l swear by God, l don't know anything.
l swear by God, l don't know anything.
My senior wasn't there,
that's why l signed the out pass.
My senior wasn't there,
that's why l signed the out pass.
l haven't done that.
l swear on my mother.
l haven't done that.
l swear on my mother.
Don't lie, Aisha. Please don't lie.
Don't lie, Aisha. Please don't lie.
Without the knowledge ofthe
Assistant Engineer in special duty
Without the knowledge of the
Assistant Engineer in special duty
how can 200 kg of
ammonium nitrate go out?
how can 200 kg of
ammonium nitrate go out?
lt's impossible.
lt's impossible.
Do you know why l arrested you?
Do you know why l arrested you?
l know.
l know.
- Because l am a Muslim.
- Because l am a Muslim.
We are not arresting all Muslims.
We are not arresting all Muslims.
You are feeling sory about that, right?
You are feeling sory about that, right?
Tell me, Aisha.
Tell me, Aisha.
Where is your section chief now?
- l don't know, Sir.
Where is your section chief now?
- l don't know, Sir.
He was on leave for the last mo days.
He was on leave for the last o days.
Do you know that even now there is excessive
ammonium nitrate kept in your factoy.
Do you know that even now there is excessive
ammonium nitrate kept in your factoy.
Sir, we have permission for that.
Sir, we have permission for that.
Did you see the permission documents?
- No.
Did you see the permission documents?
- No.
So l have to believe the facts.
So l have to believe the facts.
There were excessive explosives
in your factoy.
There were excessive explosives
in your factoy.
And Aisha Begum is responsible
for giving it to the bombers.
And Aisha Begum is responsible
for giving it to the bombers.
What will you say if l say that you have
some relation with those bombers?
What will you say if l say that you have
some relation with those bombers?
Sir, whatever you say will
come in tomorrow's newspaper.
Sir, whatever you say will
come in tomorrow's newspaper.
Legal action will also be
based on that, right?
Legal action will also be
based on that, right?
So you are going to say...
So you are going to say...
you don't have any relation with
that bomb blast, right?
you don't have any relation with
that bomb blast, right?
lf l say so, will you believe me?
lf l say so, will you believe me?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Sir, either they don't know anything.
Or they are not saying anything.
Sir, either they don't know anything.
Or they are not saying anything.
Let's see.
Let's see.
We've cicumstantial evidence.
We've cicumstantial evidence.
Anay court will remand them
and lodge them in differentjails.
Anay court will remand them
and lodge them in different jails.
So that we get time.
In fact a lot oftime.
So that we get time.
In fact a lot of time.
We will get that easily.
We will get that easily.
But don't make that easy
for them too.
But don't make that easy
for them too.
Yes. Now Babu Sait and others
who were remanded
Yes. Now Babu Sait and others
who were remanded
by the court are
being taking to prison.
by the court are
being taking to prison.
Let's see it live.
Let's see it live.
Move aside.
Move aside.
Move aside.
Move aside.
ls Babu Sait's arrest
a political game?
ls Babu Sait's arrest
a political game?
Do you want to say anything
to the media?
Do you want to say anything
to the media?
ls there any truth in the evidence that
the police has got Mr. Babu Sait?
ls there any truth in the evidence that
the police has got Mr. Babu Sait?
Are you suspecting any
political foul play in this?
Are you suspecting any
political foul play in this?
Sory. l don't want to say anything.
Sory. l don't want to say anything.
Hail Mother India!
Hail Mother India!
Hail Mother India!
Hail Mother India!
Hail Mother India!
Hail Mother India!
Hang the terrorists.
Hang the terrorists.
Want to make an ISD call.
Want to make an ISD call.
Sir, he has started in the morning.
See, he is standing in the booth.
Sir, he has started in the morning.
See, he is standing in the booth.
Once in a while only people
come to call ISD.
Once in a while only people
come to call ISD.
Hey. Come out.
The rest ofyou talk tomorrow.
Hey. Come out.
The rest of you talk tomorrow.
Let him make one ISD call.
- Brother, just a second, What?
Let him make one ISD call.
- Brother, just a second, What?
What to do?
What to do?
The family will be in debt ifthey buy
mobile phones for people like him.
The family will be in debt if they buy
mobile phones for people like him.
The remaining l will give you directly.
The remaining l will give you directly.
lt's so hot inside.
Why can't you make it air conditioned?
lt's so hot inside.
Why can't you make it air conditioned?
How much?
How much?
Twelve rupees.
Twelve rupees.
When an ISD call came,
you told me to stop.
When an ISD call came,
you told me to stop.
l will show you. Wait and see.
l will show you. Wait and see.
How much?
- Two calls. Rs.211 .
How much?
- Two calls. Rs.271.
Sir. Bag.
Sir. Bag.
Oh! Thanks.
Oh! Thanks.
The accused departed fourteen times
for the transaction of illicit money.
The accused departed fourteen times
for the transaction of illicit money.
lt's punishable under Kerala prohibition of
money lenders' act Section 3, 2002.
lt's punishable under Kerala prohibition of
money lenders' act Section 3, 2002.
Which is this new face?
Which is this new face?
Anwar, right?
Anwar, right?
(Money laundering) scam.
(Money laundering) scam.
Vey nice. People like you
will destroy this county.
Vey nice. People like you
will destroy this county.
Live here nicely.
Don't compel my hand to do something.
Live here nicely.
Don't compel my hand to do something.
Hey. Give me that.
Hey. Give me that.
Hey, man! Breathe slowly.
Hey, man! Breathe slowly.
You may take us inside as well.
You may take us inside as well.
Hey. Stop loving him.
He is not your father, right?
Hey. Stop loving him.
He is not your father, right?
But he has come to prison
before he was born.
But he has come to prison
before he was born.
What are you saying?
He had gone on parole in bemeen.
What are you saying?
He had gone on parole in beeen.
He might have created
that time. Old beggar.
He might have created
that time. Old beggar.
Don't talk nonsense.
Don't talk nonsense.
That hurt him. That hurt him.
That hurt him. That hurt him.
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
Put one for him.
Put one for him.
lfyou don't know this aRer leaving prison
it'll be shameful for this batch of prisoners.
lf you don't know this aRer leaving prison
it'll be shameful for this batch of prisoners.
You start auspiciously for Mohanan.
You start auspiciously for Mohanan.
You don't know or you won't do it?
You don't know or you won't do it?
l won't do it.
l won't do it.
What is going on there?
What is going on there?
We are introducing us to
the newcomer, Sir.
We are introducing us to
the newcomer, Sir.
No need for all that.
No need for all that.
Eveybody go to your cell.
Eveybody go to your cell.
Oh! Is it the starting of a new academic year
that you need to introduce each other?
Oh! Is it the starting of a new academic year
that you need to introduce each other?
Go. Go.
Go. Go.
Did your mother send you to prison
to look aRer your father?
Did your mother send you to prison
to look aRer your father?
Don't say anything bad
about my mother.
Don't say anything bad
about my mother.
What are you looking at?
What are you looking at?
Hey. Move aside.
Hey. Move aside.
Hey. Move aside.
Hey. Move aside.
Hey. Move aside.
Hey. Move aside.
Thrash him.
Thrash him.
Thrash him.
Thrash him.
What nonsense is this?
What nonsense is this?
This anger was there when he came here.
This anger was there when he came here.
Wretch. When you came here,
l told you to live peacefully.
Wretch. When you came here,
l told you to live peacefully.
But you've started showing your true colors
on the 2nd day itself. l know how to stop this.
But you've started showing your true colors
on the 2nd day itself. l know how to stop this.
What happened, you pig?
Your problem is over?
What happened, you pig?
Your problem is over?
lf it had been over, then your dead body
would be in the mortuay.
lf it had been over, then your dead body
would be in the mortuay.
Hey, Gopi.
Hey, Gopi.
What? What happened?
Let me see.
What? What happened?
Let me see.
Kill that pig.
Kill that pig.
l have told you several times
that don't disturb my boys.
l have told you several times
that don't disturb my boys.
This is not your Mattanchey market.
This is not your Mattanchey market.
Lots of people are here to
finish you inside this.
Lots of people are here to
finish you inside this.
There might be hundreds of people
there to kill me inside this.
There might be hundreds of people
there to kill me inside this.
Don't threaten me by saying that.
Don't threaten me by saying that.
l also have at least five people
here who'd die for me.
l also have at least five people
here who'd die for me.
Get ready to die.
Get ready to die.
Hey, Mr. Paul.
What is this? Quotation?
Hey, Mr. Paul.
What is this? Quotation?
lt's worse than that.
Molesting girls.
lt's worse than that.
Molesting girls.
Hand him over to us, Sir.
We will handle him.
Hand him over to us, Sir.
We will handle him.
They should strike him on
the head with a hammer.
They should strike him on
the head with a hammer.
People your age will do
any nonsense for money.
People your age will do
any nonsense for money.
Youngsters should at least
have some goals in life.
Youngsters should at least
have some goals in life.
But there's nothing.
But there's nothing.
For whom did you cary
that 'Hawala' money?
For whom did you cary
that 'Hawala' money?
l have promised them in the name of
God that l won't say anything.
l have promised them in the name of
God that l won't say anything.
Even ifthe court hangs me,
l won't say it.
Even if the court hangs me,
l won't say it.
Will that 'Hawala' dealer
take you out on bail?
Will that 'Hawala' dealer
take you out on bail?
No. l don't have any expectation.
No. l don't have any expectation.
Then you can live here happily.
Then you can live here happily.
lt's better here than outside.
lt's better here than outside.
Nambiar, who beat you, is coming.
Hide that cigarette.
Nambiar, who beat you, is coming.
Hide that cigarette.
ls there any problem?
ls there any problem?
No. If he sees it,
he will ask for a cigarette.
No. If he sees it,
he will ask for a cigarette.
Dim fellow.
Dim fellow.
These people are almost similar.
Warden Nambiar and jailer Menon.
These people are almost similar.
Warden Nambiar and jailer Menon.
They are siding with the
people who hit you.
They are siding with the
people who hit you.
lfthey get an opportunity,
they will harm our own people.
lf they get an opportunity,
they will harm our own people.
All policemen are not Hindus.
All policemen are not Hindus.
lt's like how all Muslims are terrorists.
lt's like how all Muslims are terrorists.
Are all Muslims terrorists?
Are all Muslims terrorists?
As per my knowledge, it's not true.
As per my knowledge, it's not true.
Are you?
Are you?
What do you think?
What do you think?
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
There is a usage in sociology.
Release in March.
There is a usage in sociology.
Release in March.
Yours, his and my situation
is the same.
Yours, his and my situation
is the same.
Long ago there was a riot
in our village.
Long ago there was a riot
in our village.
Back then l'd just completed my PG.
from Maharaja's College, Eranakulam.
Back then l'd iust completed my PG.
from Maharaja's College, Eranakulam.
My father was stabbed and killed
in front of me and my sister..
My father was stabbed and killed
in front of me and my sister..
Even now l don't know
what my father's mistake was.
Even now l don't know
what my father's mistake was.
We carried out the case.
But nothing happened.
We carried out the case.
But nothing happened.
The police didn't arrest
even one person.
The police didn't arrest
even one person.
ARer that l went to Mumbai.
From there to Dubai.
ARer that l went to Mumbai.
From there to Dubai.
What are you planning there?
What are you planning there?
Planning to blast a bomb.
Planning to blast a bomb.
Cary on. Cary on.
Cary on. Cary on.
Babu Sait.
Babu Sait.
A typical terrorist suspect.
A typical terrorist suspect.
A product of communal rioting.
A product of communal rioting.
A millionaire returned aRer living in Mumbai
and Dubai for around 12 years.
A millionaire returned aRer living in Mumbai
and Dubai for around 12 years.
Fishing boats. Sea food import-export.
Real estate.
Fishing boats. Sea food import-export.
Real estate.
Social service. Religious work.
Social service. Religious work.
These are his current fields.
These are his current fields.
Who is he?
Who is he?
He is related to a 'Hawala' case.
He is related to a 'Hawala' case.
l have arranged for your bail.
l have arranged for your bail.
Don't think that you don't
have any place to go.
Don't think that you don't
have any place to go.
My people are there outside.
My people are there outside.
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
lf evemhing is okay,
then let's meet outside.
lf evemhing is okay,
then let's meet outside.
Asharaf brother.
He is the person.
Asharaf brother.
He is the person.
Hey. This is a court. Don't do anything
that would imply bad behavior.
Hey. This is a court. Don't do anything
that would imply bad behavior.
lf a judge can hit with a hammer,
l can whistle too.
lf a iudge can hit with a hammer,
l can whistle too.
Manners! Come.
Manners! Come.
What is your name?
What is your name?
l am Asharaf. Babu's right hand man.
l am Asharaf. Babu's right hand man.
Close friend. Babu won't go
anhere without me.
Close friend. Babu won't go
anhere without me.
l haven't seen you in prison.
l haven't seen you in prison.
Babu has compelled me a lot.
But l didn't get the time.
Babu has compelled me a lot.
But l didn't get the time.
One day l will go.
One day l will go.
They have started again.
They have started again.
This is the team of Shaji who is in Saudi.
This is the team of Shaii who is in Saudi.
When Babu's here, there people
won't create any problems.
When Babu's here, there people
won't create any problems.
Asharaf, where do you want to go?
Asharaf, where do you want to go?
Straight. Straight.
Straight. Straight.
Stop the car.
Stop the car.
l will be here till aRernoon.
- Okay.
l will be here till aRernoon.
- Okay.
ARer that ifyou want to meet me,
come to the shop.
ARer that if you want to meet me,
come to the shop.
Oh! The army is coming.
Oh! The army is coming.
Hey, Asharaf.
Hey, Asharaf.
There's no camera in the mobile
which l bought from you.
There's no camera in the mobile
which l bought from you.
Oh! l'll even fit a switch for
the mobile, worth Rs.500.
Oh! l'll even fit a switch for
the mobile, worth Rs.500.
ln this old age,
why do you want a camera?
ln this old age,
why do you want a camera?
Now mobiles are there so
we can look at each other.
Now mobiles are there so
we can look at each other.
lf mobiles with knives also come out, then
that would be helpful for quotation people.
lf mobiles with knives also come out, then
that would be helpful for quotation people.
For calling and killing.
For calling and killing.
lfyou open this window, you can see the whole
of Mattanchey, little Fort Kochi too.
lf you open this window, you can see the whole
of Mattanchey, little Fort Kochi too.
What a sceney!
What a sceney!
lfyou don't see that,
even then there's no problem.
lf you don't see that,
even then there's no problem.
You. Sory, Anwar.
You. Sory, Anwar.
lfAnwar needs anything,
don't hesitate to call me.
lf Anwar needs anything,
don't hesitate to call me.
My phone number is 9846022550.
My phone number is 9846022550.
l am going.
l am going.
My God. Is that old lady is still there?
My God. Is that old lady is still there?
There is no scarcity for children in Kochi.
There is no scarcity for children in Kochi.
Stop there. Stop there.
Stop there. Stop there.
Who is staying here now?
- Babu's mother and sister.
Who is staying here now?
- Babu's mother and sister.
Sister's husband is in the gulf.
Sister's husband is in the gulf.
Dubai. Dubai.
Dubai. Dubai.
Who is this? Asharaf.
Who is this? Asharaf.
Come inside, son.
Come inside, son.
Who is this, son?
- This is Babu's friend.
Who is this, son?
- This is Babu's friend.
What happened, Asharaf?
You are looking so tired.
What happened, Asharaf?
You are looking so tired.
Not eating anything?
Not eating anything?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Eveybody is saying
l've become slim.
Eveybody is saying
l've become slim.
lf l eat 4-5 times more,
then l can't eat anything more.
lf l eat 4-5 times more,
then l can't eat anything more.
What do you want?
Pathiti and meat or rice and fish cury.
What do you want?
Pathiti and meat or rice and fish cury.
Otherwise l will take 'appam'
and mutton stew.
Otheise l will take 'appam'
and mutton stew.
Tell me, son. What do you want?
Tell me, son. What do you want?
l.. Anything will do.
l.. Anything will do.
Otherwise no, l will have 'biyani'.
Otheise no, l will have 'biyani'.
- Yes.
- Yes.
You like 'biyani', right?
You like 'biyani', right?
Yes. Yes.
Yes. Yes.
l will bring it right away.
l will bring it right away.
She won't bring 'biyani'.
She has a slight problem.
She won't bring 'biyani'.
She has a slight problem.
Mental. Mental.
Mental. Mental.
Now it's okay.
Now it's okay.
lf it is in a serious state,
then we can't stand here.
lf it is in a serious state,
then we can't stand here.
Come. Come.
Come. Come.
Son, 'appam' and cury are here.
Shall l take this?
Son, 'appam' and cury are here.
Shall l take this?
Mother, you keep quiet.
Mother, you keep quiet.
Asharaf, who is this?
Asharaf, who is this?
This is Anwar. Babu's friend in prison.
This is Anwar. Babu's friend in prison.
Has he gone to jail for making friends?
Has he gone to iail for making friends?
l'm coming from the police station aRer
signing and tolerating the behavior ofthem.
l'm coming from the police station aRer
signing and tolerating the behavior of them.
Asharaf, l have told you several times.
Asharaf, l have told you several times.
Here the ladies are staying alone.
Here the ladies are staying alone.
Don't bring any strangers here.
Don't bring any strangers here.
Daughter, the rice dish and
chicken is there. Shall l take it?
Daughter, the rice dish and
chicken is there. Shall l take it?
Mother, you go inside.
Mother, you go inside.
Come, Daughter.
Come, Daughter.
Oh my God! Here no one feels hungy.
Oh my God! Here no one feels hungy.
l told you you'd get a good treat from her.
l told you you'd get a good treat from her.
Not treat. Firing.
- Oh!
Not treat. Firing.
- Oh!
No point roaming around in Kochi.
No point roaming around in Kochi.
Hey, what's up?
What are you thinking?
Hey, what's up?
What are you thinking?
The bail application of Babu Sait and
his people have moved in the court.
The bail application of Babu Sait and
his people have moved in the court.
lfthe situation is like this,
they will come out absolutely free.
lf the situation is like this,
they will come out absolutely free.
We can't do anything.
- What to do?
We can't do anything.
- What to do?
They are living in a democratic county.
They are living in a democratic county.
Anyone can get bail anytime.
Anyone can get bail anytime.
And moreover,
what do you know about him?
And moreover,
what do you know about him?
No clues. No evidence.
It's all incoherent.
No clues. No evidence.
It's all incoherent.
Sir, when people like Babu Sait
live freely outside.
Sir, when people like Babu Sait
live freely outside.
Lots of innocent people live inside.
Lots of innocent people live inside.
Otherwise, anay eveyone is
scared oftouching high flying people.
Otheise, anay eveyone is
scared of touching high flying people.
Big or small.
Big or small.
lt's the law of nature.
lt's the law of nature.
We will get him.
We will get him.
Cheer up, man.
Cheer up, man.
Hey. Look, Nokia.
- Is looking enough?
Hey. Look, Nokia.
- Is looking enough?
This is enough.
- Okay.
This is enough.
- Okay.
- Asharaf. Hail Allah.
- Asharaf. Hail Allah.
Same to you.
Same to you.
What is going on there?
- What, Brother?
What is going on there?
- What, Brother?
What is going on there?
- That's the pig's gang.
What is going on there?
- That's the pig's gang.
Oh! They've started creating
problems again?
Oh! They've started creating
problems again?
You are not here, that's why that pig
Shaji's people are enjoying here.
You are not here, that's why that pig
Shaji's people are enjoying here.
ls Anwar there?
- Yes. He is sitting here.
ls Anwar there?
- Yes. He is sitting here.
Give the phone to him.
- Okay.
Give the phone to him.
- Okay.
Babu. Babu.
Babu. Babu.
- Greetings.
- Greetings.
How's your life there?
How's your life there?
Evemhing is okay, Brother.
Evemhing is okay, Brother.
What is the matter?
What is the matter?
There are some people creating problems.
There are some people creating problems.
lt's that gang of Pork Shaji
who is in Saudi.
lt's that gang of Pork Shaii
who is in Saudi.
They are dealing with drugs and all.
They are dealing with drugs and all.
We might get bail next week.
We might get bail next week.
l will solve that aRer coming there.
- Is it necessay to wait till then?
l will solve that aRer coming there.
- Is it necessay to wait till then?
Don't be in a hury.
Don't be in a hury.
Who is Shaji?
Who is Shaii?
What Brother? What is the matter?
What Brother? What is the matter?
l will say that to Shaji.
l will say that to Shaii.
Will you surely say that to Shaji?
Will you surely say that to Shaii?
Then you tell, my son. l am Shaji.
Then you tell, my son. l am Shaii.
You should leave this place with
your pork group immediately.
You should leave this place with
your pork group immediately.
lf l see any ofthem here.
lf l see any of them here.
Then you won't even find
their dead bodies.
Then you won't even find
their dead bodies.
- Greetings.
- Greetings.
Did his people leave the hospital?
Did his people leave the hospital?
No. It takes time.
One person is vey serious.
No. It takes time.
One person is vey serious.
Why are you standing there? Come.
Why are you standing there? Come.
Who is that, dear?
Who is that, dear?
Oh! Mother, it's he who was in jail.
Oh! Mother, it's he who was in iail.
What happened?
Are the people who serve prison term bad?
What happened?
Are the people who serve prison term bad?
Nehru and Gandhi were
also in jail.
Nehru and Gandhi were
also in jail.
Those people went to jail
for the county.
Those people went to iail
for the county.
And not by doing something
that went against the county.
And not by doing something
that went against the county.
Allah! When will the police arrest
me and my mother?
Allah! When will the police arrest
me and my mother?
What? Are you shouting
without welcoming me?
What? Are you shouting
without welcoming me?
Women rule in Valiyaveethil Mohammed Haji's
house only when men won't be alive.
Women rule in Valiyaveethil Mohammed Haii's
house only when men won't be alive.
Hello, my dear son Babu.
When did you come?
Hello, my dear son Babu.
When did you come?
Mother. Are you fine, Mother?
- Yes, my son.
Mother. Are you fine, Mother?
- Yes, my son.
Son, you are looking so tired.
Son, you are looking so tired.
But you are feeling tired, Mother.
Mother, you come.
But you are feeling tired, Mother.
Mother, you come.
Did you eat anything, my son?
- Yes, Mother.
Did you eat anything, my son?
- Yes, Mother.
Your father always told me not
to send you anhere alone.
Your father always told me not
to send you anhere alone.
Times are vey bad, my son.
Times are vey bad, my son.
l am feeling tense about you.
l am feeling tense about you.
My mother, don't you wory.
My mother, don't you wory.
My God.
- Nothing will happen.
My God.
- Nothing will happen.
l have come here to see you, Mother.
l have come here to see you, Mother.
Okay, Mother.
Okay, Mother.
Son, have these people eaten anything?
Son, have these people eaten anything?
Yes, Mother.
Mother, l'll just be back.
Yes, Mother.
Mother, l'll just be back.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Give it to me.
Give it to me.
Take the vehicle.
Take the vehicle.
You too heard what my sister said, right?
You too heard what my sister said, right?
l don't know.
l don't know.
How fast they have forgotten evemhing.
How fast they have forgotten evemhing.
Our father was stabbed and
killed in front of us.
Our father was stabbed and
killed in front of us.
She considers evemhing as destiny.
She considers evemhing as destiny.
Destiny which helps people who kill Muslims in
this county in the name of communal riots.
Destiny which helps people who kill Muslims in
this county in the name of communal riots.
l can lead a life of a secular Muslim
by eating and watching TV.
l can lead a life of a secular Muslim
by eating and watching TV.
l have taken this decision
aRer thinking about it a lot.
l have taken this decision
aRer thinking about it a lot.
lt's not a joke.
lt's not a ioke.
l've seen you helping a person who
belongs to our community in the jail.
l've seen you helping a person who
belongs to our community in the jail.
Have you ever thought about how our
people outside the prison are living?
Have you ever thought about how our
people outside the prison are living?
You are a Muslim who prays
five times a day, right?
You are a Muslim who prays
five times a day, right?
lfAllah asks you what you've
done for your brother
lf Allah asks you what you've
done for your brother
what will you answer him?
You've worked for a 'Hawala' scam?
what will you answer him?
You've worked for a 'Hawala' scam?
Have you ever thought about
all these things?
Have you ever thought about
all these things?
lfyou are a true believer,
then when your belief is in danger
lf you are a true believer,
then when your belief is in danger
You should readily sacrifice your life.
You should readily sacrifice your life.
A true Muslim will sacrifice
his life for his brothers.
A true Muslim will sacrifice
his life for his brothers.
The prayer mark on the forehead ofthe
Muslims won't be a target police guns.
The prayer mark on the forehead of the
Muslims won't be a target police guns.
l know, Brother.
l know, Brother.
l understand what you are saying, Brother.
l understand what you are saying, Brother.
Either you can accept this.
Either you can accept this.
Or you can decide on any other option.
Or you can decide on any other option.
''Silent shores''
''Time forjudgment''
''Silent shores''
''Time for judgment''
''The sea makes a sound''
''The sea makes a sound''
''Let's say goodbye''
''Let's say goodbye''
''To the night or the day''
''To the night or the day''
''Silent shores''
''Time forjudgment''
''Silent shores''
''Time for judgment''
''The sea makes a sound''
''The sea makes a sound''
''Let's say goodbye''
''Let's say goodbye''
''To the night or the day''
''To the night or the day''
''Shrinking fast''
''Shrinking fast''
''The wind blows''
''The wind blows''
''These sculptures will break''
''These sculptures will break''
''Holy words will be misunderstood''
''Holy words will be misunderstood''
''Silent shores''
''Time forjudgment''
''Silent shores''
''Time for judgment''
''The sea makes a sound''
''The sea makes a sound''
''Let's say goodbye''
''Let's say goodbye''
''To the night or the day''
''To the night or the day''
''Silent shores''
''Time forjudgment''
''Silent shores''
''Time for judgment''
''The sea makes a sound''
''The sea makes a sound''
''Let's say goodbye''
''Let's say goodbye''
''To the night or the day''
''To the night or the day''
''Shrinking fast''
''Shrinking fast''
''The wind blows''
''The wind blows''
''These sculptures will break''
''These sculptures will break''
''Holy words will be misunderstood''
''Holy words will be misunderstood''
Oh! Even he joined them.
Oh! Even he ioined them.
People who are alike will unite.
People who are alike will unite.
A fox will always join up with a fox.
A fox will always ioin up with a fox.
Babu Sait has planned something.
Babu Sait has planned something.
Strengthen the surveillance.
Strengthen the surveillance.
They should feel the itch.
They should feel the itch.
They should think we've got
some message.
They should think we've got
some message.
Let's go.
Let's go.
His search.
His search.
They are arresting people who wear caps and
have a mustache without any reason.
They are arresting people who wear caps and
have a mustache without any reason.
He is searching your houses and boats.
He is searching your houses and boats.
lfyou ask something, the family members
including women and children get beaten.
lf you ask something, the family members
including women and children get beaten.
We can't tolerate this.
We can't tolerate this.
Salim, what do you want to do?
Salim, what do you want to do?
Let's bomb the railway station
and the bus stand.
Let's bomb the railway station
and the bus stand.
Only then they'll be scared.
Only then they'll be scared.
Let them do some other work
instead of coming behind us.
Let them do some other work
instead of coming behind us.
Then let's bomb the police headquarters.
Then let's bomb the police headquarters.
That'd be better.
- What are you saying?
That'd be better.
- What are you saying?
Don't say stuff like this.
Don't say stuff like this.
lfyou can bomb the railway station
and the collectorate
lf you can bomb the railway station
and the collectorate
Then why can't we do the
same at the headquarters?
Then why can't we do the
same at the headquarters?
What ifyou keep one there?
What if you keep one there?
Won't it break?
Won't it break?
''Silent shores''
''Silent shores''
''Time forjudgment''
''Time for iudgment''
''The sea makes a sound''
''The sea makes a sound''
Sir. Cable repair, sir.
Sir. Cable repair, sir.
Sir. Is the TV okay?
- Yes. Okay.
Sir. Is the TV okay?
- Yes. Okay.
Anay, it's not a crude bomb.
Anay, it's not a crude bomb.
The material which is usually used
in local bombs is not used in this.
The material which is usually used
in local bombs is not used in this.
The components of RDX and
ammonium nitrate are in it.
The components of RDX and
ammonium nitrate are in it.
But surprisingly, there's no trace
ofthe killer components.
But surprisingly, there's no trace
of the killer components.
lt might have been kept to scare us.
lt might have been kept to scare us.
No one died because at that time
the commissioner had called a meeting.
No one died because at that time
the commissioner had called a meeting.
But this is a strong message
for the police.
But this is a strong message
for the police.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
Just rewind that bit.
Just rewind that bit.
Anything wrong, Mr. Manimaran?
Anything wrong, Mr. Manimaran?
The lady there..
She resembles my batch mate.
The lady there..
She resembles my batch mate.
Well. l have arranged for the newspapers
and magazines which you read.
Well. l have arranged for the newspapers
and magazines which you read.
Read all that.
Read all that.
l also have bad news for you.
l also have bad news for you.
Your section chief,
Mr. Venkatesh is no more.
Your section chief,
Mr. Venkatesh is no more.
He was hiding to avoid the police.
He was hiding to avoid the police.
But he committed suicide when he came
to know that there is no other option.
But he committed suicide when he came
to know that there is no other option.
lt's sad but we've got some real stuff.
lt's sad but we've got some real stuff.
Aisha. Read about the bomb blast
in the police headquarters?
Aisha. Read about the bomb blast
in the police headquarters?
Can l ask you a personal question?
Can l ask you a personal question?
Are you...what do you say
in Malayalam? A believer?
Are you...what do you say
in Malayalam? A believer?
l don't need to tell you that.
l don't need to tell you that.
What about Anwar?
What about Anwar?
ls he a true believer?
ls he a true believer?
ls he a true believer?
ls he a true believer?
Brother Basheer, this..
Brother Basheer, this..
- Greetings.
- Greetings.
Rana. Meet our new hero.
Brother Anwar.
Rana. Meet our new hero.
Brother Anwar.
Please be seated.
Please be seated.
Babu has told me evemhing.
Babu has told me evemhing.
Anwar, you have proved that
you are a true believer..
Anwar, you have proved that
you are a true believer..
..and warrior by conducting a blast
in the police headquarters.
..and warrior by conducting a blast
in the police headquarters.
A believer becomes a real man..
A believer becomes a real man..
..when he doesn't fear death.
A Muslim.
..when he doesn't fear death.
A Muslim.
The police is vey alert.
The police is vey alert.
The blast could happen
in unexpected places.
The blast could happen
in unexpected places.
The public and police should become
more and more scared aRer each blast.
The public and police should become
more and more scared aRer each blast.
People will agitate to arrest the accused.
People will agitate to arrest the accused.
Like we know, our innocent
brothers will be arrested.
Like we know, our innocent
brothers will be arrested.
Like each riot creates a mamr, each
blast will create a 'Jihad' (Holy war) for us.
Like each riot creates a mamr, each
blast will create a 'Jihad' (Holy war) for us.
Vey good.
Vey good.
When the police will arrest so many
people, our 'jihad' recruitment..
When the police will arrest so many
people, our 'jihad' recruitment..
..will also increase that much.
..will also increase that much.
Be careful about the fixed cell
not getting loose.
Be careful about the fixed cell
not getting loose.
A magnet should be attached to the
ammonium nitrate on the other side.
A magnet should be attached to the
ammonium nitrate on the other side.
ARer that, with an insulation tape, tighten
the magnet like this with cells and wire.
ARer that, with an insulation tape, tighten
the magnet like this with cells and wire.
ARer that fix the timer.
ARer that fix the timer.
Next is the process oftaking
this to the destination.
Next is the process of taking
this to the destination.
No one can instruct you about that.
No one can instruct you about that.
You can take safety measures
in your own way.
You can take safety measures
in your own way.
When you get there,
put on the timer.
When you get there,
put on the timer.
ARer putting on the timer,
fix the magnet bit somewhere..
ARer putting on the timer,
fix the magnet bit somewhere..
..on an iron part in the
targeted place.
..on an iron part in the
targeted place.
lfyou make a small mistake,
lf you make a small mistake,
you will remain only as a mamr
who sacrificed your life for Muslims.
you will remain only as a mamr
who sacrificed your life for Muslims.
Are you mad or what?
Are you mad or what?
How many times has he done this?
How many times has he done this?
Brother Babu, l don't think
he'll be able to do this.
Brother Babu, l don't think
he'll be able to do this.
lfwe give him this, he will burst
this here and kill us too.
lf we give him this, he will burst
this here and kill us too.
You explain to him nicely.
He will do it.
You explain to him nicely.
He will do it.
You make him understand once more.
You make him understand once more.
Tell me, Sir.
Tell me, Sir.
They don't know that it's me, right?
Okay, Sir.
They don't know that it's me, right?
Okay, Sir.
You ty once more.
You ty once more.
Abu, did you mention this
to someone?
Abu, did you mention this
to someone?
l didn't say it like that, Brother Babu.
l didn't say it like that, Brother Babu.
To my sister's son.
To my sister's son.
l told him in the thrill of doing
a thing like this, Brother.
l told him in the thrill of doing
a thing like this, Brother.
He won't tell this to anyone.
He won't tell this to anyone.
Brother Babu, promise in the
name ofAllah. He won't tell.
Brother Babu, promise in the
name of Allah. He won't tell.
He won't tell anyone.
He won't tell anyone.
The police will reach your house now.
The police will reach your house now.
What foolishness is this?
What foolishness is this?
l have told you several times
about how to keep secrets..
l have told you several times
about how to keep secrets..
..and the danger thereof
if it gets leaked.
..and the danger thereof
if it gets leaked.
Now l can't save you, son.
Now l can't save you, son.
Salim. No.
Salim. No.
Salim. Anwar.
Salim. Anwar.
Brother Babu. Abu.
Abu was our boy.
Brother Babu. Abu.
Abu was our boy.
lf he made a mistake, then we..
lf he made a mistake, then we..
The police is tracking Abu.
The police is tracking Abu.
lfthey'd got him, then the police
would have got to you and me.
lf they'd got him, then the police
would have got to you and me.
l have closed the route which they
could take. l have only done that.
l have closed the route which they
could take. l have only done that.
l've told you several times that it's
not possible for him to do that.
l've told you several times that it's
not possible for him to do that.
l know what to do.
l know what to do.
l will do this alone.
l will do this alone.
Leave that. The police has got
information about that
Leave that. The police has got
information about that
They've only informed you that
they've got information about it.
They've only informed you that
they've got information about it.
Then it'll be easier for us to do it.
l will manage this.
Then it'll be easier for us to do it.
l will manage this.
Keep our surveillance strong
for the coming mo days..
Keep our surveillance strong
for the coming o days..
l've got information that a major bomb
blast will take place in Fort Kochi.
l've got information that a maior bomb
blast will take place in Fort Kochi.
That is from a vey reliable source.
That is from a vey reliable source.
So we should keep an eye on each
and evey corner ofthe city.
So we should keep an eye on each
and evey corner of the city.
l hope you don't make any mistake.
l hope you don't make any mistake.
Three people were murdered
and 10 people were injured in..
Three people were murdered
and 10 people were injured in..
..the bomb blast in Ernakulam city.
..the bomb blast in Ernakulam city.
No one has accepted the
responsibility for the blast.
No one has accepted the
responsibility for the blast.
The police suspects the international
outFit which has roots in Kerala.
The police suspects the international
outFit which has roots in Kerala.
The bomb blast that killed three people
happened soon aRer the bomb blast..
The bomb blast that killed three people
happened soon aRer the bomb blast.. the police headquarters
in Ernakulam. the police headquarters
in Ernakulam.
The police was not ready to divulge
information about the murdered people.
The police was not ready to divulge
information about the murdered people.
The continuous complaint against
the police is the reason behind this.
The continuous complaint against
the police is the reason behind this.
Well done, my son.
Vey nice.
Well done, my son.
Vey nice.
The police has blocked the
media people from taking..
The police has blocked the
media people from taking.. ofthe place and the incident.
This has created a bad situation there. of the place and the incident.
This has created a bad situation there.
What happened? Is there any problem?
What happened? Is there any problem?
We took so much risk,
but only three people were killed.
We took so much risk,
but only three people were killed.
You come.
You come.
Don't think about the people who were killed.
Create a wave in the heart ofthe public.
Don't think about the people who were killed.
Create a wave in the heart of the public.
That'll be our success.
Society will respond in that way.
That'll be our success.
Society will respond in that way.
They will accept our need.
That's why l said, it's our success.
They will accept our need.
That's why l said, it's our success.
The bomb blast in Coimbatore was one of
the successful blasts we'd in South India.
The bomb blast in Coimbatore was one of
the successful blasts we'd in South India.
These people were behind that.
They've all come from outside.
These people were behind that.
They've all come from outside.
Trained beguines.
Trained beguines.
Our people were there to help them.
Our people were there to help them.
The brain behind it and
planning was theirs.
The brain behind it and
planning was theirs.
One year of planning.
One year of planning.
These ten people will come again by crossing
the borders of Bangladesh and Nepal.
These ten people will come again by crossing
the borders of Bangladesh and Nepal.
We are responsible for arranging
home-stay accommodation..
We are responsible for arranging
home-stay accommodation.. Kochi for these people
who come as tourists. Kochi for these people
who come as tourists.
They will go to Mumbai in our fishing boat
which is filled with RDX and weapons.
They will go to Mumbai in our fishing boat
which is filled with RDX and weapons.
A person who can face a complicated
case can only handle this.
A person who can face a complicated
case can only handle this.
Brother Basher suggested your name.
Brother Basher suggested your name.
You have to take them
to Mumbai safely.
You have to take them
to Mumbai safely.
You've only heard about
the Coimbatore bomb blasts.
You've only heard about
the Coimbatore bomb blasts.
You haven't seen them, right?
You haven't seen them, right?
l didn't know that you had come, master.
l didn't know that you had come, master.
When did you come, Anwar?
- Two to three days ago.
When did you come, Anwar?
- Two to three days ago.
Will you get a transfer to Palakkad soon?
Will you get a transfer to Palakkad soon?
lt's not a governmentjob
that l'll get a transfer.
lt's not a government iob
that l'll get a transfer.
Master, did you have tea?
- Yes. l have had. l am leaving.
Master, did you have tea?
- Yes. l have had. l am leaving.
Anwar, give me the bike's key.
- l will drop master and come.
Anwar, give me the bike's key.
- l will drop master and come.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Who is this Sainaba?
Why are you not playing?
Who is this Sainaba?
Why are you not playing?
- Greetings.
- Greetings.
- Hey. You came?
- Hey. You came?
Mother, don't give me any other work.
Mother, don't give me any other work.
This is the fourth time
l have gone to town.
This is the fourth time
l have gone to town.
Nowadays all this can be done
through the phone.
Nowadays all this can be done
through the phone.
Then what is the need to send me
to get the chicken.
Then what is the need to send me
to get the chicken.
ls it right that l roam around in town instead
of being here as the bride's only brother?
ls it right that l roam around in town instead
of being here as the bride's only brother?
Hey. Have you done anything
for your sister?
Hey. Have you done anything
for your sister?
Your father has even invited your friends.
Your father has even invited your friends.
You've at least come for her wedding
from Bangalore which is close to America.
You've at least come for her wedding
from Bangalore which is close to America.
You at least run here and
there for her wedding.
You at least run here and
there for her wedding.
Let at least four people in
Palakkad see your physique..
Let at least four people in
Palakkad see your physique..
..which you made by going
to the gym.
..which you made by going
to the gym.
Mother. Stop making these
kinds of comments.
Mother. Stop making these
kinds of comments.
Yourjokes are not good these days.
Your iokes are not good these days.
Anay l have stopped
the taxi service today.
Anay l have stopped
the taxi service today.
Kunjuraman Vaidyar is waiting in
the bus stand. Go and pick him up.
Kuniuraman Vaidyar is waiting in
the bus stand. Go and pick him up.
That.. father that..Jamal has taken
the bike to drop Mr. Vijayan.
That.. father that..Jamal has taken
the bike to drop Mr. Vijayan.
Vaidyar came here several times.
He knows this route vey well.
Vaidyar came here several times.
He knows this route vey well.
Even then ifyou take the car and go there
to receive him he will be vey happy.
Even then if you take the car and go there
to receive him he will be vey happy.
Anwar, you get there fast.
- Tell some lie.
Anwar, you get there fast.
- Tell some lie.
l will send Ramla's Shukur for that.
l will send Ramla's Shukur for that.
Let him gloat as the
bride's brother here.
Let him gloat as the
bride's brother here.
Say that, Mother.
Say that, Mother.
''The flower which blossoms
in the east is red in color''
''The flower which blossoms
in the east is red in color''
''How the bride blushed''
''How the bride blushed''
''A groom has come with
Iove in his heart''
''A groom has come with
Iove in his heart''
''A friend has come with
many dreams in his eyes''
''A friend has come with
many dreams in his eyes''
''Reach the heart, reach the heart''
''Reach the heart, reach the heart''
''The flower which blossoms
in the east is red in color''
''The flower which blossoms
in the east is red in color''
''How the bride blushed''
''How the bride blushed''
''A groom has come with
Iove in his heart''
''A groom has come with
Iove in his heart''
''A friend has come with
many dreams in his eyes''
''A friend has come with
many dreams in his eyes''
''Reach the heart, reach the heart''
''Reach the heart, reach the heart''
''ls it a flower''
- ''ls it a flower''
''ls it a flower''
- ''ls it a flower''
''ls it a sunny day''
- ''ls it a sunny day..''
''ls it a sunny day''
- ''ls it a sunny day..''
''..filled with honey''
- ''Filled with honey''
''..filled with honey''
- ''Filled with honey''
''ls it a smile''
- ''ls it moonlight''
''ls it a smile''
- ''ls it moonlight''
''Or a sweet dream''
''Or shyness''
''Or a sweet dream''
''Or shyness''
''Come flying with wings
to become my love''
''Come flying with wings
to become my love''
''To become my love''
''To become my love''
''Reach the heart, reach the heart''
''Reach the heart, reach the heart''
''The flower which blossoms
in the east is red in color''
''The flower which blossoms
in the east is red in color''
''How the bride blushed''
''How the bride blushed''
''A groom has come with
Iove in his heart''
''A groom has come with
Iove in his heart''
''A friend has come with
many dreams in his eyes''
''A friend has come with
many dreams in his eyes''
''Reach the heart, reach the heart''
''Reach the heart, reach the heart''
Hasna, tell her to get inside
the vehicle fast.
Hasna, tell her to get inside
the vehicle fast.
Keep this carefully.
- May l go, Mother.
Keep this carefully.
- May l go, Mother.
Hi, Aisha.
- Tell him to open the car boot.
Hi, Aisha.
- Tell him to open the car boot.
Brother, please open the car boot.
Brother, please open the car boot.
ls this for one house?
ls this for one house?
Yours is a small family, right?
Yours is a small family, right?
Where do you want to get down?
Where do you want to get down?
Hey. Where do you want to get down?
Hey. Where do you want to get down?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Tell me, where do you want to get down?
l have some work.
Tell me, where do you want to get down?
l have some work.
First right. Then leR.
On the right side, the second house.
First right. Then leR.
On the right side, the second house.
Here? Are you teasing me?
Here? Are you teasing me?
Please open the car boot.
Please open the car boot.
This is my house.
Please come.
This is my house.
Please come.
Here? Shall l hold it?
Here? Shall l hold it?
Hasna's brother.
He came to drop me.
Hasna's brother.
He came to drop me.
- Greetings.
- Greetings.
Hi, Aisha's sister.
- For me.
Hi, Aisha's sister.
- For me.
This is my house and village.
This is my house and village.
l was brought up here.
l was brought up here.
Hasna knows that.
Grade mo onwards we were together.
Hasna knows that.
Grade o onwards we were together.
Now l stay in Coimbatore near my office.
In a working women's hostel.
Now l stay in Coimbatore near my office.
In a working women's hostel.
Hasna made me stay in your house.
Hasna made me stay in your house.
But whenever l shall come here,
l will stay here.
But whenever l shall come here,
l will stay here.
Okay then. Thank you for the drive.
- Bye.
Okay then. Thank you for the drive.
- Bye.
Without knowing her, without speaking.
l don't even know her.
Without knowing her, without speaking.
l don't even know her.
..l started loving her.
..l started loving her.
Brother, your decision is good.
Aisha is vey nice.
Brother, your decision is good.
Aisha is vey nice.
Well educated. Stubborn.
Absolutely independent.
Well educated. Stubborn.
Absolutely independent.
She was selected on campus
in our batch.
She was selected on campus
in our batch.
Now she is working in a reputed
chemical company in Coimbatore.
Now she is working in a reputed
chemical company in Coimbatore.
Several boys were aRer her
when she was in college.
Several boys were aRer her
when she was in college.
She didn't care for anyone.
She didn't care for anyone.
Brother, don't go in front of her
by saying you love her.
Brother, don't go in front of her
by saying you love her.
Even he hasn't gone behind any girl.
Even he hasn't gone behind any girl.
He likes Aisha. He said that
to his father and mother.
He likes Aisha. He said that
to his father and mother.
What is less for him?
There's little pride.
What is less for him?
There's little pride.
That is because ofthis age.
It will go. Right, son?
That is because of this age.
It will go. Right, son?
Father, you..
Father, you..
While discussing about life..
While discussing about life..
l told you evemhing.
One more thing.
l told you evemhing.
One more thing.
She won't like you showing sympathy about
the fact that she was born in an orphanage.
She won't like you showing sympathy about
the fact that she was born in an orphanage.
l don't have any sympathy for anyone.
l don't have any sympathy for anyone.
Giving food to hungy people and
caring for an orphan is a good deed.
Giving food to hungy people and
caring for an orphan is a good deed.
We all like Aisha.
Then it's about her decision.
We all like Aisha.
Then it's about her decision.
Let's ask her about it.
Let's ask her about it.
My goal was to study, get a job..
..and live without depending on others.
My goal was to study, get a iob..
..and live without depending on others.
ln this matter too,
l can tell you my decision.
ln this matter too,
l can tell you my decision.
Even if it is right or wrong. l have taken
all decisions on my own till now.
Even if it is right or wrong. l have taken
all decisions on my own till now.
l haven't called anyone
father and mother.
l haven't called anyone
father and mother.
l'd like to call Hasna's father
and mother the same.
l'd like to call Hasna's father
and mother the same.
''l am vey excited''
''l am vey excited''
''When l see my love coming
with a smile on her face''
''When l see my love coming
with a smile on her face''
''l am vey excited'' ''When l see my love
coming with a smile on her face''
''l am vey excited'' ''When l see my love
coming with a smile on her face''
''With this wetness.. oh..''
''Waves, please come''
''With this wetness.. oh..''
''Waves, please come''
''Without the knowledge ofthe sea''
''Without the knowledge ofthe shore''
''Without the knowledge of the sea''
''Without the knowledge of the shore''
''With my wet body''
''With my wet body''
''The milight sunlight will
come like your smile''
''The ilight sunlight will
come like your smile''
''The sun will set like
music behind you''
''The sun will set like
music behind you''
''The milight sunlight will
come like your smile''
''The ilight sunlight will
come like your smile''
''The milight sunlight..
like your smile''
''The ilight sunlight..
like your smile''
''l am vey excited''
''l am vey excited''
''When l see my love coming
with a smile on her face''
''When l see my love coming
with a smile on her face''
''l am vey excited''
''l am vey excited''
''With this wetness.. oh..''
''Waves, please come''
''With this wetness.. oh..''
''Waves, please come''
''Without the knowledge ofthe sea''
''Without the knowledge of the sea''
''Without the knowledge ofthe shore''
''Without the knowledge of the shore''
''With my wet body''
''With my wet body''
There was a festival in my house.
There was a festival in my house.
My daughter and son's weddings
were to be held on the same day.
My daughter and son's weddings
were to be held on the same day.
Those were days of happiness
for my father and mother.
Those were days of happiness
for my father and mother.
We leR aRer Aisha
and my engagement.
We leR aRer Aisha
and my engagement.
- Bye.
- Bye.
ARer dropping Aisha at her office,
ARer dropping Aisha at her office,
we went to a textile shop in Coimbatore
to take Hasna's wedding dress.
we went to a textile shop in Coimbatore
to take Hasna's wedding dress.
How is it?
- Nice.
How is it?
- Nice.
That pink.. Pink..This one..
That pink.. Pink..This one..
This is nice, isn't it?
Tell me which one is nice.- Okay.
This is nice, isn't it?
Tell me which one is nice.- Okay.
Father. May l go downstairs?
- Okay.
Father. May l go downstairs?
- Okay.
This one.
This one.
My world ended at the time.
My world ended at the time.
My father, mother and Hasna..
Our happy family is no more.
My father, mother and Hasna..
Our happy family is no more.
l sat without a tear in my eyes.
Within a second..
l sat without a tear in my eyes.
Within a second..
..l had become an orphan
within a second.
..l had become an orphan
within a second.
l have told you all the details.
l have told you all the details.
Where, when and how.
Then how were people killed there?
Where, when and how.
Then how were people killed there?
Now you have made me like them.
Now you have made me like them.
The death ofthree people
won't be news for you.
The death of three people
won't be news for you.
But for me, it's not like that.
But for me, it's not like that.
l am praying to a God who says that we
should love others more than ourselves.
l am praying to a God who says that we
should love others more than ourselves.
He won't forgive me.
- One minute.
He won't forgive me.
- One minute.
Just a minute.
Just a minute.
l have told you not to
meet me in public.
l have told you not to
meet me in public.
Then why did you break that promise?
Then why did you break that promise?
l haven't broken the promise.
It's you.
l haven't broken the promise.
It's you.
How were those people killed..
How were those people killed..
..even aRer l had informed
you about evemhing?
..even aRer l had informed
you about evemhing?
l want to know that.
l want to know that.
You are responsible for saying that.
l have got the right to know that.
You are responsible for saying that.
l have got the right to know that.
Whatever you told me was right, Anwar
Whatever you told me was right, Anwar
Can't avoid people getting hurt in blast.
Three people weren't killed in blast..
Can't avoid people getting hurt in blast.
Three people weren't killed in blast..
lt's not true.
It's a cooked up stoy.
lt's not true.
It's a cooked up stoy.
Evey photo in media was
morphed and planned.
Evey photo in media was
morphed and planned.
lt happened without your knowledge.
lt happened without your knowledge.
They weren't born at all.
They weren't born at all.
How can you fight them?
How can you fight them?
You got to believe me.
You got to believe me.
l believe evemhing.
l believe evemhing.
But tomorrow ifyou say that
Aisha's stoy is also a made-up stoy
But tomorrow if you say that
Aisha's stoy is also a made-up stoy
then we have to believe that, right?
then we have to believe that, right?
l want to see her.
- Aisha is safe in my custody.
l want to see her.
- Aisha is safe in my custody.
l don't trust you.
l don't trust you.
You haven't even told me where Aisha is.
You haven't even told me where Aisha is.
Aisha has been in your custody for
more than one and a halfyears.
Aisha has been in your custody for
more than one and a half years.
You haven't even presented her
before the court yet.
You haven't even presented her
before the court yet.
l am not sure that she is alive.
l have to meet her.
l am not sure that she is alive.
l have to meet her.
Not possible, Anwar.
What do you think?
Not possible, Anwar.
What do you think?
Aisha is a terrorist suspect.
Aisha is a terrorist suspect.
You nor l can save her at the moment
when we present her before the court.
You nor l can save her at the moment
when we present her before the court.
Nobody can save her.
Nobody can save her.
l am an ATS officer.
l am an ATS officer.
lt's a risk for me too,
to present her before the court.
lt's a risk for me too,
to present her before the court.
Even you know that l am doing
all this for her safety.
Even you know that l am doing
all this for her safety.
Till this mission gets completed,
you can't meet her.
Till this mission gets completed,
you can't meet her.
You won't meet her.
You won't meet her.
You vey well know the
circumstances that led you here.
You vey well know the
circumstances that led you here.
ls it possible for you to
forget all that?
ls it possible for you to
forget all that?
ls it possible for you to forget the
incident that took place in front ofyou?
ls it possible for you to forget the
incident that took place in front of you?
ls it possible for you to forge
those days in the hospital?
ls it possible for you to forge
those days in the hospital?
Tell me. How can you forget?
Tell me. How can you forget?
Sir, l am waiting here for
the last three hours.
Sir, l am waiting here for
the last three hours.
l have gone to all the
police stations in Coimbatore.
l have gone to all the
police stations in Coimbatore.
At last l came to know that
Aisha's arrest warrant was registered here.
At last l came to know that
Aisha's arrest warrant was registered here.
Sir, l am talking to you.
Sir, l am talking to you.
Why did you arrest her
without any reason?
Why did you arrest her
without any reason?
Who are you? What is your name?
Who are you? What is your name?
Sir, my name is Anwar Ahmed.
Sir, my name is Anwar Ahmed.
Anwar Ahmed? How did you get the courage
to come and shout in a police station?
Anwar Ahmed? How did you get the courage
to come and shout in a police station?
Mind your tongue.
- Mind my tongue?
Mind your tongue.
- Mind my tongue?
From where did you get the courage
to raise your hand at me?
From where did you get the courage
to raise your hand at me?
Whom did you raise your hand on?
- Hey. Leave him.
Whom did you raise your hand on?
- Hey. Leave him.
Bring him inside.
Bring him inside.
Sir, l was waiting at the
mortuay to identify my..
Sir, l was waiting at the
mortuay to identi my..
..mother's, father's and
sister's dead bodies..
..mother's, father's and
sister's dead bodies.. the hospital last evening. the hospital last evening.
Aisha was coming to the hospital..
..from her hospital aRer l called her.
Aisha was coming to the hospital..
..from her hospital aRer l called her.
Sir. Please check her phone.
She called me last. Please.
Sir. Please check her phone.
She called me last. Please.
Anwar, l feel sympathy for you.
Anwar, l feel sympathy for you.
What you're saying is
your personal matter.
What you're saying is
your personal matter.
For me, witnesses and
evidences are important.
For me, witnesses and
evidences are important.
No one should face a situation
which you are facing.
No one should face a situation
which you are facing.
Aisha was my sister's best friend.
Our marriage was finalized.
Aisha was my sister's best friend.
Our marriage was finalized.
Yesterday she came to
Coimbatore with my family.
Yesterday she came to
Coimbatore with my family.
How come she was involved in
the bomb blast that killed all ofthem.
How come she was involved in
the bomb blast that killed all of them.
Have you lost yet?
Have you lost yet?
The chemical used for the bomb blast came
from the factoy where Aisha is working.
The chemical used for the bomb blast came
from the factoy where Aisha is working.
We don't know where the
boss ofthat factoy is.
We don't know where the
boss of that factoy is.
The out-pass ofthat consignment
was signed by Aisha.
The out-pass of that consignment
was signed by Aisha.
She had signed it.
l have enough proof.
She had signed it.
l have enough proof.
What do you expect me to do?
What do you expect me to do?
Sir, she might have signed so
many out-passes in the factoy.
Sir, she might have signed so
many out-passes in the factoy.
That's herjob. For that, how could
she become a terrorist?
That's her iob. For that, how could
she become a terrorist?
How can you make her a suspect?
How can you make her a suspect?
Do you know what she said?
Do you know what she said?
Do you have proof?
Do you have proof?
You can't see her easily.
It's not child's play.
You can't see her easily.
It's not child's play.
You have to wait.
You have to wait.
Go. Go and find out who
is behind that blast.
Go. Go and find out who
is behind that blast.
Your family was destroyed, right?
So prove it.
Your family was destroyed, right?
So prove it.
l will release Aisha aRer that.
There's no use cying.
l will release Aisha aRer that.
There's no use cying.
Sir, l don't cy.
Sir, l will never cy.
Sir, l don't cy.
Sir, l will never cy.
lf l cy, l will forget evemhing.
l want to prove it, Sir.
lf l cy, l will forget evemhing.
l want to prove it, Sir.
But how?
But how?
l am a common man who doesn't
have rights or the power.
l am a common man who doesn't
have rights or the power.
My loss is only mine.
My loss is only mine.
My mother. Father. Sister.
My life. Evemhing..
My mother. Father. Sister.
My life. Evemhing..
Nothing is leR.
So l am not scared.
Nothing is leR.
So l am not scared.
l won't leave. l won't leave anyone.
l won't leave. l won't leave anyone.
Whoever is behind this, l won't spare
them so they can destroy another life.
Whoever is behind this, l won't spare
them so they can destroy another life.
God has leR me to do this work.
God has leR me to do this work.
When l said l didn't know
what l was going to face..
When l said l didn't know
what l was going to face..
l had become an answer for the lives
ofthousands of people who were killed.
l had become an answer for the lives
of thousands of people who were killed.
l was only an instrument
for ATS DIG Manimaran.
l was only an instrument
for ATS DIG Manimaran.
But l knew that the war he's fighting..
..keeping me in front would be my revenge.
But l knew that the war he's fighting..
..keeping me in front would be my revenge.
Yes. l was waging a war
by keeping you in front.
Yes. l was waging a war
by keeping you in front.
A human bomb to finish Babu's gang.
A human bomb to finish Babu's gang.
ln short, he was perFect.
ln short, he was peect.
That was my only option to
reach the people who killed..
That was my only option to
reach the people who killed.. father, mother and sister
and to save Aisha. father, mother and sister
and to save Aisha.
Stalin Manimaran had planned
evemhing including the..
Stalin Manimaran had planned
evemhing including the..
..the Hawala case and the
bomb blast that happened in..
..the Hawala case and the
bomb blast that happened in..
..the police headquarters
and Fort Kochi.
..the police headquarters
and Fort Kochi.
l realized that l had almost
reached my target..
l realized that l had almost
reached my target..
when Babu Sait showed me the
pictures ofthe people l was looking for.
when Babu Sait showed me the
pictures of the people l was looking for.
Only once..
l have to meet her only once.
Only once..
l have to meet her only once.
Please don't say no.
Please don't say no.
This is not for getting anything
back or to save anyone, Aisha.
This is not for getting anything
back or to save anyone, Aisha.
But l don't have any other option before me.
That is fate. Even you know that.
But l don't have any other option before me.
That is fate. Even you know that.
ls it possible for you to live with me
thinking that evemhing is fate?
ls it possible for you to live with me
thinking that evemhing is fate?
No. l don't know.
No. l don't know.
lfwhat l am doing is right,
then God will be with us.
lf what l am doing is right,
then God will be with us.
Thank you, Sir.
Thank you, Sir.
Now only 2-3 days are leR.
They will be here.
Now only 2-3 days are leR.
They will be here.
All the accused ofthe Coimbatore
bomb blast Kochi.
All the accused of the Coimbatore
bomb blast Kochi.
And then?
- Their target is Mumbai.
And then?
- Their target is Mumbai.
Nothing will be there in their hands.
Even a gun.
Nothing will be there in their hands.
Even a gun.
lt's my responsibility to take
them to Mumbai in the..
lt's my responsibility to take
them to Mumbai in the.. boat which is filled
with weapons and explosives. boat which is filled
with weapons and explosives.
lnform me when they come.
lnform me when they come.
Then your work will be over.
Then your work will be over.
The information about them is in this.
The information about them is in this.
Sir, the second person is
supposed to say that.
Sir, the second person is
supposed to say that.
The first person should
say 'Greetings'.
The first person should
say 'Greetings'.
Okay. 'Assalam Alekum'.
- 'Valekum Assalam'.
Okay. 'Assalam Alekum'.
- 'Valekum Assalam'.
My God. Babu Sait's people.
My God. Babu Sait's people.
l have come here to arrest him.
l have come here to arrest him.
Hit me...ty to escape
Hit me...ty to escape
Start the car
- Hit me and run...
Start the car
- Hit me and run...
Salim. Come.
Salim. Come.
You come.
You come.
You come.
You come.
Get into the vehicle.
Get into the vehicle.
Get in.
Get in.
Are you sure he was alone there?
Are you sure he was alone there?
No one was there, Brother.
No one was there, Brother.
He was going to arrest him.
l reached just then.
He was going to arrest him.
l reached just then.
Anay, it's good that l got him alone.
Anay, it's good that l got him alone.
l shot him. He must have
died on the spot.
l shot him. He must have
died on the spot.
You go. Be careful.
You go. Be careful.
Tomorrow they will be here.
Tomorrow they will be here.
ln bemeen don't roam here
and there alone.
ln beeen don't roam here
and there alone.
lt's risky.
lt's risky.
Till they get here, you'll be
with him always.- Okay.
Till they get here, you'll be
with him always.- Okay.
They're here.
They're here.
We've received those ten people..
..and have taken them to the home stay.
We've received those ten people..
..and have taken them to the home stay.
Accommodation has been
arranged in mo places.
Accommodation has been
arranged in o places.
Our people are there to help them.
Our people are there to help them.
Tomorrow morning at 5 am,
they will leave.
Tomorrow morning at 5 am,
they will leave.
There won't be any problem
during the journey.
There won't be any problem
during the journey.
There will be GPS in both
the vehicles.
There will be GPS in both
the vehicles.
So there won't be any doubts
about the route.
So there won't be any doubts
about the route.
They will reach the
Cherai new mosque by 6 am.
They will reach the
Cherai new mosque by 6 am.
From there, they can get to the
boat yard by walking straight down.
From there, they can get to the
boat yard by walking straight down.
Anwar will get them to wait in
the yard with the old boat..
Anwar will get them to wait in
the yard with the old boat..
..which is filled with weapons
and explosives.
..which is filled with weapons
and explosives.
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
Hail Allah.
Who are you?
Who are you?
What? What happened?
What? What happened?
Haven't you gone?
Haven't you gone?
Did they go?
Did they go?
They have gone.
They have gone.
l haven't gone.
- Where?
l haven't gone.
- Where?
To hell, where these people are going.
To hell, where these people are going.
The hell where they are going is
waiting for you too Babu Sait.
The hell where they are going is
waiting for you too Babu Sait.
You have not only cheated me..
..but also cheated your entire community.
You have not only cheated me..
..but also cheated your entire community.
You won't escape.
No believer will forgive you.
You won't escape.
No believer will forgive you.
Your beliefwas wrong, Babu Sait.
Your belief was wrong, Babu Sait.
l am the living example ofthat.
l am the living example of that.
When you conduct a war to destroy
the county in the name of Islam,
When you conduct a war to destroy
the county in the name of Islam,
do you even think how many people..
..including Muslims are killed in that?
do you even think how many people..
..including Muslims are killed in that?
What mistake did the people who you
killed in the name ofyour father make?
What mistake did the people who you
killed in the name of your father make?
When you celebrated the
bomb blast that happened in..
When you celebrated the
bomb blast that happened in..
..Coimbatore as the biggest
success of 'jihad'..
..Coimbatore as the biggest
success of 'jihad'..
..l lost my father who taught me
the duties oftrue Islam.
..l lost my father who taught me
the duties of true Islam.
lt's auspicious to give food to hungy
people and take care of orphans.
lt's auspicious to give food to hungy
people and take care of orphans.
My mother who loved
the entire world.
My mother who loved
the entire world.
And my sister who was dreaming
about her marriage.
And my sister who was dreaming
about her marriage.
You've destroyed my family
without allowing me to..
You've destroyed my family
without allowing me to..
..perForm the last rites for them
as per a Muslim's customs.
..peorm the last rites for them
as per a Muslim's customs.
l was the weapon made to stand
against you because ofyou.
l was the weapon made to stand
against you because of you.
l won't let them destroy another life.
l won't let them destroy another life.
God has leR me for that.
God has leR me for that.
This is the revenge of a Muslim
who was brought up..
This is the revenge of a Muslim
who was brought up.. and who wished
to live his life here. and who wished
to live his life here.
You won't find bliss.
You won't find bliss.
Muslims won't pardon you.
You've failed, Babu Sait.
Muslims won't pardon you.
You've failed, Babu Sait.
You won't even be eligible to die.
You won't even be eligible to die.
No believer will ever come
to take you for your cremation.
No believer will ever come
to take you for your cremation.
- l am Anwar.
- l am Anwar.
The police ATS group has become
famous by killing international terrorists.
The police ATS group has become
famous by killing international terrorists.
The media has run the brave stoy
of DSP Sanjay Ramakrishnan
The media has run the brave stoy
of DSP Sanjay Ramakrishnan
and his troop for surrendering
the terrorists
and his troop for surrendering
the terrorists
who are responsible for
the Coimbatore bomb blast..
who are responsible for
the Coimbatore bomb blast..
..and who planned to conduct
a big attack in Mumbai.
..and who planned to conduct
a big attack in Mumbai.
The president has announced
to honor ATS DIG..
The president has announced
to honor ATS DIG..
..Stalin Manimaran who died
aRer bravely fighting the terrorists.
..Stalin Manimaran who died
aRer bravely fighting the terrorists.
No one has tried to look for Aisha
because the police has found..
No one has tried to look for Aisha
because the police has found..
..the actual accused of
the Coimbatore case.
..the actual accused of
the Coimbatore case.
People like Asharaf came to know
about this incident through the media.
People like Asharaf came to know
about this incident through the media.
But no one came to know about
the struggling stoy ofAnwar.
But no one came to know about
the struggling stoy of Anwar.
No one has enquired about him.
No one has enquired about him.
Aren't you going to take classes today?
Aren't you going to take classes today?
From today onwards the
new winter time table will start.
From today onwards the
new winter time table will start.
''To see you eveyday''
''To hear something''
''To see you eveyday''
''To hear something''
''l will stay alert''
''l will stay alert''
''To see you eveyday''
''To hear something''
''To see you eveyday''
''To hear something''
''l will stay alert''
''l will stay alert''
''Like you waited to see me''
''The way you got wet in the rain''
''Like you waited to see me''
''The way you got wet in the rain''
''l know, l will tell you''
''Music will fill me up''
''l know, l will tell you''
''Music will fill me up''
''The sky will create the rhythm''
''l know, l will tell you''
''The sky will create the rhythm''
''l know, l will tell you''
''Like daylight''
''Like darkness''
''Like daylight''
''Like darkness''
''Like the sea''
''Like the shore''
''Like the sea''
''Like the shore''
''l will be with you always''
''l will be with you always''
''You wrote a line which was
like poety in the moonlight''
''You wrote a line which was
like poety in the moonlight''
''Waves will become sayings''
''You have touched me with love''
''Waves will become sayings''
''You have touched me with love''
''When my heart was tense''
''Then too you were there''
''When my heart was tense''
''Then too you were there''
''l just moved my finger''
''To feel your love''
''l iust moved my finger''
''To feel your love''
''Like darkness''
''Like the sea''
''Like darkness''
''Like the sea''
''Like the shore''
''l will be with you always''
''Like the shore''
''l will be with you always''
''To see you eveyday''
''To hear something''
''To see you eveyday''
''To hear something''
''l will stay alert''
''l will stay alert''
''Like you waited to see me''
''The way you got wet in the rain''
''Like you waited to see me''
''The way you got wet in the rain''
''l know, l will tell you''
''Music will fill me up''
''l know, l will tell you''
''Music will fill me up''