Any Questions for Ben? (2012)

Hey, Tom, how we doing?
OK, one, two, three.
Who's first up out of the...
Who's coming out?
You are. Perfect.
Listen to the music.
Remember, energy.
There's gonna be snow, smoke.
Some fire - that's bad. Report that.
Own This Club
You were amazing! Go out there.
Vingle. Drink responsibly.
Remember, it's 'low carb',
not 'low carbon'.
- They're loving it!
- Oh, yeah?
- Loving it!
- Great!
The slender bottle,
the whole 'it's so hot it's cool' thing.
- 'So cool it's hot'!
- Yeah!
Grab a drink! They won't be happy
until that's empty.
Good job. Seriously. Great job.
Oh, whoa, whoa. Tom, Tom, Tom.
- Give one to your girlfriend.
- Thanks.
And get a girlfriend!
- We did well.
- Yeah. It went OK.
In two years time,
this brand could be anywhere.
You might be right.
I really feel like
we're building something.
Hey, listen.
I should probably tell you,
I'm... I'm actually leaving.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I just... The time's right. That's all.
What, after six months?
Thanks, Ben,
for six months of loyal service.
Well, seven, actually.
Thank you, thank you.
And now he's off
to casual sportswear.
What? Oh, come on!
Like I said in my reference,
if anyone can take
a clapped-out product
from yesteryear
and sell it to 20-something
metrosexuals, it's this guy.
- Thanks.
- Token of our appreciation.
Oh, I didn't get you anything.
- Katey?
- Well, goodbye.
- Oh... goodbye.
- And happy birthday.
Thank you. How'd
you know it was my birthday?
A little Google alert told me.
How'd you know
I wanted a heart-rate monitor?
- I rang Andy.
- How do you know Andy?
Your mum gave me his number.
Mmm... Uh... Katey, Katey, Katey.
I've, uh...
- I kinda met someone.
- You meet girls all the time.
I think this one's serious.
- Hey.
- Just in case you forgot me.
Oh, please.
As if I could forget you...
- Fleur.
- No, I hadn't finished.
I was just gonna...
- Should we grab a table?
- Yep.
- So, what's hot?
- Have you done Peru?
Gracias. Oh, wow.
This one's
the same as yours,
but with a 10-megapixel camera.
- Do you take a lot of photos?
- No. No. But 10?
- Just arrived today.
- Cool.
Only came out in the US,
like, yesterday.
- OK?
- Thank you.
- She's got a boyfriend.
- Understood.
- Have a good one.
- Thanks.
Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday, Ben.
- Hey! Steph!
I... didn't think you'd be here.
We weren't technically going out,
so I wasn't actually dumped.
- Oh, good.
- I'm still angry.
One sec. Put a pin in that.
I wanna hear the end.
- Hey!
- Mwah!
Happy birthday!
- He is gonna get changed, right?
- Yeah.
I didn't get to train this morning.
I've got this new program.
I wanna stick to
my timing intervals...
- Too long?
- Little bit.
- Darling.
- Just some picture frames.
You just need to
put some little photos in.
Or I could just date her.
You know what Sam
started doing at 27?
Talking about himself
in the third person?
This is the year you need to go
from here to here.
- Legally?
- We need to talk.
- And we will.
- We will talk.
Now, where are we off to?
What about Japan?
We've got to do Japan.
- Snowboarding.
- OK!
Are you planning another holiday?
He just finished up work today!
They owed you
short-service leave or?
Cool place.
OK, guys!
Can I get your attention, please?
- Has everyone got a Red Minsk?
Does it actually come from Russia?
New Zealand.
Cheaper potatoes, apparently.
To Ben!
- Are you serious?
- Proud of myself this morning.
Mate, it's Saturday morning.
We just had a party.
Yeah, I know. I was feeling flat.
But a decent hill climb,
it's amazing how good I feel.
The endorphins are pumping
right through my body.
- It's...
- Hi.
And now I feel flat again.
Don't, mate. Hey, don't do that.
- That's my T-shirt.
- Mate.
Your life.
How do you keep doing that?
- Stop that, alright? I envy you.
- No, you don't.
- I do!
- Really?
- Which bit?
- Which bit?
God, where do I start?
All... the whole... thing.
I mean... what you've got with Em.
You know?
That stuff, mate. It...
And a career. Commercial
litigation lawyer. Come on.
Your triathlons.
Triathlons! That's something!
You know? What am I doing?
Dating models, going to openings,
earning twice as much as me.
I don't think it's twice,
but that's what people think I do.
No, that's what you do, Ben.
I live with you.
That's really what you do.
But that stuff doesn't mean
anything, Nick. Not like...
And Em... You know?
You know... Nick, seriously,
you've got it together, mate.
I mean it, you have got it sorted.
- Really?
- You're a cool guy.
- Thanks, mate.
- Alright.
- I'll get dressed.
- Great.
Um... you?
- I've got plans.
- You do?
- Yeah.
- She's...
- Good luck with that.
- Thank you.
Who's having
the porridge with honey
and biodynamic yoghurt
with a side of...
That's me, thank you.
And omelette
with mushroom ragout...
- Me.
... with a side of sourdough toast
- Me.
... and pork and fennel sausage?
Yeah, me. Thanks.
OK, well, dig in.
Sorry. Just this little audition thing.
No, it sounds exciting. What is it?
Uh... I probably won't get it.
- Acting?
- Presenting.
Well, of course.
I mean, made for it.
- You think?
- Yeah, absolutely.
Fingers crossed.
Which bit did you actually do?
Dad, we basically
changed everything -
- What about the vodka?
- No. That part is the same.
But we came up with those hats.
- So there is a fair bit in it?
- Oh, yeah.
- Honey, proud of this one.
- Happy birthday, darling.
- Oh, thanks, Mum.
- Happy birthday.
Ooh, 27, hey, sweetheart?
You know what I was doing
at your age?
Uh... the lambada?
- Listening to Wham!?
- That's not only funny, that's true.
- Dating a girl with shoulder pads?
- That's enough.
It was my first year
as assistant manager,
first company car.
- And it still looks great.
- Hey, I should've kept it.
Hey, thanks, Mum!
I thought it might be interesting
to read before you go.
Did you know that Hemingway
had written about it?
- No! Wow!
- It's a good read too.
Um... Here's the thing -
we're not actually
doing Kilimanjaro.
Had to delay the trip, but, uh...
Still definitely going,
just... matter of timing...
Don't, Mum. What?
- I'm gonna get those mushrooms.
- We're going, definitely.
If an alcoholic can climb it,
it should be a walk in the park.
Apparently, you do not go
in the rainy season.
That makes sense.
- Yeah.
- We're still doing a trek. Sort of.
- Where?
- Bali.
- Bali, eh?
Doing Uluwatu.
That's me at 27.
Oh-ho-ho! Wow!
Mum did have shoulder pads.
She wore them well.
And Stephanie?
How's Stephanie?
Well, Steph and I are sort of, uh... transition.
- What's that mean?
- I think our son's moved on.
That reminds me.
I've got a new job.
Not too far out of town,
which is nice.
Not a big change. Basically,
doing what I was doing before.
And what is that?
One of the blokes at work
was asking.
I gotta say, I struggled a bit.
- I'm a strategic brand manager.
- I told him that.
But what's the bit
that you actually do?
I strategise brand positioning, try and
put it in the right market slice...
- I'll write it down.
- Could you? And email it to me.
You forgot your presents, sweetheart.
Oh, God! Thanks, Mum.
Amazing! And I'm gonna...
read 'em. Thank you.
- And your mail.
- Nothing much in there.
Something from the old school.
Check it out.
- OK.
- Drive carefully.
'The opportunity to hear from those
with direct experience
in a range of fields... '
you know what this stuff is.
- Let's make a move.
- No, keep going.
- Come on!
- We'll be late.
- I wanna hear you read it.
- Why?
- It sounds great.
- Do we even... have time?
- Oh, alright. If you want.
- Yes.
'The carcers night remains a highlight
of the school calendar... '
Wasn't when I was there.
'... and each year we ask
a number of former students
who have
distinguished themselves... '
Oh, please.
'This year the school's
governing board would like to
officially extend an invitation to
Benjamin Robcrt... blah, blah... '
So it goes.
- Wow, Ben, that's a real honour.
- No.
When they use your middle name,
it's an honour.
Or a summons.
- Hey!
- Beautiful woman.
Ah, big fella.
I was gonna stick it on your head.
- Hey, mate, you want a?
- Yes. Love one.
You guys right? You finish those.
Guess who got invited
to our school's careers night.
Guess who else got invited.
- Who?
- Alex.
Get out of here! Alex?
- She's coming back for it.
- She's coming back?!
- It's been like two years...
- Who?
Alex. Alexandra Hennessy.
You remember Alex. From school.
- She went to uni with us.
- Yes. OK. Yeah, right.
OK, yeah, yeah.
She was, um... She was nice.
- Wow!
- Sorry. Why 'wow'?
What do you mean?
OK, Alex is coming back.
What's with the 'wow'?
I think she's amazing.
- She's a lawyer. You're a lawyer.
- A human rights lawyer.
Oh, hold on. I don't think she actually
works on human rights.
Yeah, she does. She actually
works on human rights.
- And humanitarian assistance.
- With the United Nations.
- Really?
- Yes. Her email is @un. org.
- Wow.
- Not you too.
- Come on.
- It's cool, huh?
Hoy, here he is.
- Andy, Simon.
- Love your work.
Thank you.
Feel like a pensioner.
What do you guys
think of the new look?
- Cool.
- Great.
Sam reckons the refurbishments alone,
half a million bucks.
- Great.
- OK.
Where have your wows gone?
Half a million on the fit-out.
Either 'wow' properly
or don't do it at all.
Hey! Fleur. Everyone, Fleur.
Sorry I'm late, everyone.
Ah... winner.
I'm not afraid to say it.
- Why?
Oh, my God.
No, no, no. You have to choose.
If I had to choose.
- Weather presenting.
- Ooh.
But I'd look at the lotto draw
and wonder about it every time.
- Wow.
- I get it.
- Good question.
- I guess that's it, then.
- I've got another one.
- No, you don't.
- I've got a beauty.
- Great!
If you were on a desert island, and you
could only take one accessory,
would it be handbag or shoes?
So, should we catch up for lunch?
Um... yeah. Yeah.
I'm actually
starting a new job tomorrow.
- Oh. Later in the week.
- Yeah.
- Look, I don't know...
- You know what, surprise me.
I love surprises.
Are You Still Having Fun?
You're gonna be impressed.
This is HQ. Morning, all.
Ben's first day on the job today.
Make him welcome.
- Hi.
- Morning.
Go easy on him too.
Sorry I didn't wear a tie.
No, no, don't be silly.
That's what you're here for.
Careful, I might do the same myself.
This is Lucy,
my executive assistant.
- Hi. Lovely to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
Thank you. It's nice to be here.
Anyway. Somehow manages
to get me through the day.
Yeah, she seems very, very nice.
- She's got a boyfriend.
- Gotcha.
Pretty much all the executive
offices are on this floor.
Here's one. Ben who?
- First day for Ben today, Ken.
- Right.
You remember Ken
from the interview?
Yes. Great to see you again, Ken.
Ken has been handling
our marketing here for yonks.
But make no mistake,
he's as keen as mustard
for some fresh takes,
arcn't you, Ken?
Yep. L"I give 'em a listen.
Well, Ken's busy,
so we'll come back...
We'll continue this later.
Are you familiar
with the brand 'Simpson'?
- The washing machines?
- No. Tennis wear.
Oh. Yes! Oh, of course.
Used to sponsor the Davis Cup.
Newcombe, Roche.
Glory days. Rod Laver.
Look at those pleats.
it's one of our oldest labels,
fallen completely from sight.
Had a very loyal clientele in its days.
- We feel it's time to, you know...
- Yeah, get rid of it.
- No. No. Restore it. Relaunch it.
- Right!
- Get it up and running again.
- Excellent! Good!
Sorry, I was worried
you'd lost faith.
No, no. Actually, we've had an idea for
the relaunch.
We're thinking... women.
Uh-huh. What about them?
We get them to buy Simpson.
You want women to buy...? How?
Well, that's you.
That's why we've got you.
- Oh...
- That's the mission!
# Well, you know
when you've been defeated
# You don't care and you thank no-one
# Feeling low you will always need it
# And are you having fun... #
I think we might need
some time apart.
After two days?
Right. I'm not necessarily
saying a long time apart.
I thought we were clicking.
We were, we are. It's just...
Shit, I don't know.
My head hasn't been straight
at the moment.
I just got a new job...
- Are you a jerk?
- What? No.
Last night she said
you were a bit of a jerk.
- I wasn't.
- You sounded like a jerk.
What is this, tribal council?
I was tired.
- That's no excuse.
- Exactly.
I'm sorry, do you mind?
Thanks very much.
Look, Fleur, I'm sorry.
I really am. I...
Here's the truth -
I just got out of a long relationship
and I guess I still haven't
quite come to terms with it... here.
Such bullshit.
- Absolutely.
- Pure bullshit.
- Thanks, Sam.
- Yeah.
- Busy today.
- Killing it.
- Want another coffee?
- Nah.
I really can't. I gotta knuckle down.
But thanks.
- Cheers, Mick.
- Leave you to it, hey?
Is this for the new job?
No. God, no.
That would've taken a paragraph.
I've gotta give a speech
at the old school tomorrow night.
Oh, yeah.
What are they paying you?
- No, you don't get paid.
- Come on, what are they paying?
- Sam, you don't get paid.
- Tell them to fuck off!
OK, just, shh-shh.
No, it's like, uh... it's an honour
to even be asked.
You know, it's a big thing.
Oh, yeah. No, I get it.
Yeah, an honour. Well done.
What's it about?
Uh... career, success after school.
That sort of thing.
What's the secret to life?
Mmm. Vany.
You know what
I would tell these kids?
Ah, it's... What?
About the essence.
The essence?
It doesn't matter what you do.
'Cause at the end of the day,
the only thing that counts in life,
the only thing
that truly means anything,
is that you win.
You beat the other guy.
You take the challenge head-on
and you crush him.
Can I use that?
- It's yours.
- Great.
And it's the truth.
Hey... g'day, mate!
- Jim.
- Jim! Good to see you.
Great to see you.
I didn't know you were doing it.
I saw your name...
- What an honour.
- Yeah.
- And, hey, congratulations.
- Oh, thanks.
- Olympian.
- In archery.
Still, just to make it there.
Yeah, I suppose, and win a medal.
Yeah... bronze.
I mean, great! Fantastic!
Well done.
What about you? Did you
keep up cricket after school?
- Yeah, a bit. I had to let it go.
- Oh, that's disappointing.
- Not really...
- You were such a good cricketer.
Well... yeah, thanks,
but I did other things.
Oh. That's good.
Yeah, great. OK, mate, well,
I better probably keep going.
But I'll see you afterwards.
- Ben.
- Sir.
- No need to call me 'sir' anymore.
- Can't stop.
- Thank you so much for coming.
- Vy pleasure.
- Full house tonight.
- Really?
Yeah. Big thing now, these nights.
Had to tell the Year 10s
they couldn't come.
- Kept up your cricket?
- No.
Ah, that's disappointing.
Few years back...
Hey, it's nice to see you.
Hi! So nice to see you.
An honoured guest, I see.
- You too.
- I think I got the wild card.
Ooh, I'm so nervous.
Honcstly, I don't know
how I ended up in Africa.
Especially when I think
back to school
and all I wanted to be
was a professional netballer
or a member of the Spice Girls.
In the early days with the UN,
you get rotated quite often.
So this is my third country...
The thing about Northern Africa
is there's this incredible diversity...
...incredibly rich oil economies
through to totally bankrupt nations.
...they're also far less likely to be
caught up in extremism...
...agencies and the NGOs
like the UNHCR, USAID...
Sorry, do I sound like I've just
swallowed a dictionary?
Anyway, we're all trying to help.
I'm sorry, should I...
should I stop or...
No, no, no. Don't.
That child is currently in school
and she drew me
a picture of herself
with the word 'shukran'
which is Arabic for thank you.
So... so, thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you so much.
What a journey.
Some of the Year 11 s are studying
third-world development
and microfinance,
so they'll be doubly...
I can see some nods.
Any questions for Alex?
Wow! We're not going to be able to take
Just five or six. I really
want to move on to Ben. Yes.
Uh, yeah, and so after all the
repackaging and the relaunching,
I suppose the real satisfaction comes
at the end
when you look up
and you see that billboard
and it's there for all to see
and you say to yourself...
I think that's the moment
you say... I've rebranded.
No, maybe even more than that -
I've... I've recreated.
And is this for the vodka or
the socks? The cushion socks?
- No, I mean in general.
- Sorry, in general.
Of... yeah, when you see
the billboard and, or...
...or whatever. Yeah.
I just mean that's
when it feels real for me.
The... Yeah, just when 10,000 people
will drive past it
and... ycah.
Are you finished?
- Sorry, am I.?
- You're finished?
- Yes.
- OK. Well... well done.
- Oh. OK.
- Thank you.
Very, very interesting.
Some people are doing
a marketing module
so that will be right on target.
I don't quite... no, no. Let's
dive straight into questions.
That's the way to drill down things.
Any questions?
OK. Rowan. Yes?
I've got a question for Alex.
No, I meant any... I mean
any questions for Ben.
We'll open up to the panel
in a moment.
I just want to stay with Ben for the
moment. Any questions for Ben?
You spoke too well.
OK, come on, come on,
I know you...
Any questions? Now's the time.
Actually I've got a question
about billboards.
Do they go up in one sheet
or in separate panels?
- Hi.
- Hi.
I... I was thinking maybe
we grab a drink.
I would love to.
OK, great.
Um... are you up for one?
I better not. No, I've got a big meeting
in the morning.
This project
I'm trying to put to bed.
Ah, you're repositioning a brand?
- Uh, yeah.
- Wow!
- So I...
- Can't tempt you for one?
- Look, not tonight. No.
- OK.
Sorry. But you know what, let's catch up
while you're in town.
- Actually I would love that.
- Great.
I'm around these days too.
Yeah, that's good to know, Jim.
Great. Um...
- OK, let's do that.
- Good to see you.
I'll tell Briany.
Anyway, goodbye.
- Don't be down about that.
- Oh, no. I'm fine.
They were absorbing it.
You really had to listen.
They'll be talking about it in
the playground tomorrow.
I got the order wrong. I should have
put you on after archery.
- I mean, Alex spoke so well.
- Yeah.
We're saving the world and then
we're rebranding vodka.
Absolutely fabulous. Sold well?
- Yeah.
- That's the main thing.
You should have mentioned that.
I'll pop it in the newsletter.
- It's fine.
- Wasn't Jim terrific?
# Why drink the water
from my hand?
# Contagious as you think I am
# Don't scream about
Don't think aloud
# Turn your head now baby
Just spit me out
# Don't worry about
Don't speak of doubt
# Turn your head now baby
Just spit me out. #
I'm buzzed.
I'll be honest with you.
When you called it 'barbecue wear',
it put me back on my heels a little.
I didn't mean to be rude. That's how
the young demo might see it.
And we need to hear that.
But then you started talking
about hip heritage, icon brands,
about making connections.
Well, I'm up on my toes.
Ken will be too.
- Great.
- So I say we've got our ideas.
You've got yours. Bring 'em on.
Alright. Well, I can't
get to it right away.
Now... I've got a ton of questions
for ya.
- Jim?
- Yeah.
Jim the Archer?
Did he go to the Olympics?
Yes, I just said that.
Jim won a medal at the Olympics?
- Yeah. He did.
- Wow!
- The wows are back, are they?
- How did he go?
Fine. He's an Olympian.
What does he have to do?
- Good on Jim.
- You don't even know him.
- Sounds like a good guy.
- I guess he's fine.
And you? How did you go?
Uh... yeah. Fine.
- Charmed them, no doubt.
- Uh, yeah.
And what about Alex?
I've been too afraid to ring her.
- Good. She went well.
- Really?
- Kids loved her.
- Really?!
I just said they loved her.
What do you want me to say?
- Oh, thanks, mate.
- Pleasure.
- Hey, Andy.
- Yeah?
- Could I ask you something?
- Yeah, sure.
- Do you ever get the feeling...
- This is a great ad. Watch this.
Uh... you know what,
I'll ask afterwards.
- I don't know...
- This is the bit.
Oh, it's funny!
That was the last
we ever saw of him.
He lives now... only in my memories.
Oh! Loved the way
that movie ends.
It's a great ending, isn't it?
You get this feeling that he's still
searching for something.
- Yeah. Petrol.
- I mean, spiritually.
- He's after a sense of meaning.
- No, petrol and food for his dog.
Andy, we're done.
Should we go to the bar?
Yeah, right.
Em, you don't have
Alex's number, do you?
Yeah, sure.
We were meant to get together.
It might be nice to catch up.
Oh, she's gone.
She went to Canberra this morning,
then she's flying out.
Oh. Bummer. OK.
I've got her email address
if you want.
- Yeah, that would be great.
- She'd love to hear from you.
- Well...
- I'll send it to you.
- Excellent.
- Doing it now.
# It's the time of the season
# When love runs high
# And this time, give it to me easy
# And let me try
with pleasured hands
# To take you in the sun
to promised lands
# To show you everyone
# It's the time of the season
for loving. #
- Oh, my God!
- Behold.
- You had a big TV.
- Not this big.
Bring on summer sports.
Are you gonna make it later?
Yeah. What morons have a work Christmas
party on Christmas Eve?
Just don't show.
I'll make an appearance
and sneak out the back.
Oh, the spirit of Christmas.
Have you considered the possibility
you might enjoy it?
Everyone say, 'Smart casual! '
Smart casual!
This is killing me!
Now... got a little surprise for you.
- I know what you're all thinking.
- I doubt that.
This is not the venue
for tonight's party.
The venue is actually
right behind you.
Not a boat, not a boat,
not a boat... Shit.
That's right, folks. That barbecue boat
is ours for the next four hours.
Oh, fuck!
It's gonna be great fun. Let's go.
Cheers, all.
How's everyone down here?
Oh, OK.
Been looking all over for you.
Now you've found me.
Oh, she's a beautiful old city,
isn't she?
Yeah, she is.
- Quite the dame.
- Yep.
Ken's firmed up his ideas.
- Brand ambassadors.
- Oh, yeah?
Spoken with a few player agents.
The thing with agents...
They're mentioning big names.
- They're talking Venus Williams.
- They'll do that.
I'd be happy with Serena.
Listen, you've gotta be careful
with these promises.
What are we doing?
We're talking shop. Guilty.
- OK.
- Christmas Eve. Soak it up.
Look, it's me! Let's have
a photo with Santa.
What has been going on
below decks?
Alright, listen up, everybody.
You're probably wondering
why we've pulled in here.
- Somali pirates?
- What's that, Ben?
I'm just wondering.
Well, you might. Time
for surprise number two.
Oh, this isn't good.
Over that hill
is the Sidney Vyer Music Bowl.
- Uh-oh.
- Home to Carols by Candlelight.
Please, no.
Where wc as a sponsor have a reserved
row for the entire concert!
- You with me?
- Yeah!
This way, my friends.
Merry Christmas, everybody.
If you could see what I can see
from where I am,
what a sight!
Umpire Aleem Dar
says over.
This really is a wonderful atmosphere...
Just realised we haven't
checked the box.
Junk, junk...
Looks like a letter for you.
Do we need a handyman?
Uh... no, no.
Another Thai restaurant.
# So tell me family now
what do you think?
# Watch it all go down
the great big sink
# Watch how the scum
it rises to the top
# Don't you wonder
when it's all gonna stop?
# Sometimes I wonder
how we do sleep
# Serving the dodgy companies
we keep
# All kicking and scrounging
for the very first place... #
- Smells good.
- Hey, Benny boy.
It's 'cause it is good.
Hey, what are you doing here?
Nothing. I was up, I thought
I'd get an early start.
- What's up?
- Nothing. I felt like a coffee.
- Come on.
- Come on, Sam, I'm fine.
Benny, I know that look.
What's up?
So... it's that bloody school thing
I had to talk at.
Did you tell them what I told you?
About crushing your opposition?
Uh, sort of. Not really.
There were five of us, right.
We each did our thing
and at the end of the Q&A part,
I didn't get asked
a single question.
Not one? Not one?
And it wasn't even
just the questions there.
As I was describing what I did,
I don't know, I guess
it sounded kinda... flaky.
Flaky? Did you tell them
what you get paid?
The highest paid 27-year-old
in town.
Shove that down
your pimply fuckin' faces.
Not really appropriate.
You know what it is? Envy.
You've got the best life
of anyone I know.
- It's not that good.
- It's the best.
It's OK.
I should have charged.
Don't get fooled by do-gooders.
Every kid there would take
what you've got in a flash.
Now I look like a commercial
litigation lawyer.
You are a commcrcial litigation lawyer.
- My point, Andy.
- Don't worry about it.
At Bergine, we see a natural link
between international tennis
and the wristwatch.
Can a watch have an ambassador?
Katerina Sinova.
My God!
I would like to take this opportunity
to thank you all for your support.
Icon brands.
We're talking global feel.
Right, but you don't say
any of that. Leave that to me.
And it's just for
Australasia or its limited territory.
Right... do I say that?
I'll take care of all of that. Just
play the mogul, turn on the charm.
We're certainly looking forward
to seeing your daughter out on court.
We'll all be cheering her on.
- You're not going to?
- No.
- I think he gets the idea.
- Sure.
Of course, the Americans would say
we'd be rootin' for her.
OK, we might... we've been
vcry selfish with your time.
Thank you for your time.
- Absolute delight.
- Enjoy the evening.
- All the best for the tournament.
- Can't wait to see you in action.
Good luck with the tournament.
- All the best to you all. Thank you.
- Thanks. See you.
Oh, man!
That Russian sense of humour!
- What did she have to say?
- Not much.
Just touched on sponsorships,
stuff like that.
- Oh... my... God.
- What?
She's coming.
- Shit, is her dad with her?
- No.
She's coming. She's here.
- Ahem.
- That was great.
- Hello again.
- Hi.
- Hi, I'm Katerina.
- Yes, you are.
- This is Nick.
- I am.
- This is Andy.
- Hi, Andy. Katerina.
Sorry, I was getting a little tired
talking to agents.
Oh, who could blame you?
I was thinking of maybe
getting out of here.
- Sure.
- Vaybe go have a drink?
Sounds good to me.
- And your friends?
- They're fine.
- Oh, no...
- No, we're fine.
- Are we?
- We're good.
Just you and I, then.
Terrific. Well, where shall we go?
Wow! This place is incredible.
Another family lives here?
Just me.
If we split up, we should meet back
here. Should we order food?
No, I don't think so.
Drink, perhaps?
I'm already a little tipsy.
Technically what base
am I on at the moment?
You have had sex before?
No, I have a couple of times.
Never with a top-ten tennis player.
Well, who believes
those WTA rankings?
Shall we take this to the bedroom?
- No?
- No.
Yeah. This probably
folds out anyway.
Loosen up. You seem nervous.
- You are funny.
- Thanks very much.
- Um...
- It's beautiful.
- Yes, it is very pretty. Katerina?
- Yeah?
Should we maybe
close the curtains?
You don't like looking at my body?
Yes, I do. Just not on YouTube.
Yeah... see, I don't think
we've solved it, have we? Oh!
Hi, you wanted to see me?
- Well done last night.
- Thanks. You too.
Thank you. I just got off
the phone from IMG.
They reckon Katerina
might be up for it.
Uh, yeah, I think she might be.
Fingers crossed.
And if my radar's anything to go by,
I thought I got a certain vibe
from our little Russian Miss.
- No.
- I thought she had eyes for you.
- No!
- I'm just saying.
For me? No! I'm outta here.
Only saying what I saw.
Vark my words.
- Seriously, I have to leave you to it.
- Sure, sure.
Plenty to get on with.
Ha, ha. Good fun.
- Hey.
- Don't ask how I know.
Oh, God.
I once dated a weather presenter.
It was a wonderful experience.
But one of the hottest female
tennis players in the world!
That is more than an experience,
my friend, that is an achievement!
Yeah, well.
OK, what's going on?
- Nothing's going on.
- Something's up. Come on.
- I don't know.
- Benny.
Really, I don't know.
It's just like... lately, even when
good things happen, I feel...
I don't know, I feel weird, that's all.
It's nothing.
Sam, I can't even get to sleep.
Why would you want to sleep?
I'd be taking No-Doz.
Benny, let's discuss this
somewhere else.
- Really? Nah, I'm fine.
- Come on.
Sam, Sam, Sam...
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Whoa! Whoa, alright.
Let me get this straight. You
think I should buy a Ferrari?
No, of course not.
I'm talking 'metaphorically'.
A Porsche, a Vaserati,
borrow mine.
The point is, enjoy yourself,
indulge yourself.
Ben, you're currently dating one
of the world's top tennis players.
No, no, no. We're not dating.
Even better. Jackpot.
Soak it up, my friend.
Celebrate it.
OK. Alright.
Red light! Red light! Red light!
It's good for ya!
If I had the hiccups!
Wow! Cool car!
What does Samz
mean in English?
Uh... nickname.
Just an old nickname -
Samz, Samzy.
Alright, let's go. Uh...
Are you going to press the button?
Huh? Yeah, I was.
I was just making sure
the race mode was off. Yeah.
Uh, right. Better be going.
Fuck me.
Sorry. It does that.
Oh, my God!
Sorry, I'm sorry. It's my bad.
# Working your fingers to the bone
# Driving you mad
and he shoulda known
# Wrap it baby
I'm taking you home
# Get off your throne
I want you alone
# Take just a little bit of time
# Just to make you feel alright
# Just enough to ease the party
Hit the lights
# You've got pressure
dripping off your shoulders
# Let me be the one to relieve it
# Let's get unprofessional
# Don't you know
it's gonna feel much better with
# Just a little bit
Just a little bit... #
Did I pick it?
- Did I pick it?
- Yes, you certainly did.
Wow, above and beyond
the call of duty, eh?
We just caught up over a drink.
- Talk about making a connection.
- Just doing brand management, boss.
- Bit of repositioning.
- Sorry, I really have to...
- Sure.
- OK.
Anyway, I think we're this close
to seeing Katerina Sinova
in a Simpson top.
- Terrific.
- Or out of one.
- Good fun.
- Great fun.
outside courts,
to Rod Lavor Arena now,
and Alicia Molik, the former
world number eight
takes on Katerina Sinova,
currently number 16 in the world.
They walk down the tunnel,
past the former champions here.
There's Katerina,
the young Russian...
Ready for play.
First set.
...challenging the ball on the right far
sideline. The ball was called out.
It's out.
- Let's just watch ourselves.
- What?
- I'm just saying relax.
- You're telling me to relax?
Well, tone it down.
If I find out that you were with her
last night before the game,
I will kill you, you hear me?
Yes, I think we can all hear you.
- Did you have sex with her?
- What?
- You make sexy?
- Can we talk about this later?
- You have sex with Katerina?
- No, I did not.
Quiet, please.
If you hadn't fucked
our chances...
Hang on, I was dragged in
on your idea.
I didn't ask you to be dragged in.
Hang on! Let's work
together on this.
Ken, it's a hiccup.
The brand ambassador concept
is not dead.
Can I say something here?
- This will be good.
- Ken. Please.
Go ahead.
No 20-year-old is going
to buy a shirt
because some sports star
pretends to wear it.
That's old school.
Kids will buy this stuff if they think
it's been rediscovered, reinvented.
That something authentic
is going on.
You persist with these
B- grade endorsements
and we'll end up looking
lame and dated and tragic.
Hey! Here she is.
Hi. Bad luck.
Let me just pop that in the old...
Yeah, water's topped up. Great.
- Where do you wanna go?
- Dubai.
Come again?
I have to get the serve sorted out
before the next tournament.
- OK...
- Katerina!
So he got bail. That's good. Terrific.
Sorry about the shirt thing.
Vy agent...
It's fine, it's really fine.
- You're cool, yeah?
- What? Yeah.
Of course I'm cool.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
- You're sure?
- I'm sure that I'm cool.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- What happened with Katerina?
- She's gone.
Had to get to the next tournament.
Ah, bummer. And?
Nah. She wants to hook up
again whenever.
Great! It's perfect.
Dude, I'll see you next time.
Yeah, OK.
Ah... I don't know, man.
It's not just that...
Hey, have you got a second?
Yeah, shoot.
Mind if we turn the TV off?
- Off or down?
- Off.
What's up?
I don't know. It's...
It's like I've been feeling
a bit weird lately.
- A bit unbalanced.
- Really?
Yeah, yeah. More like... you know,
my head's been spinning.
- Is this an inner ear thing?
- No, no. Just a general feeling.
Yeah. I don't know, like disorientated,
if that makes sense.
- Sounds inner ear to me.
- It's not.
Remember we went diving
and that guy came up too fast?
- Do you hear ringing?
- No, I don't.
Hey, we should go diving again.
Once you get your ear checked.
Holy moly!
- G'day, Ben.
- G'day, Brian.
- Is this hers?
- No.
No, I had to... It's a long story.
- Vate, I've got time.
- What's happened?
Hey, Dad, can we have a chat?
- Sure, fire away.
- This will be good.
Vaybe somewhere
a little more private?
Thanks, Dad.
We are selling a few of these.
You've got the ensuite,
shower, toilet, LCD...
Dad. Can we sit down?
- Height's adjustable.
- Nah, it's fine.
- Little water?
- Dad.
- Light?
- What? Dad, no, can we just...
Dad, over the years,
have you ever questioned
what you're doing with your life?
I sell caravans for a living,
what do you think?
Yeah... you know, at times, I have.
Well, there's a lot of 'grass is
greener' and that sort of stuff.
You're gonna face the same problems
no matter what you do.
At the end of the day I think you're
better off just doing your thing.
OK, but how do you know
what's the right thing?
I don't know how you know that, no.
Do you?
No, why?
Dad, that's why I'm asking you.
Oh, right. Yeah. No, yeah.
It's why I'm here.
- Spoken to your mother?
- No.
Probably wise. She gets a little
technical over this stuff.
You don't think I'm going
through a midlife crisis?
At 27?
I don't know, a quarter-life crisis,
Do you think that's possible?
Wow. Gosh, I wouldn't have thought so.
I'll ask around.
Actually, Brian will know.
He went through a rough trot.
- I'll get him in.
- No, Dad.
- Plenty of room. Sleeps six.
- Dad!
...these Full Moon parties...
- Hey! Welcome back.
- Hey!
Hey, how're you going?
We've got to do Koh Samui.
Let me get out of the monkey suit.
Actually, just before you go,
we've actually got some news.
Really? Do tell.
Well, you'll never guess
what we brought back.
A carving.
One of those huge carvings.
An Asian bench
with little cupboards.
- It's not a guessing game.
- You said you'll never guess.
- Shh.
- Come on, sweetheart.
Well, we brought back,
not a bench...
We brought back a ring.
- What for?
- We're getting married.
To each other?
No. Nick met someone overseas
and I met a guy...
- Yes, to each other!
- Oh, my God!
- Oh, you should have said!
- We were trying to tell you.
That's brilliant.
Hey, hey, how did you ask?
How did you ask?
- Oh, my gosh!
- Well...
Sunset, walking on the beach,
and there was this outrigger canoe,
just waiting there.
- And so...
- So...
- Nick.
- Ben!
Listen, mate,
don't take this the wrong way,
and I'm only asking as a friend, OK?
- OK.
- Are you rushing into this?
- No.
- But you're not even 30.
- I'll be 28.
- Yeah.
It's not unusual to get married
at 28.
I know that. I don't know.
Look at you - you're fit,
you're doing great.
I'm not becoming a priest, Ben.
I know. I guess
I'm just worried that...
You know, next thing you know
it's kids, and then it's school
and then your whole life's
behind you.
- I know that.
- Exactly.
So what are we disagreeing about?
- What are you guys doing?
- Nothing. Just talking to Nick.
Oh... why are we whispering?
Didn't want to wake you up.
- Thank you.
- It's OK.
Nick, what about all the crazy stuff
we were gonna do?
You know, the adventures,
the Kilimanjaro.
I don't know if that's me anymore.
- Of course it is.
- No, I mean...
This actually feels
like my adventure.
But the three amigos, you know,
the fame and fortune...
Yeah, but I feel like maybe
I found my fortune, you know.
Thank God. Brilliant.
That's all I was checking on.
# I swear I've drunk enough
for both of us tonight
# But I'll buy another round
before it's closing time
# 'Cause I know, oh oh
# Baby, I'm getting better
# And you know, oh oh
# Maybe I'm feeling better
# And if I leave this shitty pub
without a trace
# My brand of cigarettes
will lead you to my place
# So who know, oh ohs
# Maybe I'm feeling better
# And you know, oh oh
# Baby, I'm getting better
# And I feel alive with you. #
So Em's been running around town
like a headless chook
getting everything ready for Alex.
What do you mean, what?
- Alex is coming back?
- Yeah.
I thought you'd be rapt
she's coming back.
Huh? Oh, I am. Of course I am.
I just... I had meant to touch base.
And now she's coming back,
I'm kinda kicking myself.
I'm sure she's cool. She wouldn't be
coming tonight if she wasn't.
Yeah. What?
- She's coming to Sam's opening.
- Tonight?
And that's for ladies
and... that way for the gents.
- Yeah, it's well done.
I don't know what all this shit means,
I know what it cost.
Anyway, that's the toilets.
- Welcome to Lumina.
- It's brilliant, Sam.
The lighting alone - 380K.
They're not even lights.
They're installations.
They're really beautiful, Sam.
Thank you, and you know
what my brief was? Glamour.
Every girl that walks in here
must look more beautiful
than in any other place in town.
From what I can see,
mission accomplished.
- Oh, please.
- No, I'm serious.
- No.
- I'm deadset fucking serious.
That's lovely. Oh, hey!
How're you going?
Sam, this is a friend of mine, Alex.
- Alex.
- Nice to meet you.
This is Sam's new place.
Very sorry, Alex, but Miss Universe
tryouts are tomorrow night.
- Hi, Jim.
- Hi, Alex.
- Alex is based in Yemen.
- Where?
- It's off Northern Africa.
- Africa?
- Not actually in Africa...
- Have you done a safari?
You must. Two years ago,
I took Tanya to Africa.
We saw the big seven -
lions, hippos, whatever,
on the first morning.
- Job done, day one.
You'd love it. You could shoot
your arrows at them.
- I'm more of a target...
- I'll get you the name of the lodge.
Chris, these beautiful people
are Benny's friends.
Anything for this crowd.
I love this man.
- Enjoy.
- Thanks for that.
- Well.
- So, what are we drinking?
One of everything.
# You were wearin'
that pretty white dress
# You wore it with your pretty smile
# I was trying to do my best
# To see you smile
your pretty smile at me
# You were dancing,
enjoying yourself... #
- Hey.
- Hi.
Ahem, may I?
Honestly, not my doing.
Just Sam showing off.
- Go Sam.
- Thank you.
Hey, I'm so sorry, Alex. I had
no idea you were even back.
Oh, it was a last-minute trip.
- I was going to email you.
- It's fine.
Thank you for the card
and the photo.
- Don't mention it.
- It's on my bookshelf.
I really appreciate it.
You're welcome.
- Hey, cheers.
- Cheers.
So, what have you been up to?
- Um, family, friends...
- Canberra.
- Canberra?
- Half an hour with the PM.
- Wow!
- And you weren't contacted?
- No, strangely.
- An oversight.
Yeah. Don't know what happened there.
And you? What have you been up to?
Same old, really.
Em tells me you have this huge launch
coming up.
That you're in charge
of the whole thing...
There wasn't much competition.
She says it's amazing.
Did she? Well, yeah, it's looking good,
so I'm hopeful.
Hey, look, what are you doing
next week?
Do you wanna get together or?
I leave tomorrow night.
Oh. God, I'm sorry.
- No, no, it's alright.
- Shit, I'm so sorry, Alex.
Next time.
What about tomorrow
before you go?
Honestly we don't
have to catch up.
- I want to.
- Really fine.
Are you busy?
Have you got plans?
Em and I are gonna have lunch.
I'm busy. My mum called and... I can't.
Come on, do you want to, I don't know,
have lunch or something?
Well, I guess I could pack
first thing in the morning.
- Yeah, of course you can. OK.
- Great.
- Well, done.
- Done.
Done. Cheers.
Cheers again. Double cheers.
# Whoa whoa whoa
# There she stood in the street
# Smiling from her head to her feet
# I said, hey, what is this
# Now baby, maybe, maybe
she's in need of a kiss
# I said, hey, what's your name? #
God, that's a big frame.
Look at the size of that thing.
It's a great gift idea.
Holy crap, here's another one.
Why don't they mention this in the book?
It's a real feature.
Uh... you want to see an exhibition
or something? I don't know...
Do you want to?
Do I? No! God, no. I was just trying
to sound intellectual.
If you end up thinking better of me
then I'll suffer through the...
...Dutch Masters...
Why don't we just go
for a walk or something?
- Yeah.
- See old sights, just wander.
OK, let's do that.
- So?
- This way.
# Every time
# I close my eyes
# It's you
# And I know now... #
Why is it every time you walk
with someone from overseas,
you end up at
Captain Cook's Cottage?
Did you want to go in?
No. It was brought over
brick by brick from England.
- I do.
- Great. We can keep going.
Great place, though.
Location, location, location.
And right next door to a kiosk.
That's convenient.
# There's a place I go
when I'm alone
# Do anything I want
# Be anyone I wanna be
# But it is us I see
# And I cannot believe I'm falling
# That's where I'm going
# Where are you going? #
- Feel like I'm stepping back in time.
- I know.
Oh, man. So many exams.
It's funny, the guy who sat right there
used to cheat off me.
I used to fail on purpose
to teach him a lesson.
You OK?
Feel weird for some reason.
It's being here.
I don't know.
Dropping out, maybe.
You guys stuck at it.
God, we envied you.
What, no!
Yeah, getting a cool job, money.
We were here just plodding away.
Right, and now you're in Yemen.
So, that's pretty cool.
Yeah, well, you know... I'm not crazy
about the place, to be honest.
God, you can stay focused,
can't you?
- You can do that.
- How? I'm not like you.
I don't know.
I mean, even here,
you were always able to just...
Amazing to me.
I never thought you noticed me.
What? Yeah. Yeah, of course I did.
That's nice.
Tak... tukka?
Come on, that's making stuff up.
- Do you want me to order?
- Yes, would you? Thank you.
Hi, can we have
some of the muhammara,
labneh and bessara to start, to share?
Wow. OK.
You speak Arabic?
Not well.
Not well?! You just ordered dips.
I saw you.
- We'll see what we get.
- How did you do that?
I've been there nearly five years.
Yeah, but I did seven years of French
and I can't get a doughnut.
- You're fluent in Arabic.
- Sort of.
- That is on my to-do list.
- Really?
- Yes.
- Learning Arabic?
Absolutely. Well, that and the ukulele.
Sorry, I can't wait to have the...
I will get it. Vahamanmana.
- Manamana.
- I think that's a song.
It is a song.
I think it's the Saudi Arabian
national anthem.
- What was it? Shukr?
- Shukran.
# I got so lost in the moment
# I nearly told you all about how I
- How is it?
- It's good.
I think my bessara has
too much mahamanama.
You know you can surf in Yemen.
- I didn't know that.
- Really, you can.
Once you've solved that whole pesky
humanitarian crisis thing,
you should check that out.
I'll do that.
I'd love to visit Yemen.
What? I would.
Alex, I really would.
Marhabba. Have I got that right?
- Close enough.
- You don't have to humour me.
- I can understand you.
- Thank you. Shukran very much.
- Terrible.
- No.
What now? Did you want
to grab a gelato or...
Yeah, or we could do that.
I'm not married to the gelati.
- I'm so sorry.
- For what?
Because I actually have to go.
- I think we got the order wrong.
- No, no. It's not...
What.? Hang on,
I can drive you to the airport.
No, that's a bad idea.
But thank you for the day, though.
I really... It was lovely.
I'll stay in touch this time.
- OK.
- OK.
You know what,
I'm going to come to Yemen.
- You don't have to say that.
- I'm going to. I'll fit in.
I've already got marhabba
and shukran down.
Yemen is not the sort of place
that you just fit...
I just think it's the perfect thing
for me to do right now. I really do.
I... I do have to go.
Wait a couple of months.
I'm serious, Alex. Count 'em down.
And it was the wrong season.
- 46 every day.
- That's hot. Are they serious?
Did I tell you there was a travel alert?
- Yeah, you did.
- Yeah? There you go.
I think in three months' time,
Yemen will be perfect.
They're predicting 25 every day.
Much more bearable.
How did Alex take it?
She... Yeah, I'll give her a buzz.
Just want to sort out the time zones.
- Yeah, time zones.
- She wasn't even expecting me.
She was like, 'Honestly, don't come.
Ben, dude, no. ' Her words.
She'll be stoked you tried.
I wouldn't worry about it.
# I got to get away, man
# Got to clear my mind, mind, mind
# Out of this mundane
# Godforsaken nine to five
waste of my time
# I'm gonna tell the boss, man
# I'm never coming back, back, back... #
Ah, God, I was this close.
You got the injections.
No, no. I'm definitely going.
Just a timing issue.
I mean, to be honest I'd love to go
when I've learned some Arabic.
- In order to go to Yemen.
- Oh, yeah.
Just some conversational Arabic.
- I'd love to learn Arabic.
- Really?
- You want to?
- We should learn together.
Yes. Alright, this is good.
As soon as we get home,
I'll do some organising.
- Actually...
- Here they are.
- Hey!
- Hello!
# I don't know why
we've never been told
# That the life we're living
it is made from gold
# Work our whole damn lives
just to make it, it's sold
# So boy don't worry
don't worry, don't worry... #
Yes, Bcnny boy!
- Here you go.
- Cheers, mate.
Look at that.
- Oh, that's brilliant.
- I'll send it to you.
Our lives are pretty great,
aren't they?
I mean, we just... we overthink things
Not me.
Yeah, well... well, me neither.
Oh, and hey, thanks.
Last couple of days, you probably
noticed I haven't really been...
I don't know, my head's
sort of been a little... foggy and...
- Hey, what a trip, huh?
- Yes!
Ah! Yeah.
Hey, look at you!
- Come here.
- Oh, you look great.
- Good to see you, mate.
- Good to see you.
- Wow!
- I know. We're renting.
- Still. Hey!
- Hey!
Uh... please don't open it now.
You'll only pretend to like it.
Thank you, sir.
Oh, God, this place is fantastic.
The only thing missing
is a large concrete ring or...
- That is... art?
- It is art.
- How's Andy?
- He's good.
And how was Queenstown?
Oh, my God, epic. Fantastic.
These sorts of views, but with snow
and more New Zealanders.
- Wine? You guys want some?
- Yes, please.
- Oh, my God. That is nice.
- Yeah.
- Spectacular.
- I know.
Hey, how did you...
Did you get on to Alex?
No, the Skype thing
didn't really work out.
It's actually kind of embarrassing.
There was this problem
with the program... Long story.
But have you written?
Um... no.
I was going to send a postcard.
Then I sort of went, hold on a second,
who sends postcards?
Email? Did you email?
Did I... um, no. I...
No wonder.
Definitely going to.
I just had to find the right time.
- I'm kicking myself...
- You fucking idiot.
I'm sorry?
Do you ever follow through?
- Hey, chill, Em.
- Oh, I'm chilled.
Cabernet or pinot?
- Both, actually.
- I give up with you.
- Hold on.
- No, I give up.
- Excuse me while I live my life.
Live it exactly the way you want
'cause I'm out.
OK, here we go. That's for you
and I'll just grab the pinot...
No, no. Stay, stay. We were
just talking about the view.
- It's a cracker, eh?
- You can see to the clock tower.
- You alright?
- Yeah, sorry, I'm just...
- Couldn't come fast enough.
- Good drop.
- You can really taste '03.
- Yeah!
That logo has come up well.
This is Summer.
Some adjustments still to be made.
I think that's terrific.
Mock-ups from the agency.
Not entirely happy with them.
But we're close.
And here, some retro bags.
Always my favourite things.
So nice to see them back again.
It's confident, it's authentic.
A few adjustments,
small adjustments to be made.
Well done, mate.
It's really come together.
Thanks, Ken.
- It has.
- Thanks, Malcolm.
- Just a second.
- OK.
- If you were to stay...
- Malcolm.
I'm seeing New Zealand, Asia.
With you on the team, and Ken...
I'm not sure how much longer...
Have you been to Auckland?
I don't want to leave you in the lurch.
You haven't made a firm decision?
Fine, let's not talk about it now.
Just enjoy this.
- OK.
- Plenty of time.
I've booked the boat again,
did I tell you?
# Come on
# Get your silk suits on,
get your silk suits on
# Ain't nobody else
that's got it goin' on
# Get your silk suits on
get your silk suits on
# I love it baby when
you got your silk suits on... #
- Hey.
- Hey, how are ya?
Good, good. Em?
Ben. We're good.
- OK, good. You look beautiful.
- So do you. Nice suit.
- This is...
- Thank you very much.
Is that Andy's new girlfriend?
Yeah, that's Cohali.
Swimsuit model, apparently.
She's come straight from work.
- Shall we check out the races?
- They got races here?
That would explain the smell of horses.
Hello, Ben. Nick. Emily.
- John!
- Jim.
Jim, Jim. Sorry. Good to see you.
- Have you had a flutter?
- No, I'm pre-flutter.
And have the bookies taken advantage
of you yet, Emily?
Not yet. I was going to go
and place a bet on now.
Allow me to escort you.
I was just about to do the same.
I have a tip on a filly.
What's the Archer doing here?
I don't know. I think Em had
some spare tickets or something.
He's been keeping in touch
after that school thing.
He's been around for lunch, actually.
Pretty nice guy.
Huh? Oh, Alex is here.
Yeah, it's great, isn't it?
I didn't know she was going to be here.
It's a last-minute thing.
- I didn't know she was in town.
- They came early for the wedding.
- What wedding?
- Our wedding.
- Right, of course. Sorry.
- It's alright.
- Brain freeze.
- That's cool.
She and her boyfriend
are spending a couple of weeks
holidaying on the reef.
He's a... diver.
Ben, I thought that you guys...
I've been an idiot.
Um, that kind of makes it tricky now,
How bad is it?
Works for Mdecins Sans Frontires,
speaks fivc languages.
- No.
- No.
He's quite thoughtful, apparently.
Great. Excellent.
God, this is about to get worse.
Get this, Alex's boyfriend bobsledded
for Denmark.
That's something we gotta do.
Let's get a drink.
- Hey!
- Thanks.
That's how we've decided it.
Beautiful choice.
Excuse me.
Uh, hey.
Hi! How are you?
Good, I'm really good.
It's so nice to see you.
- It's nice to see you.
- Yeah.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
Straight off the bat,
I'm just gonna say it.
- I'm sorry I didn't...
- Don't even mention it.
- I really looked into it.
- I never thought it would happen.
- I almost made it happen.
- It was nice of you to try.
My folks won't even come. So...
Uh, so how are you?
You look... you look amazing, Alex.
You really do.
- Thank you.
- I see you have a new addition.
Yes, yes. Nils.
I was coming out for the wedding
and he had holidays
so he said he'd come.
He actually followed through.
Not like he's coming
to a terrorist haven.
You don't need yellow fever injections
to come to Melbourne.
- I did get them. Small point.
- Brave of you.
- Anyway, you were saying?
- What's happening with you?
- Nothing. Same old.
- Her name's Kelly.
- OK.
- Not going out or anything.
- Is she here today?
- Yes. Vight be hard to find her.
- There she is. Kelly.
- Oh...
Look at her.
Anyway, met at a launch
couple of weeks back.
- Like I said, pretty casual.
- I'm happy for you.
Thank you. Same.
Oh, Ben, this is Nils.
Director of Emergency Medical Aid,
North Africa.
- Pleased to meet you.
- And this is Kelly.
- Face of harness racing.
- That's where I know you from.
The billboard on the way
to the airport. It's you!
So they wanted me to pose riding
a horse, but it was too dangerous.
So I said, get a shot holding a saddle.
And they said, 'This is harness racing,
we don't have saddles. '
- I was so embarrassed.
- Should we...
But it didn't matter
because the shots were great.
At first it was meant
for 'in-house' publicity
but apparently they liked it so much
that I ended up on the front cover
of the magazine.
That's awesome!
God, I'm going on about myself again.
No, no. Just a little bit. But...
Not at all. Please, continue.
No, what about you, Nils?
What do you get up to in Denmark?
- I'm more into alpine sports.
- Oh, you ski?
A little.
- You're being humble, come on.
- I've been fortunate.
You bobsledded at the Olympics,
just say it. It's a great achievement.
You're like the only guy here
who hasn't been to the Olympics.
That is so funny.
He was a very good cricketer.
Kelly, can I get you
with your boyfriend?
- Is that your boyfriend?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- That's fine. Is this the Olympian?
- They both are.
OK, let's just get you four.
That's good.
If you do what he...
just something similar.
OK, would you like to turn around?
That's good. Just... yeah.
Good. Ah, here we go.
That's OK, that's fine.
- Sorry, no, it's just the...
- Perfect, thank you.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
I'd just like to say, thank you
for making me feel so welcome.
I look forward to come back
many times.
You can stay with us!
- Should we just kick on?
We could show Nils
some of the bars.
I might actually pull the pin.
- Yeah, yeah.
No, I'm sort of a bit beat
from the week.
Come on, you'll be fine.
Come on, Ben, I'm up for fun.
No, you go. Go, honestly. Seriously, go.
If I get a second wind,
I'll meet up with you.
- Alright, alright.
- But honestly, enjoy.
- Go on, really.
- OK.
Hey, how long are you in town till?
Till Wednesday and then
we come back for the wedding.
Perfect. That's awesome.
I'll be in touch.
- Sure you won't come?
- Oh, no. It's been a crazy week.
- Come on.
- No, really.
- You just...
- I said no, Nils, sorry.
I'm just so tired. About to crash.
OK. Enjoy, have fun.
- Nice to meet you.
- Thank you. You too...
- Hey.
- Sorry, I tried to be quiet.
Don't know what woke me up.
- How did you end up?
- Good.
- Good.
- Cohali had to head home.
Fair enough. And Nils?
Keep playing Mr Cool all night, did he?
No, he didn't.
I just meant with the whole,
'I only went to one Olympics' thing.
- He never said he went.
- He didn't deny it, did he?
- Why would he...
- They make a good couple?
- Yeah.
- Yeah? Good pairing?
Yeah, fantastic. Made for each other.
Great. That's great.
Actually, Andy, can I ask you something?
Remember that Hemingway book
my mum got me,
The Snows Of Kilimanjaro?
- Yeah.
- Do you know what it's about?
No, it's set in Africa.
That's something we gotta do.
Running with the bulls.
Sure, we will.
It's... it's about this guy,
Harry Street, who - not a bullfighter -
who's dying basically and
that forces him to look back at his life
and how he lived it.
He slowly realises that all the money
and the women and stuff,
that he hasn't actually accomplished
I reckon read the bull one.
No. You know what, I'm just gonna come
right out and say it.
Shoot, man.
I keep thinking that I'm not doing
anything meaningful with my life.
I can't shake it.
It's like this year, life's been great,
it's brilliant
and I'm ticking all the boxes.
And then... then it... it hits me -
this feeling that I'm doing everything
but achieving nothing.
And I think I'm scared
that down the track I won't...
# Today, I left my house
and I started walking
# Barefooted out to the water
# Vy eyes won't sleep
# And I walked out to the bridge
# Where I once had met you
# I could feel your footsteps
# Under my feet. #
So you can text.
- Thanks for coming.
- It's OK.
You know, it was brought out here
brick by brick...
What, Ben?
Whatever hasn't...
Whatever didn't ha...
It's my fault.
I just wantcd to say sorry.
It's OK.
Thank you.
Don't know why I didn't stay in touch.
It's so stupid 'cause I wanted to.
I should've. I could've.
- It's fine.
- It's not fine.
It's... it's really fine, Ben.
'Cause that day we had together,
it was a great day for me.
It meant something, and...
I don't think I've ever spoken to anyone
for six hours before.
- Ben.
- I think about you a lot, Alex.
- Ben...
- No, that's it.
That's it, it's all I wanted to say.
What am I supposed to do now?
I'm sorry, I wanted to see you and say,
and just look at you
and say I'm sorry.
So, I'm sorry. And I'm done. Yep.
I'm done.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- What's up?
- Um...
You've got a visitor.
I'll just go on the balcony.
What am I to you?
- Am I some kind of ideal, is that it?
- No, that's not it.
Because if I represent something exotic,
I hate to disappoint you,
but I work in an office, Ben.
- It's like, it's a modern office.
- I know that, Alex.
It's easy to romanticise somebody
when they stay away.
That, 'Oh, that day that we had.
I think about that day... '
- I never said that.
- Yes, you did.
No, I said I think about you.
Sorry... I forgot my computer.
Then why tell me now?
Are you done now?
Sorry... charger... reserve power.
Um... I have to go.
# How lucky can one guy be
# I kissed her and she kissed me
# Like the fella once said
# Ain't that a kick in the head? #
See? When I saw that, I thought,
'That's got Luca's name on it. '
So I fuckin' well put his name on it.
I'm fuckin' touched, eh.
Yeah, it's fuckin' beautiful.
- Benny.
- My pleasure.
Thank you for coming.
The face of harness racing.
- You got it.
- Very beautiful woman.
- How many am I allowed to take?
- They're for the kids.
I collect bears, you know that.
Oh! Isn't he gorgeous!
Again, congratulations.
As godparent, should something happen
to me and Tanya,
you're supposed to step in.
- Of course.
- But it's not gonna happen.
Great, thank you.
- OK, talk to Sam. What's up?
- Nothing.
You've had that look for three months.
What's up?
- OK.
- This is what I'm talking about.
Sam, come on.
You've really got something here.
And I paid for it.
Not the place,
I'm talking about everything.
I'm talking about this... these photos -
real, framed photos.
Not on a phone.
They're real and they're you.
I don't know what my version
of that is or will be.
Or if I ever had a version of that.
Benny, come on, sit down.
- Sit down!
- Oh, God.
My nonno, he once sat me down
when I was your age.
- Remember Nonno?
- Yeah, beautiful man.
He was 94 at the time.
Hc said,
'Sam, here's the secret to life.
At the end of the day,
what happens to you is largely
in the lap of the gods.
So don't worry so much. '
I looked at Nonno and said,
'You are flat out fucking wrong. '
- This is Nonno?
- Yeah.
- Who was 94?
- He was sitting down at the time.
I said, 'We make our own luck.
We succeed or screw up
based on how much we put in. '
Great. Well, then I'm screwed both ways.
- You put in.
- Do I, Sam? Really?
Yes. Come on, let's go for a drive.
- What? No, no.
- I think better with speed.
I'm begging you, Sam.
No, I can't go for a drive.
I've never stayed in a job
for even a year.
Or the same house.
You know I'm about to move again?
Yeah. Dunno why.
I've never played the same sport
for more than a season.
Seriously, I've never been out with
a girl for longer than threc months.
- Well done.
- Where does that leave me now?
I don't even know what happens
after three months.
Do they still like you?
- Benny, relax.
- I've never asked a girl out.
- We just kind of end up together.
- That is a skill, my friend.
You don't get it. I'm nearly 28
and I've never had to ask a girl out.
I mean, that's weird. I don't know
what the hell's wrong with me.
How will I ever propose?
I'll go into anaphylactic shock.
I'll have to buy a ring and an EpiPen.
Benny, Benny, relax.
Come on. Don't worry.
One day you are going
to meet someone special.
How will I know if she's the one?
You're making the same mistake as Nonno.
She's not the one, no-one's the one.
You make her the one.
- OK.
- Good. Come on.
Not long now, everyone.
How amazing is this?
Folks, now you've signed the indemnity,
haven't you?
Just in case of death or injury,
we can't be liable.
No, we got it. Thanks.
Just for balance and weight,
can I put you down as about 80?
And you'll be about 70 or so?
Maybe... 65...
No need to be exact.
Hey! Everything is going to be so good.
It is. It will be amazing...
Can I ask you something?
Why are we doing this?
I just thought... bird's-eye-view,
up in the sky, just the two of us.
- But why?
- What do you mean? Why not?
We've been going out
for over three months now.
I thought it would be nice
to do something romantic.
You're not going to propose, are you?
- Well, not now.
- Phew!
Alright, no need to sound
so fucking relieved.
For fuck's sake, what am I supposed
to fucking think?
We're ballooning at dawn, it's freezing,
he's calling me fat.
I was trying to do something nice.
Don't throw it back at my face.
Nice? This is awful.
Not now?
It's just that you can't legally drink
in the basket.
Yeah, I don't think we'll be drinking,
Let's hop in, then.
# Tell me quick, ain't that a kick
# In the head. #
Excuse me... excuse me...
For admission to the degree
of Masters in Psychology -
Stuart Banford.
Doesn't make you want to come back,
finish your degree?
No, they don't really teach
what I need to learn.
Oh, how's your crisis going?
It's good, Dad. It's really good.
Glad you brought it up.
- Don't do that.
- I'm kidding.
- I know.
- It's not...
I do worry.
- Kelly couldn't make it today?
- That's no longer happening.
She broke up with me, Mum.
At least you got past
the three-month mark.
Don't know what's wrong with me.
- I do.
- Sweetheart.
Chronically disengaged due to
a morbid fear of narcissistic injury.
She doesn't know
what she's talking about.
She just got a Masters in Psychology.
We're both in trouble.
Apparently I fear intimacy.
I said, smile.
- I reckon billiards is our sport.
- Snooker.
Gentlemen, gentlemen.
Momentarily hold your balls.
Before I get each of you
to say a few words,
it's incumbent on me as best man
to be the first.
Look at this guy, the quiet achiever.
A man who travelled 60 miles
to be here tonight in a carriage
will buy a horse with gout.
Maybe it's because I'm about to be
without a job,
pretty soon I won't have an apartment,
just got dumped in a hot-air balloon...
Russian ex came out as a lesbian...
- I think the term is 'bi', Andy.
- Was she bi?
Played mixed doubles.
Anyway it makes me realise
how much this bloke does have.
Thank you,
that was really cool, man.
It's weird to be the designated
driver at your own buck's night.
Yeah, it is. But with the wedding
I don't want to get too shabby.
Smart thinking. See you Saturday.
Oh, um... you cool with Alex
coming to the wedding, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Sure?
Yeah. Yes. Mate, I'm fine.
Just as long as she hasn't turned gay.
How did you know that Em was the one?
It's not how it works, Ben.
It's about you first.
You know, you gotta get that sorted out
- Yeah. Yeah.
And all this time I've been turning
to Andy for advice.
- Good morrow, sir.
- Good morrow.
And thanks again for tonight, man.
See ya.
- If you could stick to the positions.
- Yeah.
Sorry, Father.
- Family priest.
- Yeah, I picked that.
Oh, fuck! Sorry, Father.
Ah, heard it all before.
Isn't she just beautiful?
Yeah, she is.
She is going to say, 'I do', isn't she?
I don't know, kinda hard
to tell her intentions.
- Ben!
- Yes, she'll say, 'I do'.
- Please.
- Sorry. takes time, love is an adventure.
- I do.
- Not done yet.
Emily also asks of you, do you accept
that love can change,
that love can grow,
that love needs care,
that love needs worry
and that love above all,
thrives on joy and forgiveness?
I definitely do.
- Just, I do.
- I do. Definitely.
Nicholas has a question of you
which he has written
in the language of the sacred.
The language of the eternal - Latin.
A lovely idea.
I'll read and then I'll translate.
- That's beautiful!
- I haven't translated it yet.
You are, you were,
you'll always be my love eternally.
I need to know but one thing.
- I do.
- I haven't asked the question yet.
I don't think I'm going to last.
Do you promise to love without fear?
And let each other be our fortune?
- Say, I do.
- I do. I do. I do.
Just the one is fine.
Ahem. You can kiss her now.
In your own time.
No rice. No rice in the church.
Great, and can I just have
the bride and groom, please?
Just come closer...
Looking at the camera. That's it.
So, Nils couldn't make it?
No, no. Nils and I are actually having
some time apart.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Had a dark side, did he?
No. No... he didn't.
Of course not.
The face of harness racing?
Yeah, turns out
she did have a dark side.
So we're taking some time apart too.
We should do ballroom dancing.
Yeah, you're right.
# I see your face again
# I know my frame of mind
# You ain't got to be so blind
# I was so blind
# So very blind
# I'm a woman
# Oh, that's what I am
# I live and I breathe for you
# But what good does it do
# If I ain't got you
# If I ain't got you. #
We weren't exactly surprised
when Nick and Em got engaged.
They have a great deal in common.
They both shave their legs for a start.
As it happens that man is now a judge.
But hc sends his regards
and a court order.
I don't know the ins and outs of it,
but Em now qualifies
for a handicapped car spot.
Allow me to finish on the future.
Listening to what was said
in the church today,
it struck me,
I think for the first time in my life
what an amazing thing it is
to ask someone to marry you.
Standing there, neither of you know
what's going to happen,
and so you can't promise
anything really, except yourself.
A promise that no matter
what happens, you'll be there.
Even more amazing is the answer.
'I do'.
Not 'I will' or 'I might',
you don't think or hope or wish...
or want.
You do.
A simple, unconditional 'I do'.
A lifetime in two words.
- How did he...
- Don't analyse it, honey.
To the bride and groom.
Bride and groom.
Very nice. Alright, out you go.
Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is this?
What's going on here?
This is interesting.
Emily. Nicholas.
- Oh, Jesus!
That's it. That's all I got.
So get out of here.
Thank you.
Go, go. See you.
# Gonna burn your name
right across the sky
# So I'll never forget
what the feeling's like
# Burn your name
right across the sky
# So I'll never forget
what the feeling's like
# Burn your name
right across the sky
# So I'll never forget
what the feeling's like
# Burn your name
right across the sky
# So I'll never forget
what the feeling's like
# I want every single soul to know
# That I love you for what you are
# So I sound the bells
that praise your precious heart
# I want every single soul to know
# That I love you for what you are
# So I sound the bells
that praise your precious heart. #
- Hi.
- Hi.
Did you really notice me back at uni?
Yeah. Of course I did.
You used to carry around
a large musical instrument case.
Was it a tuba? Or a bass sax?
No, I never played an instrument, Ben.
No? You used to wear a tracksuit,
I remember that. Bright red.
You were training
for the weight-lifting team, I think.
- I never played any sports.
- With those shoulders?
You're kidding me.
- Keep going.
- OK.
Come on.
You used to sit at those wooden tables
in the caff
and your friends used to fill up
the seats around you,
like they were drawn by something.
Your 'aughter maybe.
I used to watch all of that and think...
'Wow. I should go over there. '
I don't want to get on another plane.
Hey, you know what you need?
Bakery products.
Yep. Really rich, full of butter,
Breakfast on the rooftop -
it's my specialty. Alright?
Alright, prepare to be amazed.
I can't cook, but I can reheat.
Thank you. Uh...
You know, I hate to be practical,
but I'm on a plane in seven hours.
- Alex...
- So, I'm just...
...wondering how are we gonna
play things?
Awesome! Croissants!
I'll just take it downstairs.
I mean, don't get me wrong.
I know I live on the other side
of the world.
So it's not like we can...
I know that, I'm not saying...
It would be great if we could...
we could try and...
And I'm not even saying
boyfriend and girlfriend.
I know, I know.
Maybe if we can hang out
or catch up or...
Alex, Alex, Alex. I don't want that.
- What...
- No, no, sorry.
It sounded wrong. I mean I don't want
to just end up together.
I want to come and visit you.
Oh, my God.
- I'm going to.
- No, please stop. Just stop that.
Just a few things I need to do,
then I'll come.
Please stop!
I want to come and see you, Alex.
Oh, my God.
I'm asking you to give me some time.
Ben, time is for teenagers.
You know yesterday when I was listening
to what was being said in the church,
a thought struck me too.
Maybe some day
someone will write that about me.
Because it would be so lovely.
And you can't even say 'stay'.
Excuse me.
- Oh, sorry.
Excuse me.
I'm afraid the flight has to close.
Are you waiting for someone?
# She said, hello mister,
pleased to meet you
# I want to hold her,
I want to kiss her
# Gonna take her for a ride
on a big jet plane
# Gonna take her for a ride
on a big jet plane
# Yeah, yeah
# Yeah, yeah
# Hey, my lover, my lady river
# Can I take you, take you higher?
# Gonna take her for a ride
on a big jet plane
# Gonna take her for a ride
on a big jet plane. #
Wherever Ben chooses to go.
All of that. Right.
Where to first?
- Here.
Yeah, I'm sorry, mate.
I think I'm going to stay.
But weren't we going to try
and find a new place?
You know what?
For oncc, yeah, I just want to stay.
Then fuck it. I'll stay too.
That was quick.
Malcolm, Ben's here.
- Thanks, Luce.
- I thought you were on holiday.
Uh... have you got a sec?
- Malcolm, I've decided.
- Not now. Take your time.
- I've had enough time.
- No, you haven't.
You'll see things differently
after a break.
- I've decided.
- I knew you would go.
- I'm staying.
- What?
I really want to see this thing through.
I'm not being punked, am I?
Has Ken set you up for this?
No, I'm staying. Thing is I really...
Don't analyse it. No, don't.
Go. Come on, out. Beach. Sun.
You know.
- Ben?
- Yeah?
It's brilliant.
See you soon, boss.
# This is not the first time
You tried to get away
# This is not a party
That people know your name
# This is not a classroom
With the teacher at the board
# This is not a cat show
With prizes at the door. #
What the fuck is going on?
I think I've worked some things out,
I'll be the judge of that.
# This is not a horse race
Where winners beat the time
# This is not a funeral
With mourners in a line. #
Benny, just tell me.
Do you know what you're doing?
Yeah. Trying to go from here to here.
# Go
Don't you go
# Won't you stay with me one more day. #
- Done it again.
- Alright.
- Got everything?
- Yeah.
- Benny, look.
- Sam, you're killing me.
With all you've got here, you're flying
to the other side of the world
to chase a girl who said she never wants
to see you again in her life.
- Yeah.
- How's that gonna work?
I don't know.
Come on.
See you, Sam.
Can I at least upgrade you to business?
# Go
Don't you go
# Won't you stay with me
one more day? #
Where are you off to today?
- For your birthday?
- Uh, yeah.
And is that your final destination?
# Viddle Eastern music
- Varhaba.
- Marhaba.
Oh, shukran.
- Alex.
- Yeah?
You're just a bit fast.
Marhaba. I've got that one. Hello.
Do you maybe want to go
just away from...
Yeah, much better.
- On what?
- On what...
Vague question.
Dips would have been easier.
Hang on a second.
OK, yeah. Alex...
Did you understand any of that?
- Sort of. A bit...
- Not really.
Yes. An old edition, I think.
Alright, plan B.
Will you be my girlfriend?
That's it. Will you...
will you go out with me?
I don't know what you said...
- Yes.
- It sounded like yes. But then...
Do they know what they're clapping for?
I think so. How is this gonna work?
I don't know.
I spent a lot of time learning Arabic.
Is it offensive to make out
in this country?
Oh, you know what?
Uh, photo? Uh...
- What is it, sura?
- Yes, sura.
And is that your final destination?
No, then I'm going on to Yemen.
What's the purpose of that trip?
Well, the dest...
Um... actually is it OK if I don't say?
It's not a terrorist thing or...
Shouldn't have said that.
When did you decide to go to Yemen?
Uh... this morning.
So you just woke up this morning
and decided to go to Yemen.
Well, no. I probably decided last night.
Ah, makes a big difference.
I know it sounds silly.
Sort of early last night.
Early last night?
Although I had the germ
of the idea at lunch yesterday.
So about yesterday lunch.
If you decided to go last night,
how come you got yellow fever injections
three months ago?
Ah, right. No, I was going to go,
and then went somewhere else.
- Which was?
- Queenstown.
In New Zealand.
- Skiing.
OK, OK, OK. I'm going
to Yemen to ask a girl out.
You're going away to Yemen...
to ask a girl out?
How much time have you spent
with this girl?
A night. And a day.
And an afternoon, actually.
We had Moroccan.
Yeah. It's not important.
- Does she know you're coming?
- No.
- But she wants you to come.
- Well...
Is this a real girl
or an imaginary friend?
Oh, come on, guys.
- Got somewhere to be?
- Yeah, Yemen.
Can you believe it?
His story checks out.
You're kidding!
Name's Alexandra Hennessy,
she works for the UN in Yemen
and they went to uni together.
- She is beautiful.
- Check out her CV.
- Wow!
- So how are you gonna ask her out?
Actually I was gonna
try and do it in Arabic.
Oh! That's beautiful.
You are with this girl?
Not technically. We kissed.
- How was that?
- Tasted like baba ganoush.
You complete my life.
You should be my girlfriend.
Oh, that's lovely.
Yeah, that's my favourite one
so far.
Do it in English.
Yeah, that looks like scribble.
Uh, should I?
Relax, mate, they haven't
even started boarding yet.
- Great.
- You want some more?
No, I'm good.
Help yourself if you do,
it's been confiscated.
Commitment, it's a funny thing,
isn't it?
Can't really get anywhere
in life without it.
That's how I ended up here.
You wanna know the secret to life?