Anything for Love (2016)

I've been cheated...
...been mistreated
when will I be loved?
No, roxy...
You're snoring again.
Stop it.
I've been put down
Roxy, enough!
I've been pushed 'round
when will I be loved?
When I find a new man
that I want for mine
he always breaks
my heart in two
it happens every time
I've been made blue
I've been lied to
We need to pull out
of this deal.
It exposes us
to far too much risk,
and their earnings
look inflated.
Just put the brakes
on it now.
Morning, Ernie.
Oh, good morning.
See what our
cubbies done?
Ooh, white flag time
at wrigley.
Lester's finally
earning his keep.
Let's hope
he can keep it up.
There you go.
Oh, thank you.
Have a good day.
...when I find a new man
that I want for mine
he always breaks
my heart in two...
Good morning,
Ms. Benson. happens every time
I've been cheated...
Morning, Debbie.
Busy weekend, I see.
Oof, grueling.
I mean, I don't know
how much longer
I can juggle
all these guys.
As long as it doesn't
interfere with your work.
Oh, mm-mm.
I've revised
the dunlop contract,
typed 20 letters,
and picked up your suits
from the cleaners.
Love is...
It's better
than a triple espresso
with a red bull chaser.
You're dating
three different men.
What do you know
about love?
A lot more than someone
who doesn't date any.
These better
be perfect.
If you're free tonight,
Charles wants
to take you to dinner.
The ferguson deal
is closing tomorrow.
I will be eating
at my desk.
Oh, surely, you can spare
an hour or two.
I'm perfectly capable
of setting up my own dates.
Dates? Yes.
Your assistant, Debbie,
has single-handedly proven
that there are plenty
of dates to be had.
But don't you think
it's time
you got a bit
more serious?
You've been seeing
Charles for a while now,
and 35 is right
around the corner.
Which means I'm far too old
to have my father
playing matchmaker.
I know finding the right man
hasn't been easy for you.
Daddy, please...
I know how easily
men can be intimidated
by a woman's
professional success.
If their fragile egos
can't handle it,
that's their problem.
Well, few men are equipped
to deal
with a woman of your caliber,
but Charles seems to be able
to handle it.
What makes you so sure
he doesn't have
an ulterior motive?
That his real interest
doesn't lie
in getting his hands
on this company,
on everything
you and I have built?
Oh, kitten.
Is that what this is all about?
Remember how afraid
you were of that pony?
You refused to get on
until I promised
to walk by your side
the entire way,
and I ended up walking you
around that circle...
29 times.
I couldn't get you
off the darned thing.
I would walk
a million circles
before I'd ever let any harm
come to you.
I trust Charles.
I think he's good for you.
You make him sound
like a multi-vitamin.
You are stubborn
like your mother.
You know, she didn't
want to have
anything to do with
me at first either.
Thought I was
She was right.
I'll get us
a coffee.
Morning, Mildred.
Looking ravishing
as usual.
Any patients in need
of my medical expertise?
Yeah, the one
that's in for a heart valve.
Ah, kid?
Uh, you could
call him that.
Did he give you
a hard time?
I'm Jack Cooper.
How are you doing?
You tell me.
You're the
know-it-all doctor.
I am not a know-it-all doctor.
First one I've heard
to admit that.
I mean, I'm definitely
a know-it-all,
but not a doctor.
I'm a nurse.
A nurse!
You're, like, a guy.
I'm, like, a guy nurse.
You flunk out of med school,
or what?
That's a good one.
You can laugh,
laugh all you want.
Women love it.
Oh, yeah, I'll bet.
"Daddy, I'd like you to
meet the man of my dreams,
nurse Cooper."
It might behoove you,
young man,
to remember
that I can make your stay here
like the four seasons,
or like the bates motel.
It's your choice.
Little sensitive.
I tell you, it's almost better
to be an orderly sometimes.
I mean, no offense.
Oh, none taken.
I know my gig
is sweet.
No one expects you
to be something you're not.
Did you get a load
of your brother
from another mother?
we may share the same last name,
but that is where it stops,
my friend.
And that is
tough luck for you.
Oh, man...
Look at him!
He's a total womanizer.
I know, and he's
got no hair
and a horrible case
of halitosis.
And they're still
lining up for him.
You know, it's
a known fact that doctors
are at the top of
the dating food chain.
You put an "m. D." At
the end of your name,
nothing else matters.
An "r. N?"
Not so much.
Dr. j. Thomas Cooper,
please report
to labor and delivery.
I mean,
what is with these women?
Why is it always about power,
prestige and money?
I mean, whatever
happened to love, man?
Love for who we are,
in our souls, as men?
Wow, yeah...
You need to forget
all about that.
You've got to work
with what you got.
Take me, for example.
I've got this awesome
physique, right?
And so, when I
meet a woman,
I tell her that
I'm a pro athlete.
Okay... I'm sorry.
Wait, and she believes you?
She believes me
because she wants to believe.
Yeah, and what happens
when she finds out
that you're not?
Well, I mean, it doesn't
really get that far.
They realize that
they hate my guts
before they figured
out I lied.
Ah, great.
Yeah, it's not
How are we friends?
I'll have another.
On the rocks, sir,
or straight up?
I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
So, what's all this?
A hotel development
in Wisconsin.
I'd love for you
and your father
to be part of it.
Have you shown it to him?
Not yet.
It's still in
its early stages,
but if it works out,
we all stand to make
a small fortune.
Do you realize
it's been six months
since we started
seeing each other?
Has it?
After the Mancini closing.
That dim-witted notary
spilled his coffee on you,
and I lent you
my handkerchief, remember?
Yes, I do.
You went on
to extract
the highest price
per square foot
this city has ever seen.
You were breathtaking.
Oh, this is the lawyer
on the deal
that's closing tomorrow.
Just one second, dear.
I'll be five minutes.
Just go ahead and order.
Katherine Benson.
- I...
- Yes, of course.
Let me grab a pen.
We can hash this out.
Well, yeah...
All right, yeah,
give it to him.
Fine, so...
Excuse me?
Could you pack this up
for the lady?
Thank you.
You know,
it's really no problem
at all to drop you home.
Oh, I've got some things
to finish, and...
Well, um...
A small token
of my affection.
Oh, that's... Charles,
that's not necessary.
No, please.
No, I couldn't possibly...
I know we've kept things
fairly casual up until now,
but when you get the chance,
I'd like you
to put some thought
to our future together.
Our future?
Yeah. In a more
permanent capacity.
- You don't mean...
- Yes...
I'd like you to hold
Friday nights open for me,
and perhaps Sunday brunch,
if possible.
Seriously, Katherine,
I want to be your go-to guy,
the one you can depend on
in a pinch,
and maybe even the one
you think of
when you go to sleep at night.
You know, eventually.
That's... very sweet.
I admire you.
You're good for me,
and I...
I know
I could be good for you.
Where did you get that?
That... you're
good for me.
Did my father tell
you to say that?
No, Katherine!
Your father has nothing
to do with this.
Really? Because I feel
like sometimes...
You were saying?
I was... saying...
You are very charming,
and thoughtful,
and one of the
most generous men
I've ever met...
And I will give
your proposal
my utmost consideration.
Thank you, Katherine.
Back to the grindstone.
Good night, my darling.
Dude, we got
a couple of live ones
on the line.
All we have to do
is reel 'em in,
so follow my lead.
Follow my lead.
Hello, ladies.
What's shaking?
Hi, I'm Jack.
This is Reggie.
I'm Brooke.
She's angel.
Oh, hello, angel.
Welcome to earth.
What do you do, Jack?
He's a doctor.
He's a renowned
at Chicago west.
That's not entirely...
Oh, don't be modest.
You should be very proud
of yourself.
So have you saved many lives?
Happens every day.
He once held a living heart
in his own two hands.
Do you
remember that?
You're kidding.
Gosh, I can't even imagine
how that must feel.
I mean, that must
feel like...
I guess the way I felt
when I scored
that winning touchdown
in super bowl xlv.
Super bowl?
You're a professional
football player?
Oh... well, I mean,
I used to be...
Used to.
Yeah, and then
I blew out my knee,
so... you know,
now I just scout.
You know...
I can't, uh, lie to you.
- Oh, but no...
- I'm actually a...
I am not
a cardiologist.
I'm an r.N.
Really... naughty?
Registered nurse.
But you're going
to become a doctor?
I mean, eventually?
No. Uh, no.
I actually love what I do.
I'm quite proud of it.
I mean, that's really...
Thank you.
Oh, hey, um,
we've got to go.
- No, you don't.
- Yeah, we do.
We've got that thing.
Yeah, that... that thing.
I know you don't have
that thing!
Why do you do this?
Got really quiet
in here
all of a sudden.
- Smell that?
- What is that?
Smells like
a train wreck.
That's you
and your lies.
Good one.
You'd save yourself
a hefty mortgage payment
if you'd just admit
you actually live here.
How was your date?
Oh! Wow.
Holy cow!
What is this for?
I'm guessing an opening bid
for a future corporate merger.
You are so cynical.
Says the dreamer.
There's nothing wrong
with assuming
the best of people.
I can't afford to do that.
You have got
to get over
this whole paranoid
"they're all after my
corporate wealth and power"
Easy for you to say.
Oh, really?
You think most guys
are attracted to me
because of my bubbly
This is the hard
part of dating...
Finding that
one genuine guy
after weeding out
all the fakes.
I hate dating.
All the guys I meet
are so...
Uptight? Boring?
Or completely
intimidated by my career.
You know how I get
those butterflies
and goosebumps
when I'm about
to close a big deal?
You mean the
cramps and the rash?
That's when
I'm feeling challenged
and excited and alive,
and every cell
in my body is tingling.
Why can't I meet a man
who makes me feel like that?
How far are you
willing to go?
I'd consider the suburbs.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on!
What is this?
The newest, hottest Internet
dating service out there.
No, no,
I don't think so.
If you want
a real man,
someone different from
all those corporate stiffs,
this is your ticket.
They have an algorithm
that analyzes
your detailed profile
to help you find
your perfect match.
What if someone I know
sees me on this site?
I'd be the laughing stock
of the business world.
Your identity is kept
completely private.
They only release it
to the guys they
match you with.
One of those guys?
What if they match me
with one who's a fake?
And then he's after money,
or the company...
You use an alias...
Or better yet,
you pretend you're me...
An underpaid office worker
waiting for her white knight
to perform a hostile takeover.
Trust me.
No excuses.
No, it's all too complicated.
No, it's very simple.
I'll walk you
through it.
I get confused on that one.
Executive assistant.
Favorite food...
You have to be kidding me.
Black coffee.
This seems underhanded,
the lying...
Well, how else are we going
to know
they're in it
for you and you alone?
I know, but...
No, no, no,
it's not like you're going
to keep your identity
hidden from him forever.
You will tell him...
Once you're sure
he's the one.
And what happens
when he finds out
I've lied to him?
Well, he'll realize
not only did he get
the woman of his dreams,
but surprise!
As an added bonus,
she's loaded.
Trust me,
he won't be disappointed.
Okay, wait, wait, wait!
No... oh!
Sorry, too late.
This is going to be
so much fun.
Out of my chair.
Like the great philosopher
popeye once said,
"I yam what I yam."
Right? That was terrible.
I'm meeting ox
for midnight bowling
at brothers bowling.
Want to come?
Nope. I'm busy.
Two for one drinks.
Still busy.
Internet dating?
You didn't tell them
your real job.
Of course I did.
This things don't work
unless you're honest.
I'm telling you,
women want doctors, not nurses.
You know what?
I am done, actually,
with your advice, but thank you.
I'm going to do things
the way that I want to
from now on.
That's fine.
Hey, could I borrow...
Your bowling shoes?
'Cause, I mean,
these rentals,
they fall even below
my standards of hygiene.
That's saying something.
Your feet stink.
All right, I'll wear socks.
Yeah, you want to.
Come on.
Wear socks.
Thank you.
Hey, can I borrow
some socks?
He'll thank me some day.
Submitted your profile!
You're welcome!
Good morning!
I'm just working on
today's schedule.
Oh. Well...
Nice try.
I'm sorry.
I just couldn't wait.
I feel like a kid
on Christmas morning.
Well, that's fine.
You can forget
about the whole thing
because I'm going
to cancel my registration.
What? No, no,
you can't.
I won't let you.
Get... okay,
I'm the boss!
Give it to me.
Give it to me!
Aren't you even
curious to see
who they matched you with?
I've been matched already?
To, like, 10 guys.
Now, first,
what we need to do
is narrow
the playing field,
For instance,
you don't want a guy
that doesn't
submit a photo.
Total red flag.
And you don't want a guy
that looks too polished.
He's obviously used Photoshop
or is way too into himself.
But, but...
Same goes
for this guy...
This guy... him...
- Wait...
- And him.
Yeah... also, him.
now we're left with a doctor
and a lawyer.
I mean, it wouldn't hurt
to take both of them
out for a little test drive.
I don't know, there's something
about that one.
See, there's something
in his eyes.
He looks...
He looks sincere.
Now we just wait and see
if he wants to meet you.
Which he will. Yeah.
Hello, Mildred.
Hey, babe.
Aw, hon,
is your arthritis
acting up again?
Let me see.
Whoever marries you
is going to be the
luckiest girl on earth.
Thanks, Millie.
Don't worry.
You'll find her.
Oh, Mr. schmidt's
at it again.
Send a rescue party
if I'm not back in five.
Be a sweetheart.
Would you enter
this guy for me
while you're at it?
You got it!
Say hi.
Dr. Pearson,
please report to emergency.
Call me crazy,
but those don't look
like cardiac patients to me.
Shh, shh, shh!
These are my matches.
What, from your dating website?
All of these women
want to date you?
I guess
not all women
are into money
and status after all.
Looks like telling
the truth pays off,
doesn't it?
Well, my apologies.
I was dead wrong.
Look at
that dental hygienist.
Wow... those
are not real.
No. Look it...
No one has teeth
like that.
They've got
to be capped.
This lawyer's cute.
Naw, no, you want
something more fun.
Yeah, like this one.
Are you serious?
Yeah, that's classy.
Whoa, how about
this executive assistant?
There's something
in her eyes.
I mean, she looks
way different
than the rest
of them, right?
It's like she has
something... real,
like she would want to do
the things that I want to do...
Like camping and baseball...
Look at this!
She loves dogs.
She said, "I had a great Dane
when I was a kid."
How about that?
Must be kismet.
Well, you've got to
start somewhere, right?
I'm keeping this.
Strike paragraph 75,
part b, subpart three.
We've never dealt away
our right of first refusal
in a deal like this,
and we don't intend to.
But the letter of intent
clearly states...
Ms. Benson,
you have an urgent phone call.
Take a message.
But it's your doctor...
Calling with the results.
Katherine, hey,
if you have a medical matter
you have to attend to...
No, I'm fine,
thank you.
Oh, those results.
Okay, um...
One moment, gentlemen.
Now, don't panic.
Play it cool.
I am a seasoned negotiator.
I don't play it cool.
I am cool.
Katherine Benson here.
Wait, who?
I am Debbie celvin...
The assistant
to Katherine Benson,
who I am not.
I am Jack.
We... we matched
on head over heels for you.
Hi! Yes.
- Hi, Jack.
- It's him!
I know!
Is... is anybody there?
I'm a little...
This is the first
time I've ever done
any Internet dating thing.
Me too! I know.
It's crazy, huh?
I know.
What people won't
do for love.
I don't mean love,
Not yet anyway.
Maybe not ever!
I get,
i get what you mean.
I mean, no pressure.
We'll just meet in person,
and just take it from there,
see how it goes.
Exactly. Perfect.
He's nice!
So I was wondering, um,
are you free
this Saturday night?
I know this really great place
I think maybe we could go...
This Saturday?
I would have
to check my schedule.
Works for us.
Me. Alone.
Except hopefully with you
at the time of the date.
Maybe not like a "date date,"
Where should I pick you up?
You know,
it'd be better
if I met you.
How's 7:00,
950 South halstrom sound?
That is a definite...
"Can do."
'Kay, bye.
Okay, bye.
It's not easy
being you.
You're not wearing
your business suit, are you?
I bought jeans.
You didn't press them,
did you?
Of course not.
And what about
your hair and makeup?
What about them?
Your hair looks like
a German world war ii helmet,
and you're way too heavy
on the makeup.
It's very intimidating to men.
Yeah, okay.
Gotta go.
Hi, uh, Debbie?
Yes! Hi!
Yeah, I'm Debbie.
That's me. Hi.
I'm Jack.
Come on in!
Are you ready
to have some fun?
Uh... yeah.
Well, yeah.
Mm, smell those brats.
Is that
what that is?
Right here.
Hey, Jack!
This your old lady?
Uh, no.
Just a friend.
Well, any friend
of yours...
Is a friend
of ours.
Okay, guys.
Just... let's
keep it clean.
I'm sorry
about the rentals.
I forgot to mention to you
we were bowling,
or you could've brought
your own.
I have socks.
Let me help you
with this one.
You've got this.
Just have fun,
and give it your best shot.
Player down in Lane four.
Oh, no!
Did you get hurt?
My elbow!
Ow, this one.
I got you, I got you.
It's good.
I like that.
That's good.
Come on, Deb.
You can do this.
You got this!
Come on, Debbie!
Let her concentrate!
Come on...
Come on.
There we go!
Amazing! Wow!
Nice work!
Very good!
Very good.
Nicely done.
Very nice of the guys
to give this to me.
Yeah... it was.
Here, let me
give you your coat.
Is it still hurting?
When I bend it.
Wiggle your fingers
a bit.
Does that hurt?
Is there any numbness
or tingling?
It's definitely not broken.
Well, you would know.
If you ice it tonight
and some ibuprofen,
it'll feel better.
So, what do you do
as an executive assistant?
I work for the president
of a real estate
investment firm.
The president.
You must be good.
I am. I am.
Your boss,
what is he like?
He is a she,
She helped build
the company
from the ground up.
Wow, that's impressive.
Is she married?
No. Why?
I don't know.
You hear about
these business executives
that just work
and work,
and they have no time
for family
or for social life.
I mean, that's got
to take a toll
on relationships.
Yeah, Katherine's
not really like that.
That's good.
This is me here.
That is you.
I really like your hair
like... like that.
Thank you!
I'll be sure to wear it
like this next time.
I'm not assuming...
I really hope
there is a next time.
I do, too.
"Roses are red
and violets are blue,
"not even pros
can throw a strike like you.
That's terrible.
What's terrible?
Oh, spilled some water.
Oh, things are going well
with Charles, I see.
Things with Charles
could not be
going any better.
Keep up the good work.
What are these things?
Oh, those are
for Debbie.
They put them
in here by mistake.
That guy needs
a new florist.
Here, let me get that.
Good morning, buddy.
How did you sleep?
If it isn't
little miss sunshine.
You ever heard of
something called "karma"?
What about it?
This venom
you're spewing...
It's not going
to help you
in the long run.
Maybe I don't need to worry
so much about the "long-run."
There it is.
That's what I'm talking about.
A good attitude
might help you beat this thing.
The doctor said
a new heart valve
will help me beat this thing.
Your parents know
you play this?
Yeah, they bought it for me.
Helps me...
Distracts me
from my problems.
When's the last time
you read a book?
Yeah, right.
Hey, Kim, what's up?
There's a guy here
to see you.
Who is it?
Says he's a friend of yours.
17th floor.
Okay, thanks.
May I help you?
I'm here to see
Debbie celvin.
I'm Debbie...
...celvin's boss.
You're Debbie's boss?
Katherine Benson, yup.
President of, uh,
Benson alliance inc.
Debbie's in
a meeting right now,
an assistants' meeting
of all the assistants,
but I can pull her out...
Because I am the boss.
So just wait
over here,
and I'll go get her.
Don't go anywhere.
Oh, my gosh!
He's here!
Who's here?
Mr. Hodges...
I didn't know
you were...
It's the decorator...
For the reception area.
He wants to show you
some paint samples.
I thought you already had
the reception area done?
We did.
Yes, well...
Katherine, uh, really
doesn't like the color.
Makes her nauseous.
So... I'll have her back
in a jiffy.
Yep. Come on.
Since when does beige
make anyone dizzy?
you can be so dense.
He's here, he's cute,
and if you mess this up,
he's mine.
Jack is here?
Yes, in the reception area.
I will take care
of Charles, and, uh...
I may have told him
that I am your boss, so...
- What?
- Yeah. It's okay. Go.
You're good.
Looking great.
Oh, God!
Hey there.
Great tie.
Thank you.
[Katherine laughs,
clears throat.
Hi! Jack!
Uh, what a surprise.
I didn't get you in trouble
with your boss, did I?
No, no. No.
It's... fine.
Did you get
my flowers?
Yes! Thank you.
They're beautiful.
You're welcome.
Um, hey, did you want
to go grab a bite
to eat with me?
There's a place I know
that's great,
and it's really close.
Oh! Um...
I'm not ready
to quit for the night.
I have, uh...
That's okay.
I'll wait.
What time do you get off?
I've really got to work
on this deal
that's closing, so...
It can wait.
No, it can't.
Yes, it can.
Remember, I am
the boss of you,
and what I say goes.
I work her
to the bone,
and she really deserves
a night out.
So get out of here,
you two.
And you can thank me
If you decide
to come in.
Thank you, miss, uh...
No "Benson" here.
Call me Katherine,
or better yet, "Katie."
- Thank you, Katie.
- Yeah.
- 'Kay.
- Get out!
Okay, thanks, Katie!
Get your horse
and carriage.
Get out of here,
you cute kids.
You look great
I love
what's happening.
What a tangled web we weave.
When I was a kid,
I used to go to work
with my dad on Saturdays,
and we would come
here for lunch.
Oh, what does he do?
He used to be
a typesetter
for the "Chicago tribune,"
but him and my mom
both passed.
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's okay.
He would have so much ink
on his hands,
that no matter what he tried,
he couldn't get it off.
He'd get so embarrassed
that he would have to put them
in his pockets.
Yeah... and he said to me
that I have to find a job
where I would never
have to get my hands dirty.
Well, he must have been
very proud of you.
He was.
Everything okay?
You haven't touched your food.
Oh! Yeah.
I'm just missing silverware.
Oh, no.
You've got to eat
with your hands.
It's the house rules.
Okay, this is
how it's done.
Take a piece,
you dunk,
like this.
Now you.
Even just
a plastic fork is...
Trust me.
It tastes
so much better like this.
Just... go for it.
Okay, okay.
Mm-hmm, take a piece.
And, uh...
Take a dunk.
You dunk it.
And then
have at it.
I don't even know what...
Just go for it.
Just go for it!
Oh, my goodness!
Oh, it's so good!
See? See?
I told you.
Well, I had better
get back to it.
Yeah, your boss
is long-gone, no?
Oh, no. No...
You don't know her.
She's, uh...
She practically lives here.
That's a shame.
Do you ever go all
the way up to the top?
Yeah, um...
I think I was
about eight.
No way!
You work in this
building every day,
and you don't go
up to the top?
Come on.
Come on...
If you look
over there,
you can see
all the way
to Wisconsin.
Oh, wow.
Have you ever been
to Wisconsin?
It's incredible,
the pine trees
and the fresh air, and...
You go outside at night there,
and you look up at the stars,
and you can't even believe
there are that many stars
in the universe.
It's my favorite place
in the world.
Sounds beautiful.
I have a little cabin
in lake Geneva
that my parents left me.
Oh, wow!
We could go up
for the weekend.
Oh... I don't know.
It has
two bedrooms.
No, I just, uh...
I just have to work
this weekend.
It's okay.
It's not your fault.
We'll just...
We'll do it
another time.
I'd like that.
How about
next weekend?
Next weekend, um...
I've got to work on
this deal that's closing.
And the weekend
after that?
Okay, now I'm starting
to get the feeling
that there's something
you're not telling me.
What do you mean?
if you're not into me...
It's... it's okay.
Oh, no, no,
that's not it.
Because if you don't
want to see me,
I mean, you could just...
Go ahead and say so.
I can handle it.
I want to see you.
I want to go to
the cabin with you.
Because I lied.
I wouldn't have been able
to handle it.
I like you, Debbie.
I just don't want
you to think
that I go around inviting women
up to the cabin.
You're the only one.
I'm sorry, I'm having, like,
an allergic reaction.
Oh-ho, that...
That is a first.
I've never had
that effect on a woman.
No, it's...
I don't know,
the chicken, or...
The hot sauce.
I'm not good
with spices.
I think...
Cinnamon is about
as far as I go,
and so... even that's
pretty adventurous.
This is...
It's... yeah.
It's the hot sauce.
I think you've just got
to build up your tolerance.
You know, fight fire
with fire.
Any more fire
in here,
and we'll have
to call 911.
Let me look at it.
It's... look.
Yeah, yeah,
don't touch it.
You have a rash,
but it's going
to clear up
if you drink
plenty of water
and 50 milligrams
of Benadryl
every four hours.
- You hear me?
- Yes.
50 milligrams.
No more, no less.
You are bossy.
I am bossy!
Yeah, it's true
what they say
about doctors.
You have
a God complex, huh?
Wait, what?
That was a joke.
I'm sorry.
I'm sure
you're very humble.
I've been meaning
to ask you.
What made you want
to become an obstetrician?
Wait a minute,
I never told you that.
I saw "doctor" on your profile,
and I googled you.
On my profile?
Yeah, and I read
that article
about you delivered
quintuplets last year.
That was amazing.
No, that wasn't...
That was
That was...
A medical miracle.
You saved their lives.
No, I don't think
you understand...
That was...
It took a whole team of highly
qualified medical personnel
and nurses who never get
the credit they deserve.
See? You are humble.
Oh, you...
- Hey!
- I should kill you!
This is a hospital.
We save lives here.
We don't wipe them out.
You switched my profile
to tell her I was a doctor!
And this is the way
you thank me?
Thank you?
Yeah, you've got women
coming out of the woodwork.
The way I see it,
you owe me one.
Yeah, but she thinks
I'm that Dr. j. Thomas Cooper.
I had nothing
to do with that.
It's because
of your lie.
Okay, then what did she say
when you set her straight?
Didn't exactly.
Now who's the pot
calling the kettle black?
It is...
I was backed into a corner.
Well, that's when we show
our truest character,
when our backs
are up against the wall,
and we're desperate.
but it's not my character.
Don't worry,
there are other fish in the sea.
I like this fish.
If it isn't nurse ratched.
Rise and shine.
Hey, what did you do
with my game?
No, no, no,
it was right here.
Night nurse.
Should check with her.
I'm going to report you
for theft.
You can get fired for this.
Get a grip, buddy.
I didn't take
your stupid game.
So what am I supposed
to do now, huh?
Watch reruns
of the price is right?
I could loan you a book
I'm reading.
It's "the catcher in the rye."
Yeah, great.
I probably shouldn't,
Your parents would kill me.
It's filled
with teenaged rebellion
and profanity...
Used to be banned
in some high schools.
Saved my life
when I was your age.
Don't tell anyone
I gave you that.
I can't take
deceiving her anymore.
This weekend, I'm going
to tell her who I am.
And you think that
a roaring fireplace
is going to take
the sting out of it?
No, but I think that it's
going to help her know
how much I care about her.
That's a great idea.
You all ready?
I've left you
some instructions.
Do not forget to get
my line notes scanned
and to Leon mansard
by 5:00 P.M...
The loan documents need
to get to first national...
And then we need
to reschedule
the conference call for...
Yup. Thank you.
I can't go.
I have too much going on.
I can't, I can't...
He's going
to have to understand.
will be fine here.
Trust me.
Maybe it's time
you listen to your heart,
and not that big dumb brain
of yours.
In that case,
I'm telling him the truth
this weekend,
if it's the last thing I do.
Okay... yup.
- Debbie!
- Hi!
Right over here.
- Hi!
- Hi.
- Good to see you!
- Good to see you.
I had
an umbrella somewhere.
That's roxy.
Hi, roxy!
My goodness!
Hi, Samuels.
It's Charles.
What do you think?
It's... amazing.
It's perfect.
Oh, my gosh...
We're here
oh, my goodness...
Jack, this place is great.
Debbie, there's...
There's something
I have to get off my chest.
What is it?
The truth...
Is I'm actually...
I'm not really...
Okay, I'm not really good
at expressing my feelings
with my words.
I get tongue-tied
when I'm around you.
So I got you this.
Oh, Jack...
It's not a big deal,
It's just a...
A heart!
I know
it's corny, but...
No one's ever gotten me
a heart before.
It's engraved
on the back.
"Always, Jake."
What? What does it...
Does it say that?
- No!
- Yeah!
No! Oh, they
messed it up!
Okay, I'm taking
it back.
No, no!
Please, no.
- Give it to me.
- No, I like it.
Please don't take it back.
You're not supposed
to be laughing!
Give it to me.
- It's funny! It's funny.
- Give me that.
No. No, no, no!
Give it... whoa!
Oh, wait.
Here's hot cocoa.
Thank you.
There's something
you need to know about me.
What is it?
Okay, I...
I can't cook at all.
I mean...
Not even popcorn.
We can survive on
peanut butter sandwiches
if we have to.
Is there anything else?
I'm not...
I'm not...
no, no, no, stop.
I don't care
what you're not.
I care what you are...
And you are
what every guy
would dream of.
You're beautiful,
and smart,
and fun.
I'm fun?
But those are just
the obvious things.
What I'm talking about
is all the
undefinable things,
all the little things
that come together
to make up who you are.
Your essence.
Your soul.
Your gist.
My gist?
I'm just saying,
this can't go on.
I'm going to tell her
during breakfast.
You agree with me, right, girl?
You've got to tell him.
Right now.
Good morning,
sleepy head.
I was getting scared
roxy and I
were going to have
to eat this all ourselves.
Jack, I...
I don't deserve all this.
No, I was
just thinking
You deserve better.
No, Jack...
Should probably
get that.
It's been ringing all morning.
It's my boss.
Got to take it.
What's wrong?
Don't panic.
The edinger deal.
I knew something was falling
through the cracks.
It's your father.
He's had a heart attack.
He's all right.
It was very minor,
but they just want
to keep him in for a few days
for observations and tests.
What hospital?
Chicago west.
That's Jack's hospital.
Okay, I'm on my way.
I'm so sorry.
I have to go.
My dad's in the hospital.
What happened?
He had a heart attack.
Where? What hospital?
University of Chicago.
Okay, I'll get ready.
Okay. Thank you.
You didn't tell him yet?
I didn't have
the opportunity.
Well, what happens
when he wants
to look in at your dad
and there's no
"Mr. celvin" checked in?
I lied again.
I told him
we were at a different hospital.
And if he sees
you here visiting?
He is in
labor and delivery.
That's a different wing.
He has no reason
to be over here.
I'm looking for my father,
Edward Benson.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Slow down, honey.
Edward Benson,
He's in room 505.
Oh, daddy.
I'm fine, kitten.
Really, I am.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
I'm sorry
I wasn't here for you.
We've been frantic
looking for you.
- Where have you been?
- I was...
Out of town.
That's unlike you
to go off without telling us.
Well, enough about me.
What do the doctors say?
They think
it's very minor.
They just want
to keep an eye on him.
I thought it was indigestion.
He's as fit as a fiddle.
He had a heart attack, Charles!
He could have died!
I'm sorry, folks.
The doctor ordered another ecg
to check
Mr. Benson's heart function.
Okay, I'll be here
when you get out, okay?
I love you.
You know that?
I know that, kitten.
I love you, too.
I'm sorry, Charles.
You've got to understand...
He's all I have.
You've got me, too.
I need to be alone right now.
from the dairy state.
Aw, what a doll.
What do you got for me?
New guy in 505.
Been here a day
and thinks he owns the place.
I will whip him into shape.
I'm sure you will.
Ooh, that's nice. Sweet.
We can't break ground
until we get a clean bill
of health from the epa,
not to mention...
Hang on a sec.
No! No, leveraging this deal
will give us
the best capital returns
in the long run.
Absolutely not.
We can't risk
that skunk pulling out again.
Mr. Benson...
You'll have to speak up.
I can't hear you.
Jim, no...
I need a good faith offer
of at least 50 million
before I'll even consider
sitting down with him.
Thank you.
Bye, Jim.
What did you do that for?
Take a breath.
First, you unplugged
your heart monitor,
and second,
you're supposed to be in bed,
getting rest.
Doctor's orders.
You're not my doctor.
I'm your nurse.
It's a practical joke, right?
Frank holzman
put you up to this?
It's one of
those song-o-grams, right?
Okay, so when you
get back to the office,
get a copy to each party,
including a
revised addendum.
Will do.
- Anything else?
- Mm-hmm.
Charles left this
for your father.
Some new hotel development
he wants him to take a look at.
You'd think he could
give the guy a day or two.
Want me
to give it back to him?
No, I'll look at it.
Oh, no! The doctor's in!
The doctor's in!
- Don't look, don't look.
- Okay, I won't. I'm not looking.
Debbie, what are you doing here?
Um, Katherine...
Katherine was not...
Katherine, um...
- I fainted.
- Right? Yeah.
Must be exhaustion.
I work like a maniac,
in case you haven't heard.
I really ought
to take this as a warning.
Was there any vomiting
or abdominal cramps?
- No.
- Yes.
Yeah, no...?
There was,
but that's past.
That's all gone now.
It is.
All gone.
much better.
I will be taking
a few days off, though.
Sounds like you're dehydrated.
Hi, um...
My name is Reggie leduca.
My friends call me Reggie...
Has anyone ever told you
that you have
the most amazing eyes?
did you say
you had to get back
to the office?
- Oh.
- Huh?
Yes. Yeah. I...
Have a job,
and I have to go there.
Can I walk you back to work,
You okay?
Um... how's your dad?
He's fine, thank you.
He should be discharged
before the weekend.
Good, good.
I've missed you.
It's only been
45 hours.
Good, so you're
counting, too.
I guess I am.
You look very cute
in your scrubs.
Thank you.
You look very cute
in your gray dress.
Thank you.
When do I get to see you again?
This Friday work?
I'll call.
I'll answer.
You look better.
Kitten, I'm perfectly fine.
I don't even know
why I have to stay here.
It's for
your own good.
Please don't talk to me
like I'm a child.
Hey, did you see
what I brought you?
A chess set.
For all those times
you trounced me as a kid.
It's the only way you'd learn.
I thought
you were just a poor loser.
That too.
How long did it take you
to fall in love with mom?
I'd say about
a minute and a half.
That fast.
She had that laugh.
How she could shake you
out of your bluest moment
and make you feel like
you could conquer anything.
When I heard that laugh,
I was done for.
What's troubling
you, kitten?
I think I may be in love.
Oh, Katherine...
It's someone
I can see
spending the rest
of my life with,
having children with.
But what about Charles?
I thought you were
going to try to do...
I did try.
I did,
and I just don't love him.
And you love
this man,
someone you don't
even know?
I know him.
What does he do for a living?
Who are his parents?
What schools
did he go to?
I'm a grown woman.
I don't have to
justify my choices to you.
And I'm your father.
You most certainly do.
You realize
you put me in charge
of a multi-billion dollar
And hundreds of decisions
every day
that determine its future,
but you won't let me make
a single one about my own?
Business is one thing,
but love is...
Love is personal.
You and the board of directors
don't get a vote.
The guy's name's
Jack Cooper.
It seems like they met
on a dating website.
He's a registered nurse
at Chicago west.
All his personal
info is in there.
Mr. Benson!
I was coming back
from the bathroom,
and my legs just
gave out on me.
You know you're
not supposed to
get out of bed
by yourself.
I've been going to
the bathroom on my own
since I was
three years old.
I'm not ready to
change things yet.
Okay, from now on,
you have to ring me
if you need to get up.
Mr. Benson, I can have
a female nurse assigned
if it makes you feel
more comfortable.
Nah, it's okay.
Sometimes, I need to sit
with an idea for a while, but...
I usually come around.
You play?
State high school champ
'64 through '67.
50 years ago.
We gonna be here
all day or what?
You got somewhere
you need to be?
You know, my late wife
was a nurse.
We met during the war.
Vietnam, smart-aleck.
And you... you got
a girlfriend?
I do.
How'd you two meet?
On the Internet.
Ah, one of those
desperate cases, hmm?
Lots of people
meet that way.
You kids nowadays want
everything to be so easy.
You think
you can find love
by filling out
a survey,
checking off a list,
like you were
buying a car.
"Power steering."
"Black." Click.
"Extra cup holder."
Sometimes, you got to
dig to find the gold.
like anything worth having,
requires some good
old-fashioned elbow grease.
That's what I've been telling
my hotheaded daughter anyway.
You have a daughter?
And she's taken,
so don't get any big ideas.
Are you kidding?
The last thing
I would want
is you
as a father-in-law.
My sentiments exactly.
So, this Internet
girlfriend of yours,
she doesn't mind
your chosen profession?
Not in the least.
She doesn't exist, does she?
She exists.
But she thinks I'm a doctor.
Ooh... that's quite
the kettle of fish,
now, isn't it?
I didn't mean for it to happen.
Things just got away from me,
and I...
Do you love her?
I do.
Then you've got
to tell her.
I know.
Hi, it's me.
Leave a message.
I'll call you back.
Hi, Debbie, it's, uh, it's me.
I have something
really important
that I have to tell you,
and it can't wait till Friday.
Can I see you tomorrow?
Jack Cooper?
How can I help you?
I'm Charles Hodges.
I'm a friend
of Katherine.
Who's Katherine?
Katherine Benson,
president of Benson alliance,
No, that's my girlfriend,
that's Debbie celvin.
I don't get it.
I don't get it, she told me
she was an executive assistant.
Executive assistant?
She most certainly is not,
and from what I understand,
you are not a doctor.
Don't worry,
I haven't told her yet.
She'd be mortified to realize
she's been duped like this.
I'd like to spare her
the embarrassment.
What is this?
A check for $237.00 to at&t?
No. What?
Oh, sorry,
that's my phone bill.
Here we go.
Payable to you.
What's this for?
That is to tell her
you don't love her.
To walk away.
You're buying me off?
She's a corporate giant.
Do you really think
she'll be interested in a nurse?
And one that's lied
to her, to boot?
Like this,
she may be hurt, perhaps,
think you're
a bit of a cad,
but at least
she'll never realize
what a shameful,
underhanded thing
you've done.
You will have
saved face for yourself,
but more so for Katherine.
If it's not enough,
I can go higher.
- I don't...
- Please, Jack.
Everybody has a price.
You know what, Charles?
I get the feeling
you wouldn't be
standing here
in front of
my cruddy house
in this low-rent
offering me an obscene
amount of money
if you were so sure
she was going to dump me
when she finds
out who I am.
No deal.
You will regret this.
I'll take my chances.
Come on, girl.
Let's go, rox.
Come on!
Leave the bad man.
She lied to me.
All this time,
acting like I was in her league,
making me think
that I actually
had a shot with her.
Why would she do that?
Well, you lied
to her, too.
I don't know, man.
Maybe she wanted to see
how the other half lives.
So, what?
I was like some
social experiment?
Her millions don't
keep her occupied enough?
What if it's billions?
I took her bowling!
Of all things,
I man, I am...
I am such a chump.
You're a good,
decent guy.
Anybody who knows you,
knows this.
She's lucky to have you.
Yeah, when
I was a doctor,
and she was a secretary.
Hold on, listen,
if she loves you,
like, really loves you,
it's not because
she thought you were a doctor.
You just said that
women want doctors.
Yes, no, I did say that,
but, yeah, you can't
listen to me, man.
I'm a mess with women.
Come on!
Have some confidence, man.
You'll tell her
all about this,
you'll both
have a laugh,
and then, you know,
it'll be...
It'll be okay.
I promise.
In hindsight, though,
the bowling, that was...
That was...
A bad idea.
What happened?
Did something happen?
I know you're seeing
someone else, Katherine.
I'm sorry.
I was going to tell you.
He's not who
you think he is.
I hired
a private investigator.
This Jack Cooper,
he's not a doctor.
Charles, he's
chief of obstetrics.
At this...
He's a nurse, Katherine.
You've got the wrong person.
He goes by "Jack."
His name is
Dr. j. Thomas Cooper.
Dr. j. Thomas...
Follow me.
Excuse me, miss,
would you be so kind
as to page
Dr. j. Thomas Cooper for us?
It's a bit of an emergency.
Dr. j. Thomas Cooper,
please report
to ccu, stat.
Dr. Cooper, ccu.
Thank you.
What made you think
it would be okay
to spy on me?
I did it to protect you.
That's unbelievable.
You made a mistake.
You're the one
that's made a mistake.
Did someone here
have me paged?
This couple.
Sorry, I think there's been
a misunderstanding.
We were paging
Dr. j. Thomas Cooper.
Chief of obstetrics.
And here I am.
I'd like you
to meet someone.
This is my nurse,
Jack Cooper.
Plays one mean
game of chess.
Jack, this is
my daughter, Katherine.
What's the matter with you two?
You've been lying to me.
It seems you were lying
to me, too...
What the heck is going on here?
What's going on
is that your nurse
tried to convince Katherine
he's a doctor
so that she would
go out with him.
I wasn't the one that...
Is she the one
you've been talking about?
He's after your
money, Katherine.
Her-her money?
She told me...
You told me you were
an executive assistant.
Dad, please...
I should have known
this was too good to be true.
I'm such a fool.
You know, uh...
She made her choice.
You leave her alone.
You know this wasn't
about the money, right?
You know I love her.
Or is this about
something else?
You don't think a nurse is
good enough for your daughter.
Is that it?
Oh, Jack.
You're a good kid, but...
I'm sorry.
If your clients don't have
their funds into escrow
by the end of business,
I will pull the plug
on this thing
so fast they'll get seasick
going down the drain.
Did you get that email I sent
with the response to tillinger?
I need to get that out
You can't send that.
I'm sick and tired of him
walking all over me.
It's about time
I threw down the gauntlet.
What is going on
with you?
You've been acting like
Attila the hun all day.
Did something
happen with Jack?
He lied to me.
He's not a doctor, he's a nurse.
And I'm an idiot, I fell for it.
Well, you lied, too.
You both were pretending
to be something you weren't.
Yeah, I was not pretending
to be something
more desirable than I am.
I was pretending to be
something less desirable
than I...
I... I'm...
I didn't mean that, I'm sorry.
Maybe you should ask yourself
why you're really upset.
Because he lied,
or because you're a bigger snob
than you're willing to admit.
Where you been, weirdo?
Mad-dog milly's been
a real pain in the butt.
Your surgery is
scheduled for the morning.
No liquids after 10:00.
There's a light meal.
Okay, sure.
The duty nurse
will be in to wake you
around 6:00
in the morning
and prep you.
Where are you
going to be?
Tomorrow's my day off.
Your day off?
Yeah, Brandon, I know
it's hard to believe,
but I have other things
other than
just being a nurse.
I have a life,
my own problems.
So you give me
this stupid book,
act like you're my friend,
like you actually care,
and you're not even
going to show up for this?
Listen, buddy...
"Buddy"? Right.
Brandon, I'm sorry.
Of course, I'll be here.
I'm all over this.
Know what, forget it.
All you adults
are a bunch of phonies.
Sometimes, I'm glad
I'm an old man.
You're not an old man.
Sure as heck
feel like it.
How is she?
Well, she won't talk about it.
Acts like
nothing even happened.
What I don't understand is
how she allowed herself
to be deceived like that.
She's usually so careful.
From what I can tell,
he's a professional con man
who won't take no for an answer.
What do you mean?
You talked to him?
Oh, well, I, uh...
Just a brief encounter.
I hope I didn't
overstep my bounds,
but I do feel I have a stake
in the matter.
Out with it, Charles.
I offered him some money...
To break it off with her.
But he declined.
He said he'd prefer
to take his chances
and that she'd still want him.
Can you believe that?
Get better,
all right?
That son of a gun.
Hey, Brandon!
Hey, buddy.
Hey, loser.
Didn't have anything
better to do on your day off?
Not a chance.
You're gonna do great in there.
How do you know for sure?
Because you're not
the kind of guy who quits
when you're in the middle
of something.
I've been
looking for those.
So, what
do you think?
It's a very ambitious project.
400,000 square feet
of retail space.
A casino
and an amphitheater
in the hotel.
We call it the lake Tahoe
of the midwest.
How about the residents?
It's going to drastically
change the character
of the whole area.
Are they not
opposed to it?
But they'll come around.
You're so sure.
Everybody has a price.
I'm glad you're taking
an interest.
With your father
out of commission,
we need someone
from your side
to steer this thing.
You know, Katherine...
I, uh, wanted
to let you know
none of this has changed
the way I feel about you.
How do you feel about me?
What do you mean?
Do you love me?
Yes, of course.
If you could name a reason.
Well, uh...
Let's see.
Where to begin?
You are a brilliant
but not unreasonable.
Um, we share a lot of
the same interests,
ambitions, political views,
and, of course,
I find you very attractive,
And you're very spirited.
Always keeping me on my toes.
What if...
What if I had Debbie's job?
But you don't.
I could if I could type.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Debbie, cover me.
Where are you going?
I'm going to see a guy
about my gist.
Her gist?
So, he's in stable condition.
The valve surgery
went very well.
We'll let you know when
you can go and see him.
Nurse Cooper,
he was asking about you
when he woke up.
I'm sure he'll be
glad to know
that you're
still here.
Katherine, listen...
You listen.
Daddy, my whole life,
I've done things your way.
I went to the schools you chose,
I studied the things
you considered important,
I took the jobs you thought
would best advance
my career,
and I've been
very lucky,
because you've made
good decisions for me.
But listen,
you also taught me
that a good deal
isn't necessarily the one
that makes
the most sense on paper.
you need to
lay the numbers aside
and trust your instincts.
What I'm trying to say is...
He's the one for me.
And at the end of the day,
this is just one
that I need to trust
my instincts on,
and my gut is telling me
if I pass up on this deal,
I will regret it
for the rest of my life.
I gather from your tone,
you don't care
to hear my opinion.
I love you,
but I'm not that little girl
on the pony anymore.
I can take care of myself.
I couldn't agree more.
Now go get him.
Excuse me.
Is nurse Cooper here today?
It's his day off,
but I think he might be here
visiting a patient.
Would it be possible
to page him?
Oh, sorry, not
when he's off duty.
"' you want to get
a table inside
"and have a drink or something?'
"I said to her finally.
That's the most... '"
I'm paging
nurse Cooper.
Please report to
the cardiac care unit asap?
Or "stat."
Who's Katherine?
She's my girlfriend.
I mean, she was,
when she was Debbie.
It's kind of a long story.
It's not a medical emergency.
It's more of a-a...
Of a love emergency?
Well what are you
waiting for, cinderella?
Your pumpkin
to turn into a carriage?
I don't know if you can
hear me, Jack, but, uh...
I'm sorry.
What the devil is going on?
I had no right to judge you,
especially when
you'd already shown me
the kind of man you are.
I'm in love with you.
And I didn't
fall in love with you
because I thought
you were a doctor.
I love you
because of
who you are.
Um... okay.
That was beautiful, honey.
Attention all visitors.
Would Katherine Benson
please report to
the South end of the hall?
Well, it looks like
you just won yourself
the prize of the century.
Go on and claim him.
Alone, preferably.
You heard all that?
I heard all that.
Jack, I...
No, wait.
I want you to know
that I never meant
for things to go
the way that they did.
I realized that
you are the woman
that I want to share
the rest of my life with,
and I was scared.
And I promise that I will always
tell you the truth
even when it's hard.
Me too.
And every single day,
I will be the best man
I know to be.
I love you,