April and the Extraordinary World (2015)

It is the eve of
the Franco-Prussian War,
and Napoleon the Third,
emperor of France,
seeks to create
a new breed of soldier,
one that will ensure victory.
To that end,
he pays a secret visit
to a young scientist
named Gustave Franklin.
So, my dear Gustave,
is my serum ready?
Your Majesty, I must admit the results of
my research aren't what I anticipated.
The latest version of my
serum modified the organisms
in my test subjects in
quite an unexpected way.
You'll see,
it's extraordinary!
Rodrigue! Chimne!
Don't be shy, children.
Say good evening
to the Emperor.
Good evening to the Emperor!
Good evening to the Emperor!
Those animals can speak?
Yes, they're...
No? What do you mean, no?
You promised me that
your ultimate serum
would create an army of invulnerable,
invincible warriors.
The war is coming
at any moment.
What have you given me?
Nothing but sideshow freaks.
Bizaine! Take out your gun
and fire at those beasts.
If they're not as invincible as we thought,
too bad for them.
As you wish, Majesty!
No! No, wait!
There, there.
Sleep, Prosper.
It's nothing.
Daddy is just working.
And so, Emperor Napoleon III
meets his untimely end,
leaving behind
a bereaved nation
and a son, who the very next
day is crowned Napoleon IV.
Less warlike than his father,
the young emperor signs a
peace treaty with Prussia,
thus averting war and changing
the course of history
by securing the French throne
for a long line of Napoleons.
Several years later,
the world's leading scientists
begin to mysteriously
disappear as if into thin air.
Despite the best efforts
of police across the globe,
no one can discover
why or where they've gone.
Branly. Einstein. Hertz.
Marconi. Nobel. Pasteur.
And a host of other
brilliant minds.
Without its scientists,
the world never sees
the wonders they would
have invented or discovered.
No electricity. No radio or television.
No automobiles.
Scientific progress
comes to a halt.
With no one to discover
new sources of energy,
mankind continues
to rely on coal.
And when the coal runs out,
wood burning furnaces,
until the forests of Europe
have been stripped bare.
The French Empire
casts a covetous eye
on the great forests
of North America.
But seizing them
will mean war.
And to win,
France will need scientists
to upgrade
its antiquated weaponry.
The few scientists who remain
are being tracked down
and made to work for the military,
willingly or not.
So it is, that,
60 years later,
Gustave Franklin's son,
Prosper, and his grandson, Paul,
find themselves forced into
hiding as they continue
the pursuit of
the Ultimate Serum.
The year is 1931
but the world is still
stuck in the Steam Age!
I knew
I'd find you here.
I can't help it.
I need to come see it every day.
I know, it's the last one and it
reminds you of when you were young
and when
there were trees.
Sorry, but we have something very
important we have to finish today.
You know you're
taking a risk coming here.
Do you want them to catch you
and force you to make weapons?
I keep telling you,
I can't help it.
Hey! A coin for the song.
One coin, come on.
Attack! Attack!
Your souls will hear our call
Destroy! Destroy!
The enemy must fall
Attack! Attack!
Those brave and restless be
We'll shoot them all
Tomorrow we'll be free
Together we head full
steam toward our goal
We'll cross this ocean
for the final round
The bugles sound
the echo of the gun
Their forests are ours
and so their coal
You won't say anything
to Annette, right?
Do I ever?
they just went in!
The family's all there.
This is it. We can lock them up.
My dear Limousin,
it took us weeks to find them.
We can wait 10 more minutes.
Let me finish my nap, will ya?
Prosper, where on Earth
have you been?
I had to administer
the doses alone.
Firstly, it's Pops.
And second, it's none of your business.
Annette, come on, love.
Let it be.
You can argue
about it later.
It's a big day for us
today. Whew, big day.
Enzymatic integration?
It's good.
Molecular hybridization?
of mutant agent?
Emulsions 1 and 2
for the final mix?
Here they are!
April, this is not
the time.
So now?
Can I mix it now?
My little sparrow, the best
way you can help us
is to sit right here and
not touch anything.
Now, where were we?
Emulsions 1 and 2?
Here they are.
- Hydrostatic pressure?
- Perfect! Volume masses stable.
Stop making
such a sad face.
Come play. It'll be more fun
than this chemistry doom.
Darwin, it's thanks to that
chemistry you can talk.
And you're proud of your parents?
It was a failed experiment.
I was supposed to be
invulnerable but I'm not.
This time, unless
we've slipped up somewhere,
we have created
the Ultimate Serum.
The Ultimate Serum.
All forms of life
will be invulnerable.
Illness, old age, and death
will be things of the past.
Mere memories.
A more admirable goal than
creating invincible soldiers,
isn't it, Grandad?
We made the same
mistakes you did.
But finally, today,
we'll be successful.
Now we can proceed
with the guinea pig test.
Prosper, would you please...
Pops! Call me Pops!
This is Inspector Pizoni!
Imperial Security!
Don't try to escape.
You're surrounded.
And don't forget,
I want them alive.
You are under arrest
for breaking the law!
All scientists must be
in service to the Empire!
Open up!
The serum! We can't let
them get their hands on it.
Open up!
The escape hatch, quick!
Come on! Quick!
I'll stall them.
I'll meet you at the Steam Mobile!
Go! Get out of here.
Stop! Put your hands up.
I got you!
But... Hands up!
Go on,
stop the boiler.
With my hands in the air,
that might prove to be difficult.
Well then,
let me make it easier.
The boiler!
Aim for the boiler!
Don't move.
We got 'em, don't let 'em get away!
Come back here,
you swine!
You'll pay for this!
I'll head for the station!
It's our only chance.
Annette! April!
Are you all right?
You're not hurt?
Attention, please, Platform 2.
Immediate boarding
for the 1:47 to Berlin.
Ha! There! Arrest them!
Come on!
In the name of the Empire!
Arrest them! Arrest them!
Arrest them!
Platform 2,
Paris to Berlin is now leaving.
We'd like to
remind our third class passengers
that they are forbidden to
speak to the other passengers.
Thank you.
And have a pleasant journey.
Farewell, Paris.
And Grandpa?
Don't worry.
He's much smarter than the police,
I'm sure
he'll be all right.
Once we're in Berlin we'll
find a way to contact him.
They also have police in Berlin,
you know.
We must hide
the serum.
In the name of the Empire,
stop right there!
Come on.
You dirty swine.
Where are you hiding?
Whoa, ah, ah!
Annette, quick!
The life baskets!
Come on, close. Close!
Annette, what're you doing?
All right,
I'm coming!
Stop! Don't move!
Ha! Gotcha!
This time
there's no escape.
Mother! Father!
A cable car destroyed!
Paul and Annette Franklin,
two valued scientists
we've been following
for weeks. Dead!
Vaporized! Along with all those
passengers and your own men.
The grandfather,
Prosper Franklin,
another valued scientist,
The girl is mute,
useless to us.
I ask you again, Pizoni,
what the hell happened?
I told you already.
There was a black cloud,
lightning and then everything blew up!
It's all that
old geezer's fault.
If it weren't for him I would
have the whole family.
Soon as I get out of here,
I'm gonna clock that grandpa.
Out of the question,
you one-man catastrophe!
No more hunting
scientists for you!
When you get out, the only ones
you'll be arresting are tramps
and vegetable thieves,
Agent Pizoni.
That's right, Agent.
No more Inspector.
You can
thank the Empire.
After taking care of you
and feeding you,
they're gonna place you
in an orphanage.
It's a nice place where
head lice are undesirable.
Hey, wait! Police.
I got something to say to this kid.
Well, uh, yeah.
I'm sorry
about your parents.
That was ugly, that
was ugly what happened.
But you still have your grandpa, right?
Prosper Franklin?
You wanna make sure
he's all right, don't you? Hmm?
You're a clever girl.
You must know where he is.
Come on, talk! Say something!
Cat got your tongue?
Come back!
Stop her!
Well nothing. She disappeared.
I gave up.
April Franklin!
You can hide all you want
but I'm gonna find you.
And I am also gonna
find your grandfather.
I'm will throw him in the can,
and I will be Inspector again.
Be afraid, Franklins!
Beware the wrath
of Gaspard Pizoni!
June 18, 1941
Napoleon V and Queen Victoria II,
high above the English Channel.
At last, our beloved sovereigns inaugurate
the bridge connecting England and France.
Rome. Another scientist
mysteriously disappears!
No trace has been found
of the poor Enrico Fermi!
Unfortunate news out of
the League of Americas.
Shots exchanged off
the coast of Canada!
Once again, our Imperial Navy
was almost victorious!
The cable car route between Paris
and Berlin is finally repaired!
Take advantage
of this quick trip!
Enjoy 82 hours
of relative comfort
as you travel between
our two capitals!
Summer's here!
Cover up, change the anti-dust
filters on your masks
and come on out
to the summer fair!
Exciting merry-go-rounds
and other thrilling
attractions await you!
You like chemistry?
Do you have anything
more recent?
Oh, no, little lady.
The most recent science
is from the last century.
Oh, all right,
then I'll take that one there.
Coming right up.
Oh. Oh.
Hey! Watch where
you're going.
Hoodlum! I should
call the police.
Pardon me.
Excuse me, sorry!
Aw, shoot.
It's me!
French poems
Darwin! You know
how tired you get
when you read
alone like this.
I'll read it
to you, okay?
How is it out there?
Same as always.
The war.
Another scientist
disappeared in Rome!
And now there's a bridge
between England and France...
Argh! This soot!
I brought you this,
and some glucose!
Perrault, Puss in Boots.
Thanks, but we already
have it, remember?
It was one of your favorites
when I used to read to you.
They really didn't have
much choice today.
Darwin, what's it like
in Rome?
If you paid attention
to my geography lessons, you'd know.
There's more to life
than chemistry.
Rome is magnificent.
The Colosseum.
Bernini's Throne.
But I'll never see any of it.
What are you talking about?
Reading exhausts me,
I have a headache.
And I have more soot
than air in my lungs.
It'll smell better here
very soon.
You won't have to
clean my litter box.
Will you stop it?
Your brain tends to overheat.
Let me take your temperature.
Leave my bottom alone!
My nose is hotter
than yesterday,
and my fever
hasn't gone down at all.
The serum.
I will find it and you'll be cured!
You should really
find a new friend.
I don't need anyone.
You're just saying that because you're
afraid to meet someone and then lose them.
But exploding cable cars only
happen once in a lifetime.
It's ready!
You're going to swallow this and
then shut that big mouth of yours!
Is the food good?
Only reason
I come here is for the view.
Nothing new! She goes out every
day to swipe books 'n stuff.
Always alone.
She doesn't see anybody.
I still haven't found her hideaway.
Every day I lose her
in the same place.
She goes out,
she comes back and poof!
The old guy, Prosper?
Aw, you ask me every time.
I just told you, she sees nobody.
Why don't you just let it go?
What's it been, 10 years you've
been chasing after this old guy?
Go after another scientist.
Plus, I'm starting to get real
tired of tailing this girl.
I mean, not that she's not kinda cute,
but I've tailed cuter.
Are those radishes
or mushrooms?
Listen to me!
You haven't been working for me for that
long, so maybe you don't understand!
Even if it takes
another 10 years,
I'm going to catch
that geezer!
And if you don't like it,
I'll send you back to the can!
I've found two-bit hacks like you
before and I can find 'em again.
Whoa. Calm down. All right, I'm in.
What're the orders?
One, find her hideaway.
Two, make sure she doesn't
get caught when she steals.
Last thing we need
is her in jail.
Three, get outta here!
I'd like to finish my meal in peace.
Oh, you must have had
a very bad childhood.
Get lost.
The cat spoke,
"In exchange for what you have done for me,
I will bring you happiness!
"Give me just a bag
and a pair of boots
"and I will make you
a fortune."
End of chapter.
I'm sorry I couldn't
make you a fortune...
Oh, silly!
How do you feel?
The serum should
have worked by now.
If you don't mind my saying...
You might want
to change the formula.
Molecular hybridization
didn't work
because the polymerization
is incomplete.
I don't have enough
of the agents,
I need more potassium
dioxygen and...
In English, please.
It didn't work because I'm missing the
right amount of some ingredients.
But I know where
I can get them...
"Great summer fairground.
"See the magic and fun
of chemistry!"
With a little luck,
I'll find what I need!
I'm coming with you!
Not gonna happen.
It's out of the question.
Step right up!
Step right up!
See the incredible
bearded Siamese twins.
Free for all
military personnel.
The Lovers' Carousel
I'd really love to dance.
Cats don't dance.
And they don't talk!
So be quiet.
And thanks to the magic
of boric acid...
Poof! A green flame
the color of hope appears!
Once again,
a little girl wins a barrel of coal.
Thank you!
Thank you!
I know you're all breathlessly
anticipating the next miracle!
Lithium, potassium, calcium.
A rainbow of fire color!
Move it!
He's coming!
Hey, you!
Hurry up!
I gotcha,
ya dirty little...
Stop her! Thief!
Hurry up! Hurry up!
Hurry up! Hurry up!
A talking cat?
- Maximum surveillance, send in the rat spy.
- As you wish.
Come back!
Someone stop her!
Oh! Honey,
where have you been?
I've looked all over
for you!
Your bag!
Open your bag!
Hey! Whoa! Where are your manners?
Don't touch my girl like that.
Yeah, well, you should see
what your girl's been doing...
You're lucky I'm
with my sweetie.
If not, I'd shove that clown hat of
yours where the sun don't shine!
There's a little boy named Leo
waiting for his mom
by the molten furnace.
Your tiger here
doesn't look so hot.
Uh, hey, I don't know
what to say so...
Here, think this is yours.
You do magic with that stuff, too?
I'd love to see it,
say, your place?
I, uh... Listen,
thanks again but
you wouldn't like my place.
And I don't live alone.
So better just leave it at that.
Filtration, good.
Inserting enzymatic.
Molecular hybridization.
Injecting mutant agent.
And now,
colloidal solution... Done!
I don't have exactly what I need,
but it should still work, Darwin!
You could be cured.
Come on, come on.
What does it feel like
to be kissed?
Did he bite you?
Lick your tongue?
Did you like it?
Swallow and shut up.
It should've
worked by now.
Do you feel anything?
Thanks for this wonderful day.
And now,
I can finally leave.
And where will
you go? Silly.
I'm going
to find Homer
and Plato and Shakespeare...
And also Perrault.
I've got a few things
to teach him about cats.
April, I'm thirsty.
This is your fault!
Why did I listen to you?
I never should have
let you go outside
to breathe in
that crappy soot!
And this...
This is crap, too!
Everything is crap!
Useless! Useless!
All of it!
I hope you don't
expect me to clean up this mess.
You're, you're cured!
Hey, that tickles!
Is this even possible?
With this, it is. I just swallowed some,
and now I'm fine!
Hold on, you just drank this
liquid and now you're cured?
This globe, my mother gave it
to me the last time I saw her.
The serum!
My parents never got to test the
last version of their serum!
I don't know how
they got it in here,
but you drank it! Darwin!
My parents actually did it!
The Ultimate Serum
really works!
And let me tell you, it's
better than chicken soup!
I feel like
I swallowed a panther!
You may applaud.
You! What are you doing here?
Nothing, just admiring
the view! Help me!
Oh! Thank you.
That was a close one.
I think I may need
to change my underwear.
So, Romeo,
was it love that made
you climb the balcony?
Are you spying on me?
I told you
to leave me alone!
Uh, and is that also
part of your act, too?
My little sparrow!
It's your father!
Can't be...
April, listen to me!
I don't have much time!
You're in danger!
They're coming for you!
Leave immediately! The oak! Go to the
big oak tree as fast as you can!
With any luck...
Sorry, feline instinct.
I can't control it.
What is this thing?
And how?
Father is alive?
Uh, something's
going on outside.
We have to go. Right now!
Why? What is it?
Uh, where're
you going?
Your place. Smart guy like you
must live somewhere nice.
You can put us up for
the night. Thank you!
What? Is there a problem?
You don't like people
stopping by unannounced?
And don't get any ideas!
There'll be no more exchanging saliva!
I'll sleep on my side
and Darwin'll stand guard!
Hmm. I think she likes you.
So, where do you live?
- What happened?
- You're back.
How's the rat?
Got him back.
He's at the lab.
What's happening?
We were about to get the serum
and she took off like
she knew we were coming.
Exactly. One of the scientists
took control of the spy rat!
Come, I have everything ready.
My love, you are far
too lenient with the humans!
These scientists have too much freedom!
This one should be punished!
is against our principles.
Paul Franklin,
stand up, please.
You erased your transmission.
What did you
tell your daughter?
You know as I know, this project can
finally be finished with April's help.
Where can we find her?
In a few moments,
you're going to be smiling a lot less
and talking a lot more.
Merely warning him, my dear.
Paul, if you won't tell us,
then maybe you'll be more
talkative with someone else.
You can come in now.
Nice place!
Is this how you pay
your rent here?
Hey, I found those!
I'm a collector! Got a problem with that?
You can sleep there, and
I'll stay in this corner.
There's a bucket for,
uh, well, you know what.
How do you do it?
Standing or like normal cats?
I'm normal, but I don't
like to be watched.
By the way, name's Julius.
Goodnight, Julius.
Uh, you wanna explain
what happened at the statue?
I don't know.
And your cat,
how come he can talk?
He talks, that's all.
The rat that said "Father,"
is he like the cat?
No, I don't think so.
You lost your parents, right?
What's it to you?
What's with all the questions?
Well, uh,
you're young,
you live alone.
I doubt it's 'cause you want to.
I know how you feel.
My mom and dad,
I never knew who they were.
At least, you never knew
what you regret.
So, you have nobody?
A brother, an uncle,
or a grandfather?
It's none
of your business!
Doesn't matter,
I'm leaving tomorrow with Darwin,
and you can go back
to being a "collector."
But for now, let me sleep!
I can help if you want.
You should think about it.
I told you already.
I don't need anyone.
Without him, you would
have been caught at the fair
and you'd have never heard
your father's message.
Julius, do you know
where there's an oak in Paris?
- A what?
- An oak. A tree.
You mean the tree? Sure, there's
only one left in the whole city.
Ugh! We've been here for hours.
What're we waiting for?
I don't know.
Now be quiet and wait.
"Certain varieties can live
to 1,100 years old."
"The oak was
widespread throughout Europe.
"And at present, only
three specimens remain."
This doesn't interest you?
No, Professor Darwin,
Mr. Boring Scientist.
Don't look at me.
Don't look at me.
101 rue de Bayonet,
To get in,
remember this number, 1931.
Wait here one hour before you go.
I must leave here alone.
What just happened?
What're you doing?
He told us to wait.
I thought
you were in a rush.
Annette, for 10 years I've been
watching those surveillance screens.
And the minute
I finally find April,
you play cop for those wackos!
Do you realize that April has what
we've been searching for all this time?
Here, even
with the best material
and the most brilliant
scientists on the planet,
we've never been successful!
But thanks to her,
thanks to the Ultimate Serum,
the project can
become a reality!
Where is April?
What did you tell her?
Paul, April will
be safe here.
We'll be a family again,
and we'll work together.
We'll work together?
You don't want to find her.
You want to recruit her for
your twisted dream project!
You wanted that same dream not long ago.
But then I woke up!
No, April won't be safe here
and you know it.
There is no scientific
proof at all
that this project
won't end in disaster.
So, I'm sorry, but
I'd prefer if my daughter
was as far away from
this insanity as possible.
Our daughter.
Uh, anyone here?
Hey, these are real!
D'you see?
April! April?
Do you know where we are?
Why didn't you wait an hour
like I asked you to?
Oh, it's been 10 years
I've been searching for you!
Orphanages, hospitals,
even cemeteries.
At the oak tree,
I wasn't sure, but I saw Darwin,
and then I knew it was you!
Oh! You've gotten so big!
So have you, Darwin!
Oh, wait, look,
I even got us some pastry.
Uh, who is this young man?
And why did you
get here so early?
I wanted to be here
so I could surprise you,
but now it's spoiled.
This isn't the reunion
I'd planned.
This is a wonderful reunion, Grandpa.
Pops. It's Pops.
Did you forget?
How did you know
where to find me?
This tree was a secret.
A secret between me and your father.
Mm-hm! I got a message
from Dad yesterday.
And if he's alive,
then Mom should be, too!
And that's not all.
Inside this,
is the formula you never
tested 10 years ago.
It cured Darwin!
You succeeded!
It's the Ultimate Serum!
Can you explain?
This isn't a good time.
Paul, Annette, alive?
That's impossible!
Were you able
to be more persuasive than I was?
Paul won't talk...
You won't hurt him, will you?
You know we won't.
Darwin absorbed the
serum that was in the globe.
And right after he's cured,
Paul transmits a message to you,
through a rat, that's using
unknown technology.
And then, the black cloud,
the lightning,
and your laboratory
being destroyed.
Who is behind all this, and why?
Maybe it's to get this.
The serum.
What is this?
And what's it do?
It's a prototype, and
I haven't tested it yet.
Get down! Get your paws
away from there.
Now then, let us assume
that your attackers
were looking to acquire
the serum.
Fine, but that doesn't tell us
how we can find your parents!
Hmm, We have no lead.
No clue...
Yes we do. The rat!
But of course! With a closer
look at his equipment,
I'll be able to unearth
a clue.
I'm going to the statue.
I'm coming, too.
Uh, are you sure
that's a good idea?
He's right,
it's too dangerous.
I already lost you once,
that was enough.
This location is safe,
so stay here.
I've taken the proper measures.
Don't worry about me.
In the last 10 years, I've become
quite the expert at blending in.
You have chalk
on your nose.
Oh, uh, yes, well,
so I do.
One very important thing,
do not touch the serum.
We must examine it,
and test it.
Oh, yes, yes. You will find
something to change into upstairs.
Pizoni! You're wanted
on the iteraphone!
By all means,
take your time.
Pizoni. Imperial police.
Go ahead.
Yeah, it's me.
I found the old guy, Pops.
And I know where
you can nab him.
But first, you have
to keep your promise.
Not before I put the cuffs on him.
And the girl?
She's gone, outta sight.
Don't even ask me
where she is, I have no idea.
Julius... What...
What do you think?
Got a signal!
Electromagnetic activity.
Another one
discovering electricity.
Send a spy rat down
to locate its position.
Don't just stand there
like an endive,
come help me!
Do something!
Everything all right?
Don't speak. Don't move a muscle.
Turn around.
Make up your mind, shall I
turn around or not move a muscle?
Always the joker, aren't you Pops?
Turn around!
Ha-ha! A souvenir!
Remember that day?
Here he is, Prosper Franklin.
Better late than never, eh?
So, my career back on track?
But of course!
Grab him!
But... But...
Wait... What's going on?
So kind of you to bring
him in, Agent Pizoni!
However, even after 10 years,
an order is an order.
You were warned to stay
away from the scientists.
With your talents, who knows what other
catastrophes you may have caused.
Psst! Pops.
Darwin, go warn April.
In case anything goes wrong,
on my world globe,
Uruguay! With a "U,"
for "urgent."
You piece
of garbage!
Go on! Take them away...
This isn't right!
- To Fort La Latte.
- Get your filthy hands off!
Let go, I said!
Do you want to tell
me where you went?
Outside. I had a few
things to think about.
We gotta talk.
I'm listening.
Well, I...
Uh, I can't stay here.
We found her.
How did you locate her?
An electric signal.
This time,
we won't lose the serum!
So, you're leaving?
In the middle of the night.
You could have at least
said goodbye to Pops.
Sorry, but it's
better this way.
I, uh... Darwin will
really miss you.
He liked having you around.
Darwin? Darwin!
April, April!
Pops has been arrested!
What? How?
Where are they taking him?
To Fort La Latte.
But I don't know where that is.
Gentlemen, welcome
to Fort La Latte,
the most securely guarded
secret base in the Empire.
A perfect place to prevent any
of your catastrophes, Pizoni.
A small, 14th-century
room awaits you.
Prosper Franklin,
you will have plenty to occupy
that scientific brain of yours
working for the Empire.
It's high time
you did your duty.
My good man, tell me, what is
the exact nature of this place?
It's a research laboratory
where people like you
are trying to fabricate
new weapons.
There's even a machine
that we found in the sea.
Nobody knows what it is.
This is our
nineteenth try at this.
And I've got a
bad feeling. Watch out...
Well, shall we
get something to eat?
What an absolute marvel!
Yes, only we don't know where
it came from or who made it.
So, if you got any ideas
about it, get to work.
Fort La Latte, Brittany.
A fort from the middle ages.
Abandoned... On a cliff.
And how do we
get there? By paw?
Julius, any ideas?
Uh, well... Huh?
What are you doing?
Geography always
comes in handy.
Dear visitor,
if you are hearing this
it's because
the situation is critical!
So, welcome to
my Meta-Mansion!
To steer the Meta-Mansion to
the location of your choice,
type your destination
on the keyboard.
For any other information,
please refer to the user's manual.
What is this nuthouse?
Where are we going?
To get Pops!
Where are we?
Bottom of the Seine.
Your methods are too extreme,
Rodrigue. April might have been injured.
If you can think of another
way to stop that house on legs,
my dear, I'm all ears.
But in the meantime, let me
pilot this thing, will you?
So, this is Normandy.
Well, well. No wonder they
all eat fish and mushrooms.
There's no
This is depressing.
Be patient.
Just a couple more hours.
I know you didn't
have much choice,
but thanks for
helping go find Pops.
Always happy to
be of service.
You are in love!
Isn't there any cat
stuff you could be doing?
Like licking your
bottom or eating rats?
You are in love.
I think you ought to take
that cat's temperature.
He's got a fever and
he's starting to hallucinate.
No time, guys. I've got a little
attack on a fort to get ready for.
My dear
this is not at all
the correct method.
The energy that powers this
device circulates through here.
These cables must be
connected here and there.
Very well,
but for years we've been asking
ourselves, what is this energy?
A phenomenon we've known
about for a long time
but never mastered.
more likely.
This mechanism is a masterpiece!
A veritable bouquet
of cables!
We're flooding!
Quick, close the doors! Hurry!
- Hurry!
- Warning! Evacuate!
Sound the alarm! Evacuate!
Get out of here
as fast as you can!
Are you ready?
Let's move on.
Help me! Open up!
Open up!
Here, this one goes on the
bottom and this one on top...
Idiot! We're going in circles!
Where the heck
is the exit?
I don't know!
Just keep going!
April? Oh!
April, you shouldn't have,
it's too dangerous.
Don't mean to interrupt,
but we're a little bit surrounded
by soldiers in a castle
that's about to be flooded.
Just give me
a couple more minutes.
I've come to the point where I
can get this marvel working.
You got a screw loose?
Let's get outta here
and go back to
your motorized shack!
Oh no, my house!
We'll have to find
another way out of here.
Hands in the air!
Next time we won't miss!
Quickly, climb in!
Brace yourselves!
The door's closed.
I'm in control of the
situation, young man.
It's quiet now.
Maybe we should think about
landing this thing, right?
In order to land,
we must first know our position.
We're flying in the middle of
the night with no visibility,
and the guidance instruments
aren't functioning.
Wait... You're saying
we're flying aimlessly
over the sea in this
bucket of bolts?
There's no need to worry.
Automatic pilot.
It works. I must say,
I'm getting the hang of
this thing, aren't I?
If you're so smart,
can you tell us where we are?
Not at all!
We could be flying over the
North Pole or Madagascar!
We'll know better
as soon as I repair this.
The guidance mechanism.
But first,
I'd like to hear some
explanations, young man.
Pizoni, the agent
who arrested me,
had two pieces of information
about me...
That he really
shouldn't have known.
One, my family
nickname. Pops.
Two, where I was going.
The Statue of Napoleon.
I don't know of any reason why
April, Darwin or even myself
would tell the police.
Julius, why did you do it?
You lied to me?
All this time?
You used me, just so you could
turn Pops over to the police?
I had no choice.
It was that or jail!
But I came back, for you!
To say goodbye, right?
You should've
just left!
Get away from me,
I don't want to talk to you!
Pizoni told me that Pops was
gonna work for the Empire
and that he'd be
treated well.
So, I told myself
it wasn't that bad.
But all that was before...
Before you fell in love.
Oh, you were just dumb
at the wrong time.
Thank you.
Ah, there we go.
Now it should work.
Oh, come on, work!
Dear scientists,
welcome aboard.
We are your new masters,
Rodrigue and Chimne.
You are being guided to a
safe haven where your talents
will be appreciated
and put to good use.
All science is most valuable to
us and pleasant surroundings
far away from the follies
of your government.
Like your cruel species, we've
learned that knowledge is power.
Your science will help us
achieve supreme power
through technological
The nature of your work
will be explained later.
If you have any illnesses or deformities,
please let us know.
Your diet will be
strictly vegetarian.
In case of airsickness,
please use the vomit bags provided.
We wish you a pleasant flight.
Those lizards took my parents?
I believe,
in actual fact,
they're more veranus
than lizards.
So, where are they?
They're on Airocopter 13.
We can locate and hear them,
but we can't see them.
Airocopter 13 went
down in the storm.
How did they recover it?
It doesn't matter,
the main thing is, we found April.
Get ready for takeoff!
I'll bring back that Airocopter.
No. You're too quick
on the trigger.
I will handle this.
Sorry you feel that way.
If you have a better idea on how
to bring April here safely,
I will be at your disposal.
Chimne, never correct me
in front of the children!
Reptiles who can talk...
Like Darwin.
We'll look for
explanations later.
We must find out
where we are.
If only this blasted thing
would start working again.
Dear friends,
thank you for visiting.
April, I look forward to seeing you,
with your serum.
They've taken over
the aircraft!
I can't control it anymore!
Where are you going?
To the hold!
The propulsion isn't working!
I'll try to repair it!
Are you crazy? Stop that!
Stay where you are,
Gramps! I heard everything!
No way I'm gonna be imprisoned
by a bunch of lizards!
I'm stopping this flying
contraption right now!
Mmm, ahh.
I must admit, it is one of the
rare pleasures created by humans.
Well, Fleming?
You're extremely tense.
It's stress.
You need to take
a vacation.
Rodrigue, we successfully gained
control of the Airocopter.
my love. And?
We lost the signal.
It must have crashed.
I'm not surprised.
I hope our fugitives
appreciate your methods.
It was stupid to let them
come in on their own!
There must be bits and pieces
of April all over the jungle!
Your anger is puerile.
What would be useful
would be to search the jungle.
Where are we?
Come on, Pizoni,
it's not that bad.
I made it down fine, see.
And I'm old enough to be your father.
I don't care,
I'm not moving!
Hurry! We have to go.
I've got a granddaughter to find.
Why don't they have
stairs on this tree anyway?
Pizoni, close your eyes
and let yourself slide
down this splendid vine.
So this is what those lizards want.
And what'll they do with it?
Eat it. And then
maybe us.
these trees are beautiful!
And the plants!
And the air's so clean!
You still hate me?
What is it you
want exactly?
For me to realize we were meant for
each other? We forget everything?
Kiss and make up?
Well, yeah!
Oh, Julius, I want to
spend my life with you!
And I'll just forget you turned my Pops
over to the police and lied to me!
Yeah, well, if they hadn't nabbed
Pops, we wouldn't be here!
So it's kinda thanks to me you
might find your mom and dad!
To think I've been looking for my
parents and you're the one I find!
Is that it?
Are you finished?
Now, what do we do?
How do I know?
Why don't you go sniff around
ahead and see what you can find?
So I'm taking all the risks.
Oh, great idea!
Go sniff ahead yourself.
Aw, Darwin, don't be mad.
Come back.
No, I need to go to the little feline's
room, and I would like some privacy.
For a cop,
I'm behind bars a lot.
Is your cage comfortable?
It wasn't me! He's the one
who broke your machine!
Let me go,
I'll work for you.
Discipline is my forte!
Where is April?
That is precisely
what I'd like to know.
Me, too.
I am fairly sure
you are lying.
Will you stop playing
the cruel male?
Clearly, they don't
know anything.
The children found the nose of
the Airocopter and footprints.
We must continue
to search.
See that? Had him right
where I wanted him.
Couple more minutes,
we woulda been free.
Ma, that smells good!
Can I taste it?
If you want.
It's cockroach pt.
Grazi mille, but I know how much
you need your protein.
Sure you don't want any?
Oh, oh, cara micia,
I have work to do.
Huh? I thought these
scientists were prisoners.
Ma, I'm so tired of Schumann.
Couldn't they play some Verdi?
What's up, doc?
Tell me, dear colleague,
Annette and Paul Franklin,
do you know where they are?
Scusi, ma...
Who are you?
We're, uh...
The Franklins,
where are they?
Ma! You don't know
who you are?
And why are you looking for Signore
Franklin? The traitor! Who are you?
Guard! Hurry!
Come here! Spies!
Not here. Stupido!
Oh, no!
I didn't press save!
Activate the
emergency generators.
It'll take time,
Go see what happened
to the power.
Night falls fast
around here.
So, what do we do now?
We have to find
April, right away!
And Annette?
Don't worry about her.
Hey, tadpole!
Over here!
Please, no!
I have vertigo!
Paul and Annette Franklin.
Where are they?
I don't know where the female is.
The male is locked up!
Imprisoned? Where?
The cell area.
Follow the blue lights.
I can't stand these lousy vines!
Hey! Where
are we going?
To find my daughter.
I have an idea where she might be.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Your family's no longer my business.
I just want to
get outta here.
How do ya leave this
godforsaken jungle?
Stupid vegetation!
I'd say we'll survive
without his help.
All right.
Due to the power failure,
the surveillance system's down.
You can get out
through the chimney.
The chimney?
Father? This is 521.
I'll pass you to 238.
We just found him.
What's happening, 238?
Is it April and her gang?
Yes. They're headed
for the cells.
They're looking
for Paul Franklin.
They have my ray gun.
Sorry, Papa.
If they're here,
then we've got them.
They have no way out.
Be gentle.
Let's have no more
shootouts, all right?
Chimne, I just had an idea.
A non-violent one.
I think you'll like it.
Paul! Paul, slow down.
I'm not 60 anymore.
Can you tell me
where we're going?
April doesn't
know this jungle.
So, she's bound
to be captured.
And I know just where
they'll take her.
Tell me, what does
she look like now?
Follow the blue lights!
It's not that complicated.
But someone didn't want to walk
in the middle of the path.
Someone wanted to blend in with the
vegetation like some wild animal!
Well someone was just trying
to avoid being discovered.
Well, now,
someone has gotten us lost!
Will you two
keep it down?
They can hear you
miles away!
Mama, look.
Darwin's here, too.
And he's...
Uh... Julius.
We'll get to know
each other later.
We can't stay here.
We have to go.
You escaped,
You were in a cell,
like Father?
You know how
to get him out?
I'll explain
Magnificent, huh?
A technological paradise.
A paradise
with prisoners.
Where is he?
April, here, the greatest minds of
the world work alongside animals.
Lizards and scientists, together
for the success of the Project.
What are you talking about?
What project?
Does it have to do
with the serum?
Why aren't you a prisoner
like Father?
Hold on tight.
Welcome, April.
You lied to me.
You betrayed us!
I have not lied nor betrayed.
April, you are here
for the best of causes.
Yes. Excellent work,
thank you.
Ah, the last of the Franklins.
What a displeasure it has
been to know this family
for such a long time.
Here's your serum.
Is that what you wanted?
Take it. Bring me
my father and let us go!
You fool. It's not what's
inside that globe I want,
it's what's inside
your head!
What we want, April, is what
you searched so long for
and finally found.
The formula
that saved your cat,
the real Ultimate Serum.
What are you talking about?
My cat was cured by the serum my
parents made. The one in the globe.
My own formula didn't work!
April, the serum
we left you,
we've tested for 10 years,
but to no avail.
We recreated it here,
and it always failed.
Uh... I'm 156, Mama.
This is Spyrat-217
that we sent to
your laboratory.
It only took a few drops
of your serum
for him to recover from
his encounter with your cat.
Like Darwin,
this rodent has mutated.
It can regenerate and survive
any attack on its cells.
You see that?
I could be a warrior!
A cat ninja!
How could I ever create
something like that in my lab?
No! Darwin!
What kind of a monster
are you?
Silence! And watch.
Cat ninja!
That wasn't necessary.
April. You're going to recreate
the Ultimate Serum here,
for the Project.
The Project?
The emergency
generators are now operational.
Activating now.
You see this rocket?
It's covered with specimens of plants.
It will explode in deep space,
scattering billions of spores
cultivated in this jungle.
Once you've treated them
with your serum,
the spores will be able
to survive the explosion
and the interstellar vacuum.
They'll spread to new planets,
where they will flourish and multiply.
Thanks to you, April,
life will never end.
The vegetation
is in the rocket,
waiting for your serum.
Uh... Hold on...
You're going to blow up a
huge bomb to save life?
That's why you
need all this science?
April, thanks to
your ancestor, Gustave,
we understand the way
you utilize science.
And you will eventually
destroy yourselves
and all around you.
Use your knowledge to preserve
life with our solution.
Far from your world,
nature will survive.
You think this
makes you good?
You stole my parents,
destroyed a cable car,
and killed its passengers!
It was an accident.
A tiny one compared to the
casualties of your wars.
If you refuse
to help us,
I'm afraid
I'll have no choice
but to let Rodrigue
deal with your mother.
Sorry, Annette,
but it's to
save nature.
Where's your lab?
Uh, need a hand?
Pass me the catalyst.
That liquid there.
You sure it's
a good idea
to give your serum
to these lizards?
Julius... This is water.
There! It's done.
First, we test it!
Hold this.
The Ultimate Serum!
You did it.
The vial.
You're welcome.
Final phase!
Serum injection in the
vines on the rocket.
Guidance verification.
Combustion preparation
and launch pad check.
Rodrigue, hand me
the serum please.
That serum is to be used on
the rocket and nothing more!
Korolev! Fire it up
for immediate launch.
But, the serum
hasn't been injected!
The control checks
haven't been completed!
I took care of
Start the engines now,
or lose your legs. Your call!
So this is what it feels
like to be invincible. I like it!
I adjusted the
altimeter on the bomb!
The explosion will
occur at 500 meters!
All life on Earth
will be destroyed!
of reactors. Phase 1...
These humans will get
the fate they deserve!
We'll dance on their ashes!
We lizards will reign
until the end of time,
untouched by
illness and death!
Chimne, we will
protect life,
but only the life
that deserves it.
Ours! Let us
drink the serum!
I will not let you commit
such an abomination!
My Chimne...
I can no longer
support your orders.
Your manner with this pathetic
human garbage disgusts me.
Our differences are
irreconcilable, my love.
So, we must part.
And I'm taking
the children!
Children, decide now.
Live and rule
with your daddy...
Or die with your mommy!
Leave her alone,
you maniac!
Papa! Papa!
Mother! Mother!
of reactors, Phase 2...
- They've gone mad.
- Let's get out of here!
Physicians first!
Give me your hand!
For Papa!
The Project...
Our lives...
All wasted.
April, I'm so sorry
for all this.
You must find Chimne.
Only she can prevent this catastrophe.
But, I can't just
leave you like this.
Go. I can manage.
come closer.
Listen to me.
We have one last chance.
The altimeter.
Go into the rocket and change the
reading on the bomb's altimeter.
So it'll explode in space...
It's all thanks
to you, April.
How can I ever repay you?
Yoo-hoo, lizard!
Idiot! I'm invincible!
Oh yeah, sorry,
the real serum's right here.
I call it
the old switcheroo.
Rodrigue, my friend,
you just swallowed
Lift off in three minutes!
Evacuate launch pad.
Get going!
The rocket!
The rocket?
No way! Are you crazy?
April, wait!
Hey! Wait!
Lift-off in two minutes.
Attention, airlock
Darwin! Darwin!
It's too late.
of reactors, Phase 3.
Hurry! Quick!
April, what are
you doing?
Where are we? No time to explain.
We've got to get out!
Hurry, hurry!
This way! Come on!
Hurry, we have to get
as far away as possible!
Get in! Get in!
Paul, it's too late.
It's about to explode!
No choice,
we have to move!
The further away we are, the less
impact we'll have from the explosion!
Unless Darwin succeeds!
What? Darwin? Huh?
has known sin.
And this is a knowledge
which they cannot lose.
Big time.
I thought this stupid
chimney would never end.
September 16, 1941.
In thanks for his immense
contribution to the Empire,
Napoleon V has named the brave
Pizoni head of his Secret Service!
Beware, all you criminals!
Pizoni will find you
and punish you,
just like he did those scoundrels
that threatened our civilization.
July 20, 1951.
Thanks to clean
and limitless oil,
the energy wars are over.
Meanwhile, some less happy news
from the world of science,
where, despite
all her efforts,
acclaimed biologist
April Franklin
has yet to find the
means of making her
Ultimate Serum compatible
with the human organism.
In Astronomy,
the Eiffel Tower destroyers'
dastardly scheme
seems to be working.
Plant life is being developed
on the Moon, Mars and Venus.
July 21, 2001.
One small step for man, but one giant
leap for the Democratic Union!
I'm walking on the Moon!
My instruments indicate
the atmosphere is safe.
Wait! Something's moving up
ahead! I'm not alone!
What took you so long?
April! I'm coming!
They found Darwin!
On the moon!
I'm fine.
Oh, you scared
the life out of me!
Here, drink some.
It's not the Serum but
it'll make you feel better.
Oh, thank you, Julius.