Apt Pupil (1998)

Still the questions remain:
Was it economic,
was it social, or was it cultural?
Or was it simply a matter of human nature?
Why did some people do something
and others nothing at all?
Good job, Mr. Bowden.
It's nice to see a few more A's this time around.
Including Mr. Bowden's, of course.
This concludes
our week on the Holocaust.
If you want to know more, the
library is an excellent resource.
Becky Trask likes you.
- You know who I'm talking about?
- I know who she is.
- I'll think about it.
- No, just do it.
- Could you give me your trig notes?
- I knew you'd want something.
- I'll bring them in tomorrow.
- Ask Becky out.
- What are you doing after school?
- I'm busy.
All right, I'm coming.
For God's sake.
What do you want?
- Are you selling something?
- I have your newspaper.
- I'm not selling anything.
- Then what do you want?
- I just want to talk.
- Talk?
I don't have anything
to say to you. Good day.
Bergen-Belsen, January '43-June '43.
Auschwitz, June '43-June '44.
Then you went to Patin.
After that, you disappeared.
But in 1 965
you were spotted in West Berlin.
Listen, boy,
I don't have time for this game.
- Leave before I call the police.
- Call them.
I'm sure they'd love to meet you.
- Who are you?
- My name is Todd Bowden.
I really want to talk to you.
Could you let me in for a minute?
Please, Mr. Dussander.
All of this because you saw
an old man in a raincoat?
It wasn't that easy.
These pictures are 40 years old.
But they looked like those I took.
- You took photographs of me?
- Yeah, but even then I wasn't sure.
I needed real proof. So I dusted
your mail box for fingerprints.
That's harder than people think.
You need a lot of stuff.
- You were at the movies.
- You dusted my mail box.
You took photographs of me.
What else did you do?
I had a copy of your fingerprints
from your lsraeli wanted sheet.
It's all on database
at the university.
Are you okay?
- Would you care for a drink?
- How about milk?
- Have you told your parents?
- Do you think I'm crazy?
It takes eight "compares"
to get a print accepted in court.
One or two is not hard to find,
but eight, that's really tough.
It all sounds very exciting, but
all your work has been for nothing.
I found 14 compares.
Boy, what you have done ...
I have to explain this to you.
- What you have done is a violation.
- Like decompression experiments?
- That's a violation.
- I'm calling the police.
Your father's going
to beat your behind.
- He doesn't believe in violence.
- They should start.
My name is Denker.
Arthur Denker.
I'm an American.
I became a citizen in 1955.
I vote.
You've no right to come here
and say these lies about me.
I have your fingerprints.
I have your photographs.
One way or another,
I'll get them to the right people.
This is unbelievable.
What do you want? Tell me.
- I want to hear about it.
- Hear about what?
The stories. Everything.
What everything?
Everything they're afraid
to show us in school.
You were there.
You did those things.
No one can tell it better than you.
That's all I want.
Then I'll leave you alone.
And just so you know ...
Everything that I have on you, -
- the compares, the wanted sheet,
all the photographs, -
- are in a safe place. If anything
happens to me, they'll be found.
Why should I consider doing this?
Because you hung up the phone.
Judging by the results
of your first exam, -
- for most of you, we moved
too fast through chapter one.
How many of you
think you know what sociology is?
As I thought.
All right, turn to chapter two.
Once they were in the chamber,
how long did it take? A minute?
No, the Prussic acid
took about 15 minutes.
But the monoxide could take
an hour, sometimes more.
What happened to them ... exactly?
It was a mess. They would
lose control of their bodies.
They vomited, urinated
and defecated themselves.
Even though the gas
came through vents in the ceiling, -
- they climbed up on each other, -
- desperately reaching for fresh air
that wasn't there.
- There was a mountain of bodies.
- What about the children?
On the bottom.
Did anyone ever survive it?
One time, the gas didn't work.
There was a leak in the pipes,
so oxygen mixed with the monoxide.
It was horrible. After an hour,
they were still moving.
Stumbling around the room
like drunks, their eyes glassy.
What did you do?
I ordered more gas,
but we didn't know about the leak.
Soon they began to twitch all over,
like they were dancing.
Some fell to their knees,
laughing in a high-pitched scream.
Even the guards were frightened.
They didn't die. After two hours,
I sent five men in with rifles.
It's getting dark.
Your mother will be worried.
Shit! I've got to go. Tomorrow,
I want to hear the end of this.
The end?
The end.
Todd, are you up?
Let's go. Joey's outside.
- Tell him I'm coming.
- I woke you half an hour ago.
- Todd?
- I must have fallen asleep.
I'm going to see a client tonight.
There's some chicken in the fridge.
- I'm eating at Mr. Denker's house.
- And do what, watch TV?
I read books to him.
Don't worry about it.
Invite him over here.
Daddy and I still want to meet him.
The policeman said:
"Mr. Denker, if you can't see
the road, you shouldn't be driving.
"How many fingers am I holding up?
I said,
"Well now, officer, let me guess."
That was the end of my driving
in America. I take the bus.
I'm now in a wheelchair, but
my sight is not what it used to be.
That's a white-tailed buck.
- We used to live in Carolina.
- Dick shot that seven years ago.
Your grandson never told me
he came from a family of hunters.
- Todd never took a shine to guns.
- No, he's good at other things.
- Baseball is Todd's game.
- Arthur, you want a cigar?
I'll have one of my cigarettes.
Where are they?
Let me help you with that.
Your generosity humbles me.
Thank you for an enchanting evening.
Arthur, can I ask you
a personal question?
What did you do during the war?
I was in the reserves,
as were most young men, Victor.
My poor eyesight
kept me out of combat, thank God.
I spent most of the war
washing hospital linen.
You're quiet tonight.
I'm sorry, it's just that
I've heard all these stories before.
- Todd!
- The boy's just being honest.
That's a privilege that men
must sometimes give up.
That reminds me ...
It must have been my first year
at the university ...
My men took turns shooting them,
but there were so many.
Three bodies were packed into each
oven. They were ground into ash.
A whole town was
wiped off the face of the earth.
Still it wasn't enough for Himmler.
It was a dark year.
He ordered every Jew in Kiev
to come to the Babi Jar ravine.
Remember, the 20's
were a desperate time in Germany.
The Treaty of Versailles
had left us crippled.
They would hide.
We always found them. If the dogs
didn't, smoke and fire would.
We would round them up
and march them out to a large pit.
At the time, the shooting
was no longer killing.
Killing was no longer death.
I will never forget
the sound that night.
So many of them
on top of each another like that.
After a few hours,
they began to settle.
A head would fall.
An arm would drop.
It was a bit like the sound
of blowing leaves.
What did it feel like?
It had to be done.
A door had been opened and
couldn't be shut. It was the end ...
You don't understand.
You've done it a million times.
Let's go!
All right, that's it. Take a shower.
- Where have you been?
- What do you mean?
I tried to phone you.
There's a party on Saturday night.
- I've been busy.
- Too busy for your best friend?
- I've been studying a lot.
- Are you going to go?
- I don't know if I can get the car.
- I know someone who'll drive you.
I've been accepted!
The Ritzy Vista Country Club.
My life 's ambition.
Officer, can you tell me which bus
goes to the Ritzy Vista Club?
Here it is.
- Do you go by the country club?
- Very humorous.
- Wake up.
- I'll kill you!
I thought you were dead.
It's Saturday. Since when do you
come here on Saturdays?
I brought you something.
Aren't you going to open it?
Let me pull the shades down.
- What for?
- To be safe.
- The hell with this. You open it.
- Relax. Open it.
You wrapped it yourself, I see.
- Merry Christmas.
- Mary mother of God!
- Where did you get this?
- It's pretty real.
"E.F. Montgomery Costumes,
Tappan Zee, New Jersey."
- Try it on.
- Have you lost your mind?
- Why would I put that on?
- I thought you would like it.
Like it?
You're a bigger fool than I thought.
Maybe I'll put it on
and do a little shopping, right?
For this indignity,
I should smash you.
This is nothing compared to what
the lsraelis would do to you.
Don't forget that and don't ever
forget the file I have on you.
I tried to do things the nice way,
but fine, we'll do it the hard way.
You'll put this on because
I want to see you in it. Move!
- I see I've been promoted.
- Yeah, it's all they had.
But it's a perfect fit.
- It itches like hell.
- Quiet.
- Put the hat on.
- Please!
Please, put the hat on.
What's so funny?
March. Do it.
I'm serious.
Stop fucking around. March!
That's it. March.
Face right.
Face right.
Face right.
Face right. March!
That's enough. Stop.
Stop it!
Boy, be careful. You play with fire.
I can tell you're not into this.
No, I am. Really.
It just takes me a while.
I like you. You're the only guy
who never tried to impress me.
- Can I ask you something?
- Sure.
Do you ever wonder
why people do the things they do?
Think about it. Seriously.
It's better not to think.
It's better to just do it.
Who are you, kitty?
It's getting cold out here, kitty.
- I'm sorry.
- We can try again later.
- That's never happened before.
- It's all right.
Could you blow that
the other way, please.
- Maybe you just don't like me.
- No, it's not that at all.
- I really do.
- Maybe you just don't like girls.
Kitty ...
You motherfucker!
You have five more minutes.
"Dear Mr. & Mrs. Bowden."
"l suggest we have a conference
about Todd's first-semester grades."
"ln light of his previous
outstanding work, -
- it suggests a problem which
should be addressed immediately."
"Let's work out a time to meet.
Sincerely yours, Edward French."
- What are you going to do?
- I'm fucked if I know.
- What?
- I said, fucked if I know.
- You're throwing it up hard.
- I don't need a lesson.
I'm a fuck-up. My dad expects this
kind of thing from me, but you ..?
- You're talking to yourself.
- I fucked up. I'll fix it.
Whatever you say.
What's with you and Becky?
Becky Trask, idiot.
What did you call me?
You're being a real dick, man.
I've got to get to practice.
"Talking to yourself?"
"You're being a dick."
"Let's work out a time to meet."
"Sincerely yours, Edward French."
Who's this Edward French?
- Guidance counsellor.
- What is that?
He guides and he counsels.
You read the letter.
What stinks in here?
I bet it's my TV dinner.
We've got a real problem here.
- I'm not the one in trouble.
- We'll see about that.
Don't turn this on me. It's not
my fault your grades have fallen.
You're wrong. The shit you're
telling me keeps me up all night.
I fall asleep during class.
I need a fucking pencil.
Do you have one?
- What will your parents do?
- They won't ever see the letter.
This isn't just a little slip-up.
My parents will freak.
They'll want to know exactly
what happened. Do you get it?
- I think so.
- You'd better be sure.
It'll be your ass that winds up
in jail, not mine. I need a pencil.
A sharp one, please. Thank you.
Does this Edward French
know your parents socially?
They wouldn't mix with that geek.
And professionally,
has he ever spoken to them?
No, I've never needed it till now.
- Don't mess up that carbon paper.
- What would you know about it?
I was forging documents
before your parents were born.
- Todd.
- Do you know what this is about?
I'm sorry, I don't.
That's my son,
he's always chewing gum.
He means the world to me.
- Todd, have a seat.
- Hello there.
It's okay, sit down.
We've talked about what's been going
on. Do you want to talk about it?
- Not really.
- Don't be embarrassed.
It's not your fault. We both want
to help you get back on track.
Both of you?
I must admit that the situation
in Richard's home is appalling.
I always believed a man should
take responsibility for his family.
When you came to me in tears
and asked me to intervene, -
- then I realised this was not
a matter to be trifled with.
That's why I arranged this meeting.
We appreciate your concern.
Todd, I've seen your record,
and every grade is way down.
Even your strongest subject,
history, is down from A to C-.
Trigonometry down to a D.
Did you know you were on your way
to finishing first in your class?
Your grandfather and I
have been talking.
With your father's work problems
and your mom ... drinking, -
- maybe home
isn't the best place to be studying.
He's offered to let you study
over at his place after school.
- I think it's a good idea.
- You do?
I've offered to go a step further,
but it means we have to make a deal.
A deal?
Finals for this quarter
are in 3 1/2 weeks.
If you can give me all A's, -
- I'll talk to your teachers
and we'll discount your mid-terms, -
- and let this quarter rest with the
final exams. B's and C's won't help.
But all A's will show everybody
that you're serious.
- You can do that?
- Yeah.
But first you've got to start
being honest with me.
No more forging your father's
signature on my letters.
This is between the three of us,
if it makes things easier at home.
But if you try to trick me again, I
show up at your door. Is that clear?
- He's offering to help.
- That's a lot to do in three weeks.
- What if I can't do it?
- Mr. Bowden, I must thank you.
If it's all right with you,
I'd like to talk to Todd alone.
It's quite all right.
If you didn't excuse me,
my desire for a cigarette would.
When the time is right,
I'll tell Richard about all this.
He and Monica need to know
what's happening to their son.
I'll expect you after school.
- He's a very persuasive man.
- Tell me about it.
Listen, Todd, I understand
what you're going through.
My wife and I just went through
the nastiest divorce.
I know it's not easy
being a senior and only 1 6.
Your grandfather thinks you can
do this, and I know you can.
I don't want you to feel
like you have no one to talk to.
Your parents, or girl problems ...
Here's my home phone.
Anything at all, you call me.
Call me. Deal?
I'm telling you, if you
get past this little hurdle, -
- the world's going to open up
for you like you won't believe.
Have you lost your mind? Grandpa!
- What are you so excited about?
- You've got some balls!
- You played it beautifully.
- I could've busted you right there.
Yes, you could have, but did not.
Why was that?
Your Edward French
won't give you any more trouble.
Now you are upset
because you have to work.
You have him thinking I can
do something that can't be done.
It can and it will. You simply
have to work. No more stories.
- Stop screwing around.
- I don't take orders from you.
- You do now.
- I can just pick up the phone.
And do what?
Do you think I would let you turn me
in without dragging you with me?
Your self-confidence is so bloated
you've lost touch with reality.
90,000 died in Patin.
To the whole world I am a monster.
And you have known about me
all this time.
If I am caught, when the reporters
sick their microphones in my face, -
- it will be your name that
I repeat. Todd Bowden.
Todd Bowden. Yes, that was his name.
For almost a year he has known.
He wanted to know everything.
That was how he put it. Everything.
- They'll never believe you.
- It doesn't matter.
You're going to be infamous, boy.
Do you know what such a scandal
can do? It never goes away.
Not for you. Not for your parents.
Lying to judges and reporters
isn't as easy as you think.
You'd have to be brilliant.
Can you do that? I know I can.
There's no way I can pull out of
a six-month slide in a few weeks.
- That shit just doesn't happen.
- The time for discussion is over.
You will work for the rest of this
quarter and all of your vacation.
Hawthorne was one of the most
interesting writers of his time ...
Why did some people do something
and others nothing at all?
This concludes
our week on the Holocaust.
You are a monster.
- What you have done is a violation.
- I wanted to know more.
A door had been opened ...
- I fucked up.
- Lying isn't as easy as you think.
Be careful. You play with fire.
It never goes away.
Not for you.
- How about some melba toast?
- Sure.
I'd have expected you to backflip
down the hall after such good news.
But you're so quiet.
Today I think I will give you
the day off from studying.
How's that?
How about one of my stories instead?
- I still have a few good ones left.
- I don't care.
I could tell you about
the special soap we made.
There's the story
of how I escaped from Berlin -
- after I foolishly went back.
That was a close one.
No, none of these.
You don't seem to be in the mood.
Today, I will tell you the story -
- of an old man who was afraid.
He was afraid
of a certain young boy -
- who was,
in a queer way, his friend.
The boy proved
to be a very good student.
But not perhaps in quite the way -
- his mother
and his teachers had envisioned.
At first, the old man
disliked the boy intensely.
But then he began
to enjoy the boy's company.
Of course, there was still a
great deal of distrust between them.
Each knew something
the other wanted to keep secret.
Over time, the old man felt -
- his hold on the boy slipping away.
He thought the day might come
when the boy no longer needed him.
So one sleepless night,
the old man got out of bed -
- and wrote down the story
of his involvement with the boy.
Everything he could remember.
From the first day forward.
He wrote how the boy forced his way
into the old man's house.
How he blackmailed the old man to
serve his own morbid fascinations.
When the boy's grades
began to fall, -
- he blamed the old man and ordered
him to impersonate his grandfather.
Even though his hands
were stinging with arthritis, -
- he felt happy
for the first time in weeks.
He felt safe.
The following morning,
the old man put on his best suit.
He went to one of the local banks
and rented a safe-deposit box.
The bank officer told him -
- that only the old man could open
the box, with one exception:
The exception was in the event
of the box-holder's death.
- Then what?
- The bank would open he box.
The lnternal Revenue Service
would inventory the contents.
But in this case, they would
only find a 1 2-page document.
Non-taxable, but highly interesting.
- I don't believe you.
- My boy ...
- It's already done.
- Look at you!
- You could go at any time.
- Don't be so theatrical.
A man five years older than me
worries more about his heart -
- than being sent off to lsrael.
And the day will come,
if I live long enough, -
- when I decide that what you know
no longer matters.
Then and only then,
I will destroy the document.
So many things can happen.
Accidents, sickness ...
- You could slip in the shower!
- Que sera sera ...
whatever will be will be
the future 's not ours to see
que sera sera ...
I can see you're thinking it now.
It's in your eyes. Killing me.
The flick of a knife.
Push me down the steps.
I'm old. You are strong and angry.
Good assets for killing,
but there is something missing.
To have someone in your control.
To have them know
that they are alive -
- because you have not decided
to the contrary.
Do you have that power?
Ask yourself.
It's not an easy question.
I think you know that.
You know this means we're through,
don't you?
You won't be seeing me round here
I suppose I won't.
- What are you doing?
- This is the end.
Drink. To our lives together.
The beginning and the end.
- I think you should fuck yourself!
- My dear boy ...
Don't you see?
We are fucking each other.
Watch your step.
Sir? Excuse me ...
I could help you carry those.
Don't be afraid.
- I don't need your help.
- I'm not a bad guy.
- I just want ...
- What? Why do you bother me?
We're practically neighbours.
I stay right over there most nights.
I see you walk down the street.
I just want to help.
- It's called being neighbourly.
- Piss off.
There's no reason to be rude.
I know something about you.
I know you're a nice guy.
I'm nice, too. Just like the boy.
I see.
I'm not ashamed to say
that I could use a drink about now.
But I don't take no charity.
If you were to invite me in as
a friend, we could have a drink.
- A drink?
- That's what I'm saying.
- You smell like a toilet.
- Maybe I could use your shower.
But first a drink.
Then I will do anything you say.
I had him hooked up, rolling,
411/2 ... 3 minutes.
That was my best time.
I didn't see that dog
in the back seat.
- What dog?
- I heard it barking.
I hear dogs barking all the time,
even when they ain't there.
I didn't pay no mind.
So the DOT didn't want to hire me.
Anyway ...
Who wants to talk about that?
So, I was ... an independent.
It meant that I could go all over.
I believe we need another bottle.
If you're offering.
It's no trouble at all.
Why don't you take mine?
Like I was saying,
I worked as an independent.
The DOT, they wouldn't hire me.
I was able
to go all over the whole city.
- Midtown, downtown ...
- Where is my bottle opener?
You stay right there.
Then I moved on.
Washington Heights was always good.
The Dominicans there like ...
Then they dropped that cinder block
on that cop and it got all crazy.
But you've got to be moving or they
catch you hooking their ride.
Do you mind?
No, not at all.
Maybe in the morning
you could let me have $1 0.
Yeah, perhaps.
- Maybe even 20.
- Perhaps, we shall see.
- Relax, I've done this before.
- That's all right ...
- So have l.
- Let me go pee first.
- Did you even look at this?
- That bill was in Japanese.
- The numbers are the same.
- The man did not speak English.
- You look before paying a bill.
- I didn't understand what he said.
Hello ... Yes.
- Maybe it was in yen.
- Maybe it is.
Todd, it's Mr. Denker.
He sounds very anxious.
- Why should he ring now?
- Come over.
- I'm having a heart attack.
- I have to study my trig.
I understand you cannot talk.
I cannot call an ambulance.
I need help.
And that means you need help.
- If you put it that way.
- Tell your parents I have a letter.
- That I need you to read it to me.
- Sure, I'll be right over.
Now we'll see what you're made of.
What happened?
- Where are you bleeding?
- It's not my blood.
It was self-defence.
- What?
- Shut up!
Nobody comes here before you
have done what needs to be done.
Go down the steps.
- What did you do?
- Go down the steps.
That's right.
Let me the fuck out of here.
If you won't help me,
I have to make you. That's enough!
If you're going to behave
like a fucking schoolgirl ...
I'm going to break your
goddamn door down!
Don't be afraid, boy.
- Now what are you doing?
- I'll break the door down.
What are you doing?
There is no point.
Why are you doing this?
Call an ambulance.
The key.
The key of the safe-deposit box,
where is it?
I need a doctor. Now.
Give me the key.
I'm dying.
I know.
Oh, no ... not like this.
You did good, son.
You did real good.
It's a good thing you called.
You saved his life.
Dad, let's go and make sure
he gets checked-in all right.
You shouldn't have.
It's from my mother.
They say the operation
was a success.
They say I have another 20 years.
A new lease on life.
I took care of everything.
Where is the key?
There's no safe-deposit box.
There never was. I lied.
I had to protect myself from you.
You understand?
I suspect that we will never
see each other again.
- No.
- Wait.
I want to ask you something.
What did it feel like?
- I better go.
- Wait.
Perhaps I could
persuade you to stay.
Just until I fall asleep.
My medicine makes me drowsy.
You are a very good boy
to visit your grandfather like that.
- Thank you. He's just a friend.
- You are a very good friend.
Is he very bad off?
He doesn't talk much.
- He'll be out soon.
- That's good news.
From his accent,
I would guess he was German.
- From the south, I think.
- I don't know.
Was he in the war?
- He's never mentioned it.
- It doesn't matter, I suppose.
It was a long time ago, the war.
Soon we will have a President -
- born after the war was over.
How about that?
- I'm sure you're right.
- He's very lucky to have you.
A great man once said:
"No man is an island,
entire of itself."
John Donne. Have a nice evening.
- You stop that kind of talk.
- How about this kind of talk?
That's just a warning.
If you crave for Florence's food,
that's a weird craving.
- Jenny's the one who's pregnant.
- They had something to tell us.
We 're going
to be grandparents again.
Ijust can't wait
to tell everybody.
What's wrong?
Wake up.
- Are you talking to me?
- Yes, I'm speaking to you.
Mr. Kramer
is recuperating elsewhere.
- Are you awake now, Dussander?
- Yes.
But you seem to have confused me
with someone else.
My name is Denker.
You have the wrong room.
My name is Weiskopf,
and you are Kurt Dussander.
I know no one by that name.
Should I call the nurse?
Benjamin Kramer was imprisoned
for 1 0 months at Patin.
You were responsible for the death
of his wife and daughters.
My name is Arthur Denker.
I am an American.
Don't bother. Your papers won't
stand up to serious examination.
We have all we need here.
I'm Dan Richler, FBl.
This is Detective Getty, LAPD.
You know who I work for. When you're
strong enough you will be moved.
Until then, this entire ward
will be under guard.
You can expect to be in Jerusalem
by the end of the summer.
- Where do you want us to sit?
- Anywhere but the front row.
There's Carla.
- Hi, Chelsea.
- Congratulations.
- Hey, Todd.
- Mr. French.
You did it. I knew you could.
I'm so proud of you.
- These must be your parents.
- Dick Bowden.
Your son really pulled one off.
You must be very proud.
- Are you a teacher of Todd's?
- I'm his guidance counsellor.
I was looking forward
to seeing your grandfather.
It's a long trip from Charlotte.
He's been in a wheelchair for years.
They don't get out much.
Usually Thanksgiving.
I'm sorry ... I don't understand.
- That's your cue.
- That's my cue.
Nice to meet you.
I don't feel so well.
Let's leave early.
- Are you okay?
- It's probably nerves.
Let's see how it goes.
All great achievements
arose from dissatisfaction.
It is the desire to do better,
to dig deeper, -
- that propels a civilisation
to greatness.
All of us
have heard the story of lkaros.
The young boy who took
the wings his father built for him.
Wings that were meant to carry him
over the ocean to freedom.
He used them instead
for a joyride.
For a brief moment lkaros felt
what it was like to live as a god.
To touch the sun.
To soar above the common man.
And for doing so
he paid the ultimate price.
Come down to the cellar,
you won't believe this.
Like lkaros,
we too have been given gifts:
Knowledge, education, experience.
And with these gifts
comes the responsibility of choice.
We alone decide how our talents
are bestowed upon the world.
This is our destiny, and we hold it
in the palm of our hands.
An investigation by police, FBl,
and the Department of Justice, -
- has uncovered a body
in the house of Arthur Denker, -
- the man believed
to be a Nazi war criminal.
Cause of death has been withheld.
Identification of the body
is pending further investigation.
The apprehension of Dussander
brings to a close a manhunt -
- that has been underway
for 40 years in three continents.
I'll be taking care of you now.
Try to relax.
I'm Dan Richler of the FBl,
and this is Dr. Weiskopf.
I'd like to hear about
your involvement with Dussander.
Actually, to you Arthur Denker.
How did you know him?
- Do you feel up to this.
- Yeah, I'll be fine.
Here's the thing ...
You said Denker had a heart attack
while you were reading him a letter.
- Was it in English or German?
- German.
- You speak German?
- No.
- You had no idea what it said?
- No, but he seemed to understand.
What we can't seem to figure out
is the letter, Todd.
- Do you know where it is?
- I guess it's still on the table.
Then it should still be there.
Did you see it, Mr. Bowden?
No, I wasn't looking for a letter.
I was concerned about Todd.
- Maybe somebody took it.
- Why would somebody steal a letter?
Unless they wanted to protect him.
Another fugitive.
I know all this sounds
like Robert Ludlum, -
- but while Dussander was in the
hospital someone swiped the letter.
- That doesn't make sense.
- Why not?
If he had an old Nazi buddy in town,
why didn't he read the letter?
Maybe he's crippled or blind.
Guys that are blind don't normally
go scooting out to steal letters.
Did he ever talk about his past?
- What kind of doctor are you?
- I'm a school teacher.
Dr. Weiskopf is a professor
at the Judaic lnstitute in Munich.
He assists the lsraeli Government
in certain matters.
Hey, buddy, are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Are you sure?
I just can't believe it.
Even after what those guys told me.
Your mother and I
feel like we let you down.
- It's not your fault.
- We're going to talk to a lawyer.
It's nothing to worry about.
I just don't trust these cops.
I think that's a good idea.
Your old man's on top of this.
I'll take care of this.
Dad ...
- I never knew anything about this.
- I never thought you did.
- I know.
- See you later.
- Will you talk to the boy again?
- I don't think so.
Somehow he didn't even ...
When you were a boy,
what did you do for fun?
I went to the movies.
- What did you do?
- I used to chase girls.
And now I chase old men.
This is the hospital administrator
and his chief of staff.
- Do we have a plan?
- They've arranged an exit for us.
Mr. French, what are you doing here?
- Are your parents home?
- No. What is it about?
- That's between me and them.
- Why isn't it between you and me?
Do you want to tell me
what happened?
Turn him on his left side.
- I wouldn't know where to begin.
- You have to tell me something.
I can tell you it would be better
if we both forget about it.
I'm sorry, I can't do that.
Tell your parents
I'll be back to see them later.
Mr. French ...
I thought we had a deal here.
"The world will open up for you."
- You want me to forget about this?
- I want to get on with my life.
It was a mistake to come here.
I'll do this over the phone.
Hey, Ed? Can I call you Ed, now
that I'm out of your fucking school?
Does it ever work?
Or am I the first one?
If I'm the first, I'm flattered,
but I don't believe that.
Not after you fixing my grades.
Giving me your home phone number.
You've got some balls!
Is this why your wife left you?
You must really have wanted
to shake my hand or something else.
Are you going to tell people
I did something to you?
I'll drag you down with me.
- I'm better at this than you are.
- I'm trying to help you.
- I won't just do nothing.
- You're going to fucking have to!
The things I'm going to say,
they'll never go away.
Think of your job.
Think of your son.
What's the story here, Ed?
Do we have a deal?
You can't do this, Todd.
You have no idea what I can do.