Apur Panchali (2014)

The Song of Apu.
Let me see his face properly.
What a little darling!
I am not in touch with Subir
all that much today.
But I think the last time...
I met him was...
when a foreigner came to
take our photographs.
We had gone to Boral.
That's when I met him.
The entire thing
was organized by...
Mr. Nemai Ghosh,
Ray's still photographer.
Filmmaker Bo Vanders
had come from Brussels
to make a documentary on me.
They had "Pather Panchali's"
Apu and Durga in their script.
They were looking for Apu.
I told them...
of his ancestral home near
'Wireless Park (Kudghat Tollygunge).
That is where he lives now.
They did find him there.
And... This is Subir.
He played good football. I don't
know why he didn't continue!
Dada(brother) is leaving for
Dhanbad tomorrow. He found a job.
Father is not very well either.
How can I possibly leave
town to play a match?
give up too soon.
Once you're off, Sujoy and
Alok will get into the team.
What else can I do?
When you go, I can stay
over at your place.
Moloy, you're making it
look like a World Cup match!
You're in form this season.
Manna says the Mohanbagan Club
will absorb you.
Mohanbagan? Me??-
I swear, he said so!
East Bengal Club.
If I play at all.
German Refugee Team?
You are the typical
Ghoti (orthodox townsman).
We're refugees. So is our team.
We score 3 for 0 in the league.
That's an accident.
An accident, is it?
Heard of anyone getting
allergies for eating Hilsa?
No.- - Happens with prawns!
Let's go.
I've committed a blunder.
Should've asked Pram od to give
my proxy at attendance!
He's not very friendly with...
The opposite lane.
Third house on the right.
Second floor.
But he's a very cranky fellow.
Watch out!
'Cranky', or short-tempered?
You'll know when
you see him. Go on.
Why don't you say so?
Then I won't write my exam!
That's not what I meant.
You always misunderstand.
I misunderstand? Always?
You keep interrupting my study.
And my exams are on Monday!
You run out of turmeric, oil...
Can't you ask me to get them all at once?
I won't go out after this. -
Fine, then I'll go.
A young lad will sit
at home like a king...
and the old mother will
work like a slave!
Now you're getting it wrong.
Did I say I won't go?