Aquarius (2016)

Part 1 :
Clara's Hair
I brought this song.
And i think you'll like it.
What is it?
-Let me play it, man.
-You're so curious.
Let's see how good
your stereo is.
I'm playing it loud, alright?
Go ahead, play it loud.
It will be loud.
Hold on there, Martin and Isabela.
That sounds good.
I like it.
What about this brother of mine?
Well, he's good-looking, smart,
funny, good in bed...
What more could i want?
OK, then!
You two make a great couple.
So far so good.
We should go.
Antonio, let's go!
Oh God, there's Adalberto,
uptight as always.
How'd it go?
It was so cooll
We went down to the beach...
Yeah, but listen.
You took your time, some
people want to leave already.
Alright, i'll go get
the kids and...
-I'll take Seu Z a little dish.
Go ahead.
Carry on.
Some goodies from the party.
Thank you.
Come by later on, OK?
Will do.
Fernando, Fernando, Luiz
Fernando and Julia, let's go!
Come sing Happy Birthday,
come on.
But we're in the middle of the game!
You can continue later, let's go.
Let's go.
Aunt Lucia,
it's not everyday that
someone turns 70.
I don't know if you
feel your age
or if you're the way
we think you are:
a 70-year-old girl.
I'm twelve
and i remember you taking us,
your great-nieces and nephews,
still young, to the Jaqueira
amusement park
to have ice cream at the FriSabor,
and to the So Luiz cinema.
You are the best
aunt we could ever have.
Aunt Lucia was a f-firecracker,
IS a fire-, is a firecracker.
She was volleyball and ping-pong
champion at the Portuguese Club.
She played guitar, piano,
and violin when she was young,
and pertormed many times at
the St. lzabel Theater.
She begins her life as
a university student at 18,
where she got into the law program
at the Pernambuco Federal,
in the year 1931,
kicking off a victorious career
which made her name synonomous
with determination in her field
in our state
at a time when few women
would attend higher education,
and where few would work
in the field of law and letters.
No, there's more
After living and studying
in So Paulo in the 40s,
Aunt Lucia came back
to Pernambuco.
She went to work in the
countryside, in the 60s,
a difficult time for her, for
her family, and for the country.
She was persectued and
even went to prison,
We are very proud of
your journey, Aunt Lucia.
Aunt Lucia's life could fill a book,
a film or a song,
and here we wish you health, happiness,
and propose a toast to you.
To our dear Aunt Lucia!
Go Aunt Lucia!
You forgot or skipped the
sexual revolution
Just kidding, no
I'm very touched. Really. Truly.
But now i want to say
something that was left out,
that you didn't say,
but l'm going to.
You mentioned a number
of things i did,
and which were part
of my life.
But you forgot to
mention Augusto.
Augusto was my partner.
I really liked him.
It was true love.
Augusto passed away,
oh six years now.
He was my partner
for more than 30 years.
He was a very good man.
We never got married because
I think some of you know,
he was already married.
Well, what are you gonna do?
Nobody's pertect.
And today, which is my birthday,
I'd like to propose
a toast to Augusto.
Thank you all very much.
It's hard to top
Aunt Lucia's
sensational words.
But i'm going to say something.
It's quick, but i'm going to say it.
I'm not a religious man,
but i want to say
thank you anyway.
You all know 1979 was not
an easy year here at home.
We went through some really tough
times with Clara's illness,
This woman i love so much.
I can say they were the
toughest months in my life,
taking my wife to hospitals,
watching her deal with
such a harsh treatment,
getting Martin, Ana and Rodrigo together
telling the truth, without telling all,
trying to get on with life,
go to work,
keeping the house in order,
trying to keep some kind of peace
and today Clara's
here with us,
with her Elis Regina hair style,
which i find sexy, l really do.
recovered, and healthy.
Clara's fine, and
we're still together,
getting our lives
back on track.
I just wanted to say, I understand why
some people were absent from this process,
that life doesn't give us a manual
to deal with these situations, right?
Say that i was deeply touched
by the presence of those
that were here with us,
but this is to give thanks
that i have my love here with me.
Long live Clara!
Long live Aunt Lucia!
We cherish this great day
in which we celebrate
May the house you live in
be the home of joy,
refuge from the storm
Happy birthday.
What's for lunch?
I was making
What an annoying door!
I was making chicken.
Ah, OK. And do we have any veggies?
Yeah, i'll make some.
I'm off to the beach.
All right, people, let's go.
This is the HA-HA now,
let it out.
Keep the rhythm!
Speed it up!
Speed it up a little, speed it up.
Let it out,Paulo.
Let it out, Paulo!
That's it!
Let's go, let's go,
let's go!
Laugh it up, Paulol
Laughing is serious business.
Hey, Thiago, let it out.
That's it!
Bring it down a little.
That's it!
Energy, people, energy!
C'mon, Clara, let's laugh, Clara
Make yourself at home,
there's room for everyone.
Respect, everyone,
keep it up!
Respect, seriousness...
Bezerra, where you at?
Bring the boat over to the Aquarius.
Is Dona Clara going in?
Affirmative -Copy.
I'm on my way.
Hey, Roberval! Don't you think
that's a bit much?
No way, Clara.
Look at the sea, look
Nobody's in the water.
Go on, take your dip,
and come on out.Go on
We've talked about this
It's because you're important.
Who told you to be important?
Would you hold this
for me, please?
Waist line!
41 years old. Plays perfectly.
Well, i'd like to...
...Start by asking you, ma'am
You're writing a new book, and i see
a lot of physical media here, right?
Viny, records, tapes..
At a time when digital
media is taking over everything,
do you only listen to music
the old-fashioned way?
No, i listen to music
the old-fashioned way.
Let's, let's do something,
shall we?
Can we cut this short, so we don't
waste my time, or yours?
I'll explain the way i think,
generally speaking.
I like everything, alright?
mp3s, streaming,
if it's got music, it's good,
it's important,
And this whole
new technology thing.
Can i tell you a story?
There you go. Did you get it?
Well, then..
This record, i bought in Porto Alegre,
at a used record store.
I leant mine to someone
and never saw it again.
Until one day, a quiet day,
a Sunday,
I opened the record to look
Look what i found inside,
-this article from the Los Angeles Times.
-That's awesome.
This article is from November,
1980, right?
This album, Double Fantasy,
was released in December 1980.
So, this article came out weeks
before Lennon was murdered
on December 8, 1980.
And i was born on December 21, 1980.
That's amazing. Check it out.
This article here, published weeks
before Lennon was murdered
and before you were born,
says the following:
''John Lennon's plans for the future''
This record, this record
I'm holding in my hands,
becomes a special object...
You see?
And you don't know who
owned it before?
Didn't i tell you i bought it
down in Porto Alegre... a used record store.
I don't know who owned it,
all i know is it was bought in Los Angeles
and ended up in Porto Alegre,
I mean, i'm not even sure
it was bought in Los Angeles, actually,
and it ended up here.
Cool. So, digital media
it's fine with you?
This here is like
a message in a bottle.
-Good afternoon, Ms. Clara.
-Seu Geraldo, good afternoon.
-How are you?
-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
Ms. Clara, would you let us
have a word with you?
It depends.
If you're here to
discuss my proposal...
...for the acquisition
of the flat upstairs...
I did send you that proposal, but i never
heard from you, what a busy man you are...
Is this the reason of your visit,
Seu Geraldo?
We are here to talk to you...
...a good, eye to eye conversation,
which is the best thing there is.
We have brought you
a counter-proposal.
That's wondertul!
This is about the upstairs flat, right?
No, this is about that conversation
we had before...
Tihs is about acquiring
your apartment.
About selling this apartment?
I'm not selling, Seu Geraldo,
you already know that.
-Ms. Carla, this proposal.
Ms. Clara.
-Where were you?
-I was downstairs sweeping.
Ms. Clara?
It's a very generous offer.
It's over the market value
for this type and size of apartment,
but we've made this proposal
especially for you.
Let's just get this over with.
Let's just get this over with,
My apartment is not for sale;
I'm not selling.
I appreciate your visiting,
but i must go.
Ms. Clara,
First of all, congratulations,
I can see from out here that
you've remodeled the apartment,
-it looks beautiful.
-Yes, very interesting.
-Thank you.
-It's in very good taste, congratulations.
My name is Diego, i'm head of
this project at our company,
which is, by the way, my first project,
and i'm really proud of it,
and i think it's safe to say
that i have great news.
And i'm going to tell you why.
First of all, the project
is now called ''Aquarius.''
Is he your.. son? Son-in-law?
No, no. This is my grandson, Diego;
He's been doing a good job
at the construction company.
Thank you, grandpa.
Did you say ''Aquarius?''
It's ''The New Aquarius''
The idea is to keep the name of the
building that used to exist in this spot.
''Used to exist?''
Yeah, it's a way of preserving the memory
...of the original building.
This is a new idea.
...but now with the new offer, another
piece of good news we bring you
The building exists.
You're standing there,
leaning on it.
Wrong way to express myself.
I see...
Now, before i go in and
close the door,
tell me something
What was the name of the original project,
before this ''New Aquarius?''
The original project was
the ''Atlantic Plaza Residence.''
Yes, that'd be a good name,
it sounds good, doesn't it?
We much prefer ''Aquarius''...
Well, thank you so much for this...
We'd like to point out that we are
always open to dialogue.
OK, thank you. Excuse me.
See you later.
In case you want to read it later,
on your own, the project
Thank you, Clara.
I'll go get some water because
I know you're upset, OK?
Part 2 Clara's Love
Where are my songs?
Here on the flash drive.
On the pen drive?
But you'll transfer them
to my cell phone later?
Sure, i'll do that.
Will you?
Yeah, we'll do that later.
OK. Did everything fit?
Yeah, that list you sent me fit,
and i put some new stuff i think you'll like.
Yeah? That's great.
So that's how it is now, huh?
You Suggesting stuff.
Let me just put it on here,
just a second,
there it is. Listen to this.
You don't know me.
I have to shout this, because
you're deaf and won't listen to me.
Seduction enslaves you.
At the end of it all, you remain with me,
trapped in what i created.
That's funny.
And the more i talk about the whole truth
-What is it?
Oh, l'm just kinda happy today.
Yeah? Why?
This girl i know's arriving from Rio.
On Thursday.
Oh yeah? She's arriving?
What's the deal?
Oh, we met on Facebook.
She's a friend of Marcelo's. Remember him?
Yeah. I remember Marcelo.
So we met through him,
we chatted for a while,
we liked each other,
and now she's on her way!
Cooll And where's she staying?
At my place.
Do your parents know?
Yeah, they know.
So, delivery style, huh?
''Delivery,'' aunt,
I don't know, we'll see.
I think she's great.
We'll see where things go.
Love it.
Does this beauty have a name?
She does. It's Julia.
Julia. Beautiful name.
I love it.
Do this,
play Maria Bethania for her.
Show her you're intense.
All right, i will.
-Good evening.
-Hey, how are you?
-Fine, fine.
-Beautiful as always.
Thank you, dear.
-I missed you..
-Son, how are you?
And what is their proposal?
Oh, I don't know,
I tore up the envelope.
You tore it up?
You weren't even curious
to know what it was?
That's my sister
You're abolutely right.
Aren't there any legal maneuvers
to make these people leave me alone?
But they came,
knocked on your door,
asked to speak to you. there's,
there's nothing illegal there.
Are the other apartments all empty,
or anyone letting?
All empty.
They bought them all. So it's up to them,
if they sell them, rent them, whatever.
Clara, i didn't want to say anything,
but i must.
I just think about one thing
your quality of life.
That's the only thing
I worry about.
The rest is just the rest.
Yeah well
You know what i want
to do this week?
I want to go out dancing.
Oh, that's great.
Come with me, Fatima.
Oh yeah, I'll come!
Let's go!
Yeah! Antonio please let me go.
Oh, I guess i'm not going
Did i hear that, ''Antonio
please let me go''?
Yeah, he has to let me.
I thought l was going.
Well, well, well
No shortage of male dancers there.
How do you know
so much gossip?
And you share it like it's
all true. Amazing.
Girl, the headquarters
of Pernambuco gossip?
The swimming pool
at the German club.
That's why
you're all so tan
The dark skin The tongues,
but the poison now. Oh my God!
When i arrived in Recife
10 years ago
I practically married
the whole Jewish community.
No, honey, no no no no,
you fucked the whole
Jewish community.
She's truly generous.
I'm a good person!
-I felt sorry for them
-That's exactly why!
Check it out.
-Take a look over there, Leandro.
A retired lawyer from CHESF.
He was married to Ana Lucia,
who died some 10 years ago. Horrible.
''The Big C'' in her uterus.
Enough with this disease talk.
This is a party.
Let's talk about happy stuff?
She took everything out,
poor thing.
And Bento, having an affair with Silvia?
They are trying to be discreet.
They're dancing.
Don't stare. Be discreet.
but i see what's going on.
This Silvia is the one
who went to our bookstore
to buy three meters of books
because her interior
decorator told her to!
Three meters? God!
With brains like that you
should've asked, ''open or closed?''
This party sucks.
You told me there'd be good
looking men here; I have yet to see one!
Except for that waiter
-There are good-looking men
-yes, yes there are.
You're the one
who needs glasses.
Yes, there are.
Where, Clara?
Yes, there are.
Who, Clara?
I don't know; i'm not giving
I'm not giving
Clara, you've got your eye on the guy
from Espirito Santo back there, right?
-Which one?
Don't look, people!
And he's got his eye on you;
I saw itl
I heard he's a widower.
He's oh, 60, 65.
-He's not my type.
-He's not your type.
What, people?
He still looks good. What?
Tell me do you remember why
we came here tonight? Do you?
I came to drink.
No, that thing we came
here to talk about.
Leticia, we need to talk to you.
Oh, come on, people!
No, we just really,
truly want to know, you know?
If everything's OK and how your
professional help is going.
I have enjoyed it responsibly.
You want his phone?
I already have a phone,
thank you.
No, the it's the boy's.
I don't have the guts
to get his number.
I don't know never say never.
Lucrecia, you wanna know something?
I always figured that if any of us
had the guts, it'd be you.
-Yeah, with your wholesome face.
What's the big deal? It's just a man
to play with you a young man,
-professional hot...
-That's good. Professional is good.
I like that. Hot is good.
Oh, then i'll give you his number.
No, thank you very much.
Guys, i'm missing the joke,
this side can't hear!
Don't put off what
you can do right now.
What is this?
A gigolo commercial?
Like those fridge magnets, you know?
Do it now while you still have
Like those thingies
you stick to the...
Do it now while
you're still healthy.
Would you like to dance?
What a surprise!
Anybody hold on
to my phone?
We will keep your phone.
I've been living in Fortaleza.
You talk real quiet,
don't you?
Are you here visiting?
I came to spend a few months
with my daughter.
She lives here, so i'm here.
And your wife?
Well, i'm a widower.
lt's been five years.
I'm also a widow.
How long?
17 years.
Had you ever come
to Clube das Ps?
It's great, really great.
What great memories!
Am i going too far?
I had surgery
You're you're great.
But i need to
to take you home.
I'll get a taxi.
No, no, i insist. I'll take you home.
Thanks, mister.
Good night! You can go.
I'm here every day; I know what
I'm talking about, Clara.
You're fear mongering.
It's good to be a
little afraid, isn't it?
I mean, i'm not a big fan
of this whole fear thing either.
I think there's enough
fear going around.
But in my line of work,
we deal with that, right?
How many times have me
and my colleagues
saved people who
weren't afraid enough?
People who forgot
to be afraid?
Clara Look discretely
to my right
A kid's riding up on a bike.
Give me a hint, what's he wearing?
-Grey t-shirt, black shorts.
He's a drug dealer.
Does he sell weed?
They say it's the good stuff,
but he only sells to the rich kids.
Expensive bike
White boy.
He comes in every
Monday and Wednesday, mornings.
Afternoons, on fridays.
Do you collaborate
with the police?
Nope. We're too exposed.
This beach is rough.
His office is
behind the kiosks.
Good morning.
Son of Jorge, your old neighbors.
Hi, Daniel, how have you been?
How's your father?
Dad passed away,
two years now.
I hadn't heard my condolences.
Thank you.
I was passing by and
thought i'd come over
to ask you to solve
this apartment situation.
It's hurting so many people.
Dad made the deal 6 years ago,
he died and so far, nothing.
I don't understand.
Yes you do.
You understand fine.
You are not stupid.
Everyone moved out of
the building, except you.
If you really think about it,
you're being selfish.
Daniel, i've known you
since you were a child.
You used to surf on this
very beach with my kids.
Yeah, you knew me
when i was a kid,
but you don't know me
as an adult.
Have a good day, Clara.
What are those mattresses for?
I don't know.
Come over here, i want
to show you something.
We hail this great day
that you commemorate today.
May the house you live in
She remembered!
Today's your birthday!
Happy birthday, you hear?
You know you can count on me, don't you?
I know, i know.
Good morning, Clara.
Good afternoon.
How are you?
What's your name again?
Josimar, good afternoon.
And you, what's your name?
Rivanildo. Rivanildo.
Good afternoon, Rivanildo.
And your name Diogo, right?
Diego, you brought some
mattresses over to the building.
Could l possibly
know what for, why?
Clara, the apartments may be vacant,
but they belong to the construction company.
We can bring whatever's
necessary for the job.
Makes sense.
Could you please move this car?
l'm leaving.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon, Clara.
I wrote some things down,
you know?
For you.
It's easier.
It goes like this:
I have no color,
I have no shape, i have no smell
and l am weigthless.
When i'm strong,
they call me wind.
When i stink, they call me fart.
Lookie here. He was awake.
I didn't wake anybody up!
He was already awake.
So good to have you here.
I missed you, did you know that?
We could set up something
at our place, huh? Everybody.
What about Marcio?
He's in Brasiilia.
Marcio is the one
I haven't even met yet?
It's on you, Rodrigo.
The rush, you know, Mom.
I just haven't had time yet.
And you don't have a photo, you don't
carry a picture of him in your wallet?
Anything? To show me?
I got one here.
Mom wants to give her blessing.
You've got to get
her blessing, Rodrigo.
Tell me something while your brother
looks for a picture he can show me.
What's this Marcio like?
Ah, Marcio's a nice guy,
laid back, from Minas.
It's working out, isn't it?
It is.
Let me see.
Wait, let me find one.
Oops, now l saw one
i didn't want to.
This is Marcio.
He's from Belo Horizonte.
Oh, that's nice.
I like him. Look at that
friendly face!
You hadn't met him either?
I had seen pictures.
Not even pictures for me.
Now you've seen him,
you've been introduced.
Thank you.
Son, please, come by more,
come visit me more often.
And don't just send messages.
Call me. I want to hear
your voice, alright?
And bring Marcio here;
I want to meet Marcio.
I'm alive, you know?
Mom, how are you dealing
with this situation?
Well, i'm pissed, right?
Don't you think you're
stressed out about all this?
No. I said l'm pissed.
You're the ones getting stressed out.
Well, you tell us what's going on,
and we get worried, that's all.
What about those stickers
on the doors?
Stickers? What stickers?
On the doors.
What doors?
Construction company stickers.
On the apartment doors.
The company logo's
on every door, Mom.
Except yours.
We thought you had seen them.
No the stickers are there,
but i hadn't seen them.
Something new every day,
one day one thing, the next it's stickers
They must have gone up today.
Did you come up this way?
The front door.
Are there stickers on that end?
Front doors and the back doors.
I'll repeat myself and say
something nobody wants to say to you.
I think you need to sell this place.
You'll be saving yourself problems.
What problems?
Mother, it's just that
The three of us worry about you,
alone in a ghost building.
A what building?
A ''ghost building''?
You have no limits, do you?
Your, shall we say, sensibilities
Your world vision.
Mom, i'm saying i worry about you.
You're living in a building that's
uncomfortable, old, unsafe, and empty.
So when you like it, it's ''vintage''; when
you don't like it, it's old. ls that right?
You know what? Let's move to the living room.
And i should say something:
Before you leave, you'll do the dishes.
Ladjane's not here today.
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
Changing rooms
is not going to solve the problem.
He who cooked
doesn't wash, OK?
Well, since i'm playing the witch today
anyway, let me just ask you something?
Have you at least considered
their offer?
Because what they're offering
is not the standard market price.
The standard is to offer
new apartment space.
They're offering cash.
That's like
an offer you can't refuse.
And how do you know all this?
Did they get to you guys?
Not me, no.
I don't even live here, Mom.
Yes, yes, i even told the boys,
they came to talk to me.
Did they come talk to you,
or did you go look for them?
Yes, Mom, i went. I have every right
to try to understand what's going on.
I went to try By the way, the young
man seemed to be extremely nice.
So, Aninha, what is their offer?
They're offering almost
two million reais.
For this apartment.
-Ana Paula...
-I think it's low.
The issue isn't the money,
is it, Martin?
What do you mean by ''this'',
a pause, ''apartment.''
Ah, Mom, i meant
it's that much money,
for this apartment.
That's all i meant.
Well, then, this apartment,
the apartment where you all grew up.
This apartment
is on Boa Viagem beach.
Can't you see that by going
to talk to them, you go over my head,
you disrespect me, yes, you set me up
as the ''crazy lady from the Aquarius''.
But that's what happens; you talk to these
people, it sets me up as a nutjob, you know?
You guys don't know what it's like
to feel crazy without being crazy,
you feel like you're going crazy.
You know what that's like, son.
You know what that's like,
knowing you're not going crazy,
and that the madness
is out there, don't you?
You all remember.
Another thing that's
really crazy around here
is that we're talking about money.
I can help you guys
any time you want.
We don't need help, Mom.
Well, listen, maybe Ana does.
I've already said
Is it you that needs money, Ana Paula?
Look, Mom, you're probably the person
in this room that knows best
how tough it's been for
me since my separation,
now what i'm telling you is that
this is not just about money.
I can help any of you at any time;
I've got my pension,
I have five apartments,
and there's a legacy that was built
by me and your father, that's yours.
Oh, please, Mom, it wasn't
built by your writing career.
Don't say that, for God's sake.
What does Dad have
to do with this, Ana Paula?
Dad's not around anymore
Why are we talking about Dad anyway?
Paulinho da Viola.
''There are people
with nerves of steel,
with no blood in their veins,
and with no heart
But sometimes, going through
what i go through,
Are you singing for me?
Ana, daughter,
Your dad's widow here is me,
not you, you hear?
lt's hard, isn't it?
So hard
But, that's life! And you'll
just have to get used to it.
Now, what you said about my work,
that's something you're going
to have to learn to deal with.
That's up to you;
it's got nothing to do with me.
You know? i am who i am.
And that's how i raised you.
Me and your father, together.
Now, everything you're saying,
and the way you're saying it,
Makes you sound like...
like an idiot.
Hey, Mom No need for that.
Yeah, an imbecile, crazy,
because nobody remembers
when you spent two years away
and Dad raised us by himself.
But you'd send us those cute
postcards, didn't you, Mom?
Aninha, you have no right
to say that, OK?
You're talking too much.
She just called me an imbecile
and you didn't say a thing, did you?
Cause sometimes you
do get kinda silly.
An essay on Heitor Villa-Lobos
''To Martin, Ana Paula and Rodrigo. For the
hours of leisure that were taken from you.''
I'm sorry, Mother.
I'm sorry, Mother.
Come over here.
You're so stubborn.
You're like an old lady and a child.
That's because i am
an old lady and a child.
All together.
Yeah, it's me.
You don't know me,
My name is Clara.
I'm a friend of Leticia's,
she gave me your number.
How are you, Clara?
Yeah, she told me about you.
So, are you available, Paulo?
Right now?
Yeah, right now.
Quite a party upstairs.
Yes, it is.
Nice place.
Thank you.
LP collection
You want to drink? I'm trying
to finish off that bottle of wine
No thanks, I'm driving.
Please, sit down.
Leticia told me about you.
You really are beautiful.
I want you to leave.
What's that?
You want me to leave?
I want you to fuck me.
No need.
Not here...
-This one?
Hey. Come on.
Get out, get out, get out!
Up here!
She's getting out.
She is?
Roberval, i wanted
to ask you something
I don't even know if you can, but
do you have a number l could call,
in case of an emergency?
OK, but, do you need any help?
Any kind of trouble?
No, no, no,
just in case, really.
But, like, what?
A bodyguard? A life guard?
No, Roberval, it's...
it's nothing like that.
Roberval, don't listen
to anything l say today.
You know what it is?
l've got one of those hangovers,
That hurts right here, you know?
It's because there was this
party at my building yesterday
Yeah, hangovers suck, all right.
They sure do.
Party Was the party good?
It was good.
Clara, don't take this
the wrong way, but,
are you hitting on me?
Roberval, i think you're
a handsome man.
But, you know, there's so much
going on in my head this week
but no, no, i'm not hitting on you
Ah, OK.
It's all good, Clara.
It's just it's good to ask, right?
Where do you live in Rio?
I live in Humait, Largo dos Lees.
-I know it, love Largo dos Leoes!
-Yeah? lt is nice.
I know it quite well,
Largo dos Leoes.
You know l have a friend, i mean,
I had a friend, she passed away.
She lived right there.
I love that part of Rio de Janeiro.
I like it too. I live on
Mrio Pederneiras. Little villeage.
I know it.
Not even the wretched 'cariocas'
have destroyed my
love for Rio.
Why? You're not into cariocas'?
-She's pulling your leg, Julia.
-I am joking.
-Silly, would you imagine?
-I get it.
You know what, Julia?
It's just that i really like this kid,
you know? He's precious to me.
I think he likes you a lot too.
Because he's told me
all about you.
Sometimes i think i was pregnant
with Toms and don't remember.
Then, there are those pictures
of his mother in the maternity
ward with that little baby in her arms
It just wrecks my dream.
Aunt, would you debrief
the tourist, please?
Explain to her
All right.
Have you played
her Maria Bethnia?
Maria Bethnia?
Why haven't you played?
Weren't you going to play her Maria Bethnia?
No, that was her idea.
Toms, Show her how intense you are.
Check it out, aunt.
Explain to her
where we're headed.
Very well. Here well, here's the divide.
Over there is Pina.
And here's kinda the divide. You know how in
Rio there's Leme and Copacabana, right?
-It's kinda the same thing.
-And where's the divide?
It's right here.
This sewage pipe, the outfall,
this pipe is the divide.
On this side of the pipe,
they say it's the rich part,
and on that side, the poor part.
In other words, this way, Pina;
that way, Braslia Teimosa.
I get it.
Got it?
we're headed right now.
We're gonna go say hi to Ladjane.
She's worked with me for
nineteen years.
And last year
she lost her son
in a motorcycle accident.
He was coming home from work,
and a drunk driver
and nothing came of it!
What do you think? Drunk driver
runs him over, and nothing happens.
That's fucked up.
Happy birthday!
I need to talk to you, OK?
You look great!
Happy birthday.
Thank you!
Ah, Toms's friend, huh?
From Rio?
She's good-looking
Those Rio girls have
really got it going!
Oh, Lara, that's so you.
That's right, though!
Lara is Ladjane's sister.
Lara works for Leticia,
who is my friend,
and Ladjane works for me.
Say it woman!
Did Paulo tell you
about last night?
No, last night?
Did you call him?
He came over last night.
That's funny.
I really wanted you to be with him...
But i am, actually, jealous now.
Well, it's too late now,
the deed is done, huh?
Was it good?
Yeah, yeah, it was good, but
you know, i'm still processing it
It was too good.
Was it good?
Was it not good?
Just tell me...
It was good.
So, aside from the party,
your night was good.
It was.
I think it was.
What are you saying, girl?
You think it was?
Happy Birthday!
You were gorgeous, you hear?
Ah, honey, with that wind
They had to make
a lacquer helmet on me!
You noticed, huh?
Not one loose strand!
-But you were gorgeous.
My coffee.
Good morning, Clara.
Gonna get me some water, OK?
We're starting up front.
All right.
I bought all that paint you asked
for, it's all in the car, ok?
Expensive, huh?
Good paint.
Good but expensivel
The job's gonna look good, though.
Come back for coffee laterl
All right, i will.
The men from the
construction company are here.
They're washing the stairs.
Good morning, Josimar.
Good morning, Rivanildo.
Good morning, Ms. Clara.
There was a lot of shit upstairs.
Have you cleaned it?
You've already cleaned
all that shit upstairs?
Yes, Ms. Clara.
Don't worry about it.
Hold on, man
Toms and Julia
are still asleep.
Let'em sleep in.
I sure miss my son.
Filipe, look, i think here there are lots
of pictures of you when you were little
birthday parties,
that sort of thing, naked
when you were a baby
butt naked, right?
That's right, yeah.
Good times, huh?
Mr. Herculano
-Beautiful! Pregnant
Gorgeous. Look at your mom!
This one looks great too.
-Like those pictures you
see in old picture frames.
Antonio this woman here,
you remember?
What was her name?
She made the most wondertul food.
Everybody loved her, remember?
Turns out she was a cunt
who stole our jewelry
stole jewelry from Mom,
From Grandma.
This one took off to Cear,
no one ever saw her since.
Yeah, well, it's inevitable,
isn't it?
We exploit them
They steal from us,
here and there.
And so it goes, huh?
You're right.
Tom, what was her name?
Not Darlene!
-Darlene Glria.
-Where'd you pull that from, Darlene?
So how's the long weekend?
-How are you?
-Everything all right?
The records you didn't get
to yesterday are over there.
-Over there, see?
-We could go check them out now.
-Yeah, let's.
And do you want sorry?
-My future inheritance.
-Really? Pull up a chair.
Hey, Ladjane.
Hey, girl!
So lots of stuff
these from this series
in Maria Farinha
What's with people
posing with cars?
I see so many people here
taking pictures with cars.
Cars lost their charm.
Now it's just a car.
I've seen people and cars
on Facebook.
Like in the past?
People posing as if
they were family members?
-Yeah. It's different.
Her name was Juvenita.
Good thing you remembered.
How long have
you known me, Antonio?
Sixty one years.
If i didn't remember,
I'd go mad all day.
Juvenita, Juvenita.
Good thing i remembered!
I think we have enough photos
for the wedding video.
-That's all?
-Well, we still have my own pictures,
-in my mother's house.
-Oh, i see.
-Isn't this Arnaldo? Adalberto's cousin?
-That is Arnaldo indeed.
The funniest person
I have ever met.
Please, let me see.
-Did you ever meet Arnaldo?
-This one?
He looks so serious.
Yeah, but that day he was
graduating from law school...
He graduated in law.
That was for you, Filipe.
-What's with the lawyer joke?
-Just a silly joke.
I don't get it...
Forget about it.
You better learn how
it works around here.
I might lose a nephew
but i won't miss a joke.
I love you too, Aunt.
I love you too.
That's Aunt Lucia.
The amazing Aunt Lucia.
They don't make
em like her anymore.
-Anybody, more wine?
-Yep, i want some.
-More wine?
-Just a little.
No, thanks.
I'd like to show you the photo
of my son i carry in my wallet.
He's handsome, Ladjane.
-Thank you.
Aunt, we'd like to play
a song that Ju chose.
Is that OK?
You have a lot of stuff here.
I could listen to all of it.
Anyway, this record,
I'm really into it...
...and this isn't even one of
his most popular songs...
...but i think it's really beautiful.
You probably know it.
Put it on, let's hear itl
Play it, Toms.
Part 3
Clara's Cancer
Hi, Mr. Pedro! Hello, Mr. Pedro!
What's the matter?
Wow, it's hot in here.
Look who's herel
Mommy'll be right back.
What's the matter?
Mom, it was awful i had
to send Cidinha away.
You sent Cidinha away.
Aw, Mom, she was great
The Super no, the Supernanny;
loves Pedro.
You sent her away;
now you don't have a nanny?
I've got my eye on someone else; have had
for a while now; it'll be better for everybody.
Mom, i'm, i'm really
in a hurry
Honey, did you talk
to Armando about this?
Mom, Armando is not part of
Pedro's daily life. He doesn't know
Heck, he probably won't even notice
the nanny changed, you know?
Mom, here you've got diapers, you've
got his food, his book, everything.
Just hand it over
to Ladjane, okay?
Cover this one for me, OK?
Call me if you need me!
Of course, i'll call,
but what's the point? Bye.
Where's the ocean, Pedro?
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
I'm the big bad wolf, the big
bad wolf, the big bad wolf.
Three little pigs
No, right?
Walls come crumbling down no.
Lookie here!
Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood Pedro,
the wolf devours grandma.
Edilene went to the market. When she
gets back, i'll have her give it to me.
I can't do that stuff.
But when she gets back,
I'll have her do it.
Right, now you
Sorry, lady!
Hey, mister, what gives?
You trying to kill me?
Make way for the baby carriage
to come through Good morningl
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
God is beautiful!
He is marvelous to us.
God is soverein.
What is going on?
Excuse me.
I don't know what to say.
Did you see what it's like
in the garage? Come see!
Ms. Clara?
Ms. Clara.
There's something
i wanted to tell you.
It may be nothing,
but l don't think so.
Yesterday, after you left
to take Pedro for his walk,
If it happened yesterday,
why are you only telling me now?
The matresses were disgusting.
When i got there the matresses
were still half burned.
Please tell me what this is.
-Are you insane?
-Stay out of it.
How can you do this
in the middle of Boa Viagem?
How are you, Clara?
Fine, Diego.
Fixin' to get better.
What happened?
Diego, did you have some
mattresses burned out here in the yard?
In the middle of Boa Viagem?
No, i didn't.
What, that over there?
They burnt em. I saw itl
I don't know anything about that
The remains, over there?
Look, i'll find out
who did this and chem them out.
You're absolutely right.
This is not right.
You know there was a party
here in the building
And the mattresses must
have gotten really dirty.
I know about the party, but i was not
aware of any dirty mattresses
Oh yes, there were
dirty mattresses.
There was even
shit on the stairs.
Why are you laughing?
Didn't you have the stairs washed?
The shit on the stairs? i admit.
i didn't know about shit on the stairs.
No, but it's OK,
I'm not judging.
That's not why i'm here talking to you.
Here's the thing:
You have so many apartments
in this building, right?
You could have had a party
in any one of your apartments.
But no, you had to throw a party
exactly in apartment 8,
which is right above mine,
and didn't even let me know.
I'm sorry, you're right,
that's my
I had a lot on my mind,
I wound up forgetting.
I promise you that any parties
I throw or allow here in the building,
from now on, I'll let you know
beforehand. I'm sorry.
Now, Clara, l see you're
painting the faade
without discussing that
with the construction company?
We're also part of the condominium.
I think we can improve
our communication skills.
Diego, you play that
passive-aggressive type.
What's that?
No, Clara, I play the focused type.
The determined type.
lt's that you don't know me.
I just got back from the US.
I graduated there;
I studied business for three years,
and now i'm back, ready to fight.
This is under my responsibility
and i'm going to do whatever
it takes to reach my goal.
That visit we paid to your house,
that was very social, wasn't it?
You know, ''let's get close to Clara,
let's make contact.''
And that didn't happen.
Because, you know, you didn't
let us in; we were in the hall.
Nobody offered us coffee,
water, tea...
I wish i had given you a more
realistic take about all this.
This building's empty, Clara.
The building's not empty;
I'm here, i live here.
-It's not empty.
Yes, but the building's empty.
The building's empty and i,
everyone at the company is worried
about someone, pardon me,
your age.
I wouldn't leave my grandmother,
my mother live alone here.
In Brazil.
Where do your mother
and grandmother live?
They live in the kind of place
where you should live.
-They've got infrastructure, support.
Look, i'm not...
even going to say
what i'm thinking,
because that leads me to wonder
where does your mother live?
You'll excuse me.
I'm a polite person, but
you really get my goat.
Right. I don't think living here
is sustainable any longer.
I just think an educated person like
yourself needs to be in a safe building.
With cameras around the clock,
with quality, with security.
This isn't working
any more, Clara.
I confess l walk in here, I don't
even see this building any more.
All i can think of is the number of
bricklayers, workers, family members
who call me everyday to ask if Ms.
Clara has finally made the right decision
so they can all make it to the end of
the month a little better off, that's all.
Has it crossed your mind that
this project of yours, the new Aquarius,
will only see the light of day
when you're 50, 60 years old?
That's possible. Maybe.
-Now there's people that don't think like that.
Oh yeah?
Yeah, your kids
Don't you talk about my kids!
Any of them!
Shut your mouth!
Do not talk about my kids!
I'm gonna tell you something.
I'm standing here wasting
my time talking to you,
but i'm thinking of
something, you know?
It's impressive, what people
say about the lack of education
and they always refer to poor people.
But the lack of manners
isn't in poor people.
It's in rich, well educated
people like you, you know?
The elite, who think they're elite,
who think they're privileged,
who don't stand in line,
you know?
People like you
who took a ''business'' course,
but lack basic human decency.
Who have no character, you know?
No character.
No i mean, you do have character;
your character is money.
Therefore, honey,
you have no character.
All you've got is your shit-eating smile;
that's what you've got.
I'm gonna tell you something.
I've told you once;
I'll tell you again.
I am not kidding.
I will only leave here dead!
You don't know me, Clara.
But you're right, I would rather
listen and respect you
because from where i'm looking,
I can tell you come from a family
that fought hard to get to where they did.
Right, Clara?
A darker-skinned family,
That had to sweat a lot
to get what they got.
I respect you.
You'll excuse me, sir.
But you cannot treat her this way.
-Good that you came.
-I'm here,
-Long time no see.
-That was a great cinema.
Have you seen this?
It finally came out.
Right here.
I love MP3'.
You must have said that.
Bad title, horrible photo.
It's been ages since
we came to Leite's.
Do you know anything
about these people?
What i know, Clara...
is their advertising
budget at the paper.
In advertising, honey, they're behind
only the state government,
City Hall,
and their competitors,
Pinto Engineering.
They're powerful people.
Yeah, but we know
that already, don't we?
Diego, the grandson. What do you
know about him?
Oh, him. Almost everyone knows
about him, because he's vain.
He likes being in the papers,
he's got a press agent
He's always in the paper.
Havent' you been reading the paper?
No, i don't read
the paper any more.
You are joking.
You don't read our paper anymore?
No, i don't read the paper.
So you know, this kid...
he's involved in a church.
A church?
Diego is my brother Ricardo's godson.
The architect, you know.
Diego is family.
You're being
There's something else, Ricardo...
Ricardo has done several projects
for the construction company.
He's an architect, it's
only natural, Clara...
It's natural and logical.
The extension of familial ties to
friendly, social circles
Isn't it, Ronaldo?
This is so Pernambuco
This is so Brazil.
Isn't it, Ronaldo Cavalcanti?
If you're not Cavalcanti,
you are a ''CavalCan't''.
I want to ask you something...
That girl who came to
interview me. ls she family?
Ana Paula?
She's my niece.
She's with us at the newspaper.
Let's not discuss family,
you're little brother's involved
in some ugly stuff, politically. You see?
Yes, Ronaldo, if they can prove all
the accusations, he's in a lot of trouble.
I am sorry.
Sorry sorry, i shouldn't
even have brought it up
How do you put up with it, huh?
I think i'm still in media
all these years, because...
a lot of people know
i know about too many things.
i've seen a lot of things
I have sifted through
too much information.
I have a feeling you're
about to help me.
Very discretely.
There are some papers
that, if they were to come to light,
not in my paper, obviously,
but, if they were
to come to light
it would be bad for them.
Now, you like it.
Good morning
Mrs. Cleide?
That's me, Mrs. Cleide,
this is my client Clara.
Nice to meet you.
Thanks for seeing us, Benedito.
The information i was given
is that it's in Allotment 307-D.
I may look lost because...
That's what i am.
This is paper sewage.
Unfortunately it's there,
in that mess over there.
I figured it couldn't
be that easy
You're bleeding, ma'am.
-Hello Look who's here.
-Where's Pedro?
Where are you, Pedro?
Where's Pedro's football?
Give me Pedro's ball.
Here's the football, Pedro.
And how's your mother doing,
-fine, Mother.
-You're fine?
Hi, Ladjane.
Getting better,
with your help.
I was handed this envelope, downstairs.
Had to sign for it.
What does it say?
''absolutely prohibited to paint
the building's faade''
Did you paint the faade?
She never noticed
i had the faade painted.
Mother, i got out of the car,
Pedro, bags, in a hurry i didn't
I'll take a look now,
when i leave.
'' designated for arbitration''
Isn't Cleide your lawyer?
Yeah, she is my lawyer.
Give her a call.
This probably won't go anywhere,
but give her a call.
I gotta go.
Look, just another week and
things'll be back to normal.
No problem.
Thank you.
-Everything's gonna be fine.
-No problem.
Ms. Clara!
I don't know if you
remember us, ma'am.
I remember. You're Josimar,
from the construction company.
My name is Josimar, but i'm
not with the construction company.
We left. We don't work for the
construction company any more.
I thought i should come
here and talk to you.
All right, go ahead.
I wanted to tell you...
I really admire you,
I think you're
very decent...
...and a beautiful woman.
Josimar you're drunk.
I did have a little bit to drink
a little bit.
But i didn't drink, and what we're
trying to do here is help you, ma'am.
I know you're scared
We came to say something
for your own good.
Some three, four months ago
You were away.
You were away...
And they had us do a job here,
at your building.
And it wasn't just us, it was
everybody from the company.
All the workers who were
working on the building
They had us bring some material,
and we were on this crew, weren't we?
And what material
was this, Josimar?
You need to open up
the upstairs apartments.
Over in Block B, that area
where the electricity's out.
-No electricty.
-Ten. Apartment ten.
Apartments ten and
But what exactly happened?
We've told you everything we could.
Now you go up to those apartments,
open them up, and you'll see.
Open up those apartments.
See what's in there.
-We're leaving now, OK?
What did you bring, what did
they have delivered, and where?
You're going to
tell me right now.
Tell her.
Kick it, kick the ball,
there's Grandma!
C'mon, Pedro,
let's go find Mother.
-Ms. Clara.
-Hello, Roberval.
-Thanks for coming, really.
-It's nothing. I'm here to help.
I think we should
start around here
now, there's no power.
Now, Ms. Clara, do you have some
kind of warrant, some document?
I'm Clara's lawyer;
I take full responsibility.
Well, then let's get to it.
I'm not going. I'm not
going up there. No way.
Is this the one?
Is it this one, Ms. Clara?
That's the one.
Would you all move
back a bit, please?
This will be easy.
Holy shit.
Ms. Clara, l think it's better
if you didn't come in here.
I'm going in.
You with me?
The termites were brought
here from some demolition.
Would you look at that
Holy shit.
This one's got more.
Yep, it's got more.
Ms. Clara, this one's even worse.
They brought a whole
colony of termites, look.
You want me to talk, or
would you rather do it yourself?
I'll speak.
Make yourselves comfortable;
they'll be with you soon.
-Good morning, good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Fixing to travel?
To what do we owe the honor?
-This is my brother Antonio,
-Nice to meet you, Antonio.
-my nephew Toms,
-How are you?
And this is Cleide,
friend and lawyer.
Shall we sit?
will be brief
this is about these documents
that Cleide and i found
and which may be
of interest to you.
-Can i see, Grampa?
-Where did you find these, Ms. Clara?
-You Let me tell you something.
-I just wanted to say
-No, just wait a minute.
-Would you like to tell me
-You only need to know one thing
Would you like to tell me what is
the meaning of this? You know why?
Because i'm a well-mannered person,
but if i wasn't, i'd kick you out right now.
-What, over this?
Take a look!
I have the originals.
Can i see, Grampa?
Ms. Clara, i wasn't even
born when this happened.
This won't go anywhere.
There are things that
don't go anywhere, but
if it causes you one single headache
when i publish these documents
I'll be happy.
Ms. Clara, i don't know if it's in your
best interests, or in those of your lawyer,
to tangle with
our legal department.
Well, based on the size of your table,
your legal department must be huge
You people are complete bastards.
What is this, kid? You losing
your sense of decency?
You think this is, what?
You're not at home.
Respect me, or i'll lose
respect for you.
-Calm down, Mr. Geraldo.
-Calm down my ass! Speak!
You're being disrespectful
in my own house.
Say it.
The second thing
I survived cancer. More than 30
years ago, you know?
And these days, I've
been thinking about something.
I'd rather give you cancer
than having it myself.
Antonio, help me here.
What is this, Clara?
-Turn off that camera!
-Take it easy.
-Go ahead, you can film this.
-Turn off that camera now!
Toms, keep shooting, Toms.