Arabesque (1966)

Professor Ragheeb.
Send him in, will you?
Good afternoon.
Mr. Saeed?
Mr. Saeed's away,
I'm afraid.
My name's Sloane.
Why is he away?
Flu, Professor.
Medical men aren't immune.
He asked me to look after his appointments.
I'm only going
to check your glasses.
You look as though I want
to drill your teeth.
Do sit down,
That doesn't sound English.
Are you English,
Professor Ragheeb?
Why do you ask?
Oh, small talk, merely small talk.
The weather's too dull
and politics too explosive.
I certainly
didn't mean to pry.
May I see your glasses?
I can't see anything without them.
Hmm. Yes.
Yes, indeed.
Have you been exposed
to flu recently?
Does that weaken the eyes?
No, merely the eye doctors.
There's so much close
personal contact in our line, we can't be too careful.
let's just
try these.
Just read those letters
in the mirror, will you, please?
"N, D."
"A, O, H, T."
Hmm, not bad.
Now the other eye.
"H, C, U."
"D, H, L, E."
Jolly good.
Look up at me, Professor.
I want to put some drops in your eyes.
To dilate the pupil.
It's quite all right, Professor.
You won't feel anything.
That didn't hurt,
did it?
No, it was-
Now here on the final slide is an example...
of a more cursive form
of hieroglyphics,
probably from the reign
of the great Pharaoh Remesus II.
Now we can still recognize what
many of the signs represent.
Here, for example,
is the word for "heart,"
written simply with
the picture of the heart.
But here,
above the monster Amensit-
who, as you can see,
is part crocodile, part lion and part hippo,
and who waits to devour
the heart of the dead man if it is found wanting-
is the glyph for a house.
Below it is a mouth.
These signs have phonetic value only.
They are followed
by a drawing of a pair of legs,
which, in this case,
has no phonetic value.
However, as an ideogram,
it does give us the clue...
to the meaning of the word...
"to go forth."
I thought there must be some way
of attracting your attention, Mr. Fanshaw.
I seem to have been talking
in your sleep.
That will be all for today.
Professor Ragheeb
will be back tomorrow.
Good morning.
May I have a word
with you, please, Professor Pollock?
If it's about that
small, outstanding bill at the bookstore,
there's a simple
explanation: poverty.
- No, it's nothing like that.
- In that case, how do you do?
My name is Sloane.
Major Sylvester
Pennington Sloane...
of Her Majesty's
Yes, quite.
I'm private secretary
to Mr. Nejim Beshraavi of the shipping lines.
- The Nejim Beshraavi.
- I didn't think there could be two.
Mr. Beshraavi would like
to see you in London now,
so if you'll follow me,
please, the car is waiting.
Mr. Sloane,
this is Wednesday.
Shall I tell you
about my Wednesdays?
Right now: a healthy jog
and a couple of tutorials,
an indescribable lunch
with the faculty at 12:45-
Mr. Beshraavi is prepared
to pay you well for your time.
And I could use it,
I don't mind telling you.
But, as I said,
not on Wednesdays.
Good morning, Mr. Sloane.
You people really can't take no
for an answer, can you?
What do you think
you're doing?
Let me go!
Good Lord,
a-aren't you-
Mr. Pollock, may I present
His Excellency, Mr. Hassan Jena.
- Well... Mr. Prime Minister.
- Good morning, Mr. Pollock.
And I am Mr. Jena's
Ambassador to Great Britain, Mohammed Lufti.
- Mr. Ambassador.
- I beg you to forgive this unorthodox method...
of making your acquaintance.
Please, don't mention it, Mr. Prime Minister.
There's nothing like a little
kidnapping every now and then to keep the circulation going.
The fact is that there are
very few men on this Earth whom I admire more than you.
a very great man.
No man is greater
than the people he serves. Your respect must be for them.
Yes, sir.
I didn't know that you were in England.
You are quite right.
I am not.
You have not seen me.
The first favor I would ask
of you is to help keep my visit to England a secret.
Of course, sir.
And the second?
You know a fellow countryman
of mine, Mr. Nejim Beshraavi.
The Nejim Beshraavi.
Yes, our richest and most powerful citizen.
We have every reason to believe
he intends approaching you...
with a business proposition.
He already has, sir, but I turned him down.
- Oh, dear.
- Wrong?
Your association with Beshraavi
could have been extremely valuable...
to the cause of freedom, Professor.
All we know is that Beshraavi
is supposed to have problems...
and plans some violent
exercise of that opposition in the near future.
We have to find out what
he intends doing and when.
You want me
to reestablish contact,
accept his offer
and see what I can find out.
We want that very much.
But you must not accept
until you know all the possibilities.
The assignment carries
a certain amount of risk.
Is that a statesmanlike
way of saying that I could get killed?
Mr. Beshraavi respects
no one's life but his own.
If you wish, I will stop
the car and let you out with nothing further being said.
For generations, the Pollocks
have devoted themselves...
to uncovering the past.
I think it's probably
about time that a Pollock...
involved himself
in the future for a change.
As soon as you have
any information,
you will at once contact
Mr. Jena in London.
Words cannot express
my gratitude.
Mr. Pollock,
very good of you...
to reconsider my proposal.
I always try my best...
to cooperate
with the very rich, Mr. Beshraavi.
Do sit down.
You mustn't mind Hassan,
Mr. Pollock.
He's a peregrine falcon.
I've named him Hassan Jena
after our beloved prime minister.
They share so many
sterling qualities:
a sharp eye,
a fierce dedication, and very sharp claws.
Hassan won't harm you,
Mr. Pollock,
so long as you don't try
to separate him from his master.
He is excessively loyal.
You keep him well fed, I trust.
Of course. Nobody's that loyal.
I won't presume
upon your time, Professor.
I know how valuable
it must be.
What do you make of that?
It's a copy of
a Hittite inscription.
Second millennium B.C.,
I would guess.
Take a date, Mr. Pollock,
as a gesture of friendship.
I'm a very Arabian Arab,
I'm afraid.
Flesh, Mr. Pollock.
Hassan eats only flesh.
I thought he looked at it rather wistfully.
It must have been your fingers.
I want to know
what that inscription means.
I want to know that
very much.
May I ask
an indelicate question?
- How much?
- $25,000.
Very well. I won't quibble, $30,000.
You go right ahead
and quibble.
How did you happen
to get hold of it?
Let us say,
I happened upon it by chance.
Well, may the...
gods continue
to smile on you.
Thank you, Professor.
I value your good wishes.
But I won't keep you
from your work any longer.
- If you haven't finished by
- That is correct.
- I'm sorry.
I didn't mean
to interrupt your threat.
- If I'm not finished by 8:00-
- Then you'll be my guest for dinner.
I see.
And if I should happen
to run just a smidge over?
You'll find this house
a very comfortable place to work in, Mr. Pollock,
however long it takes you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hello, hello, hello.
What are you doing?
Oh, these English crosswords
are devilish, don't you think?
You're an American.
Yes, sir. Indeedy-do, ma'am.
I don't meet many Americans.
Actually, I don't meet
many people who are dressed like that either.
Do you like it?
Would you do me up, please?
Ah, ah.
Can you manage?
Well, I- I always
tremble when I'm happy.
I take it that you're a houseguest here.
Why do you take that?
One doesn't usually
arrive for high tea dressed in a nightie.
One also isn't a houseguest in one's own house.
Oh, it's your house.
I got the impression it was
Mr. Beshraavi's house.
Nejim gives that impression
with everything he borrows,
but, I assure you,
it is my house, and he's the guest.
Would you care
to stay for dinner?
I'm afraid that
our little street urchin has already invited me.
How bothersome.
You are working on the cipher,
aren't you?
Let's not talk about work.
Let's talk about you.
Please, listen.
I don't know what Nejim has told you-
There you are, Yasmin.
I hardly expected to find you here.
- In her own house?
- In the library.
Yasmin has so many talents,
she has practically no time for reading.
I'm sorry to tell you this,
my dear, but Mr. Pollock is as poor as a church mouse.
- Will you come
and change for dinner? - Excuse me.
Those slippers
are absolutely beautiful, my darling.
Are you wearing them for my benefit?
Of course, Nejim.
Mr. Pollock does not have
your exotic refinements.
He prefers nighties.
She said it, I didn't.
Mr. Pollock...
some Bedouins are in the habit
of saying to their guests,
I am not one of them.
Delicious, Beshraavi.
What is it, squab?
- Lark.
- "Lark"? Good heavens.
They've been soaked in honey
for eight days.
What about you, Mr. Pollock?
Or is the prospect too exotic?
I trust you'll notify
my next of kin.
Go on, Mr. Pollock.
Oh, I am sorry.
That's all right. I've always had a sweet tooth.
I hate being clumsy.
I despise it.
But you never are, my dear.
This is the first time
I've seen you be so gauche.
You've dropped something.
Well... so I have at that.
What do you suppose it is?
It looks like a little
piece of folded paper, doesn't it?
Let's see if there's
anything written on it.
Was that you?
I'm terribly sorry.
Let's see if there's
anything written on it.
There is something
written on it.
Don't keep it a secret.
What is it?
It's a prescription.
I suffer from indigestion.
All those dry books
I try to digest.
Perhaps we can have it
made up for you.
There's an all-night chemist
just around the corner.
Don't bother.
No bother.
One of the servants-
It would be for them. It's absolutely unnecessary.
I think I'd better be
getting back to work.
The dinner
was delicious...
and... that was
quite a lark.
He certainly was strange,
even for an American.
I'm sure you and Mr. Beauchamp
have business to discuss,
so I'll develop
a splitting headache before your talk gives me one.
Good night, Mr. Beauchamp.
Good night, Miss Azir.
When are you going
to let me show you around my bank?
The moment I find myself
in need of refinancing.
You, I'll see later,
no doubt.
you've been oozing good fellowship all evening.
When a banker oozes,
someone's in a lot of trouble.
Let us have
your bad news.
I was too discreet
to mention it in front of your guests,
but do you know
what they've been saying about you on the exchange?
Your brokers gossip
like old Arab women at the well.
They say that
when Prime Minister Jena arrives the day after tomorrow,
he's going
to sign the treaty.
They say the treaty specifies
Anglo-American finance...
in return for a promise
your country uses English and American tankers.
They say your ships
will be laid up for good.
That's what they say?
If they go on saying that, old boy,
by the end of the week,
your shares will be down ten points.
Don't worry.
There will be no treaty signed, "old boy."
I happen to have
in my employ a most dependable soothsayer.
Psst. In here.
Now then, Miss Azir,
I wonder if you'd tell me
what this is all about.
Call me Yasmin. At least while you're in my bathroom.
Now then, Yasmin,
I wonder
if you would tell me what is going on?
Professor Ragheeb didn't fall out of any window.
They murdered him!
I doubt if it was him personally.
How do you know?
What difference does it make?
They killed him,
and they'll kill you too. You'd better keep out of this.
Why should Beshraavi
have anything against me?
He needs me to decipher the inscription.
And when you've done it?
Good point.
The message is much
too important...
for anyone he doesn't own
to know about it.
What about you?
Lock, stock and barrel?
This is ridiculous.
We're in England,
a civilized country, right in the middle of London.
Over there is Regent's Park.
There's the zoo.
Over in Buckingham Palace,
the Queen is probably playing Scrabble.
He can't own anyone here.
Everyone has his price.
How much, Mr. Pollock?
I did not settle so cheaply.
Why should you care...
what happens to me?
I care about all things
that live, Professor.
$30,000 in exchange
for your old age is a very bad bargain.
Do you know-
Who is it?
Yasmin, why have you
locked the door?
can you hear me?
I was about to take
a shower, darling.
You know how I despise
locked doors.
Forgive me, Nejim.
People who lock doors
generally have things to hide.
Would you care
to search me?
Would I find
your thoughts?
Darling, don't ask me
to speak with my mouth full.
You know, at dinner,
just for a moment,
I thought that you
deliberately knocked over that plate...
and smuggled a note to Mr. Pollack.
That really is
Jealous? You?
I'm jealous of your thoughts, Yasmin.
I'm jealous of everything
I can't see or hear. Your shower's still running.
I'll turn it off.
No, take your shower.
Maybe I won't tonight.
I'm so sleepy.
In that case, please do.
I want you wide awake.
There now.
Wasn't I right? Isn't that refreshing?
You might say that.
You feel wide awake now?
Yes, but I wish I weren't.
You sound very tense,
my love. Turn around.
Let the water
run down your back.
It soothes the nerves.
I don't think it would.
- Nejim?
- Yes?
Why is Mr. Pollock
working on that inscription?
It's a business matter, my love.
It would only bore you.
- What was that?
- I dropped the soap.
Would you like me to pick it up for you?
Oh, no, no, I-I'll manage.
Have you got it?
Yes, darling. It's all right.
Extraordinary sensation.
Perhaps it was the way
he looked at you.
- Who?
- Pollock.
if you start getting jealous over everyone who looks at me,
it will do terrible things
to your blood pressure.
I don't think you have to worry about college professors.
Why not?
They're only interested
in their work.
They're the most dangerous kind, my love.
They're such expert peekers.
Don't worry.
If I were standing stark naked in front of Mr. Pollock,
he'd probably yawn.
I think it's time
I dried you.
Excuse me, Yasmin.
The phone.
- Yes?
- Mr. Beshraavi.
Yes, what is it,
I don't know where
Mr. Pollack is, sir.
Isn't he in the library?
I don't think so, sir.
He was your responsibility.
What about cipher?
I don't know, sir.
Well, go and check.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Pollock.
Do you have the inscription?
It's in my pocket.
I hope it's written
with waterproof ink.
- It isn't there.
- It isn't there?
Must you
mismanage everything?
I don't know where
Mr. Pollock is either.
What do you mean,
you can't find him either? You've got to find him!
Come up here at once,
and bring that butler of hers!
What are you doing?
This is no time for dessert.
Well, they're good.
Here, have one.
Come on. Come on.
He is not
on the ground floor, sir.
You searched every room?
Every room.
Pollock was in your charge.
I trusted you.
- Now, you. What's your name?
- Hemsley, sir.
Yes, of course.
- Now, what have you
been up to, Hemsley? - N-Nothing, sir.
Have you been disobeying
my orders?
I-I work
for Miss Azir, sir.
Ah, so you do.
I appreciate loyalty, Hemsley.
Tell me,
how would you like to work for me?
I'm quite satisfied
with my present position. Thank you, Mr. Beshraavi.
Are you?
Please tell me
when you're dissatisfied with it, Hemsley.
Welcome aboard, Hemsley.
Thank you, sir.
Don't worry, Hemsley.
Here's a bonus.
Well, thank you, sir.
Don't mention it, Hemsley.
Would you like another bonus?
Oh, not just now, sir,
if you don't mind, sir.
- Where's Mr. Pollock?
- He came up here, sir.
Up here?
- Where up here?
- To this room, sir.
No hanky-panky,
Mr. Beshraavi.
From man or bird.
Believe him, Nejim.
He means it. He said he'd kill me.
Close the door, lady.
Lock it.
Get him, Mustafa.
But carefully.
Whatever he does to Miss Azir,
I will do to you,
Don't think that
I haven't enjoyed it. It's been a nice change.
Thanks a lot. Bye now.
No, they won't shoot if I'm with you.
You still need me.
Need you? Lady, I can't live without you.
Messy business.
My apologies, miss.
I'm sorry you
had to see it.
Was I glad to see you.
Are you with the police?
Inspector Webster, C.I.D.
How in the world
did you know?
We've been watching the house.
Nasty customers.
My house? Yes, miss.
Since Mr. Beshraavi's been staying with you.
Might I suggest we move along?
We'll have to get down to the station.
All right, all right.
Who's the ruddy nit who's
broke my tank downstairs?
I'm up to me neck in drowning fishes.
There's been some trouble.
Oh, and who are you?
The ruddy Sheriff of Sherwood Forest?
Webster, C.I.D.
Oh. Oh, I see.
Well, you better let me
see your card, mate. I've got to make a report.
Somebody's got to pay
for all them dead fish.
Yes, of course.
All right,
let's go.
I don't get it.
Whose side
are you on?
What difference does it make?
Let's get out of here.
You're not with the authorities,
and you're not with Beshraavi.
And you can't be
with Prime Minister Jena.
Who are you with?
Ain't it a gas
about my promotion?
Number three
to General Ali himself.
He's coming 'round, waking up.
So you're with us again,
I don't know
whether I am or not. Whose side are you on?
Don't worry about sides,
Yussef Kassim is the name.
Kyle Webster you've met.
And dear Miss Azir.
For a poor, subjugated
Arab lady, you lead one hell of an emancipated life.
Mr. Beshraavi
on the one hand,
and Mr. Yussef Kassim
on the other.
Do you get Sundays off?
Skip the college talk,
To the point, daddy-o:
Where is the cipher?
"The cipher"?
Yeah, the cipher.
We know you've got it.
No point fooling.
You're in the middle of nowhere.
The Marines can't come
and save you for democracy here.
That cipher-
Where is it?
Ask me later, alligator.
Where is it?
I left it at Beshraavi's.
After all, it belongs to him.
Wrong again, teach.
He snatched it.
It belongs to this cat
right here.
Where is it?
Miss Azir, after all
we've been through together,
couldn't you find it
in your heart to put in...
a small word
on my behalf?
He told me he had it
in his pocket.
Where is it?
Cool it, Webster! There's a better way.
Nice business associates
you have, Miss Azir.
Why don't you tell them
where the cipher is?
Because I don't know where it is.
You told me you had it.
You told me lots of things too.
Looks like we're just a pair
of pathological liars.
I was honest about one thing.
I told you to keep out
of this, didn't I?
- That you did.
- Why didn't you listen to me?
Because I'm such
a big know-it-all.
Okay, teach, here's your chance
to be a big "tell-it-all."
Somehow I get the idea
you've seen too much television.
Hey, Miss Azir,
come on down here and I'll scrub your back.
can you hear me?
An ernest professor
of math...
studied figures
while taking a bath.
what did you do with the cipher?
Cipher, cipher,
who's got the cipher?
Number nine's
got the cipher.
What's that mean?
That's for me to know
and you to guess.
Where is it?
That tickles.
you can tell me.
Where is the cipher, hmm?
I keep my candy handy
This whole gig's
beginning to bug me. Let's get rid of him.
What are you going to do?
Dump him.
You heard him. He doesn't have it.
Then who does?
That's what you're going
to find out, sweet mama,
as soon as you scoot
on home and ask your rich sugar daddy.
Ole! Ole!
Ole! Ole! Ole!
We were quite worried about you.
Were you, Hemsley? How sweet.
But I expected to see you wearing burnoose by now.
I'm sorry, miss.
Don't sulk, Hemsley.
I'm in no position to throw the first stone.
Allah be praised, miss.
Ah, Yasmin,
there you are.
I'm so delighted
that you've decided to come back.
Your concern
is so comforting, Nejim.
Your shower must have been quite stimulating.
It was.
But how do you suppose
he happened to be in there, my pet?
I neglected to ask him.
All I know is
he was there waiting for me with those scissors...
when I stepped in.
And what, I wonder,
made him come up here in the first place?
I don't suppose it could have
been your promise...
to keep him a prisoner here
until he'd finished his work.
Oh, dear, I hope not.
I thought I was being so hospitable.
Westerners so often
misunderstand us, don't you find?
Oh, I am exhausted.
Of course you are,
my poor darling.
Let me give you
a massage.
How can you continue
being so good to me...
when I'm such a trial?
Oh, look
at your poor shoes.
You must have done
so much running.
What do you suppose
happened to Mustafa?
He hasn't come back yet.
Dead, I'm afraid.
And servants so hard
to come by these days.
I saw several possible
replacements at the zoo.
My admiration
for Mr. Pollock increases.
Probably Mustafa
didn't feel like dying.
Mr. Pollock didn't do it,
Don't stop.
It feels divine.
It was Yussef Kassim.
Ah, the guerilla forces.
I was wondering how they
had been passing the time.
I must say, they were
a little miffed at you, darling,
for borrowing their cipher.
I really don't think
they had a chance to see it themselves.
Roll over, my love.
Do you think you can
find the energy to tell me...
what they did
to our professor?
Killed him too, I'm afraid.
Oh, that's heaven.
So Yussef has the cipher now?
What makes you think that?
Surely they were able
to make poor Mr. Pollock relinquish it.
Mr. Pollock swore
he didn't have it.
Mr. Pollock
was lying.
Then I'm afraid he took
the truth with him to his grave.
Before you came home,
I received word that...
Mr. Pollock
had arrived safely in his rooms at Oxford.
A hearty race,
the Americans.
I was also told
that he was riding a bicycle...
and singing a very strange song.
A hearty
and fun-loving race.
But tell me,
my flower,
I don't think
you've explained yet...
how it happens
that Yussef managed to leave you alive.
It's very simple, really.
I promised
I'd work with him.
By spying on me, you mean?
Of course.
How very amusing.
It is.
Marvelous, in fact.
I knew you'd enjoy it.
Darling, you are hurting my shoulders.
Yes, my precious?
Am I?
Oh, I'm so sorry.
You must have
been very convincing.
It's a feminine talent.
Well, what a waste
not to exploit it.
I was going to send Sloane
to see Mr. Pollock...
to convince him
to return the cipher.
But Sloane has
so few subtle qualities.
I'm sure the professor
would much rather deal with you.
I thought you were jealous
of the professor.
I'm too busy now,
being jealous of Yussef.
Mr. Pollock.
One moment, please,
for the Prime Minister.
Mr. Pollock.
Good morning, sir.
We've been trying
to contact you, Mr. Pollock. We were very worried about you.
No more than I was, sir.
Did you get the information we wanted?
No, sir.
But you do have the cipher?
No, sir.
Do you know who does?
I think so, sir.
Will you be getting it then?
No, sir.
Why is that, Mr. Pollock?
No guts, sir.
I beg your pardon.
As long as you needed
someone to sit down and work, I was your man.
But the situation
has changed somewhat.
What you need now is someone
with a Ph.D. in roughhouse.
I did warn you that
it might become dangerous.
Well, dangerous, sir,
not lethal.
Yes, you are quite right.
I apologize, Mr. Pollock.
When one is willing
to die for one's national honor,
it is not
always easy to remember that other people...
have equally important values
to live for.
There is no reason why you,
an outsider,
should risk such a sacrifice
for another man's country.
You take unfair advantage,
Mr. Prime Minister.
How so?
By appealing to a man's better instincts.
I was confident
that you had them.
Well... very well, sir.
Where would you
like me to be... murdered this time?
Try and find
the inscription if you can.
Decipher it, and call me
the moment you have.
Time is getting very short
David. David.
Thank God
you're all right.
This isn't your house.
This is my house,
and you weren't invited.
So go away, go away.
I didn't even know you were alive,
but I came to warn you anyway.
Warn me about what?
Nejim's men
are on their way here to get the cipher back.
You've got to get away.
Now slow down a minute.
Aren't you
the same Miss Azir who just stood there...
while your friends
tried to kill me?
Oh, David!
You don't think I enjoyed that?
Oh, well, so long
as you didn't enjoy it.
There was nothing I could do.
You've got
to listen to me!
Every time I listen to you,
someone either hits me over the head...
or tries to vaccinate me.
Maybe it's time
that I called the police.
You mustn't do that.
What do you suggest then,
the Salvation Army?
Come with me now, before it's too late.
And wind up
back in Yussef Kassim's rumble seat? No, thank you.
Tell your boyfriend
I'm a bad sport.
If I'd let him kill me,
I'd never have forgiven myself.
Yussef is not
my boyfriend. I loathe him.
Of course you do.
You just do what he tells you...
because he's holding
your family hostage back in the old country.
How did you know that?
Oh, come on. I've seen that movie.
General Ali Ben Ali,
the man he works for,
threatened to kill
my mother and sisters...
unless I cooperated with him.
And Beshraavi- Who's he got,
your Uncle Max from Newark?
What do you mean?
Forget it.
If you want to live with
Ali Baba and the 40 thieves, that's your business.
Do you think I like being near
that degenerate?
I have to.
Don't you understand?
Yussef ordered me to meet him
and cultivate his friendship,
so I could report
on his actions.
Anyway, the pay is good.
It's not the money.
I swear it. It's my family.
Everyone's got problems...
including me.
So I'd just assume
not get mixed up in yours.
But you are
mixed up in them,
whether you
like it or not.
Beshraavi wants
to rule our country with his money,
General Ali
with his guns.
Both of them
have to know what's in that inscription.
That means
they need you.
David... you must believe
that I hate them both,
that I'm only
doing what they want because I have to.
If you can translate
the inscription...
and we can get it
to my embassy,
we'll both be safe.
Yeah, well, it-it sounds
reasonable, I guess.
Then you believe me?
In this cynical old world,
you have to believe
in something.
So, it might
as well be you.
Okay, I'll buy it.
Thank you.
Take it easy. I'm not quite
myself this morning.
You're wonderful.
Yeah, if I could find my head, I'd go get it examined.
If we're going to have visitors,
we better get out of here.
Want to give it to me now?
Give what to you?
The inscription.
I don't have it.
- Well, who does?
- You do.
Me? No, no.
You've forgotten, Yussef took it
from me in the van last night.
But he couldn't find it.
Yeah, he found it.
He just didn't know that he'd found it.
Maybe we can still
get it back...
with a little help from you.
Where's Yussef?
It's all right.
He's down there.
Okay, where is he?
Over there, I think.
Come on.
Must have had pups
during the night.
I'll know it when I see it.
He dented it last week.
How? Knocking down
an old lady at a crossing?
There it is.
Hey, hey.
It's still there.
I don't see anything.
The candy!
You are brilliant!
The result of a clean mind
and a healthy body.
I've checked all the morning
papers. There's not a word. Do you think he's still alive?
Stop bugging me.
How would I know?
Have you heard from the girl?
Has she found it?
She'll give me a blast
when she knows something.
Oh, no, he's taking it.
Why couldn't he be on a diet?
What do you know?
Which one is it?
Number nine.
You were actually telling the truth.
What are you talking about?
Yussef was here.
I was here. The cipher
was here. All you had to do was yell, but you didn't.
That absurd story
about your mother and sisters must be true.
You mean you didn't believe me?
Not a word.
Then why did you come with me?
I didn't know where the van was.
Miss Azir,
I humbly apologize.
I don't accept.
The least you can do
when I tell you something is to believe it.
With your track record?
Uh-oh. Let's go.
Be ready to duck.
I only hope his sweet tooth holds up.
We're victims
of the establishment.
Ask him to move.
It's no use.
They can't move, speak or even listen.
If they do, they're taken
to the Tower and beheaded.
Oh, nonsense.
He's a man, isn't he?
Excuse me, soldier.
He's a guardsman.
Excuse me, guardsman.
I'm sorry to bother you.
I know you're on duty,
There is something
under your foot...
that belongs to us.
Pretty please?
make him lift his foot!
You've been learning
from Nejim.
You'd think after all that-
Oh, no.
He's found it.
Sink, sank, sunk.
He must be calling Yussef.
I don't think so.
He knows
Yussef's number.
Keep an eye
on Webster.
Look here.
Webster sold out to Nejim.
Seems to be a popular
indoor sport these days.
You're not including me,
I hope.
Of course not.
We're believing you today.
say where.
It doesn't have to.
If he's meeting Nejim
at 3:30,
there's only one place
it can be.
In the fifth race, the runners are as follows-
I must go
and advise my horse.
Are you coming, my love?
You go, my darling.
I think I'll put
some money on her.
What an excellent idea.
But only to win, of course.
It would be a grave mistake
to back another horse at this late stage.
Well, well,
if it isn't Mr. Dillingham.
By jove, it's actually
Lady Hetherington-Cartwright.
Don't overdo it.
I didn't know you could. I haven't seen Webster yet.
He's handing the inscription
over to Sloane at 3:30 by the winning post.
Do be a dear, Mr. Dillingworth.
Tell me what you fancy for this race.
I'm putting my jolly old shirt
on number nine.
Please keep your eyes
on the winning post.
You'll have to get it away from them somehow.
And then what?
Meet me tonight
at Trafalgar Square, around midnight.
It's been positively smash
to have bumped into you this way, old thing.
Do give my regards
to your husband next visiting day.
- Ta-ta.
- Toodle-oo.
What odds did you get?
- Two to one.
- They're off.
It's Pollock.
Who is that?
Three furlongs left to race,
and it is-
That bungling idiot, Sloane.
Darling, we won!
- Hello?
- Prime Minister Jena, please.
It's very urgent.
This is Mr. Pollock.
Mr. Pollock,
what has happened?
Mr. Jena,
there's been some trouble.
A man was killed at Ascot today.
Yes, I heard about that.
Have you also heard who they think killed him?
Mrs. Pollock's idiot son, David,
that's who. I need your help.
I don't think there's anything
I can do for you right now,
besides suggesting that
you stay clear of the police.
Mr. Prime Minister, I don't
think I've made myself clear.
Right now I'm wanted for murder.
You're the only one
who can explain what I've been doing.
But, Mr. Pollock, I thought
I'd made myself clear.
For security reasons,
I have never seen you.
I am not even in England.
Whatever the circumstances,
my ambassador and I must
disclaim any knowledge of you.
Where are you?
Have you
the message?
If the message is not
deciphered soon, then-
Come here, my darling.
I brought you some presents.
How sweet.
More shoes?
But, darling,
you've already given me dozens.
I couldn't resist these.
It was quite
a coincidence,
Mr. Pollock turning up
at the right place, at the right time.
Don't you think so?
I would hardly call it a coincidence.
Neither would I.
How do you account for it... my flower?
He must have been following
Yussef's man,
the one who was killed.
Do you think so?
It's the only explanation.
You wouldn't have
mentioned it, of course.
Those are rather attractive,
don't you think?
I really must thank
whoever was responsible for getting him there.
Then you wanted him to have it?
Who else
is going to decipher it?
I want you
to find him again,
I want you to stay with him
until he finishes his work,
and then I want you
to bring the answers to me.
- Is that clear, my angel?
- Very clear.
I know that I can trust you
to do that for me.
Unless, of course,
you're growing weary of my little gifts.
Oh, and if I don't hear
from you by noon tomorrow...
try and think of some remote
corner of the world where I won't find you.
I don't think you can...
but try.
Thank you, sir.
Mrs. Ragheeb?
Oh, but, sir-
I must speak
to Mrs. Ragheeb.
Mrs. Ragheeb, I'm an associate...
of Professor Ragheeb at Oxford.
This is tremendously
urgent. It's about your husband's murder.
Why do you say "murder"?
Your husband
was murdered by some agent of Nejim Beshraavi.
He was killed
for a Hittite inscription. I don't know why.
I know very little, but I do know that.
No, Amir.
Mrs. Ragheeb, I know
this is a terrible time to trouble you,
but I've got
to know what that inscription means.
I thought, perhaps,
among your husband's notes-
A Hittite inscription?
Did he tell you anything about it?
Show it to me.
Mrs. Ragheeb-
I told him he was mad
to meddle in such things.
Madness and suicide.
And now...
he's in there.
But he must have
told you something.
He must have mentioned
where he got it, who gave it to him.
We have to know.
"We"? Who else?
A girl. Her family's
in great danger.
Her mother and sisters-
General Ali has threatened to kill them.
-Is the girl named Yasmin Azir?
And she told you that
her mother and her sisters are in danger?
Yasmin has no such family,
Mr. Pollock.
There is only her father.
General Ali
would never harm him.
Why not?
Because General Ali
is her father.
I was so worried about you.
Oh, you were?
The police think
you killed Webster. Haven't you seen the papers?
I don't care what they say
about me as long as they spell my name right.
I had a hard time convincing
Nejim I had nothing to do with your being at the races.
I'm sure that you were
very convincing.
I told him you must have
been following Webster, but I'm not sure he believed me.
How could anyone
not believe you?
He made me promise to keep you
working on the cipher...
and to call him
the moment you've broken it.
- Oh, damn.
- What's wrong?
Nejim had me followed
when I left the house tonight, but I thought I'd lost them.
Now they're back again.
Oh, it's all right.
We lost them.
Next time let me know
so I can fasten my seat belt.
Where is the inscription?
May I see it?
Why do you want to see it?
I don't know.
I've never seen it.
Believe me,
when you've seen one, you've seen them all.
- As long as you have it-
- Well, I don't have it.
- What do you mean?
Of course you have it! - Look out!
Would you like me to drive?
What have you done with it?
Relax. I haven't forgotten your mother and sisters.
I mailed it to myself.
Oh, no. How will you be able to work on it?
I won't have to.
I know what's in it.
What does it mean?
Tell me.
It said, "The plague shall not
pass until the swans...
fly high
in the kingdom of Vesta."
What does that mean?
How should I know?
My job was to translate it
into English. I didn't guarantee the results.
Well, I suppose it will
mean something to somebody.
I'll call the embassy
and tell them, but I'd better drop you off first.
Where are you staying?
Right here with you.
It's not safe for you
to be out on the streets.
- What if the police stop us?
- The way you drive?
Why should they
stop us?
All right, David.
I'll look for a phone box.
No, no, I'll look.
That way maybe we can keep from hitting it.
Want me to come with you?
What for?
Think how cozy
it would be.
But so hard to dial.
Don't tell me that
the ambassador spoke with you at this hour?
As a matter of fact, he did.
They are preparing
for Mr. Jena's visit tomorrow.
What did he say?
He didn't
understand the message. He said to come right over.
Uh, it's all right.
You can get out here. I'll meet you later.
Oh, please stop
asking so many questions.
There are police
at the embassy.
They'll recognize you.
Do you want to be arrested for murder?
All right.
I'll meet you in Knightsbridge
at the Kelly Hotel.
I'm registered there under the name of O'Malley.
Yeah, there's a discount
if you're Irish.
Follow that car.
All my life I've waited
for somebody to say that.
Thanks, gov.
I enjoyed that.
Yasmin! Get down!
David, you followed me.
No, I didn't.
You went to the embassy,
and I came here to my hotel.
There. Over the wall.
Down here.
Can't say I care much
for your embassy.
I wasn't deceiving you.
I had to find out
what the message means.
Yussef is
the only one who knows. That's why I came here.
Not one of your brighter ideas.
You stay here.
Oh, David! Oh, David!
I couldn't let you die...
without hearing the end
of your story.
Come on!
But it's true.
Everything. I swear it.
As true as your poor old mother and your three sisters?
Of course.
I went to Mrs. Ragheeb.
Oh, no.
She was very well-informed
about you.
You told her that you and I
were working together?
Naturally. What?
No wonder.
She'd say anything to keep you
from trusting me.
She's an agent of Yussef's,
like her husband.
Don't you see
what you did?
The moment you let her know
I was double-crossing them,
she called Yussef
to warn him.
That's why he lured me
to the construction site: to kill me!
What is there about you that
makes you so hard to believe?
Perhaps it's because
I'm such a terrible liar.
But never with you, of course.
I wish I could say the same.
"The plague shall not pass...
until the swans fly high
in the kingdom of Vesta."
- You made it up?
- Uh-huh.
What's the real message?
I haven't been able to work it out yet.
We'll have to do something.
I packed a suitcase. It's in the back.
I can't very well go back
to my house. Nejim isn't the understanding type.
Haven't you any ideas?
I got the message.
Oh! Yasmin!
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning,
my darling.
You pass bachelor's
requirement number one.
You're lovely in the morning.
I was dreaming of someone much more romantic: you.
No, come back here.
I have something else.
I've cracked the cipher.
David, that's wonderful.
What does it mean?
It's a phony,
It isn't Hittite at all.
It's an ordinary, commoner grade-school code.
Look. Here, you want these?
No, certainly not.
You see, bird sign,
bird sign, bird sign.
Sex differentiation factor.
You mean it's dirty?
No, a three-year-old child
could understand.
Female bird: goose.
Female bird: goose. Male bird: gander.
do you wender-"
No, that's "wander." Yeah.
"Upstairs, downstairs-"
"Or in my lady's chamber."
What does that mean?
I don't know.
We've got Beshraavi,
the British constabulary,
the whole human race
howling after our blood...
just for a lousy nursery rhyme.
It's got to mean something.
It must.
Who wrote it
in the first place?
Ragheeb, I imagine.
Exactly. Ragheeb.
"Upstairs, downstairs,
in my lady's chamber."
Mrs. Ragheeb
must have the answer!
But she couldn't have.
She would have told Yussef.
That's right too.
When I showed her a copy
of it, she tore it up.
She looked at it,
and she didn't give a damn.
- Wow!
- David...
what are you
talking about?
A copy
of the message means nothing, the translation means nothing.
The message is a screen.
It's a doodle.
All that matters is the original piece of paper.
The original?
Of course.
It isn't the cipher.
It's something else
on that paper.
underneath the cipher.
Arise, arise,
oh, my beloved.
To the Hammersmith
post office.
Have you got it?
Don't you trust me
with anything?
No watermark.
What do you see?
Gander, goosey, goosey.
Just keep your eyes
on the road.
It must be here someplace.
Are you burning it?
That's how you detect
invisible ink.
Weren't you ever in the Boy Scouts?
I flunked the physical.
You should have
tried my troop. We'd have waived it.
Wait, wait!
Stop the car!
What are you doing?
I'm about to invent the wheel.
Well, there it goes.
No, no, wait. Look!
I don't see anything.
The eye.
The eye of the third bird.
What's that?
A microdot.
What do you see?
Take a look.
- She's a real beauty,
isn't she? - She certainly is.
But the microscope's
a trifle small.
Haven't you anything larger?
Certainly, sir.
So that's what they
wanted Yussef to know.
Something on this order, sir?
I'm afraid not.
Haven't you anything larger?
I'll look, sir.
What do we do now?
It says when,
but it doesn't say where. When is the 18th?
Monday was the 14th. Tuesday, Wednesday-
It's today.
Come on!
Come on!
I'm afraid this is
the largest we have, sir. Shall I-
Hey, David,
- Oh, no! Do something!
- Lift it out of the way?
I don't care.
Do anything!
Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.
Mr. Jena will be happy
to answer your questions now.
All right, mate.
Lots of room, lots of room. That's it.
Keep on going.
Lots of leeway back there.
Bring her on back, mate.
Okay, fine. Plenty of leeway.
Plenty of leeway. Lots of room.
Right on back. Good.
Right on back, mate.
Right on back.
Fine, fine. Good.
Plenty of room, mate.
That's good.
Thanks, mate.
This is your first
visit to England, Mr. Prime Minister.
What are your
first impressions?
We could use some of your
English rain in our dry country.
In our country,
there's a great deal of oil and very little water.
A highly inflammable situation.
All right, Hemsley.
Water remains
our most serious problem.
To paraphrase
Marie Antoinette:
I can hardly say of my people,
"Let them drink oil."
May I see
your press card, please, sir?
Diners Club?
I'm afraid I don't recognize you.
We're doing a piece
on the Arabic cuisine.
I'm sorry, sir. It's not on my list.
Get out of the way.
I'm sorry, sir.
Do you care to comment...
on the treaty
you intend signing tomorrow?
Let us through! That man's about to be killed!
I hardly think so, sir.
This is England.
I have studied the terms
of the treaty most carefully,
and I could not,
in good conscience-
They have fought too long
and hard-
Let us through, please!
What is happening?
Mr. Pollock?
I'm sorry, sir. Are you all right?
It appears that I am.
What happened?
I was a little late
deciphering the message. That's what.
Here. Let me help you up.
Thank you.
Mr. Pollock was brilliant.
He deserves a medal.
Who is responsible for this?
Do you know?
Yes, sir. Nejim Beshraavi.
Beshr- Mr. Pollock,
I must speak with you.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. Excuse me. Come, Mr. Prime Minister.
The car is waiting. We must hurry.
I must speak with Mr. Pollock.
There's no time.
We don't know who else here might be involved.
I must speak
to Mr. Pollock!
Come on.
They did it.
After all that, they did it. We just stood there.
Where are we going?
We have to find Jena.
Did I understand you to say-
That wasn't Jena.
It sounded like you said-
I tell you, it wasn't!
It looked
very much like him, but it wasn't Jena.
It was Hassan Jena.
I know him.
He knows me.
I've spoken to him many times.
He came to Oxford to see me.
Jena's never set foot
in England before today.
That's what
he wanted people to think, but he was here.
He's the one
who sent me to Beshraavi in the first place.
That man?
The one who was shot?
Yes. Now do you believe me?
- Why didn't you tell me?
- I never knew who you were.
That's why he looked
so frightened.
Nejim hired him
to impersonate Jena,
only he neglected to mention
that part of his job was to be murdered.
We have to find
the real Jena. Come on.
You expect me to believe
that nonsense?
- What proof do you have?
- He didn't recognize me.
But- Wait-
Why should he recognize you?
Yasmin, are you trying
to tell me something?
I am a spy.
Hey, wait!
You can prove that statement,
I suppose?
Do you think we carry
calling cards?
Then why didn't you tell me?
You wouldn't have believed me.
Where are we going?
I want to see
where it happened.
Where what happened?
Did you record the Prime Minister's arrival
on tape? Yes.
Run it for me.
The Prime Minister's life may depend on it.
You're a bit late. He's already been shot.
Do as I say.
Is that tape
ready to roll yet?
It's all set.
Put it up on the monitors.
Which one is that?
The real one. It has to be.
There was no way
to get to him before this.
Yes, it's Jena.
Those are
his favorite slippers.
Can you see what's happening
inside the car?
The windows are too dark.
Hold that.
Can you freeze it?
Look, the shoes
are different.
He's not wearing
slippers anymore.
That's where it happened:
in the car.
We've got
to find it.
She's a government spy.
Come on.
Give me a hand, will you?
You seriously think-
What else would they have done? Left him in the airport?
It's the treaty, isn't it?
If it had gone through,
Nejim would have been ruined.
Jena was going to sign it?
That's why they needed a substitute:
to denounce
the treaty officially before the assassination.
I have
a vivid imagination.
I must say,
I never saw myself unpacking a prime minister.
Our life expectancy
may be nil,
but I'd like you to know
this has been...
a very real, warm,
human experience.
It's uncanny.
What is it?
Where am-
You're among friends, sir.
At least
for the next 30 seconds.
Are you all right?
I think so.
Is that you, Miss Azir?
Let's get him out.
Ploy number one.
We've got him, sir.
It's about time
you did something right. Well, get him out!
Hey, you two!
Lend a hand here. And you!
Undo these chains.
Put it down!
Open it, Sloane.
Imbecile. Must you mismanage everything?
Down! Flat!
Come on!
Run for it!
What do you want?
We, uh, uh-
You can't ride
in that skirt.
Are you all right, sir?
Yes, thank you.
That way!
I don't see what he can do now.
He'll think of something.
I knew you couldn't
keep a good man down.
Get them, Sloane!
This time get them!
Are you all right?
No. I'm ashamed of myself.
I ride better than that.
Come on!
This side!
Those stairs must
lead somewhere.
Are you sure?
If they don't,
watch out for the last one.
Here comes
old Eagle-Eye.
This is like a recurring
dream I used to have.
How did it end?
Don't ask.
Here it goes.
Don't, David. Please, don't. You'll be a sitting duck.
How come my recurring dream
never ended this way?
I don't know.
Mine always did.
I guess I just travel
in better dreams.
Do I have your...solemn pledge
that you'll never spy again?
Only on you.
Oh, swell.
You clumsy idiot!
Oh, it's you, Mr. Pollock.
Oh, hello, Fanshaw.
you can swim, can't you?
Not a stroke.
Here we are again,
taking a bath together.
David, you lied to me!
Sure. It was my turn.