Aradhana (1969)

In the eyes of the law, murder is the greatest
of all crimes!
And when a woman who gives
birth to man takes a life... becomes more heinous.
And so I ask the court
not to be lenient...
...just because
the accused is a woman.
She should be punished severely
to teach other people a lesson...
...and it will also serve
to uphold the law.
Does the accused wish to say
something in her defence?
After considering all evidence,
the court concludes that...
...the accused, Vandana has
committed murder with intention.
And so according to section 302
of the Indian Penal Code...
...the accused is sentenced
to life imprisonment.
- Father.
- My dear, you've arrived!
- I hope that you are fine.
- Yes, father.
Let's go. Porter, the luggage!
- You haven't sacked him as yet?
- I have fired him several times.
But I can't help it, as he
keeps coming back in tears.
- Tikaram!
- I'm coming, sir.
Hurry up.
Welcome home.
Please hold this, sir.
- What is this, Tikaram.
- I want your blessings, miss.
Before entering place your hand
on my head and bless me.
I want to be here
till time immemorial.
You've started buttering me
as soon as I have come.
Get up and go and fetch
the bags from the car.
Let's go in, father.
Look at the state of this house.
There's a nest here.
Father, why don't
you tell Tikaram anything?
He is coming here.
Why don't you tell him?
- Whose job is it to clean?
- Mine.
- For how long have you not
cleaned? - I do it everyday.
Why is there so much dust
on this table?
I forgot.
- Quiet! Father, send him away.
- All right.
I want a week off. I'll go
to the village and see mother.
There's no need to return.
Go for a holiday forever.
No, I won't go.
I will never leave.
If I am fired I shall fast
and lie on your doorstep.
I'll die but
I won't leave this house.
All right. Fetch us
some tea before you die.
I'll get it right away, miss.
Tikaram, go and fetch father.
Right now? Does the master
ever return home before 11?
Now he will return. Tell him
that dinner will be served at 9.
All right.
And tell the gardener
to come to work from tomorrow.
All right.
- One more thing.
- Yes, miss.
Tell the washerman to collect
the clothes tomorrow afternoon.
What should I tell the master?
That dinner will be served
at 9 at the clinic?
Fool! Not at the clinic
but at the dining table.
I have understood.
The washerman in the morning and
the gardener in the evening?
The gardener in the morning and
the washerman in the evening.
If you return, I'll...
- Fool.
- Miss...
I don't have a camera or else
I'd have got a lovely picture.
Well, I...
The water didn't hurt much
but if you throw the bucket...
Please forgive me.
I made a mistake.
- I mistook you for my servant.
- What!
I mean... I was
very angry with my servant.
And you threw the water on me,
that too in this cold weather.
Please come in.
Have you cooled down?
Please don't embarrass me.
Give me your clothes
and I'll dry them.
- Give me your shirt too.
- What!
I'll iron them.
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
Suppose I get pneumonia?
You will be cured.
This is the home of a doctor.
- And you are...
- I am his daughter.
Can I have a cup of
steaming hot tea?
Tea! Sure!
- Hello! Are you the doctor?
- Yes. And who are you?
I am a pilot in the Air Force.
Is this the uniform of a pilot?
Your daughter took my clothes.
- My daughter?
- Yes.
My daughter is quite
capable of doing this.
You've come, father!
There's someone here to see you.
Yes. There's a pilot
exercising in my towel.
Exercises? What do you mean?
What do you mean?! Why didn't
you tell me about him before?
What is his name? Was he
studying with you in college?
Who? I don't even know him.
This shirt?
Why are you laughing?
I had thrown water
on him by mistake.
So I thought that I would
dry his clothes and iron them.
- That's all? - I'll also
give him a cup of tea.
I thought that
you knew each other.
I thought that you liked him
so my problem would be solved.
What are you saying?
Your tea.
- Thank you. I bothered you
unnecessarily. - Not at all.
You had to make tea
and iron my clothes.
Please tell the doctor
to accompany me.
No. Father is tired.
He will not go anywhere now.
What! We could get into trouble.
My friend and I left on
a holiday without permission.
And my friend
has fallen ill suddenly.
If he doesn't recover before
we reach the headquarters...
...we'll get into trouble.
- What can I do?
- Doctor, I'd be obliged if...
- I heard it. Let's go.
- Okay. Let's go.
- At least drink your tea.
Thank you for the tea
and also for drying my clothes.
Let's go.
Sir, I've brought you your tea.
- Make it.
- Yes, sir.
- Has the other man got up?
- He has already gone out.
He has gone out?! Where?
He has gone to visit the doctor,
and asked you to meet him there.
- And his belongings?
- They are here.
He asked me to pack them and
said that you'd take them along.
- And also give me a tip.
- Scoundrel!
- What!
- Nothing.
- Is my jeep there?
- Yes it is outside.
Keep my things in the car.
- You don't have a fever anymore.
- How could I, Ms Vandana?
My fever abated on taking your
father's medicines yesterday.
And now it has gone completely
after drinking the tea you made.
- Who told you my name?
- Arun.
- Is your friend's name Arun?
- Yes. Didn't he tell you?
- He's an ass!
- You've come?!
My name is Madan Varma.
We are Flight Lieutenants.
He's a year junior to me.
So that is why he is standing.
...Please have a seat.
No, thank you.
We are in a hurry.
You must be feeling
perfectly all right now.
- Have a cup of tea.
- Yes. There's no need to hurry.
You won't get
such lovely tea anywhere else.
So you want a another cup.
If you don't consider him
too shameless.
I'll get it.
Madan, why have
you come here so early?
You are useless
where girls are concerned.
I realised the serious condition
when I saw you last night.
- So I came to see the girl.
- And now that you've seen her?
Should I be honest? She's
worthy of being a sister-in-law.
- Whose?
- Mine, of course.
- Marry her immediately.
- But I don't even know her.
I'll help you out.
What about you?
I just drink two cups a day.
Anything in excess is harmful.
Did you hear that?
And you drink 40 cups everyday.
40 cups daily?
Yes. 40 cups of tea
and 150 cigarettes daily.
If you tell him anything
do you know what he says?
He says "Even if I die young,
there's no one to mourn my loss"
Don't you have anyone?
He would listen only if he had
someone to call his own.
Someone who would reform him.
Let's go.
- At least drink your tea.
- No. I'll heed your advice.
Let's go.
Mr. Arun, heed
your friend's advice.
Too much tea and cigarettes
is not good. Goodbye.
Who asked you to
talk such nonsense?
It wasn't nonsense.
I was making the runway for you.
So that you can make a perfect
landing into her heart.
Give me your cigarette case.
You will need an excuse
to come here again.
Come here looking
for your cigarette case.
Hey! Where did this come from?
Sir, your cigarette case!
Oh! He has gone.
Sir, your cigarette case!
Sir, your cigarette case!
Here's your runway.
- Who is this weirdo?
- He is their servant, Tikaram.
- Hello, Tikaram!
- Hello, sir!
You're a magician. You reached
here before our jeep.
Sir, you came along
winding road.
And I came straight
along the shortcut.
- Get into the car.
- Me?
You have returned
our cigarette case.
We won't let you go without
treating you to tea first.
Is there any hotel close by?
The Lord's temple is there
half a mile down this road.
- The Lord's temple?
- Yes. A goddess makes the tea.
I go there every Tuesday to
drink tea in order to see her.
Tuesday! Today is Tuesday.
- You can visit her today.
- All right.
Hop in.
...What's going on?
To walk into a house you have to
win over the servant first.
- One for me, too.
- Sure.
Bhagwan (Lord), please
send us three cups of tea.
All right.
Now Champa will come along
with the tea.
Sir, your tea.
Why did you take the trouble
to bring the tea?
I can't help it. Champa has
gone to graze the cows.
- Where?
- In the forest near the field.
It's all right.
These are officers. Salute them.
Salutations, sirs!
- Me, too.
- Why?
I have brought
these officers to your shop...
...and added grandeur to it.
Sir, I admit that
my tea stall is small...
...but you won't find
better tea anywhere else.
- The tea is excellent.
- Thank you, sir.
- Can I have some tea?
- Sure.
He didn't salute me.
His name is Bhagwan (Lord),
but he is the devil.
He says he will marry Champa
to anyone who gives him Rs 1000.
It seems as though
my wish will never be fulfilled.
You will get your wish. We will
see that you get married.
- Really?
- Absolutely.
But we will help you
only if you help us.
Tell me what I have to do.
I'll do everything.
- Come with us.
- Take this.
Bhagwan, here are your glasses
and your money.
Just tell us where your
mistress goes and at what time.
I mean, her likes and dislikes.
I understand, sir.
I'll tell you everything but
you must proceed with great care.
Or else you might
get into trouble.
- Why?
- She is very hot tempered.
A hot tempered girl
adds spice to love.
Miss, here are the apples.
- How much do they cost?
- Shall we buy some?
- How much for these oranges?
- They must be sour... You!
You! Hello!
Do you have a holiday
today also?
I don't have a holiday.
I just came to shop.
You don't get anything
near the airport.
I have to come so far
to buy apples.
My father used to say one can't
reap fruit without hard work.
- Absolutely right.
- Let's go, Tikaram.
- What about the apples?
- They are not so good.
I'll take you to another stall
and get you very good apples.
Goodbye. Let's go, Tikaram.
- You, here?
- Hello, doctor!
God bless you! I thought the
military was full of atheists.
Each man has his own beliefs.
One should worship ardently.
Yes, of course. Give him
some offerings, my dear.
Since I have come to the Goddess
I must receive some offerings.
Today, I've received the fruits
of my prayers immediately.
Are you going home?
I have my jeep
and we are going the same way.
All right, let's go.
Do you come here everyday?
I come here whenever I wish
to pay homage to the Goddess.
I'm happy to hear that. Are you
going to drive in these clothes?
No. I'll be back in 5 minutes.
Please get in.
Get in, my dear.
I forgot to ask you your name
the last time.
Miss Vandana is aware of it.
- You didn't tell me.
- You didn't ask me, father.
- Where are you from?
- Delhi.
Father had a business. After his
death we settled in Mathura.
Oh! Who is there in your house?
My paternal uncle and his wife.
And you have come so far.
My job in the Air Force
requires it.
When we lived in Delhi
I used to go home every Sunday.
After coming here I miss home.
- I've no friends or family here.
- Why do you say that?
Consider our home as your own
and come over on any holiday.
I don't want
to bother you unnecessarily.
It won't be a bother.
You'll just have some tea.
I might be tempted
to stay for lunch.
That is Vandana's department.
Ask her.
Father, will an Air Force pilot
like our simple food?
At least invite over.
- Whenever you wish to come.
- Come over next Sunday.
I knew that you couldn't wait
until Sunday.
I haven't come over to eat.
Have you come
to meet father, then?
- I have come to have my wound dressed. - Wound?
Do you call
this small scratch a wound?
I had heard that the Air Force
people were very brave.
You'd have also heard a small
injury can become a deep wound.
And an acquaintance
can become a life partner.
Please have a seat
while I fetch the medicines.
Last night I had a dream.
What did you dream of?
There was fire all round
and great clouds of smoke.
The fire of machine guns
and tanks. A deadly war is on.
I ran and boarded my plane.
I took off.
When the speed touched 700
I saw the enemy airfield below.
Three bombs fall on the target
and the airfield is wiped out.
- What happened next?
- There was a loud noise.
My plane was hit. When I look behind
half the plane is missing.
When I look down
I lose my senses.
I take the name of the Lord,
shut my eyes and jump.
I wake up in a strange city
in front of a strange house.
The door opens and a lovely girl
splashes a bucket of water on me.
- And I opened my eyes. - Thank
goodness you opened your eyes!
I was afraid that your dream
wouldn't come to an end.
End! My dream has just started.
I have bandaged your hand.
- Now...
- You bandaged the wrong hand.
- Wrong hand?
- Do you know what happened?
- What?
- You were lost in my dream.
Will my dream come true?
- How should I know?
- Then who knows?
I was going to speak to father.
Are you listening?
So you approve of me, right?
Which means that you do.
I'll obtain father's permission.
He will never refuse me.
Are you listening?
- Hello, doctor!
- Hello! What is it?
- Promise me that you
won't refuse. - I promise.
There's a function at our mess.
And I want both of you to come.
- You will have to come.
- We'll surely come.
- Shall I come to pick
you up at 5? - All right.
It's fixed.
What are you thinking about?
Don't worry. When he comes
to ask me I'll agree right away.
I also approve of him.
Madan, take them inside.
I'll just change and come.
- Come soon.
- I'll be back soon.
Happy birthday, sir.
This is my guest, Ms Vandana
and this is...
Officers should never
give incomplete information.
I don't understand, sir.
I'm sure you understood. Is she
your guest or something more?
Sir, we love each other.
- Are they engaged?
- Sir, they just met recently.
So what? An Air Force Officer
should always work with speed.
Every second is precious.
Where were you, my dear?
I was looking all over for you.
This is my father.
Because your daughter
should've been in the Air Force.
- Why?
- I'll explain.
Air Force Officers
need to have two qualities.
Sharp vision and good speed,
which your daughter has.
- I still don't understand.
- I'll explain again.
Amongst all these officers, your
daughter chose our best officer.
This indicates sharp vision.
And they fell in love within
two days which indicates speed.
I thank you for coming here
to celebrate my birthday.
To be frank birthday greetings
should be given... those
Air Force Officers... whose lives
every day is a birthday.
Whose lives are in peril
at every moment of everyday.
Those officers
should be congratulated...
...who break the sound barrier
piercing the sky like lightning... go far above the earth
to protect their country.
Be it war time or peace time.
Flight lieutenant Arun would
be able to explain it better.
Because he has recently gone
through a tragic experience.
And that tragedy is Ms Vandana.
- What happened?
- Nothing.
- Why are your eyes shut?
- I'm dreaming of you.
- Why is your heart racing?
- It is calling out to you.
- Why are you taking quick breaths?
- To come closer to you.
They've brought me so far.
- Really?
- Yes.
I am very happy today.
You are mine and I am yours.
And... You are mine
and I am yours.
When a man looks for a mate...
...he has the image
of a girl... whose eyes he can see
love, sacrifice and dedication.
Suddenly you came
into my life...
...and my dream came true.
Don't you believe me?
If you don't believe me
ask these ice-capped mountains.
Ask the waves of these rivers
and ask the spring.
Our hearts beat as one...
...will echo in the hills.
Nice shot, sir ...
Isn't that right, Madan?
- Arun, have you ever
played billiards? - Well...
Do you know what they call
this shot?
This flattery can only mean that
you want a favour or else...
I need special permission.
My fiancee has never seen
a plane from close quarters.
Then show it to her.
Sir, she would like
to see me flying the plane.
Then fly a plane and show her.
She wants to be beside me
when I fly the plane.
You know that no civilian
can board an Air Force plane.
But Vandana is not a civilian.
She is a girl.
I mean, she is my fiancee.
And you know all about a girl's
resolve; you're experienced.
Absolutely not.
The experience was only once..
and I had to marry the second time.
Sir, suppose you make
a promise to your wife...
...isn't it necessary to
keep it? - You have no choice.
Do you know the meaning
of the word "wife'?
My Army, Navy and Air Force
is Vandana.
I have promised her
a joyride, sir.
And you want me to break the Air
Force rules for your joyride?
I permit you. But you must use
the flying club aircraft.
You are going to get married
and I have 20 years experience.
I have some advice for you.
The first is: Always fulfill
a promise made to your wife.
- And the second? - Don't
promise or you'll regret it.
I have never seen such clouds.
Vinu, we are in the sky
and we are far above the clouds.
Just you and me.
It feels like a dream world.
It is my dream world.
My life in the Air Force...
...where there is no limit
to speed or flight.
The earth is ours
and so is the sky.
The Air Force is a part of me.
And I?
You are in every breath I take.
You have already reached a great
height; your speed is also great.
Do we have to land back on the
ground after reaching the skies?
Dear chief and my
fellow brethren...
...on this holy festival
and with your blessing...
...I wish to announce my
daughter Champa's engagement.
And the man whom I have chosen
to be my son-in-law is...
Really? Do you have the ability
to give a thousand rupees?
Rs 1000. I don't even buy
vegetables without bargaining.
And this is a matter
of my whole life.
- Will you take Rs. 200
- 200!
Manglu, you also want to marry
her, right? Name your price?
- Rs. 5... 500.
- Excellent!
- Damn!
- Rs. 1000.
- Sir...
does a big officer like you
wish to marry my daughter?
No. I don't want you
to auction your daughter.
Let her marry Tikaram
whom she loves.
- Do you love this fool?
- Yes, father.
- Oh, fool's father-in-law.
- Yes.
Decide quickly for
if my master leaves in a huff...
...then you will be left
with nothing.
What are you saying?
The alliance is fixed.
Respected chief
and my fellow brethren... I fix my
daughter's wedding with Tikaram.
Garland me quickly.
Now on this joyous occasion
and according to our custom...
...I ask everyone to celebrate
with a drink.
Sir, do the honours.
You fool! How can you give
the gentleman our local stuff?
The gentleman drinks Scotch.
Your drink, sir.
Take this, sir.
Will you drink now?
Miss, don't say anything today.
It is a matter of my life
and death. It is customary.
If sir doesn't drink the
villagers will be displeased.
Yes, of course.
Now I shall have to drink.
Tikaram, give me the bottle too.
- Praise be the Lord!
- Amen.
- Praise be the Himalayas!
- Amen.
- Praise be the Goddess!
- Amen.
Sir, you are drunk.
Let me direct you to the jeep.
- Where?
- To the jeep.
- Come along, miss.
- Let's go.
Be careful, Arun.
How will you walk?
I can fly... Here I come.
Fly away, sir.
Even I shall fly to my Champa.
Will you fly? All right.
- Stop the car!
- What happened?
If I knew you would get drunk
I'd never have come with you.
You're worrying unnecessarily.
I'm absolutely sober.
- Come closer, darling.
- Let me go. You're drunk.
I'm not intoxicated with alcohol
but with you and your eyes.
- Don't touch me!
- Vinu, listen to me.
- Vinu, just listen to me.
Stop! Come back or
I'll jump off the mountain.
Jump to your death.
I am not concerned with you.
Not concerned with me?
All right, I'm going.
Don't regret it later.
Vinu, I'm going
straight to heaven.
Praise the God!
Arun, what have you done?
I was just joking.
Believe me.
For the sake of God...
And for the sake of our love
please come back.
- Or else I shall jump.
- Jump.
It is a pity that you thought
that I was so terrible.
You mistook tea for alcohol.
Drink it. It's water.
It was Tikaram's idea.
You shouldn't have done this.
I was scared to death.
You are my life.
Do you think that
I would have died so easily?
My heart is still
beating wildly.
- Don't ever play such a prank again.
- I won't.
If I hadn't done it, I wouldn't
have seen this side of you.
And the fury whose flush
causes every bud to bloom.
Stop teasing.
Among all the various sights,
this lake is the best.
- It is known as Lake Asha(wish).
- That's a very strange name.
It's believed if you throw a
coin and wish, it is fulfilled.
That's amazing!
We should wish right away.
What did you wish for?
I have got everything
without wishing for it.
God bless you!
May God bless your marriage.
- We are not married as yet.
- So what?
This is Lord Shiva's temple.
If you take your vows
and garland each other here... will be united forever.
I'll be back, sir.
Give me two garlands.
Garland each other.
Sir, get your picture taken.
One copy in one minute
for just one rupee.
Shall we?
Come... Gaze at
each other lovingly.
- Here. Take a look.
- The photograph is excellent!
The photographer is also good.
I have 40 years experience
but no one values it.
You are great!
Take this.
Take this garland too.
We'll come here again...
...and take a picture with our child.
- What!
- I mean, with our son.
We'll definitely have a boy first.
Don't feel shy.
Everyone gets married
and has children.
First let the wedding get over.
We're already married.
We have already garlanded
each other in the temple.
And our hearts became one
the first time we met.
Isn't that right?
Vandana, you are mine.
Aren't you?
Then reply.
- Not like that. Say it aloud.
- Aloud?
I am yours.
This is your room.
You will find everything here.
Let me know if you
need anything. Goodnight.
A weird man.
He was talking gibberish.
Are you feeling cold?
Remove this wet coat
Wrap a blanket.
Change into it.
...Go on, change.
- In your presence?
- I'll go out.
- Then go!
- I'm going. Don't shout.
Be a little polite.
...Strange girl!
I'll light a fire to warm us,
as well as dry the clothes.
- Why did you switch the light on?
- I don't like the darkness.
There is no darkness
with you around.
It's been 3 days
since we've come here...
...and your poems
still haven't come to an end.
My poem has just started.
This lovely weather...
The pitter patter of the rain....
And you in my arms...
I feel like reciting poems
forever and ever.
Vinu, why are you so worried?
What are you thinking about?
How will I face my father now?
Why? We haven't
done anything wrong.
No, Arun. We lost control.
Whatever happened was wrong.
We should have
controlled ourselves.
People are swept over
by their feelings sometimes.
We were also swept away.
But we haven't done anything
to be ashamed of.
We have been united before God.
We are man and wife
But... until we get married
in everyone's presence...
We will.
I'll go to Mathura tomorrow and
bring along my uncle and aunt.
And then we'll be married
within the week.
Please smile now.
Let's go.
Vinu, it's a strange thing.
We didn't know each other
until a few days ago.
And now we have become one.
And soon we shall become a trio.
- Stop it.
- What will you call him?
- I'll decide when it happens.
- How about the name Suraj?
- It's a good name for a boy.
Out firstborn will be a boy.
I'll take him
for a ride in my plane.
So that he too becomes a pilot
in the Indian Air Force.
A great pilot.
You'll have to fulfill
this dream. You will, won't you?
And also fix your wedding date.
Because I can't bear to see the
lost look and the restlessness.
And also get some "papads'
from Delhi. My stock is over.
- Okay.
- It's Vandana.
You stay put.
I'll convey your greetings.
So that's how it is already.
Greetings, sir!
You! Why did you
come this far so early?
- You're going far.
- It's only for two days.
You surely return day after
tomorrow, won't you?
Yes. And I'll bring uncle
to your house right away.
What will I do for two days?
Until I return... can look at this.
They are our wedding photos.
Shall I go now?
I'm getting late.
- Anything else?
- No. Go and stand at the gate.
When you see them approaching
come and inform me.
- Is everything ready?
- Yes.
- I am a little late.
- Freshen up.
They will be arriving shortly.
- They have arrived.
- Go and inform father.
Madan! Haven't they come along?
- They couldn't make it.
- Why?
- I have some bad news.
- Bad news?
What happened?
Arun's plane has crashed.
He is seriously injured.
- Where is he?
- He is at the hospital.
- I have come to fetch you.
- Let's go.
When he regained consciousness
he asked for you.
And so I can only permit
you to see him.
The rest of you wait here.
...Come along, miss.
Vandana has come.
You have only 2 minutes.
Vinu, don't cry.
When my plane was descending...
...I thought that
I would never see you again.
I was facing death.
And I wanted to live.
For your sake
and the sake of our child.
You remember my dream, don't you?
You will have to fulfill it.
You will have to make him a pilot.
You will do it, won't you?
Don't speak. Rest quietly.
Our firstborn will be a boy.
But... I won't be
able to see him.
What are you saying?
You'll get well soon.
Whose shadow is this?
Yes, Arun.
Where is your father?
He is outside with Madan.
- Call him in.
- Don't speak.
- Vinu, I want to say something.
- You can say it later.
I don't have much time.
Don't say that.
You will be fine.
I want to tell him
that we are married.
In the temple
in the presence of God.
You can tell him later
when you feel better.
Perhaps I won't get
an opportunity later.
- Go and call him.
- All right.
- Father!
- What happened, my child?
What is it, son?
Yes, my son. What is it?
You're spoiling the memories
of Arun by crying like this.
He was an Indian Air Force pilot
whose life was always in danger.
Arun embraced death out of duty.
A person doesn't weep
upon the death of such a man.
A tribute should be offered.
You are right, Madan
I'll do my best...
I will never cry.
Among all the various sights,
this lake is the best.
- It is known as Lake Asha(wish).
- That's a very strange name.
It is believed if you throw a
coin and wish, it is fulfilled.
That's wonderful!
We should wish right away.
What did you wish for?
I have got everything
without wishing for it.
Where did you go?
I have been waiting for you.
You cannot lighten your grief
by torturing yourself.
You have to try to forget.
I have something to tell you.
Go on.
Why have you
switched off the light?
I won't be able
to say it in the light.
What is it?
I am pregnant.
Vandana, don't cry.
We'll leave for
another place tomorrow.
- Where?
- To another town.
This is the only solution
to avoid dishonour.
Then we shall return
after a month or two.
No one will know.
Vandana, forget
your mistake forever.
No, father.
I cannot call this a mistake.
- I have to live for this child.
- What are you saying?
Society will never accept
an unmarried girl's child.
They will look
upon the child with hatred.
And since you
weren't married to Arun...
We got married in the temple.
But you did not marry publicly
so society will never accept it.
You have to consider
society and social customs.
My world is now a separate place
where I do not fear society.
You are not in your senses.
When your child grows up
people will taunt him.
They will malign you.
And then one day your son
will ask you about his father.
What will you answer?
You cannot commit a wrong
in order to stand by a wrong.
I have your best interests in
mind. Tomorrow we shall leave...
No, father. I have
made my decision.
As long as I live
I shall always worship him.
And I shall face
every problem and difficulty.
All right.
If you have such courage I pray
that God may help you always.
- Are you Arun's uncle?
- Yes.
We have come from Bagdogra.
I am Gopal Tripathi and
this is my daughter, Vandana.
- Please be seated.
- Have a seat, Vandana.
On the day of the accident
I received Arun's telegram...
...saying that he was coming.
And in the afternoon we received
the news that he was no more.
Did Arun write to you
about Vandana?
Arun often came to our home.
My daughter and he fell
in love with each other.
- And they got married.
- Married?
And now she is
bearing Arun's child.
It's surprising that
Arun did not tell me anything.
He always took my advice.
How did he marry
without informing me?
Excuse me, dear.
Please come inside.
Please excuse me for a moment.
- What is the matter?
- Come, I'll tell you.
- What happened?
- Get rid of that old man...
... and his daughter.
- What are you saying?
I have heard everything.
After Arun's death we have,
inherited all his property.
Do you want to accept this girl
and return Arun's share?
My husband has fallen ill
suddenly. You may leave.
Please don't say that.
This is your daughter-in-law.
Whose daughter-in-law?
My obedient nephew wouldn't
even step out without asking us.
How could he marry
without my permission?
When and where did this marriage
occur, and in whose presence?
- In God's presence.
- Wonderful!
The marriage took place in God's presence.
And the man whom she married is no more.
No witnesses and no evidence!
I wonder whose sin
she is imposing on us?
No. Please believe us.
This is Arun's child.
My daughter and her child
are your family.
Stop this nonsense!
The girls in our family don't
bring a child before marriage.
Take away this sinner from here.
I beg of you. Please have pity
on her condition.
Where will she go
if you don't accept her?
Anywhere. There are rivers
and railway tracks.
And if you are her father
why don't you poison her?
I'm sorry.
Please don't say anything more.
When the Lord
has not spared her...
...I was wrong to expect
sympathy from a human being.
I apologise for
wasting your time.
God bless you!
Let's go, my child.
- Sit, my child.
- You go along, father.
Leave me to my destiny.
You were insulted because of me.
It would have been better
if I had died.
No, my child.
Why are you saying this?
Why did God keep me alive?
Why didn't I die
along with Arun?
My child, you must
fulfill his dream.
You seem to be hiding some grief.
You can confide in me.
You will feel much better
if you share your sorrows.
I might be able to help you.
No one can help me
but I'll tell you.
I'll tell you everything.
Why do you worry?
You'll be separated from him
only until the morning.
The office will open at 9 a.m.
You can come and adopt him then.
Then your son will become yours
legally... Come.
I would like to adopt a child.
- You! Are you married?
- No.
Normally it is childless couples
who adopt a child.
I have no one and
I feel very lonely so...
I understand. Come along.
All the infants
are in this room.
He is a year old.
- I want this baby.
- But he's so small.
I like this child.
You will have great difficulty
in raising such a small baby.
A mother always takes care
of a small baby, doesn't she?
If you like him
how can I object?
Give the baby to the nurse.
Come to my office.
- Do you know what a baby needs?
- No.
I'll give you a list.
Here is a list of all the things
that are required.
Buy these things. Meanwhile,
I'll prepare the forms.
- I'm sorry.
- It's all right.
I have brought more articles
than those in the list.
This is known as
a twist of fate.
The baby you had selected is
not destined to have all this.
A man came after you left.
His wife gave birth to a
stillborn for the third time.
If she were told this she won't live. The only one
way to save her was to give her another child.
And so you gave him my baby?
You just wanted to adopt him.
You will get another child.
But it was a matter of
life and death for that woman.
Her need was greater than yours.
No. How can I explain?
You've made a great blunder.
You are worrying unnecessarily.
Come and select another child.
No. I want that baby.
Who has that baby?
They have legally adopted
the baby. You can't get him now.
Please give me
their name and address.
All right.
- You adopted a child
yesterday, right? - What!
I had already chosen that baby.
He was given to you erroneously.
That's my baby. I want him back.
Stop! Come inside.
Come... Sit.
Now tell me calmly about
who you are and what you want.
- Aren't you Ram Prasad Saxena?
- Yes.
My name is Vandana and
I want the baby you adopted.
- Because I am his mother.
- You?
If you are his mother
how did he reach the orphanage?
I had kept him there.
I had no choice.
His father died
before his birth.
And we weren't married
according to social norms.
I was forced to leave my son
at the orphanage... that I could
adopt him legally the next day.
Believe me. It's true.
I can prove that
I am his mother.
I can fetch the nurse
from the hospital.
That won't be necessary.
I believe you.
Give me back my son.
He is the only reason I'm alive.
He is the last remembrance
of my husband.
- Let him grow up in our home.
- Never!
It's no use arguing.
You are a single woman.
You will face problems at
every stage while raising him.
But you won't be able
to face them.
I am more aware than you are
of how cruel this world is.
Does this mean that
you won't give me my baby?
He will never lack anything
in this home.
His every need
will be taken care of.
He will have a father
and not one but two mothers.
Now you decide whether or not
your son should live here.
You are right but,
how will I live without him?
How can I stay away from him?
Maybe you didn't hear correctly.
He will have two mothers.
You will always be with us, and
your son will be close to you.
He'll be near...
But what about your wife?
I will have to
explain to her somehow.
I'll do that but I want you
to promise me something.
- No one should learn that
he is your son. - But...
You will have to make this
promise for your son's sake.
- I promise. And I'm grateful...
- That's not necessary.
Wipe away your tears
and come with me.
Why is he crying?
What is the matter with him?
I don't know.
He won't stop crying.
- Give him to me.
- No.
- Who is she?
- She's been sent by the doctor.
You said you were weak and
needed a nurse for the baby.
I had asked for an old nurse
and not someone like her.
Only a woman who has a baby
knows how to care for one.
I know how to care for a baby.
Give me an opportunity, you'll
have no cause for complaint.
The doctor said the same thing
and highly recommended her.
But, why are you
in praises of her.
It is very difficult
to get a qualified nurse.
She is hapless
and she needs a job.
Give him to me.
I'll quieten him.
Give him to her.
Be careful.
Do you see that? He's quiet now.
He is a darling boy.
He won't cry.
- What have you named him?
- I like the name Suraj.
Your name is Suraj(sun).
Suraj, keep shining always.
Just in the day or else everyone
will have to keep awake at night.
You rest now. I'll take him outside.
No, give him to me.
He shouldn't get more familiar
with his nurse than his mother.
You may go now.
I'll call you when I need you.
Come, I'll show you
to your room.
My darling son.
In spite of being so close
to your son I am so far away.
How will I fulfil your dream?
I am alone. Who will help me?
Your son.
You've already given up?
You will always
have to face misfortune...
...for the sake of your son.
Keep him with you for a while.
Return him before my wife
wakes up.
All right.
Do you recognise me?
I am your mother.
You have to fulfil
your father's dream.
You have to become a pilot.
A great pilot.
Do you understand?
You will become a pilot,
won't you?
Today you are alone
with your mother after a year.
Call me mother at least once.
Call me mother.
You can't speak now.
You will say it when
you are big, won't you?
My darling son!
When you grow up you'll become the king of
the sky... like your father.
Won't you?
- Hi, sister!
- Shyam, it's you!
- What a surprise!
- Didn't you get my cable?
No. That's where this country lags behind.
Nothing happens on time.
Anyway... I have come along
instead of the telegram.
You've changed so much.
The whole world has changed
but your house is still the same.
Now that I have come I shall
modernise the whole house.
Crazy man!
See what I have brought for you.
I have brought you
hair spray and perfume.
And this is for the little one.
Where is he?
- I haven't seen my nephew.
- I'll call him.
- Where did you take him?
- I had taken him to the park.
His uncle has come
and he wants to meet him.
Yes, I have been waiting
since a long time.
He has grow so big.
And quite good looking too.
- Is Suraj always with you?
- Yes.
Vandana, take him inside.
Take Suraj to my room.
I have brought him lots of toys.
- You?
- I came to photograph the sunrise...
...but the beautiful moon has risen.
- Moon?
Yes. A beautiful girl like you
is known as the moon.
You shouldn't speak like that.
This is where
our country lags behind.
- It's time to give Suraj his milk.
- You have misunderstood me.
I just wanted
to take a picture of you.
- My picture?
- Yes.
- Stand in this position.
- Wait. I'll be back in a moment.
- Uncle will take a picture?
- Yes.
Take my picture with Suraj.
I thought that you had gone to
change and apply some make up.
- Please hurry up.
- All right.
- When will I get the picture?
- By tomorrow evening.
- Will you give me a copy?
- Not just a copy...
...I'll give you anything you want.
- Let's go.
- Listen... Oh, dear!
What are you doing in my room?
- I have been waiting since long.
- For what?
Fear not for I just came
to show you the picture.
Thank you for the picture.
But, it is not right for you
to be in my room at night.
Why not?
I am a servant and
I am unworthy of speaking to you.
This is where
our country lags behind.
In Europe there are
no class distinctions.
There, anyone can
fall in love with anybody.
You should be ashamed
of speaking like that.
I am just like you.
Both of us are alone.
- Go away!
- Both of us are young.
- I beg of you.
- It is give and take.
- Let go of me!
- I have pleased you so you please me now.
Get out or I'll scream.
If you scream, sister will wake
up and she'll throw you out.
And I don't want you
to leave so soon.
I don't take offence
when a girl slaps me.
I jot down her name in my diary.
And I settle my accounts
with her someday.
I'm going out and
I shall be a little late.
It's time for Suraj
to return from school.
Make some juice for him. One more thing ...
There's no one at home so take care.
- Oh, it's you!
- Yes.
- Isn't sister at home?
- No, she has gone out.
- Out!
I telephoned sister
and sent her out.
You? Why?
Do you remember what
I had told you the other day?
I don't take offence
when a girl slaps me.
I will write down her name in my diary.
And then I settle my accounts someday.
That day has come.
Stay away!
Don't come closer.
I've yearned for you.
- But I shall make you mine today.
- I beg at your feet. Please leave me.
But I want to embrace you instead.
How much longer
will you avoid me?
Leave me!
Let me go! Please!
Uncle, open the door!
- Let go of nurse!
- Help!
Let go of her!
- I won't let you go today.
- Let go of me!
Uncle, let go of her!
Don't worry, son.
Nothing has happened.
You haven't seen anything.
You don't know what happened.
Come with me.
Go to your room
and change your clothes.
You don't know anything
about this...
...and don't tell anyone
anything. Do it for my sake. Go!
How did this glass break?
- What has happened to Shyam?
- Oh God! He's bleeding.
- Brother! Blood!
- What happened?
Who has killed my brother?
You! You have killed my brother.
You have killed my brother.
Ask her if she has
killed my brother. Ask her.
Did you do it?
Yes. I have killed him.
- How are you and how is sister?
- Everyone is fine.
Your son is also fine.
How did this happen?
I never thought that
I would see you in this state.
You didn't even allow me
to hire a lawyer for you.
Do you know that you could be sentenced to 14 years imprisonment.
I know.
I have committed murder
and I deserve to be punished.
Look at me, Vandana.
A murderer cannot look
into anyone's eyes like that.
His face
doesn't show such dignity.
Vandana, I had only seen stone
idols of Gods and Goddesses.
Now I can see a living Goddess
in the form of a human... the form of a mother.
What are you saying?
Please don't embarrass me.
Any mother would have done
the same to save her son.
That's fine but how are you
going to spend 14 years in jail.
How will you stay away
from you son?
I trust you.
I believe that you will
raise him as your own son.
That you will spare no expenses
for his education.
And someday he will become
a great Air Force pilot.
14 years is not a long time.
It will pass quickly.
When I am released
my son will be 22 years old.
I'll forget all my troubles
when I see him.
Besides making your son
a good person and a good pilot...
...I will teach him
something else too.
- What?
- I'll teach him to worship you.
No! Don't ever tell him
that I am his mother.
He should never learn
that his mother was in prison.
For otherwise he will not
be able to hold his head high.
All right. I won't tell him.
Your time is up.
She has to be taken to court.
Vandana, don't you want
to see your son once?
No. I don't want you to bring
him to the jail or to the court.
Come along.
Vandana, the Jailer
has sent for you.
Come in.
Today you have completed
12 years of your sentence.
You have been released 2 years
earlier for good behaviour.
Where do you want to go?
I don't know.
I haven't thought about it.
I have gathered information
about Mr Ram Prasad... you asked me to.
He is no more.
What! What about his wife and his son?
I couldn't trace them.
They don't live
in that city anymore.
I tried to trace them
but no one could help me.
That's why I wanted to know
if you had any other relatives.
No, I have no one.
Where will you go?
Where will I go?
Can I be of any assistance?
If you could get me a job...
I forgot that I was a convict.
Who will give me a job?
No respectable person
will even talk to me.
Will you live in an old jailer's
house as his sister?
- Pardon me.
- I am retiring tomorrow.
Like you, I, too will be released
from this prison tomorrow.
I have a small house in Delhi.
My daughter lives there.
She studies in college.
The poor girl's mother is no more.
There's no one else
to look after her.
I would be happy if
you undertook her responsibility.
Will you give me
such a great responsibility?
A woman who has been
in prison for 12 years.
I have had the opportunity
to know you better.
A jailer is
a good judge of character.
I do not have a sister.
I'll consider myself lucky
if you become my sister.
You are already doing a favour by helping a helpless woman like me.
Please don't embarrass me, brother.
I shall never forget your favour.
Greetings, sir!
Fetch the bags.
Come, Vandana.
This is your new house.
- Greetings, sir!
- How are you?
- I am fine, sir.
- Come in, Vandana.
- Where is Renu?
- She must be inside.
I'll call her.
- Greetings, sir!
- What's this?
As you have made the prison
your home for 20 years...
...I'm sure that you would want
to make your home a prison.
So I have tried to create
the prison atmosphere.
Silly girl!
Change your clothes!
- All right.
- Stop! Have you no shame?
- Daddy, why should I fell shy of you?
- She does as she likes.
Did you see that? My darling daughter.
What do you think of her?
Very beautiful
and very innocent.
Really? Well, let's shake hands on that.
No! That won't do.
This is Vandana.
I have made her my sister.
- She will stay with us.
- Really!
Touch her feet.
God bless you, my dear!
If you are my father's sister
you're my aunt now.
Until now
I only lacked a mother.
After seeing you I feel that
I shall no longer lack a mother.
There is some charisma
on your face.
Mother! My dear, no one can
take the place of a mother.
But I promise that
you will never miss a mother.
First let me show you your home.
After that freshen up
and go to sleep.
When you wake up
I have lots to talk about.
You've forgotten your father
after meeting your aunt.
You didn't ask me
if I needed anything.
I know what you want.
A steaming cup of tea
with ginger and black pepper.
Here it is.
Let's go.
- Can I ask you something?
- Yes.
You won't be returning
to prison anymore, will you?
- What do you mean?
- I feel very bad, sir.
You come home for a few days
and then return to prison again.
I won't be returning
to prison anymore.
Now go and prepare my bath.
Aunty, I'm leaving
otherwise I shall get late.
I have to go to the airport
to receive a friend.
What is your friend's name?
Name? It's Kamla.
Oh! So Madhuri has
now become Kamla.
It's very difficult...
...for a nice girl like you to lie.
I shouldn't have lied to you.
I'm sorry.
Actually he is a boy.
He's very nice.
- Does your father know?
- Not yet.
You will have to help me.
Come along to the airport and meet him.
And if you like him, make sure
that father likes him too.
- Suppose I don't like him?
- Decide that after you have met him.
Aunty, please come along.
- Is this the boy?
- No, aunty.
Prakash, hasn't he come?
Since I have come
he will also follow.
First comes Prakash(light)
And then comes Suraj(the sun).
Look, there's your Suraj.
Look! That's Suraj.
You've become so fat
pining for me.
What are you doing?
My aunty has come with me.
Aunty, this is Suraj.
I have seen you
somewhere before.
But I have never seen you
It's strange!
Your face is so familiar.
Do you know why
I have brought aunty along?
If she likes you
she will recommend you to father.
Which means that
your fate lies in aunt's hand.
My fate? Aunty, your niece is my life.
And your decision is
a matter of my life and death.
I'm sure that you want me to live.
Aunty, give us the verdict
of your approval quickly.
Before giving your verdict
put me in the place of your son.
I would have set
your wedding date right away.
Wait here. I'll change and come.
I'll be back soon.
- Come inside, son.
- No, aunty. I'll come later.
Come in for short while.
Come and have some tea.
Aunty, I have to report
to my chief in half an hour.
- I'll come later.
- All right.
Renu, your aunty is very nice.
She left us alone on purpose.
What do you mean?
- What chance?
- Didn't you understand?
- Didn't you understand?
- No.
- You'll understand.
- Let me go! Suppose someone sees us?
- When will it take place?
- What?
Our wedding.
Renu, I can't wait any longer.
- I want to get married at once.
- At once? - Yes.
Right now you have
to report to your boss.
I forget everything
when I see you.
There's only 15 minutes left.
Say yes.
What are you still doing here? Bye.
Come along.
- Daddy, I want you to meet...
- I have heard about him. Sit down.
I'm meeting you for the first time...
...and so I'd like to introduce...
- I know all about you.
- Sir?
A pilot in the Indian Air Force. You know my daughter since 2 years and you want to marry her.
Anything else?
My father is no more
and my mother wants...
Your mother wants you to
marry my daughter immediately.
Come along.
I don't understand why you've
brought me on the terrace...
...when there are so many
spacious rooms in your house?
Since the time you've come
we haven't been alone.
I thought that you might
have something to say to me.
- Yes, I've been waiting
to do so. - What is it?
- I had a dream last night.
- What dream?
- Butter me up first.
- Suraj, please tell me.
- It was a strange dream.
- What was it?
War had started. There were
clouds of smoke everywhere.
The fire of machine guns
and tanks.
I run towards my plane
and start it.
When I reach a great speed
I notice an enemy plane.
I aim and fire.
The enemy plane is destroyed.
I charge towards the radar
and crash with my plane.
After that?
- Aunty, you?
- I came to hang up the clothes. I'm leaving now.
We just came here
for some fresh air.
No, aunty. She's lying.
She brought me here
to show me the moon.
And she said that the moon
looks very beautiful...
...amidst the palm trees.
- It's a lie! Aunty, he's lying.
- I know that. But it is a moonless night.
So it won't be visible.
But you'll be able to see it.
If it won't rise...
The moon that
you wish to see is this.
The moon in the sky
gets hidden sometimes.
But this moon will always
shine brightly in your life.
Aunty, promise me one thing.
That you'll become my mother
in the next life.
I am your mother now too.
You continue your conversation.
I'll get the tea.
Your aunt is so nice.
There's something about her.
Whenever she looks at me,
something happens to me.
- And when I look at you?
- When you look at me disaster strikes.
I am knocked out
and I lose control.
Really? Just a glance
is so effective?
Not just a glance
but a loving gaze.
Love is something
that drives people crazy.
Perhaps you are also
going to go crazy.
If you do not love me, I go mad.
Who told you that I loved you?
- Haven't you said it?
- No.
- Then say it right now.
- No.
- I'll make you say it.
- Never.
So that's how it is!
Then get ready.
Answer all my questions
Tell me...
- Is it spring?
- What?
- I asked if it was spring.
- Yes.
- Are the buds in bloom?
- Yes.
So this means that you love me.
See, I made you say it!
Aunty I invited Suraj to dinner
without informing you about it.
If I knew that you'd make so many things...
...I wouldn't have invited him.
You will soon learn what a pleasure... is for a mother to feed her son.
Why can't you come?!
The dinner table has been set.
Aunty has made
special dishes for you.
What did you say? You've been
ordered to go to the front?
No, I won't be afraid
and I won't cry.
When do you have to go?
Within an hour!
Yes, I'm coming.
I heard everything.
If you don't mind, can I
accompany you to the airport?
Yes, aunty.
Come, aunty.
Aunty, I'm going.
I'll destroy everyone.
Bless me that I might return
and eat your cooking.
Go, my son. Return with victory.
Why are you crying?
Say it with a smile.
Keep smiling until I return.
This is the All India Radio.
The recent reports inform us
...the Indian Air Force has shot
down three of the enemy bombers.
And they have destroyed
one enemy camp.
This is Prakash.
I have bad news.
Suraj's plane hasn't returned
as yet.
- There's still no news
about him. - No!
Please don't worry.
The search is on.
His companions
did not see his plane crash.
- We believe that he is still alive.
- Then why hasn't he returned?
He must have fallen
in the hands of the enemy.
- We cannot be sure
at this stage. - No!
What is the matter?
Was it news about Suraj?
His plane is lost.
What will happen now, daddy?
Suraj's plane is lost. I hope
that nothing has happened to him.
No, don't say that.
Suraj is alive.
My blessings will
save him from every peril.
Don't cry, my child.
I believe that
he will return soon.
He has told me that he will return...
...and eat what I have cooked.
You took away my husband.
I didn't say a word.
You took away my father
and I didn't say a word.
You were unjust to me
at every stage.
I never complained.
If anything happens to my son
I will not consider you God.
That you are not
the protector of the universe.
You are stone.
I have never asked you
for anything, O Lord.
Today I ask for my son's life.
Please grant my son his life!
Take my life instead.
Renu, I have good news for you.
Hello, Uncle and Aunty!
- Where is Suraj?
- He is at a military hospital.
There's no cause for worry.
He's perfectly all right.
A bullet hit his shoulder
and now it's out.
He'll be dancing within a week.
I told you that nothing would happen to Suraj. God heard my prayers.
This means that our hero
is perfectly all right.
He is no ordinary hero.
The plane caught fire
and it crashed.
He landed with his parachute
right in the midst of the enemy.
20 miles away from our side...
...he came back
avoiding the shower of bullets.
- Can we meet Suraj?
- Sure.
The visiting hours are from
4 to 6. You can meet him then.
Come, aunty.
This is Suraj's room.
You can go in.
- Hello, aunty!
- Are you all right?
- Perfect!
I'm sorry that I cannot touch
your feet as my arm is wounded.
- It's not necessary.
- Why not?
I had left with your blessings
so I returned alive.
No, my son.
Even death fears men who sacrifice their life... for their country.
What did aunty say?
Oh...I've got it.
Wonderful! Your words have
strengthened my determination.
Do you know what
my mother would have said?
What have you done, my son?
I told you not to join
the defence services.
You are my only son.
You were saved this time but,
what will happen the next time?
And then she would start crying.
For the sake of her child
a mother has to cry sometime.
Some shed tears and
some swallow their tears.
- What is the matter, aunty?
- Nothing.
Aunty, can I ask you something?
Don't you have any children?
I had a son.
He was just like you.
I lost him.
- Your mother has come to see you.
- Please send her in, doctor.
- I'll leave now.
- Why?
- You must meet my mother.
- I'll meet her some other time.
Renu, you stay here.
What has happened to my son?
I've often told you
not to join the Air Force.
You are my only child.
By God's grace
your life was saved today.
If anything happens
in the future what will I do?
Wasn't I right? Mother, nothing
has happened to me.
Go home and make offerings
at the Lord's temple.
And this also won't happen again.
Quiet! You speak as though
you know what will happen.
God bless you!
Who is she?
The doctor has forbidden me
to speak in excess.
You tell her.
I am Renu.
My father is a retired jailer.
Oh! So you are Renu!
He had written to me about you.
But, whatever he had written
was not sufficient.
Do you know
what the doctor has said?
He said that unless we marry
soon, I won't get better.
Oh God! I'll go and fix
the wedding date right away.
Yes, of course.
I have selfish motives.
Once you are married you won't
risk your life so readily.
Touch mother's feet again
on my behalf.
Touch my feet when
you are my daughter-in-law.
When I saw Suraj
I realised that he was your son.
Arun's son.
But when he mentioned
his father's name I kept silent.
He still doesn't know
that I am his mother.
Promise me that you will
never tell him the truth.
He won't learn from me.
But if there is a God...
...he'll surely learn of his real parents someday.
- Hello, mother!
- God bless you!
Come in.
Suraj's mother has come.
Hello! Please have a seat.
Sit down, my child.
I'm pleased to meet you.
Renu, fetch some tea.
No, that won't be necessary.
Sit beside me.
It is customary to offer
something to a guest.
I have come to meet you
as it is customary to do so.
You are the girl's father
and I am the boy's mother.
Both of us should consent
to this alliance.
Times have changed.
In these times the girl and
the boy decide for themselves.
The parents just need
to give their blessings.
Our happiness lies
in their happiness.
For the sake of their happiness...
we should set the date immediately.
It is my wish too.
- She's feeling shy.
- She's a child.
Suraj's mother has come.
She is my sister.
- May I speak to your sister.
- Sure.
Don't hide your face.
I recognised you as soon as I saw you.
My husband died 4 years ago.
I have looking for you ever since...
in order to apologise to you.
- To apologise to me?
- Yes.
He told me everything about you
before his death.
- So you know that...
- Suraj is your son.
And I also know the circumstances...
under which my brother died.
I am ashamed of myself.
I was very mean to you.
- Forgive me if you can.
- What are you doing, sister?
Since the day
I have learned the truth...
...I have not considered Suraj as my son
And I am waiting for the moment
when I can give him to you.
Suraj must never learn
the truth.
He is an excellent pilot.
He will soon marry Renu.
They have a bright future
If he learns that it is not you
but I who am his mother...
...a woman who has spent
12 years in prison for murder...
...he will be shattered.
He won't be able
to hold his head high.
His life will be destroyed.
Don't you care
about your own life?
Won't you accept your son
after going through so much pain?
Only you have the right
to be called his mother.
You are responsible
for what he is today.
But, Suraj is your son.
No, sister.
I don't want to hear anything.
You will have to promise that
you will not tell Suraj anything.
Why are you silent?
Promise me that you will
not tell Suraj anything.
All right, Vandana.
I'll do as you say.
I've got it!
What did you get?
Did you find some treasure?
He is screaming as though
he has found a treasure.
You'll dance for joy
when you hear the news.
My name and my picture
will be in the papers tomorrow.
At least tell us about it.
- What is the matter?
- Aunty, read this out to them.
Yes. With your blessings.
- Let me also see it.
- Wait!
Oh, all right!
Let her also read it.
Congratulations, Suraj!
I am delighted.
My friends have thrown a party
and I'd like to take Renu along.
Yes, of course.
...Go and get ready, my child.
Go and get ready, my child.
- Which is your favourite colour?
- What!
I mean.
Which colour sari should I wear?
Uh... pink.
Yes, I have a pink sari.
...But, it has big flowers.
The big flowers will
look very nice. Go.
Your daughter is very innocent.
Your dream has come true.
Miss, your airman has come!
Renu, are you all right?
- What's happening?
- Nothing, sir.
- Where is Renu?
- She is inside the house.
I am aware of that but,
where is she?
She's inside the house.
Are you all right?!
Yes, sir.
Aunty, give me my clothes.
It's getting late.
Suraj will be here soon.
I have arrived.
I thought that it was aunty.
Get out from my room!
Come out.
There's no need to feel shy.
Our wedding is also fixed.
Shameless man!
- Are you going or...
- Get dressed quickly.
We are getting late for the function.
- Give me something to wear.
- That's more like it.
- So you won't listen?
- No.
What have you done?!
You have ruined my uniform.
What will I wear
to the function now?
What happened?
Aunty, see what
this crazy girl has done.
She has wet my clothes.
She threw water on me.
The party begins in a little while.
How can I go to the function in these clothes?
Your love and affection has spoilt...
- What happened, aunty?
- Nothing
Don't worry. I'll iron them out.
- Renu...
- Hey fatso!
Your clothes have come. Get ready soon.
- Tut, tut! You shouldn't say that.
- Yes, you're right.
What is the function about?
They'll distribute awards
and deliver lectures.
If it isn't too much of a bother
could I have a cup to tea?
I'll get it.
Dear sister Vandana.
Suraj has finished
his Air Force training...
...and now he is
an Indian Air Force pilot.
The responsibility
that you delegated to me... fulfil
Suraj's father's dream...
...has been fulfilled by me.
I am happy that
I could fulfill my promise.
I won't survive for long.
I might not live
until your release from prison.
But I pray that... get back your son, Suraj.
From Ram Prasad Saxena.
It's ready. Take it.
- What are you looking at, son?
- Nothing.
I think that...
you should come along with me.
I? What will I do there?
This the happiest day
of my life.
Won't you come along
on this day?
Your mother and Renu
will be accompanying you.
You will have to accompany me.
I told you that I'm not coming.
All right. If you don't come
along I won't go either.
You shouldn't fuss.
- I'm ready. Let's go.
- Renu, she is accompanying us.
It is your responsibility
to get her ready.
I'm waiting in the hall below.
Let's go, aunty.
I welcome you on behalf of the
Delhi Citizens Committee.
And I request the chief guest
to start the function.
In today's function we
have gathered to congratulate...
...those brave young pilots...
...who have risked their lives
for their country
And in the process they have set
such standards of bravery...
...that every citizen of India
is proud of them.
The State has already honoured
them and will continue to do so.
But I believe that
there is no greater award...
...than the love
and good wishes of the people.
The first name in the list
of award winners is...
You're surprised...
...because you've seen flight lieutenant Arun Varma.
You look like Arun Varma.
I am his son.
Arun Varma died...
I shall tell you everything
after the function.
But permit her presence here
when I receive the medal.
You mean...
Because of whom
this day is a part of my life.
She's responsible for what I am...
...and for the award that I'm receiving.
Please permit her to participate
in this happy moment of my life.
I would consider it
the greatest honour.
I also would like to meet
this person. Please call her.
Mother... Come here, mother.
Go, Vandana.
Suraj is calling you.
- Me?
- Yes, mother.
I am calling you.
Did you tell Suraj everything?
No, a son has recognised
his mother.
Come, mother.
Vandana... Come.
Do you remember
I had told you that...
...a day would come when
your son would call you mother?
Perhaps you haven't
recognised her, sir.
Do you recollect that she had come with Arun... for your birthday party?
Yes, I have recognised her.
But I don't understand how...
Before marrying according
to custom, he...
And that is why she was unable
to accept her son until today.
She faced her troubles alone... that I could become
a pilot in the Indian Air Force.
Because she had promised
my father.
There are some things...
...that are greater than
the limits of society.
You are one of them.
And I think that you should
give your son his medal.
A woman who despite losing
her husband in an air crash...
...has the courage
to make her only son a pilot...
I believe that her son should
receive the medal from her.
Vandana, your years of penance
has borne fruit.
Take this.
My son!
Today I can hold my head up
with pride and say...
...that I do not know
how much penance I have done... order to become the son
of a great mother like you.