Arahan jangpung daejakjeon (Urban Martial Arts Action) (2004)

Presented by Cinema Service
in association with
ChoongMu-Ro Fund
Produced by
Fun & Happiness Film
People are so naive.
Training in the mountains?
All those instructors
chasing kids' pocket money,
saying they did mountain training.
It's all just crap.
Remember in '88
when I went to Mt. Gyeryong?
You get up five
or six in the morning.
Let's see,
what for breakfast?
and eating takes 2 hours.
And then maybe
train for 1-2 hours.
And then it's lunch time.
So go down to the village
to get some lunch.
That's another 3 hours.
So, eat lunch and meditate.
Then you start nodding off.
Next thing you know it's dinner.
So you got 3 hours
oftraining max in a day.
So where's the only place
to get proper training?
The temple.
Some temple theirs must be.
Does all that training give
you the right to eat meat?
Look here, how can you do
martial arts without nutrition?
You need strength.
What exactly do you do
with all that strength?
I can't believe
this asinine nonsense!
Kids these days don't
even know the meaning oftao.
You guys know how
serious our situation is?
Don't be so serious,
we gotta make a living.
Let's use our brain
to think, for once!
Forget Maruchi supreme master,
no one wants to learn the tao.
Lady Banya,
a living is one thing,
Telephone fortune-telling
service is another!
listen to him! You know how
much money 1-700 service makes?
You don't know crap.
how else would you
pay rent for Mu-un Academy?
Yeah, Banya's right.
We gotta go
with the flow, you know?
Academy, my ass!
We ain't got no
kids to teach!
I've been saying we
should pull some public stunt...
Like maybe appearing
on a TV show.
I'm tired of staring up
the wallpaper when I levitate.
I levitate to change
light bulbs.
RYOO Seung-bum
AHN Sung-ki
JUNG Doo-hong
Executive Producer
KANG Woo-suk
Producer KIM Mi-hee
Director RYOO Seung-wan
Urban Martial Arts Action
One dollar, please.
What the heck?
Oh, sorry.
snap out of it, will you?
Uh, can I go to the restroom?
Are you running off again?
What the hell is he doing?
Excuse me.
You ran a red light, sir.
So what?
Your license, please.
Look, do you know who this is?
I don't recall.
You dumbass...
He's the congressman
of this district.
Oh, how are you, sir?
But he's not the one
who ran the light, is he?
You're the driver,
so give me your license.
Boy, which station
do you work at?
Why do you need to know that?
If you don't want a ticket,
then don't run red lights.
My purse! My purse!
Hold it! Stay right here,
I'll be back in a minute.
Hey mister,
watch where you drive!
What's up with
Manager Lee these days?
Stop right there!
Gosh, we're late!
What the hell?
Do I have to keep running
around after punks like you?
What the heck is your problem?
Watch it!
Hand over the purse, kiddo.
And who are you?
Stop fooling around!
Missed again...
Hey, where are you going?
Get back here!
Where are you running?
Where are you running?
I think it's
this meridian point...
Aren't you going in too deep?
Let me concentrate!
Lfwe don't do this right,
it could make him impotent.
The last one...
in the Main Meridian Point...
Great Tao!
He opened all the
meridian points himself!
My, this kid has
extraordinary ch'i.
Look at him!
What's all the fuss about?
Uh, Eui-jin.
What's wrong with him?
Oh, we unblocked
the flow of his ch'i.
Tell him to shut up.
Hey, where'd you find that kid?
- Everybody calm down!
- Okay, okay.
Don't move, mister!
I'm a cop!
- Don't move
- I'm a cop! I said...
calm down
Man, this kid is cute.
He's got a cute dong, too.
Stop! I'm the police!
You've done it!
- It works.
- Which point did you hit?
It may be hard to believe,
but the world has secret
currents of ch'i.
We awaken this ch'i
and guide people
toward righteousness.
So to speak.
So you gentlemen...
and this madam here,
Are called
the Seven Masters, right?
But there are only five of you.
With only five,
you should be...
Power Rangers?
Right, Power Rangers or...
Five Lucky Stars?
Yes, Five Lucky Stars!
Wouldn't that be
more appropriate?
It's already been 20 years...
since Baek-pung left us.
In an era when the powerful
exploited the powerless,
Baek-pung gathered up
all his ch'i
to block the force of evil...
but he inhaled
too much tear gas...
- And as for the seventh...
- Um...
I think you may
have misunderstood...
Don't call me madam,
I'm still a virgin.
Then, are all of you here...
like, tao masters?
You know, like you see on TV?
I'm having a hard time
believing this,
so could you show me stuff?
Like, can you levitate?
Can you walk on walls?
Can you do Palm Blast?
No Palm Blast
in the house, I said!
Hold on!
But I got to work!
Hey, what you saw
just now is tip of iceberg
Why are you afraid
of your own ability?
What ability?
What are you talking about?
Please leave me alone.
You have the most powerful ch'i
of all the young men
I have met.
The wounds you sustained today
would've felled ordinary people.
All right, fine.
Lfthat's true,
I should
be able to do Palm Blast.
And walk on walls,
like this?
And levitate,
isn't that right?
Cripes, that was weird.
Pretty spooky stuff.
Ah, what a nice night!
It's downhill,
so I might as well run.
But did you see him levitate?
Sometimes ch'i just comes out
by itself after you unblock it.
Or was it his ch'i?
Actually, I did a
Palm Blast back there.
Why'd you shoot
at the window?
It's broken again!
I shot at the wall.
Hey, you!
You can't catch thieves,
but you ticket the congressman?
You think we're some kind
of citizens' group?
Get him out of my sight. Go!
Hey, does he really
plan on being a cop?
Nobody saw it.
Who will believe you were
knocked out for a full day?
- Oh, about that...
- Look here.
It's important to run,
but even more important,
is to run when people
lare watching.
But yesterday...
Hey, quiet.
Officers in the area,
report immediately.
Look who's here!
It's Sheriff Choi.
Oh, Mr. Gang!
I was wondering who
was causing trouble again.
Why are you doing this to me?
Where have you been these days?
I've been busy too.
You think I play around all day?
And if something's up,
just call me directly.
Let's avoid the reports, okay?
- Sorry about that.
- Officer Choi...
Should we start our inspection?
No, no. Don't bother.
So Mr. Gang, are things
just about sorted out?
Yeah, sure.
And come visit our club
with your boys sometime.
You must have time for a drink?
Ah... well, I...
Anyway, I'll leave you in charge.
And Mr. Gang...
Keep it down next time, ok?
Okay, okay.
- See you later.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
But Officer Choi,
how can we just leave?
Hey, ifwe stir things up here,
it'll just cause more trouble.
Come on.
Please show me your ID.
What the hell?
I said show me your ID.
Hey, what's with this guy?
You wanna get pounded?
Wait a second, Mr. Gang!
This guy here, he's new...
I'm really disappointed in you.
But he...
How are you
training these kids?
What's going on here?
These dumb thugs scare you?
Why are you groveling?
What was that?
Wait, let me talk to him.
- Get over here!
- Mr. Gang!
What did you say now?
Why are you groveling?
Before that!
Do they scare you?
- Before that!
- Wait, let me...
Dumb thugs!
I can't believe this.
- What are you...
- You bastard.
On your knees!
On your knees, bastard!
Let go, let go!
- Look, blockhead.
- Mr. Gang!
You think we're just
neighborhood punks?
You think we're pushovers?
- Pick him up!
- Let go...
Why are you doing this?
Why am I doing this?
What are you looking at, huh?
What are you looking at!
You staring at me?
You staring at me?
You staring at me?
You staring at me?
You staring at me?
You staring at me?
You staring at me?
You staring at me?
Go ahead, bastard.
Go ahead!
Stare, you bastard!
Officer, son of bitch?
Come on.
Take this, asshole.
Why are you doing this?
Wipe it clean.
Wipe it clean, I said!
with your tongue.
Are they too dirty for you?
That's the way the world is.
If you push too hard,
it breaks.
Let's have a drink tonight.
have the right
to remain silent.
You have the right
to choose a lawyer...
What I think is wrong...
I can't fight.
They hit me.
That's wrong.
That's just wrong.
The fact that I can't fight...
that's damn wrong!
What the hell?
What the hell's your problem?
Are you drunk?
Officer Yoo,
you can do better, right?
Yes, sir!
Don't go around getting
beat up.
Sorry, sir!
- Got it?
- Yes, sir!
Come in early tomorrow!
Goodnight, sir!
Oh, don't you remember me?
Good morning!
Ah yes, this yogurt...
I'm sorry, suddenly
I was so thirsty...
I always hate it when people
steal yogurt from our front step.
I'm so sorry...
Last time,
after the acupuncture,
I never got a chance
to say thanks,
so I thought, gosh,
I better visit,
but then I never
got the chance...
But today I happened
to be walking by,
and I thought...
are they home?
So I stopped in.
So is everyone healthy,
wealthy, and happy?
Wow, what a cool place!
This is the altar of divinity.
Lfthose seeking
stand on this altar with a key,
the path to Nirvana opens.
Have you heard
about Yongsan?
Yongsan Electronics Market?
Have a seat.
Yongsan is where the c'hi of
dragon and mountain intertwine.
But people who coveted
the powerful ch'i of this place
began building
there indiscriminately,
until the very altar
was buried underground.
when Army Headquarters
were rebuilt as a war memorial,
the remains of the
altar were discovered.
Excavation has been
going on for years.
Do you follow?
Um, sure...
I didn't know tao masters
trained at Yongsan.
It's not a training camp,
it's an altar.
Sure, I got it.
You know...
what I mean is...
My, the tea's hot.
If I learn all that,
will I be a good fighter?
We don't teach you
how to brawl here.
What are you thinking, Dad?
What makes you think
this dork can become Maruchi?
Your daughter
has a sharp tongue.
Uh, Master...
How much do you charge
for learning Palm Blast?
Well, it depends, I guess,
on the scale of the blast.
Don't you have anything else?
Suit yourself.
You know how those people
can work there?
Those are light-body skills.
Construction workers
often practice those.
You remember the woman who
caught an armed bank robber?
A lot of people
were stunned by that.
Where do you think
she got the strength?
She's just an ordinary person.
Many skilled people
reach the state
of master without knowing.
There are
countless masters today.
They've just adjusted
to a changing world.
But most are tao disciples
who fight against evil ch'i.
The Seven Masters seek
a leader among such people,
who can restore the flow
of pure ch'i to the world.
Then the Seven Masters
can't do Palm Blast?
Is this it?
I think it's there.
Do I have to do this every day?
It's leaking a lot.
What a mess...
We should talk to
whoever built this wall.
It's so damp here.
Hey, come check this out.
What is it?
There's a noise.
You hear it?
What's that?
Isn't this a little too much?
Couldn't we add a fried egg
or something?
I'm not a rabbit,
how can I live offthese plants?
During Tao training,
one must eat vegetarian.
Isn't that common sense?
Okay, I'll give you that.
But my arms!
They're all tied up!
Look at my arms!
Tao training is a
form of study.
You can concentrate better
on an empty stomach.
This is all to teach you
But why is it just me tied up
when you and this girl here...
Hey you!
You came here
on your own to learn,
but you've got no respect.
Try behaving yourself.
Did you even
finish high school?
I graduated from
technical college, at least.
The fire went out.
I can't take this any more.
It's too much!
You tell me to clean
and I clean,
now I'm doing laundry.
I stood on my head
like you told me.
When are you going
to teach me Palm Blast?
Look, boy! Tao training
is a form of study.
Forget study, when
do I learn to fight?
If you want to learn to brawl,
go somewhere else!
Try boxing.
All right, all right.
But still, isn't there any way
I can learn
how to do Palm Blast?
"No Palm Blast Indoors"
We'll need to
examine more later,
but it looks like it's from
the Koryo Dynasty at the latest.
And the shapes
made of iron spikes?
It looks like an indicator
of battle formations.
Battle formations?
During wars with Japan,
General Lee arranged
troops in a wing shape.
I'm sure you've heard of them.
These spikes indicate the
formation of soldiers.
a phone call for you.
The old man found
at the site has disappeared.
We need to make a profit
before we go
contributing money.
These days the goods
I was supposed to send to Japan
are being held at customs,
and I can't do anything.
So first, bring over the goods.
That's right.
Just a sec.
Go away.
It's nothing.
I'll call you back in a sec.
Are you crazy, old man?
What the hell?
Who the hell are you?
- Can't you go any cheaper?
- Go somewhere else.
All confrontations begin
and end with the eyes.
Like in The Art ofWar.
It's the best way
to win a confrontation
without fighting.
It's winning mastery
with the eyes.
Don't think you'll get a discount
staring at me like that!
You said you'd teach me,
but you haven't
taught me anything.
Are you starving these days?
I'm not starving!
If it's too hard for you,
try another job.
You get beat up all the time,
and now you don't even eat?
How will you find a wife?
I told you I'm not starving!
When a man does
important things...
Dad's asleep, be quiet.
Mom, you don't know anything!
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
I'm Kim Su-chul
of "Find the Master!"
I'm Kim Hyo-seon.
We have a big
audience today, don't we?
- Hyo-seon.
- Yes?
Have you heard that lately,
because of our program
"Find the Master,"
many people visit
the opthamologist?
Why is that?
Their eyes popped out
in anticipation.
In general this type
of thing is prohibited.
But young people just
have no interest in tao...
These days you need
to show people, live.
Quite an unusual name, yes?
Brother Yuk-bong,
and Master Sul-woon.
We're glad to have you.
Please come out.
Wow, they look impressive.
- Don't they?
- Yeah.
It's a great honor
to have you here.
Yes, nice to meet you.
It must have been
difficult to come here.
Wait a sec.
This is so heavy,
are these rocks?
Oh, yes.
On crowded sidewalks,
I walk so fast that
I often bump into people.
I'm fine, but I worry
that I'll hurt people,
so I walk with these stones.
Oh, you must be really fast.
You must've transported
here by magic?
I took the #77 bus.
Ah, yes.
Well, yes,
we heard about you,
and I'm quite curious,
and I'm sure our many guests
want to see it as well.
So let's see you perform.
A show of extraordinary force,
the very site of destruction!
After training in the mountains,
it may be intimidating on TV.
Let's give them
a show of support!
Let go!
Stop, now!
Let go! This can't be!
- Well... I mean, master,
- It's over.
Please calm down.
Oh, sorry, I...
Let me put this in perspective.
The technique we've shown you
is extremely difficult.
For an ordinary person,
this is really hard to split.
You wanna die?
Be on time.
God, she even reads
martial arts comics.
What, she has makeup?
Does she use this stuff?
What is this?
Beauty Academy
She wasn't bad-looking
in high school either...
A birthday photo.
Wait, it's on April 17?
Wait a second.
That's coming up soon.
Martial arts are
for supressing violence,
for stopping conflict,
and for avoiding cruelty.
This is the truth all
martial arts aspire to.
Only the truly powerful
can defend
by anticipating an opponent.
Let's see.
Try to hit Eui-jin.
Urr... the, the best defense
is offense, of course.
Those who want
self-control must
learn mind control.
To serve others,
not to win,
is the true,
unbreakable strength.
To achieve this
you must renounce yourself.
Suppleness is
to follow force.
To use the enemy's force
to beat him.
One who follows force
has no fear.
Merit is earned
by training without fakery.
Fist-fighting is
refined and simple.
The changes are
so you must learn to move
your body as you wish.
The body and mind are one.
To control your mind,
you must control the body.
Shut up and do it.
Hey, wait, wait...
I said wait!
Swiftness means fast,
got it?
The fist has a form,
but hitting has no form.
In other words,
you gotta learn
the laws of nature.
If I'm faster than others,
it means
others are slower than me.
Sang-hwan, are you crazy?
What do you have against
the eggs, you dolt?
Bravery is not to hesitate.
To move in
when you see an opportunity.
Time seems to flow
equally for everyone,
yet with concentration,
a fleeting moment can
stretch into eternity.
Slashing is to give damage
to others without mercy.
But if you can't
control your emotion,
you might end up
staining yourself.
Wounds on the body
may easily be healed,
but emotional scars do not
go away so easily.
Finally, truthfulness is
to strike and defend
without deception.
Having reached the point
oftruthful selflessness,
you eventually gain
What happens
after enlightenment?
First learn what
comes before, kid.
Is this Seung-gu?
It's me, Sang-hwan.
Yeah, did all of you guys
get together tonight?
Hey, I'm done,
so I'll come over there now.
Oh, it's fine with me.
But, it's okay...
Oh, really?
Then I'll see you guys next time.
OK, and give me a ring.
Yeah, sure, sure.
Hey mister!
What are you doing, mister?
How can you just
jaywalk like that,
It's not even 4 lanes,
it's an 8-lane road.
Mister, you may
be busy, but still...
Show me your ID, please.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Officer Yoo,
servant to the public.
Show me your ID, please.
Hey, look here mister!
Hey, mister!
Gosh, mister.
Stop there!
You over there!
You crazy idiot,
what the hell?
You aren't hurt, are you?
Why's he running away
like that?
What are you doing?
Well, I think I'm fine.
What an idiot.
What's this?
Hey you, stop!
Wait, I said stop!
I can't believe it.
Now everyone knows us.
Tell me about it,
the manager was
in a rage over
last week's show.
But I kept telling him,
splittingwood is
not martial arts.
By the way, should we contact
another place?
I guess so.
Gosh, it makes me nervous.
We're not some kind
oftraveling circus.
Huh? That's a fearsome ch'i.
It can't be...
How did he get out...
Who is carrying the key?
Ever since we found them,
they have kept the
exact same position.
Have they ever shown
this kind of symptom before?
All 72 meridian points
have been blocked.
Their ch'i has been corrupted.
I've been trying so hard,
why isn't there
any big improvement?
This isn't a computer game,
this is for real.
Of course not, but...
That guy's light-body skills
were really fantastic.
How many times
do I have to tell you?
When you really fight,
ch'i is what matters, not skills.
I'm not talking about ch'i...
You have to beat him
with ch'i.
Yeah... I just don't
have any confidence.
When somebody says,
"Let's fight,"
then "OK, but I may
end up killing you."
Do you learn this
to kill somebody?
Forget it.
What now?
What's this?
It's your birthday...
How did you know?
I know everything...
I go by the lunar calendar.
Thanks anyway.
She is so cold.
Hey Sang-hwan,
what the hell is this?
Student ID Beauty Academy
Do cops enjoy
spying on people?
Who said to spy on me?
You're really overreacting.
I... I did this for you,
aren't you even thankful?
Just concentrate
on your own life, okay?
Eat up.
Hey, what's up?
Are you buying me dinner now?
Mu-un said you drag
your body around,
so he said to buy you
some meat for strength.
What's this?
Mu-un said
you've got nothing,
but you're full of pride.
He said to look at this
when your temper flares up.
is it really from Mu-un?
You think it's from me?
Miss, our flame's out.
Can you change the fuel?
Don't bother her.
Can't you see she's busy?
Hey, you can't do that here...
It's okay.
Hey, can you do me a favor?
Is there any way you can
teach me this Palm Blast thing?
Get a grip, will you?
Welcome to the world
offortune telling.
Curious about your future?
I'm not available
to take your call.
So those in a hurry
please try 1-700.
Banya isn't answering either.
Heug-un must
surely want the key?
What should we do?
Would you take it?
What are you talking about?
We should solve this together,
don't try to avoid it.
Our power is lacking.
To fight Heug-un,
we need at least three of us.
I've carried
the key too long,
waiting for Maruchi.
But how's it any different
if I have the key?
Let's assume
it's really Heug-un.
He doesn't have true ch'i.
I know he has strong power,
but since we have true ch'i,
he can't beat is, can he?
Yuk-bong and Sul-woon
fell without a fight.
Lfwe can awaken
Sang-hwan's ch'i,
matters might be different.
Honestly, in my opinion...
I don't think Sang-hwan
can become Maruchi.
I have no confidence in him.
Destiny can be made.
The thing is will.
That punk's will is...
Where is he?
Let's have some meat.
That punk!
I'll be right back, boss.
It's so great eating meat
after so long.
Who do we have here?
Isn't it our brave
police officer?
You have time for dating
despite your busy official work?
Are these the guys?
Hey mister.
I got no business
with you today,
why don't you sit down and eat.
Oh, sir! I am almost
scared to death now.
You're lucky to
have a man like him.
Such courage, huh?
Hey, say it again.
- Damn!
- Sit down!
What are you staring at?
Acting the man
in front of your babe?
What are you gonna do?
Don't worry,
we know them. Go on.
Do you really
wanna fight with me?
Sit down and drink.
I'm going crazy here.
And if I want to?
If I'm not careful,
I may end up killing you.
You're really talking
nonsense here.
What to do
with this little brat?
Boss, what do we do with him?
He seems to be
ignorant of manners.
Teach him what
manners are about.
Did you hear?
You bastard!
You stupid bastard!
Stay away!
Have a drink?
You have the right
to remain silent.
You have the right to
choose a lawyer.
What the hell
are you doing here?
Let go...
Let go!
What did I do wrong?
Okay, I screwed up.
Let's drop it now, huh?
Didn't you teach me that crap
about catching bad guys?
Look, you listen carefully.
Some people dedicate
their lives to that crap.
We're not trying to
help you relieve your stress.
Then what about me, huh?
Do I look like I'm here
because I want to be?
- So do you feel better now?
- I feel great.
Yeah, you beat up those guys
like you wanted.
Since we have nothing left
for each other,
let's just split up
before things deteriorate.
And who was the one
that started all this?
I have no reason
to see you anymore.
And if you need to
win so badly,
try winning
over yourselffirst.
Can't even control
your own self.
Yeah? I don't need you anymore.
I'm leaving.
I can't do anything right.
But damn, the more I think of it,
the angrier I get!
Hey, what did I do wrong?
Where are you?
They started the whole thing!
Who are you, mister?
Did you come here
to study, too?
Wait a second,
you're thatjaywalker...
I said, where is Mu-un?
I told you he went
to the mountains.
That's not the answer I want.
What are you doing here?
This guy here...
Sang-hwan, don't.
We're no match for his ch'i.
What are you doing?
Who are you, mister?
I ask the questions.
You should not point
a sword at just anyone.
Stop this right now!
Have you lost all decency?
Doing this to young kids?
Please, no more killing.
- I want the key.
- You monster!
You stay here.
He's wounded,
this is our chance.
We aren't strong enough.
It's too dangerous alone!
Let's stop wasting time.
Give me the sealed key,
and the Seven Masters
need not fight.
You don't understand, do you?
In this day and age,
even with the power ofArahan,
do you think you
can rule the earth?
I just want to create order.
What order?
I have learned just one truth.
Only a supreme power
can guarantee peace.
You haven't learned that
power shifts with the wind.
You wretch!
- Master!
- Go back!
You'll feel better
with some rest.
I'm sorry, Dad.
I shouldn't
have challenged him.
It was unavoidable.
But was it
you who wounded him?
I think Sang-hwan used Sound
Vibration Technique on him.
Was that man one of
the vanished Seven Masters?
We have long called enlightened
male masters Maruchi,
and women masters Arachi.
Maruchi and Arachi, between
mortals and the enlightened,
were entrusted with the key to
attain the state ofArahan.
Arahan is an enlightened state
when one has nothing
more to learn.
To be enlightened on the
principles of all creation,
also means you have the power
to rule over the world.
Such power may create desire
that leads to huge sacrifice,
so the Seven Masters kept it
a secret from anyone else.
The man who struck Mu-un is
one of those Seven Masters.
Long ago,
a man who betrayed
heaven almost got the key.
People realized that
when a corrupt man
seized hold of the key,
unstoppable chaos and
evil would spread as a result.
Ceaseless greed made
children kill parents,
brothers kill brothers.
And yet the enlightened masters
could not intervene
in the world,
for it was against
the law of nature to do so.
Ordinary humans failed
in their quest for peace.
Hearing the cries
of an orphaned child,
Heug-un broke the covenant
and rushed to intervene.
the flames ofwar
consumed both worlds.
Seduced by the power
of the sword,
Heug-un lost his self-control.
He decided to
become Arahan himself
to bring order to chaos.
But the Masters knew that
Heug-un, full of rage,
would only re-start
the cycle
ofterror and misery.
Until they could find
a true Arahan,
they hid the key
in their bodies,
and sealed Heug-un underground.
But unable to cast
off ambition,
Heug-un endured
in a wicked ch'i,
preserving his life
and returning to us now.
The weight of the key's
ch'i alone is so great
that no ordinary
Tao disciple can bear it.
For me, the need to
live and bear the key
was no ordinary burden.
Now it seems I must
let go of this burden.
Pull over.
Eui-jin, I don't know
what to say, but...
Yeah, same here.
Seeing what happened
to Mu-un,
it made me think a lot.
- But now...
- I said pull over!
Go wherever you want.
Hey, Eui-jin!
Have you gone mad?
He mayjust be
another person to you,
but to me, he's a father.
Then what am I?
don't you get it?
Do you still think
you can become Maruchi?
If you're notjoining in,
will you let go?
It was nice knowing you.
This is just too much.
It seems we've
a long way to travel.
Let's have some tea.
It must have been hard,
hiding it all this time.
I'm sorry,
but I don't have the key either.
Jeez, what am I supposed to do?
Hey, wait up!
Excuse me.
First of all...
should we call the
insurance company?
Hey, your hand's bleeding!
Hold on, let go.
Give me the glasses.
Wait, okay okay...
you should calm down first.
You think
you wouldn't be upset?
I know how you feel,
but this isn't something
you've trained for.
You said to control oneself!
Let's not get worked up.
At times like this,
we should try thinking calmly.
That guy wants the key,
Your dad doesn't have it.
All the other Masters were
eliminated because of it!
That's why there's hope.
Think about it.
He must think your father is
the last one
who knows where it is.
Would he just
kill someone like that?
No way!
Don't worry.
Then where do we find him?
Now, that's a problem.
Are you going to keep
talking nonsense?
I'm trying too.
Are you the only one
with a temper?
This bugs the hell out of me,
I'm worried too!
Lfthose who wish
for enlightenment
get a key and
stand on this altar,
the path to Nirvana opens.
Wasn't the key
connected to this place?
The meridian points
in your body are blocked.
You'll die unless I take
emergency measures.
Don't be stubborn,
surrender the key.
Freedom from attachment
means freedom from fear.
I'll take on Heug-un,
you look for my father.
And then run far away.
- Wait, Eui-jin!
- I'll join you soon.
Cripes, she's got
no sense of strategy.
I'm telling you, girls should
serve in the military too.
Jeez, are all museums
this complicated?
Impressive that you
found me, wench.
I know you've been
out oftouch,
but it's not nice to call
a lady a "wench," asshole!
Where is he?
Hey, you!
Are you in the
broadcasting room?
I don't know
where I am, either.
Then how can I find you?
Heug-un has corrupted
my ch'i.
Don't just use your eyes,
open your five senses.
Oh, darn.
Okay then.
I'm not sure where you are,
just stay there for now.
This way?
Spread the ch'i around you.
Prepare for the attack!
Concentrate the ch'i
into a point of light!
Can you feel my ch'i?
Who told you to come here?
I'm telling you,
you have no sense of strategy.
Hey, Jaywalker!
Cool, huh?
I'm the one you want.
Let's rumble.
Master Heug-un.
Without renouncing attachment,
the key leads
to self-destruction.
Times have changed.
Let's leave the key
with these youngsters.
A sword can slaughter a pig,
or cut through the world.
Power comes to
the man who can wield it.
Renounce all...
The things we see are just the
shadow of things we can't.
Renounce all...
One who aspires to be Maruchi
must renounce all his desires,
and the door to
enlightenment will open.
The moment
you renounce yourself,
you feel a true freedom
that exists
between earth and sky,
it is then that you
can command gravity.
In the act of going,
you find understanding.
And in the constant practice,
you find enlightenment.
The moment that
you command your ego,
the gate ofArachi's
heart will open,
and you will become Maruchi.
I'm so tired.
Hey, mister!
My stomach hurts!
That key doesn't
seem to fit you.
And you're
in the wrong spot!
Tired already, mister?
Another round?
Give up, you...
You've won for now,
but know this...
Nature did not
abandon the world,
it is the world that
abandoned nature.
The tao never
abandoned people,
it was people
who abandoned tao.
Lfthere's a path,
there is always someone wanting
to go through that path
Eui-jin! Eui-jin!
Hey, wake up!
Eui-jin, bring me the dye.
Can you empty this?
Excuse me!
I'll just run to the bank...
Huh, it's the police!
You guys are such a pain.
You're breaking my heart.
Bong... Officer Bong!
Officer Bong!
Are you okay, Officer Bong?
Corporal Yoo, I tried my...
When are you gonna
learn to shoot Palm Blast?
Hey, let's see you try it
at a moving person!
Try doing it just like before.
Look over there.
You shot at him,
and what happened?
Haven't you learned...
I was looking over here!
Look what happened
to Officer Bong!
You learned it way before me,
can't you do it right?
Hey, I usually do fine.
You wanna see?
Anyone can do it in practice.
It's real situations that count.
That kid Sang-hwan called.
Today is police surveillance.
See you later, Dad!
Eui-jin, wait!
Is this place illegal?
Oh, don't worry.
We were recommended
this place.
They're better than Hippocrates!
Sang-hwan said he's
going on surveillance.
Anyway, go to the storehouse
and bring us back some
of the cheapest aphrodisiacs.
Jeez, I'm busy today!
Careful on your way home
at night...
Do they do surveillance
every single day?