Aravaan (2012)

18th Century
South Tamil Nadu.
God Karuppa
One who is sleepy
should not guard a place.
One who sneezes
should not set out to steal.
Didn't realize, Kombudhi.
Names only within our village.
When we go to steal
everyone is 'Karuppa'
lf you hear our guarding stick's stories,
even a tiger will think twice to pounce!
Under Muthu Veeran's protection
even a single pearl won't go amiss!
Not even a tamarind seed!
You won't lose even a tamarind seed?!
Just wait and watch
Your entire house will be stolen!
Do you want your fortune told?
Do you want your future shown?
Do you want your future shown?
Do you want your fortune told?
Do you want your fortune told?
Do you want your future shown?
Hey! Fortune teller.
- My lady is calling you.
- I'm coming.
Oracle Goddess Jakkamma
Goddess Badrakali
Prophesy prosperity
Foretell favorable news
Sir, do you want your future told?
- No, no... thank you.
Prophesy plenty
Augur auspicious events
Our martyr's stick has
permitted us... let's go in.
Just because I'm blind
don't think you can fool me.
Goddess Bommakka
Goddess Veera Chinnamma
Declare thy divine forecast
for our lady with thy good heart
Owl's shadow is a bad omen
Means impending death.
What are you saying?
N which direction is God
placed inside this house?
South west corner.
Before breaking open the lock
... check if keys are beneath
the owner's pillow
There's a blind lady there,
forever pounding betel leaf.
Where did this cat come from?
Stupid cat! Spoil my sleep.
Chop it's legs off!
I have no teeth to chew
No cloth to cover my body too
No strength left in me to carry on
No kith nor kin to shower affection
Is she pounding betel leaf
or knocking our house down?
Can't you hear the racket
that darn old lady is making?
Stupid female! You can't sleep
if you don't malign my mother!
- She falls like a beam.
- He's broken my hip!
And she curses my mother!
Open the door for us,
God Karuppa.
Only 2 or 3 ornaments are worth it
Rest of them have copper content
I can give 2 kOttai
I'll send it over
Wait outside our village.
We waited so long
and staked our lives for this.
The entire village will be
waiting for our loot.
How can 2 kOttai be enough?
What can I do?
Cake is tasty
according to its ingredients.
You bring valuables
my price will be priceless!
If I pay you more than this
I'll have to steal like you.
One of these days we should
raid his house to even our account.
Let it go.
Pidari, none of our men have returned?
Kombudhi's gang is back.
Come my children Let's feast.
- Where did you go to steal?
- West.
God Karuppaa.
Grand mother
Did you see my wife?
Who knows where she is?
Why are you auctioning her?
Why are you in a tearing hurry?
- Oh! Yes, I am.
- Everyone's looking.
- Let go.
- Oh my hand.
You and your ill-timed sneeze!
Those who have got
their share, move over.
God! Take care of Your children
as long as this village exists.
Make sure 1 share per head.
Fry some liver
for your invalid husband.
- Sadaichi... Vembu...
- Father!
- Good to see you.
- Hey! Chellathayi.
Vembu dear!
Why is he sulking?
You didn't take him to loot
That's why he's upset.
Are you angry
I didn't take you?
So what?
I'll take you next time.
My precious children.
Did Jakkama's predictions
come true, brother?
Not one word was wrong
How do you do it?
Even if the oracle is Goddess Jakkamma
Oratorical speaker is Chimmiti, right?
Don't brag too much
Go and collect our share.
You haven't done
anything new!
Hey! Lady from Kedaiyur
Why are you so green with jealousy?
What happened?
What happened to Viruman?
Guards of Kodangipatti
hacked him during the theft.
What happened?
There's life in his eyes
He'll survive.
Veerayi, stop lamenting
Your husband is alive.
Run... Vembu, run.
Don't fall.
Stop hitting.
Stop it.
Don't kill my man.
We are here to enquire
and you are driving us out?!
For past 300 years we've stood
in the forefront in our Madurai cavalry.
Did you think you can get away
stealing our Queen's necklace?
Be it theft, enquiry or retrieval
it should be outside our village.
Why did you come
into our habitat?
You'll steal our Queen's necklace
and should we treat you like royalty?
Our people have not
stepped into your domain.
Go ask elsewhere.
So you didn't steal?
Show them the informant.
Tell them your story
I don't know who but a man
from your village asked me for a clue.
If you lie, I'll slit your throat.
Must be from
some other place eastward.
He said Vembur
That's why I gave a royal clue!
He came all by himself.
We never go alone.
We always go in a group.
We were the ones who chased him!
Don't we know he was single?!
We always own up to our crime
We'd either return or get compensated.
What do we lose?
We are not cowards.
Are you implying that someone used
your village name and stole?
I didn't. You did.
If what you say is true, we won't
sleep without catching the thief.
If we catch the rogue
we'll return your stolen ornament.
If you do, you should
surrender that fellow to us.
What do we get
by surrendering the thief to you?
We'll protect your fort free of cost.
What do we get in return
for retrieving your royal jewelry?
100 kOttai (GRAIN MEASURE) of paddy.
We'll give you 100 kOttai paddy
if you return our Queen's necklace!
By the next New moon, if I don't
bring this fellow in front of our God
l'm not the head honcho
of this village.
Oldie, did anyone come asking
for a clue using Vembur's name?
Did anyone come here asking
for a clue using our village's name?
Let's not go in a group
I'll go all alone by myself.
Come one
Come all.
Come and see my snakes.
Sting me.
Lady, keep this quail
and give me some gruel.
Keep this rabbit
and give me some gruel.
Be quick
I didn't see, bro
Why are you glaring at me for this?
Betel leaf?
My tongue's so dry.
Let me take
some betel leaves.
They are not even fresh!
To take plain betel leaf
is considered inauspicious.
So let me take
somechunam (LIME)
Good bye, bro
Watch out for snakes.
Hey man, I'm from the north
Give me a good clue.
- North? Means Vembur, right?
- Yup.
Just now a Vembur man
came and asked for a clue.
From Vembur?
Yes, he's one of us
Tell me your clue.
- Accountant's house.
- Bless you!
Praise be to the sacred 5 letters!
Hail, feet of our Lord Shiva!
Praise be to He who not
for an instant quits my heart!
Praise be to the ruler
of Thiruvavaduthurai
Betel leafer!
You can't escape now
Avaiyamba! Let's go
before the temple closes.
Get in.
Bless me, Lord Shiva.
Sir, please stop
I am on my way to guard a village
I just now noticed this.
Why is your tree grown
right upto your chimney?
Take care, some robber
may enter that way
I'll have it felled
You stay back, eat and then go.
Thank you, sir.
Drive with care, sir.
Why are you looking at me
so condescendingly?
You'll be pickled
if you don't watch out.
Give me your hand.
Brother, you... here?
Did you also come here to steal?
Let's not steal here
A lady's hung herself inside.
Let's find another house.
Let's go elsewhere.
- Why did you tarnish Vembur...
- Shhhhhhhhhhhh!
Why did you use Vembur's name?
Are you also doing the same?
Are you being sarcastic?
I belong to Vembur!
Then maybe you should use
some other name and steal!!
Untie me, bro
I'm being bitten in all odd places.
Show some compassion
on your little brother.
Untie me
I am being bitten, bro.
Creepy crawlies are
climbing all over me.
How can you ignore my pleas?
You will know
only if you are bitten.
Untie me
I am lamenting so loudly
and he's turning a deaf ear.
Hey! Untie me! Copy cat weirdo
of Goddess Meenakshi's hairdo.
Are you being cheeky?!
I have to rub crap-paste
for the ant bites to heal.
Can't even eat, Untie me.
Where have you hidden the necklace
you stole from Veerakudi?
Tell me the truth.
As if all stolen goods
are stored under our armpits!
As soon as we steal
we should settle accounts.
You are asking too late.
Untie me.
It's not an ordinary
householder's necklace.
It's from the royal treasury.
If you had sold it, you'd be impaled
Where have you hidden it?
I keep telling you I don't know
Come and untie me.
If you don't I'll pull
this tree off its roots.
You don't know my true colors!
I've been asking you umpteen times.
It's heading towards me.
Tell me the hiding place 1 st
I can give it to you
only if you untie me.
This snake is almost on me.
Walk ahead.
Don't try to act smart with me.
Move on.
Go ahead, take it out.
Is this your treasure trove?
Select whatever belongs
to them and take it.
He has cleverly rolled
all the stolen stuff into clay balls.
How many balls!
You boast of being a seasoned robber.
Why didn't you let
'REM-star' guide you?
Who will steal
if we gape at the stars?!
If you'd gone in earlier
lady who hung herself
would have seen you
and you'd be hanging instead!
You are right.
This is how every time
something gets screwed up.
What's that 'REM-star'?
Tell me and then stare.
Tell me.
In the 3rd part of the night
this star formation will appear.
That's REM sleep time
When people sleep like the dead!
That's the best time
to steal without hassles.
How naive can you be!
The fellow who taught me
used to stare fixedly at the sky
I thought he was praying
I must kill him!
Did you have a hand in cutting
the tree close to the chimney?
Why are you spitting
at your brother this way?
After sharing so many tips
you showed your foolishness.
Crows' nest in every branch
I was wondering how I'd prevent
the crows from raising an alarm.
Even the mighty elephant
can trip and fall!
I am human, after all.
Being a robber why did you
come out empty handed?
If I steal when a lady is dead, we'll get
blamed and Vembur's name will be spoilt.
Then how will an informant ever
give us clues? That's why
I am so happy to have met you.
We'll meet again
some other midnight!
What now?
I returned all that you asked.
Will you join my group?
I am also eager
seeing how experienced you are
but I am apprehensive
how your clan will react.
Trust me, come with
courage and conviction.
That's the 'spoke in the wheel'
You should be out
by the time it appears in the sky.
So many nuances to stealing?!
For a clean haul, time, period
and direction are important.
Hey! Hey!!
Move aside.
Don't think you can
get away by hitting me.
Come and rescue me.
Let me go.
You are abandoning me
to these heartless murderers.
Don't tie me up.
Karuppa, You saved our name.
Show me the loot
I gave up what I stole
Now let me go.
- Is this the Queen's necklace?
- Yes.
Don't think you can
get away hitting me.
Do you expect us to hug you?
If I am a thief
then who are you?
Stop shouting.
Kombudhi is the best!
He saved our prestige.
Hey! Hey!! Hurray!
I returned everything
Now let me go.
- Just cut his limbs?
- Limbs? Cut his head off.
Why are you all debating?
Go for his adam's apple!
Are you going to do it
with your 32 teeth missing?!
Save me.
Don't hit him.
Listen to me
Let him go.
Even if you hunt all over north
you cannot find a more skillful thief.
He is very talented
Seeing is believing!!
He's smart.
That's why I brought him
here to be one of us.
What do you say?
Is a chimney thief a good robber?
Only a man who divorces
his wife will choose such a way.
One who is happily married will enter
through a hole, the right way.
Whether chimney or proper code only
I know the secrets in his treasure trove.
You've accepted him as one of us
Shouldn't we all agree?
Let's hold a contest, if he wins
then you can add him to your group.
If he loses, we'll stone him
and send him away in disgrace.
What do you say?
Let's organize the competition.
Okay, go ahead.
Ask the thief
if he's agreeable to this.
If I am the thief
who are all of you?!
I agree. I'm a thief!!
- Untie me.
- Untie him.
What's the challenge?
Brother has praised me sky high.
You've complimented me
to the highest degree
I won't let you down.
It's no big deal
I'll give you good
if you act funny with me.
Tell me soon, oldie
I am hungry
I'm game for whatever the sport.
You must run swiftly,
to steal without getting caught.
- Can you run?
- I'll show you.
Why do we need a man
who runs empty handed?
Let him prove his strength by
running with our traditional stone.
Even I can run carrying
that spherical stone.
Let him run with
'something that wriggles'
Give me that
'something that wriggles'
You are disgracing us
by fumbling like this.
Aren't there any buffaloes
like you that I can carry?!
Just you wait!
We'll amputate you today
I've participated
in enough contests to win!
We'll check your ability today.
Give sticks to our men
I'll smash his skull.
Will he be able
to run with this calf?
Let's all watch
I'm the best!!
I won.
Tell us your name, family, village,
lineage and ancestry details.
Varipuli is my name
Don't know my native place
I was orphaned very young
Then I just grew up.
- Which God do you pray to?
- Who knows?
A God who does not
ask for slaughter!!!
He has clarity of thought
Let him be in Kombudhi's group.
But an outsider
can't stay with us.
So let him erect a hut
in that yonder hill and stay.
Agreed, oldie.
Help him with the thatched hut.
Next new moon,
let's do a 'royal' theft.
Entire village was
stupefied with my feat.
Of course!
This is your Queen's necklace?
100 kOttai paddy is all yours.
Hamlet... that gave birth to me
We'll eat hot rice tonight, a blessing
Habitat... that gave birth to me
We'll eat hot rice tonight, a blessing
Chariot of Karna, son of the Sun
in a dry village is a silver lining
Without sacrifices or pleas to our deity
Watch grain flow into our granary
Without sacrifices or pleas to our deity
Watch grain flow into our granary
Mokkachaami's wife on a craving spree
of red rice will deliver a very fair baby
People rejoice
this time of abundant gain
Sultry summer
paves the way to cool rain
Check Maayaandi the boogieman's speed in
his hurry forgot his loin cloth indeed!
Dwelling place... that gave birth to me
We'll eat hot rice tonight, a blessing
Chariot of Karna, King of Anga
in a parched village is a silver lining
Nimble on our feet,
we don't saunter
House with a baby
we don't enter
We don't use our stick if there's draught
We don't leave evidence to get caught
We don't shed blood
or kill where we steal
We won't ogle at girls
asleep, even if it's a deal
Village... that gave birth to me
We'll eat hot rice tonight, a blessing
Chariot of Karna, son of Queen Kunti
in a barren village, a silver lining
Who... through thatched roof
showers riches on us?
Who... who is our Provider?
Is Aiyanar our Providence?
Without spoiling a theft
by slip or slide
Without an owl's hoot
or a sickle defiled
Let our thefts survive
prosper and thrive!
When sleepy eyes droop
we go to steal in a group
Whatever our fate, maybe
our families undergo misery
All this tears, blood and sweat
just to live with no hunger threat
We die every minute every night
Not worth living, it's a fatal plight
Even if our deity has hazy memory
Mother earth knows our history
Even if around the world we toil
we'll rest in peace only in our soil
Our heart like rice
overflows to boil
Native place... that gave birth to me
mixed in my life's blood, my community
My birthplace... my ancestors' blessing
You are our life's breath, our everything
My birthplace... forefathers' blessing
You are our life's breath, our everything
You are our life's breath,
our everything
You are our life's breath,
our everything
- Grandma.
- Who is it?
All the young girls
keep talking about you.
What are you doing
in the middle of the night here?
I just came out for a walk.
Don't loiter around,
exercising your limbs.
Your God might
bless you with cramps
and make you impotent!
Is this how a respectable
old lady talks?!
Take care of yourself.
Oi! Kombudhi.
What happened, uncle?
Do you know about
the outsider you've brought in?
When we stole near Chithoor
we killed a man by mistake...
he's from that village
I'm not sure if he wants to take
revenge on you or entire clan.
Don't be silly, uncle
I felt he had integrity
That's why I brought him.
He lied saying he's an orphan.
He doesn't seem like one of us
I am sleepy
Don't make up stories.
He'll wreck havoc on all of us soon
Then you'll know why I said this.
Hey! Chimney fellow!
Why are you ignoring me?
Queen of Vembur is bathing
So I thought I'll return later.
Queen has finished her ablutions.
The king from
faraway land can go ahead
I'll gladly oblige!
Varipuli? Watch out
for the crocodiles!
Don't you worry
I'm good at guarding!
Karuppu Name of my God
Fire Name of my clique
Back bone Our trowel
Loot Our duty
Fly like a pheasant to combat
Hang upside down like a bat
Forget rest or sleep
Grab your stick and leap
I'll pour hooch to numb your sense
I'll also shed blood in your defense
Our path is strewn with thorny nettle
Protect and help us prove our mettle
Goddess Jakkamma
When we cross hills to deceive
sprint across valleys to thieve
Give us grit and guts
in our hearts
Theft... ransack... robbery
heist... break-in... burglary
Con... crime... conspiracy
Plunder... pilfer... piracy
Our elders are against Varipuli
being accepted as one of us.
Pidari uncle is maligning him
I don't know what to do.
Take the trowel
to assist
Hold the martyr stick
to inspect
Open the right spot
to benefit
Proceed with speed
This is our deal
to successfully steal
Name of my God
Name of my clique Fire
Our trowel Back bone
Our duty Loot
Looting Vadipatti is no skill.
You are bragging
as if it was a royal theft.
Even we have broken into
so many forts in our times.
Your theft hasn't even
fetched 10 gulps of hooch.
Shameless scoundrels!
- Kombudhi! Come here.
- What, uncle?
You are gloating
that you are the best robber.
For 6 generations no one has been
able to steal from Kottaiyur.
Prove your worth
by stealing there
I'll then accept
that you are the greatest.
Let's see
how strong Kottaiyur is.
Not even an owl can enter it
ou don't have to bring gold from there
Just a handful of Kottaiyur's soil will do.
That'll prove, you are a man!
We will do what you say
Then we'll rip your grey beard?!
Karupaaa... run.
They got away.
How do we tell our land lords
that these thieves escaped?
5 of them came
4 have run away
1 of them must be
here somewhere.
Kottaiyur is guarded
by us from Mathur.
We'll lose all respect
if this news leaks out.
He can't escape our sharp eyes
He must be here somewhere.
Hit him.
It's dawned now
We can't save him.
It's impossible now.
We've lost our Kombudhi
He has met his end
I am not returning
without Kombudhi.
Whoever has skill
and strength, come with me.
If you are a coward, get lost.
Kombudhi? Can't bear
to see you like this!
Say something.
Thank You God
for saving Your child.
How can you,
our head honcho lie so still?
You retrieved my son
from Lord Yama's jaws.
May you live long!
No one has ever brought home
one of us after day break
I spoke ill of you
without realizing.
Forgive me.
Entire forest will tremble, when you
shout with your Pongam tree stick.
Caught red handed or escaping
is not a matter of consequence.
When those men chased us...
They called him
some name in a frenzy
I saw enmity and animosity
on that man's face.
This boy is hiding
something from us.
Shut up.
Being married to a lion
why are you grieving?
Everyone is waiting to
worship my brother-in-law.
He has himself digested death.
And you are weeping.
A lady from Kedaiyur
can bleed but not shed tears!
I've got rat snake's oil
from Suruli hills.
Rub it on my brother-in-law
and he'll walk within 3 days.
Are you an invalid
to ask if you are well or unwell?
We've come to ask for a bride
from a brave man's house?
Permit your sister
to marry my brother.
Hey! Will you marry me or not?
Why are you suddenly
proposing to me?
You need an auspicious day for it?
They've chosen a groom
for me from Kedaiyur.
But I don't want to leave
my brother and this land.
Is that the reason?
You have a bevy of suitors
following you ardently.
Ask them
Why me?
You brought my brother back
when everyone else abandoned him.
That's why.
Then assume that
I didn't save him?!
You buffalo, pig, corpse with Saturn's
malefic effect afflicted by cholera!
I like you
That's why
I too like you
but I can't marry you.
You think I'd have slept
with someone since I'm friendly.
Don't talk rubbish.
Then what?
I've blossomed well
and ripe as a fruit on the tree.
Is my height a drawback?
I'll give you 10 sons.
Don't ask me reasons
Get married to that Kedaiyur fellow.
As a brother,
I'll conduct the wedding.
You'll play hard to get
if a female proposes.
All men are the same.
For one last time
will you marry me?
I can't marry you, Chimmiti.
I pride myself in knowing
all possible folk lore.
There is 1 mystery-knot
I have been unable to disentangle.
What's that?
Your story... really who are you?
Your parents? Your lineage?
I already told you
I was orphaned
when very young
I've heard
that a 100 times
I can take you in my group
How can you be part of my family?
What are you talking
of family now?
Chimmiti says
she will marry only you.
Vari, when can I fix
the wedding date?
We'll celebrate in style
right in front of our God Karuppa.
Do you think
it's not a good match?
Nothing of that sort, brother.
She's a good girl.
Don't keep harping on this.
Why are you behaving like this?
I should have listened
to Pidari uncle
I believed in you
I trusted you,
when everyone was against you.
When that Mathur man
yelled out 'Chinna'
why didn't I ask you about it?
You brought me
on your shoulder
I let you into my house
Don't act pricey!
Tell me why?
I want to know
I am married
I am already married.
Inform all those who went to steal
to be here without fail.
He's the eldest in our village
who has passed away.
Let them not wander off
to the bull taming contest.
Stop it! Listen to me.
Next bull in the arena belongs to
Chilukaani from Chinnapalayam.
This bull has to be tamed
only by a Vembur resident.
If he succeeds, then half his wealth
will be bequeathed to the deity of Vembur.
If not, all your sisters
should be wedded to Chilukaani!
Hey! Vembur men
Where have you all disappeared to?
You killed my bull 3 years back
claiming you will tame it
I can't forget
how it suffered and died.
Where are you, my brothers?
I've brought a bull specially for you
Try to tame it.
Are Vembur men here or not?
Oi! Thieves of Vembur
Do you call yourselves men or not?
Why are you dodging us?
Your clan's dignity is being tarnished
Where are you?
They must have taken flight in fright!
Bro, I'll go.
You don't go
This is a challenge for Vembur men
I'll take care
You go.
If you don't come for my next call
it's taken for granted you have lost.
- Despite this disgrace...
- I can't take this
I'll go, bro.
You are not one of us, you savage!
You are neither kith nor kin to our clan.
How can you go in?
Get out.
Listen to me, I'll go
You'll be torn to pieces.
Do you think we are cowards?
You have no place
in my clan or community.
If you come in,
I'll myself kill you.
Listen to me, bro.
Only 1 man has come
to represent Vembur?
It isn't a goat-carrying contest
This is taming of a bull.
You will lose your life
Get lost.
Send the bull in 1 st
I'll get the prize money
I'll trample it right here.
You don't even have to touch its horns
Just touch its !
Send it in 1 st
Check yourself before that.
Send the bull in.
Kill him.
Don't let him win.
Show your power
Pierce his ribs.
Very soon a Vembur man
will become a corpse.
Stop the flow of blood
Tie it securely
I'll tame the bull.
- Don't go!
- Why, bro?
You are an outsider
You can't participate.
Our clan will be disgraced.
- Shut up, bro!
- You can't go.
Take that outsider
and throw him out.
Let me go
Why are you grabbing me?
Sissy fellows!
What are you looking at?
I am not an outsider
I belong to Vembur
I am Ochchayi's son,
who from Vembur got...
married and settled in
Chinni Veerampatti.
By matriarchal lineage
I rightfully belong to Vembur
I swear on this soil.
Don't leave him
Kill him
I got the prize money.
Vembur men will never lose.
Bro, Vembur will never lose.
Stop it.
Why are you hitting him?
Why are you hitting him?
We will return
your stolen stuff.
We are not dealing
with stolen goods.
Do you know who he is?
Chinni Veerampatti's lamb for slaughter.
We've been searching
for him for 9 long years.
He's a Vembur resident.
Whatever it is,
let's discuss it in Vembur Assembly.
Otherwise you'll have to
face our clan's feud.
Leave him.
Whatever enmity
I don't intend letting him go
I recognized this mongrel
when you robbed Kottaiyur.
Now when he blabbered
his lineage, his fate got sealed!
Take him.
Let's go
I saw my father's brother
in the shandy at Thiruchanam.
Auspicious days for
Vembur festival has been fixed.
My mother's sister has invited us.
She saw you when you were a baby
Let's go and visit her in Vembur.
Is it close by?
It'll take 4 days
to reach that village.
Till then who will
guard our village?
Already our people have
disgraced the residents of Vembur.
Village you were born in
has such a reputation!
Don't join with these riff raffs
and malign my home.
It's your maternal home
that will protect you life always.
Oh! Yes, you are my savior!
I'm the son of the best sentinel ever.
Don't glorify your
thieving community to me.
From theft is born protection!
You are so arrogant because of my uncle
who named you, you have his genes!
That's why you are
so smart and confident.
If you had your father's genes
you'd be a mere farmer
I'll pour this all over you.
Even this dialog is from Vembur only!
Folks here lack this confidence.
Get lost.
Don't make a female run like this.
Veeranan... wait.
He's busy flirting with
that lady from Kumapatti.
That shameless hussy Valli
is broadcasting this all over.
What did you say?
Being a big shot, naturally
girls will flock around me!
- And are you a big shot?
- What did you ask?
What did I ask?
All I said was, 'Sweetie, come to
the fields to gather sweet potatoes'
Why won't you ask? Remember
you are a husband and a father!
And you are yearning
for sweet(IE) potatoes!
Look how she's hitting me before you.
One blow for
every sweetie potato!
- Do you know who she is?
- Who?
Sister-in-law of Mosakaadhan,
who flashes his sickle all the time.
It is part of our custom
to tease our sister-in-law.
Just try doing that!
Tease your sister-in-law
Not mine!
I don't have a sister-in-law.
Then why target
others' sisters-in-law?!
All those who have
a sister-in-law are idiots?
Whole village knows
that you are an idiot!
If you have courage, stop
I'll slaughter you
I won't let you go
without slicing you into 2.
Mosakaadha, why are you
getting angry for no reason?
What are you saying?
He hides and watches my wife.
And pinches her
here and there
I can tolerate that.
But if he teases my sister-in-law
I'll slice him to pieces.
You give me
the right verdict.
Come near me
I'll tell you.
And you call yourself a man!
Palm-fruit head!!!
We must safeguard
our sister-in-law.
In our village no one cares
for his sister-in-law.
You have no brains
even if you are an adult.
A sister-in-law is special
We must protect her.
Without snakes and
reptiles harming us.
Without spirits haunting us.
Without thieves robbing us.
Sustain our profession.
Goddess of Chinni Veerampatti
let our profession prosper.
Go with care.
We are leaving for patrolling.
We take leave.
Can cotton be twisted
into wick only on the thigh?
Shut your gob.
- Awwwwwww!
- What?
Look over there.
It's getting late for patrolling
You leave now.
Go fast.
Carry on but make sure
no theft happens!!!
Shove it...!
Don't give our dear old
soothsayer a nasty surprise!
Magical moon
Mystical moon
Full moon
Filigree moon
Divine moon
Dainty moon
Moon that sails in the sky
cruises without stopping by
Strolls with pure elation
in a glimmering procession
lnto tangled trees, knoll and peak
moon radiantly plays hide and seek
Moon that sails in the sky
cruises without stopping by
Patrols in progressive illumination
in a shimmering procession
lnto tangled trees, knoll and peak
moon impishly plays hide and seek
Ecstatic moon weaves its way
forgets place and time of day
Spreading its petals this moon incessant
tempts and casts a spell so luminescent
This untouched moon as I caress
makes our honeymoon luminous
Silver moon
Shining moon
Lacy moon
Lovely moon
Moon that sails in the sky
cruises without stopping by
lnto tangled trees, knoll and peak
glittering moon plays hide and seek
When eyes close
in deep sleep peacefully
what does the moon
plead so entreatingly?
Loving glance and heart so shy
signs her love by her soulful eye
Like the moon, my lady
My lady's lithe frame
wanes in this silent game
With an effervescent glow
her waves rise to a crescendo
Satiated, full moon feels complete
while every breath is on red heat!
Moon that sails in the sky
cruises without stopping by
Wanders to a new reflection
in a poignant procession
lnto tangled trees, knoll and peak
sensuous moon plays hide and seek
Love-struck moon glides happily
in a daze, unaware blissfully
Excited, blooms to a new venture
Exalted, lures with her luster
This celestial moon as I caress
makes our honeymoon luminous
Ethereal moon
Exquisite moon
Picturesque moon
Passionate moon
Magical moon
Mystical moon
Veeranna, I can hear
bells of cows ringing
I'll go check, bro.
You go southward
You go northward.
You desire sweet potato?!
Catch him.
Why are you jealous?!
Check who this is.
Who is he?
Doesn't look like one of us.
Don't know who he is.
Is he a trader or a guest?
Check and tell.
He looks like you
with his weird hairdo.
Folk artistes left at sun set.
Did any traveler
walk in at midnight?
Why are you all silent?
Did anyone see him at night?
Who were all sleeping
in the Assembly last night?
- I was sleeping there.
- Did you see him?
He came when I went
to relieve myself.
Who are you?
I am from the neighboring village
I am feeling a little unwell
I'll sleep here and go at day break
I asked him to sleep
and I also slept.
Such an elderly man,
how can you be so brainless?
You talk rules and
let a random stranger sleep
without enquiring about him?
One who walked in alive at midnight
has his throat slit at day break!
All of you were here
Whoever killed, own up!
Otherwise our village
will be blamed.
What do you mean?
Are we jobless to
slit strangers' throats?!
How can our chieftain
suspect his own people?
Will someone fall down suddenly
from the sky to slit his throat?
Whether he jumped from the sky
or the woods, it's not our knife!
Let's 1 st collect
details of the dead man.
From where?
Those who guard are the ones
fully equipped to know.
If they are unaware,
what can we do?
This won't do.
We'll spread the news
to all neighboring villages.
Instead of all this
search and research
let's cremate him.
She is right.
Why should we unnecessarily
drag trouble onto our shoulders?
Let's bury him and go.
How cruel can you be?!
Move aside.
What happened?
You are a gypsy-nomad
Can you identify him?
Have you seen him before?
I cannot recognize him.
But he has
fragrance of the forest.
Must be a wanderer
in the forest.
If you are not to blame, I request
you to inform all neighboring villages.
It's a life, that's lost.
Please show
some compassion.
Fate seems to have twisted
around us like a snake.
Can this dead man
testify our innocence?
Guardians of our village,
what's happened has happened.
Just spread the word around.
Chieftain, should we
tell Mathur also?
While we were guarding Mathur,
their men burnt our entire village.
Let's slaugher them.
There should be
no life in Mathur.
Let's raze them to the ground.
We should not spare them.
Kill them.
Evacuate both settlements and
become gypsies and nomads.
Between you both there's only
bad blood and bloodshed forever.
Announce to the entire kingdom that
both villages have been wiped out.
Go away.
Let bygones be bygones.
We'll call a truce.
We won't fight hereafter
and ask you to arbitrate.
shall we inform Mathur?
Tell them.
Elders of Vembur,
shall we tell them?
Go ahead.
- Mooka, what do you say?
- No other option.
Go in pairs.
Inform them at the earliest.
Does he belong to your village?
Are you from Kombai?
Chinna, did you
inform Mathur?
Wonder what will happen?
Sit down.
Why have Mathur people
sent this troublemaker?
As if a knife
from this village
could have slit
our man's throat?!
But my village elders don't agree
I'm here
Move aside.
You killed my brother-in-law.
Your brother-in-law?
We've never seen him before.
By the looks of his hair,
he seems to be a forest dweller.
How could you
have seen him?
Chinna, don't.
He's the last heir to Vallaangan
who ruled the forest.
You've destroyed that lineage.
Why are you getting angry?
Let us talk this over.
What use is your speech
when you've killed him?
I won't let you go.
He came at midnight,
to our Assembly
and he was found
dead in the morning.
How is that possible?
You must have lured him here,
connived a plot and killed him.
Now you are building
a story around your deed.
Run so swift that your feet
don't touch the ground, Maayi.
Inform our men guarding all 32 villages
that our Maayan has been killed.
Don't blame our village.
Look how he is twisting facts!
You'll re-start
our old feud again.
Listen to us elders
I'll make this village extinct.
There will only be bloodshed
Both villages will suffer
I can't forgive you
for killing my brother-in-law.
None of you will exist.
Hey! Try to stop him.
We'll all be destroyed.
We are all talking and
he walks away without respect.
What do we do now?
Chinna, if he returns
it will be a blood bath!
Go and call our king before that.
Veeranan, take all our women and children
to Thorana malai along with our cattle.
Go fast.
He won't let us live in peace.
Whatever is destined
to happen, let it happen.
- Wait... wait.
- I have to meet our king.
Both sides, stop fighting.
Listen to us.
Move aside.
Won't you listen?
You gave your word you won't fight
and now you are preparing for war!
Disperse and stop fighting
It's a royal decree.
Everytime this is how
we become the losers.
We need to resolve this
once for all.
Sit down.
Let's not leave
without a decision.
Greetings Maharaja!
For 5 generations, is this the way to
fight instead of bonding as brothers?!
Why are you silent?
How can I be quiet?
They have killed
my brother-in-law.
We'd have destroyed the village.
We are patient because we didn't
want to dishonor your words.
If we youngsters go to guard a village
and 1 man is found dead at midnight
how are we to blame?
Did you kill him 'cos he splashed
feces in your Assembly?
If we knew that
by now he'd be pecked to bits
on the altar stone by the crows.
We are not cowards to slit the throat
of a man, asleep in our Assembly.
Now come and kill me.
Stop it.
Why are you behaving
like this in front of me?
Is this how you pay
your respects to your King?
Sit down.
Only the relatives
of Thogaimayan, stand up.
Tell me your side, lady.
After 16 years of penance...
he was my only son
after 5 daughters.
Seeing him dead this way
my whole life is on fire!
My anger will be appeased
only when his death is avenged.
They killed my son.
As a mother naturally
you will be devastated.
Will this youngster
know good from bad?
You are instigating him?
Who killed him?
We ourselves are in the dark.
Our Vembur men would
have never done this.
He's found dead in your village.
If one of you didn't
then who killed him?
If only we knew
won't we tell you, Maharaja?
Your clan has to
accept the blame.
How can you be
so calm about it?
We have no choice but
to accept responsibility.
Our Goddess will protect us.
Will the dead man come alive
just because they own up?
We won't move
without shedding blood.
We agree to your
protocol, Maharaja.
Sit down.
For the men with sickles thirsting
for blood on a killing spree
will you listen to me?
- We will, Maharaja.
- We'll listen to you.
Whenever good or bad happens
in a village, to appease God's anger
it's normal to make a sacrifice.
Arjuna's son Aravan self sacrificed
for the Pandavas to win, in Mahabharatha.
Not only in our Puranas
but also as part of our tradition.
A sacrifice is made before
building temples, ponds, forts
or to pray for rain during famine.
We are well aware of the many
who have given up their lives.
Now we have to answer
for the mishap in 1 village.
Prevent calamity
in another village.
There's only 1 option.
Chinni Veerampatti must
sacrifice a youngster...
of the same age
as the dead man to Mathur.
What do you all say?
We agree to your decree, Maharaja.
What can we say?
For generations, it has been
our code of conduct to sacrifice.
What else can we do but agree?
Rather than fight a war
this is a good decision.
Select your sacrificial goat
I'll come after day break.
This village will never prosper.
The son I gave birth to...
Stop it.
Why are you lamenting
and sulking this way?
If Mathur men had invaded us
wouldn't 100s of us be dead?
This is better of the 2 choices
To give 1 life is minimal loss.
Beginning of our settlement
to dredge our lake.
Karuppan of East street
sacrificed his life.
My father's brother gave up his life
from south street to prevent cholera.
Now it's the turn of those who live
in the street near our Assembly.
Youngsters who live here
please come forward.
White stone.
Our Goddess has chosen pebble.
Chinna is the committed one
for the human sacrifice.
My son!
Sacrificing your life for our clan
you become God for us, Chinna.
You'll merge as God
with our ancestors
3 sei land near the lake
2 gundu 'dry land'
in Chozhiampottala
I bequeath to Chinna
as sacrificial compensation.
Hey! Mathur man,
come here.
Salutations, Maharaja.
There are 30 knots here.
Tie this in your village Assembly
Untie a knot per day at dawn break.
Assemble, when the 30th knot is untied
at Chokkampaarai for the sacrifice.
Naagamalai hill
has toppled down
Green plant is a wilted tree
Fate has doomed its decree
Oracle of the sacrificing stone
has claimed a young life forlorn
Fate... karma... destiny
Why did my sun all of a sudden
submerge in darkness?
Why did my moon quickly
collapse in helplessness?
A light without fear or tears
beyond spears and years
He questioned his destiny
to the author of this story
He is Aravaan
Neither sky earmarks
nor our earth asks
Neither sun stakes a claim
nor rain does the same
Wind doesn't demand
God doesn't command
But man justifies
human sacrifice!
Birds don't persist
Beasts don't insist
Snakes don't enforce
Lizards don't coerce
Dogs don't compel
Ghosts don't raise hell
Only man certifies
human sacrifice!
He is heir to Naga dynasty
None can equal his integrity
He aimed the arrow
back at his own eyebrow!
He is Aravaan
He is Son of Arjuna
He is Aravaan
Son of Ulipi
He is Aravaan
He sacrificed his life
He is Aravaan
He faced great strife
ls this journey of death
too far a distance then?
Is the impending pain
too much of a burden?
When it's time for my life to choke
will it rise as a wisp of smoke?
After this life leaves the body
will enmity be less bloody?
World without love
that's true
Hell without any virtue
ls this body with all its desire
just funeral wood on the pyre
Disease did not ask
Fire did not do its task
None of the village deities
dictate such a practice
Not ordained by God Shiva
Nor by Lord of death, Yama
This crusade
is man-made!
My breath, he is branding
My pulse, he is demanding
Tale of his death and turmoil
is seed sown into our soil
Aravaan who is immortal
can fire extinguish at all?
In land, wind and water
he'll live ever after
He is Aravaan
Son of a Pandava prince
He is Aravan
Son of a Naga princess
Lord Krishna
Son of Nandha
Smeared with butter, all over
Giver of salvation, forever
Have you seen my Lord
Nandha's son, our God?
Like rain clouds of midnight hue
Lord Krishna is a glorious blue
King who sweetens
love so true
Have you seen my Lord
Nandha's son, our God?
To cold rain and sleet
he radiates heat
When tender hands embrace
He is epitome of love and grace
To the bed of bosom so warm
He springs in fresh aqua form
To the bed of bosom so warm
He springs in fresh aqua form
With the drum He unites
His flute to magical heights
Have you seen my Lord
Nandha's son, our God?
All I'm asking is
1 mouthful of hooch.
Elected Godhead!
Come home for a feast tonight
I'll also come
Cook for me too, sister-in-law.
Godhead's partner, huh?
Come, brother-in-law.
How is she your sister-in-law?
How did he become
your brother-in-law?
You are my relative
I am not related to you
I am your enemy.
You agree to cook for him
He accepts your dinner invitation.
We don't have horsegram or hay
whatever horses and donkeys eat.
Come, let's go.
Why are you both
interacting in sign language?
Only if I tonsure your head in public
will they all stop running after you!
Even if I'm patient 'cos of your sister
I can't cope with your romping spree!
Who killed the man
asleep in the Assembly?
What are you implying?
Ours is the biggest
patrolling community.
How can an outsider
come here and kill him?!
- Then?
Are you suspecting
someone in our own clan?
There's a Damocles sword
over my head!
It will slit my throat very soon.
Don't worry
Let's investigate.
Why are you pestering me?
Are you suspecting me?
No, I need to know
why my head is to be guillotined
I have told all that I remember
What more can I say?
Tell us what happened
all over again.
Who are you?
I am from the neighboring village
I am feeling a little unwell
I'll sleep here and go at day break.
Was anyone else
asleep in the Assembly?
Where are you from?
Will you play host
and buy me hooch?
Just roll over and sleep.
Move over a little higher
You'll get bitten by insects.
Then if you die
we'll get blamed!
Snake will die, not me!
I've tackled King cobras
and Bronzeback tree snakes
I'm fine
So go to sleep.
Okay 'Snake king'
Don't shake your leg
I won't be able to sleep.
Don't know if Mosakaadhan
said it playfully or purposely.
At day break
he was dead.
Mosakaadhan was missing.
It wasn't me.
Tell me the truth.
Don't push me.
Don't kill me.
Otherwise your skull
will shatter to pieces
I didn't kill.
Tell me now
I don't know
I swear I didn't
I said it casually that I hope
you don't get bitten by a snake
I didn't know it would
really happen, I swear.
Push him.
Don't push me.
Why did you wake up
in the middle of the night?
My sister-in-law had
come for the harvest.
He'll vouch for this
because he keeps following her!
Since she's at home, my wife doesn't
let me get anywhere close to her.
So that night my wife
sent her to Kodikapatti.
She called me in
to sleep with her.
That's why I got up
and went away.
This is what happened
Come and verify if you want.
Trust me
I swear I didn't kill him.
You are here like the men
of Mathur demanding a sacrifice.
Did I bring up my daughter
to see her as a widow in 10 days?
Don't you have daughters?
Why not choose them?
Don't hurt us
with such harsh words.
Soothsayer's tears will
wipe out our village.
It was your daughter
who asked Ochchayi to come.
That's why we are here.
Forget it
if you are against it.
Knowing he'll die, how can I
get you married to him?
I won't marry Chinna.
Show me a man who won't die
I'll marry him, father.
Who won't die?
Chinna knows the date
That's the only difference.
You are talking with temerity
because we don't
know the day we'll die
30th day
before you die
on the altar stone
l'll immolate myself
at Chellathamman temple
I swear on the Goddess
we pray to.
If you agree to this wedding,
I'll beget a child
and be a good mother life long.
Or else I'll commit Sati.
At least try to feel shy!
You got what you wanted!
Tie this sacred thread
around her neck, Chinna.
Ladies rejoice
with your chorus.
- Mother-in-law.
- My dearest, welcome home.
My precious!
You got your way
by being stubborn.
My dearest.
Shall I get pregnant
right away?!!
You are too much!
Okay... why are you here?
I've asked our neighbor
to give you a place to sleep.
Or go to our Assembly and sleep.
Take her with you.
How smart!
You are a real survivor.
After all I am your
I've sent your mother
to Mayil thaayi's house.
So... then...
Let's not go into Mathur
Listen to me.
Shut up.
Promising me hooch
you brought me into Mathur.
There are only
trouble-makers here.
Sharpen your sickle.
Head of Chinni Veerampatti resident
should roll in one swish of the blade!
Just follow me.
Who's that with his
head covered?
Your Mathur friends
are following us!!!
All thanks to you!
Get in.
Hide here.
Who are you?
From outside, grandma.
We came to condole a death.
She's alive!
Where have they disappeared?
They resembled
Chinni Veerampatti men.
Which is Thogaimayan's house?
- Who are you?
- We've come for condolence.
Where are you off to?
You do your condolence act
I'm heading back home.
Random strangers are chasing us.
Go and get caught!
My brother.
Someone's come
for condolence, mother.
Come in.
After years of prayers
I gave birth to him.
God knows which female
cast her spell on him!
Which village are you from?
Were you my son's friend?
Chinni Veerampatti.
You killed my son.
Will your clan prosper?
May you suffer and die.
Your people killed my son
am the sacrificial
scapegoat for your son.
Kill me.
Just kill me.
What if I die
in 30 days or 3 days?
Kill me right now.
But one thing is definite
This murder is not a village feud.
What are you saying?
Aware of our village feud
how did he come to sleep there?
Mathur man has spotted us.
Veera, Chinna
run for your lives.
Did your son have enemies?
Run... run
I told you I won't come.
Now you are making me
run on stones and thorns!
Will you both prosper?
Let's run for our lives
I'll tackle you
at the altar stone.
- You brought me here.
- Bro... wait.
- You are the reason.
- What did I do?
Don't hit me
I was happy with my wife
Don't hit me.
Come... don't stand there.
Come... don't wait.
Mathur man is sending
a decoy to trick us.
Don't go
I feel there's something wrong.
Keep quiet.
She'll slice you with a sickle.
My brother was a good man.
Did he ever fight with anyone?
he fought with the folk artistes
who came to our village.
Otherwise my brother
never got into trouble.
They've got caught.
Folk artistes came at twilight.
After they left I came
back from the Assembly.
That boy must have followed them.
They must have fought and
one of them has killed him.
Killer must be somewhere here.
Let's hunt for him
I can't keep pace with you.
You devils! Why are you
making me run again?
Sound of
hourglass drum.
- Folk artistes.
- Let's go.
Why did you kill
Mayan from Mathur?
Is he dead?!
I'll kill you.
Try killing me, old man!
Knowing this would backfire
I packed up my show in Mathur.
We went to
Chinni Veerampatti.
Somehow this fellow
followed my daughter there.
In solitude...
You keep following us?
Father! Don't!!
A strand of tiger's whisker.
If I pierce your eye with it
your cranial nerves
will shatter to shreds.
Father! Let go of him.
Remember, if you follow us
you'll be a dead corpse.
And that very same night
we left Chinni Veerampatti.
You are lying to me.
You are the killer.
We worship Fire
If I lie, I'll be burnt.
Then swear you didn't.
We are bound
by our word.
It is our gospel.
Why are you sitting here
at this time of the night?
Come, let's go home
I've prepared a gourmet meal for you
Fried quail, sandgrouse and wildcat.
Let's have a feast.
Come, my dear.
Get lost
I've made your
favorite fish curry.
Can't you take 'NO'
for an answer?!
All you can think of is
satisfying your hunger!
Go away.
What did you say?
I'm asking you
to sleep with me?!
Of course I am!
Will I be living in wedded bliss
with you for a 100 years?!!
In 2 weeks I'll be a widow
I won't have this
sacred thread around my neck!
I fought with my father
to marry you... why?
The few days
that remain for us...
I wish to have your head
resting on my chest in happiness
I deserve this
and even more.
Get lost.
Forgive me
I should not have
spoken like that to you
I am sorry.
Go away.
Please forgive me
I want to live
100 years with you
I don't want
to be slaughtered
I won't go.
I plan to kill you
Showering kisses on you
I plan to kill you, my beau!
Covering you in my sari
sharing our love-story
Sprinkling kisses on you
I plan to kill you, my beau!
Like the sun's glance
caresses the moon
Like the sun's glance
caresses the moon
You and me
just one look
Me and you
just one look
... just one look
too soon
Ten sons will be our fortune
I plan to kill you
Showering kisses on you
I plan to kill you, my beau!
Covering you in my sari
sharing our love-story
Sprinkling kisses on you
I plan to kill you, my beau!
I don't want food nor water
Just thoughts of you hereafter
ln this birth it's ample
if we are a couple
I don't need riches to multiply
Just murderess Paechi will do!
Even when I die
my eyes will seek you
When the sea
drowns our homeland
... only our love
will forever stand
When the sword
of destiny kills me
... our love will
live on, eternally
ln the woods,
you and me
ln the woods, you and me
let us together become we
All it takes from us, just one look
10 sons I'll beget by hook or crook!
I plan to kill you
I plan to kill you
Showering kisses on you
I plan to kill you, my beau!
Like the sun's glance
caresses the moon
Like the sun's glance
caresses the moon
You and me
just one look
Me and you
just one look
... just one look
too soon
Ten sons will be our fortune
Speed up.
We have to reach our village
before day break, drive fast.
Today is the 29th day.
Tomorrow this time my head
will be rolling on Chokkam paarai.
This is the hip chain
of Raja of Madurai
I waited, planned, plotted
and bit it off his waist!!
Antique and precious.
It has seen 30 hips.
Look at the fox tooth pendent.
Tooth of an one eyed fox.
It is exclusive
to the king's harem.
How much will you give?
Silver won't fetch that much.
Maybe 2 kOttai ragi.
Why did you grab it from me?
You don't know the value
of this hip chain
2 days later I'll sell it
in Madurai, I'll get this much
I'll give you 10 more goats as bonus
I don't want your goat
or its droppings.
Let him go.
Goat or its crap balls!
Chinna, save me.
Get lost
I'll smash and
disfigure your face.
Who are they?
Thank God you came
to my rescue, Chinna.
Otherwise I'd have
lost all my silver!
I meant sickle for
harvesting my crops!
- Nothing in my hands.
- What did you hide there?
I told you,
it's nothing.
Remember when 'Snake king'
slept in our Assembly.
And his throat was slit.
He was clutching this
in his hand and I took it.
But that day
you denied it
I said it then
I wanted this. So I didn't tell
I remember very well
3rd day after I attained puberty
he raped me despite my cries.
The man who pushed me
into this profession
I'll never forget him.
Chinna, you are our guardian and
you are creeping in like a thief!
Was the sacrificial
tribute not enough?
You want more?
Or anything else?
I was wondering
where I'd misplaced it.
Why did you
kill Thogaimayan?
You killed him and offered me
sacrificial tribute as compensation?!
Maharaja, weren't you worried,
you didn't have any heir?
God has been kind.
Youngest queen is pregnant.
Bigeminal pulse beat
Most likely to be a son.
Abort it.
What are you saying?
- Terminate the pregnancy.
- Raja?!
Midwife, you go
I'll talk to the king.
Not even your little finger
has touched me.
Are you wondering
how I am pregnant?
You killed the man
who loved me.
You killed my father
and destroyed my clan.
You kidnapped me.
For your Yali dynasty to continue.
You made my people your slaves.
After you, your kingdom
will be ruled by a slave-heir!
What's inside
is not a 'Yali'
Must be a fox,
wild boar or tom cat?!
Would you like to listen?
You don't have to kill
only by slaying.
You can do the same
by sowing a seed!
Who is the culprit?
Man from Mathur
who came to sell perfume.
Hmmmm... what an aroma.
Even God of passion, Kamadeva's
flower lacks this fragrance.
If you rub this, everyone will
fall into your lap willingly!
I didn't say this.
You asked me to
take him to our Queen.
Our queen liked the perfume
and also the perfume seller!
I found out that he was watching
the show in Chinni Veerampatti
I wanted to kill him
with my bare hands.
Why should I be
victim for your crime?
Come and own up
in our Assembly.
Goats and hens
may be given for sacrifice.
How can a Yali dynasty
king be sacrificed?
I should have killed you
for seeing my hip chain.
How will I let you go
after you know the whole truth?!
We can't find Chinna
He isn't at home.
What are you saying?
Go see in his
relatives' house.
Search properly
I searched everywhere
I can't find him.
He's nowhere to be found.
All of you stop shouting.
Where's your son?
I swear I don't know
He didn't come home last night.
Where's your husband?
I swear I don't know.
What do we tell
the Mathur men?
Don't know
Go away.
He has hidden him somewhere.
- Tell us where.
- Get lost.
Don't make up any story
Tell us where he is.
Where's the sacrificial lamb?
Forgive us.
He was here till yesterday
We can't find him today.
Give us 2 days grace time.
Hang yourself to death.
Butcher them to bits.
Let 100 heads roll.
Move aside.
Let's hear what this
village elder has to say.
Did I agree to a single sacrifice
for you to kill 100s of us?
We'll offer you
another life instead!
One man was marked
Another takes the blame, huh?!
Let the entire village
fall at my feet.
Those 4 other boys line up.
Veeranan is the chosen one.
Chinna isn't a coward.
He's a brave man
He will come back
I am proud to give my life
for such a great protector.
You can't escape
from me now.
Do you think
you can catch me?
God of the Yali lineage!
Take me with you
Water to water!
Chinna has avenged
this whole village.
Everyone, even a toddler,
has the liberty to kill him.
Veeranan's son
Aangan has the 1 st right.
Hunt for him
in all 8 directions.
Only when we kill him
will our village rest in peace!
You will recover in 4 months time
Don't worry, we will take care
No one will believe this truth.
Go and hide
somewhere safe.
As long as you are alive
that's enough for me.
Ochchayi's son is not a coward
I'll surrender
and be sacrificed.
At least before you die
see your child's face.
You want to sacrifice your life
then, surrender now.
If you want to see your child
come back after 10 years.
Our custom is such, if you come back
after 10 years, people will forgive you.
Till then live in hiding.
You have no death
unless you blurt out the truth
I'm not a soothsayer now.
It's a father's plea, who can't bear
to see his daughter as a widow.
Go where no one will spot you.
Why are you falling
at my son's feet?
Stop him.
They are trying to get away with
our 'sacrificial lamb' who escaped.
Who are you?
Why are you blocking our way?
We are sentinels
of Chinni Veerampatti.
So what?
Give back what rightfully
belongs to us.
We don't have the habit
of returning what we steal!
Drive away.
If you don't, we'll send back
all your women...
who have settled
by marriage in our village.
You think that will
scare me off?!
We'll over turn your cart.
Chinna, get down from there.
Let's see what their problem is
after so much has happened.
- Chinna, get down.
- Bro, let me go.
I don't want this
life of a fugitive.
Listen to me.
No, I'll go, bro.
Let go.
Don't go.
You could have waited 1 more year.
How could you
get caught now?
I didn't run away fearing death
I went in search of evidence.
Only truth exists.
There's no proof
I am responsible
for your present state.
Forgive me.
Move on...
You waited for 9 years
Why didn't you wait for 1 year?
Like how everyone's saying
why didn't you wait 1 more year?
The next bull
would have killed you.
You wouldn't have been alive.
Glory of Vembur would
have gone with the wind!
My father's birth-place
is dying to sacrifice me.
With the satisfaction of saving
the dignity of my mother's birth-place.
I stumble to my death.
Come close to me
I am your father.
My son, bro.
Make him a good sentinel.
You are handing him
over to this thief!
From theft is born protection!
Entire Vembur should let go
of their thieving stick
and start holding
the guarding staff, brother!
From the fort of Madurai
to the shores of Thondi.
Vembur's protection
should be their mainstay!
Call Veeranan's son Aangan.
Aangan, come here.
Kill the one
who killed your father.
How are you?
Will you become a sentinel?
He killed your father.
Guillotine him.
Don't stain your hand killing me.
Untie me.
End of 18th century
British abolished human sacrifice
Even now human sacrifice exists
in 83 countries as death penalty
Let us abolish corporal punishment
- Pidari uncle.
- What?
Those who went for guarding
haven't returned as yet.
See yonder.
Across the cacti plants.
Are they back
to the fold? Good!