Arbitrage (2012)

But you took a huge bet
on the housing crisis
in the middle of the biggest boom
in housing
anybody has ever seen. Why?
I'm a child of the '50s.
My father welded steel for the Navy
and my mother worked at the v.A.
They lived through the Depression,
Pearl Harbor, and the bomb.
They didn't think that bad things
might happen.
They knew that bad things would happen.
Is that what's happening now?
When I was a kid, my favorite
teacher was Mr. James.
Mr. James said world events all
revolve around five things.
M, O, N, E, Y.
This is freshman econ?
No, it was a fifth grade econ.
But this is something we've seen
over and over again.
Time and time again.
The competition for this limited
amount of dollars out there
can make the best of us manic.
So it's not surprising that we have
these asset bubbles.
But when reality sets in, of course,
they burst.
As worries over the pace of
economic growth here at home
and geopolitical turmoil weighed
on the broad averages.
Commodities continued a historic
run-up in price.
Take a look at the dramatic move
in copper prices, for example.
As that once quiet market has
become a hotbed of activity.
You're disappointed.
Derivative structures?
What was that about?
It makes no sense.
That's what you said last time.
Why'd we go down there?
- To sign.
- To sign?
- Did we sign?
- No.
No, we did not.
Instead, I flew 2,000 miles
for a marketing meeting.
Where was Mayfield?
What's this emergency?
What was that about?
You speak to the auditors?
What if we don't sign this week?
See you, bye.
Look who's here!
Wait a minute! How'd you know
I had something there?
No fighting! No fighting!
- We had to start. The kids were starving.
- That's okay.
Dad, it's your birthday.
You're spoiling them rotten.
It's my job! You guys turned out fine.
- How you doing, Son?
- How'd it go?
Where's my drink? This is mine here?
Happy birthday!
Hey, kids? Come on.
I need some help. I can't do this by myself.
First of all you've got to make a wish.
Make a really good wish.
Can you help me out?
Wish and then we go on three.
What are you going to wish for?
Two. Three.
- Speech. Speech.
- Thank you. Thank you, thank you.
Thank you all very much.
It was such a surprise.
I didn't even know it was my birthday.
What did Mark Twain say about that?
He said, "Old age
is clearly a case of mind over matter."
"If you don't mind it doesn't matter."
I've done a lot of things in my life.
I've worked very hard.
But being here, looking around
at all these shining, radiant faces.
I know that my best work is right here.
In this room right now.
I'm deeply proud of all of you.
And that's the best gift your mom
and I could ever hope for. So thank you...
And to have sold the company
to Standard this morning.
Yes, that's true.
But no business tonight. No business.
Although your one-pointed mind
assures me that you have
not only your mom's genes,
you've got mine, too.
I know it's very uncharacteristic of me,
but I just want you to know
that it's probably taken these 6O years
for me to really understand
what's truly important. And that's you guys.
So, I love you all very much.
I'm not gonna lie.
I'll take a big piece.
You can wait.
You can wait a little while longer.
I just don't know about me as a mom.
No, no, no. You should have.
I want more kids. Everywhere.
I want more yous around.
It's all about you, isn't it? Four and 19.
All right.
So, what was that all about?
The last time you gave a speech like that
we lost the bid to Firestone.
I don't know. I just wanted it to be
about the family tonight.
Did you see this?
You know how I feel about that. Trashcan.
Peter has a copy pinned up
in the conference room.
You gonna keep skirting around it?
Why sell our company?
We make a great return.
We give money to the causes we believe in
that we know are important.
We love what we do.
My darling, you are still in your 20s. Lam 60.
That is a huge difference of point of view.
You are not old.
Last year was our best year.
It catches up, all right?
And maybe there are
some other things I'd like to do.
Maybe I would like to
spend a little more time with you guys.
Outside the office.
I'm just trying to imagine what we would do.
Where are you going?
The office.
Yeah. I've got to finish up that thing.
I haven't given you
your birthday present yet.
I'll come back as soon as I can.
Just keep it.
Yeah, Gavin. It's me. When you get this
could you call Chris Vogler at Fremaut?
Tell him that I need to talk to him
right away. Thanks.
What's wrong?
The same.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm late.
I'm always late. You know that. I'm sorry.
And I'm always saying I'm sorry, but...
it doesn't mean I wouldn't rather
be here with you.
The show's going to be beautiful.
You gonna be there?
I will be there.
That's great.
I made this for you.
You made this?
This is amazing.
One candle. Thank you very much.
I want you.
He's waiting.
Thank you, Diane.
I'm here.
Guess what's not?
Jeffrey, I told you. I'm working on it...
You're working on it? Yeah.
I'm working on it.
While you're doing that
let me tell you what's not working.
What's not working is my $412 million
that's sitting in your accounts
so you can pass your audit.
The $412 million you needed,
you said for two weeks.
And which has been languishing now
for 32 days
while it could be elsewhere invested
earning an actual return
instead of couching this absurd lie
that you're spinning.
What do you want me to say?
That you're gonna get a signature
from Mayfield
and that my hostage money and my fee
are gonna be sent to me promptly,
say, by tomorrow?
I'm solving the problem.
I'm gonna get your money. And your fee.
You will have it very shortly.
As soon as they sign the fucking contract!
I'm not the one with the liability.
I just made a loan.
You're looking at 1,000 years' jail time
- for fraudulent conveyance...
- Stop it!
You don't have to talk to me like that, Jeff.
I didn't get you into this mess!
Remember when you were asking me...
You were a friend of mine...
is it a good idea to convert half your liquid
assets into a fucking copper mine?
What did I tell you?
Are we done? I think we're done here.
Friday morning I take my money back.
You can't do that.
The fuck I can't!
It's in an escrow bill with a one day...
I need that money in there
until they sign, Jeffrey!
What if they check again?
What am I supposed to do?
It's not my problem, is it?
Not your fucking problem.
Let's go.
Especially Russia,
where fears of further nationalization
appear to be scaring away
international investors.
The Dow off to a strong start
this morning on a bevy of news
firmly pointing to an economy
picking up steam.
7:30 this evening, the Four Seasons.
We'll get it straight with Mayfield then.
Good. Very good.
Is this too blue?
That's the third one you've tried on.
Will you just relax? It looks fabulous.
What's going on?
I look old.
You look regal.
And wise.
And, granted, a little worried.
What is going on?
Are you afraid of this meeting?
They haven't signed the papers.
I thought that's why you went down there.
So did I.
For some reason they're stalling.
And I didn't sleep on the plane.
It's all going to be fine.
It always is. Just follow the plan.
And what is that plan?
Confidence equals contract.
You sound like a fortune cookie.
They are your words, actually.
- Then you married an idiot.
- Okay.
But I was thinking, idiot,
that maybe after the deal is done
which it definitely will be,
maybe we could just take off.
What do you say? Let's have an adventure.
Pete's in the best place he's ever been.
- Your daughter, as always, is brilliant.
- Yeah.
Right? So, I wanna have some fun.
I wanna have fun with you.
Let's go to Rovella. The house there.
We haven't been there forever.
I haven't had time.
Well, you have to make time.
We could take a year.
Let's take a year and get fat and
have fun and go on an adventure.
I mean seriously.
How much money do we need?
Do you want to be
the richest guy in the cemetery?
I don't want to be in the cemetery.
By the way, Mary called
from St. Victor's Hospital again.
- She hasn't gotten the check.
- Yeah, I'm taking care of it.
The gala is Friday. Should I be
selling my ring? What's going on?
I've had to move
a lot of things around for this merger.
It hasn't been easy. It's very complicated.
It's only two million.
- Only two million?
- Yeah.
- You remember Riccio's?
- Yeah.
Full meals, two bucks.
All you can eat, three bucks.
I do remember.
But I do not remember
you being this sentimental
unless you're trying to change the subject.
I don't know what you're talking about.
How are you? Good evening, Mr. Miller.
Nice to see you.
Your table has been waiting.
And your guests are here.
Enjoy your dinner.
- Where the hell is Mayfield?
- I don't know.
- Mr. Miller.
- Thank you so much for coming.
Good to see you again.
We were just getting acquainted
with Peter and Brooke here.
I hope they didn't beat you up too much.
No, they've been terrific.
Dad, we've been talking about operations.
Tim thinks once we consolidate
we can save about 50%
on our back office costs.
Yeah. I'd like to hear more about that, but...
I had thought that Mr. Mayfield
planned to meet us here tonight.
Yeah. Jim should be here
in about 2O minutes.
So he suggested
that we get right into details.
I was just saying to Brooke
now that we can market
your quants' track records
we have access to a host of new capital.
And we've got something very special.
Something we're thrilled about.
New capital is exciting.
And that's why we're here.
Talk to us a bit about oversight.
I mean, obviously,
we've been very successful
with what we do because...
We feel passionate about it.
We hope that it spreads across the...
Thank you.
Assuming we shed debt
through some small liquidations,
we're looking at a significant uptick
in our R.O.l.
I don't want to pin a number on it,
but significant.
I'm sorry, gentlemen. We've been here
almost two hours now.
Where is Mr. Mayfield?
He just texted me.
He's very sorry, but he's been detained.
I think I can trust you with my family.
- Mr. Miller, again, it was a privilege.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This is the bullshit way
you try to close a deal?
Would you like some... Have some port?
Dad. Did you get my message?
No. What's up?
We need to sit down.
- What is it?
- I can't talk about it here.
I found some strange entries
in the Old Hill books.
What kind of entries?
I don't know yet.
But something's definitely off.
All right. All right.
Come by around 11:00 tomorrow.
We'll look at it then.
And Brooke?
See if you can find out what
happened with Mayfield, all right?
Excuse me. Thanks.
- Good evening, Mr. Miller.
- Hey.
So how are they doing?
Great! Everyone loves them.
How are they doing?
Where's Julie?
- She's in the back.
- Thanks.
I see you've met already. Victor Rodriguez.
Isn't it amazing?
This is Robert Miller,
one of our collectors.
- This is Alex Stanton.
- Alex.
And their daughter Ava.
She's a talented young artist.
Really? A painter?
Drawing? That's great.
So, I like the size of the paintings.
I want to talk to you about them in a second.
Why are you doing this?
Go away.
Emma, let me see the list.
I will take these two.
And what's the Rubik's Cube
on the back wall?
Number seven.
All right, great. Don't tell her it was me.
No problem.
- I mean it.
- You got it.
Excuse me.
Who is this?
It's me.
What do you want?
I'm here.
I'm in your bedroom.
Came in the back.
Can you get those people out of here?
Are you serious?
Look at your bedroom door. You see me?
Yeah, I see you.
I'm serious.
Excuse me, guys.
You know? I'm so sorry! I know! I know!
You just come in and out
whenever you want?
I thought we should talk.
One damn night in a month!
I told you it was important to me!
I was working. Do you understand that?
I have obligations!
I'm under a lot of pressure right now!
I don't want to hear about your obligations!
If you cared you would have been there.
I was there! I was there! I was late,
but I was there! And I'm here now.
You're here when it's convenient
for you to be here.
Love means you fucking show up.
So FFY...
Why did you buy those paintings?
'Cause I liked them.
Okay. Thank you for helping me
to get started.
But if I'm going to fail, then let me fail!
Julie, you won't fail. Why would you fail?
You know,
I'm not the kind of guy
that wants to throw money away.
You want to start a business,
you have to project a certain image.
What image?
The market's a disaster right now.
For everybody. No one is moving anything.
So, that's why you've got to show sales.
People look at you then and they say,
"Wow. How did she do that?"
And that's what they remember always.
You're never gonna leave her.
Come away with me.
Let's take your car and go.
The place upstate.
Beautiful on the water.
We could wake up there together.
Just you and me.
I'd like that.
Me, too.
Julie? Julie?
Yes. I want to make a collect.
Your name, sir?
Lawrence Grant.
Who the fuck is this?
Jimmy? It's me.
I want you to listen to me very, very closely.
Vehicle is a 1978 brown Mercedes
registered to a Julie Cte.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
Catching Detective wants
us to rule before he calls it.
We've been having
the same fucking argument for 20 years.
They can't handle one drunk
motorist kills herself?
You know what? I'm not so sure about this.
Look, the car rolled into multiple impacts.
But she was here.
And her feet were down here.
So who kicked out the door?
Let's go.
You want to tell me what this is?
Better you don't ask.
So all you saying is
you need a ride somewhere?
That's correct.
'Cause I want to be very clear
about this, all right?
You called me up for a ride,
I showed up. I gave you a ride.
No, you didn't. We're not here.
Then where the fuck are we?
We're both asleep right now at home.
Which is where you left your phone, right?
Yeah, 'cause if anyone checks...
Why is anybody gonna check?
Well, they're not.
As long as we're not here.
Anybody know you're here?
Somebody knows you're here?
Somebody knows you're not there?
My girl. But...
Jimmy! Jesus!
You call me up at 2:00 a.m.!
What the fuck you want?
- I fucking told you.
- She asked me where I was going! All right?
What did you say?
I told her I had to run out a minute.
You trust her?
Is this the kind of shit
you used to do to my dad?
- Do you trust her?
- Yes, I fucking trust her! All right?
All right, good. Good.
You're at home. I'm at home.
My wife gets up at 5:00 a.m. for Pilates.
I'll be there next to her. That's
where I've been all night long.
You do the same with yours.
I don't know, man.
This is some pretty fucked up shit.
Jimmy, just fucking do it.
Don't think about it.
No! Fuck that, man!
I don't hear from you
since the fucking funeral.
You call me up out of the blue
using my father's name?
You want money? Is that what you want?
I will give you money!
I will give you 5,000... I'll give you 10,000!
You want to talk to me like this,
you can get the fuck out of my car!
And you can walk. You want that?
You wanna fucking walk home?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm not myself right now.
You came and you picked me up.
I need your help. You helped me.
I need your help.
I'm sorry.
You all right?
Jesus, man!
What the fuck happened to you?
We gotta get you to a hospital right now.
No, I just got to get home.
Robert, it looks like
you're bleeding inside, man.
I'll deal with it in a couple of hours.
What if you don't make it a couple hours?
Then I don't make it.
Call me, all right?
Let me know everything is okay.
It's best we don't talk for a while.
Hey, yo!
So that's it?
You get in a bind and just call
the only nigger you know?
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
Go on home.
- Yeah. All right.
- Go.
You take care of that.
Everything okay, sir?
No, I'm fine, Glen. Go back to bed.
Where did you go?
- What?
- I woke up and you weren't here.
I just went to get some ice cream.
Was it good?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Don't forget to take
your Lipitor in the morning.
You still love me?
Of course I do.
the situation you're describing
would be involuntary manslaughter.
That such a person...
Would be in a lot of trouble.
Especially if that person were closing
a merger with a large public bank
where any publicity or arrest
could delay or derail the transaction.
But that's only if there were some evidence
that could link him to the crime.
Fingerprints. DNA?
Very hard to collect after an explosion.
Real world's different from television.
What about cell phone records?
Did this person make any calls
from the area?
Not from the cell phone. No.
Then they won't be able to place him there.
What would you advise
such a person to do?
To confess immediately.
Failing which?
To put as much distance between himself
and the event as possible.
If possible.
But let me tell you something.
And I'm speaking to you as a friend now.
There's about 50 things
that person wouldn't have thought of.
And the more time that passes,
the more lies that are told.
The worse it gets for him.
They're going to come to you.
I know.
And the accident is not the worst trouble.
If we talk to them now
we can probably work it out.
Now you tell me what happens
when the Standard deal does not close.
I've got to tell my investors
about our real losses.
Nothing good.
What did you say
about the Justice Department?
Depending on what they decide
to arrest me on?
Fraud conviction gets me 20 years?
I did.
What choice do I really have?
Now, you're aware Congress plans
to extend the audit requirements
for private funds.
Of course I am aware.
I gave testimony to the committee.
You know this.
I know. But anyway,
Standard wants to prepare for it now
so I was asked to go through
every one of your trading books
and reconfirm the assets.
No. Absolutely not. It's impossible.
Don't worry.
I gave different books to the team
and I kept Old Hill for myself.
Anyway, I'm here to tell you I cleared it.
The audit's cleared?
The report will be issued today.
Actually, I'm calling it my swan song.
You're leaving?
Yeah. On Friday.
You know, it's a five-year clock.
And why?
To prevent exactly what we're doing.
But honestly, there is nothing
left to worry about. It's great.
Get out.
- What?
- How was it?
- What?
- The show.
What the fuck are you talking about?
The show. Julie's show.
Yeah, it was fine.
Mayfield's here.
He's here? Where?
Sherry Netherland.
He checked in about an hour ago.
He called?
No. Brooke has a friend
on the executive committee
who said he's taking meetings in his room.
I don't know. Maybe he's settling in.
You think we're
dealing with a fucking idiot?
I spoke to legal.
They said that Standard will sign
once they get the audit report.
Yeah. It's being issued now.
How do you know that?
Never mind that.
Just find out why Mayfield hasn't called us.
How am I supposed to...
Do I have to do every
goddamn thing myself?
Just find out! Will you? Please?
Thank you!
I really can't reconcile this.
Reconcile what?
The Old Hill Fund.
Dad? Are you listening to me?
Of course I'm listening.
Okay. Those trades are in a special book.
They don't get audited here
on the same balance sheets.
Right, but look at this sheet.
There's a $400 million hole here.
That can't be right.
- Hey.
- May I help you?
Detective Bryer.
I was hoping to see Mr. Miller.
Is he expecting you?
I really have no idea what's going on.
But the way that this sheet reads,
half of the fund's assets are missing.
That's ridiculous. It can't be right.
It's ridiculous, and yet, that's what...
Okay, look. I'll look into this.
I promise you. I'll look into this.
There's a Detective Bryer here to see you.
Give me a minute and then send him in.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
Everything okay?
Yeah. It's just my next meeting
came here early, that's all.
We're gonna have to pick this up later.
Mom is looking for the hospital check.
Brooke, we'll pick it up later.
Detective Bryer? Hi, I'm Cindy,
Mr. Miller's personal assistant.
Right this way.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
You can sit there.
We just heard about it. Really terrible.
So you were an investor in the gallery?
- Correct.
- How did you meet her?
I think it was a charity function.
My wife and I have a foundation.
And when did you last see her?
Last night. At the gallery.
You stay till the doors closed?
No. I...
I was only there a couple of minutes.
I think I left around 10:00.
Where'd you go?
- You go straight home?
- Yeah.
- You stayed home?
- Yeah.
Your wife home?
Okay. So now back to the gallery.
Did you see her with anyone?
See her with? What do you mean?
Like a boyfriend.
Someone she might have left with?
Not that I noticed. No.
The reason I ask
is we haven't located the driver.
- The driver?
- Yeah, the driver.
Someone else was driving.
Sometimes the driver will go for help
and he'll die trying.
This is awful. This is truly awful.
We're searching the area right now.
So, no boyfriend?
That you know of.
Actually, we didn't talk
about personal matters.
She was just an employee, right?
Well, not an employee. I was an investor.
Why'd you invest?
Why did I invest?
Why'd you invest?
She had a great eye.
Actually, she found me
these Brice Mardens here.
They went up in value very quickly.
And it was on the basis of that
that I agreed to fund some of the gallery.
You mind if we search her apartment?
Why would I mind?
It's in your company's name, so.
Right. Yeah. Of course.
Sure. Yeah, go ahead.
Now, Mr. Miller.
Why would you lease an apartment
for Miss Cte?
Is that something you normally do
for an employee?
Actually, I said she wasn't an employee.
But, she...
I think she'd just come over from Paris,
if I remember.
And she needed a place to entertain buyers.
So you leased her an apartment?
Well, it was through the holding company.
You are a little confused by all this,
aren't you?
I am. But I'll get there. Give me time.
All right.
I don't mean to be indelicate. But...
But you're going to be indelicate.
From what I can gather,
she wasn't exactly an art star.
She worked for a couple of dealers in Paris,
I get it. So why would I invest in her
and help her find a place?
Something like that.
It's very simple, Detective.
I invest in people I believe in.
I thought she'd do well.
I backed her. She did.
It's as simple as that.
Well, that seems to make sense.
We're all good with the apartment then,
Yeah, yeah. That's fine. Go ahead.
What happened to your head?
Your head. What happened to your head?
That's a nasty cut.
I've been looking at that
for the last five minutes.
Does it hurt you?
No, I just... I hit it on the medicine cabinet.
Last night?
This morning.
Hate when that happens.
Me, too.
Well, thanks for the chat.
No problem.
Ellen Miller's office.
And it transformed them. Seriously.
There's a Detective Bryer in the lobby.
And thanks again for your generosity.
All right. I'll see you then. Bye-bye.
- Sorry. What?
- Detective Bryer?
- What does he want?
- I don't know.
Well, I'm late.
So I just can't deal with it right now.
Okay. What about these?
Send them a thank you note.
Zappos has been so generous.
Thanks! Bye. GUYS...
Mrs. Miller?
Detective Bryer.
Did you just call my office?
Yeah. I was hoping to talk to you.
I don't have time right now. Sorry.
It will just take a couple of seconds.
It's about your husband.
Well, fine. But make an appointment.
How'd it go?
The wife blew me off.
Which was interesting.
And he didn't admit to the affair.
But then he wouldn't, would he?
Why didn't you pick him up?
He's a very rich man.
Yeah. About 10 million prints.
What happened with the pay phones?
There were about 15 calls in a three-mile.
Two of them look a little strange.
Got an incoming.
Probably a local drug deal.
Anyone we care about?
A collect call. About a minute and a half.
Made from the Chevron station
on Westlake Road.
Who'd he call?
Cell phone in Harlem.
Still waiting on the address.
So, you're at the crash site.
All right'? And you make it out of the car.
Now you're smart enough
not to use your own cell phone.
So you get to the pay phone.
And you're a billionaire.
Right? You're a billionaire.
So what do you do?
You call someone in Harlem?
I just heard about Julie. I'm so sorry.
Her gallery called.
Her mom's flying in today.
Her mom?
Service here?
Tomorrow, 9:00 a.m.
We should pick up the expenses for that.
Whatever she wants.
You'll take care of that personally for me?
- Of course.
- Thanks.
You all right?
You get a hold of Mayfield?
No. Not yet. But we'll get him. Robert?
I appreciate your concern.
Let's flash him. Let's flash him.
All right, look. Hold on.
- Mr. Grant?
- Yes?
NYPD Homicide. Would you mind
stepping in the car, please?
What's this about?
Just get in the car, Jimmy.
Am I under arrest?
You wanna be?
Okay, let's do this again.
Man, for what?
My answers ain't gonna change.
So, you were asleep?
And the phone rings.
And it's a wrong number.
Why did you accept the charges
on a collect call from a wrong number?
I don't think I want to answer
any more questions.
And then you stay on the phone
for a minute and a half
with a wrong number.
What the fuck did you talk about?
Area codes?
I want to talk to my lawyer.
Listen, big man.
We know you went down there.
We lD'd your photo
with your neighbor who saw you
get into your truck 10 minutes
after the call was made.
If you got all that, what the fuck
you need me for, Officer?
I don't think you understand the gravity
of the situation here,
This is a homicide.
You gonna sign him out?
I called in Earl Monroe.
The basketball player?
Civil rights attorney.
Remember Crown Heights?
He's the best?
He's the best above 96th Street.
And that doesn't make him any cheaper.
You've got to get Jimmy out of this.
It might not be that easy.
If he doesn't cooperate,
they're likely to indict him on obstruction.
What would he be looking at?
Hard to say.
With his prior, five years. Maybe 10.
This is not gonna go away.
Okay. I'm gonna call you tomorrow
if there's any news.
Don't you worry about anything here.
Don't talk to anyone else.
Take care.
Come on. Get in.
All you said was you needed a fucking ride.
You didn't tell me you killed that girl.
Jimmy, I didn't kill...
I'm trying to put my life back together.
I appreciate you helped us,
but now you're taking it too far.
- It's gonna be okay, Jimmy.
- Like it was your ass sitting there.
Like you know a fucking thing
about how it's going to be.
We got you
the best criminal lawyer in the city.
Don't you got your own son for this?
Why the hell you didn't call him?
'Cause he would have fucked it up, all right?
I'm sorry your son's a fucking idiot
but that ain't my fault.
This isn't productive.
Okay then, Syd. Tell us, what happens now?
We meet with Earl and we go from there.
I understand right now they don't have
enough to charge you with anything.
- You're under suspicion.
- Under suspicion?
Motherfucker, I'm black!
I am aware of that.
And what exactly
would you like me to do about it?
Gentlemen? My driver will take you
where you want to go
but I cannot be a party to this conversation.
So this is where I get out.
Why couldn't you have just stayed?
- I couldn't.
- Why not?
Because I have responsibilities.
If I had stayed there,
a lot of people would have gotten hurt.
Somebody was hurt.
Other people, Jimmy.
I've got business troubles. You understand?
People rely on me.
I want to talk to you a second. Come here.
I want to show you something.
Just for a second. Come here.
Now, you know your father
asked me to look after you.
Yeah, I know. I messed up. I'm sorry.
But I do want to help you. You know that.
So I've been able to set up
a situation for you.
- What's that?
- This is a trust. In your name.
Assets of $2 million. Take a look at that.
Are you serious?
You think money's going to fix this?
What else is there?
What are you doing?
Yo, man! Pull over!
What are you doing?
What are you going to do?
Do I look like a fucking snitch to you?
I don't know, Jimmy. I don't know! Are you?
Wait, wait. Look. Look. Sorry.
Just read it.
Just take it home and read it.
It's not going to hurt you.
I've got Chris Vogler
from Fremaut Accounting.
You asked me to interrupt you.
Yeah, yeah. Put him through.
- Chris?
- Robert, I've run into some problems.
Look, we're doing a non-recommend.
They got compliance involved. I'm sorry.
Wait a minute. Chris? Chris?
I've got to go.
Chris! Chris!
God damn it, Chris!
Peter. Listen, I'm looking
at some statements right now.
How much did you book last quarter?
Why? What do you care?
Peter? I'm really just asking you.
All right, 35.
Yes. 35 million for my entire group.
You sure it wasn't 68?
What? 35 million isn't a big enough
number for you?
I know that it's a big number.
What the fuck are you... What do you want?
Peter, I'll call you later.
What are you doing in my office?
Can you explain these?
Explain what?
Old Hill?
All the numbers you've falsified?
You don't know what you're saying.
Get out of my way.
You're hurting my arm.
Can't you just leave it alone?
You're fired, Ben.
You can't fire me!
I just did.
Who do you think asked me
to make those changes?
You tell me.
He was doing a little dealing a while back.
Looked like it stopped.
Any family?
They're all dead.
Kid's a good student.
Magnet school. Whatever.
Then his mom dies and he gets
popped for gun possession.
Even so, how come he got probation?
An excellent lawyer.
How the fuck can this kid
afford Felder & Chos?
We pulled his parents' tax returns.
Guess where his father worked for 20 years?
Miller Capital?
He was the fucking driver?
This guy's good.
Where are you at with the kid?
So far, he won't budge.
He's a convicted felon.
Go get a warrant.
Put him in front of a grand jury.
Let's see how long he holds out
when he realizes
he's looking at 10 years off the prior.
I'm sorry, Mr. Miller.
As I explained to you downstairs,
he's on a call right... Mr. Miller!
Robert? What the fuck?
- Tell me what is going on.
- I can't.
Tell me what the fuck is going on!
- I can't.
- This is my life!
I know and it's not me!
What, what?
The audit passed.
It passed a week ago like I said.
Everything is fine.
The money's confirmed.
It's all straight and done. It really is.
Why did you tell me that it didn't?
Because they asked me to hold it. Okay?
Who's they?
Who is they?
They're negotiating. He wants a better price.
Sherry Netherland?
Yes, James Mayfield, please.
Mr. Mayfield. I think it's time we had a talk.
'Cause it's not gonna hold.
The warrant doesn't need to hold.
It just needs to scare him
into giving up Miller.
What is it, Mike?
You stalled out on a big career,
so you're reaching for a high note?
Who gives a fuck?
This is about Judge Rittenband. Right?
This is 'cause he's running again?
You wanna cost the judge
his seat on a profiling claim
against Earl Monroe?
I'm getting a new piece of evidence
that's gonna seal it 100%.
Good. Bring it back to me
when you've got it.
You're gonna have it in your hand
before you go in the jury room.
Ray? We like this kid.
I don't want to lose him.
Think about it.
If we flip him, you get Robert Miller.
And what's that worth to Rittenband?
Or to you, for that matter?
Twenty fucking years. Ray, 20 years we've
watched these guys.
They out-lawyer us.
They out-buy us. I'm fucking sick of it.
Where's the consequence? The guy did it.
He does not get to walk
just 'cause he's on CNBC.
Give me the warrant.
You better not fuck me.
I need a serious fucking favor.
Brooke's waiting for you.
We had a meeting?
No. But she looked upset.
Sweetie, you okay?
What's wrong?
You want to sit?
I'll stand.
Didn't you think I'd find out?
I did.
Why didn't you tell me?
'Cause I hoped you wouldn't.
Come on.
You tell me the truth now. Or I am done.
I made a bad bet.
No, you committed fraud.
That's a dangerous word, Brooke.
What would you prefer?
That you cheated?
That you stole money
from people who trust you?
That you lied!
That you lied right to my face. Why?
Because we were going broke!
Everything was finished!
We'd have nothing.
How? How does that happen?
You remember Alexandrov?
He came to see me one day last year.
He said,
"Robert, we've got a great opportunity.
"There's a copper mine in Russia.
It's under-exploited.
"There's billions under the ground.
"To get it out all we need
is a couple hundred million."
"You put in a hundred.
We'll put in a hundred."
"We'll triple it in six months."
I was skeptical, so I go check it out.
The geological survey's right.
A friendly government.
And to lock it in, you hedge it.
We sell the copper ahead.
The commodities exchange and it all works.
It's fine.
We're making a fortune.
And then there was something
I hadn't accounted for.
A variation in margin.
And that friendly Russian government,
not so friendly anymore.
They're blocking the exported copper.
So I gotta pony up. I've got to put
the cash in to cover the hedge.
But I'm not worried about it
'cause it's still springing money!
There's so much money coming out of this.
You can't believe it.
You can't stop it.
And yes. You know? I am the oracle.
I have done housing.
I have arb'd credit swaps. I've done it all.
And yes! I know! It's outside the charter,
but it is fucking minting money!
It is a license to print money!
For everybody! Forever! It is God!
Until it's not.
The money is trapped. I can't get it out.
Probably never will.
Like a plane crash. Ltjust happens.
It does not just happen.
It just happened, honey.
You are so naive sometimes.
You're young, but you're not that young.
It happens.
And like any father,
I pray that it doesn't happen to you.
Happily, because of me
it won't happen to you.
Thanks to you we may all be arrested.
No one's getting arrested.
That's why I borrowed the money
from Jeffrey.
Plugged the hole.
They see that the books are fine.
Transfer the company.
I pay back Jeffrey, with interest!
I make all of our investors whole,
and what's left we keep.
At least we get to keep the house.
Everybody wins!
If we sell the company.
It'll sell.
If I lie for you.
You don't have to lie.
You didn't know about it.
That's why I didn't tell you!
I'm the Chief Investment Officer
of this company.
What do you think they're going to say
at the deposition?
"She didn't know"?
They'll take away my brokerage license.
Failure to supervise you!
My name in every paper and blog,
while I visit your ass in jail?
Did you want me to let our investors
go bankrupt?
Is that what you wanted?
You wanted people to get really hurt?
- What gives you the audacity to think that...
- You want those lies to...
Because it's my job!
- Job! It's illegal!
- Yes.
It's illegal. And I am your partner.
You are not my partner! You work for me!
That's right! You work for me!
Everybody works for me!
Come here.
Brooke, please? Please?
Come here. Just...
Just for a second. Sit down.
There's something I wanna tell you.
Whatever you decide, I won't blame you.
I'm on my own path.
It's up to you to move with it or against it.
But I'm the patriarch. That's my role.
And I have to play it.
For a moment there, I thought
you were going to say you were sorry.
I'm sorry.
Hey, Jimmy?
Come on, man! What?
Take a ride with me.
Where? Back to the station?
No, man. Just get in the car.
What if I say no?
I'm not threatening you. I'm just asking you.
Take a ride with me.
You're wasting my time, Detective. What?
Look, it's pretty fucking simple.
I know you went to pick him up.
So that's what you want to talk about?
I told you I ain't making no more statements.
I want to know why.
Somebody cares?
Here. Take a look at this.
Take it.
I've got his phone calls.
I've got his text messages.
I've got his relationship with the girl.
They were fucking, by the way.
And then I've got you.
I've got the time log from the pay phone.
I've got a fucking tollbooth photograph
of you driving through the Triborough.
What do you got there?
That's bullshit. 'Cause I ain't do it.
It's impossible.
Look. You lied to me.
You lied to the police.
You obstructed justice.
Talk to Earl, Detective.
Fuck Earl! You see this?
This means that tomorrow,
grand jury hears your case in court
and tomorrow in court
I'm going to ask for
a felony obstruction indictment.
Then with your prior,
you're going to prison for 15 fucking years.
You might get out in 10.
By then you'd be what? 33?
With no job.
No girl.
No life.
I know you think Miller's your friend.
Who's Miller?
I know about your father.
You don't know a goddamn thing
about my father.
I know Miller paid his bills
when he was dying.
I know that he got Syd Felder
to get you out of trouble
on your gun charge.
That doesn't add up to this.
- You done?
- Okay.
He's driving.
He crashes. He runs away.
Who's he call? He calls you.
Why do you think that is?
'Cause you're disposable.
You're the one person he can call
that just doesn't fucking matter.
You're a throwaway.
You're just another par': Of his transaction.
Will you open the door?
So, what? What, you're his new nigga now?
Open the fucking door! I'm not fucking
playing with you, man! Open the door.
You didn't kill that girl.
He did.
Will you open the door?
He's using you.
I know it. You know it.
Do the right thing.
Now get out of my fucking car.
What do you think?
He's gonna walk.
Are you certain?
Courts aren't for certainty.
But he says he was at home,
why shouldn't he be?
A phone call doesn't make him a liar.
That's not great. Great.
What's baffling to me,
despite your sentimental history together,
is why you would put your family's future
in this kid's hands.
He's not like us.
Is that a good thing?
I don't know.
How's Ellen?
She's good. Fine. Same.
I heard something.
She met with Gill Deutchman.
The estate lawyer?
Has she mentioned anything?
Not to me.
That was the early morning of April 11th.
You received a phone call?
Who called you?
It was a wrong number.
That's a lie, isn't it, Mr. Grant?
You were on the phone
one and a half minutes.
Isn't it the case you know exactly
who called you and exactly why?
Why are you lying to this grand jury?
I'm not lying.
I'm going to introduce into evidence
People's A.
This is a tollbooth photograph
taken in the northbound ninth lane
of the Triborough... Excuse me.
The RFK Bridge.
Mr. Grant, directing your attention
to the photograph.
Would you please read
the date and timestamp
indicated on the upper right-hand corner?
This is crazy.
You've got to answer.
Mr. Grant, please answer the question.
"April 11th. 2:33 a.m."
Again, directing your attention
to the same photograph,
would you please read the license
plate of the vehicle
passing through the toll?
"AOC 8963."
This is People's B.
A printout from the Department of Motor
Vehicles plate registry.
Mr. Grant, directing your attention
to that printout,
are the numbers on the toll photograph,
the same ones
that are on your own license plate?
Mr. Grant?
- Yes? The numbers are the same?
- Yes.
- How do you explain that?
- I can't.
But, that is
your car in this photograph, isn't it?
No, that is not your car?
Answer the question, Mr. Grant.
This is not my car in this picture.
I don't know how you all did that,
but this isn't my car.
You expect this grand jury to believe
that that is not your car
when there is a printout
from the Department of Motor Vehicles...
That's asked and answered, Mr. Deferlito...
Mr. Monroe?
You are aware that you're not permitted
to go on record.
- Jimmy, Jimmy.
- What?
- What was that? Okay.
- They're lying.
He's gonna halt the decision.
Detective, we need a minute, please.
What about you, Jimmy?
You need a minute? 'Cause if you do...
Get the fuck out of my face. How about that?
So, you wanna keep playing games?
Or are you ready to tell me something?
Detective, I need to speak with my client.
So now if you would just...
How you all just gonna lie like that?
How you all just gonna lie?
- We didn't lie. You lied.
- That wasn't my car.
Jimmy, don't say anything else.
Sure it wasn't.
And it was a telemarketer
that called you from the pay phone?
Who stopped at the Chevron
to make a late night sale'?
That picture was some bullshit.
Jimmy, stop. Detective, what's going on?
Well, tell him.
Go ahead, Jimmy. Tell him.
See how your boss will like this one.
Last chance.
Wait here.
Mr. Miller?
I would like to introduce you to Julie's mom.
I'm so, so sorry.
I want to thank you for everything
you did for my daughter.
No, no, no, no, no.
You believed in her. You gave her a chance.
She was happy. I know she was happy.
It's not fair, is it?
It shouldn't have happened.
Olga Jeffries'? She's now rail thin.
She's a blonde.
I would not have known who she was
if she didn't come up and introduce
herself to me.
She looked totally different.
She's living in Miami.
You're going straight to level six.
Don't you think
you better pace yourself a little bit?
I'm good. I wanna run.
Is something the matter?
You and Tom all right?
We're fine.
You worried about the deal closing?
You want me to guess?
Come on, Brooke. Don't be silly!
Tell me what's going on.
I can't stay for breakfast today.
I have to just...
I gotta get into work.
I don't know what I was thinking.
Did you finish the deal with the hospital?
Did he write the check?
Why not?
Issues related to the closing.
We don't lie to each other, Brooke.
I'm not lying to you.
It's complicated. You wouldn't understand.
I know that the police
came to the office.
Do you know what that's about?
I honestly have no idea.
How about your father's head?
Where he cut his head
and the pain that he's hiding in his stomach
and the fact that he hasn't slept?
And now for some reason
it's way too complicated for me
to understand?
There's no money for a routine gift?
Does that seem a little strange?
Of course it's strange.
So tell me what's happening.
What do you want me to say?
He's my dad.
I have to trust him.
You have to do what's right for you,
not him.
Not me. Not anyone. This is your life.
I love you.
I've got to go.
Mr. Mayfield?
You keep sending people
to my office to do business.
They're just getting acquainted.
With the intricacies of my operation
so that you can not buy it?
Just coffee. Thanks.
You remember what it was like
on our side of the fence.
Everything just moves a little slower.
Plus, this whole audit mess doesn't help.
Clearing that all up...
Fuck you.
Excuse me?
Fuck you. I am the oracle of Gracie Square.
You came to me. I did not come to you.
Robert, I think we're
getting off on the wrong foot.
No, no, no. Forget the deal.
I don't even care about the deal.
No. I run a very comfortable...
Excuse me, I run a thriving business.
It has returned, year-to-date, 15.4%.
Approximately $583 million
from an operation that you don't have
and we both know you need.
Which is why you called me
in the first place.
You, on the other hand,
you take a salary of $18 million.
And what are you doing with it?
Falling stock price,
negative 16'? Is that what it is?
You've also lost approximately
Tell me, why the fuck do I need you?
Let's just calm down.
You know what we're gonna do?
We're gonna put out a press release.
Immediately. Today.
We're gonna say there's no deal.
There never was a deal.
You're not going to be buying Old Hill.
You're not going to be buying Quantum.
You're not going to be buying anything.
You? You're just a browser.
Me? I'm going to continue
to enjoy my earnings.
And while I soar on princely wings
to my next winning enterprise,
your shares are going to drop
another couple of bucks
based on a failed acquisition attempt.
Bodes well for your tenure, doesn't it?
Your price is too high.
You have a nice day, James.
And if it's no,
that's it for any further communications.
It goes right into my trashcan.
It's a deal.
One other thing.
Six months, I'm going to be gone.
I'm out of here.
My daughter's going to take it over.
You know her, you trust her.
All right.
And you're going
to have to make my son a VP.
Robert! No.
He doesn't have to do anything.
He just gets a salary. He gets the office.
Five-year employment
contract for both of them.
My lawyers draft them. Yes or no?
- Yes.
- Okay.
What are you doing?
- I'm writing the deal.
- You're not serious.
I am serious. Very serious.
Sign it.
I'll send over a draft of the press release.
- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Before I leave,
what would you have paid?
And you would have taken?
- So we made a good deal?
- Yeah.
Actually, I lied. I would have taken four.
Anyway, I will be seeing most of you
at the gala tomorrow night.
Since the sale is official as of this afternoon
you are free to talk about it now.
More questions?
Will we get new business cards?
Yes. Everyone but you.
Thank you all very much.
You're gonna be proud of this.
It's a good day!
Your hard work made it happen. Thank you.
So, how did you get Mayfield
to come around?
I met his price. Took it out of your share.
Hey, Robert?
Nice job.
Well, thank you.
Now go get me that fucking hospital check.
It's not good.
You want something to drink?
What do you got?
Not much.
You got any milk?
I'll take a water.
Where are you going?
I was planning on Virginia.
Looks like I'm not going anymore.
Aren't you waiting on me to say something?
I told you not to take the toll.
Yeah. You did.
I said listen carefully. Follow my directions.
Do exactly what I tell you to do.
- You said all that.
- But you took the toll anyway.
No, I did not.
- Don't fuckin' lie to me.
- I'm not lying!
I took 95 the whole goddamn way there.
I did what you said. I didn't stop.
I didn't take the Triborough.
I followed all your fucking instructions.
And where'd they get the photograph from?
You tell me!
You're saying it's a fake?
How'd you get so fucking rich again?
Don't be such a wiseass.
It's my fucking life, man!
Earl's telling me it can be 10 years!
Ten fucking years!
How much is 10 years worth, Robert?
Look, man, I told you.
I ain't no fucking snitch.
This is bad. This is real bad.
Me and Reina got a whole plan
we're about to make happen next week.
What plan?
We've got money saved up.
Buying a business.
What business?
We bought an Applebee's.
What's an Applebee's?
It's a fucking restaurant, man.
It's a chain restaurant.
You bought an Applebee's in Virginia?
Is this really what you came here
to talk about?
What are you gonna do?
It's not really that simple, Jimmy.
I'm in a situation now.
What situation?
I told you.
Right now, if I were to speak,
a lot of people would get hurt.
Jobs. Families. A lot of innocent people.
Do you think you can understand that?
Yeah. But what about me?
What about my situation?
They showed me the pictures.
That's fucked up what you did.
And I know all the people counting on you.
But you told me
Earl was going to make this right.
Robert, you know I care about you.
And all the things you did for us
and for my father.
But Earl said they'd offer me a deal.
No charges at all. I walk away.
They just want to know
who I went to pick up.
Why are you putting me
in this situation, man'?
Why are you putting me in this position?
Can you just hang tight?
Can you do that?
Just a little longer?
All right.
But Earl said the deal's on the table
for 24 hours.
After that they gonna file a case.
And Earl says we're gonna lose.
All right.
Just hang with me a little bit.
You've got to give him up.
You said take the money.
Yeah. That was to keep quiet,
not to go away.
What's he offering you now?
What can he offer me?
We went to the toll authority
and they said they gave the tape to the cops.
I've requested our investigator
go examine it at the evidence room
but honestly, what's the point?
He says he didn't take the toll.
And you believe him?
Does Standard have clawback?
What do you mean?
Let's just say I decide to go in.
Have you lost your mind?
No, wait a minute. Just listen. Listen to me.
If I were to surrender now,
could they roll back the deal?
What's done is done.
There's no intent to defraud.
You haven't warranted any behavior:
So it's just money.
Four years, you think?
I don't know. At this point... I mean,
they're not going to make it easy.
I really suggest you think about this.
Call the D.A. Get it started.
Yeah, Glen? Mrs. Miller say
where she was going tonight?
No, I'll try her on her cell. Thank you.
Hi, this is Ellen Miller.
I'm not available right now,
but if you leave a message...
Syd? Did you make that call to the D.A. yet?
Thank God. No, no, no!
Listen to me. Call Earl.
Tell him to get his car.
Tell him to meet us over here
at my house in 20 minutes...
And, Syd?
Bring a notary.
I'm gonna need a receipt, please?
Thank you. You have a good night now.
Hi. I'm Brent Owens. Night Supervisor.
How can I help you?
Hello, Brent. I'm Earl Monroe.
I'm issuing a criminal evidence request.
I'm going to need to have a look
at one of your lane tapes.
I don't understand.
This says you want to look at a tape
that was made 10 minutes ago?
Wait. Just wait.
They won't release
a tape without a court order.
But they did give me a printout.
The same kind they used
at Jimmy's indictment.
Your car? Your plates?
You got Jimmy's?
Son of a bitch.
They look a little different to me, too.
Is there a reason why you haven't allowed.
Mr. Monroe's investigator
to conduct his own analysis?
We've had some issues
regarding chain of custody.
No. You don't have them anymore.
You're to meet with him with the evidence
in the next hour.
I'm afraid that's not possible.
Where is the tape?
Am I not speaking loud enough?
- Your honor?
- Yes?
- There seems to be...
- Let him tell me!
We don't know where it is.
Come again?
It's not in the evidence locker.
Where is it?
We don't know.
I'll ask you one more time, Detective.
Where is the tape?
We lost it.
In light of these developments,
and I would think you should be
very happy to hear this.
With Mr. Monroe's approval,
I'm going to offer Mr. Deferlito
the opportunity to voluntarily dismiss
the indictment
to save us all a bunch of embarrassment.
I don't feel comfortable with that,
Your Honor.
Further, I'm going to put all charges
against Mr. Grant under seal.
This case is dismissed
with prejudice and not to be refiled.
Hold on, Detective!
If you have another suspect
in the automobile death
then you are to present him.
But Mr. Grant is free
from any further inquiry.
This is over. Do I have your understanding?
Thank you.
Close the door, Detective. Please.
You finessed this, didn't you?
I'm sorry?
You finessed it.
I know it and you know it.
I know who you're after.
I saw all the evidence. Not just a toll photo.
You've got to get him the right way.
So, let me get this straight.
What you're telling me
is I'm supposed to sit around
with my thumb up my ass
and my fingers crossed
hoping that one of these fucking days,
somewhere down the line
one of these rich assholes
is gonna say the wrong thing loud enough
so that we can't choose
to ignore him anymore?
Get the fuck out of my office.
Your Honor.
Well, when do you expect her?
When do you expect her?
So I don't have to call you a ninth time,
can you take down what I'm saying?
Word for word? Exactly?
You got a pencil?
Are you ready?
Here goes.
Mrs. Miller, exactly how fucking stupid
do you really think I am?
You didn't hurt anybody.
You helped a lot of people.
And this piece of paper
makes everything okay?
It makes it easier.
You worried I'm gonna say something?
Robert, look, you asked me
to come meet you and I'm here.
But I came because I wanted to get
something straight between us.
We're even.
Okay. We're even.
Just for the record though.
What you did is way beyond the money.
Nothing is beyond money for you, Robert.
We both know that.
Thanks a lot.
If I take this,
what does that say about me?
Fuck it.
I'm gonna take your money.
I'm gonna do something good with it.
Hey, sweetie.
What time do you want to get there?
I don't want to get there too soon.
How late do you think it will go?
You okay?
What is it?
You spoke to Brooke?
She told you that?
No, she didn't have to.
Yeah, I explained to Brooke...
You explained?
Did you tell her everything?
Yeah. Yes.
Lift up your shirt.
Lift up your shirt.
Did you tell her about this?
Ellen, I don't know
what you think you know.
Don't treat me like an idiot.
You've been sneaking off
to see her for months.
- You don't think I know that?
- What do you think you know?
I never cared.
Really. About your secretaries,
your gallerists, your whores...
Whatever you want to call them.
I cared about our home.
And now you've brought this to our door.
I did what was necessary.
You did what was necessary
for you, Robert.
- For your interests.
- For my interests?
Everything I do is for us. For this family.
And now you tell me
how to run my business?
This isn't about your business.
This is our life.
Where do you think we're going tonight?
Why do you think I've tolerated
all of this for so long?
You tolerated?
- I'm glad you find that funny.
- What about me?
What about me?
What about the complaints?
The unhappiness? The drinking?
The shopping? The trainers? Everything?
Yes! The charities.
The wonderful sainted charities.
All the wonderful things that you do.
How do you think I pay for them?
I didn't ask you because
I didn't want you to lie.
- But I thought...
- Because you didn't want to give them up.
We had an understanding.
You broke that understanding
when you brought Brooke into it...
No, I kept her out.
When you made Brooke complicit,
when you risked her future.
And I'm done.
- What is this?
- Read it.
"All ownership and voting rights transfer
to the Miller Charitable Foundation,"
"to be administered by Brooke Miller."
You really expect me to sign this thing?
You're not following.
Apparently, not. No, I don't.
The police have been trying to talk to me.
I assume because they want to know
where you were that night.
And I'm not going to lie for you.
Not unless you sign that.
This leaves me with nothing.
I think you'll find a way to manage.
I'm sure you have all kinds of things
offshore for a rainy day.
You're fucking crazy.
If you sign it, then I will tell your lie.
I will say that I was with you
that night all night here.
And you will be free and clear.
And the people that need our money
will get it.
That's my price.
You're out of your mind.
I'm not signing this. I will not sign that!
Well, then, I'll have to tell them
that you came home
at 4:30, bruised and bleeding.
Why would you tell them?
That's fucking ridiculous!
Are you trying to blackmail me?
I think we call it negotiating.
You're not gonna win that one.
There's no fuckin' way.
You know what?
It'll cause just enough trouble.
The kind of trouble that you don't want.
And apparently, according to my lawyer,
- enough to give them probable cause.
- Fuckin' lawyer. Fuck!
And then they can subpoena your DNA
and your cell phone and...
Fuck the DNA! I'm sick of this shit!
Really, Robert, what you have is a choice.
You can either be in court
and the tabloids for the next three years
or you can be at your business.
You won't do it.
You won't do it to the kids.
Just try me.
You broke
our little girl's heart.
That's how it all works, Ellen.
You know that.
I know. But she didn't.
She'll be better for it.
The world is cold.
Then you're gonna need a warm coat.
There's one more thing.
I hate to mention it now
but I just received it.
Speak, John.
I had Stern Marling do a secondary audit
on the Miller financials.
Who authorized this?
I did.
And what did you conclude?
It's in front of you.
I didn't ask you what the paper said, John.
I asked you what you thought.
What do you think?
I think...
I think I don't see anything wrong here.
And to receive this prestigious award,
I invite now to the stage
the man who led this generous effort.
And whose financial trading firm,
Miller Capital,
was just this morning acquired
by Standard Bank & Trust.
A dedicated businessman,
a family man, philanthropist
and all-around humanitarian.
A man I am very lucky to call my mentor,
my friend
and my father.
Mr. Robert Miller.